rwuffles · 2 months
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pt: alternate queer for queer flag. end pt.
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⚘   ⌣   definition.
 an alternative queer4queer flag!
pt: definition, an alternative queer for queer flag! end pt.
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COINER.  someone.  ➷
⚘   ⌣   n/a.
TAGS.  @radiomogai @kylertism @sevvys @angeltism @zoeynovie @jigumis @sysnarc @wailingclowns.  ➷
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rabidbatboy · 9 months
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HORROR FAG ; a flag for people who reclaim fag/faggot and like, relate to or identify with horror
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[ PT / horror fag ; a flag for people who reclaim fag/faggot and like, relate to or identity with horror
coined by me / END PT ]
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somepoetwannabe · 4 months
If you only accept the queer identities that you deem acceptable, you are no different than outright homophobes
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d-vewing · 9 months
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♡ Dark cute transmasc ♡
[Pt: Dark cute transmasc] [no spoons for id]
Idk random themed flag for transmascs/men who like dark, cutesy things, i used a similar colour scheme to my landmine transfem flag ><
Dividers by essthereal
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gender-jargon · 4 months
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[Image ID: a redesigned Tragender flag by Gent (Gender-Jargon). The flag's stripes are oriented diagonally from the bottom-left corner to the top-right corner. In the top-left and bottom-right corners, there are four stripes of the same width and same previously mentioned orientation. The left corner stripes, from left to right, are blue, green, yellow and white. The right corner stripes from left to right, are dark grey, scarlet red, indigo and purple. The background of the flag is light tan in color. In the middle is an error-barred rhombus, a symbol designated to represent Tragender. ./. End ID]
Tragender: a gender identity that encompasses the entirety of the gender spectrum.
[PT: Tragender: a gender identity that encompasses the entire spectrum of gender. ./. End PT]
[PT: Etymology ./. End PT]
Likely from Latin, "Trans" modified to "Tra" meaning "Through", "Across" or "Beyond" + "-gender", an Engish neologistic suffix indicating genderedness.
This is speculative, as an official etymology is unknown. Coined by tumblr user siirusblack in July 2014 via MOGAI-Archive (link) [PT: Coined by tumblr user siirusblack in July 2014 via MOGAI-archive (link) ./. End PT].
Originally, the definition was worded as, "a gender that stretches over the whole spectrum/orb-y thing of gender", which I reworded as it is written above.
[PT: Elaboration ./. End PT]
Tragender is an interesting identity in that it doesn't just occupy a given point or function represented on the gender spectrum, but rather the whole spectrum itself.
A Tragender individual is every gender, no gender, every combination or derivation of any and all genders, being all identities available to them as well as anything and everything beyond and between. The limitless nature of Tragender could be described as total, complete, comprehensive and/or absolute in nature, which could be collectively referred to as a Totingender, or a as a gender that is Totaline-in-nature (TOTIN). This gender occupies all available gender arities.
I decided to use an vertically error-barred rhombus to represent Tragender, as the gender spectrum is frequently represented using a diamond. The error bars extend from the diamond at the top and bottom to represent encompassing the entirety of the gender spectrum.
This is a repost from my previous blog (link) [PT: a repost from my previous blog (link) ./. End PT], Gender-Resource. This here repost includes a redesigned flag, additional information and updated sources.
Pride Flag
[PT: Pride Flag ./. End PT]
This is a redesign of the flag I previous created for Tragender on my old blog, Gender-Resource (terminated). My original flag was based off of the Tragender pride flag design by tumblr user Genderqueer-Dream in May 2019 (link) [PT: My original flag was based off of the Tragender pride flag design by tumblr user Genderqueer-Dreram in May 2019 (link) ./. End PT]. My first Tragender flag was near-identical to the one created by Genderqueer-Dream, with the only difference being that the second-to-last, sectioned multi-color stripe was removed for the simplicity of replication.
The redesigned flag (of a redesigned flag) in this post was created by Gent (Gender-Jargon) in June 2024. This flag's stripes are oriented diagonally from the bottom-left corner to the top-right corner. In the top-left and bottom-right corner, there are four stripes of the same width and same orientation. The left corner stripes, from left to right, are blue, green, yellow and white. The right corner stripes from left to right are dark grey, scarlet red, indigo and purple. The background of the flag is light tan in color. In the middle is the Tragender symbol, an vertically error-barred rhombus.
My previous Tragender pride flag lacked stated symbolism, as the flag it was based upon did not have a stated significance of design. This new, redesigned flag, however, has means assign to it's imagery. The components of the pride flag have the following meaning:
The light tan background of the flag represents the gender spectrum.
The colors blue, green, yellow, white dark grey, scarlet red, indigo and purple represent the diversity of one's accessible gender experience.
[PT: The light tan background of the flag represents the gender spectrum. The colors blue, green, yellow, white dark grey, scarlet red, indigo and purple represent the diversity of one's accessible gender experience. ./. End PT]
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pronounpinbadge · 2 years
i love transmasc girls and transfem boys i like transgenders who see the gender binary and make lemonade out of it
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paracosmic-gt · 1 year
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A term to describe someone who's personal sense of identity is intrinsically linked to a specific characteristic.
This characteristic is known as the anchor. It is something that is deeply tied to an individual's personality in some way. They would not be "them" without this anchor.
Even if they change forms, their anchor remains consistent.
Anchors can be realistic traits you already possess (like being generally short).
The anchor may influence other kintypes or alterhuman identities, and these can in turn influence an anchor.
Anchorbeings may have similar experiences to conceptkin. The anchor is not really something that is shifted to, like a kintype, but something that is integrated into the personality.
This can be psychological or spiritual in origin.
Example of usage:
I am an anchorbeing. My anchor is my relative size, and the feelings that come alongside it. I am a tiny. It is intrinsic to my sense of identity to be that way.
It is deep in my bones and my psyche. Something I cannot deny. But also it's like my whole sense of being revolves around this.
My tiny size is like a blanket over any other physical appearance/identity. In-sys I can appear as a human, donkey, harpy, etc. I am hare therian, cat kin. But I always identify as tiny.
- By Wildflower Garden
🌸 This term is safe for systems of all origins.🌸
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Gender shuffler, also known as gender shuffling, is the act of mixing and matching two or more genders. One can also change the number of genders at one time.
Flag source (link): LGBTQIA+ Wikitide (formerly LGBTA+ Miraheze/Fandom Wiki).
Definition source (link)
See also: gender polymerization, genderchimerized, genderpotion, mixgender.
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ballsalsda · 7 months
Help guys theres this aro identity that i need to find i saw it on pinterest multiple times but i cant find it fucking anywhere help
EDIT: guys you can stop suggesting labels i reblogged with an update but it looks like the original post is still showing up on peoples' dashes /nm
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itsoktocallmegay · 2 years
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(ID : rectangular flag made up of six equally-sized stripes. The colors, from top to bottom, are : purple, light purple, baby pink, light pink, a mid-tone between light pink, and dark pink.)
Acefucked/Aceweird: A term for when someone's asexual identity and/or their relation to it is inherently so complex and transient that it feels unable to explain or comprehend. It can have ties to neurodivergency.
I made this because I couldn't find an ace version of Arofucked/Aroweird. I will also make an AroAce version. Anyone can use this or make variations there of. I can't make symbols, so there is no ace symbol for this flag.
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narciie · 27 days
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𝒮𓈒  trigender , trifluid && triflux flags ( in order )  ☀︎︎
︶ ֢ ⏝ ֢ ︶ ୨୧ ︶ ֢ ⏝ ֢ ︶
the trigender flag is the simplified version of caeliangel 's trigender flag , and the other 2 flags are inspired by that.
︶ ֢ ⏝ ֢ ︶ ୨୧ ︶ ֢ ⏝ ֢ ︶
means experiencing three different genders at once, although one could switch between them. Trigender people may use any pronouns , names and present in any way.
︶ ֢ ⏝ ֢ ︶ ୨୧ ︶ ֢ ⏝ ֢ ︶
means experiencing three genders fluidly. Example: one might be [gender1] , then [gender2] , then [gender1] again and after it [gender3]. But no matter what , is always those three genders
︶ ֢ ⏝ ֢ ︶ ୨୧ ︶ ֢ ⏝ ֢ ︶
means experience three genders who change in intensity. Example: one might be girlflux , boyflux n enbyflux . Or , another example: engirl , boyflux , librandrogyneflux
︶ ֢ ⏝ ֢ ︶ ୨୧ ︶ ֢ ⏝ ֢ ︶
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rwuffles · 3 months
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pt: bouquet. end pt.
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⚘   ⌣   definition.
 a queer person with a complicated gender presentation / who presents in a confusing manner.
pt: definition, a queer person with a complicated gender presentation/who presents in a confusing manner. end pt.
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COINER.  someone.  ➷
⚘   ⌣   n/a.
TAGS.  @radiomogai @vampitsm @seapupz @angeltism @zoeynovie @jigumis @sysnarc @rabidbatboy @seraphim-system-official @wailingclowns.  ➷
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rabidbatboy · 9 months
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BAT (BAT TWiNK) ; a presentation term for small trans men who fit the twink label, but like to detach from it or have an alternate term because the associations (hairlessness and bodytype) cause dysphoria. a bat can also be a trans man who is a twink but is deliberately seeking to gain weight and body hair
exclusive to trans men and trans mascs
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[ PT / bat (bat twink) ; for small trans men who identify with the twink label, but like to detach from it or have an alternate term because the associations (hairlessness and bodytype) cause dysphoria. a bat can also be a trans man who identifies with twink but is deliberately seeking to gain weight and body hair
exclusive to trans men and trans mascs / END PT ]
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g4yh0rr0r · 8 months
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Snowlexic !
A gender in the genderlexic system related to the word snow!
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d-vewing · 8 months
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±± Dissocisexual
[pt: dissocisexual] [unable to add id, sorry!]
This is a queer microlabel for beings who are unable to figure out what genders they're attracted to, what type of attraction they feel or if they even feel attraction at all due to having a dissociative disorder, made with systems and pwDPDR in mind but not exclusive
Not a gender, tags are for reach .
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gender-jargon · 3 months
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[Image ID: A redesign of the Modifizique pride flag by Gent (Gender-Jargon). The flag consists of six horizontal stripes of the same size. From top to bottom, the stripes are navy blue, light desaturated purple, light grey-blue, white, desaturated yellow, scarlet red and blood red. ./. End ID]
Modifizique: a gender identity related to the ideal sense of self one seeks to cultivate through body modification.
[PT: Modifizique: a gender identity related to the ideal sense of self one seeks to cultivate through body modification. ./. End PT]
[PT: Etymology ./. End PT]
From Spanish, "modifique", meaning "I modify", changed to "modifizique" to make it distinct. The suffix "-ique" is also used here to allude to gender autonomy.
I coined this back on my old blog, Gender-Resource, sometime before it was terminated, but I can't find it archived literally anywhere. I believe I made it sometime in mid to late 2020.
If anyone has a link to the post archived somewhere, please let me know! I'll edit it into the post.
[PT: Elaboration ./. End PT]
Modifizique is an atrinary, diastine gender identity. It is also autoine, autonomine, genonine and rahuine. It may or may not be a sucuingender and/or cuingender. Some may experience the gender as xenine or as a nohingender. Modifizique involves body modification as a quality, making it BOMIN (Bomodine-in-nature).
Modifizique is a label that can describe many, many different experiences, all unified through achieving some sort of self-actualization through body modification. The desire for body modification can be related to preference, aesthetic, cultural and/or subcultural practices, spirituality, alterhumanity, neurodivergence or virtually any other reason, given that it is experientially accessible to the individual in question.
Simply put, Modifizique:
is an atrinary, diastine gender which is individual, self-governed and non-conformant.
is related to the ideal sense of self one seeks to be and the development of their "full potential" as an individual.
involves a(n) (ideal) self image that is achieved through body modification.
[PT: is an atrinary, diastine gender which is individual, self-governed and non-conformant. is related to the ideal sense of self one seeks to be and the development of their full potential as an individual. involves a(n) (ideal) self image that is achieved through body modification. ./. End PT]
Here, body modification refers to the various practices involving the deliberate alteration of one's anatomy and/or physical appearance. Some examples include, but are not limited to, tattoos, scarification, piercing, branding, ear cropping, implants, plastic surgery, corseting, stretching, tongue splitting, hair removal and hair dyeing, to name some. Body modifications such as these are experienced as gendered self-expressions.
Though this gender identity was coined with tangible acts of alteration in mind, this term is inclusive of those who desire to modify their body, but are unable to do so for whatever reason.
Pride Flag
[PT: Pride Flag ./. End PT]
The original pride flag for Modifizique was created at the same time as the term in 2020 by myself on Gender-Resource. Quite frankly, my original flag is really, really unappealing, so I redesigned the flag for this repost. This redesign was created in June 2024.
The redesigned flag consists of six horizontal stripes of the same size. From top to bottom, the stripes are navy blue, light desaturated purple, light grey-blue, white, desaturated yellow, scarlet red and blood red. The colors have the following meanings:
The navy blue stripe represents ink and dye.
The light desaturated purple stripe represents gender non-conformity.
The light grey-blue stripe represents metal.
The white stripe represents the blank slate of creation.
The desaturated yellow stripe represents self-expression.
The scarlet red stripe represents flesh.
The blood red stripe represents blood.
[PT: The light desaturated purple stripe represents gender non-conformity. The light grey-blue stripe represents metal. The white stripe represents the blank slate of creation. The desaturated yellow stripe represents self-expression. The scarlet red stripe represents flesh. The blood red stripe represents blood. ./. End PT]
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