#Mark Rodgers
weepingwidar · 1 year
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Mark Rogers (American, 1979) - Tortoise of the Empyrean (2018)
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spilladabalia · 1 year
Ribbon Fix - One Last Cigarette
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moonlight-ee · 11 days
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That’s America’s ass!
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squirreljc2 · 4 months
I swear. They must have been putting something in the lube on that set
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positivexcellence · 10 months
creationentertainment: Photo ops are so much fun at our conventions!
Here’s a peek at some fun ops during The Road So Far… The Road Ahead tour!
We hope to see you at one of the tour stops next year! Locations, details, and tickets are available at CreationEnt.com!
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celiawrites14 · 4 months
OC Names
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid's love interest - Alyssa Jackson (oc, no relation to anybody on the show)
Aaron Hotchner's love interest - Olivia Rossi (Dave's daughter)
Luke Alvez's love interest - Sarah Reid (Spencer's twin sister)
Colin Bridgerton's love interest - Audrey Lilyington (cousins to Kate's family)
Anthony Bridgerton's love interest - Polly Fetherington (Penelope's older sister)
Benedict Bridgerton's love interest - Caroline Abernathy (Lucy's older sister)
Grey's Anatomy/Station 19
Andrew DeLuca's love interest - Lindsey Webber (Richard's daughter)
Mark Sloan's love interest - Grace Shepherd (Derek and Amelia's sister)
Alex Karev's love interest - Haley O'Malley (George's sister)
Jack Gibson's love interest - Ashley Sloan (Mark's Sister)
Peter Parker - Taylor Rogers (Steve's sister)
Bucky Barnes' love interest - Lauren Stark (Tony's sister)
Steve Rogers' love interest - Rebecca Barnes (Bucky's sister)
Thor - Alex Maximoff (Pietro and Wanda's sister)
One Tree Hill
Lucas Scott's love interest - Madison James (Hailey's sister)
Nathan Scott's love interest - Anna Sawyer (Payton's sister)
Q's love interest - Natalie Scott (Nathan's full sister, Lucas' half sister)
Outer Banks
JJ Maybank's love interest - Lily Routledge (John B's sister)
John B. Routledge's love interest - Melissa Jane Maybank (MJ) (JJ's sister)
Rafe Cameron's love interest - Cassie Roberts (progue!reader)
Dean Winchester's love interest - Samantha Singer (Bobby's daughter)
Sam Winchester's love interest - Stephanie Bradbury (Charlie's sistere)
John Winchester's love interest - Meghan Harvell (Wililam Harvell's sister, Jo's aunt)
Lip Gallagher's love interest - Alison Milkovich (Mickey and Mandy's sister)
Pretty Little Liars
Jason DiLaurentis' love interest - Andy Rivers (Caleb's sister)
Mike Montgomery's love interest - Emma Hastings (Spencer's sister)
Noel Kahn's love interest - Kate DiLaurentis (Alison and Jason's sister)
Caleb Rivers' love interest - Brooke Montgomery (Aria and Mike's sister)
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how-2-pay-rent · 6 months
Mark and Rodger definitely had something very gay going on for a very long time
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dansa-i-neon · 1 year
choose your favorite:
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sapphyreopal5 · 1 year
My Experience at SPNNC 2023 Con
Hello, my name is Ellie. If you're not already familiar with my blog, I write a lot about things like my divination with tarot and a pendulum, the show Supernatural and the former cast, deities, various experiences of my own, dreams, etc. I went to the SPNNC 2023 aka CE Charcon 2023 as some here on Tumblr call it. I still don't know what the deal with the spatulas is at this con, I guess I wasn't one of the cool kids who was in the know about this "trend" per the usual ha ha.
Friday, Aug 18- Didn't go
Saturday, Aug 19
I arrived around 10:15am because I thought the line to register would be long and that it'd take ages to park. Nope, it took a couple minutes for me to find parking and the line to register empty. Someone told me however that on Saturday the line was over an hour long Friday. I guess that what they mean by priority registration for Thursday and Friday is that only people with weekend packages could register for the first hour and a half or so of registration on those 2 days, so they don't wait in line as long. I guess my not being able to make it on Friday was for good reason ha ha. In-between panels and photo-ops I went exploring the hotel, talked to some other people at the con, looked at the vendors tables, sometimes observed the actors and actresses interacting with each other or other fans.
11:30- Drake Rodger Photo-Op
I walked into this photo op and curiously my mind went quiet. For those who read my posts or know me personally, you know this NEVER happens. I almost always have many trains of thought happening at one time. A couple days before I went to this convention I was told by one of my guides Loki to buy a photo op ticket for Drake. I thought this was rather interesting but I decided okay let's do it. I saw Drake do the so called "Teletubby hole violation" when in line. I believe there were 3 people in line before me when I saw that. Pretty cooI stuff I got to see it in person, not gonna lie. I thought it was totally perfect ha ha. I'm afraid I didn't make the cut in that IG video as I didn't do a crazy pose. I will say however that as crazy as this might sound, I swear I thought he was going to pull me in closer but felt himself stop O.O When the photo was taken and therefore my photo op was done, he said "Thank you" in his soft spoken voice. Meg Donnelly his girlfriend was in the room and smiled at me as I walked off, which I thought was interesting to say the least. I walked out of this photo op a fan of his.
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2:30- Cosplay Costume Contest
I chose to dress as Hela from Thor: Ragnarok the Norse Goddess of Death for my costume. The winners were chosen based on whoever got the loudest cheers when the host stood behind them. I can see why not that many people chose to participate in this contest. A lot of the contestants wore the Castiel trench coat (not photographed here). The winner was "Pudding Dean" who got $150 and a certificate. Donna and Gabriel were the runner ups. I believe they got $75 and $25 along with the certificates. The rest of us got a red Supernatural lanyard for participating. Even though I did not win this contest, I am glad I was able to go onstage and not get stage fright while being asked my name and who I'm dressing up as let alone panic standing in front of that crowd. It shows to me I've grown a lot over the years and am overcoming some anxiety issues I have at times. Also, the fact I got plenty of compliments on my costume and even someone wanting a selfie with me because they loved my outfit so much made it all worth it even more in my opinion. By the way, I totally think Hela should've been a Supernatural character and could've made a GREAT villain or an anti hero, just saying...
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4:50- Rich Speight Jr Photo-Op
Okay, being dressed as Hela from Thor: Ragnarok and taking a photo with Loki from Supernatural was at this point a given. I was nudged to buy a ticket while at the convention at this point. Naturally, a Loki nudge which totally makes sense ha ha. The Jared photo ops were running 20 min or so behind naturally, so therefore this photo op was running behind too. I ended up waiting by an empty security desk to charge my phone while waiting for the photo op to come up. I talked to a couple people while waiting but also where I was happened to be by where Meg, Drake and Jojo's autograph tables were set up (couldn't really see Jojo so much as his table was across the hall and not in a good line of sight where I was).
I ended up watching them over the course of most of my waiting time. Drake seemed pleasant while waiting around for autographs and such talking to the person he was sitting with. Jojo at one point threw a pen at him and Drake had to get up to get it off the floor. Meg barely spoke to the person she was with. At one point she started to tap her pen while looking around and not talking. When someone came up to her to say something she had that "friendly" voice she uses on stage and talking to fans. Talk about an awkward silence mostly between her and the person she was sitting with. I felt bad for Jojo and Drake because they clearly were hoping for more autographs and getting bored sitting there. After seeing Meg behave the way she did and having a tense tone with the person she was sitting with for the short bit they did talk, I did not feel so bad for her.
As for Rich, he seems like a really cool guy. I told him "yes" at first when he asked me if I made my costume and said he loves it. I ended up saying I'm just kidding I bought it online but "I thought you'd be happy to see me". He said "I am very happy to see you", dunno if he caught this Thor: Ragnarok reference or not when Hela said "I thought you'd be happy to see me" before she defeated the Asgardian Army. I certainly walked out of my photo op with him a fan of his.
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9:00- Concert (Or should I say more like 9:30)
Nothing much to discuss here. I was aware many people were speculating that Jensen would sing on this night. Something kept telling me however that he was not going to sing but couldn't explain it. Mark Sheppard did show up to play the drums for apparently the first time since 2010 when he last played drums onstage. This is curious because it was his higher self who set me up coming to this convention to begin with. When Mark showed up, something told me "Jensen is not showing up to this concert because people were criticizing his looks online like crazy". A friend of mine had some similar feelings while this concert was going on. Of course, people must've been mindblown he didn't show up with how many were expecting him to show up but didn't ha ha. The microphones were very loud here, I walked out a little after 11pm when the concert was done with a headache.
Before Gold Panel/Before I went back to Convention
The same friend of mine who had the same feelings I did about why Jensen didn't show up to the concert dreamwalked to the very same room Jensen and Jared were in. Virtually EVERYTHING they talked about when she dreamwalked (mind you, for the first time ever!) to them manifested in the Gold Panel. I didn't get to go to this panel because I only had the copper package. Jensen said things to Jared like [I'm only paraphrasing in this section mind you] "do people actually want to meet me or do they only care about my looks?", mentioned how upset he was people were making fun of his mustache this weekend, and Jared at one point said "no matter what people are saying about you, you're an awesome person. I want you to know that". Jared even made a strange remark about how "Gen asked me to babysit the kids a couple weeks ago". Around 10:20am before I left for the convention, I picked up my pendulum and said to Hermes "Is there any truth to this dream my friend had?" and he said "Yes, LOTS of it".
Turns out, in this particular panel someone asked them if they ever experienced bullying and their children (around the 6:05 mark). Around 14:10, Jensen also brought up how his daughter said "it's not babysitting" when Jensen is with his kids. "She's just mom and he's just dad". Hmmm, were Poseidon and Hermes telling them both the night before or so what kinds of things they will be asked during the panels? Very interesting dreamwalking experience, let alone the fact everything she heard ended up manifesting the next day at the Gold Panel (and that Hermes said there's lots of truth to her dream with me curiously asking him this 10 or so min before the panel was scheduled to start at 10:30).
Sun, Aug 20
I came back to the convention around 11:15 or so. I mostly hung around the vendors area and explored the hotel and talked to some people before I went to the Mark Sheppard panel.
1:15- Mark Sheppard Panel
Mark's panel was an absolute joy for me to be in the room for. He said things like "if you have a panic attack this is the safest place you can be", "who wants to be king of a country", and asking someone "is that the best you can do" when they started to ask him "if you could be any animal [what would it be and why]?" and cut them off saying "oh Jesus". It was 100% worth going to this convention to sit in this panel. Mark's authentic, sarcastic, and speaks his mind but also has a very caring heart despite having a tough love approach at times. I enjoyed his walking around the theater for his panel instead of sitting up there like others do. At one point he was walking through the row 3 rows in front of mine when he was looking at someone's Moose doll, which I thought was pretty cool. Very close!
J2 Main Panel
No, I didn't get to go to the Gold Panel because I only had a copper package. It's interesting because I felt my lie detector alarm go off many times when Jensen was speaking in this panel. It was hard to hear some of what was being said at times during this panel because I wasn't exactly front row and did tune out some here and there. Jensen I believe is trying very hard to keep up with a happy family life at home. His passive aggressive tone speaking about Danneel was very apparent at least to me. The car story? Jensen please hun, you should've just driven with her. I know you were aggravated about the car problems but that doesn't mean behave this way. It does show a very concerning mindset that Hermes spoke of that he's in right now. Those who are not seeing it at this point do not have their eyes or hearts open to receiving this information...
I found his answer about reading a book he'd like to revisit to be very off putting. I myself had reading struggles as a kid and essentially taught myself how to read when I was going to enter 5th grade (long story here). He did an absolutely terrible job talking about his dislike of reading here. Don't like to read? Fine but the way he used a book his wife reads a lot, come on! You never read 1 book in your life Jensen? Sheesh...Someone was kind enough to point out to me that when Jensen was speaking of the book Danneel reads that's by her when she sleeps, she says "HER bed" not "THE bed" around the 40:35 mark (put some earbuds or headphones in and you'll hear it). Jared was a great pleasure to be in the same room as. I feel that Jensen also would've been more pleasant if he was not on the downward spiral he seems to be very much on lately.
I've spoken a lot about Jensen and Jared and others in past posts regarding divination and deities and other topics. Poseidon and Hermes both used Jared and Jensen to speak through them. Just about everything that was said in this panel they have talked about many times to me recently. I expected many of the things that were discussed to be discussed, very few surprises. Heck, even the ridiculous questions that made it through weren't totally surprising on a divine blueprints level. Jensen very much needs guidance, as Hermes has told me plenty of times before and I could see it in his eyes.
Some of the things I knew about them I discussed with only a few via PM and even they were surprised at some of the things that came about in this panel vs what I told them. I will say this, I was not surprised by the house purchase Jensen made in CT based on things I do know, nor was I surprised at Jared talking about how as he gets older he is becoming less able to tolerate 100 plus degree weather for a month at a time. Him talking about liking the mountains, NC even and Asheville and such was interesting and mentioning Idaho (when Gen made a trip there with their kids no more than a couple weeks beforehand).
I went home after this panel was done. There was at one point a golden sticker on someone's chair behind another sticker and the prize was apparently a gold ticket to another con. Of course... the winner was in a gold seat NATURALLY. Quite annoying but I know enough about Creation Entertainment to know this was 100% to be expected. Would I go again? Absolutely. It was a joy being in the room for all these panels, meeting the actors and fans I did, and being able to say I actually went to one of these things.
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adaptations-polls · 3 months
Which version of this do you prefer?
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nancymcl · 1 year
Life has been happening lately so just now getting around to posting SpnNOLA pics. The last auto will be getting turned into a new tattoo at some point.
Cute story for the Jensen/Misha pic. I told Jensen I wanted to do the cheater pose. He was puzzled by what I meant but Misha immediately turned around and grabbed my hand. Had to resist giggling.
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weepingwidar · 1 year
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Mark Rogers (American, 1979) - The Nephilim (2016)
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sugar-coated-saphic · 2 years
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This recently came in the mail, here are the excepts I found most interesting
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creationfathers · 1 year
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duranduratulsa · 4 months
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Up next on my Duran Duran Concert Weekend Marathon...Duran Duran: There's Something You Should Know (2018) on Netflix #duranduran #TheresSomethingYouShouldKnow #simonlebon #nickrhodes #johntaylor #rogertaylor #rogertaylorduranduran #andytaylor #nilerodgers #markronson #2010s #Netflix
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laf-outloud · 2 years
Jeffrey Dean Morgan (“John Winchester”) will be joining The Road So Far… The Road Ahead in New Jersey, being held April 14-16, 2023! He will be appearing on Sunday.
They somehow get the big names to fill in for Jared. Mark S who hadn't done CE cons in years filled in when Jared needed someone. Now they land JDM to fill in for him in NJ?
I saw that and my immediate thought was that Jensen called in a favor! He probably doesn't want to have a repeat of the last New Jersey con where he shared an awkward panel with Misha. I'm guessing JDM will join Jensen for at least one of the panels.
I noticed they also got Jim Beaver and Mark Pellegrino for the con, who aren't frequent guests. Guess it takes a lot of star power to make up for Jared's absence!
Of course, what I'd love to see is JDM school Drake on who John Winchester really was, but he's only scheduled for Sunday. LOL!
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