#My fairy fairies
factorialsfandoms · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: My Fairy (Hyrule Warriors), Link (Hyrule Warriors), Proxi (Hyrule Warriors) Additional Tags: specifically great sea N6, though a couple of others get to briefly appear sometime, I have vague plans for this series plot wise but hate writing plot, Acid, Burns, Major Character Injury, non-explicit amputation, via said acid, Torture, Angst, she does get rescued though, Hurt/a little comfort, just because I said fire fairies are immune to fire doesn't mean you can't burn them Series: Part 4 of The Fairy Garden Summary:
Ronni burnt a great many monsters that day. It was just a shame these ones were clever, and had learnt how to burn her back.
Text also below:
 Ronni had not meant to be separated from her siblings, but it had happened to her anyway. Somewhere between a visit to another fountain and returning home their trio had been caught out by fighting. Celeste and Lofti had both escaped with ease, but Ronnj had heard some Hylians calling for help, and well, one thing led to another and now she was stuck.
 It was not a bad stuck exactly, but maybe not a good one. She had managed to duck through a window and into a delightfully warm building full of soldiers. Said soldiers seemed to notice her, but left her be as she darted into their fireplace.
 The fire was warm and pleasant, and they glowed bright and beautiful. After exploding a few waves of enemies, she was desperately in need of the energy. The flames licked curiously at her, and she fussed back at them; soon enough the fire welcomed her, and permitted her to feed.
 Content with her position, thinking herself well enough hidden and having done enough deeds, Ronni sat to wait out the fighting.
 The fighting, however, was less content to wait for her; some creatures came upon the keep she was hiding in, and fought the people she hid behind.
 Frustrated, she flew out, releasing a burst of magic in defense of the Hylian soldiers.
 Many monsters fell.
 Some did not.
 One reached out, plucking her from the sky.
 "Oi! Let me go," she wriggled against the monster's grasp, desperate for her freedom.
 Laughter was her only response.
 Behind her, those Hylians who had not fled were slaughtered.
 These monsters seemed more intelligent than average, only adding to Ronni's worry. A monster would just squash her, but a clever monster? If there were clever monsters, then she had very definitely littered too long.
 "Please?" She tried again, softer this time.
 The laughter only increased.
 Seeing no escape she pouted in its grasp, watching and waiting for an escape.
 None came; instead she was brought to a clutter of monsters, thrown into their midst as they gathered around a much less pleasing fire.
 One of the monsters grabbed her by her ankle; she swung upwards, trying to push its hands away.
 All she learnt was a harsh shake, and all the response they learnt from her was channelling fiery magic into their hands. The monster helped, letting go, and throwing her into the air. Ronni unfolded her wings, and set her sights on the window.
 The brief escape did her no good; another monster grabbed her, by the hair this time, and turned to the others with a cruel smile.
 "She thinks she can burn us, does she?" One of the lizard men, a hiss in his voice, was the one holding her now. "Top good for us, is she?"
 She tried the fire magic again, only to find the lizard's glove in the way. Instead she hissed back, copying his face, "yes! I won't lose to the likes of you!"
 Maybe that was premature; she did seem to be losing already, but her magic was brimming from her flamey rest. She reached out with it again, this time searing a mark across the lizard man's face.
 That... that was definitely a mistake. The injury was obvious but not as serious as she had hoped, furious eyes instead turning on her.
 "I think we should teach her a lesson," it hissed at her, to various cheers. "Burn her back."
 Or maybe not so much a mistake - Ronni relaxed on hearing her punishment. Fire fairies did not burn, just as water fairies did not drown. She would be fine.
 Still... it was very weird that she was being taken away from the fire, if they meant to burn her.
 Very, very weird.
 "The fire is that way, dumbass," she pointed, still hanging by her ponytail.
 The cruel grin grew wicked, and Ronni grew very afraid.
 Just another couple of steps and they came to a bubbling pot, not set over a fire yet boiling nonetheless.
 "Here we go..."
 Still held by the ponytail, Ronni was lowered towards the oddly clear liquid. Not sure what it was but very much afraid, she did her best to curl up, tucking her knees to her chest and folding her wings to minimise their hang.
 Her feet touched the bubbling liquid first.
 The pain was not immediate. First came a strange fizzing sort of texture against her skin, and an intense discomfort along with the knowledge that she had to get out.
 It was easier said than done, however; as she reached up to fight again, the tips of her wings caught the surface of the water.
 That was when the pain hit.
 She could not help the scream, nor the flinch she quickly turned into another attempt to fight back. The monster only laughed again, wise now to her attempts to burn him, and submerging her up to the knees instead. Now she could see how her skin was yellowing and blistering and peeling away only to melt in the clear, unassuming liquid. Bubbles came off her skin, just like the rest of the small bowl. The magic of her attempted spell was torn away, pushing down and desperate to try and stem the damage.
 Still more than securely in the monster's grip, Ronni let out another scream.
 If it was answered she did not hear, too desperate to get herself out of the burning liquid.
 The ends of her feet and the tips of her wings were no longer in pain, and she did not think that was a good thing.
 "Let go of me!" She yelled again, twisting hard.
 To her surprise, this time it did.
 The force of her fall sent her tumbling towards the bowl. While wide it was not deep; when she reached back her hands to catch herself, they met the bottom of the bowl a little past her elbow.
 It still meant even more of her was in the liquid. Both of her lower wings were entirely submerged, along with most of her arms and her legs, her butt and her back. Quickly she scrambled out of the bowl, managing to pull herself onto its lip. Still the pain continued, the bubbling against her skin which turned yellow and blistered, before black and deformed. The damage was uneven but evident across her body, worse on her legs than anywhere else.
 There was no way she could fly like this.
 She shoved her magic towards healing, reasoning there might be enough to at least fix her wings. To her horror, she found that her wings were still being eaten, and her arms and legs too, even now she was removed from the liquid.
 It must still be on her.
 In panic she raised her hands towards her face, only to realise the danger at the last moment. She slammed them back onto the rim, and screamed for help once more.
 "We're coming!" She heard a reply, in the chiming bells of another fairy.
 She did not know what anyone could do; she screamed back for them to hurry.
 Her arms were beginning to numb; Ronni shifted her weight, fruitlessly trying to relieve them, only to over balance. The liquid came close again, and all Ronni could do was her best to shield her eyes.
 She came to a shuddering halt, something having caught her ruined dress. It tugged and tugged, and terrified she turned to see another fairy pulling at her.
 "Link!" The fairy seemed just as afraid. "Link! Over here!"
 Ronni took a deep breath at the momentary reprieve, managing to just about get herself steady once again. While her arms could no longer hold her, she could lean away from the liquid instead.
 "Hey, it's okay! We'll get you all fixed up!" The new fairy patted her shoulder.
 Ronni suddenly realised the danger.
 "Don't touch me!" She shrieked.
 Immediately the blue fairy bolted back, hands in the air.
 "It's still on me," she managed to eek out. "The burning water. If it gets on you-"
 Her words were cut off by the arrival of a Hylian. He looked at her, then the other fairy, then tucked his sword away and knelt down.
 Ronni would put good money on that sword being covered in the blood of the lizard man.
 "She says it's still on her," the blue fairy fretted. "Link! What do we do?!"
 The Hylian looked just as lost as the fairy with him, hesitating somewhat.
 "Clean it," Ronni eeked out. "Don't drown me, but... just... just get it off me."
 She was ashamed about how her voice cracked, but everything in her being was pain. Link did not hesitate again, grabbing a bottle from his belt. He uncapped it, and began pouring it over her.
 Great Fairy water.
 The relief was almost immediate, not from the pain but just from the lingering magic shoring up her own. The great fairy was not her own mother, but it still worked - the soporific effect quickly kicked in, making her dizzy and sleepy both.
 The pain was still there, but something in the water was pulling her towards sleep.
 She fought it off, even as she was turned over and it was poured over her back, but... But it was getting harder to concentrate.
 It might even have dragged her under; between one thought and the next she was being carried across a field, and then in the next a great mother was there, cupping her head with one long finger, while the other swished magic and water around her.
 "-rinse with normal water," the great fairy was saying. "Once you're sure the acid is gone, then put them in the bottle - yes, with the water, even a fire fairy will be okay in my water for a short while. Get that bottle straight to me. This one was very- oh, hello dear!"
 It took a few moments for Ronni to realise that she was being addressed. Lazily she turned to look at the great mother, blinking owlishly up.
 The water was warm and, well, water, dampening her flame even as it healed her.
 "I was just telling Link-sweetheart what to do if this happens again," the great fairy made a noise between irritated and amused. "He keeps bringing me new daughters all hurting - you were very lucky, you poor thing. I've fixed up your wings, but your feet will need a little longer, so stay close, hmm~?"
 Ronni had absolutely no intention of moving, not even as a bunch of other fairies crept out of their hiding places, and flew down into view.
 Or up into view, in the case of one particularly young looking water fairy.
 Still, not as young as the fairy that flew over, kneeling next to her.
 "I'm Proxi!" The little fairy looked... ah, her little rescuer. Oops. That is why she seemed familiar. "Link says Impa says you can stay as long as you need. And! If you want to stay longer you can! We're beating up the bad guys, and Impa says we need all the help we can get!"
 A light fairy hovering nearby waved. There was harsh looking scars in her hands and legs and wings, no doubt the result of something piercing them, "I've been here longest, so just let me know if you need anything. Proxi's always busy with Link, so I look after the fountain! Or Bo does, if I need to go help with the fight. The Hylians always need more healers..."
 It was a little too much to take in all at once. The clutter of fairies seemed to realise that as they dispersed, leaving her with only Punkin and Proxi.
 Link, the Hylian man, sat a little way away, a sad smile on his face as he watched them. Ronni... would see about that later.
 "Link will make you some new clothes next time he gets the chance," Punkin was promising. "We're sorry about your dress, but the acid ate it."
 Ronni really, really did not care about the dress.
 Doing her best to express that she reached out, tugging both fairies against her into hugs.
 "Mine now," it was simple enough to say. "Shhh sleep."
 One of the two giggled, and the other patted her head.
 She had meant to tell them to be quiet, but, with the rumbling laughter of an amused great fairy watching over them, and her feet... she did not want to look at them, but they weren't hurting and they weren't bubbling and the great fairy had promised to fix them, so... maybe, maybe they would be okay.
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wyrmsfornerves · 7 months
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Titania & Oberon
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julnites · 9 months
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Red riding hood comic collab with the wonderful @yeehawpim (go check out their blog for loads of great comics!) 🌷 See the layouts he did here!
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 7 months
It is the middle of a Sunday afternoon. You have nothing on, and aren't expecting visitors, deliveries or post.
Unexpectedly, there is a knock at the door.
you are greeted by...... her
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podcastwizard · 7 months
because here's the thing here's the thing the question was not "would you be more surprised to run into a fairy or a walrus" the question was "would you be more surprised to find a fairy or a walrus AT YOUR DOOR" and while no, i do not believe in fairies and would be surprised to know they EXIST i would NOT be surprised to find one at my door. HOWEVER, if a WALRUS shows up at my door i have to contend with the fact that a walrus somehow made it to my apartment specifically and knocked on my door for god knows what reason. i would be more surprised to know that a fairy EXISTS, of course, but NOT that they're at my door, do you get me?
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bedupolker · 26 days
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girls when they get new shoes:
fairy shrimp & tadpole shrimp
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camilleflyingrotten · 4 months
More faeries Good Omens AU ✨
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ato-dato · 1 year
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Go on, burst every one of his bubbles why don’t you
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sapphire-shores · 1 month
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🌈 fairy kei mane 6 ✨
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factorialsfandoms · 2 years
Day 3 - A Hair’s Breadth From Death
I... Apparently do also want to do impaled oops. Hyrule Warriors Link finds his first My Fairy fairy!!! PoV... The fairy??? Specifically the light fairy from H7 on the basic Adventure Map, here named Punkin
Content warning, I feel kinda obviously, for horrible horrible injuries to someone very small and sweet (I’d get you a screenshot of her but um housemate has the switch rn), also some torture.
Punkin awoke screaming. It was not in a fairy’s nature to do so, but the agony was too much to do anything but. She had no idea how long it had been since she was pulled from the sky and shoved into a bottle, but certainly enough time has passed - no longer is she in the open fields, playing with her sisters. She is not even in the ornamental gardens, fleeing with all her strength as monsters invaded their mother’s fountain. Instead, she found herself inside a stone building, her body and mind in agony.
Desperately her magic tried to heal the injuries, but to no avail - it could not heal with something still in the way. Instead it just drained and drained, her strength and life sapping alongside her magic.
What was the point of this? What possibly could be the point? If they stole everything from her, they could not even force her to help!
Stifling a sob alongside her screams, Punkin could do nothing to stop the instinctual need to /live/, to heal her body. Even as it was that healing killing her.
For she was not just impaled on sticks or branches or even brass, but with cold, hard iron.
Just by a few pins, but it was enough to be killing her - two in each wing, spreading them flat. One in each hand, forcing her arms to her sides. One through both feet, keeping them still. One through her abdomen and one through each shoulder, keeping her torso too still and on the board to which she was binned.
She could not sob - moving her chest would only do more damage - but how could she not? Agony and fire both radiated out from every pin, absorbing her magic and stealing her breath. There was nothing she could do to remove them, only pray to the great mothers that her captors would soon come and grant her a swifter release.
Punkin had no doubts about the fact she was about to die. It terrified her and broke her, the idea of being unmade, the magic that formed the essence of herself being torn completely to shreds.
Her screams continued until her throat was raw, and then until there was nothing left.
Nobody came. She did not expect them to.
Still in agony, she could do nothing but pant. Her vision was dark, but she could still hear - long she listened in silence, until from outside she heard the sounds of fighting.
Fighting? The Hylians? She... She had heard that the Hylians were fighting the monsters - maybe, maybe... Maybe she could get help after all!
Once again Punkin tried to scream, only to find her voice was gone. It was raw and lost, causing her to choke as she just tried to force out enough air.
The movement of the choking caused the pins in her shoulders to rip more of her flesh, more magic leaking from impossible wound.
Desperate, desperate, she reached out with her magic - looking for anything she could possibly reach. It brushed against a mind, but she had too little left for any more.
Having exhausted the last of her reserves, Punkin fell limp, gravity straining the pins in her body even more.
Vision dark and body not responding, she could yet hear - clung to the noises as proof of her continued life.
The fighting stopped, orders were shouted, and footsteps came. The sound of vomiting, and a yell of “Captain!”
More boots ran quickly, lighter than the last. There was no vomiting this time, but the gasp of horror - no, two gasps of horror - were audible all the same.
Weakly, Punkin tried to do anything - anything - to get their attention. Maybe they were as bad as the monsters, just as her mother had claimed, maybe they were friends, as her sister had said. It did not really matter, Punkin just knew that she /did not want to *die*/ and they were her only hope to live.
There was a fluttering that came closer - another fairy? - and a gentle press of magic on her mind.
Punkin was too weak to resist it, but too weak to provide anything but the briefest glimmer of consciousness in return.
A tiny hand grabbed her hand, careful of the pin yet offering Punkin the tiniest thread of magic all the same.
Greedily she absorbed it - it was not enough even to stave off the drain from the metal pins impaling her body, but it was enough to slow it.
“Oh no oh no oh no,” came a fretting voice, in the familiar shrill of the fairies speaking Hylian. “Link! Link, you have to help her! Quickly!”
And then, the same voice, softer more as the new fairy shifted to speaking in their own chirping tongue, “big sister? Big sister can you hear me? It’s going to be okay! Link will get you free! He’s the best! He always saves everyone, it’s going to be okay, I promise-”
The other fairy kept talking, but there were fingers on one of the pins, the one in the hand being held - the pain somehow spiked and all sensation was lost a moment, only for Punkin to return to herself, finding the other fairy now clinging with both hands, and that pin gone.
“Shhh bif sister,” the other fairy continued to chirp. “We’re helping, I promise, it’ll be over soon.”
Punkin’s body somehow found the strength to make another, hoarse sob as the pins were pulled from her shoulders.
As steady hands pulled the pin from her abdomen she whited out again.
By the time she came too she was wrapped in something every so soft, its warmth trying to save her fading limbs. The other fairy was no light fairy nor fire - unable to heal Punkin or to warm her - but kept clinging to her hand none the less.
“-the great fairy is gone, but the water will help!” The other fairy was once again speaking shrill Hylian.
It made Punkin’s ears ache.
Whatever the reply it could not be verbal, for Punkin heard nothing.
Or mayhaps that was just her consciousness fading once again...
Punkin awoke trying to scream, but her voice was lost. Her body and wings burned in agony, but there was a gentle hand running through her hair and another, much larger, one supporting her back.
She was floating in water that tasted of magic and safety, though the protection was gone.
Mother’s fountain. Mother’s fountain, and yet... And yet mother was gone.
Unable to speak or to scream, Punkin still managed to groan.
“Big sister?” the voice of a fairy chirped. “You’re safe now, Link will look after you... Just wake up soon? We’re very worried about you.”
With six holes in her body and four in her wings, Punkin struggled to open her eyes. When she did, she found another pair boring into hers. Bright blue, and belonging to a fairy somehow even younger than Punkin herself - and Punkin had been the youngest of her fountain.
She just hoped her big sisters had managed to mistake.
The fairy child grinned at her, bouncing a little as she moved to the side, “hi! I’m Proxi, and this is Link, and he’s going to beat up all of the bad guys! So don’t worry, because him and me are gonna keep everyone safe!”
In the fountain of a dead great fairy it was obviously a lie, but Punkin appreciated the attempt.
Looking up from Proxi, she found the owner of the hand on which she lay. Green tunic, blue scarf, blonde hair and lonely eyes.
Cautious of her magic levels, Punkin reached out, gently touching his mind. Her own desperation and fear tainted his thoughts, but... But she found no ill intent. Nothing harsh there.
Still weak, still healing, she splashed deeper into the water.
“What’s your name, big sister? I bet its a pretty name!” Proxi asked, still kneeling in the sacred water.
Punkin tried to answer - it was the least she could do - but... But when she opened her mouth, no sound came. Nothing but hoarse coughing when she pushed it too far.
Proxi grabbed her as she choked on her own throat, frantically rubbing at her back, “okay! It’s okay! You can wait, we can ask later, the army will be camping here a little while! Right Link? We can stay until Big Sister is healed?”
A nod from the man, or maybe a boy. Had he hurt his throat too?
“See?” Proxi said, a little gentler now. “And once you’re all better... We’ll help you find somewhere to go! Somewhere safe.”
The fairy child that was Proxi pulled Punkin into such a careful hug, and Link’s fingers curled a little protectively around.
Everything hurt, and nothing was okay, but maybe... Maybe she would be safe long enough to heal. Maybe, just maybe, she could survive yet. And if she did...
If she did she owed these two strangers a life debt, and maybe her magic was not strong, but she was a fairy of the light. And, like any fairy of her ilk, her magic was well equipped to heal.
And soldiers always needed healers in a war.
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ofallingstar · 1 year
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Fantasia (1940)
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whereserpentswalk · 5 months
Reblog to curse your followers and mutuals.
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may12324 · 1 month
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Juniper and Earwig the knight.
Got some new fairy ocs to play with it's toxic yuri, its forbidden magic girly, its honor-bound knight conflict. It's Guard and Princess. All my current favourite juicy things. (f/f)
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miwkchii · 2 months
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PERI 💜 (Please keep the dynamic him and his parents have for the rest of the show pls )
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walmart-the-official · 7 months
reblogs for greater sample size always appreciated
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secretly-of-course · 7 months
but what if the walrus was a fairy
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now on redbubble!
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