#Moving gives you surprisingly a LOT of time to just put on podcast and listen while working
clementineskesh · 2 years
in the 3 weeks since starting Twilight Mirage I have listened to 41 (+00) eps. Literally 2 a day. Something is wrong in my brain
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boxboxlewis · 2 years
Something warm and comforting with maxiel?
Five career options Daniel considered and turned down after leaving F1, and one he didn't.
Adult entertainer
“My decanter sold out, right,” Daniel says. He’s sprawled on the sofa, staring up at the ceiling, high out of his mind: one of the few consolations of being out of F1. The vape is hot in his hand and he doesn’t want to get any higher right now, so he should probably just turn it off; it’s top-of-the-line, Blake’s baby, and he’ll be upset if it overheats and fries itself. But Daniel is so comfortable he doesn’t want to move, body heavy and syrupy, perfectly in tune with the sofa cushions.
“Yeah, mate. Well done on that,” Blake says loyally. “What, you want me to approach the vineyard about doing another partnership?”
“Nah,” Daniel says, “I was thinking more like. What if I did one of those things where I make a cast of my dick, and we could sell, like, branded DR3 dildos, but in the shape of my actual cock.”
There’s a pause, long enough that Daniel finally rolls his head so he can see Blake, who’s staring at him with an expression of ferocious concentration. “Mate,” Blake says, “you’re too high. Give me the vape.”
“I just think—people would love it,” Daniel protests. “I’ve got a nice dick. I mean, I’m pretty sure. Max—people have said. Five out of five stars on ratemydick.com.”
“Ohhh-kay, yeah. Yep. Give me the vape, Mr Adult Entertainer.” Blake wrests it from Daniel’s unresisting hand.
2. Crypto spokesmodel (again)
“...and that’s why we think you’d be the perfect brand ambassador for Gainz Crypto Exchange,” the smiling American guy finishes.
Daniel’s leg is jiggling underneath the board table. “Yeah,” he says, “thanks, but—”
Blake interrupts. “Do we want to like, talk this over privately before we make a decision?”
Daniel loves Blake, but man that “we” grates at him. He smiles, to paper over an awkward moment, and says, “Nah, I think we’re good.” He turns back to the American guy. “Look, I’ve done more some reading about crypto”—he’s watched a couple of Youtube videos and listened to half a podcast episode; close enough—“and it’s really not where I want to put my focus right now.” Because it’s a massive Ponzi scheme preying on unsophisticated investors, he doesn’t add. “Thanks, though. Good luck with the Gainz.”
3. Yoga teacher
“Breathe in, and create awareness to your chest,” the instructor says. She’s pretty cute. Very relaxing voice, too. Daniel breathes in, and thinks about his chest, as instructed: it’s definitely there. Chesting. Doing whatever chests do. Digesting air and shit. “As we reach for the heavens, imagine pure energy flowing down from the sky into your body.” Daniel obediently imagines a waterfall of Red Bull pouring onto his head, and he’s not an expert, obviously, but he’s pretty sure he could come up with some better soothing imagery than that.
After the class, he calls his sister. “Do I have a relaxing voice?”
“My voice. Is it soothing.”
“What? No,” she says. “You sound like a millennial Australian guy who’s spent a lot of time abroad.”
“Ah, that’s too bad,” he says, disappointed. “You don’t think I should teach yoga, then?”
“Daniel, what the fuck goes on in your head, I swear to god." Michelle sounds affectionate but also is clearly laughing at him. "I mean, if you want to, I guess? I feel like the voice isn’t really the most important yoga teacher qualification though?”
This is a very good point. “Yeah, you’re probably right,” he says. “Thanks, Michelle."
4. Children’s book author
“What if I wrote a children’s book,” Daniel says. “Daniel and the Really Fast Car, or some shit. I bet kids would love that. They love cars, right?”
Kristen and Dax exchange a look, and then Kristen says tactfully, “Children’s books are actually, like, surprisingly hard to do well.”
“Yeah,” Dax says. “A lot of them are shit.”
“Honey, relax! I’m not saying Daniel and the Really Fast Car would be shit. And you would like, hire a professional to help, obviously. Just… it’s probably not as easy as it looks, that’s all.” There’s a haunted look in his eyes. “I’ve seen scansion like you wouldn’t believe.”
Daniel doesn’t actually know what “scansion” means, so, maybe children’s book writing is a no-go. “Ok,” he says equably. “I trust you guys."
5. Memoir writer
Daniel watches as the ghostwriter his publisher hired thunks her head rhythmically into the tabletop. “Uh,” he says.
She stops thunking. “Sorry! I never get like this with clients!” She sits up, and looks at him. “Daniel! You are so charming and lovely, but has it occurred to you that maybe you don’t actually want to write a book about your life?”
“I mean… I do, though?” They already have a title: Daniel Ricciardo: Pushing to the Limits. He’s excited about it.
The ghostwriter says, “Daniel, I have spent the past two hours trying to get you to tell me literally anything about your childhood or early life, and you have given me.” She consults her notes. “An extended rant about Skittles. Your views on which candies have the most international appeal. A run-down of your favourite places to buy snacks in twelve different countries. A comprehensive explanation, with partial demonstration, of which UFC moves you think you would most rock. And an overview of your favourite bands.”
“When I asked you to give me a memory from your school days, you said, “Oh, man, you have to hear this new single,” and then got distracted by your own Spotify.”
Daniel considers this. “Ok, so… ah, fuck it,” he says. “Maybe you’re right.” 
“Yes!” the ghostwriter exclaims, relief in her voice. “And you know, this doesn’t mean you’ll never write a memoir! Just maybe that now’s not the right time.” She starts to gather her things together. “Daniel, thank you so much, I really do mean this—it’s been a pleasure.”
+ 6. WAG
“Daniel, I still do not understand why you’re so upset about not having a job,” Max complains. “You have plenty of money. And it does not mean, if you take some time out you can never work again.”
Daniel considers this, and tries to explain. “It just feels like—ok, how many years have I spent hashtag keep pushing? Fist emoji, fist emoji? And now I’m just, like, sitting around like a lump, doing nothing.” 
Max says, completely deadpan, “Well, we can talk about fisting later, but right now I think we should not be distracted,” and Daniel lightly chokes, but Max is still going. “You are not a lump, Daniel. You are a man who has worked very hard for a very long time, and now you are having a rest, that’s all.” He moves over so he’s leaning against Daniel, and wriggles his shoulder until Daniel lifts his arm and wraps it around him. “You aren’t that old yet. You still have time to do things. It is ok to just sit, for a while.”
Daniel sits, with his arm around Max, and thinks about what it would mean not to push, not to try, not to hunt to find the next thing. “I would basically be your WAG, you mean,” he says, and laughs. 
Max twists to look up at him, and he’s not laughing. “Yes,” he says simply. “I think that would be lovely, if you would not mind it. Just for a little while.”
Daniel pulls Max in tight against him, and kisses the side of his head. His heart feels all wobbly and uncertain, like one of those videos of newborn giraffes or whatever trying to stand up for the first time. “Do you really,” he begins, and then stops himself. Max never says things he doesn’t mean. “Ok,” he says, instead. Ok.
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chalkanthit · 10 months
For the SE HC ask: 4!!!
Going for SE Askboard @h0lly-hued-s0ul has made!
Ik it's a bit late but better late than never dkfbdokf
Also going for most of the youngsters bc they're my little precious weirdos uu
Offer a hobby-related headcannon for any character.
We should all be aware by now that soul is a huge music nerd even if he's pretending to be "just casual" About it but somehow I could even imagine that his guilty pleasure is also baking since... Have you seen the cute little tea and cakes he sometimes brings Maka when she's studying for exams like crazy??? He claims he just buys them from "that one little bakery" That Maka suspiciously never finds but in secret (not really) he really does them by himself and is proud when they're well liked!!
She's deffenly a little sport nerd kinda girl that got to like things like Basketball and soccer/football quite a lot, but she also would still enjoy a good book (or ten) at times as well next to solving crossword puzzles and other Puzzles and riddles!
Basically everything that makes her Brain go brrrr! Also idk how much it's connected to the hobby aspect, but I hat girl would have Duolingo on her phone and use it almost religiously every evening before bed!
Oh but also she would have a big knack for poetry and writing overall even if she's sometimes quite shy about it since Soul and Black star made fun of it a few times-
Everything around gardening and cooking???
She also would simply enjoy long walks and nice quality time with her friends since Tsubaki really is this comfy person that likes a calm life but also the fun and more adventureous aspects of it;;;
A part of me can also imagine that she'd enjoy something like Yoga and Ice skating a lot when she gets the chance to do it in peace-
Black star
Sports nerd! Everything that resolves around movement and putting his brain on serotonin 24/7 with the bees on crack he apparently has in his butt-
But also we already saw that he also enjoys comics a LOT and would totally be into video games as well even if he would loose to patty constantly!
He'd actually like things that put his mind off ease? Like he very much enjoys cleaning much more in a healthy but for many weird manner since who likes cleaning am I right?? But also is very open and keen to things like Chess and plenty of other board games he most likely plays with Liz and Patty almost every Saturday night unless Liz manages to escape :')
Also hey! I can imagine him liking to draw a lot as well together with Patty Duke while listening to murder mystery podcasts-
Shopping and dancing Q U E E N!
Ik it's basic but hear me out! She just loves fashion a lot and can give people a lot of advice for this topic and would occasionally do makeovers if you let her!
She just blooms so much doing that and seeing how much people can show their other sides as a well! Also my bc especially is that it was initially her idea when Crona was kidnapped on a shopping spree and she would even just offer Ox so many hair stuff in hopes he'll finally STOP shaving it all off like bro.. PLEASE!
Other than that she also got those moves and surprisingly knows a lot about music as well so her, soul and Kilik can actually connect and vibe together super easily and well!
Again, patty is a huge art person!
Of course she likes other things like beating people up with a passion, but she just loves to be creative and takes almost every medium bc why not trying everything and see how it goes??? Life is too short to be boring and plain!! Patty would most likely also like to bake as well but her creations are.... Experimental to say the least-
At least Stein and Ragnarok do like her stuff weirdly enough..
Also a little doodle enthusiast but she really would have a knack for Crochet and knitting too since Jackie has taught her the latter! She would rather die than to admit her hobbies and pleasures but she's a big softie when it comes to her interests!
God forbid people would even find out that she likes "girly" Stuff like figure skating and dancing as well.. Oh the horror!
Omg she would also have a secret love for flower arrangements as well but that's just me having more lore and hcs for her past as well that I won't (and likely never will) fully elaborate on :'DD
Similar to Kim she loves knitting but also has a big talent and interest in Tayloring as well?? That girl probably had a bit horse phase as well and would actually love to get back into it at some point but a horse in the middle of Nevada is a little too much to ask for-
A bicycle would do as well I guess???
Idk why but Jackie seems a little bit of a person that enjoys Theatre and Musicals a lot as well so take that for what it-
Also little side note I want to add bc it's sth very dear and personal to me but glass engraving and the like?? It just fits quite a bit to her qvq
Batic and Linol printed shirts!
The shirts he wears? Self made! The necklace?? Probably as well!! Also another music and Sports enthusiast even if he's more into more combat related sports rather than just running around for a good time!
He seeks the thrill and the surprising so unless you throw something at him out of the blue, he'd just see it as plain and simple training-
The drums are also his hobby but it's less than a hc than it is actually canon in the manga;;;
Overall he's pretty much an everyman kinda guy that has a good amount of Hobbies and interests that overlap with many others he sees as friends!
Fire & Thunder
They're still young as hell so I can't say AS much about them as I like to but they give a lot of crafty energy and would probably get a collecting hobby phase as well like for crystals and all!
Less for the esoteric aspect but more for the minerals itself!
Again not as much of an HC than it is a fact, but that guy takes a lot or enjoyment into research and other things that make his brain tingle like chess for example! Like he just LOVES burying himself into old history and folklore about plenty of topics and cultures and can easily spend days in it if Harvar wouldn't remind him to eat something in between-
Again I really don't know why, but something in me also knocks at my brain doors and continuesly shoves the HC in my head that Ox actually has a talent to actually draw?? Not like Patty where it's very imaginary and expressive, but more in a sense of scenes and architecture!! Basically pretty black and white and stuff!!
It's super ironic but like Kim he actually has some hobbies he either won't admit to or people simply wouldn't believe it since why would a guy like him he interested in something like THAT???
Like liking to go swimming is one thing people could still get behind bc he hates boredom with a passion so it's good to stay active but him actually being into exact the same comics as black star is just super funny in my and it's very much the absolute opposite of Harvar sooo..
Omg but on top of that just.. Imagine him actually do liking video games but nothing like a souls game, but f*cking animal Crossing-
Of course he also likes research and chess a lot like Ox (even tho he's by far more competitive there) but he screams like Modelling as well! (The crafty stuff like building trains or Lego etc)
He just SUCKS at art tho which actually frustrated him-
Crona most likely would catch some interest for poetry and other writing related things as well since they can actually express themselves much better with it without having to speak about it and they don't even have to show it to others as well.. It actually already helps that it exists in the first place and that they have something they can look at like "I made that!"
Aka bullet journaling sounds like sth tame enough for them but still sth to keep their mind somewhere unrelated to u know.. The whole childhood ordeal-
Basically they would enjoy many things that won't put Crona into the spotlight or that is to be shared forcefully so even if it's just reading something, it's just.. Nice;;
Also please give Crona sth calm like Animal Crossing-
Let them share an island with Harvar or Maka dkxbfodndp
He sees something that peeks his (or Noah's) intetest, he HAS to overanalyze it and write every crucial detail down!
Like we don't just talk about one smarty little journal! I'm talking about whole Bookshelves worth of Infos written by that puppet alone!! Even his calligraphy and poetry/writing skills and hobbies are top notch and would rub it under Makas nose a LOT!
Hell he would do it so much that even Ox would have to remind him that he was meant to be Makas super annoying rival and not him pfffff!
(You could say that annoying Maka is also a passion of Gopher)
He would actually like to just casually fly and travel around a lot as well even if it's something he just does to get a job done.. If he'd focus more on the aspect itself, there would be much more appreciation etc!!
Also God forbid but he'd be into dnd as well-
My brain tells me to so it must be true!/j
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aetheternity · 3 years
Hard pass P4 (Levi x reader)
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Synopsis: Levi is forced out of his comfy dorm room and in a strange twist of events right into your arms at a college party.
"I talked to her!" Hange announced bursting into Levi's room with a slam of the door against the wall.
Levi just rolled his eyes, twisting his body away, with a huff he crossed his arms.
"Why would you do that?" Erwin questioned
"We needed answers!"
"Please tell me you didn't say anything outright at least." He groaned, squeezing his temple.
Hange rolled her eyes. "I didn't. Geez.."
"Oh yeah? How'd you phrase it?"
"I told her I heard from Moblit that she'd kissed Jean and I was curious as to if she was planning to get back with him. It's fine I'm always in her business." Hange said with a wave of her hand.
"You're always in everyone's business but go on." Erwin replied
"I really think Levi should just go talk to her." Hange stated
"Why the hell would I do that?" Levi butted in
"Because I'm pretty sure this is all a big misunderstanding!"
"What'd she end up telling you?" Erwin questioned
"Just that Jean kissed her out of nowhere and that she wasn't expecting it. She probably didn't even like it."
"Are you just inferring that she didn't like it or did she say that?" Erwin asked
"They were kissing for at least a minute and a half.." Levi grunted
"Geez.. how long were you watching? That's kinda creepy.."
"Hange.." Erwin tried
Levi sat up, turning to face Hange who was practically pacing the room. She randomly stopped crossing her arms over her chest.
"Listen, things are only gonna get worse from here if you don't suck it up and just talk to her.. I mean things can't possibly get any worse-"
"Don't jinx it Hange." Erwin interjected
"Well how should I phrase it! Look miscommunications are the worst things to exist in any kind of relationship. If you don't talk you can't learn anything so just go out there and talk to her!"
Levi sighed rolling his eyes. His stomach boiling over with an unnecessary amount of heat.
"It's just not a good time. And this is a very delicate situation. Levi should act when he's ready."
"Hange, we promised we'd help if he asked for it. Right now he's not asking."
With shaky fists Hange let out a screech that was practically inhumane, arms raised before her hands were coming down to scratch at her head in agitation.
"Fine whatever.." She finally agreed
Erwin reached over patting Levi's leg twice as he stood up. "We'll check in in a few hours if you don't come back downstairs, alright?"
It wasn't quite a question but Levi was still answering it with a nod. Erwin practically shoved a very disgruntled Hange out the door and it shut with a light click behind them.
And this would've been the kind of peace Levi had searched for since he'd been unceremoniously dragged on this godforsaken trip. But his brain was splattered with Y/N the image of Jean and her on the stairs replaying like a scratched record.
Levi turned over onto his back, placing his fists on his forehead. Teeth gritting as he tried and failed to calm his agitated nerves. That is until a couple knocks on the door shattered his immersion.
He turned his head in that direction. It definitely wasn't Hange or Erwin coming back. It wouldn't be so silent on the other end. Was it Y/N?
The next set of knocks were much harsher and now Levi was wrenching himself up from the bed, walking almost too fast to open the door and see-
Jean leaning against the doorframe. Jean with his weird mullet. Tall Jean and his peach fuzz of a dammed beard.
"We need to talk." He said plainly and before Levi could ponder or execute a response Jean was pushing Levi inside shutting the door behind them.
Levi didn't speak just stared up as Jean stared back. Though Levi was surprised to see a lack of malice in his eyes.
Jean put a hand out from his crossed arms, pointing his index finger at Levi. "I know you like Y/N."
Levi felt his heart drop at her name. His pulse quickening and his blood pooling to his feet. "What?"
Jean looked Levi over again in that way Levi hated. It made his blood bubble over as if were in a pot that was close to overflowing. Like Levi was an insect Jean had stepped on but could easily flick off the bottom of his shoe.
Jean began again. "There's no point in pretending you don't. I can tell."
"And what? Did you come here to tell me to stay away?"
Jean shook his head, lips slightly curved as he spoke again. "I'm not that kind of man."
"Seems like you were before she dumped you."
A flicker of something being held back something almost violent rose in Jean's eyes but it was barely noticeable after a couple seconds a little forced chuckle falling off his lips.
"I wanted you to know.. that I want Y/N too. I love her and I want her back but I'm not gonna tell you not to pursue her. Whoever she picks is whoever she picks, now I don't know you personally but I'm hoping you're not the kind of guy to purposefully sabotage the competition." He paused stepping closer. Levi looked up to meet Jean's eyes with the same bright intensity.
"Cause then things actually will get heated."
"Why.. can't you just step aside and let her be happy with someone new?" It was a question Levi hadn't even meant to ask but before he knew it the words were out of his mouth.
Jean turned from where he'd already begun to leave. "I made a couple of mistakes while dating her. One was letting her go and two.... two was being a guy she couldn't feel safe around."
He stepped forward once more. "But I've been working to correct two, she finally feels safe around me again. I can't let her escape if I have a chance to do better. I know you probably have your own reasons for liking her."
Levi felt a pit begin to grow in his throat but he quickly swallowed it down. Nothing about Jean had given him even the slightest impression that he genuinely felt for Y/N..
"And now this probably sounds a bit.. commanding but don't tell anyone I came to talk to you. Connie has already started suspecting that we have some kind of beef and he's an idiot who can't keep secrets if he finds out about your feelings Y/N'll find out that same day."
With that said Levi nodded and Jean finally took his leave. Retreating while Levi stood alone at the cracked door, head pounding with protruding thoughts.
Day three
When Levi finally came to it was pitch black in the room. His eyes strained open slowly forming a picture from pieces of darkness. A loud banging sounded not only from his chest but what he soon discovered was his room door.
With an angry grunt he slid out of bed, yanking the door so hard it slammed into the wall behind it.
"Damn someone's got bed head." Hange grinned
With a huff Levi was slamming the door forward again but unfortunately Erwin caught it and him and Hange quickly followed Levi back into the room.
"Come on Levi get up! We're going to the grocery store!" Hange yelled, jolting Levi back and forth with both hands.
"I told you he'd be asleep." Erwin said with a sigh and a small yawn. "We all should be asleep it's 1 am."
Fucking-" Levi turned over "One in the morning? Go fuck yourself please." He yanked one of the pillows from the head of the bed over his face.
Hange sighed, "I can't do it twice in one night. That's overkill."
Erwin pulled a face but chose to move past it. "Jean was in here earlier. Well.. yesterday. What did he say to you?"
"Wait! He was?!" Hange yelped
"How do you even know that?" Levi asked
"I saw him being weird in the halls and then I saw him enter your room so what did he say?"
"You're starting to become as annoying as Hange when it comes to gossip."
"What'd he say dammit!" Hange practically shouted.
A couple of soft knocks distracted them and they all turned. "Guys we're leaving in a couple minutes hurry and come downstairs." Y/N called
Hearing her voice no matter how many times set a flame in Levi's stomach with enough intensity to keep a neighborhood warm for the winter. Simultaneously coupling it with a frigid intensity akin to a blizzard that froze everything in the first place. An icy chill through his veins.
"Tell us!" Hange demanded
"I'm going right back to sleep so get out." Levi replied, tossing the pillow at Hange's head.
Erwin rolled his eyes. "Well, I guess Jean will get yet another chance to show you up."
Hange joined with a laugh. "Levi makes it so easy at this point."
Levi muttered a curse, quickly slipping his discarded jacket from earlier over his shoulders along with his coat, gloves, hat, scarf and a couple hand warmers slipped into his empty pockets. He reached for his phone adding the device to the list of things in his pocket.
"What the hell are we buying at 1am?"
Surprisingly the car ride had been quieter than Levi expected. Connie giving Jean directions, Sasha stuffing her face with who knows what, Hange and Moblit talking, Erwin listening to another podcast through his earbuds and Levi sat right next to Y/N.
They'd only talked briefly conversated thanks to Levi's impressively bad wording of things and his terrible stuttering which only seemed to get worse now that it was so late.
Jean had barely parked the car before Connie and Sasha pilied out with Hange behind them. Hange had only a thin hoodie on which was pretty irresponsible even for her.
"Where's your coat, Hange?" Moblit asked, slipping his coat off his shoulders.
"Huh?? Oh!" Hange immediately laughed "Must have left it back at the lodge."
Levi squinted at the two in the fairly darkened parking lot. Connie and Sasha had run up ahead and Moblit and Hange were talking amongst themselves. She was being weird even for her. Playfully nudging her shoulder with his and whipping her hair a lot.
"That's interesting." Y/N was surprisingly watching too. Her smile downright mischievous as she made eye contact with Levi. "What'd you think they're saying?"
"Ok, so they do have marshmallows here." Jean approached from behind forcing Levi's soul to ascend though he tried not to outwardly flinch.
"Oh good!" Y/N replied turning back to Levi. "We wanted to make s'mores. Or well Sasha had the idea and we all just agreed to it."
It was a split second. Almost unnoticeable the way it flashed away, Jean's eyes slightly darker with the way they flicked over to Levi past Y/N's shoulder.
"Oh you know what I also want!" She turned to Jean breaking the little gaze between them.
"Don't worry, I'll pay so get some snacks while we're here." Jean replied, his hand came up to Y/N's lower back giving her a gentle pat. To Levi's own irritation she stepped a little closer in their stride.
"Sasha will definitely eat anything I get." She continued the conversation.
Jean shook his head. "Don't worry, I'll hide some in my room and you can come get them whenever you're hungry. Whether it's afternoon or midnight."
"You're so sweet."
In the bright light stretching over the dark ground Levi could see Erwin almost at the entrance to the store. Just narrowly avoiding Connie and Sasha speeding past. Sasha with her legs kicking up in the cart loudly whooping and Connie pushing the thing at an alarming speed through the automatic doors.
"Shit." Jean growled quickly running to catch the two.
Levi quickly caught up with Erwin almost pushing him aside as he joined his stride. Erwin threw a glance over his shoulder. "Ok Levi, I know you're not good at this yet but.. she's alone. Why don't you take the opportunity?"
Levi let out an irritated huff. "We have nothing to talk about."
"I didn't stutter Levi."
The two of them walked side by side. Levi with both his hands in his pockets and Erwin holding his phone in one hand, while the other pulled his headphones off his ears.
"Do you need anything here?" Erwin asked
"It'd be nice to get some beef.."
"I want stew.." Levi responded with a small hum of weariness.
"Why don't you get beef stew in a can so you don't have to spend time cooking?"
"I like cooking."
Erwin threw his hands up in mock defeat. "Hey, did you see where Hange disappeared to?"
"Tch why would I be paying attention to that?"
Levi paused staring up at the top shelf before immediately making eye contact with Erwin. Erwin chuckled lowly, "What do you need?"
"Red wine."
"Oh wait I can get it for you." Y/N marched over. "Which brand?"
"W-well.. doesn't m-matter y-you pick." Levi inwardly groaned, kicking his foot back and forth.
Erwin gave a quick thumbs up that Y/N fortunately couldn't see before rushing off. Levi stood up straighter as Y/N handed him the bottle.
She let out a playful exhale. "Phew, Levi I didn't know you drink." She pointed to it. "Try not to get too tipsy it'd suck if you didn't remember how much fun you had on this trip."
"N.." Levi looked down at the bottle suddenly very conscious of his sweaty palms. "No, n-no I don't.. well.. it's for stew."
Y/N immediately nodded. "Sorry to assume." She smiled her own cheeks beginning to look flushed. Or maybe it was just Levi being hopeful. "Maybe we should go get a basket? Cause I don't think we're gonna see Connie and the cart till after we check out."
Levi was glad to feel the overly anxious sparks dying down. The basket about semi full. For whatever reason no matter what aisle they went down it was just the two of them in this big store. And as much as Levi definitely should've felt more concern he was also half hoping everyone had left them.
"Should we go look for everyone?"
Y/N pointed down another empty aisle with her thumb. She pulled out her phone, scrolling over the screen. "I mean, Jean, Sasha or Connie would've definitely called me before leaving the store so I doubt they did." She brushed a thumb over her lips.
"I'm sure they're fine.." Levi replied, though he was a bit concerned that she hadn't heard him when she didn't reply for about a minute.
"Oh! Milk that's what else I came for!" She said, pushing her phone back into her pocket. "Do you need anything else?"
Levi stared into the basket, pushing aside and removing one item to look under. "No."
"By the way when that beef stew is ready you'll let me taste right?"
Levi could only nod and then be quickly led through a couple more aisles quickly turning into the dairy section. It was noticeably colder here. Tubs filled with frozen pizza lining the center of the aisles with big fridges against the walls.
Y/N quickly grabbed the milk holding it against her chest. "Ok, now we can go find the others." She chuckled
Levi quickly grabbed the milk from her grasp, placing it in the basket. "What a gentleman." She said, her remark innocent as it may have been caused heat to flow through Levi's body like he'd been stuffed in a furnace.
"Oh.." She stopped
"This song! Oh! Come here Levi!"
Levi hadn't once paid attention to the music since they'd walked into the store. He didn't think he ever did but now that he was listening he immediately recognized it, though from where he had no clue? It sounded slow, not too slow to the point where it was boring but gentle and easy going almost.
"This is my favorite song! Come here."
"Wh-what're you?" His stupid voice cracked as Y/N pulled him in closer.
"Do you know how to dance?" Her breath flushed over Levi's cheeks. Sweet like sugar cookies was the first thought in Levi's mind.
"I need you to dance with me here though." She almost whined in her mild neediness. "Hmm I'll teach you."
Her fingers sifted perfectly into Levi's right hand. Other arm snaking its way under Levi's left arm to place his hand on her waist. And if he could catch fire and melt into the floor he probably would've by now.
"Follow my lead." Her voice was calm and soft. "Just shift your weight between your feet."
And Levi tried his best but he was stepping on her feet within the first minute. Surprisingly though she just giggled. "Don't move your feet ok. We can go the easy route."
Her arm outstretched itself on Levi's back, hands squeezing his as they swayed and rocked gently to the music blasting over the speakers.
"Much better right?"
Their bodies were pressed into each other like a perfect mold. Puzzle pieces slotting together in a empty dairy aisle at too early of an hour. This was the first time Levi was really able to look into her eyes. The color dazzling in an almost blinding way but he didn't look away.
No matter how scared that gaze made him feel it was in a good way. It was a perfect, warm, dangerous and relaxing combination.
The smile on her face had gradually faded but she kept her softened features. Lips slightly parted as the two of them continued to sway. She leaned in almost impossibly closer and Levi's heart was banging on his rib cage.
"Here comes the dip." She let out a breathy giggle as she slowly dipped Levi back. His hair flopping back from his face, everything turned upside down for just a few seconds before he was getting lifted close again. Right back into her arms.
So close. So perfect..
"You're such a fast learner." She said, continuing to rock him.
He kept up with the pace. Uttering a small thank you. He wanted to compliment her back but his brain refused to give him the words to do so and his throat refused him the saliva neccessary to make proper conversation.
"At some point we have to try this again, you know during a normal hour and in a different place."
The two of them once again fell silent and when the music stopped they were still standing together. Minus the hip swaying and the gentle dip. It was just..
It was almost quiet. Every noise that had once filled the supermarket seemed to leave along with Levi's fears. All of it exiting his body at once. He was standing here, holding the girl he liked in his arms, partially in her arms with their fingers intertwined.
Which.. speaking of intertwined fingers she was currently tugging at his. Their arms came down together and Levi let out a strained breath he hadn't even realized he'd held in.
"Levi.. I think I should tell you something."
Her face fell stern almost and Levi watched the quick movement of her throat as she swallowed.
"So.. in the store huh?"
"Huh!" Y/N stood taller, ripping herself unceremoniously from Levi. "Jean!" She chuckled nervously.
Jean let out his own little chuckle. "I know I never used to dance with you in the store. Glad you've got someone who would."
Y/N's eyes looked ready to pop from her skull and roll off. "I-I uh.. Jean it's.."
"Come, Connie and the others are already at checkout.
Y/N turned back to look at Levi as she quickly walked to follow Jean. And Levi could hear his teeth groan under the slight grit he administered. He yanked the basket up almost too fast storming after them with a grunt.
Jean had managed to cut the time to the line down by cutting across the aisles. That and he wasn't walking ridiculously slow with Y/N like some kind of old married couple.. Now that the image was place Levi actually began to wonder if that was how they looked together..
"Oi, how many times do I have to tell you to get out of the cart?" Jean asked as they finally joined everyone.
Sasha was a giggling mess inside the cart as Connie "unintentionally" tickled her stomach as he worked to remove items and place them on the conveyer belt.
"She can't right now or she'll crush some of the stuff." Connie replied
"She shouldn't have climbed in, in the first place." Y/N chimed in. "You know the way Connie pushes this thing is a hazard."
Sasha just let her head fall back in a fit of laughter as if that were the funniest thing she'd heard all year.
Y/N sighed quickly moving to help Connie as Jean moved past the three of them to the register.
"So how'd it go?" Erwin asked with a nudge as Levi lifted the basket up onto the edge of the conveyer belt.
"Jean interrupted us again."
"He's persistent." Erwin acknowledged "But then again I don't even know if he has to try, she seems kinda drawn to him on her own."
Levi watched as Jean and Y/N playfully fussed over the food sliding its way towards them. Their barely audible conversation including small remarks about the price and how they had definitely gone over the amount they had wanted to pay but Jean didn't let up.
"By the way where's Hange? And Moblit? I haven't seen them since we entered the store.."
Y/N was grabbing Jean's shoulder slightly rougher at this point her eyes rolling, teeth gritting together but she couldn't hide her smile. And Jean was still doing that thing that made Levi wanna shove him into on coming traffic.
His hand rested splayed on Y/N's lower back. And Levi had missed most of the conversation as it droned on lowly under the music blasting through empty aisles but this part actually struck him.
"You guys make a cute couple." The woman behind the counter laughed.
"See? She thinks we're cute." Jean took the opportunity as if it'd flung itself into his arms. Problem was it had. He pressed Y/N closer to him.
Though.. oddly enough Y/N only grinned, patting Jean's chest as he spoke with the cashier. Though.. her eyes trailed away and her smile was quickly fading. And Levi could see an opening.
He was moving faster than his brain could access the situation. "Y/N, I'll buy your milk for you." He managed, honestly proud of himself.
"Oh that's yours?" Jean asked suddenly snapped out from the conversation he'd been engrossed in. "It's cool Levi I got it."
"You've got everything else, let me." Levi replied
All the other groceries had already been piled at the end of the conveyer belt and Connie and Sasha were stuffing it back into the cart. Completely unaware of the current stare down that was happening right in front of them.
"Levi, I insist it's cool I have enough money." Jean retorted
"I already said I'd pay for it."
"You have your own groceries let me worry about the milk."
At this point Jean reached over but Levi was quicker snatching the milk off his basket and holding it to his chest like a newborn baby.
"Jean, just let him pay.." Y/N said
"I had already said I'd pay for you."
"Don't start this right now. Just let him pay for it so we can go."
At some point Moblit and Hange had rejoined the group and everyone was staring at the scene before them. Connie and Sasha with their hands deep in the chips Jean had paid for eyes wide with attention. Levi just looking to Y/N who was shaking her leg, arms crossed and hand on her forehead.
The cashier returned Jean's card and he almost snatched it away. "I'll pull the car up." He simply said
Y/N squeezed the bridge of her nose with her thumb and index finger and everyone stared in awe, Jean's figure retreating to the parking lot as Levi slowly placed his own basket of food onto the conveyer belt.
He felt Erwin brush a hand over his shoulder before giving him a look. He approached Y/N as if she were a rabid dog on a leash. His fingers clenching as he inched his hand closer until it was rubbing her arm.
His gaze fell away, "A-are you.. ok?"
Her lips twitched at the corners and she returned Levi's affectionate grasp. Squeezing his shoulder with one hand. "Don't worry too much about me." She replied
Though the statement didn't help at all.
The walk to the car was surprisingly slow and awkwardly silent. Connie pushing Sasha along as she practically inhaled another bag of chips. Hange and Moblit matching pace with each other with barely enough space between them to fit a piece of paper from the look of it. And Erwin back on his phone.
"Thanks." Y/N said suddenly and Levi stared up at her in confusion. She glanced over and a small huff of a laugh fell from her lips. "Dancing with me." She elaborated
"O-oh! No problem.."
When they got to the car Levi held the door open for Y/N and she slid inside with a smile patting the seat next to her. Which Levi quickly took. The rest of the seats filled in fast with Connie being the last one in after he'd shoved the food into the back.
"Buckle up." Jean grunted, he snuck a gaze into the rearview mirror that Levi almost smirked at.
Y/N's little yawn didn't go unnoticed and it was even harder not to notice the way she leaned into Levi's shoulder. Her hair tickling his skin and making the entire car impossibly hotter.
"I hope you don't mind." She muttered so only Levi could hear. "I just find you kind of comforting."
(Hey Siri, play Sweet by Cigarettes after sex)
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watermelonlipstick · 3 years
Dreams, Chapter 8
If you haven’t read this series before, you might want to start on Chapter 1, or check out the Dreams Masterlist! Here’s the series description:
When Dean dies for good leaving Sam and his girlfriend (the reader) behind, they must figure out how to carry on without him. Alone, reeling, and unsure what to do next, trying to honor Dean’s memory and follow their hearts gets even more complicated when their nightmares become dreams that feel a little too real.
Title: Dreams, Chapter 8
Pairing: (past) Dean Winchester x Reader, (eventual) Sam Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 1416
Summary: A dream starts to change the reader’s perspective on her life with Sam.
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, s l o w  b u r n
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           It took weeks but the physical touch you’d gotten so used to came back one handhold at a time until finally it seemed like maybe Sam had made peace with The Sledding Incident. You never forced it, didn’t say anything because you didn’t want to push him away. Waiting felt like starving with a ten course meal on a silver platter in front of you, but it paid off. Whether he realized he was rewarding you or not, the space to let Sam process was met with absentminded hands slipped around your waist at the grocery store, non-secrets hummed into the skin of your jaw and neck as you stood just barely too close, loose pieces of hair tucked behind your ear when you washed glasses at the bar. The positive reinforcement limited the clinging you’d been doing since you’d first driven away from the bunker, knowing that the less you clawed at Sam for scraps of attachment the less he felt like you were in too deep to receive it.
           Repair by repair the cabin started to feel more like yours. The bathrooms got painted a faint baby blue that reminded you of long cloudless afternoons in Sioux Falls and Sam taught you some basic plumbing to fix the water pressure in the shower. It was only slightly less gross than you thought it would be, but Sam was so excited when you put the plumber’s joint caulk on perfectly that it made up for the limescale gunk under your nails. When you worked, Sam pretty much stopped playing podcasts and books, relying instead on an ever-changing kaleidoscope of music Dean would never have let anyone play in the Impala. Some of it you were pretty sure Sam didn’t even like, almost as if he was trying to learn a new culture by jumping in headfirst.
           You kept writing in your journal like you were sending letters back home to Dean from summer camp, giving little updates on the cabin or Sam or ridiculous drama you heard at the bar. At night you and Sam would talk about what should get fixed next and sometimes if you were feeling tough you’d watch Sam look up at the ceiling, hair splayed out on the pillow around him like a halo while he told a story about him and Dean growing up or times you’d been away from them on the road. Every once in a while you’d heard Dean’s perspective of the same event and would give them like a little gift to Sam. His eyes would go soft, hanging on your every word and letting his mouth quirk up a hair at the corners. You’d laugh together, often sadly but surprisingly sometimes not, winding into the crook under his arm and playing the tapes of the memories in your head.
           More and more frequently, you’d have good dreams—or rather, non-nightmares. Dean would get hurt and survive or you’d all be on a job together. Right before you woke up he’d be just about to say something important, warn you of something serious but couldn’t spit it out fast enough. It was frustrating, but so much nicer than waking up on soaked pillows that you just put it in a letter to Dean and tried to move on with your daytime projects and nighttime bar work. Some days it felt like you were going to be okay and then the next you’d be impaled on grief so hard you couldn’t even breathe around it. And yet, always Sam to tie yourself to and slide into the next day.
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           It’s cold but bright, the sunlight reflecting and magnifying itself on the snow blanketing the landscape. Salt crunches under the tires of the Impala, just barely louder than the engine and enough to be aware of through a ZZ Top tape. You’re almost on the edge of drifting asleep on the windowsill when Dean grabs your arm.
           “Hey, come on, you can’t leave me.”
           The urgency in his tone jolts you alert. “Why? What’s going on?”
           “I don’t know how much time I have left. There’s a lot I need to tell you.”
           “We haven’t even picked up Sam yet,” you answer, in the self-assuredness of dream logic. “How bad could it be?”
           “It’s me, baby. It’s really me. Dead, everything, the works. I need you to focus, I don’t know how long I can stay.”
           Some small sub-sub-conscious part of your mind jolts to attention. It feels honest, or at least the closest to honest as you had wanted to be in a while. You let yourself indulge it.
           “You, like—really? It’s really…?”
           “Yeah, it’s me. I—I don’t know how to—” and you stop him with a furtive kiss, all hunger and no grace, just wanting to feel what it was like to be against him again.
           Dean swerves a little when his eyes open, momentarily dazed. “Christ, I forgot how good that was.”
           “I don’t—how are you…?” you murmur, having a hard time not only with the information but also with the juxtaposition of your conscious and subconscious knowledge.
           “No bullshit, I’m communicating beyond the grave. Don’t tell Miss Cleo,” he answers, the smirk twisting your stomach like a wrench.
           “Are you okay? If this is what it’s like to be dead then Sam and I will be here the second I wake up, we’ll just come to you—"
           “Babe, I wish you could but it doesn’t work like that. It’s not even really supposed to work like this but Cass is pulling some strings. I only have until your subconscious realizes what’s going on and kicks me out.”
           “What? How?”
           “The separation between living and dead is a little bit thinner when you’re asleep. It’s actually pretty cool but it’s going to take a while to explain.”
           “Okay, right, got to be fast. Fuck, I miss you so much.”
           “I miss you too, kid. More than I can explain. But listen, baby, I’m so proud of you for making it this far. It’s going to be okay, I promise. Sam will take care of you, and I know you’re taking care of him the best you can. I don’t know how long I have until you wake up. I’ll keep trying again to come to you, but until the next time I get to see you, my firecracker, you’re so tough. You can do a lot worse than Sam, and I would never, ever hold it against either of you. I’ve been trying to send that—been trying to ram my head through this fucking door about a hundred times by now actually—but if it hasn’t been coming through strongly enough, I’m sorry. I can’t imagine what the fuck I’d be doing if it had been one of you—probably would’ve drunk myself to death by now to be honest—so the fact that you’re so worried about whether necking is going to raise my soul from the depths is actually sorta sweet. Love is complicated and the lines get blurred; I get it, especially now with some damned perspective. As long as I’m still going to be your guy when you get here, that’s all that matters to me. You’re it for me, kid.” He traces a light finger down the side of your cheek and it sends an ache straight into your stomach, makes him look lost for a beat as he takes you in.
           “Dean, I love you. I can't—I can’t even tell you how much I love you. I never got to say thank you for all the things you—”
           “Hey,” he says, grabbing your chin and holding you still to flick his gaze between your eyes. “I know. There’s no time. You don’t have to say that to me, I know. I always knew. I’m going to try to get to Sam too, but he’s—the angels are shocked at the shit that’s happening in his brain. Makes sense, you know, after everything he’s gone through, but I guess it makes it harder to slip through the cracks. But here: if I can’t do this again; if this is the last time I talk to you until you get back to me, I love you, and I’m going to keep loving you no matter what. The two people I love most in the world being together could never be bad to me, and I will alway—”
           And you woke up.
Continue to Dreams, Chapter 9
Thanks again for reading! If you liked it, check out my Masterlist or send me a request!
Tags: @sams-sass @vxnderlindes @deanwinchesterswitch @akshi8278 @itsjensenanddean @flannellover67 @weepingwillowphoenix @tj-drinks-tea @whatareyousearchingfordean @winchestergirl2 @winchest09 @samwisethegr8​ @fawnxng​ @nurse-sarahrn​ @lovers-in-japan-reign-of-love​ @deanwanddamons​ @stressedoutkitten​ @winchestershiresauce​ @tatted-trina6​ @percico-heronstairs​ @downanddirtydean​ @queenoftheunderdark​ @lyarr24​ @waywardwifey​ @thinkinghardhardlythinking​ @wonder-cole​ @sergeantsea​ @peachyafshawn​ @tjfinnigan​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @calaofnoldor​
And as always, if you want to be on my taglist, were on the taglist and changed your handle, or I lost track of it, please let me know!
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pamgkrthwrites · 4 years
Flame of Healing | EsaerMic x Reader | Chapter 4 - Arms
Masterlist | AO3
Warnings: Time skip, major cuts, Soulmate AU, Large age gap mention, slight gore(broken bones), mention of death, mention of lost virginity, mention of running away, denying of grief, grief avoidance, a slow chapter. 
Word Count: 2028
Taglist: @stargazingaloneatnight
A/N: I have lesbian plans for Ms Joke, I’ll say that now. I was going to mention this new law in the last chapter but I decided to mention in passing here because we needed to focus more on Oboro. His death will be a big deal for all these three soulmate babies.  Also, I really do not want to write a first time, so it is canon that reader has had a couple of relationships and hookups. ALSO ALSO, the group mention will also play a big part. This is the chapter to foreshadow A BUNCH of shit. Hope you all enjoy.
It had been 4 years since Oboro’s death, 3 years since you finished school and 2 years since you started working for hero agency as a nurse. 
You had been hurting ever since you were told Oboro died. You might not have talked to him in that last year of his life, but that made it worse for you. His was your best friend throughout middle school, and no one was going to replace him. 
You hadn’t bumped into your soulmates since that day in the street either. You heard about Hizashi all the time though. He was very loud and hard to take your eyes from whenever he was on TV. Shouta never appeared on TV though. 
You were all turning 21 this year, which meant only one thing.
Soulmate reveal.
It was a law that passed a year ago in response to people unable to find their soulmate. Your name, soulmates names, quirks, family, job, date of birth, address and a picture of you were on a database. Once the youngest soulmate turned 21, the information on you would be released to the other party. 
The guy who wrote the final draft choice the age 21 because he got his soulmate’s name at 21, but justified as ‘Well what if they want to go out drinking? The age to drink is 21.’ 
America was the country who made it and other countries started to follow suit so that cross country soulmates could still meet. 
This somehow opened up a question most had ignored until now. 
What if someone didn’t want to meet their soulmate or didn’t want to date them?
The Anti-Soulmate movement had grown, and you were apart of the group. The local group would meet once a week and would talk about a wild range of things. A lot of people got up and confessed they met someone before meeting their soulmate and love them instead. Some revealed their age gap with their soulmate grossed them out. Some revealed they had no knows, and didn’t want to be told that they couldn’t love anyone. 
And somehow it turned into a dating hub.
You knew you were being watched, but no one knew your true name. You once again gave up your middle name when meeting people in the group. You had joined in your last year of school and had been dating and doing hookups since. 
You were watching the news, the morning of the 5th of July. The news was talking about the celebration in America about the 4th of July. Then, Hizashi came on.
Your heart sank when you saw his face, heard him speak. His was a public figure so his birthday was already revealed to be in 2 days. 
“Hello, Japan!” He greeted with a wide smile on his face. “America has been going crazy with their party, which I will be able to relate to in a couple of days!” He laughed.
The news anchor smiled. “Yes, I heard your 21st is in two days! Are you excited to meet your soulmate?”
Mic awkwardly laughed. “Funny thing! I met one of my soulmates in UA!” Mic looked at the camera. “Hey Shouta, baby!”
You chuckled, he was a drama queen. He loved the camera, he even started his own podcast.
Even though you didn’t want to meet them, you didn’t move, did legally change your name, and listened in to Hizashi whenever you could. 
“He is the youngest out of us two, but we don’t know if he is the youngest in our soulmates.”
Unlike you, Hizashi became open about his soulmate status, probably to get your attention. Everyone knew he had two names, and he was the most vocal about it. He surprisingly cleared up a lot of horrible rumours about 2 name soulmates and there hadn’t been any slander on them since. 
Well, to your knowledge, you still covered their names up.
“And when is Shouta birthday, Mic?”
You breathed in. You were on the edge of your seat, you needed to know your timeframe to move out of the city.
He smiled. “November 8th.”
4 months, you could move countries in 4 months, right?
“Good morning Miss L/N!” Smiled Ms Joke at you as she walked into the building behind you.
You smiled back in return. “Good Morning Senpai, how are you?”
Even though it was not asked of you, you called all the Heroes in the building Senpai. You didn’t call Heroes from other Agencies Senpai, you called them by their hero name. It was kinda wired as Ms Joke was 2 years younger than you.
“You won’t believe who I met last night on patrol!” She smiled with a light blush.
“Who did you meet, Senpai?” You asked as you pressed the button for the elevator. 
“Eraserhead!” She smiled brightly. “He acts like an old grumpy man! Haha.”
You hadn’t heard much of Esaerhead, you knew he was an underground hero who kept to himself.
“What does he look like? I’ve only heard of him.” You state and the elevator doors ding.
“He has messy black hair, unshaven face, tired eyes, and he wears a dark green suit, black boots, and a light grey wrap scarf.” Ms Joke answered as you both stepped into the elevator. You pressed the button to the floor above while she pressed the floor where the heroes training station was. 
You looked back to when you talk to Shouta, the night Oboro died. He wore something like that.
“Does he also wear goggles?” You asked.
Her face lit up and she smiled and nodded. “YES! Have you met him before?!”
Sadly, yes. It was Shouta. He sounded the same since that day, maybe besides the messy hair and tired eyes.
“Kinda, he was just in my friend’s class. Only saw him twice.” You brushed the answer off.
The doors binged opened to your floor and you walked through. Ms Joke smiled and waved you goodbye before the doors closed. 
You weren’t a fan of Joke, you weren’t friends, just saw each other at work enough to know each other names but not well enough to invite places. 
You head over to your station to start off your day as per usual on a Monday morning. 
“Hello Listener!”
“Sorry ‘bout this, but I got permission from your agency to get you help.”
Hizashi was standing in your healing booth, with a give bruise down his right arm, possibly broken.
“...That’s fine Present Mic.” You spoke softly. “Sit down and I’ll get started.”
Mic sat down and whined a little at his arm. You sat down next to him and pulled up the fabric of his clothing to see full damage.
“May I ask what happened?” You asked softly as you placed your hand on his arm and activated your quirk. 
Mic whined at the touch but as the bruise started to fade the more willing he was too it. “Yeah I was happily talking to some fans and a baddie ran past so I tried to stop him but he threw me into a building.”
“Ouch. Did the guy get away?” You asked as your deactivate your work and checked his arm to make sure it had been properly taken care of. 
“Nah, some other heroes were there and took care of it.” He answered as he watched you. “Have we met before Listener?”
You stopped and looked up at him. His eyes were so intense and it made you shiver. You wanted to fall and you couldn’t take your hands away from him.
“...Yes, first-year, I was friends with Shirakumo.” You answered softly as you took away your hands.
You both became quite. You both knew the situation around him, and that it was hard on both of you for different reasons.
“I… See…” He said as he tried to avoid the situation. “Do I have to do extra care with my arm?”
You can tell he cringed at asking after such a wired moment. You both were avoiding it and it was best you both got away from it.
“It might be a little tight for a couple of days, so just stretch it and massage it.”
“Great!” He smiled, awkwardly. “May I leave?”
You nodded your head and he zipped past you. You watched him make a beeline to the exist and leave before saying goodbye to anyone. 
You let out a breath, and you noticed how fast your heart was pounding. 
Was that the first time you ever touch one of your soulmates? You didn’t even notice how strong the will to not take your hand away was until he left. Your hand left so heavy yet empty once your hand was away.
You were going to have to go out on Friday night. 
You walked into your apartment and left out a deep breath. You kicked off your shoes and dropped your bag to the floor. You face-first into the couch and sighed. You pulled up the couch blanket and turned on the TV.
You groaned and closed your eyes to briefly rest your eyes. 
“There is currently an attack and the underground hero Eraserhead the first responder to the situation.”
Your eyes snapped open and you sat up to watch. 
Your heart dropped once you saw his face, he really was like how Ms Joke described him. He looked so tired. 
You didn’t get to see his eyes - more like you couldn’t because of the goggles. His left shoulder was slightly dripping, making it looked like he was in pain.
You weren’t paying attention to what the anchor was saying, all you could do was focus on Shouta as you started to do soft rubs into his name on your wrist.
You notice him flinch a little regarding his left wrist, he must be feeling the pain in his shoulder down to his arm.
You saw a girl with green hair running towards the fight and try to make the baddie docile. 
Your heart dropped when you figured out it was Ms Joke. 
You quickly took note of what street they were one, noticing they were close by. 
You quickly got up to put on your shoes to start running over there.
You got there when the fight looked like it was ending, as police were there and the baddie was tied up with a grey scarf. 
“L/N!” You heard before you were hugged tightly by the woman with green hair.
She let you go and you saw the smiling face of Ms Joke.
“Senpai, are you okay?” You asked as you touched her arm and activated your quirk to heal anything. “I saw you on the news and rushed over.”
“Aww, aren’t you just the cutest thing.” She smiled widely. “I’m fine, nothing too damaged.”
You saw Shouta walking towards you two with a glare in his eye, an angry glare. You made a whining sound and avoided eye contact.
Ms Joke turned and smiled brightly at Shouta.
“Eraserhead! Your shoulder is hurt, right? You can get healed from my lady friend here!”
You briefly looked up at him and he only glared.
“Lady friend?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“...Kinda, I am a healer at the agency Ms Joke Senpai works for.” You answered.
He was silent for a moment until he brought out his left arm, your name showing. “Could you-?”
“Of course, it’s my job.” You reached out to his arm and activated your quirk to heal him. You did your best but you couldn’t avoid to briefly touch your name on his wrist.
Ms Joke stared with a big smile as she read your name on his wrist.
When you were done you let go and deactivated your work. “It will be stiff for a day at most, so rest it. Stretch it before training and going out.”
“Thank you.” He said sweetly.
He took a couple of seconds before walking away from you two.
“Hiding from your soulmate, F/N L/N?” Ms Joke teased with a smirk on her face.
You looked up at her and sighed. “Soulmates, Senpai. I am avoiding my soulmates.”
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katiebug445 · 3 years
All Along There Was Some Invisible String Tying You to Me
Jearmin week day 3: first meeting 
Since he was a little kid, Armin had always found the park near his home to be the most romantic place he knew. It was nearly a mile walk from his small home he shared with his grandfather, but he didn’t mind. Especially not on days like this. 
Armin sat on his favorite bench that overlooked the large rose garden in the center of the park, the faint smell of the blooms hitting his nose and bringing a sense of calm over him. In his hands, one of his favorite books sat open with a small bookmark marking his page, and beside him on the cool iron sat a cup of steaming tea. Around him, people walked their dogs or with other people, but he couldn’t make out much of what was said. The noise faded into the background as he read, getting himself lost in the story spread out across three hundred pages. 
After a little while, he set his book down and brought the paper cup to his lips, taking a miniscule sip of the warm drink to make sure it was cooled down enough he wouldn’t burn his mouth, and sighed in contentment as the tea hit his tastebuds. This was perfect, he thought. Nothing could hope to get better than this. 
As he sat there, he caught movement from the corner of his eye, and a bubbly couple made their way down the path through the center of the garden, the gravel crunching pleasingly under their feet. The man took the woman right to the heart of it and spoke soft words that Armin couldn’t hear, but thought he had a good idea of what was about to happen. Sure enough, after another few seconds, he dropped to one knee and pulled a small box from his pocket, holding it out for his girlfriend. Armin set his cup down and focused his attention on the couple, waiting with bated breath to know what she would say. It took a moment, but eventually she nodded, and both he and the new fiance breathed a sigh of relief. He watched the two of them for another moment before going back to his book, a soft, happy smile on his face for having witnessed such a magical moment. 
Jean slumped against the counter, exhausted after a busy dinner rush. It was the beginning summer, the greenhouse’s busiest time of year, because every idiot in the city decided that June was the perfect time to propose or get married, and they always had a tough time keeping up with the amount of orders and walk-ins that came looking for flowers. He ran his hands back through his hair, his head propped up on his palms, and let out a deep, exhausted sigh. It wasn’t near time to go home yet, but part of him considered leaving early just so he didn’t have to deal with anymore people. 
Once the last of the stragglers headed out, he took the opportunity to tend to some of the newer plants, the ones that had just started to sprout within the last week. He picked up the watering can they left by the hose and filled it, walking it over to the buds in their pots, and gave them all a good drink. This was one of the best parts of his job. Jean had always been known in his neighborhood to have a bit of a green thumb, thanks to growing up with his mother and the blessing of a corner lot that was mostly a massive garden that she’d tended since she was Jean’s age, and had made sure to teach her young son how to care for the plants they grew. He always loved watching the flowers sprout up at work, offering them quiet encouragements that they would be perfect once they showed themselves to the world. 
He watered the sunflowers first, then moved the pots into the sun a bit more, dissatisfied with where they’d been left, then moved onto the roses. Those were his favorites to watch grow. He loved watching the sprouts begin to grow and climb the small trellises they placed in the pots once they were big enough, and always wished he was able to take some of them home to grow on the one he had at the house. He couldn’t, though, because roses were in such a high demand, there were never any left for the employees to bring home by the end of the wedding season. 
With a small sigh, Jean watered the roses and then took the can back to its usual place, just in time for the door to open and the cycle to start again. 
Armin sat near the window of the cafe downtown, the sun shining in and desperately trying to warm him back up. He was sat directly under the vent and cold air blasted him in the face, making him freeze despite his cardigan. It was the middle of summer, his favorite time of year, and he couldn’t wait to be outside watching the birds and listening to the people around him enjoying themselves. In his pocket, he had a small bag of seeds that he could feed them, and looked forward to hearing them chirp excitedly. 
A small smile crossed his face at the thought of it, and wrapped his hands around his cup, grateful for the hot tea that was quickly cooling thanks to the AC. Outside, people walked by, but Armin didn’t pay them much mind, preferring to get lost in the pages of his books or the podcasts on his phone. Today, though, he found himself glancing longingly out the window for something he didn’t know. The longer he sat there, the stronger the longing got, and eventually began to turn sad. 
He couldn’t figure out what was wrong, but the comfort he normally found in the cafe was just upsetting him now. His tea forgotten for the time being, Armin propped his head up on his hands and let out a long breath, trying to figure his own emotions out. 
Jean was enjoying a rare day off from the greenhouse and decided to stroll the town, even though the sun was hot and it was starting to get to him. He didn’t mind sweating, but he hated how suffocating the heat was on his back. It made it hard to breathe, and every step he took felt like it added ten pounds to him. He wanted to step inside one of the shops and cool off a bit and hide from the summer sun. 
He longed for the cool of autumn, the chilly breeze that knocked leaves from the trees and scattered them on the ground like a monochrome mosaic. Jean loved it. He loved the brisk morning walks with those same leaves crunching under his shoes, the air just beginning to nip at his cheeks and nose, and the flowers that would be in bloom: helenium, pansies, chrysanthemums, asters… it was always beautiful to watch them grow and compliment each other with their deep, rich colors. 
With a sigh, Jean pulled himself from his thoughts and back into the blistering heat, and sped up a bit when he saw the sign for the local cafe coming up on his right. Jean booked it, wanting to get into the cool air as fast as possible, and almost bumped into someone as he opened the door. 
They were wearing a cardigan of all things, and it struck Jean as so odd, he couldn’t help but watch them for a moment as they disappeared around the corner, perfectly comfortable in long sleeves despite the near hundred degree heat. With a shake of his head, he walked inside and ordered himself an iced coffee. 
It was a rare night for Armin, having been dragged out of his house by his friends, to let loose. Eren and Mikasa had talked him into getting dinner at the German pub downtown, and he found himself enchanted. Booths and a few tables made up one side, and a bar on the other, it was loud and boisterous and surprisingly a lot of fun. The walls were covered with photographs and maps of Germany, newspaper clippings in both German and English, and faded black and white pictures of men, women, and children from the 1800s on were scattered here and there, giving a quick glimpse into their lives from when they were taken. Everything else was covered in plows and tools from a simpler time, and beer steins with intricate artwork depicted on the bodies. 
While the others ordered food, Armin walked around, eyes scanning everything they could take in and finding a huge smile crossing his face and getting lost in the culture surrounding him until his friends called him over to their table. 
Jean collapsed on his couch after getting home from work, exhausted and ready to be off his feet. He could smell food from the kitchen and hear his mother bustling around, and a little smile crossed his face at the thought of getting to eat some of her cooking. He let himself rest for a moment before getting up and going to help her out. 
A half hour later, and they were sharing some käsespätzle and Jean was telling her about his day, and how busy the greenhouse was, and she listened with a proud smile. 
“It’s so nice to see you doing something you enjoy so much.” She said, clearing the plates and putting them in the sink, getting ready to do the dishes. 
“Mama,” Jean started, getting up and going up to her, “let me worry about it. Please?” 
She stared him down for a moment before finally relenting, letting Jean take over. “Thank you.” 
With a smile of his own, Jean got everything ready, and a silence fell between them for a moment before he spoke again. “You should come with me to Schmidts sometime to eat. It’s not as good as your cooking, but it would save you some work…” 
“Is that the place downtown?” She asked, giving him a curious look. “Maybe someday.” 
Armin was sat at his favorite bench once again with another book, the stresses of his day beginning to melt away in the warmth of the sun, and after reading for a little while, marked his page and closed it, setting it in his lap and closing his eyes. He didn’t know how long he sat there, but he knew he must have dozed in and out a few times, given how drowsy he was when he finally came to. Armin picked up his tea and blew on it before taking a sip, and really gave himself a moment to savor it. Jean decided to take a quick walk through the park before having to go to work, wanting to be out in the fresh air as much as possible since it wasn’t so hot. It was a beautiful day; the sky was light blue and covered in fluffy white clouds, birds chirped and sang and chipmunks scurried across the path and into the trees for safety, and seeing them made Jean smile. They were a rare sight, and he always enjoyed seeing the little critters running around. He was about halfway done when he caught sight of someone sitting on one of the benches with a cardigan on in the middle of summer. 
Jean let himself wonder about it for a second before realizing he’d seen this person before, and with curiosity getting the better of him, he decided to say something. He walked up to them on the side, seeing they had a book in their lap when he was close enough, and chuckled a little bit. “Hemingway?” He commented, and the man on the bench jumped, looking up at him in surprise. He was gorgeous, Jean realized quickly, with big blue eyes and fluffy hair that looked so soft he had to really restrain himself from reaching out to touch it. 
“What’s wrong with Hemingway?” Armin asked, looking up at the man with a little bit of a blush in his cheeks, feeling a bit defensive for his taste in literature. 
“Nothing, if you like a snooze fest.” Jean said, unable to help himself from teasing a little. “Aren’t you hot in that thing?” 
Armin looked down at himself, realizing then that Jean was talking about his cardigan, and tugged self consciously at his sleeve. “No.” He admitted. “I barely notice it, honestly.” 
“Well, looking at it is making me hot. You realize this is summer, right?” 
Armin just nodded, a bit embarrassed to have so much of himself called out by a total stranger. 
Jean saw the blush in his cheeks and thought to himself that he’d never seen something so cute in his entire life. Taking the plunge, he decided to sit down with him on the bench, gently moving his tea a little closer to him so he didn’t spill it. “I’m Jean.” He introduced. 
Armin hesitated, looking the man up and down and trying to gage what he was getting at in telling him his name, but after a few seconds, he decided to give in, and took a breath. “Armin.” 
“Armin…” Jean repeated, smiling a little when he said it. He really liked the sound of it. “Well, Armin, can I ask what you’re doing sitting in the park with Hemingway for company, and a cardigan on when it’s so damn hot?” 
Armin thought about it for a moment, running his fingers over the well worn spine of his book, and shrugged. “I’m just enjoying the day.” He said after awhile. “What are you doing going up to a complete stranger and just sitting down uninvited?” 
“Do you want me to go?” 
“I didn’t say that.” 
Now it was Jean’s turn to think. “I don’t know.” He shrugged. “Just wanted to talk to the weirdo boiling himself to death.” He chuckled. 
Armin chuckled, too, unable to help himself, and turned a little so he was facing Jean more directly. 
They sat there together most of the day, Jean calling into work and explaining that he couldn’t come in, just talking and getting to know one another. Jean was German, as it turned out, and loved the same pub that Armin was becoming obsessed with. Armin loved sitting and smelling the flowers while he read, and Jean invited him to come visit him at work sometime so he could give him a tour. They both loved the cafe where Jean had first seen him, and after an hour or two, both decided to go get something to drink from there. 
As time wore on and Armin found out more and more about Jean, it felt like more than just a coincidence that they’d met there. When he thought about it later, he would almost say it felt like fate, that a single thread tied them together and got shorter and shorter as the days went by, until it was finally small enough that they had no choice but to run into each other. That was fine in his opinion, given how much he really did find he liked Jean, and wondered if that little string would be strong enough to bind them in each other’s lives forever. 
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herstarburststories · 4 years
Imagine Dean realizing that he feels happy with you
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Dean’s arm still hurts a bit when he wakes up, probably a warning that is going to ache for a few more days ahead. It’s nothing compared to what he’s been through, the green-eyed man knows, but today is a new morning and it’s almost peaceful to worry exclusively about the annoying discomfort that comes from his arm. Therefore, he enjoys the mundane pain with a soft grunt.
You aren’t next to him in bed, which is pretty unlike. Dean usually wakes up first and you are smart enough to trick him into staying in the mattress for a bit longer. One of his eyes went open, while the other part of his face remains smashed against the pillow. No sight of you yet. The shower isn’t running, so you must be in the kitchen.
His minds goes full red alert, as when he is fighting a monster, for all the right reasons. (Y/N)? Attempting to cook? Disaster. He had been there, done that, got the t-shirt and watched it all burn.
Dean yawned, green orbs closing for a tiny amount of seconds-- the mattress under his body appeared a nostalgic comfortability, and the sweaty sheets from the night before gave him a reason to smile in the first minutes of the day, as well to have the first dirty thought regarding to you. 
He got up without much of a resistance, dressing his foot with red slippers as he walked through the door. Dean rubbed his eyes as the ideal temperature of the bunker hit his sleepy face. The beat of his heart was calm, the body that is so used to be a weapon just following lazy steps towards a breakfast. It was good.
‘’Morning, sweetheart.’’ The words leave his lips so easily, it should probably scare him. Of course, the nickname rolled off his tongue in a natural manner even before you two met, but this time it seemed like he meant it. And he did. ‘’You woke up early.’’
There is that; worry about his beloved one. Not if you got hurt in the middle of a vampire’s chacine or during a battle with assholes with wings. But about the urban things; Did you sleep well? Are you trying to cook? Wanna go on an Old West Movies marathon?
‘’Morning, cowboy.’’ You greet him, turning around with a genuine smile on your face. You are wearing one of his shirts as usual. Although, it still makes the smile reflected on his face from yours grow bigger. No such thing as time moving too fast between supernatural problems, or too slow between combats. It’s just you, and the slightly smell of a burnt toast. ‘’You made me stay up late last night and messed up my sleeping schedule.’’
‘’You weren’t complaining.’’ Dean smirks, approaching you until his hands hold your waist. He can’t keep his distance from you for too long. Why would he? ‘’The opposite, actually.’’
Determination in your voice as you pull away is laced with a certain hint of humor, ‘’Nope. Not happening. You aren’t going to distract me this time. I’m making toast, it’s gonna be delicious.’’
Dean simply arches his eyebrows, glaring at the toaster that made a noise and popped up two black attempts of food. He can’t say he’s surprised, but he can’t say he doesn’t like that. His girlfriend could do anything but cook properly.
‘’Burnt toast. Yummy!’’ He says, picking up one of them with a wryly smirk. Dean puts it away with arching eyebrows and a true chuckle at your frustrated expression.
You pout like a little kid. He leans him, pressing his lips against yours. All the situation just seems like a light-hearted occasion. And perhaps it is. Something he didn’t believe he was going to get, mainly after Lisa. He had accepted what came with the hunting life, being satisfied sometimes? Sure. Proud, if he was a bit cocky. But happiness certainly wasn’t on the list - he should know, he read all the manual and tried to change the rules multiple times just to end in a cruel mixture of blood and tears every night. He grew merciless to anyone who hadn’t became family when he used to feel. He forced the warmth out of his body to engage the cold as deep as possible. Before. Not too long ago. Anyway, before still.
It’s been almost two years now. He can sleep without nightmares more often, with a record of three times in a row, while listening to the way you breathe in the quiet of the night. When the lights are out, his body quickly searches for yours and it’s surprisingly how it always finds you in his darkest moments. On the way home, Sam reading his book or listening to a boring podcast as the shotgun and you on the backseat chewing on your lip as you glance through the window, while he drives his father’s legacy in wheels and hums to one of his old tapes, he can feel it. Whatever it is; the sensation.
It’s been hitting him a lot lately. At times, like a metaphorical punch in the belly to make him dizzy. Or a giant urge to scream for no angry reason. When too strong, he even feels like crying without a sorrow to mourn.
He has never felt quite like this. Obviously, the problems are still out there and inside. Certain cases are difficult. They keep getting in enormous troubles. Dean still misses his mom and dad. Adam crawls in his mind some days. Occasionally, after one of his favorite series’s episode ended and the credits pass by, his mind traps itself and starts a sick game of regrets, which puts him in one of his moods for the rest of the day. Nightmares about hell, being a demon, seeing Castiel die, losing you and Sammy hadn’t disappeared totally, maybe they never will. Regardless, he’s found a sort of calmary in the chaos.
‘’Dean!’’ You giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulls you closer. Dean gives you tiny, sweet kisses as a kind of worship. Your skin feels warm like the summer against his and he can breathe so effortlessly for some reason. Sam is in his room, Cas is alive, his parents are in heaven together, you are in his arms, and he isn’t fighting to be alive right now. He’s full of damage, but he is plenty of good things, too. No, not mere good stuff. Great, awesome, fantastic.
The uncertain emotion caresses his whole body one more time, and a single man’s tear leaves him. It falls on your shoulder and you pull away a bit, just so you can cup his cheeks and kiss his him. You get it. You always does. Somehow.
Again, he has never felt quite like this.
Dean Winchester thinks it’s happiness. 
A/N: I had a high desire of writing Dean x Reader fluff, so here you go! No beta’d. Honestly, I started it and I was like, let’s make it based on Lover by Taylor Swift. Then, it became more like You Are In Love (also by Tay) than Lover. Lyrics: You can hear it in the silence / You can feel it on the way home / You can see it with the lights out / Burnt toast / You keep his shirt
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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Today was great and Im only frustrated that my lip has gotten worse again. I think from the friction from my mask and the heat all day made it worse. But my whole mouth area hurts and it sucks. Honestly, I am also just very sore. We did a lot of walking in the sun today!!
I didn't sleep great last night. I had weird nightmares again and I woke up with my lip all covered in dry blood. I was pretty upset about it and it would only get worse. I tried my best to baby it but there was only so much I could do.
I got washed up and dressed though. I was super excited for costume. I would end up wearing my corset open because it was a lot warmer then I expected. But I felt so cute. I loved how I did my hair, with two twisted braids under my headband. I was very pleased. My makeup would mostly wear away half way through the day but I still felt really good about it. James put on their costume so we could see how it looked before we left, just in case something had to change. But I think they looked great. The new shirt is so good and loots great on them. They would wear a regular shirt for the drive, so I put all our accessories and their costume in a tote bag to bring with us.
I was in a really chill mood overall. Jess was texting me all upset about feeling rushed and things not working the way she was hoping but I was chill and tried to give her some of that energy.
We left here and went to Mcdonalds before we drove the hour and a half to the ren faire.
And it was a good drive! The way there we made great time, we listened to a few episodes of the story podcast we listen to on long drives. We had lots of laughs because I kept saying dumb shit and James would tease me but in the best way. It was a good ride.
Jess was worried about the parking line but we got there a little after 1030 and there was no line at all! And they pulled in minutes after us!
It took us all a few minutes to get our costumes right and get ourselves together. But Jess and her brother and sister-in-law would come over to us and then we would all go in together.
We got in really fast. And for real it was barely crowded. Like there were crowds but nothing like Ive experienced in the past. We barely had to wait for anything. When we first got there we got lemonade and played with some photo opp things. I had a great time walking around and was for sure the leader of the day.
I would just lead us to what I thought was good. James was there for whatever and Jess didn't have anything specific. We didn't know what any shows were so we only ended up going to one. Which was the mud pit show. Which I always love. We caught a little of a few other shows but we should have probably planned that better. We did get to see the mermaids which was very cool though. She even had fangs.
I loved seeing people's costumes. And we ate a lot of different things. I had a smoothie. Me and Jess shared a pickle. Jess and James each had turkey legs. I had a baked potato. We would have kettle corn and I got a little sandwich. They got coffee and James shared an apple muffin with me. It was such a food day and it was great.
We didn't buy much beyond food. I did get to do things I never got to before. I got to do the gemstone panning thing. I have always wanted to do that but it always seemed expensive but it was $15 and I got some awesome stones and really had a great time. And James got me one of those copper roses and I always wanted one of those. So it was pretty great.
We would do a lot of walking. A lot of people watching. Going in shops. Enjoying the company. We watched the glass blowing demo. We got James sized for a kilt and the men who ran that place were so excited that were getting married. They apparently also do rentals and gave us their card so we can get something for James that we know is nice. I think we even know the color.
I really had a great day. I was tired but like in a good way. We went to the dungeon and read about all the scary things people did to each other. James found someone's wallet?? So we gave that to the woman at the front. I hope it made its way back to the owner.
We did see a poor girl who was wasted wasted and an actor came to check on her because she was double over on her self, looked asleep, but then security staff and first aid came and checked on her to get her some water and find her friends. I hope she is okay.
We surprisingly didn't see to many embarrassingly drunk people, for being Octoberfest. It was fun seeing people in all kinds of costumes though and I was having a great time.
Jess was moving very slow because her feet hurt and we kept losing her. So to keep James slow I held their hand and to keep Jess with us I held her hand and we were a little train. A man at a booth laughed at us and said we needed a leash when I told him why we were doing this. But it worked!!
Jess got a precious hat. And then we bought honey products. We ran into her brother and sister in law and it was decided we wouldn't stay through the end and instead leave at 530ish.
So we got our last snacks and headed to the front to wait.
Me and Jess talked for a while while James filled our water bottle. And then we went out to sit in a gazebo and take some costume pieces off. It was just a wonderful day. I am so glad we got to go. Lookign through my posts we haven't been there together since 2014, me and James went to the Maryland one ins 2018. But it has been forever so this was just the best. And I get to see Jess again next Tuesday so it wasn't even that sad saying goodbye.
I was excited to go home. But we had some issues. We ended up going on the wrong exit on the turnpike and had to go twenty miles out of the way to turn around. And then we had another wrong turn and it was another 20 minutes added.
But we stopped for donuts and tacos after that. Donuts for James and tacos for me. And we listened to more tanis and enjoyed the sunset.
We got home around 830. Washed up and now were in bed. My lips are hurting really bad and have split open again. Im going to get actual neosporn tomorrow. Auquafore just isn't cutting it.
But now is time for rest.
I hope tomorrow is beautiful for all of you. Goodnight everyone!!
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incidentreport31 · 3 years
Episode Three: Gather raw meat of any kind, red preferred, human is fine TRANSCRIPT
(You can listen to the show wherever you get your podcasts.)
Recorder clicks on.
SFX: papers shuffling as Val decides on an account to focus on for the day.
(humming Under My Skin by Jukebox the Ghost for a few moments as they decide) Which one for today, then? Christ, this place is a mess.
[they stop as they pick up one covered in grime]
What in god’s name? What’s all over this one… (they scoff) Great, Val. You’re asking the damn recorder questions now.
[beat, then to the recorder]
Although I suppose you’re good enough company even if you can’t answer… (fondly) aren’t you?
[an awkward beat, a little too long]
(they clear their throat) I suppose I’ll be getting this one over with…
[SFX: shuffle of paper as they pick it up]
Certainly seems the most interesting given the…
[SFX: another shuffle as they flip it back and forth and take it in]
-residue… on it. (they sniff) God, the smell of it. Almost like rotten meat.
(they shudder)
(sighing) Right. Best get right into it… (muttering) it’ll be over sooner.
For the consideration of their parents: Bryn Fischer’s retelling of their time traveling alongside their road bike expedition through Massachusetts and- Dear Lord- a - what does this mean- a… a meat rain? (they sigh, exasperated) Yes, a “meat rain” that they came upon while driving.It seems Mx. Fischer is requesting their parents to pay fully for their next vacation… I’ve said it before, but (sighs) Rich People. Surprisingly, though, this account does seem to have a date written in: July 21, 2001. Regardless of my disbelief in the fact that the previous Archivist finally did something competent, their account begins as such:
I used to drive support for my parents’ long distance bike rides. They used to go out for anywhere from 90 to 200 miles a day with only a few stops in small towns where they could meet me at the car and grab new waters before heading right back out. They’re big bike geeks and I was the one person they’d always had at their disposal for the longer trips. Once I turned sixteen and properly had a driver’s license, it seemed to occur to them that they didn’t really have to ask their other long-distance riding friends to drive alongside them. Instead, they turned to me to make sure they were safe and sound on their excursions. Which was honestly fine for a while! I mean, when I’d first gotten the freedom of driving, it felt like such a treat to go on these trips and be able to just drive for hours and hours with someone else paying for my gas. And beyond that, it was nice to see everything out on the roads. I always found something good on those days where my parents were tirelessly trekking across the state highways. I loved seeing things I’d never seen before, whether it was the weird trinkets at rest stops or patches of snow hiding under dense forests I’d never seen before. I loved the exploring of it, but if I’m being honest, the thing that really amazed me was my parents. The dedication it took to willingly submit yourself to that much physical exertion with nothing but the few waters they could carry on their bikes between our meeting spots… Well it wasn’t something they’d passed down to me, that’s for sure.
But, that’s all to say that after a while of driving for them, it eventually lost its charm. They eventually found a route they loved above all others and decided that they were going to make it their annual ride. As I’m sure you can tell, the whole “seeing new places and exploring” thing went away pretty quickly a few trips in. I was a stupid teenager, you know, and started griping about it to them two years in when they decided the perfect time for their next ride was over the weekend that my eighteenth birthday fell on.
Sometimes, Bryn, parents don’t have an ounce of self-awareness, I’ll give you that much, but this is getting past the point of exposition and I’d suggest you get to the point lest you sound like a writer who got to write in more background details than usual because this is a two-part episode.
After that, well I decided they could get their friends who actually gave a damn to go along with them. And even then, I was going away to college in Boston soon, so they’d have to stop relying on me eventually, so it was as good a time as any.
Well, that’s my rambling exposition for you, I suppose.
Thank God.
But of course, by my sophomore year in university I was growing away from my parents and our calls had become less frequent. As much as I hated to admit it, I missed them. So when they called me and briefly mentioned they’d tired of their old route and would be taking on a new ride that summer, namely one that would loop right by me in Boston, I jumped at the chance, telling them to please not bother any of their friends with the trouble of driving and to let me come along. They were thrilled, of course. It had been a while since I’d willingly gone with them on their trips and they agreed without a second thought, inviting me to stay at their hotel with them like old times. I’ll spare you the details of the trip as a whole, I suppose. It was 119 miles along Wachusett mountain and there was a lot to look at. I mean I could go on and on about the sights I saw and the nostalgia that bloomed in my chest when I remembered the first few drives I’d taken with them.
(mocking) Heaven forbid you go on a tangent.
The important thing is the fact that, although I was so sure I’d checked all the maintenance lights off beforehand, by some twisted turn of fate, the lights on my dashboard flicked off, and stopped functioning altogether. It would have been fine, I mean it was in broad daylight still, but without a working speedometer, I was screwed. Now, my first thought was rage, of course, quickly followed by worry about my parents. I was lucky enough to have broken down where there was still cell service and to have my father pick up when I called, the two of them having momentarily paused to sight see. He assured me that it was okay. They’d be riding through where my car had stopped in about an hour and would be able to refuel their waters and snacks, but that they were going strong and should be fine to continue the ride. He told me just to call Triple A and make sure to get myself back to the hotel we were staying at safely and to leave the waters and things by a tree if by some miracle my car was fixed before they got to me. I tried to stay calm and called for the repair guy, who informed me he wouldn’t be there for about an hour and a half which was… just perfect.
Now I genuinely cannot tell if this is sarcasm or not as it’s written down so it’s anyone’s guess really.
I thought for a while and decided it would be fine if I walked around the nearby woods for a little while. Like I said, I really did love the exploring aspects of these trips and I figured that if I would be stuck here for a while, I might as well make the most of it as long as I kept my phone on me and kept track of the time. And honestly? It was some of the best fun I’d had in a while. Staying in the city for college had put my love of nature on hold indefinitely and I was happy to have it, even if for a short time. After a little while of walking around, I found this nice secluded area right on the edge of an open field and took a seat within a bush where the branches grew haphazardly enough that there was a decent sized hollow space for me to rest. I closed my eyes, just enjoying the moment in spite of my circumstances.
SFX: Eerie music begins playing.
And… that’s when I heard it. There was this slight whooshing noise followed up by a few wet squelching sounds as whatever seemed to have fallen bounced once or twice along the damp earth.
My eyes snapped open, but as I scanned the forest floor, nothing immediately caught my attention. Everything seemed normal. And then as I was staring open-eyed at the field in front of me, it seemed as though the sky opened up. But… not with rain. Instead of water, there were fleshy colored chunks of all sizes just plummeting down from the sky into the field. They flopped as they hit the ground in a way that was both comical and simultaneously made me afraid I was going to lose the continental breakfast I’d had at the hotel just a few hours earlier. And that’s before I even noticed the smell. In the end, that’s what really made me realize what I was looking at. The smell that permeated the air as the shower continued suddenly clicked in my brain: rotten meat. There was nothing else that could smell so repulsive and sickly as the mass of meat chunks that had begun to collect on the field before me.
(they clear their throat) Right.(somewhat shakily) Moving on then.
By now, I was holding my hands clasped to my mouth, trying not to panic and furthermore hoping that the meat shower would stay central to that one area. Honestly I didn’t know if I would be able to handle any of it coming near me and I was thankful for every second it didn’t. It went on like that for several minutes through which I finally resolved to keep my eyes firmly shut.
And then all of a sudden, the wet flopping sound ceased. For a moment, I could almost believe I imagined it, with my eyelids still pressed together. And yet, the smell still hung in the air. I slowly opened my eyes, hoping not to see what I deep down knew I would. What had once been a gorgeous fertile field full of lush grass and the types of wildflowers that would have been classified as weeds by those without any sense-
You mean botanists who likely have PHD’s? Hmm. I see.
Well, it had been turned into a literal hellscape. Not only was the meat layered on itself in clumps of already rotting material slowly heating up in the mid-day sun- which yes is as nasty as it sounds- but even the areas where the meat hadn’t settled were covered in that kind of slimy residue that comes off when you pat pre-packaged meats dry before you cook them. Pretty awful in every sense of the word.
I sat on the ground for a few more minutes hidden safely within my bush before I realized that it had probably been about forty-five minutes since I called the Triple A man and figured now was a good a time as any to try getting back to my car, especially since I wasn’t keen to get caught up in any second round of meat rain.
SFX: Eerie music starts playing.
Unfortunately for me, the moment I decided this was exactly the moment the man and little girl walked out into the field. They came in from exactly the opposite side from where I was attempting to stand up, so of course they saw the bush shudder even with the cover it gave me. I hoped against everything that they would pass it off as an animal, perhaps drawn towards the display looking for dinner, and it seemed that, even standing up as I was, I was lucky enough to scrape by on that front.
I guess you’ll be wanting a description of them, yeah? The man was a little older, maybe in his late thirties and seemed positively pleased to be walking through the field of gristle and gore. At the very least, his smile beamed as he passed his eyes back and forth across the field. The girl next to him seemed to be so young, a toddler: maybe five at the oldest? I don’t know, I’ve never been good at discerning children’s ages. But young as she was, she didn’t seem put off by the scene around her in the slightest, skipping along next to the man with her hand swinging along in his.
I wish I knew what happened next. You ever have one of those moments where you suddenly realize you’ve been holding your breath? That’s the only thing I can chalk it up to I guess. Maybe it was the terrifying notion of them noticing me any further, a freeze fear response, or just subconsciously trying to keep the smell out of my nostrils, but no matter the reason, I realized I hadn’t taken a breath in far too long a few moments too late and I fell forward into the bush.
Loudly. Loud enough that when I came to my senses a second or two later, halfway fallen out of the bush where they could see me clear as day, I could see both of them staring at me with their heads cocked to the side. As frightened as I was, though, I remember clearly that the two of them shared the same calm, kind face, the pleasant demeanor dimmed only by their surroundings. And then, with my head still cloudy, I heard him call out to me.
“Are you alright over there?” And that was the moment I knew that-
[SFX: paper being turned over frantically and then a beat]
(frustrated) Hm. It seems that the account ends there if I’m not mistaken. Though it seems the story does not. I suppose maybe there’s another sheet around here with the rest of the story, although how I’m going to find it in this mess I can only guess. (muttering) Guess I’ll just have to keep a look out for another paper coated in this grime, which I am now unfortunately being led to believe is meat… juice.
Either way, I’m afraid that with the few details I’ve been given so far I cannot confirm anything about this case one way or another. I would love to dismiss it right off the bat and write off the… grime on this paper as a practical joke, but until further research is done or I get a hold of the rest of this story, I’m afraid I can do no such thing. (a long, drawn out sigh)
[SFX: the listeners become aware of the sound of a camcorder whirring at some point in this closing as Chris approaches]
[As Chris begins, the Archivist yelps in surprise, maybe a little desk clatter]
Do you think you could do another take real quick? Maybe up the acting a bit during the meat rain, really sell the emotion?
Bloody hell—who are you?
Oh, sorry! Didn’t mean to scare you.(then, trying to be cryptic, but she’s too over-the-top for it to be scary) Or did I?
(confused) You—how long have you been in here?
Uh. The whole time? I thought you’d say something to me eventually, but you were really lost in the sauce there for a bit.(trying to be funny) Or, lost in the meat juice, I guess. (she giggles at her own joke.)
Well, my sincerest apologies, but you weren’t supposed to be in here in the first place. Who are you? Is—is that a camera?
Oh, I’m Christine Lewis, one of the researchers!
[Val tries to speak, but Chris cuts them off.]
Just Chris is fine. Anyways, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to get some footage for my channel.
(slowly) Your...channel…
(she hums.) I’m kind of going for like, a Buzzfeed Unsolved type vibe, you know?
I’m afraid I don’t know what that is.
Damn. No culture in these archives. Maybe if you stanned Ryan Bergara, this never would have happened.
Look, Chris, as...flattered...as I am to be the subject of your web series, I don’t appreciate being recorded without my knowledge. At least I have control over when this girl here turns on and off.
Did you just call the tape recorder a girl…?
(overlapping) Not the point. Could you please get back to doing your job, and save the videos for when you’re not at work?
If you insist. It’s gonna be worth it, though. You’ll get a shoutout in my one million subscribers video, just you wait.(mumbles). Just gotta get to ten subscribers first. Maybe if I was more active on Twitter. Say, do you think we could make an account for the [REDACTED] Institute?
(they are at their limit) Chris?
Yeah, boss?
Get back to work before I tell HR to write this up.
Yeah, yeah, I’m going.
SFX: Chris begins to walk off.
(they huff a sigh.) End recording.
Recorder clicks off.
Incident Report Number 31 is a podcast made by Three-Eyed Frog Presents. This episode, “Gather raw meat of any kind, red preferred, human is fine,” was written, directed, and produced by Val West and Luka Miller with sound design by Luka Miller. This episode featured Val West as the Archivist and Jesse Smith as Chris Lewis. Music is produced by Luka Miller. To keep up with the show and find transcripts, make sure to follow us on our Twitter at @IR31Pod and on tumblr at @IncidentReport31. To contact us with any questions or concerns, feel free to email us at [email protected]. Thanks for listening.
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arcticfox007 · 4 years
The Only One That Matters
Destiel December 2020 Challenge
Heads up, this ended up being long! Continuation of Days 2-6, the Master List is pinned to my profile :)
Day 7: Peppermint (on AO3)
*Charlie never died in my headspace, so, yeah. She threw her laptop into that Nazi’s face, kicked him in the groin, and got away – because that’s what should have happened.*
               With only 4 days left until Christmas, Dean had decided that going Christmas shopping was another holiday tradition that Cas had yet to experience. Sam had his doubts about this one, he was fairly certain that Dean hadn’t actually been near a mall or shopping plaza this close to the holidays, and possibly didn’t know what he was getting into. In an attempt to avoid disaster, Sam found himself calling Charlie for back-up. If anyone would help him with Operation Angel-Impala (which was the name Charlie quickly gave Sam’s not-really-a-plan), it was the Winchester’s adopted sister.
               “Yeah, shopping at a mall right now will probably not encourage warm fuzzy feelings. I’d be shocked if they even made it home without Dean punching someone in the face. I’m really surprised he even suggested it.”
               “Charlie, he’s thrown himself into giving Cas the whole Christmas experience. While sickeningly adorable, it’s not like Dean and I even know what that is. I’m pretty sure I was still an infant the last time we had a real tree.” Charlie let out a long-suffering sigh.
               “Okay, okay. Give me a minute.” Sam tried to be patient as he heard soft tapping noises, likely from Charlie’s keyboard. “Here’s something. It’s maybe ninety minutes or so away from you guys, but it’s not far from where I am. There’s this historic riverside city that has something called Midnight Madness where all the stores are open late into the night. They have a bunch of sales and decorations, but from the event listing it looks like mostly locals show up, and it’s semi-remote. Ooo, didn’t you say they’d been baking together?”
               “Yeah. I’d say that I’ve never seen so much pie in my life, but I live with Dean.” Charlie snickered.
               “Well, they have a chocolate making event that people can sign up for. Here. This thing runs every night up until Christmas Eve.” Sam’s phone pinged and he saw Charlie had sent him the link to the Midnight Madness event. He clicked on the chocolate making link and grinned.
               “This is perfect Charlie! Now I just need to convince them this is better than the mall.”
               “Oh, I have got you covered.” Sam didn’t have the chance to even ask before Dean walked in waving his phone in the air.
               “Hey, Charlie just texted me asking if we wanted to go to some Christmas shopping thing with her tonight. I thought this would be a good chance for Cas to get in some more holiday experience.” Sam just laughed and told Dean that they should get ready if he wanted to go and his brother rushed off to tell Cas.
               “You’re my favorite sibling Charlie.”
               “Well, you got to pick me. You were just stuck with Dean,” Charlie teased. “Anyway, I’m getting us all tickets to the chocolate making thing. Dean can’t say no if it’s a Christmas gift from me and I kind of want to see this new Christmasy Dean for myself. There’s a restaurant and bar called The Phoenix Emporium; we can meet there.” Sam wrote down the bar’s name and address looking forward to having someone to plot against Cas and Dean with (for their own good, of course).
               “Thanks again Charlie, we’ll see you later tonight.”
               Cas had already gotten gifts in preparation for Christmas, so he wasn’t sure why going out Christmas shopping mattered. Even so, he didn’t argue when Dean said they were going out. Dean had been in such a good mood recently that Cas was more than happy to do whatever was asked of him.
Castiel did wonder why Dean was in such a good mood. He’d like to know what it took to get Dean into this type of mindset, for future reference. Maybe it was just celebrating Christmas, but Cas had known Dean for a long time and he’d never seen a holiday make him so happy. Perhaps… well, maybe there was something to what Sam had told him yesterday. Sam had said Dean was better when Cas was around which wasn’t something the angel had ever thought about before. Cas knew that Dean had made him better, and he preferred it when he was with Dean. It had taken him years to work out that he was actually in love with Dean, but he’d been satisfied to just watch over him until Metranon stole his grace and Castiel had become human.
When Cas had woken up after being stabbed by a reaper to find Dean’s concerned and pain-stricken face in front of him – felt Dean’s warm calloused hands cradling his face, well, he hadn’t been able to control his emotions as easily. It didn’t help that Dean had left him on his own only to show up again still acting like he cared. Regaining his grace had did nothing to get his desire for more with Dean under control, despite knowing how unlikely it was that Dean felt the same way. So, why was he even allowing himself to consider the possibility? Cas sighed deeply.
“Cas? Everything okay?” Cas looked up to see Dean’s hypnotizing green eyes glancing at him in the rearview mirror. Cas had conceded ‘shotgun’ to Sam because his legs were so much longer. Sam had his headphones on listening to a podcast and Cas must have stayed quiet for too long after Dean had been talking to him.
“Yes Dean. I apologize, you were saying something about your mother?” Dean’s  eyes were back on the road as he responded.
“Uh, yeah. I was just saying that she said she’d stop by the bunker in about a week. I’d hoped she would come for Christmas but she can’t make it.” Cas reached his hand out to gently touch Dean’s shoulder for just a moment, wishing he had a reason to keep his hand there longer.
“I’m sorry she couldn’t be there for Christmas,” Cas said softly. Surprisingly, Dean reached back to stop Castiel’s fingers from moving away. Cas froze, not daring to move a muscle.
“Thanks Cas. I – I just wanted to say that I’m happy you came back home when she left.” Dean briefly squeezed Cas’ fingers before returning his hand to the steering wheel. Castiel slowly pulled his hand back into his lap breathing out a quiet ‘you’re welcome’ in response to Dean’s words. The way Dean had been acting recently, this was why Castiel had started to hope. The car fell silent as he stared at the hand on which the angel could still feel a ghost of Dean’s touch.
               Dean couldn’t really say no to participating in the chocolate making event when Charlie gave them tickets to attend as a Christmas present. He didn’t even grumble much about it; he didn’t want to make her unhappy and for whatever reason Charlie and Sam were unusually excited about making chocolate. Dean could hear them animatedly debating the merits of milk versus dark chocolate as they walked ahead of him and Cas.
So, Dean had sucked it up and let her lead the way through the Christmas lit streets of the historic town. He had to admit that the town was a great location for Christmas events. The old stone buildings were dripping with colorful lights and there were lit candles in most of the windows. He was happy to see how Cas was looking around with a small smile on his face as he watched a family take their children to different stores looking at the windows and checking something off of a list. Dean looked around and noticed there were a lot of people carrying around the same list. They must have some sort of scavenger hunt going on. He caught Charlie’s sleeve to get her attention.
               “Charlie,” Dean whispered. “Do you know what’s up the scavenger hunt?” Charlie gave Dean a confused look.
               “Really? You want to know about… alright, hold on.” Bemused, Charlie pulled out a booklet and flipped through. “Here.”
               Dean took the paper from her as they continued walking. It was listed as an all-ages window and store hunt with different prizes every night and Dean laughed as he saw what they were supposed to be looking for.
               “Cas!” Castiel caught up to Dean a few moments later. “We should do this.” Dean pointed to the event page. Cas gave Dean an all to rare laugh when he saw what Dean was showing him.
               “Angel scavenger hunt. You’ve already found plenty of angels, Dean.” Dean playfully bumped Cas’ shoulder.
               “Yeah, well, you’re the only one that matters.” Crap, did Dean just say that out loud? “Uh, I mean, c’mon, don’t you want to participate in Christmas traditions? You did ask me for help with that, right?” Cas was staring at him, as if trying to solve a puzzle but Dean just nervously pushed the event booklet into the angel’s hands. “Er, if you don’t want to look for ‘angels’ you can see if there’s something else you’d like to do.” Cas gave Dean a quiet smile and put the booklet in his pocket.
               “We should go to Charlie’s chocolate class first, then we can look for other traditions to try.” Dean readily agreed and they hurried to catch up with the others.
               Sam was impressed with Charlie’s devious but brilliant maneuvering. The chocolate making event was almost entirely couples, and there was only room for two people at most stations. She had managed to get Cas and Dean set up at one table and then set herself and Sam up at a table about two rows back. Charlie had informed Sam that they needed a good vantage point to better access what they were up against for Operation Angel-Impala. Sam could tell that she was entertained by the entire situation, but also honestly invested in Dean’s happiness.
               “Y’know Sam, I’m not sure we have to do all that much here. Dean asked me to find out what the scavenger hunt thing going on was, and then I heard him asking Cas if he wanted to do it.” Sam’s jaw dropped.
               “Huh, maybe you’re right. I mean, I figured a lot of Dean’s recent effort was because he felt guilty about something Cas told Mom, but volunteering for a cutesy Christmas event seems bit above and beyond if that were the case.” Charlie nodded eagerly.
               “And look how they’re all in each other’s space. Anyone else here would assume they are already dating.”
               “Yeah, but they’re always like that. Staring at one another for long stretches of time, finding excuses to touch each other… recently Dean is being a lot nicer to Cas though.” Charlie smiled brightly.
               “Sam, maybe you should let Dean know you’d be happy for him. If he was with Cas I mean.” Sam looked puzzled.
               “Charlie, Dean doesn’t want to talk to me about his feelings. He doesn’t even want to admit he has feeling outside of a love for pie and Baby.”
               “Uh-huh. Not to state the obvious but Cas has a dude’s vessel. Have you ever seen Dean hook up with another guy?” Sam’s eyebrows raised and then dropped to a deep furrow.
               “Um, no? I don’t care about that though. I mean, maybe that’s part of Dean’s hang-up, but I just want him to have someone in his life that makes him better, happier, more willing to live. Cas does that.”  Charlie let out an exasperated sigh.
               “Sam Winchester, you need to tell him that! If you’ve never known Dean to have even considered hooking up with a guy, it will help him to know you support him. I’m sure part of him understands you wouldn’t be bothered, but it helps to hear it.” Sam nodded solemnly still looking at his brother who was busy flipping through the chocolate making menu and laughing at something Cas had said.
               “Alright Charlie. I can do that. I think I have an idea but we may have to explore some of the art tents later.”
               “Deal. Now, to the chocolate, Sam!”
               Cas didn’t actually care what they were making. Dean had seemed shocked when Cas said he wasn’t familiar with peppermint, so they began working through the instructions on how to make something called peppermint bark. All Cas cared about was how easily Dean was laughing. How often Dean put himself into Cas’ space when it used to be Dean who would lecture the angel about personal space. What Cas really couldn’t stop thinking about was how Dean had told him that he’d found the only angel that mattered when looking at Cas. Cas couldn’t be completely sure what Dean meant by saying that, but he did know that the words had swept through him in a rush of warmth and joy.
Glancing behind Dean, Cas noticed his right wing had wrapped itself around Dean without the angel having been really aware of it. Ever since his wings started to heal Cas found himself wrapping them around Dean more and more. Castiel was still hesitant to share with Dean that he was in love with him, but he was starting to learn new ways to show it. He saw the way Dean relaxed when his wing curled around him. Even though he couldn’t quite feel it, he was somehow sensing their presence.
Cas smiled as Dean wiped chocolate on Cas’ nose. Then he smugly retaliated by sticking a chocolate covered finger into Dean’s ear.
               “Eugh! No fair Cas!” As gross as the feeling of melted chocolate in his ear was, Dean couldn’t help laughing. Their peppermint bark was in a freezer to help it set faster, although they had been told by one of the volunteers running the event that two bars takes a lot less time than a whole pan. When he looked up at Cas’ self-satisfied grin and chocolate smeared nose Dean dissolved into laughter all over again. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this good.
               “I can’t help that I have had billions of years to develop my tactical expertise. I’m very good at picking the most advantageous targets for attack.” Cas raised a single eyebrow, the haughty look only ruined by the smile Cas was fighting to hold back. Well, that and the chocolate still on his nose.
               “Yeah, yeah. C’mon, let’s get this cleaned up before they bring back our candy bars.” Dean took one of the wipes the volunteers had place around the room and before he could think about it too much, he raised the cloth towards Cas’ face. Dean gently wiped the smudge from Cas’ nose as the angel stared at Dean with a soft look in his blue eyes that Dean couldn’t quite identify.
“There ya go, Cas. Nose smudge eliminated.” Dean winked at Castiel. He wasn’t even that surprised when the angel returned the favor, softly wiping the chocolate from Dean’s ear. Cas kept staring at Dean the whole time. Dean gave the angel another quick smile and finished cleaning up their station, wondering for just a moment what was going on between him and his best friend. Dean decided that he was just going to go along with it for now, he’d try to actually figure it out later. Or possibly never. Either way, he wasn’t going to screw up the awesome night they were having so far.
“What is Charlie doing?” Dean glanced behind him at Sam and Charlie’s table. By the time he looked Charlie seemed to have quickly put away her phone. Dean shrugged.
“I dunno, maybe she’s looking at the other stuff to do here since her booklet is in your pocket.” Cas looked unconvinced but turned back towards Dean anyway.
“Do you really want to participate in this Angel Scavenger Hunt?” Cas asked Dean skeptically.
“Yeah, if you think it might be fun. We are good at hunting things after all. Also, I’d like to go into a few of the stores anyway. I want to get Charlie something for Christmas since she put this all together for us.” Cas thought for a moment and then looked back at Dean.
“Alright. If nothing else I agree we should find a gift for Charlie.” Dean grinned and bumped his shoulder on Cas.
“You asked me to help you with Christmas traditions, Cas. I just want to do a good job.”
“Thank you, Dean,” Castiel replied seriously. Then Cas turned to see one of the volunteers bringing back their peppermint bark experiment. Dean reached out to take the wrapped bars while Cas thanked the volunteer for helping with the event.
“We should try some before Charlie tries to steal it.” Dean broke off a piece and handed it to Castiel.
“Sam won’t steal it?”
“Nah, he hates white chocolate. Something about pretending to be chocolate and it being a lie. I dunno, he’s dramatic.” Cas tipped his head to the side examining the colorful candy. After another moment he took a small bite. Dean knew he couldn’t really taste much human food, but he also knew peppermint had a strong flavor. Cas chewed slowly. And then took another small bite.
“I can taste some of it, I think. It reminds me of toothpaste.” Cas half smiled as he ate more.
“I’m glad we found something else you can kind of enjoy. We can also get coffee while we’re walking around.” Dean just kept feeling like he had to smile tonight.
“You should try as well, Dean.” Dean took another chunk from one of the bars and was pleasantly surprised by the burst of flavor on his tongue.
“Hey, we did a good job on this stuff!” Cas looked at Dean fondly just before they were interrupted by an energetic redhead grabbing a piece of the bar still in Dean’s grasp.
“Peppermint bark, excellent. Wow, this is good guys, you have hidden talents!”
“Hey, hands off! Where’s yours and Sam’s? We can trade.” Dean was tall enough that he easily held the candy out of Charlie’s reach.
“Sorry Dean, that’s long gone!” Charlie snickered as Sam joined them.
“She’s telling the truth Dean; I barely had any myself.” Charlie snorted in response to Sam’s accusation.
“Don’t listen to him, he had half a bar. So, what do you guys want to do now?”
“Charlie,” began Castiel sincerely, “I want to say thank you for the Christmas gift.” Charlie practically beamed at Cas.
“You are very welcome, Castiel. I’m happy you guys had fun!” Sam and Dean also thanked Charlie.
“Oh, hey. We should get a picture. Go stand in front of that Christmas tree over there. Dean, hold up your bar with Cas.” Charlie took longer than Dean though was needed to make sure he and Cas were posing the way she wanted, but he wasn’t going to complain seeing how the whole night had been her idea. Some passerby even took a picture of all four of them together.
“Hey guys, you mind if we split up for a while?” Sam asked. “I sort of want to check out the crafts tents and Charlie said she’d go with me. I know it’s not really your thing, Dean.”
“Yeah, sure. Cas and I were going to go check out the stores up on the main street. You guys want to meet back at that bar where we started, in maybe two hours? We can get dinner.” Everyone agreed easily and Dean led Cas over to the volunteer station to get the Angel checklist. Dean was really looking forward to finding more ways to make sure Cas knew he belonged.
@jellydeans, @galaxycastiel, @my-favourite-hellatus, @nguyenxtrang
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dailyaudiobible · 3 years
08/30/2021 DAB Transcript
Job 34:1-36:33, 2 Corinthians 4:1-12, Ps 44:1-8, Proverbs 22:10-12
Today is the 30th day of August welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we keep moving forward, the next step forward together. And that will lead us into the New International Version, which is what we’re reading from this week and back into the book of Job. Today, Job chapters 34, 35, and 36.
Okay. So, proverbs today. “Drive out the mocker and out goes strife. Quarrels and insults are ended.” So, like, who wants to sign up for that - quarrels and insults are ended. That sounds fantastic, harmonious, even. Good, but the mocker has to be thrown out first. And so often our knee-jerk reaction can be something like, that could be okay. Gotta separate myself from the marker. I gotta get those people out of my life. I gotta diminish my interaction with those kind of people because quarrels…quarrels and insults will be ended and so will strife. What if we’re the mocker though? What if that's us? What if we personalize the proverb instead of making it about everybody else. What if we take wisdom on board in our own hearts - drive out the mocker and out goes strife. Mocker…mocker here is person who elevates themselves over somebody else and then looks down on somebody with scorn or contempt. And that's already in place in their heart before they even say a word. And, so, the things that come out of their mouth are quarrels and insults. And we probably can give ourselves a pass in some sort of way and go…well…that's not talking about me because I don't do that all the time. I just do that once in a while when I'm really mad. That…that would be true of everybody. Nobody is a mocker all the time, but we are definitely all capable of scorn and contempt. We are all capable of being a mocker and likely we have all been a mocker way too many times to admit. But if we’re personalizing this proverb, if we’re taking the wisdom and applying it to ourselves instead of everyone else then we realize we can't bring the mocker to the conversation. In fact, the mocker needs to be driven of us because if it is then also what departs with the mocker is strife, quarrels and insults. And we all want that. So, the wisdom then is, don’t be the mocker. So often all we’re doing is exposing our own insecurities and our own issues and inserting them out of our own brokenness and then strife in quarrels and insults become inevitable. And, so, as we…I mean we are so preciously near the end of another month, that tomorrow is the last day of the month so this is a really really good opportune time to mark what's being said in Proverbs, the wisdom being spoken to us because it's inviting us to examine our own postures and our own actions and our own words and we can participate in diminishing and destroying strife, quarrels and insults by paying close attention to our posture of heart and not being the one full of contempt and scorn, not being the mocker.
Holy Spirit, we…we’ve just acknowledged that we are all capable of this and we have all been guilty of this, but it's never us all of the time. It's just a place that we can go to that wreaks havoc and mayhem on everything around us. We’re acknowledging that that's possible, that we have the potential to be the mocker, that we can instigate strife, quarrels and insults way more than we would be comfortable admitting, but we’re confessing. We’re all guilty. We all know what's being said here. And we all like it when the light is being shined out from us on everybody else and everything else is being exposed, but when it's a mirror and we have to look at ourselves in the face then we know we’re capable of all of this and we will not manage it without the presence of Your Holy Spirit to guide us. And that is always available but we are rarely as attentive as we should be and we get ourselves into all kinds of things that didn't need to happen. So, come Holy Spirit. Help us to see what it looks like to drive the mocker out of ourselves because then strife goes along with it and quarrels and insults are ended. Even the quarrels and insults we hurl at ourselves inside of our own mind, those can be diminished and destroyed as well if we stop mocking what You made in us. Help us Lord we have plenty of work to do. Come Holy Spirit and lead the way, we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the web address, that's where you find out what's going on around here. If you have the Daily Audio Bible app on one of your portable devices you can find your way around from there. There’s a little Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner that opens up a drawer that helps you navigate to places like the Community section where the Prayer Wall can be found, where different links to get connected can be found as well as the Daily Audio Bible Shop where there are resources that have been lovingly crafted over the years for the journey that we are on, this voyage across the year, this voyage through a year of our lives, the voyage that leads us through the entire Bible in a year. So, check out those resources for the journey.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage or if you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that is it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Today I want to pray for the woman who is having pain that's running all over her body and she said that she has two angels in her life I think her friend Kathy or…and her son. Let's pray. Our Father in heaven Lord please help this woman who has this awful pain that a lot of times we sit and ask, “God why?” And I think we're asking that right now but what I do ask is that You would be…You would miraculously take this pain away and help her to endure. And either way, help her to put her faith in You Jesus. We don't always understand our suffering, but You have said that all things work together for good for those who love You and those who are called to cling to Your purpose. So, I just ask that You would help her to ensure and put her faith and trust in You. And thank You for all that You've done. And help us all to put our faith and You through our trials and tribulations. In Jesus’ name I ask. Amen. We're praying for you, and I just ask that this pain goes away.
Hello, my DAB family this is Jamie in New Jersey standing on the word of God. This is my first time calling. I've been a listener for over a year I guess maybe longer I'm not sure, but I'm really blessed by this community. I'm blessed by the prayers. I'm pressed by testimonies. I'm blessed to be a part of this family and today I come to you humbly asking for prayer for myself, asking for prayer about the…the life I'm living. I'm incredibly lonely. You know, I am in love with a…with a woman who, you know, just really doesn't know what she wants out of life or what she wants out of our relationship, but I feel like God has called me to stand and to show her unconditional love and that's what I'm trying to do but it seems like she just pulls further and further away. She comes back but then pulls away again Lord. And it's painful, it's painful. I have other things going on in my life as well. And I have a son who has autism…has autism and I worry about his future. He's 22 years old now and I…and I thank God for all that he's given and thus far but, you know, I still worry. I have a 19-year-old daughter as well who you know is a very good child but doesn't get along with her mother and I pray for that relationship. But mostly I…I'm asking for your prayers to help me live the life that God wants me to live. Thank you all. I love you all. Thank you.
Hello DAB I just listened to the podcast of today and the prayer sessions at the end and I was really inspired by the lady who said sometimes you just have to forget about praying for yourself and, you know, praying for others. And I want to share with you only one of the stories that really inspired me to start praying for others. I have this friend, she…she's just rooted in her faith, and she is a lot of time inspiration to me and there was this faithful period where she was hoping on getting a smartphone because the pastor at their church was sharing some devotionals online and she really needed to…to read them. And, so, she was praying for God to open those to actually get a smart phone. And when she got the smart phone, I think two weeks later when she got out from the taxi, she noticed she had forgot the phone in the taxi. And there was a lady who is sitting just close by and immediately she noticed she has lost her phone in the taxi. She said, thank you Jesus. And surprisingly the lady who was seated by Axta…what do you thanking Jesus for. I think you should instant say oh God help me. She said, no, it was God who gave the telephone and if God wants it back then it's OK. 3 minutes later the taxi drove by…I mean left, dropped all the passengers and then came to her and said hey mam this is your phone. God works in mysterious way. Have a blessed day all.
Good morning this is Longing to be God's Delight in Pennsylvania and this morning I am lifting up the people of Kabul to be rescued from the Taliban, a roaring lion seeking to devour them. And they need a miracle to be free and safe in…in totally nightmare conditions. I am praying for those in flooding like Tennessee that they could be lifted from the mire and rescued. I'm praying for God to quench the fires in the West in the US and Canada and also, I believe Greece and Turkey and possibly Albania, I'm not sure. I pray for Haiti suffering from the storms and the earthquake and the gangs. Lord we need a miracle. There is no way that humans…humankind can rescue from all of this. And I'm praying for Cindy suffering from RSD, that God would give her a miracle of healing, pour His living water into her to quench the fire of her nerves, that He would change the way her brain and the messages of her nerves in the way the brain perceives them so that the pain would end and only You Lord can affect this. I pray and lift up all these things to You this morning in Jesus’ name for your mercy, love, and kindness. Amen.
Good morning or good evening or good afternoon DAB family wherever you may be listening in from. This is Anne from Arizona. I would like to say that I am smiling after hearing doctor John call in on August the 26th to share miracle number two about his eye. And I'm also really grateful for Ashley calling in and thanking us for praying as a family for her dad. God is great and He is greatly to be praised. Let's give thanks to Him. Let's lift Him up. Let's praise Him. Let's shout of His goodness and of His mercy and of His wonderful works because He is good, because He is able, because He will not leave us without, because if we trust Him, He will work out everything according to His will. It is so wonderful to hear and to rejoice with others after standing in prayer for them. It is so encouraging for the body of believers. So, we continue to pray for all those that are looking to hear from God. We continue to stand and to intercede for the body. Thank you DAB family. May you be blessed and may you have a wonderful day. And don't forget that God is working on your behalf. Amen.
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theradioghost · 4 years
So I’ve realized recently that I actually really really like podcasts when my audio processing isn’t acting up (thanks tma!) and was wondering what recs you have for completed podcasts. I’m cool with basically any genre and theme, though I would appreciate a warning for tragedy. Thanks for your time!
Of course! I’ll put this one under a cut just so the length is a bit less ridiculous.
Some of my favorite completed shows are
Wolf 359 – a scifi comedy about four squabbling coworkers on a malfunctioning, isolated space station which then takes a hard right into a spectacular, heartwrenching drama. Not a tragedy, but many tears are shed when listening. Probably one of the best podcasts out there tbqh.
Ars Paradoxica – a modern physicist accidentally invents time travel, landing her back at the start of the Cold War and changing the course of history forever. The creators literally described it as “a tragedy” and they weren’t lying, although the finale is sort of hopefully bittersweet.
The Hidden Almanac – a grouchy professor in a plague doctor mask offers bite-sized pieces of history and hagiography from his fantastical world as well as gardening advice, occasionally interrupted and/or dragged off on unwilling shenanigans by his tequila-loving accidental necromancer best friend coworker. Fantasy writer/artist Ursula Vernon and her husband put this 4-minute show out three times a week for SEVEN YEARS, and it’s funny and cozy and poetic and can be found in full here, as there are too many episodes for most podcatchers to display.
Alice Isn’t Dead – lesbian Americana road-trip horror. A cross-country trucker searches for her missing wife while monsters and conspiracies pursue her across the vast empty and abandoned spaces of America. Actually also exists in novel form.
The Bright Sessions – records from the office of Dr. Bright, a therapist who specializes in people with strange and secret abilities. However, her patients aren’t the only ones with secrets. Personally this show never completely absorbed me like some others did, but the character writing is genuinely amazing. The story obviously also deals a lot with mental illness and some other difficult topics and content.
Our Fair City – the eight-season saga of the inhabitants of a post-apocalyptic underground city ruled over by the remnants of an insurance company, featuring mole people, lightning-harvesting sky sailors, giant ants, and a found family of mad scientists among others. Part comedy, part drama, all anticapitalist satire. You kind of have to give it a couple of seasons to find its stride (this was one of the very first shows in the podcast-based audio drama revival) but it is absolutely worth it. Disclaimer that while I am on the final season of the show I have not quite finished it yet.
Jarnsaxa Rising – a unique scifi-fantasy hybrid, in which a vengeful Norse giantess escapes imprisonment with the goal of destroying the gods and bringing about Ragnarok, only to find herself in a post-climate-change dystopian future.
Glasgow Ghost Stories – a Scottish woman begins noticing the many ghosts inhabiting the streets of her city; but the ghosts have begun to notice her too, and not all of them are friendly. Pigeons are involved.
Big Data – an odd little heist comedy about a rogue journalist investigating a spectacular crime in which the “seven keys to the internet” are stolen, leading to a story about hacking in which no actual hacking is involved. There are two fun side notes to it: one, everything that happens in it could technically happen in real life. Two, it involves an absurd amount of cameos from other well-known podcasts (and also Taika Waititi?), which you don’t need to get to follow the story but which make it kind of hilarious on a whole other level when you listen to those shows.
I Am In Eskew – a surreal, intense, disturbingly poetic horror about a man trapped in a shifting, malevolent, impossible city, and a woman on the outside trying to find him. Extremely good but I do recommend thoroughly checking the trigger warnings on this one. (Surprisingly non-tragic finale, although not a typical “happy ending.”)
The Alexandria Archives – half comedy and half horror, in the form of a late-night radio show at Alexandria University, on the edge of North Carolina’s Great Dismal Swamp. Half of each episode is a standalone cosmic horror story set in and around the town of Alexandria. The other half features the antics of the university’s students, including the host MW and her friends who are definitely Canadian exchange students, and not a vampire hiding from his ex and a bunch of stranded space pirates. (A little goofy? Yes, but I love it a ton for all its faults anyway. Also, some of the short stories are genuinely terrifying.)
and also, some completed miniseries!!
The Tower – a gorgeous experimental audio drama in which a young woman decides to climb the mysterious Tower, from which no one ever returns.
Time:Bombs – a comedy by the folks who made Wolf 359 about a bomb disposal squad on New Year’s Eve, trying to survive their leader’s obsession with breaking a record.
They Say a Lot of Things – upon discovering that she can interact with a dropped tape recorder, the ghost of a young girl tells her story, interwoven with the stories of those who have passed through the abandoned house that she cannot leave over the years that she’s haunted it.
Podcaster A. R. Olivieri specializes in microfiction miniseries, ranging from scifi to experimental to fantasy. (Side note, a lot of his work crosses over with the still-running scifi podcast Girl In Space, but you don’t need to have listened to GIS to understand what’s going on in his shows.)
Nym’s Nebulous Notions – a self-declared investigative journalist decides to check out a mysterious SOS signal and finds herself on a mysteriously abandoned ship – or so she thinks. Arguably a tragedy, although not necessarily in the way you might think.
Palimpsest – technically not finished, but each season of this anthology makes up a complete 10-part story, and seasons 1 and 2 are complete. Season 1 is a ghost story about a woman who is suspicious about strange happenings in her new home and her odd new neighbors. Season 2 is a turn-of-the-century dark urban fantasy about a girl who escapes her career criminal mother’s house, taking a job as the companion to what her new employer claims is an imprisoned faerie princess. (Season 3 is ongoing and is about a codebreaker who begins seeing ghosts on London’s streets during the Blitz.) It’s a heartbreaking sort of show, albeit in a very beautiful and moving way.
The Details is a short piece about an office worker who goes in to negotiate for a promotion and finds himself negotiating with the devil himself instead. The number of genuinely surprising and excellent twists it packs into just 45 minutes is really fun.
The London Necropolis Railway – a really underappreciated little fantasy-mystery about a recently-dead detective who refuses to board the train scheduled to take her to the afterlife until one of its hapless employees helps her solve her supernatural murder.
Janus Descending – a scifi horror told in two intertwining perspectives, one in reverse order and one in chronological order, about two scientists who land on a remote planet to investigate the ruins of its lost civilization, only to encounter the thing that killed the former inhabitants. A fantastic story told in a really clever and unique way, but stamp a big old tragedy warning all OVER this one, although because of the structure you technically know how it’s going to end right from the start – what makes this show so good is how you get there. It will make you cry, though.
… and also my show, Midnight Radio, which is about lesbian romance, small towns, old radio shows, the good and bad sides of nostalgia, and ghost stories.
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tweeterbugkayla · 4 years
If there’s anyone who’s dealing with stress/anxiety during this hard time that our world is going through, this is for them and you didn’t stumble across this accidentally. The universe has made this appear to you for a reason. I hope this will help at least someone who’s been overwhelmed by everything and can use some of these techniques in your everyday routine. Reblog/share or tag anyone who needs this!
Everyday when you wake up set the intention it will be a good day. Just realize it’s a new fresh day and nothing will ruin it for you because your intention on it being a good day will play out to it being the best day. Feel it’s a new day and yesterday is the past. It’s gone.
Immediately after you set the intention it’s a new day and it’s gonna be a good one, just for a second think of 1 thing you’re grateful for whether it be just you waking up to see another day, family, pets, roof over your head, the bed you slept in, food, wifi. Anything! Feel it.
Once you get up, go have a glass of water & take vitamins (Multi-vitamins are good.) Instead of coffee that can make you anxious, have a cup of hot tea. (Green, Chai, Lavender, lemon & ginger, black, white) There’s more benefits! It’s calming and healthy for your mind & body.
Now if there’s one thing at all you take from this, let this be it! It’s scientifically proven that delta/beta sound waves and frequencies can effect the mind & body. 432 hz meditation music is so helpful for stress and anxiety. There’s something for everything, healing, stress, sleep, positive energy, cleansing and so much! Use this! https://youtu.be/owVazx83hcc
While you’re listening to positive music to help your vibrations and drinking hot tea, this is the time I recommend getting out a notebook and making a gratitude list. Write down any and everything you’re grateful for. Having gratitude brings you abundance. Focus on what you have now rather than what you don’t have. “If you focus on what you don’t have instead of what you already have, you’ll never have enough” - Oprah
Take the time right after to feel everything you’re grateful for and meditate. Doesn’t matter how long. Take deep breaths then clear your mind. The apps Headspace & Calm can guide you. There’s also guided meditations for anything on youtube. Crystals also help if you have them. Count 10 of your breaths then start again. Focus on your breathing. Remember. You’re not your thoughts. Imagine a river in your mind flowing and your watching each thought you have go down the stream. Instead of engaging in the thought, just let it go.
A personal thing I always do after meditation is pray/manifest. The reason being is my mind is cleared and my energy is at the strongest point for my message to be delivered to my guardian angels. I can think clearly about what it is I’m asking God/Universe for without unfocusing and they can hear me clearly. Think of it as singles you’re trying to send someone. You can think a sentence in your mind but if you feel it in your heart and inner core, you’re going to be putting off singles of that can be sensed. Kind of like how your pet can sense if you’re happy or not. Or even your best friend or partner. No one can read your mind, but they can most definitely tell when you’re feeling a certain way. It’s the same kind of energy you want to give out into the universe so your prayers can speak for themselves. The way you feel about things, shows how things mean to you and that’s what’s important.
A good thing that also helps after meditation is yoga. It’s a lot of breathing exercises while stretching your body. Your mind isn’t wondering off in the distance because you’re too busy focusing on breathing and stretching at the same time. You have to really be present. You can look up yoga for beginners for 5 minutes if you’re like me and never tried anything like it before. Surprisingly it’s a lot harder than it looks when you actually dive into it. There’s also 30 day challenges and if you have any yoga clothes stores around you, check to see if they do classes. Look into your community to see if any yoga groups have any sessions you can attend. Great way to meet people who are on the same journey or have been through similar things!
After yoga I keep track of everything I’ve done in a notebook. I write down how long I’ve meditated/yoga and if I had any thoughts that distracted me during it & how I felt afterwards. It helps me think about why I had those thoughts interrupt and what I should do.
Throughout my day I’ll sometimes carry around a crystal with me depending on my mood and what I feel I need. You can research different meanings for them but they’re definitely helpful. If my mind begins to wonder I’ll stop myself and say positive affirmations about myself.
If you’re really having a day and it just feels like nothing you do is working, write down as many things about yourself that you love. Literally rewire your subconscious self-beliefs into believing you love yourself 100 percent. Even if you might think you don’t like something about yourself, write that love it anyways. This is still an everyday journey for myself personally because I may not like certain features about myself but I remind myself at least I have this body to carry my soul and life around into the world. It’s a journey that everyday you have to remember to tell yourself positive things. Fill up an entire page of positive affirmations. Self love is key. Your mind really listens to what you say about yourself. If you constantly tell yourself over and over “I’m so gross, I’m sick, I’m disgusting etc.” your body is going to respond to that message and make you start to feel sick. But if you’re loving and caring to yourself and say “I am healthy, I’m beautiful, I feel so amazing” then you’re gonna feel that way. Start with “I ams” I am beautiful, I am smart, I am abundant, I am healthy, I am grateful and so on. You can even go from head to toe and say you love every inch of each body part. There’s also helpful positive affirmations guided videos on YouTube.
At night time before you go to bed, write down in a journal how your day went and literally just let go and write about anything. No one will see it. It’s just you and your journal. But write. I write about my day and my prayers for the night. I’ve been writing in the journals that @taylorswift attached to the Lover booklets. She’s a very successful woman and guess what, she wrote in journals since she was a little girl. It’s so therapeutic to just let out how you feel on the pages of a book instead of hitting send on that tweet that you might end up deleting because you don’t want people to see how so and so at work hurt your feelings.
I can’t tell you how much this routine has changed my life. It can help yours too. I promise. Try this routine for a month and see how it changes your life, & mindset about yourself. Do your research. There’s so much that’s available to you on these topics. Read self help books like “You Are A Bassass” make vision boards of your dreams and goals. Listen to podcasts. Watch videos like Lavendaire, Isabel Palacios and Leeor! Anything with Oprah talking about her spirituality journey is so inspiring. I even watched “A Wrinkle In Time” because of her.
There’s many other ways that help like working out, coloring, painting, clean, doing your own nails, playing with pets, spending time with family, take baths, have a self care spa day. You can actually get L-Theanine vitamins for stress now, Olley has Goodbye stress gummies. I really hope some of this helps someone. If anyone has any questions please reach out to me. It’s definitely a journey we’re all going through and all we can do is take it one day at a time and continue to move forward with our lives. Always here. ❤��
Also wanted to add some films I’ve watched on Netflix that’s helpful and could help someone too. Healing, The Secret and anything to do with Yoga. Also if anyone has any tips or advice or suggestions I would appreciate them! 😊❤️
Share this with your friends who might find this helpful. ❤️
- Kayla 💗
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wolftrapped · 3 years
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                    THE PODCAST — DRINKING BUDDIES.
Drinking Buddies é um projeto independente que busca compreender artistas de maneira intimista sem recorrer ao escândalo e à invasão desrespeitosa, propondo-se à outorgar um espaço para justificativas, diálogos sinceros e correntes. Usualmente regada por bons vinhos — embora existam outras opções para convidados abstêmios — a entrevista consiste em um ritmo de conversa entre velhos conhecidos, sem tempo previamente definido ou obrigatoriedade de resposta. Detalhes de vida pessoal e a tão pública carreira se sobrepõem, criando uma nova perspectiva de indivíduos sob a constante pressão dos holofotes, humanizando-os.
TRANSCRIPT OF THE HIGHLIGHTS: Entrevistada da semana Abbadon de Rosas, inte e três anos, cantora e atriz. (@mosquinhainthewall)
So, not to be that kind of guy, but I feel like to know you personally, we should brush over your personal life. And that includes past relationships.Despite having dated a couple celebrities, I think your most recent and most high-profile partner was that one guy. So... you have dated the butcher. Girl, what the hell was it like?
A: It was like a roller-coaster ride, you get in very excited and you get scared halfway through, you scream a lot, you get your heart racing and you leave that shit shaking and wanting to puke for your own bad decisions and still wanting to do It again. It's fucking nuts, because he's a really charming person and he can really make you fall in love like right off the bat, but the guy is also an asshole who has a lot of issues and there is a point that people just can't take It anymore, the whole sex, drugs and rock n' roll It's too real to be good and It's fucking awful to see. He's good in bed, tho, I have to give him that. When he's not passing out drunk, he's a great boyfriend.
That was... wow. I think this has been the first time you have been so open about this, so I'm kinda honored. I think the glamorization of all those issues associated with success and music in the rock scene is very unnecessary. You can have hits and put out great work without falling into the cliché of the supposed demons that come with it all. I might be on the wrong here, but I don't think you necessarily have to sign a deal with the devil to make it. I can only imagine things got heated in a bad way, because such problems must have taken it's toll on you. And yet, you were together for a surprisingly long time. Not at once, of course, but you had that on and off again relationship. I assume it can be exhausting, emotionally speaking, at least. How did you cope? And why did you stay in on it so long? I mean, it sounds kinda toxic. And as you highlighted it, I assume the drinking was a major problem... how did you deal with it?
A: It's because everything already went to hell, so fuck It. He's going to be pissed off at me anyway, so might as well just say it for once. I'm not going to bash on him for that, there's a lot of fucked up shit going on and that has happened before that makes the whole thing make sense, but like there are other things that just make everyone around him be in a constant state of alert and It's tiring. Yeah, I'm not the easiest person to deal either, but like, even I got limits. Well, that's the thing, like when you love someone as much as I love him you don't want to admit that you can't help and that the whole thing is becoming something that's eating you alive, you don't want to say ‘enough’ because that means giving up, that means putting your feelings above someone else’s needs, but sometimes we have to. It wasn’t toxic and I know It sounds like something someone in a toxic relationship would say, but the thing about Dragan is that everyone thinks that he is the "butcher" for things that he's done to others when in reality the only person he's hurting is himself, he just doesn't see nor understand how that can affect people around him. It's fucked up? Totally, I won't deny it that it got to the point where my parents stepped in and where like 'maybe you should spend some time in Argentina and just step back' but it wasn’t like a toxic or abusive thing where I didn't knew what I was doing. I don't think I dealt with that, because, like, there's no stopping someone with a drinking problem, they won't just put the bottle down and listen, you just have to be there and try to make them see and, well, take care of them after.
So, tiring, you say? Why is it tiring? What is tiring? What happened, if I might inquire. Well, if we really analyze it, no one is actually easy to deal with. We are complex beings with even more complex emotions, so I guess the best we do is just try and navigate feelings and situations in the less crappy way possible. But sometimes, we are driven to the extreme and that makes it very hard to take control of certain situations. I guess what I'm trying to say is that mental health sometimes requires a little bit of what might seem like selfishness, but it's actually not. I mean, you can be empathetic and sympathetic, compassionate even, but people shouldn't expect you to put your needs aside all the time just to think about others. In order to actually be helpful, you must be in a good place about your own feelings, so it doesn't become a vicious cycle of resentment and problematic situations, you know? So I get what you're saying. Besides, if we really weigh things... you're pretty young. Not a kid, of course, but rather young when compared to him. You shouldn't put your health and your youth aside to try and nurse a dysfunctional adult back to good shape while wasting yourself in the process. Love is as much about letting go as it is about being there for someone else. So if you say it wasn't toxic, I believe you. As an outsider, I might not have the full picture, so I can't step in and say you're wrong about how you see the things you went through. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been, to watch someone dear slowly waste away, you know? I guess with alcohol and any other addictions, really, it’s kinda complicated to make the person see how damaging that habit is. I guess they don't see themselves in bad shape. I think at this point, it's only fair to assume you saw the worst of it, as you said you took care of him during his drunken haze. How was it for you? Where did you get the strength to do it?
A: The whole thing, I guess. Because you're constantly thinking if that person is going to do stupid shit because he's high or If he's high because he's about to go into a depressive episode, and the later it’s not really his fault, you can't really blame someone for, like, trying to cope and just kill what's killing them, but for someone who's around and who's emotionally involved in that process, not knowing can be tiring. I don't think really the age It's a factor, I've been in Hollywood for so long that I can tell you that having a relationship with someone I loved, fucked up or not, was the least of the things I did that can be put out as wasting myself. I'm really afraid that I haven’t seen the worst, because If that's true then it's really even more of a risk and it just breaks my heart. I have no Idea, never thought about It. And I'm being totally honest right now when I say I really didn't gave that much of a though on that when It was happening, because It's easier that way.
Yeah, I hear you. You did start on this business at a very young age, and had your share of trouble, with your image and your habits and all that pressure over your shoulders. You coming out on top of that situation and standing in a brighter and more hopeful place is kind of an statement that you can get out of harms way. But having been there, at rock bottom might have given you a different perspective in that whole situation. Tell me... did your experiences made ir more difficult to be involved in it? I mean, I can only imagine you must have felt dragged back into something you were just getting out of. Also, I would like to reinforce that any questions that make you feel uncomfortable, just give me a heads up and we'll move on. This a conversation and in no way I would like to seem intrusive. And on a brighter note... let's be a little intrusive, as well, because I'm simply human and I am curious in an almost voyeuristic way... how were the good times like?
A: Very young. I was a baby And it's not just that, when you're in Hollywood everyone that is around ends up affecting how people see you, like, I was 17 going into rehab for a sex addiction that I didn't have because people around me had a problem and everyone thought that I had a problem too, then. I would like to say that it made it easier, but I think that It definitely was difficult, it brings a certain anxiety every time shit goes down. But I didn't felt dragged, that's actually really a point, people often think that he was, like, a bad influence, like, making me do drugs or other stuff, when he wasn’t, he was very against people taking drugs and getting pissed drunk. A little hypocrite? Of course. Don't worry, I'm fine for now, I think It's the wine. And... it was great. As I said, roller-coaster, when you're on the top It's just the best feeling ever and he was a really sweet person.
I wouldn't say hypocrisy, I kinda get it. I mean, real friends wouldn't offer you drugs, and as a drug addict, it makes sense that he knows how dependent you get on those things and not wanting people he cares about to end up in the same situation. I have a friend who struggled once with addiction and he used to say that very same thing: people who care about you will never want you to go down on the same path as them, because they know how hard addiction gets and no matter how good the rush, it’s just not worth bringing loved ones down. I mean, junkies still harm people they care about, even though in a different way, but I guess in their thought process, it makes perfect sense to make that kind of damage control. Oh, it's good wine, I'm getting kinda tipsy as well. So, that's difficult for me: seeing him as a sweet person. With all the troubles you went through, I have no problems actually imagining you as very nice. And to be honest, I'm delighted to see that you actually are. When it comes to Dragan, however, it's nearly impossible for me to look at him an think 'oh, there goes a nice dude'. I guess it must have something to do with how he is usually pictured in the media but, to be honest, he kinda paints those images himself, with all the reckless behavior, the aggression and the sexual scandals... and his infamous birthday party, of course. I can only assume that must have been another complication, since he is very evasive and closed off to the point of getting violent, whereas you're really open about most things. Did it cause some clash of opinions? How did you manage the public image issues?
A: I get It, I really do, but it's hard not get angry towards It when the person Is getting angry saying that he doesn’t have a problem and then be like 'Yeah, but you can't do this or that because then you will have a problem', It just makes you sigh and go like ’oh, please, just don't’. But he is. He is lovely when he's not having cameras shoved on his face. Well, thank you, It's good to know that I'm not being mean, people tend to say that I look mean. It's just... he tries really hard coming off as not caring and sometimes he can be an asshole, I mean it, the biggest asshole of all, but most of the time he is this great guy that even when you say shit will just help you anyway and try to be kind. And he has the best date ideas and getting away landscapes. A lot. But It is just another thing that we worked around, like I don't mind paparazzis, but he does, so I know that I'm not dragging him to, like, Four Seasons or whatever when I know It's going to cause him anxiety. And It's just common sense I guess.
Well, the people who say you're mean clearly haven't made the smallest effort to actually know you. And don't worry, if I come off as flirty, let me warn you that I am very much gay. So I'm totally not hitting on you now. I guess having a personality and standing up for yourself might come off as mean nowadays, buck fuck people who say that, honestly. I mean... still hard to believe, even with you saying he is nice and all that, I still have a hard time believing he would not try to get me killed for posting this interview, you know? You said it yourself: he'll most likely get angry, and publicly, that doesn't tend to end up well. Getting dark here again, so I'll try to mix things up. Still relationship wise, I have to ask: sex stuff. How was it? Don't judge me, you've seen the butcher and I speak for the people saying I would like to know how was that.
A: Oh, thank you! Well, don't worry, I'm used to coming off as flirty, I know how It's like. I have a friend If you're single, I'm trying to set him up with someone with actual decency. He's not, maybe he'll say something about It If asked and It might get a little heavy, but like It's only because as you said, he is very closed off...And It isn’t your fault, the most likely one to end up with the fault It's me, preach. Oh... I've seen the butcher, alright. You know when people tell you that someone is really good at bed and has a big dick and you don't believe them and then you find out it's actually better and bigger? That's how It was like.
Oh, if you're talking about your co-star, we know you two dislike each other and we'll talk about that in the next section of the interview. If not, thanks anyway, but I have been happily married for a couple years now. God, this is getting racy. I won't even ask anymore because we have to keep things at a bare minimum not safe for work. But well, I guess now the internet would be driven wild: theories that the butcher has a big dick have been confirmed first-hand by his ex-girlfriend. On that note... You've seen the butcher. Not the naked man, the song. Some people say it's about you. Some people speculate many of the songs he wrote are about you, which is an interesting thing to say, since the man can get really poetic. I mean, at least lyrically, he is very versatile, being able to write the most sexual things one minute and switch to the most deep and depressing words the other. I guess what I'm trying to say... can you confirm or deny you're the subject in that piece of music? Because said theory also sparked rumors that you two have been a thing longer than the public eye knows, with some even daring to say he started a physical relationship with you before you were a legal adult, which is controversial, to say the least. I really have no formed opinion on this, since those comments came after a few interpretations of the song, which can be a little absurd, with some claiming is about taking a girl's virginity (said girl would be you, in their version of the facts), some saying it's just about sex with no deeper meaning and some more radical individuals claiming is about a serial killer.
A: No, I'm not talking about Florian, and he doesn’t dislike me, he hates me. Oh, that's cute, my parents are happily married for so long that I'm sometimes ashamed that I don't have a long-lasting relationship. Well, I can assure you that things only get more NSFW, so It's better not to ask... I don't know about that, like, he never told me anything about writiing for me, so I can't really be that much of a helping hand on this matter, but the whole underage thing is not true. I will let recorded for further actions that I did not slept with Dragan while I was underage, you can rest now internet avengers. And I do think It's about sex with no deeper meaning, but I don't know, I didn't wrote it. How that fuck is that about a serial killer? That doesn’t even make sense! That song is clearly about sex. Like the other song that it's about oral sex, there's no deeper thing, that's it. It's about sex.
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tclinemarr · 4 years
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— && guests may mistake me as ( normani ), but really i am ( taline mar + cis female + she/her ) and my DOB is ( 12/26/1996 ). i am a ( dance teacher ) and would like to stay in suite ( 309 ). i won’t be much of a bother because i am ( idealistic & charismatic ), but i can also be ( domineering & scatter-brained ) at times. personally, i like to ( listen to podcasts, shop online & solve crossword puzzles ) when i have the time to relax, and my favorite snack is ( flamin’ hot cheetos ) to have in my suite. thank you for checking in! ( nessa, est, 21 ).
tw: mentions of anxiety. 
hello, my babies! okay, i swear, this is the last muse i’m bringing in for y’all. the muse with fiona just didn’t click as i hoped it would so i decided to bring back a favorite muse of mine, taline! you’re a real og if you remember when i first played her. anyways, i literally can’t think of how to do an intro post, wowie, but below will have some info about her! if you wanna know more about her you can check out her pinterest board here or her full bio here! i’m always down to plot, so lmk if you’d like to plot and we can work something out! 
as of right now, she is keeping herself focused on herself and uses her job as a dance teacher as a form of every day therapy. she’s been living in chicago for about two to three years so far. in her spare time, she helps tutor kids after school and likes to shop online. taline swears those are the only things keeping her sane.
let’s get a few things out of the way: taline is both distant and clingy at the same time. she doesn’t let a crap ton of people close to her but once she does, she can be draining. she texts about random things that she thinks her friends will enjoy. she asks how they are all the time. she wants to hang out and watch movies and cuddle a lot. she wants to cook for them and buy them things. she wants to share her favorite books with them. she wants to witness their shocked faces during the plot twists of her favorite movies. it isn’t uncommon for her to have to be told that someone needs a break from her for a few days. she tries not to take those times personally but the majority of the time after being pushed away for a breather, taline is unsure of what to do with herself and gets fretful and does massive amounts of work and dancing.
taline is frequently told that she could be a politician due to her diplomatic presence and strong-willed mindset. even so, she has much interest in politics as a profession, and takes it as a compliment and revels in the fact that people think so highly of her.
hardened by the unwanted advances and crass comments people would throw at her when she was younger, the brown-eyed beauty has perfected the art of appearing intimidating and serious. but the reality is that she has a fantastic sense of humor that can be cracked into by treating her the way everyone else didn’t – like a human being and not an object. 
taline fits very well into the “femme fatale” trope and often receives comparisons to michaela pratt from htgawm for both her sophisticated sense of style and bold personality. somewhat of an uptight perfectionist, she has always followed the rules and is her own worst critic.
despite her demeanor, the young woman is extremely caring and always wants the people she cares about to be comfortable and happy. when she’s very close to a person, she can be very emotional expressive towards them. she doesn’t mind expressing her feelings and thoughts with someone she’s extremely close to. in fact, she finds it therapeutic. of course, this is something that comes over time when you’re her friend. she doesn’t get close to people very easily.
everything that she does is very methodical and thought out. she’s not afraid to flaunt her intelligence, nor is she afraid to intimidate people by shoving her systematic way of life in their face if it benefits her. taline is a very cut-throat type of person when it comes down to it, but it’s because she believes she deserves the best and will do anything to get it. 
due to her own arrogance and intelligence, taline has an opinion on everything and a tendency to share those opinions when it’s not necessarily appropriate, which gets her in trouble frequently.
she no longer speaks to her father due to the fact that the pressure he put her under caused her to suffer from anxiety attacks. she’s currently looking for a good therapist since she’s still dealing with the impact of his words and the expectations he set for her. 
she moved to chicago a few months after dropping out of the graduate program at vanderbilt university. she wanted a clean slate since she was always surrounded by the same people for the past few years. chicago seemed like a good idea to her and it would be an easy escape from hearing her father’s nagging. 
currently, she is living at the malnati while teaching at the small dance studio she works at. she posts on youtube every other week and has recently gotten on the tiktok bandwagon. she moved to chicago because it reminded her a little bit of indianapolis and she needed a new place of scenery to reinvent herself. at the moment, there is no family in the picture as taline has been estranged from hers since she was twenty one for choosing to pursue her own dreams instead of trying to fit into the neat little box they’d carved for her. that has left a pretty big void in her life that she chose to ignore and then fill with dance.
to help her make a little money on the side, she has an onlyfans account. she enjoys showing herself off in lingerie. taline at night vs. taline during the day is such a difference that it will blow your mind.
at first glance, there isn’t very much to taline. she’s the girl who is impeccably dressed with a wide grin on her face and a childlike kindness that makes her embrace everyone she meets with open arms. she goes to great lengths to make sure that is all that people see; that she is recognized as the ex-rich girl who lucked into her own brand of success with her youtube channel. she genuinely adores people from all walks of life and takes great joy in getting to know them. honestly, taline is a combination of a really reliable friend and someone who frequently just disappears off the face for months at a time when she's focusing on her work. she's surprisingly introverted for the job she has and can be something of a hermit, but if a friend needs her she'll dust herself off and come out of her hole. she's an interesting person to have around and has stories for days, but can be a little self-involved and work-obsessed. she's also not great at talking about her feelings unless she's pissed off. she's a lot of fun, though, and loves to party. 
i can see taline having a lot of friends but many of them not being particularly good ones. she's a very charismatic and outgoing person but also withdrawn in the sense that a lot of her friendships are very surface level. it takes a lot for her to decide to let someone get much closer but when she does, she's a good friend who will look out for the other person. she just has a tendency to put herself first because she doesn't feel like anyone else will do it for her, so she needs to do it herself. she also grew up feeling pretty lonely and i think part of the reason why she'd have so many superficial friends.
in conclusion: taline is someone with a kind heart who would give the shirt right off her back for anyone she deems a friend. she’s open-minded, loving, and incredibly forgiving when she wants to be. she definitely has her faults. she can be vain and self-involved and a little unreliable as she’s incredibly disorganized. it tends to be made up for with her genuinely good nature, how eager she is to please and how prone she is to spoiling her friends. overall, she's a good friend to have around when she decides to attach herself to you! 
on the flip side, taline loves a good debate, and honestly, loves a good fight. she's full of opinions and refuses to believe that she could be wrong. losing an argument or debate is not in her vocab. she is argumentative and also quite moral/righteous. with that being said, there will also be people she rubs the wrong way. being a strong character and a person not afraid of confrontation, taline frequently ends up in situations where she antagonizes others. when she believes in something, she's very adamant about it and she will fight for it, even if she's not always in the right. she's very passionate and very outspoken and she tends to step on people's toes more often than not. she's also stubborn and doesn't easily see her own mistakes, so she's been known to keep holding onto her opinion even when it's been obviously wrong. get into a heavy conversation with her at your own peril, xo.
despite having a lot of acquaintances, i would like for her to have a circle of tight friends, people she is incredibly close with that she trusts implicitly. some she's known for a long time and some that maybe are newer but they feel its like they've known each other forever. just give this girl her pals, please!
she has plans to open her own studio in the near future, so anyone who be interested in aiding to her dream or who wants lessons or even just a place to practice could befriend her.
she is a hopeless romantic, through and through. she is something of a serial monogamist where she wants to be in a relationship because they help ease some of the insecurities she’s been battling with since she was disowned by her family. she tends to put all of that yearning for their approval into relationships with other people. she’s bisexual, and she’s interested in people who can make her laugh and feel comfortable. she likes the idea of having a partner in her life but she's also so independent and in her own world, so she hasn't ever been particularly good at dating. if we’re being honest, the only serious relationship she has ever been in was with moira sanchez back in college, and she’s still mending a broken heart from that.
she's very protective over her own feelings but equally tends to jump into things too fast and then back the hell out all of a sudden. if she does choose to be in a relationship, i think she’s quite picky with who she decides to do that with because she had a childhood of not receiving the love she needed and i think that shows in her approach to romantic relationships (ouch). i can't see her having loads of hookups since she does tend to project onto someone who shows her attention or affection. she falls hard for people, especially people she starts sleeping with. fwb or fuck buddy relationships often become complicated for her or they evolve into something that ultimately ends. she’s unlucky in love, to put it simple.
wanted plots
left brain, right brain. taline’s other half. the two couldn’t be more different regarding their behavior and interests, but they somehow make it work. they don’t fight often, either, even if they aren’t the same in the slightest. the one thing they have in common is how much they adore the other’s existence.
two best gal friends. -- like a troublesome trio. the three are always seen with at least one another. you can call them charlie’s angels, destiny’s child, or phoebe, rachel, and monica from friends. something that resembles the friendships of the bold type and someone great.
now we got bad blood. -- taline doesn’t have many enemies, but there is always someone out there in the world that will get on her nerves. this person makes her want to gouge her eyes out with a fork. right off the bat, these two bumped heads, arguing about petty things like favorite tv shows and favorite foods. perhaps it’s because they’re both natural born leaders and can’t seem to reach an agreement, or perhaps it’s because they remind each other a little too much of themselves. either way, nobody understands their dislike of one another. 
the art of intimacy. -- she has never been one to indulge in senseless intimacy. actions where touches were detached from feelings. it’s not her -- that’s not taline. but sometimes, the feelings of fingertips on her skin, and the taste of lips, mixed with the rich moans and pleas for more, drives her to break her own rules. she can study them. learn notes about the way of intimacy and sex when you remove the feelings. true, she’s terrible at removing that and she proves time and time again that she can’t separate lust and love. maybe it wont end in disaster? maybe it’ll provide just the right muse.
almost lover. -- they probably had a thing at one point and she got too attached, they broke her heart, and she just can’t let it go.
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