#Mentally Ill&039;
meandmymhmatters · 1 year
Why Am I Alive?
Please be trigger aware when reading. I haven’t written for a long time on here. And I don’t know if I’ll stay around. But I’m writing for me this time. I’m writing because I need to not because other people need me too. I’m aware that is selfish. But then no one needs to read this. Since I last wrote life has been tough. Mum has cancer that is terminal. Chemo gives us more time but each time…
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taratarotgreene · 1 year
Rare Pisces Blue Super Moon Release August 30/31
Rare Super Blue Moon, August 30/31, 2023 A very rare Super Blue Moon at 7+ degrees Pisces for so many reasons, occurs at 6:36 pm PDT/ 9:36 pm EDT/1:36 GMT energy with Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron all Retrograde are described perfectly in a John Lennon of The Beatles song Tomorrow Never Knows- “Turn off your mindRelax and float downstreamIt is not dyingIt is not…
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dabblesco · 18 days
Men behaving badly (still), or the awful history of medical treatment of women
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose… I’ve had to shut off my media feed for a while here. I can’t bear all of the extreme misogynist sludge flowing around, from the Taliban to the US election. (and here in Canada, to be honest). It seems like women are losing ground everywhere. Makes me shake with rage. Though this is helpful for my weight management regimen, it isn’t helping my MS any. So…
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bonniezink · 18 days
Navigating the Chaos: Insights from Rough Magic on Living with Borderline Personality Disorder -- Review by Bonnie Zink
Rough Magic by Miranda Newman is a candid memoir about living with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Newman’s personal account reveals the challenges and stigma of BPD, offering crucial insights for patients and caregivers.
Rough Magic: Living with Borderline Personality Disorder by Miranda Newman  307 Pages  McClelland and Stuart, Canada ISBN: 978-0-7710-0676-0 Rough Magic: Living with Borderline Personality Disorder by Miranda Newman is a powerful and deeply personal memoir that offers a glimpse into living with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Written from the perspective of someone directly…
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dhart4214 · 1 month
AUTISTIC BURNOUT: Causes and Signs (That I have it)
EVIDENCE THAT I HAVE BEEN DEALING WITH AUTISTIC BURNOUT FOR QUITE A WHILE I recently was in my bedroom on evening, getting ready to watch TV and eventually go to sleep or whatever, when I came across a piece of paper on my dresser drawer that I forgot I had. A piece of paper with something I wrote on it that I had forgotten I had written, as it was evidently a while ago that I wrote it; A list…
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How Do I Recognize and Address Signs of Mental Health Issues in Myself?
Me at 15 yrs. old When I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, and PTSD at the age of 15, I felt like my future was set on a path of endless struggle. I imagined a life constrained by medication, therapy, and the stigma that often accompanies mental health issues. Throughout my journey, my diagnoses evolved, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar with…
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empahla · 3 months
Nihilism is almost never a good idea - an off-the-cuff joint.
A goal without a plan is a wish, and I wish too often. #grief #recovery #eatingdisorderrecovery
I have no plan. I don’t think much about the future. Not about next week, or next month, or next year. I used to, many, many years ago. When I was a child and wanted to be an aerospace engineer. Or a biochemist. Or a surgeon. Back when I had plans for the future. But an eating disorder, though it taunts you with ideas of a perfect future where you’re happy, and life is good, keeps you centred in…
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lelibug · 3 months
How NOT to manage 1st Meet in a Rescue to Rehome a Dog
BLOG | How NOT to manage 1st Meet in a Rescue to Rehome a Dog | delphinemusic #rehome #dog #autistic #disabled #fibromyalgia #chronic illness, #ChronicPain
Heartbroken at being genuinely put off (but not totally discouraged from) wanting to adopt a dog through a rescue, after a bad experience with one – and the first meeting with them being a complete clusterfuck for this Disappointed Dragon. Originally had a lot of hope – loved the little Doggy on their website, and she featured in a documentary about the rescue centre. She was definitely would be…
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sylviahubbard · 3 months
ATTN PAPERBACK GANG: the hiccup for the paperback copy of Wicked Chances is FIXED! Get ready to order... 🫰🏾📚🥰
Just received approval for the cover design on Amazon and pushing it to print. I’ll post the link as soon as it’s available. Don’t forget to subscribe for updates sylviahubbard.com/subscribe ✓ Subscribed I’m really excited about this venture and I’m relearning what it takes to publish an ebook and paperback plus stick to a writing schedule. I had to get back on the horse and other authors…
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lbeth1950 · 3 months
Charley’s Tale Introduction
This is the first episode in a serial I posted several years ago. I am dusting it off, Charley tugs at my heart, reminding me,”Don’t shut me out! I have a story to tell.” The outsider looking in could have been forgiven for assuming Charley was born to a life of ease. Unfortunately, things don’t always work out that simply. True, she was the much-hoped for daughter born to a prominent couple, her…
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captaingimpy · 4 months
Exploring the Themes and Impact of Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, developed by Ninja Theory, is a groundbreaking game that delves deeply into the human psyche, offering a powerful, immersive experience. Here are my thoughts and experiences with the game, coupled with details about its production and goals. Game Design and Mechanics Hellblade stands out with its innovative visual and audio design, particularly its use of binaural…
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davidarc · 5 months
TCL's #T5T - #TopFiveTuesday #15 for April 16, 2024 - Different Minds!
TCL's #T5T - #TopFiveTuesday #15 for April 16, 2024 - Different Minds! This week to honor April being National Autism Awareness Month we look at books with Nero-Diverse characters. Thanks Meeghan @MeeghanReads for the topic #TuesdayBookBlog
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artsmuklermd · 6 months
Locking Up The Mentally Ill – Good or Bad? by Art Smukler, MD, author & psychiatrist
Back in the early seventies we still had plenty of homeless people bunking out over subway grates and sleeping in doorways. But, not nearly as many as we have today – all over the US. Thousands and thousands of the homeless are mentally ill or suffering from an addiction. As a first year psychiatric resident in Philadelphia, at PGH, Philadelphia General Hospital, the mentally ill were brought…
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fathersonholygore · 10 months
[Fogfest 2023] THE SHADE & The Silent Inferno of Mental Illness
The Shade (2023) Directed & Written by Tyler Chipman Starring Chris Galust, Dylan McTee, Sam Duncan, Laura Benanti, Brendan Sexton III, Michael Boatman, & Mariel Molino. Drama / Horror ★★★★1/2 (out of ★★★★★) DISCLAIMER: The following essay contains SPOILERS! Turn away thine eyes, lest ye be spoiled, forever. Tyler Chipman’s The Shade revolves around Ryan (Chris Galust), a young man whose family…
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taratarotgreene · 11 months
Maine Mass ShooterSuspect Robert Card Astrology
The Lewiston Maine, Mass Shooter suspect Robert Card, still at large as of this writing shot and killed up to 20 people and injured more than 60 during a mass shooting on October 25 on Wednesday night where reports were first heard at 7:00 pm local time. Card is a retired Military officer, divorced twice and father of three children, all of which is very apparent in his Astrological profile. He…
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kingdomoftheheavens · 11 months
God's Work and Voice in Me, Part 7D: Voices Anyone? An immodest proposal,
I propose to the Church at large that we should 1) treat spiritual “voices,” in general, as real and not as mere symptoms of mental illness, 2) learn to distinguish God’s voice and 3) resolve to follow it.
. Link to related video: (82) Gods Work and Voice in Me Part 7D Voices Anyone – YouTube A continuation from the series “You Are Not the One to Build.”  I will probably go back and redesignate all of Part 7 into this new series. Slide 2.  The Proposal Treat spiritual voices generally as real, not “imaginary,” “hallucinations” or “delusions.” Learn to consciously distinguish the good voices…
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