#My life isn't valuable to the people I like so it's evident it makes no difference when I die
thatbitchery · 6 months
No I don't think you understand how important #communication skills are.
ladies, EVERYTHING. Every single thing that you get in this planet as long as you exist, comes from someone. Every single thing. If you want things, learn to communicate.
Daniel Priestly in his feature on DOAC said if there's a resource out there that already exists getting it is a matter of communication. I'd like to add, a matter of value, which is to say to get what you want you need to learn to communicate and to leverage value. Why are both important?
You can communicate better than communication experts but with no value to leverage, it's just yapping. No one is lending you their private jet just because you string words together nicely. You must learn to not only bring value but leverage it so you don't blindside and burn networks or get undervalued and be a doormat.
You can bring all the value in the world but if you can not communicate its useless. You could have all the PHDs in this planet but if you do not know to negotiate for a position you will be jobless for the rest of your life OR get exploited. You must learn to communicate.
To be valuable is to be a resource that your target would not only benefit from investing in but would love to and will go above and beyond to. That's simple. You want to be valuable you take responsibility and fill a gap ie be useful. Value is simply usefulness. The people you want, what do THEY want that you can provide. It's that simple. This isn't about value this is about communication. You must learn to communicate openly, effortlessly, effectively and simply. You must learn to talk to people. 'I hate people' what are you, a loser? Shut up and put in the work to learn instead if defaulting to blaming them for your lack of social skills. Kill your social anxiety ASAP. [A therapist or coach will do but if you kennot here's a crash course on *deanxietifying* yourself- anxiety is a result of a pileup of evidence that doing that thing will hurt you. To treat it is literally as simple as hunting for evidence of the opposite- that you can do the thing and either walk out unscathed or be able to deal with the effects of it. That simple. Evidence. Here's my BMAC line me for my expertise] deal with your accent deal with your language barriers deal with your sentence structuring get a voice coach study the language structure get therapy or work with a coach to learn to say what you want to say effectively- communication is the distance between you and the thing you want. You can not overestimate the importance of proper communication. I can not explain enough how your communication skills are directly promotional to the quality of your life. I can not overstate how vital it is to your entire existence to learn not only the verbal but (and , mostly) non verbal part of communication. Take the course. Talk to your idol. Ask for mentorship. Practise practise makes perfect. Communication is the backbone to everything (not forgetting being valuable and learning to leverage it)
If you can not convince Elon Musk to lend you a Rocket you know nothing on communication, learn like an amateur. The level up never stops.
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TOP 20 reasons why YOU should VOTE BOATBOYS/SMALLETHO!
1. Obviously number 1, they're obsessed w/ each other.
2. Etho always longs for Joel and misses him dearly, I doubt he's surviving Joel being gone for his trip to Japan.
3. They're always flirting, like constantly, in many Tango and Scar streams that include them they're together and joking.
4. They gravitate towards each other, it's like a second sense.
6. Etho's statues.
some may say " oh he made others too?! " well to contradict that, he made statues for Joel multiple times and Joel's were the highest quality + first. Etho also only really talks about Joel's statue in his video.
7. Joel has talked about Etho in all of his videos, he has mentioned him at least once in all 13.5 episodes
8. Joel's playlists. He said in his QNA video that they weren't directed towards Etho, but the evidence says otherwise. Also, have we ever trusted Joel when it comes to anything about Etho?
10. The bit of Neck Kisses stuck to Etho and Joel, even if it started with someone else and other people were involved.
12. Joel is active on the Boat Boys/Smalletho tag on Tumblr.
13. Scar asks if Joel grew up in the closet while he was with Etho. This isn't a reason I just found it funny.
14. Etho saying "Oh snap" to Jimmy after he tried to make him jealous?
This by itself isn't really anything but pairing it with number 15 it makes more sense.
15. During the charity Livestream HC X tour once Joel was brought up Etho was constantly talking about him.
16. It is confirmed that Etho watches Joel's hardcore series.
17. Joel likes comments in his comment section when they bring up Etho, quite obsessed if I do say so myself.
19. Joel called Etho's statues of him cute and was fangirling over them
LASTLY. NUMBER 20. They are the best duo ever and I love them to death, and they should forever win!2!!
Of course, I could name so many more, but I don't wanna take up any more of your valuable time that you could be using to vote boat boys!
Farewell and please consider joining the dark side.
lots and LOTS if boatboys propaganda by my mutual, @tinyetho!!!
(sorry for namedropping you, i just feel like your user is important for this propaganda)
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doonalli · 10 months
Why Anzu Kinashi is important (Anzu Character Analysis)
Anzu is my favourite character in the entire game but looking around the fandom I see a major lack of any real discussion about her place in the story as a character, mainly boiling her down to comedic relief and not much more. And while I do think she has a place as a the comedic relief I also think that there is so much more to her that gets glossed over by the fandom and I want to talk about that and hopefully add more to what people think about when they talk about Anzu
So, the question is "what is the point of Anzu story wise?" and the answer, like most things in 3-1, is that she shows a facet about what it means to truly be human. Anzu's death is the tipping point for Sara, it's the moments she realised she valued a human's life over a doll's.
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But why was it Anzu's death which caused this specifically, instead of the any of other dolls like Kurumada, Hayasaka or Mai, who were all directly chosen by Sara? In my eyes it's because Anzu is the most "human" of any of the dummies. throughout 3-1 we are shown many moments "proving" the dolls "aren't human", Ranmaru has his scene where he takes of his hand, Kurumada has the very obvious hole through his stomach, Mai is proven to be a doll when we check on her though the dummies control system after she is left behind with Qtaro and even Hayasaka says "he isn't human anymore" and that "he isn't the real Hayasaka" multiple times, but Anzu never gets a scene like this, even in their early deaths all the other dolls die in clear sight being ripped apart, pierced, or having their head explode, but Anzu dies away from sight in her coffin, still mostly intact. To me it's clear that this was done on purpose since after Ranmaru takes of his hands he uses Hayasaka's death as evidence for him knowing he was a doll
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But there is no equivalent to this line of dialogue if Anzu is dead since her death doesn't help prove anything to Ranmaru. On top of that Anzu is the only doll to never really do anything morally reprehensible in any stretch of the imagination. Unlike Mai who stabbed Qtaro to live, unlike Ranmaru who ends up stunning Sara to lock Keiji up and considered killing everyone to escape with sara in a moment of weakness (even going through with it in the logic route), unlike Hayasaka who was forced to gather information on everyone for Asunaro, and unlike Kurumada who was the last doll to trust any of the survivors being the most antagonistic at first, Anzu doesn't ever do anything wrong and even claims
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When sara's wish causes Anzu's death she is unable to run from the fact that the only reason Anzu died was because Sara was told she was a doll and that makes her less valuable than a Human, Anzu wasn't ever shown to physically be a doll like Kurumada or Ranmaru, she never did anything morally reprehensible like Mai or Hayasaka, and she is the only doll who wasn't prepared to die during the banquet.
Anzu's death itself even plays into this. Despite being the only doll to not tell Sara she is okay with her picking their coffin at any point unlike the rest of the dummies and by extension being the only doll to be unable to "make her own choice" (a major recurring theme throughout 3-1) in regard to her own death she instead has her "humanity" stripped away from her by Midori, instead Anzu shows her humanity in her final moments through her own fear of death. The fear of death is something that YTTD argues is inherently human throughout the whole game. Anzu even says it herself earlier,
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on that note I want to also talk a bit about Anzu's character itself.
As mentioned Anzu fears her own death but interestingly, later when Kurumada refuses to use the charger claiming that it could instead be used to extend the others lives Anzu ends up being the first person to step in and tell Kurumada no, claiming that they're "allies"
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she makes this choice knowing the battery could be used to extend her life and still she decides that it's still important her allies stay alive too. And later in the banquet Anzu is always the first person to react to everyone's death up until she ends up dying herself. In the emotion route during the pre-banquet she talks about how she isn't happy about the people who had to die along the way if any of the dummies died.
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and in the logic route, if at least one of the dummies are dead alongside Alice/Reko, she says
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which just reinforces that idea that Anzu's allies are something that is important to her. Another line that is important for her character that also occurs during the pre-banquet is in the emotion route, if all the dummies are still alive Anzu says
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Its a line that really does explain how Anzu thinks about these things and its one that I personally see discussed in the fandom the most in relation to Anzu but I don't think people discuss the full story with this line, in the logic route Anzu instead says
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Here Anzu IS thinking about the scary future just ahead of her, exactly the opposite of what her other dialogue would lead you to expect from her. She isn't just this clueless girl who doesn't know what's going on or a static character but someone who has the ability to think about and have her own thoughts and have those thoughts change based on the things around her. (Bonus: She is shown again to actually think about things and not be clueless in her minisode after she gets her outfit and thinks to herself
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and later on when she asks Ryuu
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it all just reinforces the fact that Anzu is actually capable despite what it may seem at first.)
Anzu is someone who is defined by her fear, she is scared of dying to the point of not even being able to resist, both in her first trial and during Keiji's fight with Midori, and she is just as afraid of the scary future just ahead of her, but she is also someone who shows that at times she is just as capable to work past her fears to help out an ally who is trying to protect others over themselves or think about what needs to be done in order to move forward. But she is still just human and as YTTD makes clear again and again,
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When Anzu has to face her death head on she is afraid of it, whether it's during the first trial, during her first obstructor death, or during the banquet, Anzu is TERRIFIED of facing her death head on, just like Nao was when, even after accepting her death, she stops Sara from pressing the button and killing her early, just like Shin was when he first saw his win rate and he takes up the Sou identity, and just like Midori is later in his final moments during the banquet, because fearing death is something that is inherently human, it doesn't matter how far you try to run from it or how much you accept your death, after all
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Anzu reminds us and Sara about the value the doll's lives truly have and about how superficial the difference between humans and dolls really are, despite everything, Anzu is still alive, she was never proven to be inhuman physically, she wasn't doesn't want to die just like any human, she never does anything selfish or morally wrong, she is someone who trusts her allies and who doesn't want to see them die just the same as any other human. It all proves that Anzu IS human despite the physical truth, and just adds onto the core themes of chapter 3 and YTTD in general. And that's why it's such a shock to Sara when she realised, she values a human's life over Anzu's and why it had to be Anzu specifically who died for it, at this point the only real justification Sara can bring herself to say is that Anzu is a doll and Gin is a human because past that Anzu is just as alive as everyone else.
To me Anzu is crucial part of YTTD, someone who adds onto the themes we already have in the game and elaborates on them, she is someone who plays an important role in the story, one that couldn't really be played to the same effect by any other character, and a character who feels genuine like everyone else in the game. I think relegating her to "just a comedic relief who doesn't really add anything to the story" or someone who "doesn't have a personality past funny clown girl" and glossing over the character moments that ARE present in game seems sort of unfair and disingenuous to me and I hope this post helps you see that there is more to one of the more overlooked characters in the cast and helps you appreciate her more as her own character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yayay I did it, I made a real post, LET GOOOO!! people who know me knew this was going to be my first post lmao. Some final notes: Its my first time doing something like this (and I am not really good at putting my thoughts into text) so hopefully I still got my point across and hopefully as I do this more, I'll get better at it. There are a few extra points I could have made, like how in her minisode Anzu's friend specifically says "(She's a scaredy cat, so I bet she really is afraid...)" playing into Anzu's fear again or how her going and asking Ryuu about street preforming could be taken as her working past her fears even before the death game, or a few moments in YTTS but I didn't really know how to fit it in anywhere so I am just gonna put it here lmao.
Lastly I just want to be clear, since at times it seems like I am saying otherwise, I am not saying you can't like Anzu just because she is silly what I was trying to say was that there is more to Anzu and that boiling her down to just that and nothing else is kinda unfair, Anzu IS silly and she is so based for that and if you like her because of that then that's also based, I don't ever want to tell anyone they are wrong for enjoying Anzu for being silly because quite frankly, she is lmao, I just wanted to shed some light on why I love Anzu personally. and with that, Thanks for reading!!
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ktempestbradford · 1 year
Ancient Egypt and Ostrich Feathers
Have a question for the Egyptologists and knowledgeable fans of Ancient Egypt about ostrich feathers.
(btw is there an Egyptologist Tumblr community? I follow @thatlittleegyptologist but don't know of any other accounts. HMU!)
When I was in Egypt last month I went to the Grand Egyptian Museum to take the very limited tour of the atrium they offer now. It... wasn't worth the money. Anywho, our tour guide did his best to make it seem valuable by talking a LOT about each thing he showed us.
Next to the colossal statue of Ramses II that dominates the atrium there's a table showing the emblems of royal iconography. The sun disk, the nemes headdress, cow horns, and a feather. He asks us if we know what that last one is and I or someone says it's the feather of Ma'at. Correct! Do we know what bird it comes from? The ostrich, someone else says. Why did they choose ostrich feathers for Ma'at and also certain crowns?
On this trip I had gone to the Nubian museum and thus had just seen several pieces of art from pre-historical peoples that utilized ostrich eggs, including a famous one that had three pyramids etched into it along with some animals. So I said something like: The ostrich has been an important animal even before the pharaohs. They relied on it for food and made art with the eggs. The tour guide (Mark) said: That's an awfully materialistic view. No, that's not why.
Now... I know I'm not an expert even though I know a lot about ancient Egypt. But "a materialistic view"? Like somehow it's not enough that ostriches provided food and probably were used in other, important ways? Why do you think Hathor is represented as a cow and there are cow horns incorporated in crowns? Because they look cool? wtf?
Mark then goes on to tell this story. Back in the dawn of civilization in Egypt the Egyptian man didn't have much to do during the day. (eyebrow raise) So he started collecting feathers from all the birds that flew above him in the sky. (...um... wait...) He would collect and then count the barbules and do you know what he discovered? Only the ostrich had the same number of them on both sides. That's why this is the feather of balance and justice.
Friends. I have never wanted to scream SHENANIGANS or at least CITE YOUR SOURCES so much in my life. Like... what?
Leaving aside the implication that ostriches were somehow flying above ancient Egyptians or that there was some point where men didn't have a dang thing to do all day but count the little hairs on feathers, I feel like this explanation is complete hooey. I mean, it could be that all or some of an ostrich's feathers have the same amount of barbules on either side of the middle bit. You might even be able to convince me that this isn't true for any other bird that someone from the Nile valley 6,000+ years ago had access to. But I'm going to need a ton of supporting evidence that this is the sole reason why the feather of Ma'at is an ostrich feather and not for the "materialistic" reasons I cited.
Also, I'm sorry, but I'm real sure predynastic Nile valley dwellers were far more concerned about food and shelter than coming up with complex reasons for using a certain kind of feather to represent a metaphysical thing.
However, I could be wrong! So I'm asking: is there evidence for Mark's version of events? Is this, you know, written somewhere in a papyrus or on a temple wall or another place? I would honestly love to read any papers on this subject, whatever the background on it.
As to the Grand Egyptian Museum, I really hope that whoever they hire to give tours when the whole thing opens are better at this than Mark. I wasn't impressed with his tour overall and eventually gave up listening to him once I saw that there was a gelato place open for business inside.
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wingedshadowfan · 11 months
i've spoken about this before but let me dissect one of the most controversial fourth wing paragraphs:
Tairn puts us into position, hovering about twenty feet aboveground as Liam flies for the gryphons above us, wielding spears of ice into the injured wyvern’s throat. Blood streams as the wyvern falls from the sky with an ear-piercing cry.
liam's signet is farsight, so how was he wielding ice?
possible theories:
marked ones have two signets and that's just liam's second one (i don't like this theory, it makes them too op and they already have the advantage of being immune to melgren's battle outcome foreseeing powers when there's at least three of them together; i also don't like the possibility of xaden's second signet being mind reading, if marked ones really have two)
it was just a mistake and it was meant to be another third year who was wielding the ice spears and not liam since ice wielding is rather common (i don't like the idea that there was such an obvious mistake left in the book since liam's signet being farsight has been mentioned multiple times, all in that same stretch of chapters - before breaking into lilith sorrengail's office for war games, when he tells king tauri at the reunification party, when they arrive at athebyne and he sees the venin)
saying 'liam' is a figure of speech and it was actually his dragon deigh who was wielding the ice spears since her name means 'ice' in scottish gaelic (i like this one but we don't know for sure if grown dragons can do things like that, we know they have their own magic - like tairn keeping violet seated, or some but not all dragons sensing the wards faltering meaning some might have powers related to weaving/unweaving wards, like mira/nadine do - but its extent is still unclear to us)
my theory:
liam was wielding ice himself - his only signet is farsight, and his ice wielding is some crazy form of lesser magic that he developed himself and kept secret!
supporting evidence/explanation:
Since Dain told me about the patch denoting his top secret signet, I’ve been paying close attention to the patches other cadets have sewn into their uniforms. Most wear them like badges of honor, but I recognize them for what they really are—intelligence that I might one day need to defeat them.
-violet's comment on the importance of knowing someone's signet or abilities (because we know from liam and garrick's patches that they can also denote wielding weapons or riders' hand to hand combat strengths, not just their signets)
I notice not for the first time that other than his Fourth Wing and wingleader emblems, he doesn’t wear the patches others are so fond of displaying.
-xaden not wearing his signet/combat skill patches, then saying this later on in the book:
“Promise me you won’t tell anyone about the time-stopping,” Xaden asks as we head back into the tunnel, but it feels an awful lot like a command. “It’s not just for your safety. Rare abilities, when kept secret, are the most valuable form of currency we possess.”
if ice wielding isn't as rare then why did liam not do the exact opposite and keep his farsight a secret instead (lying his signet is actually ice wielding)? probably because farsight is not as useful in direct combat and he's easily underestimated when he says his signet is just farsight, which is exactly xaden's point
“And your gift?” King Tauri asks Liam. “Farsight, Your Majesty,” Liam responds. Melgren’s eyes narrow on Liam’s exposed rebellion relic, then rise to his sash. “Mairi, as in Colonel Mairi’s son?”
liam is incredibly good at hand to hand combat, and with his lesser magic being ice wielding, he made shish kebab out of that wyvern, so i'd say keeping that ability secret (and only showing it in front of other marked ones and violet in a life vs death battle) was a good call.
the biggest plot holes here are that we don't know much about lesser magic yet:
we know mage lights, speed, voice amplification, etc are lesser magic multiple people have learnt to wield (so far we've seen only marked ones do it but it's probably because riders are taught to do it in later years): so what are the extents of lesser magic? is ice wielding even possible as lesser magic? if wards for example can be both lesser magic (xaden warding violet's door) all riders are taught in their third year, and a signet at the same time (mira's), then so can ice wielding
if so, wouldn't that mean many people can just learn to do it (ice wielding as lesser magic)? so did liam teach himself? or did someone else teach him and only him? when? how? because we're left with the impression that ice wielding isn't a rare signet but we've never heard of anyone having it as lesser magic - it's probably quite hard, and maybe liam isn't as good at it as those who have it as their signet
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ice-sculptures · 1 year
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hey everyone!! so, originally, i wanted to do one of these back when all of y'all were posting your 'follow forever' + favorite blogs lists for new year's eve, but at that point in time i didn't feel like i knew anyone well enough to make a full list. but now, it's been almost nine months (holy shit!!!) since i joined this fandom, and there have been so many people that i've connected with and who have made my experience on here so much fun and so special.
plus...it's my birthday today, so i thought - what better way to celebrate it than to show my immense love & appreciation for all my mutuals, followers friends, and anyone who has ever made my tumblr experience better?
this isn't really in any particular order, and also, i am so so sorry if i forgot anyone. i had to type this out at least six times over the past two months because tumblr kept deleting my progress for some reason, so i'm really sorry if i missed anyone because of it. i recognize the urls of anyone that regularly interacts with my posts, so i promise that if you've ever left nice tags in the reblogs of my gifs or replied to any of my WIPS or tagged me in a gifset or in a tag game or sent me a nice ask or anything at all, really, please know that i think you're wonderful and i love you all so much even if tumblr hates me and decided to erase all of the evidence of it 😅
okay, enough dillydallying!! putting this under a cut so that it doesn't swallow ur dash whole....n here we go :)
@fireplceashes hi jen!! i know i said like. just one paragraph above that this was in no particular order, but i immediately broke the no. 1 rule of law and lied, bc as my very first friend in this fandom you are so undoubtedly so special to me and i'm putting you first just because i Can and no one can stop me. but anyway. where do i even begin with you? you are easily one of the sweetest people i have Ever, ever met - not just on tumblr, but in my real life as well - and i really love talking to you So much. thank you so much for always listening to my rants, and checking up on me, and just generally being there for me. you're just a really soothing person to talk to and i never have to worry about being 'too much' or anything like that when i'm talking to you. and of course - you are also so, so talented, and your gifs are absolutely stunning. they always turn out so beautifully, and i'm so in awe of your editing skills. basically...i'm just Very grateful to have met you, and *mike wheeler voice* all of my other mutuals, they're great, but my fandom experience would not be the same without you ❤️
@basiltonpitch spencer!! i feel the need to echo the first thing i said to you and remind you that i think you're a genius :') fun fact that i haven't told you: when i first found your blog, even before i realized that you were That person who wrote the benvi meta that i loved, the first posts that i saw from you were your beautiful web weavings, and i was immediately like Who is this person??? and Who gave them the permission to stomp all over my heart like this?? wtf?? i just. i love ur brain So so much and i'm so grateful that i get to enjoy your creativity in not one but two of my favorite fandoms (soon to be 3 with 911 maybe?) oh also...this is slightly embarrassing but i've gone back through your blog a few times just so i can read your incredible meta because all of your thoughts are so valuable to me. you are the Only person on this site that i trust to Get devi vishwakumar and one of the biggest reasons why i'm so excited for never have i ever s4 to drop is so that i can experience it alongside you!! and even outside of your creative genius, you are one of my favorite people to talk to bc you're so kind and so supportive and such an absolute sweetheart and i really love hearing everything you have to say. so. um. basically. i am just a Spencer Enthusiast through and through 💖
@padmedala carson!! hello!! first off, i've said this to you a million times, but i want to thank you once again for writing one of my favorite pieces of byler fanfiction. do you know that one post about reading fanfics and having to stop because 'he would not say that?' well, your work is the epitome of reading a fic and feeling wholly satisfied because yes, he would say that - in fact, i would not hesitate for a minute to say that you have the strongest grasp on will and mike's characterization - especially their dynamic together - out of any writer i've met in this entire fandom. like...i enjoy your writing so much that i've read a couple of your pieces for IT despite not having any knowledge of the source material simply because i wanted to experience more of your work. you're also such a deeply kind and supportive person, and you have no idea how much i appreciate every single time you've checked up on me or sent me a sweet message or even just dropped into my inbox to say hello. you make my dash infinitely brighter, and i'm so very glad to know you and have you as a friend on here 💞
@wllbyers dani!! hi!! i have so much to say abt how wonderful you are, and i was struggling w how to articulate this for a while, but then i remembered that you once said to me that you found my presence on the dash comforting, and honestly, that's exactly how i feel about you. forgive me for the awkward metaphor, but seeing you on the dash is like coming home after a long day and having a warm, home-cooked meal. seeing your url and icon always makes me smile, and i'm so grateful that we're mutuals because of how kind, considerate, and utterly genuine you are!! i don't know if i'm describing this right, but you just feel so real, you know? i feel like your personality shines through with every post you make, and i always love seeing it. and i'm sorry if this is weird to say, but your openness and your authenticity about everything going on in your life makes me feel a little bit less alone about my own struggles. also do you remember when you started watching 911 and eventually ended up getting ahead of me, and you tagged each and every one of your posts just so that i wouldn't get spoiled? i know it seems simple, but the sheer fact that you thought of doing that just for me had me melting into a little puddle w my face looking like that one meme of kristen bell. you are just so, so lovely and i'm unbelievably glad we're mutuals 🥰
@willblogger ima i've said this many times before but i absolutely Need to say it again: you are genuinely the funniest person on byler tumblr. i cannot count the number of times that you've made me full-on belly laugh (to the point where my stomach starts to hurt) and completely destroyed my attempts to casually and inconspicuously scroll through tumblr in public places. i dunno how you do it at all but every single thing you say is such an absolute delight and i am always giggling n kicking my feet when i read the tags on all of your posts. the thousands of people on tiktok and twitter copying your jokes could never do it like you. you've also got this deep understanding of the way the text has been written and i really appreciate how your analysis honors the characters as they are instead of trying to make them more palatable them for this fandom. it's just. it's rare to find people that love these characters as they are and understand them as well as you do and i feel very lucky to have found your blog. also this is not related at all but ur plushies are cute as fuck & i love them :) OH!! n thank u sm for being my number one stevebucky enthusiast mutual n partner in rage when it comes to avengers endgame!! can't wait to have a hate party w you (if you'd like) in five days 💗
@willelfanpage SARA HI HELLO do u see me waving at you. this is me holding up a banner screaming abt how much i love you. as the resident fandom cheerleader who gives and gives and gives so much love to everyone she interacts with, you deserve someone cheering YOU back on and that is what i am here to do!! you are so brilliant and you have never made an incorrect post in your life!!! all your fics are wonderful and i've loved reading them!! you are kind, you are smart, you are funny, and you make everyone around you feel so safe and comfortable and welcome here. like. i can't tell you how much i admire how open you are with your kindness and friendship and how you give it so freely to everyone you interact with. i love talking to you so much - whether it's hearing about your life or sharing our ideas with one another or just. venting about anything i want to - and your enthusiasm is utterly infectious and makes me feel more hyped and excited to be in fandom. forgive me for being so sappy on main but i will never not be touched by your endless love for fandom, not only these characters and the works that people make, but for the people around you as well and i hope u know i love u very much too 💞
@jackietaylcrs hii marianne fellow haver of good taste!! i remember you once made a post wondering if your followers would still love you if your stranger posting went down to 0.5% and i wanted to lyk that i definitely would!! i really like reading your commentary on ST and yellowjackets, but even when you're posting about a show that i'm not familiar with, you have this Way of speaking that i find very charming and funny and entertaining, and you bring this inimitable energy to my dash that i doubt i could ever find elsewhere. i like the way you sign off your posts with 'and like i say: brf slt.' i think it’s Neat n it fits you very well. alsooo THANK YOU very very much for being the one to convince me to watch yellowjackets!! people have been telling me to watch it for a long time but in the end it was your posts that made me say, fuck it, and finally watch it. also. um. ur posts abt stephen harrison make me feel very Seen so. thank u. ok bye 💗
@emblazons hello marie my beloved mutual marie!! honestly, out of everything in this post, this message was the hardest to write because i don't even know where to begin with you!! you bring so, so much to this fandom - your thoughtful, entertaining, levelheaded commentary, your stunning gifsets, your logical and witty posts, your incredibly supportive and kind personality, and your endless passion for this show and all that goes into making it, as well as our shared love & enthusiasm for noah schnapp 😅 every time i think you've made the most brilliant observation or put out the most beautiful set, you go and top yourself by finding something new or making an even prettier gifset. if i had to pick one person whose contributions to the fandom enriched my experience of this show? more than anyone, it would be you!! and i could go on and wax poetic about your talent forever (as i have on many, many occasions bc you deserve it 🥰), but i'm gonna end it here by saying that you are a gift to this fandom and one of my absolute favorite people on here, and that i'm beyond grateful to know you.
@mikeandwillel sandy!!!! you are so so smart and your analysis is absolutely incredible. i look forward to each and every one of your analyses because you always find the most clever parallels and your deep dives into each of these characters' arcs are always written with so much care and skill. and of course, i forever have you to thank for writing The ultimate masterpiece (your s4 painting arc analysis) that finally convinced me of byler endgame and thus made my fandom experience so much more relaxing and fun. i also really love & how much you love mike for all that he is -- i feel like it's a little rare in this fandom, so seeing how much you adore his true character and how you Understand him better than anyone else i've ever met makes me really happy. and not to mention, i have no idea how you managed to get so good at gifmaking in such a short amount of time but all your sets are so beautiful!! you're a gem fr 💖
@babygirl-jonathanbyers abbyyyyyy hello!! do you know how much i love seeing you on my dash? i love your pure, unapologetic love for jonathan, jancy, and the byers brothers and it really makes my whole day when i see a post from you appreciating those characters/ships. your moodboards are also So pretty and your presence on my dash is so positive and welcoming. i hope you're doing well on your hiatus rn and i can't wait to see you back on here again 🫂
@elmaxed lumiiiii hi!!!! when i think of you, honestly, the very first word that comes to mind is creative, because you bring so much to this fandom and i'm so grateful for it. i'm obsessed with everything you write because your fics are so lively and fun and make me smile uncontrollably every time i read them, all your headcanons are brilliant and adorable, your moodboards are gorgeous and not to mention, your themes are always so beautiful!! you're just...such a ray of sunshine on my dash and i'm so happy to have followed you 🥰
@mlchaelwheeler sarahhhhh my favorite stonathan pioneer and one of my first mutuals in this fandom!! i think you already know this but your analyses were a huge part of what got me into the byler fandom in the first place and i have never looked back, so thank you for that!! i Love love love ur theories (especially the s5 spec stuff) and i love seeing u in my notifs and reading your lovely and enthusiastic tags on everything you reblog and i love your love for st's OST!! you're a really smart, sweet, and positive person with the best opinions and i am forever rooting for mike to get a sword in s5 just for you 🙏🏼
@bylrndgm dearest elz you have no idea how happy your blog makes me 🥹 you're one of the most talented gifmakers i've ever met, and i always find myself smiling so much whenever i see you've posted something new (especially your byler x TS edits 🥰) because they're always so beautiful!! i've also always felt like your blog and everything you've posted is one of the purest and most expressions of love for mike and will....it's so clear that you love them So much and your blog makes me so happy to be part of this community. you've also always been so sweet to me throughout my entire time in this fandom and you're one of the people that has made me feel most welcome here. also since i never ended up responding to your DM i wanted to say that whatever path you choose, i'm sure that you're going to crush it and i am rooting for your success always 💖
@madcleradin sierra madcleradin byhops finalgirlbyers willcoded!! ok i promise i don't mean this in a weird parasocial way but i kind of admired you from a distance for a while even before we were mutuals just because every single one of your posts that ended up on my dash had me nodding my head and tapping my brain in agreement and clapping for u like this 👏🏼 all of your takes are top tier and i love how passionate you are about everything you talk about!! you're def one of the sweetest, friendliest, and coolest people on byler tumblr and following u has been such a gift ❣
@byclairs hello emily!! your gifs are absolutely stunning and i love following you because i Know i can always count on you to have the most based takes, both on stranger things (especially ur will takes - those keep me sane fr) and on fandom as a whole. also just wanna say that you have the best taste in ships and that you've got a 10/10 banger of a url that always has me mentally giving you a thumbs up whenever i see you on the dash ❤️
@heroesbyler stav!! you're one of the most brilliant analysts on this site and i'm so in awe of all of the incredible theories and analyses you've posted!! i'm obsessed w all of your banger gay mike posts & i'm also both fascinated and disturbed by all of the dots you've connected regarding brenner, henry, & the lab. your posts are so insightful and compelling and you've made me think about so many things that i never would've noticed on first glance. i also love that you're both unflinchingly confident but also insanely kind - a rarity in most fandoms, especially this one, and i love that energy on my dash. i'm very proud to be your grandma (your words not mine -- no i will not let you forget about that 🙏🏼)
@mandycantdecide hiiiii amanda!! i love your blog so much, and even though we don't share all of the same fandoms i love seeing your posts about everything you're interested in because i can always feel your energy and enthusiasm for it no matter what :) in fact, it was actually your posts that made me want to get back into 911, and you have no idea how grateful i am to you for that because being in that fandom is the most fun i've had in a really long time. so thank you, thank you thank you for that, and for generally being so sweet 💕
@howtobecomeadragon ayla!! hello!! i know we don't know each other super well but i Really wanted to let you know how much i appreciate your posts and all of your contributions to this fandom. you were one of my first favorite blogs when i first joined in august and you have no idea how thrilled i was when you followed me back haha 😅 i looooove your theory posts so much and i think your fics are fantastic (and i am Eagerly awaiting the end of come back to me and forgive everything so i can read it). you're also super sweet and kind to everyone around you, and i love seeing you on my dash 💞
@mrperfectlyfinetv hi jake!! as my designated Swiftie Mutual i feel like i should let you know that i don't usually follow taylor swift blogs bc swifties are scary but your gifs are so gorgeous and your takes are so good that i just Had to break my rule and follow you anyway. i really enjoy reading all of your opinions on miss swift even if you are a rep hater asdkjendfcskjflejrf and i adore all of your pretty ST and taylor swift gifsets!! i also love how much you love speak now and you've definitely made me go back and give it a few more listens so that i can appreciate it more & at this point i'm begging taylor to release speak now tv soon just for you 🫶
@magentamee - hi bre :) your art style is absolutely delicious and your writing is so cute and i've always noticed how committed you are to uplifting everyone around you in this fandom. also this is random but your friendship with amanda and @/likegoldintheair is so cute and whenever you guys post about each other i always find myself smiling at how sweet your interactions are. you’re just a person who always brings a smile to my face when i see you on the dash and i want to thank you for that 💗
@paintingformike hi!! i've said this before but i really do think you've always been The strongest soldier in the byler fandom (like, ngl your posts were Carrying byler tumblr for a while there while everyone was still in their debating-over-s5-canon phase). you've always been so levelheaded and astute with your observations, and i've always admired and respected how your posts make it seem so simple and So clear how all of the overarching themes of the show are leading to byler endgame. you've got an incredible way with words and i'm so glad to have you in our fandom 💞
and now for the creatives in this fandom - some incredible gifmakers whose beautiful sets have been the highlight of my dash, some wonderful writers who have ripped my heart out over and over again only to stitch it back together seamlessly just one paragraph later, and brilliant fan artists who are able to capture so much and make me feel the entire spectrum of human emotion with just a few brush strokes:
@sharpesjoy - em!! you're an absolute sweetheart and such a joy to see on my dash. all of your gifs are so gorgeous and so clearly infused with all of the love that you have for everything you watch and i've added several shows to my watchlist because your gifs have made me want to watch them so badly 💞
@heroeddiemunson - kai!! your creations are so beautiful and you have this unique gifmaking style that i'm totally obsessed with!! your colorings and typography are always so pretty and i Love how special and creative your sets are, especially the D&D character sheets. like.....i have no idea how u come up w all these incredible ideas but i'm so very glad u do bc my dash is better for it❣️
@kaliprasad - hi!! your blog is amazing and i'm so glad that i found it bc all your gifs are fantastic and i love them So much. i think your talent is insane tbh, that byers brothers set that you made for me a little while ago is still one of my favorite things i've seen on this whole site, and i love that you love them just as much as i do 🫂
@kingofscoops - no one, and i mean no one, does coloring like you!! all of your sets are so vibrant and bring so much life to my dash & i think the ST fandom is very lucky to have you ❤️
@aliecenthightower - emilia!! your gifs are stunning and i'm completely in love with your song lyric edits. they're all absolutely beautiful and i'm in awe of how perfect and emblematic the lyrics you choose are, like you just Get these characters, y'know?
@mayahawkins - MADDYYYYYYY you are So talented, and believe me when i say that your gifs have been the Biggest inspiration for my own gifmaking journey. all your sets are so pretty & i love everything you make - including your playlists which live rent free in my mind!! but as a reminder i also love following your blog for You and not just your gifs :) you're an incredibly sweet person and ur presence on my dash is utterly invaluable 💗
@padme-amidala - hi erika!! okay, calling you a gifmaker almost feels wrong because that word doesn't feel like enough to encompass how beautiful your work is...all ur ideas are So amazing and you have such a natural eye for color and detail!! it is so clear that you pour so much love into all of your creations, and if i'm being honest, one of the reasons why i am so grateful to be a byler shipper is so that i can appreciate your craft to the fullest. and you're also Such a genuinely kind person that i always look forward to seeing on the dash!! thank you for being so lovely!!
@wiseatom - hi thea!! your writing is the ultimate definition of comfort. when i read ur work, no matter what i'm doing physically, mentally i am in my cozy bed with the fireplace crackling in the corner, surrounded by twinkly lights and warm blankets, sipping hot cocoa bc that is the kind of emotion ur writing invokes ✨
@byeler - irene!! your fics were my introduction to the world of byler fics and i admire you and your writing so very much 💞 i don't know how it's possible for one person to have this much skill and talent, but you do, and i'm so grateful that you've chosen to share it with us. eagerly waiting on a new heavy hopes chapter was one of the highlights of my fandom experience and that fic is a piece of writing that i will always come back to over and over again 🫶
@astrobei - suni i have been reading fics for over a decade now and i have still never encountered a writer that does emotion quite like you do, devastating me with every single fic you put out. i promise i mean this in the best way possible but you're So damn good at capturing all of that heartbreak and pain and inflicting the same agony on your readers, and it would have killed me by now if not for the fact that you're equally good at writing the sweetest fluff that has me melting into a puddle whenever i read 🫂
@hopelessromanfic - lyssaaaa!!! i've been Such a huge fan of landslide ever since you started writing it - it's one of my all time favorite fics in the fandom and i'm obsessed with the storyline and your characterization in all of your fics 😍
@artistaquinterob - hi!! your art style is so ADORABLE and your use of color in your work is stunning and i just adore everything you draw, especially your will and el art and your jargyle art 🥹
@junkoandthediamonds - your character studies are beautiful and i'm obsessed with your byler comics, your gifs and your ST x DC crossovers!!! i love your realistic style so So much and if i worked for the duffers i would 1000000% hire you to draw the official comics because i can't get enough of your work 🥰
@livsmessydoodles - fun fact: last year, when HSMTMTS s3 was airing, i remember seeing your rina art throughout the season and immediately fell in love with your style and your interpretation of the characters, and the same exact thing happened when i saw your ST work, and it wasn't until you followed me that i put the pieces together and realized that you were the same person 😅 your style is So gorgeous and your art just makes me so happy, and trust me when i say that i am mentally wallpapering all of your work to the inside of my brain so i can look at it forever❣️
and of course, a very special shoutout to all of the people that i don't know too well but are still such a comfort to have on tumblr: @miwism @yearninginblue @kittykat940 @robinsnance @jesper-faheyss @bylersheart @usergabby @achingly-shy @wheelersboy @wontbyers @stbyers @will80sbyers @watpoetry @frodohaven 💝
+ to all my other mutuals: tumblr wouldn't let me link your profiles because of some ridiculous limit, but please know that i see all of you and i am hugging you through my screen rn. thank you!! 👍🏼
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amethystina · 8 months
If you had to put Yohan and Gaon in a parallel universe, what would it be? Bcs I've been thinking about how would they be in a zombie apocalypse scenario (it's definitely very angst)
I can think of several and my brain tends to let the ideas percolate at the back of my mind whether I want them to or not x'D So, at random, it'll present me with fully formed stories complete with a complex plot and everything that's been slowly pieced together while I wasn't looking.
Admittedly, I haven't thought of a Zombie AU, though, probably because I don't like the doom and gloom of it (she says while having written a 100k Zombie AU for another fandom where one of the main characters is a literal zombie x'D ).
ANYWAY. Here are some ideas that have been living in my brain rent-free for a while:
Soulmate AU:
While everybody believes in soulmates, not everyone is lucky enough to dream of their fated other half. Yo Han does, however. They start during his teenage years, as is customary, and he can't say he's surprised when it's Isaac's familiar face he sees. He's quite relieved, in all honesty, since he'd much rather have a platonic soulmate than a romantic one. It's less messy that way.
Fate proves him wrong the day Isaac dies in that godforsaken fire and Yo Han devotes the rest of his life to avenging his soulmate's death. That seems to be the only way to fill the void inside of him.
But then, just as Yo Han is getting ready to set his ten-year plan in motion, everything gets thrown on its head.
He meets Kim Ga On.
Suddenly, Yo Han isn't sure who he's seeing in his dreams. Is it Isaac or this young, idealistic judge — who Yo Han soon realises has been sent to spy on him? And, even if it is Kim Ga On he's dreaming about, does that truly change anything? Everything has already been set in motion and, soulmate or not, Yo Han wants revenge for what happened to his brother.
And what's to say that Kim Ga On — so brilliant and righteous — would even want Yo Han as his soulmate? His despise for Yo Han is evident so, clearly, fate must have made a mistake this time.
Someone that pure could never love a monster like him.
(Ga On dreams, too, and they're always the same. He never sees his soulmate's face, only roaring flames and a crumbling building. Ga On assumes that means his soulmate is dead. Why else would he find himself trapped inside that burning inferno every time he dreams? Surely he would have seen something else by then if the person was still alive?
Not once does it cross his mind that, maybe, his soulmate just needs to find a reason to start living again...)
Black Knight AU:
Joining a group of rebel refugees wasn't so much a choice for Ga On as a necessity. He hates to see the suffering around him, people dying from lack of oxygen and food, their numbers dwindling by the day.
Ga On wants a better future for all of them and he'll fight tooth and nail to get it — even if that means tearing down the old world order and demanding a new one.
Fortunately for the rebels, they have someone on the inside helping them. Ga On has never met this person — known only as the Benefactor — but it's clear that he must be from the core district. Only someone at the very top would have the kind of power and influence that the Benefactor does, providing the rebels with information and supplies through the network of deliverymen and military personnel at his disposal. Ga On doesn't know why someone at the core district would want to bring down the very system that keeps him rich, but Ga On will take whatever help he can get.
And then — as if Ga On doesn't already have enough to deal with — things get complicated the day the rebels intercept what they think is a supply delivery but turns out to be a travel convoy. And the man at its centre is clearly from the core district judging by his pristine suit and flawless appearance. Usually, that would make him a valuable hostage, but there's something different about this man.
Not only does he not seem the least bit afraid to find himself in the midst of a group of armed refugee rebels, but he also fixates on Ga On in a way that's downright unsettling. Ga On doesn't understand why.
Nor does he understand why he keeps feeling an inexplicable and wholly inappropriate pull towards the man. Ga On knows absolutely nothing about him aside from the fact that he's clearly very rich, unnervingly intelligent and, as it soon turns out, incredibly dangerous. How can Ga On be attracted to someone so ruthless and selfish?
The only core district dweller Ga On feels even the slightest bit of respect for is the Benefactor and this Kang Yo Han is the polar opposite. Ga On shouldn't feel drawn to him.
And yet, against better knowledge, he does.
And it feels more like a question of when he'll succumb, rather than if.
(This story has everything! Rebels! Eating of the rich! Delicious identity porn! Explosions! Elijah calling Ga On literal trash that Yo Han dragged in from the gutter!
... it would probably also be pretty long so let's hope I don't succumb to the urge to write it)
Historical Vampire AU:
After Ga On's parents die, he fully expects to end up on the streets and starve to death. Fortunately for him, a local scholar takes him on as an apprentice instead, teaching him how to read and write.
He feels incredibly indebted to Scholar Min and so, many years later, when Ga On is asked to accept a position as assistant to a rich but mysterious lord just outside the city, he of course does so. The position is a mere cover, however. In actuality, Ga On will be spying on Kang Yo Han in hopes of finding out if he's secretly supporting the uprising that's brewing in their region.
More than once, Scholar Min tells Ga On that he must be careful — that the mission is incredibly dangerous. But it's not until he actually arrives at Lord Kang's estate that Ga On understands why Scholar Min kept repeating all those dire warnings.
Not only is Kang Yo Han aloof and deeply unsettling — his gaze filled with something that could only be described as hunger whenever he looks at Ga On — but he doesn't seem to eat, rarely sleeps, and never ventures outside during the day. Only once darkness falls does he leave the estate and, sometimes, he doesn't return until just before dawn.
Before long, Ga On begins to wonder if Kang Yo Han isn't just involved in the uprising, but might also be the cause for the dead bodies that have been found strewn around the city the past couple of months.
And, somehow, Ga On has to find proof to support his theory — preferably without becoming a target himself.
(A.k.a. if you thought Ga On's neck kink in Who Holds the Devil was bad? Think again, bitches)
Aside from these, there are also the two parallel universe stories I have already started: Gravitational Pull which is basically meant to be a series of one-shots that divert from the original canon by changing one small detail in each installment. And then The Devil's Due which is a Different First Meeting AU where they meet when Ga On is still a teenager and that throws everything out of order (because Yo Han accidentally kickstarts Ga On's gay awakening a lot sooner than usual and, after that, all bets are off)
So yeah. I could probably think of several more but let's stop here for now xD
(And don't ask me why I chose to write these ideas as if they're fanfic summaries because they definitely aren't fanfics yet)
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i-am-aprl · 11 months
I feel like this post is a perfect example of what propaganda is, and how it works, so I want to break it down;
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First, what is propaganda? It's a piece of information, that's biased or misleading, & distributed to promote a political cause, agenda or point of view. It's used to influence public opinion, & in war time is often a recruitment tool, to recruit workers, soldiers and allies.
This Israel post first provides a piece of info that's misleading (Taylor Swift's bodyguard is fighting for Israel, he isn't her bodyguard or in her employment), & forms an association w/ Taylor Swift by using her lyrics and speaking directly to her as if they were friends.
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Association is a common propaganda technique, they praise Taylor Swift's so-called bodyguard for joining the war, and Taylor Swift by association. It's also known as "Transfer". A less offensive example might be Taylor Swift being photographed drinking Diet Coke.
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But the lie is more interesting, bc they use "photographic evidence" of him standing w/ Swift to reinforce the lie, further manipulating the audience into believing its veracity. In the same way Israel used "video evidence" to con us into believing Hamas bombed the hospital.
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That's what's so interesting to me about this post, it's the same strategy, but employed in a completely different way. Another thing is that it serves as a recruitment poster, celebrating someone associated with Swift joining the war effort, implicitly inviting swifties in.
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Idk if it will work, bc swifties have been training all their lives in media literacy, literally decoding the most frivolous social media posts. And thank god. This post has already been called out.
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But it's valuable to understand the language of propaganda. Transfer is especially insidious, because when people start making associations between their favourite celebrities and Israel, they start building emotional connections, and emotions are hard to break.
I also want to point out this post is a classic example of Bandwagoning, when the propagandist pretends as if everyone is on board their ideology or cause to encourage more people to join. "Look! Even people in Taylor Swift's orbit are fighting for us! We must be great!"
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For the first time in my life I applaud celebrities fans for being so knowledgeable about every detail of their fav.
Swifties and Army both are very knowledgeable and aware of their favs. Proud to be part of both.
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echologname · 5 months
The Bible and Veganism
The significance of a plant-based diet
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This is a diet that I believe is how God intended for man in the Garden of Eden and how those in Heaven eat as well:
In Genesis 1:29-30, God said:
“Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food. And I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and the small animals that scurry along the ground—everything that has life.”
And in Revelation 22:2:
On each side of the river grew a tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, with a fresh crop each month. The leaves were used for medicine to heal the nations.
So in Eden and Heaven we're given fruit for food which makes sense, for how people who live in a perfect world without suffering or death get calories and nutrients.
Also, fruit is VERY significant in The Bible. It's used metaphorically over and over. For example, The Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the tree of life, The Fruits of the Spirit, the fig trees, Israel being God's chosen olive tree...etc. Usually, fruit always means something good, evidence that something is thriving, and spiritually, that Christ is within us when we bear Fruit of the Spirit.
So, just as Heaven is full of rainbows, take care of your body which is a temple of The Lord's Spirit, and do your best to eat a rainbow of plants.
God made the human-animal relationship sacred
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God created all the creatures BEFORE He created humans to watch over them.
Animals are perhaps the closest representation of God we have. They're perhaps as loving as He is because they are without sin. They can't love any less than unconditionally. God does want us to surround ourselves with those who are righteous, and no beings are more so than animals. They're born being connected to God and knowing how to serve Him whereas we have to struggle to do that. That's why we need Jesus to take away our sin and change our hearts so we become perfect like them. The Bible even uses animals as an example of how we should live our lives like in Matthew 6:26:
“Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?”
Taking care of them is how we obey God's first responsibility He gave humanity and how we reflect His image. Jesus explains our relationship with Him as mirroring the human-animal relationship. We're the animals and He’s our human who loves us and takes care of us. Similarly, when we serve animals, we're like Jesus who served us.
Mentally, they're children their whole lives, just wholesome lil' goobers. And personally, they're a big inspiration for how I should live my life (Jesus does want us to be childlike) and how they're so joyful all the time and live in the present.
Abstaining from animal products is also how I obey the first responsibility God gave humanity: to take care of all of Creation. He made the human-animal relationship sacred and I want to respect that. I don't support the slaughter of those who are pure, sinless, innocent and child-like, to do so, would be like supporting Jesus's crucifixion who was also pure and sinless. The Father broke His own heart that day by letting His Son's body be broken. All the animal sacrifices in the Old Testament are foreshadows of that sad day to come, and God required sins be paid for in this way because death is always the price of sin and it can only be paid by someone who has NEVER sinned. I assure you, those animals killed for the sins of the people were not taken lightly or carelessly but as a sacred act of obedience and repentance.
This isn't something every Christian chooses and that's fine, I'm just explaining why I personally feel in my heart this is what's right and this is just one way I'm trying to live a righteous life.
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Me talking with my anxiety-riddled brain.
My Brain: *constantly thinking of how would be best to reply to the weirdo stalking my page* Me: You know this is kind of stupid. My Brain: What is? Me: Replying to that stalker. My Brain: How so? Me: Remember last time? The dude stalked my great aunt's house, my online activity, my workplace, my university... legitimately everything. The dude would twist words and make it sound like I'm a monster and tricked everyone we knew into thinking we were constantly sending him death threats and shit. My brain: What does that have to do with this? Me: Everything. This guy is starting here, what is stopping him from trying to track everything I do digitally until he finds me and shoots me for daring to like some random. My Brain: Are you sure that isn't just me being anxious-- Me: Bro I'm a fucking Hispanic Ace Woman, I can't be too paranoid considering that Republicans think that anyone that isn't so pale people you disappear in a white background is some illegal immigrant. They're even trying to convince people that Vivziepop of all people is an illegal immigrant. I'd rather not risk my life. My Brain: But they're not understanding-- Me: Look I don't owe anyone explanations, and I don't need to waste my valuable time arguing with someone online. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they take this as a win and keep stalking me. It's their choice if they don't want to have a life. It is their choice to waste their entire life hating one person. It's their choice to waste their life hating me because I won't bend the knee to them. They can waste their time. I'm not wasting mine. My Brain: But- Me: They pretend like FNGR didn't go on hour-long transphobic tirades when making hate and rant videos about Lily. They pretend that I didn't say that I thought Lily was in the wrong when biting off that artist's head. They pretend that what Lily said to that artist was worse than what the Steven Universe Fandom did to a literal CHILD. And they can't get it through their THICK FUCKING SKULLS that if they're telling me the absolute put their life on the line deadass truth and actually have a mountain of evidence... then I'd LOVE to see Lily behind fucking bars. I'd LOVE IT if they were to have a court case going and have it be all on the public Youtube sphere like the fucking Iilluminaughtii shit going on right now. My Brain: True... Me: yeah but here's the problem, they never show it to me. They just EXPECT me to believe them and take their words at face value. I mean yeah, Lily is a dick half the time, especially in the past. She was on some fucking rage timing that you'd think she was constantly playing Cuphead, but that's why I never understood why she didn't just only talk to close friends and just toss the whole Discord Server idea into the fucking trash. I don't see the point in even interacting with fans at all for any fucking public figure. It always seemed like a disaster waiting to happen. I mean fans are ALWAYS waiting for their favorite idol to mess up one time so they can have an excuse to maul that person alive. I mean look at Selena. The most beautiful Mexican-American artist of all time and she was MURDERED BY HER NUMBER ONE FAN. Yolanda Saldívar still has people waiting to fucking shoot her ass for what she did to Selena. To think, she murdered Selena over MONEY. My Brain: So we just stop responding? Me: Yeah, they're going to keep on expecting and believing the worst of me. That's how every stan is. I mean google is free, it's easy as fuck to find the website of the Canadian police! My Brain: Okay! Okay! Yeah. You're right. This is all stupid. We need to just ignore them. Me: Yeah, ignore them like how they'll ignore all the links and stories here because Lily is their Lolcow and they are going to keep stalking her. That's a fact. I'm going to just not engage. If they keep trying to spam me, I'll just find new ways to block them. Better than wasting my time responding. My Brain: But they are right about the whole re- Me: Yeah! I already deleted it.
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zeebeebirdy · 4 months
Very sad vent - doesnt need to be read, I just want to get my feelings out my head and talk somewhere. TW depression, suicidal (again, don't worry about reading, I just need to ramble)
I'm really just losing the will to live these days. I have absolutely nothing going for me, I have no reason to be alive. This week is my last session of therapy and that's the only thing I have that's an obligation, it's one of my only forms of socialisation with people, and it's coming to an end...
And man, I try to implement the stuff I've learned from therapy, and I have in ways, I've tried, and I know it'll take a lot of time and work to really see "results", but I just...one of the things we talk about is to "have evidence" when addressing distorted thoughts, bc usually we think bad things about ourselves like it's proven facts, and when asked "okay where's the evidence?", it's never there bc there isn't any way to PROVE these things...
But I feel like I have proof.
I don't think I have any value, I don't think there's any point to my life, and I don't bring anything or worth to the world or to anyone's life. If I disappeared, everything would be fine, if not better.
And I think okay I'll try and challenge those thoughts, but I end up just feeling like those feelings are valid. Like what the fuck do I have, what do I provide?! I'm 27 years old, I still live at home, the only space I have to exist is my tiny bedroom where my whole work environment is also my bed, I don't have a job, I haven't been able to find a job for 6 months, I'm shit at saving money, my j9 year relationship died bc I "let myself go", everyone I know is thriving and working and living their adult lives, and I'm doing nothing. I have fucking nothing. I've wasted 27 years of my life - the last 10 years specifically where I decided what to study, worked towards some kind of career path, thought about what I wanted for the future, it has all been a waste.
I'm just as mentally ill and fucked up as I was 15 years ago when suicide first entered my head. I'm no fucking better.
I'm worthless, I'm unlovable, I'm unimportant...
I wish something good would happen. I just want something that makes me feel like I'm valuable. I want to know I mean something to someone, that they see my worth, that I can provide something to the world if only small.
I just don't want to feel suicidal anymore. I don't want to go to bed crying, to always be exhausted, to be so mentally drained that I give up before I've begun. I really want to push myself, I want to be motivated, but it feels almost impossible these days.
The end of 2022 I almost killed myself. I had a complete mental breakdown and was manic for months. Here I am mid 2024, no longer manic but instead beyond exhausted and just passively suicidal.
I hope something good happens soon. I hope maybe I'll get a job, meet people who like to talk, go out exploring more. I hope I'll find happiness in myself, even if only a little bit.
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system-of-a-feather · 4 months
you mentioned being interested in research about the consciousness! so, what’s your opinion on jim tucker’s research, if you’re alright talking about it?
Oh boy I actually haven't looked at Jim Tucker's stuff in ages. I think I looked at it way back when I was first getting interested in research on psychology and consciousness? Like when I was like 13??? That isn't to say I'm particularly well read or informed on his stuff so I might have some video talks of his on in the background while I do things and see if I'd like to add anything to this post after the fact.
I will say, I am largely of the camp in consciousness research (I forgot who I first heard talk about it and I think the video is no longer up on youtube but a while back I was making my way down this channel / podcast but only got like... through the first few videos) where I largely do not believe that consciousness is anything of a "real" thing beyond the subjective experience of it and that the experience of consciousness is largely a phenomenon that is a byproduct of the human brain using schemas to calculate, predict, analyze and interpret the world around us. Of course, thats my preferred opinion on it because consciousness research is largely super duper up in the air what with how there is really little to no clear evidence of any part of the brain being responsible for consciousness / sense of self / a soul / etc at least since I did a last reading into it.
That said, I do find Jim Tucker's research to be really interesting and I don't really have any direct questions or counter questions to ask on the topic since I haven't really thought *too* much on it or read any of the direct papers to see the extent of how they've done the research beyond them discussing it briefly in interviews and podcasts and what not. I personally am a skeptic because of my aforementioned bias of believing that there is likely no consciousness that could be "reincarnated", but I also don't really have any good alternative explanations beyond "I think there are probably alternative explanations that I haven't spent the time to think about."
That said, I do find it a bit interesting - particularly from a more philosophical end than a more grounded research end - the possibility of the research and it's potential implications. If I suspend my disbelief rooted in my lack of ability to see a philological mechanism for reincarnation, I do find that the idea of the recycling of matter into the overall life cycle somehow also manufacturing an "error" in memory being retained from one incarnate of life to the next to be particularly interesting and I also do find it an interesting potential that if we do bite into the heavily speculative but also genuine research question of "is our world actually a simulation and would we know it" - assuming that the world IS a simulation; reincarnation, without being inherently religious or spiritual, could theoretically very much be explained through computer science and errors
(Which I do really like to hear people talk about what it would look like for us if we were in a simulation, its just a fun thing to listen to)
I'm honestly intrigued to see where the research would go. I'm a skeptic, but I definitely could see it having some valuable merit to it. Iirc Jim Tucker and her predecessor have explicitly tried to approach this in the least spiritual / religious manner possible? I can't really say for sure but I'd have to read into it.
Funny thing is, I've actually been raised in a family that - despite being primarily Catholic in nature - has always believed and talked about reincarnation alongside everything else and so the topic is something that I've actually always been raised around.
Ironically, as a practicing Buddhist, I don't really believe in the more popularized understanding of reincarnation in the west that interprets it as a soul that gets "reborn" as much as I do believe that reincarnation - in terms of philosophy and my practice - is the act of individuals returning to the overall connected whole. From there I absolutely could see that some essence or subjective sense of "you" may be reforged in the next expression of the world, but that's a whole esoteric thought experiment of it's own.
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 year
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Oh no! @alatterdayknightofjesuschrist is going to block me! Someone tell the President!
You are clearly taking this stupid nonsense way more seriously than I am. Chillax, dude.
To actually answer your weird whatever, there is no evidence for any of these people actually existing, either, besides ancient Harry Potter books about them. The basic Wikipedia article about Theudas has a whole section about how scholars are debating about what exactly any of this is really about, and whether any of it is an actual historic thing.
In that specific case I would accept that some guy named Theudas / Judas led a revolt against the Romans in the 40s, because that was the cool time for that shit and that is a pretty common name. But the fact that scholars think there is confusion in the sources between potentially different revolts by at least two guys with that name, utterly proves my point.
John the Baptiat was a relative of Jesus who, EVEN IN THAT STORY, is so willfully eclipsed by Jesus that he left nothing behind. He's fake too. What point are you even trying to make with this? All of these people were fictional, until I see solid evidence they lived. Otherwise it is just a big pile of fictional literary nothingness.
Also, giving me a reply timetable ultimatum is one of the simultaneously funniest and assiest things anyone has ever done to me on here. You are a dick, but I almost respect the dork balls on you. So kudos, if only for being surprisingly interesting.
You can block me all you want. I don't intend to follow you and do not care. But before you do, I would love for you to go through my tags of "bible" and "christianity" and reblog any of those genuinely funny, well-written posts with your yelling. So few people on here fight with me about my brazen gay antiChristianity, and it is disappointing.
You could be my own personal Ben Shapiro.
Plus you obviously enjoy this too so you are totally missing out on ample opportunities to do whatever it is you think you are doing.
I'm still looking for one person on this website who knows the Bible as well as I do. If you do, go after my shit, please. Especially if I state a wrong fact. No one ever challenges me.
I'm dead-serious. Me being corrected when I am actually wrong has led to lots of personal growth on here. Me being challenged to evolve as a person is the last fun thing life has to offer me. You might be a valuable tool for that growth.
...So long as you criticize genuine factual errors and stop being a regressive fundamentalist bitch. It isn't a good look.
You should evolve too. Try it. You might find you like it.
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aetherphobia · 9 months
NRC Oc #2: Alice Undertale (/j)
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Alice (She/It/Alice) is an eldritch being that does not naturally belong in Twisted Wonderland. Like Yuu (she is not the Yuu of this universe, that is still Comet Morningstar), Alice comes from another world. However, it's world not like ours. More like an alternative backrooms like dimension that soars all throughout every universe at rapid speeds. This realm is known as the Entropy Limbo. I will get more into this realm in a later post, but know that this is where Alice originates. She, however, did not know this until a much later time in the storyline. It took Alice a while to realize that she wasn't even human at all, for she has amnesia. And no recollection of her life before finding Night Raven College, let alone Ramshackle. Alice most likely isn't even her real name, simply a mere nickname that Yuu and Howl coined for her from noticing the resemblance she had to Alice from the Disney movie. She is another one of the soon to be many students that Yuu has to share their dorm with.
The quirks of Alice (Personality n stuff)
Alice is known by her peers to be just as chaotic as the power she holds, often being rather playful and curious, not really thinking before she acts and is just in it all for her amusement. She tends to not be as aware as she should when she recklessly uses her power for the fun of it. But when she does realize it, she is quick to beat herself up for it. She's not destructive on purpose, it's just her nature. And she doesn't really enjoy that being the case. Despite this, her destructive habits are balanced out by her creations and her love for all things mildly unsettling or misfit-esque. She finds comfort in caring for those who are like her in a way, almost like a motherly instinct.
While Alice can't think too far back without her head hurting, there is evidence that she wasn't always as excitable and bubbly. As when she was first discovered by Spirit accompanied by Howl, she was rather timid and closed off, confused about her situation and the world around her. She was scared more than anything. When asked, Spirit would remark that she wouldn't have ever expected this switch up in Alice's personality back when she had first arrived at all.
Funky party tricks (Talents and Abilities)
Alice doesn't have a signature spell, but she does do magic. The whole thing about Alice is that she rejects any and all of the rules of magic and logic that the universe of Twisted Wonderland has to offer. She is entirely a being of pure chaos magic. Think Discord from My little pony, for example. She can make random things appear at her fingertips, change her form, give sentience to otherwise non-sentient things, and generally warp the reality of everything around her. There are limits to what she can make, however. For example, she can only clone objects she has already seen before. Otherwise they turn out weird, glitchy, and all messy. And she has to have tasted the food she clones and liked the way it tastes for it to not come out tasting nasty. She can replicate looks, but she can't do tastes if she doesn't recognize it. And of course, everything she does has some sort of consequence to it, big or small. I won't get into it exactly. But you'll certainly know a consequence when you see it.
Her cloning abilities are what earned her a job at Mostro Lounge, making her a very valuable asset to Azul as she ups the speed in business. She enjoys using her magic in a way that doesn't make people mad at her, so she very much enjoys it there no matter how shady it may be. Despite her chaos, she is trying.
Trauma /j (Backstory, life back home)
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Relationships. (Philia, Storge, Eros, etcetc)
Comet Morningstar/Yuu - Philia
She is very greatful to Yuu for letting her stay despite everything! She has this respect for Yuu due to being in very similar situations in terms of being from a completely different world. She feels at ease to know that she isn't alone in all of this.
Grim - Squimch cheepse
She will pet the fire cat if it's the last damn thing she does.
Spirit Auraveil - Eros
Yeah she's shamelessly a pain in Spirit's ass, but she does still care about her. Spirit was one of the two people who found her when she was in a confused and scared state, even when it was because she was an intruder. No matter how much she may tease her, Alice is at her call. She would give so much to help Spirit with whatever she needs if she just asked. She knows she won't, but when you want someone to look your way, a glitch can dream.
Howl Pendragon (@thesunshineriptide's oc, not the real Howl Pendragon) - Philia
Howl is the other person that found her. And sure, they kinda did freeze her ankles and made her trip and hurt herself when they first met, but she's fineeee. She doesn't hold any grudge against them for that, although may tease them about it from time to time. She enjoys Howl's presence and finds solace in them also being from another world. She would kill for them Absolutely no questions asked.
Azul Ashengrotto - Eros??? Philia
Alice finds Azul amusing to say the least. He is her boss. But the thing is, Since Alice has upped the productivity rates in his business, Azul kinda can't really fire her without it having a large damaging impact on the speed of his business. So he kinda just lets her do whatever she wants because he kinda needs her. She enjoys teasing him and being around him when whe can, often sometimes bothering him in his office when she's bored and on break. He's probably gotten used to it by now. Alice has a teensy weensy crush on him, although she has not yet acknowledged that she does just yet. Their relationship is otherwise just professional (kinda) (a little bit)
Floyd Leech - Eros
The third person she had met upon first regaining consciousness in an unfamiliar place! Floyd gave her the nickname "Blue Tang" and squeezed her VERY tightly. It's actually because of this squeeze that made Alice start to question things, seeing the reactions of those around her and feeling fine despite the squeeze. It was like she didn't even have bones and she knew that something was wrong with her in that moment. However, she and Floyd did get along with their matching chaotic energies. Floyd once raced Howl to steal a kiss as a joke and won. Alice developed feelings and panicked because she hates the feeling of sudden change. Ended up avoiding him for some time. But they worked it out in the end.
Idia Shroud - soooorta Philia?
Idia once took Alice in for testing out of being curious about what the fuck she had going on. And he couldn't figure it out. Just that she didn't have bones and confirmed that she wasn't human. There was also another time where Idia made a body switching device and they swapped bodies so that Alice can enjoy being (semi) organic for a day and in return, he used her body so that he can work and play games without getting tired or needing to eat at all. It was a very amusing fiasco as Alice had given his body a full makeover, started singing a solo in public, said hi to people individually in the hallways, and generally confused the fuck out of everyone who knew Idia. They eventually did switch back and Idia had a panic attack (/hj). They still do talk, although mostly just online via a groupchat. Alice thinks that they're friends but she can't really tell for certain and just doesn't bother to ask.
Media. (Drawings, picrews, friend art and other stuff)
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The first drawing was made by Howl (tagged earlier), one is a picrew, three are my own drawings, and the final two were made in gacha. Alice has many hair colors, although I mostly portray her with either pink or Blonde dyed hair. Generally, she usually has whatever hair color I currently have irl. She's not my persona, but I still think it's fun to do that anyway.
Alice's Official Tumblr account: @enigmacitrus-rp
I couldn't sleep so I did this instead! Alice was much easier to make in comparison to Spirit as there is much less information about Alice by comparison. At least not information that has been revealed yet! By the way, if you haven't noticed, Undertale isn't actually her surname. That's just a joke last name that is written down in Alice's student files as a placeholder until she remembers her real first and last name.
But with that said, that's it for this file! I'm doing this in a certain order. So I may start on Nrc student oc #3 tomorrow after I get out of school. So until then, peace out!
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cazort · 1 year
lol do you want a prize for knowing bi people aka people who are attracted to both sexes exist? they're the only ones with the capacity to be sexually 'fluid' and care about 'gender' in their attraction. gay and straight people are exclusively attracted to the same/ opposite sex respectively, no matter what ephemeral gender someone id-s as. my country doesn't have gendered pronouns and guess what none of that idiotic non-binary ideology here lol, everyone's a they! people are just masculine and feminine yet understand that as a sexually dimorphic species we can never detach ourselves from our sex and our bodies. you just believe in some esoteric regressively heterosexist mind-body dualism at this point. ofc people have preferences for masculinity or femininity, but are ultimately attracted to sex as every scientific source will confirm, including those that are trans-inclusive. het aka female-attracted transwomen have neurologically identical brain phenotypes to regular het males, and it's the same with female heteros who id as trans (study by Manzouri & Savic, 2018) meanwhile gay people share the same brain patterns, trans-identified or not. this proves both that sexuality is solely based on sex and that 'transness' or I suppose the mental illness if gender dysphoria isn't neurologically innate as homosexuality evidently is. either objective science which already tried and failed to justify trans innateness is 'transphobic' or trans rhetoric is just anti-scientific and homophobic.
This is such a trash perspective that I almost wanted to just delete it without mention because on some level I think it's not really worth engaging with.
But then I had second thoughts because I realized (a) there is value in letting my followers know that people out there send this kind of stuff in asks (b) I'm confident enough not to let comments like this get to me, but I know that a lot of LGBTQ people are not as confident. So I thought, hey, maybe I could let people know why I think this sort of ask is bullshit.
The one tip-off about this ask is that it has a condescending tone from the start. It's not worth engaging with people who insult you or show contempt, as this ask does. Which is why I'm not talking to the ask, I'm talking to you, my followers. This ask is from someone I don't want to engage with, and don't think it's worth engaging with. If they were a person I knew in person, I would block them or cut them out of my life.
It's important to have diversity of perspectives, and it is valuable to listen to people with different viewpoints from your own, but in our world, with all the people and perspectives out there, there is no need to ever listen to someone who approaches you in a disrespectful or condescending way as this ask does. What makes this ask so condescending? It isn't trying to listen to me or understand me, it's just telling me I'm wrong. Take note, and don't do it, people. Don't treat other this way, and when people treat you this way, don't interact with them.
As for the perspective itself, it's deep in flawed binary reasoning. I know human sex is not a binary because I have close friends who are intersex. I also know science, I have a pretty strong background myself. I read articles like this 2015 one in Nature, which explain the growing scientific consensus that human sex is not a binary.
On top of this, the perspective equates trans identity and experience with mental illness, which is a common right-wing anti-trans talking point, but is not backed by evidence, and which is being rejected by a growing consensus of medical professionals. This is why the DSM has moved away from diagnosing trans identity as a disorder or mental illness, and instead treated gender dysphoria as the disorder or condition, independently of trans identity. For an explanation of the reasoning behind this, check out this 2017 article in Scientific American.
This ask goes even farther though in its nutcase level of reasoning, in a way that makes it look like a bad-faith argument, and this is that it is trying to spin non-binaristic and trans-inclusive or pro-trans viewpoints as "homophobic". This is a play or strategy to try to elicit sympathy and/or guilt-trip people into listening to or caring about the perspective. Like the idea is, because of the solidarity between LGBTQ people with different identities (such as gay and trans), and the strong negative connotation on homophobia in progressive culture, people are sometimes able to bully or guilt-trip people into submission by accusing them as being homophobic by holding whatever view they do. This person is trying to get me to think I'm being homophobic by virtue of acknowledging nonbinary identity or trans identities more broadly, or even the fluidity of sexuality.
A lot of the reasoning in the ask is focusing on things that to me seem largely irrelevant. For example the ask seems to be obsessed with the idea of whether or not sexual orientation or trans identity is "innate", whatever that means, and it seems to assume that sexuality is "innate" but gender identity is not. Not only does this perspective not mesh with the wide range of scientific research I've read on this topic, but it also seems largely irrelevant. Whether or not something is innate vs. learned or culturally influenced or socially constructed, does not say anything about whether or not it is real, nor about whether or not it is easy to change. There are a lot of things that are not innate but rather, I learned from my environment, like my accent and mannerisms when speaking, that are pretty much impossible for me to change (unless I'm learning a new accent to do as an imitation, I can never do it as a native speaker could.) Even if someone proved that trans identity and gender identity were culturally constructed, they wouldn't be any less real, nor would sexuality if someone showed that it was culturally constructed. But also, these viewpoints seem wrong, particularly, the way the ask frames this as a strictly binary thing, like they are either "innate" or not. It seems obvious to me that both sexuality and gender identity are influenced by multiple factors, and that for some people, they may be largely or mostly innate, whereas for others they may be more culturally influenced or socially constructed, and that for most people, there are going to be influences of both. This nuance would be obvious to any mentally healthy person who had lived in the world a sufficient amount of time and just observed people, listened, and learned. And this is one of many reasons I think the ask here is putting forth a trash perspective that isn't worth engaging with.
Lastly, this ask also seems to be really deep in a specific strawman argument that is quite bizarre. Like the premise of the ask seems to be that I somehow believe that gay or straight people are attracted to people on the basis of non-observed "gender identity" of others, which they may or may not be expressing openly. This is silly. I have never made such a claim, and I never would. I'm well aware that gay and straight people tend to be attracted to physical sex characteristics and that these don't necessarily correspond to a person's gender identity. I've never gotten into stupid arguments with people about whether or not someone qualifies as "gay" or "straight" if they are attracted to a non-transitioned, closeted trans person who presents as their birth gender.
And on top of that the post also references mind-body dualism, which is something else I reject.
I don't know what is going on here. Perhaps the person behind this ask wrongly assumed that I must hold some sort of unreasonable viewpoints, just because I am trans and nonbinary and have a more complex or fluid view of gender and sexuality. Or perhaps the person didn't assume that but is just writing the ask in bad faith, trying to use this argument to make me look bad or unreasonable, or trying to appeal to things that it's obvious I care about or believe in, in an attempt to guilt-trip me or make my own views seem unreasonable or flawed. Who knows? I don't know, and I don't need to know, nor do you.
Just know that people out there send asks like this, and that they're bullshit, and educate yourself so that you don't let them get to you at all. And if any of you followers want to talk about any of this stuff, please feel free to message me. I am friendly and I am always here to chat, I love talking about gender identity and sexuality and I love answering questions that are written respectfully and in good faith, and I love supporting people, even people who may hold views different from my own.
I care about all people and I especially care about any LGBTQ people who get asks like this and may feel self-doubt in response to them. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need a sense of perspective on this stuff and you want someone who will listen to you and help you to sort through the bad logic and negativity and clarify what you really believe about this stuff.
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timur-pannonicus · 2 years
What I personally keep in mind when writing mentally ill characters
What they say and do seems to lack reason or justification to other characters who don't have issues but that's not the case for THEM.
In their mind what they do and say HAS a reason that makes sense to them in one way or another. The human impulse to find patterns, explanations and to rationalize is very strong, just like the social impulse to create and enforce rules on pretty much every aspect of life.
Now comes the perhaps uncomfortable crux of the matter. Someone can be flawlessly logical in how they arrive at conclusions but if the premises they base their reasoning on are faulty and/or untrue their conclusions will be that way as well. Thus they run the risk of seeming crazy to people who simply don't share their core beliefs and values. Values also play an important part, someone who sees human life as inherently valuable no matter what may get extremely sad but is less likely to think about suicide than someone who thinks life needs to be justified. I'm however not discounting logical fallacies here, something we are ALL vulnerable to. Different people have different standards of what constitutes a convincing argument or evidence. For some direct personal experience and intuition counts for much more than let's say careful scientific research. When people like that begin hearing voices or seeing things they might rationalize that God or the Devil is speaking to them and it's hard to convince them otherwise since the experience feels very very real to them. I'm not discounting biology either though but biology isn't something irrational either. This is where trauma and trauma responses come in. Biology tends to err on the side of caution though, just one example, if we constantly experienced rejection, betrayal and abandonment growing up our brain will tend to develop paranoid thinking in the attempt to protect us from more hurt. We might not be consciously aware why we feel certain things or react in certain ways but there IS a reason for everything. Conflict arises when our surroundings don't accept, understand dismiss or morally condemn our reasons.
What I've described so far isn't by any means exhaustive but I hope it was a helpful pointer or at least somewhat interesting to read and consider.
But to sum it up, when writing, consider what the character believes to be (self evident) truth, what things do they value and what is their hierarchy of values, what is their go to style or approach to logic, how did they react to certain (threatening) situations, are their emotions in conflict with their rationality, how does all of that conflict with other characters and the larger society.
Anyway, I don't think I can prevent accusations of ableism even if I posted my own diagnosis but you are free to disagree with everything I just said or fill in details I've missed. Everything I just said is based on MY experiences, values and beliefs among which is that emotions are fundamentally rational and that the mind is emotional, that the line between neurological and mental problems can be very thin and that judging often gets in the way of understanding.
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