#Miracle Morning
shellyjhonson · 10 months
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skies-fuck-you · 8 months
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Sljedeća knjiga koju sam pročitao ovaj tjedan je "Miracle Morning" koju je napisao Hal Elrod.
Prošlo je neko vrijeme odkad sam upio toliko kvalitetnih informacija o razvoju kvalitete života te rutini općenito. Ovdje se konkretno radi o jutarnjoj rutini kao što ste i mogli pogoditi iz naslova knjige. Toplo preporučam svakome, a na kraju krajeva u tom procesu ranog ustajanja prije svih dok je mrtva tišina vani shvatite je li to za vas.
Evo, ja se već budim treći dan za redom u 5:00 ujutro i imam svoj mali ritual s koji mi svakako stavi naglasak na cijeli dan. Ne sjećam se kad sam se fizički i psihički ovako dobro osjećao!
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Miracle Morning: Warum das Buch dich nicht zum Millionär macht...
dein Leben aber trotzdem bereichern kann
Miracle Morning und die Erfolgsgeheimnisse der Reichen ist ein Buch, das ich definitiv empfehlen würde, zwar wirst du damit nicht über Nacht zum Millionär, aber es kann dir zumindest helfen, die Gewohnheiten von erfolgreichen Menschen zu übernehmen.
Ich bin nicht gerade der Fan von Hörbüchern, aber das war eines der wenigen Hörbuchs, die ich mir bis zum Schluss angehört habe. Wer den Miracel Morning bereits kennt, wird auch Gefallen an diesem Buch finden. Das Buch wird dich wahrscheinlich nicht zum Millionär machen, aber es kann dein Leben definitiv bereichern, bei mir war es jedenfalls so. Das Erfolgsgeheimnis von Reichen Menschen ist dabei ganz einfach früh aufstehen und 1 Stunden für die Dinge zu haben, die man liebt. Eine Stunde für die Savers aufzuwenden, um entspannst und positiv in den Tag zu starten.
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chrissy-kaos · 8 months
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Am I still cute enough to cuddles with? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
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bookbutterfly1999 · 2 years
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My first and only book I finished reading in 2022… I used to be an avid reader a long time ago but over time weaned off and stuck to short stories. While reading fiction is still one of my instinctual coping mechanisms, it wasn’t doing much beyond distracting. A while back my dad recommended I read this book and sent me the epub file. It’s been collecting virtual dust for a year or two considering I remember getting it pre-covid. The usual apprehensions about self-help books and what not prevented me from not reading this and multiple other books… but a while back I decided it’s time I stop moping around and start actually doing something worthwhile and decided, why not start trying to wake up earlier and have a better routine? This book is a practical tool for anyone interested in self-improvement and wanting to commit to a healthier lifestyle on a daily basis… I am personally happy I finished reading it despite everything going on, and some of the aspects covered in the book is quite helpful.
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kayodekolade · 2 years
Win your morning... win your day. What's your morning routine? #habits #miraclemorning #5amclub #morningroutine
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danni-nip-nip-nyan · 2 months
Charlie if she served cünt (scene inspired)
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The skirt looks bad I'm sry I'm not too gud at ruffles TwT
Also sum wholesome father-daughter bonding
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Was originally gonna be Charlie and Alastor, but Alastor can handle his liquor. Lucifer however-
Progress vidd, tried a new thing to make it look more pretty lol
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Reference for the second piece
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pommunist · 7 months
unstoppable force (qtubbo’s self sabotage tendencies and his nihilistic belief that everyone is doomed to leave him behind)
unmovable object (qfit’s emotional walls and automatic denial of his own feelings making him physically unable to admit he misses qtubbo)
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merrinpippy · 2 months
on masks
so shockingly miracle mask has huge mask theming in like every aspect. basically every significant character is 'wearing' a mask literally or metaphorically, except for luke who remarks in ludmilla's costume shop that he doesn't think any of the masks suit him (since the events of the previous game luke can be authentically himself now.) this is fun to notice on its own, but there's more to be discussed than just the presence of masks.
every mask in miracle mask backfires on its wearer to some degree! the most obvious case of this is descole and the masked gentleman straight up underestimating their own mask/s and failing to see their plans to the end, and the resulting consequences. dalston and henry's masks of stoicism turn out to have kept them from years of friendship they could have enjoyed, and paint them both as suspects in the masked gentleman case. angela's aloof facade and distance from everyone around her allows her to be kidnapped for a significant portion of the game without anyone but the professor noticing (and even then, he notices that something's up with her, but chalks it up initially as not knowing her anymore). less obviously, emmy's mask only means she'll end up hurting the people she has come to care for even more when the time comes.
most interesting to me, though, is hershel! even as a teen he's remarkably reserved, though clearly passionate. he keeps himself very controlled, and seems to care very much about coming across to others as helpful, grounded, and 'normal'. the interests that we know he has he keeps locked up, literally hidden away in cupboards, not to be acknowledged aloud to himself or others. he never gets angry or ever really displays any stereotypical teen behaviours apart from awkwardness.
now what this means is he is treated as the reliable one who will nonetheless go along with whatever randall wants him to do. he's never particularly assertive (something he will learn to be as an adult) so his willingness is taken for granted. he's put in mortal danger in akbadain because it never occurs to randall that hershel's protests are anything more than for appearance's sake.
and when randall falls and hershel is alone, he yells! he falls to his knees, completely overcome. he cries. he pushes through. and when he reaches angela and henry, alone, covered in dirt, looking completely haunted... they don't even ask him if he's okay. angela bodily shakes him. in the past and present, nobody treats hershel as if he's been through something traumatic - to everyone else, he was either a bystander to or complicit in randall's death, but controlled, mild-mannered and rational hershel is never considered a victim in his own right even after years have passed for everyone to think on it. years after the fact angela apologises to hershel... when she realises she needs his help. and henry immediately accuses him of betraying randall's memory and abandoning him.
and to be clear this isn't me saying oh they're evil or whatever but it's significant that they acknowledge how the trauma affected them and their behaviour from that point forward but it doesn't occur to them that hershel's behaviour and life trajectory was also altered forever! because hershel has for his whole life masked so well that to everyone else he does not have an interior life that isn't puzzle solving.
and the absolute funniest thing about it is that when hershel confesses this all to emmy and luke.... it's immediately back to the investigation, "where do we go now professor!" i'm sure there's no reason to ask if hershel's okay, he's probably unaffected by all that, let's go! readers i laughed out loud. tfw you mask so well everyone forgets you're a person
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quilteddreamz · 20 days
Be fed.
Come gather my fearful ao3 friends! Come indulge in what I have salvaged from the flames!
Fic below:
"Not A Morning Person"
Part 1/3
Your closed lids scrunch as sunlight casts over them, harsh against your waking mind, you turn. hiding away in a plush pillow. 
Mornings were your nemesis. Your mind, sluggish to wake, dreading leaving the warmth of your sanctum. Sounds of birds and the world bustling outside weren’t enough to convince you it was worth it. The warmth carried a lulling comfort, ready to take your mind under again. 
Silicon brushed against the bottom of your foot. You retract your foot back into the warmth, hiding away from whatever had disturbed it. You groan in discontent, nuzzling your face further into the pillow.
Static crackles in a soft chortle. 
Silicon hands return to cup your cheeks, one lifting your head from the pillow.
“No,” You whine, pulling back. You weasel your head under the covers, curling up in a grumpy ball
“Sunshine, “ Sun sings, softly. You could feel him tugging on the duvet. “The birds are singing-”
“The sun is shining-“
“Go away.”
“And you-“ The duvet is roughly pulled up, revealing your groggy eyes, “-need to brush your hair,” His grin widened at your disheveled state.
The duvet is tossed to the end of the bed, better revealing your frown. You flip over onto your stomach, face down into the mattress. 
Your sanctum is stolen, ripped away by the beaming Sun. But that wouldn’t stop you from lazing around.
Sun huffed. The bed dipped beside you. Hands looped under your waist, lifting. You gripped the fitted sheet like a bristling cat.
“Don’t act like a toddler,” Sun chided. He did a sharp tug, breaking your hold. 
Sun shifted to sit on his calves, holding you like a doll in his lap. Your head rested against his chest chasm, faintly hearing the whirring of mechanical life. 
His hands rubbed your sides, another futile attempt to cure your drowsiness.
“My, my, you're awfully tired this morning, Sunshine,” He mumbled.
His hand cupped under your chin, angling your head back slightly.  Cold fingers petted the dark circles under your eyes. His smile twitched.
“What time did you fall asleep?” 
You stilled. Truth sat bitterly on your tongue. You swallowed and lied: “The usual time.”
“Mhm,” His upturned eyes tilted. He unfurled his leg and stepped off the bed, taking you with him. Your legs wrapped around his torso, feet barely touching. His strides are long as he takes further from where you want to be.
Passing the hall mirror shows you how unbelievable your lie was. Below your tired eyes were dark, soot-like circles. Pale skin painted your normal vibrance. You looked dull at best— worst a zombie.
The kitchen held the faint scent of Sun’s cooking, yet looked spotless. You swore the robot was incapable of causing a mess.
You’re lowered down at the table. Your heavy eyes blink at the eggs in front of you. Cold and sad. They had sat here a while.
Sheepishly you smile, “Thank you.”
“Of course, Sunshine!” Sun peppily replied, though from the way his hands clenched the back of your chair, you doubted it was genuine. “I’ll go make you a coffee.” His bells jingled as he walked to the counter.
You picked at the eggs with a fork, watching the cold yolk run free. Guilt mixed with your tiredness. You hadn’t meant to stay up late. It wasn’t your fault your favourite show was running a marathon late into the AMs. Now you held the ire of the animatronic— and likely his brother as well.
Taking a bite your guilt grew. It tasted wonderful.
Jingling bells had you lift your head. Sun returned with a steaming mug, setting it down. You thanked him, softly blowing on it.
You sipped— face twisting at the harsh bitterness. The sugar Sun normally added was missing. You nearly spit, but Sun’s taut grin stopped you. 
You nodded, perusing your lips.
This was going to be a hard day.
Hope y'all enjoyed! Part 2 should be up tonight or tomorrow on ao3. If ao3 is not up it will be on here :3
If you have time later go give this a kudo on ao3! it's in my linktree.
Hope you all have a wonderful day/night 💜
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thegoodmorningman · 4 months
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Good Morning!!! Words are everything!!!
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melle-otterwise · 3 months
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Morning coffee kiss + Miracle
(They're happy 💚)
(Bonus lineart)
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appri-dot · 3 months
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I was crazy for drawing this
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warriormoustache · 11 months
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Got my first shrimp goby pair last week and this is my impression of them so far.
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cemetery14 · 5 months
Akashi sending a pic of himself in the gc with this text
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dhir122 · 5 months
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