#Mads out of nowhere: tHERE'S A FISH GUYS
(Gyro, Fenton and Della start to have a few suspicions about their prisoner.)
Plot | Characters | MadFen first meeting/MadFen love confession | Audience with the king | Mads gets kidnapped
There came a squeal from the river, and Gyro pinched the bridge of his beak. “I swear, if we hear one more thing out of him-”
Della dragged a hand down her face. “You’d think he’d gotten used to this by now.” She grumbled. 
The four of them had stopped at one of the last accessible rivers, one that was still inside the kingdom limits and therefore had a self-cleaning enchantment on it. The river ran pure and clear, and was clean enough to drink, no matter what got in it. 
It was the perfect place to clean off the muck from the last two days. While Gyro, Fenton and Della had gotten in right away, peeling off their clothes and sinking into the refreshing water, their prisoner had stood still fully dressed at the bank, eyeing the water nervously. 
When he finally did get in it wasn’t until the others were just getting out, and they came to the grassy part of the bank to dry off while Mads braved the water alone. 
From their spot in the grass, they’d had to put up with his squeals and complaints about how the water was too cold and deep, and that the current was too strong and was going to carry him away to be lost in the river forever. The three mostly ignored him, and eventually he got in. Thankfully he hadn’t put up too much of a fuss about getting undressed. If he had, Gyro probably would’ve made good on his threat to punch him.
“Well, he’s not used to it!” Fenton pointed out, always trying to defend him. “He’s not used to any of this, if he’s been at the castle for such a long time!” 
“Still, in a world like this he has to be able to get clean without making it a huge deal.” Della pointed out. “How is he going to survive anywhere outside the castle if he acts like this?” 
As if to prove her point, there came a screech from behind them. It sounded half terrified, half excited. “There’s a fish!” 
“Just leave it alone, it’s fine!” Della called without looking back. Then she leaned in next to them, her voice dropping lower. “Oh, but did you see his scars?” 
“No,” Gyro said, glancing back at the river. Mads was too far away to make anything out, and his white feathers shone so brilliantly in the sun that Gyro probably still couldn’t have seen anything if he were close enough to. 
“Just as we were getting out I saw them,” Della said, whispering. “There’s a lot.” 
“Where?” Fenton asked, looking concerned. 
“Everywhere,” she told him. “There’s a lot on his back, a big one on his leg, and I didn’t get a good look at his front but it seems there’s quite a few there as well.” 
“From what?” Gyro asked, glancing at the river again. Still nothing. “Could you tell?” 
“The ones on his leg are claw marks,” Della said. “That much is obvious. It looks like it’s from a mermanticore, it’s got signs of its poison. You know, all bubbly and dark and stuff. And from the ones on his back it looks like he’s been severely whipped.”
“What?!” Fenton and Gyro exclaimed, their voices a high whisper. 
“By who, do you think?” Gyro asked. 
“Not the king, surely?” Fenton decided, but it sounded more like a question. 
Della shrugged. “I don’t know. But if he’s survived a mermanticore, then it means there’s more to him than we think.” 
There came another squeak from behind them. “Now there’s two fish!” 
Gyro frowned. “I don’t think so,” he said to Della. “There’s no way there could be more to someone who squeaks like a chick at the sight of fish.” 
“I’m just saying,” Della glanced back at the river. “Mermanticore venom hurts, and especially on a claw-mark that goes halfway up his leg. But that’s just one of his scars, he’s got dozens more. He obviously got them somewhere.” 
“Hm.” Gyro stood, picking up one of the cloths they’d used to dry off and carrying it to the edge of the bank. “Hey, Mads! Are you done?” 
The chicken stood from the water immediately, arms wrapped tightly around himself. “Y-yes,” he said, his teeth already chattering. “I-it’s c-c-cold.” 
Gyro rolled his eyes and tossed him the cloth, which Mads barely caught before it fell in the river. “Use that to dry off, we’re leaving in a few minutes.” 
“T-thanks,” Mads quickly wrapped it around himself, already shaking from the cold as he stepped from the water. 
Gyro glanced down at the other chicken’s right leg, and sure enough there were four claw marks that began at the bottom of his shin, wrapped around his calf, and ended at the back of his knee. The marks were dark and strangely bumpy, even on the bird’s scaly chicken leg. “Where’d you get that?” 
“H-hm?” Mads looked down. “O-oh. Mermanticore.” 
“Where’d you find one of those? How did you survive?” Fenton asked, coming up next to Gyro and tying up his vest. 
“I was t-traveling through one of the trade routes,” Mads said. He didn’t look thrilled to be recounting the story. “One of the overs-seas ones, you know? I was with t-the king and a mermanticore attacked our ship. It n-n-nearly dragged me into the water. Can you believe it! I was the only one on the ship who c-couldn’t swim and it decided to come after m-me!” Mads shook his head at the audacity.
“Mermanticores do have a talent for picking out the weak ones,” Della said, walking over with a bundle of cloth. She threw it at Mads, and he barely caught it, nearly dropping his other cloth in the process. As he bent down to catch it and his cloth slipped, Gyro caught a glimpse of the long scars on his back that certainly did look like whip marks. “Here’s your clothes.” 
“T-thanks,” Mads said, unwrapping the bundle. 
They left as soon as Mads was dressed, ignoring his complaints about how cold he still was and how it would take his hair ages to dry.
But Gyro couldn’t help but glance back at their new prisoner as he fell into step behind them. Was it just Gyro’s imagination, or was he only now noticing the small limp on Mads’ right side? And what about the scars on his back? Where were those from?
Gyro had no idea, but as he watched Mads squawk as he spotted a ladybug on a branch near him, he started to get a sneaking suspicion that there was more to him than he was letting on.
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ofstoriesandstardust · 7 months
steady love (j.h.s.)
a/n: loosely based on real events... thanks to @cottagecorifor indulging me
summary: You think someone is following you home, so naturally, you call Jake.
second star to the right (and straight on 'til morning)
warnings: reader thinks someone is following her but is never in any real danger, swearing, unedited
word count: 1.1k
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“There now, steady love, so few come and don’t go/will you, won’t you, be the one i’ll always know?”
You swallow as you glance behind you, the shadowy figure still maintaining a good distance behind you. You clutch your pepper spray together, before fishing your phone out of your jacket pocket. 
The cold San Diego air nips at your fingers as curse silently, dialing Jake’s number and pressing the phone up to your ear. He answers on the third ring even though you’ve already started chewing on your lip. 
You can hear music in the background and Natasha’s laughter in the background. He must be having dinner with Javy and Nat, something you feel a momentary twinge of guilt for interrupting. 
“Hey sweetheart, how’s it going?” He says, a smile clear in his voice. 
“Jake-” You say, twisting back around to see if the man behind you had gotten any closer. You can’t be sure but you think he is. “Hey, I think I’m being followed, can you please just stay on the phone with me until I get to my apartment?” 
There’s a skidding of a chair in the background as his voice turns hard. “Where are you right now? Are you in your car or did you take the bus?”
You swallow. “I’m walking back from the bus stop. I’m like a block from the intersection of Rosewood and Melvin. I’m not far from my apartment building at all.” 
You think you hear keys jingling in the background with the sound of a front door opening. There’s a few seconds of silence that feel like minutes as you hear Jake get in his truck and start the engine. “Okay sweetheart, I want you to try and make it to the intersection. You can try and lose him at the crosswalk.” 
“I don’t even know if this guy is following me.” You mutter, suddenly feeling slightly stupid. 
“That doesn’t matter. What matters is that you’re alone and it’s dark and you don’t feel safe.” 
You eye the nearing intersection with nerves growing in your stomach. It’s more well-lit than the rest of the road but you also have nowhere to go if this guy really did want to hurt you. 
“I should’ve called Bradley and have him meet me halfway. Hey Jake- I’m gonna call you once I get back to my apartment, I’m gonna call Bradley.” 
“You’re high if you think I’m letting you get off the phone right now, sweetheart.” Jake’s voice is firm, hard and cold, and you swallow the sting of the fact that Jake is mad at you. 
“Jake, really, I think I’m being overdramatic, it’s fine-” 
“I texted Bradshaw when I left my house, he’s going to meet you at the intersection. Do not hang up the phone until you’re with him, do you understand me?” 
“Yeah, yeah, okay I see him. I’m at the light now.” 
“Great. I want you to tell me if you want pepperoni pizza if he’s still behind you, cheese for no.” 
You glance next to you as you press the button for the crosswalk, unable to keep in the startled gasp at the fact that the man was right behind you. 
You swallow as the man gives you a curious glance before pressing the button for the opposite crosswalk. The light goes green and he begins his walk away from you. 
“Hey, sweetheart, can you hear me? Are you there?” 
There's a desperate note in his voice as you swallow again, eyes flickering across the street as you see Bradley’s broad figure come into the light. 
“Yeah, I’m- I’m fine Jake. He was just right behind me but he’s gone now.” 
“What? Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. Hey, I’m crossing the street now, I see Bradley, I’ll call you in like ten minutes.”
“I’d really prefer you stay on the phone with me.” 
“He wasn’t even following me Jake, he was just some man going for a walk.” You snap, walking across the street to where Bradley is waiting. “I’ll call you when I get back to my place.”  
You hang up the phone as you jog the last few steps up to Bradley, finally letting yourself breathe. His eyes skim over you before the area around you. 
“Are you good? Do we need to take a few laps around the block?” 
You shake your head as the two of you begin to walk back to your building. “Fine. The guy wasn’t even following me, I just think he got off at my stop.” 
“You don’t usually come this way.” Bradley comments as the two of you walk. 
“Yeah.” You let out a huffed laugh. “A car drove into the side of the bus as it was letting me off.”  
Bradley’s eyes grow wide. “Are you being serious?” 
“Yep. Pretty sure that guy was on the bus and just managed to get a headstart to the next stop on everyone. Dude’s a fucking fast-walker.” 
“Sorry.” Bradley says, waving a hand. “The car hit your bus?”
You’re settled on Bradley’s couch, recounting the story to Bob and Mickey and Bradley’s girlfriend Jordan, a slice of pizza in your hand when Jake opens the front door rather abruptly. You barely have time to hand the plate off to Bob before Jake is pulling you off the couch and into his arms. 
“What the fuck, dude. Do you know how scary it was to get that call?” 
Jake briefly pulls back, eyes scanning over you, before he wraps you in another tight hug. You swallow as his hand comes to rest on the back of your head.
The two of you stand there for what is starting to feel like an embarrassing amount of time when you hear Jake whisper, “I just got you. I can’t lose you yet.” 
The words are so quiet you almost don’t think he even realizes he said them out loud. Guilt prickles at you again. 
“Are you mad at me?” 
“Mad at you?” 
He still won’t let you go but you can picture how big and wide his eyes are. 
“Well, I know you always hate it when I take the bus but I can’t be asking you for rides every time I have to leave the house just because I don’t want to spend money on gas-” 
“Sweetheart, yes I would prefer it if you stop taking the bus. But, you- you can’t be responsible for some sleazeball following you home.” 
“Well, he wasn’t really following me. I just sort of panicked.” You say sheepishly.
“Watching your bus get hit by a car will make you all kinds of shaken up.” Bradley comments, grin clear in his voice. 
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Jake says, glancing at Bradley before looking back at you. “What the fuck is he talking about?”
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Tri Harder
Chapter 3 ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) -- final
Also on AO3 :)
Suguru Geto & Satoru Gojo
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After an innocent party game, Geto & Gojo make it their mission to fuck you, that's it.
Ch 1 | Ch 2
fem reader, MMF threesome, vaginal sex, oral sex (male + female receiving), Eiffel Tower, soft Dom geto, stsg explore each other's bodies, other threesome shit listen idk
thank u to my very wonderful friend Mads for the art for this chapter!! ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) feel free to check it out on the endnotes !! °ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
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The reason for even coming to the club was long forgotten the moment those words left your mouth. The only thing on your mind was getting your fucking bag and getting out of here. “How soon did you guys want to leave?” you asked.
“Whenever you’re ready to,” Gojo answered quickly. Geto stared at him pointedly, but all he offered was a shrug. It’s not like they came here for any other reason.
“You came with Shoko and the others, right?” Geto asked innocently. “If you need to talk to them or anything before we go, that’s fine.”
“I just need to get my bag and tell them I’m heading out,” you answered with a sly smile. “Should only take a few minutes. We were sitting near the front.”
Gojo was more than happy that he didn’t have to spend any more time acting like there was anything else he wanted to do here. He unhooked his arms from around you, giving you a once over to make sure your outfit was properly in place. He adjusted your shirt quickly before giving a quick nod. “Let’s go get that bag then.”
Gojo took a hold of your hand and began to easily maneuver back through the sea of people on the dancefloor with Geto following closely behind. He had to admit, he probably shoved some people harder than he needed to, but this wasn’t a situation that called for manners. Getting you out of the club was an urgent matter.
When the three of you arrived back at the couches where you were when you arrived, Shoko and Utahime were back. Haibara and Nanami were now nowhere to be seen, but you could only assume Haibara managed to drag Nanami onto the dancefloor. As much of a sight Nanami dancing would have been, it just wasn’t a priority right now. You made a mental note to get him drunk and dance some other time.
Shoko called out your name drunkenly. “ Heeeeey. ” A lazy smile crossed her lips. “Where did ya go?”
Utahime’s head, which was buried in Shoko’s neck, piped up, an equally drunk voice addressing you. “Wait.” She squinted. “Why are they here?”
“I ran into them on the dancefloor,” you answered. “But are you guys all good? I think I’m going to leave. They said I can share an Uber with them.”
Shoko gave a thumbs up and Utahime’s head lolled back into her neck. “I’ll kill them if something happens to you,” she murmured, voice trailing off with each word that she spoke.
You still had no idea what the issue between them was. You weren’t even sure that you wanted to know, but it definitely wasn’t a concern right now. “I’ll text you when I’m home, don’t worry.” Her eyes were already closed before she could give you a response.
Geto looked over at Gojo who flashed him a smile. Gojo fished his phone out of his pocket, ordering an Uber. 
You grabbed your bag, and Gojo took a hold of your hand once more while Geto held the other to make your way to the exit. It didn’t take long for the Uber to arrive, a black car pulling up in front of the club.
Gojo released your hand to open the door. He slid in first, letting you squeeze in the middle as Geto sat on your other side. Gojo was grateful they didn’t live far from the club, because he was having a hard time keeping his hands to himself for the car ride. He snuck in a few touches, letting his hand grip your thigh, but his leg bounced impatiently the whole time. Geto knew he could be patient, but that didn’t mean waiting made him happy. His hand grazed your other thigh, giving the supple flesh squeezes for the duration of the ride.
Gojo all but opened the door and stopped the motion of the car with his foot once it pulled up to their apartment. He offered you his hand to help you out, and Geto got out on the other side. 
“Well, welcome to our humble abode,” Geto said as he pushed the key in the lock, opening the door so you Gojo could walk inside.
Humble was putting it nicely. It was an open concept layout that was tastefully furnished with black and gray furniture. The appliances in the kitchen were all stainless steel, and it was hard to ignore the large TV huge stereo they had. “Nice place,” you complimented.
“Thanks, angel,” Geto said, putting a hand on the small of your back. “Did you want anything? Water, snacks?” he offered.
“I’m okay, thank you though,” you replied. He nodded.
“Let’s go to my room,” Gojo said.
You nodded and walked into Gojo’s room, the gray room sized rug on the floor soft beneath your feet. You took a curious look around, eyes greeted with various posters on the walls and shelves with some books and figures on them. Pictures of the pair along with some of their other friends hung in frames on the wall.
A huge bed with black and white striped sheets sat in the center of the room, it had to have been a king sized bed. Maybe it was even a California king sized one. A soft pink hue from LED lights illuminated the perimeter of the bed, complementing the soft blue ones that lined the ones around the room. 
Geto sauntered over to a corner of the room, connecting his phone to a large bluetooth speaker. A Snoh Alegra song started to play softly from the speaker as you took a seat on the edge of the bed. After queuing a few more songs, Geto walked over and sat on your left while Gojo who was putting his shades atop his dresser came over to sit on your right.
You looked between the two, appreciative of the attractive company. “So are you two like… together?” you questioned. At Shoko’s party, it didn’t seem like something to inquire about, but the display at the club made you think otherwise. Admittedly, it was one of the hottest things you’ve ever seen.
Geto shrugged. “We don’t really like to put a label on anything,” he offered. “Just makes things more complicated than it needs to be.”
“Yeah,” Gojo added. You turned to face him as he spoke again. “We just like to have fun with other people who like having fun.” Gojo shrugged in the same manner Geto did. “You are having fun, right?”
You placed a hand on each of their knees, looking at both of them before you answered. “I’m having tons of fun, I promise. But I know we’re going to have tons more.” You let your teeth sink into your bottom lip briefly before you spoke again. “I’ll be honest, I’m glad I didn’t have to choose just one of you. It would have been too hard.”
Geto’s hand was guiding your chin to look at him, that gentle smile of his playing on his lips. “No need to choose when you can have us both, angel,” he reassured. His tongue darted out to lick his lower lip as his voice dropped an octave. “As long as this is what you want to do, we could always take you home if you’ve changed your mind.”
You squeezed Gojo’s knee to give him the same assurance you provided Geto with as you nodded at him. “I’m sure.”
“Perfect,” Geto murmured. Excitement was coursing through his veins at your response, and although you couldn’t see, Gojo couldn’t help the smile that was on his face. He had to admit, Geto was never wrong. Gojo thought Utahime would be a bigger issue, but if anything he was thankful that she brought you to Shoko’s party, and you didn’t let her bias impact who you interacted with. Gojo made a mental note to tease Utahime about how nice you are next time he saw her.
You eagerly leaned toward Geto and pressed your lips to his, moving the hand you had on his knee to cup the side of his face. It wasn’t long before your hand was moving across his smooth skin to embed your fingers in his hair, searching for the band that held the top knot in place. Your lips moved more insistently against his as you relieved the band from its duty, letting his hair fall freely on his shoulders.
He moaned against your lips as his free hand moved to cup your breast, gently squeezing as your tongue traced over his bottom lip. He parted his lips, granting your tongue access to his mouth. Geto could already feel his cock swelling again, although it was hard to pinpoint exactly at what point since he laid eyes on you tonight it stopped throbbing. He was starting to wonder if something about your presence triggered an automatic hard on.
Your grip on Gojo’s knee tightened as your tongue swiped against Geto’s, tasting the remnants of alcohol and your own taste on each other’s mouth. Gojo took the opportunity to massage your other breast and let his lips start to suck on the base of your neck. He slowly made his way up, nipping at the skin with his teeth to make his mark on your skin, his moaning vibrating against your throat as he did.
He sucked your earlobe into his mouth, toying with it between his teeth as you moaned into Geto’s mouth. You shifted the hand that was on Gojo’s knee, hiking it up his thigh to rub him over his jeans. You let your hand explore his length over the fabric, feeling him rapidly hardening beneath your touch. Gojo let out a soft groan, eagerly bucking his hips into your hand.
“Mm,” you moaned softly against Geto’s lips, hearing Gojo’s throaty moan in your ear. You thought you were swimming in desire before, but now you were practically drowning in it, lost at sea with an aching pulse between your thighs. The grip you had on Geto’s hair tightened, fingers desperately grabbing at his scalp as your tongue continued to explore the inside of his mouth. 
Geto would never admit it, especially not to Gojo, but he loved his hair being tugged on. He would always put up a fuss whenever he did so in any other situation to just annoy him, but in intimate moments like, it only riled Geto up more. He absolutely loved the feeling of hungry hands clawing at his scalp, knowing that subtle pain on his end was the ultimate bliss for the other person. The sharpness of the pull made him groan into your mouth as he began to pinch your nipple through your top.
Gojo was now fully hard in his jeans, desperately shifting his hips so your hand stroked him fully. “ Fuck, ” he murmured, looking at the angry splotches he sucked into your neck. His fingers ghosted over the spot, watching your body wince as he did. He was sure the other side of your neck was marked by Geto’s touch, and he loved knowing everyone would be able to see the claim that they made on you. 
After sinking your teeth softly into Geto’s plush bottom lip, you slowly pulled away. Your eyes stayed locked on his for a brief moment as your hand slowly released the grip from his hair. His gaze was smoldering as your hand moved to his crotch, seeing his print straining against his jeans. Turning your head, you gave Gojo a smirk looking at your hand rubbing his length through his jeans. Shifting the hand to cup the side of his face, you pressed your lips against his.
Gojo’s large hand fiercely gripped one of your thighs as the other kept squeezing your breasts. He plunged his tongue into your mouth, hungry to swap spit with you again. He was shameless, moaning into your mouth as he aimed for his tongue to become familiar with every square inch of your mouth. He could still taste the liquor and more importantly, he could taste both you and Geto. He could see the mix of flavors soon becoming a favorite of his. 
Geto smoothly maneuvered the strap of your top off shoulder, letting your breast fall free. “Satoru, take a moment and help our angel get her top off.”
Not wanting to break the kiss, Gojo murmured a response to Geto against your lips. His hand moved from your breast to the strap of your top, hastily pushing it down. 
You whined into his mouth feeling both of your stiff nipples exposed to the air. The feeling was quickly neutralized when Geto’s hand cupped your breast, hands softly massaging the mound while his mouth hovered over the marks on your neck that he left earlier. He pressed soft kisses to the spot, satisfied with his work, but he knew there was more he could do. His mouth trailed further down, letting his tongue flick against the divot of your collarbone.
Gojo’s mouth was relentless as he continued to ravage your mouth, letting his tongue trace the shape of your cupid’s bow and your bottom lip before diving back in. The hand you had on Geto’s crotch tightened, gripping at his length. As badly as you wanted to stroke him, it was hard to do anything else with Gojo’s fierce mouth on you. In a small moment of reprieve, your tongue found its way inside of Gojo’s mouth, Geto’s familiar taste still lingering. You moaned against his mouth. Your underwear was already soaked from the earlier orgasms, but you could feel a new wetness saturating them again.    
Geto’s cock throbbed when you gripped him, throbbed again when he heard you moaning into Gojo’s mouth. He sucked at the skin of your collarbone, insistent on putting his mark on more parts of your body. His fingers traced over the new marks when he pulled off, and his mouth continued its mission of claiming you. Nipping and sucking at the skin at the tops of breasts, more red marks formed much to his pleasure. “Mhm, so pretty, angel,” he admired.
You were clueless what Geto was praising you for, but you didn’t care. Gojo broke the kiss, chest heaving and cock throbbing as he did. His eyes gazed over to where Geto’s were locked on your collarbone and chest. “So fucking pretty,” he agreed. His mouth was eager to mar the spots on the opposite side, but he realized he hadn’t seen your bare breasts yet. They looked as perfect as they felt, your nipples looking like delectable buds he needed in his mouth. 
Gojo’s swollen lips greedily sucked on the skin of your collarbone, leaving his mark before trailing down to suck on the skin on the top of your breasts. Once his claim was there, his hand grabbed your breast, squeezing the mound between his thumb and fingers. His tongue licked a stripe from the bottom of your breast, over your nipple and areola and up to your collarbone. His tongue traveled the path again before he harshly sucked your nipple into his mouth. 
Gojo didn’t care, he was aiming to have as much as your breast in his mouth as possible. He looked like Kirby inhaling something, but he couldn't help but moan feeling the warm skin in his mouth. He pulled off, letting his tongue quickly circle around your nipple before sucking it back into his mouth. Geto’s mouth began working on your other nipple, opting to let his tongue lap at your areola before gently sucking the peak into his mouth. 
A series of whimpers and pants left your mouth as both of their mouths worked on your breasts. The feeling was stupefying, your mind hazy with only thoughts of more pleasure ahead. The dichotomy of their touch already had you seeing stars. You pressed your thighs together as you willed your hands to rub both of them over their jeans. They both felt… big. Anticipation raced through your veins as you threw your head back. “Feels sogood,” you managed to choke out.
They each took their time on your chest, alternating their movements so their lips occasionally kissed the skin of your neck. At times both of their mouths would be on your neck, continuously licking and sucking at the skin they already made swollen. Other times, one of their mouths would be on your neck while the other still had their mouth latched onto your nipple, causing your body to tingle at the multitude of sensations. Sounds you weren’t even aware you could make were leaving your lips left and right as you did your best to keep your hand running over both of their clothed erections.
Gojo’s cock was about to punch a hole through his jeans. Mouth still on your breast, he used his other hand to undo the button on his jeans, coaxing your hand to feel him over his briefs. You gripped him, letting a finger circle the head where the precome was already leaking, and fuck did your hand on him feel good. 
Geto slowly parted from your nipple, leaving a trail of spit in its wake. The sight of Gojo’s marks on you, his mouth on you and your hand in his pants made him bite his lip. He slotted a hand between your tightly pressed together thighs, pleased they opened without protest. He only had to press one finger against the crotch of your underwear to know you were absolutely soaked. “Aw, looks like you could use some help here, angel.” You whined at his touch. “How about we help you out?”
Geto’s voice would have you agreeing to commit every crime imaginable. You nodded, and he sank down to his knees, tugging your legs further toward the edge of the bed so your heat was aligned with his mouth. The sudden movement made you gasp. Gojo whined like a baby, Geto’s maneuvering of your body causing your nipple to fall out of his mouth. Geto rolled his eyes at friend. “Come on, Satoru. Don’t you want to fuck our angel with your tongue too?”
Gojo was already salivating when he tasted you on his fingers at the club. His cock throbbed thinking about running his tongue through your folds. He stood, pushing his jeans and briefs down to give his cock some relief from its constraints. He fisted his cock, using his thumb to smear the precome that formed on the head, sighing at the relief. Before he sank to his knees with Geto, you couldn’t help but look at the veins on his hand as he fisted himself, the way he needed long strokes to soothe the ache of his length. Geto’s eyes were on the display as well, knowing just how needy Gojo could be.
You looked down at both men between your legs, clenching at the sight of them. They each hooked an arm under your legs as they began to press kisses to your inner thighs. You were starting to become familiar with the distinct ways their lips caressed your body. Geto usually took his time, letting his mouth memorize the feel of your skin under his lips. The desperate urges of his body were usually masked by his slow movements, but there was no denying his desire. Gojo was always more insistent, his mouth greedy and eager to please your body. Your body loved both variations of their touch, and craved more.
Geto gently sucked the skin of your inner thigh into his mouth before planting a soft kiss there. On the opposite thigh, Gojo nipped at the skin and sucked portions harshly into his mouth until it was swollen. Only then did he press a softer kiss to the spot. The two worked their way up your thigh until they were at your center, arousal palpable.
Gojo pressed his nose against your crotch, taking a deep sniff. “Fuck, angel, you even smell good,” he groaned. He flattened his tongue against the crotch of your underwear, licking a stripe against the fabric. “Can even taste you through your panties.” He turned his attention to Geto. “No wonder she needed some help, she’s fucking soaked.”
You squirmed feeling the heat of his tongue through the fabric. “We’re going to take good care of her, aren’t we?” Geto tugged at the end of your skirt, pulling it off. He then hooked a finger into the lacy waistband of your underwear, easily tearing them and tossing them aside. His cock throbbed looking at your wet, glistening folds before him. “So perfect, angel,” he murmured. He ran two fingers though your slick, parting his fingers afterwards to see a string of your arousal on his fingers. “So, so perfect.”
You clenched around nothing at his praise as your chest heaved. Geto flattened his tongue against you, letting his tongue drag slowly through your folds. He repeated the action, ensuring every single one of his taste buds were coated in your essence. His tongue was wet and warm against you, and you instantly let out a moan. Geto’s grip on your thigh tightened as his tongue continued to lap at you. 
Gojo pushed your leg open further, darting his tongue out so the hard point began to circle your clit. You cried out, arching your back. His tongue circled and flicked against your clit before he closed his mouth around the sensitive bundle of nerves. “Oh, fuck, ” you moaned out, wrapping your hands around the base of their necks to bring both of them closer to you.
Geto and Gojo continued to ravish you with their tongues. Geto ran his tongue through your folds in fast and slow motions while Gojo sucked your clit harshly into his mouth. They would switch, with Gojo running his tongue in fast strokes over your center. He urged his tongue past the tight ring of muscle, dipping it into your entrance. The hard point of Geto’s tongue circled your clit before he sucked it gently into his mouth, keeping it latched onto the nerve.
Your body continued to writhe and a string of continuous moans left your mouth as their warm tongues continued their assault against your center. Neither of them could get enough. Gojo thought tasting you on his fingers was good, but it was nothing compared to having his tongue shoved inside of you. He wanted to savor the taste on his tongue forever. “So fucking good, angel,” he moaned against your heat. He felt like a man starved, and wanted nothing more than to find a way to bottle your taste and save it for later, unsure of when he would get his next fix. He couldn’t help but start to fist his cock again as he continued fucking you with his tongue.
Geto shared similar sentiments. He loved the way you tasted, the way your body reacted so willingly to their touches. Every moan and every buck of your hips made his cock throb. When Gojo sucked your clit into his mouth, Geto pushed two fingers inside of you. They slipped in without resistance, and he set a steady pace as he thrusted them in and out of you. “Going to feel so good when we have our cocks buried inside you,” he murmured, watching the way you clenched around his fingers. “So fucking tight, bet this pussy has never even been fucked right.”
You whimpered at both of their words, clenching around Geto’s fingers as they scissored inside you, Gojo’s mouth still mercilessly latched on to your clit. Tears were springing from the corners of your eyes and it was hard to form a coherent thought as the coil in your belly was rapidly unwinding. Skillfully as ever, Geto curled his fingers inside of you, brushing against the spot that made your hips jerk violently. Both men held your legs down securely. “You can take it,” Geto declared, curling his fingers against your g-spot again. “Come on, let us have it.”
Gojo released your leg from his grip and used the now free hand to nudge his index finger at your entrance. Your moans didn’t stop as the finger slowly eased inside, joining the two Geto already had working against your g-spot. He shallowly thrusted his finger, moaning against your clit at the feeling of your walls clenching around his finger.
White spots began to cloud your vision, your cunt spasming around their fingers as you drenched their fingers. You felt absolutely spent as you ceased gripping their necks, falling back on your elbows to catch your breath. Geto and Gojo slipped their fingers out of you, watching your come ooze out of you. Gojo took the opportunity to savor the taste, running his tongue over your slit to get every drop into his mouth. You let out a soft whimper, still incredibly sensitive. “Told you I would show you what my tongue is capable of,” he teased.
“I know now,” you laughed breathlessly.
Geto looked at Gojo who was still stroking his cock. He gently shook his head, putting his hand on Gojo’s chin to bring him closer. “You’re always so impatient,” he spoke against his lips. Using his free hand, he grabbed hold of Gojo’s cock, running his thumb gently over the slit. “Always making a mess.”
Gojo couldn’t help the soft whine he let out before crushing his lips to Geto’s, thrusting his cock into his hand. Every kiss they shared was always rough, frantic. As if they were running out of time and the union of their lips was the only thing that would spare them. Gojo fisted Geto’s tresses as he moved his tongue into his mouth, exchanging the taste of your come with him.
Again, you were hooked on their sight of the pair locking lips, moving against each other with strong familiarity. Despite your swollen, puffy clit, you gingerly reached a hand between your legs to rub at the nub. You did your best to stifle your moan, but a soft whimper escaped. You didn’t know if there was a sense of shame to be had from watching the two of them, but you couldn’t care less. Gojo shamelessly continued to ravage Geto’s mouth. He was sucking on his tongue and biting on his bottom lip while rutting his cock into his hand. 
In Geto’s peripheral vision, he could see you rubbing your clit. Even though Gojo had just licked you clean, new wetness was already beginning to coat your slit. Your pussy was just so pretty, he wished he could tattoo the sight on the inside of his eyelids. Geto pulled his mouth away from Gojo’s slightly. Gojo let out a soft whine at the loss of contact, opting to start sucking on the skin of his neck. At the sight, you continued to rub your clit faster, thrusting your hips into the air. “Can’t believe I’m dealing with two greedy brats,” Geto chuckled softly, giving Gojo’s cock a firm stroke.
Gojo knew he was greedy, he would never deny himself of something he wanted. After sucking a mark into Geto’s neck, he looked over to see you with two fingers on your clit now, breathy pants leaving you mouth as your hips canted. “Fuck angel, I could watch you play with that pretty pussy all day.”
“Why do that when we can do a lot more than watch?” Geto rose, returning to where he was sitting next to you on the bed. A small smirk ghosted over his lips as he hoisted you up, grabbing the hand you were using to play with your clit. You whined at the loss of contact, constantly clenching your thighs together to relieve the ache that was already forming. He leaned in close, his thumb stroking your chin. “So tell me, angel.” You would tell him anything he wanted to hear. “Who do you want to get fucked by first?” 
Your mouth opened and closed at the question. Your eyes ping ponged between the two men. Gojo was still kneeling on the floor, face flushed, lips swollen with cock in hand. Despite his apparent composure, red marks were starting to form on Geto’s neck and his eyes were swimming with desire. His cock was throbbing relentlessly, dying to be free from its constraints. An answer seemed impossible to come to. 
“You don’t even care, do you?” he laughed. Your teeth sank into your bottom lip as you shook your head no. Knowing you would have them both tonight was more than enough, the order was completely irrelevant. “That’s alright, we’ll take good care of you,” he assured. “Are you feeling okay?”
Your chest and neck were red and sore as fuck, your lips were swollen and your legs hadn’t stopped trembling, but a smile crossed your face as you nodded. “I feel great.”
Geto pressed his lips gently to yours. “Good,” he said softly. “How about you get on all fours?”
The mattress dipped as you got on your hands and knees, crawling to the middle of the bed. You wiggled your ass playfully as you turned your head to look back at them, a sly smile playing on your lips. “Ready whenever you are.”
Gojo rose from his position on the floor, looking at the way your folds glistened. He let out a low whistle, letting a finger run over your slit. “Fuck,” he murmured. His cock throbbed at the sight.
Geto ran a finger over your slit as well, sucking the digit into his mouth afterward. “Why don’t you go first, Satoru?” he suggested, looking down at Gojo’s throbbing cock. “She’s all ready.”
Gojo wouldn’t have fought with Geto if he wanted to go first, but he was more than happy to agree with his suggestion. He peeled off his shirt, quickly tossing it aside. You felt the mattress dip as he got on his knees, positioning himself behind you. A large hand landed securely on your hip, and Gojo used the other hand to fist his cock. The tip was messy with precome as he dragged it over your slit, groaning at the feeling of your slick folds against him. “Can’t wait to feel you coming all around my cock, angel,” he gritted out, slowly starting to push inside of you. 
Your already trembling legs wobbled further as his length started pushing past the tight rings of muscle. “Ngh.” You bit down on your bottom lip as your head dipped down, staring at the pattern on the sheets. You knew you were more than aroused, but adjusting to his size proved to be more than a handful. Your eyes stayed focused on the sheets as his endless inches continued to enter you. 
The sight of Gojo’s cock sinking into you was enough to make Geto’s mouth water. He walked and stood at the side of the bed, eyes fixated on your body accommodating Gojo. Once buried to the hilt, Gojo let out a groan, using one hand to spread your ass cheek to look at the way your cunt hugged his cock. He was convinced it was a perfect fit, that he was meant to be buried inside you. He looked over to Geto, giving your ass an appreciative squeeze. “So fucking tight.” 
“Figured,” Geto answered. His cock throbbed in his pants.
You let out a shaky moan feeling him fully seated inside of you. Your soppy cunt throbbed around him as he slowly pulled hips before slamming them forward. The force made you lurch forward before you heard a tsk. “You said you were ready for him,” Geto’s voice sounded. “You can handle it, angel.” You let out a heavy pant, his voice sounding far away as Gojo’s hips canted forward again. Your fingers gripped the sheets tightly, determined to live up to your own words. You would take this pounding, you had no intentions of backing down.
Gojo placed his other hand on your hip, his grip as tight as your pussy around his cock as he started his assault. Forward, back. Forward, back. Forward, back. “Fuuuuuck," he gritted out. “So fucking good. Wanted to fuck this pussy the moment I laid my eyes on you.” He was convinced he loved your pussy; the grip, the wetness, the sounds it made, the sounds you made as he continued wrecking it. He mentally scolded Utahime. To think he could have been inside of you ages ago but was prevented from meeting you was downright sinister.
“Ah, fuck," you cried out. It felt like a hammer driving a nail into a block of wood each time his hips surged forward. You feared your nails would make a hole in the sheets from how tightly you gripped them, struggling to stay upright as he continued pounding into you. It felt good, great, his cock reaching the end of you each time he canted forward. “ Sa-Satoru,” you choked out, another breathy moan leaving your lips.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Geto asked, watching the way your ass bounced against Gojo’s hips with each thrust. “You should tell him how good it feels, angel. He’s being very vocal with you, after all.”
“Yeah,” Gojo agreed, giving your ass a firm slap as he thrusted forward again. “Talk to me.”
Moans were interrupted by a yelp when you felt the sting of his hand landing on your ass. His pace didn’t waver, still pounding into you quickly. It was hard to hear them, let alone speak a full sentence with the way it felt like his cock was invading your lungs. “F-Feels good,” you managed to say. “R-Really good.”
“Aw, I think you can say a little more than that,” Geto cooed, reaching for the button on his jeans. “But I’ll give that mouth some use if you really don’t have anything else to say.” He shoved his jeans and briefs down in one quick motion, letting out a sigh of relief as his cock finally sprang free. It was messy, the precome leaking from the head sticky in his hand as he gave his cock a slow stroke.
After peeling off his shirt, Geto climbed onto the bed, shuffling on his knees until he was in front of you. He used a hand to tilt your chin up, bringing you face to face with his cock that slapped against your cheek. Geto had to be as big as Gojo, but he was considerably girthier. His cock continued to graze against your cheek with each one of Gojo's thrusts. “So cute,” Geto commented, using his thumbs to coax your lips apart. “Open up, angel.”
Mindlessly you opened for him, parting your lips. Geto used his other hand to guide his cock into your warm, wet mouth, moaning at the feeling. He eased into your willing mouth, watching as you opened wider to let him in. He throbbed in your mouth at the sight because fuck, you were so hot. “That’s it,” he murmured. “You’re using your mouth better already.”
You mewled at his words, tears pricking at your eyes. Each of Gojo’s thrust sent Geto deeper into your throat. You were impossibly full , whining as you clenched around Gojo and choked on Geto. Sounds of the music were long forgotten as squelches filled the air. 
“Shit,” Gojo hissed, watching the way Geto's cock disappeared inside your mouth. You were taking him like a champ. Gojo surged his hips forward once more, watching as your nose disappeared into Geto’s trimmed pubic hair. “Just making sure she doesn’t miss anything,” he chuckled darkly.
“Let me return the favor.” Geto couldn’t help but smirk, surging his own hips forward to slam you back on Gojo’s cock. 
Your moans were muffled against Geto’s cock as Gojo surged his hips forward again. It was an endless tug of war of pleasure, each of their thrusts hitting the end of you. It was hard to form a coherent thought with Gojo’s cock kissing the tip of your cervix and Geto’s cock occupying your throat. The feeling was honestly… exhilarating. You reached a hand up to grip Geto’s hip for better balance, salvia dribbling from the sides of your mouth.
Geto looked down at you, patting the top of your head. “Aw, angel, look at you.” His hips thrusted forward. “All stuffed up, this suits you.” 
“Fuck, it definitely does,” Gojo agreed, launching his hips forward to sink you back onto Geto’s cock. The crescents of your nails dug into Geto’s skin as you held onto him more tightly, feeling your legs begin to tremble at their words. Gojo gave your ass another slap, relishing in the feeling of how your cunt started to furiously grip him. “Shit, ready to feel you come on my cock, don’t hold back.”
You whined around Geto’s cock, arms shaky as they continued jerking your holes in opposite directions. “Come on angel, let go for him,” Geto encouraged with a thrust. “Want to see that pretty mouth of yours choking on my cock while you come all over his.” He loved the way the corners of your mouths stretched to accommodate him, the way every one of your moans and whines vibrated through him, the way your throat felt like the home he never knew his cock needed. The saliva pooling from your mouth was more attractive to him than it should have been, but what could he say? He seemed to have a knack for liking messy people.
Their words were more than enough to send you over the edge. Your other hand reached up to hold on to Geto as tears rolled down onto your cheeks, cries of pleasure drowned out by your mouth being stuffed full.
Gojo gritted his teeth as he felt your pussy begin to clamp around his cock. He grabbed your hips, sinking himself to the hilt and staying buried inside you to feel every spasm. “Fuck, angel, you feel so fucking good, did so fucking good,” he hissed. He threw his head back momentarily, but quickly decided he didn’t want to miss the view. He withdrew his hips slightly, looking at the way your muscles clenched around him.
Geto couldn’t help but smile at the view of you coming on Gojo’s cock, admiring the way your mouth still gripped him despite your eyes rolling to the back of your head. “Perfect mouth,” he praised. “Can’t wait to feel that perfect pussy too.” He slowly began to pull out of your mouth, cock slick with your saliva as he watched you take in a deep breath. 
Gojo moved his hips gently, slow strokes fucking you through your orgasm. It was hard for him to decide if he liked hearing your unmuffled or muffled moans better, but concluded any moan from you was worthy of winning a Grammy. His hands moved from your hips to your ass, spreading your cheeks to watch the evidence of your orgasm gather around his cock and drip down your thighs. “Sugu, look.”
Geto raised an eyebrow. “You really are a sight, huh?” he chuckled, gently moving your hands from his hips to the rest of the mattress. You slumped forward, continuing to gather breaths of air as you were still reeling from the orgasm. Geto shuffled on his knees to settle beside Gojo to watch as he slowly thrusted into you. “Mhm, such a pretty pussy getting stuffed.” You let out a soft whimper, the erratic spasms of your cunt coming to a standstill. “Let’s switch.”
Gojo nodded, slowly pulling out his cock that was glistening with your juices. “Shit.” More remnants of your orgasm dripped from your hole that was now clenching around nothing. 
“Greedy,” Geto laughed softly.
Gojo took the opportunity to lick a languid stripe over your hole, causing you to let out a soft whimper. “So greedy,” Geto remarked as Gojo let his tongue dip into your whole, gathering every bit of your come on his tongue.
“Shut up,” Gojo grumbled.
“That was great,” you mumbled breathlessly. You rested on your forearms, not trusting your wrists to have enough strength to hold you up.
“Oh, now you can speak?” Geto joked. “That nice, angel. But Satoru has to feel that mouth of yours, so we’re going to stuff you back up. Okay?”
It was hypotonic, the way his velvety voice laced with grace had the ability to be so commanding. Of course you would agree to him without another thought. “Yes,” you answered with a nod of your head. You were already aching to be filled again. “Yes, that’s okay,” you clarified sheepishly.
“Hm, sit up for a sec,” Gojo requested. You obliged, momentarily sitting up on your knees as Gojo shuffled in front of you. He then laid on his back, shuffling his body down the mattress. “Mm, rest your arms down. Make sure this is a good angle.”
You rested your forearms on either side of Gojo’s muscular thighs, his cock looming in front of you. ”Go on,” Geto insisted as he positioned himself behind you, lifting your hips slightly. “Don’t have to wait on me.”
Gojo’s cock throbbed as he looked down at you excitedly, watching as you propped yourself your forearm up on one of his thighs and gripped his cock at the base. His body shivered when you dragged your tongue from the base to the tip, bucking his hips slightly upward. Once at the top, your tongue swirled around the tip and then licked over his slit. “Fuck angel, that’s good,” Gojo praised, torn between keeping his eyes on you and throwing his head back. 
Geto watched as your mouth continued to work on Gojo, sucking the head into your mouth and beginning to slowly let his inches occupy your mouth. At the sight he fisted his cock, letting the tip rub between your folds. You were already trying to clench around him, and he was more than happy to feed your needy hole with his cock. He lined up with your entrance, and started pushing inside of you.
You squeezed your eyes shut at the intrusion, feeling your walls begin to stretch around him. Already knowing you were able to take Gojo, you knew you could take Geto, you would take him. Your cunt clenched around him with each passing inch, walls accommodating every ridge and vein on his cock, moans once again muffled by Gojo stuffing your mouth full. Gojo opted to keep his eyes on you, admiring the way your mouth sank down on his cock. Not to mention, he got to see Geto’s face as he sunk inside of you, an expression of pure bliss.
Geto’s view was perfect, being able to see your arousal mixed with your saliva on his cock as he buried himself to the hilt inside you. “ God,” he murmured. He pulled his hips back, slowly pushing them forward to listen to the lewd sounds of his thrusts, to watch the way your cunt adjusted to his size. “Such a perfect pussy.” His hands squeezed your ass as he began a steady rhythm of slow thrusts, aiming to reach the end of you each time. 
“Told you,” Gojo said, sitting up on his elbows. Something about hearing both of them praise your cunt made you whine, the sound vibrating around Gojo’s cock. “And you were right, this mouth is perfect.” The additional praise made you clench around Geto as you continued working Gojo with your mouth, burying his length in the back of your throat.
Geto’s steady thrusts continued, and you appreciated the change in pace. You loved how your body was jerking between them before, but feeling every one of Geto’s strokes while your mouth bobbed on Gojo was just as lovely. Maybe they were just great partners to be with, that had to be it. The way your body responded to any of their touches had to be the sign that your conclusion was correct.
Geto couldn’t help but let a smirk dance across his lips as he watched your head continuously bob up and down. “You know, angel,” he began. “Satoru loves it really sloppy. Don’t be afraid to spit all over it.” His hips surged forward. “You should play around with his balls too, he adores that.” He had to admit, as much as it was for Gojo’s pleasure, it was for his own viewing pleasure, too.
“Hey!” Gojo cried out. “Don’t–” Raising only centimeters from Gojo’s cock, you let the excess saliva forming around your mouth drip onto his length. An audible slurp sounded in the room as you took him into your mouth again, letting one hand jerk the parts your mouth couldn't quite reach while the other began to massage his balls. “ Fuuck, ” Gojo hissed, letting his hips buck up slightly. “Just like that, that feels so good.”
“She’s just as messy as you,” Geto chuckled, letting a hand land on your ass before caressing the spot.
“You like messy,” Gojo argued.
“Never said I didn’t,” Geto retorted with a smile, giving you another slow stroke, looking at the way your saliva was pooling around your hand, the base of Gojo’s cock, his pelvis, and dripping down onto his balls. His next stroke was quicker at the sight. 
Your body jerked forward at the force, letting out a low moan. Okay, so maybe the pace didn’t matter at all, it was definitely just them. You had your fair share of being fucked before, but this has been the best experience by a mile . You were already hoping this wouldn’t be a one time thing. You pooled more saliva into your mouth, spitting on Gojo’s cock again. He glided in and out of your mouth with ease as Geto’s thrusts became quicker. Even with the faster pace, every thrust was calculated, controlled. He hit the right spot every time, and the coil in your stomach was starting to unwind again.
Your face was glistening with your own spit and tears, hands gripping the base of Gojo’s cock as your legs began to tremble, again . What number orgasm would that be tonight? The haze in your mind made it hard to keep count. “Don’t be afraid to let go, angel,” Geto coaxed, listening to the cues your body was giving him. He kept stroking that one spot, hands gripping your waist tightly as his hips met yours with each thrust. “Want to see the mess you’re going to make all over my cock. I know you’re loving this shit.”
That was it. You came off of Gojo’s cock with a gasp, letting out a long string of moans as you clamped down on Geto, coating his cock with your orgasm. “That’s it,” Geto murmured, smiling at the wetness coating him. His pelvis was practically soaked, and he loved it. “Doing so fucking good for us, perfect little slut.”
Gojo couldn’t hold back, looking at your fucked out face made him come with a whine, some of his cum spurting onto your cheeks while the rest dripped down his cock and coated his hips. “Fuck,” he breathed out. “You’re both so fucking hot,” he complimented. 
It was hard to imagine you looked good with the way you knew cum and saliva were coating your face, but you took pride in the compliment anyway. Geto slowly withdrew from you, letting his tongue lap up your orgasm before joining you at your side. “Let me clean you two up a bit.” He nudged your face toward his, letting his tongue drag along the sides of your face where Gojo’s cum landed. You felt your face growing hot as he pressed his lips gently against yours afterwards. He gripped the base of Gojo’s cock afterwards, letting his tongue catch the rivulets of cum that were dripping down the shaft. His tongue swirled around the head, catching every droplet that leaked from his slit.
These two were going to be the death of you. You sat up on your knees, thighs squeezing together again to ease an ache that was forming again. It honestly kind of hurt, the constant succession of orgasms and arousal you were experiencing, but you didn’t give a fuck. If the universe called for fucking these two all night, so be it. Your eyes bounced from Geto to Gojo. “I’m having so much fun,” you said breathlessly, chest heaving, forehead sweaty. 
Geto sat up, licking his lips. He looked at the ways your luscious thighs squeezed together and man, was he happy to know you were a horny little thing. His lips pressed against yours again, tongue swiping along your bottom lip. It only took a moment for your lips to part, tongue still coated with Gojo’s cum pushing past your lips. Your tongues danced together, and Gojo sat up on his forearms. His cock was already getting hard again as he watched. “We can keep going,” Gojo said quickly, fisting his cock to regain a full erection.
Geto pulled away from your lips, dotting your nose with a swift kiss before his attention turned to Gojo. “Oh, I know,” Geto answered. His attention was back on you. “What do you say angel, want to come a few more times?”
Was he dumb? “Yes,” you answered with a swift nod. “I would love that.”
“Why don’t you get on top of Satoru?” You nodded, shuffling with a whine as you swung one leg over Gojo’s torso. Geto shuffled off the bed, standing at the side as he gave his cock coated with your arousal a slow stroke. “Satoru, come over here a little.”
Gojo removed the hand from himself and gripped your hips, moving your body along with his to the edge of the bed where Geto stood. Geto thrusted his hips, letting his slick cock rub against Gojo’s face. Gojo eagerly opened his mouth, and Geto guided his cock inside Gojo’s hot mouth. “I know you’ve been waiting your turn,” Geto chuckled, thrusting his hips forward. “Aren’t you happy knowing you aren’t the only one that loves a mouth full of cock?” Gojo muffled out a reply around him, causing some salvia to drip onto the floor.
“Fuck,” you choked out. Gojo’s hands stayed securely on your hips as you reached for his cock that was still slick with your saliva. You gave him a few lazy strokes before hovering above him, slowly sinking down onto his inches. It was still a tight fit, making you hiss as your hips finally met his. You planted your hands on his muscled chest, letting your hips rock forward slightly. The motion deliciously made your clit rub against his pelvis, and you threw your head back. “Ah,” you moaned. 
Geto didn’t show Gojo any mercy, hips steadily thrusting forward into his mouth. That’s how Gojo liked it. “Use him all you want, angel,” Geto chuckled with another thrust of his hips. “He likes being a little fuck toy.” Gojo muffled out another response around his cock, and Geto thrusted his hips forward again, looking down pointedly at Gojo. “I’m obviously not using you enough if you’re still managing to talk.”  
Geto was absolutely right, he always was. Gojo couldn’t help but grip your hips harder as Geto’s cock continued to bully his throat. He loved it, he always did. The only thing that made it better was feeling your warm cunt wrapped around his cock again. The slow rocking of your hips became steady rolls as your heard Geto’s words, moaning each time your clit brushed against Gojo’s pelvis. “That’s so good, ” you moaned. You grew more comfortable, starting to lift your hips and slam your ass down against him.
A muffled moan left Gojo’s lips as you began to ride him more fiercely, every rock of your hips making Geto plunge deeper into his throat. He would be the biggest liar in the world if he said this wasn’t a position he wanted to be in every night. Geto used one hand to grip his hair harshly, surging his hips forward until Gojo’s nose was buried in his pubic hairs. “That’s better,” Geto chuckled. Geto’s attention turned to you, catching your lips in a kiss as you continued riding Gojo. The kiss was the sloppiest one he shared with you yet, lips desperate to catch each other with each movement you were both trying to make against Gojo, but neither of you cared. Geto loved hearing you moan against his lips while Gojo was busy choking on his cock.
Gojo reached one of his hands up to squeeze one of your breasts, desperately bucking his hips upward to match the way your hips were slamming against him. He could already feel you clenching around his cock, and he whined knowing you would be coming around him again.
“F-fuck,” you gasped out as Gojo’s thrusts met yours, bouncing against him with more force. It was damn near exhausting feeling yourself come undone again, spurting all around Gojo’s cock. Cunt still spasming, you slumped against Gojo’s chest, catching your breath atop his solid, warm body. Gojo moved both of his hands so they cupped your ass, squeezing at the mounds as Geto continued to move in and out of his mouth.
“You alright, angel?” Geto asked, loosening the grip on Gojo’s hair as he started to pull out of his mouth. The amount of saliva that pooled out of Gojo’s mouth was damn near obscene, he loved it.
“Hey, what about me?” Gojo asked, lips swollen.
Geto rolled his eyes. “You’re fine.”
You couldn’t help the soft laugh that left your lips as you turned your attention to Geto, eyes locked on his still hard cock. “Mhm,” you nodded, sinking your bottom teeth into your lips. “I think I can still come one more time.”
“I didn’t doubt that one bit,” Geto agreed with a nod of his head. He used the back of his hand to wipe at the sweat forming on his forehead. 
You rose off of Gojo’s cock with weak legs, body practically flopping onto his side. Gojo turned to his side to face you, moving his body closer to yours so his cock could slot against your stomach. Without a word he pressed his lips against yours, already eager to push his tongue into your mouth. Maybe you said that statement with more confidence than stamina, because you were tired. What you weren’t though, was a quitter. You would come one more time.
Geto gently moved onto the bed behind you as you willed your lips to move against Gojo’s, lifting one of your thighs to wrap around his waist. Geto pressed in closer, slowly pushing into you from behind. It was still a tight fight, and fuck, he just knew this couldn’t be a one time thing. Not a chance. He kept a steady hand on your hip as his inches entered you.
A weak moan left your lips as Geto entered you, providing your cunt with languorous thrusts. His lips pressed a soft kiss against your neck as his hips rolled slowly with short but deep thrusts. “ Fuck , angel, you did so good,” he mumbled against you skin. “Come whenever you’re ready. Need to feel that pussy make a mess on me one more time.”
Gojo’s lips pulled away for a moment as his hands caressed your face, his hips still thrusting his cock against your bare stomach. “ So fucking good,” Gojo praised. Another thrust against your stomach. “I knew you would be fucking amazing.” His lips were back on yours, sucking and biting on your lower lip before thrusting his tongue back into your mouth.
You were warm, being sandwiched between their bodies again. It felt like this is where you were meant to me. It felt safe, secure, the way your sweaty bodies all pressed together. Geto’s warm hand traveled the expanse of your hips as he continued with gentle strokes, already starting to feel you lock down on him. Gojo was still furiously exploring your mouth with his tongue, rutting against the smooth skin of your stomach. You panted against Gojo’s mouth as you let go one last time, wrapping an arm around Gojo’s back as you splashed onto Geto’s cock.
“That’s it, angel,” Geto coaxed softly, continuing to slowly rut into you as you clamped down on him. “Let it all out, you deserve it. Took us both so well. I could do this all day.”
“T-Thank you,” you whimpered, letting out breathy moans.
“Fuck,” Gojo murmured, thrusting his hips one more time as he came slotted against your stomach. “God , you are absolutely perfect.” 
You were swelling with joy again at the praise as you felt Gojo spurt against you. “You guys are great,” you murmured softly.
Geto slowly pulled out of you as Gojo gently pulled his body away from yours. You rolled onto your back as Geto shook his head seeing Gojo’s cum painting your stomach. “Always so messy.” He rose to his knees, shuffling over until he was between the apex of your thighs. He placed his hands on your waist, dipping his head down to clean you up once more, letting his tongue lap up the cum. Your body quivered as his tongue moved in long swipes to get every drop, leaving your skin clear and polished once he was done. 
“Sugu.” Gojo eyed Geto’s still hard cock. He always insisted on coming last, and that had to be one of Gojo’s favorite parts. Gojo climbed off of the bed, settling on his knees with his hands patiently at his sides. You looked over at him, puzzled.
“I haven’t forgotten,” Geto laughed, pressing one last kiss against your stomach before climbing off the bed, standing in front of Gojo who was sticking his tongue out expectantly.
Despite how spent you were, you didn’t want to be left out of a single thing. It only took you a second to realize what was going on. On wobbly legs, you maneuvered off the bed, sinking down onto your knees and sticking out your tongue as well.
“Oh, you too?” Geto chuckled, giving his cock some fast strokes. “Well, alright. You can have some too.” Seeing the two of you waiting for his cum brought him to the edge quickly. He stilled, gripping his cock tightly as his cum spurted onto yours and Gojo’s tongues. 
Gojo happily gulped down Geto’s seed, licking his lips afterwards. You did the same, now officially spent. 
“Should I call an Uber home?” you laughed breathlessly.
“Oh please,” Gojo laughed, offering you a hand as he rose to his feet. You took his offered hand as he pushed you back onto the bed, pulling you into an embrace against his chest. Geto joined you two on the bed, snuggling in behind you as he wrapped his arm around your waist.
“Good night, angel,” Geto murmured, pressing a soft kiss to the back of your head.
“Great night,” Gojo chuckled, dabbing a wet kiss onto your forehead.
“Good night,” you murmured, feeling the lull of sleep already taking over your body. You did agree with Gojo, though. It was a great night.
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A week later, you rang the bell to Geto’s and Gojo’s apartment, duffle bag slung over your shoulder. A few moments later, Gojo opened the door with a smile, already reaching out to grab the bag for you. “Hey there,” you smiled.
“Hello, hello,” Gojo sang, stepping aside so you could enter. The apartment was already fragrant with whatever Geto was cooking.
You stepped into the kitchen, seeing Geto pulling some chicken cutlets out of the oven. “Smells great,” you commented, taking a seat at the dining table. Gojo joined you at the table after putting your bag down in his room.
“Thanks, angel,” he said, resting them on the counter. “Figured I make us some dinner first.”
“It was my idea,” Gojo piped up. “It’ll give us the energy to fuck all night.”
“That’s exactly the same thing I was thinking,” you answered with a laugh. 
You were absolutely looking forward to a repeat of last week again. With the knowledge you had know, maybe it could last even longer.
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crepes-suzette-373 · 5 months
One Piece Magazine Reiju short story
I recently bought One Piece Magazine to read the Reiju short story. I don't know how to share this experience other than just straight up translating the whole thing, but it was utterly hilarious chaos with the brothers trying to cook and it just ended up being a disastrous mess.
I'll give a summary, I guess...
Reiju and her brothers went to another kingdom for a diplomatic discussion, but once they were done, the Germa ships that were supposed to pick them up got delayed by the weather. The bros can't wait so they demand the locals to be given a ship.
Niji/Yonji: "Oh good, they understand. So we don't have to steal a ship."
Well, they did tell the people that Germa will compensate them, but still.
And yeah, the guys were so hungry that they were like "Even though royals shouldn't do menial things like cooking, we're dying of hunger here so it can't be helped."
All writers apparently agree that Niji misses Sanji like an utter dumbass because in the kitchen he out of nowhere says "Didn't we used to have a younger brother called Sanji who likes to cook?"
Yonji says "Yeah, he was kind of lame" and Ichiji says there's been wanted posters of him being spread around.
(Edit: I saw another post saying that the one who brought up Sanji first is Ichiji. To be fair, in the actual text there's no dialogue tags indicating who was talking. It's definitely not Yonji, because it specified "younger" brother. I personally read this as Niji because the sentence was more informal-sounding)
Based on the info they got, Reiju is aware of Sanji's history with Baratie and the Straw Hat crew, and thinks that because he's listed as just a cook on the wanted posters and not "fighter/combatant", he's probably still not much stronger than before.
Ichiji found some pork, labelled to be from Broc Coli. Reiju mentioned that Broc Coli specialises in pig farming and the pigs have been selectively bred to improve the meat quality. Ichiji commented "Oh, it's similar to our lineage factor modification, then", but then the next second he suddenly gets mad about it himself, throws the meat to the ground and was like "How could pigs compare to our Vinsmoke royal family."
Reiju: "You brought it up yourself out of nowhere though? :/"
Ichiji is grumpy and wants to go fishing instead. With the Raid Suit. Don't know how, wasn't explained, maybe he Sparking Valkyrie'd the fishes.
Niji wants to make chocolates, but had a meltdown because the recipe calls for cooking/confectioner's chocolate. He was like "Why?? do you?? need chocolate?? to make chocolate??? If the chocolate is already there I'll just eat that directly???"
(Note: It's not making cake or brownies or anything, it's making something along the lines of chocolate truffles or milk chocolates or other forms of chocolate that isn't just straight up dark chocolate/confectioner's chocolate. He's confused because the final product is still just "chocolate")
Yonji wants to make bread because it looks easy. Reiju decided to try to make something too, and wanted to make tamagoyaki (Japanese rolled omelettes) because she remembered reading about it in a story book with Sora before.
Reiju's logic: "If a penguin (in the story book) can cook, then even a beginning like me can do it." (so much for Reiju being the rational one)
Yonji starts shouting for help. His bread is a goopy mess and is a total failure. Apparently he didn't add the yeast because the recipe says 3g of yeast, and that's almost 0, so he didn't add any. Reiju tells him to make sure to follow the steps properly.
Ichiji comes back with a giant fish, and is asking for poison check. No poison, so Reiju left him to cut the fish.
Yonji is still having trouble, and he says he had added the ingredients properly this time. The dough is still gloopy and will not firm up even after kneading. Reiju said that maybe because of the exoskeleton, their skin are too cold for the fermentation process to start activating.
Yonji is grumpy and asks if this means he can't make bread. Reiju suggest using hot water to warm his skin, but he's already really disgruntled and says that it's so lame that they have to rely on microorganisms to make bread (well, at least he knows yeast is microorganisms, not just another type of flour).
(Note: This part really does not sound right to me, honestly. Maybe this was just meant to show that Reiju and Yonji have zero knowledge in cooking, but bread dough not firming up and gloopy is usually not related to yeast or fermentation, but the gluten. Most cases that I know of are either caused by adding too much water, not enough kneading, the flour itself is not suitable for bread, or even the dough being over fermented. I've never heard of sticky dough problems being caused by hand temperature.)
(Edit: I've discovered that Japanese bread making guides do mention temperature affecting the dough, but it's nevertheless because of the gluten and not the yeast. This one might a goof on the author's side.)
Ichiji gave up fileting the fish because there's bones everywhere. he dumped all the dead fishes he caught back to the sea. Yonji gave up trying to make bread and tossed the failed dough away (and also threw away Reiju's egg attempt even though it was fine :/). Niji can't find any chocolate, so he has nothing.
They can't do anything except wait until they reach Germa and then just go "AAAAAAA FOOODD" (well, they act cool in front of the servants, but still).
Reiju herself showered and got cleaned up first before going to eat. Seeing the poisoned stonefish served, she wondered how normal chefs handle the poisonous ingredients and so she went to the kitchen to ask.
There was a young cook on cleaning duty that immediately panics, but then a senior cook named Beryl came out to answer her questions. Reiju says old lady Beryl has been there for a very long time, even before the kids were born.
Beryl explains that to treat the armoured stonefish to make it safe to eat is to let it swim in a tank with Ruby Wakame seaweed. The seaweed will absorb the toxins and after 3 weeks, the fish will change from purple to blue, and this indicates that the toxins is completely gone and it will be safe to eat.
An easier method would be to just skin the fish and take out the poisonous organs, but fish skin is a delicacy, and so the chefs would do this so they can serve cuts of the fish with the skin attached.
Reiju makes a comment that cooking must be very hard because her brothers are all picky eaters (not just Niji, apparently), but Beryl says she and the other chefs are happy to adjust the prep to make the food palatable to the boys.
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"Ichiji-sama dislikes green vegetables, but if you chop it up finely and mix it with meat dishes such as hamburg steaks, he will eat it without noticing."
Reiju: Is he a toddler?
(Note: Dunno if this is a universal thing, but it's a Japanese thing that when toddlers hate vegetables, the parents would chop up vegetables and put it in meatballs or the toddler's other favourite food so that they can get the vegetable nutrients even though the child dislikes the vegetable's taste)
"Niji-sama dislikes things with complex seasonings, so things like the sauces and such has to be made to be very simple to the utmost extent."
Reiju: That's dumb.
"Yonji-sama doesn't like food with dry texture, but if it's served to him when he gets hungry between meal times, he'll usually eat it."
Reiju: Is he a dog?
(Note: There is a section where Reiju muses that the cooks "safeguards" their meals just like how "Germa 66 protect peace". What peace? In the main series they're fine with siding with whoever, as long as they get paid. This comment doesn't make sense unless maybe she was being ironic/sarcastic here.)
Reiju apologised for bothering the cooks at this time, and Beryl then lets slip that Sanji has been to the kitchens often. When Reiju presses further, eventually Beryl reveals that Sora likes to make desserts often. Sora would say that she hoped to someday be able to cook together with her kids.
Hearing this Reiju briefly fantasised baking together with her mother and Sanji. Knowing it's just idle fantasy, though, she thanks Beryl for telling her all these and helping her appreciate cooking more.
Reiju thinks of Sanji and reevaluates her opinions on him. He's not "just" a cook. People's lives are basically in the hands of the cook, especially on long voyages at sea. She is glad that him having a place as a ship's cook means that he's found good friends who rely on him and trust him.
She then transforms, and uses her ability to suck out the poison from the fish, saying that the cooks are welcome to ask her for help to take out the poison if they need to cook with the stonefish.
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rusmii · 8 months
Can I request a oneshot where Dazai has a dream ab reader ( fem iydm) and it’s rlly detailed ( the dream ) and everything feels real? And when he awoken she was sleeping beside him which did not help his situation.
๋࣭ ⭑dream surreal ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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osamu d. x fem!reader
╰ back to navi
syp: dazai can't help but overthink a fight that might never happen. but somehow learns how to respect you as a person even more now.
tw//: dazai centric(no literally y/n is nowhere to be seen during most of it), timeline jumps a bit(a lot at the end), arguments, it's implied that dazai is nonchalant asshole whenever an argument happens, hurt/comfort, learning experience, dazai accidentally tortures himself in his sleep, mentioned drug, im kinda too tired to tag everything but since its dazai yall know the drill, i'll leave the rest up to interpretation lmk if im missing any tags
♡: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONGGG but i rlly did not like how i wrote this.. did not go the way i wanted and i tried fixing it but didn't wanna postpone it anymore so i hope i didn't dogshit it😭🤕
wc: 6k
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dazai hums to himself, skipping on the way home from work. today was your guys' 3rd anniversary, and the two of you had reserved dinner at the beachside in Yokohama. it wasn't expensive, but it didn't have to be with it having more sentiment value. it's where the two of you had your first date after all.
he fishes through his pockets to grab his keys, the tiny chinkle dangling in the air as he unlocks the door. as soon as he opened the door, he kicked off his shoes and ran into your shared bedroom, "belladonna!! are you excited for-"
"osamu." you said with venom laced in your tone. dazai stopped mid sentence, his arms now loose to the side as he stood by the entrance of the doorway. "hm?" he tilts his head, "what's the matter, bella?" dazai asks. he noticed an envelope in your hands, and pictures scattered across the bed you were standing in front of.
he could feel your glare boring holes into his soul. "don't bella me. the hell is all this?!" you nearly yell despite your close distance with each other. he looked at you with a confused face. what could have made you so mad that you were practically screaming in his face for... oh.
as dazai stepped closer to the bed he also saw the pictures more clearly.
it was pictures of him from his mafia days, along with pictures of his closest companions. ango, chuuya, mori, kouyou, the old man and oda. his breath is caught in his lungs as he stares at oda's picture. it had 'couldn't be saved' , 'RIP' , and other similar things written in a thick black marker.
there were also other multiple pictures that were taken of him murdering or torturing people from his teenage years. he bit the inside of his cheek, he remembered all those moments, the moments he couldn't take back or erase from his memory. everything was there. from the moment mori found him and brought him to his clinic, to chuuya and him meeting for the first time, and to when oda was dying in his arms.
everything was there, and he couldn't deny it. the evidence of who he really was- was shining through the roof, and he heard you opening the envelope you were hiding earlier.
he watched your movements like a hawk, watching as the contents of the envelope spilled onto the bed. there were very few bullets he used to kill his victims, the gun used; all dirty and worn down(he's pretty sure it's still broken), the drugs he's taken; the empty bottles lay around as the syringes with empty needles bounce off the bed, and lastly a paper.
you held it up, and his body went stiff as you read the contents. "dazai osamu's list of crimes. 1073 in total." dazai pursed his lips into a thin line. whoever was documenting everything couldn't get his crime count right. he committed more than 1073 crimes in total. but you didn't have to know that, did you? not when you were freaking out about his fraud.
he chuckles to himself, wait till you find out about his killings.
"what's so funny?" you squint your eyes. "nothing, but... wow.." he says, astonished as he picks up a photo of oda's orphaned children. just before they went boom. "whoever recorded every one of my moves did one hell of a job! we should invite them to our dinner date to applaud them, don't ya think [name]?" he laughs heartily.
if looks could kill, he'd for sure be near earth's core with how intense your glare was. "[name]?" he asks as you grab your phone and charger, going to the closest to grab the nearest jack you could find. "[name!]" this time, it was dazai whose voice had gone serious, "what are you doing??"
"what's it look like?" you spat back. he bit back the urge to tell you that you were overreacting and that he's a changed man, so he wouldn't ever act as he did back in the port mafia.
too bad this was dazai osamu. he didn't care about the consequences if he didn't have to think about it. you'd always come back running into his arms after a week anyway. "so what if I acted like a teenage dirtbag? I've changed, so shouldn't that matter now; and only now?"
you gawked at him like he just said something stupid, which he did. "did you just seriously say that?"
"what's the big deal?" he shrugs his shoulders, "what's done, been done."
"what's done, been done?" you repeat, "what's done, been done?!" you yell. "this- that's murder osamu! how could you just... act so nonchalant about it!?" you couldn't believe this was who your osamu really was. you'd always assume that he had a rough past, and you weren't wrong, but you got the story wrong.
"it is, but you get over it quickly. trust me on that."
you stare at him. how could you trust someone who's been lying to you the entire time you've been together? lived together? breathe the same air and become intimate with each other? your head was starting to turn from this boom of information. "It's the past. get over it." his voice now low and threatening. was this the same voice he used for his teenage dirtbag years?
"it doesn't involve you. it shouldn't and never involve you." dazai softens his voice once he realizes what kind of tone he is using. "ever," he clenched his fists, "so drop the topic."
your gaze never left the list of crimes that you let fall to the floor. you shook your head, acknowledging that this relationship wasn't going to work. not when this relationship was built on lies. "I'm sorry, dazai." you used his last name this time.
"so this is it?" dazai says, "we're ending things because I did stupid shit back then? is that it?" he presses the questions on you, but you ignore him as you slip your jacket on, opting to get your stuff later. "no dazai."
"then what?!" his voice was starting to become more frantic as soon as he realized that this might really be it. this wasn't like your usual arguments with each other. it always ends up with you crying and dashing out the door, leaving for a week, then coming back without him ever needing to apologize or talk about it.
"tell me!!" he stalks up to you and grabs your arm, but you shove him off you. "think about how I feel once in a while, you selfish jackass!!" you scream and stomped out of the apartment. dazai trailed after you until he stopped at the doorway of your guy's apartment.
"there's nothing to think about when you're a mindless, brainless worm who thinks they know what they're doing!"
you gasped at that. was that what he really thought of you? "oh! well, I'm sorry I'm too stupid for a genius like you!" you stopped midway in front of the door, "in fact, why don't you find a one night- bed to bed bitch who's willing to sit on her ass and half listen to your bitching for some cash!!"
and that was it. you walked away as he yelled at your back, not once trying to come after you. you'd return to him after a week of anger. he knows you will.
Day 1:
he marked the date mentally in his head. he always made sure to keep track of your fights. since today was the 1st day, he wasn't worried about it in the slightest bit. but he groaned. his head throbbed as he sat up on his bed, taking in the leisure sun.
it was about time to head into work, but he was already a minute late, so why rush?
he dipped his feet out of the bed, walking into the bathroom as he prepared to shower. the sound of the water running was heard as he stripped naked. once he checked that the water temperature was to his liking, he stepped inside and sighed, the water running down him, giving him a slight euphoric sensation.
for a moment or two, dazai was relishing in the water. his head was tilted back as he closed his eyes.
his mind whisked him back to the night before. the fight you two had was nothing like the others, where it'd usually formed from a petty squabble. this time, it came directly from an unknown source, and he'd like to know who recorded his timeline of events.
"come back! you don't know what the hell you're doing!!!"
he could hear himself screaming at your back. his voice loud and clear, but his bungled mind and rigid body said otherwise. he physically cringed inside the shower as he recalled every little thing he said to you.
"you need me! you can't leave me!!"
"[name], are you really going to leave me?! after you said you'd never leave!? damn hypocrite!!"
he cringed at that. of course, you'd never leave him. why would you? you love him after all! you'd never leave him! he didn't have to worry because you'd never leave him!
he let out a long breath and banged his head on the wall. well shit. maybe he should really apologize this time.
"dazai-san!" he heard his subordinate call out to him, "hmmmmnn?? what is it atsushi-kun?~" dazai couldn't sleep a wink the past night, but despite all that, his cheerful self still remained for the day.
he was currently at the agency, sleeping his ass off as he watches the tanizaki siblings go at it
"um, a package has arrived for you." the young boy holds out a small box— just a plain brown box with his name on it. To Dazai, from.
he took a look at the box, and his eyes wandered down to where it was sent from. "who sent it?" he asks, taking the box from him and setting it down on his desk. by this point, almost everyone at the agency had stopped what they were doing to nose into this situation. even kunikida had stopped writing and looked over from his desk. "dazai, what is that?"
"why, a box, of course!" he laughs and ranpo sniggers from the side, "open it, you'll regret it if you don't."
dazai became intrigued at what the lollipop sucking boy said. it wasn't everyday ranpo would warn them of something so trivial. he cut open the box from a box cutter he asked from kunikida; him complaining about how dazai never is prepared for anything.
"yeah, yeah." dazai brushes his lecture off as he opens the box, "look! it's.. a note.?" now that got his attention. he stares at it for a bit as he holds it up, inspecting the strange note that was written on black paper, the ink in white.
an argument will ensue.
what the fuck? "dazai-san, what does that mean..?" Atsushi, who was already by his side, asked out loud, "I don't know.."
was it referring to yesterday? dazai felt as if his saliva was stuck in his throat. he bit his lip as he recalled the fight you two had last night. "dazai, what's wrong? is everything okay?" this time it was from kunikida, who looked a little worried from his lack of expression.
"yeah." he whispers below his breath, "yep!" his voice now as loud as it was when he barged into the office late, "everything is A-OK!!"
"are you sure?" yosano asks, not convinced. dazai winks at her as he gives her a thumbs out, tongue sticking out. she sighs, knowing that she isn't going to get an answer from him. "well, if it isn't bothering you, then it doesn't bother us."
kenji nods in agreement. "if anything happens, don't forget to tell us." kyouka follows up, dazai smiles, and soon everyone is back to working like normal.
well, dazai is sleeping as usual.
Day 2:
dazai has woken up to the sound of someone repeatedly knocking on his door. at first, he thought it was a door to door salesman and went back to sleep, hoping that they'd get the hint and go away. but when the knocking persisted and didn't stop, he groaned, getting up from bed.
he stares at the box sitting on his nightstand, the note still inside of it. he wondered if this mysterious ghost watched every single one of your guy's previous fights.
just as he was about to grab the box again, the knocking turned into banging. dazai jumped from the sudden change of pace and hissed at the cold, hitting him as he rolled out of bed. "coming, I'm coming!" he yells from the hall of the apartment.
the banging still didn't stop, and he started to think about every single curse word he spewed at the person as soon as he opened the door.
but unfortunately he doesn't get to do so, because as soon as he opens the door he is met with nobody.
"-the hell??" he replaces and looks from right to left, checking to see if anybody ran off. he didn't notice anything off, but he saw a sign that read: look down, with an arrow pointing to the ground.
as dazai looked down, he saw another plain brown box on his doormat. one that you'd absolutely insisted that this lonely place needs. he crouched down to inspect it, making sure that it wasn't an enemy trap before picking it up and slamming his door shut with his foot.
the box was bigger, not as big but certainly not as small as the one from yesterday.
he placed the box down onto the kitchen island and walked around to find a knife. as soon as he found a small knife, he turned around to cut the tape down the middle.
the sound of the knife cutting through it; the flimsy flaps of the cardboard hovered up and down. he sets down the knife and pulls open the flaps, being met with another note and a few photos.
he picks up the note first, reading the contents.
she's upset. brush it off.
dazai threw the note to the side, not wanting to overanalyze so early in the morning. he then picks up the photos, there were two of them.
one of him and the other of you.
the photo of you was when you received a yellow envelope and the same plain brown box from the doorstep, and the other was a photo of him smiling as he held up a few things from his mafia days.
brush it off.
his eyebrows furrow as he remembered the last line of the note. "ughh!!" he groans, "it's too early for this!"
kunikida looked like he was about to burst a fuse, "dazai!" he called out to the brunette who was lazing around on the couches. "hm?" dazai looked up from where he was at, eyes going blank when he saw the red-faced kunikida stomping towards him. "get back to work!!" he yells down.
"eww!! kunikida-kun's spit particles are all over me now!!!" dazai waves his arms around, "i've been infected by the W-V!!!"
"huh?! W-V?!" kunikida spurts out, whipping out his notebook and grabbing a nearby pen, "tell me, what else do i have to look out for when identifying the symptoms?"
"hmm, let's see. since i've just gotten it, like- a second ago, the first symptom would be that you'll feel veeeeerrryyyy tired early in the mornings!!"
scribbling could be heard, "i see. what else?"
"next would be how stressed you'd get! i mean, seriously!!- kunikida, have you ever gotten yourself checked?!" dazai lets out an exasperated gasp. "oh my.. kunikida-kun...!"
"what!? what is it??"
dazai stays silent, his eyes widened, a feigned fearful expression on his face as kunikida dreads his answer. "you've been..."
"infected..!" dazai whispers the last part and kunikida's eyes blew wide open, "huh?!-"
"just kidding." dazai yawns and kunikida threw him across the room.
"what even was W-V, anyways dazai-san?" atsushi suddenly appears in his view, "hah.. atsushi is so swirly!! haha!!" he bursts out laughing, and atsushi just sighs.
"forget it, it's just another thing he made up." kunikida pushes his glasses back into place, "dazai, stop brushing things off. you'll regret it one day."
the said man stays silent, watching the blonde man walk back to his desk. whether atsushi noticed his silence or not, the white-haired boy sticks out his hand with a smile.
"i think kunikida-san is right. please don't brush the problem off."
Day 3:
"walk back safe!" atsushi waves to dazai, kyouka nodding her head, and dazai smiles at them; in acknowledgment of their words.
stepping out from the elevator, he couldn't help but think about how peaceful his day has been today.
and the words that kunikida and atsushi had said yesterday. don't brush it off. just like the note. he didn't know if it was just a coincidence or if it was related; dazai sighed as he walked past the florist shop that he used to always stop by when you used to work there. it held some great memories of his failed attempts at flirting and your coworkers hyping him up.
he looked at the 'closed' sign on the glass door: closed today! sorry for the inconvenience!:(
that's weird. usually, they were open every day. dazai glanced to his sides, stepping closer to the glass door after he made sure no one was there to witness it. he pressed his face against the glass, peering into the dark shop.
the flowers stuffed in bouquets, and potted plants scattered all around. there were rows of flowers and plants aligned on the aisles, a simple description of it under each of them. he scanned around for a few minutes before finally eyeing the flower he was looking for. the flower was your favorite flower.
he sucked in a breath as he remembered how happy you were when he gave you those flowers for your guy's third date. how surprised you were when he remembered what your favorite flower was. sure you had multiple, but there was this one flower you could name on the top of your head with ease.
it made him smile, knowing that you were happy. at that time, he didn't know that your happiness was his.
after staring for a couple minutes, dazai knew it was about time to head back, so he glanced one last time at the flower before turning on his heels and leaving for good.
a few twists and turns, and soon, dazai was back at the apartment. a shortcut! he'd like to call it. 'zai, that's stupid.' you'd laugh every time he found a new way to shorten the shortcut. 'whaaat?? it's my specialty!' he'd always reply back.
bickering would always ensue afterward, but just like all the other times, it was over within a week.
as dazai made his way down the hall of the apartment complex, he noticed someone turn down the hall and disappeared from plain sight. he didn't bother to chase after them, thinking it was another resident of the building.
he let out another groan. "of course, it'd show up at one point." he spat under his breath, speed walking closer to his door to pick up the plain brown box. as he was about to pick it up, he stopped his tracks. his mind immediately jumped back to the mysterious person who turned the corner. could it have been him?
he crouched down to the box's level, carefully picking it up to check it out. rotating the box, he shook it slightly, feeling the object inside moving.
'it's light.' he confirms. he looked back at the end of the hall where the mysterious person went to and got up with the box clutched in his arms. he stalks down the hall, his footsteps heavy as it echoed through the silent hall.
"shit." he says once he's reached the end, "what the fuck..?"
the wall that's staring back at him; mocks him. he turns around to find the same dead-end wall on the opposite end. the stairs down being elsewhere.
dazai bit his tongue, slowly backing away as he retreats back to his place. now, he knew he had problems with his head, but one thing for sure was that he did not hallucinate. and the note in front of him, stuck to his door, confirmed that all right.
don't run, face the problem. open the box. remember. happy, is she?
dazai ripped the taped paper from his door and unlocked it, almost ripping the door off its hinges. locking the door as soon as he got inside, dazai set the box down next to the other brown box on the kitchen island. he moved around it to grab a knife and walked back to stab it open.
he didn't particularly care about its contents anymore; having been fed up with the daily gifts his admirer gave him.
opening the box, he was met with a flower and another note.
he couldn't pay attention to the note. not when the flower was staring right up at him, a few petals already having been scattered around inside the box. the flower in question was your favorite flower. the stem was cut off, but the petals still retained their color. it must have been recently that the stem was cut off.
dazai slowly picked up the note. it was something he didn't expect: do you feel guilty yet?
he froze. so whoever this mysterious ghost was surely had to know about his situation. but the question was, how, though? was there a break-in? were there cameras around that he didn't know about?
that was impossible, dazai would've known if he was being watched. he was being thrown for a loop, not understanding the motive of this person. was it trying to get him to apologize? for which fight? he didn't know, but now he needed to figure it out.
as he walked to the bedroom, another note was plastered on the bedroom door.
the guilty verdict.
Day 4:
dazai had decided to take the rest of the week off. when asked why, he shrugged them off, only answering in shallow replies. they were worried, of course, but didn't want to push him. he was dazai after all; you don't question dazai.
but in actuality, dazai was focusing all his attention on his secret admirer.
he pins the notes to the corkboard, the pictures, and the flower next to their respective notes. colored yarn used as lines are a jumbled mess; crossing each other. everything was dated as well as the plain brown boxes sitting beneath the corkboard.
dazai also had a whiteboard, small but will make do.
he starts by writing down every encounter and event that could clue him closer to the culprit.
• 1st - note appears from the agency - small plain box - nothing inside • 2nd - note appears from his doormat - slightly larger than the box from 1st - 2 pics - repeated knocking • 3rd - note appears from doormat - mysterious suspect runs - dead-end - note on door - note on bedroom door - [name]'s favorite flower
that was all for now. it had been three days (four if you count today). he was anxious, awaiting the next arrival of the box. from early sunrise to the bright afternoon, there hadn't been a single commotion or hint of the next note.
dazai starts pacing back and forth in the room, his hair all shriveled and messy from the frustrated hands that ruffled through his hair.
it had been an hour after he had fallen asleep. he didn't know when or how, but he had the sense to wake up; his chest heavy as a weight sits atop him. he couldn't move, and by now, dazai could feel himself travel down memory lane.
the dark ceiling of his place; a place that he would have never considered calling home before he joined the mafia. he shivers in the cold, the lack of heating and insulation in general made him sweat like he had just gotten fighting with chuuya, and the chilly coldness of the crisp air hitting him like a storm on random nights during the monsoon season.
night after night, he would always never have enough sleep. the container being too dark for him to properly rest; the young teen is always on the lookout for nearby assassins. at some point during one of his usual sleepless nights, dazai felt a strange weight on top of him as he dozed off.
snapping himself awake, he was met with eyes that matched his, the shadow that loomed over him had no emotions, but his words spoke through dazai's core.
dazai's eyes became wide as he shot up from his spot, scrambling to sit upright as he narrowed his eyes up to the look-alike of him sitting right in front of him. "what— who..— you're me." he manages out, feeling the words clog inside his throat.
"i'm you!" the shadow happily announces, clapping its hands.
the shadow leers at dazai, the wide blood filled eyes looking right into his soul; through him as if he's reading him. "so?" dazai asks as he crosses his arms, "what did you come to tell me this time?"
the shadow titters for some time before inching closer; and closer; and closer; and closer.. until dazai can feel the cold air fanning him. "to tell you what to say whenever you're in the wrong-" it's finger poking at his chest; his heart, "-sorry."
he moves his finger up slowly, "that's all you have to say." the shadow whispers, the finger now pointing to the center of dazai's head, "or would you rather have her gone?"
"hah!" dazai guffaws, "do you really think-"
"were you thinking?"
dazai glares silently, his narrowed eyes flickering between the bed and anywhere else but him. "of course I was." he says, and it laughs, this time mockingly. "ah yes, of course you were thinking, totally thinking!!" — "shut up!" dazai screams, throwing his pillow at the shadow who disappears on impact. dazai breathed heavily as he closed his eyes, his head lolled to the side as he succumbed to slumber.
dazai sat alone on the chair, his meal getting cold as he waited for you. normally, you'd do the cooking, but this time around, he decided to do it.
it had been two weeks since you left; there was no need for a calendar if he marked every single date mentally anyway. dazai stabs the egg on his plate, the yolk oozing out of it. he had his phone charged and on at full volume at all times, waiting for a call or text, but he had received nothing.
it had been radio silent from you for the past two weeks, and it was killing him from the inside.
the silence had been deafening in his once cozy home. most of your stuff was here, but you still didn't make any indication of coming anywhere near the place. he also hadn't received any notes from his suspicious lurker.
he sighs, maybe another week?
dazai sat alone on the chair, his meal getting cold as he waited for you. normally, you'd do the cooking, but this time around, he decided to do it.
it had been a month and a half since you left; there was no need for a calendar if he marked every single date mentally anyway. dazai stabs the egg on his plate, the yolk oozing out of it. he had his phone charged and on at full volume at all times, waiting for a call or text, but he had received nothing.
it had been radio silent from you for the past month, and it was killing him from the inside.
the silence had been deafening in his once cozy home. most of your stuff was here, but you still didn't make any indication of coming anywhere near the place. he also hadn't received any notes from his suspicious lurker.
he sighs, maybe another month?
it had been close to a year since you left; there was no need for a calendar if he marked every single date mentally anyway. dazai stabs the egg on his plate, the yolk oozing out of it. he had his phone charged and on at full volume at all times, waiting for a call or text, but he had received nothing.
it had been radio silent from you for the past few months, and it was killing him from the inside.
the silence had been deafening in his once cozy home. most of your stuff was here, but you still didn't make any indication of coming anywhere near the place. he also hadn't received any notes from his suspicious lurker.
he sighs, maybe another?
dazai stares at his shaken self.
"what— who..— you're me." he manages out, feeling the words clog in his throat.
“i'm you!" dazai happily announces, clapping his hands.
dazai leers at him, his wide blood filled eyes looking right into his soul; through him as if he's reading him. "so?" he asks as he crosses his arms, "what did you come to tell me this time?"
dazai titters for some time before inching closer; and closer; and closer; and closer.. until he can feel the cold air fanning him. "to tell you what to say whenever you're in the wrong-" his finger poking at his chest; his heart, "-sorry."
he moves his finger up slowly, "that's all you have to say." dazai whispers, the finger now pointing to the center of his head, "or would you rather have her gone?"
"hah!" he guffaws, "do you really think-"
"were you thinking?"
he glares silently, his narrowed eyes flickering between the bed and anywhere else but him. "of course I was." he says, and dazai laughs, this time mockingly. "ah yes, of course you were thinking, totally thinking!!" — "shut up!" he screams, throwing his pillow at dazai who disappears on impact. he breathed heavily as he closed his eyes, his head fell to the side as he succumbed to slumber.
dazai opened his eyes, "[name]?" he asked in confusion, your figure in the tv that was in front of him. dazai found himself restricted and unable to move around, his arms and legs locked in place as the chair rocked with every movement.
he makes an annoyed sound, looking around for ways to escape, but there was nothing. dazai didn't know what kind of room this was. it was a solid plain black room filled with the void. it seemed as if he and the tv were floating in mid-air.
just then, the tv started flickering on and off, the screen glitching as the background played.
you were lazing around the house, propped on the couch, as you were mindlessly scrolling through your phone. for a minute or two, all the footage was just you laying on the couch. suddenly, the doorbell rang, and you immediately looked up with a scrunched up face. you weren't expecting any visitors this late into the night, so you assumed it was probably another door to door salesman. it wasn't until the knock came for a second time, then a third and so forth until you couldn't ignore it anymore. you got up to go confront whoever was annoying you this late at night.
suddenly, the tv was switched to a different channel. dazai could barely make out the two voices talking, the footage showing you and a shadowy person next to you. it was holding a yellow envelope, he didn't know what it was telling you but you seemed to be in disbelief as you were handed a light box filled with unknown contents.
another click, and the channel switched again. this time, it was back to where the other channel left off. you opened the door and were greeted with no one. looking around, you stepped out of the apartment a bit to scan the hall. much to your dismay, there was no one, and you had just been ding dong ditched. or at least that's what you thought before glancing down and noticed a plain brown box with a yellow envelope on it.
dazai screams from where he was, telling you not to pick it up yet. it was pointless, of course.
the channel is turned again, and it's an entirely new scenario. his yelling had stopped at that point, but it didn't ease his anxiousness. what was it going to play next? he could probably guess, but he wouldn't, wanting to witness it for himself.
he braces himself for whatever is going to play, finally feeling self-aware of everything all of a sudden. he could feel the cold, humid atmosphere surrounding him. the background noise of the tv; static.
he flicks his eyes everywhere, never leaving his sight on one thing.
dazai lets out a surprised sound when his eyes meet yours. your face in full view on the tv, the glitch having suddenly fixed itself as well as the static noise. it felt eerie as your teary face stared back at him.
"[name]?.." dazai calls out to you, "yes?" his eyes grew big, not expecting you to respond back to him.
dazai didn't know if he should keep talking or if he was starting to go crazy. "[name]?" he asks again, not believing that you were talking with him through the screen. you wipe your eyes, "what is it?"
"what's wrong, osamu?" this time, it was you asking the question. he stayed silent. "osamu?" you ask again, tilting your head as you leaned closer, your face zooming in on the screen, "hey, what's wrong? why do you look like that?"
when he didn't answer again, you lifted a hand and placed it somewhere. he didn't know where it was since it was out of frame, but he could feel the slight warmth of your touch on his hands. it was a weird feeling since both of his hands were still restrained. "osamu."
you kept calling out, "osamu-" — "i'm sorry."
it came out as a surprise for the two of you. your eyes were as wide as his, not expecting him to apologize out of the blue. "i'm sorry," he says again.
he could feel the other touch of your hand being placed onto his. "i'm sorry." this time, it was louder, his voice echoed throughout the void. your warm touch rubbing circles on his palms and the back of his hands. "i'm sorry." a broken sob left him, "im sorry; im sorry."
dazai didn't know what came over him. for some reason, he found himself unable to stop repeating his apology. it was so half assed, he could barely voice it out, and when he does, it comes out as a sob. he's sure that you could barely hear it, his voice being just above a mumble. "im- i don't know how to, i'm sorry." his head was hung low, tears dropping onto his lap; his arms and pants getting wet. he couldn't face you, not when he was snot ridden.
"you do know, and i'm proud of you." he could feel your faint lips on his forehead, a hand moving some of his bangs to the side. "don't cry samu', you're okay. you can do it, we can do it."
"what are we doing?" he sniffles.
"fixing our trust in each other."
dazai brought his head up, and your soothing voice matched the small smile you were giving him. your eyes so full of emotion and.. vulnerability. he felt shivers run down his spine, the eye contact you guys were making made him feel open. too open for his liking.
he wanted to turn away, shut down, and run away again. there was no fight, no argument, no running away if there was no problem, right? each turned down fight proved his logic to be true, the two of you always returning back to your usual routines as if the fight never happened a week ago. it was the perfect formula, a set one that the two of you established over the next few fights.
it was unfortunate that dazai would always reject your input and feelings; refusing to communicate with you because of his logic.
he didn't know what to say, all working gears in his brain stopped turning. everything was stuck, and he sat there, confused. "how?" he croaks out.
he could see your smile getting longer, the hope in your eyes brightening. "let's talk," both of your hands clamped around his, "together?"
it came out as a question, but it sounded happier.
"you're not mad?" he asked. "no, why would i be?" your soft expression remained. "because..." dazai faded off. he thought he would have known the answer to you confidently, but his genius self falters for a bit. "because.. you'll leave me anyway.."
"will always leave me, slamming the door in my face. leaving me like how everyone i tried opening up to left, died even."
by the time he's done with his rant, he's out of breath. he said it pretty fast, but you weren't his partner for no reason.
"guess even prodigies like you can be dumb as fuck sometimes." you deadpan. now that appalled dazai, "huh? what does that mean!" he felt insulted but at the same time he couldn't help but feel as if you were right.
you laugh to yourself, "osamu," you laugh, "is that what you think that i think?"
he was even more confused. why were you laughing?? this was a very serious matter, and you're just... making fun of him. "yes..? it's what everyone thinks of when they're with me."
"don't laugh!!!" he barks from the chair, "sorry! sorry!" you wipe the corners of your eyes. "what?" he pouts when he notices your distant stare.
"let's take a step back, 'kay?" you say, and suddenly the warmth of your hands disappears from his. take a step back? "don't think about it from what you've experienced. think about it from my perspective." he listens intently, taking in what you said.
"so.. you're not going to be mad at me?"
your lips curl a bit, "never. you don't have to tell me every single detail of your life, but i at least deserve the right to see you as vulnerable in front of me as i am to you."
he nods his head, finally starting to understand why you never came back after a week this time. the repressed feelings he forced you to hold back had exploded under its pressure, unable to pile anymore stress onto it. "i promise to do better for you, [name]- be better. i promise."
you gave him a teary-eyed smile, holding up your pinky, "promise?" dazai couldn't move due to his restraints but still held out a pinky nevertheless, "promise," he was looking at you so tenderly, "i promise."
the tv is turned off, and a time is displayed on it. he could hear beeping coming from somewhere. before he could try to identify where the sound was coming from and what was happening, dazai felt his slightly dried up tears roll down his cheek as he cracked his eyes open.
the beeping sound was coming from his right, and when he turned to over, he saw it was an alarm clock going off at the time you set for him to get up for work.
"what?.." he groans, wiping his wet eyes as he scans the room. it was still dark out, and the beeping kept going. "shut up." he hisses as he slammed his hand down on the alarm clock. he sighs, reaching over to your side of the bed. he knew that it was going to be another hopeless day of waiting for any calls and messages from you.
he attempted to grab more of the blanket and a pillow from your side but was met with something; someone already there. dazai jumps back surprised, not expecting anybody to be sleeping there. since it was still dark out, he couldn't really make out the shadowy person on his bed.
"hn.. dazai?" you groan, feeling him poke at your side. when you got no answer, you turned around in concern to see an upright dazai staring down at you in shock. "dazai?" you question him, slowly sitting up.
"you- you're back.."
you stare at him in confusion, "uh- i've been here?" he stares back. you could see the glisten in his eyes despite it being dark out. "dazai?" — "i'm sorry." he cries out all of a sudden.
you were being tackled onto your back, "what- dazai?! what's wrong??" you caught yourself before you fell off the bed, quickly wrapping your arms around him as you massaged his head.
"dazai! answer me!" you say, trying to push him off of you to no avail, "dazai!-" — "please don't leave." his voice was barely above a whisper, "just- stay. please. i'll talk to you.. when i'm ready."
you could tell he was in hysterics. you didn't know the reason why or how he came to be, but you laid there, giving his back and head gentle massages. "okay, i'll be right here with you then. you gave him a gentle kiss on his head, holding him in your embrace.
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°° ©churuai ; don't repost my works to other sites, copy/plagiarize my works, or translate my works into a different language without my permission. if you intend to use most of my ideas from a post of mine, please don't forget to credit ♡
rbs and comments appreciated <3<3
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rottenpumpkin13 · 5 months
AGSZC go camping at the beach! What happens?
Sending you good vibes!
Things That Happen At The Beach
• Genesis thinks it's funny to tie a piece of bread onto a string and annoy some seagulls. He ends up getting harassed by the seagulls.
• Angeal leaves Zack alone at the beach for five minutes, when he comes back Zack is instructing a Zumba class.
• Sephiroth and Genesis try surfing (competitively) but they both get wiped out by a dolphin.
• It's Cloud's first time at the beach and he's very excited. Oh, look! A beach iguana. Maybe he should feed it some snacks :)
• Cloud gets chased by the iguana.
• Angeal is building the bonfire, Genesis suggests he use materia but Angeal is adamant about "returning to nature" and doing things "the old school way." They're arguing over this, meanwhile Zack has grabbed the guitar and is doing a happy, upbeat cover of Mad World. Genesis and Angeal are screaming in the background.
• Meanwhile Sephiroth and Cloud are setting up the tents.
Cloud: Um, not that I'm complaining, but why can't we go to a hotel instead?
Sephiroth: Good question. *he turns around* Angeal, why can't we go to a hotel?
Angeal: N A T U R E *throws his flip flop at Sephiroth*
• Zack and Cloud build some sandcastles! But the group of little kids a few feet away from them are building a whole sand city and now Zack makes it his mission to out-do the children. It's all going great until a little girl shouts that their sand castle looks terrible and calls Zack an unkind word not meant for kids. Zack as to then explain to Cloud that he cannot fight a child.
• Genesis convinces Sephiroth to let him bury him in the sand. Genesis digs a hole, makes Sephiroth get inside, turns around to pick up his shovel, then when he turns around again Sephiroth is gone. He's convinced Sephiroth san into the sand, so he spends ten minutes frantically digging trying to save him. And then Sephiroth shows up again. He has a churro. A vendor walked by and Sephiroth had gone to buy a churro. Genesis harasses him with the shovel.
• Angeal forces the four of them to go out fishing and "earn their dinner" while he sets up the rest of their camp. They set out on two jet skis. Four of them go, three come back.
Cloud: We caught the fish.
Angeal: Uh, where's Sephiroth?
*They all scramble to get back on the jet skis because they forgot Sephiroth on a rock in the middle of the ocean*
• Zack and Cloud are hanging out under a big beach umbrella, watching Sephiroth, Angeal and Genesis in the water playing volleyball.
Zack: Man, aren't the guys so cool? How can they stay that deep in the ocean and still play?
Cloud: Oh, ouch! Genesis hit Sephiroth with the ball. I think his nose is bleeding!
Zack: I'm telling you, Spike, I wish I had their courage. I'd be so scared of a shark showing up.
Cloud: Yup! His nose is broken. Uh oh, he looks mad. Genesis isn't helping his case by laughing.
Zack: Do you like volleyball? I like volleyball, but I don't think I could play that well in the water.
Cloud: Sephiroth has produced Masamune out of nowhere.
Zack: To be honest, I'm not that great on land either.
Cloud: He's drowning Genesis.
Zack: You know what would be a cool sport to play in the water? Basketball!
Cloud: Zack I'm witnessing a murder.
Zack: Man, I wish water-basketball were possible!
Cloud: Where'd Genesis go? OH! Now Sephiroth is fighting Angeal.
Zack: Do you think it's possible, spike?
Cloud: That's it. I'm calling the police.
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multi-fandomfuckboy · 2 years
Stranger Than Fiction
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Part 1: Welcome to Hawkins
(Slowburn) Billy Hargrove x Reader
...Part 2, ...(Masterlist)
A/N: I would like to say that I have recently tested positive to Covid and will be out of work until the 17th of July. This sucks, kind of, because I love my job. But, it also means that 98% of my time will not be dedicated to this fic… It has kind of spiralled out of control and I have written so much already. I hope you guys like this and although the main character's eventual pairing will be with Billy Hargorve, this is a SLOW burn, it is going to take a while because the reader knows how valuable they are and would never settle for the abusive asshole Billy is when he is first introduced. We are here for the DEVELOPMENT. No matter what, I enjoyed writing this. I hope you enjoy reading it.   Word Count: 2,472 Warnings: mentions of death, trauma, guilt
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Billy Hargrove was an asshole. There was no way around it. He was rude, crude, drank like a fish, and smoked like a chimney. He had his mothers eyes and his fathers temper.
In a seemingly random series of events you found your fate tangling with his. It’s hard for you to say exactly when this convergence began. But, it was most likely around the time your world turned upside down. 
When Will Byers disappeared in November of 1983, you were one of the first people questioned. You were 17 at the time but you had been babysitting in Hawkins since you were 14. It was just your mom and you for as long as you could remember. Your mom was a nurse at Hawkins General Hospital and worked the night shift. She always made sure you had enough but that didn't stop you from helping with the bills where you could. 
You regularly worked for the Wheelers, and even got paid extra on campaign nights. Normally it wasn’t a bad deal. Mike, Dustin, Will, and Lucas were always well behaved. All you really had to do was watch them, feed them, put them to bed, and make sure they didn't die. Sounds simple, right? Unfortunately, Hawkins was cursed. 
Will didn't make it home that night and your life would forever be altered by the madness that ensued. 
You had been wracked with guilt when you heard one of your kids had gone missing. Nancy tried to reassure you that there was nothing you could have done. You had been watching them all day and when you had left that night, they were still playing D and D. There had been plenty of people in the house, including Nancy. She even tried to invite you to come along with her and Barb to Steve’s party. She said it would help get your mind off things and just relax, like the three of you always did. You almost accepted. Almost.
You would never fully forgive yourself for turning them down. Even when Barb had called you that night, begging you to come so she wouldn’t have to be the fifth wheel. You refused, giving her some half baked excuse about having a headache. 
That would be the last conversation you had with her.
You planned to apologise to both of them the next day, after school. You would make it up to them. Rent a sappy romantic movie, eat popcorn, and they could tell you all about the party. Those hopes would soon die when Nancy explained what had happened at the party and how she hadn't seen Barb since the night before. The two of you went over to the Harrington’s place, looking for any sign of your lost friend. That afternoon in the woods would be your first brush with the paranormal. 
Going to the police got you nowhere. The guilt ate at your insides until you were desperate for answers. So, when Johnathan Byers  told you about monsters coming out of walls, you believed him. 
That night in the woods, when Nancy disappeared, it nearly broke you. How was it possible for you to lose so many people. It just wasn't fair. You cried when Johnathan pulled her from the hole in the tree. Your relief would be short lived. When Nancy described the other side it turned your insides. Just imagining Barb trapped in a place like that… you would have done anything to rescue her. 
You had never had many friends but Nancy and Barb were the best friends a girl could ask for. The three of you had become instant friends when you first met as children. They were a year behind you in school but were so smart and always helped you to understand the subjects you were weaker in. They were the only reason you were passing pre-calculus and that you had any socialisation outside of babysitting. Whatever that thing was, you were going to find a way to beat it and rescue Barb. 
You, Nancy, and Johnathan made plans to lure in the monster and kill it. There was a slight snag in the plan when Nancy saw what Tommy H. had written on the theatre board and Johnathan ended up in handcuffs. Luckily, Jim Hopper was the closest thing you had to a dad. Well, more like a drunk uncle. You were thankful he believed all of you when you explained what was happening. Having Hopper in your corner mady you feel a million times better. Unfortunately, the feeling was not mutual. Hopper made it very clear how he felt about you being involved in all this. If you weren’t as stubborn as him, he would have made you go home. 
When he saw how determined you were to save Barb he couldn't help but smile, pulling you into a tight hug. He grumbled that it was no use, that you were just like your old man. It always made you weirdly happy and sad at the same time when he said things like that. You couldn’t remember much about your dad, he had died before you got the chance to really know him. You knew that He and Hopper had served together in the Army. But, Hopper didn't like to talk about it much. 
When you were all on the same page, you managed to contact Mike on the radio after you remembered it was how the little group liked to communicate. Seeing the kids all together again made you happy they were safe but you couldn't help but feel the void left by Will. You knew Nancy felt it too. There was something unspoken between the two of you. Like you couldn’t look each other in the eye without thinking of Barb. It made your heart ache. 
When the time came for El to find Barb and Will, you could barely breathe. Then you heard the young girl murmur a single word. 
Gone. Barb was gone, and it was all your fault. It felt like someone had scooped out your insides. All you could think about was Barb and how you should have been there for her. But now it was too late, she was gone forever. You didn’t realise you were crying until Hopper pulled you into his arms.
“It wasn’t your fault, kid.” he had said, squeezing you tightly. His words fell on deaf ears. You felt numb, like the world wasn’t really there. You watched him leave with Joyce, on the way to rescue Will…
You sat alone in the empty halls of the Middle School, drowning in your own thoughts, until you felt Nancy sit next to you. She didn’t look at you, only taking your hand and stating, in an eerily calm voice, “We’re going to kill it.”
Then the numbness inside of you gave way to a new feeling. It was a hot feeling that spread through you, burning. Vengeance.
You, Nancy, and Johnathan gather your supplies, set the trap, and slit your palms. Then, you waited. There were a thousand things you thought could happen that night. But, Steve Harrington showing up was the last among them. And it only went south from there. 
After the first attack you were shaken. You would have run out of the house with Steve if it weren’t for the thought of Barb alone. That thing was the reason you felt this way. It was the reason your friend was gone. You were going to kill it, or die trying. You gripped your father’s colt .45 and stood with your back against Nancy and Johnathan.
It all happened so fast. The gun in your hand jerked as you fired round after round into the monster. You turned around and for a split second, your eyes locked on Nancy’s. You saw the fear there an instant before sharp claws raked through the flesh of your back. You felt the warmth of your own blood gushing down your back, then the pain. That’s the last thing you remember about that night.
You don't remember Steve coming back, saving you with the spiked bat, Jonathan setting the thing on fire, or when all three of them hauled your limp body into the back of Steve’s car.  
You wouldn’t be there for the reunion with Will or for the celebration of his return. You would miss Christmas and New Years. You wouldn't regain consciousness until the second week of January, 1984. Sometimes you would get flashes, little pieces of that time. Nancy’s voice, someone squeezing your hand, the beeping of monitors. But mostly it was your mom crying. 
When you woke up you were alone. It felt like your mouth was made of sandpaper and when you opened it to speak, nothing came out. It took you a moment to realise you were in a hospital and when you moved to sit up, pain shot down your spine. Every bone in your body was aching and each movement sent new waves of pain along your back. Before you had another second to think, you heard a gasp from the doorway. Your mother dropped the coffee she had been carrying in her rush to your side. Her eyes were filled with fresh tears and she was rambling a million miles a minute. Asking you questions, looking you over, making sure you were actually awake. You were happy to see her but little did you know that this would be the norm for the coming months. 
You were never alone. There were always nurses, or doctors, or men in suits. Everyone had questions. How were you feeling? Where was the pain? What do you remember? After a week it got old and after a month it was downright maddening. 
As far as anyone knew, you had fallen victim to a bear attack. It would have been simple, if it was only the flayed flesh of your flanks that needed to heal. Unfortunately, the infection that set in made things complicated. The government sent specialists to look after you and keep things under wraps. They kept you in a facility, only allowing certain people to care for you.
The fevers were hard to shake, they were treating you with so many different drugs you lost track. When your fever broke, you always started to feel better, but somehow it always came back. 
They concluded that it was most likely some type of virus that had been transmitted to you via the creature's claws. There was only so much they could do. As the weeks went on, the time between flare ups grew longer. When you were finally well enough to have visitors, all interactions were closely monitored. 
Your most frequent visitors were your mom, Hopper, Nancy and Steve. Jonathan stopped by sometimes, but not often.
When school started again you were still unable to sit up on your own. Nancy and Steve undertook the task of keeping you up to date on your school work. With not much else to focus on, besides your pain, you had a lot of time to study. Your grades weren’t half bad, all things considered. 
When you weren't doing catchup work for school or visiting or being poked and prodded by doctors, you wrote. It had always been a passion of yours and more recently it had become a means of escape. Being trapped in that sterilised linoleum prison was driving you mad. So when you felt the walls closing in around you, the only way out was with a pen and paper.
Before everything, you would write about fantasy worlds and romantic adventures. Stories where the heroes triumphed and love conquered all. But now, you couldn’t seem to conjure up those scenarios. The tales that came to life on your page now were darker. There were no good guys or love stories, there were only tales of fear and those things that haunt us when we are alone at night. Stories about the horrors hiding in the shadows all around us.  
No one read these stories but you.
After 6 months of treatments, recovery, and rehab, you were finally discharged. Going home somehow made you feel even stranger. Things were the same but somehow profoundly different. Your mom had taken a couple shifts off work to look after you when you got home. You were thankful for her but there was no hiding the amount of stress she had been under while you were in the hospital. She had always had circles under her eyes but in the past few months they seemed to grow darker. 
You tried to go back to the way things were. You hung out with Steve and Nancy, listened to them talk about their lives and plans for the future. You were happy for them, it seemed like they had really grown. But for some reason, it left a sour taste in your mouth. You felt like all they wanted to talk about was the future but all you could think about was the past. You eventually stopped going with them, always giving excuses about headaches. And eventually, they stopped asking. 
You found yourself alone a lot. Not that you minded. After having 8 months of constant supervision, you could use some alone time. The walls in your home started to remind you too much of being stuck in the hospital. So, you liked to be outside. You would go for long walks almost every day. It felt good to be outside. Freeing. 
You would leave your house early in the morning, after your mom got back from her shift. You would take a small bag, packed with a water bottle, a book, and your journal. You would pick a new direction every day, always finding new places you haven't walked yet. When you got tired you would find a quiet place to sit and read or write or just think. 
You thought about Barb often. You tried to think about all the good times you had together. How she always managed to explain things so you could understand. All the sleepovers the two of you had. She was so smart and kind. You missed being able to call her just to talk. You avoided thinking about how her last moments must have felt. How alone and scared she must have been. Each time your thoughts turned to it you could feel yourself recoil. It felt like touching a hot stove. 
Sometimes you couldn't help it. You would think about that last conversation you had with her. How you had been so selfish and dismissive of her. Then you would cry as you walked. 
That's the way things went for a while. Then, one day in the middle of July things changed. You would never forget the first time you met Billy Hargrove. 
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A/N: Hope you guys like it so far! This was just a little background before the actual story starts. Let me know what you guys think!
... Part 2, ...(Masterlist)
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depressedhouseplant · 5 months
🔞 Cops & Robbers 🔞
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Chapter 8
Tags: Smut, mentions of torture, murder, & prostitution, significant age difference (roughly 20 yrs) between Eric & Felix
A/N: Here’s the much anticipated Eric / Felix crossover! Also I gave y’all a hint about The Mad King in one of the JFW posts. Think you can find it? 😈
“Felix what the fuck?” Eric stormed into the office and slammed the door behind him.
“Good morning to you, too,” the blond looked up at him.
“You tortured Younghoon and killed Chanhee? Are you nuts?” He demanded.
“Technically Jisung and Changbin killed Chanhee,” Felix replied. “But you are correct that I was party to torturing the cop.”
“Juyeon’s got Changbin locked in his basement right now and he won’t let him leave there in one piece,” Eric told him. “If he finds out that you ordered it then you’ll be dead before you hit the ground.”
“What makes you think I ordered it and I wasn’t carrying out someone else’s request?” Felix leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms.
“Since when do you take orders from anyone?” Eric asked.
“Was that a rhetorical question or do you want the actual answer?” The other man questioned.
“Don’t lie to me,” Eric glared.
“You have no idea who runs this city. Juyeon might think he’s in charge, but he’s not. There’s a layer to this that none of you realize. You think we popped up out of nowhere? We started making ourselves known because we were told to. You’ve known me long enough to know that,” Felix replied.
“That’s not an answer,” the younger man snapped.
“Sit down and I’ll tell you what I know. However, you’ll put a target on your own back in the process,” Felix told him. Eric sat and stared at the blond.
“Jisung got himself killed because he fucked up. Changbin is in Juyeon’s basement because he fucked up. I’m walking around freely and breathing because I can follow simple instructions. They were told to leave both of them alive and ignored a direct order. However, by killing Chanhee they gave us leverage against Younghoon. A person is far more inclined to talk when they’ve got a dead body in the room. I suspected he didn’t know anything, but since I like my head still attached to my neck, I did what I was told. We let him go and he went straight to Juyeon like we thought he would. Though I have to say I didn’t anticipate Juyeon being as loyal to Younghoon as he is,” Felix told him.
“Who the hell is ‘we’? You got a mouse in your pocket?” Eric demanded.
“Have they told you about The Mad King yet?” Felix leaned forward.
“He’s a story,” Eric replied.
“He’s very real and very powerful. He’s only seen when he wants to be seen,” the other man said.
“If he’s real, he has to be old,” Eric was skeptical.
“I don’t know his exact age, but he’s definitely in his 50s. If you make it to that age living the life we live, you’re either very lucky or very good. He’s very, very good,” Felix shrugged.
“Let’s say I believe that he’s real. Why?” Eric asked.
“What do you mean why?” Felix repeated.
“Why are you working for him? How did you meet him? What the hell is going on here?” Eric expounded.
“He approached me several years ago. I thought the same thing you did. It was a bunch of bullshit and he was some old guy cosplaying as a story that’s been around since most of us were toddlers. I wasn’t going to agree to work for him until he proved that he was who he said he was. I know you weren’t working for Juyeon at the time, but he was able to disrupt his business like I’d never seen before. He was able to evade Sunwoo’s searches for days, if not weeks. Juyeon only calls Sunwoo when his normal methods don’t work. I thought Sunwoo was unbeatable, but he proved me wrong. It was in my best interest as a small fish in a big pond to accept his offer. Once he decided he could trust us is when he started causing trouble for Juyeon again. You ended up in jail because that’s where he wanted you,” Felix explained.
“So why kidnap Younghoon and Chanhee?” Eric asked.
“That I don’t know. All I know is he wanted us to kidnap them and figure out what they knew through any means necessary. As I said, he only knows what he wants you to know and only sees what he wants you to see,” the blond answered.
“I should tell Juyeon all of this,” Eric said.
“And if you do then you’re not only risking your life, but their lives. Let him do what he wants to Changbin and keep your head down,” Felix advised.
“And if he asks?” The younger man continued.
“It’s up to you whether or not you tell him,” he replied.
“Are you really going to let him kill Changbin?” Eric asked.
“I doubt he will, but if he does then that’s on him,” Felix cocked his head.
“You really don’t give a shit about anyone, do you?” Eric scoffed.
“I give a shit about you. If I didn’t then we wouldn’t be having this conversation. You wouldn’t have even gotten through the door,” Felix told him.
“Would you save me if The Mad King tried to kill me?” Felix was silent. “That’s all I needed to know.”
Eric got up to leave and Felix reached out to grab his wrist.
“Let go,” he tried to jerk his arm away, but the other man only tightened his grip as he moved around the desk.
“I’ll protect you until I can’t,” he said.
“Yeah, sure,” Eric snorted.
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Eric,” Felix pulled him closer and kissed him. Eric returned the kiss. Felix let go of Eric’s wrist, putting his hands on the younger man’s face. “You’re such a fucking idiot sometimes.”
“If I’m such an idiot why are you kissing me?” Eric breathed, pushing Felix into the chair and climbing into his lap.
“Because I’m an idiot,” Felix retorted. Eric ground his ass against Felix’s cock, eliciting a moan from the older man.
“You like that? When Juyeon’s pretty little errand boy makes you hard?” Eric’s lips brushed against Felix’s ear. His grip tightened on Eric’s waist.
“I like when Juyeon’s little errand boy does what he’s told,” Felix turned his head to look at Eric. His eyes were almost black with desire. It was how Eric liked him best - horny, angry, and completely his.
“What makes you think I’ll listen?” he asked, leaning back to unbutton Felix’s shirt.
“Because you want my dick,” the older man replied as he pulled Eric’s shirt over his head.
“And you want me on your cock so I guess we agree on that,” Eric smirked. He pinched one of Felix’s nipples hard causing his hips to buck.
“Goddammit Eric,” he huffed.
“Tell me how much you want me,” the younger man said.
“And if I don’t?” Felix weaved his fingers in Eric’s hair.
“I’ll leave,” he shrugged. Felix yanked his hair, snapping Eric’s head back so his throat was completely exposed.
“No, you won’t,” he bit down where Eric’s neck curved into his shoulder. Eric grunted, unable to scream because of the angle of his neck.
“Say it,” he gasped.
“Say what? You’re my vice? My competition’s pretty little errand boy is my forbidden pleasure? That I think of you when I’m fucking someone else?” Felix replied, releasing Eric’s hair. The two men watched each other for a moment - half clothed, hair askew, lips swollen - taking in Felix’s admission.
“You…think about me when you’re with someone else?” Eric swallowed hard.
“Ever since that first night,” Felix confirmed.
“That’s almost 3 years,” Eric said.
“Two years, ten months, and five days if you want to be specific,” the older man smirked.
“How much?” the younger man asked.
“I have to keep up appearances, but a lot less than I used to,” Eric didn’t like that Felix was being intentionally vague. “They’re both professionals before you assume I just stick my dick anywhere.”
“You think about me when you’re with a hooker?” Eric questioned.
“I think about you more than I care to admit,” Felix purposely dodged the question. Eric hated when he did that.
“I think about you a lot too,” Eric agreed. For the first time since Eric stormed in, Felix smiled a genuine smile. “I know I shouldn’t be here.”
“No, you shouldn’t,” Felix confirmed.
“And I shouldn’t be doing this,” Eric kissed him.
“No, you shouldn’t,” the older man breathed. “I shouldn’t want to fuck you so good that I’ll ruin you for anyone else.”
“No, you shouldn’t,” Eric ran his hands down Felix’s chest, tracing the outlines of his abs.
“Yet here we are,” Felix stated.
“Ruin me,” the words spilled out before Eric could stop them. Felix’s eyes darkened, if that was even possible, and smirked.
“Gladly,” he replied. “Up.”
Eric stood up, pulling Felix up with him.
“Take off your pants,” Felix breathed against Eric’s mouth as he kissed him again.
“Why don’t you do it yourself?” Eric nipped at Felix’s lower lip. The other man reached down between them, unbuttoning and unzipping Eric’s jeans. He pushed his underwear down, releasing Eric’s cock.
“Hard already for me I see,” he purred, stroking the younger man’s dick.
“Like you aren’t,” Eric squeezed Felix through his pants.
“The better to fuck you with, my dear,” the older man smirked. He nodded Eric over to the couch on the far side of the room. Eric kicked off his jeans and underwear as Felix fetched a bottle of lube from his desk.
“Has anyone figured out you keep that in there?” Eric asked.
“No one’s allowed in here without an invitation,” Felix replied as he removed the rest of his clothes.
“I came in without an invitation,” Eric pointed out.
“And look where that got you,” Felix pinned Eric’s hip against the couch, starting to work him open.
“You say that like I don’t want to be in this position,” the younger man wiggled his hips trying to get more of Felix’s fingers inside him.
“Why are you always so impatient?” Felix teased. He brushed against Eric’s prostate, eliciting a loud moan.
“Just my nature I guess,” Eric replied.
“Maybe I need to teach you some patience at some point,” Felix was four fingers deep in him, teasing his most sensitive spots every few strokes. Eric arched his back and whined. “But I like you like this too much. Needy, whiny, and wet.”
“I’m not -,” Eric protested. Felix pressed his finger in the slit and Eric’s cock oozed precome. “Okay, fine.”
“Of course I’m right,” Felix grinned. He withdrew his fingers, watching as Eric’s hole fluttered around nothing. “So pretty like this.”
“Hurry up,” the younger man grunted.
“I spoil you,” Felix kissed him as he finished stripping and lubed up his cock.
“I thought you were going to ruin me?” Eric looked up at him.
“Ruining you and spoiling you aren’t mutually exclusive,” Felix told him as he pushed into Eric. Eric reached over his head and held on to the arm of the couch. Felix planted one foot on the floor and began fucking into the younger man. “You’re mine.”
“Yours,” Eric whimpered.
“Will you say my name? When you’re being fucked by someone else? Will you think of me when someone else has their dick in you?” He taunted.
“No, only you. I belong to you,” Felix Lee was the last person Eric should be promising himself to. His duties as the courier allowed him to come and go with almost no supervision. No one would question why he was gone for protracted periods. No one questioned his loyalty either. He worked for Juyeon, but Felix owned him. The older man owned every part of him. Eric hated that about himself.
“Stop thinking,” Felix ordered. Eric snapped his attention back to the present.
“Sorry,” he mumbled.
“Don’t apologize, just focus on me,” Felix snapped his hips faster, creating an obscene slapping sound when they met Eric’s ass.
“Can they…” Eric began.
“No one can hear us right now,” Felix replied. “Why don’t you make some noise?”
He reached down and grabbed Eric’s cock, pressing hard against the slit. Eric grunted and tightened his grip on the couch.
“Louder,” the older man told him.
“Felix, please,” Eric moaned.
“Please what?” He looked down at the younger man.
“Please let me come,” he whined.
“What did I say? Needy, whiny, and wet,” Felix stopped the motion of his hips and swirled the precome around the tip of Eric’s cock. Eric was almost in tears as Felix played with him. With a well timed thrust, Felix sent Eric over the edge. He smiled as Eric thrashed and arched under him.
“Felix,” Eric reached up to touch the other man’s face when he finished.
“I know,” he replied, fucking into Eric as hard as the position would allow. He painted Eric’s insides white, emptying everything he had into his body. Felix fell on top of Eric when he finished. “Ruined?”
“Ruined,” Eric confirmed. They rested like that for a few minutes.
“I’m getting sticky,” Felix observed. He got up and wiped them both off. Come leaked out of Eric’s ass onto his thighs and the couch. “Guess I’ll need to get that cleaned.”
“You mean you don’t want your come all over the couch?” Eric teased as he got dressed.
“Not at the moment, no,” Felix replied. Then there was a loud knock on the door. Felix and Eric looked at each other.
“Under the desk,” Felix instructed. Eric nodded and practically dove under it.
“Come in,” Felix called as he sat back down.
“Mr Lee,” Eric thought he recognized the voice.
“Felix, please. You’re the cops?” Felix replied. Eric remembered hearing Younghoon and Juyeon talking about other cops.
“Yes, I’m Jeong Yunho and this is Choi Jongho,” he introduced.
“Have a seat,” Felix shifted in the chair. Eric pressed his back against the side of the desk and willed himself to stop sweating. Felix adjusted his legs, spreading them so Eric could see him getting hard again. A meeting with a pair of dirty cops couldn’t be making him horny again.
“I apologize for making you wait. I had an earlier appointment that went longer than expected,” Eric heard Felix above him.
Yeah, impromptu dick appointment, Eric thought.
“That’s fine. I know you’ve got two of your men missing,” it was a different voice this time.
“Is that why you’re here?” Felix asked. He adjusted his legs again, spreading them even wider. Eric reached up and carefully undid his belt and unzipped his pants. Did zippers always sound this loud? He bit his lip to stay quiet and managed to push Felix’s underwear down far enough to release his cock.
“I don’t suppose you know anything about that,” Felix said, his voice not betraying what was going on under the desk. Eric got on his knees and took the tip of Felix’s dick in his mouth. He’d never actually had Felix’s cock in his mouth before. He tasted better than Eric imagined. He wasn’t sure what exactly he’d imagined, but he was going to have a very hard time not sucking him off like it was his last dying act.
“We got a report of a body that might fit the description of one of them,” Yuhno said. Felix reached down and put his hand on the back of Eric’s head urging him to go further. Just as casually, Felix brought his hand back up knowing he’d given Eric the direction he needed.
“I heard the same thing, however I haven’t been able to confirm anything. Were you?” he replied. Eric steadied himself on Felix’s knees then swallowed him down completely. Felix didn’t react which under any other circumstance would have been insulting. Eric was determined to get him to react. He hollowed out his cheeks and began sucking on cock before pulling back to roll the tip around in his mouth. Felix shifted, but nothing that would be seen as unusual.
“We’ve been supervising a river search for the past few days, but we’re going to the morgue later today,” Jongho told him. Eric swallowed Felix down again and this time pressed his finger against Felix’s taint. His cock twitched in Eric’s mouth.
Eric pressed harder as he focused on the spot below the head. Felix’s thighs clenched under his grip. Eric tried to get his finger back to Felix’s hole, but couldn’t quite reach it with the way Felix was sitting. Sensing Eric’s frustration, Felix shifted again to allow Eric to press the pad of his finger against his entrance. Precome pooled in Eric’s mouth. He pushed the very tip of his finger into Felix’s hole. His thighs tensed again and his cock jerked in Eric’s mouth. Felix brushed his hand over the top of Eric’s head.
“A river search?” He repeated.
“For one of the missing police employees,” Yunho added.
“Did you find anything?” Felix asked. By this point, Eric was rutting his own hips against nothing as he pushed Felix toward his orgasm. With one final push of the first knuckle into Felix’s body, he came down Eric’s throat. Eric forced himself not to gag as come kept pouring into his mouth. He swallowed it until Felix finally finished and gently pushed Eric’s head onto his thigh. Eric tucked him back in and opened his own pants. He began fisting his own cock desperately.
“We did. We found Choi Chanhee,” Jongho told him.
“And Kim Younghoon?” Felix asked. Eric was biting his lip so hard he thought he might bleed. He desperately needed to come.
“We have reason to believe he’s still alive,” Yunho replied. Finally, Eric felt his balls start to tighten. He bit down hard on Felix’s thigh as he came all over the floor and his hand. Felix didn’t so much as twitch when Eric’s teeth sunk into his leg.
“I assume our mutual employer is aware of that?” Felix said.
“He is,” Jongho replied.
“Excellent. Anything else?” He asked.
“No,” they replied.
“Thank you for coming to visit personally. I appreciate it,” Felix told them. The silence went on a little too long.
“Right, yes, we’ll let you know when we find something,” Jongho said. Eric heard them get up and the door close. Felix rolled back the chair to look down at Eric.
“You are a menace,” he said.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy me sucking you off while you’re trying to hold a conversation,” Eric grinned up at him.
“Touché,” Felix sighed. “I meant what I said earlier. I’ll protect you until I can’t anymore,” Felix stroked Eric’s cheek with his thumb.
“How long is that?” Eric asked.
“As long as I’m alive,” Felix replied. Eric had definitely not expected that answer.
“Thank you,” Eric rested his head on Felix’s knee.
“Always,” the older man replied.
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autumnalwalker · 4 months
Find The Word Tag
Thank you for the tag, @toribookworm22.
My words to find were quiet, dare, & token.
Passing the tag to @andromedaexists, @blind-the-winds, @oh-no-another-idea, and the usual open tag to anyone else who wants it.
You words to find shall be jolt, remote, & toy.
Now, time for Lacuna mixing trans angst with mad science!
Quiet: Empty Names - 21 - Changeling Child
“I don’t want her to worry about me,” she mumbles.  “Same for Road.”
“You mean to say that becoming stuck as a faceless imitation of a human being all night is not cause for concern?”
“It’s fine!” Lacuna snaps defensively and then shrinks back from her own raised voice.  “It’s fine,” she says more quietly.  “I’m fine.  I’m fine.  It’s a problem I’ve been working for a while now and that’s not even the worst thing that’s happened to me so far.�� And the enchantment had a safety timer built in, so I would have been fine.” She raises her head, looking through Ashan rather than at him.  “Compared to some of the other mishaps, this one actually felt… nice?  It was quiet.  Like all the thoughts going in my head all the time finally shut up for once and let me just be.  Awareness without a sense of self to be aware of and in a room with no external stimulus.”  She slaps a hand to her forehead and laughs.  “Okay, wow, that does sound bad when I say it aloud, but I promise I’m fine.  It was actually about as restful as sleeping, I’m just a bit frazzled right now from the sudden jolt back into things.  And probably dehydration.  And maybe low blood sugar.  But I’m good now.  Mostly”
Dare: Empty Names - 10 - Cleanup
She suspects those two hadn’t really needed saving themselves, but Glassheart had definitely made it easier for them to get those last two passengers out unharmed.  And he’d looked amazing doing it, no matter which point of view she watched the feed from.  The fluttering dress, the flowing wand motions, and that conjuration at the end.  Goddess, now that was the sort of working that she’d only ever heard about.  Having gotten to see it, even remotely, is almost enough to take the sting out of wishing that could have been her out there doing that, being even half that useful.  Half that brave.  Half that - dare she even think it? - that beautiful.
She indulges a self-deprecating chuckle.  All this, all her… well her everything and now she finds herself wishing she could be like a guy.  Well, to be fair, it’s one specific guy whom she would still be mistaking for a girl if someone hadn’t said something.  Yeah, no one ever needs to know about that mixup.  Seriously, of all people, she should know better by now than to assume.  At least she’d realized her mistake before she actually said anything.  That would have been mortifying.
Token: Empty Name - 17 - Embedded Media
She takes off her gloves, reaches into a cargo pocket on her pants, and fishes out a thin metal sheet, slightly longer and wider than her open hand with the fingers pressed together.  A spiraling, branching mess of mutilated glyphs cover both sides, one for the incantation recording and one for the desired end effect.  
Small, simple changes compounded over time.  That’s the way to do it.  Just alter one body part at a time, and control the speed of the ritual to keep the change gradual, only pushing further when it feels right.  
She’d tried almost this exact same experiment a week back, and the change had lasted a solid twenty minutes after the ritual ended.  Far longer than the seventeen seconds she got out of the full body attempt, but still shorter than what someone with proper training and experience could pull off and nowhere near permanent.  Shortly after she started visiting Crossherd regularly she’d found an alchemist’s shop selling potions that claimed to do the same thing for a full day.  Sure they’d only ever lasted about an hour for her, and that was before she built up a tolerance from drinking one every night for a month straight, but at least they never left her chest itching all the next day like her last experiment had.  The effect on her psyche of seeing and feeling them wear off earlier and earlier until they barely did anything at all had probably been fuel for her current autogenesis issues though.  But that’s what she’s fixing now.  Hopefully.
The idea of tying the transmutive effect to an object was one she had been toying with even before the last mission, but seeing all those natural-born shapeshifters with their abilities tied to a token of some sort made her all that more confident that there was something to it.  And if she has to carry around a veritable deck of enchanted metal cards everywhere she goes to keep a body that feels right, then that’s a small price to pay.
Having learned from past mistakes regarding sudden shifts in center of mass, Lacuna takes a cross-legged seat on the floor, clasps the metal card to her chest, activates the stored incantation, and focuses on the new reality she wants for her body.  
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starlightingsss · 8 months
mad woman (laxus x reader)
part TWOO ‼️‼️
my man so fine ong 🤭🤭
dialogue is not my strong suit yall.
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as night fell, the other 4 started setting up their camp.
well not necessarily the other four , just the 3 that you wreaked havoc onto her guild, while the blonde sat and stared at her, a blank expression on his face.
she was a little lost on what to do or how she could help, until he seemed to snap out og his thoughts and walk over to her.
"shower." he instructed, handing her a towel.
"excuse me?" she snapped, indignantly.
"go take a shower." he repeated, irritated with her already.
"we're in the middle of nowhere!" she hissed, not appreciating his tone.
"theres a waterfall a few hundred feet to the left," he grunted, pointing in the direction as she took the towel and walked away.
after an hour or so, she returned.
"jeez! you took forever! even longer than me!" evergreen remarked, putting down the fish she was eating.
the other 3 just continued in their hushed conversation, as she sat with them by the fire.
they were all eating fish, and she was a little hungry too. but still a little too shy to ask, so instead, she stood up and walked around the clearing - looking for berries on some of the bushes.
"what are you doing?" laxus snapped, watching her walk around.
"looking for something to eat." she replied defensively, as she finally found some berries.
"in a bush?" he sneered, raising his eyebrows.
"berries." she snapped.
he scoffed before portioning some of his fish for her, as she picked from the bush.
they continued in their conversation, not paying much attention to the girl. before freed turned to her, and asked her, "where do you plan on sleeping?"
"in a tent..?" she said, confused.
"in which tent," freed said curtly, elaborating, "either with us or with laxus."
"how about you all stay together and i get a tent to myself?" she piped, not liking either of her options.
"now don't be like that," bickslow laughed, as his puppets mimicked.
laxus narrowed his eyes before deciding for her, "you'll just stay with me."
eventually they finished their meal, and evergreen returned, and they all retreated into their tents.
"do you snore?" she asked, as she watched laxus get ready for bed.
"do you snore?" he snapped in reply, annoyed with her question.
"is that a yes?" she asked, as he shrugged. uncontent with her answer, she grunted and laid down to sleep.
after a few hours, laxus was awoken by screaming.
he mumbled some curses, before lighting the lamp, and seeing her drenched in blood, with her ribs protruding from her chest, her back arching and hands clawing into the ground.
despite all of this, she was still sound asleep, and laxus didn't seem to know what to do except wake her.
once he recovered from his shock, he neared her, shaking her awake, as her eyes snapped open.
she gasped as she realized what had happened to her in her sleep, before 'fixing' it.
"i'm so sorry.. this just happens sometimes when things happen to me, it's totally nothing, im so sorry." she mumbled, to a shocked laxus, who just shook his head and told her it was fine.
after that night, they packed up their camp, and their track back to the guild was pretty short, even thought they ran into a vulcan or two.
as they re-entered the blososmimg town of magnolia, it seemed it was just in time for their annual harvest festival.
she had heard a lot about it, it was a nationally renowned event - people woukd travel from all over to see it, and to watch the fantasia parade.
there was also a kind of pageant taking place, miss fairy tail.
as they all walked, the green haired guy and laxus continued in whispered conversation, they appeared to be arguing in a way.
when they finished, they told "ever" something and she backtracked tappning y/n on her shoulder.
"you're going to join our guild." she proclaimed, not leaving room for argument.
"i'm already in a guild."
"well! you're going to join ours," bickslow cackled, "my babies love you already!"
"don't be so sure yet, makarov still needs to approve her." freed spurred, his voice still stern.
"that old geezer will let her in justttt fine," laxus snapped, "just in time for the miss fairy tail contest too!"
"excuse me?", i asked, insure exactly why he wanted me to be in the pageant.
"with that pretty face, you'll win that 500.000 jewel just fine, can't have you lounging around for free!" laxus thundered, wrapping his arm around the girl.
as they approached the guild hall, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.
laxus and the rest of them practically blew the door in, before storming their way into the guild hall, invoking a ton of whispers and stares.
"oh! laxus, you're back in town!" smiled a white haired girl, mirajane strauss - i recognized her from a few magazine covers.
laxus just scoffed in her direction, before making his way over to the guild master, who was sitting and just drinking.
"well?" the master asked, as laxus stood in front of him.
laxus tugged me in fromt of him, "she wants to join the guild."
the master seemed to sober at that moment, staring at the girl, taking in her face and her figure, "shes a mage?"
"of course shes a mage!" laxus snapped, "wouldn't bring in some weakling.."
"laxus, let me speak with her." the man instructed, as laxus scoffed and walked off, climbing the stairs to the second floor.
"so," makarov said, swinging his feet a bit, "what magic do you use, y/n?"
"is it really important?" i growled, coming off harsher than i should have.
"well it is a wizards guild!" he said, still jolly, "i don't sense any particular magic power from you.. but you might just be powerful enough to conceal it."
"bones. i control bones, they speak to me, i instruct them, they obey. every bone in your body, every bone in my body, every bone in the world." i replied briskly.
"no wonder laxus brought you over here.. is there anything else you can do?" the master continued, humming and swinging his legs on the bar.
"some shadow magick, some requip .. a bit of rune magick too."
"shadow magick? could you elaborate on that?" he murmured, seeming to be deeper in thought.
"i can merge with that shadows, sneak around." she munbled, "it's not really anything."
"well! you certainly are a mage.. a quite powerful one at that.. im glad to say, welcome to the guild, y/n!" makarov said, before announcing to the guild, "now you buffoons welcome our new member!"
"YEAHH!!!" yelled out a pink haired guy, before he launched himself at her, slamming her straight into the floor with a fire engulfed punch.
"OI! NATSU YOU MIGHTVE KILLED HER" the master exclaimed, in shock, before the girl got right back up.
"oi natsu! hands off my girl." thundered laxus from upstairs, who was now leaning over the balcony.
"OHOH A FIGHT!" natsu exclaimed, "happy!", as a flying blue cat lifted him, launching him at laxus as his fist was now again engulfed in fire. laxus struck him down mid air with lightning, as natsu laid on the floor knocked out, his cat next to him.
the girl just stumbled out of the rubble, as laxus made his way down stairs to meet her. his arm wrapped around her waist as they both exited the guild as quickly as they came.
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Undyne sat down, panting. She had pushed her 10-year-old body to its absolute limits, but she wasn’t willing to admit it.
“Undyne,” said Asgore, “I think you should drink some water. It’s important to stay hydrated!”
“WHAT?!” Undyne popped to her feet, the mere mention of a break enough to get her going again. “Hydration is for NERDS! I have more important stuff to do!!! I have to fight BAD GUYS!!!”
“You won’t be fighting any bad guys till your a few years older, and the best way to prepare yourself is by developing good habits,” soothed Asgore, opening his pack and taking out a water bottle. “Besides, you’re a fish monster. Hydration is uniquely important to your body structure, more so than most monsters.”
“NO WAY!!” replied Undyne, sticking out her tongue a bit and starting to run laps again. “I can keep going!!! SEE?!!”
“Undyne,” called Asgore, still calm but sounding very concerned “you’ll be great when you grow up, you will, but you’ll never be able to fight bad guys if you wreck yourself from exhaustion!” He laughed a little, nervously.
Undyne felt herself slow down, her legs suddenly feeling like jelly. That’s funny, she thought. I don’t WANT to stop!
And then she toppled to the ground, overcome with exhaustion. The last thing she heard before blacking out was Asgore’s terrified scream of “UNDYNE!!”
When she woke up, she was soaked all over, wrapped in a towel, with Asgore dribbling water slowly down her throat. “Oh,” she said–or, said it as well as she could with a cup at her lips and water in her mouth.
Asgore gave a huge sigh of relief. “Thank goodness, Undyne. I was so worried!” There was an edge of irritation in his voice.
Undyne was both impressed and ashamed at having made the most patient monster in the Underground mat at her. “I’m sorry…” she muttered.
Asgore sighed again, this time sounding more relieved. “That’s all right, Undyne. Just take this as a lesson in hydration.”
Undyne looked around. She was in Asgore’s kitchen, sitting on a towel. Asgore stood up and walked over to the hissing teakettle. Undyne got to her feet and began drying off. My clothes are all wet…Hopefully I stay long enough to get a little dryer, so Ms. Millison doesn’t find out. And Gerson is going to be worried, then laugh his head off! She was already annoyed at him and he hadn’t even done it yet.
After drying off for a while, Asgore had poured two teacups. “Would you like a cup of tea, Chara?”
Undyne stared, blinking. “Ummm…do you mean Undyne?” She laughed. He had forgotten her name!
But for some reason, Asgore didn’t say a word.
“Uh, Mr. Asgore, is something wrong?” Was he mad at her?
“Everything quite all right,” replied Asgore suddenly, handing her a teacup. “Now let me try again: Would you like a cup of tea, Undyne dear?”
Undyne giggled. “Sure!” He looks lost in thought. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.
The next day, Undyne was hanging out near Gerson’s shop again, trying to grow an echo flower in a pot. “Gerson, do you know who Chara is?”
She kind of popped the question out of nowhere. Gerson just stared for a moment, before laughing with the tiniest hint of bitterness. “Don’t think about it, kiddo.”
“But I wanna know!” Undyne stuck out her tongue. “Don’t make fun of me!!”
“If you meet the ‘storytellers’ on one of your trips to New Home, I take it you’ll learn what monsterkind seems to have glossed over.”
“Is this some kind of weird conspiracy theory?!” demanded Undyne, annoyed. She was ten! She was not a child anymore!
“Just a conspiracy, child,” sighed Gerson, “Just a conspiracy. Learn to tell the difference, down here.”
Undyne…didn’t actually know what a conspiracy was. So whatever he had meant flew right over her.
One day Asgore had left a note explaining he was going to visit a friend’s family (someone named Rudy had fallen down) and she could feel free to just walk around and have a good time. A month or so had passed since the incident, and Undyne had mostly stopped thinking about it. But as she was exploring, she found a long staircase that led to a dark, gloomy-looking room with lots of long boxes.
On the lid of the first one, there was a red heart and a name engraved:
Undyne stared, a strange feeling overtaking her. Something like…remorse? Like a crowd she had just been rioting with had done something truly horrible.
“Would you like to hear the story?”
Undyne turned around. Two Froggits were having some sort of grim tea party. Chills shook her. “Why are you here?”
“We are remembering the first fallen human,” replied the other Froggit. “Would you like to hear their story?”
HUMANS?! Undyne stared. “NO!” she yelled. “Humans are rotten! Why would I want to hear about someone like that?!”
The Froggits looked at each other, and the first one took a sip of tea. “Suit yourself.”
Undyne turned back to the box–a coffin, she now realized, knowing humans used those, and opened it, wondering what humans looked like.
What she saw made her let it fall, immediately. It was nothing. Nothing but mummy wrappings. 
Undyne turned and stalked back up all of those stairs, with one resolution on her mind: She would never speak of this. She would never think of this, if she could help it.
But it crossed her mind frequently. She always tried to shove it back down. But it wasn’t easy when Asgore was slipping up her name so frequently. Calling her…
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multiversefanfics · 1 year
Hey, Sammy
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Summary: You've known Sam all your life but when you two were younger, your parents moved you to New York. You wrote, texted, facetimed, everything just to keep in touch but once he joined the Avengers he got busier and busier, and soon there was no time for you.. until now. -
Warnings: light cussing, I really don't know what else.
Your parents moved back to Louisiana a couple years ago after you went off to college, now you're graduated and looking forward to going back home even if it is for a week or 2. You were pulled from your thoughts when you finally reached your childhood home earlier than expected, you smiled and looked up at the house. "Well, here goes something." You got out of the car taking in the fresh Louisiana air. As much as you loved New York, it felt great being home. It crossed your mind several times of moving back home and either being with your parents or finding your own place. You got your duffle bag out of the trunk, smiling up at your mom as she approached you arms open. "Y/N, you're finally here!" She pulled you into a hug kissing your cheek multiple times, you jokingly groaned she pulled away throwing her hands up "Okay, okay I'm done let's get you inside I just finished lunch, your favorite." She smiled and pulled you into the house where you smell your favorite dish. You took a deep breath sitting down at the table patiently waiting to be served since your mom would never let you serve yourself.
After lunch, you decided to go down to the dock where your dad was fishing he preferred to catch his food. You pulled up a chair gently elbowing his arm "Catch anything?" He sighed and shook his head "They just aren't biting like they used to." He smiled over at you "Did you eat already?" You nodded looking back at your mom in the kitchen "There's still plenty in there, you should go get some." He shrugged and looked back at the lake. "Go ahead Dad, I got it" He hesitated "No less than 12 inches I know, go eat. Please." You take over his fishing rod throwing the line out slowly reeling back in. You sat there for about an hour not catching a single thing. Finally, you got a bite and it was a big one, you reeled and reeled then you let it go so the line wouldn't snap then started reeling again. Next thing you know you're in the lake, it dawned on you, you don't know how to swim. You started screaming and flailing around trying to find the dock so you could pull yourself back up but it was nowhere to be found, just as you were about to give up you felt a strong arm wrap around your waist and pull you out of the water. You hunched over coughing out the excess water, when you finally steadied your breathing you looked up to see who saved you. There he was your childhood best friend.
Sam Wilson.
He held his hand out to help you up, and you gladly accepted and stood up. "Thank you, I appreciate it." He smiled and nodded "You gotta be more careful." He furrowed his eyebrows and looked around "Why are you in Mr. Y/L/N's yard anyway?" You wanted to be upset or mad but it's been years and he's been busy it's okay that he doesn't remember you. You smiled and looked back at the house "Because I'm their daughter" His eyes got wide and looked you up and down "Y/N, is that really you?" He pulled you into the biggest hug possible you squealed and hugged him back. "Oh, how I've missed you, Y/N!" He set you back down, he let out a happy sigh "How have you been?" You shrugged "Same old me." He looked you up and down once more biting his bottom lip "Definitely not the same" He mumbled hoping you didn't hear him. "How about 'black falcon' how are you?" He chuckled and rolled his eyes "It's just Falcon, but I'm good pretty busy" You looked back when you saw your dad walking up to you guys, he said hello to Sam then turned his attention to you. "What happened to you?" You sighed and looked at the lake "Well, an hour after you went inside I got a bite and it was a big one but the fish won and pulled me into the lake. I'm sorry about your rod, I'll get you a new one." Your dad chuckled and shook his head "Don't worry about it, I have plenty. Let's get you inside before you get sick" He looked back at Sam and nodded at him "Hey, Y/N whenever you get a chance stop by I'm sure Sarah would love to see you too" He shot you a wink before walking back to his house. As you were walking into your parents' house you couldn't help but wonder what could've been if both of you stayed in touch, you sigh to yourself and walked passed your mom and up the stairs. You desperately needed a shower and wasted no time getting in, it was a long drive plus you just have to fight for your life in the lake. You giggled to yourself letting the warm water wash over you. Sam Wilson, he was everything and more to you. After your shower you said goodnight to your parents and finally went to sleep.
It was the next morning and you could smell your mom cooking breakfast downstairs. You got dressed and met your parents in the kitchen you hugged your mom "I'm going to go say hi to Sarah I will be back soon." You kissed her cheek and started to walk away "Oh wait, take this with you, it came to our mailbox by mistake" You took the few pieces of mail from your mom and headed out the door. You missed home but you also missed New York, you have gotten so used to the fast pace of the city you have forgotten what quietness sounded like, it was almost too quiet you looked around and noticed you had no idea where you were. You sighed and pulled out your phone and of course, no signal. You shrugged and took this as an opportunity to explore, you continued walking until you felt like you were going in circles finally there was a clearing up ahead you sighed with relief and walked toward the opening. You finally reached the end and to your luck, it was Sam and Sarah's house you smiled and jogged to the front door ringing the doorbell. You smiled once more patiently waiting for someone to open the door, when the door finally opened you looked down and it was a boy you looked around and checked the address on the mail against the house "I'm sorry I must have the wrong house." The little boy smiled up at you and shook his head "No, you're Y/N are you here for Uncle Sam?" You were shocked as to how a kid you never met knew your name "He talks a lot and I overheard them talking about you." You smiled and looked down at him again "Well, is your mom home?" He nodded and called for Sarah "You can come in she should be down here any minute" You walked passed him and waited in the living room, he closed the door behind you and called for Sarah once more "Boy I know you're not yelling at- Y/N! Oh my god, it's been years how have you been?" She smiled wide and pulled you into a hug you hugged her back smiling just as wide as she was. "I know I know I missed you!" You two finally pulled back although you and Sam were best friends you still hung out with Sarah when Sam wasn't around even when he was around you still hung out with Sarah. "Oh, I almost forgot, these came to my parents' mailbox by mistake." You smiled and handed her the mail she gladly took it and grabbed your hand at the same time "Come on, they're out back working on the boat." They? Who is all out there? You followed Sarah outside and down to the dock, you saw Sam and a bunch of other people from the community helping out, you made your way through the crowd saying hello and hugging people as you passed them.
Finally, you reached Sam who was trying to pry off something from the boat when a tall man walked over and just ripped it off. Sam looked at him and rolled his eyes, you cleared your throat and gave him a small wave "Hey, Y/N didn't see you walk up, did you say hi to Sarah." You looked back to see where she was "Yeah, I gave her the mail that came to our mailbox by mistake." He looked at you and raised an eyebrow "Our?" You didn't realize what you said until he pointed it out. "I meant my parents' mailbox." You stepped down onto the boat to see what you could help with, when the man from before walked over eyeing you up "Oh, this is a pain in the ass- I mean Bucky, Bucky this is Y/N" You giggled at Sam turning your attention to Bucky who had his hand stretched out waiting for you to shake it. You looked at his hand then back at him "Sorry, I don't shake hands." He looked defeated and put his hand back down Sam chuckled. "Don't take offense to it, she's always been like that." You heard Sarah call your name from behind you "Excuse me, gentlemen but duty calls." You shot Sam a wink and walked over to where Sarah was. "Hey, hey don't you dare, she is off limits" You couldn't help but blush as you made your way over to Sarah "Hey, what do you need help with?" She turned holding two lemonades in her hands "I want you to take this over to Sam and Bucky, and catch up with Sam He missed you a lot." She smiled wide you knew what she was trying to do you jokingly rolled your eyes and walked back over to where Sam and Bucky were, as you were walking up they were arguing on what to do next
"I need to try and get the engine to work, I think we should start there" Sam argued Bucky turned to look at you "Oh hey, just trying to convince Sam that his idea is stupid" He flashed you a sarcastic smile before turning to look at Sam "Well, he's always been hardheaded." You shrugged and handed them the lemonade "Sarah sent you over with them?" You nodded and sat on the edge of the dock "She also wants me to catch up with you because she told me how much you missed me." You joked poking his chest a bit. He smiled and playfully shoved your hand away you sat down in front of Sam watching him sip from the lemonade "So, Y/N how long have you known Sam?" You looked over at Bucky who was leaning against a pole "Um, almost my whole life, my parents and I moved away when we were 12, I think. They moved back and I'm visiting." Bucky nodded looking over at Sam his eyes flickered then looked back at you "Wait a minute, is she, her?" You shot Bucky a confused look then looked at Sam "Her?" Sam glared at Bucky as if he said something he wasn't supposed to. "For your information, yes she is her" Bucky smiled wide and chuckled a little "Y/N he has not stopped talking about you since I met him, he would go on and on-" "Alright that's enough Bucky." Sam growled lowly. You smirked and looked at Sam "So you really did miss me." You could see the pink glowing in his cheeks as you stared deeply inspecting his face. "Well, I'm going to let you two catch up. I wonder if Sarah has anymore lemonade." Bucky winked at Sam and walked over to Sarah, you could tell Sam wanted to kill Bucky but you took all of his attention. You smiled sweetly poking his cheek "So.. Sammy" You saw his smile grow wider when you called him your childhood nickname "Fill me in, what's been going on with you." He chuckled and pointed to Bucky "Keeping him in line, saving the world, you know the usual" You both chuckled and let out a sigh "I have another question." He hummed in response waiting for you to ask it. "Why did you tell Bucky I was off limits?" He choked on his lemonade a bit looking up at you "You heard that?" You nodded and waited for him to respond, he took a deep breath and looked up at you "I know we are best friends, but will you go on a date with me?"
A/N: I hope you like it, I was upset by the lack of Sam Wilson stories on here so I decided to write one! :)
Masterlist Part 2
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Werecats/Cat Hybrids Intro
Lion (she/her)
Poetic, romantic, and usually calm and patient. She loves summer, citrus, gold, tarot, and sun-shaped trinkets~! She also loves keeping fancy goldfish, with a particular passion for researching different species being developed, as well as the anatomy and lineage of them. In her free time, she does like to help Clouded Leopard with more whimsical jewelry designs.
Tiger (she/her)
Outgoing, bold, energetic, life of the party. Never a dull moment. She loves shooting the shit and playing basketball with the neighborhood guys. She also helps Clouded Leopard with her business, both in day-to-day tasks of making items and packing them out to ship. Generally more of a househusband💕
Clouded Leopard (she/her)
Adventurous, teasing, with a passion for alternate fashion, even running a business making clothes and jewelry. What exactly she does all day outside the business is a mystery, but she has an uncanny sixth sense about where interesting things are happening and will show up "out of nowhere."
Snow Leopard (she/her)
Extremely organized and health-conscious, maybe a bit neurotic;;; She loves her routines and her job, as well as occasionally hanging out with her coworkers. She loves organizing things and decorating, as well as having collections of various items; namely, decorative knives. She also loves softball and baseball, both watching and playing, as well as watching sports in general.
Housecat (he/him)
Bastard man with two braincells. Doesn't quite realize what a small cat he is (literally and figuratively). Causes a lot of chaos; half the time it's intentional and half the time he's really just fucking around and finding out. He’s much more capable than he lets on, but the others enjoy coddling him too much to call him on it often.
Lion and Tiger are wives, and often wear complementary jewelry, Lion with dainty gold, sun-themed jewelry, and Tiger with silver and pewter jewelry usually shaped like stars. Clouded Leopard and Snow Leopard were childhood friends, and are also each others' primary partners. The werecats live just outside a big city, and they started as roommates to rent out a house together (Lion and Snow Leopard met at work and hit it off). The two couples figured out early on that the others were werecats like them, and were incredibly relieved at how well they all got along from the start. From there, things evolved, and they became a rarely seen Quad polycule.
Then one day Housecat just kinda showed up. The Quad thought he was amusing and decided to let him stick around, and now he's wormed his way into their hearts too. They spoil him rotten and he contributes to the household only in cuddles and and cuteness. He causes more chaos than anything else, but they can't stay mad at that cute face of his.
All of the werecats help model for Clouded Leopard's online shop. Snow Leopard and Lion love meditating and napping together. Tiger and Lion love watching Lion's fish swim around in their tanks together.
Lion and SL both work at the same place, an interior design company, and they respect each others' work but often butt heads when collaborating on the same project (or trying to decide on how their shared house should look).
Lion prefers more colorful, whimsical, and maximalistic styles, and SL prefers neutral colors and minimalist decoration. In terms of their shared house, CL is also more maximalistic like Lion, but more gothic in specific taste. Housecat aligns most closely with CL in terms of taste, but doesn't care too much about how their place is decorated. Tiger's idea of decoration is posters and magazine cutouts of scantily-clad women on the wall with some home workout equipment scattered around on the floor, and she gets the garage as her workout room to live out that dream.
The other werecats sometimes use Tiger's workout equipment too (except CL and Housecat, who don't like working out— although Housecat will sometimes hang out in the garage to watch the others work out or look at the posters).
You probably met Lion and SL first, through their job, and that's where their infatuation with you starts.
Tiger is the tallest, broadest, and most muscular of the group. Surprisingly, human form Housecat is the next tallest, but lanky. After that, SL is the next tallest, with Lion being just an inch or so shorter. CL is the shortest and daintiest of the group, coming in at around 5’2”.
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come-down-that-tree · 2 years
Prologue Previous
Come down that tree! (an aftermare story)
Chapter 9: Han kommer aldri til å se familien og vennene sine igjen, gjør han?
Nightmare was nowhere to be seen. It might be the best time to think over everything that happened recently…
Geno sighed and laid down in the grass. What he believed to be a butterfly lazily flew in and out of his sight.
How long has he been here?
It was so hard to count the days after having spent so long lost in the darkness. There, time didn't matter. Time was for people outside of this silent bubble of loneliness, and even there, time repeated again and again. What kind of use would he have to count the days then? As he still did when the resets had just started.
"Before", "now", "not yet".
"Before" the resets. Forbidden past he wouldn't dare think about.
"Now", the instant he was in. May it be inside the timeline or inside the save screen.
"Not yet". His fate. Death.
Those were the rules then. But everything was a mess now. Since that day, when he tried this dumb experiment and fell here.
Did he make the right choice? He gripped hard his ulna.
Who knows?
He silently rolled on his side, staring at a blade of grass.
He fell here. He survived.
What now?
He met the twins. Weird ones these two. Dream was all sunshine most of the time and always busy. Nightmare was generally quiet, broody and not doing much of his days except reading.
This one was a strange one.
Geno thoughtlessly grabbed onto his knees and played with his shorts fabric.
This guy saw him several times at his worst. No, not worst. But still bad. He almost killed him.
He threatened him, insulted and scared him.
And yet-
The monster shuddered at all he did since he came here. He hardly ever saw worst "guest" than him…
The dark twin didn't seem like he was going to kick him away anytime soon though. He had been temporarily mad, sure. But it was only after he insulted him of something he would have been utterly outraged to be called.
That's what he called him.
Geno winced.
The dude definitely had more soul than him and his sliver of a soul. And he called the poor dude soulless.
He should try to apologize soon. That was the least he could do.
Geno pushed on the ground with his hand and looked at the blue immensity that was the sky.
The sun was shining strongly up there.
It will hide tonight…
Letting the moon borrow its strength.
A tear silently rolled down his cheek.
He closed his eyes and let waves of memories push against the wall deep inside his mind.
Red boots snow-socked drying in a corner.
Raw laugh behind sealed doors.
Enraged shouting as he hid from a fish's wrath in a kitchen's cupboard.
Big paws enclosing a steaming cup of tea.
The soothing noise of fire listening.
Groans from the last victim of his bad punning mood.
Each thought added to the spiraling crack decorating the bricks.
He opened his eyes to a blurred world.
Geno didn't bother to wipe his eyes, laying there, prey to his wandering mind.
He missed them. He missed them so freaking much.
His teeth gritted together.
Right now, even the sight of Jerry would be welcome. Not for long but he would… tolerate them.
A wet chuckle leaked in the air.
He missed them but they did not miss him.
How could they? "Sans" never left. He never disappeared. Geno made sure of erasing himself from the memories of the few who knew his story.
The stunt had given him a splitting headache from staring so long at the codes.
Geno sighed.
He had wondered several times if he really made the right choice since then. He could have given in to hope, waited for Papyrus to come get him as he promised he would. What if he had let his bro, Frisk and the other Sans keep their memories whole during this last run…? He won't ever know.
Instead he had given up, that's what he did the best. Not even the extra determination had been enough to stop that desperate impulse, fed by the belief that after trying to erase the timeline, to erase them all… he was undeserving of living peacefully in their company.
Maybe, he should have given his thought process a longer time to stretch before taking such a drastic decision.
Although they did seem better without him in sight.
The last run had been void of deaths.
They all reached the surface and gazed upon the sun together.
The monster put both his palms on his sockets, blocking out the external world.
He let them go.
He closed the window, flipped off Gaster and made the big jump.
And now he was here, in this mostly peaceful place.
So far from them.
So far from home.
He won't go back, would he? He won't ever see them again.
His sliver of soul burned and a low whine escaped him. The dam broke, letting place to neverending waterfalls.
Emotions flooded him and he allowed himself to drown in it, making use of his temporary seclusion.
He obviously didn't notice two shiny purple orbs silently observing from afar.
End of chapter 9!
Go to chapter 10?
@dragon-tamer-1 @shinechermont @zu-is-here :D
Geno and aftertale belong to @/loverofpiggies
Nightmare and dreamtale to @/jokublog
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drew my oc! Felix Lecter-Graham. will and Hannibal found them as a kid in a dog house after murdering their abusive parents. they had no idea the rude couple had a kid and took him in. Felix loved his childhood and his dads. he loved watching dad (Will) fish even though Felix sucked at it and never quite got the hang of it. he loved watching Papa (Hannibal) cook and draw. he remembers getting his hair brushed as Papa hums. dad would tell him bedtime stories and watch over him till he slept. then they were caught. their retreat cottage was surrounded. like the first time, no one knew he existed and people were shocked to see a kid in the house. he cried, screamed, kicked, and bit but he was eventually taken away from his parents. Alana Bloom swore she was going to never get involved with these two men ever again. She and Margot were living happily far away from everything that harmed them....but then she heard a kid was involved. how cruel of them for dragging another youth into their life of madness. she couldn't just Felix become another Abigail...he was only 6 so maybe he could be relocated and forget their fathers.
Felix never felt at home in the Verger manor. too big. too empty. old money. it wasn't anything like the cottage. no pets. he missed the dogs. he missed Dad and papa...Alana tried to be there and talk to them but they were stubborn and fussy. how did Will and Hannibal handle this kid??? she knew he was only acting out due to trauma and being ripped from his family but...it never truly changed the only thing that kept them alive was playing Tetris. they were glued to that game. it was the only digital game they had back home on his wiped, untrackable laptop so it became a hyper-fixation. tetris and drawing were the only things that kept Felix sane. well...kinda. once he became 13, he found his person suit. made friends. joined clubs. learned how to sing and started doing theater. they put energy into becoming a spunky, theatric nerd. life was ok...but they had trouble. people saw them as weird. too outgoing. talkative. then if they got zoned in on their phone playing Tetris or drawing, then they were too quiet and weird. nothing was ever right for anyone...plus the rumors. Felix bloom-verger. old money. child out of nowhere?? Wasn't that name in the news when i was a kid?? what, those murderers! yeah, my mom heard about that on Tattle-Crime when I was younger! Didn't they have a kid??? wasn't that Alana bloom around those guys??? he hated it. no one understood. no one. "sweetie, you need to let them go. you have a family." "How could you say life was better?" " you were raised by murderers?? you ate people??" "your safe now." they were allowed visits every fathers Day and Christmas. they seemed happy enough. allowed to be together but with a glass between them. felix would draw them things and talk about their life. cry. laugh. Alana hates to admit that these days are when Felix looks and sounds the happiest even after all these years. thats all I got so far. i feel like maybe Hannibal and Will will break out but idk when on the timeline. I'm still working out the plot. I feel like he bonded more with Margot than Alana due to her more stoic nature. She never pitied him like Alana did. maybe he got into horses for a while.
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0-solshroom-0 · 2 years
For the @drinkwithme-exchange
I got to give a gift to @wheresurboytonighthelookslikeenj and I chose the duo Eponine and Marius from their favorite friendships! I really hope you like it, I write some fanfiction but I’ve never written for Les Mis before so I did my very best. It’s modern au i hope that is okay with you 💕
(disclaimer: do not cycle your tank for an hour, it takes from several days up to 2 weeks to cycle a tank properly but for the purposes of this fanfiction I bent the rules. do proper research before buying a fish! Do not be like Marius)
Eponine had assumed it was an emergency. No, not assumed, was told it was an emergency. Marius barely understood how to use his phone to call someone, let alone text. So when he had texted her to “come over right now, it is the biggest emergency in the world,” she had assumed it was pretty important. What she had not expected was to see Marius on his living room floor clutching a fish bowl.
“Pontmercy..?” Eponine murmured as she finally stepped in the doorway.
“Eponine I accidentally won a goldfish from the carnival and I have no idea what to do with it.” Marius spoke all at once, words jumbling together.
Eponine knelt down next to him, and sure enough in the tiny glass bowl was a rather sad looking orange fish swimming lazily in a circle. “Well… it can’t stay in that.”
“I know, I need a bigger bowl.”
Eponine shook her head. “Definitely not. You need an actual fish tank. And tank decorations… and a filter and food. And probably a bunch of other stuff as well. Good lord Marius did you think this through?”
“I didn’t mean to win the goldfish!” Marius insisted, “I had gone to the carnival with Courfeyrac and then everyone else showed up and we were all taking turns playing this game, but no one was doing well and we all thought it was funny and then it was my turn and somehow I didn’t do badly and now I have a goldfish.”
“You couldn’t have gotten a giant stuffed monkey or something cheesy like that? It had to be a goldfish?” Eponine laughed, shaking her head.
“The lady had already handed me the bowl! I panicked!” Marius insisted.
Eponine laughed a bit more, “You’re panicking again! We see what kind of bad decisions you make when panicked, so let’s calm down yeah? Come on, put the fish on the shelf. We’ll go to the pet store down the way and everything will be fine.”
The trip to the pet store was much more eventful then either of them could have hoped, with Marius almost tripping into the wall of fish tanks, Eponine getting startled by the geckos, and finally the two asking a lady in the shop for help only to realize that Marius’s new pet was going to require a much bigger tank then initially thought.
“Twenty gallons for one little guy…” Marius sighed, shook his head, and continued carrying buckets of water between the sink and the new fish tank, which sat on the coffee table in the middle of his living room as there was nowhere else to put it.
Eponine laughed, arranging plants and wood around in the tank that was slowly rising in water level with each bucket full. “You signed up for this Marius, next time don’t be so good at carnival games, or give the fish to Jehan or someone I don’t know.”
“I just spent two hundred dollars in a pet store Eponine, this is madness.” Marius sighed.
“You could have given the fish away if it was that big of a problem.”
Marius looked offended, “No, I love him. Leave Marius Jr. out of this.”
“Marius Jr.? That’s the best you could come up with?” Eponine raised an eyebrow.
“Uhm…” He glanced around nervously before sighing, “Yes…”
“Well… I guess if that’s what you want.” She laughed as Marius added the last bucket of water. “Okay, I guess now we just wait on the heater to warm the water and then put the fish in?”
Eponine shrugged, “Do I look like a fish expert?”
“You knew it couldn’t live in a bowl.”
“Everyone with a brain knows a fish can’t live in a bowl.” Eponine gently flicked his forehead.
“I have a brain. Courfeyrac told me once that I am very intelligent.” Marius crossed his arms over his chest.
“Courfeyrac also wholeheartedly believes the gnomes in Musichetta’s garden come to life at night and swap places, so that’s not helping your case much.” Eponine chuckled, sitting on the couch. “Don’t trip over that extension cord by the way. It was the only way I could get the filter plugged in.”
“I won’t.” He nodded, taking a seat next to her.
“Famous last words. C’mon, let’s watch something while we wait on this fish tank to actually be suitable for fish. There’s a new crime documentary on Netflix I wanted to check out.”
“Eponine if I watch a crime documentary I won’t sleep tonight.” Marius insisted.
“You’ll be fine.”
Marius paused, and for a moment the two were in a stare off before he finally sighed. “Fine, but only because you helped me set up the fish tank…”
One crime documentary later, Marius Jr. the goldfish was happily swimming in his new home. Marius was in a trance watching the little fish swim back and forth between pieces of wood.
Eponine laughed. “Worth all the trouble?”
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