#NOT TO MENTION. that half of the revivalism is done by people who were born then thus never actually had to live through the 2000s like that
pikslasrce · 7 months
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this is such a bad faith take like bro... (e geoff for formatting)
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synergysilhouette · 1 year
An alternate take on "Big Hero 6" (2014)
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I wanted to rewrite this since there were some things I wanted to change. Maybe I'll start doing this with a couple other Disney films, likely from the renaissance to revival eras. Just to note: I LOVE this movie. This is just stuff I'd change/add in hindsight--or if Disney did the smart thing and remade THIS instead of the classic films (come at me).
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Make Fred half-Ainu and able to turn into a dragon. I say “half” despite him being full Ainu in the comics is just so Stan Lee can still be his dad. Plus I’d love it if he had his more level-headed, reserved personality (as seen in the comics) when he’s alone, or as the result of the stress he's going through. Plus since he’s mixed, I’d probably make Hiro and Tadashi fully Japanese to avoid criticism. Not sure if I'd keep his ability to turn into a European dragon or change it into a Japanese-inspired dragon. Maybe he can swap back and forth? While I like the idea of him being born with this ability (in a way similar to X-Men), it'd be a nice reference to Spiderman if he was bitten by a unique species of reptile that allowed him to become dragon-like, or perhaps he was kidnapped and experimented on as a kid (ie the superhero equivalent of relatives of rich people IRL), explaining why he always tries to stay happy-go-lucky a lot. Giving the team more backstory/development in general is always a plus.
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2. Incorporate more of GoGo's criminal past from the comics. Maybe explain that her gang-related activity is how she meets Hiro when he's bot-fighting, and explain that Tadashi and the Nerd Club vouched for her from being thrown out of school due to her academic ability, though joining the NC was part of the circumstances for her staying. Maybe Fred has even helped pay for her to be bailed out of jail before--something that's not revealed until the team discovers that he's rich, and GoGo develops a crush on him (her VA Jamie Chung mentioned that she believed GoGo had a crush on Fred).
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3. Highlight Hiro and Tashadi's parents more, and (controversial idea) make Baymax Hiro's project. I say this because in the comics, Hiro creates Baymax himself, and Baymax is programmed with his late father's brain engrams. I'd like more focus to be brought to Hiro's family in order to show that Baymax is modeled to be like him. With this, the microbots are instead Tadashi's idea who he introduces to Professor Callaghan, and Baymax is what Hiro creates for admittance into the San Fransokyo Institute, though Tadashi does assist. As such, Baymax is still kind and caring, but his protective and flexible personality from the comics is still incorporated. When trying to quell Hiro's anger, Baymax shows Hiro personal videos Tadashi filmed for him during his time in helping make Baymax. The OG version was emotional just seeing Tadashi again, but in this version, Tadashi's videos would reinforce Hiro's moral compass and make him strive to make Tadashi (and his family in general) proud. Hiro mentions at the end of the film about making Baymax a synthformer.
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4. More emphasis on the Japanese influence on San Fransokyo. I feel like even though it's a futuristic place with Japanese accents here and there, I do kinda wish more was done, perhaps taking inspiration from manga like Naruto, which lends Japanese and Western concepts.
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5. Highlight Yokai more, revealing his identity earlier to give Hiro more time to process is rage and sadness at Tadashi dying seemingly for nothing. Include more of his backstory from the manga. Using this early on would make it seem like a bittersweet death for a man wo's already experienced so much heartbreak, so when it's revealed that he's alive--and the villain--it reopens the wound. Exposing his identity earlier allows him more screentime, as well as giving us more backstory concerning Abigail. And they'd actually REFER to him as "Yokai" in the movie, rather than "the guy in the kabuki mask." And I'd actually like for him to APOLOGIZE to Hiro. I know he does in the show, but I just want that closure, especially since Hiro sees how grief can ruin you.
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6. Nit pick: I’d want the team to have more standout costumes like the X-Men, Inhumans, and Eternals. I’ve never been a fan of the team uniform. While they have unique colors, their looks (save for Fred, who in my version would be a dragon anyway and thus not need a costume--but probably not publicly reveal his identity).
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7. Give Honey Lemon abilities similar to their comic counterparts; Honey Lemon would be skilled at martial arts, though I guess her nano-purse can stay the same as the film. Speaking of, probably drop more hints that HL is Hispanic. I'd also like to lean into her embracing the "popular nerd" trope (I'm thinking Tecna from "Winx Club" meets Jean Grey from "X-Men: Evolution"), as concept art of her makes her look like a popular girl. I'd like to think she has the best of both worlds, though she may embrace her nerdy side in particular to avoid pretty privilege/the curse of being the pretty girl. If there is time, perhaps give a flashback to how her genius is underestimated because of her stylish appearance. A piece of concept art gives me Elphaba and Galinda vibes between GoGo and Honey Lemon, and I love that they had a rocky relationship at first.
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8. Just like Honey Lemon, make Wasabi a bit closer to his comic counterpart. Wasabi’s qi manipulation would be a neat trick, especially if he was Afro-Asian to help explain his affinity to it. I also love the idea that his superhero persona gives him much more confidence than his usual neurotic personality (he's like this in the movie, but it's not super obvious). I do like the idea that GoGo helps him get tougher, making him similar to Bishop from Marvel.
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9. Tying into my 3rd point, show us who Tadashi is besides his scientific interests. We get such a short instance to see his relationship with Hiro and his friends, and it'd be nice for the team (and Aunt Cass) to bring up memories of him more to flesh out who he was as a person, explaining why he wants to help others. I could honestly go either way about him being Sunfire.
You know what? Just make this a 150-minute movie to cram all this is. Lemme know what you think!
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damnbrosius · 2 years
//you can't just give half of the story, come on! spill the beans! xD
Regarding this post right here,
Two questions:
Have you ever read The Great God Pan?
Have you ever seen the WALL-E movie?
Because a kiss from Ambrosius (or any spirit from the Relics, really) is somewhere inbetween those two levels of effect on their recipients.
For those not caught up to speed: in The Great God Pan, a lot of chaos comes about at the behest of a seductive woman named Helen Vaughn, who was born from a woman and an entity from the other side of the veil. She's otherworldly with a dash of malevolence, and interaction with her, despite how attractive she is, tends to have dangerous effects. She's driven people mad, and she's eventually killed after sleeping with a chain of men who all commit suicide pretty much immediately afterward.
In Wall-E, the title robot WALL-E saves the day, but at the cost of his life (he gets crunched in a bad way). His robot girlfriend EVE (it's complicated but really sweet) desperately tries to revive him by repairing him and then getting him in sunlight, since he's solar-powered. It actually works, but when he's revived, he doesn't recognize her, so she uses a "kiss" (a discharge of electricity from contact with her monitor) to restart his processors and gives him back his memories.
I've made mention before of Ambrosius' body and the nature of his physical form. Essentially, his body is just a container for his powers, and the raw energies within. Those energies could have disastrous effects on the human body or mind if they came into contact, and while in general this isn't at all a danger, slipping past that imperceptible field that holds him together can be done. One such way is with a kiss.
If you kissed Jinn, for example, you'd be at risk of going insane because of an absurd amount of knowledge pouring into your head. A kiss from Ambrosius holds much the same danger. He's had a few lovers in the distant past, and has kissed two of them--both met horrible ends.
The first was a woman he fell for, who had a persistent flirtation with him and often liked to tease. They were friends, but didn't have a proper relationship when Ambrosius kissed her, and she thereafter lost her mind, becoming a rambling vagrant who didn't recognize him and obsessively drew and painted odd designs even Ambrosius couldn't fathom the end result of. She died before completing whatever it is she was driven to create.
Ambrosius was stricken with a fear after that, and withheld any form of physical affection from anyone he grew close to. It took until an actual relationship centuries later, with a man Ambrosius deeply loved, before he attempted it again. He reasoned to himself that the first time, he had been careless, and had let too much of himself slip through. He told himself he'd hold himself together tight this time.
It seemed to work, the kiss given safely, if only for a few hours. The man's mind started to go as soon as the next day--he became silent and withdrawn, often staring off into the distance. He, too, became consumed with creating something he couldn't communicate, something obscure and unsettling that demanded unusual and dangerous ingredients. When he couldn't stand to watch the man proceed any further, Ambrosius took him and led him to the side of a cliff, and held him until he fell asleep that night.
Ambrosius has sworn off love since then, refusing advances that go any further than base attraction and sticking closely to his duties as a creator.
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intothegenshinworld · 2 years
hi hi its me again i loved how you did my request and its so good!!! i am probably going to idea dump sorry anyways so what if c!reader knew how to play the guitar and woke up and teyvat just gave them a guitar after they were like 'i wish i had my guitar to destress because this is very stressful' and then one of the acolytes hears them playing in their room but the lyrics are in their language and sad and self-deprecating but they dont know that so they just brush it off until they hear the reader playing again later and its like alien blues or something but theyre speaking in teyvat language. ok so that was idea one (this might get a bit long sorry about that) NOW LET ME PROPOSE TO YOU FLOWERFELL READER, AN IMMORTAL READER THAT CAN STILL DIE BUT GETS REVIVED AT LIKE THE WINDRISE TREE WHERE THEY WAKE UP!! they like wake up with flowers coating their face after they fall out of a tree because the CLIMB instinct was strong and suddenly oops i cant see out of my eye uh oh!! idea 3 so what if reader didnt actually go to the main nations and just lived in like a tree or something and got food from the squirrels and foxes that climbed the tree?? and next, may i propose, reader with tattoos or seaperson reader from like luca or something!!! but also just sleepy zoned out reader and really clumsy c!reader or reader with hearing aids!?! hhh reader with a HUGE sweet tooth like larger than ei's but also reader who just radiates warmth and reader who is absurdly flexible and like put their ankle behind their neck flexible-- thank you for coming to my ted talk and i have SO many more ideas but jf9aj
WARNING: mentions of death, not graphic or detailed, but I'll put a warning anyways.
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Okay so- Flowerfell AU but Angsty Sagau!Venti x reader?? Once upon a time, he takes you on an adventure (maybe you're flying with him????) and it doesn't end well. You wake up at Windrise but somehow your vision has changed. Now growing from your left eye, there are many cecilias covering your vision. Que the angst with Venti wanting to protect you but it keeps happening no matter what he does? And then after your last death, he keeps waiting at Windrise, but you're too covered in flowers to talk or move??? 👀👀
Or with Angst Imposter!Sagau. You died during the hunt for the imposter. When you died and revived yourself, it was obvious to the people that you are the real deal. Sadly, your vision is already gone since flowers are covering your face.
OR reader getting teleported to Tevyat, either as the creator/isekai AU. Them not wanting to interact with people bc they are supposed to be 2D? You're not ready to talk with people who seemed so out of reach from you. SO, you're just living in the wild. Chilling, and if you're a SAGAU reader, hillicurls and slimes will provide you food and comfort.
AND HOW I LOVE HEARING AIDS READER!! I was born half deaf in both my ears, so I've been wearing hearing aids my whole life!!
You really make my brain go brrr with ideas,
I might write a short thingy for one of these but all of them are good and it's hard to choose AAAA
Also, I'm supposed to finish chapter 5 of sagau. It's done, just sitting there, but I need to edit it before I can publish it.
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daandyli0n · 2 years
alrighty, here we go (see this post for context):
(this is about the characters)
so, some basic info for this au to make any sense whatsoever-
-c!ranboo was born in the end, from both an enderman parent (who i’ve decided is named Rowan) and a [redacted] parent (named Baron). z shared ranboo’s [redacted] parent, but z’s enderman parent is named Iri.
-i feel like, to mirror ranboo, z’s pronouns are she/her and they/them
-z is older than ranboo by about 2 years.
-ranboo left with rowan when he was about 4 years old. z was 6.
-the reason why ranboo never came back was because rainer had gotten killed by mob hunters and they couldn’t teleport back (part because they had complications using their ender pearl causing it to not function properly, part because they didn’t know how to get back). they were taken in by a couple of young women and raised in the overworld, slowly losing memories of their home.
-how i like to headcanon the enderwalk functions: while it is rare, enderman hybrids can be born with memory issues. as endermen themselves typically have excellent memory, this is seen as rather odd. it’s believed that enderwalking developed as an odd counter to this problem. enderians have a way to make enderwalking less scary for the hybrid in question and can even help the hybrid work with their condition (the way this is done is to try and trigger the enderwalk when the hybrid needs help with memory). of course, non-enderians aren’t exactly aware of this. so, if an enderwalking hybrid were to be raised around non-enderians for their whole life...
-z has practically made it their life’s mission in this au to a) learn more about the enderwalk (specifically about hybrids in ranboo’s position) and b) find her long lost half-sibling.
-while z is a pretty good person, they do have. questionable morals. they’re also pretty desensitized to a lot of horrific things. of course, there are certain moral things where they will not cross the line (hurting children, for example).
and now onto the au itself:
-so. it’s many years later. z has made their way to the dsmp after a tip from a wandering trader who went through the area. z is now around 20.
-she talks with various other people and comes to the conclusion of “Yeah, this dude sounds like my long-lost half-brother.” everything is fine up until z hears tubbo mention that ranboo has been killed.
-so, what does z decide is a good idea? did you say “go undercover working for c!dream and c!punz for revive book information?” if so, you’re correct.
-they don’t like what dream’s doing with tommy. of course, lying is something they have no problem doing if they have to. :) so, dream is getting no real help from z.
-eventually, z gets the revive book info. you can guess what she decided to do with that info.
-ranboo’s back!!
that’s all i’ve got for now. might think of more later.
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Love and Redemption Review
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Overall, I have to say that the story was really good, maybe even better than the popular xianxia romances that came before it like Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms, Love and Destiny, and Ashes of Love. The romance may be comparable to AOL, but as a whole, the plot in L&R was more interesting and cohesive.
What sets Love and Redemption apart from the other 3 xianxia romances is that Love and Redemption also feels like a quest/adventure story, while also delivering a gut-wrenching, star-crossed romance plot. What’s interesting about L&R is that the main focus is on the mortal realm and the FL and ML’s current mortal incarnation, as opposed to the heavenly realm and their immortal identities.
The actions of the mortals have consequences across the 3 realms, as opposed to other xianxia romances that only use the mortal realm as a temporary stage for the leads to fall in love. The other 3 xianxias that I mentioned all opened up in the heavenly/celestial realm first, while the mortal realm was just a brief trial that the leads have to endure before returning to the immortal realm. The moral realm in L&R therefore feels livelier and more eventful, and the mortals have more agency and are not easily influenced by celestial beings. Whenever a celestial being does come down to the mortal realm, their powers are limited and are they are bound by the rules and restrictions of the mortal realm (which means that celestial beings can’t use their powers to mess with the emotions and decisions of mortals). 
The drama opens up with a tournament being held at the FL’s sect and members from all the other sects are arriving for the tournament. When the FL and ML meet, they are on equal footing (well, equal in terms of status as disciples, but not so much in terms of magical prowess). It’s like when you were in high school and you meet the visiting basketball team from a rival school, and then end up becoming friends with them.
Love and Redemption also takes the audience through a mystery. What is the true immortal identity of the FL? What’s her relationship to the Star of Mosha? Is she the saviour or the doomsday harbinger? Does the ML have an immortal identity too? Why do they have the same birthday? The drama keeps us on our toes because we learn about the truth and the history of the characters as they’re discovering it, as opposed to the other xianxia dramas where there is very little mystery and few plot twists.
Because of this mystery, the drama is tight and well-paced, since a new piece of the puzzle is always being revealed. Just when you thought that the mystery is solved, there’s a twist, and you realized that the twist was set up from the very beginning of the story, but you just missed it. 
The story also doesn’t stray from the main leads. Yes, there are subplots (as all dramas do), but the subplots here are brief, and they usually relate back to the main leads. Unlike in AOL where the later half of the drama derails and focuses on the two other supporting couples, while the main leads only get about 10 minutes of screen time. 
The Male Lead - Yu Si Feng
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Before starting the drama, I read a lot of comments about how much whump and emotional torture the ML goes through and how much he sacrifices for the FL. I thought this was an exaggeration. I mean, Xufeng in AOL went through a lot of Jin Mi too, (and you could make the same argument for Ye Hua in TMOPB, or Bai Zi Hua in Journey of Flower), so I was a little hesitant about the premise since it’s such an old trope, and I was doubtful that it could top the sacrifice that other MLs have done in other dramas. 
But reader, boy was I wrong. Yu Si feng is the definition of limitless, unconditional love. I lost count of how many times he almost died for the FL (not including the 9 times she killed him in their previous 9 lives). He’s spitting up blood and stabbed in nearly every episode. Episodes 37-47 were the hardest to watch because of the escalating chronic angst and misunderstandings between him and Xuan ji that caused irreversible damage to their relationship. Even when she tries to kill him and tells him she regrets having ever known him, he still drags himself back to rescue her. To quote Si feng himself, it’s not a question of whether or not it’s worth it, but it’s a question of whether you are willing to do it. And Si feng is as eager and willing as ever to sacrifice everything for Xuan ji. 
I mean, even Xufeng in AOL and Ye Hua in TMOPB snapped at the FL’s cruelty and aloofness at one point, but Si feng seems incapable of ever being angry with Xuan ji. Even when Si feng purposely tries to avoid her, it’s out of protection for her, not out of anger for everything she’s done. Like??? Si feng is impossibly perfect, even by the impossible standards of xianxia. 
Cheng Yi plays Si feng to a T. He conveys a different type of pain in every crying scene, and so Si feng basically experiences like 59 different types of crushing pain, and you feel it in your bones every time you watch it. The man’s eyes speak volumes.
While it would be easy to say that Cheng Yi carries the drama with his portrayal of Si Feng, the actions of the ML would be meaningless if there were no romantic interest that he was doing this all for.  
The Female Lead - Chu Xuan Ji
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Some people may feel that Xuan ji isn’t worth Si feng’s devotion. But, I would argue that the first 37 episodes shows us that she is definitely worth it. 
Xuan Ji is similar to Jin Mi from AOL in that she is incapable of feeling or understanding love. Because Xuan Ji was born without her 6 senses (and also without a real heart, unbeknownst to the other characters), she’s naive and juvenile. But despite not having feelings, she’s still able to care completely about others. She cares about her sister, her father, her sect brothers, and Si Feng. She’s fiercely protective of them as they are of her. To the best of her limited abilities, she is devoted to people as much as she can be. 
Because of her sensory deprivation, Xuan Ji is really curious about the world. She wants to be like everyone else, to feel like everyone else, in hopes of being able to properly reciprocate people’s love for her. She envies people who are able to cry because she thinks that’s an unhindered way of showing love. She regrets not being able to cry when her mother died. Xuan Ji is therefore a self-aware character, unlike Jin Mi, because she knows her shortcomings. She wants to be able to feel, understand, and share pain. 
As such, she’s quite an active character because she has this goal of reviving her senses, which has ripple effects for the other characters in the story since they become a part of her journey, whether by choice or by force. 
Why Si Feng fell for Xuan Ji
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Xuan Ji and Si Feng are very opposite characters, and not just because of the obvious difference in their personalities. Si Feng is a boy who feels too much (we later see that he gets his persistent sentimentality from his father), but was taught his whole life to suppress his emotions (I mean, the mask both literally and figuratively prevents him from emoting). Si Feng wants to express his feelings, but cannot. 
On the other hand, Xuan Ji is allowed to be as expressive as she wants, but she is empty on the inside. Xuan Ji represents everything Si Feng wants to be and is expected to be: free and emotionless. 
In this mortal incarnation, SF has responsibilities to everyone, from his spirit beast to his sect. Xuan Ji is the only one who doesn't ask or expect anything of him and yet, for someone who can't feel, she's always thinking of him. she stands up for him, she brings him snacks to comfort him when he’s being punished, she helps steal back his mother's hairpin. These are very simple gestures, but they mean the world to him (no one else has done these things for him before, and he doesn’t understand why she would unconditionally do these things for him), and that's why he's so quick to risk everything for her. Thus ironically, Si Feng actually learned about unconditional love from Xuan Ji. 
He’s never known love, warmth, or friendship in his lonely years growing up in the Lize Palace. And so, when you’re just a 16 year old awkward, hormonal, and introverted teenage boy, it’s easy to fall for a selfless girl who invades your personal space and has no sense of propriety. 
Why Xuan Ji fell for Si Feng
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We see that her love is gradual. She falls in love with him without even realizing she’s fallen in love. She cares for him as a friend at first. After all, like she said, Si Feng is the first friend she’s made from outside her sect. But soon, her caring for him surpasses that of what she feels for her sect brothers. Si Feng teaches her about the world, from what different food tastes like, to naming colours. Si Feng doesn’t infantilize her like her sect brothers do. Her sect brothers are either dismissive or protective, like Ming yan, but she is able to find a proper confidant in Si Feng who is willing to be patient with her and listen to her. 
Their 4-year separation when they each undergo training and achieve a boost in their abilities, only made Xuan Ji’s heart grow fonder. She misses Si Feng, and is frustrated to see that things are different between them when they meet again. She doesn’t understand why he’s so cold and distant, and all she wants to do is close the distance between them. 
It’s a meme that Xuan Ji is the one who wears the pants in the relationship. She’s assertive and bold, and I think part of the reason why she fell for Si Feng is because he gives her that space to be best and biggest version of herself, whether in the heavenly realm or in the mortal realm. She’s also fascinated by him. A person outside of her sect who has an endearing personality unlike anyone else she’s seen. He piques her curiosity, and so she’s drawn to him. He’s as much as her romantic and sexual awakening as she is his. 
It’s apt that their ship name is the combination of their last names “Chu Yu”, which sounds similar to the words 初遇, which means “first encounter”. Not only is this drama about capturing the feelings of first love, but Si Feng and Xuan Ji have also had 10 different first encounters because of their 10 reincarnation tribulations. 
The Romance
It’s actually quite fun and endearing to watch because both Xuan Ji and Si Feng are playing hard to get, which frustrates the hell out of both of them. Xuan Ji is trying to win back Si Feng and convince him to stay, while Si Feng himself is trying to win Xuan Ji’s heart, and she doesn’t even realize it. They’re both trying to woo each other, but they’re both being resistant, intentionally and unintentionally. 
I have to admit, though, that the first few episodes were slow. 
There aren’t major sparks during the first meeting between the leads. She just falls out of the sky into his arms, and he’s flustered by her sudden appearance and clinginess. The love story didn’t feel “epic” during the the first 4 episodes because it didn’t feel like there were any stakes. These were just 2 young disciples from different sects who had a stereotypical meet-cute. It was like watching a high school coming-of-age romcom. 
Things start to get serious when Si feng is forced to wear the lover’s curse mask, meaning that he cannot love, or else every time he’s hurt by the one he loves, that mask will release a feather to his heart and he’ll feel unbearable pain. When all the feathers are released, he’ll die. This means that he has to stay away from Xuan Ji, but obviously, the drama can’t let that happen, so he’s constantly thrown into situations with her, he can’t stay away from her, and he ends up falling for her harder and harder against his will. 
Xuan Ji trusts Si Feng completely and unconditionally (until episodes 37-47 that is). She is willing to go against her father and sect in order to protect him. She’s willing to sacrifice herself to save him. She’s willing to go rogue with her powers for him. When no one else trusts him, she does. 
This makes Xuan Ji a very cathartic character to watch because she isn’t frustrating at all. She isn’t easily influenced and has her own views. She doesn’t share the same prejudiced views as the elder sect leaders. She is willing to disobey if it’s the right thing to do. She immediately clears up misunderstandings, like the one between her and Ming yan. We see her gradually become more mature through her increasing protectiveness over Si Feng. 
I think because we see this rational and loyal side of Xuan Ji, we’re able to have a higher tolerance for her ignorance and mistakes later in the drama (but only barely). 
The Reincarnations - What Does it Mean to Love a Soul?
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Si Feng fell for Xuan Ji 10 times in the mortal world, not including the very first time he falls for her when they were immortals in the heavenly realm. 
I explained why I think Si Feng fell for Xuan Ji is this 10th reincarnation, but why did he fall for her in the past 9 lives? In the flashbacks, we see that in each life, Xuan Ji is cruel and heartless, and she still had the same unforgiving and ruthless demeanor as when she was the god of war. Is it because Si Feng’s soul is always going to be automatically attracted to Xuan Ji’s soul?
Because we only see brief glimpses of the past 9 lives (more specifically, we only see the ending of these lives), we don’t really know how they met or how Si Feng came to love her in each life. But, I would assume that there was something about Xuan Ji in each of her reincarnations that attracted her to Si Feng and completed him. Also, we know that Xuan Ji is capable of tenderness. As the god of war, she disliked fighting. As Mosha, she cared about Bailing. So, while Xuan Ji’s nature might be violent and cruel, I think that with each life, she learns about love and sincerity. If we assume that the flashbacks of the 9 lives are in order, then it would seem like Xuan Ji becomes more and more affected by Si Feng’s death with each successive lifetime. In the first life, she is completely indifferent to his beheading. but we see that she begins to become affected in the later lives, but tries to shove those emotions aside because they’re foreign and unfamiliar to her. 
We get even less context for how Si Feng might have fallen for the god of war in the heavenly realm. We only know that Si Feng was the Jade Emperor’s son, and only gained a celestial anamorphic form after 10, 000 years. His true form is the Golden-feathered bird. He’s always appearing by the god of war’s side to listen to her vent, but the god of war only sees him as a stray bird who comes by to visit occasionally. Why did he fall for her? Did he empathize with her loneliness? Maybe she was his only friend, like he was her only friend, but she didn’t even realize it. 
We also see that Si feng loves Xuan ji no matter who she is or what form she takes. Her gender doesn’t matter to him, and gender was never even an issue in the drama. The drama doesn’t give an explanation for why Bailing created a female body for the god of war (besides that he wanted to disguise Mosha’s appearance), but it also doesn’t matter. It’s a non-issue, and I love it. We just need to accept it, because the “why” isn’t important.
Xuan Ji has 3 different identities: The Star of Mosha (Luo Hou Ji Do), the god of war, and Xuan Ji the mortal. The god of war and Xuan Ji have the same “soul”, and that soul came from the glass of Mosha’s imprisonment lamp, and also from Mosha’s altered corporeal body. So, she is a part of Mosha, but has also become her own entity. 
To Si Feng, all 3 identities are Xuan Ji. The memories, emotions, and experiences of all the identities are what made Xuan Ji Xuan Ji, and so he loves all of them. 
But what made Xuan Ji finally crack so that she’s now able to love Si Feng in this 10th reincarnation? I think it has to do with her upbringing. We see in her previous 9 lives that she had a troubled upbringing filled with scheming and violence. So she was consumed by the darkest side of humanity and Si Feng couldn’t pull her out. But in this life, she grew up with an abundance of love, which made her want to learn how to love, which allowed her to open up to Si Feng. In this way, the drama shows that Si Feng alone isn’t enough to redeem her, but it took the love of her friends and family to help her grow a heart. 
The Angst
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Okay. So. Si Feng has probably suffered more than any male lead in xianxia history. I think someone said that he has a martyr complex. But, I’d like to break down the type of angst that are present in dramas. 
There is angst that is harmless, and there is angst that is damaging to the relationship. 
Harmless angst is usually angst by external forces. Like parents who don’t allow their kids to be together. Like in AOL when Xufeng mistakenly thinks that Jin Mi might be his sister so he can’t be with her. In L&R, this kind of external angst happens when Si Feng mistakenly thinks that Xuan Ji likes her 6th sect brother Ming yan. Xuan Ji isn’t purposely hurting Si Feng, but it’s an unintentional misunderstanding. 
Damaging angst is when the couple turns against each other and become enemies. This happened when Jin Mi kills Xufeng and says she never loved him (which technically is true since her heart was re-sealed so she didn’t even understand what love was when she said it). In L&R, this happens Xuan Ji sides with her sect and attacks Si Feng when he reveals his demon form. This happens again when they confront each other outside the Lize Palace and she announces that she’s done with him and breaks ties with him. This happens again when she stabs him, says she regrets having ever known and loved him, and proceeds to try to stab him again. In Love and Redemption, Xuan Ji keeps saying hurtful things to him. There’s not just one moment of betrayal, but a constant onslaught of betrayals over 10 episodes that make the relationship feel like it’s entered a point of no return. 
The masochistic side of me likes love/hate relationships and damaging angst. I grew up with it. TVB dramas have a lot of it. My favourite is the angst in Raymond Lam and Charmain Sheh dramas like Drive of Life and Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion. But despite over 20 years of watching dramas, I was still not prepared for the pain and suffering in Love and Redemption. 
The good news is that they make up fairly quickly, though some may argue too quickly and easily. 
What I Enjoyed
Other xianxia romances usually only have 1 mortal reincarnation. This has 10 reincarnations (even if only shown briefly), and I love that. The leads have already had such a rich history together, but they don’t remember, and so the romance is about them falling in love all over again in this life, while also slowly remembering the love they had in their previous lifetimes. 
The world-building was also compelling, and the supporting characters were great. They were the voice of reason and talked sense into the main leads to help move the plot forward. I also liked how the ML and FL each had their own personal relationship with the supporting characters separate from each other. For instance, Ming yan has a childhood friendship with Xuan Ji, but he also develops his own friendship with Si Feng. Wu Ziqi was once Mosha’s helper, and also knew the god of war, but also forms his own friendship with Si Feng. Zi Hu is also friends with both Xuan Ji and Si Feng. Having separate friendships with the leads means that the supporting characters are unbiased. They’re not likely to help the ML more than the FL or vice versa, but they’re able to see both sides of things. They help the leads, but they’re also critical of them, and is therefore able to help the leads make rational decisions. It reminds me of the friendship dynamics in Avatar where the characters have unique relationships with each other. Like Toph has her own relationship dynamic with Sokka and Katara, which is different from Aang’s relationship dynamic with them. 
It goes without saying that Si Feng is the best part of the drama. He plays an emotionally repressed character, so it always feels like the heavens opened up when he smiles, and Xuan Ji seems to be the only one who can make him smile. SF's best moments are when he shows moments of vulnerability, like when he begs Xuan Ji not to cut ties with him, or when he's so happy to the point of disbelief and he's afraid of it being true that he begins to slightly quiver, like when he kept asking XJ if she was really the one who took off his mask. You can see him break down and not being able to contain his emotions and how much he’s desperately yearning for his love to be reciprocated. 
I like that the FL has the same personality throughout the drama. I'm always annoyed when the FL's personality takes a 360-degree turn when she has a sudden "awakening" when her past life memories come flooding back and she instantly matures and becomes jaded. In Love and Redemption, Xuan Ji stays her bubbly self, even when she’s burdened with responsibilities. Hell, even when she becomes a mother, she’s still aloof and playful. In episode 52 or so when she burns her leg and refuses to leave Si Feng’s house, she acts like a helpless little girl again. Si Feng tells her that such a small injury wouldn’t even faze someone as powerful as she is, but she reminds him that he once told her that even if she didn’t feel pain, her body would know the pain, and so she should always tell him when she’s hurt. I just like this throwback to the earlier episodes to show that while Xuan Ji has grown and matured, she’s still the same person who wants to be loved and pampered. 
Weaknesses of the Drama
Xuan Ji is a really multi-faceted and complex character (because of her villainous tendencies), but Crystal Yuan doesn’t completely deliver in all of her performances of the character. Crystal Yuan is great when she’s acting cute (though it reminds me a lot of Zhao Liying’s acting in Journey of Flower, even the voice actress is the same actress), but I feel like Crystal Yuan’s crying scenes are a little lacking. Also, Xuan Ji is a character who is often in moral and emotional conflict because she starts to feel emotions that she doesn’t understand since she’s never felt them before, but sometimes Crystal isn’t very convincing when trying to convey this internal conflict. For instance, in the scene when she thought Si Feng was getting married to Ah Lan, I thought that her devastation at seeing that should have been a bit more palpable. I mean, you finally found the love of your life after searching him for over a year and now he’s in front of you, about to get married to another woman. There should be more pain, anger, regret, disbelief, a battle of emotions unfolding on the face. There should have been more deflation, more staggering. I think back to when Tang Yan was watching Luo Jin get married to someone else in Princess Weiyoung, or when Jin Mi was watching Xufeng propose to Sui He in AOL, and the desperation and shock was subtle, but still so strong. You could feel the drop in your own stomach when sympathizing with the female character. 
I also obviously disliked how Xuan Ji didn’t believe Si Feng. But I would have understood why she didn’t believe him (even when he logically explained his innocence) since there are so many people pressuring her judgment, but what I can’t get over is how she had it in herself to physically hurt him. And she already hurt him before too, so she knows how much it pains her to hurt him. She already regretted the act before. But because she mistakenly thinks that he killed Hao Chen, she decides that she needs to kill him? Does Hao Chen mean that much to you that you’d be willing to sacrifice Si Feng in order to avenge him? That was my breaking point for her character. 
I didn’t like how Hao Chen’s arc was resolved. For 1000 years, he thought he was right and never had any regrets. He was obsessed with controlling his friend Mosha to the point of killing him and sealing his soul away. He then created another being, became possessive over that being to the point of falling in love with it (without admitting it), and then follows his creation down to the mortal world, and wrecks havoc on the mortals, especially Si Feng. And when Hao Chen learns that he can no longer control or redeem Xuan Ji, he decides that he needs to kill her in order to prevent Mosha from coming back. But then suddenly, because of a few words and visions from the Jade Emperor, he immediately has a change of heart and sees the error of his ways. It’s just so anti-climactic. Yuan Long’s ending was also underwhelming. I just wanted the good guys and bad guys to fight it out without divine intervention. 
While I sympathize with Si Feng and agree that it's like watching a puppy get kicked over and over again, he honestly gets jealous way too easily and is too insecure. He also keeps everything to himself and sucks at communicating. We blame Xuan Ji for being too quick at jumping to conclusions, but Si Feng also jumps to conclusions too and causes unnecessary pain for himself. 
Overall Impression
Overall, despite the frustrations, I really liked the consistency of the drama. It flows as one complete narrative and all the subplots are well intertwined with the main plot. With other reincarnation xianxia dramas, you could divide the story into distinct arcs, but it’s harder to do with this one since you have arcs that overlap and transcend other arcs. There’s the mask arc, the god of war arc, the reincarnation arc, the demon identity arc, the Mosha arc, etc. Before one arc is completed, another arc is introduced.
If you’re looking for a be-all-end-all, til the end of time and end of the world romance, this is it. While it has many similar tropes to other xianxias like AOL, I think this executes the tropes better. Although if you’ve already watched AOL or other xianxias, you might be more immune to the angst (even though this drama is angstier). But if you watch this drama first, I think it sets the bar pretty high for other xianxia dramas.
The chemistry and sexually tension is also through the roof (and the BTS will have you raising your eyebrows - are costars normally that flirty and touchy feely on set?)
So yes, this drama does live up to the hype. More meta posts to come because I’m still going through withdrawal. 
(Just checked the word count on this review, and it’s over 4700 words. I’m clearly an obsessed mess). 
Other meta posts:
Recurring details and motifs in Love and Redemption
Similarities to other stories in movies and literature
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sithsecrets · 4 years
sacrifice | din djarin x reader
stranded in the tatooine desert, din and his crewmember (lover? girlfriend?) must make the long, impossible journey back to mos espa on foot.
4.2k words
mentions: near-death experiences, severe sunburn, sever dehydration, emotional conversations with a loved one, reader and din are not doing well at all, lots of talking about sand and the desert, minor medical procedures (kind of??)
this is part 4 of my valentine’s week special! you can see all the other parts here!
The deserts of Tatooine are legendary, the sandy dunes and rocky canyons teeming with tales and myths. The Tuskens are a spectacle all their own, with their banthas and covered bodies, and there’s not one person on this planet that hasn’t had the displeasure of doing business with a Jawa. Countless greats have passed through this planet’s cities, negotiating deals and perpetrating plots that will have an affect on the galaxy for years to come.
To you, though, Tatooine is not some great, propped up location from a fairytale. No, this place is your home, or was your home until you made the decision to leave. You were born here, and now you will die here, sucking in the same hot, dry air you breathed on your first day of life as you take your final breath.
Din had promised that it would be a quick mission, in and out. Mando lets you call him that now, lets you call him by his first name. He whispered it to you just a few days ago, revealing this piece of his identity in the darkness of the Crest’s hull. What you wouldn’t give to be there now, cool and fed and sprawled out naked beside him…
Din had said it would be a quick mission, that’s what he said. Just you and him on a pair of speeders out in the desserts, in and out and easy. He needed you to watch his back, wanted you to do surveillance from up high— that’s why you came in the first place. Peli said she’d keep the baby, she was thrilled to have him for a day or two, and so it wasn’t a problem—
The baby, oh Maker… Who’s going to take care of the baby?
Things didn’t go to plan once you left the city, not at all. One speeder went dead halfway to Din’s coordinates, and so you the two of you were left with one vehicle. You made it alright, though your time was worse with both of you weighing down the machine.
It was hot out there, so hot, but you knew it would be that way. You had water in your pack, and some food, and you’d be fine. It was only supposed to be a day or two, right? And the suns would set eventually, and then you might even be cold...
Din made you perch high up on some rock, and you watched for hours through the binocs looking for the quarries. Two spice smugglers, that’s who Din’d been tasked with finding, and they were supposed to be stupid, too— that’s what Greef had said. “These two clowns are idiots.”
The two smugglers did come, and they were idiots as promised, but their friend was not. The third man found your lookout spot somehow, and he snuck up on you. Din was down in the sand, and before he had time to fly up and stop him, the man had already cut your side. It was meant to be a stab, but you avoided that, thank the stars. Even still, the wound was no minor scrape, and you panicked when you saw just how much blood was coming out of you.
Being who he is, it didn’t take Din long to subdue your attacker and the two quarries. He propped their bodies in a cave and said he’d come back for them with the ship later on, and you thought that was a fine idea at the time.
A bad feeling set in when you saw what had been done to you and Din’s singular speeder. One of the smugglers had disabled it while Din was busy murdering the man that hurt you, and now it lay useless in the sand. The crew of criminals had been riding on some kind of pack animals when the violence broke out, and all the commotion sent the three of them off in all directions. Din’s jetpack seemed like a viable option, but the instant he tried to pick you up, you screamed in pain. There was no way for him to hold you that didn’t hurt you terribly, and it’s not like you could latch onto his back. After that conversation, it took you and Din about five seconds to realize that you were fucked. And then… And then it was time to start walking.
The first day wasn’t bad, but it certainly wasn’t good either. The rationing of water began almost immediately, and you worried every time Din declined his share.
“You need it more,” he had said to you, “you’re hurt.”
And you were hurt. Your side smarted all the time, and the heat of the sun caked your own fluids to your skin. The bleeding did eventually stop, but the pain never subsided, and it wasn’t long before you were trailing behind.
When the suns set, it was time to stop walking and start shivering. Din made a small fire, and you did have an extra shirt, but none of it was enough with the damage you’d sustained earlier in the day. Sleep did come, but it was fitful, and you’re not sure Din so much as closed his eyes that night.
The heat came back with the dawn, and after several hours, it was all you could do to keep moving. Thirst burned your throat, and the dull ache of hunger twisted your insides. Din acted like he was fine, but you saw it. You saw the change in his gait, saw how his head drooped from time to time under the weight of exhaustion.
That second night, you insisted Din sleep while you took watch. It as hard to stay awake, and even harder to focus on looking for threats, but you did it anyway. You’d known many people who got lost in the dunes, heard more stories than you could count of what happens when you perish out in the sand. And as you sat there staring into the distance, you marveled at the idea that you yourself would soon come to experience these things yourself.
This will be your third day of walking, walking and walking and walking… You and Din have been making your way across the desert for hours now, and you’re growing more tired than you’ve ever been in your life. Gone is the ache in your stomach, gone is the burn in your throat— all you want now is rest, rest and reprieve from the sun’s relentless rays. Yesterday, you took to imagining yourself anywhere but here— tropical locations, the icy surface of Hoth, a planet where fresh, drinkable water fills every pond and lake and river— now, though, all you picture is rest. Oh, if you could just rest…
It takes you a long time to realize that you’ve fallen, longer than it should. You’re face down on the ground, sand filling your mouth, your nose… The granules aggravate the sunburn you’ve developed after days and days exposed to the elements, though you hardly even feel the sting as you lie there. It’s so good to stop walking, so good to close your eyes…
“Stay awake, cyar’ika. You can’t go to sleep, not right now.”
Din’s voice rouses you, it makes you pay attention again. He’s picking you up, he’s holding you in his arms—
“I don’t want to walk anymore, Din,” you say, voice cracked and broken. Once again, you think of water, but the thought is fleeting at best.
“You don’t have to,” he says at once. “I’ll carry you. We just have to get back, mesh’la, and then we’ll be okay.”
In some deep recess of your mind, you decide that Din’s saying this to comfort himself as well as you.
“You’ll get back to Mos Espa,” you croak, shaking your head. “This is— I’m not going to make it.”
“Yes, you are, cyar’ika, don’t talk like that.” Din spits the words out as if you’ve insulted him, half offended and half terrified and entirely unlike himself. Some small part of you wants to laugh— you’ve always wanted him to be freer with his emotions, and all it took was being marooned in the desert to get him to do it.
“You have to leave me, Din,” you insist, wriggling in his arms, trying to make him drop you. But Din holds fast, clamping down on your body like you’re all that tethers him to this world. And maybe you are, at this point. “I’m slowing you down. If neither of us gets back, we’ll— The baby, Din, the baby. You have to go back for the baby. You’re all he has, he’ll… he’ll…”
You want to cry, but your body has no tears to offer you. Through the fog in your mind, you picture the Child playing with Peli and her droids, waiting patiently for you and his father to return. The thought of how he’ll feel when the both of you never do is almost too much to bear, and you redouble your efforts, pleading.
“Leave me, Din, leave me here so you can go on. I’ve been slowing you down since the start, and now— The Child needs you. I’m not important, Din, but you’re his father. Just put me down and let me—”
“Stop talking,” Din cuts, exhaustion and frustration warping his broken voice. “Save you energy, mesh’la, we’re almost there.”
Except you aren’t, and you know that. But even still, you do as Din says, too tired to argue with him any further.
There is more walking, and more feeling the sun on your face, and then your eyes are slipping closed. Far off in the distance, Din is telling you to look at him, to stay awake but you just can’t anymore. It’s so hot, and you just want to sleep…
The last thing you see before you fall unconscious is the sun, bright and blinding and all-consuming above you.
No one is more surprised than you when you open your eyes again.
Beige is all you see in front of you, beige like the color of the dunes. For one fleeting moment, you think you’ve died, that this is all there is for someone who’s succumb to the desert— the sand has swallowed you whole, and now you’ll lie here under it for all of eternity. But then everything comes into focus, and the fog lifts from your mind. Sand dunes aren’t held up by supports, and they certainly don’t billow in the breeze.
A tent, you say to yourself, dizzy as you try to sit up, I’m in a tent.
Someone’s attended to your wound, bandages and dressings where dirt and blood should be on your side. It still smarts when you try to stand, but you find yourself stronger overall. Somehow, someway, you’ve been revived, and even your sunburn doesn’t seem as bad as you know that it should be when you reach up to touch your face.
Carpets keep the sand off, three or four strewn on the ground in a patchwork. You’ve been laid out to rest on some sort of makeshift bed as well, nothing more than couple of pads and a blanket under your back, and not for the first time do you wonder where you are. Not for the first time do you wonder where Din is…
Heat envelopes you the second you pull back the flaps of the tent, but the temperature isn’t as high as it was when you collapsed. Sure enough, one look at the horizon tells you that it’s sunset, the sky purple-orange-pink as Tatoonie’s twin suns sink down further and further.
All around you are tents just like the one you emerged from, simple, beige structures made of coarse, thick fabric. You begin weaving your way through the complex, too afraid to cry out and ask for help. In any case, you’re not sure it would help, for you feel eerily alone, almost like everything around you is empty. That’s why it’s such a shock when someone jerks on your arm, the action catching you so off-guard that you cry out.
Cold fear is all you feel when you come to face the man that grabbed you, the dark eyes of his mask almost boring into you as he shouts and kicks up a fuss. You wait to be hurt, wait to be struck down and murdered, for you know how the Tuskens feel about outsiders, but the violence never comes. No, the man is actually leading you further into the camp, pulling on your arm, gesturing to more tents and beyond. The sounds he makes mean nothing to you, but if you could understand, you’re sure you’d hear, “Come with me, come on!”
And what else can you do except follow the Raider? What other choice do you have? He leads you past three or four more dwellings, and then the two of you stand before a larger, grander tent, one that makes the others look almost tiny. The Tusken calls out to whoever’s inside before you can so much as catch your breath, and then you’re being jerked through the flaps without a word of warning.
The first thing you see is fire, the smoke from the little blaze escaping out of an opening in the top of a tent. Small lanterns light the space inside, everything bathed in a warm, orange glow. There are carpets on the ground just like in your tent, layers and layers of them keeping the sand off everyone inside. Several Tuskens sit around the fire, but you barely see them after you notice the way the light glints off someone else.
When you told Din to leave you, you meant it. The baby couldn’t be orphaned a second time, and the idea of both of you dying under the sun didn’t bear thinking about. But to know that he didn’t abandon you, that he really was going to carry you back to the city…
All conversation ceases the second Din gets up from the ground, and then it’s like the two of you are the only people in the whole fucking desert. He asks you if you’re alright, one hand on the side of your head as he murmurs through the modulator. You say yes and ask him the same thing, worried something happened after you went out of commission. He’s all armored and covered, face concealed like it has been since the moment you met him, and yet still you worry. You worry he fell down like you did, worry that he’s been sick from not eating and drinking. But if Din did collapse or become incapacitated for a period of time, none of it’s had any lasting effects. He tells you that he’s eaten and drunk plenty since the Tuskens saved both of you, urging you to stop fussing and come sit with him beside the fire.
Only when Din turns around do you remember that you have an audience, and you feel all eyes on you walk around the pit in the center of the room. You feel vulnerable before your hosts, keenly aware of the fact that you stand before them with your face and hair and hands bare. Thankfully, you’re not the only woman present, several veiled Tusken women dotting the circle of people. They’re beautiful in their own way, draped in beads, some of their masks ornately decorated with embroidery and mental embellishments. You know little of Tusken culture, but you think that this is a tent reserved for important members of this clan, for even most of the men have on small bits of finery.
Din keeps you close, uncharacteristically affectionate in front of these strangers. He holds your hand as he leads you to your place in the group, urges you to tuck up against his side by the fire, and you wonder why he’s showing you off so openly. He either trusts these Tuskens, which would be a bold move, or this whole ordeal’s shaken him badly. Either way, you’re not about to complain, relieved to be here with him at all. You really could have died out there in the sand, and the fact that you didn’t is still sort of blowing your mind.
The first thing you do when you get settled is express your gratitude to the Tuskens around you, thanking them sincerely for saving your life and treating your injuries. Din translates for you and the man who speaks next, and then you’re told one of the most incredible stories you’ve ever heard.
For the better part of half an hour, Din and the Tuskens tell you about how they slayed the great krayt dragon, working in tandem with a small group of villagers from the middle of nowhere. Din downplays his role in it all, but you know that he was the one who really took the beast down. That’s why the Tuskens consider him a friend in the first place, and it’s the only reason they saved the both of you— otherwise, they would have let you die, a fact they admit openly.
You reprimand Din for not telling you sooner because seriously, he slayed a krayt dragon and made an alliance with the fucking Tusken Raiders, but all he offers is a humble, almost embarrassed, “It never came up, mesh’la.”
All you can do is huff at that, amazed not for the first time by how casual Din is about everything he does.
After the story’s done, a woman comes into the tent with a tray of thing for you. Because of their customs, the Tuskens won’t eat in front of you, and it’s not like Din’s about to take of his helmet for a meal, but you’re served food regardless. Neither the meat nor the hubba gourds taste very good, but you couldn’t care less— after days without food or water, even the bitter juice tastes like fine wine.
Din and the Tuskens talk as you eat, everything they say completely lost on you as you sit before the fire. Outside, the suns continue to set until it’s dark, and you feel yourself growing tired. You’re not sure if it would be rude to fall asleep in front of the Tuskens, the fear of offending your saviors forcing you to keep your eyes open every time they droop shut. Eventually, though, they take pity on you, and you and Din are given the Tuskens’ blessing to leave.
Back in your own tent, you and Din kneel on the carpets before one another, a single lantern lighting the space above your heads. He looks almost ominous like this, the dim, warm light casting him into shadow while simultaneously glinting off all the angles of his armor. Once again, you find yourself astounded by the fact that the two of you made it, that you’re here in Tusken encampment instead of dead out there in the sand somewhere. More and more often these days so you wish you could see Din’s face, but once again, you just can’t bring yourself to ask for what you want.
“I know you’re tired,” he says, fishing around in your pack until he produces a small jar, “but you have to put more of this on your hands and your face before you go to sleep. That’s what the women told me.”
“Do it for me?” you ask, knowing just how childish you sound without caring one bit about it.
Miracle of miracles, you make the Mandalorian laugh. “You just want me to touch you,” he huffs, but he’s taking his gloves off anyway.
Everything is quiet for those first few minutes, Din bending to his work diligently. The salve in the jar isn’t bacta, but it soothes the burning and the itching almost like magic. And maybe it is some kind of Tusken sorcery. You should be covered in blisters and sores after so much time in but Din says your face is merely peeling when you ask how bad it is. You haven’t actually seen yourself yet, but the backs of your hands don’t lie, and anyway, why would he? The fact that you’re not in debilitating pain alone is enough to convince you that this stuff is a miracle cure, and you’d be content to put it on eight times a day for the next month if it means you won’t be disfigured by your sunburn.
“There,” Din declares softly, putting the lid back on the jar, and then the two of you are lying down on the little pallet bed together.
“Are you going to sleep?” you ask him, knowing how Din feels about resting when he’s not on the Crest.
“Maybe,” he murmurs, reaching out across the padding to hold your hand. “But you definitely should. The Tuskens are going to drop us off near the city tomorrow, and I still have to go back and collect the bodies.”
You’d nearly forgotten about that, about the quarries and how Din left their corpses sitting in the cave.
“We get the baby first, though. We said we’d be back days ago.”
You’re not one to make demands, but after all that’s happened, you need to hold the Child in your arms. You know for a fact that he misses Din, and you worry that he feels abandoned by the both of you after all this time apart.
“We get the baby first,” Din affirms, and only then do you feel like you can close your eyes.
Everything is hectic after you and Din finally make it back to Mos Espa. Peli wanted to know what happened, the baby wouldn’t stop clinging to either one of you, and then you still had to fly back out on the Crest and pick up the quarries…
All of that took hours, but now you’re finally back in the safety of hyperspace, your little family whole once again. The Child, after hours of holding fast to you and his father has decided that he’s tired now, dozing in his pram contentedly. You think it would be alright to leave him in the hull for a while, clicking the lid of the little bed shut before you climb up to the cockpit. Din, in his usual Din fashion, has been up here since takeoff, no doubt picking at the inner workings of his vambrace or studying one of those maps he loves so much.
You’re surprised to find Din unusually unoccupied when you make it up there, though, the dark T of his visor staring off in the blue streaks of light before him. For a moment, you think he might be sleeping, but that option’s crossed off the list the minute he turns to look at you.
“Everything alright?” you ask softly, coming around the pilot’s chair to sit beside him.
Din hums. “Just thinking.”
A long moment of silence follows your question, everything so definitively quiet around you. It’s always like this in hyperspace, like the physics of sound don’t apply. You always feel like you need to whisper, half-expecting no noise to come out of your mouth whenever you do decide to talk. After all these months of living on the Crest, it’s the only thing you haven’t gotten used to.
“Don’t ever talk to me like that again.”
Din’s words catch you completely off-guard, the sentence striking you across the face as hard as any slap. He’s never spoken to you like that before, never told you not to question him or whatever the fuck he means by that. You don’t—
“I mean—” Din blurts, huffing through the modulator like he’s frustrated. “I mean, just— the way you spoke to me in the desert. The things you said. Don’t ever talk about yourself like that, not in front of me or anybody else.”
Everything clicks, but words fail you. All you can do is sit there before Din and stare at him, trying to find the words over and over again.
“When we were out there,” Din begins, filling the void when you cannot, “when you fell down and I picked you up, you told me to leave you, cyare. You wanted me to abandon you. You told me that you didn’t matter.”
“I wanted you to live,” you clarify. “Someone had to go back for the baby, and you’re his father. He needs you—”
“And he needs you too, mesh’la.” Din pauses, voice breaking when he goes to speak again. “I need you. So don’t ever ask me to do something like that again. You’re very important, more important than you know, and I don’t think I could handle hearing you talk to me like that again. Do you understand?”
You stand up to hug him, suddenly hit with the realization that you’re crying.
“I understand, Din.”
And then you’re holding each other like it’s all you know how to do— holding each other like you’re the only two people in the whole fucking galaxy.
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Jellicle Songs: Order of Introduction
So, the Cats wiki says that, though Munkustrap always gets the first line of the show, the rest of the opening lines in Jellicle Songs For Jellicle Cats can go to any character. But, I’ve noticed that there are a few different patterns that different types of productions use, and that most productions after 2002 use the same one.
Now, there are some lines that almost always go to the same characters, most of them in the first and second verses:
“Are you blind when you’re born” is always Munkustrap’s line.
Outside of the Broadway Revival, Demeter always gets “Can you see in the dark?”
The next two lines go to Skimble and Asparagus, though they can go in either order.
The next three lines go to Chorus Tugger, Alonzo, and Babygriz.
The second verse is also almost always the same. It goes: Jellylorum, Coricopat, Jemima/Sillabub, Chorus Deut. Newer productions have Coricopat and Tantomile say both of their opening lines together instead of each getting a separate one.
In older versions, where the twins aren’t in unison, Tantomile opens the third verse.
“Familiar with candle” is always Jenny’s line. Sometimes Victoria sings it with her and sometimes she doesn’t.
“With book and with bell” is where things start to get complicated:
Pattern 1: London Version
There is a clip of a rehearsal of this number in London in 1993 or 1994, a few years before the VHS was done. Though the VHS is mostly London-based, the line distribution differs wildly from what was probably still the order onstage in London while the VHS was being filmed.
Now, for the sake of clarity, I’m going to define what the verses are here. The first and second verse are easy to divide, because they’re both followed by a chorus. But, there’s no chorus between the third and fourth verses. I consider them two separate verses, because the melody repeats.
“Can you ride on a broomstick to places far distant?” opens the third verse.
“Are you mean like a minx? Are you lean like a lynx?” opens the fourth verse.
There are a few lines in these verses that always go to the same character:
“Are you Whittington’s friend?” is Bomba’s line.
“Were you there when the pharaohs commissioned the Sphinx?” is Cassandra’s line.
Not even the Broadway Revival, which seems to delight in breaking from tradition for the sake of it, changes this.
Now, back to the London Pattern.
The lines that differ are:
“With book and with bell”
“The Pied Piper’s assistant”
and every line following it until Cassandra’s line at the end.
So I don’t have to retype entire lines over and over, I’ll nickname the lines:
Book and Bell
Pied Piper
Heaven and Hell
Mean Minx
Lean Lynx
Keen to Be Seen
In London, but the early 90s, and in London-based productions, the order is:
Book and Bell: Admetus/Plato
Pied Piper: Rumpleteazer
Heaven and Hell: Mistoffelees
Mean Minx: Mungojerrie
Lean Lynx: Usually Carbucketty/Pouncival, but this can also go to Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus.
Keen to Be Seen: Traditionally Etcetera, though the line usually goes to whichever cat will be swinging on the trapeze. In the original London production, that was Etcetera. Most productions don’t include Etcetera (what is wrong with these people?), so the line gets passed around. Productions that include Electra will usually give the line, and the trapeze, to her. Productions that don’t include either queen kitten usually give the line to Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus, but he’s sometimes switched out with Carbucketty/Pouncival.
The VHS only has two of those lines follow the London pattern. There is a reason for some of this, however. It can mostly be explained by:
Pattern 2: Broadway Version
There’s actually a surviving video recording of the original Broadway cast singing Jellicle Songs on YouTube. A lot of the lines are said offscreen, but I’ve been able to piece together who probably sang what based on other Broadway-based shows that followed the same pattern.
Book and Bell: Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer. Now, the original Broadway cast cut these characters, so what they most likely did here was have Carbucketty and Etcetera, the two characters who were cut when Jerrie and Teazer were added, sing those lines. In the Mexico and Buenos Aires versions, both Broadway-based, Jerrie and Teazer sing the lines and you can hear two voices in the Broadway clip. This is probably where they got it from.
Pied Piper: Mistoffelees. I rarely find productions where this line is said offscreen. Misto is a camera magnet.
Heaven and Hell: Plato
Mean Minx: Pouncival
Lean Lynx: Victoria. Only London-based productions had Victoria be completely mute at this time. Others gave her a single opening line to herself, and then nothing for the rest of the show.
Keen to Be Seen: Tumblebrutus. Like with Etcetera, he was the original trapeze cat.
The VHS used the Broadway pattern for Misto’s line only. The VHS Misto was played by Jacob Brent, who was playing Misto on Broadway at the time. Fergus Logan, who was playing Misto in London at the time, played Tumblebrutus in the VHS, which is why he gets Heaven and Hell in that version and that version only. Both actors were given the opening lines they used onstage.
The VHS didn’t borrow anything in the opening from:
Pattern 3: Vienna Version
But, I’m talking about it anyway. Since we have a full recording of the Vienna production and two productions based on it, we can observe that most of the line distribution in the three versions differs from both London and Broadway, but are identical to each other.
Jennyanydots says the entire “Familiar with candle? With book and with bell?” by herself.
Pied Piper: Pouncival. This one was really hard to figure out, because he only sang the line onscreen in the Zurich bootleg, which wasn’t zoomed in. Vienna and Paris, both professionally shot, didn’t show Pouncival saying the line, instead focusing the camera on Mistoffelees. In Broadway-based productions, which these technically are, Misto got this line. But, Vienna-based Mistos are mute. Misto is more officially mute than Victoria in these productions, though Zurich Misto does say “Old Deuteronomy?” at the beginning of that number. He can speak, but he can’t sing, and there are very few spoken lines in the show. In Vienna and Paris, he’s completely mute and has to mime to the twins so they can speak for him.
So, since Misto is mute, Pouncival, usually played by his understudy, says his line while Misto is the one attracting attention to himself.
Heaven and Hell: Plato. This didn’t change from Broadway.
Mean Minx: Tumblebrutus. Now that Pouncival has Misto’s line, Tumble steps in on Pouncival’s line.
Lean Lynx: Victoria, also unchanged from Broadway.
Keen to Be Seen: Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer. Mute Misto created a domino effect of line changes. Pouncival gets Misto’s line, so Tumble gets Pouncival’s line, so Jerrie and Teazer get Tumble’s line, so Jenny sings both her line and their line.
I’ve mentioned the Broadway Revival being weird already, but the other standouts are Hamburg and the VHS. Hamburg and the VHS are the only productions to give Teazer the “Lean Lynx” line. Having Jerrie and Teazer have lines that play off of one another is so obvious that I’m surprised by how rarely it happens.
Also, Teazer was offscreen when she said her line in Hamburg. I’m not entirely sure if it was her. Either Victoria has Book and Bell and she has Lean Lynx, or Teazer has Book and Bell, which she normally shares with Jerrie, and Victoria has Lean Lynx, her usually Broadway line. I actually couldn’t tell, so this might not even be a thing.
The main VHS outlier is Electra with the “Book and Bell” line. I haven’t seen any other production do this and it probably wasn’t what London was doing at the time. The way they’d arranged everything else, you would think they would’ve given the line to Plato. You’d also think they’d give Pouncival Lean Lynx. Perhaps they wanted to try something new, and giving Jerrie and Teazer these lines works too well for no one to do it.
These Modern Productions:
First, because Broadway and Vienna had Jerrie and Teazer share a line while Coricopat and Tantomile had separate lines, and newer productions have the Psychic Twins sing their lines together, there’s an interesting reversal. Earlier shows put emphasis on Coricopat and Tantomile as separate characters, while sometimes having Jerrie and Teazer act in unison. In newer shows, the opposite is true. And the opposite is always true, because nearly every production uses the London Pattern.
I went through my entire bootleg/pro-shot collection and searched the Cats wiki and YouTube for clips from other shows to compare as many Jellicles Songs as I could find. Around half of them are from the era between 1981 and 2002, when the original London production was going, while the other half are from after that.
Japan and the Broadway Revival broke from tradition to such an extent that I couldn’t factor them in. Japan has its own traditions and the Broadway Revival saw itself as a reset of the show, so it tried to be as different from what came before as possible.
Hamburg and the VHS are also outliers, but they have more overlap with other productions than the above two. The above two are the only versions to have a character other than Demeter get the second line. They break from any pattern immediately. Hamburg and the VHS mostly keep their pattern-breaking to the third and fourth verses.
So, the Older Productions are:
Buenos Aires
The 1998 VHS
US Tour V (Though all the bootlegs are from 2005 or later, it was still a Broadway-based production that started up in 2001 as a continuation of the original Broadway)
The Newer Productions:
London Revival
UK Tour 2013
UK Tour 2016
German Tent Tour
Dutch Tour
Out of the Older Productions, only the London production used the London Pattern. Broadway, Mexico, and Buenos Aires all used the Broadway Pattern, with Hamburg also doing a very similar thing. Based directly on Broadway, US Tour V also used the Broadway pattern, despite being newer than the other versions in this category. The VHS was a hybrid of London and Broadway. Vienna, Paris, and Zurich used the Broadway pattern
London: 1
Broadway: 4
Vienna: 3
Other: 2
There’s a fair amount of diversity with a slight lean towards the Broadway Pattern. The productions that use the Broadway Pattern exactly are all from the Americas. Different regions of Europe have their own variations.
As for the newer productions, excluding the Broadway Revival, they all use the London Pattern. Every single one of them. Three of the productions are from the UK, so that’s to be expected, but the pattern is now everywhere. Berlin was partially based on Hamburg and started in 2002, right as the original London was closing, but it uses the London Pattern. Other German productions followed suit, taking more inspiration from London than from earlier German language productions. The first production in Dutch, Amsterdam, was Vienna-based, but the Dutch Tour is London-based.
Honestly, I’m kind of disappointed. There’s nothing wrong with the London Pattern or London-based productions, but do they all have to be like that? I’d prefer for there to be some diversity. The Broadway Revival provides that, since America always has to be different from everyone else, but I honestly don’t like the Revival arrangement. In earlier versions, each line went to a different character, while the Broadway Revival gives some characters multiple lines, leaving characters who’d normally have lines with nothing. Skimble has his line, but he also gets Keen to Be Seen. Jellylorum gets both her line and Jenny’s line. Sillibub gets her line and Lean Lynx. Munkustrap has three lines to himself.
So, though I appreciate the Broadway Revival for giving us something different, I wish it could provide a good different
tldr: Every production in the western world is either London or Blankenbuehler and that’s a bit boring.
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silverloreley · 4 years
What a delusion...
I was cautiously optimistic about Wandavision before it came out. I thought it could lead me to reconnect a bit with the MCU (I intentionally skipped a lot of movies and disliked every one I saw after AoU, with a small exception for Black Panther and Dr Strange, not to mention I never finished Endgame, so...).
Dear, I was wrong.
I started watching it with some interest after seeing the trailer on tv, I have been a long-time fan of Bewitched and I hoped for something on that line, a lighthearted fantasy Wanda concocted to deal with the loss, only for someone to get in and help her get out of it and cope in a more reasonable way because they needed her or something, or maybe because she was an Avenger who went missing and people wondered what happened to her and if what she was doing could be dangerous (a reasonable belief, I may add, given her precedents...), a thing like that. And it sort of was like that, except it wasn’t?
And, okay, I was biased from my own high expectations, I wished for things that weren’t there and Marvel would have never given me (full and well-thought plot, emotions, exploration of magic in the MCU and so forth), but I didn’t think they could mess up so bad. The finale in particular was a train wreck.
Why introduce new characters (and bring back Darcy) if they are of no consequence in the final showdown? I guess they needed to introduce White Vision (even though I can’t fathom why...) plus make an origin story for the powers of Monica (to whom I had no prior attachment since I didn’t see Captain Marvel but I grew quickly fond of her here), but what else? We didn’t get to see her abilities or her coming to terms with them (which would have been great and possible if she had been introduced to the plot earlier) or anything. Nor it made me hope to see her again because I am back to be uninterested in anything Marvel after this mess. The fact they gave us the twins only to take them away like that and in the after credits make them call for mom made me irrationally angry on top of the rest. I won’t even mention the whole Quicksilver matter because it was plain stupid to cause all that hype for nothing.
I don’t really understand how could they ruin it so badly, especially after how good ep8 had been in comparison to the rest. Meh.
To cite @lucianalight, how can we consider Wanda a hero after that? Even leaving out what she did before (she was pardoned for her AoU actions by joining the Avengers and fixing what she’s done as much as she could and we don’t know how many lives she saved before CW happened, so I give her the benefit of doubt that she redeemed herself a bit there), but now we saw she kept the town trapped even after she realized what she did! Agatha may have wanted to take her powers but she had a point in saying “heroes don’t torture”, and then what did Wanda do afterwards? Condamned Agatha, who could have been a great teacher to her, maybe a good friend in due time, to live a shallow life as a brainwashed dimwit?! WHY? Agatha had a point. Multiple points, if we take the hints the Scarlet Witch would be the one who destroys the Multiverse. In a way, Agatha was trying to prevent that by taking the power she saw, a win-win situation at the expenses of Wanda, I’ll give you that, but ultimately not that villainous.
I guess that what I’m trying to say is: why couldn’t the plot be more coherent with the idea Wanda was a hero AND with the MCU in general?
But, hey, Marvel sucks at anything but special effects and I don’t know why I had hopes for this show. Just like I don’t have any more hopes for the Loki series (which is a pity because I wished so bad for Tom Hiddleston to reprise the role on his own terms with some creativity freedom that could take Loki back to the Shakesperean anti-hero from his early days I love so much, but clearly Marvel doesn’t know what a precious resource they have, blame on them).
(And here I realize I elaborated a rewriting of WandaVision so I’ll put it under a read more because it wasn’t the original point of this post, lol)
Would it have been too hard to make the first episode and half as they were, then introduce Monica as they did but without a whole town hostage and more like, I don’t know, a magic red coocoon the size of the house in the middle of a simple town that alarmed a lot of people? Maybe with people being sucked in for a few hours from time to time and with no memories of it, except for the transmission of the “episodes” on a magically appeared channel in the town’s tv.
And then Monica, who tried to get in and was sent out, would recognize Agatha as someone from “outside” too and try to figure out what was going on. Cue Monica and Agatha both trying to “wake” Wanda each in their own way but Monica, who understands Wanda’s grief a little better than Agatha, would be the one to breach out Wanda’s on a feelings-level while Agatha, being more interested in Wanda’s powers would try to see the full extent of them.
Here I had two ideas: Agatha is a gray-character who just wants to study another witch, maybe to figure her out or to have a student after centuries alone. Or Villain Agatha who wants to unleash chaos magic to the greatest extend possible to get her own gain, maybe to exploit the twins who were spawned from pure magic, or, as it was speculated, she’s allied with Mephisto who wants the kids for his own nefarious scheme.
Either way, Wanda has to face Agatha. First scenario: Agatha realizes Wanda is the Scarlet Witch and offers to teach her a proper way of magic, perhaps to avoid the destruction of the Universe the Darkholme (I hope I got the name right) predicts, with Monica, who is finding her own powers and dealt with her grief along with Wanda, convinces Wanda it’s a good idea. Second case: Agatha kidnaps the boys and sends them to Mephisto, Wanda and Monica fight her but the boys are lost in the Multiverse and Wanda has to teach herself magic to find them again.
About Vision, the fact he was an illusion and Wanda didn’t steal the corpse to revive it was the only good point of the plot, their goodbye was very emotional and I liked it enough to think it could have stayed the same, but the boys were born through Chaos magic so they woulndn’t disappear. In the grey!Agatha scenario, they would stay with Wanda in the cottage while she learns magic (we could have had a cool scene with her playing with the kids while her astral projection studies magic, like in the post-credit scene), only to be kidnapped mysteriously when she turns for a second.
And maybe my take shows I would have liked more friendship between Wanda and Monica, and maybe I think Agnes’ potential and all the implication of her very existence were wasted, maybe I would have given people the cameo we were expecting with Strange showing up at the cottage with a “you need to learn things properly if you want to save your kids and not destroy the multiverse by accident”, and so on.
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kitsu-katsu · 4 years
On Ghostbur and Fundy
Alright, fuck it, I'll paste here a thing I said in response to a post on twitter about how Ghostbur isn't all that innocent with the attached clip of the moment back when Ghostbur first talked to Fundy in his sewer.
The post said that Ghostbur was horrible to Fundy because he told him that "if I don't remember it, it probably isn't worth remembering" (which, fair, it wasn't nice at all), and that part of that whole conversation was guilt trippy and bad for Fundy, because Fundy can't just move on like Wilbur did and he should at least get an apology for Alivebur saying "I despise you" one of the last times they saw each other.
And that Ghostbur is just avoiding and denying things that could help himself too. OP mentioned that as she saw it, Ghostbur was just dividing himself into Alivebur and Ghostbur as a way to cope with guilt and that Ghostbur "blocks away the memories and bad stuff".
Well, here's my take:
That is horrible for Fundy
But at the same time as I see it Ghostbur is what Wilbur became post mortem, but isn't Wilbur, Wilbur himself is dead and done until revived, Ghostbur is an incomplete version, thus couldn't ever give the closure Fundy needs.
I don't see it as Ghostbur blocking the memories away, but more like being actually incapable of remembering, so he shouldn't sau what he said, but at the same time I think Ghostbur is incapable of actually closing this off completely
He didn't even remember what Pogtopia was (only saying "I remember a ravine") or that he even lost the elections, so it seems kind of pointless to try and get closure from someone who just can't know what he did when alive.
Moreso adding that we've seen him forget bad things in real time, like his outburst at Phil during doomsday, a few minutes later he still had the intention to be revived, but what sparked that was gone again.
And then we've also heard what seems to be a more accurate dead Wilbur in the disk war finale that was separate from Ghostbur and actually seemed to be the complete version of Wilbur who didn't really care for Ghostbur.
But now, aside from my response from like a week ago, I'd also like to add that Fundy helped in fueling Wilbur's paranoia. From Wilbur's POV he was exiled from his nation and the first thing he saw when looking back was his dear son tearing down the walls and burning the flag, Fundy outright said "He's just a founder and I was born here, nothing else" TO HIS FACE. And then worked with Schlatt until the final stretch.
It just seems convenient to leave out those facts, being that they provide a perfectly good explanation to not only further Wilbur's paranoia that everyone he cared for would turn on him, that no one really wanted him, but also as an explanation for why, on the final stretch, Wilbur kind of rejected Fundy even if he revealed to be working as a spy. Just put yourself in his shoes a little with the knowledge that he's not exactly acting completely rationally, he's been getting eaten alive by paranoia for months, and one of the biggest apparent proofs of the paranoia being right just tells him that he was actually on his side. I don't exactly blame Wilbur for not outright trusting him, his POV doesn't suggest he should.
And then he died with all his problems and Ghostbur came, but as I said, if Fundy seeks closure, he can't get it from Ghostbur, because Ghostbur isn't just blocking away memories, he can't remember outright.
And I also think that overlooking what Ghostbur has reiterated time and time again that he is not Wilbur is a foolish mistake. For all intents and purposes Ghostbur is more like a product of Wilbur's life, but he really isn't Wilbur. He can't be Alivebur because he only has bits and pieces of what Alivebur was, and all the blank spaces are filled with vague accounts of "he was a terrible person". He also canonically isn't all of Wilbur's dead form, because we KNOW a dead Wilbur talks to Tommy two times already and that dead Wilbur seems to be more like the complete version, the one who went through Pogtopia and didn't just "find a ravine".
To end with, Fundy's pain is valid, and he does deserve closure, but OP completely ignored Ghostbur's and Alivebur's pain as well. Alivebur was being consumed by paranoia and in a bad mental state, he was acting recklessly. And imagine being Ghostbur too. You came into this world remembering your death as a good thing, your father as the hero who slayed the dragon and saved the town, and aside from that only remembering the good parts, the parts when you were ok, happy, stable, when your son and all your friends didn't seem to be against you, but whenever your life gets mentioned a remark about how awful you were springs up, "Alivebur was just bad" the people say in half told tales of Alivebur's days, and Ghostbur is innocent to a fault, everything's black and white and the black gets forcefully removed by his amnesia to sad memories, I don't think it's difficult to see why he just wants to avoid further conversation about how awful Alivebur seemed to be, he can't even remember it and just has to be confronted with the fact that people must be right, and Alivebur must've been awful, but he also separated himself from Alivebur because of course he would, they are functionally different people.
And Ghostbur and Wilbur didn't exactly "just move on" either. Wilbur died, there's nowhere else to go from there, the dude spent 9 afterlife years playing solitare, he didn't exactly reinvent himself. And Ghostbur was just perpetually stuck in a cycle of forgetfulness, of getting taken advantage of, of hurting and forgetting, of being oblivious and getting treated as both a toddler and the dude who blew up a country.
TLDR: They were both hurt, they both deserve better, they deserve closure and for their relationship to heal, but ignoring Wilbur's side is just stupid. They're just damaged people hurting each other further in the end.
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kookiepredictions · 4 years
Jungkook Twinflame Journey: Challenges & Lessons
The general structure of the TF journey is available plenty on the web so I won’t talk about the step by step journey, rather only focus on the highlights of it, specifically the challenges they are dealing with and how to possibly overcome them. Also, as was pointed out to me earlier, it must be mentioned that these readings are timeline independent, and don’t signify when these activities are happening. This is just the overall energy of Jungkook’s TF journey and what he might have/ might be/ will facing, whenever they happen.
Also, this post is long enough to be a book lol (8.5k words when I last checked) but you gotta do what you gotta do. Happy reading :)
 The first thing that jumps out is that both of them seem to be running from the connection. Both are runners, both are chasers. Jungkook is running in the 5D while his counterpart is running in the 3D. Jungkook wants to make a physical (as in 3D) relationship happen ASAP. He endlessly daydreams about being together with his DF and what he can do to make it happen. However, he is both indecisive and hesitant about taking actual action for various reasons that I will discuss later. The DF on the other hand, is running from a physical connection for reasons I will discuss later. The imbalance here is that the DF sees this as an energetic connection before anything else and wants to treat it as such, whereas Jungkook is focused on the physical manifestation of it. They’re not on the same page about how they see this connection and how they want to deal with it. Now, since a TF connection is a soul connection, it makes sense to start with the soul growth because that is what will ultimately lead to the physical manifestation of it. As I mentioned in the previous reading, Jungkook is in a stubborn “my way or the highway” kind of energy where he just wants what he wants lol. He can’t seem to understand why someone who loves him will want to stay away from him. On the surface level, this is a valid thought, but he’s not seeing, or rather refusing to see all sides of this.
The most important “earthly” blockage that gets in the way of his connection is his job. He has a lot to handle right now and he’s not, in any way, prepared to start or handle a new relationship. The irony is that he knows this. This is in fact what is making him hesitate to take action towards this connection and might I add, rightly so. His judgment and reasoning towards this connection is absolutely correct— he wants to focus on himself and his work right now and clear the unorganized mess in his life before he can bring anyone else into it. So the problem is not that he doesn’t know what to do. The problem is that he is finding it difficult to commit to this decision. He keeps swinging back and forth doubting if he has made the right choice. He keeps fearing that his decision might be wrong and he will end up losing everything he has dreamt for his future— including his DF, who he has come to value a lot right now. She is a big part of his future dreams and he fears that if she leaves, everything will start falling apart like dominoes. This is leading him to overthink this connection from every angle and feel weighed down in a way that he’s not able to take any path. He seems to be on a crossroad and really heavy with indecisive energy. And all of this is happening because he is running in the 5D— he’s running from the spiritual aspect of this connection, from the soul lessons that he needs to learn.
His DF on the other hand, sees the connection for what it is— spiritual before physical. She is in a state of complete surrender to the Universe that if they are meant to be, nothing and no one can get in the way of that. However, she also has a realistic view of it. She knows that the connection might be spiritual but the people in it are imperfect humans. She knows that the only people who can mess up this connection or stop it from manifesting in the physical are her and Jungkook. She knows how the TF connection works but most importantly, she is allowing herself to be guided by what she intuitively knows to be right. She not only has the clarity of the present situation of herself and Jungkook’s, she also has the foresight of what can go wrong in the near and far future if they rush into a connection right now. She “sees” the wounds, trauma and ego-driven behavioural patterns that both of them have and knows that unless they work on healing themselves first, their connection is no better than anyone’s else’s.
On this note, here’s something about a TF relationship: just because you are TFs doesn’t automatically mean that you both are perfect for each other. It just means that this has the HIGHEST POTENTIAL for being the best kind of relationship that anyone can ever hope to have in their lifetime. That’s what it is: a potential. Not a reality. The TF counterparts are only POTENTIALLY right for each other IF they want to make it that way. Every soul in this world has a twinflame— someone who is their most ideal, perfect match. However, when we use the term “twinflame” in discussions and articles, we only mean the twinflame counterparts who have incarnated on earth at the same time and have met, and if they have, then they will most definitely “fall in love”. However, what they then decide to do with that connection and in what direction they take it, is entirely up to them. The foundation of spirituality is free will. NOTHING is forcefully thrust upon us. We’re given complete sovereignty over how we wish to live our lives. Yes, there’s Destiny, but destiny is not a forced concept where you have no say over it. That’s not how spirituality works. Forceful subjugation is the tool of lower vibrating earthly authorities. Spirituality in its core is about freedom. Since the world is in a position of having ingested prolonged low vibrational thoughts and belief systems about love and life in general, the population at large is vibrating at these lower frequency energies. Healing these trauma and reviving our DNA to its original form takes many lifetimes. This is why even though everyone has a twinflame that was created to be their best match, the trauma we’ve incurred over generations, periods and eras, and even in the past years of our current lifetimes, have made it such that each counterpart of each twinflame pair is busy healing themselves over several lifetimes, and depending on the necessary soul contract that was undertaken, might or might not be healed and ready to meet their counterpart in each lifetime. If TFs meet their counterpart in a lifetime where they are not “healed” and behave excessively from their ego standpoint, they will face relationship problems and breakups like any other couple. Being counterparts won’t make you any special. To summarise, TF counterparts who are not healed are the exact same as any other person. In fact they can be worse, because there is an insurmountable amount of passion between them due to their soul connection, but since they haven’t learnt to “behave” like healed counterparts yet, they will end up hurting each other even more. That’s because when you meet your TF, you see how similar you both are and how this connection has SO MUCH potential to be perfect, and you start lowering your guard down, believing that this is one person in the world who will NEVER hurt you. So when you get hurt by them, it feels so much worse and painful than anyone else who has hurt you. This is why a lot of TFs who meet and fall in love before they are healed, end up with a soulmate or even a karmic or 3D partner later where they are actually happier than they were with their TFs. Also when we talk about TF Union, know that it can mean anything. It doesn’t have to mean a committed relationship or marriage. The reason being, marriages and relationships are earthly concepts. The spiritual realm doesn’t care for earthly practices at all; it only cares for earthly practices when they serve the purpose of spiritual advancement. So if a TF couple is destined to get married, that only means that their marriage is supposed to serve a spiritual cause on earth. I just remembered one of my followers kindly pointed out how rare it is for TFs to get married and I’d like to reiterate that here. It is indeed SUPER rare, because it is rare as is, to be incarnated at the same time as your TF. Spirituality is about the soul, obviously, so you’ve got to see a spiritually-rooted connection from the viewpoint of a soul, not from your earthly ego. Souls are immortal; no matter what is happening in the world, whether or not you’re dating or getting married with each other, TFs are together forever as soul units. It’s just that a soul is independent AF lol. They don’t need to always stick to each other. They let their other half do their own work/ mission on earth in one lifetime while they chill in another lifetime lol. It’s only when they know they are on the same-ish page in terms of healing from earthly traumas that they incarnate together and “plan” to meet at the right time, and when they do, fireworks lol. However, it’s still about the healing. Even after they meet. Being the kind of souls who have incarnated at the same time to be “twinflames” means that you have done enough of healing in your past lifetimes that you now have a lot more refined (less traumatic) view of love and life, than other people around you. And when I say “around you” I mean in the world. TFs who have incarnated together to meet are super rare (again, when we use the word “TF” we automatically mean the only ones who are supposed to meet). They are already born as old, highly advanced souls with thoughts, feelings and actions distinctly different from others, possibly with a great many set of talents (because they have lived several lifetimes as different people honing different skills in each lifetime— I’m reminded of the interview where Jungkook asked what had he done in his previous lifetimes to get so much love from his fans and Yoongi replied he was possibly good at everything), but most importantly, they have the desire to be better versions of themselves stronger than anyone else, because they actually are serious about their healing, even if they don’t know it consciously. They are righteous and idealistic kind of people but not in a naive way— they know the light as much as they know the darkness, because healing is about balancing both. TFs who have incarnated together are possibly living their last lifetime on earth and on the way out to Ascension but only if they do the remaining healing in their current lifetime. Because like I said before, that’s the whole point. This is why this connection, right up top, seems so powerful and deep. It’s rooted in spiritual awareness and healing past traumas. You help each other in your missions. But that doesn’t mean necessarily by being physically together. If you’re destined to be together, then you will, but if you’re not, i.e. if your mission does not include being together, then you will part ways. This seems sad and depressing (“what is the point of having/ meeting your TF if you can’t be together?”) but this is where I remind you again that this is, first and foremost, a soul connection, and no matter what happens on earth, you’re together as souls at all times. Here’s the thing though: if being apart from each other is your mission, then you will not feel sad about it. That decision will come about as a natural transition at some point in your TF journey. You both will feel that that is the right thing to do, without malice or pain in your heart, because any decision made from the soul always feels peaceful on the inside. For example, many people believe that Mary Magdalene was Jesus’ TF, and they had a lot of love between them, yet, since Jesus’ destiny was to embrace the cross, he didn’t end up marrying her. And yet, it was something he CHOSE to do, not something that someone thrust on him. He did it with complete awareness and acceptance. Because again, like I said, spirituality at its core, is freedom. Destiny only means that every path has a particular destination at the end. But which path we take, is completely up to us. Whichever path we take will lead to the destination that is at the end of it— that part is nonnegotiable. You can’t take one path and expect to reach a different destination. However, these paths are not linear, parallel tracks. They are more like a labyrinth— connecting and disconnecting at several junctions. Which means that we can change our paths at any moment that we want. If we have taken a wrong path today, it will lead to a wrong destination, but if we want to change where we end up at, we can change the path at any time. We are not doomed or fated forever to end up in a wrong place just because we took the wrong path in the past. We are only fated to go there if we keep continuing on that same path.
Coming back to Jungkook’s DF, she recognizes the spiritual aspect of the connection and what it means for her life and Jungkook’s. She knows a separation is imminent and she’s accepted it with her whole heart. She can’t pretend to be sad or missing him just to look good in his eyes because she neither misses him nor is she sad about this. She longs for him every moment of her life but she never feels like they are separate from each other. She always energetically feels him around herself and knows that he feels her too. The difference is that while she embraces this situation, Jungkook is resisting it. He WANTS to be connected with her in the physical world. It’s a really stubborn energy lol where he is simply refusing to see anything else. I used the word “refusing” because it’s not like he doesn’t know the problems that are there with regards to this connection. He is just ducking his responsibility of dealing with them and just hoping that they will somehow go away. He is, knowingly or unknowingly, in a self-centred energy where he has put all the responsibility of them being together on her. He wants her to be with him but he doesn’t want to address the reasons why they aren’t together. Truthfully, the real reason they aren’t and cannot be physically connected (in any way) is because Jungkook’s life is a mess— ENERGETICALLY. This needs to be emphasized because Jungkook often feels like he can “handle” a connection. Like I said, he daydreams and fantasizes about everything he would like to do for her and he just wants the damn connection to start and get moving already. But there’s the problem. He is only concerned about the external, physical aspect of the connection, but this is a spiritual, energetic connection. They are connected so deep and so profoundly because of this very reason. It can’t be ignored just so you two can start dating or talking even. At this moment, Jungkook is in a state where he is carrying everyone else’s energy except his own. There are way too many interferences and sabotaging around him. Add to it his wounds from past experiences and relationships. It’s just unfair of him to expect his DF to be with him while his own life is so disharmonious. It’s like, when you invite someone over to your home, do you expect them to come to a dirty, messy home? Or would you first clean up? It’s not that he is unaware of these problems. He knows, and he also often feels guilty of getting her involved in all of this. But feeling guilty is not enough. It won’t make the problems go away. He is in a victim mentality where he feels everything is happening TO him, and he is absolving himself off of the responsibility of admitting that by not doing what needs to be done, he is also a part of the problem. Don’t get me wrong, he DOES want to work on these problems, he doesn’t want to subject her to this forever. But where he is wrong is in expecting that she SHOULD stay by him while the problems still exist. And that’s just unfair. She has possibly also tried doing that. But the thing is, the actual problems are not the ones on the outside. The actual problems are the ones in his mind. He can’t always have control over his external situations, but he can ALWAYS have control over his own self IF he wants. It’s the negative energy that he lets stay inside him rent free that is the real problem. No matter what she does to make him happy, Jungkook finds a reason to be sad. No matter what she says to assure him that she loves him, he will still stick to that one vague reason that makes him afraid of losing her. Or some other fear. He feels like the problem is that they are not together. But the problem is actually that Jungkook is a whole warehouse of fear, insecurity, jealousy, anger, etc. And he is entrusting it upon her to heal him. But no one can heal someone else unless they really want to, unless they make their own effort, but most importantly, unless they recognize what the real problem is. His fears are not because of her actions, his fears are because of his past wounds. It is unfair to expect her to be at his beck and call to heal HIS past issues without him being proactive about healing himself first. TFs do play a very important role in healing each other, but not in a co-dependent, energy-vampire-ical way. They heal each other by empowering each other, helping each other be free. Excessive dependence on your counterpart does the exact opposite of healing.
His DF was likely in a past relationship with a narcissist who expected exactly this out of her. She was expected to compensate for his insecurities by limiting herself— her thoughts, feelings, and just living in general. Back then she wasn’t “awake”, so she complied, but it was never enough. The more she adjusted, the more areas she was given to adjust. It resulted in her living a life that ran on autopilot, doing only things that were “permitted” by her partner. In moments where she wanted to assert her own will, she would be made to feel guilty of doing something that her partner didn’t want her to. That she was the reason why her partner was unhappy. Now she understands that no one is responsible for someone else’s happiness or sadness. We can do things with the intention of making someone happy or sad, but how they take it and react to it is completely their call. And in the end when she had fully adapted to his way of living by completely bequeathing her autonomy of decisions and actions, one day he turned around to accuse her of not being independent and proactive enough, and for being too needy. Because that’s what ego-based behaviour leads you to do. You’re never satisfied. Here’s the difference between ego and soul— the ego demands everything but is happy with nothing; the soul accepts everything and is happy with everything.
She can assure Jungkook a million times that she loves him, that she will always be with him, but unless he gets to the root of his insecurities and eliminate them from the root, they will always go back to the same problems. Because the harsh truth is, as much as he loves her, right now he is using her and this connection as a distraction and escape from his real problems, a quick fix. But the TF connection is not supposed to distract you from your problems, it is supposed to point you exactly in the direction of where your problems are. This is what Jungkook and this connection has done for his DF, and this is what she hopes to do for him. But she can only direct him towards those problems, she can’t decide or act on them. That is something only he can do. He needs to quit waiting for someone else to fix his life and take it upon himself. He has been having tower moments after tower moments simply because he is refusing to see or act on the problems.
His problems are not all though. His DF is staying away also because of her own problems, her own past wounds. She is not as perfect as he thinks she is. Her life is not as perfect as he thinks it is. She has as many problems— both external and internal— as he does. She knows that Jungkook dreams of healing her, taking away all her pain, solving all her problems, and she is forever grateful, but it’s the wrong approach. There are some things only she can and should handle. She knows that Jungkook often looks for her dreams, wanting to fulfil all of them, be that person in her life who does those things for her. And again, she is both grateful and happy that there is someone in this big, bad world who has that kind of intention and energy towards her, and someday when the time is right, she has absolutely no doubt that he will do all of these things. But right now, it means something to her to be able to do all these things for herself. All her life, she has been following directions from someone else, either parents or a partner or anyone who would show more authority than what she had on herself. But continuously living her life on someone else’s terms didn’t work out very well. Neither for her nor for others. Her life felt empty and her soul felt restless and unfulfilled. And if one doesn’t have peace within themselves, they can’t radiate peace around them. She doesn’t blame anyone else for this. Truthfully, it’s her own fault. For not having boundaries, for letting people walk all over her. For not asserting her own choice in her own life. But she won’t do that anymore. She can’t go back to that co-dependent energy. Not even with her TF, even though he’s one of the most important people in her life right now. She’s not mad at him, she’s not punishing him for any “mistake” that he thinks he has made. She’s only doing this because she is fully convinced that is the only right thing to do in this situation. And she is not back down from her own conviction. She is no more letting other people decide for her, especially when her own intuition doesn’t support it. In the past, she has had plenty of people telling her what to do, and now she realizes that those people were a lot more clueless than she was, and that she has always been the more intuitive and “right” person in any crowd. But the self-trust that she lacked back then, she has now. And she is not questioning it anymore.
One important lesson Jungkook has to learn is to know that there are no “punishments” in this world. Due to his past experiences, either very strict parenting or strict K Pop training environment, he has this deeply seated fear of being punished when he does something wrong. If he makes mistakes— which we all do— the Universe won’t punish him. We simply have some inconvenient situations as a direct or indirect result of our actions, so that we can learn that our actions were wrong and we can correct them in future. Punishments are also ego based repercussions. If his connection is as spiritual as he believes it is, then he also has to believe that his DF would never punish him. That’s just now how a healthy relationship should be! Imagine if two people were always out to get each other for their mistakes, keeping count of them and then waiting to punish them at an opportune moment... just how stressful would that relationship be! It might be that Jungkook has had to deal with someone like that in the past which has shaped his mindset about love and relationships that way. Love is not so egotistical. Anyone who claims to love you should be always willing to forgive you, no matter how many times you make mistakes. Yes, everyone should have boundaries, no one should allow anything they consider as mistreatment, but they should still be able to forgive the person they claim to love. If there are feelings of anger, malice, revenge towards someone, no matter what they have done, that is not love. So much of Jungkook’s pain is rooted in this mindset. He believes that just because he has made mistakes in his life, he is now destined to live a life of misery and sadness as a punishment, over which he has no control. Like I explained earlier, that’s not how Destiny works. We ALWAYS have a choice and we can make that choice anytime. The question is: are we REALLY willing to? Or are we looking to turn a blind eye towards our responsibilities and then blame it on our “fate”?
With his current energy, Jungkook has one foot of the door. He KNOWS what he has to do— the hesitation that he feels about taking action towards connection is not his fear. It is in fact, his soul voice. Deep inside, he knows this is not the right time. He is not ready for this connection to move forward or even exist in the physical. He knows he needs to work on himself first. He knows what his problems are and where they are. He knows that no matter what he does, he will never lose his TF. He just finds it difficult to trust himself with his own knowledge. There are too many outside opinions and energies that interferes with his thoughts and actions. And that is also his fault because he is allowing them to.
Very notable here is that Jungkook has one or more Karmic connections that are constantly interfering with this connection. He is frequently under psychic attacks, as is his DF. These karmics act as energy vampires by energetically trying to influence his thoughts— pressuring him for attention, communication and commitment, threatening to leave him if he doesn’t oblige, threatening to date someone else— acting as if it is coming from his DF. His DF wants nothing of that sort right now. Co-dependent energy is the very first thing that TFs are supposed to eliminate from their connection, which means from their own minds. Look around you. 99% of relationships in this world are based on co-dependency. A “if you give me this, I’ll give you that” kind of energy. Love, true love, is unconditional. Think about it: “love” is defined as an emotion, and abstract noun. Love, at its core, is an emotion. It is not actions or words or relationships or marriages. Love is a feeling, that’s all. If you can feel it inside your heart, no matter what situation you are in, you are in love. It’s the world’s biggest mistake to equate love with what we do for those we claim to love. It’s like, if you love me, prove it. No. If I love you, I’ll just love you that’s all. There will be no condition on my love. It won’t exist or disappear based on what I do or don’t do. We are often placed in situations where we can’t always do everything that we do. Actions are not always the same as feelings. Sometimes two people can love each truly and deeply, but— and I’m not afraid to say it— one of them can die before the other. Or fall sick and be bedridden forever, and be completely unable to “do” anything for the ones they love. What happens then? The love disappears? Just because they can’t prove it anymore? It’s such a limiting concept of love. Also, so many people will do so many things— gifts, vacations, anniversaries, social media updates— but then will also cheat on their partners, leave them for someone else... what value do all these things that they did hold in that case? My point is, doing a lot of things means nothing if the feeling behind it is not backed by true and pure love. Too many people depend on actions to prove the existence of love, but don’t take the time to really FEEL it. When you feel love for the emotion that it is, without restrictions and judgements, trust me, the action flows effortlessly. You will naturally know when to do what and those actions will NEVER be wrong. Instead of jumping about going crazy doing things, take the time to connect with your heart space and see what is really going on in there. It’s not always fun and games. Love does come with pain and sorrow too. But negative emotions are not a bad thing. Remember, negative emotions are NOT the same as negativity. Negative emotions are signifiers. They help us see where we are facing problems, what needs to be fixed. Negativity on the other hand, is blinding ourselves from those signals, and staying stuck in that stagnant pool of negative emotions, and not making the effort to get out of it. Always remember, energy is like water. As long as it is flowing, like in a stream, it is clean and healthy— no matter what type of energy. It is only when it is stagnant that it becomes unclean and breeds diseases. And to keep energy moving and flowing, it is essential to feel your feelings, no matter what they are. Be brutally honest with yourself about how you feel. Don’t judge your feelings, don’t censor them. Don’t tell yourself, I’m not supposed to feel this way. Bulls***! You can feel any type of way that you want to. Because you’re human. And that’s what humans do, they feel. That’s what makes us different from machines. Once you can feel accurately, you can now understand your feelings. You can understand the root of those feelings. So many people get away with saying, I don’t know what I feel like, I don’t know why I feel this way. Well, it can happen. Initially. But as humans we can and are supposed to KNOW our feelings by observing them. That’s what makes us different from animals. They feel but can’t make sense of those feelings. They directly go from feeling to acting. But we can do the essential step in between. Understand our feelings and then decide how to act.
Honestly, Jungkook has been sitting in a pool for a while now. Like I said, he is carrying mostly others’ energies than his own. This is why his DF feels the need to distance herself from him even though she wanted to, and has tried to be there for him in whichever capacity possible. She is all for healing Jungkook, but she can’t be responsible for other people’s energies too. As she is energetically connected with him, she feels his energy, and it is especially difficult when he is stuck in low vibrational energy for a long time. As long as he doesn’t find a way to block these energies, he is bringing both himself and this connection down. One person is trying to fill the connection with positive energies while the other acts as a host to energy vampires. It’s exhausting for both of them! It’s like trying to empty water from a boat with holes. No matter how hard you try, the boat will sink if the holes are not repaired. And it’s something only Jungkook can do. And the only way to do it is if he rises from his pool of negative emotions. Energy vampires, psychic attacks are only effective if you give them access to your energy. Remember, any person who tries to sabotage you is already vibrating in a low frequency with their ill intentions. You block their access by simply vibrating at a higher frequency. This is the singlemost effective way to both stop outside interference as well as improving your own energy. Commit to wanting to be a happier version of yourself. And just like love, don’t make your happiness conditional. Don’t think I’ll be happy if___ Be happy where you are, how you are. You’re not unhappy because you don’t have your DF, you are unhappy because you have mental blockages that restrict you from being happy. Find out what those restrictions are, then get to work on them.
The separation is also necessary because Jungkook NEEDS to face his fears. He has been battling with a lot of fears about losing his DF, and with her losing his dream future. But instead of facing it and getting it out of his system, he has been avoiding it. He creates different scenarios that would help him avoid feeling the pain of facing and analysing his fear. Somehow, somewhere, these scenarios lead him to believing that she doesn’t love him, she cheats on him or will cheat on him, or has left him for good, is intentionally hurting him, is taking advantage of his love and his having fun doing it. These are accusations his DF will not entertain. She understands where he is coming from, she understands the conflict and battle he is going through but she will not be held responsible for something she doesn’t even dream of doing. She could be just watching a movie and crushing on an actor but Jungkook’s paranoia will conclude she is seeing someone else. It’s hurtful. And even more so when it comes from someone who seemed like the one person in this world who would never hurt you. She is struggling in her life too. She is working on herself too. The difference between her and Jungkook is that she does not hold Jungkook responsible for her happiness. She accepts his situation and his decisions without questioning his motives, and she expects the same energy from him. They might be TFs but they are two separate individuals with different mentalities, backgrounds and situations. Each of them has the right to live their lives EXACTLY as they want to, without having to explain themselves, or proving their loyalty all the time. She won’t spend her whole lifetime proving her love and loyalty to someone who is supposed to understand her already. The TF separation period is not a punishment. It is a gift. It is their first opportunity to test if their love is really as strong and eternal as they think it is. True love does not disappear because of distance and situations. You don’t need to be with your partner to love them. Heck, you don’t even need a partner to love! Love, as I said, is an emotion to be felt. If you feel it, you know love. If you experience love, and then proceed to put fences of restrictions and conditions around it, one day, the restrictions will win and the love will lose. The separation really helps us test out the strength of the connection. Know that in spirituality there are always win-win situations. If two people do love each other truly, they will always come back to each other. It’s always better to leave your connection be free. Two people who are free to go anywhere they like and be with anyone they like, yet choose to come back to each other without demanding without accusing, is the best kind of love connection. And if they don’t come back, that means that connection wasn’t as good as it seemed after all, in which case, you’re free to look for the real one!
Jungkook really needs to loosen his grip. He needs to let her go. He needs to let her come back to him because she wants to, not because she felt trapped with guilt to stay with him. It is also his test for how much trust he has on someone he claims to love so much. If he can’t trust her now, he will not magically learn to trust her later when they are in a physical connection.
The thing is, everything written in this post, Jungkook already knows. And his DF knows this. She sees him beyond his outer tantrums through to his soul. She knows who he is inside there and what he wants and needs. She’s probably overconfident that she knows him better than he knows himself lol. And this is what is keeping her hopeful about this connection. She believes in him and is rooting for him to come through with his soul lessons and healing. Just like he believes in her and is rooting for her success in her life and career. He’s just... how to put it... overzealous about her lol. I’ve mentioned earlier that Jungkook values equal give and take in a relationship but this is causing detriment. He believes that she has done way too much for him and in return, he has given too little to her. That might be true lol but he must remember that firstly, he has already given her a lot more than what she has ever received from anyone. It’s not always the material things you know, the most valuable things in life are the ones money can’t buy. She has experienced being loved exactly the way she had always wanted to be loved. Him and the people around him have contributed to making her a strong, independent, assertive woman and shed many of her past inhibitions and weaknesses. This connection has caused her faith in herself and the Divine to go through the roof! And that’s exactly what he needs right now too. He needs to have faith. Faith in himself, this connection and the Universe. He really needs to see that she is not the only special person in this connection. He is as special as her as well— he is her! If he can’t forget her, how can she forget him? If he thinks she is irreplaceable, how can he not be irreplaceable in her life as well? He needs to work on his self-image and self-confidence to really see that he is equal, if not greater than her. She already sees him as special and irreplaceable but his lack of self esteem is causing him to create this illusion that she is too good for him, that he will never find anyone like her and therefore he must cling to her to make sure she never leaves. Even if they get into a connection, is it healthy to live with these fears and insecurities all your life? It’s time for him to shift the focus from her to himself and give himself all that pure, genuine love that she gave her. Self love. And then if she doesn’t come back, then fu** that bi***! An insanely gorgeous man who loves himself and has healed himself? There must be someone in this whole wide world who will know how to value that!
He needs to have faith in this connection. He needs to remember that he had no control over how it started. It just... happened. It was Divine planning and Divine timing. It came to him when he most needed it even when he didn’t know that he needed it. That’s how the Divine works. As broken, trauma-beaten humans, we tend to want to control everything exactly according to our understanding. But know that our understanding of life is limited. We don’t know everything that is happening or will happen in the future. We don’t know everything about other people. We don’t even know everything about ourselves. How can we hope to control everything with our limited knowledge? Only the Divine/ Universe/ Source or whatever you want to call it, knows everything every time. Even when homo sapiens were merely amoebas, the Universe was still here, doing its job. Even when humans were not here to “oversee” everything, the Universe was still operating smoothly according to its own rules. Everything human beings have learnt is from the Universe, from nature. It was here before us and it will be here probably even after we’re extinct. We’re not supposed to get ahead of it, we’re supposed to align with the Universal flow that has always existed. And we do it by having faith. Anything that is rooted in spirituality will require faith. We tend to want to first see things/ get assurances before we can have faith, but in reality it is only when we have faith that we see what we want. If the greatest inventors of the world waited to see things to believe in their existence, we wouldn’t have made all these advancements. To create something, and especially to create something new, have faith first. You can’t expect to have deep, pure, unconditional love by treating it like a casual date. Don’t try to define or understand it in terms of connections or relationships you’ve already had, because this is nothing like that. IF there is something wrong with this connection, trust that you will know. If you are keeping a clear, open mind, you will KNOW when things are wrong, and you will know when they are right. Don’t restrict your good judgement by doubting yourself all the time. Don’t depend on others to define or solve a situation that YOU are going through. It is your problem, you are capable enough to solve it. That’s how the Universe hands us situations and problems. We already have the capability of handling them, we just need to dig it out of ourselves firstly by deciding that we want to solve it, then by believing that we can. We really don’t need anyone for anything in life. If we do need anyone, the Universe promptly sends them to us. It is natural to WANT someone to be beside us though. But if the Universe is showing us that it’s not the right time by putting distances and obstacles between us, then we need to trust and accept that it is for our highest good. We might not know how right now, but in time we will.
The DF, as I said, is in this state of complete acceptance. This has filled her up with a sense of peace, happiness and stability. She is not one bit sad about the separation. Instead, she is sad that Jungkook is staying sad simply because he’s not accepting a situation that he has no control over. This resistance is making him overthink and worry himself sick over what she’s doing, thinking, feeling, and then accusing her of being the reason why he’s sad. This is not his energy. This is not the person he is, she knows it. This connection has given her the much needed high vibration energy to deal with her personal problems and solve them. She is celebrating her small wins and just being alive you know? She has not felt this free and light in all her life and she is not going back to worrying over things and situations she can’t control and be sad about them. She REALLY wishes Jungkook to do his own healing and join her in this energetic space because it is beautiful! But like everything else, she can’t control him. Because of the intense love and passion he has for her, he might think that she controls him but she doesn’t. He is controlled by his own fear and anxiety. She can’t make him take the decisions and actions required for him to heal. She can only heal herself, hoping that it will energetically help him instead. And to do that, she needs to focus every bit of her energy on herself. She is always connected to Jungkook, but she will not play host to other interfering energies anymore. Jungkook needs to also focus all his energy on himself but again, she can’t force him to do anything, it’s his call. She expects complete freedom to make her own life decisions according to her own understanding, and she expects anyone who claims to love her to respectfully accept it without accusing her of being selfish. Because self love is NOT being selfish. Especially for people like Jungkook and his DF, who are giving people, self love is an investment for the betterment of everyone they come in contact with. The more they invest in themselves, the more their tribe flourishes. He needs to accept that she shouldn’t be expected to be on standby while he is sorting out his life. He needs to accept that she deserves to live her life while she needs to accept that he deserves to live his life as well. There is no need to restrict or limit your life for your TF. Like I said, spirituality is about freedom. If a TF connection is not completely free of restrictions and limitations then it’s most likely not one. And yes, that includes dating as well. It might never happen, but that’s not the point. The point is, how far are we willing to go into acceptance of our TF counterpart’s freedom of choice for their happiness? And the answer should always be, ALL THE WAY. If your divine counterpart decides to start dating while in separation, it definitely won’t be an easy thing to handle. But if it’s really the unconditional love you swear you have for them, you should work through your own insecurities to allow them that choice as well. Of course, one doesn’t have to. No one is obligated to put up with anything they don’t like or can’t accept, or stay in that kind of a connection. And that’s the beauty of spirituality. Freedom. You are free to reject that connection. There is no “duty” or “destiny” binding you to anything you REALLY do not want to be a part of. But you’ve got to choose a side now and commit to that journey. No more doubting and avoiding. If you want it, then do what needs to be done for it, not just what you’re comfortable doing. If your comfort zone is more preferable to you, then stay in there but don’t complain why there’s no “unconditional love” in this world. To get unconditional love, you must give unconditional love first. And to do that, remove all restrictions and conditions in your own mentality that get in the way— not in the other person’s mentality. Trust in the Universe which has obviously proven time and time again to be more powerful than you. Trust that the energy you put out is the energy you will receive.
To sum up, this is a really important phase in Jungkook’s life. He is on a crossroad, not able to make definite decisions, just because he can’t put enough faith in himself, the Universe and this connection. Well, he can’t control the connection or the Universe so he should start with increasing faith in himself. Believe that he can and will always take the right decisions because here’s the fun thing: there are no wrong decisions when the intention is right. His DF believes in his ability because she knows his intentions to be pure and genuine all the time. All he wants is to do good to everyone, she has seen that. And the Universe loves him for that and wants to reward him. But he is blocking his rewards by being so damn stubborn and resistant. Don’t resist the change. Change is good. Change is growth. Growth means promotion and rewards. He has already sort of taken the right decision by wanting to focus on himself. It is time to commit to it by letting go of doubts and by FULLY, WHOLLY focusing his energy on himself and himself only. Leave his worries about his DF to the Universe. She’s a strong gal, she’s got this! TFs are not supposed to be energy leeches on each other’s backs. They’re not supposed to be weaknesses to each other, they’re supposed to be each other’s biggest strengths. Allow her to grow on her own to be the strong and rightful partner that she has the potential to be. Allow her to stretch her limbs and see what she’s capable of doing in her life, to go after her dreams with full force and focus. Just his energy of wanting to protect her and take care of her make her feel SO loved it really makes her feel like she can do anything! He doesn’t need to do anything else for her right now. What he really needs to protect her from is his own negative energies, by working on healing them, because she feels them. He needs to protect her from outside interference by taking responsibility of his own healing and his own life. People are pointing fingers at this connection because his life and mental health deteriorating. Not everyone is against him or this connection. Some people genuinely love him and want the best for him, and if he gives them the reason to believe that this connection is the reason why he is suffering, then that is wrong. He needs to step up and step in. They need to see this period as a gift, an opportunity to become their best versions before they get back together so that when they do, they don’t end up hurting each other due to their wounded ego-based behaviours. It’s not the easiest journey but I assure it is the MOST fulfilling. Once you let go of your worries, and everything you can’t control, you find this constant peace of mind, which is interspersed with frequent moments of euphoria— when you do get there, you’ll never want to go back. You get a bird’s eye view of this life and realize what the most important things in life really are, and what you really want, what really gives you real happiness. And you also see the best ways to get there. Free yourself. That’s why this connection really has come into your life. Free yourself from your own limitations. Your DF wants nothing from you except for you to flourish and be happy. Do whatever the hell you need to do for that, no judgements at all. She’ll meet you at the other side of the finish line :)
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theonlygamergost · 3 years
I lost you, brother of mine - Dream SMP
When looking for inspiration for a fanfic, @thehivemind asked for angst, then @matcha0milk inspired me to write this! 
So thanks Hive, you wanted angst and I’ll give you angst, just very heavy angst :)
Techno has a nightmare about the day Manburg fell, and the news Phil gives him the next day worsen his trauma. 
Warnings! Mention of blood, people stabbing others, canon character death, Tnt explosions, nightmare and the panic that carries waking up from a nightmare.
The explosion went off as soon as everyone realized Wilbur was missing, the dust settled to reveal a hole in the hill where the stand that started this chaos was built on, they all froze in fear as the damage of the TNT was revealed in full glory, therefore no one missed the yells from the traitor: “KILL ME PHIL! DO IT!”. The gasps of horror became louder once the man with the crow wings stabbed his own son, who he had protected from the explosion with his own body a second before.
The silence ringed loud in Technoblade ears as he saw his father figure, after years of distance and silence, kill Wilbur.
His legs trembled, the adrenaline of the fight is what kept him standing. Every time tears threatened to fall, he was able to keep them in, like a treasure he wanted all for himself, but they weren’t simple tears this time: they held the pain he went through alone, all the other tears he had denied from spilling, his face was wet in seconds.
Niki and Tommy were also a mix of fear and anger at the sight. But it was himself that suffered the most, yes, he had destroyed the tyranny that ruled Manburg, but all he got in return was experiencing what a dagger through the heart felt like.
A scream got caught in his throat, coming out as a pathetic whimper, the world around him started to fade in black, the only thing he didn’t want to look at anymore is the thing that remained clear: Phil, hugging his son, getting his pure green tunic dirty with blood.
In a second, the ground disappeared, his crown fell and so everything he was holding. His cape embraced him as the air blew it upwards, the clear image of his dying childhood friend got further and further away as he fell, until complete darkness...
Jumping awake, he sat up and grabbed his head, bringing his knees close to his chest, breathing frantically. The silence didn’t ring anymore, it actually comforted him, giving him the strength to open his eyes. The darkness persisted, making a whimper escape his lips as he quickly curved into a ball, but then something hit him: soft, fluffy, he was sitting on something soft.
So he felt it, fabric… A blanket?
Was he…?
Following his instinct and habit, he reached to the right: there was a lamp, he was in bed.
He tasted the bedside table more to find the button, a clicking sound made some light slip through his closed eyelids, so he gently opened them, warmth filled him at the sight of his room, fluffy coats for bad weather hanged still, Steve was in the corner, peacefully sleeping in his curled position, a cloud of smoke came out of Techno’s mouth, making him realize just how cold it was in the house.
It was that same cold who soothed his strong emotions, he could now think, even though being able to do so wasn’t necessarily a good thing.
The image of Will and Phil flashed, he sighed, reaching out for the cape at the edge of his bed.
A simple nightmare, he had plenty of those, and he would handle them like all the others, a breath of freezing air, some wood chopping and talk... to... Phil.
He felt something cold under his hand, he turned to look at it-
“What the-!”. He flinched, shaking his hand and wiping it on the white sheets, when he looked at it again, the hand was completely clean, and so were the sheets, “Heh?”. He looked a little further to see his cape.
He rolled his eyes before taking a deep breath: it was his cape. Out of embarrassment and fury, he got up and swung it over his shoulders, headed for the kitchen
The freezing cold air plus the falling snow made a perfect contrast with the hot tea in his hands and the fluffy cape, it did wonders for his tense nerves. Now that he was in the safest situation he could be, he went back to the nightmare.
The events were an exact copy of what had happened in reality, the only fault is that Techno didn’t cry that day, yes he wanted to, but he didn’t: Witch it happening in the nightmare made sense.
He grabbed a handful of his gown, it was the first time he had ever seen his own cape as blood, which was…
He sipped from the steaming mug, squinting his eyes.
...Interesting, it was a very similar red, that was obvious, but how did his brain process it as blood onto his hands when he was the one holding it?
It made no sense, Techno moved his attention elsewhere as he felt nausea building up. He sipped again, going wood chopping wasn’t a very good idea after examining the state of his brain: he might have seen a log as Wilbur at this point.
He rolled his eye, not believing how much this nightmare had scarred his mind, waiting for the perfect moment to show him gory images.
When was he not pathetic? His standards for himself were so high he barely ever got to those. He shook his head, it didn’t matter.
A set of steps approached him, he tensed, “Techno…” The familiar voice made his breath hitch: Phil.
He turned, but the expression on his neighbour wasn’t the one he expected: His solar smile was a cold frown, his eyes weren’t able to stare higher than the ground.
Technoblade hesitated to speak, the fear of him being also a trick from his mind persisted, but he greeted him. Phil leaned on the wall next to him, “Ranboo just came by to bring us news… and you won’t like them”.
The statement made him raise a brow, why wouldn’t he like it? Had someone established themselves a tyrant again? Was a new country born?
Phil sighed, holding his own hand, “Wilbur… He’s back”. The image of his bloody “brother” laying on the ground came back, but this time, his eyes flickered to Techno, a grin appeared, and he started laughing.
A shiver so strong made him visibly shudder, Phil noticed and grabbed the half-man arm for comfort, Techno shook him away, Phil looked back at the ground.
“I know I should be happy… I attempted to get him back myself, but now… that he is back… After listening to what Ranboo said...” After another sigh, the older man looked at Techno, putting up the best smile he could do, “I fear that the Wilbur we knew Techno… He’s gone”
There was no need to spell out the truth, Techno saw how Will had changed when he joined Pogtopia, the way he treated Tommy compared to how he treated him… the was an abyss between those. With Techno, he smiled, genuinely, like a brother would do to another, but with Tommy… The smile held suffering and anger behind it.
Techno clenched his fist, “Who did it?”, his voice was so serious Phil was shocked, his eyes widened, “I… um…”.
The pig-man grabbed the shoulders of the older man, shaking both his body and soul, “Who. Did. It?”, Phil whimpered as eyes full of repressed anger and bloodlust started at him, Techno snapped out of his hunter attitude, realizing what he had just done to the man he swore to protect. He cursed at himself, “I-I’m sorry Phil! Did I hurt you?” He let go of the man, who shook his head at the question, “D-Dream…”
What? Wasn’t he in prison?
“Dream revived Will… and now he thinks Dream is a god…” Phil rubbed his arms, a snowstorm was picking up, the cold wind announced it. Techno sighed, he needed to go visit Dream.
“Let’s go in Phil” he gave the older man a soft smile, “Wouldn’t want you to get cold”. The friend smiled back, accepting the invite.
Phil might have killed Wilbur, but his brain was too far gone off the edge, he couldn’t blame Philza.
But for now, he had to make it up to Phil, by getting over his recent nightmare, and prepare to meet his “Brother” again, accepting that the Wilbur who braided Techno’s hair as a child wasn’t coming back.
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ofgalaxiesandstars · 3 years
|| Headcannons || Yubel, Supreme King, and Judai || CW - Mentions of Abuse ||
One of the biggest elephants in the room after Judai returned from the Dark World is his relationship with Yubel, and how aware he was of Supreme King still residing in his heart.
Starting with Yubel, once they were freed from the madness born from the overflow of power they received from the light of destruction, they finally began to understand just how toxic and abusive they’d been towards Judai. Cutting down anyone they deemed unworthy of being close to him when he was a child, and evolving into full on physical and emotional abuse and manipulation after being driven to madness— even resulting in Judai’s mental fracture. Not long after the two of them returned from the other worlds, Yubel sat down with Judai and had a serious talk about what they’d done over the past years, apologizing and making sure Judai understood that he was not responsible for they’re actions.
Their change was not an overnight thing, and they still slip up every now and again, but Yubel works hard to become a better person and understand that even though Judai is the reborn soul of their prince Judai, that doesn’t mean he is that same prince they had been in love with in their past; that they cannot assume that Judai will feel the same about them as his past life once did.
On the flip side of this, Judai still struggles with recovery from what Yubel put him through. When he was a child, rumors had gone around about how he was cursed, and how bad things happened to people who got involved with him. Even when he lost his memory of Yubel, the thought of him being cursed still stuck with him. When the school was thrown into the other world, and Judai found out it was Yubel’s doing, that one rumor from so long ago that everyone else in his hometown had already forgotten struck him in the chest. It only got worse as Yubel manipulated him into thinking their pain was also his fault— he began to believe he’d been the problem from the beginning. After he spoke to Yubel about the problem, he still had a hard time believed he wasn’t at fault; that he wasn’t cursed. It’s an ongoing process, and he’s getting there with the help of his friends and the spirits in his deck. He couldn’t forgive Yubel for what they did to him and his friends (and they did not expect him to) but he recognizes that they are working to change for the better.
Then there’s the Supreme King. Despite having calmed down dramatically after he was revived during the fight with Yubel, this half of Judai’s soul never truly fused with Judai. He is still callous and cold— however his lust for power has been quelled significantly. While Judai was aware that he revived that side of himself, he always believed he’d repaired his soul. When Judai discovered that the King still existed as his own soul, he was overcome with a sense of paranoia over losing himself to that side of him once more.
Judai distrusts this other half of himself, and refers to him as a separate soul all together, even when he calls upon the Supreme King’s power. Yubel does not allow King to front, unless Judai is in a desperate situation and Yubel cannot take over. Neither places their faith in this other side of Judai, despite their willingness to accept change, leaving a bitter taste in the Supreme King’s feelings towards them. In spite of this, King can at times show a strong protective nature over his other self, if only because he is just as much Judai Yuki as the fronting soul.
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winryofresembool · 4 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 12
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: Domestic moments, part 2
A/N: This chapter continues from where we were left of in the previous one! And sadly (or not sadly? I guess it depends on what you like) it's still not the last 'domestic moments' chapter; I had to cut this one in half because of time issues. But worry not, some drama is ahead in a few chapters. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope it shows! Let me know :)
Characters in this ch: Calypso, Leo
Words: 2189
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
previous chapter / next chapter / AO3
Once Leo had finished testing the fixed stereos and sent Jason a message to ask if he and Piper had time to visit that day, he joined Calypso in the kitchen. She had already gathered all the ingredients on the table and started chopping the vegetables, smiling as she worked. For a moment Leo thought that nothing was hotter than a woman who enjoyed what she was doing that much. He didn’t even realize he was staring.
“You can start by preheating the oven and preparing the baking sheet, I didn’t have time to do that yet,” she noted calmly when she noticed him looking at her questioningly.
“Aye aye, Captain,” Leo said, saluting her like a sailor would.
“I’m a captain now?” Calypso asked, her mouth twitching ever so slightly.
“Oh, you can be anything you want. Captain. Boss lady. The Queen of the flat number 7.”
“How about you just do what I said, peasant,” Calypso said, but Leo was happy that she had joined his game. It was a good sign.
“Not a peasant, Sunshine. You can call me Commander Tool Belt.” Leo smirked and earned a roll of eyes from Calypso.
“How do you come up with all these nicknames?” she asked while focusing on cutting the tomatoes.
“It’s a talent. Something I was born with,” Leo answered while finally turning the oven on and starting to search for the baking sheet.
“You know, really no offense but sometimes I can’t tell if you’re being serious or if you’re just fooling around.” Calypso had now stopped the chopping and she crossed her arms, looking at him seriously. “Want some honesty? Usually I joke the most when I’m nervous.” The grin had disappeared from Leo’s face and the sunlight that was coming through the window made his eyes look like flames again.
To his surprise, Calypso asked: “Are you… are you nervous around me?”
“What do you think?” Leo blurted without thinking. He noticed Calypso seemed kind of taken aback by his answer, so he added quickly: “I mean… girls in general make me nervous.” He had lost track of times he had felt his ears and face heat in this girl’s company.
“Really?” Calypso asked. “But I’ve seen you with Piper many times now and you act quite naturally with her.”
“I’ve known her for over a year now. She’s a good friend and easy to talk with when you get to know her.” Leo shrugged.
“I guess we two are not there yet,” Calypso said, and Leo thought he could detect a bit of disappointment in her voice. “Since you are still nervous around me.”
“I didn’t mean…” For once Leo decided to pick his words carefully. “Um, I think you’re a cool person. Sure, kinda withdrawn but so am I with new people. That means I haven’t gotten to know you as well as Piper yet. But I’d like to. You know. Get to know you better. If that’s cool with you.”
He noticed a hint of pink rise to her cheeks but didn’t say anything about that. She answered: “Oh. Sure. I mean, since we are sharing this flat and all…”
The atmosphere had gotten slightly awkward again so Leo decided to do what he did the best: be goofy. He dug a few long spaghetti noodles from his food storage, cut them in half and put them in his mouth, making them look like walrus tusks.
“Say ‘hola’ to your new friend, Commander Walrus.”
“Estás loco,” Calypso said in clear Spanish, and Leo’s mouth dropped. If he hadn’t thought she was attractive before…
“You… know Spanish? How come you only mention that now?!” He inquired.
“I don’t really know much of it,” Calypso said. “I studied it a couple of years at school as a kid but since I haven’t used it after that, I don’t remember much anymore. So don’t expect me to understand you.”
“Oh, OK. Well, if you ever want to revive your skills, you have a Spanish master right here!”
“Somehow I can’t imagine you explaining the conjugations of irregular verbs to me, but OK, I’ll consider it,” Calypso said, gently pulling one of the noodles from Leo’s mouth. Leo was awfully aware how close she was to him again. Then she broke his hopes and dreams by lightly poking him on the nose with the noodle half and saying: “But now, Commander Noodle, how about you stop distracting me, or otherwise Jason and Piper won’t have anything to eat when they arrive.”
“Spoilsport,” Leo pouted but did what he was told and put the other spaghetti noodle away, starting to pull out the ingredients he needed.
Calypso was already done with her salad by the time Leo put his tacos in the oven and he felt her eyes on him the whole time.
“What are you looking at?” he asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable about the attention all of a sudden.
“I…” Calypso seemed a bit hesitant. “... was just thinking you seem pretty handy with that stuff… Did your mothers teach you?”
“Jo and Emmie are wonderful people but they have a rule in their household that you don’t get to eat if you don’t work for it, so yes, I’ve done a lot of cooking since I moved there. But I already knew a lot before that. I kinda had to.”
“Right,” Calypso said, and Leo was glad she didn’t ask more. He wasn’t feeling like opening up about being forced to cook for the other kids of his earlier foster parents while they were too drunk to do that or having to search for food from trash cans while on the run. “So, will you teach me to make that sauce supreme?” she asked then.
Leo wagged his finger at her. “Listen, Sunshine, it’s a skill. You don’t teach it just like that. But I can see what I can do.”
“Alright,” Calypso said, smiling slightly.
“Now, first things first,” Leo started. “I like saving most of the seasoning for the sour cream instead of the meat. The hard part is of course knowing how much different spices you should put in. I say, the more, the better. If it doesn’t open your stuffy nose, then it’s not enough.”
“But what if you don’t like spicy food?” Calypso asked.
“Then what are you even eating tacos for?” Leo rolled his eyes. “Well, if you really don’t like it, then you can of course put less spices than I do, but honestly, what’s the point if you don’t feel at least a bit like a dragon that can breathe fire?”
“Sounds tough. To be honest, I don’t eat a lot of spicy food so I’m not sure what to expect,” Calypso confessed.
“In that case you’re lucky that you have a master to teach you, then.” Leo grinned.
“Sure,” Calypso looked at him with slight amusement. “Well, show me, Master. What do you use?”
“I like to begin with the most important one just so I don’t accidentally forget it: the chili powder.” Leo said, putting some chili into the sour cream while talking. “If you decide you don’t like spicy food, then in the future don’t use chili as much as I do. But I like putting almost a full teaspoon. If I’m feeling brave, I might put even more. Then some cumin and paprika, but not as much as the chili, and finish it with a bit of salt and black pepper. And voila, that’s all you need!”
“That’s all?” Calypso raised her eyebrows. “I thought it would be something very complicated based on your bragging.”
“Now, now, don’t underestimate simple things, woman!” Leo wagged his finger at her. “Sometimes simple is the best. That’s my motto with my inventions too. If you really wanted to, you could also add a bit of tomato sauce on top of the tacos, but since we are gonna use your fresh tomatoes, I don’t see the need for that.”
Calypso looked like she might have been about to protest, but then the oven clock informed them that the tacos would be ready to be served, and the conversation ended there.
Once Leo had put the toppings on the tacos, he took a spoonful of his sour cream sauce and put it in front of Calypso’s mouth. “Here. Taste this. Since you are a rookie, I was a bit more sparing with the chili, but just this one time.”
She did what he told her and tasted it. After swallowing and taking the flavor in, she finally said: “That’s not bad! You do surprise me, oh great sauce master Valdez.”
“You really shouldn’t be that surprised, but whatever,” Leo said. “It will be even better once the flavors have spread more but I didn’t have time to let the sauce sit in the fridge this time.”
“Okay. Hey, have you ever eaten olives?” Calypso asked, a funny expression spreading on her face.
“Maybe as a kid…” Leo shrugged, remembering the times he’d still been living with his mother. “They don’t look particularly appetizing to me.”
“Well, then I think it’s time for an equivalent exchange. Since I tasted your taco sauce, you’ll taste olives,” she said and took one that had remained left from her salad into her hand. Then she turned Leo’s head to face her and urged him to open his mouth.
“Seriously? You’re feeding them to me?” he asked, half annoyed, half amused, but took the olive into his mouth. He didn’t really like the bitter taste of it. “Uh, did you put a lot of these in the salad?” He looked at it suspiciously.
“I did. Any complaints?”
Leo tried to come up with something to avoid answering the question. When he spotted the red chili peppers on the kitchen counter, he got an idea. “I tell you what. I will consider not picking them from my salad if you manage to eat at least half of this.” He showed the peppers and was half expecting her to say a hearty ‘no way!’, but she surprised him.
“That’s a low blow, Valdez. Lucky for you, I’m up for the challenge.”
“Okay,” Leo said, cutting one pepper in half and offering it to her. “I have to warn you, though; this is the strongest pepper I have, so it is hot.”
Calypso took the pepper from him and cautiously took a bite from the tip. It took her a second to react. “Oh. My. Gods. Water, water, water!!!”
“You’re gonna want to drink milk with that, it helps much more than water,” Leo adviced and took out a clean glass from the cupboard and a milk carton from the fridge. He also cut a small slice of soft bread he had bought earlier and gave it to her.
“Here. Take this. And don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he smirked. Calypso glared at him, but took Leo’s offerings and seemed relieved to notice that it actually helped.
“I’m not going to eat more of that,” she announced, only making Leo grin wider.
“That’s fine,” he said. “But I won’t be eating olives either because you lost the bet.”
“Yes you will, after making me eat that.”Calypso glared at him.
“Yes, it’s only fair!” Calypso kept insisting.
“But a deal is a deal!” Leo said back.
“But I didn’t realize the chili pepper would be that much worse than the olives!”
“You’re a sore loser, Sunshine!”
“And you’re a brat!”
“Fine, then I am. But I’m still not eating the olives!” Leo said and started sprinting away from her towards his room where he could lock the door from her.
“Oh, so this is the game you’re playing?” Calypso exclaimed and started chasing him. On her way she picked one olive from the plate to stuff into his mouth. Leo was fast but Calypso got surprisingly agile too when she wanted to and so she caught him right before he got into his room. She wrapped her arms around him from behind and before he could protest, put the olive into his mouth. Leo accepted his fate and ate it despite the urge to just spit it out.
“You won this round, woman, but don’t get too used to it!” he said, slightly out of breath. Suddenly the silliness of the situation sunk into both of them and they started laughing hard enough that they had to lean against each other.
“I never have a boring moment with you, Leo Valdez,” Calypso hiccuped against his shoulder.
“Well, likewise, Sunshine.”
Leo’s heart seemed to do extra rounds when he watched her laughing and he was very much aware that they were still in a half hug position. Calypso noticed that he had stopped laughing so she raised her gaze to look at his face and the color her cheeks got was the same that Leo’s ears sure were: similar to the red pepper.
“What…” he was about to ask but the moment was broken just as fast as it had started: the buzzer made a sound, informing them that Jason and Piper were there.
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inviouswriting · 4 years
It literally means “flowing blood”
Half original. Half going on the recent story I wrote.
Mentioned characters - 
Meeps/Fae - @meepsthemiqo
Shuri - @maiden-born-in-snow
Yume @earthlystar 
Some warnings in here for touching on Kivera’s descent in Hell.
Kivera is use to the smell of blood, the world she is from is full of it. The underworld, the realm of the dead. Her world she has known after her death from the hands of Bathory. She knows the realm inside and out, from the deepest pits in Tartarus and Hell itself. To the highest peak in Purgatory where she watches those who come before her. Seeking passage to Paradise.
Her punishment as much as bestowment. Punishment for her sin, bestowment for her servitude. She is under Thanatos and Hades. She does their work without question, and never asks the Fates of their reasons.
Kivera is capable of seeing the world up to the earliest of her memories she remembers. In other times she has witnessed how civilization takes hold and grows over periods. Other worlds, she sees how far behind, or how they destroy themselves.
The smell she is use to is that of flowing blood. She is use to it so much it doesn’t phase her like her fledgling days. So Kivera stands over a sight she is accustomed to people pleading her for a difference. To be let into Paradise, on behalf of some good merit they did.
“You have not learned yet, and I cannot let you through.” Her voice echoed in the hall, softer as she addressed the face before her, another of many. One she’ll forget after a few days. She sees so many. Her mind constantly drifting back to her interactions in The Source.
She had let a few dozen through, and encountered only a few people who need to humble their hearts more. Still full of resentment.
“Why do you get to play as judgement here?” The words echo in her mind.
“That is just the way things are.. I just do.” She says automatically. Practiced words, ones she has said countless times. The faces change, her words remain the same as she gives these people their tasks and trials to complete. Till she grows tired of doing this, letting the realm do their part.
She retreats to her personal space, and replays the events that she had done. Her own hands burn from when she used her hell flames on Ardbert. She still feels their heat. She had marked three people to keep an eye on. Cid, G’raha, and Ardbert. She had tied their lives into her own spirit. She had to do something to keep them from meddling. 
Kivera recalls her encounter with Cid. He was busy with something he had worked on, barely even noticed her slipping in through a mirror. Before he had known, he felt something graze through his back and touch his very soul before searing heat engulfed him internally. When he had turned around, he was met with the blunt end of a scythe raising him up and pinning him to the wall nearby.
“You’re Shuri and Estinien’s lover?”
“That saves me time. I know you, and have watched you for a while now.” Kivera’s eyes were a bright green behind her mask, and he sees black surrounding them. He felt his limbs as if they were freezing in place.
“What is this about? Surely you are not?”
“Just be quiet and listen to me. You of all people should heed me. You are very much alive, and I am very much capable of ending that now. Right here. So I have a warning for you.”
“I don’t have much of a choice do I?”
“No you do not. Either you heed it or you rather not know what will happen. You have stepped into a world and realm you have no business in. One that WILL kill you. If you have any sort of devotion to your beloved, Yume. You will stay out of the time temporals. I let the events of The First slide, because I was meant to stay out. But I won’t have you setting foot where you shouldn’t now. Be with your lover.” Cid feels his arms returned to normal but his legs felt heavy as stone. 
“I can’t just abandoned my work.” He tries to bargain with her.
“I never said you didn’t have to stop. Just not mess with time. It does not lead to anything good.” She warns him. Her voice softer than he remembered, but in the empty room it was haunting as she is the border between two realms. He notes how with ease she lifts him, not even shaking in her hold bearing his weight at the end of her scythe. 
“I’ll try not to.” He is met with a glare behind the mask, irises flashing orange in her annoyance. He feels his body returned to normal in the way he doesn’t feel his body stone and the blood rushing back through him. Kivera turns and tosses him with her scythe across the room.
Kivera wanders to the door to the workshop and exits it, scaring Wedge with the sudden slam of the door. She stalks out and goes to stand in the center of Revenant’s Toll, she still had one more person to see within this place..
Kivera’s memories of what happened after replay, she had only intended to scare the miqo. 
“Maledetto! Ardbert! Why did you have to....“ She throws a fireball across the floor letting it race and fizzle out before it reaches her scrolls. She had lingered in a mirror when she spied on the meeting at Rising Stones. She saw the way her loved ones defended her name. How Shuri didn’t reveal everything about her, Divinity had to disclose, she doesn’t blame her for talking about her so much. Explaining her reason and resolve.
She sees how haunted G’raha Tia looks at how the Scions seem to just accept it, not wanting to make a further mess by targeting her as an enemy. They are wise in that choice. They know her power already with Amaurot. How she can raze a world, how she can destroy something without a thought. They see keeping her on their side more vital than a dispute.
Kivera felt guilty for how she treated G’raha, but she did not feel sorry for the way she went about her methods. He had to know the gravity of his meddling. That the lives he altered permanently, they have to deal with the repercussions. Meeps and Fae both have to come to terms with their feelings. How to raise a child without their parent they had spent.
“A parent is a god in the eyes of a child.” Her voice comes out in a whisper, she would never have that opportunity. Her life had been snuffed out decades ago. She regrets attacking Ardbert, he had just gained her trust. Then shattered it with careless words.
Antares’ orb reflects her eyes in a deep blue at that feeling. She cared, she knows their interaction is unavoidable. She feels the familiar pricks in her mind from Divinity searching for her. She quickly shuts her out, unable to really show the Libra spirit the sorrow she feels. 
Ardbert used it as a means to provoke her, and she let loose on him. To draw her attention off G’raha, and onto him full force. It worked, she had attacked him in pain, they had exchanged blows to the point she had invoked Pluto into her own body. A deity of destruction. If Divinity hadn’t intervened. She is certain Ardbert might not be around due to the magnitude of what she was about to unleash on him.
Kivera feels another prick into her link, and sighs as she curls into one of the beds she keeps to lounge on. 
“Te amo.. You and Shuri.” She gives Divinity what she seeks. Her response to ensure she would come back to them.
Her mind drifts to the time she spent in Hell. Wandering as a broken soul, stumbling blinded, and torn apart almost from the many who saw a pristine being and set about ruining her in every which way. She feels the hands still when they gouged skin or her eyes.
She resigns her thoughts to another thing, she needed to see Chiron. He helped her through the days following Damien’s death, then after when the conditions of his revival were placed on her. When she was asked when she would return. She answered after she visits the Sagittarius spirit. She needed tempering in her abilities, how to redirect her anger, her alignment had shifted in that fight to a little more chaotic than her neutral state. 
She’d have to summon G’raha when she returned. Any explanation she should give him, is best from herself. She didn’t need her loved ones apologizing on her behalf for losing herself.
Kivera ruffles the hair of Silvara, the sphinx raises her head to eye her.
“Tell me of a riddle.” Kivera asks her, and Silvara thinks about it.
“You are planning to see him?” A nod and she stretches herself across the reaper’s body.
“No.” Kivera snaps her attention to her.
“Why?” She was being denied entry.
“You know what must be done. A riddle nor Chiron will give you more answer than what you already know.” Silvara feels Kivera stir underneath her, and only presses down, grateful for her lion like body having some weight to pin the angel down.
“And what is that answer?!” She is met with a smirk.
“That would give away the answer.” Kivera tries to slip out from her grasp. Silvara keeps her there. Not inclined to move off and lets her frustrated curses be sound in her ears.
“Silenzio!” Silvara chirps back taunting her. Kivera blinks, and resigns herself.
She did know what needed to be done.
Apologies to those involved. She had let her own wrath speak for her. 
“Forgiveness right?” She says quietly.
“Bingo. Head scratches.” Silvara demands. Kivera sighs and gives the sphinx pets on her head. She won’t be allowed up unless she does.
“Don’t eat my books again in my absence.” Kivera reminds her.
“They were ones that you wouldn’t miss!”
“Silvara! Don’t eat my books! Eat Chirons! He has more than me.” Silvara gets off of her finally, and lets the reaper up.
“You’re going back right?” Silvara takes over Kivera’s spot.
“I need to. I did some things I shouldn’t have, and there is a few who miss me already.”
“Divinity always did worry when you up and leave. Even in Paradise.”
“I have a role to do, and I must see it through.” Kivera starts towards a mirror, to head back to the world she ran away from in pain.
“Don’t burn people too much again.”
“Aww... that is my specialty.” Kivera sees the grin on the sphinx, then promptly curls her wings around herself.
Kivera enters through her mirror, she had some atonements to make.
Translation note -
“Damn you!”
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venus-says · 5 years
Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart Episodes 25-47
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Light and Darkness are more alike than you think.
I know, I broke the promise I made last time, but as you can guess things didn't work the way I wanted so I couldn't put this out earlier. But that doesn't really matter that much because I'm here, and this finale was amazing, and I'm more in love with this series than I ever was and this is what matters!
After this first paragraph is not a surprise if I say that I enjoyed this second half of Max Heart. Writing this post will be a little hard for me without being way too repetitive from what I wrote for the first half because this is a pretty solid season and most of my feeling from the first half got carried away through here. The show kept on an amazing level of quality all the way through and the way they slowly started to escalate things to culminate in such a high point at the finale didn't leave that much room for a very low or very high point that needed to be discussed on a certain way that I already haven't touched on the first post.
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I have barely anything negative to say about this part, but I did have a few nitpicks here and there that don't necessarily ruin my experience or anything but that were things that got me thinking about in the afterward that I feel like I need to discuss about briefly just so these thoughts can leave my head.
My first problem and the only one that is exclusive to this part is, surprise surprise, Lulun. I feel like Polun gets a bad reputation for having a somewhat rough start in season 1, but trust me, Polun is amazing, it's Lulun who -is the problem. And Lulun is a problem for two major reasons, the first one is that she's kinda useless, like, yes the show gives her a purpose but it's not something that could've been done for Polun, for example. I feel like if Lulun was written out with Polun inheriting her powers very few little of the show would change, Polun would lose those episodes where he learns about siblings love but then those wouldn't be necessary since he wouldn't have a sister and they could use that time to work with something else for him. And the other reason why she ends up becoming a problem is the fact that, different from her brother, she didn't get any development, she ended the show more or less the same as how she was introduced so there's very little to remember about it that isn't her crying and clinginess.
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My next two points are kinda intertwined and they aren't specifically related to this portion of the story but for the season as a whole. I got a problem with the Heartiel and with how they just appeared whenever the show thought it was the time. The point I made in the first post about liking them remains, but it was really awkward how this was supposed to be a quest but had no quest element to it throughout the whole season but then the final Heartiel appeared because they "filled a condition" like if it was a quest so... I think they could've written them in a better way.
And this ties in with my problem with the villains, they had a similar quest where they had to watch the Boy in the mansion and make him grow, but they didn't have anything to collect and even if they did it wasn't shown to us so it always felt like the villains attack for the most part were just random, arbitrary, and without a purpose. Of course, after a certain point this wasn't more the case, in fact, after Hikari and the Boy meets for the first time Viblis start to get very overprotective of the kid so she's always ready to go all out if it meant it could keep the Boy safe, but when it comes to Circulas and Uraganos it felt like just tossups that were there just to fill a quota. Yeah, they created a lot of cool and interesting fights, but they felt very lost in the middle of all of this.
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My other problem, that is more like a disappointment rather than anything else is the fact that Nagisa's story with Fujipi didn't reach a proper conclusion I feel. Like yes, they had a lot of times where they bonded on the season, and it was great as a side development for Nagisa, but I feel like this story was finished without an end. If they had made this point of the story happen a little sooner and we had the opportunity to see Nagisa actually showing signs that she's more chill about this situation it would've been a more concrete way to feel like this chapter of the book has ended rather than how it happened and it made me feel like the show ended without giving this plotline a proper conclusion.
My final nitpick is that because this is a show that happened at the same pace almost matching with the same time frame of the original show a lot of plots felt reused. Like in this second half only we had the training camp, we had an episode where they helped on a farm, we had Nagisa's birthday, Fujipi's birthday, Christmas, the school trip, the school play, another story of the girls potentially getting apart, and a few lacrosse games that were part of the tournament season I believe. I know that some of these are inevitable to change, and each one of the episodes was different from its "counterpart" from season one so it's not like a blatant copy and paste, but at certain times it gave me that taste of reheated food, which it's not bad on itself but you can still feel the difference from something fresh.
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With that being said, I still enjoyed the hell out of this season. As I said, these were nitpickings I had after I already had finished the show and I sit down to think about it and think about what I'd write for this post, not something that took my entertainment or anything like that.
One thing I think this part has done very well was mixing the understand people's feelings theme they had during the first half with the theme of hope that was present through Season 1 in a way that didn't feel weird and inconceivable and without making it feel like it was forced. I'm not gonna lie, I wish that they had stuck only with the understanding theme, but that's just because I was oversaturated by all the talk about hope in Kamen Rider Wizard and I was in need of something different and not a fault of the show itself.
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Something tells me I have talked about them in every post about Futari wa, but I couldn't wrap up this series without mentioning how great Akane and Sanae were in this show. I'm gonna sound repetitive but their presence as mentor figures is so strong, I'm so glad the show didn't just forget about them. Even though I feel like they didn't take all the mileage that they could with Sanae, she provided some gorgeous moments that made me feel warm inside. This season was Akane's moment to shine, having her as Hikari's "caretaker" opened up more opportunities for her to appear and all of her interactions that got the chance to go beyond the trivial stuff always yielded fun and touching moments that gave an extra flair to the season.
Putting plot aside for a little bit, it's impossible to talk about Max Heart without mentioning how great the action is. No joke, in almost all episodes of this second batch I've written on my notes "this was a great fight", I don't know what happened in between Season 1 and Max Heart that made the higherups allow for a bigger budget, but you can see that the money was spent on a very good way, especially after episode 40 or so. Watching the Max Heart fights makes you go "YAS, THIS IS WHAT PRECURE IS ALL ABOUT at least in regards to the fighting magical girl portion of the thing XD"
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And I think what crowns such a wonderful and memorable season was the ending, those final 4 episodes were magnificent. They deliver on the plot, they deliver on the action, they deliver the hype, they deliver on the characters, it's just awesome. My vocabulary isn't vast enough to describe everything I felt while watching it, it was just like I was in a trance, watching it, absorbing it, being enchanted by it, and becoming an emotional mess. Like, I knew they wouldn't kill Hikari, this is precure deaths don't happen like that, but I was really apprehensive for her during episode 45, and having her "sacrifice" herself in order to revive the queen broke me, especially because I few minutes before Nagisa and Honoka were already punching me with the feels with those scenes of them looking back at moments where they felt desperate but their family was there to give them hope.
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And it was also great to see a tradition being born when they started the fight against the Dark King that had possessed Baldez and the power of the people of the city brought the Sparkle Braceletes back and while the fighting was going on they had that very emotional speech that he wasn't fighting just the Precure, he was fighting EVERYONE. Like, I know at this point this is a staple, but seeing the first one happening, after everything that was build up during those 96 episodes, was just EPIC and very hype.
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Rewatching Max Heart was magical and even though it irl it was a more bumpy of a road as I would've expected and wanted, I'm very glad I decided to embark on this crazy journey to rediscover this series and deconstruct a lot of silly and shallow thoughts I've carried for years about this show. This can change as a continue to go down on this franchise and I rewatch other seasons but Max Heart has definitely become one of my favorite precure seasons of all time. Pure gold.
The Splash Star post that was due to come out tomorrow will only be released on Friday because of logistic reasons, but before that, I'll release a post on the Max Heart movies that I thought of including here but 1, this post is already very long; and 2, I didn't feel like it belong with the other things I discussed in this post. In any case, thank you all so much for reading through all of this, it means a lot to me. I'll talk to y'all another time. Bye-bye~
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