#Me when actors appear in more than one thing-> :U
prolibytherium · 7 months
Watching IASIP for the first time I was almost instantaneously like ‘wait the actor for Uncle Jack is that same guy who plays the copy shop owner with a troubled marriage in BCS. Huh’ and it took me this many rewatches of BCS to realize the OTHER guy in this scene is the same actor as the waiter lol
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deadqueerboys · 9 months
Kiss me, you know they'll love it!
Headcanons: Kissing them on stream.
Pairing: Wilbur x Reader, Tubbo x M! Reader, Quackity x Reader. (Separate).
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Wilbur Soot:
First of all, he knew what he was doing. It was just a normal minecraft stream. This got him kinda bothered after a while. And he knew what he had to do to take this bother out of him.
Wilbur says to chat: "Holy.. oh, fuck.. i'm going to the bathroom guys, i'll be right back." He pretends he mutes and turns off the camera, we know he's a good actor.
He calls you, and since the moment you enter the room, he stairs at you with puppy eyes. You ask him why he is looking at you like that, Wilbur just smiles and places his hands on your waist, pulling you closer.
"Will.. aren't they seeing it?"
Wilbur simply doesn't care. He didn't node or deny it. He just got up and put his hands on your cheeks, kissing you passionately.
Chat goes crazy! A lot of people freaking out, they didn't even know he was dating someone.
After he does it, he also pretends to turn the camera and mic on so he can see everybody going crazy again.
"I'm back chat.. did I lose something?" He asked with a smirk.
It's a late night stream, not a qsmp one, just a normal and chaotic as usual. Tubbo is doing something on his laptop. It's been a while since he's all quiet. Worried, you knocked on the door, calling him;
"Hi babe, what u doing?"
He explains to you something that doesn't matter how much he says, you'll never understand. When he looks at you, his eyes shine, making a dumb but cute smile.
"What? Don't look at me like that dickhead.." You ask, in seconds, he's stood up, hugging you, making you stay closer to him before he kept giving you kisses.
It's so lovely!!!!!
"Stop being mean with me. You're literally my boyfriend!" He giggles and finally kisses you on the lips, a very calm kiss for his natural exited way of being.
"So.. is this camera on?" "Oh.. shit."
He doesn't really care. If you're weak or shorter than him, he gonna take you on his lap, he kept giving you kisses until he get tired, which never happens, or until some giftsub appear on the stream he notices that or he turn the stream off or he let you go.
Now that people know you guys are dating, he'll make sure to bring you sometimes to make a stream with him, always being clingy.
If somebody on the chat flirts with you, he'll be pissed off, not just pissed off, but.. wow. He started to complain about it all the time. Even out of live, he's not the jealous type, but God, he's offended!
He doesn't care.
"Oh, but they'll see us and.." Stfu. He. Doesn't. Care.
Quackity puts you on his lap while streaming, giving you a tight hug.
Small kisses around your cheeks and neck.
Arms are always around you.
He does the possible for talking in your language, so if it is English that cracked fucked up voice comes out, whispering nasty things on your ear.
And, as you guys know, some even more nasty things for you if you speak spanish or portuguese.
I can imagine a pretty "Ah, é? Você sentiu falta de mim hoje..? Eu tenho certeza que posso fazer você se sentir melhor.." In portuguese while he bites the your ear, slowly and teasy.
Or a simple "Mhm, te ves tan bien usando esa ropa, apuesto a que te gustaría verme besarte a través de ella." Coming from him with an innocent smile.
And again, "What if they hear it?" He. Doesn't. Care.
He cares only about you and you feeling good receiving cuddles from him.
Normally, the chat is accustomed to it, just saying things like;
"Come on, man!!!"
"Please, Quackity, can we keep going with the stream?"
"Oh, well, we're losing him.."
He smiles and gives you a big kiss before letting you go. He stayed in a good mood for the rest of the night.
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auras-moonstone · 1 year
hiiii idk if your taking requests but if u are can u please write like a heart breaking angst with jack and the reader but a sweet fluff at the end??? thank you so much <33333
i wrote this while i was on my period and i may have cried 🫣 hope you like it ! 💓
i know i miss you — jack champion
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word count: 2,809
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: the relationship between y/n and jacks starts to fall apart, and y/n can’t take it anymore. when jack stands her up, she makes a decision.
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WHEN Y/N FIRST MET JACK ON SET, she was very wary around him. He was charming, sweet, funny, caring—exactly the type she swore she would stay away from. Which is kind of ironic, isn’t it? Because those are qualities you usually look for in a person. But if there was something Y/N knew from working in Hollywood was: don’t fall for celebrities because they don’t have the best schedules for dating and you’ll get your heart broken. And Jack was exactly the type you couldn’t help falling for, so Y/N did her best to stay professional and have the least interaction possible. Did she succeed? Hell no. Jack Champion was the most social person Y/N has ever met.
“Jack, you need to stop talking. I can’t get your make-up done like this!” Y/N said, trying to sound annoyed but couldn’t help chuckling.
“Sorry. I’ll let you work” Jack apologised, his cheeks tinted a soft shade of red.
She melted at the sight. “You know I love talking to you. I didn’t mean it like that” she reassured him, not wanting him to get upset. “But they’re going to call you to do a scene and I’m going to get fired if you’re not ready”.
“Aren’t you being a little bit dramatic?” Jack laughed.
“Well, yeah, a little” she admitted. “And… done!”
“Thank you, you are the best!” he hugged her. “Are you ever going to get me fake blood or fake wounds?”.
“Are you subtly trying to get me to spill if you’re Ghostface or if you’re going to die?” Y/N crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“No! I would never use our friendship to do that!” he acted as if the accusation offended him.
“I’m really offended right now. Our friendship is over” she shook her head as she started cleaning the table.
“Let me buy you dinner tonight? You know, to win your affection back?” Jack spoke nervously, playing with his hands and looking at the back of her head.
Y/N froze. She knew they were walking on a fine line between friendly and flirting, and now he was crossing it. Her last relationship with an actor ended up badly—his interest to maintain their relationship deteriorated with the passing days until there was nothing she could do to save it. Y/N was left heartbroken and swore to herself she was never risking it again.
And then Jack came to her life with his cute dimples, bright eyes and dad jokes and completely swept her off her feet. Y/N fell for him in free fall—not being able to stop at all. And there she was now, unable to say no. Not wanting to say no. So she said yes.
And then one date turned into two, and then three and weeks later they became official. And everything felt perfect for the next few months, like they were inside of a romantic comedy. And life and fiction had one thing in common—the climax. And so the problems in their relationship appeared.
The filming of Scream 6 ended, which meant that Y/N and Jack could no longer see each other every day. They knew this would eventually happen, but they were positive they were going to be fine. Well, Jack was pretty positive, Y/N just hoped with all her heart her relationship with Jack wouldn’t meet the same ending than with her ex-boyfriend. Because she loved Jack with all of her heart, more than she had ever loved anyone else, and it scared her immensely.
The first punch in the heart came two months after they finished Scream 6: Y/N continued working as a make-up artist for movies and Jack had began filming Avatar 4, which required lots of time on set. She understood why his replies didn’t come as quick or why his texts weren’t long. He always made sure to add emojis and exclamation marks to let her know he wasn’t being dry, he just had short amount of time to talk to her—and she thought that was absolutely cute. They mostly face-timed or called each other, but as the production of Avatar continued, Jack grew restless; he arrived home very late and all he wanted to do was rest, so he started sending just texts.
And Y/N was very understanding, she knew how Hollywood worked. Not everything was going to be petals and pink all the time, they were going to have rough paths, especially because of work. What mattered is that both of them were trying their best to keep their relationship sane and intact. Until he stopped trying.
The calls were short and dry—she did most of the talking and he answered briefly. And texts? Well, she sent them but almost never got a reply.
“Y/N” he answered the called, lying on the couch of his trailer.
“Hey, babe! How are you?” she answered. Her phone was on speaker as she gathered her make-up stuff she had just used.
“I can’t really talk right now” he answered.
Y/N frowned “Oh, sorry. I thought you were on a break”
“I am, but you know… breaks are for taking breaks”
“Isn’t that what you are doing?” she asked confused, letting out a small laugh.
Jack sighed, Y/N could hear the irritation in his tone and she knew the fight was about to start “No, I’m not. I’m trying to rest but I know that if I don’t answer your call you’ll keep calling me and I’m tired”.
Y/N pressed her lips in a thin line, feeling like she had just been punched in the throat. “Right… sorry for bothering you. I’ll just… um- bye”.
She ended the call, and covered her head with her hands, letting the sobs escape from her mouth. Her chest felt like it was about to explode as she realized it was happening again.
Y/N left Jack alone for a couple of days, hoping that he would call her back and apologise, or at least be the one who texted first. But as it had been for a long time, Y/N was the one who took the first step.
hey love
hope you’re doing okay. sorry i didn’t text, been busy :(
our anniversary is tomorrow and i just wondered if maybe you’d like to come home to celebrate?
nothing fancy of course, maybe i can make dinner and watch a movie??
i love you 💖
He answered hours later.
hey babe🫶🏻!!
yeah, of course 💕
i’ll be there at 8, if that’s okay? i’ll bring dessert
i love you too💖!!!
Emojis. Exclamation marks. Hope filled her chest, maybe they were going to be alright. She went to bed with a smile on her face.
But the hope was short lived, because the following night, Y/N waited for three hours in the dimly lit kitchen, with dinner in front of her, the scent of the lavender candles surrounding her, with the red dress Jack loved so much on and the playlist they made together resonating in the room.
She checked her phone for the hundredth time, still no response to her texts. It was clear he had forgotten, so totally resigned, she blew the candles out, put the food back in the oven, put her pjs on and went to bed. The playlist—which now played love of my life by queen—still on as she cried herself to sleep. She decided then that it had been the last straw.
Jack arrived at her house at three in the morning. He entered the house, which was completely dark, and went to the kitchen. He stopped in his tracks, seeing the burnt out candles and a note lying in the middle of the table.
i don’t even know if you’re going to come
but the food is in the oven.
He cursed himself for having fallen asleep. The filming took longer than usual, and he just planned to take a thirty minute nap, which turned into five hours of sleeping. Jack’s intention had never been to stand his girlfriend up. In fact, he had prepared a whole speech apologising for having been the absolute worst boyfriend in the world. But he screwed everything up.
Jack walked upstairs carefully, and when he opened their bedroom door, his heart melted and broke at the sight of Y/N. She was sleeping with a frown on her face and dry tears on her cheeks—sign that she had cried herself to sleep, and that made Jack’s eyes water, as if her tears had ricocheted.
The tall boy sat next to her, caressing her cheeks softly while he tried to muffle his cries, but it was impossible. Y/N was the best girlfriend in the world: so patient, so caring, loving, understanding and sweet. And the only thing he had done was hurt her.
“Jack?” her sleepy voice interrupted his thoughts, and he tried to clean his tears fast. “What happened? Are you okay?” the worry in her voice was a punch in the gut. He had stood her up, on their anniversary, and there she was, kind as ever.
“I’m sorry” he sobbed “There’s no excuse, nothing happened to me, I just fell asleep for longer than I wanted. God, I’m sorry, love, I didn’t want this to happen” he grabbed her hand, squeezing it.
“Jack… I wish that I could say it’s okay… but it’s not. I have been so understanding, but clearly work is consuming you. It is your number one focus, and I get it, but that’s not what I need right now. I can’t do this again” her heart felt heavy in her chest, but she needed to do it. “I love you, more than I’ve ever loved anyone, but I think it’s best if we break up… I can’t go on like this”
Jack wanted to fight this decision, tell her how much he loved her, and that he got it now, that he was going to be a better boyfriend because he didn’t want to lose her. But he couldn’t be that selfish. “I understand. I just want you to know that I love you. And I’m really sorry for the hell I have been putting you through for the last few months, you deserve so much better. I loved you, I still do, please never doubt that”
“I know, Jack. Trust me, I do. But your work is important to you, more important than anything. And it’s okay” she tried to smile as she cleaned his tears.
“Can I, if it isn’t too much to ask, give you one last kiss?” he asked hopeful.
Y/N thought about it for a moment, and then nodded. Their last kiss was salty from their tears, and it expressed love, sadness, melancholy and regretfulness. Their fingertips explored everything one last time, trying to memorise the feeling of each other. And when they pulled away, they felt nothing but emptiness. That was it. They were over.
“Goodbye, Jack”
“Bye, Y/N/N”
Jack left the room and the bed that used to be theirs. They both broke down when the door closed, but they did their best to keep quiet so the other wouldn’t hear. This was supposed to be for the best, but it sure didn’t feel right.
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Y/N THOUGHT SHE WOULD FEEL AT LEAST A BIT BETTER AFTER HAVING TALKED TO JACK. Spoiler alert, it felt quite the opposite. It hurt more every day. Literally everything reminded her of him. Two days after the breakup she saw the cup he used to drink coffee in and literally cried for thirty minutes straight. She couldn’t listen to music because she always had a way of relating every lyric to him. And sleeping on the bed? Big no. The other side of the bed was cold and it still smelled like him—she always fell asleep on the couch.
Jack wasn’t any better. He messed up his lines more than ever, the food wouldn’t go past his throat, he was always on his phone looking at pictures of Y/N and him or reading their old texts. He was miserable, and everyone noticed.
“How are you feeling, man?” his friend, Romeo, asked. He face-timed Jack every day ever since the break up, wanting to check on him.
Jack sighed, holding his phone “Still the same. Today I heard Last Kiss by Taylor Swift and cried like a baby for hours. That was her favorite song”
“Holy shit, man. I’m tired of seeing you like this. You know what you should do? Go apologise. You had to lose her to realize what a dick you were being, and it sucks, but now you know. Tell her how you really feel. After all, what’s the worst that could happen?”
“Um, her saying that she doesn’t want to see me ever again and that I’m a piece of shit?” Jack asked.
“First of all, Y/N would never say that to you because she loves you. Way too much. Second, you don’t even talk or see each other anymore so what if she says that? It can’t get worse than this, but it can get better”
Jack frowned “You know what? You’re right!”
“Ah, my favorite words” he smiled smugly.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m going to her house now” he said confident.
“Please shower first. I can smell you through the phone” Romeo said right before hanging up.
One hour later, Jack was standing on Y/N’s porche practising what he was going to say to her once he had the courage to ring the bell. He didn’t need to, through, because the door was opened by a very confused Y/N. “What are you doing here?”.
“Oh, hi. I though I didn’t press the bell” he said.
“You didn’t. I saw you through the security camera. Are you okay? You have been standing here talking to yourself for the past ten minutes”.
“You saw that?” Jack blushed from embarrassment. Y/N tried not to laugh as she nodded. “Shit”
Y/N took in his appearance. It had been almost three weeks since the last time they saw each other. His hair was longer, it didn’t have the shape of a mullet anymore but it still looked cute on him, he was as handsome as ever. But the bags under his eyes were very prominent.
“You look… good” Jack said, eyes taking her figure. She, just like him, had bags under her eyes, her hair was in a messy ponytail—which made her look adorable—, and her body was covered by a big cardigan. His heart stopped, it was his cardigan.
“You’re a liar, I look like shit” Y/N said.
“You still manage to look beautiful” he told her. “I’m surprised you aren’t kicking me out, so I’m just going to talk before you change your mind. Y/N, I know I have been the worst boyfriend ever. I didn’t take care of you like I should’ve, as you deserve. I’m sorry I put my work over you, I really regret it. Because, frankly, I miss you more than anything and these weeks have been the worst days of my life. I keep seeing you everywhere, everything reminds me of you. I have been a mess, and I know it’s my fault. But losing you is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. You are one of the most important people in my life, and I’m sorry my actions didn’t show you that. I love you, and I want to try again with you. I know our love is worth fighting for, and that’s why I’m here, I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner. In fact, I’m sorry I ever left”.
Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist and cried “I missed you so much. I should’ve said something, I should’ve told you how I felt, maybe we could’ve work it out”
“No, love. Don’t. It’s my fault” he rubbed her back softly, putting his cheek on top of her head.
“I want to try again with you. I do” she said against his chest.
“Really? Are you sure?” he asked surprised. It was more than he deserved, she was more than he deserved.
Y/N laughed “Yes, Jack. I’m very sure”
And so he grabbed her by the cheeks and pressed his lips against hers. They both almost cried at the feeling of the kiss, hours ago they thought they wouldn’t get to do that ever again. The consuming kiss, her palms against his cheeks, his fingers in the back of her neck, the heat of their bodies—it all felt like coming back home after being homesick. When they finally pulled away, they both smiled and pressed their foreheads together.
“Can we take a nap together? I have been having trouble sleeping without you” Jack said, blush coating his pale cheeks.
“Me too” she admitted. “Let’s go. The other side of the bed misses you”
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yuukei-yikes · 10 months
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Long as hell text post under the cut my guys
me when i wake up and talk every day about the same shit. heart <3 i could talk for days abt jin and the misogyny he writes with. it's everywhere of course lol but out of the female characters takane's like…. the most tragic, in my opinion, because she's the only female character to have absolutely 0 backstory. yes, there's Some stuff, such as her illness, but truly takane does not have that much angst surrounding her illness. everything about her is rather about haruka. takane's moment is yuukei yesterday, but yuukei yesterday is entirely about both haruka and takane and their relationship. yes it's takane's pov, but it's ultimately still about… haruka, and how she feels about him.
back then in the fandom, pre over the dimension specifically, there was a take going around i remember pretty well. "people write haruka and takane like there's nothing more to them than being in love with each other" like the only time we'd see haruka and takane specifically (in fan content), they'd just be there to be shippy. i TOTALLY agreed with this sentiment and i always have, especially because i've always been obsessed with them as characters and i was overanalyzing every little thing (when otd came out i was over the moon bc i got so much stuff right btw. if u even care)
HOWEVER. if u think about it. pre over the dimension, with the manga having covered yuukei yesterday already and the next time takane (and haruka) appear as themselves in the manga is A LOT later in volume 10 (by that time, otd was already out) (also i'll get to takane in 2nd manga route in a second), so what we had at the time, for haruka and takane's backstory, was manga&novel yuukei yesterday and what we got from the anime. if you consider this… truly, at first the only thing to go off really was. just their relationship. that was all there was to both of them, because haruka was described from takane's pov, and everything we got from takane was how she felt for haruka. that was IT. for everything else u had to read between the lines like i was doing bc 10 years later i'd still be here talking about it teehee
of course there are also the songs. takane's songs set in time before she's ene are yuukei yesterday and of course headphone actor, one of the Best kagepro songs dont even come AT ME anyways headphone actor as a song touches THE OTHER BIG THING we were offered about takane at the time. okay, she isn't JUST in love with haruka. the other thing about takane is… she wants to SURVIVE!!!
i've talked about this LOADS of times i know (about this entire thing actually but i just like talking about also it's my blog) takane gets opening eyes because she's so determined to live. ratio + this from novel 2 headphone actor
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which brings me to. ugh. second manga route. takane….would not…. KILL HERSELF…. second manga route WHY. we finally get to see Takane again in the manga and she's just so spectacularly NOT HERSELF it's crazy. takane since her INTRODUCTION is presented as "selfish" and how her want for attention from haruka or in general gets the best of her. that's ene. THAT'S ene!!! that's also why ENE stays with shintaro!!! it is FUNDAMENTAL to her character. we were given miserably little about her and in the most simplified way to put it, those things are: takane 1. is an attention whore<3 2. doesn't want to die. so tell me. how do you manage to get these 2 very simple things so incredibly WRONG in second manga route.
where in the world would takane get mad haruka got another friend. it makes NO sense!?!? bro haruka and shintaro ARE ALSO BEST FRIENDS IN THE MAIN ROUTE, where takane ACTUALLY HAS REASONS TO ACTIVELY REALLY DISLIKE SHINTARO, and she doesn't give a fuck that they're friends, why would she randomly care so much now when she has no reason to even dislike shintaro? so basically because she doesn't have ayano she gets jealous and wants haruka all to herself?? erm ok?? let's say that's true (it's not), even if she was jealous of shintaro her desire to be by haruka's side WILL be stronger, she would NEVER just turn around and leave. absolutely NOT. one of the stupidest things takane does is want haruka to look her way so bad she doesn't realize HE'S DYING ON HER. this bitch is so insanely self centered she would never in her life walk out on haruka just for having another friend. REAL takane walks in there with that stupid basket and be like Everyone look at me NOW<3
ok. first trait: attention whore: second manga route FAILS. second trait: doesn't want to die. wonder what second manga route will do. (looks into the camera) takane kills herself in second manga route.
dude you're crazy. you literally get EVERYTHING WRONG. it pisses me off. and not only does she kill herself but she does it because haruka DIED!?!?!?!?!? OH MY GOD. i hate it it's so fucking fake it's not HER THAT'S NOT TAKANE ENOMOTO THAT'S A SHIT CHARACTER JIN AND MAHIRO SATO DECIDED TO SUDDENLY WRITE INTO THE STORY i already put it in this post but let me attach it again
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dear lord. anyways i've talked about that loads of times but i needed to include it in this talk cuz. yeah. i dont even HATE the rest of second manga route i just hate how takane is written specifically but since she's everything 2 me erm. you get my thumbs down!!! anyways having acknowledged second manga route we can move on.
back to main route discussion. so takane's backstory. not super deep, especially compared to other characters. yes her backstory is basically that she's sad because her boyfriend dies. but as ene there's so much more to unpack, right?! a character who will 100% accept a HALF DEATH because she's so determined not to die, but she's also mentioned to be tirelessly looking for her body because despite everything she's got HOPE? that's SUPER interesting, i love her!! what will she- *is obsessed with shintaro* ene's obsession with shintaro again ties in with everything else, desperate for attention, finds kinship with shintaro because she (or rather, ayano) decided he's compatible with her, but most importantly, he's doing badly and she wants to help him. takane isn't a person anymore, she's alive only as a technicality, so… she spends time with shintaro! but we ignore, it's TWO YEARS. and only in one of those she is with shintaro. we tend to overlook she spends the WHOLE TIME looking for her body in that other year. of course ene talks a lot about how much she loves her power, how much she loves being ene and not having to take care of her sick body but it's a REALITY that she wants to get it back. if she really didn't want it, why would she look for it and later get back into it when she does find it? but that's in between the lines. ene's obsession with shintaro is super interesting and you KNOW i love everything we know about takane be it her obsession with shintaro or her crush on haruka. i just wish there was....more.... like everyone else gets more! like HARUKA, a damn side character, gets more!!
haruka gets so SO much, he even bonds with SETO!! he gets a really well developed friendship with shintaro, he gets a very long detailed introduction scene with ayano with funny younger mekatrio shenanigans, he gets yuukei quartet hangout moments, he gets a GOOD RELATIONSHIP WITH KENJIROU (fundamental imo as he's very important both in general and haruka and takane's social circle back then) and not just all that, but super thoughtfully written feelings about his illness, views on life, wishes... and all takane's story gets is…. she's sick, but it's ok it's not deadly, HARUKA HOWEVER…. oh, HE'S the real delicate one….especially since she's in love with him ofcourse!! dont forget!! btw she's grumpy cuz of her illness. she wishes she just didn't need sleep. aaanywaaays did we mention it's not as important as haruka's illness and btw she's in love with him?
unlike haruka, takane gets no relationship with ayano, and all their interactions are talking about how in LOVE they are with haruka and shintaro. no relationship with kenjirou beyond comic relief of ugh useless ass teacher, even revealed later on she stays in the dark about kenjirou forcing them to participate in the festival ON PURPOSE and playing her like that so she would be determined and make haruka join. her dynamic to shintaro pre being ene is just pitiful, and if it wasn't for his behavior towards her shintaro would be…. erm normal?? yea he's cold to ayano but that vs the way he randomly treats takane without even knowing her. god. imagine kagepro where shintaro DIDN'T do that. he'd still be flawed and stuff like what was the need😭 like HUUHH. takane gets nothing!!!!! and if we're still on the shintaro subject, why she's the asshole for being a menace as ene? whatever. i support women's wrongs. bully him harder.
alright. later she's ene, bonds with the dan. wait!! look!! it's KANO!!! she has so much in common with him, to the point he chooses her to open up to and helps her get her body back!!! this is a GREAT character choice to pair her with and to develop a dynamic with!! uh. oh wait….. kano's just totally awful to her and then later leaves her to get her body back offscreen and on her own? (looks into the camera again)
to continue comparing haruka and takane. takane mentions grandma makes her lunch, grandpa is dead, and they're both SUPER worried about her illness. there's…. nothing about their personalities or their relationship to her. meanwhile, haruka mentions everything! he's all like my illness… when it killed my mother it was exactly when the doctors said it would. my dad is cold and a little strange and doesnt spend time at home. we have a live in helper who does chores. like that's already so much deeper!
u find out through another mention later on that takane's parents work overseas but you dont know ANYTHING else despite it being so specific. while haruka goes on about his relationship with his dad or rather lack of relationship, and there's even some stranger at home doing chores for him. and again HE GETS TO HAVE A CLOSE RELATIONSHIP WITH KENJIROU, heavily written as a father/son dynamic. man.
anyways…. this is kinda all over the place and it's something i talk about very often but teehee. wanted to do it again. i was thinking about it again because i realized i don't tend to draw haruka in a context outside being takane's boytoy. which i don't particularly care about because i know that's not all i see him as and i do see him as a deep character of his own and i like analyzing him just as much… it's just in art specifically he's just always there to be in love with her and nothing else. and i was like damn does that suck of me?? but you know what. i dont care<3 thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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lowkey just curious but do u have any tips for drawing yautjas? :]
Hi! Tbh this is somewhat difficult to answer, and is specially because of their heads that is the biggest "anomaly" compared to the rest of their bodies. I'll be just listing the things I noticed trough all my time drawing them, so I hope this helps.
First of all, their mouths are similar to ours in terms of how they open and close, but the skin of their cheeks is attached to the tusks. This is pretty clear when you look at pictures but when I first started drawing them this was one of my biggest isues.
The tusks are like extra bones connected to the jaws, formed by two joints, base and fang mobility.
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Here is a little example using said pictures. It might seem like the upper tusks have three joints but no, they are just kinda close to the inner mouth and the upper jaw sides sometimes can be mistaken by part of the tusk. While doing this I noticed I use to do that tiny error.
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Their heads are a lot more easier than some might think. The position and size of the eyes are same as ours because remember many of the movie predators are actors with massive build heads.
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It consist in two parts: a crest and the hard skin that covers the base of the tresses, sometimes being more spiked, bumpy, or smooth
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This, however, is not always the rule and the appearance of it can change drastically. Just look at Wolf and the emissaries (Sorry for the quality lol) or even Feral and Berserker but these two have the excuse of being a subspecies.
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Hands are similar to us too but more scaly. Sometimes they have a side claw just like their feets an the texture depends, bumpy, plated or just textured like the rest of the boddy. The finger pads are just their normal skin but subespecies like Feral look like if they had something similar to gecko pads.
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I tend to do them plated, is more fun to me
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Gender dimorphism depends a lot on what you want to do. Its said that females are sleeker and with tiny, sharper mandibles and some others say they look exactly the same as males and bigger. Just have fun I guess.
I might add more but this is what I can think about for now, thanks for leaving your ask :D
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Questions and Answers
Prologue =-= Past =-= Next
Author's note: Zadakael's next part in Husbandry.
Warnings: Let me know if I need to add more.
Summary: Zadakael meets his bonded for the first time. They are super adorable in his opinion.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
The Traitor Bastards manage to escape him, and some fellow Loyalists, older than the overly large Scout-lings had found him and had insisted on him going to their base as they explained the situation, and having him look through one of the 'fancy' for Ancient Terra telescopes to see for himself that their words are truth. He informed the Imperial Fist that he's not going to apologize for scaring off those Chaos Bastards, they'd been scaring Scoutlings.
That had gotten him a more or less tired nod, if a bit concerned about why the Chaos Bastards had been trying to scare the Scout-lings. They'd gotten a message from one of the leaders of that particular Chaos War Band that they'd noticed the Blood Angel's arrival and how he'd been particularly stabby-paranoid, and thus had herded the Scout-lings in his direction after watching him for a few hours.
Not that the Scout-lings had known beforehand, because good actors and liars Scouts are not especially Primaris Space Marines. There was an almost-apology for scaring the Scout-lings from the group. Which was given to the two Scouts who'd … listened to the almost apology, whether they accepted it or not was up to them and entirely their own choice and in their own time, a definitive answer wasn't needed.
Zadakael gets checked over by an Apothecary and sent to a Blood Angel ran base and starts to learn about how to fit in and work in this new normal. It could be downright leasurely and indulgent at times, being on one world, despite the fact that humanity only had this one planet which had his instincts and training screaming at him to do something about it.
Slowly, he proves himself to his brothers and cousins that he's got a good head on his shoulders. He's informed them of The Black Rage, and how he's fallen to it once. Because of… Because of being on Terra when Father, Beloved Primarch of the Blood Angels had been murdered by that Bastard Arch Traitor Horus.
It had been hard to get the words out, the wounds fresh and bleeding. But it helps with the consensus of the when he was and where he was before he'd been sent back in time to Ancient Terra. There are some of his brothers and cousins who are devoted to trying to figure out how this whole thing happened and how to reverse it or something.
Zadakael isn't a Psyker and doesn't know much about warp-craft, he leaves that to the specialists. While he's heard about 'Bonds' and has been more than a little entertained as some of his brothers waxed poetically, love sick like, about their Bonded. Part of him was curious about Bonds, but he's not actively searching for a Human to bond with like that.
He's helped brothers, cousins and humans during the course of his duties, and occasionally when he's off shift. There is this one place he likes to frequent, learning about the currency of the place, and slowly learning the predominant language in the region that he'd landed in was a couple of things that he'd been working on.
He's missed creating Art, and he's glad that he's been able to have a new, of Ancient Terra style notebook and art supplies that he has to be careful using so he doesn't accidentally snap the colored pencils or push through the paper. He's on one of his days off as he sits near a park, carefully sketching the base line humans, both large and small at play.
One of the youngsters, is running after a ball, that was thrown and overshot and landed near him. With one foot he lightly stops the ball and cocks his head as one of the children runs over to him, intent on getting the ball, a small grin appearing on his face, hidden by his helmet. Children can be very cute, sometimes. In small doses. They are part of future that builds things, for better or worse. The child grabs the ball, and notices him, their eyes are large, and seem to get bigger as they stare up at him.
He lets out a gentle crooning trill to the little one in High Gothic, "Hello child, I'm Zadakael… you should head back to your friends and family."
He makes a very gentle shooing mootion with one of his hands back in the direction of where they'd run from. Stubbornly, the child comes closer to him, having spotted the notepad in his other hand and pointing at it and twittering up at him with a curious tilt to their head.
"Oh?" He hums at them,"Do you want to look at my notebook?"
They continue to very boldly, inch towards him, curious about his notepad. He heaves a sigh and twists the notepad so that they can see it. It's a park scene, the little one lights up and points at the various figures and at the other people in the park, then spots their figure on the page and then at themself.
"Yes, I vaguely drew you and your friends and family." He replies.
This sort of one sided conversation is kind of amusing. The child beams up at him with a giggle that feels like warm sunshine. That warm, soft feeling leaves him as they do and he feels a pang of panic, among other emotions as the child leaves. Protect something roars at him follow. He takes a couple of steps after the child.
Ah- he's heard from his brothers and cousins what it feels like when the Bond first Forms, but he hadn't realized it was like that until he experienced it himself. His Bonded Human is a child, and if their parents had any lick of sense or care, they'd likely be very Concerned and Worried about a large, dangerous stranger whom they can't communicate with hovering near their child. So he sends a message to one of his younger brothers who can translate for him as he tries not to stalk after the child like a creepy lunatic.
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neil-neil-orange-peel · 5 months
TYO Essay
A while back, I mentioned I wrote an essay for my previous uni course where I used TYO as a source to look at the early 1980s. @a-a-a-anon expressed an interest in reading it, so here ya go! The quality of it is seriously iffy (I was 18/19 when I wrote it and had no idea how to actually write or reference academic essays yet, and just the quality of the writing makes me cringe a bit). There was also more I wanted to say but couldn't due to the word limit (don't remember what these other things were now). Despite all that, the lecturer liked it, and it was cool I got to write about TYO for uni.
The Young Ones as a Cultural Source for Early 1980s Britain
Although today in Britain the future often feels uncertain – the global pandemic notwithstanding, Brexit is still looming on the horizon – the Britons of 40 years ago doubtlessly felt similarly, albeit for different reasons. In the early 1980s, the threat of nuclear war was palpable, as the existence of Protect and Survive[1] attests to. Nuclear war paranoia influenced British culture in the 1980s, with bleak examples such as the BBC film Threads (1984) and Raymond Briggs’ When the Wind Blows (1986) still remembered keenly today. Both fictionalisations of nuclear war featured material from Protect and Survive and highlighted the message of contemporary nuclear disarmament protestors: no one can win a nuclear war. Of the less apocalyptic issues, unemployment hit 3 million (about 11.7%[2]) in 1983 – for comparison, in 2019 it was estimated to be at 1.281 million (about 3.6%[3]). The Thatcher administrations’ efforts to break from the post-war consensus and embrace neo-liberalism created divisions in society. Yet, amidst threats of nuclear war, mass unemployment, the decline of British industry and the growth of individualism, a cultural revolution in comedy dubbed “alternative comedy” was fast taking hold in Britain – and in much the same way Thatcherism’s impacts can still be felt on society today, so too can alternative comedy’s.
Running for 2 series (12 episodes in total) on BBC2 between 1982-84, anarchic and slightly surreal sitcom The Young Ones epitomised the break between older styles of comedy and the new wave. Although The Young Ones has been called ground-breaking and classic, it is also now regarded as somewhat dated for its jokes pertaining to current events. Therefore, its scripts are an interesting source for an insight into the time in which it was produced and based: early 1980s Britain.
Firstly, it is important to understand what The Young Ones actually was. Written by Ben Elton, Rik Mayall and Lise Mayer[4] and with additional material provided by Alexei Sayle, it followed the misadventures of four vastly different university students at the fictional Scumbag College in North London. Whilst the four were never seen doing anything remotely akin to studying, it aimed at being representative of university life, students and the squalor they lived in. The show was not a conventional sitcom in that it did not pertain to a family and it featured a musical act in every episode so that it could be classified as “light entertainment”, as the BBC had no further budget available for sitcoms at the time. Because many of its principal actors came from the stand-up comedy circuit, there was an emphasis on excitement and unpredictability over discernible plots and many memorable scenes featured characters injuring themselves and others, destroying bits of the set and crashing through walls, as well as randomly interspersed and unrelated cutaway gag segments. There was a cartoonish level of slapstick violence, swearing and toilet humour, which appear milder to today’s palate than 40 years ago.
British audiences were divided by The Young Ones mostly along age lines, with younger viewers engaging readily with this new style of comedy and older viewers seeing it as unnecessarily vulgar and silly. Indeed, the characters that had been transplanted from their actors’ stand-up routines were deliberately disgusting, exaggerated caricatures and horrible to one another. Mayall himself played wannabe lefty anarchist Rick, who frequently came to rather explosive blows with the violent punk medical student, Vyvyan (played by Mayall’s comedy partner, Adrian Edmondson). Also featured was badly done to, depressed hippie Neil (played by Nigel Planer) and the mysterious leader and straight man of the group, Mike The Cool Person (played by Christopher Ryan, the only one of the core cast without a comedy background). Sayle too appeared in every episode as either their hated landlord Balowski or a member of his family, where he would deliver a short stand-up monologue to the camera. The show’s title (and opening theme) was derived from the Cliff Richard song of the same name, as Mayall’s character was a huge fan.
The Young Ones took on the issues of its day, perhaps none more so than the episode “Bomb”. “Bomb” uses dark humour to address fears over nuclear war by having an atom bomb land in the characters’ kitchen at the start of the episode. Even before the characters deal with the unexploded bomb, the script is already hinting at the theme of nuclear war in this cutaway gag sequence, featuring a family on a packet of cereal:
FATHER: Would you two shut up and keep smiling? We’re supposed to be the ideal nuclear family!
GIRL: Post-nuclear, more like!
Not only was this segment ridiculing the “ideal nuclear family” that was promoted by the Thatcher governments – none of the characters posing as a family get along at all and the “father” reveals himself to be gay, thus exposing the lie that there is truly an “ideal” family – it also managed to slip in a quick gag about nuclear war. This reflected a genuine belief by many at the time that nuclear war was coming, especially amongst the young.[5]
When the main characters finally become aware of the bomb in their kitchen, the script offers this response:
NEIL: I’m going upstairs to get the incredibly helpful and informative “Protect and Survive” manual! Nobody better touch this while I’m gone!
This reference to the Protect and Survive manual, which at the time and retrospectively has been regarded as useless in the event of an actual nuclear attack, appears for the purpose of ridiculing it. Having the character of Neil act as though the manual could help deal with something as serious as an atom bomb in the kitchen employs sarcasm as a critical tool. Protect and Survive featured suggestions such as painting the windows of the house white in order to deflect the heat from a blast, which The Young Ones also satirised:
RICK: Neil, can you lend me five- What are you doing?
[NEIL is reading his survival manual while painting himself white with a paintbrush]
NEIL: Oh, painting myself white to deflect the blast.
RICK: That’s great, isn’t it? Racial discrimination, even in death! What are these? [indicates a few lunchbags on the table]
NEIL: Sandbags!
The misinterpretation of the manual’s instructions, as well as the substitution of items deemed vital for items found in the house, reflects the feeling that most British households were simply unprepared for a nuclear attack and stood very little chance of survival. This is compounded later in the episode, when the four main characters resort to hiding underneath the kitchen table as a means of escaping the blast of the bomb – something many had resorted to in air raids during WWII but which was drastically inadequate protection against an atom bomb. This episode also portrayed the nihilism in British culture over nuclear war – a nihilism that can be found in other cultural sources, such as The Smiths song “Ask”[6] – through the character of Vyvyan, who spends much of the episode attempting to set the bomb off.
This show being the work of alternative comedians, The Young Ones also utilised its anarchic tone to critique the Thatcher administration of the time. This was usually done through the character of Rick, who blamed Margaret Thatcher for most problems faced by the group. Though his character existed to satirise upper-class closet conservatives as well as overzealous student activists, he was something of a mouthpiece for the left-wing writers. Some of his more memorable outbursts include:
RICK: We haven’t got any money! Vyvyan’s baby will be a pauper! Oliver Twist! Jeffrey Dickens! Back to Victorian values! [directly to camera, angrily] I hope you’re satisfied, Thatcher!
RICK: Neil! The bathroom’s free! Unlike the country under the Thatcherite junta!
Other characters were used to critique the government too:
RICK: School’s out forever! Yeah, come on everyone! Let all your hairs hang out! Do whatever you want!
MIKE: What’s all the excitement, Rick? Has education finally been cut altogether? That’s the only reason I voted Tory.
The first of these is a reference to the 1983 interview in which Thatcher endorsed a return to “Victorian values”. That is, a rolling back of the state to unburden the individual and set them free to prosper, should they put the effort in. This New Right attitude, combined with the high unemployment figures from that year, created the view that Thatcherism was about looking out for “number one”. This wasn’t aided by Employment Secretary Norman Tebbit’s “Get On Your Bike” speech at the Conservative Party Conference in 1981. The Young Ones captured the mood of particularly the youth in such a climate – one in which many felt misunderstood and patronised – in a cutaway segment featuring the fictional TV programme Nozin’ Aroun’:
BAZ: Rol! A lot of my mates say to me, “Oh Baz, what is the point?” What would you say to them?
ROLAND: Well surely, Baz, your mates must realise that there definitely is a point!
BAZ: So a real message of hope and good cheer there – from Roland, a really ace guy!
To summarise; just as is the case today, early 1980s Britons were facing uncertainty. This was especially the case for anyone working in manufacturing industries, as the unsuccess of the Miners’ Strike of 1984 signified a wider trend in British industry. The government’s overarching aim of turning society away from one in which a “nanny state” risked making people idle to one where everyone was free to accumulate wealth that would trickle down to the less well off was never going to be a smooth period to live through. The last tremors of the Cold War didn’t help make the period more bearable. Yet, it is often harder or uncertain times where laughter becomes more valuable to people and The Young Ones – though not to everyone’s political or cultural tastes – undeniably provided some release for younger generations. To call it an entirely accurate depiction of early 1980s Britain would be to forget that its primary purpose was amusement. Nevertheless, it does provide a colourful insight and one that is remembered with fondness by those who grew up watching it, even today.
[1] Protect and Survive was a series of government issued pamphlets, public information films and radio broadcasts produced in the late 1970s/early 1980s, to be distributed 72 hours before a nuclear attack was expected. Public interest meant they were released in 1980.
[2] https://countryeconomy.com/unemployment/uk?dr=1983-12, December 1983
[3] Office for National Statistics, December 2019
[4] All of whom are alumni of the University of Manchester.
[5] After speaking to some adults who were young during this period, Mr Smith revealed how (aged 11 in 1983) he told his class: “I want to be there when the bomb drops. I want to be right next to it so I’m disintegrated and don’t know anything about it.” Additionally, he was under the impression that a bomb would likely be dropped on Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester.
[6] “If it’s not love / Then it’s the bomb / Then it’s the bomb that will bring us together” – S. Morrissey & J. Marr, “Ask”, The World Won’t Listen, 1987
B. Elton, R. Mayall & L. Mayer, “Demolition”, The Young Ones, BBC2, 1982
B. Elton, R. Mayall & L. Mayer, “Bomb”, The Young Ones, BBC2, 1982
B. Elton, R. Mayall & L. Mayer, “Cash”, The Young Ones, BBC2, 1984
B. Elton, R. Mayall & L. Mayer, “Nasty”, The Young Ones, BBC2, 1984
B. Elton, R. Mayall & L. Mayer, “Summer Holiday”, The Young Ones, BBC2, 1984
Central Office of Information, Protect and Survive, Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, 1980 Transcript of Brian Walden interview with Margaret Thatcher for BBC, 1983: https://www.margaretthatcher.org/document/105087
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wereoz · 2 months
@cnka i wanted to reply to ur question abt my thoughts on the tsn doc on my actual post but the tags were so insanely long i was like. i need to make an actual post
first off, wow im just so astounded by the fervent love that went into making tsn. it was a risk and so unlike other projects fincher and anyone else there had done but w/ their commitment to it it turned out SO amazingly. the fact they sat around a table and argued for hours abt how the lines fit and everyone could make their case is just. WOW!!!! they really made sure everyone understood and loved playing their characters.
erica's and christies actresses werent very common appearances like mark but they really went all in too im in AWE!! NOT TO MENTION MARYLINS WOW!! rooney mara really just. god she went so hard into making sure all of ericas kindness and leniency and frustration were so clear, she was so focused in the behind the scenes footage and obviously having so much fun <33 i love that brenda song was able to relate to christie's jealousy and fear eduardo was cheating. the fact all the actors ARE the characters ages and are as chaotic and fierce and dedicated and ambitious makes it soooo<3333 rashida jones describing marilyn as a greek chorus just watching hit SO hard. the second hand experience of this young man going through this epic tale by just hearing it thru testimony is a crazy thing. the act of listening is so simple but becomes so emotional even as everyone wants to keep it professional
on the twins: i find it so wonderful that the actors armie and josh played both twins. it just WORKS bc twins take the 'know u better than u do' that siblings have and take it to absolutely insane levels. the fact these actors have literally got access to both the twins minds takes the performance to a whole new level like those twins know each other inside and out!!!! its a meta thing that goes truly crazy.
you have already seen me say the bts of the erica and mark breakup truly kills me bc. he is being an asshole and not listening and the fact he doesn’t mean to doesn’t change that he is. she has to leave, but it’s so sad that she does bc… fincher calling him 'damaged goods' implies a universe where whatever makes him like this isnt present. where maybe he’s fine. so. GOD :’(( (i think it’s autism + the bad life experiences that come from that & being queer + the bad life experiences that come from that, heightened by the era)
on a more positive note i love that on set picking out the accessories andrew says ‘i’ when hes speaking as eduardo. he’s really dedicated to the role its great. also that he and jesse had conversations in character like these 20 year olds r crazy truly. love them for that !!
during the whole thing, everyone is so suspicious, and condemning to mark: like, noting that he is driven by ego, jesse jokes mark is okay with the cold because he doesn’t feel anything, and also, there’s a part when sorkin, fincher, andrew, and jesse are sitting around and talking about the scene where mark & eduardo argue abt ads. essentially, they make the argument that mark always says ‘i’ when eduardo says ‘we’ because in his mind, eduardo hasn’t contributed much at all. while mark is up coding for hours straight, eduardo is at some phoenix thing so? what gives?
so i was reframing my understanding of mark (which. is very indulgent cus i love him), and trying to get as close to his brain as i could and i was coming up with him generally being pretty… hard on the outside for lack of a better word. he’s not traditionally intimidating (like the script states) but its hard to crack him and you can really see this with jesse’s physicality like he’s so stiff. that’s pretty innocuous but i think this is something he uses to put distance between him and his loved ones- very frustrating. and i think every time i realise how much mark is an asshole i remember so many reasons why they added *trying to be.
when fincher called him damaged goods it’s like. the most in the doc people give him the benefit of the doubt (also sorkin saying he wanted to balance out all of mark’s character). which is pretty good because marks good traits are supposed to be very subtle and hit you when you don’t expect it. that’s very much how i felt when i suddenly remembered ‘sorry. that was mean.’ he truly is just trying to be an asshole. he wants to be nicer than he is but he also wants more power than he does and as someone who felt pretty powerless the rest of his life, that trumps the rest. he really thinks he can have both experiences, power and love, and he just hates that every time he takes a step in one direction it cancels out the other. this actually really fits in well w/ my next point
i also want to say that the fact mark videoing everyone was explained as him wanting to force proof that everything is fine, and they’re happy is making me so :(( MARK!!!! :(( he is so. i mean its two things: its the ‘i won, but did i?’ of it all. mark won the argument but its a hollow victory, being some sillicon valley titan isn’t emotionally fulfilling, it will never be enough. especially not when its costing him a good friend. the way the end is laced throughout the entire movie is so sick to me
re marks bullshit i also love how they mentioned that marks jealousy about the final clubs is more than just wanting to be in eduardo’s position its like - i thought we had some loser solidarity and now its like you’re a whole different person. its less of a horrible feeling when ur at the bottom with someone and mark feels betrayed. ofc mark doesn’t feel safe to express this emotion (bc bullied nerd boy whos probs bi in the 2000s), or doesn’t know that’s what he’s feeling, and decides it’s eduardo’s fault and freezes him out for it.
this is just off the top of my head i certainly have more and will probably talk more abt this lovely doc again :^))
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clarabowmp3 · 2 months
It's cool, u can be a fan of this joebless man, whatever but from reading everyone's pov, joes shady ish is stunk up the joint. Dude ain't relevant no mo so again why is he checking for tayvis. Like whats no clicking? Why go to a bathhouse to talk ish about ur ex if u didn't want to be overheard!! He did that cuz he wanted the smoke so this work he will get!
I will further wager taylor hasn't thought about the man since you are losing me dropped. She found joe boring, and prisonlike to the point she wanted out. Most swifties have moved on from him. Like frfr. And noone is hating on him cuz there's nothing to hate fr.
He's a terrible actor, boring and that's that. It's just interesting that he acts all resentful of taylor for 7 plus years and suddenly is everywhere. That contrast is jarring is all, but most swifties don't care and want him gone from tje Taylor universe overall. Hell taylor wanted him gone by the end too
anon how can you say “noone is hating on him cuz there's nothing to hate fr” then say “he’s a terrible actor, boring” in the same breath 😭😭😭 also u calling him joebless is so telling. If you don’t hate him, why the derogatory nickname? Why the insults?? Your other ask was way worse too so why are you trying to act all innocent now lmao
I’m not rlly a fan of joe, I’ve only hear bits and pieces about some of his projects and never watched any of them. I just don’t like how swifties bully certain people whether or not taylor encourages it. Think olivia rodrigo, billie eilish, the ginny and georgia cast. And if I had to ��be a fan’ of someone, I’d rather it be an unproblematic man than her these days.
and idk what else to say but maybe you really need to get offline for a while. Yes it is possible that joe set this all up intentionally but we have no reason to think so based on the little we know. We do have reason to think it was truly an accident: notoriously private, posted abt Gaza when everyone was stalking his ig stories post break up, waited for the heat to die down for over a year before addressing it in an interview in a very mature and polite manner -> he seems to want to move past this break up thing as much as you appear to.
Also how has he everrr appeared resentful of taylor in their 7 years of dating?? Give facts please instead of delusional fictional narratives/speculation. Put some respect on one of my fav scenes of Miss Americana!!
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as for him suddenly being everywhere, it’s almost like breaking up with one of the most famous artists in the world will thrust you into the spotlight. What a wild concept. I also think his career started taking off a little more around that time cuz he had quite a few projects lined up, which is also probably why he’s more in the press nowadays.
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whchenlvr · 2 years
Hi! I saw that your request is open, can I request how the union + eunjang boys would react to getting kissed randomly to shut them up? I think it would be so cutee
YES i am loving theseeeee THANK YOU
kissing you to silence you ;
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weak hero x gn!reader
gray yeon
➤ he’d be helping you study for your final, and you’re just so stressed that you can’t stop putting yourself down
➤ “what if i can’t do it? if i fail?”
➤ gray would try to calm you, but i don’t think that’d necessarily be his strong suit. he’d just keep going over the chapters with you and glance over at you every few seconds to see if you’re getting it or not
➤ when you clearly struggle, gray would place a hand on your back and let you rant until you started putting yourself down
➤ once the words “i’m so stupid” leave your mouth, gray’s lips are on yours, begging you not to say such things about yourself without actually voicing his concerns. let's just say you like this form of encouragement 
ben park
➤ you were almost in a car accident on your way to eunjang from your school, and when ben hears about an accident on your route, he’s instantly worried about you
➤ of course, your phone died :)
➤ both of you mega panic. him because he thinks you’re hurt, and you because you have no way of contacting him to let him know you’re okay
➤ he’d be running to the accident and nearly knock into you as you rush to eunjang, and he’d just grab you by the shoulders and check you. “are you okay?! are you hurt?!”
➤ this will set you off, and you start rambling your explanation because you feel so bad for worrying him. “i’m fine, i’m fine. i wasn’t hurt, but my phone died so i couldn’t text or call you. oh gosh, i’m sorry! i was trying to get to you as fast as i could to assure you that i’m okay! please don’t be upset—“
➤ and ben would just cup your face and kiss you so hard :’) “i’m not upset, i was just worried...” expect lil caresses in the cheek with his thumb
alex go
➤ you’re watching a movie together, and you have a habit of talking during films
➤ it was okay at first since alex was used to this, but when you slipped up and spoiled the ending for him…
➤ you wouldn’t even notice his slow turn toward you lmao you’d just open your mouth when a new actor appears on screen and prepare to tell him every other film this dude has been in
➤ of course, alex beats you to it and leans over just in time to silence you with his lipssss
➤ super flustered at first, but when you realize he’s just trying to shut you up, you smack him on the shoulder and laugh when he gives you such an offended expression
➤ “if you wanted a kiss, you could have just asked.” “i couldn’t. you were talking too much.” “okay, just say you hate me—” and he’d kiss you again just to spite you.
donald na
➤ you and donald just recently started dating, and you still got a bit flushed and shy around him
➤ one morning, you were walking around town and came across a little flower shop. you weren’t sure why, but you couldn’t stop yourself from buying a pretty yellow tulip for your new boyfriend
➤ any confidence you had dwindled as soon as you came face to face with donald, though
➤ “what’s this?” he asked softly, referring to the flower between your hands, and your mind goes blank. “u-uh, well, i saw this and, i don’t know, i thought you’d like it? if you don’t, that’s okay, too, but, i don’t kno—”
➤ he leaned forward, swiftly taking the tulip from your hands as he places a gentle kiss against your lips. “i love it, y/n. thank you.” blush central for you
jake ji
➤ honestly i’m so obsessed with the idea of you and jake constantly having little arguments about manga versus literature
➤ you’d be on the couch, legs propped to your chest as you read the new novel you bought when jake comes barreling toward you with a fresh manga in his hands
➤ since you were so immersed in the scene before you (like, on the brink of tears immersed), jake’s interruption frustrates you a bit more than usual, and you can’t help but tell him so
➤ “jake! i was about to read the best part!” of course, he’d apologize the second he realizes that you’re actually upset, but i think he’d still poke your side or cheek to get you to lighten up
➤ “jake ji, i swear to g—“ and BAM, he stole your words with a kiss <3
wolf keum
➤ i would say he’d kiss you to keep you quiet in bed, but i’ll try keeping these pg 😁
➤ you’d be angry at each other for some unimportant (to him) reason, and since wolf really hates fighting with you, he’d get up and leave while you’re in the middle of your rant
➤ “where are you going? wolf, talk to m—” “talk? you want to talk? to me, we’re just wasting our breath yelling at each other for no reason!” “you could have gotten seriously hurt! killed! and you don’t even care! what am i supposed to do if something happened to you, huh? how am i supposed to live with myself if you... if you—”
➤ the words just barely slipped through your lips when wolf’s hands reached your cheeks, meeting your lips with his and silencing you with a kiss
➤ wolf would rest his forehead on yours and caress your cheek gently with his thumb. “you’re right. i’m sorry. but nothing is going to happen. can you trust me?” “... okay. i trust you.”
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clairedaring · 1 month
Hello Claire! It always takes me by surprise and leaves me with awe when I read your posts about thai production houses. And it's a topic that really interests me.
So, disclaimer before I mention my question - sorry if this is stupid or weird, but why did Nadao close its operation? I mean, given the fact that they had such powerhouses under them (not just actors but directors, producers, musicians, etc.) and if I remember correctly, it was right after IPYTM (or maybe after a year or so), so it felt like they were on the pathway of constant success.
~ @tipsyjaehyun
Hi Rain!
I always love talking about Nadao so thank YOU for allowing me the opportunity to talk about them. And please, there are never stupid or weird questions ever, especially when it comes to Nadao Bangkok (rip love).
When Nadao announced they were closing down, they posted this very long letter explaining why as well. Here's a summary of the contents:
In short: Nadao will terminate their roles as artist development, series & music producer. The reason is that their artists are now grownup enough to choose their own paths. Also the seniors have different goals. It is not sudden. They have been discussing it for a while. We have seen many Nadao artists moving out and continue with their own journey. This is the reason. Nadao will terminate their roles and want to give their artists more freedom to work in the industry. Ongoing series production will be passed to the director and they will make their own decision. Ongoing music production will be under the artists’ own names. Nadao will also introduce their artists to network in the path that their artists are interested in.
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Nadao closing its business leaves a lot of regret in the hearts of fans who follow Nadao artists (me, i am the fan in question). Out of all the speculations, I think there's this one Reddit comment from u/Virtual_Tadpole9821 that aligns most with my speculation.
I wasn't originally going to comment because I was hoping to see some analysis emerge online, but since I'm not seeing any here's my two cents anyway. Knowing Nadao, the move is unlikely to be directly motivated by financial reasons. The company has consistently been profitable. Its financials for the 2021 fiscal year haven't been filed yet, but even in 2020, when the pandemic first hit, it still made a net profit of 29 million baht after taxes. Though this was down from 40 million in 2019, it's still more than 21 million in 2018. Things might have been worse in 2021, but it's unlikely to be too bad for them to weather. They don't appear to have that many fixed costs. As most of their income comes from artist management and the main costs are the artists' cuts, less work just means the pie is smaller, but the company still gets a piece and won't bleed to death. Not producing means not having to pay for crew and equipment, and their productions are usually externally funded anyway. If the company was facing financial difficulties, the first thing to do would be to scale back on non-performing operations, and the loss-making Nadao Music would be the first to go. But that's not what they're doing. Rather, they're shutting down all current operations at once. The move is probably more due to ideological re-questioning of the company's mission. As /u/dangrankeyi pointed out, Nadao tries to position itself as first and foremost a talent management agency. But it hasn't really been able to grow itself much in that regard. As their artists keep outgrowing their target group, they need to keep replacing them. But the scene is much more crowded now than in 2009 when the company was founded or in 2013 when it made Hormones. The company doesn't appear to have been successfully developing much new talent. Its latest pivoting attempt was when it launched Nadao Academy in early 2020, but that seems to have ceased with the pandemic. And even if the project was successful, what work would the company find for the trainees? It's not like it's doing that well with its current artists anyway. Nadao has some 30 actors under its umbrella, but apart from BKPP, things have been rather quiet for them. The problem I see is that there's a disjoint between what the company wants to do and what it actually does best. It wants to grow talent, but it's having problems finding work for that talent, and doesn't quite have the capacity to generate that work itself. On the other hand, Nadao has become best known for is productions, which for the most part have been passion projects driven more by their creator's visions than by business strategy. But such projects don't serve those original goals well enough. The only way they could have sustained this was probably to keep dishing out seasons of Hormones, but they didn't, because they knew they wouldn't be able to maintain quality, and even if they did, it would have lost steam by now anyway. The thing is, Nadao doesn't actually need to exist for its creators to do the production stuff they want, and are good at. That can be accommodated under parent company GDH and its other subsidiaries, which is where Nadao's production crews come from anyway. Looking at it this way, it isn't very difficult to see why they'd come to the decision not to continue doing the things they're doing as Nadao Bangkok.
And I would say that after two years since Nadao closes down, it's been pretty clear that the closing down of Nadao was more ideology-motivated than business. While Nadao officially shut down it's business, the actual company itself was renamed Tada Entertainment to accompany P'Yong Songyos Sugmakanan's pursuit of making the next perfect idol groups. Tada Entertainment now manages girl group MXFRUIT (under subsidiary label Ily Lab)...
And BUS (a Thai pop group formed through 789 Survival, under subsidiary Sonray Music). Khunpol (Bas from ITSAY) also competed in 789 Survival and debuted in BUS.
And DICE (consisting of the members who participated in 789 Survival but didn't make it into BUS, also managed by Sonray Music)
One must be quite confounded by P'Yong Soyos' new pursuits but watching the documentary of how 9x9 (Nine By Nine) was formed, I think it becomes very clear that P'Yong has always harboured an interest in making the next big Thai pop group, similar to Kpop idol group style. I highly recommend watching this if you have time, or at least the first two episodes of the documentary. It's honestly one of the realest documentaries I've ever watched of an idol group, the way they talk about each other here is basically how they talk about each other in real life, even now.
It was just unfortunate that 9x9 had to be a temporary thing 🥲 (understandable though, they had 4 full time lakorn actors Tor, James, Captain, Ryu, 2 singer/actor Ice and JJ and 3 music-focused artists Third, Jackie, Porsche). So their reunion on the last episode of 789 Survival was a hugeeeeeee thing.
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So yeah.... before I ramble on and forget what your original question is, I would say P'Yong's general pursuit and ambitions in the music/Thai pop industry coupled with Nadao's roster of artists outgrowing its target group are the biggest reasons for Nadao closing in general.
I'm always grateful to Nadao for bringing us some of the best series in existence (crazy to think how In Family We Trust is conceived as a part of 9x9 project, with the main purpose to make a series to star all nine boys of 9x9) yet it swept the Nataraja awards (Thai Emmys) that year. This is yet another stellar example of how Nadao ended up excelling at what they don't plan to do (producing series) than what they do intend (managing artists/boy groups). 9x9 was a successful project though, don't get me wrong, I'm just trying to make the case that IFWT is more successful than P'Yong probably intended it to be (though P'Yong was pretty ambitious with this project himself, getting all the experienced older lakorn actors into this so perhaps he did plan for it to be that successful).
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Even though, there were many Nadao artists that left before they closed down like James, Peach, Nonkul... I really like that most Nadao artists remained very close with their fellow Nadao peers, and often times ending up in same projects together once again. This year, a few notable reunions off the top of my head is Nonkul and Ud Awat in a horror zombie film Operation Undead (currently out in cinemas), Tor and JJ in thriller series Spare Me Your Mercy (currently filming), Nonkul and Captain in the Mouse TH remake (just wrapped filming).
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I'm always sad about Nadao closing down but seeing how most former Nadao artists have no trouble finding works on their own after its closing, I'm very happy to see them flourishing and doing their own thing. I love that there's a huge family energy when it comes to Nadao because the senior artists always consider their junior like their little brothers and sisters (Ice Paris being the MC for both DICE and BUS showcases, Tor and Ice being the MCs for the 789 Survival). P'Yong has previously talked about how "Nadao isn't just a company, it's like a home. That's why when some of their artist left Nadao, P'Yong considered it more as them "graduating" so they can grow and build path on their own."
Below is a clip of Tor talking about how grateful he is to P'Yong (if you watch 9x9 documentary and some other interviews Tor did, you'll see that P'Yong can be quite harsh to him and put much pressure on Tor (and other Nadao artists as well) but they all seem to look up to him like a parental figure)
Not to mention, if you are a fan of Hormones, the girls always have their annual reunions and it always warms my heart to see how close they still are with each other.
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Sighs... I almost completely forgot the question again. But yea Nadao definitely could have stayed and given us more magnum opus because I personally haven't had enough at all but it's great to see P'Yong happy with his successful groups and the former Nadao artists going on their own individual paths while maintaining good relations with P'Yong and Nadao/GDH creative crew (directors, producers, writers...)
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asordinaryppl · 19 days
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 15: PAINFUL RE:BAKE - Episode 19: Taichi Nanao, the Actor
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Issei: This is the first time we get to talk one-on-one like this, isn’t it?
Taichi: I-It’s a pleasure!
Issei: I’ve heard about what kind of actor you are from Tenma, but as the president, I’d like to also hear it from you.
Taichi: U-Understood!
Issei: I heard that you started out as a child actor, right?
Taichi: Y-Yes!
Taichi: But nothing ever came of it, and I was only ever an extra… And then, I was an ensemble member for GOD-za.
Taichi: A-And, and then…
Issei: You don’t have to be so nervous.
Taichi: I-I’m sorry!
Issei: You’ve appeared in a leading role numerous times since transferring to MANKAI Company, so it’s safe to say you’ve been focusing on stage productions as of late.
Issei: Could you tell me the reason why you decided to take up film acting again?
Issei: And why did you completely disappear from the film industry in the first place…?
Taichi: I… was on the same show as Ten-chan once, and I was overwhelmed by his presence and acting abilities…
Taichi: I thought that no matter how hard I tried, I would never become anything like him, and ran away from the film industry.
Taichi: I turned to the world of theater, but I failed there too, and then I met Ten-chan again.
Taichi: I did have a bit of an inferiority complex at first, but as I continued working in this theater company, I grew more and more confident as an actor…
Taichi: And now, Ten-chan has finally begun to acknowledge me as his rival.
Taichi: I was so happy when he called me his rival…
Issei: I see…
Taichi: Now, in preparation for the New Fleur Award, everyone in the Autumn Troupe has decided to take on challenges that will help us break out of our shells.
Taichi: I was able to get over my failure with my old theater company on stage, so now I want to get over my failure as a film actor as well…
Issei: Are you referring to “Stray Devil Blues”? I watched footage of it after Tenma told me to.
Taichi: Wh– really!?
Issei: He told me it was a must-watch if I wanted to understand you as an actor. He made me pick up a few others as well.
Taichi: (Ten-chan…! Thanks…!)
Issei: So this is you giving a second go at what you did as a child.
Taichi: Yes.
Issei: But still, picking this role when you’ve got so much on your plate already… You’ve got courage.
Issei: It’s a special one-shot drama, but you’ll be playing the role of a young man who’s lost his voice due to shock.
Issei: You were given a lot of offers, I’m quite impressed that you picked this complex role.
Taichi: The only weapon I have as someone who doesn’t really stand out is the wide range of skills I’ve gained through my life.
Taichi: I’ve always been concerned with what people think of me, with how to get their attention, and how to attract them…
Taichi: I think that’s made me really good at expressing small details like gestures and gazes.
Taichi: And I've been jealous of so many of my co-stars, but thanks to that I’ve managed to steal all sorts of things by watching them.
Taichi: I want to be an actor capable of utilizing all those skills, so I can carefully respond to my co-stars’ acting in my own subtle style.
Issei: When I saw the videos Tenma gave me, I thought you had a different charm than he does… I’m sure you can become the kind of actor you aspire to.
Taichi: Thank you very much! Hearing you say that gives me a great deal of confidence!
Issei: Tenma not only told me about you as a fellow actor, but also about you as a friend of his who went to the same high school and university.
Issei: I made Tenma apply to a regular high school because I believed that interacting with other people his age would be beneficial for his acting.
Issei: I wanted him to interact with people his age and to be inspired by them. In other words, I suppose, I wanted him to find a rival.
Issei: He’s been working with adults all his life, you see. Well, that was just my selfishness as his parent.
Issei: I’m grateful to you for giving him what I wanted him to find. I’ll be rooting for you as you take on your challenge.
Taichi: I will definitely live up to your expectations, Mr. President!!
Issei: I’m sure. But, calling me Mr. President is a little too much…
Taichi: Got it, Sumeragi-san!!
Issei: Yeah, do your best.
[Door knocking]
Igawa: Excuse me.
Issei: We were just wrapping up the interview.
Igawa: Good work today.
Igawa: Taichi-san, let’s do our best on your filming starting tomorrow.
Taichi: Yes!
Tenma: “Your voice…?”
Taichi: “...”
Tenma: Stay conscious of the camera here– I think this angle will capture your face better.
Taichi: I see.
Tenma: Get out there and break a leg, not only as a member of MANKAI Company’s Autumn Troupe, but as an actor under Sumeragi Agency.
Taichi: Hehe, I’m so happy to be part of Sumeragi Agency. I’ll put my all into this!
Tenma: How did your interview with my father go?
Taichi: It went by smoothly thanks to you.
Taichi: I’m really happy that you promoted me in so many ways! Thanks!
Tenma: I didn’t do much. I just made Taichi Nanao, the actor, easy to understand.
Taichi: For real now, I look forward to working with you, both as friends and rivals.
Tenma: Yeah.
Taichi: We’ll also be working under the same agency.
Tenma: I’m your senior there, though.
Taichi: Ahaha, Ten-chan-senpai!
Taichi: Better prepare yourself, Ten-chan. I’ll make sure to keep you on your toes, so you’ll never be embarrassed of having me as your rival. 
Tenma: I’ll be looking forward to it.
Tenma: … Oh, yeah. If I can work it in my schedule, I’ll come watch as you wrap up filming.
Taichi: Huh!? That’ll make me real nervous, y’know~!
Tenma: Where did all that confidence from earlier go?
Taichi: This is this, and that is that~!
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starsopinions · 11 months
Why I'm excited for The Marvels
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The first real introduction I had to the MCU was in 2019, my best friend and I decided to go to the cinema. We weren’t sure what movie to watch but we eventually landed on Captain Marvel, I remember being hooked from the first second and being so excited when, at the end, the words “Captain Marvel will return…” appeared on screen. We left the theatre excited for the sequel which we promised to watch it together. I’m not friends with her anymore but I have to say that, less than a month away from the release of The Marvels, I can’t wait to finally see it and I don’t understand why there seems to be so much negativity surrounding the release of this, in my opinion, very promising movie. So here is why I'm excited for The Marvels!
The cast
Watching the trailer, the first thing that jumps out at me is the cast. The main cast consists of actors who have done consistently good jobs in the past. You may not like Brie Larson but there is no denying that she can act, which is further proven by her many awards, including an Oscar for best actress in 2016. Joining her is Teyonah Parris as Monica Rambeau who, I think we can all agree on, did an amazing job in WandaVision. And completing the trio is Iman Vellani who is playing Ms marvel. I know a lot of people didn’t like Ms Marvel as a show but I think many are disregarding the fact that the target audience was (younger) teens and not middle-aged men (that isn’t to say that Ms Marvel was perfect but I think it was a fun addition which added something new to the MCU). Besides, I think the problem in Ms Marvel definitely wasn’t Iman’s performance and if they fix the writing issues there is nothing wrong with her character. She is very charismatic and funny, and in my opinion, she is a joy to watch. I am so excited to watch the trio’s dynamic and chemistry!
And as if that wasn’t enough, acting alongside them will be Zawe Ashton. You may know her from Fresh Meat or Velvet Buzzsaw. We don’t know a whole lot about her character yet besides that she will be the antagonist. I think Zawe has a lot of talent and I’m excited to see more of her villainous side.
“throw-away villain”
A lot of people seem to think that this will be a boring, one-time/throw-away villain- kind of movie but I honestly think that that is just what the MCU needs right now. There have been so many big cross-over movies recently that deal with very complex issues (time travelling, the multiverse) that something small that focuses on the characters and story would work really well. Especially as it seems that Zawe’s character is going to be building on past villain Ronan (Guardians of the Galaxy), which gives her an already established back story so it doesn’t come out of nowhere which is often an issue with these one-time villains.
Recent MCU movies have been falling into the trap of building up lots of expectations, for them just to have a simple storyline. For example, everyone was expecting Dr. Strange Multiverse of Madness to include loads of crossovers and references to other movies which made the reality so much more disappointing. I think The Marvels has done a really good job of building up realistic expectations while still making an exciting trailer. No one is expecting Wanda or Loki to appear in this movie so no one will be disappointed when it doesn’t happen. 
“The M-She-U”
I have been reading the comments on the promotion for the movie and a lot of comments say things like: “Ain’t no one watching this ms marvel Has become sadly feministic” 
 “I am willing to bet money this movie I’ll include nothing but horrible comedy, political takes, and sex takes” 
(yes, these are actual comments)(I’m not sure if I should correct the grammar or just leave it help)
These comments are commented by people who have seen as much of this movie as you and I, and that means they have seen a 2-minute trailer and you just can’t base a full opinion on those snippets of an entire, 2-hour movie, but let's address them anyway. 
“Horrible comedy” – To be completely honest, comedy is always a difficult topic because that is just such a personal preference. But based on what we have seen so far, it seems pretty funny and I hope they’ll be able to balance the serious tones and the comedy. I think to write off a movie as having horrible comedy purely because you think the trailer isn’t funny is shallow and kind of stupid. If one person doesn’t like something that doesn’t mean the whole world agrees with you. 
“sadly feministic”/”political takes” – I think it is weird to call any MCU movie “sadly feministic” because it is something that was lacking so much in earlier Marvel movies and their more recent works have started to include more female representation but that doesn’t mean the problem is suddenly solved. I do agree that some representation has been lacking in depth which makes it feel cheap but that’s all the more reason to be more feminist. But even without that, the trailers don’t feel like they are pushing a feminist agenda. They are just heroes who happen to be women and I, as a young girl, am really excited to see that on the big screen.
At the end of the day, anyone is entitled to their own opinions but the hate and negativity that has been surrounding this movie is absolutely insane. There are a lot of people who have decided that (without seeing the movie) they don’t like it and no one else can either. It is 100% okay to not like something but please don’t ruin it for other people. 
The cast and their chemistry have me really thrilled for this movie, I am very excited to see what Captain Marvel has been up to all this time. 
I will be there opening night with high expectations and a very large bucket of popcorn, I hope to see you there :D
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 7 months
i just finished live action avatar the last airbender. buckle up. obv spoilers incoming.
honestly just gonna list the good and the bad and give a number rating at the end. this will be long. also THIS IS JUST MY OPINION!!!! nothing i say is right or wrong. dont hurt me.
the good
sokka (ik this is controversial bc of his actor okokokok im js purely from a performance standpoint he ate)
zuko (absolutely devoured)
fight scenes!!!! obv not as good as the animated (we knew this) but i still enjoyed
zhao!!!!!! do not sleep on him he killed this!!
overall loved the focus on avatars other than roku
suki/suki and sokka
attack on the air nomads… ik it was unnecessary and a little hard to watch but still was v interesting
azulaaaaa and the fact that we see her this season. LOVE this addition. also the way they added her was veryyyyy well done. didnt feel forced.
bumi/how they handled the bumi arc in general. some parts i actually like better than the og. like how aang knew he was bumi right away. makes way more sense to me.
sokka and katara has some very sweet and genuine moments
aang and gyatso reunion awwww
omg. the “twist” with the 41st division that zuko accidentally saved becoming his crew. the bestttttt change that they made. i loved this. something so small but felt SO impactful.
yue/sokka and yue. this is a BIG one bc i think the original show really lacks with how they wrote yue and especially her relationship with sokka. i think it was a lot better here.
when zhao admits at the end he was working w azula and that ozai was just using zuko to motivate azula. omg. that was such a cool thing they added
and now. the bad.
aang. JDHSKSJDJ SORRYYYY dont care! he got better as the show went on. overall acting wasnt great and the writing for him definitely did not help
katara OOPSIES HEHEHE sorry but again same thing. kind of a dull performance. where is her PASSION?!?! wanted to like her so bad bc katara is my girl and this girl was giving katara on paper but the performance was just kinda bleh. didnt hate but DEFINITELY did not love.
costumes. dying on this hill i do not care. it was giving spirit of halloween. and some of these wigs…. yue’s wig? azula’s fuck ass pieces hanging out? HOW MAI AND TY LEE LOOKED IN GENERAL?! ouch
^in general mai and ty lee did not need to be here at ALLLLL. def shouldve waited till s2 for their appearances.
where is the silliness? where is the humor? hardly tried to embody the fun spirit of the original and when it did it failed miserably.
gran gran saying the thing. that’s katara’s thing.
too much exposition dumping.
first ep was by far the worst imo. how sokka and katara came across/met aang? WOW what a let down holy shit.
they should’ve kept it as aang running away from the southern air temple. not that he went for a late night drive with appa. dont care that this is a small thing. it is a HUGE part of aang’s character.
idk how to word this one and i think ppl would disagree anyways. but they are making iroh too obviously “good”. ykw i mean? when we first meet him, we know he’s not like the rest of the fire nation but we still don’t truly know where his morals lie. this show made it too obvious too soon.
why did katara never train w pakku?? that makes 0 sense. i understand she was mostly self taught throughout s1. but the whole thing was that: yes, katara was good before pakku, but when she finally did get a master, she became EXPONENTIALLY better and really came into her own. i am not buying that she becomes the master katara we know and love without learning from pakku. so unrealistic. when zuko says “u found a master” and she said “yes ur looking at her”. oh girlboss feminism u are going to HELL!
would like to take a moment to say^^^ i am a feminist ok. do nottttt get it twisted. but girlboss feminism is brainrot.
aang. did not bend. a single drop of water. are u fucking KIDDING ME? that was nuts.
really felt like if u did not watch the original series, this show would feel SO all over the place and u would have so many “wtf is happening” moments. the whole omashu shit was kind offfffff a mess. i see where they were going and why they were doing that but in hindsight after the fact i was like… if i knew nothing ab this show that would have been the most confusing clusterfuck.
and i think my biggest/most general complaint that i already talked about that i will briefly touch on: trying to do too much. why are we putting in characters and plot points that do not come till seasons 2-3 and are completely unnecessary now (secret tunnel, wan shi tong, swamp-kinda episode, etc.)
final thoughts?
it was enjoyable. i cannot deny that. landscapes were gorgeous. fights were well choreographed and looked GOOD. some changes were genuinely made for the better, and even changes that i do not necessarily think were better, i could respect the creativity of some changes and understood why they were there. but overall, as most live action remakes go, this was a flat portrayal of one of the greatest pieces of fiction of all time that suffered from some overly ambitious ideas and dull writing with little to no sense of whimsy. while some performances exceeded expectations, others that were crucial to the integrity of this show really disappointed me.
overall: 6.6/10. this number is completely subject to change.
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maarriiii · 2 years
Simp (Part 9) | Wilbur Soot
A/N: More of a filler than anything else. Nothing really happens here since I don't know what to write honestly
Summary: You and Wilbur catch up after a couple of days
Pairing(s): CC!Wilbur Soot x gender neutral!reader, CC!Wilbur Soot x actor!reader
Warning(s): None.
my masterlist :))
Call Me What You Like was out and Wilbur couldn't be more proud of himself and the band. It was a long journey trying to finish this one, almost getting scrapped and tucked away with other unfinished songs that would probably never see the light of the day. Wilbur was glad he stuck with it cause by the looks of things, everyone seemed have positive responses to it. Everyone was enthusiastic about Lovejoy's newest single. His friends, his fans, his family. But, secretly, he wanted to know about what you think of it.
Wilbur hadn't heard from you since almost two days ago—when you made a surprise appearance in his chat. He knew you were busy, promoting your film that he hope would be able to watch soon. So, he had been trying to distract himself with everything he could possibly do—preparing for tour, hanging out with his friends, etcetera. He didn't think of himself as a clingy person, someone in need of constant attention, but with the amount of times he checked his phone for any notification from you only to put it away when he found none would say otherwise.
Wilbur leaned his head back, pinching the bridge of his nose. "They'll talk to you if they have the time. Stop being clingy, man."
"Who's being clingy?"
Wilbur raised his head, seeing Tommy in the doorway. "It's nothing, Tommy."
"You sure?" Tommy asked, amusement in his voice. "Seems like it is something. A certain famous person, perhaps?"
He walked and sat next to Wilbur.
"Shut up, you little gremlin."
Tommy cackled, while Wilbur sat there unamused at his situation. "You're so bad at lying, Wil. I could see it in your face. What's wrong? Is y/n ignoring you?"
The blonde boy continued teasing him, making voices and all. Wilbur sat, taking in at all in, face flat until finally he headlock him.
"Ah! Phil!" Tommy cried out.
You arrived in New York with a newfound spirit—albeit being tired and jet lagged. You haven't told Wilbur about the news due to you immediately passing out when the soft cushiony bed of your hotel suite touched you and the interviews that happened later that day. The first day of the press junket in New York was busy and packed, and with meeting the rest of the cast again, some of you wanted to catch up in the city. A lot of drinking, eating, and laughing occurred and you thought it was the best way to end the night.
When you finally arrived at the hotel, longing for the feel of your silky pajamas and cloud like king size bed, you tried very hard to fought off the sleep that came. You wanted to talk to wilbur even for just a little bit and also listen to his new song that just came out. You searched for the headphone you always bring everywhere, made yourself comfortable on the bed again, and searched the song on YouTube.
The sight of Wilbur on the screen brought a smile to your lips and you couldn't helped but nodding along to the beat of the song. You thought it was great—though maybe you're just bias—and grew even more excited at the thought of seeing him in one of his shows.
Late in the night, Wilbur's phone buzzed on his desk and at the sight of your name, his face lit up. He didn't wait for a second longer to unlocked his phone and reply to you.
Hey wil Are u still up
hey there yes I am
Oh good I don't want to interrupt your sleep or anything Sooo I just heard the new song
He exhaled, slowly getting nervous.
what do you think?
I LOVE IT IT IS SO GOOD I'm going to annoy everyone with the amount of times I will play this.
Wilbur chuckled, his nerves eased. He never would've thought this crush towards you—one that exist only because he thought you were good looking and talented—would grow into something more, something genuine that pulled at his heartstring and made his heart just beat a tiny bit faster at the mention of you. It had been awhile since he felt like this about someone and there's a part of him that was scared because it was you, someone he could've never thought because it was just downright mental.
thanks y/n i'm glad that you like it
Also i have something to tell you too
okay shoot
It's about the shows
Unfortunately I didn't get any tickets Cause i was in the middle of the interview when the tickets went on sales
Wilbur immediately lost his spirit. He knew it was too good to be true. He wanted so badly for you to come to at least one of them. He wanted to see you; your eyes, your lips, your smile. He wanted to hear you; your laugh and your voice.
oh that's okay y/n you're busy and all
but? but what?
You didn't reply immediately and it killed him seeing that three little dots disappearing and appearing.
come on y/n you're keeping me on edge here
Wilbur stood up from his bed ridiculously fast, eyes wide and very awake than he was before. He wanted to cheer like a school boy who just got accepted by a girl that he liked, but hold himself back for two reason; one, he didn't want to have a noise complaint from his neighbor and two, he was a 25-year-old man--though he was very much screaming and cheering internally.
y/n that's great!! i can't fucking wait to see you
Wilbur spent the late night talking to you until you had to go, but it prove to be hard to close his eyes and sleep when all he could think about was you coming to see him doing what he loves with a smile on his face, and unknown to him, you were doing just the same.
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istherewifiinhell · 5 months
okayyyy also. tagged by @joelletwo for 5 topics i could talk about for an hour with no prep.
now. two things. 1. i have infernal podcast dude energy and could say a lot about nothing. weird trait to have if u dont like talking to people? hard to say. 2. GESTURES AT BLOG. im ALREADY. talking at length abt my beloved shit. so im just ruling out turtles, alien robots, trek, etcetcetc all the shit thats been a main blog topic for the last past. 4 years?
I'm gonna say.... western voice actors? not that i could really. Give a lecture so much as. I'm way more familiar with them that than I am live action actors. And I'm kinda just CONSTANTLY like. Oh you know so and so from every cartoon youve ever fucking seen? And FEEL a real. gap. with people when they dont have a same reference point. probably like how ppl feel with me when i dont know their acting guys jhadbgjfga. Like u can name 5 VAs from ur childhood cartoons/animated movies right? And personal interest like, hey btw u know like the entire cast of tng was in disneys gargoyles? U know keith david can SING? And diego luna? Hey you know about Canadian actors who are in all the dubs and video games and yeah cheap shit? You know Scott McNeil right? You know Ian James Corlett? You know. THE IAN. of being Ian. Hello. is this thing still on?
I really like and care about the topics of education, children's rights and pedagogy? Not academically so much as, personal interest. What seeing very clearly that there was a lot of arbitrary rules that involved things like. The Government. and Systems. as a child does to a motherfucker I guess? I'm always INTERESTED in a discussion about it, is how i mean I guess. Like focuses of multiple intelligence and "applied knowledge" (and short comings there of). I mean long and short of it. Kids are full human beings and until u can grapple with that their feelings and opinions um. Actually matter. I hate you? jdhbgjhdb. And Naturally the world being good for kids has the prerequisite of it not sucking ass for adults too....
UHhhh guh. User design/civil engineering? You'll hear it from me until the day I die, crushed under the tires of a ford f1 giga truck with the LED 20million watt bulbs. PROTECTED BIKE LANES. for the love of god. I just know a lot of designers I guess and like engineering, conceptually. But like, u know that famous bridge everyone crashes into. If theres 80million warning signs and people are still crashing... maybe theres. other factors. Or you know ofc like, traffic planning, vehicle accidents, structural disasters. A lot of them are not just. Things happening. Tragedies. There's politics there. Usually a lot of Money stuff. and structural racism. The real reason your fridge is full is that there's a bunch of half empty condiment jars hiding all your forgotten left overs. And widening the roads isnt gonna do shit for traffic.
Jackass entry: Themes and motifs of anyyytthing ive watched with another person or saw, and like they also know it. I realllly like, visual theming and narrative shorthands. Anything that breaks like, maybe people in this setting dont have the same customs, but their gonna do something so you the audience can recognize it. Non literal/accurate use of colour and lighting, for mood and clarity. Breaking the physical shape and scale of things so they can appear and be readable on screen. COSTUMING COSTUMING COSTUMING. A well styled character can do soooo much for your understanding of a work, especially with large casts, and a poorly styled one can take me right out. Well. anyway. yes i love animation u all knew that.
uhhhhh Thatgamecompany/giantsquids studio. im giving myself a free space. lol technically I DO. blog about this. the music. at least. BUT beloved. games. Me and everyone else I guess. Hey speaking of u know its laura bailey and troy baker as the voices in the pathless? And you know how a lot of the games have themes of coming into being/growing/rebirth. And LOTS of environmentalism. And implied cultural world building, and wordless stories. and beautiful metaphor rich otherworldly visuals. and gameplay styles that really connect with the emotional story their going for. and ofc, the music. oh the leit motifs. well. there u go. sword of the sea when?
tagginggg. uh did anyone get @deadgrantaires or @army-of-bee-assassins yet? anyone elseeee who wants to regale me with things they knowww about. id love to know.
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