#My first story
mermaidgirl30 · 6 months
✨Look for the Light Masterlist✨
Outbreak! Joel Miller x OFC
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Decided to do a mood board for my fic “Look for the Light” 🩵 It’s on A03 as well and has a playlist. This one is a slow burn, action packed, twisty ride. I hope you enjoy! Their relationship is absolutely canon 😍 This is my very first fic, and I put my entire heart and soul into it and have been working on it for six months. I am so over the moon with how well this story came out and am just so proud of it 🥰 This is forever my baby, and I cannot wait to continue my writing and more Joel fics! I hope you enjoy this beautiful work of art I have put together. Comments and reblogs are always appreciated 😊
Rating: Explicit (18+ only MDNI)
Word Count: 187,394
Summary: Aly finds herself trying to escape the Boston QZ. What Aly doesn’t know is Tess is pairing her up with Joel to go on a dangerous mission to find Tommy. Will Aly survive the brooding, moody Joel or will she find herself falling hard for him? (This fic is in both Aly and Joel’s POV)
Tags: Angst, fluff, smut, slow burn, attempted sexual assault, kidnapping, enemies to lovers, unprotected p in v, gratuitous smut, original character, protective Joel, anxiety, ptsd, sexual tension, mutual pining, eventual smut, younger female/older man, grumpy Joel, death, violence
This is me trying is so Joel coded, and I got a lot of inspiration in this story from this song 🩵
Chapter 1: Introductions
Chapter 2: Escaping
Chapter 3: Knife Practice
Chapter 4: Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
Chapter 5: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Chapter 6: Panic Attacks and Blue Eyes
Chapter 7: What You Say Goes
Chapter 8: Thunderstorms and Heartbreak
Chapter 9: Safe, In My Arms
Chapter 10: Bow and Arrow Lessons
Chapter 11: Vacancy in a Cabin
Chapter 12: Taken
Chapter 13: David’s Territory
Chapter 14: What Town!
Chapter 15: Held Hostage
Chapter 16: Stay With Me
Chapter 17: Your Hand In Mine
Chapter 18: Slow Dancing In a Burning Room
Chapter 19: Back to the Lodge
Chapter 20: Taking David Down
Chapter 21: Burn It Down, Burn It All Down
Chapter 22: Liars
Chapter 23: Finding Ellie
Chapter 24: Welcome to Jackson
Chapter 25: Slow Hands
Chapter 26: You Are In Love
Chapter 27: Bubble Baths and Sweet Affections
Chapter 28: Guitar Lessons and Heart Strings
Chapter 29: Complications
Chapter 30: Protecting What’s Yours
Chapter 31: This Love
Epilogue : Proposal
Epilogue Pt II: Wedding Day
Soft - Extra little piece I wrote about Joel being in love
Trailer for my series 🥰
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manwrre · 9 months
It’s bordering on two weeks since Hargrove’s arrival at Hawkins High, when Steve realizes he’s crushing on the guy. Like—‘doodling hearts in the margins of his books and racking up a list of things he likes about him’ type crushing.
They’ve barely interacted after that night at the party. Outside of social gatherings, they just run in different circles; Steve, filling his time with Robin and occasionally third-wheeling Nancy and Jonathan, while Billy hangs out with the more popular crowd.
Their schedules also don’t overlap despite the blonde taking a number of senior-level classes, with the exception of gym and lunch.
The list though, is still so painstakingly long. Ego-stroking-ly lengthy. Embarrassingly indulgent, all on his behalf.
Steve would much rather nosedive into the quarry, than divulge too deeply into it with anyone.
Especially around or to the guy’s actual face, at the risk of Billy’s head becoming too big for his body (even though Steve thinks he’d make an adorable bobble head). Or you know, worse— like him, getting absolutely brained in front of everyone.
Which must say a lot about him as a person because apparently, this is his type. Beautiful, angry, conceited boys.
Regardless, there are some objective mentions on his list though.
Things that the general public would agree on, like Billy’s Michelle-Pfeiffer curls; loose and wavy but so, so golden.
His eyes are a close second, of course because Steve’s seen a lot of bright blues but Billy’s remind him of the vacation he’d spent in Aruba, as a kid. Remind him of a horizon-kissed vastness and warm water lapping at his ankles on a private beach.
The public also agrees that Billy’s got a banging body. He’s thicker than most because he actually gives a shit and ‘works out religiously’ but it’s not all muscle. His abdomen and thighs are firm but his pecs and ass have the right amount of give. A perfect amount of softness.
Steve would know because he’s had to will away many boners at the sight of them.
And Billy’s funny in a witty, sarcastic way. He grins toosharptooprettytoobright and dangerous. He’s smart too, like taking mostly AP classes smart and he’s smug about it all because he knows he’s hot shit. Of course, the bastard is self aware. Cocky. Steve likes him so much. Wants him so bad that it’s dizzying, sickening.
So yeah, there’s stuff that everyone can agree on but then….then, there’s whatever this is.
This being the two penny-sized indents at the base of Billy’s spine. Symmetrical and just defined enough for average eye to discern.
When Steve sees them for the first time though, he promptly drops the basketball in his hands. In front of everyone. During fucking gym class. Purely out of shock.
He catches himself within the same breath and quickly looks away.
Ignores the pointed look that Patrick sends him for flaking out, mid-pass, like some kind of freak and looks around cooly.
Because Billy Hargrove has dimples of venus.
Affectionately dubbed a sign of beauty by Michelangelo. Famed after the Greek goddess’ simulacrum. Called dimples of Apollo on men, which suits Billy all the more, in Steve’s opinion.
The sun child.
Flushed with life. Deserving of avid worshippers. A being deserving of wax poetic. Glittering, dazzling, vibrant and the Camaro, his chariot.
And he knows this because dimples are like, his freckles. His glasses. His braces. They’re a niche, little thing that he finds just devastating. Achingly cute. Nancy has a pair of them near her laugh lines that he would kiss everyday and prod at, endeared.
So he ambles on through practise a little out of breath and red in the face with his newfound knowledge.
Watches Billy jog over to the locker room with everyone else at the end; skin slick and sweat pooling at the divots of his waistband. Tempting.
He stands back and feigns trying to catch his breath, his hands on his knees. Eyes the younger boy’s retreating form from up through his hair. Imagines hooking his thumbs into the depressions of his flesh.
Relishes in the thought of splaying his hands across the width of his waist.
Feels his mouth go dry and a rush of white heat surging south.
Licks his lips absentmindedly as his cock aches to life and makes the decision to skip the locker room schtick, save anyone realizing he’s sporting a half chub.
Instead, he grabs his backpack and heads out to his car. The parking lot is mostly empty by the time he gets there and devoid of anyone interested in him enough to wave him over. He tosses his stuff into the backseat of the Beemer and speeds off before anyone can catch up to him.
It’s a short drive to his house but he spends it envisioning Billy in all sorts of compromising positions. Thinks about the flush on his skin when he plays and the heat in his eyes— wonders how easily he gives in; loud-mouth turned soft and pliant at the faintest hint of pleasure.
He barely makes it inside before shucking his bag off and stripping himself bare of sweat-sticky clothes. In the same breath, he’s fisting a too damp hand around his cock and hissing at the near painful throb. His only relief comes from the coldness of the door against his back as he slumps against it.
Precum beads at the flushed head and he gathers it all on the upstroke to ease the glide. Squeezes his eyes shut so tightly that honeyed galaxies explode behind the lids and he can’t think.
Can’t think about the consequences of jerking off to someone he sees damn near everyday. Doesn’t care enough to avoid the impending embarrassment.
Why would he? Instead, he thinks of Billy laid out beneath him, all pretty and flushed and glittering; his eyes wet with unshed tears and ruddy lower lip between his teeth as he looks over his shoulder at him. Imagines the roughness of his voice and his muscles all pulled taut as Steve knocks the air out of his lungs with each slam of his cock.
He fucks into the tight ‘o’ of his hand, already so goddamn close and conjures up the image of twin dips. Wants to paint pearlescent white across the bronze expanse of Billy’s back; let it pool where he is favored by the Gods.
The thought has him biting back a moan as he grinds into the slickness of his hold. The heat in his gut expands so greatly, so suddenly, that his hips flex with the intensity of it. Until finally,
it snaps.
Like a star beneath the pressures of gravity; with all the strength and ferocity of a supernova. And he’s spilling all over his hand in a few stiff, jerky thrusts and breathing out a low, garbled “Fuck, Billy— shitshitshit.”
And God, he’s so screwed.
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anomalisa92 · 5 months
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LA Knight x fem!reader
Summary: reader struggles with nightmares and they've gotten worse while her boyfriend (LA Knight/real name Shaun Ricker) was on the road. But now he's finally back home.
Notes: This is the first thing I wrote in YEARS! Crossed my mind while I couldn't sleep for the exact same reason and then it basically wrote itself. This might be bad, I don't know. Just wanted to put that out there. I used his real name (mainly because I think it's weird when he's called "LA" or "Knight"...like...c'mon 😅) but it's only mentioned like two or three times.
tw: Nightmares but nothing specific. Possibly bad english, since it's not my native language.
The Shaun Squad: @romanthereigns @cellard0ors @readysetkissmyass @codyswhitebelt
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"C'mon baby, time for bed." He said entering the living room after taking a long ass shower. He's finally home again and that's always one of the first things he does.
"Mhm. Just wanna finish watching this movie."
He furrowed his brows, looking at the TV... "Girl that movie isn't even halfway through and you know it word by word..."
"So? I like it. It's one of my favorites."
"Yeah I know it is. And I also know that you always come back to it when you're not feeling good..." he said while he was walking over to the couch, sitting down right next to me.
"That is not tr-"
"Nah nah...stop it. Tell me what's going on baby."
"Look at me...please."
I couldn't...I knew I would start crying...So I just blankly stared to the floor.
He softly grabbed my chin, turning my head in his direction.
The moment my eyes met his I could feel the tears starting to build...
"Baby what's wrong? Why don't you wanna go to -" and with that it dawned on him. He wrapped his arms around me and my tears started falling while I was hiding my face against his shoulder.
He slowly stroked my back with one hand while the other one was at the back of my head.
"Why didn't you tell me that they're back again babe?"
"You would've just been worried and I didn't want that. And there wasn't anything you could've done about it anyway" I half said, half sobbed my answer.
"I would've come home sweetheart, you know that!"
"I do, but I didn't want you to do that just because I have nightmares like a stupid little child..."
"Stop that. We both know that your dreams are nothing like those of children. Hell Stephen King could learn from them..."
I chuckled with my tears still falling.
"You're an idiot."
"Why? I'm serious. You two should meet someday, I'm sure this man could use some ideas. You could earn a shit load of money." I could hear that he was smiling like a dumbass.
I looked up at him and he brushed my hair out of my face. His hand stayed at my cheek where his thumb slowly caressed it.
"I've missed you so much..." he said before he pressed his lips onto mine.
"I've missed you too..." I whispered before the tears slowly started streaming down my face again. He wiped them away and looked into my eyes.
"I'm here now baby. You're not alone. I'll be right beside you, no matter what. Let's go to bed, okay?" I just nodded my head...
He reached behind me to grab the remote and turned off the TV. Then he picked me up like I was weighing nothing and carried me to our bedroom. He sat me down, helped me out of my hoodie and sweatpants and then crawled to his side of the bed, which was painfully empty for the last three weeks. I cuddled right into him and he put the blanket over both of us, securing me with his arms.
As he was stroking my back and playing with my hair I finally felt safe again. Between kisses to my head and forehead he kept quietly talking to me.
"It's gonna be okay baby. I'm right here and I love you so much. I'll make sure you're safe. Nobody's gonna hurt you."
I slowly drifted into sleep, absolutely exhausted from the nights that were laying behind me...
Hours later it started...again...I was terrified and scared to death...there was nowhere to go...no way out of this hell...
Then I heard it...someone was calling my name...but it wasn't them...it was...
"SHAUN!!!" I shot up! I didn't quite realize I was awake yet, still haunted by what I just went through, almost dripping of sweat.
"Hey baby it's okay! It's okay! I'm right here! You're safe! No one's hurting you." There he was, sitting right beside me, trying to completely snap me back to reality...
"Hey hey baby breathe! It's okay. I'm okay. Look at me, I'm fine. Nobody did anything to me, okay?" He held me by my shoulders, trying to convince me that I escaped. I looked at him and started sobbing. He held me to his chest and just let me cry it out, telling me that everything's fine and I'm gonna be okay.
"Shaun! You... He... He was... and then you... but I..."
After a while he asked "You wanna talk about it?" I rapidly shook my head and wrapped my arms around him even tighter. "That's okay, you don't have to. Want something to drink?" Only then I realized how dry my throat was... I nodded "Yes please..." "Okay I'll be right back princess." He kissed my forehead and went to the kitchen only to return with a large cup shortly after. "Thank you" I said and drank half of it in one swing.
"You feel better now?" He asked while he was holding my hand.
"A little...thank you...and sorry..."
"Baby we've been over this...there is nothing to be sorry about! Let's get you cleaned up a little, okay?" With my hand still in his, he guided me to the bathroom and started the shower.
We got back into our bed and immediately cuddled up again, his arms holding me close to make sure I feel safe.
"Wash that sweat off real quick, I'll get you some new clothes." he said with a kiss to my forehead. And so I did. When I stepped out of the shower he was already waiting with a towel. He wrapped it around me and helped drying me off. I put on the clothes he got me and he grabbed my face with both hands, looking straight into my eyes. "I love you so much baby." he said and leaned down to kiss me. Once we finally broke apart he took my hand again, guiding me back to our bedroom. "Let's get back to sleep, okay?"
But this time...I was dreaming of him...and a little mini Shaun running around his legs while he was holding an even smaller mini me...For the first time in a long time I wished for one of my dreams to come true...
"I am so proud of you baby. I promise you I won't let anybody hurt you. I love you so much." "I love you too" I answered as I could already feel myself drifting back to sleep again.
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Guys...just let me tell you I was SOBBING!
I hope it's not as bad as it feels to me 😅
Will I write more? I have absolutely no idea...got some tough shit waiting ahead of me...we'll see...
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demifiendrsa · 1 month
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Hashira Training Arc ED
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clovermaniacs · 2 months
Enid: Can you come here, little one?
*Wednesday looks up from her typewriter and if looks could kill Enid would be 6ft under the school*
Wednesday: LITTLE one, you say?
Enid: Weds you're shorter than me that's for sure.
Wednesday: It will be easier for me to kick you in a shin, that's for sure.
*Wednesday did not pout, she didn't and if Enid says to anyone that she saw it Wednesday will go back on her threat. No witnesses no proof after all*
Enid: Aww babe, don't sulk.
*Enid knew the tease would result in some kind of reaction so in that moment she was grateful that Wednesday knew how to handle knifes otherwise -she fears- she would be dead when Wednesday flicked her wrist -without looking at her- and a knife was stuck besides Enid's head*
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My first time writing... I hope it's alright and to someone's taste. First and foremost English isn't my first language so excuse me if there was a mistake yall can correct me in the comments, respectfully of course. I won't be doing those often only when an idea strucks me.
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wwry2018 · 1 year
I was so excited, I had just gotten a phone call from my agent that I had landed my first lead role on stage. Stanley in “ a streetcar named desire” 
The role was famously played but the great and hot Marlon Brando in his prime. I was so excited , but my agent said they had one note for me. I had the acting down and I was handsome but I needed to but more manly.
Now, I’m gay but I’m not exactly prancing round. But I guess I’m not going to be cutting down trees anytime soon. Bobby is my name and acting is my game, not labour.
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Masculine I needed help with. The good news is they had a coach for me, he worked with Hugh Jackman to take this song and dance man, to cigar chomping action hero.
So I head to this dodgy part of town. You know how in a horror movie they’re fog sitting around and distant animal noise and you yell RUN at the screen. This is what I was looking at but in a back ally. As I knock on the door I’m hit in the back of the head and drop to the ground.
I wake up strapped to a table, I can’t move nothing and there is a giant screen directly in front of my face. As I go to scream for help I hear a voice behind my say. Class is in session. the screen springs to life and images of rough and tough burly men are playing in succession in front of me. Truck drivers, wrestlers lumberjacks burley men, hairy men. In between words flash so quickly on the screen I barely recognise them. Like MAN. HARD. WORK. TOUGH. SMOKE. It all so quickly I don’t know what to do, I can’t close my eyes and can’t block it out.
I feel a needle in my arm, I go to wince but can’t move. My eye go back to the screen. MANS MAN. CIGAR. FIGHT. FUCK. HAIRY. MUSK. DIRT. WORK.
I feel my muscles start to tense. Like I have been at the gym for hours…..no not the gym. Working I’ve been for years. Chopping trees and working on cars. I feel my chest inflate and my legs start to chunk up. Like the tree trunks I cut down.
Man I’m thirsty, I could go a water. A water….would do nothing. I need a beer. Beer is the only thing that is gonna help this feeling.
images turn from guys like me to women , naked. Big breast, hands rubbing up and down to her thick wet juicy pussy.
I feel my dick getting hard. This isn’t right I’m gay. I like cock and eating Ass, eating ……..Pussy. Hot wet Juicy pussy, having them suck my big chokeable cock.
Three weeks later. No one had heard from Bobby. He is due in the rehearsal room to start Streetcar to become Stanley.
The door bangs and standing there is Bob. Bobs not used to this a touchy feely stuff. He is used to working, and working hard, but when he saw what they were going to pay him to pretty much be himself on stage. He thought fuck it. He took another drag on his cigar, wiped his hands and strode into the room. Stanley was there.
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jeshiiru · 3 months
(shares are appreciated) my comifuro 18 catalog is out❤️
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For my fellow Indonesians, check out my catalog if you're attending cf soon 😳
🗓 PO period : 20 maret - 3 april
🗺 Booth : Colorful Gepeng (booth number TBA), both day
🌸 Fandom : Blue Lock , bleach , OOR ( One Ok Rock ) , MCR ( My Chemical Romance ) , MFS ( my first story ) , obey me , mashle
Pickup : https://forms.gle/VF2caWG2reShvkQj7
Mail : https://forms.gle/Ao9uiHYTFgrdFAQ3A
Have question? Don’t hesitate to comment or DM me🦐
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2015mai24 · 2 months
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apparently-artless · 1 month
AHHHHHH!!!! the opening song of kny this season is performed by MY FIRST STORY (in collab with HYDE)!!! their songs are seldom used as anime soundtracks but i really love this band. the vocalist by the way is the younger brother of the vocalist of ONEOKROCK. ^^
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ramenremm · 2 months
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This is my first Creepypasta and Anything related to creepypastas like this.
I know it came out a little embarrassing and silly, but I really wanted to start somewhere!!!
I'll insert more information later and hope to get better with each work
Keep in mind that English is not my first language
Love also yes Nina and Jane Is here because i thought it will be funny
The sound of a vicious cough followed by a dozen more sounds filled with pain and discomfort was something that had been standard every day for a dozen months. A standard to which I should have been accustomed, and yet my face expressed nothing but worry. My body lay inert on a small bed with blue sheets. The sun slowly appearing in the sky reminded me that I should get up soon, as the alarm clock lying on the bedside table often failed to do so. My mind was foggy from little sleep and dark thoughts. Things should have started to improve, and it didn't look like it.                        Another sharp attack of coughing coming from the next room made me rise to sit down. With dark eyes of distaste, I ran a quick glance over the floor of the room, where piles of various clothes and garbage were piled up. I was supposed to clean it up last night, but I was so tired from school activities that I completely forgot about it. Again.       
The only place where there were no scattered clothes was the mirror standing near the bed.       
I marked in my head to do it today, or at least try to, because otherwise my mother would do it, and that's the last thing I'd want.              I had a guilty conscience when she had to get out of bed unnecessarily, let alone clean up my mess. Speaking of my mother, Harper, it was from her bedroom that the sounds indicating ill health were coming. It had persisted for far too long, and despite trying various things, nothing seemed to work. That's what was causing me to get up and go to the small bathroom connected to the bedroom, and I felt like I wasn't fully in the world with my mind. Constant visits to doctors, specialists, anyone who fit the general description in any way did not work one bit. No diagnosis, no cure. No one knew exactly what was wrong with my mother, and they referred people to other people in the hope that they would get lucky there. They didn't get lucky. 
Looking in the mirror hanging over the sink at first, I didn't pay attention to my reflection only to a small piece of paper attached to the top. Today we had an appointment with another doctor, supposedly the best in his profession.                             
I had to write things down and leave them that way, because with the ubiquitous clutter in the room it was hard to find a scrap of space where it would stand out. I could still use my phone if only it wasn't perpetually discharged or lost. I myself was beginning to be a wreck of a person through worry. Shifting my gaze, I finally met my reflection, the bags under my eyes were the first thing to be noticed on my pale face, right after the already rather large faded scar on my cheek. Maybe I should be thankful that something else was distracting me from it? I cringed at the mere mention of the appearance of this addition to my skin.                                         
Going forward, however, it was no better, my black hair from lack of sleep and poor attention to my own health looked as if it was going to fall out at the slightest pull. Deep in my heart I hoped that this was not a true comparison, but only my imagination, but I was afraid to check myself. The answer came on its own, as there were already a dozen black hairs on the sink.         
Thanks to brushing my teeth, the flowing water from the tap drowned out the sounds of coughing at least for a while, but it seemed to me that I had heard them so often that they had already etched themselves in my memory enough to be heard anywhere anyway. Regardless of the noise.  Personal hygiene is the only thing I haven't neglected in my life since the nightmare began, constantly visiting various hospitals, offices and clinics forced me to keep my person clean, this didn't apply, however, to the even larger pile of clothes lying on the white bathroom tiles. I forgot to do the laundry. I was supposed to put them in the washing machine three days ago, however, I forgot about it again. Now I was sure that all my clothes were in that place, as opposed to on the floor of the bedroom, where their condition was no better.                                      I sighed to myself and crouched down to start searching through everything that was there hoping to find something that didn't smell so bad. The different colored clothes had all sorts of stains or just an unpleasant smell to the point that I started to feel frustrated. I felt like throwing it all away and crying, but in the end a plain red short-sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans that still seemed decent fell into my hands, it was better than nothing.
I changed my clothes quickly although a bit haphazardly, as I had to mend my pants a few times, but walking out of the bathroom back to my room I could say that I was ready for another day full of excitement.                                                             
Before I could even leave, I headed to my desk where lay scattered books and pages torn from notebooks. I could have sworn I was supposed to do something for school since there were so many pieces of paper, my memory, however, was not inclined to make my task any easier. I'll get another bad grade. If this keeps up, I'm going to have trouble passing this year, just what we needed.                       
I wiped my face trying to pull myself together somehow. We can always try to talk to the teachers! Not that my own mother's ill health was something I'd want to use for such things, but letting them know things weren't going well might at least give me a little more time. 
It's worth catching on to anything so much as to not upset her even more now. 
With this quickly concocted plan, I threw the books that seemed appropriate into my black backpack, which, by the way, also looked like it needed a decent wash, and later also included my phone charger and cosmetics. It was fortunate that here Sydney schools gave the option of using electricity. Water and toilet paper were hard to come by in the school bathrooms, so it was good that they gave us at least that much.                        Zipping up I looked this time at the cork board that hung in front of my desk, it was filled with unnecessary information. Along with the schedule of additional ceramics classes, I didn't need it at the moment, I mean, I didn't have time for it, someday I might come back to it. There's always time right?     
I put on my backpack and reached for my phone, which, as it turned out, still had a few percent in it, amazing.                                                                           
I might even be able to listen to some music before it goes out completely. With that thought in mind, I also reached for the white headphones on the cable and slipped both items into my pants pocket. Walking out of the room was sometimes a challenge along the lines of try not to trip, but I managed to do it without incident this time.                          I closed the dark wood door with a quiet clatter, giving myself some time before walking over to the other door. I knocked on it gently, and only after that did I open it and look inside.
- Did you sleep a bit?- I asked, looking deep into a room that was more dark than mine. My mother never liked to open the curtains from her window too much, it made the atmosphere even more unpleasant, but she could not be persuaded to do otherwise. My mother was already sitting on the edge of her bed and was visibly trying to stop herself from coughing by holding a cloth to her mouth, her hands shaking gently from the effort it was costing her. I felt my heart squeeze even more. Seeing her in such a state hurt.                                                         
For a while she couldn't even answer me, because every time she tried, she had to struggle again to catch her breath. With each such attack I was afraid that she would eventually break her ribs. 
-A little- she replied by waving her hand, thus dismissing the subject. If I had slept more than an hour myself, I might have believed her. Why else is she trying to deceive me after such a long time? 
-I'll be back around two in the afternoon. The last two lessons are substitutions at the library, I don't have to be at them. I'll come and we'll go to Dr. Wills.- I presented her with the plan for the day as we did every day. Sometimes I hated this school so much, it just took time away from me and us. 
- I can go alone, you don't have to always go with me- She muttered quietly, and I barely stopped myself from rolling my eyes. We had gone over this a large number of times, too. She didn't want to worry me, but she also knew that I would be even more worried if I didn't hear what the doctors had to say. And she continued trying to convince me. To no avail.
-Remember not to eat breakfast, because you need to be fasting so they can do possible tests. And check if we are sure we have all the documents- I said firmly, and for the last few seconds I watched her face looking at me in pain. Not because of my words or behavior, but because this is not how this situation should be. We were supposed to choose my studies and dorms together, not doctors still fearing for the worst 
-Two o'clock in the afternoon.- I repeated and walked away from the door to start going down to the first floor of the house. 
The gray walls on which hung white frames with photos of the two of us seemed even more overwhelming, which is ironic, because despite such colors earlier it seemed more lively here. The wooden staircase was even darker and duller, which was rare before through the constant obsession to clean that my mother had. Everything was more matte in my eyes. The living room, with its black couch, seemed dark through the drawn curtains and the TV turned off. I looked at it with sadness, for a long time, but I couldn't spend grieving for the soul of this house that had been taken away, or more like forcibly snatched away, because the hands on the small clock hanging on the living room wall were approaching dangerously fast the time at which I would already be late, even though I was specifically leaving early so I could walk to school. I could have taken the bus and had more time, sure, I just didn't see myself sitting around kids of all ages most of whom had too much energy for such an early hour. It was too overwhelming and settling, especially when trying to sort out my thoughts, in which there was also the same chaos.                                       
Reaching for the red sneakers, I could see how worn out they already were. The old version of my mom would have already chastised me for this, after all, I have so many other shoes, I don't need to walk around in the same ones all the time. As for now, Mom, you are not here in this condition, forgive me, I will wear these shoes again. Until you recover.       
Shoelaces tangled in my fingers, which annoyed me terribly, but I finally managed to open the door and go outside after this struggle.                                 
I closed the door quietly behind me and looked around. It was still early, so there weren't so many people on the streets yet, although some were also already leaving for work. 
The sky was pleasantly bright colors, after all, it was May, soon to be summer vacation. You could feel it in the air, it was also one of the reasons why walking was better than riding the bus. The cobblestones I walked on still had traces of chalk drawings on them in places. Kids did it all the time and some of the artwork was even cute, so other, I don't know if drawing a big dick in the middle of the sidewalk has any deeper meaning, but whatever your soul tells you. This road was so familiar to me that I didn't even need to look where exactly I had to go, I stared into the space in front of me trying to dig as much hope as possible out of the depths of myself for today. With each failed visit there was less and less of it, but it was still there. If you looked hard enough. Through this reverie I remembered about my phone only after a few minutes of walking, so I reached for both the phone and the headphones, and the black case with various stickers immediately greeted me, making me feel embarrassed. Who else decorates their cases like this?                                               
Firing up the device, I didn't expect it to keep going from the moment I picked it up on stand up, but it worked. It looked like it was on its last breaths, but it worked. 
Not wanting to test its endurance any longer, I clicked the green icon of the music listening app and went to my liked songs. I selected the first better song, which, as it turned out, was a Ms by alt-J. I can't remember the last time I listened to them. After turning up the volume enough that I could barely hear my own footsteps, I put my phone back in my pocket. If the music suddenly stops, I'll know it's disconnected for amen.                                  The longer I thought about today the more I began to ponder one question. Would I rather it turn out to be some kind of dangerous disease, or that nothing would turn out and we would live like this forever. Both answers made the future seem terribly cold and sad. Ignorance kills, but what can you say about getting news with a death sentence? In my opinion, the scales were very even between the two options. 
If I could, I would have taken it, and so I can only worry. It was killing me more and more. 
I don't even know when the song switched to meet me in the woods from lord huron. 
As I walked past one of the houses I saw a young woman with a baby in a stroller just out for a walk, Riley, had recently moved in here, and we often passed each other on our morning walks. My mother liked her terribly and always offered to help with her daughter, because being a young mother was not easy.  But she was lucky because her daughter Tiffany was a adorable baby. She rarely cried, in fact I don't know if I ever saw her cry. She probably took after her mother, the woman was always smiling too.
I don't know if I envy them more or hate them for what they have. Not that I can hate an innocent child, but the very image of them that I see. I quickened my step with my head lowered so that I didn't have to greet her. The bitter feeling inside was enough for this morning. Funnily enough, despite my fear of being late, I was a moment ahead of schedule. Less than ten minutes, however, it's always ten minutes to myself.                                   
The black gate of the school was already wide open, and through the open door of the school you could see people walking down the hallway going about their lives. A large part of these people were from the student club, probably hanging holiday decorations on the walls.                                         
With a quick mental countdown to three, I pulled off my headphones and reached for my phone to turn off the music, but the device's screen was already completely black. At least I now had a purpose than just sitting in a corner and waiting for the bell to ring. 
Passing between people was relatively easy when they were busy hanging up tacky posters promoting the selection of any of the summer activities. I didn't believe anyone was coming to most of them on their own.                                                                               
The school itself was quite large, with several classrooms and a reception area downstairs in addition to a locker room and lockers for the students, and display cases lined up against one wall showing all sorts of awards and diplomas won for our school. Most were probably bought at a pawn shop when no one was looking, I'm not judging, do what you can to have students. The dark staircase leading up was the second floor and then the second floor. I currently stopped at the first, because that's where I was supposed to have my first class for today, and the classroom where everyone should gather soon was open. My bench was next to the windows more or less in the middle, but I sat completely at the back, there were outlets there. A few minutes is nothing if I want to charge my phone, but it is likely that Matt, the person sitting here just happened not to be coming to the first lesson, which would be a salvation in this case. Plugging in the cable, I stared at the screen for a while in anticipation until the familiar icon appeared and it began to turn back on. A few more people came into the classroom, only out of the corner of my eye did I see a familiar face approaching where I was sitting. 
- I told you to buy a powerbank- Jane Richardson said with a small smile on her face while pulling my backpack from the chair next to me. We weren't particularly close, but it was always good to have someone to talk to in this place. Her dark brown hair was up in a loose ponytail, and her blue eyes expressed too much excitement for so early in the day. 
- I didn't have time for this, I'm still busy- I muttered leaning my head against my hand, but still looked in her direction. She was wearing a black T-shirt with the print of some band and jeans, nothing out of the ordinary, although it wouldn't surprise me if she came in something strange. I don't mean that in a bad way, it's just her style of being. 
- That's why I offered to buy it for you recently, and you refused- she reminded me of our conversation that took place probably a week ago. I hoped she would forget about it.  
- I will do it soon, so far stealing electricity from the school is quite convenient for me- I said with feigned confidence in my own words. Sometimes I was a little surprised that these sockets still work, it's probably a matter of time. Where do they actually get electricity here if some classrooms are not even lit? Does the director choose for himself what he wants to light at any given time? That would make an interesting conspiracy theory... I thought to myself for a moment drifting away from her words.
- Ugh, probably Nina has again found something related to fairing or some other crap- I was snapped out of my reverie by Jane's exasperated words, and it took me a moment, through a small amount of sleep, to even grasp what she was talking about. Nina Hopkins, an even more energetic girl who read too much about paranormal things, crimes and murderers, I didn't have TOO MUCH negative feelings for her, but I had to admit that she could annoy with her chirping about, for example, how someone quartered someone and ate them. 
- Does she have to announce to everyone what she has read?- I asked rhetorically trying to avoid eye contact with the girl we were talking about. Every time she turned her head vigorously it was her black hair and red streak that flew all around. It was impossible to ignore her completely.
- A better question is why she has to practically shout while telling these silly things-  replied Jane with a sigh, which was a mistake, because she did it too loudly, thus attracting Nina's attention.  Not five seconds passed, and she started approaching our bench. Her mouth opened before she was even completely beside us. 
- Hi Jane, Hi Daphne!- She called out turning the chair in the bench in front of us so she could sit facing us. 
- Hi nina- We said together resignedly, which did not discourage the girl, because she immediately started waving her phone with a purple case in front of our faces. I was very impressed that the poor thing had not yet flown out of it and hit the floor. 
- Look what I read! I thought nothing would interest me anymore, but yet I found it- She threw it excitedly, shoving Jane's phone to read what was displayed on the screen herself. Willing or not, I leaned closer to her to read it too, since I would find out what all the fuss was about anyway. Jane exchanged a glance with me before she started reading aloud something that turned out to be some kind of blog post? I couldn't see exactly, but that's what it looked like.
- I didn't know exactly what I was addressing until the letters F R E D Y A were marked on the quia tab, my friend was delighted that we had finally gotten through to her, it was what she wanted. They then began to negotiate, She needed the help of her powers to become prettier. Fredya wanted to become a physical figure in return. We were young, we didn't know what exactly she wanted, so X agreed. The transaction came to a close, nothing happened then after the conversation ended. No things similar to those scary stories about demons. It was completely as if nothing had happened. I came to the conclusion that she was mocking me and moving the marker herself to add some fear to the whole situation. We dispersed to our homes and everything quieted down for a few days. Blah blah blah, the last time I saw her it didn't look like her. Her eyes were all white and blood was pouring from her mouth, she was choking on it. I don't know where she is now, she's missing and no one has ever seen her again.Jane read, cringing at how poorly the story was written. It was immediately obvious that it was some kind of Creepypasta or something like that. 
- How exactly is this different from the millions of other scary stories you've made us read?- I asked, watching Jane pull out a water bottle as reading it finished her off.         Nina looked even more delighted by it all. 
- The fact that people were actually able to contact her! There are articles and videos!- She responded by snatching the phone out of Jane's hand to show the said evidence. I forgot not to ask about such things.
- It's just a story, just because ghost hunters on the internet made up that they contacted that whole Fredya thing, it doesn't mean that it really happened- Jane spoke up looking at Nina like a child who believes in the Bloody Mary myth. I felt the same way, I had already heard so many stories from her mouth that it was getting boring. 
- It's not about ghost hunters, the girl really disappeared after trying to summon her- She defended her opinion fiercely by showing us the phone again, this time with a real article in which they wrote about the disappearance of a young girl after playing at contacting a demon named Fredya. The disappearance was real, the circumstances didn't have to be. 
- Nina. A real person went missing, the fact that she was playing with something like this has no connection to it, it's possible that some psychopath is holding her, and you're making proof of the existence of demons. Grow up.- Jane reprimanded her, annoyed by her behavior and how she approached it. 
- If you already want to walk and talk about all this, then ask everyone if they have not seen her. - She added looking at her with squinted eyes. Her words caused Nina to fall silent and get up to walk away from us. 
- You might not have been so sharp- I muttered as I watched her return to her seat. Jane was right, but she could have done things differently.Especially since Nina now looked like a kicked dog.
- Someone needs to talk some sense into her- She just replied and shrugged her shoulders. I didn't even know what to say anymore and fortunately the bell saved me from that. Now most of the class was already inside and sat down in their seats. No one rebuked the seats where Jane and I were sitting together.                                                      The teacher appeared as soon as the last person entered. You could see from her face a tiredness similar to the one we all felt, this meant another almost slow lesson. We only learned history in theory.                                    Teacher started the lesson by reading something from the textbook, and I rested my head against my hand starting to drive my eyes around the classroom to stay awake. Daily insufficient sleep got me just at such moments, but I couldn't afford to sleep in class, because after the last time, the teachers would start asking if I was okay, and I didn't need their worries, at least not yet. When I start failing seriously, I'll think about it then.
My gaze finally fell back on Nina, who was sitting quietly and writing something down in her notebook. I stared at her for a little longer than I should have. Something in my brain whispered again a few sentences from the article she had read to us.   There is no point in typing this and reading it, please give me something else to occupy my time.....
I barely held back a sigh when I turned my phone on again. Being careful not to disturb the teacher, I started searching for something more about "Fredya" maybe it was her funny name that made it so memorable. I felt surprised to see a lot more information containing this strange name.    Okay, reading it was much more interesting than the story. 
"Fredya is a demon who preys on people's greed. All who turn to her are those who have too little or want more. They ask for many favors and she grants them, while taking away even more. Every wish has consequences depending on what you wish for."
I read my mind while trying not to roll my eyes. Totally sounded like a creepypasta created by a bored teenager. 
"There are many ways to contact her, some more effective, some less. The most popular method is to use a quia board, but you have to be careful when doing so. Just because a demon introduces itself by some name or confirms its identity, it further does not mean that you are talking to it personally." 
What kind of idiots would be so desperate to use a quia board to help them in their lives. You are asking for more problems yourself.
"Fredya's summoning ritual was written down by an unknown person, several people confirmed its authenticity, however, this is left for everyone to judge for themselves. All you need to perform the summoning is something sharp, a mirror and a dark room.
Execution: We lock ourselves in a dark room together with the mirror, we need to make sure we are alone, otherwise the energy may be disturbed. We sit in front of the mirror, preferably as close as possible. We take a sharp tool that we will use for the most important point. We need our blood, the place where it is taken is an important element during what we want to ask for. The more help we need, the more serious the place of collection should be.                              For example, if you need help with your love, the wrist is enough. We then smear the blood on the mirror where our eyes are reflected. During this process, we say the words given below. 
Within a minute you should get an answer.
ሁሉን ቻይ ፍሬዲያ፣ ለእርዳታዎ በመለመን አነጋግርዎታለሁ። ያለኝን ሁሉ እሰጥሃለሁ። ኃይልህን አበድረኝ፤ በምላሹ ራሴን ሁሉ እሰጣችኋለሁ። ቃሎቼን አድምጡ -. 
I felt like my brain stopped working after reading this. It's been a long time since I read something so kitschy. It was so stupid that I turned off my phone and started listening to what the teacher was saying. Jane glared at me over hearing me put my phone back on the bench, but I just nodded so she wouldn't pay attention. It was so irrational that I had it in my head all day. In every lesson, whenever my mind started to get bored it went back to those words. That is, he did it at times when I happened to be awake. Even while eating a stupid sandwich bought with money scavenged from the bottom of my backpack, I couldn't focus on anything else. I read a few more articles, most of which were similar to the one in which there was a recipe for recall, that is stupid. 
I don't even know when the lessons passed so quickly, this is one of the few such days.
- Are you coming to my place? We could do this paper together- Jane said as we walked out of the school building along with many other people who randomly pushed us. 
- I would like to, but I have to go home, I'm going to a meeting with my mother- I replied sighing at the fact that I had to refuse. Working for literature lessons was always an ordeal, however, was one of the last points of my worries. The first was a doctor's appointment for which I was about to be late. 
- Again? Good luck, call me if you change your mind. See you- She called out to me before she disappeared with the others walking toward the parking lot where some of the parents were waiting. I didn't even have time to answer her, but I knew she wouldn't hold it against me. It was time to get back to listening to music. 
Without waiting long I immediately sped up my stride and quickly found myself on the road home holding my headphones in one hand and my phone in the other.                        Trying to avoid others walking in the same direction, I started texting my mother asking if she was ready to go out. I didn't get a reply right away like I usually do, but I wasn't worried about it somehow, she was surely getting ready or trying to catch her breath after a coughing attack, so I shifted my attention to finding some song.                         
The cold air hit my face making me shiver. I hated this kind of weather, the sun seemingly still shining, yet it was so terribly cold. At least it was some way to wash away any residual fatigue. 
I didn't have to try to keep my eyes open as hard as I would have expected, for my attention was caught by a rather large gathering of people on the street between the houses in my neighborhood. The fact that there was also an ambulance standing between them didn't help to curb the anxiety which immediately made me feel as if a stone had dropped in my stomach. 
I knew what was going on, even though I begged in my mind that it was a mistake.
A brisk walk turned into a run when I started running straight toward my house where there seemed to be the most heads turned. 
- Daphne!- called out Riley trying to stop me from running too close. She didn't make it. Before anyone could stop me I found myself standing in front of my house, the door of which was wide open, and an ambulance was standing not far away. I was in such shock that I didn't know until the end what I was looking at.                                                             
Through the open door it was possible to see the three paramedics leaning over my mother lying on the ground. Her eyes were closed and her lips were slightly parted. My eyes widened at this sight, I felt all the air escape from me. 
- Mom- I said expecting her to look in my direction or do anything. She didn't respond. 
- Daphne, don't look at it- Riley turned to me again, this time coming over to block my view of my mother's resuscitation. I was so blown away by what I saw that I couldn't even break free from her grasp. 
I was unable to put together a single thought in my head, and the words that came out of my mouth were unintelligible gibberish. 
- Please make way for us- Commanded one of the paramedics quickly exiting the house towards the ambulance, leaving my mother with the other men who exchanged glances with each other, thus ceasing their vigorous actions. 
- No- I choked out, realizing that they were no longer trying to save her, they were letting her lie with her eyes closed and such a calm face she had not had in a long time. 
- No, what happened- I repeated falling harder into the arms of the woman, who herself was shocked by what she was seeing. My headphones fell to the ground, now completely forgotten.
- Shh, don't look, don't look- she said pressing my head against her shoulder, but this did not help the feeling of grief filling my heart. It all happened so suddenly and fast, I was not able to process it.  
- I have to go with him- I said, watching as the rescuer who had gone to the card earlier was now returning with a stretcher to take the My mother's body. 
- You can't, your Aunt Margaret will arrive soon, she will take care of you. I called her- Riley answered me, but it did not reach me. I struggled with her to raise my head and look once again towards the house, ideally to see how they carried her on the gurney. Her body was so.... Strange. She was not shaken by any coughing attacks, she allowed herself to be touched. 
Why didn't she say anything, didn't even look in my direction? 
I don't even know when my knees gave in under me. If it weren't for the fact that Riley's arms were holding me, I would have definitely felt concrete. 
- please disperse, really- Repeated one of the rescuers walking ahead, I also felt then how I was pushed aside to make way for them. Her face was so pale when they moved her next to me, I wanted to reach out my hand towards her, but I couldn't move, I felt like I was frozen. 
- I have to go with her- I repeated in amok, but got the same reaction.
- Margaret will be here soon, let's go home.- She whispered raising her hand to stroke my head, then I finally broke out of her grasp. The people watched the ambulance door close and then turned their gaze toward me, as if anticipating some kind of reaction. I saw in their faces grief, sympathy, everything one could feel when looking at a child who had just lost his mother. 
- Daphne?- said Riley looking at me worriedly. I opened my mouth, but no words came out of it. 
I couldn't stand the feelings and their stares. With a shaky step I walked towards my empty house and without waiting for anyone else to react I slammed the door behind me locking it as I always did when I returned. My gaze immediately fell on the floor where just a moment ago my mother was lying. Nearby lay her phone. It was switched off. How had this happened? It was bad this morning, but it always was. She should be here, we should be leaving now to see a doctor. 
Why was it so quiet here? 
She had to be here somewhere, it didn't happen. 
Barely taking breaths, I started walking to the living room, my backpack fell from my shoulders and fell somewhere on the floor, I didn't pay attention to it, just like the fact that I was still holding my phone in the steel grip of my left hand. I had no control over my body. My eyes scanned the space of the room looking for signs that she would be here somewhere soon. Everything was just as I had left it that morning, no signs of this bad situation. 
- this can't be happening- I whispered and tears finally began to flow from my eyes. Only then did I feel what it meant to really suffocate. All the air from my lungs was taken away in such a brutal way that a piercing pain went through my chest. 
- Daphne? Please let me in, you shouldn't be alone- called out Riley knocking on the front door, but her voice was distant to me. I didn't even fully understand what she said. 
- That's not true- I said to myself staring at the floor before I started hitting my head with my hands. The sobs continued to shake my body barely allowing me to stand up straight. 
- That's not true!- I shouted this time and threw the phone somewhere further away from me, but soon my hands were filled with my hair, which I began to pull. 
- She is alive- I continued to scream unable to calm down.
- Daphne!- Riley continued to prefer knocking harder on the door. The loud sounds brought me back to reality a little, but they didn't help bring me under control. 
My gaze swept quickly across the room once more before stopping on the phone. With a quick step I found myself at the device which was lying on the ground next to a small table. The screen had a few cracks, but when I turned it on it was working flawlessly. 
Through my tears I could barely see what I was doing, that didn't stop me. All I had in my mind was this stupid empty name and the desire to be with my mother.
After making sure everything worked, I took a quick step toward the kitchen. I knew exactly what I was going there for, the top drawer in one of the cabinets. That's where the cutlery and all the knives were. By my vigorously pulling the drawer handle, the metal shook loudly in the room. I pulled out the largest blade we had in the house. 
- Daphne, please don't do anything stupid!- shouted Riley in the background below as I started walking toward my room. It was the only room in the house that had a large mirror. 
Running up the stairs with one hand, I started going back to the article I had read just a few hours ago. I didn't care how silly it looked, all I felt was pain in my heart. I knew that normally I wouldn't be able to do anything.
My room was crowded by everything I hadn't cleaned, in front of the mirror, however, there were only a few scattered clothes. 
Throwing my phone and knife on the ground, I walked over to the window to close the curtains, but leaving enough room for the room to still be lit. 
I felt like I wasn't myself, as if everything that was happening was in my head. 
As soon as the room was darker I sank to my knees in front of the mirror. I couldn't catch a single normal breath even though my sobbing had calmed down enough for me to utter words. 
Looking at myself in the mirror, I didn't even recognize myself. I looked like a wreck of a human being, as if I was no longer human myself. My face was all red and wet with tears. 
Reaching for the phone once again I read everything although it was hard because of the blurry words on the screen.  
- That's it, you'll be with me- I said to myself without waiting a moment longer just putting the phone down, and grabbing my shirt to pull it over my head. The white bra was reflected in the mirror along with my skin which was not yet scarred by any wounds.  The knife was back in my hand, this time held firmly and securely. I knew I had to do it, so taking a breath I raised the knife and pressed the blade against the skin just above my heart. It was not going to be a deep wound, just enough for blood to appear. Without thinking about it for long I made a quick movement that made me take a loud breath. The adrenaline overflowing through me relieved most of the pain, but not completely. I felt the burning rosiness all over my skin, followed by the sensation of blood flowing slowly down the wound. Only then did I let go of the knife to collect as much of the blood as possible on my fingers.               
With my other hand, I turned the phone back on and scrolled to the last moment. That is, the words. It took an eternity to copy the text into the translator and see how it was spoken, enough to make the blood flow even more from the wound.
Feeling so much grief and injustice, my mouth opened before my brain had time to encourage me to stop. 
- ሁሉን ቻይ ፍሬዲያ፣ ለእርዳታዎ በመለመን አነጋግርዎታለሁ። ያለኝን ሁሉ እሰጥሃለሁ። ኃይልህን አበድረኝ፤ በምላሹ ራሴን ሁሉ እሰጣችኋለሁ። ቃሎቼን አድምጡ - I said in a trembling voice sure I was reading something wrong, and my fingers began to smear on the mirror, blurring my eyes with blood.
- Please kill as many people as you need, but bring her back to life- I added mindlessly looking at my figure. The silence falling after the last word was deafening and frustrating. Almost as if I were not in my room, but in solitary confinement. My throat tightened by the renewed urge to cry. 
- I want her back, I just want to see her- I whispered rubbing my face, accidentally smearing the remaining blood on my cheeks. 
The throbbing wound forced me to look in the mirror again, I don't even know when the blood slowed down and I didn't look at the wound after lifting my gaze. I couldn't when instead of my reflection I saw a black figure. Only then did it occur to me what I had actually done. 
- oh my god- I screamed, taking a step back, but still looking at something that should have been my reflection. My heart did not have a moment's peace, it was again beating as fast as before. 
- this is not possible- I muttered watching as something looking like a black mist disappeared more and more, showing my figure, as if nothing had happened. After a second, my reflection seemed completely normal, until I looked into my own eyes. I thought I was hallucinating because of everything that was happening when I looked at my face. My eyebrows furrowed and my head tilted slightly, checking to see if the reflection was really mine. 
It seemed that everything was ok, everything except my eyes. In the reflection, they were completely white. There were no irises in them. It must have been my imagination. 
Still filled with anxiety, I moved back to the front, slowly returning to the same spot as just before, perfectly in front of the mirror. 
The empty eyes that were supposed to be mine seemed to invade my soul, creating a pressure in me that I had never felt.
- What the fuck- I muttered moving even closer against everything my brain was telling me. The closer I got to my reflection the more it seemed to me that it wasn't me. 
Only when I was only a few inches from the glass did I realize how much of a mistake my grief had driven me into. 
My reflection tilted its head to the side with a mocking smile on its face and everything that happened next was too fast for me to react. 
My reflection's hands came out of the mirror and grabbed my hair, pulling my head hard against the mirror, hitting it and shattering it. 
The shattering glass being so close wounded my face and almost robbed me of my sight. 
Despite the blood now flowing in waves, I pushed myself away with my residual strength from the shards of glass and the now empty frame of the mirror. 
- no, no, no- I repeated trying to get up despite my shaking legs to run out of that room, but as soon as I rose to my feet, I felt my stomach clench so hard that I threw up the second breakfast I had eaten at school. In addition to the disgusting mixture, blood also flowed from my mouth. It was so sudden and powerful that it shook my whole body. I looked at it in horror and the sobbing now resembled a lament. 
- please don't- I screamed trying to reach the door, through my hand then such a tremendous pain passed as if someone had just broken it. I screamed falling to my knees and pressed it to my chest. 
- this can't be happening! What the fuck!- I shouted into the emptiness of my room. I did not get an answer. 
I only felt the pain from my hand being replaced by a headache that was like drilling a hole in my skull. I couldn't do anything but scream and try to free myself from this state while still curled up on the floor. 
- STOP IT- I screamed writhing from the ever-present pain I felt as if fire was burning my muscles, my head was filled with pressure and my mouth was filled with blood that I had to spit out to keep from choking. 
I don't know when my vision began to blur until the ability to see disappeared. I couldn't get rid of the feeling of losing connection with my body, as if I was being ripped away, all combined with endless suffering. 
The whole thing lasted maybe a few minutes until it quieted down completely. Everything. All the pain. All the blood flowing, the nausea. All that was left was nothingness. 
Through the fact that there were no longer any distractions, I could feel the fact that I could not move my own body. At all. 
Despite the desire to move my hands, or at least my head, I couldn't do it. It was as if I was in a conscious dream, paralyzed. 
I tried to say something, to call out to someone again in the silence of the house, my mouth remained closed. What was different was my eyes. I felt them open, without my control. 
My fingers began to move, I no longer felt the pain that previously radiated in my right hand. 
My whole body acted as if it didn't feel pain. It seemed as if my head was looking around before my body began to slowly rise. I couldn't do anything about it, I couldn't interfere. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 
I was just an observer.
- Thank you for letting me in. I will fulfill your words.- I heard a voice that once belonged to me, now sounding much more hollow. 
Immediately after that, I felt another strange sensation, and an image of what was happening to my body was revealed before my eyes. 
This thing... It really turned me into just an observer. 
- Let me out!- I screamed, watching in horror as someone controlling my body reached for one of my shirts lying on the floor. In the shards of glass I could see "my" reflection. My skin had lost its natural appearance, it looked almost gray, and my eyes were empty. Zero irises. White space alone. 
Blood was still everywhere, running down my face and chest. 
- You wanted this. You made it happen. I'll bring your mother.- replied the figure pretending to be me acting as if it owned my body. These words crushed me. 
- I take it back! It was a mistake!- I shouted trying unsuccessfully to regain control. "I" reached another time towards the floor, this time for a knife lying under other shards of glass. My mother would not want this, would not want me to bring her back by force. Why did I do that? 
- Too late.- That's all that came out of "my" mouth before my body started heading toward the stairs. I tried to fight with all my might, but it was no use. My figure easily passed through the living room without even looking at anything other than the exit door from behind which I could hear someone's conversation. If I had control of my heart it would have stopped at that moment. 
My neighbor Riley and Aunt Margaret. 
- Don't hurt them!-I shouted into the darkness I was after. "I" reached for the lock and opened it, then doing the same with the door. 
They immediately turned their gaze in our direction with worry. 
The other neighbors had already returned to their homes, but they were definitely watching. I wanted to warn them, tell them to run away, my voice was nothing. 
- Daphne! Honey I'm so sorry- Said Margaret coming up to "me" to pull me into a hug, when she came closer, however, she looked into my eyes, saw them, along with blood.
It was a moment when she suddenly leaned over feeling a piercing pain in her abdomen. 
- I'm fine- replied the figure claiming to be me and grabbed Margaret's arm to hold her down. 
- STOP! - I shouted wanting to close my eyes and not look at it, but SHE, forced me to watch the scene. 
- Daphne- Muttered Margaret at which THAT shook its head. 
- no, I don't think it's her- replied her icy voice, and then grabbed the knife dragging it up her abdomen, creating an extensive wound from which blood flowed. Margaret was unable to get out any words through the pain and blood flowing out of her mouth. 
Riley looking on stood as if frozen in place. Tears were streaming down her cheeks.
I wanted her to run away, to tell someone about it, to go back to her daughter, she was unable to. 
Before she could force herself to move it was the figure already at her side. 
- You can't tell the police about the wrong person- muttered the monster, and plunged the knife into the side of Riley's neck, piercing her arteries. 
- Why-is the only thing I could repeat after seeing this. I couldn't even cry, because I had no way to cry.
The monster in charge of my body only smiled 
- I return your mother to you.- she said dropping the knife on the ground next to the bodies of the women. 
All I could do was watch as my body began to walk away from the place that was my home, toward the next house. 
All I could do was watch. 
Pay for my greed.
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wouldhavebeenawitch · 3 months
I have a fever and suddenly my mind came up with a story. I have never written any fiction so please be kind in your comments <3
The shadow.
You never believed in monsters under your bed as a kid. You never felt them, heard them, or were scared of them. But it seems something went wrong with the monster distribution system, and now, as an adult, you start to hear weird things under your bed as you fall asleep.
One night, you go out for drinks with some friends and that loosened up your tongue (and your brain) enough to blurt out: "I think I have a monster under my bed".
A few laugh, but one friend suddenly gets very serious and pulls you apart. She says: "you have to be sure about it, check it immediately when you get home tonight".
You agree and she sends you a very meaningful look across the room as she grabs her coat and leaves.
The conversation continues in another direction, but your friend's response keeps coming back to you. You decide to follow her example and head home, wondering what you will find once you start looking.
It's part midnight when you enter your house, and all shadows seem to be in their rightful place. Those few drinks are wearing off and You start wondering if you have imagined everything from the nights before and get ready for bed as usual. You almost fall asleep, until you remember your friends voice and the look on her face.
Your first instinct is to grab your phone and use the flashlight to take a look, but then again, that might chase it away, as all the stories you hear always hear with parents turning on the lights and finding nothing.
Another plan then. You tie up your hair (don't want to be dragged somewhere before you know what you're dealing with right?) And as you lie on your stomach on the bed, you slowly lower your head until you can look at the shadows below. At first you see nothing but shadows, but then you are convinced the shadows grew two slightly lighter spots, and blinked.
You pull yourself fully back on the bed and roll on your back, only half believing your own eyes. Telling yourself you didn't have that much to drink and you're not crazy, you lower your head again. Your eyes meet and you say "Hello". The shadow with the eyes comes closer, but you still can't really see a shape, only shadows that are deeper than they should have been.
"What's your name?" You know it's a silly question. First of all, you're talking to the monster under your bed. Second of all, why would it even speak a language you both understand? Or have a name? The shadow tilts it eyes and growls. You wonder if you're doing the right thing, but your curiosity has always been bigger than your fear.
It also didn't attack you yet, and that's a good sign, right?
The shadow seems to be taking a shape, becoming a bit smaller. "Can you come out from under the bed?" You ask, "it's not comfortable having your head upside down for so long". The eyes move around until you're convinced they are also upside down. As you slowly pull back your head, you don't lose eye contact as the shadow moves forward.
Looking down, you see the shadow. It really is smaller now than before. You can almost see it's shape, with the eyes a few shades lighter than the rest of the head, a hint of fangs (were they always there?) And two paw-like things holding on to the side of your bed.
"Can I pet you?" You say, as you gingerly lower your hand in the direction of the head. You stop when you feel it's breath and hold your own. It sniffs a few times and before you know it, it bumped its face against your hand.
You could have sworn this thing did not look or sound like a cat when it was still under the bed. You decide to text your friend: "Have made friends with the monster, talk tomorrow?". She was the one who put you up to this anyway. So let's see if she's got some answers.
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sweet-tea-666 · 4 months
I have decided that I will use tumbler to post one-shot horror/unnerving tales.
I'm using this as a creative outlet I don't usually write stories as I'm an artist but here's my blurbeb I guess.
Here in these unsettling tales we watch the unfortunate lives of wayward souls an somniferous lambs.
You will be seeing these stories through the eyes of the woeful Dr.D as she works through case studies and interviews.
Enjoy my little ghouls 👹
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toruyamashit-a · 2 years
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Moriuchi brothers
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demifiendrsa · 1 month
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Hashira Training Arc OP
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10969mfs-sinro · 7 months
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MY FIRST STORY's Twitter/X update following VS at Tokyo Dome
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starlightbooklove · 5 months
Ok, I had inspiration, I had written this story before (without ever finishing it in the end lol) but it was deleted from my phone last year and I got very depressed with it to try to remember everything i wrote, but I remembered the general idea, I have to go through several old notebooks but this is the beginning, it is the first thing I have written that I publish, And I'm very nervous, but anyway, here it is
Don't stop for anything...
It was a constant sound in her head to the rhythm of her steps at full speed along the street illuminated by the light poles.
It was cold, and she felt like if every time she breathed, small shards of ice were created in her throat; she wanted so badly to stop, just breathe for a moment, but every time she thought to consider it, her mind repeated the sound of the gun being loaded, the bullet being fired..., it was her signal not to even dare to stop.
She no longer knew where she was going, she had run to the first place she saw when she fled, but now she was lost in the Teripo sector and she needed to get out of there, go as far as possible from the loading weapons.
There was almost no one on the streets at that hour, it was too late for the responsible people, and too early for those who were lucky enough to stay in bed late, Laura belonged to the second, she wondered how she would even be able to sleep again, after all that disaster that her life had become in minutes.
Her body hurt, she couldn't keep running for long and when she stopped they would catch her and... Adrenaline filled her, blocking the idea and completely closing herself off when she saw the bus stop, still functional at that hour in front of her.
An anguished moan escaped her lips as she hurried with all the strength she had left and ran after the only three tired-looking people occupying the place.
She entered like a train and almost chic with one of the handles, no one paid much attention to her except for the driver who stared at her with a look of confusion on his face.
Laura didn't think she could say a single word without collapsing, so she walked to the back of the bus and sat in the corner with her knees to her chest and her head resting on top of them, trying to catch her breath as she tried to hold herself together, trying to keep herself in one piece to not to burst into tears.
She didn't have anyone.
She had lost everything in seconds and was being hunted by the horrible people who had taken it from her.
It was too much because Laura was only 9 years old.
And this is the beginning of her story
It's a little snipet I hope to write more because this is one of the most developed worlds that I have but here I see, I hope you like it, the official writing account will not be this one tho
Seeing how this goes, I'll publish the other account
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