#Mind detox
onlinecoursesguniguru · 9 months
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Mindful Living: A Step-By-Step Mind Detoxification
In today's world, it's easy to get caught up in the chaos of daily life, often neglecting our mental well-being. However, by practicing mindful living, we can embark on a journey of mental detoxification that can lead to greater clarity, reduced stress, and improved overall happiness. We will explore the concept of mindful living and provide a step-by-step guide to help you detoxify your mind and cultivate a more peaceful and meaningful existence. Visit us at https://guniguru.com/courses/eliminate-stress-and-detox-your-mind to know about more information.
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oliveretreat · 2 years
The Vaxicans' New Clothes - White Robes
The Vaxicans’ New Clothes – White Robes
Look at the them! They go from black to white, from white to black through history. The self-proclaimed holders of the TRUTH and the oligarchs paying them in today’s temples, the labs, are as dogmatic as they have always been. They adore their rituals, methods and the robes they wear, (including those in normal suits – a civil nineteens century military gear with a tie representing the fallos,…
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saydesole · 1 month
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Sunday 🫶🏽
This past weekend was all about unwinding and rejuvenating, but it also sheds light on the fact that some individuals have a negative attitude toward those who set boundaries.
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fullmetal-angelgrace · 3 months
watching the s5 house finale, i knew something was off but I couldn't tell what, cuddy's reactions to his pranks and house's whole thing with the lipstick was really confusing me.
but fuck i wasn't expecting the whole thing to be a hallucination......
i was really confused that they only showed one night of house's detox, i chalked it up to bad writing and maybe they skipped a few days, cuz no way in hell he throws up for one night and suddenly he's sober and painfree.... and well... i guess i was right
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moenmomentsthemoe-en · 5 months
i might incomprehensibly scream and cry with no context without replying to anyone on tumblr for the next two weeks please forgive me
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sadcoresushi · 29 days
I am so done with social media jeopardizing my chance of reaching my potential. I should have done it before, but now I actually get the reason why having an increasing screen time can affect my hard work. Because it's true that I like to study, I like to expand my knowledge day by day, but the reason why I am not able to see any significant growth in my cognitive learning ability is because social media is canceling out all of my efforts.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
Not sure what I was expecting this morning, but it wasn't finding out that Carol Vorderman (British celebrity) is non-monogamous and in a relationship with an astronaut, but yeah, sure. Why not?
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angelbabyblog777 · 4 months
Pisces Season!
Happy Pisces Season my beautiful bbs. This deep, watery season is all about inner knowing, change and creation. If you haven't gotten the rest you've needed this winter, now is the time!
Pisces to me is like the song "escapism." Everything about them is like they're in their own little world and interacting with them is like opening a portal right into that world. There is a feeling of detachment about them, an old soul type feeling even when you're only looking at them. I feel like they have an inner knowing of the vastness of the soul. It's as if they know they've been here before and this life they're living is just a little blip compared to everything they've already experienced. That's why some pisces may act a little unhinged at times; Living multiple lives and being inter-dimensional in a way other people can't seem to understand could make anyone go cray cray.
As pisces season approached, I found myself drawn again to witchcraft. I struggle with my "faith" and also go against the grain a lot. I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to be told what to do. The more I learn about the dark side of Christianity, the more I question why people mindlessly believe what is said in the Bible. Although I have seen witches turn to Christ. I just know that I was brought up in a catholic setting and I want to experience things differently at this point in my life. I am drawn to witchcraft and paganism and I always have been. My best friend and I used to make "potions" in her backyard, or salads with poison berries in them hahha.
At this time in my life, I want to learn more about plants, herbal medicine, gardening, animals, birds, harvesting and anything to do with the natural world. I'm going to surrender to the flow of my life and stop trying to control every little thing. I'm going to rest when I need to and I'm going to stay up late if I want to!
Ostara is 30 days away and I want my Chi to be at 100% by then! That means DETOXING and I personally have been feeling called to just BE ALONE! The world can wait! I have a handful of loose leaf teas I want to make each night before bed. I can also use these in a nice herbal bath. I'm being called to cut out the shit I put in my body like extra sugar, processed food, soda and even shitty television, social media and all that JUNK!
Pisces have a deep knowing. They know the ins and outs of the world, they know the evils at play. They know that most people don't have your best interest at heart and maybe that's why they belong so deeply to themselves. This is the last zodiac before the astrological new year, April babies, Aries season, Spring Equinox! What are your plans for this Pisces season?
I found a new witchy blog I love if you want to check it out too! It's www.softspirituality.com ! She has a blog all about Pisces season too! Hope you're well and things are looking up for you.
Love ya xoxox - Kaylee
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ardentpoop · 2 months
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spectral-honey · 2 years
Au where Damian is closer in age to Tim and joins the batfam after Jason dies
bruce has to make himself functional with a new kid dropped in his lap and then has to cut back on the violent outbursts because Damian WILL take it as permission to kill and they're trying to teach him not to do that
tim keeps his stalker tendencies and grows to like Damian's robin just as much as Dick and Jason's, even if this new robin is a bit stabby around the edges
damian is the first robin to notice Tim tho and confronts him on his own without telling Bruce
timmy is like heyyy don't stab me I swear I wouldn't endanger the bats ever & also I can maybe give you info I find sneaking around & also hey wouldn't it be cool to have a secret from bats? You could have your own personal informant wouldn't that be so cool you could impress Batman and everything
dami: fine but you don't have any more secrets right
tim, knows their secret identities: and I said no, y'know, like a liar
so they make a truce that turns into a friendship that turns into Damian hiding the fact that he has adopted a brother, shut up Batman you picked up random children from the street so can damian
bruce and dick: wow it's so nice that Damian has started listening to us about not killing or using excessive violence on people. We're glad he understands now
Damian, who got a 72 slide PowerPoint lecture from Tim about the practicality of not killing as a vigilante in Gotham: yes, that is what happened. I have accepted your perspectives on morality. No other reason
tim’s powerpoint has a lot of graphs and venn diagrams measuring different kinds of criminal activity vs public cooperation vs batman's violence levels vs police cooperation vs rogue activity. The gotham ecosystem is delicate
when jason comes back tim throws a fit because he has to REMAKE his powerpoint and all the graphs to add red hood’s vigilante-slash-rogue effect
Tim at some point: batman is fragile if you kill people it will make his traumatized brain explode
Dami: trauma?
Tim: y'know from martha and thomas being murdered in front of him
Damian, eyes narrowed:
Tim: I mean… that's just a game theory?
but just like generally Tim and Damian being each other's support systems
they bond over having parents who are absent?? Like, damian missing his mom and tim immediately empathizing on how its hard when you love someone who is away a lot or for a long time
they talk about missing them and damian is able to open up about feeling out of place and how difficult it is to adjust or know how he's supposed to act
#damian wayne#tim drake#batfam#batman#talia: lets play musical children. I will take jason and you can take damian#If talia knew about jason’s plans for revenge she probably would make damn sure that jason wasnt about to touch her boy#BUT assuming he somehow got that past her#tim would be SO salty about it.#jason: wait I’M your hero? Tim: well not after you tried to FUCKING KILL damian#jason:#tim: but yes you WERE my hero. damian said you guys were cool tho so i GUESS youre okay. For now.#damian mentions hes from an assassin cult and tim just like freeze frame hold up rewind a bit there /huh?????/#tim trying to like. Support damian in detoxing from the cult stuff#and says really unsubtle stuff about how SOME PEOPLE grow up in environments that teach things that aren't always good for the person.#And this RANDOM PERSON WITH NO SPECIFIC EXAMPLE have difficulty adjusting to normalcy and reaching out is both the most effective-#-and best for the emotional wellbeing of this person#and damian is like ah i see (completely misunderstands) I will keep this in mind while interacting with grayson.#tim was completely ready to take on trying to stabilize a violent adult man who just lost a son of COURSE hed be like#‘yeah i can probably un-indoctrinate an assassin child. What could go wrong’#when Damian figures out Tim knows their identities they get to hang out at boring social events#damian is like tim has my complete confidence. And tim is like uh yeah i just dont rat him out on feeling emotion#damian is describing Tim to dick and he's like oh wow my informant is very trustworthy#he has great use in entertaining me at fathers horrible social events#and dick is like Damian buddy that sounds like a friend. A friend is the thing you're describing#also important to this au is Tim's adrenaline junkie tenancies. He just is.#maybe also as a side thing it's a Tim as Barbara's apprentice au? Eventually becoming a vigilante but more in the informational vein#babs is like hey Dami why did I see u on this camera hanging out with a random child and Damian is like shit. Do not tell father pls#so he recruits her to teach tim self defense so he wont fuckin die running around gotham#dc#is this just blatantly me liking tim and damian being friends? maybe. you cant prove anything
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leconcombrerit · 4 months
I need to go take a shower and also the meds I've procrastinated for two hours but I'm very busy rolling on my bed kicking the blanket and yelling at my pillow about this week's episode while my cat and dog stopped caring ten minutes in a just snore unbothered by my emotional distress
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comediakaidanovsky · 1 year
always on my mind
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eififah · 8 months
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Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t like your scrolling habits: Social media is for ‘building relationships,’ not just consuming content, that Facebook and Instagram are “addictive” and harmful Yup..., Bakalan tepat ditangan orang yang tepat, tapi keknya bukan gw deh, gw kadang suka adiktif aja sama medsos
Bbye Facebook. Bbye Twitter, and 20 Days Again Bbye Instagram ^^ “The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone, is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been.” – Albert Einstein. ^^
"The hardest struggle of all is to be something different from what the average man is. I don't believe in 'super-men,' for the world is full of capable men, but it's the fellow with determination that wins out." - Charles M. Schwab. ^^
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anonymous-harpy · 3 months
Writing fluff:
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Writing a fight scene:
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Writing the s m u t:
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crystalbottle · 1 month
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boyghcst · 2 months
I rlly wanna be able to not smoke weed but I just dunno if I can honestly. Like I’ve been sober maybe for a week or two before last year and I felt happy w myself I went that long but I also was in England visiting my family so I didn’t have any left to smoke anyway
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