#Mixed up the order for people and things at first which was kind of funny but probably a confusing message
andresindoril · 1 year
Hi! Welcome to my blog!
It is mostly just things other people post, but you're welcome to check me out on other platforms as well on which I am technically less active, but do other things. :D
Stream announcement posts will be tagged with "#andres strims" in case that it something you would prefer to filter.
Claimed anon emojis: 🏴‍☠️ 🐇 🌼
If you send me an ask asking for donations, I will assume you are running a scam, so I recommend not doing that.
That rule of thumb was written before October, but I don't really have anything to spare, so you'd best try someone else.
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bots-and-cons · 16 days
I hope I'm doing it right this time 😅 FYI I just copied my ask from earlier cause I'm lazy. Thanks for helping me 🙏.
So, I wanted to request Soundwave, Shockwave, and Ratchet with a GN s/o who struggles with talking sometimes and messes up words by accidentally saying nonsense instead or speaking the words out of order, and gets very frustrated at themself and is very self conscious about it but they laugh it off around others and don't act like it. They're also a very sweet and patient person who loves to give random compliments to others but never themself as their love language.
A/N: Yeah you did it right this time, the askbox is the place for requests. Since the character limit for HCs is two characters, I dropped Shockwave
•When you met Ratchet for the first time and at the beginning when you were just getting to know each other, he was sometimes confused when you mixed up what you were saying
•When you’re nervous, you get things mixed up more often and sometimes it just ends up being plain nonsense
•So when you first met the autobots, you were of course nervous, who wouldn’t be in that situation honestly?
•You often get the same things mixed up in a very similar way each time, so Ratchet has sort of become able to decipher what you’re talking about, even if you do mess up
•Of course if it’s complete nonsense, he’s not going to be able to figure it out, but he’s always very patient with you
•Ratchet knows you’re self-conscious about the way you sometimes talk, because people have made fun of you
•When Smokescreen was new to the team, he thought you were messing up your words on purpose, so he laughed at you
•You just laughed it off, but Ratchet could see you were upset, he didn’t want to make a big deal out of it in front of everyone else, since he knows you don’t like drawing attention to it
•So he took Smokescreen aside and told him about how he shouldn’t laugh at you and all that
•Smokescreen later apologized to you when it was just you, him and Ratchet around
•He was really apologetic, and while you appreciated it, you still tried to just laugh it off and act like it didn’t bother you
•Smokescreen didn’t really notice this, but Ratchet did
•Ratchet finds your way of talking endearing, and he tries to remind you of that when he remembers to
•You always make sure Ratchet knows how much he means to you, and you compliment him when you feel it’s appropriate
•You’re bad at complimenting yourself, and you never really make a big deal about your accomplishments, so Ratchet makes sure to let you know he’s proud of you
•Soundwave doesn’t talk much, but he’s a very good listener and good at deciphering what you say, even if it is total nonsense, because he picks up on context clues really well
•He’s of course sometimes wrong with his guesses, but it’s rather rare
•The words being out of order never really bothers him either, because he just understands what you’re saying anyway
•It honestly makes you feel a bit better about the mess-ups, since it never seems to bother Soundwave
•You of course get frustrated sometimes, especially if someone else doesn’t understand you, but Soundwave is always recording, so he just rearranges the recorded words and repeats it in the “correct” order, at least when he happens to be there
•He also often talks to you with recordings of your voice, which you find kind of funny
•Soundwave makes sure you’re always credited for your accomplishments, especially by him
•He compliments you a lot actually, and you do the same to him, but you have a bit of trouble accepting the compliments
•His compliments can be a bit weirdly worded sometimes though, but he always means well, even if it sounds odd
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maniculum · 6 months
Bestiaryposting Results: Basekhwa
Interesting one this time, in that we've got a lot of details, but not a lot of specificity as to what it looks like. The most we get is phrases like "with a tap of the hoof" which can cue us into the fact that it has hooves. Mostly we hear about things it does. So, before we see what people did with that, the obligatory links.
If you are confused as to what this post is about, please see https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting. The specific entry this week's artists are working from can be found here:
And now, art below the cut in roughly chronological order.
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@sweetlyfez (link to post here) got hers in first this week, and it's a really charming creature. I think the colored-pencil medium gives the drawing a little extra something. A really clever interpretation here, I think, is that it has a trunk for catching snakes -- which makes sense if you think about it. The first thing we're told about them is:
Basekhwas are the enemies of snakes; when they feel weighed down with weakness, they draw snakes from their holes with the breath of their noses and, overcoming the fatal nature of their venom, eat them and are restored.
If an animal is luring snakes out by putting its nose against their hidey-holes, it seems entirely sensible to have the nose do double duty as an appendage for dealing with the snakes when they come out. I also enjoy the long flappy ears and the tapir-like coloration. This one, it seems, has been shot -- the entry does say they're an easy mark for archers -- but that's what the snake is for. (And thank you for the alt text.)
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) notes that a creature that is mentioned to have both hooves and horns is surely an ungulate. I don't know enough about taxonomy to comment, so sure! They've picked a couple different ungulates to mix together for this design -- for details on that, see the linked post -- and given it a horn structure that's ideal for scooping up snakes from the ground, which I like. They describe it as turning out quite "feral unicorn-esque", which I can definitely see.
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) brings us another detailed pen drawing. In their laudable drive to incorporate as much of the material as possible, we can see that they have found a creative way to show us additional scenes in this animal's life: in little vignettes on the Stylized Tree. Another fun nose on this one, too -- CheapSweets notes that it's inspired by the saiga antelope. All of this is very good, and the baby hidden in the bush is adorable. For detailed discussion of this art and how it relates to the entry, please see the linked post. (And thank you for the alt text.)
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@pomrania (link to post here) regrettably was unable to do a final version, but posted their doodles. Given that I'm tagged in the post, I assumed they were meant to be put here. I kind of like the glimpse here into their process, with all these different scenes from the entry being brought in to toy with. Also I think the one labelled "frozen" is quite funny, and I enjoy that one is labelled "baby".
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@strixcattus (link to post here) gives us this rather chimeric creature that kind of makes me think of an okapi if you turned the "different fur patterns in the front and back" thing up to 11. What I really like here is the horn asymmetry -- there's a little of it in CheapSweets's entry, in the middle vignette if you look close, but Strixcattus is taking it to another level. Both artists seem to have been inspired by the same part of the entry, i.e., this sentence:
Of their horns, the right-hand one is better for medical purposes.
If one horn is better medicine than the other, it's pretty reasonable to think they might look different. What I think is interesting here is that CheapSweets decided the medicinal horn should be the longer one, but Strixcattus made it the shorter one. Much to think about. (Oh, and the way it's posed so that the horns frame the sun is also really cool in my opinion.) As usual, please check out the linked post for Strixcattus's modernized description of this beast; I think this week's is particularly interesting actually.
Side note: I did a quick google to make sure that the okapi was indeed the animal I was thinking of and this was the first suggested question in the results (note that I just searched "okapi", no other words) :
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... oh dear. The way search results are changing really is going to be a problem, isn't it?
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) has drawn something I find delightful. (And not just because I like her medieval-inspired style.) I actually laughed out loud seeing this one just because it's such a fun take. Here we have a Basekhwa "weighed down with weakness" and "draw[ing] snakes from their holes with the breath of [its] nose." I think everyone else went with "the breath is a lure and then the Basekhwa grabs/stabs/stomps/bites them", but Coolest-Capybara decided that it's not exhaling, it's inhaling, and it just hoovers the snakes out. I love it. Both the tired-looking Basekhwa and the rather panicked-looking snake are amazing. (And thank you for the alt text.)
Anyway, to the Aberdeen Bestiary:
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... um.
Yeah, there are a few of these -- I think this is the second we've seen so far. Someone cut out an illustration at some point. So we're going to look towards the "sister manuscript", the Ashmole Bestiary:
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So this one is... a deer.
I didn't know any of that stuff about deer, did you?
Not much I have to add here, but let me share a folk etymology I redacted for this entry.
The offspring of the deer are called hinnuli, 'fawns', from innuere, 'to nod', because at a nod from their mother, they vanish from sight.
I just... I don't think that's true.
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katz-chow · 8 months
i remember everything...
synopsis: in which johnny deals with the lingering feelings he has with his coworker 🏷| fluff, american!reader, gn!reader, reader is described as having hair long enough to have to towel dry (its like one sentence), mostly in johnny's pov, prompt 29, culture clash, part of @glitterypirateduck's soap it up challenge
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“Strange words come on out of a grown man’s mouth when his mind’s broke. Pictures and passing time, you only smile like that when you’re drinkin’…”
“Do you like it?” You ask him, as you both sit on your respective beds in the hotel room. The soft glow of the hotel lamps mixed with the pristine, white sheets gave off the allusion of an ethereal heaven. You both untucked the sheets and wrapped them around you and on the bed in your nests of bedding, shielding away from the blasting AC air. 
Johnny groans, falling back onto the firm queen-sized mattress. “If I have to hear another Southern accent, I’m gonna blow my brains out. Yours is enough!”
“Bitch!” You scream and laugh as you throw a pillow, aiming for his crotch. A sharp breath stopped itself in his throat as he groaned in discomfort. Another laugh was pulled from you as you too, squirm around in bed. 
Eventually, he recovers and sat back up. “Bonnie, you remember when we first went on this world tour of ours?”
A world tour, that’s what you both referred it to. In reality, it was just a guest speaker program on international joint bases. You were there in the UK as an American, part of a joint company operation. Then Kyle pointed you out when you shared some memories in North Carolina together. Hitting it off with Johnny was just pure fate (maybe, he thinks). 
The first time he saw you, you and your squadron stood shiny in the unfamiliar dress blues in front of that board meeting. An hour later, he discovered you’re all American service members, here on an ally program. 
The second time, fate forced you both together. Chow Hall at dinner time proved to be both bliss and the Thunderdome at the same time– which was no foreign territory for the Americans. They were loud, Johnny thought. The more he heard their wide range of accents, the more intrigued he became with this new group.
He gazed at them, you included, deciding when would be the right time to bud into the conversation. That’s when you spoke up, hinting at the cutest, slowest speech he’s ever heard; a real, Texan accent. 
“I dunno about all this, y’all…It kinda looks, like, bland…” You say as you look at the food on your tray. Kyle right over your shoulder with your friends crowding around the “experimental plate”. 
Kyle laughed and cut open the pastry with a knife, moving the peas around. The meat inside spilled out of the puff pastry as everyone oo-ed and ah-ed and not in a good way. “You telling me you’ve never had a meat pie?”
“Closest thing would be chicken pot pie…and even with that the peas are inside and I don’t have to look at it when I eat it.” One American laughed. Johnny noted that his accent sounded “standard” compared to your more regional one.
Another woman piped up as she shoved his arm with hers, “Chicken pot pies aren’t all that, Johnson, you’re fucking weird.”
“Cut that shit out, Phillips…I’m gonna…fuck your husband.”
Johnny snickered and interjected himself into the appropriate conversation. “How about you shag me instead? A true Scotsman right here.”
“I mean, if you want…” The Standard American, now he knew as Phillips, responded as he turned towards him and smiled. 
He noticed the group of Americans all turned their bodies to include him in their small circle, even when he was about three feet away and on a different table. They were kind and eager, friendly even. 
From then on, he decided to always stick around the group of funny Americans, who always seemed to do the weirdest things. He also got to know the mirage of people within this seemingly rag-tag team. From Edward Phillips, the Washingtonian Linguist, Michelle Hernandez, the New Mexican demolitions expert,  and then you, the Texan. 
After that, he just gravitated towards you, like an asteroid in your presence. He revolved around you, hovering when you need him and jumping in. Never far for you to hold onto, he was right beside you, an equal rather than someone to catch you if you fall or a subordinate waiting upon your every command. You liked that about Johnny, how he’s a partner, and thus on par with you. Your strengths are his weaknesses (reading comprehension) and your weaknesses are his strengths (chemistry). 
Johnny often questions whether fate is real or not, must be the Catholic in him, but the critical, logical part of his brain won’t let him fully believe. He wonders if fate is real if there truly is a bigger spirit that predetermines whether or not he will die horrifically in battle, or how many kids he’ll have— if he is allotted more than one. More often than not, however, he finds himself wondering if he somehow made the right choice to speak up with that lewd comment that led to meeting his best friend. Or was it how God had intended it? Or, perhaps, it was the Roman Moirai that had strung your paths together. In either case, he could only hope that he was making the right choice now. 
The AC continued to blast in the dim light, something he had to get used to. Months ago, when you were merely just a coworker, he had to adjust to the fact that you were afraid of sleeping in the dark. Teases and playful jabs seemed relentless, night after night as soon as you went to turn on the bathroom light and crept the door closed. But now, as whoever’s above fated it, he quite likes the addition to his nightly routine. 
Things are simpler, more clear, and more concise. It’s a lot different building bombs, and awaiting the next mission than simply giving a briefing on demolition safety and code of conduct. One might even say it’s boring, but what’s more boring than your job? At least he’s talking about something interesting! Says the man who eavesdrops on your talk whenever he’s not busy. 
Johnny has more time to journal, draw, and…think. It became routine, you getting ready for bed while Johnny props himself up on his pillows, thinking and scribbling away. So here he is, nightstand lamp casting its low, orange glow against his even yellower pages. Odd drawings of the desk chair in front of his bed, some notes about your lecture, and an odd sticky note drawing on your side profile he did while he waited for you to finish your talk. 
Never leave a man with his thoughts, one of the lessons he had learned when he started to let his mind wander from station to station, train of thought visiting back on when you caught his eye, or when you fell down the stairs and your nose started to bleed (Johnny had never felt his stomach sink so low), and just last week when you convinced him to try authentic Indian food…he thinks of you.
It's almost as if he no longer even lets his mind wander but now he lets his thoughts loose into Your World. His bonnie. His. Fuck him, He rubbed his face with his palms, exasperated.
“You good?” Your voice snapped him away from his consuming thoughts, hands falling to close his leather-bound journal with a snap. 
He looks at you. You had your head tilted, hair falling into the towel that you’re crunching up to dry it. “‘m fine, Birdie.”
Birdie, his songbird. His ears hear the way you scoffed, swinging back into the bathroom to set the towel up and get yourself into the twin bed next to his, the space separated by just a small nightstand holding the phone and now his journal. 
You hop onto bed, throwing the already jostled-up sheets onto you as Johnny stands to turn off the light on the opposite wall. Your laptop, which had now been turned off per his request, tucked itself under your bed, barely peeking out just for a reminder for when you both leave the next morning. 
“I don’t want to go on base tomorrow. I hate Newport.” You say to break the silence between the both of you, simply sitting in the not-so-dark. 
Johnny groans, having heard you say this since the two of you had landed here in Rhode Island. “Oh haud yer wheesht, we’re only here for another day,” he reasons.
You’ve heard that phrase a lot lately, especially as your World Tour is coming to an end soon. Two more bases, a fortnight left. But you can’t blame him, your whining was getting a bit much. 
A comfortable silence fills the air again as you hum in reply to him. Both of you find yourselves lost—or leashed in your worlds, thinking about what’s next.
He’s going to miss this; miss waiting for you to get ready for bed, miss listening in on your colloquies, miss the way your body wash smells, miss your awful music…”Fuck, I’m gonna miss you.”
Johnny freezes, he takes back about the time you fell: this was when his heart dropped the furthest and fastest it’s ever fallen. Almost like the New Year's ball in New York. Fuck, fuckfuckfuckfuck.
“Johnny, what did you just say?” In his peripheral, he sees your head turn to look at him. he turns his head to you. 
He prays that you don’t see the way sweat begins to fall from his skin or hear the quiver in his voice. “I said, I’ll miss you.”
You giggle a bit, letting your head fall back onto the plush headboard, eyes up at the popcorn ceiling. “It’s not like I’m going to die anytime soon, I’ll still be here.”
“I don’t want you to ever leave.” He blurts out quicker than his brain can even pick up. Blood rushes into his ears, he feels his body get hot as he awaits your reaction. 
The tension grows thicker, even as the AC hums. He sees your feet under the sheets moving side to side, you’re thinking of how to respond, formulating the perfect response. God, you were perfect, thinking about what you wanted to say rather than just blurting things out like how he is. You’re so different than him, so precise in your doings, always thinking ahead, always planning for the worst outcomes. And not to mention how good of a teacher you are with those in your field, you spoke eloquently, formally– yet just enough casualty that not only demanded respect but provided a sense of comfort. 
He looks back over to you quickly, your head still in the same position as before, eyes closed, however. For a quick moment, he sighs in relief, thinking you had fallen asleep from talking and whining too much. But instead, when he snaps back into reality, he sees your face smiling at him. 
“I think I’d like that a little too much.” You scrunch up your nose just a bit at the end of your sentence.
He doesn’t know what to make of them, but he smiles back nonetheless. “Yeah?”
You hum again, thinking. Silence washes over the two of you again. You two don’t look at each other, Johnny can feel disappointment wash over him, ready to just retire for the night.
“You wanna watch a movie?” You blurt out, already reaching down to pull your laptop out from under the bed. He looks at you quizzically, but agrees anyway.
To his surprise, however, you find yourself throwing the laptop gently on his bed, shooing him over (which he obeys), and getting under the sheets with him. His heart flutters as he instinctively rests his arm behind you. You scoot closer to him, pulling your laptop onto your lap. But you stop, and his breathing does to match. 
“Is this okay?” 
Johnny nods and smiles softly at you, seeing your worried expression dissipate. You decide that Johnny gets no say in what the two of you watch, and honestly, Johnny seems more interested in the fact that he can smell your shampoo and feel how soft the tips of your hair are in between his fingertips. He zones out after that, rejoicing in the moment as your breathing steadies his old heart. 
You turn your head up to look at him, raising your head slightly from his chest. He looks down at you, an eyebrow raised. “Hm?”
“I’m tired.”
He smiles wider at how your eyes droop down, even after insisting the two of you watch a movie. The screen pauses as he presses the spacebar, timestamp at 23:09. He huffs a laugh. “It’s late, I ken, I ken…”
“Can I sleep here?” You ask, already resting your head on his chest and sinking further into the now-warm sheets. Johnny shifts over a bit, closing your laptop and tossing it carefully over to your empty bed. The strands of your hair lift up a bit as he absent-mindedly messes with them. Your arm found itself hooked under his bicep, the other arm thrown over his chest.
His lips reach down and places a soft kiss on the crown of your head, burying his nose into the inviting smell of almonds and cherries. 
You hum in contentment, yet sleepily mumbling out something just a tab bit too quiet for his ears to pick up. “Speak up, Bonnie.”
You whine and his heart skips a beat. He wonders how long this can go on before he dies of cardiac arrest. Hopefully for decades. “It was always going to be you.” You pout, before nuzzling into him again, not once opening your eyes.
Johnny freezes, and the stands of your hair fall from the tips of his fingers. He looks down and sees how your chest rises evenly now, body heavy and warm against his. “Birdie?”
When you don’t respond, he knows you’re dead asleep. He sits there for a while thinking about the choices he made that led him to this position, as a body pillow for you– not that he is complaining. Surely it wasn’t when he tripped over a pinecone in year 5 right? Or when he decided to disobey orders and blow up a base anyway right? No, it has to be much simpler than that– when he had decided to skip lunch that day the two of you met? He thinks about the choices he made, and how he could’ve missed all the signs you gave him showing him that you were also in a state of yearning for him. And why did you turn on a lame rom-com, knowing you were going to fall aslee– oh. Oh.
Was this your plan the entire time? Clever Birdie. Of course, you had planned this out, had planned on turning the AC up, whining about the cold. Leaving your laptop on a movie website already, drying your hair even when you never really do. You just had to find a window of opportunity: him. 
It was always going to be the two of you. He was just a bit behind. 
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alilixx · 2 months
Hugh Laurie X FEM!READER
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Hello, hello everyone! As promised, I'm making a SHORT Hugh Laurie x Fem!Reader which will be more NSFW for my girls <3 because I'm working on a longer one alongside with a James x Fem!Reader, so this is more of a "teaser." I PROMISE TO STAY AS ACTIVE AS POSSIBLE. WRITE SOMES SHORTS STORYS ARE THE BEST THING FRRR (i'm not struggling). Don't forget my request are open. Love u <3
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After a tiring week at the office, you need to unwind, to escape. Deadlines have piled up relentlessly, interminable meetings and tensions with colleagues have turned each day into a marathon. Tonight, you decide to give yourself a well-deserved break. Slipping into your favorite dress, the one that always boosts your confidence, you head to a chic bar downtown, known for its pleasant ambiance and refined cocktails.
As you enter the bar, a wave of relief washes over you. The dim lighting, soft music, and relaxed atmosphere are exactly what you needed. You settle at the counter and order a Martini. The bartender smiles and serves you promptly, and you start sipping your drink, savoring each sip.
Your gaze sweeps across the room. You see groups of friends laughing together, couples whispering sweet nothings, and a few solitary souls, like yourself, enjoying their own company. That’s when you notice him. Seated a few stools away, a man alone, sipping a whisky. He has a familiar look, but you can’t quite place him immediately. His features are both charismatic and understated, exuding an intriguing presence without being overbearing.
Your eyes meet, and you feel a spark. Maybe it’s the effect of the Martini, or perhaps it's simply the desire to feel alive tonight, but you decide to make the first move. Taking your glass, you stand up and walk over to him, your heart beating a little faster with each step.
"Good evening," you say with a smile, sitting next to him. "I couldn’t help but notice you’re enjoying a whisky. Would you recommend it?"
He looks up at you, surprised but pleasantly so, and responds with a warm smile. "Absolutely. It’s one of the best I’ve had in a long time. And what about you, what are you drinking?"
"A Martini," you reply, holding up your glass. "It’s my favorite cocktail to unwind after a long week."
"A long week, huh?" he says, raising an eyebrow. "I know that feeling. I’m in town for the filming of my latest movie, and days on set can be exhausting."
"Oh, you’re an actor?" you ask, feigning surprise while finally recognizing him. "That’s fascinating. What kind of film are you working on?"
"A drama with a few touches of comedy," he explains. "It’s an exciting project, but very demanding. I needed to get out and change the scenery tonight."
"I completely understand," you reply, nodding. "Sometimes you just need to escape the routine and find a place where you can relax and be yourself."
The conversation continues, smooth and natural. You talk about your respective experiences, passions, and lives. He shares funny anecdotes from the set, and you tell him about your own work challenges. Time passes unnoticed, and you feel increasingly at ease in his company.
"So, what brings you here tonight?" he finally asks, looking deeply into your eyes.
"I just needed to get out, to escape," you answer honestly. "I love this place because it has a relaxing vibe and I can meet interesting people. Like you, for instance."
He smiles, clearly flattered. "That’s kind of you to say. I’m glad our paths crossed tonight."
"Me too," you say with a smile in return. "I didn’t expect to have such a great evening."
The chemistry between you grows stronger. The exchanged glances become more intense, and the mutual attraction is palpable. You order another round of drinks, and the conversation continues, a mix of laughter, confessions, and subtle flirting.
"You know," he says after a moment of comfortable silence, "I don’t want this evening to end. How about continuing the night somewhere else? Maybe in a more intimate spot?"
Your heart races at the thought of extending this moment with him. "I’d love to," you reply, taking his hand as he offers it to help you up.
You leave the bar together, the night air adding a refreshing touch to the excitement building inside you. Hugh leads you to a quieter street, slightly away from the lights and noise of the city. You walk side by side, your hands brushing against each other from time to time, each touch heightening the mutual attraction.
"So, where are we going?" you ask, curious.
"I’ve heard about a small lounge not far from here," he says with a smile. "It’s quiet and perfect for continuing our conversation."
You quickly arrive at a discreet yet elegant little establishment. The interior is cozy, with velvet armchairs and soft lighting. You settle into a more private corner, out of sight, and order drinks once more. The conversation picks up naturally, now with a more pronounced touch of flirtation.
"You know," you say, sipping your cocktail, "I really didn’t expect to have such a pleasant evening."
"Me neither," he replies, looking at you intently. "I’m thrilled that our paths crossed tonight."
You talk about everything and nothing, sharing anecdotes from your respective lives, laughing together, and discovering unexpected commonalities. Hugh tells you stories from the set, funny moments, and challenges faced. In return, you share snippets of your life, your passions, and your dreams.
"Tell me a bit about yourself," he says suddenly. "What are you passionate about in life?"
"I love literature," you reply with a smile. "Reading, writing, escaping into stories. It’s what helps me escape from reality, just like tonight."
"That’s fascinating," he says, nodding. "I’ve always admired people who can create worlds with words. It’s a talent I don’t have."
"Oh, but you create worlds with your acting," you counter. "You bring characters to life and transport people into stories. That’s just as impressive."
He smiles at you, touched by your words. "Thank you. It’s nice to talk with someone who understands and appreciates what I do."
Hours pass, and the atmosphere becomes increasingly intimate. At one point, Hugh leans slightly closer to you, his gaze locking with yours.
"You know," he murmurs, "I don’t want this evening to end."
Your heart races, excitement and desire mingling. "Neither do I," you reply softly.
He moves even closer, and before you can say anything, his lips find yours in a tender yet passionate kiss. You lose yourself in the moment, forgetting everything else. The world around you fades away, leaving only the two of you and this intense connection.
When you pull apart, you feel a pleasant warmth overwhelming you. Hugh looks at you with a tenderness and passion that makes you melt.
"We could go to my place," he suggests softly. "Continue this evening away from prying eyes."
You nod, unable to refuse such an invitation. "Let’s go," you murmur, ready to follow this unexpected path to the end.
You leave the lounge hand in hand, excitement and anticipation skyrocketing. Tonight, you’re ready to fully embrace this adventure with Hugh, without worrying about tomorrow.
Hugh hails a taxi, and you both climb into the back seat. The tension between you is palpable, each glance, each smile, each brush of hands heightening the intensity of the moment.
The ride to Hugh’s hotel seems both too short and interminable. You feel his gaze on you, and every time your eyes meet, a wave of desire washes over you. You exchange a few words, but it’s the unspoken promise in the air that dominates your thoughts.
When you arrive at the hotel, Hugh confidently leads you through the lobby. You take the elevator, and as soon as the doors close, he turns toward you. His hands gently rest on your hips, pulling you closer. Without a word, he lowers his head and captures your lips in a deep, longing kiss.
The elevator doors open on his floor, and you part just long enough to exit and walk to his room. Once the door is closed behind you, the intensity escalates. Hugh gently pushes you against the wall, his lips finding yours again. His hands explore your body with a restrained urgency, sliding down your waist, caressing your hips.
"You’re so beautiful," he murmurs against your skin, his lips trailing down your neck.
You shiver under his touch, your hands exploring beneath his shirt, feeling the warmth of his skin. Your clothes fall away slowly, piece by piece, as you move towards the bed. Each movement is charged with desire, each kiss deeper, hungrier than the last.
Hugh guides you to the bed, gently laying you down on the sheets. He leans over you, his eyes locked onto yours, burning with passion. His hands continue their exploration, discovering every curve, every contour of your body.
"You drive me crazy," he murmurs, his voice rough with desire. "I want you so much."
"I want you too," you whisper, your body responding to every touch, every word.
Hugh slowly descends along your body, his lips and tongue tracing fiery paths on your skin. Each kiss, each touch ignites you further, drawing you closer to ecstasy. Hugh takes his time, savoring each moment, each reaction of your body under his expert hands.
His lips leave yours, trailing gently down your neck. He lingers on this sensitive area, placing light kisses that make you shiver. You feel his warm breath against your skin, each exhale heightening the intensity of your sensations. He nibbles lightly at the base of your neck before continuing his descent.
He lingers on your collarbones, tracing circles with his tongue, leaving a trail of warmth behind. His hands follow the movement of his lips, gliding down your arms before returning to your hips, caressing them gently. Each touch is like a spark, igniting a fire of desire within you.
Hugh moves further down, his lips finding the hollow between your breasts. He plants soft kisses there before venturing further. His hands rise to caress your breasts, his thumbs tracing circles around your nipples, hardening them under his expert touch. You let out a moan of pleasure, your body reacting to each caress, each kiss.
His lips continue their descent, tracing a fiery line down your abdomen. He pauses for a moment to place a lingering kiss there, his warm breath against your skin. You feel your desire rise, each touch bringing you closer to ecstasy. His hands slide gently over your hips, caressing you, preparing you for what’s to come.
Hugh finally reaches your lower abdomen, his lips and tongue exploring every inch of skin. He looks up at you for a moment, his eyes glowing with desire, before leaning in to place light kisses on the inside of your thighs. He takes his time, savoring every reaction from your body, every shiver, every moan.
"You’re beautiful," he murmurs against your skin, his words making you shiver even more.
His lips and tongue continue their exploration, slowly moving up the other thigh before finally finding their destination. He kisses you with infinite tenderness and passion, making you lose your mind with pleasure. You feel his tongue tracing circles, each movement bringing you closer to ecstasy.
Hugh wraps his arms around you delicately, his hands gently caressing the inside of your thighs to keep you open and exposed to his attentions. His kisses become more intense, his tongue playing with your warmth, alternating between soft licks and firmer pressures. Each movement sends waves of pleasure through you, making you sigh and moan under his expert touch.
"Hugh…" you murmur, your voice trembling with desire and pleasure.
He responds with a satisfied growl, continuing his touches with total devotion. His tongue glides along your folds, finding each sensitive spot and exploiting it with precision that drives you wild. Your hands grip his hair, encouraging him to keep going, to push you even further.
He intensifies his movements, his hands becoming bolder, his fingers caressing your entrance as his tongue focuses on your most sensitive point. He alternates between gently sucking and vigorously licking, keeping you on the edge of ecstasy. You feel your breath quicken, your body responding to each stimulation, tightening under the growing intensity of pleasure.
"Oh my God, Hugh…" you gasp, your body arching under his attentions.
Feeling your pleasure building, he gently slides one finger inside you, then a second, his movements synchronized with his tongue. He penetrates you slowly, preparing you with infinite tenderness, his fingers quickly finding a rhythm that makes you gasp with pleasure. His touches are precise, his movements expert, pushing you further, keeping you on the edge of orgasm without ever letting you come down.
Ecstasy rises within you, each movement, each caress bringing you closer to the point of no return. You feel your muscles tensing, your body ready to explode under the intensity of pleasure. Hugh feels it too, and he intensifies his movements, his tongue and fingers working in perfect harmony to take you to the peak.
When the orgasm hits, it’s like an explosion of sensations, overwhelming you completely. You cry out in pleasure, your body arching under the intensity of ecstasy. Hugh continues his movements, guiding you through each wave of pleasure, keeping you in this state of pure bliss. But fortunately or unfortunately for you, it wasn’t over, and it was far from finished.
After your breathing settles, your lips meet, and the kiss you share is gentle, imbued with the passion of the moment you’ve shared. Hugh looks at you, his eyes shining with unsatisfied desire.
"I want you," he murmurs, his voice rough with longing.
"Then take me," you respond, the burning desire still within you.
He positions himself above you, and you feel his desire pressing against your entrance. He looks at you one last time, making sure you’re ready. You nod, and with a moan of pleasure, he slowly enters you, filling you completely.
The rhythm he finds is perfect, each thrust bringing you closer to ecstasy again. Your bodies move in harmony, each movement heightening the intensity of pleasure. Hugh leans in to kiss you, his lips finding yours in a passionate kiss, your breaths mingling.
The sensations are intense, each touch, each kiss, each movement bringing you both closer to the peak. You feel your pleasure rising once more, each thrust pushing you a little closer to the edge.
"Hugh, I’m going to…" you murmur, unable to finish your sentence.
"Me too," he growls, his movements becoming faster, more urgent.
The orgasm hits you again, overwhelming you with pleasure. Hugh follows almost immediately, lost in his own bliss. You both cry out together, your bodies tensing under the intensity of shared ecstasy.
As your breathing calms, Hugh remains beside you, his intense gaze never leaving you. His hands gently caress your skin, his fingers tracing light circles along your arm. He shifts slightly, his eyes glowing with renewed desire.
"I’m not done with you yet," he murmurs, his voice deep and promising.
Before you can respond, he gently turns you over, positioning you on your stomach. His hands glide along your back, massaging your tense muscles before settling on your hips. He lifts you slightly, positioning you on all fours in front of him. You feel his burning gaze on you, making you shiver with anticipation.
"You’re beautiful," he says, softly caressing your backside. "I want to make you scream with pleasure again and again."
He positions himself behind you, and you feel his hardness pressed against you once more. With a slow but determined motion, he enters you, filling you completely. The sensation is intense, each movement making you moan with pleasure. Hugh begins to move, finding a fast and powerful rhythm, his hands gripping your hips firmly to keep you in place.
"Oh yes, Hugh," you cry out, your body responding to each thrust, each contact. "Harder!"
He obeys, his movements becoming faster and more intense, driving you with every thrust. His hands glide from your hips to your breasts, gently caressing and pinching them, adding to the intensity of your sensations. You feel your pleasure rising again, each thrust bringing you closer to the edge.
"You’re so tight," he groans, his voice rough with desire. "I’m going to make you come again and again."
He continues to penetrate you, his movements becoming more and more frantic. You feel your orgasm building, inevitable and powerful. Your moans turn into cries of pleasure, your body tensing under the intensity of ecstasy. Hugh doesn’t slow down, pushing you even further, bringing you to a second orgasm even more intense than the first.
"Hugh, I'm going… I'm going to come!" you cry out, unable to contain your pleasure.
"Me too," he growls, his movements becoming faster and more powerful.
When the orgasm hits, it’s like a crashing wave of pleasure, overwhelming you completely. Hugh comes shortly after, his hands tightening on your hips, his groans of pleasure echoing in the room. You remain there, your bodies tensing and contracting under the intensity of shared ecstasy.
You then collapse onto the bed, your bodies exhausted but fulfilled. Hugh holds you in his arms, his hands gently caressing your skin, allowing you both to enjoy the calm after the storm.
To calm down, you decide to watch a short series. Eventually, as he caresses you, his touch becomes more intimate, and you take the lead. You position yourself on top of him, sitting on his thighs. You feel his hardness pressing against you, and slowly, you lower yourself onto him, taking him deeply inside. The sensation is electrifying, making you moan with pleasure.
"You’re incredible," he murmurs, looking at you with admiration.
You start to move, finding a slow and sensual rhythm, savoring each movement, each sensation. Hugh watches you, his hands on your hips, guiding you gently. You establish a perfect rhythm, each movement bringing you closer to ecstasy.
Minutes pass, and you feel your pleasure building again, inevitable and intense. Hugh shifts slightly, his lips finding yours in a passionate kiss. His hands slide along your back, caressing and guiding you.
"I'm going to come," you murmur, your voice trembling with pleasure.
"Me too," he replies, his movements becoming faster and more urgent.
When the orgasm hits you again, it’s like an explosion of sensations, overwhelming you completely. Hugh comes shortly after, his hands tightening on your hips, his groans of pleasure mingling with yours.
The next morning, you wake up in Hugh’s arms, the daylight gently filtering through the curtains. You turn to look at him, a satisfied smile on your lips. Hugh opens his eyes and returns your smile, his fingers gently caressing your cheek.
“Every movement counts,” you murmur, recalling the previous night, your eyes sparkling with desire.
Hugh leans in towards you, his lips brushing your ear. “Especially those of my hips against yours,” he murmurs in a husky voice, making you shiver.
He then gets up, leaving you in bed as he heads to the kitchen to find something to eat. You watch him, admiring his muscular back and the way he moves with grace. A few moments later, he returns with a tray of fresh fruit and coffee. He sets it on the nightstand and joins you on the bed, his eyes never leaving yours.
“I brought you something to recharge,” he says with a sly smile.
“Thank you,” you reply, taking a strawberry and bringing it to your lips, the sweet taste exploding on your tongue.
Hugh watches you with renewed intensity, and before you can react, he pulls you back to him. “But before we eat,” he murmurs, his lips finding yours in a burning kiss. “I’m still hungry for you.”
He gently pushes you back onto the bed, his hands sliding over your body with palpable hunger. You feel his desire against you, and your body responds immediately, desire surging again. Hugh positions himself over you, his movements urgent and determined.
“Ready for another round?” you ask, your voice trembling with desire.
“Always,” he replies with a smile, his eyes shining with mischief and desire.
Hugh enters you with renewed urgency, his movements fast and powerful. Each thrust is filled with passion, making you moan with pleasure. You quickly fall back into the rhythm of the previous night, your bodies moving in perfect harmony.
“Hugh, this feels so good,” you murmur, your hands gripping his shoulders, your nails leaving light marks on his skin.
“I want to see you come again,” he growls, his movements becoming even faster and deeper. Even though he had to go to a shoot soon, he didn’t care. He wanted to stay with you for as long as possible, so he drew out your orgasm to the maximum, tormenting you until you begged him to let you climax, which he finally allowed with a satisfied smile.
After the shared ecstasy, your bodies collapse onto the bed, exhausted but fulfilled. Hugh holds you tenderly in his arms, his hands gently caressing your skin, letting you both enjoy the calm after the storm. You stay like this for a few minutes, savoring the warmth and closeness of your bodies.
“Come on,” he murmurs eventually, gently getting up and leading you with him to the bathroom.
He runs a warm bath, the steam quickly filling the room. Hugh helps you into the tub, gently settling you between his thighs. The warm water gently laps against your back, creating an intense feeling of relaxation.
“Let me take care of you,” he murmurs, his hands softly massaging your scalp.
You close your eyes, enjoying the sensation of Hugh’s hands in your hair, each movement gentle and attentive. He takes his time, lathering and rinsing your hair with infinite tenderness. The warm water and Hugh’s expert hands plunge you into a deep state of relaxation, each tension slowly melting away from your body.
“You’re incredible,” you finally murmur, your eyes still closed, a contented smile on your lips.
“So are you,” he replies softly, placing a light kiss on your shoulder.
After the bath, Hugh helps you out of the water and dries you off gently with a fluffy towel. You return to the bedroom, and he offers you one of his shirts to wear, which is far too big for you but incredibly comfortable.
“It looks great on you,” he says, looking at you with a tender smile.
You lie down on the bed again, and Hugh takes you into his arms, your bodies entwining in a soft and intimate embrace. You talk about everything and nothing, sharing anecdotes and laughter. The connection between you is palpable, every word and every glance reinforcing this special bond.
"I could stay here forever," you finally murmur, snuggling against him.
"Me too," he replies, placing a kiss on your forehead. "But I have to go to a shoot soon."
"I know," you say with a slight sigh, savoring the last moments before he has to leave.
Hugh gets up and starts getting ready, but before he leaves the room, he bends down to give you one last kiss, tender and passionate at the same time.
"I'll be back tonight," he says with a smile.
"I'll be waiting for you," you respond, your heart light despite the inevitable temporary separation.
After he leaves, you curl up in the sheets, his comforting scent still lingering. You feel incredibly lucky to have shared these moments with him, and you already look forward to the evening to come.
Looking for something comfortable and practical, you choose to wear one of Hugh’s shirts. It's far too big for you, but its softness and familiar scent comfort you. Wearing it makes you feel close to him, even though he's far away. You do a light makeup and fix your hair, ready for a busy day at work.
Upon arriving at the office, you receive a few curious glances from your colleagues. It’s clear that the slightly oversized shirt doesn’t go unnoticed. You laugh it off with them, explaining with a smile that it's a piece of clothing borrowed from a special friend, without going into details.
The workday passes quickly, filled with the usual tasks and a few professional calls. Despite the pressure of work, you feel calm, thoughts of Hugh and your morning together floating in your mind like a sweet melody. As evening approaches, you wrap up your tasks and prepare to return to the apartment. Your mind is set on the evening ahead, hoping to see Hugh again and enjoy a quiet moment together after a busy day.
Returning to the apartment, you find Hugh already there, looking tired but still as charismatic as ever. He smiles warmly when he sees you, his eyes lighting up with a joyful gleam. "You’re back earlier than expected," you say with a smile as you see him enter.
"I got lucky with the shoot," he replies, moving towards you with open arms to welcome you into a comforting embrace. He pulls you into his arms, and you snuggle against him, savoring the warmth of his embrace. His hands gently caress your back, making you feel safe and loved.
"I'm glad to see you," he murmurs against your ear.
"Me too," you reply, lifting your face to look at him. "Today felt long without you."
Hugh places a tender kiss on your lips before gently letting you go. "I was thinking we could have a quiet evening. Maybe have dinner together and watch a movie?"
"That sounds perfect," you say with a smile.
You spend the evening preparing dinner together. Hugh turns out to be an excellent cook, and you have fun making simple yet delicious dishes. You share anecdotes and laugh, the meal punctuated by small moments of tenderness.
After dinner, you settle on the couch, snuggling under a cozy blanket. You pick a movie that you both want to see, and as the images play on the screen, you get lost in pleasant conversation. Hugh wraps his arm around your shoulders, holding you close. His fingers gently play with strands of your hair, his touches light and affectionate.
"This evening is perfect," you murmur, eyes half-closed, enjoying the comfort of his arms and the warmth of the moment.
"I agree," he says with palpable tenderness. "I couldn’t dream of a better evening."
The movie ends, and you stay there, savoring the silence and the tranquility of each other's company. The hours pass, and you feel increasingly connected, the bond between you strengthened by this simple yet wonderful evening.
Before going to bed, Hugh pulls you into his arms again, holding you close. You share one last soft and sincere kiss.
"Good night," he murmurs, kissing your forehead.
"Good night," you reply, your heart full of gratitude and happiness. You fall asleep in each other's arms, hearts light and serene, ready to face a new day together.
tags: @nerdyfangirllife @kittenlittle24
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razorsadness · 1 month
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Jessie Lynn McMains, from Reckless Chants #25: dear you (August 2019)
[text version under cut]
dear xxx—
David Berman is dead & I'm fucking sad. sad about Toni Morrison too of course but I already said my piece on that & anyway she was 88. David was only 52. not much older than my partner. & god damn it when you've lived a life like mine the words of white sadboy poet/singer-songwriters mean just as much to you as (if not in some ways more than) the greatest writers of our time, of any race or gender. cuz I grew up on that indie-punk shit. cuz I'm a sad whiteboy sometimes, too. cuz Toni Morrison was a great novelist but Silver Jews lyrics had more of an influence on my own writing.
like "We Are Real," where D.B. wrote:
Repair is the dream of the broken thing Like a message broadcast on an overpass All my favorite singers couldn't sing
like "Tennessee," when he sang:
Punk rock died when the first kid said "Punk's not dead, punk's not dead"
like how I cry harder when my punk/music icons die than I can imagine crying for almost any established writer. Lorna Doom died the day before Mary Oliver died, then the next day Debi Martini died & I was more brokenhearted about Lorna & Debi than Mary. cuz Mary was 83 & Lorna & Debi were younger. cuz it felt like I should tattoo Punk Is Dead on my forehead & slamdance on its grave. cuz Mary Oliver's poetry meant a lot to me but it didn't explode my fucking world like the Germs LP did. I don't know how to explain this. If you know, you know. David Berman died & I'm devastated.
I was devastated in December, when Pete Shelley died, & I'm still not over it if I think about it too much. I was in my car, on the way to pick my oldest kid up from school, & the DJ's voice on my favorite radio station broke thru my afternoon motion-induced reverie. breaking news; that's never good. Pete Shelley has died from a heart attack, he said, & played "Ever Fallen in Love." & I cried, of course I did. it hurt to lose one of punk's great songwriters, one of punk's great frontmen, who took his stage name from a Romantic poet & wrote songs that showed me it was okay to be myself, that there were other people out there like me. showed me it was okay to be a hypersexual bisexual, an "Orgasm Addict;" that I could be a punk & also be a hopelessly romantic lovesick dork. & it hurt to lose him because his kindness meant a lot to me when I was young—yeah, I knew Pete; we weren't close friends but we'd met, & he was sweet & funny & irreverent. I cried for him & I cried for the kid I was when I met him, the kid I was back when I first heard the Buzzcocks—back when I was a teenage misfit always falling in love with people I shouldn't have.
but the day after Pete died was Tom Waits' birthday, & I used it as an excuse to partake in some nostalgic pleasures; to be my old self if only for an hour or two. or as much my old self as I can still be. I went to the Douglas Avenue Diner for lunch, with my youngest kiddo as my date. I thought of xxx. I always miss her most in November & December. & diners make me think of her, & Tom Waits makes me think of her, & the death of old punks makes me think of her. everything reminds me of her. I thought of Hearts Don't Break, the novella I wrote in '02/'03, which was heavily based on our friendship; thought of my description of 'the coffee-stained comfort of our favorite diner.' different diner, different city, different year, but it was comforting to be there. they were playing Xmas carols & the patrons were an equal mix of punks & old folks. Greek-American-owned diners like Douglas Ave. make me the most nostalgic, as those are the diners I grew up going to—there are so many of them in the Midwest. I thought of the Alps East in Chicago, the diner I haunted as a broke college student; how I'd go there & order a cup of soup & a bottomless coffee & sit for hours eavesdropping on other patrons, getting ideas for short stories. I thought of the diners in Kenosha, going to them with xxxxx back when we were dating, sharing an order of spanikopita & a side of rice pilaf. after I left the diner that day, I mailed out a bunch of zines & chapbooks & that, too, was the same as it ever was.
& now another hero is dead & I'm finishing the first full issue of my zine in over two years, thinking about who I was back when I listened to the Silver Jews a lot. that terrible summer of '03, summer of nervous breakdowns & strep throat, too much rum & whiskey, & my lovers all dropping me. summer of pirates & pills; photocopied midnights. now it's the summer of '19 & I'm here writing & thinking of everything that's gone. favorite places, people, zines, scenes. I miss everything all the time. same as it ever was.
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Random Thoughts (mostly CC!NextGen)
1) When I suggested Nitaru have the Stockpile Quirk: Original Flavour, I was mostly thinking of it as the ultimate irony. Cause like, the OG Stockpile Quirk didn���t really seem to DO anything, until it got mixed with the Transfer Quirk. Like, Stockpile seemed to be … kind of nothing? I imagine that, in the long term, with whoever had it originally, it MIGHT have ended up some kind of general enhancer, but I sort of got the feeling that, without the transfer ability, it wouldn’t have done much. I thought it sounded funny that, the ONE Quirk AfO wanted more than anything, the one he attached all this importance to, the one he tracked down and killed HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE TO GET, THAT’S the one Nitaru ends up with … and it does basically nothing, because it doesn’t have all the other bits stuck into it. It’s just kind of … there. Nitaru is, effectively, Quirkless. (Which, you know, the difference is semantics, but the irony made me laugh).
2) k, Mimi asked me to expand on Doctor Frankenstein (real name pending/If you think of one, go for it). And like, while I have NO idea who he is EXACTLY, I did think up a general backstory, so.
Like. Doc would have been working at the HPSC for a while. I have this half-baked idea he did work on performance enhancers or something, but his big passion project is “creating” the “ultimate hero” through gene-manipulation. And while he got some side-projects green lit, his big project of “creating” his own heroes kept getting shut down.
i think I mentioned this before, but I imagine in a world where people can shoot lasers, or teleport, or make poison gas, gene manipulation and cloning and shit would be seen as even more taboo than we generally see it as. Like, you are playing god WITH GODS. You are basically making weapons. So DocFrankenstein keeps getting shut down, and getting more and more frustrated. He knows this project could be big, a game changer (especially with HIS genius at the helm) but all of these PLEBIANS can’t see his vision!
This isn’t to say the guy doesn’t have influence. While the President Lady Nagant served under shut the whole thing down hard, the one after, she does the whole thing with Hawks in part because of the Doc’s suggestions. Like, oh no, we are NOT making test tube babies, but she sees the merit in raising a kid for the role. Doc is made Hawks’ main doctor, and while he’s given a bit more leeway, it’s still not what he wants.
Then the Noumu show up. And oh boy.
Doc is both in awe … and disgusted. Cause on the one hand, he’s seeing this as evidence supporting his theories! Genetically made superbeings! On the other, using corpses? Pumping them full of chemicals? He understands that AfO is probably on a time crunch, but REALLY. These Noumu are barely more than ANIMALS. No thought, just following orders. If HE were the one calling the shots … (Basically, the only reason I see DocF not going to work for AfO? Their egos would have throttled each other.)
So, the War happens. And most of the upper members of the HPSC are killed. During the War, Doc F doesn’t really have time for his projects. He’s still working on them, he hasn’t given up, but like. There’s other shit to do, he’s trying to make sure AfO gets taken down. (And gets increasingly envious, because oh, the THINGS he could do with All For One …)
But once it ends? That’s when he sees his chance.
The Hero Public Safety Commission is in shambles. Lots of their dirty laundry got aired, and of those left who weren’t killed? Even more get arrested. They’re replaced by New Blood, people who are determined to do this RIGHT. No more behind the scenes machinations. No more manipulation. Transparency and honesty is the new HPSC motto. Those of the Old Guard left behind are scrambling to try and consolidate their power, to try and figure out how to put the HPSC back where it SHOULD be. The perfect peacekeepers who can do no wrong, who never misstepped in the first place. They are desperate for anything that can make things how they used to be.
Enter Akamei Kazanawa (Kazan=volcano).
Akamei was a junior handler before everything went to shit. She SHOULD have been working with Hawks, but. Well, this was around the time Hawks started infiltrating the League of Villains, so that didn’t really last long. So, rather than the first step in her career, Akamei got shafted and often blamed for Hawks growing independence. Which, of course, made her angry and bitter. She spent a lot of time with DocF, and the man was fairly sympathetic, in his own way (he gets what it’s like to have your vision stamped on by those who don’t understand your genius). Meanwhile, Akamei was intrigued by his genetics project, and saw plenty of potential in it. So she thinks. And she plans …
When the war ends, Akamei is one of many junior agents who get promoted because they need butts in seats, bodies in positions. She’s also one of the few that was involved with the Hawks program who DOESN’T end up arrested. She plays on the fact Hawks and her barely interacted, that she didn’t really “do her job”, to keep out of jail. DocF also stays out of jail, partly because Akamei manages to spin his involvement as unwilling (which, technically it was, but not for the reasons everyone thinks). Then, when the Old Guard are panicking, trying to figure out how to make all this awfulness go away, and put themselves back on top?
That’s when Akamei proposes the “Future Heroes” Program. A program of “home grown” heroes, entirely under the HPSC. She even volunteers to be the first “Handler”. And at this point?
the Old Guard is so desperate, it gets the green light.
So my thing with Nitaru is that 1.) I am kinda. Consolidating the Stockpile/Transfer Quirks into the whole thing just being how Yoichi’s Quirk operated in the first place. (because really there’s no reason for both to be separate and idk how the stockpile Quirk worked on its’ own without the transfer). and 2.) Nitaru is made from AfO’s stitched-together DNA. So his options for what his Quirk could be are either directly AfO’s Quirk (what they hoped for) or the Quirk from whatever they stitched in to make him whole (think Jurassic Park how they used frog DNA to complete the Dino DNA and it gave the Dinos the frog ability to change gender), or no Quirk whatsoever because he’s made of string and duct tape and it just didn’t stick.
The doctor stuff and Akamei stuff is great though! The Akamei stuff actually kinda really works with uh. I have plans for one of the main handlers for Nagant and Hawks to..... mysteriously disappear. So yeah she was learning to take over the job and then her boss fuckin vanishes which technically puts her in the spot, but this is right when Hawks is starting to break free of control and she’s tasked with getting him to comply but whoops all hold they have over him mysteriously disappears (in a good way)!
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denimbex1986 · 6 days
'You know, reader, I am not sure there is a better actor working today than Andrew Scott. Perhaps Joaquin Phoenix; but there is just something about Scott — his expressiveness, his power of sliding up and down the emotional scale, his mellifluous Irish brogue — that makes him a delight to watch. He also works hard. This year, I have seen him in All of Us Strangers (gorgeous), Vanya (brilliant) and — now — Present Laughter. And I was sceptical about Vanya, sceptical about the trend among actors towards playing all the parts themselves.
To Present Laughter, then. Written by the great Noël Coward and first performed in 1942, the play concerns the professional and personal trials faced by an accomplished and self-obsessed actor called Gary Essendine. The whole thing takes place in his London flat over a period of a few days. Gary, who is at the height of his powers and fame, is preparing for a theatrical tour of Africa, and in the opening scene is dealing with the fallout of a one-night stand with a young fan called Daphne Stillington. Daphne is besotted with Gary and refusing to leave his London flat.
Unhappily for Gary, who is somewhat weary of the attention he receives, his personal and professional life are mixed up with one another. His ex-wife, Liz, manages his affairs; his efficient, long-suffering secretary Monica Reed manages his household. The fun of the play arises from Garry’s desperate attempts to maintain his composure and keep his life in order, despite the growing absurdity of the situations around him, many of them involving extramarital affairs and misunderstandings. A young playwright, Roland Maule, who worships Garry but disrupts the peace with his odd behaviour, adds to the chaos.
Coward explores vanity, the burdens of fame, and the intrinsically farcical nature of human relationships. Garry is outwardly self-confident and witty, but is shown in fact to be deeply vulnerable, dependent on others, and increasingly aware of the emptiness of his glamorous life. He is hopelessly lost without Liz and Monica, and at once madly in need and bored of the adulation and validation he gets. The play, as you may have guessed, is thought to be semi-biographical: Garry is an actor of ambiguous sexuality who sports a silk dressing gown very like that which Coward wore and was often pictured wearing in his carefully staged public pictures. He lives a life that is hectic and glamorous. He is undeniably self-absorbed (‘My worst defect is that I am apt to worry too much about what people think of me when I’m alive’) but charming and frail enough to elicit sympathy. He is also very funny.
The whole play is funny. Much comedy does not stand the test of time, often because it grounds its humour in what is funny only at that time and place. The humour in Present Laughter, in contrast, is enduring because it deals, like tragedy, with lasting human flaws and foibles and complicated relationships. Mundane exchanges become hilariously funny due to Coward’s wit, verbal flexibility, and sense of rhythm and timing. It is full of quips, barbs, banter and double-entendres delivered a rapid pace that conveys urgency and throws light on the chaps of Garry’s life.
All of this is rendered brilliantly by the cast, though the play undoubtedly belongs to its central character, and Scott. He is the swirling vortex who at once draws others in to his chaos and finds himself swept up in theirs. Scott can communicate a kind of wild emotional volatility (‘I am SOOOOOO changeable,’ Scott’s Moriarty says to his counterpart in Sherlock) which stands in stark contrast to the flat pragmatic speech of the women — Liz and Monica — who stop him from falling apart at the seams, and Daphne’s tone of starstruck adulation, which frankly bores him.
Everyone knows someone who is a bit like Garry Essendine: histrionic, overwrought, hysterical — simply put, a drama queen. If such people are apt to be dismissed as narcissistic, then Coward, in Present Laughter, seems to be redeeming them, showing them to be, in the end—and with some reservations—sympathetic. At the very least, insofar as Coward based Garry on himself, he redeems himself, as well as those who make their living on the stage or screen, by making himself—and them by extension—the butt of a very elaborate, very funny joke. In fact, Coward seems to delight in human diversity, evinced in the range of personalities, quirks and idiosyncrasies on display in Present Laughter. His gift is capturing and celebrating the nuances of our behaviour, bringing us to life in a way that is exaggerated for effect and yet, at the same time, feels brilliantly authentic.'
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readingadream · 6 months
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Chapter Two
1 | 2 | 3
The first night having a new member in our group has always been the most exhausting. I wasn’t sure why Hongjoong picked the boy though. Wooyoung looked too kind, just like Yeosang and Jongho, though Johnho was also the youngest in our small group. Laying in my bed I just enjoyed the quietness besides the birds chirping outside. Today would be explaining to Wooyoung exactly what it was that they did, seeing if he could fight, and as well as getting his stuff from his place.
Of course he didn’t need to live with them forever, they all had their homes as well but Hongjoong liked them staying close most days. Especially when we’d need to train the boys, figure out plans, as well as less risk of anyone getting found and hurt. Safety was Hongjoongs main priority. Turning to look at my phone I hear rustling downstairs where the kitchen was, someone was awake very early, it was only 6am. Pushing myself up I walked to the window that faced the living area, it seemed like Wooyoung wasn’t able to sleep.
Walking down the stairs I pat his shoulder. “Don’t be afraid to grab something you want, we all share the food. Things we want for ourselves we tend to keep in our rooms. San likes to steal our snacks so it became a habit for us all.” Letting out a small chuckle as I grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge. “We all usually sleep until 10am, sometimes earlier or even later. That all depends on our schedule to be honest. Hell Joong has made us be awake at 4am. We all had wanted to kill that little pain in the ass that morning.” 
Wooyoung let out a small giggle, taking a bottle of water as well. He seemed unsure what to grab, though he turned to face me.  “I could cook us breakfast? I am used to cooking large amounts of food since I worked as a chef for a restaurant.” 
“Honestly mother Seonghwa might be thankful if you did, he doesn’t mind cooking for just a few of us but 8 mouths to feed is too much for him.” 
Watching the new member bring out eggs, milk, and searching around grabbing other ingredients I was surprised how easily this boy was adapting. A question I wanted to ask but knew it probably would be best to wait for the others. “Why did you agree? I’m sure our tiny captain didn’t explain what we do. Especially because Hwa mentioned you had agreed so easily.”  Running my hand through my hair I sat down at the bar table. “We don’t do anything super illegal I promise, Joong and I will explain to you more later though during our group meeting.”
”Honestly, I said yes because I thought maybe it would be a nice change.” Wooyoung started out, “I’ve been stuck in the same routine over and over , and I really was starting to hate it. Something needed to change, something new needed to happen ya know?” Cracking 5 eggs into a bowl and then pancake mix. 
Mingi understood that, it was the same reason Yeosang and Seonghwa joined. 
“I get that, some of the others joined for the same reason, I joined first after Joong got the wild idea and Yunho a day later. Yunho is probably the one member who truly believes in the goal… following all orders but also being possibly the most deadliest besides Hwa, god damn watching those two train is hot. Ah, also Hwa and Hongjooong are dating. I’m sure they will mention it but I just didn’t want you to be confused if you saw them giving each other a kiss when they came down.” I felt like I was talking way too much, I hadn’t planned to but from past experience talking with less people was a lot easier then everyone being circled around members interrupting someone left and right.
Everyone usually was calm and could keep their cool when things were too chaotic but I usually get way too overwhelmed, which is funny since I’m the second in command and then Seonghwa was third. 
“Fighting? I’m no good at that to be honest.” Wooyoung made a face at the thought of even trying to harm someone. “Though, I'm good with gossip and getting information. I probably won't be much help huh?” 
“Getting information is always needed, all our faces are known by the people we are dealing with… so you'd be helpful.” I was going to continue talking when I felt a warm hand on the back of my neck rubbing it.
“Morning you both, Woo I see you've adjusted to the kitchen rather quickly. Which for me is a damn blessing.” Hwa spoke as he walked to the coffee machine and started brewing a pot for the boys. “Coffee is a must, we tend to drink a lot of it.”  
We did, to be honest all of us probably drank coffee more than water. Which yes we all were well aware of the fact it wasn’t healthy. Coffee was our favorite drug. Dealing with 7 un-caffeinated was like dealing with hungry wolf's needing to feed as soon as possible. 
“I’ll keep that in mind. Usually though I don’t wake up this early on my own, but I felt a lot of different emotions once I laid down. I think maybe 3 hours of sleep was all I got? I honestly have no clue.” Watching Wooyoung start finally cooking the pancakes I realized how hungry I was, my stomach growling which had caused Seonghwa to turn his head. 
“Looks like our fake maknae is hungry.” Bringing me over a cup of coffee.
We 3 spoke for a while, Woo kept his focus to the food cooking as well as asking questions like how much we all could eat, who was the oldest, and just simple small questions that were okay to answer without the others. 
Probably an hour later everyone was awake, grabbing plates of food and their coffee, all thanking Wooyoung for cooking even though it had been his first morning with us. Hongjoong was the most surprised, mentioning that Woo had seemed like he’d been with ‘em for more than a day already. 
Wooyoung finally sat down next to me and San, looking at our captain he just shrugged taking a bite of the soft sweet pancake. “To be honest I adapt easily, also easily make friends. My best friend Changbin loved dragging me out to parties for that reason, I could be the life of the party, hype people up, and even make it so things were less awkward.” Changbin? I looked over at Hongjoong, I knew that he wasn’t going to be that happy about the newbie knowing one of our enemies.
Clearing his throat Joong looked over at him, “How did you meet Changbin?” Asking this wouldn’t be weird at least since Wooyoung had mentioned him first, plus Joong was acting like he only cared  about the boy's friend. 
“Ah, I met Binnie in school! He was a basic nerd I swear. I was the pretty face and he was my nerdy best friend. We did everything together and even lived with each other for 2 years. Now he’s handsome and loud, but even now I’d risk it all for him. As long as my best friend is happy and safe that is all that’s important to me.”
”You sound like you are in love with him.” San finally spoke for the first time today, and to be completely honest he wasn’t wrong, it did sound like Wooyoung was in love. Friends since childhood or not.
Shaking his head, Wooyoung set his fork down. “No, but I see him as my brother. Binnie had a hard past just like I did, so when we met we both took care of each other. One day last year he had  come home covered in blood, never explaining what had happened that night but it made me realize that I would be alone if I lost Changbin. He’s my family, sure we aren’t always hanging out now but I still make sure we meet 3 times a month.”
A year ago? That was when we’d met the group that was known as Stray kids, they wanted the same thing like us so to anyone who didn’t know the story behind everything would think that both groups hated each other to the point there was no hesitation to try and kill one another. Though, I knew deep down one day if we really wanted anything to work we'd need their help.  
Watching Hongjoong give a fake smile was terrifying. Probably the only members who didn’t know the full story besides Wooyoung were San and Jongho, so they, of course didn't understand why we were all surprised. Half of us expected the leader to lose his shit and tell Wooyoung he’d never be able to talk or see Changbin again. “That’s nice to have someone like that in your life. Woo, but now you also have us. I promise we will be there whenever you need us. Ateez is a family who never ever leaves someone behind. No matter what happens.”
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kindatired · 7 months
Genshin Impact: First Impression
I know, "You just NOW getting into Genshin after four years?'
Well, I didn't want to play on my phone so I waited to buy a laptop. I did bought a MacBook for school but then I found out that even though this game runs on IOS it doesn't run on MacOS...
(I should've known since the game isn't on the Switch...
Why most of the games I want to play isn't playable on the devices I have- Anyways back to the point.
I just finish Mondstadt in Genshin and so far I really like the story which makes me excited for what they have in store in Liyue. So this is all my thoughts about the first Archon quest, all in one go.
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This chapter was a nice introduction to the world of Tevyat and I like how we already have to worry about two antagonistic groups (The fatui and Abyss Order)
Matter of fact let me list down how I think of each character:
The traveler:
I wish they have more character to them especially during the cutscenes. Despite being the protagonist I feel like they’re just in the backseat most of the time with the exception of them needing to action scenes. (Due to this my version of the traveler is that they're snarky but their heart is in the right place.) But I like how they showed us what the other sibling is doing because most stories they will have it a mystery right before the final arc
She’s cute but also WHERE IS HER PARENTS? At the start, she said that she was saved from drowning and I was like “Who was watching you?? Do you have any friends or anything?” I truly believe she will be a plot point in the story considering she can float around and have a space aesthetic to her
I really like how mysterious he was at the start of the story and then later we see how much of a doofus he is. (Not saying he's dumb but carefree) Despite not wanting to be a ruling god, he still cares for his city in his own way. I don’t know why but if you mix Pit and Palutena together and then boom there’s Venti.
I love her design so much. It's simple yet effective especially with the red bow. I feel like the team knew this too which is why she comes with her own plushie which is so freaking cute! Her character quests is fun too when she taught us to get our own glider's license. I don't know why but she gives the first classmate you befriend in class energy (Probably because she is the first person beside Paimon that we met in the game)
I’m down bad I like how he has a laidback personality yet he’s always behind the scenes. Despite the front he puts up, you know he’s doing something else. Kind of wish we get to see more of him but I’m satisfied with what we got
At first I thought she was going to be a flirt she kinda is But I found it funny how she’s has a “I don’t have time with this bs” attitude on her side quest but still have a lot of patience for people's BS at times. I can't exactly remember but I think when she was trying to find all the overdue books, she went "I might as well make it fun" and brought the traveler and Paimon along too.
Once I take a step back and think of all the things she had to deal with during this arc, it was definitely something. Abyss Order, The Dragon, The Fatui and trying to keep the citizens calm. She doesn’t get enough credit where it’s due. There's this one line delivery in the English version, I can't exactly point out when but it was about how the Fat couldn't get the upper hand in the situation. I don't know why but her tone of voice was passive aggressive, like she was praying on their downfall.
Mix opinions on him due to him sending us to find four of those ice flowers and I had to spend a hour and thirty minutes trying to find the fourth one. So yeah I have bitter feelings about that Serious note, he's probably my favorite character in Mondstadt if we're not including Amber and Kaeya. Bro is the Batman of the game, they even call him the Dark knight
Abyss Ice Mage:
Yeah I dedicated a whole section to this NPC because Imagine being electrocuted by Lisa and flamed by Diluc within a week. Like bro was put in the wringer (rightfully so). Kinda hoped they appear in the future story so this trend of Ice Mage being comedically abused continues.
My thoughts of the story:
I thought the first archon quest of the story is neat. It has nothing too spectacle as it works as a exposition to the world of Teyvat and it done that job very well.
The twist of knowing where the traveler's sibling is doing was definitely something I never thought would happen. Usually in most stories, they would have the sibling in prison but nope.
Your sibling is doing fine just helping out the big bad organization that is trying to destroy Teyvat.
Now this may be a reach but I like how each character has the freedom of accomplishing their goals by their own way.
First you have the traveler, by default they have the freedom of not being born in Teyvat as they are not from this world. Because of this, they have the ability to use more than one element. Another note is that because the traveler isn't bound by the nation's rules as they wasn't raised in Teyvat, they're always the person with a third option, sort of like a spectator...
is this why they're so quiet? So he can hear the opinions of others before making their own conclusions???
Paimon also has freedom as she doesn't have a parental figure which allows her to tag along, traveler on their quests.
Moving on to the people of Mondstadt, even within the Knights of Favonius who are under strict codes, handle tasks using their own method.
Example of this is the uniforms.
While Amber, Lisa, Kaeya, and Jean share the same motifs as being in the same group, their uniforms are completely different. You know how in magical girl shows, where you have sailor moon, where every soldier wears the same design but different color palette? Then there are other shows like Magica Madoka, where the girls where completely different outfits? The knights of favonius fits the latter, with the exception of the NPCs.
Even the way they handle tasks are different. Amber make sure she does her best to follow the rules but with a bit a flare. Lisa is a tad strict but her approach is passive. Kaeya always tries to find a loophole in the situation to see the whole picture. (Example: Him "staying behind" in the city, to get more information about the Abyss Order). Jean who follows the rules, but know there are times when the rules have to be bend.
Then you have the outliners like Diluc and Venti who are not apart of the knights. Diluc doesn't trust the knights to completely solve the problem so he acts as a vigilante, to pick up the pieces they fail to notice.
Venti who is the god of freedom, decided to not rule his region like the other archons. Instead, he watches it from afar, like the guardian he is, and steps in when the time is right.
All these characters are different in one way or another but they all come together to work together because they all share a common goal. Still even if you do things your own way, you still have to bear the responsibility of your actions.
Venti was too nonchalant in his approach of protecting his region which resulted in a Harbinger, La Signora, taking his Gnosis.
I say he was nonchalant because he was focus on the current problems of his country, which was storm bringer, and not future problems such as the Fatui. Because he wasn't focus on them, he let his guard down when the problem with storm bringer was solved.
I know this may be a stretch and I'm just writing what pops up in my head but that's what I got from the message of the archon quest.
Speaking of La Signora, how the hell did no one saw her attacking Venti and traveler or at the very least heard it? I know Barbara did but you're telling me that only ONE person heard that shit?!
So after talking to Venti it appears that we have to go to every seven regions to find the traveler's siblings. Or in this case, try to convince them to not destroy this world.
The fuck do we look like Pokemon Trainers?... Because I can sing the theme songs if you want
Either way, I had fun with the story. Gamplay-wise... I'm not really much of a gamer myself. I don't go into the mechanics of the game.I play fighting game, barely knowing the combos and just smash buttons to win
However, I can say the gameplay of Genshin is easy to get into. Unfortunately, it's a rpg so I have to farm for materials... yay, I guess. But it's not as bad as Fate Grand Order, Fate grand order farming system is a shit storm especially considering how it's a turn based but doesn't have a auto-farm system.
(for those who want to get into the story of FGO, just look it up on Youtube, do not play the game. )
When exploring, I often hesitate of where I go, because the game doesn't want you to explore said region yet, They will send Paimon telling you "Let's explore that later" only to yeet you off the cliff.
Speaking of Gameplay Paimon, she always setting us up. There was this purple spot, and she told us to blow it away to see what it is, only for it to be the eye of the storm... Its not like it was hard but it was annoying to fight it.
At least she let us control the time though.
Overall, I had fun with the game, I'm looking forward for Liyue and thank you for reading all of this as I was writing as I go so I know there is MANY grammar errors in this review.
Can't wait for Liyue because then I will get to see the character that convinced me to play the game.
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blutpop · 1 year
was looking thru ur art earlier and I think its so funny that while you have trans manlet gil, i headcanon trans manlet roderich. they r simply mlm (manlet4manlet)
yes...................... good.......... trans manlet headcanon gang............. hehehehehehehehehehehe rubs hands together evilly >:)
also finally fun opportunity to talk about this because we do need more trans manlet bitches up here right?
watch me go on a fucjing tangent are u ready
first off with trans manlet gilbert: im projecting bros. but also?? i just find it super fucking funny. gilbert, with his personality, would absolutely HATE being shorter than other people AND not being cis, so i'm putting him through the torture chambers with this one - but i also think he'd be an absolute menace about it, y'know??
another thing is, i just like making every variation of prussia a tiny little shit in my brain (julia, teutonic order, nekotalia, etc.)
now i want to talk about trans manlet roderich because this one's interesting - i love this idea but i think gilbert would be transphobic about it which, in my brain, is funny as fuck (not condoning transphobia, this is for the sole purpose of how they mix like oil and water sometimes) because also in my silly little mind, this is caused by gilbert having internalised homo/transphobia........... and seeing how pruaus is like giving either of us crack, how the fuck would pruaus happen here???? enemies to mf lovers baby!!!!! along woth internalised homo/transphobia, i think gil would do this to try getting over any feelings he has for roderich which yeah. awful coping mechanism, GREAT GOING M8 👏👏👏
here r my thoughts but gil fucks off:
it makes sense. like rod is the kind of guy youll see and think, "oh, maybe? is he?" or, you'd just get confused about his gender (which im gonna be real actually slaps, its so funny when they're like "oh shit is that a dude or a girl.......... o_o"). but i also feel like he'd face so much transphobia which could explain why he wouldn't go outside often (evident by his lack of direction & introversion, imo. unless it was stated somewhere but shut up im braining) and probably wont until after he fully transitions which, fair enough.
anyways thats my spiel on the trans manlets
tl;dr im a sadist
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stitching-in-time · 3 months
Voyager rewatch s3 ep10: Warlord
Another alien possession episode, this time mixed with a rare foray into castle intrigue, this is also a big Kes episode. Kes was one of my favorites when I was a kid, and I loved getting to see her fighting spirit come out here. Despite not having the strongest plot, this is def one of her strongest eps.
It opens with a shot of Neelix experiencing some kind Talaxian foot oomax that's presumably supposed to be funny, but is actually just truly awkward, and something I didn't ever need to see. They're on the holodeck, and this is the first ep where we see the tropical resort program that the crew will take to playing around in for the rest of the season. (It's kind of cute how the crew goes through fads of which holodeck program is the cool one for them all to hang out in.) Tom and Harry are there, and Harry's wearing his slutty little see-through mesh shirt, which I love, because it's the same one we saw Libby wearing in the alternate timeline in 'Non Sequitur', which means Harry brought it from home when he left Earth. I love little continuity details like that! Plus, he's slaying in that thing, that look is fire! (And then later B'Elanna shows up in a sparkly swimsuit, and it's just like wow. ok. just gonna hit us over the head with half dressed hot people in this ep huh? Rude. And her saucy little 'yeah i'm a bad bitch' wiggle as she walks away is just like, illegal levels of hotness. how it took me until my late 20s to figure out I was bisexual when I grew up watching this show, I'll never know.)
Then we go to the bridge, where Voyager is rescuing a small ship that's going to explode. They beam the three survivors to sickbay, and one of them dies while Kes tends to him. Not long after, Kes's behavior starts to become odd. When she meets Neelix in the holodeck for lunch, she snaps at him, and tells him how annoying he is (valid, tbh, but so not Kes) and ends up breaking up with him rather abruptly. While I admit I wasn't sad at the idea of Kes and Neelix breaking up, it did feel very out of character. We soon learn the reason- Kes has been possessed by the spirit of the dead patient, a bloodthirsty warlord.
The possessed Kes and her alien friends shoot the transporter chief, then hightail it back to their planet. (Though why they shot him when they were already gonna get beamed down, idk!) I gotta say, I love the matte painting of the castle on this planet! They really went with a full on fairy tale type castle, and it looks really cool. I wish they'd have gone with something equally castle-y for the interior set though, because it was just another nondescript grey design without any distingiushing visual identity.
After they retake the castle, all trace of Kes's personality is gone, replaced by the 200 year old warlord Tieran, who changes into a black leather catsuit, and swans around killing people and yelling orders. Jennifer Lien does a great job portraying the evil warlord, making her voice gruff and growly, and sneering and slinking around the castle like she owns the place. Tieran uses her telepathic powers to hurt people, and attempts to seduce people over to his side, including Tuvok, when he came to rescue Kes- they really are determined to make her kiss every man who's old enough to be her dad on this show, aren't they?? Ugh. (But yet, they didn't go for her kissing Tieran's wife- Rick Berman probably said nuh-uh, no gays allowed! But then a few scenes later, no one had any problem with Kes/Tieran suggesting a threesome with the wife and the prince that Kes/Tieran is now betrothed to- I guess gay shit is okay, as long as it's only used to show how depraved the villain is - ugh!! Only allowing evil characters to be queer is worse than zero representation at all. Tbh, that shit is probably why it took me so long to figure out I was bi- growing up, only evil, immoral characters were ever depicted as bi on tv, especially on DS9, where the evil mirror universe characters were almost all depicted as queer. It's pretty hard to think of yourself as bisexual when even Star Trek depicts it as a perversion, rather than an actual normal thing for normal people to be. I know now most of the writers and actors didn't feel that way, and it was Berman's homophobia overruling everyone else, which makes me feel a little better, but still. It's a huge thorn in my side when I watch old Trek, and it makes me want to vandalize Berman's house with rainbow paint. Happy Pride Month, you asshole!)
But we learn that Kes's mind is still there too- that she haunts Tieran's dreams, and fights him so hard she gives him headches. I love the scene where she stands up to him, and assures him that she'll fight him relentlessly, and that he should be afraid of her; and best of all, we see that he actually is afraid of her! Tiny little Kes, spooking the hell out of a gruff, growly guy twice her size! We love to see it!! Kes is the clear winner of their battle of wills- Jennifer Lien brings so much intensity to it, she's truly ferocious, and it's awesome! I remember how happy I was to see Kes finally get her assertive badass moment back when this first aired. Kes was the relatable stand in character for the young girls in the audience- my grade school friend and I both loved her- so it was a real thrill for us to finally get to see her presented in this strong, forceful way, like all the other characters routinely were. One of the reasons she became less of a favorite for me as I grew up was recognizing how often she was infantilized, relegated to being a sex object, or an emotional caretaker, for male characters, or not fighting back when she was treated disrespectfully. So often she was written off as being the naive, softhearted innocent, when she was clearly capable of being more complex and interesting if they let her break out of that mold. I really appreciate that they let her do that here- it's a tantalizing hint at what her character could have become if she'd had more time on the show, and writers who believed in her more.
After Kes successfully fights back against Tieran, the final scene is her and Tuvok back on Voyager, discussing what happened. Kes admits that what she went through was a big deal that changed how she felt about herself and her relationships with her friends, and she wonders how she can go back to normal. Tuvok, ever the good space dad, tells her that she can't, but she can move forward in new directions, building on the strength she found in herself. It's rare to have characters on Star Trek actually talk about how much the crazy things they deal with every day actually effect them, and I appreciate that they did it here. It's a lovely scene, and even though Kes is still troubled at the end, we know she'll have the support of Tuvok, and all her friends on Voyager, as she finds her way forward.
Overall, this episode was a run of the mill 'bad aliens posssesed somebody, we must get them out!' story, with a twist of royal intrigue silliness that doesn't fit well with Star Trek's tone. It felt more like a Xena or Hercules plot than Star Trek. They literally have a Tony award winning actor in the cast- Anthony Crivello was playing Tieran's aide, Adin- but he practically blended into the scenery of this over-the-top, psuedo-medieval fantasy plot that gave him nothing to work with. Nontheless, I appreciated Kes being given an opportunity to take the spotlight, and to show a steely resolve underneath her sweetness and cuteness.
Tl;dr: One of Kes's strongest episodes, despite a weak plot, which marks a turning point for Kes's character on her path to becoming more mature. Essential for Kes fans, and anyone who wants to see her branch out beyond her usual storylines.
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rollsoffthetongue · 2 months
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Idiomatic Meaning: Claustrophobia; restlessness and agitation we feel when confined to a small space or unable to engage in our regular activities for far too long. This feeling can be caused by things like bad weather, horrible storms, a broken leg, or a worldwide pandemic that forces us to stay inside. [Thanks to grammarist.com]
Literal Meaning: “Stir” is more commonly used as a verb, meaning to move a spoon or other implement around in (a liquid or other substance) in order to mix it thoroughly. Doing this long and hard enough might cause insanity.
Usage: Informal or formal, spoken or written, general American English. Can be used to include anyone feeling restless or frustrated from being cooped up for an extended period.
Origin:  Late 19th Century – American and British English – The term is slang for prison or jail of some kind. The phrase was first used to describe inmates who became agitated or mentally unbalanced because they’d spent too much time in solitary confinement. As the years went on, its usage expanded beyond just prisoners. The word “stir” itself may have two different origins, either from the Romani word “stariben” which means prison, or from Newgate prison in London, which was known as “The Start”.
Why is this funny?  In the photo we see a prisoner in a kitchen who is stirring up something that looks like pancake batter, in bowl. By the look on his face and his posture, we can see that this action has been driving him insane. This is confirmed by his fellow prisoner’s comment. The stirrer has obviously been in jail for a long time. He’s gone “stir-crazy” from his life sentence as well as his cooking!
Sample sentence: With the entire city under lockdown from COVID, many people began to feel “stir-crazy” from the lack of social interaction and human connection.
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what kind of hanfu would you envision lupin wearing :3c
// Hello anon, first of all: thanks for sending something so catered specifically towards me (designing useless alternative outfits for my blorbos). Second, I just want you to know that this was one of the most redraw-heavy, hair-pulling, triple-digit-layers experiences you've sent me on. Also lots of reading and research, which I am now going to make you read.
There's a lot of different styles of hanfu depending on the eras, the three main, popular styles these days are from the Tang, Song and Ming dynasties. There's more but you don't need to know about them here lol.
The ones I've drawn here aren't like.... super historically accurate but more of a mix of modern hanfu + Lupin-vibes for the✨aesthetics.✨
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This is called Feiyu-fu/飞鱼服 from the Ming dynasty, which translates to 'flying-fish uniform' for its depiction of the Feiyu/飞鱼 in the embroidery. It's not actually a fish but a dragon-like creature, with wings and a fish-shaped tail (guess why it's called flying-fish lol). It's one of the more popular types you see in modern hanfu because it's just really elaborate and cool looking.
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Speaking of elaborate, here's a closer look at my suffering!
Historically, Feiyu-fu was one of the type of clothing to be bestowed upon people by the emperor. There's like different tiers depending on the embroidery, the dragon or the Long/龙 is like exclusively for the emperor and then following that in order of tier are: Mang/蟒, Feiyu/飞鱼, Douniu/斗牛, Qilin/麒麟 etc. Those guys, unlike the Long has 4 or less claws instead of 5. If it's confusing, don't worry about it, they're basically different types of mythical "dragon-like" creatures.
There's a whole culture of gifting these specially embroidered clothes (from the imperial court to court officials, nobles, foreign royalty etc.) and it's pretty prestigious to get one. I found it fitting for Lupin since:
it's very lavish and opulent, also high-status
seems very much like the type of thing Lupin would somehow get his little thief hands on✨
unrelated but the two white stripes down the front on aren't a thing, I made it up for style + to add the lupine flowers on it (although they kind of look like wheat??? I tried my best ok)
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Okok so fun fact, later in the Ming period, the Feiyu started to not be depicted with wings for some reason, and it became really really hard to differentiate it from the Mang, so some people just started wearing their Feiyu as a Mang... because it's a higher tier and second only to the emperor's Long-clothings. I just think that's funny and it reminds me of Lupin lmao.
Here's a more casual style with the Feiyu-yesa/曳撒 robes + a zhaojia/罩甲 on top!
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So the flower here on the zhaojia is the plum blossom, or meihua. It's known as one of the four "gentleman-ly" flowers along with, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum (梅兰竹菊).
I thought the gentleman-ly theme was fitting for Lupin... although the four flowers' symbolism is more for strictly pure, noble and righteous characters.... That's ok, it's how Lupin thinks of himself anyways psh
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Close-ups for the long-hair enjoyers. The little thing he's wearing is called fa-guan/发冠, it's basically a little crown-like thing that's used to hold up hair, sometimes coupled with a cloth/ribbon. The version on the right is a style very commonly seen in cdramas these days but it's historically-inaccurate... it looks cool though lol.
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More details! These are called hebao/荷包 and they're basically little pouches to store things in, like money or handkerchiefs. They can also be used to carry fragrant herbs/perfume. They can also gifted from young women to men they like :^))))
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For alternative hanfu styles, I think something like the modern Tang dynasty-inspired hanfu would fit Lupin as well... they're more flowy and with larger sleeves that you can hide stuff in... They look best in motion! An example from those videos of skateboarding hanfu guys.
Alright that's finally done! I'm going to go and pass out for the next 10 hours _(┐ 「ε:)_
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scruffyssketchbook · 3 months
I remember having this idea for an SSEC AU where Harmony owns a cafe, and all the main characters work there (even Eve, who's older in the AU.)
My ideas so far:
Harmony: The owner of the cafe alongside Rick (who retired.) She often works at the cafe's bar with Dusk as a bartender and counts profits at the end of the day. She's responsible for like 90% of the cafe (Dean is responsible for 10% of it.) Also, at her station at the bar, she keeps a shotgun under the counter in case someone tries to perform an armed robbery at the cafe (IT'S FOR SELF DEFENSE, DON'T WORRY!)
Dean: The manager of the cafe. He also makes sandwiches there (he LOVES sandwiches, almost to the point of obsession. Or maybe he's not obsessed. *totally not lying here* <_<;)
Vay: While he doesn't look different than his canon counterpart (because it's difficult to imagine Vay as a normal Vaporeon, and because I like his design,) he's friendlier/more pleasant and gets along with Blizz and Eve better than in canon. He cooks and serves most of the food/baked goods.
Blizz: He takes orders and is a janitor! He enjoys it. =D He used to cook back when the cafe was a diner, but... well, let's just say Harmony shouldn't have left him with an air fryer.
Dusk: He's a bartender! He loves his job! He often likes to show off his bartending skills! For some reason, it never impresses Bart, one of the cafe's regulars. Wonder why...
Dawn: She makes cappuccinos! She loves making little elaborate cappuccino art! =3 She gets a little sad when customers just stir it and ruin the art, though.
Daisy: She also makes cappuccinos and coffee, mainly because she's too anxious/awkward to be a waitress (social anxiety, am I right? Bolt has the same thing.)
Bolt: Because he has social anxiety, Bolt is a cook, and also a janitor like Blizz. He used to be a waiter until he had a bad experience with a pretty nasty customer, which is kind of why he has social anxiety in the first place. Poor guy, he was so close to being a manager at that time, too. Bolt works the hardest out of everyone and is so much of a workaholic that he even stays after closing to clean the ENTIRE building...someone get this guy a hobby.
Flame: The laziest out of everyone. He used to be a cook, but after an "incident," he was demoted to a dishwasher/busboy and given tenure. This will never be explained at all, I'm leaving you guys to imagine how tf he managed to get tenure.
Eve: Due to being around 15 in this AU, Eve sometimes shows up to help. She works part-time at the cafe, helping with small things like giving food orders to customers or cleaning tables.
Miku: I actually will admit that I didn't know what to do for Miku for this AU besides letting her be a barista. So I guess she's a barista.
It’s funny Blizz is the janitor cause in canon, he’s the best cook in the cast and he gets SERIOUS when it comes to his job.
I can def see Dusk as a bartender, that job is super Dusk coded. He’d def love mixing drinks and entertaining people. =w= Dusk being actually happy sounds so nice.
Flame being demoted sounds like him 100%. >.>;;; I bet he barely does any dishes and leaves it to Bolt.
Speaking of Bolt, if he is a janitor too, who out of all of them is a waiter/waitress? I assume it’s Vay but him cooking and being a waiter/server by himself sounds like a lot.
It’s very interesting that all the girls (except Eve) mainly deal with coffee stuff. I cant see Dawn do delicate coffee art, I feel like Daisy would be the one who’s sad that Pokémon ruin her art, but I can see Dawn as a bouncer/ Security guard.
Very interesting AU idea!!!! Cafe vibes lmao
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cathyl-washere · 1 year
Hey gamers, this is my first actual post here.
Minors should maybe not be here if only for the odd NSFW post, so here's your warning if that's a concern of yours.
Bit of a length warning I suppose? I ramble a bit, but it's my pinned so I guess now's the time.
As my blurb says and avatar implies, I'm a 20 year-old transfem, working with she/her pronouns currently. I'm generally kind of hesitant to really talk about myself to strangers or to even say something in the first place, even when it's just to the void like I have been since I started here about a month and a half ago. You may recall my mentioning that this is my first actual post, or have noticed that I've only tagged like, 2 of my reblogs at time of writing. I'm trying to get out there a bit more which is why I'm even making this, but if I take some time to reply to a pm or whatever, know that there's this on top of anything irl. Also I have a tendency to write in a way as though I were actually talking, so apologies for any overuse of commas or really long sentences. Trying to be mindful of this way of writing myself though.
Should say that whatever eldritch critter lords over us all gave me the delightful combo of being able to remember a bunch of absolutely bizarre and incredibly niche things about whatever while also forgetting it all when it miraculously becomes useful. You may be familiar with the "Spirit of the Staircase?" Gamer, you're looking at her. I mention this to say that despite the length of some of the later parts, they're still not exhaustive.
I've also got into the habit of referring to people as gamers because it has that wonderful combo of being both gender-neutral and oddly funny to me. Not in a demeaning way, my sense of humor has just kind of veered into nonsense.
On that note, I should also mention that I myself have committed a cardinal sin and am indeed, a gamer. Platforms I'm on are Playstation and Switch. PC gaming is unfortunately out of my purview currently. I prefer PvE generally but also don't mind pwning some children if the vibes are there. Hope you have your bingo card ready because yes, Celeste is my favorite game. I have WAY too much time into Warframe and I like Dead by Daylight, Deep Rock Galactic, Risk of Rain 2/Returns, and Slay the Spire quite a bit. Tragically I've been a gamer for a while, so I'm just naming a few of my main ones right now while totally not ignoring a sizeable backlog, no sirree!
Music is also a bit of a vibes thing. Generally more of a fan of less intense songs, which may be an odd thing to follow up on by saying prog rock's also pretty cool. Longer a song is, the better is my usual take. City pop's also superb, language barrier be damned. Vaporwave's awesome. Born and raised on the rock of the 70's and 80's with parents that rarely listened to anything after Kurt Cobain rose to power for most of my younger years, so a good chunk of that has worked its way into my playlist. Video game music has a tendency to be wonderful to my ears as well. Solar Ash, both Risk of Rains (although yes, I lean towards the second + DLC here), Night in the Woods, songs from several of the Persona series (Layer Cake, Beneath the Mask - Rain and both versions of Specialist, oh my!), a few from Warframe and of course, the titular Celeste. Lena really is just something else, and I think I can say with some confidence that Quiet and Falling is just my favorite song generally. It does have some competition, so in no particular order I'll rattle some off: Anri's Shyness Boy, Depeche Mode's Enjoy the Silence (primarily the Hands and Feet Mix version), Hall and Oates' Out of Touch, Mac Demarco's Freaking out the Neighborhood, ABBA's Dancing Queen, Yoko Takahashi's The Cruel Angel's Thesis, Prince's Little Red Corvette, Kensuke Ushio's Crybaby, Jane Pop's Drive to 1980 Love, Shakatak's Bitch to the Boys, Komm Susser Todd from End of Evangelion, Mystical Composer by Momoko Kikuchi, Love don't come Easy by The New Jersey Connection, Once in a Lullaby by Chris Christodoulou, No Tengo Dinero - Maxi by Righeira, Seaside by Dan Mason, In your Eyes by Peter Gabriel, Dress Down by Kaoru Akimoto, Radio Ga-Ga by Queen, Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie, and this list is getting kind of long, huh? God, music is just so freakin' awesome. Truly, one of my biggest regrets will be that I didn't hear enough of it. Band-wise, I'll mention I quite like Steely Dan, Chappell Roan, Yves Tumor, Casiopea, 1986 Omega Tribe, Car Seat Headrest, The Comet is Coming (loving Hyper-Dimensional Expansion Beam right now), Dan Mason, Mitch Murder, Desired, Nyarons, Seycara Orchestral, Shakatak, Ibrahim, OSC, Both Jack Stauber and his Micropop, Prince, Queen, Junko Ohashi, Anri, Meatloaf, Gorillaz, Night Tempo, City Girl, Yes, PKCH, Chris Christodoulou, Cape Coral, Tupperwave, Oresama, Weird Al (EBAY in particular will forever take up some of my brain space at any given moment) and good ol' Lena Raine. While we're here, I guess the one album I'll mention is Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of the War of the Worlds. Make sure it's the original though, some of the songs were revamped in recent years and personally I'm not partial to that rendition of them.
If you inferred that I might like some anime given the above section has quite a few Japanese artists then yes, your intuition was correct. I have fallen off of it recently, but stuff like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Mob Psycho, and My Life With Monster Girls are some that I enjoy.
Romantically, I'd say I'm into women. We're entering kind of weird territory for me here though because while I would quite like a romantic partner and someone to cuddle with, I'm kind of not so sure how keen I am on any actual sex? Half of me wonders if I'm just asexual while the other half wonders if it might actually be a case of finding the proper someone. I don't know, it's very much uncharted territory for me and I'm not sure where I'll end up on it. Also the whole "finally accepting that I'm trans" thing probably has its influence somewhere in there.
Politically, just give people stuff. Meet their basic needs, implement a UBI, make it so that every grandparent has a bottomless jar of sweets for the wee ones. Public transport good, cars bad, Golf is actively terrible in multiple ways. Chuck bricks at cops, detonate an oil rig (in Minecraft, I guess), eat the rich, the usual. Ideally, mix the three. Abortions and contraception are healthcare, and alongside education all should be free. Kill the cop in your head, both in the sense that if you saw someone shoplift, no you didn't and that you don't have to impose yourself on people just having some earnest, unconventional fun. These are some of my viewpoints, but I'm hesitant to try and pin myself down with a specific position due to a lack of having really read well, any greater political works, still needing to flatten some views I've kind of just had seep into me from the greater culture ("But is x really the proper thing" is tragically a constant, but I've needed to quash the Devil's Advocate voice in my head for years at this point. The little bastard never truly seems to leave. Yeah, having a little gremlin constantly try and check my thoughts can be handy now and then, but it gets really annoying when I think about topics like how the death penalty shouldn't be a thing because like, what are you doing here you idiot? Don't let your personal misgivings with a person allow for executions), and honestly a little because I need to try and be firmer as a person. I put a lot more stock into the thoughts of others than my own, and sometimes it's tough to remember that me and my thoughts also have value, whatever that looks like. Is that the best thing to just type aloud? Also don't hit your kids, regardless of circumstance.
Uhhh got to say I'm blanking a bit on what else to put in. Closing remarks now I suppose. Life is fucking awesome, and I mean that to apply to most-every instance of it. We're all just here on our queer little blogs having a time with one another, and isn't that wonderful? The past 5 years or so have been terrible mentally for me with a few really bad months in particular this year, but I finally feel like I'm on the up-and-up. Accepting that I'm trans after repressing it for a while, finally cutting off a bad friend (hopefully for good), working on getting HRT. With any luck, I'll have some patches in my hands next Friday, the 15th of September. That's huge for me, not only in the obvious sense but because my brain somehow twisted itself into thinking that I can't take this whole topic seriously outside of hair growth and shaving facial hair until I actually get some form of HRT into my hands, AND IT'S HAPPENING! AAAAHHH!!! I'm moving into the next chapter of my life after being kind of stagnant for a while, and I've had such a wonderful vigor these past few weeks that I haven't known in ages. I've really embraced an appreciation of what others might consider mundane, and just trying to be a bit goofy. Letting things roll off of me, even if the anxiety tends to really weaken my legs and make me nauseous. I stay silly. The horrors may persist, but so do I. So do you. How lovely.
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