#Misha x Daughter!Reader
Tumblr although I think I know what most of you are gonna say but did you guys like the supernatural finale? Why or why not?
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sara78 · 1 year
Family don't end in blood - chapter 9
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Summary: Jensen stumbles into a familiar, but not-so-loveable face and learns how far and how bad things can go for him, his friends and his family, including Y/N. Everyone is alarmed and has to work together if they want to stay as safe as possible
Word count: 5,000 and some more
Warnings: Scary situations, angst, mentioned death/murder (nothing major but SKIP IF IT TRIGGERS YOU), angst, SO MUCH DRAMA
Transcription - Y/M/N: Your mother's name ; Y/H/C: Your home country
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x foster!daughter reader
A/N: Whoops...
3rd person POV
After meeting with Jensen's and Danneel's lawyer most of the things got cleared up.
Y/N's mother must be working with Jane. Disowning a child is a felony in the US, therefore when she got disowned there would have been absolutely zero records of it here in the States, but Jane had no trouble finding Y/N and obviously scaring her and everyone else to death.
They also found out that Jane is in the dirty part of CPS. Just what they heard she did to some kids made shivers run down their spines and they definitely didn't want to see that woman ever again. But, since she is probably working with Y/N's mother, she won't be able to get a hold of warrants for forcefully taking Y/N away for a long time, maybe she never gets them in the first place. And that made everyone sleep a little easier at night.
What had all three of them a bit under the weather was the fact that pushing Jensen and Danneel into the foster care system will take much more effort and it might not be doable. There were too many things to do and some people are corrupted enough to just fuck people off for no good reason. This time, the reason was the supposed publicity Jensen and Danneel wanted that came with adopting a child. Which was of course pure bullshit. But then, how do you explain that to someone?
But as of now, Y/N's been staying with Jensen. They flew back to Vancouver to finish filming for the season, second semester of high school started for Y/N and she really didn't have a lot of time to worry about the whole disowning thing. She couldn't care less if she was being honest.
Jensen's POV
I was waiting outside a pizzeria, getting some fresh air while waiting for my order to be done. I wanted to surprise Y/N with her favorite pizza and a shake, as I knew she has a documentary to watch in her history class which she enjoys and she could use a little dinner beforehand.
I was looking around the dimly lit streets that led to where I stood. This part of Vancouver isn't always crowded, but in the evenings, just like this, a lot of teenagers and grown-ups walked around these parts, in search of some good fun or just a place to grab a bite and hang out in.
Until I saw a face that made my blood boil.
The first person my mind went to was Y/N. I had to act quick, so I dialed Jared,
"Jared, Poughkeepsie."
"Poughkeepsie? What?"
"Poughkeepsie. Now," I ordered sternly as I ended the call, seeing the face walk up to me and tug me for my sleeve,
"You and I need to have a little chat," Y/N's mother spoke as she pulled me to an alley behind the pizzeria. I followed her, not planning to make a scene in a more or less crowded street,
"You need a little visit to the mental ward but here the fuck we are," I growled back, "What the fuck do you want?"
"I want Y/N," she said, slamming me against a wall,
"I told you this weeks ago and I'll repeat now - you won't go near her ever again."
"Now, now, you can already tell how big of a waste she is, how worthless and stupid she is. How about you drop that little game of yours and we can talk the real shit. We could both benefit really well if we work together."
"I don't have to drop any games because I'm not playing," I said, getting into her face, "I'm not faking a thing when it comes to that child."
"I could give you money," she said, making me huff a smile, "She'll get her master's and doctorate in 10 years tops and I'll give you a part of her paycheck. Don't tell me you don't want some money, just to be safe if your job ever goes to shit."
"And I'd rather die than work with you, so I'll happily reject your sick offer and whatever sick game you have planned in your twisted mind."
"I don't have a problem with you dying," she laughed evilly, "Especially if I get to be the one end you. So, choose wisely."
"You're insane," Jensen breathed, "Why can't you just let her go? She's old enough to have her own life. She's done with you to the point where she won't even sue you for everything you did to her. Just go back to Y/H/C and forget about her. Let her go."
"I am either leaving here with her or I die. I do not accept failure."
"What was your point?" I asked, "In disowning her. We know you work with Jane. I know that was some poor attempt from your side to take her in with a fake name on you or something. We know many things you think we don't. We can put two and two together and we're not stupid, especially not Y/N. But then, you would know that. She's everything you never were. And now, you're nothing without her. And that hurts a whole lot, doesn't it?"
Y/M/N had no problem kicking me in the stomach, making me double over but I managed to push her away, not wanting to attack her but just to defend myself. But something shifted in the way she looked at me after that punch. Something told me that she was scared, that she didn't expect us to put things together and read her master plan as easily as we did. Hell, she probably counted on us not even thinking of it.
"Oh, how sad," she mimicked, "Poor Y/N, always being the victim. What other lies did she feed you with? How awful of a mother I am? Or how she didn't have a daddy to love her?"
"Yeah, she told me all about that," I huffed as I leaned against the wall again, "She told me how he never loved you. And you punished her for it even though it wasn't her fault. She never cared about the man. She, a ten-year-old child, went over a stupid, worthless man. But you never did. I think that should tell you a thing or two about maturity and all. I know heartbreaks are hard, but there was no reason to punish Y/N. She didn't do anything wrong in the whole situation."
"She existed!" Y/M/N exclaimed, "She ruined me!"
"You could have ended her existence," I spoke, gulping, "You could have aborted. But you didn't. Instead, you made this master plan where you make her into a robot and try to get revenge or whatever you thought you were gonna get. But you ran into a little problem, a little flaw. Me. And, well, you didn't expect Y/N to act the way she did. That's definitely why you're chasing her now. You didn't see it coming and it's killing you and you can't explain yourself to all those people you brag to about how amazing your daughter is."
"As I said, I have no problem with killing you. Her too. So, are we going to work together or are you going to die? Or is it gonna be her who's gonna die? You pick."
"I'll take the rain check," I smirked, knowing she was bluffing. She didn't have a weapon on her. I couldn't spot one, with how light she was dressed, "Maybe some other time."
"You have a family," she spoke up as I walked away. I froze, turning around, anger flailing,
"You don't want to do that."
"Ooh, how scary you are. Who is it going to be, Y/N or your family? I saw how cute your boy is. Shame to shoot that little smile."
"You can't cross the border," I smiled at her, "You can't hurt them. You're a wanted fugitive. No fake names can rub out how ugly you are."
"Well, as much as I'd like to hurt them with my own hands, you're right about that. But then, I have my ways."
"If you try to come at them, there's going to be one big difference in who's chasing you down."
"Oh really? And what is that, sweetie?"
"Y/N," I said, "She doesn't want to have anything with you. But, see, there's something very important about her that you never seemed to notice about her - she loves. She has a big heart that loves with all it has."
"What the fuck are you talking about!?" she exclaimed, making me smile,
"Nothing. Just pointing out something obvious about your daughter that you should have known by now. Now, if you excuse me, I have to get dinner and go back to the set," I said, walking away. As soon as I made it to the street, I hid behind the first object I found, seeing Y/M/N walking away furiously in the opposite direction, where the set was located. I gulped, taking a deep breath before going to the pizzeria.
As I walked out of the pizzeria I could finally answer my phone which went crazy as soon as I ended the call with Jared.
"Dude, for fucks sake! What the hell is going on?!" Jared's worried voice rang on the other end,
"Are you at my place?"
"No, but Misha was there already. I asked him to stay until you come back. What is going on?"
"Y/M/N found me."
"She-are you hurt?!"
"No," I breathed, "I'll be at your place in a few."
I'm greeted with a big moose hug as soon as the door to Jared's apartment flew open. I returned it before entering the apartment, looking around for a second before slamming the door shut and locking them fully,
"Dude, you're white as a sheet," Jared said, guiding me to the couch, "Sit down, breathe. Here," he made a few long steps to his kitchen and gave me a bottle of cold water, "Drink."
"Thanks," I breathed, gulping down the content of it,
"Are you sure you're not hurt?" Jared asked and I nod,
"She hit me in the stomach but nothing bad."
"Fuck, she's been here this whole time," Jared gulped, "What did she want?"
"To persuade me into working with her to get Y/N. Probably bring Y/N back to Y/H/C. I didn't even let her spit out the entire thing. I got sick by just looking at her."
"She's really a stubborn bitch."
"Yeah," I breathed, looking up to Jared, "She threatened."
"She what?"
"Murder," I whispered, "Murder me, Y/N, take your pick."
"What?!" Jared exclaimed, "Is she out of her fucking mind?! Jensen, you have to get security for Danneel and the kids. Cliff will have you and Y/N covered here. And we have to report her too."
"I'll fly Danneel and the kids here," I whispered, "I can't sleep without them all here."
"But the kids are in school," Jared frowned, "And if Y/M/N sees them-"
"I'll think of something. Dee will think of something," I gulped, grabbing my phone, noticing how shaky my hands are, "Fuck. They gotta pack and leave as soon as possible. They might be able to make it by tomorrow morning if they can catch a plane tonight. When I have them within arms reach we will discuss further into their safety."
"Yours too," Jared added, "I'll call Cliff and have him send someone he trusts over to follow Dee and the kids to the airport and Gen to help. Jensen, look at me," Jared tried, making me look up at him, "Everything will be okay."
"Yeah. Yeah," I nod, "Just, be fast. I... I gotta get back to Y/N. She must be worried by now."
"Did Y/M/N follow you here?" Jared asked and I shook my head,
"I told her I'm going back to set."
"Okay. Misha is with Y/N, don't worry. I'll tell him to let her know you'll be late and he'll keep her safe until we make it there."
Not 10 minutes later, Jared and I set everything up. Danneel will fly with the kids over tonight and Cliff and me will pick them up tomorrow morning.
I had to take a quick shower and gather my shit together before going back to Y/N. When I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror I now understood why Jared told me I look white like a sheet.
I shook my head, turning on the faucet. She can't see me scared. She can't know any of what happened tonight. I washed my face, taking deep breaths to calm myself down.
She's gonna be so scared and she might run away again and this isn't downtown Austin and Y/M/N is here too. I can't risk her knowing what went down tonight.
"Hey, Dee and the kids are on the way to the airport. Cliff's friend and Gen are following them. Dee's gonna let us know when they board it and what their arrival time is," Jared informed me as I left the bathroom,
"Okay, yeah, sounds good," I nod, taking a deep breath,
"We should go to Y/N now. Misha is worried too probably."
"Y/N can't know," I spoke up, Jared frowning,
"What? What do you mean, Y/N can't know? Jensen, her mother-"
"I know what she did and that's the exact reason why she can't know," I said, "I'll tell Dee to lie to her, to tell her that there was a problem with the house in Austin and they had to leave here until it's fixed. She simply can't know, brother."
"Jensen, I don't think it's smart to hide this from her."
"I don't want her to run away again!" I yelled out, tears welling in my eyes,
"Jens, hey," Jared walked up to me, giving me a hug, "Brother, she's not going to run away again. She promised me."
"She-she promised me too," I whispered, Jared breaking the hug,
"See? She's not gonna do it again. I know you trust her."
"But I-I don't know what would happen if she found out. What if-what if she tries to find her and turns herself in? Jared, she'd rather suffer than have any of us in danger. I know the lengths she's ready to go to protect the ones she loves. Especially if she heard... "
"Heard what?"
"Her mother said I have a cute little boy," I breathed, "She threatened to kill Zeppelin. If she were to hear that she'd go rampage and hunt her down. She loves that kid more than she loves herself."
"Brother, first of all, she loves you too more than she loves yourself and second of all, no matter who she threatened to kill, Y/N would go rampage. Now, I get what you're saying, but we must be honest with her. Whatever went down, she has to know. She trusts us, more importantly, she trusts you. You have to be honest with her. In this moment you're everything she has. And I am sure she won't try and do anything stupid again. She learned some things that night back in Austin. We gotta trust her to make the right calls and I trust her. I know you trust her too and this is just your fears taking over, which is totally fine, but lying won't solve anything. Come on brother. You're not alone. We'll win this together. Let's go now."
"She can't see I'm scared," I whispered,
"That's bullshit," Jared spoke up, "She's already seen you scared and there's nothing, absolutely nothing you should be ashamed of. She's your kid."
"Exactly. She's my kid. I'm supposed to be strong for her."
"I'd very gladly kick your ass right now," Jared sighed, "She's not gonna think any less of you if she sees you scared, Jens. Showing her this version of yourself, you're sending her a quiet 'I trust you'. She's not a little kid either. There's no reason to lie to her. In any way."
Your POV
You didn't expect to see Misha in your doorway but you surely didn't mind his company. He's a crackhead but also a teddy bear.
You saw him frown at the phone a few times but he didn't mention anything, so you let it be, knowing that if it was something important he'd tell you.
At some point he told you that Jensen will probably run a bit late because he had to do a few things on top of filming. You shrugged your shoulders, knowing that happened sometimes, and you were in his shoes quite a few times.
So, here he is, sitting next to you on the couch as you both watched the documentary in your history class.
As the class ended, the door to the apartment unlocked and you smiled as you turned around and saw Jensen and Jared enter the apartment. Jared carried some pizza, and Misha immediately jumped from the couch, helping him, but you couldn't miss Jensen's pale, scared face.
Jensen couldn't miss the frown you made and he's fast to make a few long steps and give you a bone-crushing hug. You returned it, letting him hug you for as long as he needed to.
When he let go, Jared was the next one to give you a hug and you now found this behavior rather suspicious. The three sat down on the couch and you came up to them and found a spot right next to Jensen,
"Guys. What's going on here?" you asked, looking at everyone for a few seconds before locking your eyes on Jensen, "First, Mish just comes in and makes weird faces at his phone, then you're late from filming and then Jare shows up with you. Is something wrong?" Jensen gulped, looking down.
Chills ran down your spine.
"Did she hurt you?" you asked but Jensen kept quiet, "Did she hurt Dee or the kids?" he didn't respond, "ANSWER ME!" you yelled out, abruptly standing up.
"No," Jensen's voice was quieter than a whisper and you could have missed it if you weren't looking at him. The way he hunched over himself and made himself as small as possible didn't give you any good feelings. You slapped Jared's hand off as he was biting his nails and he smiled sadly at you. You kept looking him in the eye, waiting for some sort of words to come out, to tell you something, anything that Jensen hid so well, but Jared shook his head. He didn't want to tell you. He wanted Jensen to be the one to tell you.
So, you sat down on the ground, facing Jensen as you crossed your legs and made yourself as small as possible, finally being able to see his face. He gulped, just looking at you and you nudged his leg gently,
"Jense. What happened?"
"She found me."
You froze, but took a deep breath,
"She hurt you, didn't she?" you asked, standing up and pushing Jensen to sit straight, "Where?" you asked but Jensen shook his head. You grabbed the collar of his hoodie, "Jense. Where?"
"She didn't hurt me," he whispered. You looked to Jared who didn't say anything, again.
"Then what did she say? What did she want?" you asked, letting go of Jensen's collar,
"You don't want to know," he whispered,
"I very much want to know," you responded, "Come on. Talk to me. You're upset and scared. Did she threaten to kill me?"
"Amongst other things," he whispered,
"What other things?" you asked,
"Uh, can we go back for a second to the part where she said she's going to kill you?" Misha pointed out but you shook your head,
"No. I don't care about that right now. At least not until I hear the rest."
"She said I have a pretty son," he whispered, finally looking up to your eyes,
"She..." you gulped, grabbing your phone, "I gotta call Dee. Jare, ask someone Cliff trusts to guard their home. I-"
"They're flying here," Jared spoke up, "Dee and the kids. They boarded the plane half an hour ago."
"Fuck," you breathed, "Fucking fuck. I told you," you said as you began to pace around the room, "I told you that you'll be in danger if you kept me. See, now she's threatening Zeppelin! If she just thinks about threatening you too I'm going to find her and kill her and I don't care about the sentence I get."
"Jensen," Jared warned, making you look to him and see Jensen shake his head in a negative answer, a tear rolling off the bridge of his nose, his head still bowed down. It took you a moment before you realized why Jared had that reaction,
"She threatened you too, didn't she?" you whispered, "She threatened to hurt you."
"Kiddo, please," Jensen breathed as he stood up and came up to you, getting a hold of your shoulders, "Please, don't..."
"She didn't say she was gonna kill you, did she?"
"It doesn't matter what she said."
"She said she's gonna kill you," you whispered.
You didn't know what to do.
Your mind kept going to running away, but you promised. You promised Jensen and Jared not to do that again. You can't break their hearts, the trust they have in you.
But then the face Jensen sported hit you like a train and the only thing you thought of in that given moment was to slam your body into his, squeezing him into a tight hug.
You felt his arms wrap around you and you shook your head as tears began to fall and the threats kept repeating in your head. You could hear her say it, you could hear her say it in every language she knew, in every expressive way she had up her dirty sleeve. You could see her, clear as day, as she spoke those words, as she threatened to kill two people you loved more than yourself.
"She-she can't kill you. She-she can't hurt Zepp or-or anyone else," you began, not even knowing how long did the silence last, "I-I have to give her what she wants."
Jensen's arms only wrapped tighter around you and you could feel his head shake in a negative answer by the way he leaned his chin on the top of your head,
"Not in hell you're doing that," Misha spoke up, "She's gonna have to go through all of us if she wants to get you."
"That's the exact problem I have!" you yelled out, breaking Jensen's hold, "I don't care about what she's got planned for me. What I have nightmares about all the fucking time is her hurting all of you! Because she knows I hurt the most when people I love hurt. She knows me, Misha! And she has no problem with killing anyone if it meant that she's gonna get her hands on me. I'm not willing to sacrifice any of you or the kids. If she wants me that bad then she will get me."
"No!" Jared exclaimed, "We never thought about the fact that she might be bluffing, or something else."
"She's not bluffing," you breathed, "You don't know her. She's insane. Insane enough to kill. She's killed before. And I don't want you to die."
"She killed before?" Jensen breathed and you gulped,
"I can't say for sure but I think she could have saved my grandpa when he was dying," you turned to look at Jensen whose eyes were glued on you, "And that little fact, that's why we can't keep this up anymore."
"We can," he whispered, "We can and we will. Just don't leave."
"Jensen, I have to."
"No you don't," he breathed, "Maybe Jared's right. Maybe she's bluffing. To scare us, to scare you. To make you come to her. She's a master manipulator."
"I... I don't know what to believe anymore," you whispered, running your hands through your hair, "It's the safest option we have right now."
"Do you trust us?" Misha spoke up and you moved your look to him, "Trust Jared, me?" you nod, "Trust your dad?" you nod again, "Then trust us when we tell you that everything will be okay. It might hurt a whole lot and it might take a while to get to that point, but we're gonna get to the point where everything is okay. You just have to trust us."
"Do you think it's worth it?" you asked, looking down, "All this? For me? For a stupid human?"
"You're my kiddo. Not a stupid human," Jensen whispered, giving you a warm hug, "No matter how old you get, no matter what it says on a stupid piece of paper, no matter what tomorrow brings. You're worth everything."
"Your real family is in danger because of me."
"You didn't tell your mother to kill them, did you?" Misha asked and you violently shook your head when Jensen let you go, "Then how is it your responsibility?"
You were about to respond but Jensen's phone rang. He looked at it, seeing Rich's phone number,
"Take it," you whispered, looking at Misha who nod, walking away to another room with Jensen. You stayed behind with Jared.
"She took it too far," you whispered, "I don't care if she were to kill me. But she threatened my dad and my baby brother. What do I do?" you asked Jared, tears quietly rolling down your cheeks, "He's so scared. Mom too, for sure. You and Mish too. Fuck me, I'm scared. How do I make this right? How do I fix this?"
"Stay here with us and keep up with your promise," he reminded you and you nod, gulping, "Mish and I will stay the night here. Cliff's on his way, he'll stay alert and we can all get some sleep. Stay with Jensen for me. Please."
Misha walked out of the room and towards you, giving you a warm hug for a few moments before nodding you to Jensen's room. You nod, walking away quietly,
"There's some of Jensen's shirts in the dryer. Help yourself."
"Don't worry about us," Jared smiled, "Night, munchkin."
"Night, angel," Misha added,
"Night guys. And thanks."
You walked into Jensen's room, to where he was sitting, at the side of the bed, his head leaning against his palms, his elbows digging into his knees. You moved his arms away and hugged him tightly, Jensen returning it immediately. Your heart shattered at the sob he let out, taking you back to that night in Austin from a few months back and the aftermaths you faced.
"Don't run away," Jensen whispered as he clutched the back of your shirt and you shook your head, "I'll do everything. Just don't run away."
"I promised not to do that again. I want to leave, but only if you know and agree, which doesn't seem to be the case right now."
"Please, don't," he choked out, "Please."
"I won't. I'm staying here, with you."
"We-we just have to stick together," he murmured, "Just stay close to each other and we'll be safe. No way she's getting her hands on any of us - hey, shhh," he shushed you as you sobbed.
You knew the stunt with running away you pulled a few months back hurt Jensen, but you didn't know he was this scared of you running away again. And that, as a cherry on top of this shitshow of a cake, just made you lose it altogether,
"She's not going to hurt us. Y/N, look at me. Please, look at me," he begged and you had to do as told, meeting his swollen, red eyes, "I know how much you love us. You might not say it with words but knowing that you're ready to sacrifice your life to protect us tells me more than you think. I know how much you love us and I assure you, she's not gonna hurt me or Zeppelin."
"He's just an innocent kid," you whispered, "And you didn't ask to be a part in any of this."
"Hey, you said it yourself," Jensen sniffled, tugging at the sleeve of his hoodie and wiping your tears, "You said it yourself, she knows how to get to you. She didn't have a weapon. She dragged me into an alley but all she did was hit me in the stomach once. She threatened to kill me right there but she didn't have a weapon."
"She has one back in Y/H/C. What if she brought it in?"
"There's no way she could have," Jensen shook his head, "Only weapon she could get is a kitchen knife."
"That's more than enough to harm people."
"That's not the point I'm trying to make," he said, "I'm trying to tell you that she's not going to hurt us because she's bluffing. She didn't have balls to hit me again. She retracted as soon as I pushed her away. She was scared. I told her we're not as stupid as she takes us for and something in her expression changed and she became more reserved."
"She's not scared, just waiting to bait you. If you were to make a move, she'd report you to the police. And that would throw all of your work to get into the foster care system down the drain and she'd win."
"Well, she's got nothing to report me for because I just gently pushed her away in self-defense. She's not going to hurt us and she's not going to win. Dee and the kids will be here until this all is sorted out and until you become an Ackles."
"You know that might not happen."
"It will happen one way or another. Besides, I don't care what a stupid paper says. You're an Ackles and that's a done deal," Jensen said, finally breaking a soft smile, "We're gonna win. We're scared and that's okay. And what we feel is okay too and there's no shame in that. But we'll win. Just like Mish said. It might take a while, it might hurt, but we will win."
"I love you," you whispered, going to hug him again, "I love you so much."
"I love you too, kiddo," he said, squeezing you tight to his chest, "She's not gonna get us. She doesn't have one important thing."
"Love," he smiled, kissing your temple. "She isn't driven by love. She might as well stick her money, fame, and insults where the Sun shines. Love will win. Always."
"Thank you," you said, burrowing your head into his shoulder, "For everything you do."
"There's nothing to thank me for, kiddo. It's my job to protect you."
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY @crasmuna ONCE AGAIN, HERE'S A BELATED BDAY PRESENT FROM ME TO YOU (don't kill me pls (but then if you do you won't find out what happens hehe)) SINCE YOU LIVE SO FUCKING FAR AWAY AND I CAN'T GIFT YOU AN ACTUAL PRESENT AND GIVE YOU A HUG. Thanks for being there for me and keep being the amazing human being you are!!! Oh, also, we're in our 20s, when are we talking about options for nursery homes?
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queen-of-deans-booty · 9 months
Your Little Secret
Pairing: Misha Collins x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
Warnings: 19 year age gap, implied smut
Request by @jessicalynnann: Jordan.!!! I need me a good happy story… with some angst and smut well because it is me lol. How about one where Misha is your dad’s best friend and he is attracted to you and he shouldn’t be and one night he comes over to check on you cause your parents are away and walks in on you and a guy and gets jealous and then he throws him out so sexy time ensues.
Summary: You come home for the summer after your first year in college. Everyone looks different, the farm is different, the town is different and Misha Collins is definitely different. Older men are what get you going, and you're going to make it a goal this summer to get as much as Misha Collins as you can.
Square Filled: "you weren't supposed to hear that" (2023) for @spnaubingo
Author’s Note: in this fic, Misha is 41 and you're 22
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After a year in college, you’re back home for summer break. As much as you loved dorm life with your friends, you miss the farm life back home. Your dad owns a really big farm with lots of animals that he uses to make money off of. He sells the cow’s milk, the chicken’s eggs, and the sheep’s wool while still upholding the value of the property. He has a section of land for vegetables that he grows but he mostly keeps that for himself.
You’re staying with him for the entire summer which is the best time to be on the farm. In the winter, the snow ruins almost everything about it so the summer is the perfect time to get a lot of shit done. 
Once you get your luggage from baggage claim, you make your way over to the pickup section of the airport, waiting for your ride. When you see your dad’s beaten old pickup truck, you make your way over to him. Instead of him getting out, your older brother does with a crooked smile.
You drop your luggage and run into his arms for a big hug. You haven’t seen him in years since he went off to college on the other side of the country. At least you stayed a bit closer to your home. He graduated not long ago and decided to move back home to help out with the family.
“How’s college life treating you?”
“It’s only the first year. I got a dorm next year with the friends I made this year so that’s good.”
“Awesome. Man, you won’t believe what’s been happening in this town,” he chuckles.
He grabs your luggage and heaves it into the trunk. You both get in the car and off you go back home.
“Alright, spill it. What did I miss?”
“Dad is doing more volunteer work, your old high school teacher, Ms. Bromwell got arrested for fooling around with her senior students, we got a new mayor, and Mom has the hots for the new Pastor.”
“Of course, she does,” you laugh. Ever since she got divorced from Dad, she’s been moving around town in not the best way. Still, you love her to pieces. “Glad to be home.”
“Oh, and Misha is back in town.”
Your entire body goes still at the mention of his name.
“How is he doing?”
“He’s alright, I guess,” Mason shrugs.
Misha is your dad’s best friend who grew up only a few doors down from you. He was always present at every birthday party, every time you snuck out of the house, when you first got your license, when you got ready for Prom, and when you graduated high school. When you got to that age when you started caring how you look for boys’ attention, you were really getting dolled up for him. You have had a major crush on him for years now but you were too young to do something about it.
He is nineteen years older than you but you don’t care. You’re fresh in college, you’re not a little girl anymore, and you know what you want. You want Misha and you’re going to make it your goal to get him this summer, even if it only lasts a couple of months. He might see you as a child and as his best friend’s daughter but you’re going to change that soon enough.
Mason reaches the house in record time and helps bring in your bags.
“Dad! We’re home,” he announces.
“Y/N!” your dad greets you and brings you in for a hug. “Welcome home, sweetheart.”
“Glad to be home, Dad,” you smile.
“You remember Misha, right?”
You turn to face him and your mouth actually goes dry. Damn, he looks good. Seeing him is sending tingles up and down your body that you shouldn’t have for your dad’s best friend. He smiles and that almost makes you melt right there.
“Y/N, it’s been a long time.”
He brings you in for a hug and all your senses are filled with him. His cologne is making your head dizzy and you can feel his muscles underneath his clothes.
“Yeah, it has,” you chuckle.
“Do you need help unpacking?”
“No, I got it,” you quickly say and pull away from him. “Thank you, though.”
You grab your bag and immediately head upstairs before you make a fool out of yourself. He watches you walk up the stairs with a controlled look on his face. There is no way he is going to give away what he’s thinking.
The day you came in was a day for relaxing, but the next morning is when your contribution begins. You wake up right as the sun is peeking over the horizon and get dressed in short coveralls and a sports bra. You tie your hair into a messy bun and grab a woven basket before heading out to the chicken coops.
Most of the hens have laid eggs that you collect without issue. There are a few with attitudes but you know how to handle them. It doesn’t matter how long you spend away from home, the work is engraved in your head. You bend down to collect some more eggs when you hear someone shuffle against the wood chips behind you, and you gasp while turning around.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Misha chuckles.
“What are you doing up?”
“Same as you.”
“You wanted to get the eggs from the chickens, too?”
“Okay,” Misha chuckles, “maybe not the same reason.” You smile at him and move on to the hens on the other side of the coop. “So, how is college going?”
“So far so good. I got a dorm with my friends next year so that’s good. Classes are great.”
“Meet anyone over there?”
“You mean like a boyfriend?” you ask.
“Yeah,” he nods.
Is he fishing for information? What if you say yes? Are you going to make him jealous? This is a good opportunity to mess with him but you resist. It’s too early in your relationship to make such bold decisions. For now, you keep it safe.
“No. I’m not into men my age. I like them older,” you flirt subtly.
“I see,” he nods.
“So, tell me something, you’re well off with money. Why are you still in this town? The people stay here because they can’t go anywhere else.”
“Your dad is well off but he stays.”
“He’s been in this town for decades. He can’t leave,” you chuckle.
“Same here. I grew up here.” You raise an eyebrow and he laughs. “I don’t know. I feel like there is something here for me still. Maybe someone.”
“Is that your way of telling me you’re single?”
“I see,” you copy his response.
You finish grabbing all the eggs and bring them inside with Misha. It’s time for breakfast now because your dad and Mason are going to be up soon. There are dozens of eggs so what better way than to make some omelettes with some of the fresh vegetables from the farm? 
One of your favorite apps these days is Tik Tok which your best friend introduced you to. It has all sorts of videos that can keep you entertained for hours, and some of your favorite videos to watch are prank videos. One of the ones going around is where someone is cooking eggs and decides to crack one on someone’s head instead of doing it on the counter or the side of a pan.
You look at Misha who is washing his hands with a smirk. You grab twelve eggs to cook with and set the rest of them off to the side. You take one of the eggs and swiftly crack the egg on Misha’s forehead. He flinches from shock and you hold in your giggle as you pour the egg into the pan.
You grab another egg to do it again but Misha is quick on his feet. He moves out of the way and wipes the egg whites that you left on his skin. He reaches out to touch you but you squeal and move out of the way.
“This isn’t how this works!” you laugh.
Misha grabs your waist and pulls you into him, and he teases you by hovering his slimy hands above your face. You squirm to get away from him but end up moving your body closer to him. You turn to face him and lock eyes. He looks down briefly before something changes in his body language and in his eyes. He clears his throat and steps away from you to put some distance between you two.
“I should get going.”
“Why? Breakfast hasn’t even started yet.”
“I got stuff to do.”
Just then, your dad comes jogging down the stairs because you know he smelled the eggs cooking.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” your dad asks and grabs water from the fridge.
“Helping Y/N out but I’m leaving now.”
Misha washes his hands and leaves without another word. You watch him leave with a frown as you rake your brain to figure out where things took a turn.
A few days later, your dad wanted to have a barbecue for everyone in town at the farm. He has the biggest property in town so it makes sense to turn the farm into something the entire town can enjoy. Almost everyone from town is in your backyard, and your dad sets up games for the kids to play, a small bar with a keg of beer for the adults, and lots of good food. The one job he gave you was to keep the keg stocked with beer but the one he has must have the nozzle broken because it’s not dispensing beer correctly.
Misha shows up expecting to have a good time when he spots you bent over the keg wearing short shorts and an almost see-through tank top. He clenches his jaw in frustration and storms over to you. You’re too busy to see him heading your way, and you yank the nozzle the wrong way because beer sprays all over your shirt.
“Shit,” you gasp and jump back.
Beer flows out of the nozzle so you quickly turn it off before any more goes to waste. You grab the ends of your shirt to take it off when Misha grabs your elbow.
“What the hell?”
“What? I got beer on myself.”
“Taking off your shirt with children around is inappropriate.”
“It’s not like I’ll be showing my boobs to everyone. I have a sports bra underneath this.”
“Here.” He sheds off his jacket and gives it to you to wear. “Go inside and change.”
“Yes, sir,” you say sarcastically and walk away from him.
Misha resists the urge to grab you and punish you for your bratty attitude. You’re not sure what has gotten into him these last couple of days because he’s been angry with you. You’ve tried flirting with him but nothing has come of it and you’re not one of those girls to just wait around for a guy. If he doesn’t want you, there are plenty of other men who do. There was a young man at the barbecue that you connected with and kept in touch with after the event was over.
Your dad is going to be out of town for a couple of days with your brother which means you have the house to yourself. What better way to spend your time than with the new guy you met? Misha has mixed feelings about you because you’re his best friend’s daughter. You’re unsponkingly off limits. If Jensen knew the kind of thoughts he was having about his daughter, he would kill him for sure.
Maybe if he talks to you, he can understand what he’s feeling and figure out what to do about it. He walks over to your house and uses the key Jensen gave him for emergencies only. He has to check on you anyway per Jensen’s request so he doesn’t think much when he walks inside your house. It’s usually quiet until he hears something that makes all his blood go straight to his cock.
You are moaning upstairs. 
The thing that pisses him off is he hears a man moan right after you. He should just leave but he rushes upstairs with the intent of ruining your evening. He doesn’t mean to be an asshole but he’s thinking with his downstairs brain and not his upstairs one. He practically busts down the door to see the guy you met naked on top of you.
“What the fuck!” you gasp and push the man off you.
Misha is too pissed to see that you’re fully naked in front of him.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” The guy you’re with stutters since he’s too scared by Misha’s presence. “Get the hell out of here.”
The guy gathers his clothes and rushes out of the room, and you pull your robe on to give you some sort of decency.
“What the hell are you doing here? Why did you run him off?” you gasp in anger.
“You know, when your dad asked me to check on you while he was away, I’d figure I see you in here drinking, maybe smoking some weed, not fucking some boy you just met.”
“You weren’t supposed to hear that.”
“Yeah, well, I did.”
“You thought it was okay to come here close to the middle of the fucking night? You couldn’t have waited until morning?”
“I’m not going to let my best friend’s daughter get pregnant by some kid she doesn’t know.”
“I have condoms.”
“It’s irresponsible.”
“Why do you even care what goes on in my bedroom? It’s not like you’re in it,” you cross your arms.
If you’re going to do this, may as well go all out. Misha chuckles but it’s not an amused chuckle, it’s a dark chuckle like you better watch what you say next or he’ll punish you.
“You wouldn’t be able to handle me.”
The laugh you give is almost an amused one.
“An old guy like you? The only thing I won’t be able to handle is how short it’ll be. Wouldn’t want to throw out your back, now would we?”
Misha’s smirk is lost as he stalks towards you. You back up but are stopped by the dresser.
“Sweetheart, I’d ruin other men for you.”
“Oh yeah? Prove it.” Misha looks like he wants to but listens to the rational part of his brain. He shakes his head and starts to walk away from you. “That’s what I thought.” You scoff. “I want you to leave because I have a date with my vibrator which has batteries that will last longer than you.” 
Misha snaps and turns so quickly that you don’t have time to react. He grabs your waist and tosses you onto the bed causing your robe to open enough to show your breasts. He looks down at your chest and reaches out to touch one of your breasts but resists at the last second.
“Is this what you want?”
“Yes,” you whisper.
“I’m nineteen years older than you.”
“You’re my best friend’s daughter.”
“And?” you chuckle.
Misha stares into your eyes to see if you mean what you say. When he doesn’t see a shred of regret he leans down and kisses you. He reaches into your robe and palms your breasts before allowing you to shred the piece of clothing. It’s passionate. It’s sensual. It’s intimate. It’s everything you want and more. He’s so much different than anyone you’ve ever been with. He takes care of you three times before he even thinks about himself; once on his tongue, once on his fingers, and once more on his cock.
It’s hours before you’re done and you pant heavily next to him.
“Yeah, you have ruined other men for me,” you laugh.
“You can’t tell your dad about this. He’d murdered me.”
“Eh, I don’t tell him a lot of things anyway.”
You lean over and kiss him again, ready for a round two.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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deathbxnny · 1 year
◇《Honkai: Star Rail Masterlist 3》◇
》Masterlist Navigation
》Honkai: Star Rail Masterlist 1
》Honkai: Star Rail Masterlist 2
》Started on: 19/08/23
》Last Updated: 08/09/24
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》General headcanons:
Jing Yuan + Stellaron hunters with a Teen!Collei-like!Reader.
Yanqing's twin being captured by the Sanctus medicus and Jing Yuan/Yanqing finding out about it too late.
Platonic sunday, aventurine and gallagher with a teen!reader who is like nene kusanagi
platonic ratio, aventurine and sunday with a teen!reader like mafuyu asahina
Platonic gallagher aventurine and dr ratio with an asuka!teen!reader
Ratio, Aventurine, and Wriothesley with a teen!reader who is getting bullied badly
platonic Aventurine, Sunday, and Jing Yuan with a teen!reader like ai hoshino
Aventurine, Blade and Jing Yuan with a teen reader that's like lynette from gi
Jing Yuan, Yanqing, and Welt with an S/o who has an instant death ability like Takatou
Aventurine, Blade, and jing Yuan with a teen!reader who is like fischl
Platonic Dan Heng, Welt, & Gallagher, who have a bossfight with a teen!reader that’s like Homura Akemi
Herta, Dr.Ratio, & Ruan Mei with a teen!reader who is a member of the Genius Society
Gallagher, Sunday, and Boothill with a teen reader who is like furina
Boothill, Aventurine, and Welt with a reader being controlled by Sunday and being made to attack them
aventurine, blade and sunday with a Reader like margarita blankenheim
Jing Yuan, Dr. Ratio and Argenti with a little sister!Reader
Yanqing and Jing Yuan with a S/o, whose planet was slaughtered by the Xianzhou, and they take takes pride in it
Boothill, Aventurine, and Sunday with a teen!assasin reader
Teen!Reader being jealous of Yanqing and wanting the generals attention too
Gallagher, Sunday and Boothill with a Reader who naps alot
Dan Heng, Jing Yuan and Aventurine with pre-magical girl homura like teen!reader
Kafka, Blade, & Silver wolf with a stellaron hunter teen!reader that’s like Frill from Wonder Egg Priority
Platonic Blade, Aventurine, and Dr Ratio with a severely chronically ill teen!reader
Robin and Sunday with a younger sibling that is like Crona from soul eater
Boothill, Dr.Ratio, & Jing Yuan with a teen!reader that has a service dog
Blade, Jing Yuan, and Kafka with a teen!reader, who has a strong ability that makes them forget their memories after every use
Robin and Serval with a teen!reader that sings Heavy Metal/Screamo
Jing Yuan, blade, & Bailu with platonic older!Reader that’s like Xianyun
Yanqing realising his feelings for you!
Yanqing finally getting his revenge on Jing Yuan, after his mother gets wrongfully executed.
Yanqing having friends!
Yanqing with a HTTYD! Reader
Yanqing betraying everyone for Stellaron hunter!Reader!
Yanqing's S/O being hurt by him due to Svarog's claw.
Yanqing being Mara struck and his s/o curing him by striking an interesting deal.
Yanqing being assigned an anxious strategist reader, who helps him take things slow and with ease.
The trouble of young love. (Yanqing x GN!Reader)
Yanqing with a professional chef/baker S/O
Growing into glory. (Yanqing x Aeon!Gn!Reader)
Yanqing with a mute S/O who frequently gets bullied
Yanqing and teen!reader being a menace duo
Yanqing with an S/O, who was kidnapped by a Yandere
Yanqing beefing with his s/o's cat
Yanqing with a teen female watcher S/O
Yanqing x magical girl s/o
Misha reacts to his S/O dying via “Death” right in front of him
platonic aventurine with an in-debt teen reader
Repay me later. (Platonic!Aventurine x Teen!Reader)
Aventurine with a child sibling reader!
Aventurine with a S/O that's like Kirari Momobami from Kakegurui
Sunday with a daughter who has a chronic illness
Sunday with a fem!reader that is oddly fascinated by his wings
Sunday with a fem reader who likes to bake sweets for him, yet can't taste them herself
Headcanons for Acheron x Kiana Kaslana reader
Blade x reader With Herrscher of finality powers
》Dr. Ratio:
Platonic dr ratio with a teen!student reader, who only excels at one subject and is socially akward
Dad!Boothill with a child!Reader, who always tries stealing his hat!
Platonic Boothill with a cyborg teen!Reader, who's good with technology
Little imagine of Dad!Boothill with adopted daughter in the woods!
"You promised your next life to me." (Boothill x Gn!Reader)
Boothill with a Navia-like!Reader who's a part of the knight of beauty!
The summer we died in. (Boothill x twin!Reader)
Platonic Boothill with a child reader who's like Klee
》Jing Yuan:
Jing Yuan having a heart attack over Yanqing going "missing". (Imagine)
Assasin teen!reader with Jing Yuan
》Dan Heng:
Dan Heng with a fischl teen!reader
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captain039 · 1 year
Misha Collins x reader
Warnings: none fluffy one shot.
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Misha had always been a source of comfort for you and he gladly gave it. No matter where you were your body would automatically gravitate towards him and he’d happily put an arm around you or let you snuggle into his side. When it was a rough day you’d want nothing more than to just cuddle with him in bed or on the couch while watching some Netflix. Though you guess you couldn’t just ask the man to cuddle on the couch seeing as you weren’t in that kind of relationship and you think he saw you more as a daughter or sister, someone too look after. You love him, you loved most of your co-workers well besides a few but Jared, Jensen and Misha were always on the top of that list like a happy family. Then Supernatural ended, the four of you went seperate ways, Jensen got into The boys, Jared got into Walker and Misha freshly started Gotham knights. You however weren’t having any luck finding a part and you felt like you were getting kicked to the curb each time you auditioned. You missed the boys, missed Misha’s warmth and care. You texted with them when they weren’t busy, sometimes even got a call from them or zoom call. You awoke to your phone ringing and didn’t bother looking as you answered.
“Hello?” You said trying not to sound like you just woke up.
“Hey, good morning” you heard Misha’s voice and perked up. You sat up and wiped your eyes, checking your clock.
“Hey, what’s up?” You said stretching and yawning.
“I’ve got some good news” he said and you frowned.
“I’m finally dying?” You joked.
“No, I’ve got an audition for you and a good chance you’ll get it” he said.
“My good chances have all been bad chances in disguise” you grumbled getting up and opening your curtain.
“I’m serious, I’ve spoken with the director and he wants you to come” he spoke and you frowned.
“Seriously?” You asked.
“Seriously” he replied.
“I’ve already emailed you the details” he said as you went over to your computer and turned it on.
“Got it” you said clicking on and skimming through.
“Need breakfast and coffee” you mumbled heading to the kitchen as Misha chuckled.
“How’ve you been?” He asked and you shrugged.
“Alive” you sighed grabbing a bowl and your cereal.
“Are you ok?” He asked.
“I just woke up, I hate everything” you stated.
“Even me?” He chuckled and you froze.
“No” you grumbled making your breakfast and sitting in the couch.
“Read through the email I can book your flight tomorrow if you want, just text me an answer” he said and you nodded taking a bite.
“Uh huh” you said mouth full.
“Alright enjoy your breakfast I’ll talk to you soon” he chuckled again.
“M’kay, bye” you said and he said bye before hanging up. You sagged tossing your phone on the couch and eating your breakfast. You felt more awake though, you’d finally get to see him again.
You agreed to the audition and Misha booked your flight that night for tomorrow. You packed and got everything ready before trying to sleep. The flight there was as normal, you were met with one of Misha’s drivers, no Misha though.
“Have a good flight?” The driver said.
“Yeah” you nodded texting Misha that you were in your way to the hotel.
“Did Misha tell you which hotel?” You asked and he nodded.
“Awesome, just there please” you said as he drove off.
At the hotel you settled in the room was nicer than you apartment which you left in a mess. You heard a knock and frowned going to the door.
“Hey” you saw Misha and perked up smiling. He opened his arms and you practically crashed into him. You sighed contently closing your eyes and holding him tightly.
“Missed you too” he chuckled resting his chin your head. You didn’t let go for a while, you listened to him exhale softly before you stepped back.
“Sorry” you said embarrassed before letting him in.
“How was the trip?” He asked.
“It was good” you said going back to your suit cases. You began to unpack, wishing you could hug him again and just stay like that. You sagged at the thought, being away was easier, you could sink and loneliness and curl up in your bed with your millions of pillows and cry before getting over it and repeating. You felt a drop hit your hand and quickly wiped your eyes ignoring the worry in Misha’s call.
“Sorry I’m tired” you made up an excuse, it was false, just not the whole truth. Your hands shook as you fiddled with shoes and clothes before a hand grabbed your wrist gently. You looked to Misha and gulped softly, gosh you couldn’t keep your emotions in check. You said a silent curse and wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your head in your arms. His arms went around your waist holding you tightly. You tried not to cry, tried not to relish so much in the touch. Misha began to move and you went to pull back, he didn’t let go though as he sat down and tugged you with him. You stumbled a bit, but sat in his lap, knees either side of his hips as you sighed softly. His hand gently ran up and down your back as you rested your head in your arm. You held him loosely before lifting your head up hesitantly as he his hands went to your hips. He held your gaze and you felt warmth fill your cheeks, you grew nervous thinking you’d pushed it too far. He shocked you though, pressing his lips to yours. You melted afterwards and sighed kissing him back. He pulled back you felt your cheeks go hotter.
“I missed you” he muttered voice lower than usual. You nodded trying to find your voice.
“Me too” you mumbled feeling embarrassed as he smiled. You tucked yourself back in his neck and he chuckled arms going around you again.
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fandomtherapy44 · 1 year
castiel x reader
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Summary: This story is from the perspective of Y/n Winchester. The sister Of Sam and Dean. We will be starting from season four since sadly we did not get Misha Collins as Castiel throughout the whole series. It will start off as a friendship, but it will grow more as the series goes on. I will be skipping some episodes even though they are great episodes they do not push the story forward. I am so excited to get to write this since they are not many Castiel X reader stories out there. Okay without further due Love War & Grace enjoy the Story.
Paring: Castiel X Reader
Word count: 5,820
Warnings: Some language, Typical Supernatural violence, Spoilers for season four of Supernatural
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Chapter 8: Death take's a holiday
POV: Y/n
I am properly on my sixth cup of coffee at this point because I was so tired from staying up all night thinking about all the bullshit tremoli I've had to deal with. Also, I can sip it and not have to talk to Sam and Dean unless I had to. The last few weeks have been tedious with the three of us tip toeing around the fucked-up things we said when we were under the siren’s spell even though it was the truth at the moment to us. Sam was on the phone to Bobby talking about an interesting case he had found, and Dean was banging at the jukebox to get it to work, and I was trying not to explode with all the emotions I had running through my body. “No, no, no, you're right, it's definitely weird. ...Okay, Bobby, thanks.” Sam said, hanging up the phone. “What's up?” Dean sat down. “Bobby found something in Wyoming.” “A job?” I questioned. “Maybe” he responded. “Small town, no one's died in the past week and a half.” “Ok and is that not a normal good thing.” I questioned. “Well, it's how they're not dying.” 
 “One guy with terminal cancer strolls right out of hospice. Another guy gets capped by a mugger and walks away without a scratch.” “Capped in the ass?” Dean questioned and I chuckled under my breath at that one. “Police say Mr. Jenkins was shot in the heart at point-blank range by a nine-millimeter.” “Alright that one no way someone is walking away it looks like we got a case.” I said as it seems like I spoke to them for the first time today. “It's got to be something nasty, right? I mean, people making deals or something.” Sam said to us. And he wasn't wrong it looked like this had demon’s fingerprints all over it. The boys get up to leave as I stay sitting. “Y/n come on” Sam said to me. “You sure you guys want me to go with you. I mean you might have to save me and that is just pathetic right?” I said sipping my coffee and not looking up from my cup. “Y/n/n we said we're sorry okay I thought we were past this.” Dean responded looking sorry for a second. I finished my cup and got up not bothering to look at them. “Yeah, we're past it.” I said as I walked past them.
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We were now at the man’s house who was shot straight in the chest and is now walking around like nothing had touched him. “Now you three said you were bloggers?” He asked us. “Yes, sir. Floored by the Lord dot com.” I answered. “All of God's glory fit to blog.” Sam and I both look at Dean like really. “Um. Some of the people around town are saying what happened to you was a miracle.” I said to him. “It was. Plain as day.” “How can you be so sure?” “How else do you explain it? The doctors can't. There's a bullet in my heart, and it's pumping like a piston.” It does sound like a miracle but sadly with this life it never really is. “Well, how do you explain it?” Dean asked. Jim looks over to his daughter who was coloring at the other table and smiles. “Look, honestly. I was nobody's saint—not exactly father of the year, either.” “Okay”
“But when that guy shot me, and I didn't bleed a drop? I just knew the Lord was giving me a second chance.” Right the Lord. "That so?” “I had this feeling—like angels were watching over me.” Huh okay now that's something we can work with. “I wouldn't expect you guys to understand.” “Trust us Jim we understand.” Especially if an Angel is becoming my best friend. “You wouldn't have happened to have swung by a crossroads in the past week or so?” Sam asked getting info if this was a Demon thing. “No” Jim said back confused. “Maybe you met someone? With black eyes? Or red?” Should have stopped at the first question. “Who'd you guys say you were again?” The three of us look at each other. “Never mind. Thank you for your time.” I said getting up to leave. 
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Dean was reading something on the computer while I was getting coffee … again. “Hey” Sam said entering the room. “Hey you find anything else?” I asked him. “That cancer survivor? He was clinically dead, his wife pulled the plug, and now he's taking her out for their twentieth anniversary.” The more I hear about people living their lives I want to leave this phenomenon alone. “Any sign of a deal?” Dean asked. “No. What about you? Found anyone dying around here?” “Not since Cole Griffith.” I responded back. “Poor Kid was 12 and dropped in his front yard. It was the last death we could find.” “So, what are you guys thinking?” Sam asked us. “Eh, maybe it is what the people say it is.” Dean said back.
“I think we would all love that Dean, but I don't think so.” I said back to him. “Yeah miracles? Dean, our experience, when do miracles just happen?” “Well, there's no deals. There's, uh, no skeevy faith healers.” He was right so what was going on in this town. “Dean’s right the souls aren't being taken.” “Maybe 'cause there's no one around to carry them.” Sam replied back. “No reapers that would explain this.” “Then nobody's dying. So what? The local reapers on strike? Playing the back nine? I don't know, Sam, Y/n.” “Well let's talk to someone who might Cole.” I said. “The kid? The kid's a doornail.” “Maybe maybe not but we could go talk to him to figure it out.” “I love how matter of fact you are about that. Strange lives.” We do have strange lives since we're talking about talking to a dead person.
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We were digging up Cole's grave well more like Sam and I. Dean was going through Dad’s journal. “You sure this is gonna work?” He asked Sam. “No. But if his spirit's around, this should smoke him out.” “I can't believe we're doing this to a kid’s grave. It's messed up.” I said I was still digging. “Yeah, well unfortunately it's part of the job.” Sam gave me an answer when I was not looking for one, I was hoping maybe for some sympathy. “This job is jacked.” Dean said, sounding done. “How so?” Sam questioned. “You want me to gank a monster or torch a corpse, hey, let's light it up, right? But this? If we fix whatever this is, people are gonna start dropping dead. Good people.” He was right but whatever was keeping the souls I had a feeling was not good. “Look, I don't want them to die, either, Dean, but there's a natural order.” Sam’s response to Dean was complete Bullshit. “Sam, you want to talk “natural order ", how about Dean coming back from Hell or us still being alive after dealing with the jackpot of death.” I finished jamming my shovel harder in the ground annoyed at Sam. “Yeah, but the normal rules don't really apply to us, do they?” I did a double take at him.
“Really Sam? We are not like others, we are just as human as others.” “Y/n/n come on as you said Dean has been to hell and I'm infected with demon blood, and you are practically besties with an Angel.” I scoffed at his reasoning. “Look, I know you want to think of yourself as Joe the Plumber, Dean, and you y/n as a secretary but you're not. Neither am I. The sooner you accept that, the better off you're gonna be.” “You gonna help us finish this?” Sam asked Dean as a man walked up. “Hey!” shit shit shit we really need to get better at being quiet digging up graves. “What are you doing here?” He questioned. How do you even reason this? “Uh so this does not look like what it is.” I said, sounding nervous. “Really? 'Cause it looks like devil worship.” Fuck we so need to get better. “What? No! No, this is not devil worship. This—This is—this—this is, uh—” Dean was trying to reason. “I don't have a good answer.” He said and I gave him a really look. “We're leaving.” Sam said as we got out of the grave.
“You're not going anywhere.” Huh? “Ever again. Sam.” The man said as his eyes rolled to white. Oh, fucking great its Alice from Hell. “Alastair.” “I thought you got deep fried, extra-crispy.” Dean said, backing away a bit. “Nah. Just the pediatrician I was riding. His wife's still looking for him. It's hilarious. Anyway, I have no time to chat. Got a hot date with death.” He flicks his hand at Dean and I as he flies back and hits some tombstones. “Dean, Y/n!!!” Sam yelled out. I was slowly fading as I saw some things as Sam had flicked Alastair back. “You're stronger, Sam. You've been soloflexing with your little slut?” “You have no idea.” And then Alice smoked out Sam was still hooked I thought as I went out like a light.
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I was sitting on the motel bed with a hell of a headache and an ice pack and wondering about Sam. “How you two doing?” He asked, walking in. I was thinking a lot about how to talk to him about this. I may be pissed but he was still my brother there was a reason why he was still hooked. “We're in pain, that's how we’re doing. I think we have concussions.” I think he was right because things were starting to cross. “You want some aspirin?” “Oh God yes please” I said, grabbing at it. My brothers may be able to tuff it out around but not me. “No thanks, House. So, demons, huh?” Dean said and of course he would say no. “Yeah. So much for miracles.” Sam replied. “And what the hell happened with Alastair again?” Dean questioned. What is Sam going to say to that I wonder. “I told you, he tried to fling me or whatever. And it didn't work, so he bailed.” Really Sam Alastair the big bad Demon couldn't fling a human when he did to us yeah that's believable. “Well, how come he couldn't fling you? He chucked you pretty good last time.” “Got no idea.” Sam’s got to get better at lying. “Sam, do me a favor. If you're gonna keep your little secrets, I can't really stop you, but just don't treat us like idiots, okay?” Dean said to Sam about us, and he had no idea. “What? Dean, I'm not keeping secrets.” 
As I said before, get better Sam. “Mm-hm. Whatever. So, did you go back and q-and-a the dead kid?” See, even Dean can sense when something is going on. “Didn't have to. Bobby called. He did some digging.” “And what did he think?” I asked. “He thinks I'm right. Local reaper's gone. Not just gone—kidnapped.” “By demons? Why?” “Listen to this.” As he read from the notebook. “"And he bloodied death under the newborn sky—sweet to taste, but bitter when once devoured."” “Ha I really hope I'm wrong sam but that sounds biblical like a seal.” “Well you are right Y/n unfortunately basically, you kill a reaper under the solstice moon—tomorrow night, by the way—you got yourself a broken seal.”
“How do you ice a reaper? You can't kill death.” Dean examined. “I don't know. Maybe demons can. Where the hell are the angels is what I want to know. We could use their help for once.” Yeah, sadly they aren't on doctor calls even though I would love to give Cas a pager. ““What are we gonna do, just swing in and save the friendly neighborhood reaper?” “You got a better idea, I'm all ears.” “Dean, reapers are invisible. The only people that can see them are the dead and the dying.” Right, oh no.”Well, if ghosts are the only ones that can see them…” No No No.”Then we become ghosts.” Dean said, putting his ice pack back on his head. “You do have a concussion.” “No Sam he doesn’t he's just insane he's talking about astral projection. Which means Pamela, which means she is going to hate us more.” I said sighing and lying back on the bed.
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Pamela and Dean enter the room with Pam looking pissed. “I can't even begin to tell you how crazy you three are.” She was right, we go look for danger every day. “Well, Pamela, you're a sight for sore eyes.” Sam said to her trying to lighten the mood. “Aw, that's sweet, grumpy. What do you say to deaf people?” Damn “Which one of you brainiacs came up with astral projection?” She asked us. “Yo.” Dean said, raising his hand a bit. “Of course. Chachi.” I love how she calls them out like I do. “So, let's be clear. You want to rip your souls out of your bodies and take a little stroll through the spirit world? Do you have any idea how insanely heavy-duty that is?”
“Maybe, but that's where the reaper is, so…” “So, it's nuts.” “Yes, it is but that's why we came to you.” I replied. “I do. Know what to do. And guess what? I'm sick of being hauled back into your angel-demon, Soc-Greaser crap.” “Look, I'd love to be kicking back with a cold one, watching Judge Judy, too.” Dean said to her, and he sounded like a total dick. “Nice. More blind jokes?” “You know what I mean. We're talking the end of the world here, okay? No more tasseled leather pants, no more Ramones CDs, no more” I look at her and grab her hand. “Please Pam, we need your help.”
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I was closing the curtains so it would be an easier environment to slip into the astral plane. While the boys were lighting some candles. “Tell me something, geniuses. Even if you do break into the veil and you find the reaper, how are you gonna save it?” She asked us which was a good question since we hadn't gotten that far. “With style and class.” Dean replied with his usual cocky attitude. “You're gonna be three walking pieces of fog who can't touch or move anything. You'll be defenseless, hotshot.” “I seem to recall a bunch of ghosts beating the crap out of us.” Sam said. “Sam, they had years to be mad and to practice for us it will be like going into kindergarten with seniors.” I replied to my brother's comment. “Y/n’s right.” Pam agreed with me. “Well, then, I guess we got to start cramming.” Dean said, slapping his hands together in preparation. "Wow, couple of heroes. All right. Lie down. Close your eyes.”
Sam layed down on the left bed and Dean and I layed down on the right because there were only two beds. “Animum vult decipi, ergo decipiatur. Vis, vis, vis. Okay, guys. That's it. Showtime.” I open my eyes and look around at everything looking the same. “Well, nothing like shooting blanks. What's plan B?” Dean said and Pam did not respond. I look at Sam as he jesters to our bodies. “Damn this is trippy.” “You can say that again” Sam said, agreeing with me as Pam stood up.
“All right, so, I'm assuming you're somewhere over the rainbow. Remember I have to bring you back. I'll whisper the incantation in your ear.” She said as she whispered something to Sam and I'm guessing I didn’t want to know what she said. “Y/n be safe.” “Thanks Pam you too.” I responded back even though she couldn't hear me. It was nice to have someone other than my family care about me.
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We are walking on the street, and everything looks like it's colored in a bluish tint. A jogger runs through Sam like he was air well I guess he was. “That was wild.” Dean said smiling like this was fun. He then proceeds to put in his arm through Sam. “Am I making you uncomfortable?” “Get out of me.” Dean looked at me. “Oh, don't even think about it ghost or not I'll still kick your ass.” I said to him, “You guys have no fun. Come on.” He said walking further down the street. “Oh, man, we've been spooking this town for hours. No demons, no black smoke.” Dean finished as I looked up to a window of a house and saw someone staring at us. “Hey. Three o'clock. Kid in the window.” I said to them nodding my head up, he saw us and disappeared. “It's Cole Griffith, the last person to die in this town.” We look at each other and head to the house.
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We go upstairs and we can hear stuff being thrown and Miss.Griffith running away scared and sad. As we enter the room Cole is standing by his dresser and he throws a soccer ball right at us. “Stop! How are you doing that?” Dean said, grabbing Cole's hand. “Who are you?” He asked us. “Cole, it's okay.” I said approaching him. “How do you know my name?” “Look, this isn't gonna be easy to hear, but...you're—dead. You're a spirit. Us too.” Sam said to him. I'm pretty sure he knows. "Yeah, thanks, Haley Joel. I know I'm dead. What do you want?” See. “We just want to talk.” I said to him. “About what?” 
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Mrs. Griffith was pouring another glass of her poison at the kitchen table, and it was like looking at a video of me from when Dean was in Hell and Jack and Daniles was my best friend. Cole was standing closest to his mom looking at her. “I was outside all morning. They tell you to be careful when it's cold.” He had passed away in front of his own house from an asthma attack kid deserved so much longer. “Cold air can cause an asthma attack?” Dean asked and Cole shrugged.
“But then I was in my room. It happened so fast. I called out for my mom, but nothing came out. Everything started spinning, and then I was just standing there, looking down at my body.” “And that's when you saw the man?” Sam asked referring to the reaper. “Creepy old guy in a black suit. He wanted me to go with him, but…” He turned back to his mom. “I didn't want to go.” I don't blame him, I don't think anyone would. He was a twelve-year-old full of life with a great family. “How'd you get rid of him?” Dean asked him as in where the reaper went. “I didn't. The black smoke did.” “Black smoke?” “It was everywhere. I hid in the closet, and when I came out, it was gone, and so was he.”
“Do you know where the smoke went?” “No. But I know where it is.” Just than the lights started to flicker, and the house started to shake. “They're back.” Cole said. “Who?” He doesn't answer and vanishes. And a white shaped figure went upstairs. “Hey! Hey! Wait! We need to talk to you!” Dean said going after the white figure. Sam and I following. A woman comes down the stairs and she looked at Dean like she knows him. “Dean.” She says to him, and it looks like she does. “Do I know you?” He asked. “We go way back.”
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Tessa walked down the stairs in front of us. “You don't remember me?” she asked Dean. “Honestly, if I had a nickel for every time, I heard a girl say that... You're gonna have to freshen my memory.” Tessa then surprises us all by pulling him forward and gives him a soft kiss and let’s go. "Tessa” Dean says with a knowing expression in his eyes. “That's one of my names, yeah.” “So, you do know each other?” I questioned. “From the hospital after the accident.” “Wait the one with Dad?” He nodded. “So, this is the reaper that came after you.” Sam questions looking at them both. “Yeah” Tessa then turns to the stairs to go up to the kid I’m presuming.
“Well, this was fun. Now, if you'll excuse me—” “Wait, wait, wait, wait, you can't—you can't take the kid.” Dean stops her. “Why?” “Demons are in town, that's why. They've already snatched your reaper pal. The kid knows where.” “So?” “So, you should leave, or you could be next.” I said to her. “Except that this town is off the rails.” When we are talking to her Mrs. Griffth is getting ready to go somewhere while Sam and I watch her. “And someone has to set it straight.” She said to us. “Yeah, we understand that, but these are special circumstances.”
Dean said, trying to reason with her. “What? Your whole angel-demon dance-off? I could care less. I just want to do my job.” I wish I could do that. “Right, yeah, and, look, we want to help you do your job. So, if you would just bail town— “Sam starts to say. “No.” “Well, then, could you hold off until we fix this? Please.” Dean asked, pleading with his eyes. “All right, but just so we're clear, when I start reaping again, I'm starting with the kid.” Damnit “Okay well I'll go find him.” I said starting to go upstairs but Dean stopped me. “Wait, wait, wait, wait. What— What are you gonna say to him?” I answered honestly. “The truth.” I said as all three starred after me like I was crazy.
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As I walked up to Cole's room, I hoped that I could approach him in a delicate way and still tell him. “Cole? It’s me Y/n” I looked to the closet door and saw it was closed and I went over to knock on it. “Cole, I just want to talk.” He opened the door with his ghost powers, and he was sitting on the ground with his head in his knees. “How did you know I was in here?” He asked me. “When I was your age, I used to hide in here too.” I sat down next to him. “This all must be pretty overwhelming, huh? Pretty scary, too.” I hoped he could see I wanted to help him. “The worst is my mom.” “Must be hard seeing her like this.” “She's always coming in here, talking to me, telling me how sad she is. I knock some stuff over to let her know I'm here, but...she only gets sadder.”
“When someone I loved passed, I was like your mom I basically kept on talking to a ghost.” I said referring to myself when Dean died and went to hell. “I don't know why you're telling me this. I'm not telling you where the smoke is.” “Cole, I’m telling you this to help you when I was like your mom, I had someone help me so maybe you can be that for her.” “She feels your spirit, that's why she's sad because she can't be with you. So, imagine how she will feel when you move on.” He doesn't speak. “When you go, I'll be right next to you, so you won't be alone. I promise.” He looks up. “Promise” “Promise” 
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Cole and I walk downstairs as I clear my throat. “It's okay, Cole. Just tell them what you told me.” “I saw the black smoke at my funeral.” “At the cemetery?” Dean questioned. “At the funeral home. It was everywhere.” It makes sense for reapers, funeral homes. Then the lights started to flicker again. “You doing that?” Dean asks Tessa. “No.” The doors burst open, and the black smoke invades all over the room and I can't see for a second and when it's gone so is Tessa. “Tessa!” “Cole, you, okay?” I asked him. He nodded his head. “Well, how the hell are we supposed to fight that?” Dean asked, sounding annoyed. “Good question, learn some ghost moves.” I suggested. “By tonight? Yeah, sure. I'll meet you back at Mr. Miyagi's.” I shrugged. “Who's Mr. Miyagi?” Cole asked and the three of us just between us and feeling old and me sad for Cole for not seeing the legendary Karate kid.
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Cole was teaching us how to move a windmill and it was harder than I thought it would. Right now, Dean was trying. “It's not gonna move if you don't concentrate.” “I am concentrating.” Sam and I both raise our eyebrows at each other. Dean moves it a little bit. “Ah, here we go, baby.” And it stops. “You pull a muscle?” Cole said and let me tell you he is a funny twelve-year-old. “All right, Yoda, let's see what you got.” Cole tries and the windmill and the porch bench goes crazy with wind. “Nice Cole, that is so cool!” I said to him fist bumping him.
“Dude! You are so Amityville.” Cole smiles. “This isn't even the good stuff.” We were now in the living room learning how to punch. Cole punches Sam and he folds over. “See? If you want to hit something, you just got to get mad.” Oh, I can get mad. Sam stands back up out of breath. “Yeah, got it.” “Now you try. Hit me.” Cole said Dean. “Uh, I think I'll stick to just picking on somebody my own size.” Cole then punches Dean and Sam and I both laugh. Dean then goes to punch Cole back, but he vanishes. “Whoa. Whoa, you got to teach us that.” I said to him.
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Dean, Sam, and I walked over to the funeral home, and it was covered in glowing blue diagrams, mostly six-sided figures, some in circles and some in squares, all with lines through them and squiggles inside the triangles thus formed. “This looks like New Jack City. Can nobody see this?” Dean questioned. “Maybe it's demon invisible ink. Only see it in the veil.” Sam answered. “It could be keeping out Angels.” I add in. “We'll find out.” We walk in and in the middle of the room, there is a square with triangles on each side to form an eight-pointed star, with squiggles at each point. Lying in the figure are Tessa and an old man in a suit, presumably the first reaper.
A Demon was standing guard next to the star. “Watch and learn boys.” I said going behind the Demon and tapping him on the shoulder and when he turned, I punched him and when he tried, I disappeared. Dean then comes to the other side and does the same and Sam knees him in the chest. It was an all sibling beat down. He scrambled away to a hide behind a coffin. We followed him and we didn't see the other demon behind us, and he pulled a rope that brought down an iron rod that dropped and trapped us in. A third Demon walked, and it was my favorite fucking one Alice in wonderland.
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Alastair approaches us with a shotgun and shoots Dean, and he disintegrates. “Rock salt's not so much fun anymore, is it?” Sam and I glare at him as Dean reappears. “Alastair. You bastard.” “Well, go on. Why don't you try some of your mojo on me now, hotshot?” We can't do anything. Usually, I love Iron and rock salt but today it's a pain in the ass. “You know what Alice, why don't you hop your way back to Hell.” I said grinding my teeth.
“Ah the little Winchester you may be a bitch, but you got some kick It's going to be fun peeling your skin off. And I would go back. They just keep sending me back up to this arctic craphole.” “To kill death?” “No, to kill death twice. It takes two to break a seal. I figured another one would show up, though. They're like lemmings.” He cocks the gun again and this time he shoots me. I reappeared and son a bitch that hurt. “You can shoot us all you want, but you can't kill us.” “Ah, that so?” 
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Alice now has a giant scythe in his hands. “Anyhoo… moons in the right spot. The board is set. Let's get started, shall we?” “You're gonna kill a reaper with that? It's little on the nose, don't you think?” Dean said. “Is it? “An old friend lent it to me. You know, he doesn't really ride a pale horse? But he does have three amigos.” He walked over to the reapers. “And they're just jonesing for the apocalypse. It pays to have friends in low places. Don't you think?” Alastair picks up the old reaper and enacted the incantation and kills him. As he does this Sam and I look up at the chandler and have the same idea. He then goes for Tessa and Sam, Dean and I concentrate on the chandler to bring it down. It falls down and breaks the trap and Tessa is able to break free. She unhooks our trap and we’re able to get out. “Bye-bye.” Dean said and the four of us vanish. 
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We get back on the street and Dean and Sam are not here. “Where are your brothers?” Tessa asks me. “I'll find them when you get out of here.” She leaves and I go looking down some alleyways “SAM! DEAN!” I yell. “You can't run. Y/n. “I turn and their standing is Alastair. I back away and he follows “Not from me. I'm inside that angsty little noggin of yours.” He's about to attack but instead a white, blue lighting strikes him. “What the Hell?” “Guess again.” I turn back around, and Cas is there.
“What just happened? You guys just saved a seal. We captured Alastair. y/n, this was a victory.” “Were you here the whole time?” I ask him. He looks away. “Enough of it.” Great. “Well, thanks for your help with the rock salt.” “That script on the funeral home—we couldn't penetrate it.” “It was enochian I was right” “Why do you think I recruited you guys in the first place?” Wait hold up. “You recruited us?” I ask. “That wasn't your friend Bobby who called, y/n. It wasn't Bobby who told Sam about the seal.” “That was you?” He nodded looking down.
“If you want our help, why the hell didn't you just ask?” “Because whatever I ask, your brother seems to do the exact opposite.” “Cas you could have asked me, I would have helped you.” “You shouldn't have to.” “So, what now, huh? The people in this town, they just gonna start dying again?” “Yes.” “These are good people. What, you think you can make a few exceptions?” “You did for Dean” “He’s different. So are you.” “What does that mean?” I ask him. “Y/n? I could use your help.” It's Tessa and when I turn back to Cas he's gone.
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Cole is staring at his mom again and she is looking at a photo book of Cole. “Look at her, Cole. Do you see how unhappy she is?” Tessa said, trying to convince him. “That's why I want to stay with her.” “As long as she can feel you, she'll be in pain, because she can't let go. Because you won't let go of her.” “Why won't anybody tell me what's on the other side?” “Maybe nobody wants to ruin the surprise.” “That's not an answer.” “She won't answer you, Cole. Reapers never do. But trust me. Staying here is a whole lot worse than anything over there.” I said to him. “Why?” “Because one day, your family will be gone, and there'll be nothing left here for you. It's okay to be scared.” “I'm not scared.” “We're all scared. I'm scared every day that I won't be able to save my family. It’s okay to be scared Cole.” He pauses.
“Are you coming?” He asked me. Staring at him I walk over to him and hug him. “I won't but you will be okay. I know being scared feels horrible, but I have a secret. I turn that into bravery for the people I love because they deserve it. I know you can do it too.” He let me go. “Thank you, Y/n, for telling me the truth.” And with that he walked over to Tessa and hugged her, and he melts into a white light. “Look out for that boy.” “Look out for yourself, Y/n.” “What do you mean?” “I've been around death from the get-go. You know what I see most? Lies. "He's in a better place." "At least they're together now." You all lie to yourselves, Y/n 'cause like you said, deep down, you're all scared. Stop lying to yourself, Y/n.” “What” “The angels have something good in store for your brother. A second chance. Really? 'Cause I'm pretty sure, deep down, you know something nasty's coming down the road. Trust your instincts, Y/n. There's no such thing as miracles.” “What the Hell are you saying?” I didn't get an answer as I woke up.
I wake up with a deep breath and look around to see my brothers and Pam hurt. “What happened?” I question racing to her side. “Y/n, where's Tessa?” “She's…” “Pamela, I'm so sorry.” Sam said, getting emotional. “Stop.” “You don't deserve this.” “Yeah, I don't. I told you I didn't want anything to do with this. Do me a favor? Tell that bastard Bobby Singer—to go to hell forever introducing me to you three in the first place.” “Take it easy, Pamela. If it's any consolation, you're going to a better place” I said to her comforting well trying. “You're lying.” She was right, I was. “But what the hell, right? Everybody's got to go sometime.” “Y/n come here.” I go over to her and lean down. “The Angel you have on your shoulder might be more devil than you think. Be. Careful.” I backed away. Then she called over Sam. When she was done, she started to cough. She passed. “Pamela!” Dean yelled and then looked up at Sam. “What did she say to you?” Sam doesn't answer.
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Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed it! I am so sorry this took so long. Part of it was writer's block and life and the other was that this is not my favorite episode, but I thought it be important to the story. But the next episode is head on the pin and oh my gosh it's probably one of my fav episodes from season four. So, look out for that!
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madaboutmunson · 2 years
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I posted 2,497 times in 2022
That's 2,497 more posts than 2021!
245 posts created (10%)
2,252 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 388 of my posts in 2022
#eddie munson - 336 posts
#stranger things - 294 posts
#eddiemunson - 290 posts
#eddie stranger things - 252 posts
#eddie the freak munson - 207 posts
#stranger things fanfiction - 121 posts
#fanfiction - 113 posts
#eddie munson fanfic - 108 posts
#eddie x reader - 80 posts
#eddie munson fluff - 74 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#tiny eyebrow flash of i like what i'm seeing so completely distracted shortly before his expression changes to wth is going on on this day
My Top Posts in 2022:
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163 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
Welcome to Madaboutmunson :)
As the name of this blog implies on May 27th I (and millions of others) fell in love with a fluffy haired, metalhead named Eddie Munson. So this is a little section of the internet I can come to and share my obsession with other people who also are obsessed
He is the first character I've ever met that inspired me to write fanfiction, and I love him for that because it pushed me to join this wonderful community and "meet" people I could never be without now (you know who you are you beauts!)
I'm still new to writing and love hearing from anyone who reads my stories. So totally happy to receive asks and/or feedback.
A bit about me...
I'm so old, like I could be one of The Endless.
I'm bad a Tumblr, but I am trying my best here.
I'm from the UK.
My Eddie Munson Fanfics
Requests are open see here for info
Dad!Eddie Munson - Where there is no babysitter and Eddie has to juggle a toddler and get to his daughter's recital
EddieMunsonxReader - A case of mistaken Wayne-entity. Where reader moves to the trailer park, falls for Eddie but thinks Wayne is just another townie judging Eddie harshly
Creep (12 parts)
Pairing: Reader x Eddie Munson
Summary: You meet Eddie Munson under the trying circumstances of high school, an event you can't fully recall, and the fallout of being the only one who can piece things back together.
Warnings: Violence, death, fluff, amnesia, implied sexual intimacy, bullying, angst
Author Notes: First ever fanfic I've written (feedback welcome)
Thanks to everyone who read, liked reblogged and let me know how the story made them feel.
I am beyond thrilled that even 1 other person read and enjoyed this. What a wonderful community, thank you 💚💚
Fire (17 Parts)
A story about falling in love against the odds, in the weird world of Hawkins.
This is mostly a fun, fluff type story, even your parents like Eddie, but there are some instances of threat and gore towards the end.
The Eddie Munson Tape Dates (with Sunbeam and Moonbeam universe from Fire)
In the fanfic Fire (above) Eddie has a box of tapes and each one is a date he's planned out for you. I decided to write a few up. In the end all of them. The first of which is directly from Fire
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180 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
Ok so I love the Steddie HC which have Eddie reading to Steve I think it's the cutest.
I'd like to add that whilst Tolkien is first because Steve has to learn what Mordor is, I'd like some nights for it to be a choose your own adventure book.
- Eddie reads the set up and let's Steve make the decision generally (just like his DM role in Hellfire)
- Eddie always keeps a finger in the previous part page in case Steve makes a 'wrong turn'
- If Eddie ever complains about Steve's decision making. Steve snatches up the book and hits him with "Well alright Mr Smartypants, you decide" (Eddie loves this and can't hide his grin)
- Steve very much gets into being the book heroes (regardless of gender/personality)
- They exhaust the adventure books that Eddie has, so sometimes Eddie makes up a Story adventure for Steve on the fly
- Steve buys Eddie a huge set of these books for his birthday/christmas
- Eddie writes a hand bound one for Steve, where the main character is Eddie and he's rescuing Steve, because Eddie couldn't bare the thought of writing anything bad happening to Steve if he made a bad choice.
213 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Look I am not a d&d expert I've only been playing for a few years, but hear me out, I have to say I disagree with Steve being a Paladin.
Yeah he absolutely cares ferociously about his party, and will protect/defend them like the super single mom he is but to me that guy is a Barbarian.
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he is first in, meat shield, and just because you are big and tough (even though he doesn't win all his fights doesn't mean he's not tough) doesn't mean you can't also be loving and kind.
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218 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Look, everytime I see these GIFs my brain does two things:
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*tiny boop sound* little hip bump
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346 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sorenmarie87 · 5 years
Ichigo Ichie
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Summary:  There’s a secret that you’ve been keeping from your parents.  
Square Filled: florist!Misha (AU)
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Misha x Daughter!Reader (Platonic).  Misha x Vicki.  Mentions of West and Maison.  Wren (OMC).  Jordan (OF/MC) 
Word Count:  1,653
Warning(s): Consensual sex (just talked about).  Secrets being kept from Misha and Vicki.  
A/N:  This was written for @spnaubingo.  Also shout out to the lovely @fictionalabyss for betaing this <3 
I do not own any of the pictures I used in my aesthetic. 
SPN AU Bingo
You were adopted by Misha and Vicki when you were a baby.  
During the summer, instead of playing outside like a normal kid, you’d spend time with Misha while he worked at his flower shop.  He taught you everything there was to know about flowers.  If you weren’t glued to his side while he was working, you were wandering around the shop.  
“When you grow up, my little cherry blossom, you can be anything you want.”  He would always tell you that before he kissed the crown of your head and you would always smile up at him.  
Over the years, Misha’s flower shop expanded.  They bought the building next door and turned it into a small cafe and bookshop.  That was the reason you wanted to major in business when you went to college.  
There was one secret you kept from your parents though.  It all started with a graduation party your best friend was throwing.  
Drinks were flowing, and music was blaring.  You on the other hand, were watching him from across the room.  He was in one of your core classes.  You always thought he was handsome but you could never work up the courage to talk to him.  With encouragement from one of your friends, you finally talked to him and that night, you went home with him.  The next morning, you woke up alone, so you slipped on what clothes you could find and got the hell out of there.  Little did you know that nine months later, you’d give birth to your one and only son.  “Welcome to the world, Wren Collins.”  
It had been a long night and all you wanted to do was get some sleep.  You picked up your cell and your finger hovered over Misha’s name.  What if your parents were disappointed in you for not telling them about Wren?  You didn’t regret that night all.  “Just call him, Y/N.”  You pressed the phone icon beside his name and put the phone up to your ear as it rang and rang.  You sighed as it went to voicemail.  "Hey dad. I know I've been too busy to visit these last few months and I'm sorry, but I'll be home in a few days. There's something we need to talk about."  You hung up and went to check on Wren who was wiggling around in his crib.  
“Mom! Dad! I’m home!”  You called out as you unlocked the front door and smiled down at the little bundle in your arms. “I wonder where everyone is.”  You turned on the television and made sure to turn the volume down so that it didn’t wake up Wren from his nap.  
You must’ve fallen asleep yourself because you woke up to tiny feet kicking you in the thigh and Wren crying.  “Well hello there mister, I see we’re awake now.”  You cracked a smile before getting a good whiff of him.  “Someone needs a butt change, doesn’t he?  His sniffles were all you needed as an answer before pulling your diaper bag closer and taking a seat in front of the couch.  
You were in the middle of changing Wren’s diaper when you heard the front slam open and two small bodies practically tackled you onto the floor.  “Whoa guys, I’m excited to see you too but you need to be careful.  Now where’s mom?”  
Maison and West both pointed behind you as Vicki closed the front door.  “West, Maison, what do you want for -”  You were button up his onesie when Maison took a seat next to you on the floor.  
“Is dat your baby, sissy?”  You nodded as Maison leaned forward and kissed Wren on the forehead.  “Hi baby, I’m Maison.  I’m your aunt.”
“Does that make me an uncle?  I’m too young to take care of a baby.  I can barely take care of myself.”  You chuckled as Wren started to fuss.  
“Mom, why aren’t you saying anything?”
“I’m just surprised, baby.”  You stood up with Wren in your arms and your way over to where she was standing.  He reached his hand out and wrapped it around Vicki’s pointer finger.  “We’ll talk about this later once your father gets home.”  
“Okay.  Hey mom, you wanna hold him?”   She cooed at him as soon as you placed Wren in her arms.  It was like the three of you didn’t exist.  “What’s his name?”
“He’s adorable.”  
Misha was ecstatic that you were coming home to visit.  He practically threw his phone after listening to your message.  In the passenger seat of his car, was a bouquet of flowers he put together for you.  He was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as he waited for the light to change.  
It’s the honking that takes him out of his thoughts.  He presses the gas pedal and the car jolts forward, moving along with traffic.  He drives by your favorite restaurant, the one he's always taken you to to celebrate small things like report cards, dance recitals, broken hearts or whenever you visit from college and he chuckles to himself, knowing exactly what you'd order because it's always the same.
He pulls into the right turning lane, when the car next to him honks its horn at him.  Misha smiles and rolls his window down.
“Hey, Mr. Collins, you look excited.  Is something happening at home?”
“Mr. Collins is my father Jordan, you know that.”  He teased.  “Y/N’s in town visiting.”
“Is her number still the same?”  Jordan lightly blushed as they glanced up at the light.  It was still red luckily.  
“I’ll tell her to give you a call, okay?”  Misha winked before he waved goodbye.  The light turned green and he made his way home.  He pulled into the driveway and smiled when he saw your car was parked there.  
“DADDY’S HOME!!!”  Maison and West practically darted out of the room when they heard the front door opening.  You heard his chuckling from the next room and smiled before you wiped your palms on your jeans.  You were nervous about what was going to happen.  
"Daddy! Daddy, I'm an auntie now~” You were happy that Maison was excited.  It was West’s comment that made you laugh out loud.  
“Wait, if mommy's a grandma, does that make you a grandpa?"  All Misha did was smile and nod at West’s comment but he was confused.  He wasn’t old enough to be a grandfather.  The moment he stepped into the living room and saw Vicki holding a baby, he froze.  Misha stood there with a blank expression on his face and you knew something was wrong.  His voice was quiet when he motioned to the flowers he was holding in his hands.  
“I brought the wrong bouquet.”  
"Have you been here long? Have you eaten yet? Wait, are you breastfeeding? Because if you're breastfeeding you need to eat more, do you want me to cook something? You know what, I'll cook you something-"
“Dad, will you calm the f-”  You didn't dare finish your sentence.  Not with your two impressionable younger siblings around.  "Please calm down.  I’ll explain everything once Maison and West go to bed.  Also,  I promise you’ll get some bonding time with Wren okay?  Until then, mom is - going to keep sniffing the top of his head?"  Misha gave you a side hug and chuckled as he disappeared into the kitchen.
"Don't you judge me. Those two always smell like dirt, these days. I've missed this." "HEY! I HAD A BATH YESTERDAY.”  
You were trying not to laugh at your parents.  They were currently arguing over who got to hold Wren after you finished feeding him.  
“Dad, will you give me a damn minute before you rip this kid off of my nipple.”  Vicki chuckled behind you as she tossed Misha a burp cloth from your diaper bag.  He draped it over his shoulder and was waiting patiently.  
“Vicki has been hogging him.  How’s he supposed to know who his grandpa is?”  You shook your head with a smile forming on your face.  As soon as Wren was finished eating, you handed him off to Misha.  “Y/N/N… why didn’t you tell us about him sooner?”
“I-”  You looked away from your parents and wrapped your arms around yourself.  “I was scared that you’d be disappointed in me.”
“We could never be disappointed in you.”
“Wren’s father, did he force himself on you?”
“No.  Everything was 100% consensual.”  You were picking at the skin around your finger when Vicki wrapped an arm around your shoulder.  “I had such a crush on him all semester and George invited him to her graduation party so I figured that was my one chance, you know?”  
“Ichigo ichie.”  Misha muttered to himself with a smile as Wren burped.  
“See, watching all of those Japanese dramas with your old man paid off.”  He bumped your shoulder and you smiled.  “There’s nothing you could do that would make us love you any less - but if you ever murder someone, that’s the final straw.”
“Oh please, you’d help her hide the body and then start a mushroom patch over it.”  
“Vic, why would you tell her that! I just had the backyard resodded.  Now what will she do with the body?  You know those two can’t keep a secret.”
“There’s mushrooms growing by the trees, daddy.”  Maison was holding a blue narwhal with a moustache and monocle in her hands as she stood in the doorway.  “Is there really a body buried in the backyard?”
“Of course there is.”  You rolled your eyes as Maison crawled onto Vicki’s lap.  
“Can we dig it up?”
“No way.”
You leaned forward so that you were level with Maison’s ear and whisper that the two of you could check it out when your parents were gone.  She smiles with a quiet giggle.  “West is gonna be so jealous.”
Forever Tags - @lovetusk @coffee-obsessed-writer@justballoonfishthings@mirajanefairytailmage@kazosa@wings-of-a-raven@docharleythegeekqueen@clockworkmorningglory@lefthologramdeer@ellen-reincarnated1967@holyfuckloueh@idreamofplaid@buckyscrystalqueen@ilovetaquitosmmmm@n3rdybird @super-fan-of-all-things@disneymarina@sandlee44@babykalika2001
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pearlycastiel · 3 years
𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥.
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description || you’re in trouble and when you pray to your boyfriend jack, he doesn’t hesitate to help you.
pairing || jack kline x fem!reader, dean winchester x daughter!reader, sam winchester x niece!reader, castiel x platonic!reader
warnings || angst, partying, alcohol, fluff at ending
word count || 1,458
a/n || literally had this idea at 3 am haha. feedback and reblogs are very much appreciated <3
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HIGH SCHOOL WAS something for you and it was definitely something when your family are supernatural hunters. Being Dean Winchester's daughter meant having the best protection from an angel, a nephilim, and of course, your father and uncle.
When you first met Jack, you felt a feeling that you have never felt with anyone else. At first, you thought it was anxiety or fear from the fact that Jack was Lucifer's son, but soon enough, it was something good.
The hints that you've noticed from Jack such as him being close to you at all times, or him smiling brightly when you would walk into his room, hinted clearly how Jack had some sort of attraction to you as well.
Soon enough, when Jack finally got the gist of how human feelings worked, he confessed how he couldn't stand a life without you. He would gush about how important you were to him and how he wanted to protect you at all costs. That was the day he asked you to be his girlfriend.
And you proudly said yes.
This brings you to this day, where school was more bearable with your slightly reconstructed life. When you started to date Jack, life became somewhat more admissable as you had something to look forward to when you came home.
You were currently coming out of soccer practice and one of your decent acquaintances walked up to you.
"Hey, Y/n. Are you free tonight? I'm having this big party and you should definitely come." Lexi was a really sweet person and you knew her parties were fun. You thought about it for a while considering how overprotective your family is. But you said yes anyway, wanting to have a fun time.
"Sure, I'll see you tonight."
Back at the bunker, you gave your family a dramatic entrance as you started to sing aloud abruptly, definitely gaining the attention of the boys.
Jack was the first one to greet you and he gave you one of his heartwarming hugs and a small kiss on your cheek.
"Hi Y/n, how was school today? I also made your favorite because I know you had a long day at today." You stared at Jack in awe, finding it sweet how he would make you a grilled cheese when you came home from school.
"Thanks, Jack. What would I do without you?"
"I should be the one asking you that. You mean a lot to me, Y/n." A smile crept upon your lips and you were about to kiss Jack until you heard the booming voice of your father.
"Hey! Six feet apart kids," Dean said, getting in between you and Jack, him spreading his arms out, pretending to stretch.
"So funny, dad," you said sarcastically. You weren't too certain when you should ask your father if you could go to the party, but you didn't have to ask when he saw the look on your face.
"I know that look, what's up?" Surprised by his diligent attention, you shot your head up slightly caught off guard.
"Oh, well...what makes you think there's something up?"
"Whenever you're nervous, you always fidget with your charm bracelet." You silently cursed to yourself, seeing how you gave away the hint of wanting something. Sighing in defeat, you decided to tell Dean about the party.
"So I got invited to this party and I was won--"
Before you could even finish your sentence, Dean cut you off abruptly, knowing where this was going to go.
"No. Nope. Nope, definitely not. You're not going to a party and that's final." Dean's voice made it clear he was serious, but you being the stubborn person you were, insisted.
"Dad, come on, it's going to be fun, plus you know I'm responsible enough." Dean consistently shook his head, not comfortable with you going to a party.
"I know you're responsible enough, I don't trust the people there. Who knows who a person can be what? I'm done talking about this, you're not going and I made my decision."
You huffed out in annoyance, knowing you weren't going to win this argument, so you stomped back into your room, Jack following your trail. Now you were on to plan b which was sneaking out.
You hated how you had to lie to Jack, but you knew he wouldn't let you out either, seeing how often he worries about you as well.
The last time you went out when you weren't supposed to, Jack put two fingers on your forehead and knocked you out. So you knew this time wouldn't be any different.
Being as discreet as you possibly could, you slowly escaped the bunker doors and proceeded to walk towards Lexi's house. Luckily, her house wasn't too far from yours.
Once you arrived, lights and music boomed through the doors. Lexi greeted you as she was drunk and you smiled at her seeing her true side.
You gulped down a couple of shots and stood against the wall, taking in the vibes of drunk teenagers. Suddenly a man came up towards you, a sly and douchey smirk plastered on his face.
"Hey, hottie, what's a gorgeous woman like you doing all alone? And a better question, why are you not with me?" You rolled your eyes at him and attempted to walk away, but he grabbed your wrist tightly.
"I didn't say you could walk away, baby." He started to walk closer towards your body, your personal space definitely invaded. Now you were done. You put your drink down and grabbed his wrist, twisting it making him scream in agony.
You could have easily broken his arm, but you didn't want to make a big scene. "Touch me again, and you will regret it." He had a petrified look on his face and put up his hands in surrender, but you knew he was still a massive dick.
Unfortunately, when you put your drink down, you weren't paying attention enough to notice that your drink was spiked.
You took a couple sips of your drink and you felt free, but the sudden feeling of dizziness overwhelmed your body, blackness filling your vision.
When you gained consciousness once more, you noticed the music wasn't blaring and the setting changed. You were now in an empty warehouse, rust on the walls and live wire lamps.
"Well, well, who knew the youngest Winchester would have her life ended by going to a teenage party." You glared at the man, not sure what he was, but then he blinked, his eyes turning black, now evident he was a demon.
"Son of a bitch, let me go." You said weakly, the drugs still having an effect on you. He just smiled evilly and closed the door, leaving you alone.
You took this opportunity to pray to Jack, hoping he was awake to hear your prayer.
"Jack, baby, if you're hearing this, I n-need help."
When Jack heard your prayer, he sprinted to your room, waking up Sam and Dean, Castiel already being awake considering he doesn't sleep.
When he saw you weren't in your room, fear and anger started to overcome his body.
"Jack, what's wrong, "Castiel asked, the two older Winchester's alerted while walking out of their room.
"Y/n sent me a prayer, something wrong and she's not in her room." Jack then closed his eyes and focused on you. He saw your distressed state and to say he was angry was an understatement. His eyes started to glow gold and his body was shaking in anger.
Being so angry that you were in trouble and somebody is hurting you, Jack didn't even say another word as he used his wings and teleported to your location. His rage was still fuming through his body as he saw the demon holding a knife and walking towards you.
Not hesitating, Jack reached out his arm as golden circles filled the room, instantly killing the other demons.
Once he saw the perpetrators were dead, Jack saw the sight of you and his eyes blinked back to blue.
"Y/n!" Jack ran to your side and broke the chains off of your body easily. He instantly pulled you into a hug and you didn't hesitate to show your tears as you desperately needed comfort from your boyfriend.
"I'm sorry Jack, I shouldn't have left," you sobbed into his shoulder. He gently kissed your head, the feeling of his warmth comforting you.
"Don't worry, Y/n, you're okay. How about we go home and watch that one internet service...what was it called..N-N-"
"You mean Netflix?" You said with a stifled laugh.
"Yeah! Let's watch Netflix." You nodded your head and Jack teleported back to the bunker, relief filling your body.
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sara78 · 1 year
Counting down to my last exam for this month... Then I can be more active on here!
With that being said, I have a poll for those that follow my work and the fic I'm writing: would you rather me to put a few fillers before the final part or cut straight to the finale? I do have a crap ton of timestamp ideas so this story will be very alive after the final chapter. Vote down below!
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・*:.。.─_*✧.。.:*・# ゚𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 ミ
This is a list of fandoms and characters that I write for, I might add more later or take away some, but for the moment I write for all of these
I will always write for Marvel, Superntaural and Star Wars
Requests are always open If you want to request you can either private message me or just write in my inbox
I write: teen!reader, gn!reader, platonic!reader, sister!reader, adopted!reader, brother!reader, son!reader, daughter!reader,
I also write for lgbtq+ so you can request with anything from that
I can also write romantic but I usually prefer platonic
I can write nearly everything except I do not write smut so if that’s what you want it’s better if you go somewhere else
*✧.。.:*・# MARVEL ミ
— (overall all characters from marvel but below is the ones I prefer )
— avengers [ steve rogers, tony stark, clint barton, natasha romanoff, bruce banner, thor ]
— sam wilson
— bucky barnes
— baron zemo
— moon knight [ marc spector, steven grant, jake lockley, layla el-faouly, konshu ]
— kate bishop
— yelena belova
— loki
— guardians of the galaxy [ peter quill, gamora, rocket raccoon, drax, nebula, mantis, groot, yondu ]
— daredevil [ matt murdock, foggy nelson, karen page ]
— punisher [ frank castle, billy russo ]
— venom [ eddie brock, venom, anne weying ]
— miguel o’hara (spider-man 2099)
— jack russell/werewolf by night
— x-men [ logan howlett, erik lensherr, charles xaviar, deadpool, scott summers, alex summers, x-23, mystique, beast ]
— marvel cast [ all cast members from mcu ]
*✧.。.:*・# SUPERNATURAL ミ
— castiel
— dean winchester
— sam winchester
— crowley
— lucifer
— jack kline
— gabriel
— the supernatural cast [ all cast members ]
*✧.。.:*・# STAR WARS ミ
— prequel [ obi-wan kenobi, ahsoka tano, anakin skywalker, cody, rex, fives, fox, wolfee, waxer, boil, kit fisto, darth maul ]
— bad batch [ hunter, tech, crosshair, wrecker, omega, echo ]
— star wars rebels [ kanan, hera, sabine wren, ezra bridger, zebb ]
— reva sevander
— cassian andor
— mandalorian [ din djarin, grogu, bo katan ]
— the book of boba fett [ boba fett, fennec shand]
— sequel [ poe dameron, finn, bb-8 ]
— Pedro Pascal
— Oscar Isaac
*✧.。.:*・# TOLKIEN ミ
— lord of the rings [ aragorn, legolas, faramir, meriadoc brandybuck, peregrin took, samwise gamgee, frodo baggins, boromir, gimli, elrond, gandalf ]
— hobbit [ bilbo baggins, thorin, kili, fili, bard, tauriel ]
*✧.。.:*・# THE WALKING DEAD ミ
— rick grimes
— daryl dixon
— glenn rhee
— maggie rhee
— aaron
— gabriel stokes
— jesus
— mishonne
— carol peletier
— carl grimes
— judith grimes
— negan
*✧.。.:*・# THE ROOKIE ミ (will come more soon)
— tim bradford
— lucy chen
— angela lopez
— wesley evers
— tamara collins
*✧.。.:*・# CRIMINAL MINDS ミ
— aaron hotchner
— spencer reid
— derek morgan
— penelope garcia
— david rossi
— jennifer Jareau
— luke alvez
— emily prentiss
*✧.。.:*・# HANNIBAL NBC ミ
— will graham <3
— hannibal lecter
*✧.。.:*・# HARRY POTTER ミ
— golden trio era [ remus lupin, sirius black, harry potter, hermione granger, luna lovegood, fred weasley, george weasley, oliver wood, neville longbottom, draco malfoy ]
— fantastic beasts [ newt scamander, young albus dumbledore, gellert grindelwald, theseus scamander ]
*✧.。.:*・# OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH ミ (will add more later)
— izzy hands <3
— jim jimenez
— edward
— frenchie
— stede
*✧.。.:*・# SHERLOCK ミ (not taking requests for at the moment)
— greg lestrade
— sherlock holmes
— john watson
— diego hargreeves
— klaus hargreeves
— ben hargreeves
— viktor hargreeves
— number five
*✧.。.:*・# HEARTSTOPPER ミ
— nick nelson
— charlie spring
— isaac henderson
— imogen heaney
— tao xu
— elle argent
— darcy olsson
— tara jones
*✧.。.:*・# ARROWVERSE ミ
— arrow [ oliver queen, thea queen, roy harper, felicity smoak, john diggle, slade wilson ]
— flash [ barry allen, harry wells, harrison wells, HR, cisco ramon, caitlin snow, leonard snart, wally west, eddie thawne ]
— legends of tomorrow [ john constantine, sara lance, rip hunter, captain cold, nathan heywood ]
— john constantine
*✧.。.:*・# GOTHAM ミ
— jim gordon
*✧.。.:*・# THE SANDMAN ミ (not taking requests for at the moment)
— corinthian
— morpheus
*✧.。.:*・# DOWNTON ABBEY ミ
— thomas barrow
— tom branson
— matthew crawley
— sybil crawley
-*✧.。.:*・# DRAGON AGE ミ
— dragon age origin [ morrigan, alistair ]
— dragon age II [ hawke ]
— dragon age inquisition [ dorian pavus, cole, iron bull, sera, varric tethras, blackwall, vivienne, cullen rutherford, cassandra pentaghast, leliana, josephine montilyet, solas ]
*✧.。.:*・# FATE: THE WINX SAGA ミ
— saul silva
— beatrix
— stella
— musa
— riven
— sky
— andreas
*✧.。.:*・# ONCE UPON A TIME ミ
— killian jones
*✧.。.:*・# PEAKY BLINDERS ミ
— alfie solomons
— thomas shelby
— ada thorne
— arthur shelby
— john shelby
— polly gray
— michael gray
*✧.。.:*・# THE LAST OF US ミ (only platonic for now)
— Joel Miller
— Ellie Williams
— Pedro Pascal
-*✧.。.:*・# NEW AMSTERDAM ミ (only platonic for now)
— Max Goodwin
*✧.。.:*・# THE RESIDENT ミ (will be adding more)
— conrad hawkins
*✧.。.:*・# WALKER ミ
— liam walker
— cordell walker
— stella walker
— august walker
— trey barnett
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alloftheimaginess · 4 years
There for you
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This is based on how my uncle saved my life on Christmas Eve three years ago combined with the request of “the guys from supernatural talk you though a rough patch” and I thought it would be perfect together.
Also I want to just say if you are having suicidal thoughts please talk to someone, you are not alone. There is a lot of people out there who understand where you’re coming from and if you don't feel comfortable talking to anyone you know in person message me. I don't care if you send me a hundred messages I will be here to talk to you, just please talk to someone. I hope hearing any of these words will bring you some comfort. Know that you are worth it and your life is valuable and someone out there sees it.
I climb off of my bike and I put in my headphones as I go over to the side looking out over the water and I grab my phone out my back pocket and I pull up Instagram and I go to my story taking a picture of the view and I add a caption "if I haven't told you that I loved you lately, I love you and I hope you never doubt it no matter what💕" I quickly add it to my story and instantly people are telling me that they love me and I respond to a few people before my phone starts ringing and it's Jared so I answer it.
"Hey" he says.
"Hi uncle Jared, Merry Christmas Eve" I say.
"Is everything okay?" He asks.
"Yeah. Why?" I ask.
"Your post on Instagram and your dad said you missed your flight" he says and I laugh putting my phone in my pocket.
"I was just telling everyone that I love them and I accidentally overslept but I didn’t want him to react like he always does so I figured it out myself" I say.
"I know" he says sighing.
"If you aren't doing good you'd talk to me right?" he asks.
"Uncle Jared I'm okay" I say.
"Do you promise?" He asks and I can't respond because I’m trying to fight back tears.
"Where are you?" He asks and I sniffle.
"Uncle Jared listen to me okay" I say breaking.
"Okay babe I’m listening" he says and I can hear him moving around in a rush and I sigh.
"I’m just doing what's best for everyone" I say.
"What's best for everyone?" He asks.
"Gen something is going on with Yn. I need you to call Jensen!" I hear him tell Gen.
"What's going on?" She asks.
"I don't know yet" he says.
"Uncle Jared" I say.
"Yes babe I'm here. What's going on? Talk to me" he says and my phone beeps and it's uncle Misha so I merge the calls so I can do this all at once.
"Yn, are you okay?" He asks.
"Misha" Jared says.
"Jared. What's going on?" He asks.
"Yn is about to tell us" he says.
"I tried" I sob.
"Hey it's okay. Calm down and talk to us" Misha says and I take in a shaky breath.
"I tried so hard. I try so hard to be okay but I can't anymore. I can't keep pretending" I sob.
“No one wants me, I’m doing this so everyone can be better off. I see what a burden I am to my mom and dad and I don’t want to be a burden anymore. I can’t be a burden” I say struggling to calm down.
"Yn where are you at?" Jared asks.
"It doesn't matter, it'll be too late by time you get here" I say.
"No it won't because you aren't leaving us" Misha says.
"Where are you?" He asks again and my phone starts beeping and it's my dad and I ignore it. I have to ignore it because if I don't he's going to easily talk me off the edge.
"Yn" Misha says when I get quiet.
"Yn please answer me" he says and I hear Jared swearing on his end and my dad calls again but I can't bring myself to answer him.
"Please just stop" I cry.
"Just let me go" I say and my phone beeps and it's my mom and I add her to the call.
"Hey baby what's going on? Your dad called me freaking out" she says and I start crying even harder.
"I'm so sorry mommy" I choke out.
"Sorry for what?" She asks.
"Being a failure. I don't deserve any of you. I don't deserve to be alive" I say, my crying finally slowing down.
"Bub" my dad says and that’s all it takes and I start sobbing.
"Whatever it is, you talk to us" he says.
"Honey tell uncle Jared where you are" my mom says.
"I can't" I whisper pulling my hair.
"Yn" my mom says.
"Yes" I say.
"I've been where you are, I've been in your exact position where I didn't want to live anymore. I figured that everyone would be better off without me but your dad was there, he talked me down, he got me help. Yn you are not alone in this and you never will be. Let us help you" she says and I slide down the railing.
"We are here for you. Everyone on this call loves you so much more than you'll ever know and we can't lose you" Misha says and I pull my knees to my chest sobbing.
"Yn you are my first true love, you made me a father and I can't imagine life without you. You brighten my day with just a smile. When I'm feeling down just hearing you say dad is all I need. You can't leave us" my dad says and I bury my face in my knees.
"If you need us we're here honey, don't ever doubt that even for a second. I'd move heaven and earth to make sure that you're okay" my mom says.
"You're my baby, my whole heart Yn" she says.
"No matter what anyone else says you are loved. Everyone that gets to know you loves you, they fall in love with you and your personality. You are the kindest, most giving, most loving and selfless person that I know. Whenever someone is having a bad day you cheer them up the best you can. You always know just what to say to your siblings whenever they are sad or mad. Yn you are wanted. You are valuable even if you can't see it, everyone else around you can. They can see what an amazing young woman you are and how amazing you'll grow to be if you don't let your light die out. You can't let your light die out" my dad says full on crying.
"I need you Yn, when I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel you pull me through. Every. Single. Time. You are my light. Everything I do. I do it for you" he whispers and I hear footsteps and I look up to see uncle Jared running over and I stand up and he pulls me into a tight hug and I sob into his chest.
"I got her" he says putting the phone on speaker.
"She's safe" he adds holding me tighter, not wanting to let me go and I hug him back even tighter and I hear my mom let out a sob.
"You're going to be okay" he whispers kissing my head.
“You’re going to be okay” he keeps repeating as he holds me.
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mythos-writes · 3 years
Love on the Supernatural set
Misha Collins x (daughter) reader, Alex Calvert x reader
Plot: Being the oldest daughter of Misha Collins, and being part of the cast of Supernatural, was something that you wouldn’t change for anything. Jared and Jensen turned into a family but the relationship between Alex and you was something different. Hiding your relationship with Alex from Misha, and the rest of the cast was hard but had worked for about a year. What happens when the two of you slip.  
Word count: 861
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Today was just another day for the Supernatural cast. Jokes, Pranks, and Act (specifically in that order), was usually on the schedule for Jensen, Jared and Misha. But for (Y/N) Collins and Alex Calvert, it was usually at the end of those. As they were the youngest, and have been with the show for the shortest amount of time, they were usually the ones that the pranks and jokes were aimed at. 
But what they didn’t know was that with all of their pranking and jokes on them, they started to form a bond, which led to them secretly dating. Alex had asked (Y/N) out to coffee on one of their days off, but Misha was still needed on set for retakes and their relationship had grown from there. They have been together for 6 months and no one on set had become aware of the young relationship. 
When they were on set, they sneaked little kisses and hugs between shots, and even on break. But the three ‘adults’ never caught onto their relationship. 
But that might just change. 
Today was the day where filming was going a bit rough for (Y/N). Today she couldn’t remember her lines, she had spilled coffee on herself and ran into almost everything from Misha’s car to the makeup trailer and even to the shooting set. Of course, the boys poked a little fun at her, but only tried to lighten her mood, which wasn’t working. 
So when the director yells cut, (Y/N) made a b-line to her trailer. She just needed to get away from everyone and collect her thoughts. She flops onto the small bed that was in there and just laid there. Then a knock on the door jolted her up from her position.   
“(Y/N), it's me. Can I come in?” Alex questions through the door. 
She stands up and walks over to the door. She slowly opens it, revealing Alex standing there. She moves to let him in and once he is in, she closes the door.  He turns to her and brings her into a hug. (Y/N) just wraps her arms around his torso and leans her head against his chest. 
“Are you ok?” he quietly, almost as if he spoke any louder that he would break something. 
(Y/N) shakes her head and looks into his blue eyes. 
“I think so,” was all that came out before falling back to his embrace. 
They stayed there for a few minutes before the call to come back was heard through the trailer door. 
“I guess it is back to work,” Alx says, trying to make a joke. 
She smiles at him, before releasing him and holding his hand to walk out of the trailer. As they walked out and started heading back to the sound stage, they started to act silly. Which led to (Y/N) placing a kiss on his cheek. This caused the couple to stop and Alex brought her into a kiss on her lips. But was quickly interrupted when someone cleared their throats. They turned to see Misha standing there, with his arms crossed and looking disappointed. 
“Dad, I-” she was trying to say but was quickly shut down.
“We will talk about this after shooting,” was all he said before walking back to the sound stage.   
 (Y/N) sighs before looking at her boyfriend. He had a sad look on his face. She smiles before kissing his cheek. 
“Come on, let's get back to the rest of them,”  she says before squeezing his hand before walking in the same direction as her father had just walked. 
Once filming had ended for the day, and they got changed back into their street clothes, she met her dad at the car. She was met with silence, and just sat in the car, looking at the wall. 
“So when were you going to tell me?” were the first words that broke the silent car. 
 “I wanted to sooner, but it just never happened,” Misha looks at her, and can see the nervous energy that surrounded his daughter. His features softened before turning more towards her. 
“Come here,”  he says while opening his arms for a hug. She falls into his chest, just like when she was younger. 
They sit there for a few minutes before Misha pulls (Y/N) away just enough to look her in her (Y/E/C) eyes. 
“Please don’t ever hide stuff like this from me again, ok. I like Alex, he is a good kid. If you were going to date anyone from set, I am happy it’s him,” he states. Tears start to form in her eyes.
“Yes, baby girl. Now let's go home and you can tell me more about how you and Alex started this ‘secret relationship’,” he says while starting the car and going to their apartment in Vancouver.
“Which one knew, Jared or Jensen?”
 “I am not going to tell you,” silence filled the car for a few seconds. 
“Oh yeah.” 
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dreamer-ni-in-mask · 4 years
×Charaters: Padackles Siblings×
☆N.Padackles and DS.Padackles (Ni and Dean Samuel Padackles☆
Son and daughter of Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki
Type: Instagram posts
Summer: Drunk driver hits Ni and Dean
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The Truth
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Requested - Yes - Daughter reader for Jared Padalecki were she comes out to him. Fluff and angst. 
Your dad was finally back home from filming and you knew now was the best time to tell him. Of course you’d thought about telling him a number of ways, in fact you’d written out several text to him that had all ended up being erased, you’d facetimed and called him with the intent of telling him but backed out every time.
No more, you told yourself, this was it.
You’d heard from your dad and Uncle Jensen that they had landed safely in Texas and were making their way home. You had been prepping yourself for this moment for weeks, knowing you had to tell him. You knew he was fine with fans that came out to him from conventions and things like that but this was a bit different than a fan coming out to him, this was his daughter.
What if he hated you? What if he kicked you out and never wanted to see you again?
You’d always been pretty close with your dad. For a long time before he met Genevive it was just you and him, sure you’d been jealous of Gen at first but she was always caring and loving towards you, treating you like one of her own when she didn’t need too. You didn’t want to come out and ruin the family and what if word got out that Jared Padalecki’s daughter was gay, could it affect his career? All sorts of illogical questions had plagued you for as long as you had known.
Countless nights had seen you sobbing silently as you let your head fill with worst case scenarios, hardly ever letting yourself think of the best case for fear of rejection. It hurt you to hide such a huge part of yourself from your dad but the thought of him turning you away was so much worse.
Your heart thumped madly against your chest as anxiety filled your bones when you heard the front door open and close.
Dad was home.
As much as Jared loved filming, he loved the breaks he got to spend time with his family. Often he felt guilty that he wasn’t around as much as he should be, the kids understood even though most of them were young, he knew you understood too but he loved when you ame on set with him.
Jared had of course notice your distant lately, through text and calls, and he planned to talk to you about it. If he could help he would, he’d never want you or anyone of his family members to feel like they were alone in the world. He greeted Genevive and the kids, noticing straight away that you hadn’t come downstairs. He shrugged it off, thinking there was a possibility that you could have headphones or were taking a nap. Deep down he knew there was something wrong though.
He made his way up the stairs, placing his bag him his and Gen’s room before making his way over to yours. He knocked on the door, pushing it open when he didn’t receive an answer and stopped as he saw you sat on the floor, quiet sobs escaping you as your face rested on your knees.
Quickly, he snapped out of the shock and made his way over to you. He scooped you up and placed you in his lap, holding you tight and rocking you gently as though you were still a small child.
“Hey, baby girl, shush, that’s okay, take your time, you’re fine Y/N.” Jared whispered softly against your hair.
You had every intention of walking out of the room and telling your dad that your gay, you really did. Then your thoughts got the better of you and you couldn’t bring yourself to open the door. Before you knew it the tears were falling down your face and you could hardly breath.
It seemed to pass in a blur before you register you were being held against your dads chest, hearing the words he was whispering as he tried to get you calm.
“S-sorry!” You managed to sob, the word barely recognisable.
“Don’t be sorry, sweetheart. Everything’s going to be alright.” Jared reassured as he continued to keep up his steady stream of reassuring words.
Eventually, you managed to stop sobbing, though the tears were still pouring down your face no matter how many times your dad wiped at them.
“Sorry, you just got home.” You mumbled, pressing your face into his chest.
“Hey, none of that now, you hear me?” Though you knew he wasn’t expecting an answer you nodded anyway causing him to smile. “Darlin’, what happened?” He asked you, concern practically dripping from him.
You took a deep breath.
This really was it.
“I’m gay.” You managed to breath out, eyes screwed shut tightly as you refused to look at him.
“You’re gay? Wait that’s why you were so upset?” Jared asked, confusion clear in his tone.
“Didn’t want you to hate me.” You mumbled against his chest, eyes opening in shock as you heard him chuckle.
“Hate you?” He repeated. “Darlin’, I could never hate you, especially not for something like this! You know I’ll support you with anything, same goes for your brothers and sister. You being gay doesn’t make you any less of the Y/N Padalecki I know and love, trust me on this baby girl, this changes nothing. I know I speak for most everyone in this family on that. I love you so much.”
At this point you were sobbing again but this time it was tears of joy and relief pouring down your face.
“Thank you! I’m so sorry.” You sobbed.
“C’mon now, none of that. You’re my daughter no matter what and I’ll always support you.” He told you sincerely, kissing your head as he did.
In that moment, you knew you were so incredibly lucky to have a dad as supporting, loving and non judgemental as Jared Padalecki.
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Hey! So my father past away 5 years ago and I heard a his voice in a video for the first time in 5years so I wanted to ask if you could do one with the reader(13 or 14) talking about it at a comic con or something and almost breaking down at the cast comforting her ? Thanks!
His Voice
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Pairing: Jensen x Step Daughter
Summary: YN gets asked a question at SDCC about her father, and decides to tell a story.
Warnings: Death mentioned, Slight Depression, Sad Story, Fluff
A/N: Ages are below. Thank you anon for the ask. I hope you like it! Feedback is appreciated!
Jensen - 30 YN - 13
***ASK OPEN***
Cherry Blossom Asks Masterlist
The Supernatural panel was well on it's way to being a giant laugh fest. Jensen was currently telling a story of the most recent prank war between Misha and Jared. The entire cast had tears from laughter as Jared chimed in with his side of the story.
"In my defense, I thought Misha would find it almost instantly," said Jared with a chuckle.
"Well, in my defense, I've never had anyone put a dead fish in the vent of my car!" exclaimed Misha with a laugh.
YN had to chime in with her two cents, "Okay, okay. We get it, the dead fish wasn't smart. But you did put live fish in Jared's trailer."
Misha turned to her, "Yes, in a fish tank. It didn't stink up his trailer."
"Then how come I found one under his pillow on the couch?" asked YN.
Misha rolled his eyes, "Oh that? That was a different prank."
The cast continued to laugh at the childish antics between the two men. While they calmed down, Rob decided to have another audience member come forward with a question.
A young woman, probably around YN's age, walked forward to the microphone. She had a huge grin on her face, starstruck in every sense of the word.
"H-hi!" she stuttered out.
Jared smiled, "Hi, how are you?"
"I'm doing well, and you?" she replied.
YN and Jensen rolled their eyes, knowing exactly what Jared was starting.
"I'm doing good too, how are you?" Jared said.
YN chuckled, "Everyone's doing well, Jared," she put her focus on the girl, "What's your question?"
The girl let out a breath, "So my question is actually for you, YN. How has it been transitioning into your new life?"
YN nodded and sat back some. The past 5 years suddenly flooding her mind. So much had changed in that time. A new life, a new family, a new way of life.
She leaned back towards the microphone, "It's been a crazy ride actually. My mom and Jensen seem to be happy together, and I'm happy to have him around. It was hard for the first couple years, depression really was a struggle, but then mom found Jensen and it's helped some."
Jensen chimed in, "Danneel and I were just talking about the past three years. All three of our lives have changed, but I've loved every second of it. Danneel and YN came into my life and welcomed me with open arms."
YN thought for a moment and decided to tell a story, "So, I actually want to talk about something. As most of you know, my father passed away 5 years ago as of today. He and I were very close. I'm pretty sure I hung out with him more than my mom in fact."
YN took a deep breath and continued, "Before we flew out here, Mom and I were going through some of Dad's old things. At the bottom of one box was a CD and my name on it."
Jensen laid a hand on her back, knowing the rest of the story was really hard to think or even talk about.
YN pressed on, "So I took it, ran up to my bedroom, and put it in my computer," tears filled her eyes, "And it w-was him. It was Dad."
She began to choke on her words as tears poured out of her eyes. Jared stood from his chair and walked behind YN to give her a hug. Jensen laid a hand on hers and gave it a squeeze. Misha rubbed her arm to comfort her. This brought on more tears from YN.
Through her tears and silent sobs, she continued the story, "He left a message for my mom and I before he passed away. I won't go into much detail, but it was something like he loves me and mom, he wants us to live our lives, he wants me to do great things," she turned to Jensen, "And he wants mom to find someone who will treat her right. I think we got that one covered."
Jensen had tears in his eyes, "Thanks, kiddo. I know I can't replace your dad, but I hope I can do my best to be there when you need me. And if not, you know the SPN Family is always with you."
YN looked at Jared above her, then to Misha, and back to Jensen. She smiled and wiped her tears.
"I love you guys."
Jensen gave her hand a squeeze, "We love you, too."
YN thanked the girl for her question and the panel continued. Every once in a while, she glanced at Jensen. He would catch her eye sometimes and smile at her. She'd smiled back and turn back to the crowd.
YN really missed her dad on days like today, but she's grateful for her mom finding Jensen. Especially because he acted so much like her dad.
She smiled thinking about the last part of his message on the disk: Keep smiling, that is the best thing you could give this world. That mega-watt smile is what kept me going.
My Cherry Blossoms
@mlovesstories​ @chessurkait​ @adorable-minibot​ @desiredposion​ @idksupernatural​ @thevelvetseries​ @spnfamily-j2​ @let-me-luve-you @obsessedwithfandomsx @wecantgiggleitsafandom
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