#Mexico travel packages
travelnags · 1 year
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Best Places to Visit in Mexico | Holiday and Vacation Packages
Explore most beautiful tourist places in Mexico that you need to know. Plan your trip for holiday & vacation to see popular destinations. Cheap tour & travel packages. Despite the wide variety of craft beer brands produced in the area, Tijuana is largely regarded as the beer capital of the world.
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3027960 · 9 months
gay lil blurb about valeria
you moved to las almas, temporarily at least. as a graduate student studying the differences between greek and mayan city-state politics for your dissertation, travel to mexico was necessary. as a poor student, staying in a town run by the cartel meant a cheap apartment for at least the year you would be there.
but las almas was cute. colorful. not unlike that time you visited the cuban parts of miami. the people, at least those who weren't armed to the teeth with semi-automatic rifles and knives, were generally nice. your spanish was passable, for as long as you'd been studying the mayans. your k'iche was better, but you doubted it be very useful. maybe.
you'd been there a few months, mostly holed up in your studio apartment, making do with packaged tortas from the corner store and boxed mexican juices. and coffee. lots of coffee. the cafe down the street had a wonderful dark roast shipped weekly from guatemala and you had brought your aeropress with you from the US.
it's not like you were avoiding going out. it's just, well, you had a lot of work. writing. researching. editing.
and, honestly, you were worried. a fat girl, all alone, in an unfamiliar town run by the cartel? probably not the best idea to wander out by yourself.
but tonight...tonight you were going out.
there was a small bar down at the end of your street, run by a seemingly friendly older couple whom you'd passed on the way to the corner store. they spoke english, so you were hoping you might convince them to put an american football game on the television. it was a thursday and football season, after all.
you were going for casual, but cute, dressed in a short-sleeved crop top and long pleated skirt, with sturdy boots on your feet. even in mexico, december was a bit chilly, so you brought a chunky sweater just in case.
the bar wasn't crowded, just a few cartel members hanging around with their guns strapped to their back, and a few local men out for drinks after work.
you slipped onto one of the barstools and ordered yourself a beer, a safe choice with your limited knowledge of alcoholic drinks in spanish.
american football didn't make it out here apparently, but you were content to watch the soccer playing on tv. apparently, december was soccer season too. you cheered when others cheered, booed when others booed, and generally felt the tension in your shoulders gradually disappear as you relaxed under the influence of the alcohol.
so, it definitely startled you when you felt a presence settle next to you at the bar. you turned, slightly surprised, your beer bottle halfway to your lips.
and the woman next to you...god.
she was beautiful. thick brows. full lips. strong nose. tan skin.
you felt yourself blush under her attention.
oh, she was saying something to you.
you shook yourself, giving her a dumb stare. she chuckled.
"where are you from? i haven't seen you before?"
even her voice was pretty, accented and strong.
"i..uh..i'm from the US. i'm here to study the mayans."
"the mayans, huh? smart girl"
you blushed harder under her attention, drawn to her like a moth to a flame. you noticed you had turned your stool towards her, as she leaned her elbow on the bar, face resting on her palm. she smiled as she noticed your unabashed attention.
"what is your name, bonita?"
you gave her your name, fiddling with the lip of your beer bottle, eyes gazing away from her intense attention.
"maybe i could take you on a walk sometime? explore las almas?"
you stuttered over your breath, blinking rapidly at her. it felt like the heat of her stare could singe your cheeks. her attention was addictive, like the cigarette habit you'd been trying to kick for years.
you heard yourself agree. enthusiastically, actually. in your head you were screaming at yourself. don't seem so desperate!
you agreed to exchange numbers, handing over your busted iphone with spiderweb cracks littering the edges. listen, your grad school stipend didn't allow for many indulgences.
she handed your phone back, her fingers lingering over your palm. they felt calloused, hardened from use. the polar opposite of your soft, round palm, used to typing and turning pages in books.
she left shortly after, leaving you reeling for the rest of the night.
you climbed into your shitty twin bed, feeling the heat of her stare heating you from the inside.
before you fell asleep to the sound of the coyotes howling outside your window, you felt and heard your phone buzz on the small bedside table.
you turned to look at your phone:
mi niña, it was lovely to meet you tonight - valeria xx
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fancyfeathers · 3 months
And Then There Were None (Yandere William James Moriarty /w Author Darling Masterlist)
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Thinking about William with an author darling again but after she escapes and basically challenges him to find her, quoting him when he was talking to Sherlock saying…
“Catch me if you can, Professor Moriarty.”
I feel like she has 1920 vibes even if it is set in the Victorian era, but she is based on Agatha Christie and she lived in that era. To me she develops his femme fatale personality in her boost of confidence after outsmarting the Lord of Crime, regaining her former self and then some. I’m just imagining her sitting in her hotel room in one of those Hollywood Star robes with the feathers and silk, and she is eating breakfast or having a smoke while reading a newspaper and the top story is still about the disappearance of a famous author, she has not only successfully hidden and fooled from the Lord of Crime but all England…
She has really out done herself this time.
I genuinely think after a bit of fun messing around in London, running circles around William with the help of few her author friends who are just having a blast out of this, she would put herself back to work, looking for inspiration for her next book. She probably travels off to other countries looking for inspiration and soon the books come funneling out but with no clue where the author is…
A tale about a serial killer during the Venice Carnival
A story about a murder in Moscow during the freezing Russian winter, isolating the protagonists from the outside world.
A missing person case in Mexico City during Día de los Muertos.
A book about murderous woman in the Cook County Jail using their looks to get away with murder.
A mad man in a small town north of London loosing his mind due to exposure to mercury.
A murder of a new money family during a party in New York City.
The mixture of all of these books and the author’s disappearance from the public eyes makes her all the more popular. No one has seen her since she first went mission, not even her entail disappearance not even her publisher who has only been getting telegrams, letters, and packages from her, from whatever city she is in then, Vienna, Rome, St. Petersburg, Paris, Cario, Chicago, Dublin, and so on.
Meanwhile William is reading all of her novels in his little free time, and trying to find her becomes a side dream, after all he still has his goals as the Lord of Crime and if he follows every step she takes he will never get anything done.
He hears the talk on the street about her latest novel and his students talk about how they have to read a book of hers for their literature class and ask Professor William if he is really married to this genius author who is both infamous and famous, and if he actually knows where she is. William just smiles and looks at his students…
“I think you should focus on your assignment rather than press me about the state of my wife and I, yes?”
Can he even call her his wife? He hasn’t seen her since that night at the opera.
She told him to catch her and he didn’t…
He was so confident that he could because he has before…
Maybe that is it, do what he did before.
She is sitting at a cafe in Perros-Guirec, France, enjoying a cup of tea with a friend of hers, another mystery author who she is visiting, when a newspaper is thrown on their table with the headline of a murder based on her books…
Just like those murders all those years ago that brought her to William, scaring her into giving up writing.
He is finally making his move and she gave him the material to do it.
She looks up at the stranger who handed gave her the paper, both confused and frightened, he is just an ordinary looking man, but he smiles at her as he hands her a business card.
“My boss asked for this edition to be personally delivered to you. He would like to meet with you if you have the time, that is.”
She watches as the man walks off, leaving her and her friend alone. How did anyone find her? Not even William has even found her yet. She looks over the business card, turning it over to look at the back and she nearly screams in horror at what was written on it, but manages to keep it in as she is in public. She drops the card and her friend picks it up and reads it over and his eyes widen as well and he looks up at her as she just sits there in shock for a long moment before…
“I need to go back to London…”
A few days later, William is sitting in the drawing room of the Moriarty Estate, reading the paper himself, when Louis walks in with a letter, giving it to William saying this came for him. He reads it and it simply tells him to meet the sender at the last place they saw each other, it is not signed but it doesn’t have to be…
He recognizes the hand writing, it’s his darling’s.
He goes off to the opera house and to the opera box he met her at last time and she is there, sitting there alone, clutching that business card in hand.
“William, you are a crime consultant… I would like to hire your services.”
Her voice sounds terrified, a first for her in a long time. She hands him the business card to read and he sees the back first and he is immediately filled with rage…
It would be a shame if those murders were placed on you, it would certainly gather attention.
He looks up at her and she just looks terrified, angry, sad, and so much that it’s almost overwhelming for her mind to handle.
“You are being blackmailed, yes?”
“Correct, he wants to hire my writing services, but of course they are not for sale so hire is a bit of a lie, demanding my cooperation would be a better word...”
He flips the card over to see the other side with the name as she continues…
“…Charles Augustus Milverton, practically controls the news media, if he has me in his hand he would have control over all forms of media publishing… I know what this will cost me, and honestly you have nothing to loose and have everything to gain with having me again and I promise not to disappear again if you deal with him.”
“Presumably you want him dead?”
“Do any of your author friends know about this?”
“Yes, they all know about the blackmail, some of them have been blackmailed themselves by him but not to this extent… I… I am doing this for them, I do not want them to be silenced with their writing or their words… but I will not come back to you until this is done.”
“Then consider it done, my dear.”
He bends down to kiss her cheek before leaving the box and she sits there in silence again for a few minutes before the door to the box opens again and another man comes to sit down next to her.
“You are a truly remarkable actress, you performed your role perfectly, I do hope our partnership can continue on to deal with this Lord of Crime.”
A smile comes across her face as she looks up at the man next to her.
“Of course, after all the enemy of my enemy is my friend, Mr. Milverton.”
She is no fool, she knows William did not buy her act and was merely playing along, he knows she has no intention of going back to him, but where is the fun in ending the game early?
And why would she call him on his bluff and end the chase she has been winning?
Sometimes the cat lets the mouse run to enjoy the chase that much more.
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best-habsburg-monarch · 10 months
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Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany, reign: 1859-1860
Reigned for less than a year
Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico, reign 1864-1867
Meant well and tried his best
from anon:
1. He loved plants
2. He was a sassy man
3. Had good taste
4. Learned Nahuatl
5. He’s cute (I mean, look at him)
6. He said gay rights
7. He banned child labour in Mexico
8. He gave many rights back to the indigenous people
9. Bro was wronged by the French (haven’t we all?)
10. He’s baby
11. He got executed, come on, give him this guys 🥺
from anon:
He loved to design gardens and collect insects which makes me think he would've loved playing animal crossing
From me admin2: best guy ever, he’d fight Tom Nook and win. He’s hot, kind, smart, sassy, well traveled. My man is the whole package. And chose the best country to rule! Did it go well? No…but he chose the best!
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s7ray-cat · 5 months
PSA for any LGBTQ2IA+ people traveling abroad
This is a link to the LGBTQ+ Travel Safety Index
(Disclaimer: These are excerpts from an article I found)
These are some tools to find safe places to travel for LGBTQ2IA+ people:
LGBTQ-specific travel news and safety basics
U.S. State Department ✈ A section of this government-run online resource offers basic pointers for LGBTQ travelers such as travel document checklists, general safety tips, and information about travel insurance and various U.S. embassy locations.
Equaldex ✈ Launched in 2014, this interactive map-anchored website keeps a running tab on LGBTQ rights–related laws around the world via a global network of user contributions.
National Center for Transgender Equality ✈ This Washington, D.C.–based advocacy organization addresses information relevant to gender-nonconforming and transgender travelers. It features a particularly comprehensive guide to airport security that addresses concerns related to potentially intrusive TSA screening procedures.
OutRight Action International ✈ Formerly known as the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, this nonprofit publishes news, studies, and reports on LGBTQ issues around the world that can help travelers stay informed about safety in various destinations.
Erasing 76 Crimes ✈ Journalist and LGBTQ advocate Colin Stewart heads up this news-oriented blog that spotlights global developments related to LGBTQ rights spanning countries across the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, and the Americas.
GoAbroad’s LGBTQ Study Abroad Guide✈ For queer students interested in studying abroad, this PDF provides a wealth of information, including tips for coming out to a host family, LGBTQ-specific scholarships, and a list of queer-friendly study abroad programs.
LGBTQ-friendly accommodations and services
The International LGBTQ+ Travel Association ✈ This website acts as a one-stop-shop for all things related to LGBTQ travel planning. It brings together a massive network of queer-approved hotels, transportation providers, tourism boards, travel agencies, tour operators, event promoters, and local media in over 80 countries worldwide; it also maintains recommendation-based travel and business blogs.
Purple Roofs ✈ An LGBTQ mainstay since the late ’90s, this booking website showcases small, family-owned bed-and-breakfasts, hotels, vacation rentals, inns, and tour companies worldwide. It also hosts a variety of related travel resources, including event listings and a dedicated LGBTQ travel blog.
World Rainbow Hotels ✈ This modern travel directory combines a curated list of stylish, queer-friendly hotels in countries where attitudes toward gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trans travelers are for the most part accepting. The website also features an image-driven blog full of travel inspiration, global news, events, and other articles.
Travel Gayand Travel Gay Asia ✈ These twin booking sites serve a predominantly gay male audience, pointing international travelers to city guides with relevant information about bars, clubs, saunas, shops, beaches, and events, as well as queer-friendly hotels across the globe.
GayCities ✈ A similarly gay male–focused online travel guide, this web resource recommends gay-friendly bars, clubs, restaurants, hotels, shops, gyms, and more in 238 different cities from Cape Town to Mexico City.
In addition to explicitly LGBTQ outlets, you can now find pages dedicated to LGBTQ consumers on mainstream online travel booking sites like Expedia and Orbitz. Queer-oriented promotions and packages are also often offered by big-name hotels such as Marriott and Kimpton.
LGBTQ-specialized tour operators and agencies
LGBTQ-friendly tour operators for organized trips
For LGBTQ travelers who’d rather leave trip planning to the experts, award-winning tour operators such as Outstanding Travel, Zoom Vacations, Out Adventures, Toto Tours, Detours Travel, and Concierge Travel all offer a diverse array of international group and private trips. International tour operator R Family Vacations also designs and leads LGBTQ family-friendly trips (plus a few new adults-only options) on land and at sea for public groups and individuals. The queer-run wilderness education organization, The Venture Out Project, operates LGBTQ-specific backpacking trips in the United States for teens, adults, and families.
LGBTQ-friendly cruises
Inclusive travel company Vacaya hosts curated LGBTQ getaways on chartered cruise ships, as well as to all-LGBTQ international resorts. The popular lesbian travel brand Olivia Cruises has been running entertainment-filled cruise, resort, adventure, and riverboat group trips exclusively for queer female–identified travelers since 1990. And cruise company Source Events, which caters predominantly to gay men and their families, organizes both all-gay charters and private LGBTQ groups aboard larger cruise ships (as well as personalized cruise journeys and on-land group itineraries).
Related Free Travel Apps to Download Before Your Next Trip
LGBTQ-friendly travel and networking apps
From joining queer-specific networking groups, to checking for upcoming LGBTQ events in different cities, to starting important conversations about shared experiences through hashtags such as #travelingwhiletrans, LGBTQ travelers have long relied on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter when planning for domestic and international trips. More recently, meetup apps have created new opportunities for connection between LGBTQ travelers.
Apps (available on iOS and Android)
Meetup ✈ This stalwart community-building platform is a great tool for connecting with fellow LGBTQ folks and getting to know local queer scenes on the road. The “LGBTQ Meetups” section points app users toward various happy hours, professional networking events, book clubs, and hiking groups, as well as playgroups for LGBTQ parents.
SCRUFF Venture ✈ Gay dating app SCRUFF recently launched a travel-oriented edition aimed at making it easier to connect with LGBTQ people “before and while you travel.” By clicking into one of the app’s 500-plus destinations, users can view members marked as “visiting now” or “visiting soon” in each given location. The app also provides travel tips from city “Ambassadors” (members who volunteer to give advice and recommendations to visitors), plus updates about LGBTQ issue–related travel advisories.
Refuge Restrooms ✈ This important resource for trans, intersex, and gender-nonconforming individuals maps out safe restrooms in various countries around the world, which users can search for based on proximity to a location.
Related Seeing the World Through Rainbow-Colored Glasses
LGBTQ-focused travel magazines and blogs
Out Magazine’s online outpost Out Traveler covers everything from luxury LGBTQ-friendly hotels and nightlife hot spots to the latest must-have gadgets for jet-setters. Passport Magazine, available in both digital and print formats, touches upon a wealth of topics related to LGBTQ travel, with sections devoted to food and drink, hotel reviews, product roundups, and events. Also worth checking out is Connextions Magazine, which compiles long-form hotel reviews, human interest stories, destination guides, and other global lifestyle content relevant to LGBTQ travelers. (The print and digital publication also has a Spanish edition.)
Although not their main focus, many widely circulated LGBTQ lifestyle outlets like the Advocate, Curve, Autostraddle, Diva, and Chill also feature travel-related news, commentary, city guides, hotel reviews, profiles, and more.
Touted as “a lifestyle blog for men and other stylish travelers,” the popular blog Travels of Adam hosts op-eds and personal essays, LGBTQ travel tips and hacks, and restaurant, bar, and hotel reviews in destinations from Egypt to England. Married couple Auston and David head up another gay male–focused travel blog called Two Bad Tourists, which features navigating international gay-friendly destinations, festivals, and events.
On the queer female travel blog Dopes on the Road, you can expect to find a wide range of content, from travel diaries and safety tips to pop culture commentary. Beautiful photo galleries, travel journals, LGBTQ profiles and interviews, travel tips, and destination guides dominate Once Upon a Journey, a helpful travel blog from lesbian couple Roxanne Weijer and Maartje Hensen.
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aniron48 · 1 year
Felix Leiter's Empanaditas
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He learned this recipe while traveling in northern Mexico. No, he can't tell you where. Your clearance doesn't go that high.
1 ½ cups lukewarm water
½ package of yeast
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
3 tablespoons shortening
3 to 3 ½ cups flour
Dissolve yeast and sugar in water.  Add salt, shortening, and 1 cup flour.  Mix well.  Continue to adding flour gradually, until it comes together in easy to handle dough.  Roll out flour on lightly floured board to 1/16 inch thick (do not let stand or rise).  Cut out 3” rounds.
1 large beef tongue (yes, tongue. trust Felix on this one folks. Would he ever lead you astray?)
2 cups sugar
1 ½ cups raisins
2 cups diced apple
1 ½ teaspoons cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
⅛ teaspoon cloves
¾ cups piñon nuts
½ cup chopped walnuts
Boil tongue until tender.  Peel off outer skin. (Don't make that face. If Felix can put up with Bond's bullshit, you can manage this.)
Mince meat in grinder or food processor.  Mix rest of ingredients with meat.  Refrigerate or freeze until ready to use.
Fill each dough round with approx 2 teaspoons of filling and seal / crimp edges. 
Fry immediately -- if they rise they will not stay sealed --  in 370 degree until browned.  Remove to drain on absorbent paper.
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Eclipses create atmospheric gravity waves, student teams confirm
Student teams from three U.S. universities became the first to measure what scientists have long predicted: eclipses can generate ripples in Earth's atmosphere called atmospheric gravity waves. The waves' telltale signature emerged in data captured during the North American annular solar eclipse on Oct. 14, 2023, as part of the Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project (NEBP) sponsored by NASA.
Through NEBP, high school and university student teams were stationed along the eclipse path through multiple U.S. states, where they released weather balloons carrying instrument packages designed to conduct engineering studies or atmospheric science experiments. A cluster of science teams located in New Mexico collected the data definitively linking the eclipse to the formation of atmospheric gravity waves, a finding that could lead to improved weather forecasting.
"Understanding how the atmosphere reacts in the special case of eclipses helps us better understand the atmosphere, which in turn helps us make more accurate weather predictions and, ultimately, better understand climate change."
Catching waves in New Mexico
Previous ballooning teams also had hunted atmospheric gravity waves during earlier eclipses, research that was supported by NASA and the National Science Foundation. In 2019, an NEBP team stationed in Chile collected promising data, but hourly balloon releases didn't provide quite enough detail. Attempts to repeat the experiment in 2020 were foiled by COVID-19 travel restrictions in Argentina and a heavy rainstorm that impeded data collection in Chile.
Project leaders factored in these lessons learned when planning for 2023, scheduling balloon releases every 15 minutes and carefully weighing locations with the best potential for success.
"New Mexico looked especially promising," said Jie Gong, a researcher in the NASA Climate and Radiation Lab at the agency's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and co-investigator of the research on atmospheric gravity waves. "The majority of atmospheric gravity sources are convection, weather systems, and mountains. We wanted to eliminate all those possible sources."
The project created a New Mexico "supersite" in the town of Moriarty where four atmospheric science teams were clustered: two from Plymouth State University in Plymouth, New Hampshire, and one each from the State University of New York (SUNY) Albany and SUNY Oswego.
Students began launching balloons at 10 a.m. the day before the eclipse.
"They worked in shifts through the day and night, and then everyone was on site for the eclipse," said Eric Kelsey, research associate professor at Plymouth State and the NEBP northeast regional lead.
Each balloon released by the science teams carried a radiosonde, an instrument package that measured temperature, location, humidity, wind direction, and wind speed during every second of its climb through the atmosphere. Radiosondes transmitted this stream of raw data to the team on the ground. Students uploaded the data to a shared server, where Gong and two graduate students spent months processing and analyzing it.
Confirmation that the eclipse had generated atmospheric gravity waves in the skies above New Mexico came in spring 2024.
"We put all the data together according to time, and when we plotted that time series, I could already see the stripes in the signal," Gong said. "I bombarded everybody's email. We were quite excited."
For students, learning curves bring opportunity
The program offered many students their first experience in collecting data. But the benefits go beyond technical and scientific skill.
"The students learned a ton through practicing launching weather balloons," Kelsey said. "It was a huge learning curve. They had to work together to figure out all the logistics and troubleshoot. It's good practice of teamwork skills."
"All of this is technically complicated," Des Jardins said. "While the focus now is on the science result, the most important part is that it was students who made this happen."
IMAGE: Plymouth State University students Sarah Brigandi, left, and Sammantha Boulay release a weather balloon from Moriarty, New Mexico, to collect atmospheric data on Oct. 14, 2023. Credit: NASA
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mr-fluffy-travel · 26 days
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Official Announcement: Mr. Fluffy Travel - Mexico Golf Packages! Mr. Fluffy Travel is thrilled to announce the launch of our latest venture into the world of luxury golfing: Mexico Golf Packages. We proudly present an opportunity for golfers worldwide to experience year-round golfing on Mexico’s 50 best golf courses, set in the most breath-taking destinations across the country. Our 15 exclusive Golf Packages have been expertly curated to provide the ultimate golfing experience, with access to top courses in six major golf regions of Mexico. Each package also includes three hotel options to suit your needs: - Top Luxury for those seeking the finest experience, - Luxury for premium comfort, - Economic for affordability without compromise on quality.
This flexibility allows golfers to personalize their stay and enjoy a seamless travel experience. While flights are not included in the package price, we ensure you have access to the lowest airfare options available from your departure location, making your journey to Mexico as convenient as possible. Experience the Best of Mexico Golfing with Mr. Fluffy Travel Discover the beauty of Mexico, indulge in its rich culture, and elevate your game on courses designed by legends. This is more than just golf—it's a journey. Book your exclusive package today and be among the first to experience Mexico’s premier golf courses with Mr. Fluffy Travel. For more information and bookings, visit www.mrfluffy.travel or contact us directly through our social media channels. Let’s golf the world with Mr. Fluffy Travel! Direct link: https://mrfluffy.travel/mrflluffymexicogolfcoursepackages/ Peter - Mr. Fluffy 💙🏌️🌎 Love Golfing the World
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very-grownup · 11 months
Book 75, 2023
I love Connie Willis. I think it is a legitimate failure of the science fiction community because the only people I ever see talking about her work are me. She has eleven Hugo Awards!
I do think her most significant long works were in the '90s and the kind of science fiction she writes was not as embraced as science fiction as it would be now. I feel like there's been some much needed erosion of drawing firm lines between hard science fiction and soft science fiction and the idea that hard science fiction is /real/ science fiction have you read her short 1995 novel "Remake" about a future Hollywood dystopia where everything is just remakes of previously successful works starring digital versions of long dead actors that various production companies own the rights to and the protagonist is a disillusioned Hollywood cog whose job is finding sets and props in previous movies that can be digitally copied into the new version of movies so nothing new or real has to be made but I wasn't reading "Remake" I was reading Willis' new novel, "The Road to Roswell".
There are two kinds of Willis novels: the serious ones and the romantic comedy non-science fiction genre pastiches but make it science fiction. Willis loves a screwball comedy and doesn't see why she can't have that but also aliens are there or it's time travel and I love that.
"The Road to Roswell" is an alien abduction story that's also a road novel traveling around Nevada and New Mexico and the special kind of Americana that's grown around UFO sightings and alien conspiracies. Francie is reluctantly in Roswell on the Fourth of July weekend to be the maid of honour in her best friend's latest attempt at a wedding that Francie is determined to talk her out of (one previously referenced fiancé was a breatharian), when, at tentacle-point, she is kidnapped by an alien who looks like a tumbleweed. The alien wants something. Or to go somewhere. And Francie is going to be it's wheelman. As Francie tries to appease the alien and get back to Roswell in time to stop her friend's wedding, the group of abductees becomes bigger, eventually acquiring a conspiracy theorist, a man selling alien abduction insurance packages, a casino loving senior citizen, and a cowboy.
It's just charming. It's silly and light and easy to read and the affection that develops between the alien and its abductees, particularly Francie, as they grow from trying to figure out how to escape to how to communicate with it to how to help it achieve it's goal (but also still get back to Roswell to stop Francie's friend from marrying a man who's arranged for them to get married in a museum recreation of the alien autopsy video) holds everything together.
I never regret the time I spend with something Connie Willis' has written.
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ongreenergrasses · 2 months
6, 14, 19, 20 for talk about asks
hi! hope you are well 💖 this got super long so I just put some of it under a cut to save everyone’s dashes
6. Talk about the worst birthday you’ve had
i really dislike my birthday in general, i’ve had a lot of bad ones but i think the worst one was one where my mother sent me a package for my birthday because everything she puts in is a judgmental message of some kind. there was an upside to that birthday iirc (i think that was the birthday i found out that i was eligible for the first covid vaccine) but that package absolutely ruined the day for me. I still think about it
14. Talk about a vacation
I am very fortunate in that I’ve been able to travel a lot…one of my favorites was actually a more simple one when the gf and I went to New Mexico for a long weekend. we absolutely loved it, there’s such good food there, and we had a really lovely time together. we hadn’t been on vacation for a while due to the pandemic and our lives are pretty busy. we just wandered around Santa Fe, did what there is to do, did some really nice hikes, and enjoyed having a break together.
19. Talk about something that happened in middle school
one time in middle school, I was carrying a model diorama thing of a school (we were in an architecture class) and I backed into a doorframe. the doorframe smashed my ring that i was wearing down, hard, into my finger, and it was definitely the worst physical pain i’d felt up to that point. i tried very hard not to cry because i was trying to be tough but I thought my ring was destroyed and it was really upsetting. my aunt bent it back into shape that afternoon and I still have that ring now
20. Talk about something that happened in high school
i’ve been thinking about this recently because it is an example of how ridiculous high school was for me and it’s going to get long but this is the story of when i saw mockingjay pt 1 in theaters
to preface, here is the routine my best friend and I have for thanksgivings. we have my family’s thanksgiving, then we go to his family’s thanksgiving, and then we see a movie. it just so happens that this year was an absolutely atrocious year because our friend had died the week before and her memorial was the day before thanksgiving.
i was in a long distance relationship with my absolute loser of a boyfriend at the time and we had planned for him to come for thanksgiving, but my friend had just died, and i was like hi. Can you please not come for thanksgiving. I would like to grieve with my friends. and he ended up coming anyway and basically inserting himself into the situation which I absolutely did not want and I was like you know what fuck this guy I’m going to break up with him.
so thanksgiving as you can imagine was absolutely miserable. we were emotionally destroyed from the memorial the day before and I’m like I have to break up with my boyfriend and I got so irritated with him at my family’s thanksgiving that my best friend pulled me aside and was like hey. You just have to get through today and then tonight you break up with him. You can do this. and I was like ok I can do this
so we went to my best friend’s thanksgiving and as we were wrapping up and I was like YES i can get in the car and break up with this guy my best friend’s mom was like “so what movie are you going to see?” and I was like Oh Shit. oh no.
in hindsight I’m very grateful she said that and pushed us to go, because if we’d broken that routine it would’ve marred that thanksgiving in our memories forever, but I was obviously furious in the moment because I felt like it was prolonging this terrible day, and I couldn’t stand it anymore. we got in the car to leave and I was like hello loser boyfriend. I am breaking up with you.
so my boyfriend and I start arguing and my best friend’s in the back sort of having a mental breakdown (he remembers none of this btw) and we get to the movie theater, boyfriend and I are still arguing and best friend goes up to the ticket counter and is like dude what movies are even playing rn and the guy is like …look up.
so we decide to see mockingjay pt 1. my boyfriend and I have not stopped fighting. we fight in only partly hushed tones through the entire movie. the best friend is having a breakdown next to us. the entire movie theater probably wants to kill us. at the end the best friend just starts hitting me in the arm and is like shut the fuck up this is the good part and I was like ok. we watched the good part (what is that, the last 30mins) and then we got in the car and left. I don’t think my best friend has seen that movie since. I have for obvious reasons. loser boyfriend ended up being even more of a loser after this. it was all very ridiculous and a good encapsulation of my high school experience because I was having things like that go down an average of once a week. constant constant teenage drama.
talk about asks
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stilltravels · 7 months
Relax in Puerto Vallarta
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All-inclusive, beachfront resort in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Roundtrip air/transportation from Atlanta to PVR (direct flight)
Dates - May 9 -14, 2024
Room - Junior Suite Ocean View King
Nights - 5
Airport Transfers included.
In-room champagne breakfast, 25% discount on spa, and more.
Receive $200 in resort coupons to enhance your stay.
Enjoy Unlimited-Luxury™ inclusions during your stay.
Deposit per person - $173.
Total Package Price $1,860.85 (per person)
Call or text 6784691977 or email [email protected]
**Prices and availability are subject to change
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soutienshivam · 3 months
Flying with Sun Country Airlines: Affordable Travel with a Personal Touch
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Are you looking for a budget-friendly airline that doesn't compromise on quality? Sun Country Airlines might be your perfect match. With a focus on providing affordable, comfortable, and reliable air travel, Sun Country has carved out a niche for itself among savvy travelers. Here's everything you need to know about flying with Sun Country Airlines and why it could be your new go-to for both domestic and international travel.
About Sun Country Airlines
Sun Country Airlines is a Minneapolis-based low-cost carrier that has been in operation since 1983. Known for its friendly service and affordable fares, Sun Country primarily serves destinations within the United States, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. The airline's mission is to make flying accessible to everyone, all while maintaining a high standard of customer service.
Why Fly with Sun Country Airlines?
1. Budget-Friendly Fares
One of the biggest advantages of flying with Sun Country Airlines is its competitive pricing. The airline offers low base fares and regular promotions, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious travelers. Whether you're planning a quick domestic trip or an international getaway, Sun Country provides great value for your money.
2. Flexible Travel Options
Sun Country offers a variety of fare options, allowing you to choose the level of service and flexibility that suits your needs. From Basic Economy to First Class, you can tailor your travel experience to fit your budget and preferences. Additionally, the airline offers vacation packages that include flights, hotels, and car rentals, making trip planning a breeze.
3. Customer-Centric Service
Despite being a low-cost carrier, Sun Country prides itself on delivering exceptional customer service. The airline's staff are known for their friendliness and willingness to go the extra mile to ensure passengers have a pleasant flight. This personal touch sets Sun Country apart from many other budget airlines.
4. Convenient Routes
Sun Country operates a network of routes that includes popular vacation destinations and major U.S. cities. Whether you're heading to sunny Florida, the beaches of Mexico, or a bustling urban center, Sun Country has convenient options to get you there.
Tips for Flying with Sun Country Airlines
Book Early: Like most airlines, Sun Country offers the best deals when you book in advance. Keep an eye out for sales and special promotions.
Pack Smart: Sun Country charges for checked bags and larger carry-on items, so pack efficiently to avoid extra fees. A personal item like a backpack or small bag is included with your ticket.
Check-In Online: Save time at the airport by checking in online through the Sun Country website or mobile app. This also gives you the chance to select your seat in advance.
Consider Upgrading: If you're looking for a bit more comfort, consider upgrading to Premium or First Class. These fare options include additional amenities like extra legroom, priority boarding, and complimentary beverages.
Onboard Experience
Sun Country Airlines operates a fleet of Boeing 737 aircraft, known for their reliability and comfort. The cabins are clean and well-maintained, with comfortable seating and ample legroom compared to many other low-cost carriers. While the airline does not offer in-flight entertainment screens, you can bring your own devices and enjoy their streaming service on your personal device.
In-Flight Services
Sun Country offers a selection of snacks and beverages for purchase on board. If you're flying in Premium or First Class, you'll enjoy complimentary drinks and snacks. The airline also provides in-flight Wi-Fi on most flights, allowing you to stay connected and entertained throughout your journey.
Final Thoughts
Sun Country Airlines is a fantastic option for travelers seeking affordable fares without sacrificing quality and service. With its customer-centric approach, flexible travel options, and convenient routes, Sun Country makes it easy to explore new destinations and enjoy a pleasant flying experience. Whether you're a frequent flyer or planning your first trip, consider Sun Country Airlines for your next adventure.
Have you flown with Sun Country Airlines? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below! Happy travels!
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traveltricksblog · 3 months
Why Group Travel Packages Are Perfect for Families
Traveling as a family can be one of the most rewarding experiences, creating opportunities for bonding, adventure, and shared memories. However, planning a trip that satisfies everyone—from young children to grandparents—can be a daunting task. This is where group travel packages come in. These packages are designed to take the hassle out of planning and provide an array of activities and destinations tailored to family needs. They offer the perfect solution for families looking to enjoy stress-free, enjoyable vacations together. In this article, we'll explore why group travel packages are ideal for families and how they can transform your next family trip into an unforgettable adventure.
Traveling as a family can be one of the most rewarding experiences, creating opportunities for bonding, adventure, and shared memories. However, planning a trip that satisfies everyone—from young children to grandparents—can be a daunting task. This is where group travel packages come in. These packages are designed to take the hassle out of planning and provide an array of activities and destinations tailored to family needs. They offer the perfect solution for families looking to enjoy stress-free, enjoyable vacations together. In this article, we'll explore why group travel packages are ideal for families and how they can transform your next family trip into an unforgettable adventure.
Family-Friendly Destinations: Ideal Spots for Multi-Generational Travel
When planning a family trip that includes grandparents, parents, and children, finding the perfect destination can be challenging. group travel packages often highlight family-friendly destinations that cater to all age groups. Whether it's a theme park in Orlando, a beach resort in the Caribbean, or a cultural tour in Europe, these packages provide options that ensure every family member has a great time. Destinations are selected with care to offer activities, accommodations, and amenities suitable for all ages, making the trip enjoyable for everyone.
Theme Parks: Locations like Disneyland or Universal Studios are fantastic for families as they offer attractions for all ages, from thrilling rides for teens to gentle attractions for toddlers.
All-Inclusive Resorts: Resorts in destinations like the Caribbean or Mexico often have kids' clubs, teen activities, and adult-only areas, ensuring everyone has a great time.
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notesoncrocs · 1 year
i should be doing work
i'm supposed to be doing work but i logged on here and tried to catch up with everyone's posts (ana's slides are so cute ahhh).
i miss this summer and yall a lot. i know missing it won't change anything but i still do. i've been saying this year is my era of peace and quiet -- i guess that's true. here's what i've been up to:
been going to the gym every morning with ana, making my room look nice, watching succession, having disappointing frat party experiences, trying to stay on top of work. there's a harvard class i'm taking that i really like, a creative writing workshop on the art of the short story. i like that this class is taught a lot better than that one time i took a fiction workshop at mit. we read adela's house by mariana enriquez, a story about a haunted house, and the prompt for that week was to use physical space and the interaction with that space to write a story. this week, we're reading bloodchild by octavia butler (which is literally an alien mpreg story) and the prompt is to write a story about the physical body. i'm writing some crazy stuff.
i like getting back into writing. it used to be a source of stress for me for a lot of very dramatic reasons, and i pretty much gave up on it after that mit fiction workshop. but i was reading this is how you lose the time war this summer (lesbian time travel story where they send each other really poetic letters, bought it with ana at trident in may) and i started thinking about writing more as sending letters to someone across space and time, which i thought was a nice way to think about it. summer was good but there was always an undercurrent of anxiety -- this happiness is temporary, my memory is imperfect and will forget these moments, i will leave these countries and these people and it won't ever be the same. thoughts like that. but there was a line in that book, something about how poetry ossifies, like wood from a tree, how it uses the words in a language (which are like a grimy deck of cards, really) to preserve this beating, writhing tissue, this ephemeral moment, into something strong, solid, and a little bit lifeless. but solid enough to package up and send to you, or to me in the future, or someone. so it's a good thing to write, to work against time, even if it's just to say things to myself that i can't say to anyone else.
anyway. all this to say that i like taking a class that teaches me how to make things up. i'm also taking paloma's class, which is just me being delusional about my spanish level (mexico did help a lot though). i'm also taking jazz composing (my next hobby mayhaps, watch out mit festival jazz ensemble!), 9.66 (computational cog sci), and computer graphics with ana (i'm supposed to be doing pset 0 rn but it looks so atrocious). when i'm not thinking about classes, i'm thinking about how i need to apply for internships next summer and need to relearn 6.006. when i'm not doing either, i guess i'm doing things like writing this, which is really just me procrastinating by feeling melancholic (tm).
like, maybe i should meet more people, or something? but the thought makes me so exhausted and disappointed already. but yeah, these are the things i've been thinking about. hope yall are doing good!
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What was some of the most interesting finds you got?
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"Gonna be real with ya, I think it's all cool! Half the fun is seein' anything pop outta the screen, regardless of if it's a piece of an iron nail, a shard of glass, a piece of brick, or whatever else.
"I'm just gonna whip out my handy-dandy booklet fulla notes here...and...there! Sick!"
"I will tell ya my favorite genre of artifacts to encounter. Anything that can tell us about trade and the interconnectivity of those what came before! I loved porin' over the lead cloth seals at Jamestown for the short time I did some work there. Like...I ain't sure how to describe it, but I could remember how some of 'em looked fresh off the boat, which was weird since honestly, I don't remember much good about old Jamestown. And the boat thing is probably something I shouldn'ta said out loud in the Rediscovery Center. But these seals often had information regardin' the place of origin, the material, and other such things. Some were stamped more than once as the cloth traveled, so you can track it much like a modern mail package!
"I also really love lithics! Ever thought about how some lithics get found far, far off from the mineral's source? Those may have been treated as commodities. I mean, of course some were used, but when we find traveled lithics, they often aren't found with much wear. Like that real pretty rainbow flint out of the Alibates Flint Quarries near Fritch, Texas. We have evidence of the quarries bein' used by the Ice Age Clovis groups and by the Antelope Creek and Panhandle cultures much later between 1200 and 1450 AD. But we also have examples of spear points and other forms of lithic tools made from this same Alibates flint miles and miles away. Was it valued for its beauty? Was it particularly strong? Somethin' made it valuable and we know that it was traded as far north as Montana and as far south as Central Mexico - ah, I should really contact María, I know there is some interesting archaeology down south there. Thought for another day!
"Other things of interest are beads. Native beads we often see made of shell and other local materials. When we get into periods of European settlement here, we start to see glass beads at sites. Shades of blue were highly valued, we tend to find. On a less professional note, I gotta agree, but I'm a total sucker for anything blue! I guess my sweatshirt is a testament here - ha!
"There are so many other types of artifacts that can aid this knowledge. Pottery appearing in styles not common to the area in which they are found, historical documents detailing trade if available...I think it's neat how humans have been interested in trading and consuming since the beginnin'. Like looking into barter systems and different currencies throughout history and around the world. It's like how we get the word carat from carob beans - carob seeds? - and other such monetary tales. Please y'all, I'm beggin' ya, look into some of this stuff. Never has humanity ever really been isolated! You’re natural entrepreneurs!"
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mansipatel5 · 9 months
From Aztec Legacy to Waterfall Majesty: Unraveling the Tales of Mexico and Iguazu
Embarking on a journey that weaves together the ancient stories of Aztec legacy in Mexico and the majestic beauty of Iguazu Falls is an adventure like no other. This unique expedition promises a blend of rich cultural experiences, vibrant landscapes, and awe-inspiring natural wonders.
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Discovering Mexico's Cultural Tapestry
Your exploration begins in Mexico, a country that resonates with the echoes of ancient civilizations. Mexico's rich cultural heritage is a blend of traditions, colonial influences, and a vibrant contemporary spirit. When you visit the ruins sites, like the renowned Chichen Itza you'll be captivated by the magnificent architecture crafted by the talented Aztecs.
Mexico presents an abundance of experiences ranging from strolling through the markets of Mexico City to discovering the tranquil cobblestone pathways, in San Miguel de Allende. Each city and town tells a unique story, blending indigenous traditions with Spanish colonial heritage. Mexico's vibrant colors, lively music, and warm hospitality create an atmosphere that beckons travelers to delve into its rich cultural heritage.
To make the most of your Mexican sojourn, consider opting for curated Mexico vacation packages. These packages often include guided tours to archaeological sites, cultural performances, and culinary adventures that showcase the country's diverse gastronomic offerings. Imagine savoring traditional street tacos in a local market or participating in a hands-on cooking class to master the art of crafting authentic Mexican dishes.
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Nature's Symphony in Iguazu Falls
Leaving the enchanting world of Mexico behind, your journey continues to the border of Argentina and Brazil, where the breathtaking Iguazu Falls awaits. The falls, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a testament to nature's grandeur, with 275 individual cascades spanning nearly two miles. Standing on the viewing platforms you can't. Be amazed, by the force and breathtaking beauty of the waterfalls.
Iguazu Falls is not a natural phenomenon; it's a thriving ecosystem filled with a wide variety of plants and animals. The lush rainforest that envelops it is inhabited by butterflies, rare birds, and elusive wildlife. Guided nature walks offer a chance to explore the ecological richness of the area, providing insights into the delicate balance that sustains this mesmerizing environment.
For a seamless and enriching travel experience, consider the Iguazu Falls tour. These thoughtfully curated packages often include guided excursions to the falls, boat rides to feel the mist on your face, and explorations of the surrounding national parks. Engaging with knowledgeable guides enhances your understanding of the geological forces that shaped the falls and the importance of preserving this natural wonder for future generations.
Connecting Threads: The Aztec Legacy and Iguazu Majesty
As you make your way, from the streets of Mexico to the roaring waters of Iguazu you'll come to realize that these two destinations are bound together by more than the order in which they appear on your itinerary. Both places share a sense of awe a connection to nature and the enduring strength of cultures that have persevered throughout time.
The legacy of the Aztecs with their pyramids and sacred temples showcases a reverence for the natural world and its powerful forces. In a vein, Iguazu Travel Packages, with their cascades and flourishing surroundings, serve as a vivid reminder of the immense power and captivating beauty bestowed upon our planet by Mother Nature. The journey from Mexico to Iguazu becomes a narrative that transcends geographical boundaries, telling a story of human connection to the Earth.
Immersive Experiences: Culinary Adventures and Waterfall Whispers
One of the highlights of this dual adventure is the opportunity to immerse yourself in the culinary delights of Mexico and the sensory symphony of Iguazu Falls. In Mexico, your taste buds will dance to the flavors of street tacos, spicy salsas, and rich moles. Engage in a culinary journey that takes you from traditional markets to hidden gems, where local chefs share their culinary secrets.
When you visit Iguazu it's not only, about what you see but about engaging your senses. As you get closer to the falls feel the mist, on your skin hear the sound of the water crashing down, and take in the refreshing scent of the rainforest. During your tour, there's a possibility to enjoy cuisine that lets you truly appreciate the flavors while admiring the breathtaking views of the falls.
Practical Considerations: Choosing the Right Packages
To ensure a seamless and stress-free travel experience, choosing the right vacation packages for Mexico and Iguazu Falls is crucial. Look for packages that offer a balanced mix of cultural exploration, guided tours, and leisure time to soak in the surroundings at your own pace.
Consider factors such as accommodation quality, transportation arrangements, and the reputation of the tour operators. Reading reviews from fellow travelers can provide valuable insights into the overall satisfaction of previous tour participants. Additionally, inquire about the flexibility of the itinerary, allowing you to tailor certain aspects of the journey to suit your preferences.
A Journey to Remember: Leaving Footprints in Two Worlds
As your adventure from the Aztec legacy to the waterfall majesty comes to an end, you'll find yourself carrying not just souvenirs but a treasure trove of memories. The stories of Mexico's cultural richness, the whispers of Iguazu Falls, and the connection between these two distinct destinations will linger in your heart.
This dual expedition is more than a vacation; it's a narrative that transcends time and geography. It's a reminder that, whether through the ruins of ancient civilizations or the thundering waters of a natural wonder, the world invites us to explore, connect, and appreciate the diverse tapestry of our planet.
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