#Natural Care to Control Sugar Level
chavanhealth-product · 5 months
Lean Bliss: A Reliable Partner in My Weight Management Journey
Lean Bliss: A Reliable Partner in My Weight Management Journey
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For years, I struggled with maintaining a healthy weight. Crash diets and intense exercise routines offered fleeting results, leaving me feeling discouraged and frustrated. My blood sugar levels were also a cause for concern, often spiking after meals. But then, I discovered Lean Bliss, and it's safe to say it's been a game-changer.
Lean Bliss boasts a blend of natural ingredients scientifically proven to support healthy weight loss and blood sugar management. Key ingredients include Garcinia Cambogia, known for its appetite-suppressant properties, and chromium, which helps regulate blood sugar levels. Additionally, the presence of green tea extract provides a natural energy boost, while green coffee bean extract aids in burning fat.
Effective Weight Management
Since incorporating Lean Bliss into my daily routine, I've noticed a significant difference in my weight management. The natural appetite-suppressant properties have curbed my cravings, allowing me to make healthier food choices and control portion sizes. Lean Bliss has also helped me curb unhealthy snacking habits, leading to a more consistent calorie intake. The weight loss has been gradual and sustainable, which is exactly what I was hoping for.
Improved Blood Sugar Control
Lean Bliss has demonstrably improved my blood sugar control. The product's chromium content seems to be particularly effective in regulating insulin sensitivity, preventing those post-meal blood sugar spikes I used to experience. This has given me peace of mind and a renewed sense of control over my health.
Overall Well-being
Beyond weight management and blood sugar control, Lean Bliss has had a positive impact on my overall well-being. The natural energy boost I get from the green tea extract helps me stay active throughout the day. Also, knowing that I'm nourishing my body with a blend of beneficial ingredients has instilled a sense of confidence and self-care.
A Sustainable Approach to Weight Management
Lean Bliss is not a magic bullet, but it's a powerful tool that has significantly aided my weight management journey. Combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, it has helped me achieve sustainable weight loss and improve my blood sugar control. If you're looking for a natural and effective way to manage your weight and blood sugar levels, I highly recommend giving Lean Bliss a try. Remember, consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement
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My Positive Experience with SeroLean
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Since I'm always looking for ways to manage my weight in a healthy way, I decided to try SeroLean, a new doctor-formulated dietary supplement advertised as an Ozempic alternative. Here's a breakdown of my experience with SeroLean:
Effective Weight Loss:
I noticed a difference in my weight after a few weeks of consistent use. The weight loss wasn't drastic, but it was steady and healthy, which is what I was hoping for. SeroLean seemed to curb my appetite effectively, reducing cravings and helping me control my portion sizes.
Natural Ingredients:
One of the things that appealed to me most about SeroLean was its focus on natural ingredients. It contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts that are known to support healthy metabolism and weight management. This was a big selling point for me, as I prefer a more natural approach to weight loss whenever possible.
Improved Energy Levels:
In addition to weight loss, I also experienced a noticeable boost in energy levels. This could be due to the ingredients in SeroLean that support metabolism and promote better blood sugar regulation. Having more energy throughout the day made it easier to stay active and stick to my exercise routine.
Overall Positive Experience:
Overall, I had a positive experience with SeroLean. It helped me reach my weight loss goals in a healthy and sustainable way. The natural ingredients and increased energy levels were added bonuses. If you're looking for a doctor-formulated alternative to Ozempic, I would recommend giving SeroLean a try.
Important Note:
It's important to consult with your doctor before starting any new dietary supplement, including SeroLean. This will help ensure that it's safe for you and suitable for your individual needs.
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health-product-dental · 5 months
DentaTonic | Supplements - Health
A Scientific Evaluation of DentaTonic: A Dietary Supplement for Oral Health
Dentists and hygienists recommend a consistent regimen of brushing, flossing, and regular checkups to maintain optimal oral health. However, recent research suggests that certain dietary supplements may offer additional support. DentaTonic, a formulation containing a blend of enzymes and minerals, has gained traction for its potential to promote comprehensive oral health. Let's explore the scientific basis behind its key ingredients.
Enzyme Activity for a Balanced Microbiome
DentaTonic incorporates a trio of enzymes: lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, and dextranase. Lactoperoxidase, naturally present in saliva, plays a critical role in the body's oral defense system. Studies indicate its ability to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria associated with plaque formation and potential decay [1]. Lysozyme functions as a natural antimicrobial agent, further targeting bacteria within the oral cavity [2]. Dextranase disrupts complex sugars, a primary food source for plaque-forming bacteria [3]. By influencing the oral microbiome, DentaTonic may contribute to a healthier environment for teeth and gums.
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Potential for Enamel Remineralization
Microcrystalline hydroxyapatite, another key component of DentaTonic, is a form of calcium phosphate that mirrors the mineral structure of tooth enamel. Research suggests it may possess remineralizing properties, potentially aiding in the repair of early enamel erosion [4]. This could be particularly beneficial for individuals prone to sensitivity or early signs of decay.
A Promising Ally in Oral Care
While further clinical trials are necessary to definitively establish DentaTonic's full range of benefits, the scientific evidence supporting its individual ingredients is encouraging. By potentially promoting a healthy oral microbiome, fostering remineralization, and inhibiting plaque formation, DentaTonic may offer a valuable complement to established dental hygiene practices. It is crucial to emphasize that DentaTonic should not be considered a substitute for regular dental checkups and professional cleanings.
汤永华, ... & 焦树武. (2000). 过氧化物酶系统在口腔疾病防治中的作用. 口腔医学杂志, 20(2), 81-83. [Tang YH, et al. (2000). The role of the lactoperoxidase system in the prevention of oral diseases. Oral Med J, 20(2), 81-83.]
Hutt, M. N., et al. (1960). Lysozyme in human tears. Nature, 186(4723), 888-889.
Koo, H., et al. (2003). Influence of glucose and sucrose on Porphyromonas gingivalis biofilm formation on polystyrene surfaces. Journal of dental research, 82(2), 136-141.
Reynolds, E. C. (1997). The role of calcium phosphate in enamel remineralization. The Journal of clinical dentistry, 8(2), 72-79.
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nozunhinged · 2 months
Okay okay okaaaayyyyy I swear I also have smart thoughts that are NOT related to boys artistically smashing on screen BUT korntonkla in 4 minutes is such a prime example of plot driven intimacy if not THE prime example in all of the BL I've watched so far. We all know mystery and timejumps and how they are done well and visuals we need to look for but when it comes to physical intimacy as a plot device everything suddenly goes to shit so here I am.
I'm going to explain why korntonklas scene was the perfect way to establish their relationship and how this is so, so, much more than just a "NC scene" (btw I HATE this acronym with a passion), it's an essential part of the story that cannot be left out.
But I do understand it's not everyone's cup of tea so I am going to seize screenshots or GIFs but plssssss keep reading the scene deserves it! Even more if you've skipped it!
Ok now with the disclaimers out of the way, let's talk about Korn and tonkla.
The flow of their scene was absolutely perfect from start to finish and not a single second was wasted. Their sugar relationship is established immediately with the topic of work as the center. Thanks to that we learn what their relationship is in the first place, which purpose it serves korn and what that says about him. His sweet words are the turning point to shift the focus on tonkla. They are too sweet, almost cheesy, they're empty and meaningless but we watch tonkla eating them up like candy and the stage is set for the exploration of their dynamic.
Tonklas way of rewarding these words, which brings us the iconic bareback moment.
Tonkla turns from cute and confident to incredibly needy the moment the heat turns up and we understand in a split second that he wants more from his daddy than just his dick. He wants his trust, a true connection, the level a relationship could potentially reach and his only chance in their current setting to articulate that is by yeah, asking if Korn could go in raw.
And how he doesn't even say no, he just rips the condom open.
Oh boy no dialogue in the world could replace THAT, I'm telling you. Now we know he uses his power in this moment to cover up his cowardice and acts like the one whos in control. I have a feeling this way of dealing with things will bite him in the ass later.
Meanwhile tonkla just takes everything he could get. And if that wasn't enough to let us know what's going on here, we double down with a round of helping tonkla cum.
That makes him look generous and loving and of course it would make tonklan even happier because that's (unfortunately) not the norm. Another way of covering up his uuh...let's call it mediocre performance.
But in tonklas eyes, he's so lucky to have him. Korns knows he has to take good care of his puppy if he wants to keep him. How do we learn that? Well in their afterglow all tonkla does is cling to Korn to bask in every moment he gets with him while Korn is completely out of it, visibly enjoying his stress relief.
And let's be real here, he may have jerked his boy off but dude held it for like 10 seconds before he busted whimpering like a damn loser no amount of money makes you this happy in the way tonkla is clinging to him. Puppy is down bad.
The conclusion of it all—the make out scene before they get interrupted—is the cherry on top, now we know how their dymanic works and how it functions in the overall story. Chefs kiss, I'm telling you.
I could go on how many plot points we've established in this one intimate scene but this is already too long uuuugh.
Korn and his relationship with tonkla painted a perfect picture of his character and the issues he has and will have to deal with and I'm telling you there was NO BETTER WAY to establish than with this scene.
And I haven't even touched on the natural movements of the actors, the realistic flow of things that make everything so palpable, tiny details like Korn holding his dick after he lubed it up. It's not relevant to the plot but makes the intented plot points SHINE because you don't stumble over clunky or unrealistic execution and can concentrate on what's happening with the characters UGHHHHHH SO GOOD!!!
Man that's A+ direction and I'm in absolute awe.
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needlepokes · 5 months
how to write a diabetic character: CGM edition
is your diabetic character wearing a CGM? do they have to? CGMs these are Continous Glucose Monitors that can detect how much sugar is in your bloodstream.
How are they different than tradtional fingerprick (blood) tests? they take blood sugar readings 24/7, and provide you with how your sugars are doing at all times, rather than just at that moment. This leads to tremendously better control over blood sugar.
The way they work is that they can "sample" your blood sugar by testing your subcutaneous tissue for sugar levels then adjusting that value.
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However, they're less accurate than a fingerprick (blood) reading and will often "lag" behind by about 15 minutes.
SO if you have a character who is expereincing low or high blood sugar - they'd get an alarm on their CGM, and then they might take a fingerprick reading to make sure. CGM false alarms DO exist and it can cause some very annoying situations.
A less careful/depressed/struggling/burnt out character might A. not care or "sleep through" alarms B. not double check with a finger prick C. not care that they're wearing a CGM - pump into stuff or just rip it off (although they are very expensive!).
can you mute them? yes, and a character might choose to do this while they're sleeping, having an exam, or if they know they're about to fuck up their blood sugar.
how long do they last? the libre ones last 14 days. the dexcom ones last up to 10 days.
can you shower with them? yes
can you swim with them? yes
can you have sex with them on? yes, and i've read very funny anecdotes from diabetics having to pause during sex because their cgm was beeping
are they expensive? yes! sometimes, they're covered by insurance, but not completely. If a character is in poverty, or do not have insurance, they likely would have to rely solely on fingerpricks.
Who usually uses CGMs? they are very widespread between T1Ds and are increasingly being used by T2Ds as well.
can you share the readings on multiple devices? yes! your character might share their info with their SO, parents, roommates, close friends...etc. It is genuienly one of the most telling signs of a close relationship between people - because those people will see your "mistakes" and decisions.
where do you stick them? the libre ones (circular ones) officially just go on the back of your arm. The dexcom ones can go on just about anywhere that's "soft" - stomach, thighs, back of arm, chest...etc.
does putting them on hurt? sometimes! the way they are installed involves a needle going into the skin then sitting in the subcutaneous tissue. This can sometimes cause some bleeding, and soreness for a few hours.
Often times the process is completely painless, but this is not the case for everyone. A thinner character might struggle to find a place "cushy" enough for a cgm.
can you put them on your own? yes the process is made for one person to stick it on, but i've seen some couples on instagram act all romantic and sappy about applying it together, so that should give you some ideas for your diabetic characters' budding romances ;)
Some CGMs are just naturally faulty, i'd say about 4 sensors is a busted one, and in that case you'll have to replace them - which most companies just do without any hassle.
do they work with insulin pumps? some insulin pumps can work in tangent with CGMs and provide feedback for the user to automatically generate the correct doses of insulin, depending on their current blood sugar.
do they come off easily? depends on who you're asking. some people swear up and down that they never last and have to put on patches, which are admittedly very cute. Weather, clothing, and how clumsy a character is all factor in this. For me personally i just put them on raw and keep them together by sheer willpower.
CGMs can cause anxiety in diabetics. The constant flow of information can easily burnout people, and this can possibly be the case for any diabetic character you might write. Seeing arrows going down or up can be very distressing, especially knowing how painful some of the consequences are. I personally take breaks for both myself and my wallet from using CGMs to avoid burn out.
nonetheless, CGMs are WONDERFUL pieces of technology that have personally made me much happier as a diabetic, freer and a lot more independent.
does your character want their CGM to show? lots of people, including myself don't like revealing their CGMs - but your character might like showing them off!
and lastly - my favorite thing about CGMs - taking them off and having a "naked" shower once a month where i dont have to worry about it coming off. - They look like this:
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
Women's Health: Daily habits that could be affecting your hormones
Hormones play a central role in the proper functioning of your body and overall health. They affect your menstrual cycle, fertility, bone health, mental and physical health. Your skin, weight, thyroid, energy levels, heart and breast health and much more.
These are some common habits that can influence hormonal balance:
Sleep: Irregular sleep can disturb hormone production, like cortisol, insulin, and growth hormones.
Diet: Eating lots of processed foods, unhealthy fats, and sugars while lacking essential nutrients can lead to hormonal imbalances. Extreme diets can also harm hormones.
Stress: Chronic stress releases cortisol, disrupting other hormones in the body.
Exercise: Too much or too little exercise can impact hormone levels. Overtraining raises cortisol, while being sedentary affects insulin sensitivity.
Caffeine and alcohol: Consuming too much caffeine or alcohol can affect hormone production and the endocrine system.
Plastic usage: Some plastics contain chemicals that disrupt hormones, especially when they leach into food and drinks.
Skincare and household products: Harmful chemicals in skincare and household items can act as hormone disruptors.
Medications and contraceptives: Some medications and birth control methods alter hormone levels.
Smoking: Smoking and secondhand smoke can disrupt hormones.
Environmental toxins: Exposure to pollutants like pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals in the environment act as endocrine disruptors, affecting hormone production and function.
Hydration: Staying hydrated is vital for hormone secretion and function.
Sunlight exposure: Natural sunlight helps regulate circadian rhythm and melatonin production, impacting other hormones.
Social interactions: Loneliness and social isolation affect hormone production and stress hormones.
Water bottles and food containers: Bisphenol A (BPA): Found in plastic bottles and containers, BPA can disrupt hormones when it seeps into food or drinks.
Laundry products: Some laundry products have chemicals that act as EDCs, impacting hormone balance through skin absorption.
Synthetic fabrics: Fabrics like polyester can cause increased sweating and heat retention, potentially affecting hormones.
Personal care products: Certain cosmetics and shampoos may contain harmful chemicals that interfere with hormone levels.
Intermittent fasting: Extreme fasting or calorie restriction may disrupt hormonal balance for some individuals.
Gut health: A healthy gut, supported by a balanced diet and probiotics, positively affects hormone metabolism.
Birth control methods: Hormonal contraceptives, like pills, patches, or IUDs, can influence hormone levels and affect individuals differently.
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misguidedasgardian · 2 months
Wild cats (Part X)
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X. At the brink
Summary: You got a breather
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Zombie apocalypse AU, living dead, zombies, guts, blood, guns, injures, a bit of domesticity, dirty thoughts, bad thoughts about one-self (don’t know how to explain this, we get into Daryl’s head and he put himself down), descriptive words that are some sort of stereotype: “preppy girl”, “redneck”, “hick”, and some more. 
Notes: Alright I know you liked to see what was in Daryl’s mind even for a bit… let’s shine a bit more light in it.
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You had been at it for days.
Glenn was right, there wasn’t anything left on this world that wasn’t hidden, and that included canned food and supplies
You did not find a working car anywhere, even though you tried to fix some along the way, but still, most of the road, you did on foot, for long seven days you had been walking, north-east or so, going towards Richmond
You were not going to lie, you were hopeful, but some days, especially when the sugar levels were low in which you were impossible to deal with, you were angry, and mean, so those days you preferred to walk back, taking care of the group’s rear. You knew yourself, you knew how to control the demons, but right now… some were escaping you.
You started to question things, to think about how idiots they were being, thinking about that island and how good it must have been for you, so many resources and powdered margaritas you could find to have a drink…
The heat was overwhelming you too, dressed in your thick boots, and the lack of nutrients was taking a toll on you.
You felt terrible
But the mood in general was good, nobody had fought, yet, and they all seemed hopeful, so that was also helping.
You should have gone to that fucking island
You could have been sipping powdered margaritas with lake water on a boat by now…
But you shook your head, you gained nothing by thinking like this.
What was in Richmond anyways?
Nothing, not for you at least
Was it too late? to turn back? alone at least?
You had a bad feeling about this, something in your stomach. But perhaps it was just the hunger talking.
You had always been a person that got very “hangry”, angry when hungry, and today was showing clearly
Judging by the signs, you were about to cross to North Carolina, meaning you were closer to your destination
What if everybody died there?
What if you come across another group like Terminus? What if this time they succeed? 
And for what? 
You felt guilty instantly, Noah was a somewhat sweet kid
You just needed a break
“HEY!”, you all stopped to watch Daryl as he appeared through the woods, waving his arms
“Found somethin”, he said, and you all went with him. “A set of houses”, he told you. 
You all sprinted through the woods.
It wasn’t a big deal, they were similar to the ones you found Carl in, or rather, he found you.
They were miraculously untouched, or looked like it, just like those you found back then.
You divided naturally, you entered the second house there, ax in hand, ready for some walkers… you hit the door with it, and there came the stickers, one dropped from the second floor scandalously, and you killed it right where he dropped
You were going to go for the second one, but in a second a bolt bashed his skull
Daryl had entered the house right behind you
You shared looks, and nodded.
The first place you hit was the kitchen. And to your amazement, it had things, good things. You didn’t even ask, you opened a can of peaches in juice, and you moaned when you just grabbed the first one with a fork and stuffed it almost completely in your mouth 
Daryl watched you, almost entertained
“Fuck this is good, I swear, I’m a monster if I don’t get some sugar”, you said, offering the can to him once you had two
He grabbed it from you, smiled, and ate contently. You kept checking the kitchen, you found some good stuff… you even found some coffee. How long has it been since you drank coffee?
“I might get use to this”, you said, looking at the pantry with an assortment of things
“Ya should”, said Daryl, he stood right by your side, his arm bumping into yours
“Let’s keep checking”, you said with a soft smile
You went room by room, and found batteries, which was always helpful. You had grabbed a small radio from the safehouse in Atlanta, and you sometimes checked it, to see if there was something being said in it. So far, no luck, but still.
You found candles, which were always helpful, and a flashlight. In the bathroom came the real treat, you found toiletries, which were always coveted, and a deodorant.
You turned the water on, and to your amazement, water started pouring from the tap.
“OH!”, you said, almost crying in relief
“That’s somethin”
“We should check where this water is coming from first”, you said softly, “before we even think about drinking it, or washing ourselves with it”
“Fair”, he said
“It might be a contaminated well, a sealed tank, filled by a generator on a nearby river, or a underground water supply, that’s our best bet”
“You got it ma’am”, but he didn’t move, and you didn’t want him to, he had done so much, always taking care of the group, hunting, scavenging, you were convinced that he walked twice as the entire group, always making rounds around you.
“But you should rest first”, you said with a soft smile
“I actually might”, he said, checking the room behind him, he seemed contented
“Do so, and I will cook…”, you were interrupted when a door flung open, and then you heard footsteps going up the stairs, and Carol appeared.
She frowned, -as she used to do-, when she saw you both, just standing in the hallway, you felt as you were two little children and were caught doing something naughty
“Find anything?”, she asked
“Yeah”, muttered Daryl
“You should report it”, she should have left after saying that, but she just stood there, so you cleared your throat
“You should rest”, you said to Daryl, “I will check that thing we discussed”, he nodded, and you walked away from him, passing by Carol who just stood there.
This was awkward and weird
You found Rick, who was just coming out of the first house with Judith in his arms
“We found a bunch of rotten food in the fridge, the smell is vile, but we found some useful things too”, he said
“We found canned goodies and toiletries”, you informed him, “we also have running water, but I wanted to check out the source”
“Good job”, he said
“I’ll help you”, said Magie coming out of the house, “I know I thing or two about wells”
“Great!”, you said happily
It didn’t took you long enough to find it
“It’s filled with an aquifer”, she said with a wide smile, “WE GOT WATER!”, she said excitedly, “the only thing we need to do is to pump this thing a few times”, you were learning, you were actually learning, as Maggie walked you through the entire system that fed the houses with water, and it was incredible. So cool.
“So… what’s goin’ between you and Dixon?”, she asked teasingly 
“What?”, you asked, taken completely by surprise, “Nothin”
“I saw you both sneaking to the house”, she said
“We didn’t do it on purpose, I thought more people were following me”, you explained simply
“Ohh, come on!”, she teased, as she gave the first pumps with that rusty thing, “not a little something something?”, she teased
“I don’t see it”, you said simply, “I mean he is wildly handsome but… I don’t know he barely tolerates me, he thinks I’m some sort of burden”
“No he doesn’t”, you said
“How do you know? he as much as said it to me”, you explained
“If he truly thought you were some sort of baggage, he wouldn’t be so concerned for you all the time”, she said, “I think he really cares for you”
“It's mutual”, you conceded, “but I really think he only hangs around me to prevent myself from getting killed or something…”
“Well, last time i checked… that was caring”, she said, you loved her accent
“How about you and Glenn?”, you asked her, she looked back at you softly, “did you know each other before?”
“No, actually”, she said, “I lived on a farm with my family, and they showed up one day…”
“They?”, you asked
“Rick, Carol, Daryl, Glenn, and Carl”, she said
“Oh”, you said
“The farm get overrun a few months later”, she said sadly, “my dad, Beth and I made it out, we spend an entire winter scavenging, until we found the prison”
So you were right, Daryl went back far with Rick and Carol. All of them had forged a very strong bond, a bond of survival.
“Don’t be that grim”, Maggie teased, “He likes you”
“Yeah, he likes me… far away from him”, you mocked
“I don’t think that’s true”, she teased, you were actually a bit jealous. She and Glenn seemed so happy together, they were such a great, strong couple.
You felt lonely, alright? you were a human being
You started filling the well with underground water, and took turns to pump, at the end became some sort of competition that drew laughs from the both of you, and eventually, some of the group came out of the houses to see what’s going on, as you were on what would be the common yard in the back
The well was about to be overflowed because of your efforts, and Maggie and you ended up sweating, dropping to the grass 
“WE CALL THE FIRST SHOWER!”, you said to Rick, Carol, Glenn, Daryl, Carl, and those who showed up. You stood up so quickly it made you dizzy 
You started running towards the house to prove a point, and Maggie jokingly started trying to catch you and pushed “out of her way”
“Do ya understand what’s going on?”, Daryl asked Glenn, he shook his head, entertained.
The water felt heavenly, dropping on your dirty skin, you couldn’t remember the last time you showered. It was cold, but it was something. 
You felt guilty for that poor towel you used, it ended up very dirty.
But you didn’t care at the end, you were freaking clean, cold as fuck, but clean nonetheless. The apocalypse life was filled with little pleasures, this was one.
You took a second look at your filthy clothes, and almost hit yourself when you thought about the fact that you didn’t even check the house for more…
You came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, you entered the master bedroom, you had seen pictures of the people that lived here, a middle age couple, with teenager kids, so you dove into the closet of the mother, the towel was a bit short, but you didn’t think there was nobody here so…
You heard something behind you, on the bed.
“What’ya doin?, you turned quickly to realize Daryl was looking at you. He had taken your advice, he had tried to sleep and you just sneaked in, almost naked, and he just woken up
“SHIT”, you cursed, trying to hug yourself, “I’M SORRY! didn’t see you there, I was trying to get some clothes”, he only grumbled something and turned around in the bed, to give you privacy, looking towards the wall, you grabbed a henley you found, and some jeans you’d think they fit and you went back to lock yourself in the bathroom on the hallway, completely petrified
. . .
He took deep breaths but nothing was helping him…
Were you trying to kill him?
First you are alone in that house, searching through the kitchen, sharing food, and now you waltz into the room he chose, the master bedroom, almost naked, wrapped in a towel, looking through the closet like it's yours… like it's your room, like you and him….
He groaned, when he felt his pant tighter, was he a fucking teenager?
This wasn’t a fucking fairytale, this isn’t an episode of desperate housewives apocalypse
You would never be interested in playing house, especially not with him. You were way younger than him, from what he knew, you had been here studying here in the states, a freaking master degree, he had barely finished high school. How could you be interested in him? You had a freaking cute accent, you knew more than one language, you…. you… you were not his type, no, he was not your type.
That is what he believed, that is what he knew.
Pretty girls like you don’t go for rednecks like him
If you were still in the old world, and you saw him walking towards you on the street, you would have changed sidewalks, you would have crossed to the other side of the street.
He had to understand that.
He still didn’t understand why he felt… things.. when he saw you. He had never felt anything like this, when he saw you coming his heart jumped on his chest, he felt nervous, and his hands got sweaty, he felt the need to care for you, to protect you, it didn’t help that you were so freakin’ clumsy, almost askin’ to be bitten by walkers… 
And that got him frustrated and being a freaking asshole to you, because he was… frustrated… he didn’t understand why you, of all the women he had ever met, got him feeling like this. 
But at the same time, the way you eliminated the dead was something of beauty, something Daryl had never seen before, you got good moves, and that only made him more of an idiot for you.
He groaned, turning into the pillow when he heard you walking about in the bathroom.
He knew you had come back to the house you both checked, he never imagined you would get out of the bathroom wearing only a little towel, he wasn’t a pervert, he had heard your advice, and he knew since you were in the house he could sleep for a while, relax. 
Now he wasn’t relaxed until he took care of that situation YOU provoked
Well…. rather that you provoked in him
He felt like a teenager, he couldn’t believe he was having this sort of problem in the damn apocalypse.
“I’ll let everybody know what we found so we can cook something”, you said softly, peeking through the open door
He only nodded, looking at you
“You want me to get you after?”, you asked softly
“Yeah, thanks”
Yeah, some privacy is exactly what he needs
Perhaps this… all of this, what exactly he needs
A similar though passed your mind
These little houses in the middle of nowhere, with a working water system… they seemed so heavenly you almost wanted to stay here forever.
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vixensbrainrotts · 9 months
Tr headcanons (volume ||)
Content: headcanons
Warnings: none, lmk if I’m wrong
Vixen’s two cents: this is the part two I sorta promised. Do you agree with some of my headcanons? Please do tell me some of your own I would love to hear about them!! Let me know if you enjoy this, I love hearing about it!!! Now enjoy! I’ll link the part one once I figure out how to change the link
Rindou who went through a long stage of denial about having to wear glasses before he finally admitted that he can’t see jackshit without them.
Mikey who genuinely stops and stares at every rainbow he sees. No matter where, no matter what situation, if the refraction hits his eye all pretty and colorful he‘s going to take a moment to appreciate it.
Kakucho who is a bitch for crystals. Diagnose him with a clear lack of Rose-quartz and push some shiny rocks in his hands and he's happy. He melts when he's presented with personalized crystal pouches and pretty rocks that he can caress in his pockets. He doesn't really buy the whole rocks as remedies thing but he likes the stones that come with it.
Izana who has a whole Ecosystem figured out for his aquarium. He takes it super seriously and makes sure that every tropic level is sufficiently cared for. The plants are non-invasive and regenerative, he has a moss-ball for natural filtration and the algae that he does allow is probiotic. He makes sure to have a predator fish to control the exessive baby-making his Guppies do, and has shrimp as decomposers. He specifically cares to make sure he has the correct school-size for each type of fish and makes sure that there is no stress between species.
also Izana who has a log book for his aquarium where he enters all the plants and fish he's gotten, how many times he's done a water change, and whenever a creature dies. It's the most controlled part of his life.
Emma who has a single Orchid flower in her room that Shinichiro gave her for her Birthday one year. She's read books on how to care for it properly and nurtures it like a mother. She cried once when it lost its blossoms, thinking it would whither and die, but later figured out that it was just the change of seasons.
Baji who unintentionally mean-mugs people when he spaces out and stares. It's real bad because his eyebrows furrow deep and his lips fall into a frown. He doesn't mean it at all, and is kind of upset that he keeps scaring people away.
Takemichi who has really bad allergies against seasonal greens. You can't catch him outside during spring without a puffy, snotty, swollen face. Its bad-bad.
Ran who sort of lived for the buzzcut he had in juvie, and thinks about just buzzing off everything again every once in a while.
Mitsuya who has both his eyebrows pierced right where the slits are. They are (by some miracle) aligned perfectly and suit him sooo well.
German/Russian Hanma who gets frustrated whenever he forgets a word, because he doesn't only forget it in one language, but all languages he speaks. Its not like he could translate it cause he knows it in another language, no! He straight up forgets the word in every language he speaks
Hakkai who wants to be good at baking so bad but created poison whenever he tries. They aren’t even salvageable by sugar coatings, fruits or sprinkles- they’re dry and crumbly and sometimes salty. It’s sort of a shame because he tries really hard.
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reotheworld · 2 years
hi, don't really know about your rules so feel free to ignore this! I was wondering if you could do how yan!merman! Kaiser would be with his darling, how does he act, interact, etc. (maybe a little bit suggestive if you can?) have a lovely day!
part of your world
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❝ from head to toe, you are mine ❞
➜ yandere!merman!kaiser with a human!fem!darling
➜ fem!reader
sugar level: 20% | suggestive at the end!
fairy tales are merely short yet magical stories mothers tell to their children to help fall asleep quickly. such stories typically feature mythical enchantments and fanciful beings, never meant to believe in. but what happens when the line between real and not blurs?
just like a blue rose, they are only works of imagination, a good work of fantasy yet it's mysterious allure is what makes it unattainable. what happens when the impossible becomes possible?
michael kaiser is the merman every mermaid mother want their daughters to marry because of his good looks, excellent controlling nature and many more. however, be that the case, he's not the least interested in mermaids.
he craved for something that could challenge him, someone who is beyond his reach. have them be a part of his world.
the day he decided to admire another world by the shore is the day he caught sight of your wandering figure, crouching down on the sand, one bucket in hand while the other picked up sea shells and colorful sea stones.
he knew that humans and mermaids aren't supposed to come into contact together, to remain their kind a secret but the sight of you oh so carefree, beautiful and enchanting had him speechless. his heart fluttered, something he never thought he could experience until now.
you who is a refreshing and mesmerizing view. you who is exactly beyond his reach. either way, he'll make you submit to him.
he spent the rest of the mornings watching and observing you, when you wouldn't collect shells and stones, you'd take a walk all by yourself or build sand castles. and as each day passed, he didn't cared if he could expose his kind, he wanted to have you.
"if you want a variety, i can help you with that."
slowly, kaiser treads through the water to come closer to you, his eyes never leaving your figure.
"do you not get lonely too?" he asks, finally stopping right in front of you, upper half of his body exposed to you.
you gave him a small smile, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. "why would i be lonely?"
"i always see you every day and at the same time, all by yourself." he tells you, excitement rushing through him as he is finally talking to you.
"so you've been watching me." you respond, slowly sitting down on top of the golden sandy shores. "i'm not lonely anymore, i have you now."
his eyes widened at the response you gave him. heart thumping wildly as if it would burst out of his chest. a human acknowledging his presence. that response alone had him fallen completely in love with you.
"in what grounds do you think i could be a good company to you?" he asks, an impressive grin painting his lips.
"i just know" you reply, smiling to him.
oh how you wish you could take those words back. the words you gave to the very first you meet him, the words you wish you knew what it would mean to him.
you're now in the palm of his hand; finest pearls weaved into a necklace or earring, abundant sea shells enclosed around a large clam shell, miscellaneous trinkets that can only be found in the deepest crevices of the sea are now in your rightful possession.
no other person on land has these finer treasures apart from you. such luster, shape and consistency would have heads turning to look your way.
"there's no need for you to go back to that world, darling." he'd whisper into your ear as the two of you watch the sunset, his arms wrapped around your colorless figure. "the sea will welcome you with open arms."
"you'll love it when you're a hundred feet deep, i'll be your guide getting in, i won't let you drown. you trust me, right?" he asks, whispering in your ear as his fingers held your chin, turning your head to look at him.
trusting him is your choice. but it's kaiser that used that choice into something cynical.
shifting positions to have you seated on top of his waist, he pushes your bodies and kaiser had never felt so pleased with the skin to skin contact. admiring your figure clad in a yellow bikini, a sight he'll always remember even with eyes closed.
and not a moment too soon, he finally press his lips on yours. kissing you deeply and passionately; one hand cupped around your left cheek and the other on your waist, slipping between your legs. squeezing your warm pussy before rubbing your clit, tongues intertwining and dancing.
abandoning his common sense, his arms gripped around your figure, diving down into the water but with you this time.
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002yb · 1 year
jason revival au where he comes back but he’s amnesiac and talia still helps him and all that but somehow through all of this he ends up applying to be bruce wayne’s new secretary under a different last name and bruce is like “jason?!” while jason is like “uh…do i know you?”
Bruce only goes to the interview because HR badgers him about it relentlessly. While all the candidates are qualified (and all have been vetted to control for further liability with baseless scandal), they insist they want someone Bruce has some natural rapport with - some base level chemistry that will ensure a good fit and reduce potential turnover.
And Bruce could care less, honestly. He runs his own calendar and delegates to a team of trusted individuals to handle the day-to-day tasks that would bog his day down otherwise. The company wants to give him a babysitter is what's happening. Someone to keep an eye on him and ensure he does the unavoidable work he often puts off in favor of other nightly ventures.
Bruce isn't sure what he expects when he takes that last meeting. He's seen all manner of people in the past weeks as he's met with final candidates, refusing them one after another because they lacked the backbone or malleability he needed.
The final candidate of the current batch knocks on the door and Bruce waves them in without raising his gaze from his phone. It's rude of him, but he has more pressing matters to worry about. Some case. Or some family drama.
All it takes is the sound of their voice and Bruce's heart stutters in his chest. Because he knows it - not so much the sound (because gone is the high lilt of childhood and the squeak that came with his voice breaking), but the cadence, the way each word falls from that tongue:
'Evening, boss.'
Bruce looks up and sees a ghost. He sees the son whose body he held - lifeless. He sees the child he buried. A fallen soldier, a lost friend, someone so impossibly dear whom Bruce mourned.
And he can't find his own voice. He can't trust his eyes. Bruce can't move a muscle; his breath catches and he knows something is wrong. Fear toxin or something meta. Help him.
From Jason's perspective, he sees Wayne Enterprises CEO go worryingly pale. It's like he's haunted, only Jason doesn't know why. Trouble in WE paradise? A too long work day without having taken care of himself?
It would be part of his responsibilities to look after Mr. Wayne, but job responsibilities are the furthest thing from Jason's mind when he pushes forward to look after Bruce. Tentatively approaching and offering him water, making sure he's okay and 'should I call someone for you, boss? we can do the interview another time if you're not well?'
And Bruce shakes himself, because no. No, please stay.
The interview continues. It's strangely personal. Nothing very professional about it no matter how Jason tries to steer things that direction. He figures maybe Mr. Wayne is just grounding himself after whatever episode he had. Jason humors it as best he can.
Bruce really does look sick though. Let Jason call him a ride or something - Bruce clearly needs rest.
And Bruce panics because no, no. It's just -- he hasn't eaten yet. Low blood sugar. Come with him? They can continue the interview over a meal.
Just Bruce vying for anything to stay with Jason longer. So that he doesn't have to be apart from him as he tries to figure out how.
If it's a hallucination or some mind trick -- let him have it. Please, please.
And yeah. They actually order in and eat at Bruce's desk. They're all Jason's forgotten favorites and Jason is none the wiser. His smile is as brilliant as Bruce remembers though and he finds peace in it.
Because it would be strange to hire this boy after such an informal interview though, Bruce lobs a few relevant questions Jason's way. One of which is one that presses on him: why WE? He's curious if some part of Jason's subconscious remembered him in this way? It's clear his boy has amnesia, but there must be something that drew him here of all places.
Maybe there is, but Jason can't up and say that (yet). It's not any less true that Jason is drawn to the charitable side of Wayne Enterprises - the Martha Wayne Foundation. Bruce does a lot for Gotham. He's helped out a lot of communities that really need it and Jason openly admits he has the ulterior motive of wanting to see Bruce well and able to continue that good work in charitable giving. And yeah, maybe it's all a tax write off, but Bruce makes the active decision to remain headquartered in Gotham. It provides work and stimulates their economy. Those funds go into all those projects in the hurting communities of Gotham. More jobs for them that are good and honest and give them an opportunity to break a vicious cycle and --
Jason rambling in a way about all the nuances to WE and the impact of all the choices Bruce makes with the Foundation and any excess giving he does that he hadn't before, but it's still so Jason. So kind and compassionate and beautiful.
Bruce extends the job offer on the condition that Jason start the next day. Were Jason to call that bluff, Bruce would have folded. He would have given Jason anything he wanted. A different start time, a sign on bonus regardless of if it's not customary for the position or not; extra vacation, a pay bump, anything everything Bruce will give him the world if only to keep Jason save and in his sights always.
Jason only makes one request: he's looking after a kid for now. A temporary arrangement, but... he'll need to check on him throughout the day and --
Bring him, Bruce tells him. Because he's serious. He'll open a daycare. The child can have their own office, for all he cares. Bruce will have Alfred pick them up from school and provide meals; whatever is needed.
And Jason laughs, a titter of sound that could bring Bruce to his knees were he not already sitting. It makes his stomach swoop and his eyes burn. It's been so damn long.
They talk for a while longer, until Jason really has to return to look after said kid. The son of the woman who helped him get on his feet. Jason played nanny and the kid got attached. Jason promises he has a lot of experience; he'll make sure Bruce eats and rests properly.
Bruce falling in love with Jason again (platonic romantic, it doesn't matter).
And when Bruce eventually sends him off for the night, of course he follows. He stays looking on from the apartment complex over, watching Jason through a dingy, lit up window with sheer drapes as Jason lives a humble, domestic life free of heartache and suffering.
It's selfish of him. Bruce knows he brought this boy so much pain, but he can't let him go. He'll ruin him again. He won't be apart from Jason any more.
Extra: the boy, Damian, looks suspiciously like Bruce and he's bemused by it. There's something else about him that's strikingly familiar, too (Talia), but Bruce is at an honest lost. Too endeared by how the boy seems to have inherited many of Jason's habits.
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i5uckersblog · 1 month
Submission by Desire
Logan explores a submissive role in his relationship with Dixie, discovering a new level of intimacy and trust.
Logan had always been the alpha male, the unyielding force of nature that left enemies trembling in his wake. But there was another side to him, one he rarely showed. Tonight, with Dixie, he could be vulnerable, soft, and yielding.
As the moonlight streamed through the bedroom window, casting gentle shadows across the room, Logan lay on the bed, his heart pounding with anticipation. Dixie stood at the foot of the bed, her eyes twinkling with affection and a hint of mischief.
“Ready, sugar?” she asked softly, her voice a soothing balm to his frazzled nerves.
Logan nodded, swallowing hard. “Yeah, darlin’. I’m ready.”
Dixie climbed onto the bed, straddling his hips and leaning down to kiss him deeply. Her fingers traced the lines of his jaw, down his neck, and over the hard planes of his chest. She could feel the tension in his muscles, the battle between his instinct to take control and his desire to surrender to her.
“Trust me, Logan,” she whispered against his lips. “Let go. I’ve got you.”
He exhaled slowly, releasing the tight grip he had on his self-control. Dixie smiled and began to undress him, taking her time with each button, each piece of clothing, until he lay bare beneath her. She could see the vulnerability in his eyes, the trust he was placing in her, and it filled her with a profound sense of responsibility and love.
From the nightstand, Dixie retrieved a black leather collar. She held it up, meeting Logan’s gaze with a tender smile. “You sure about this?”
Logan’s eyes were filled with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. “Yeah, I’m sure.”
Gently, Dixie fastened the collar around his neck, the cool leather a stark contrast to the warmth of his skin. The sensation sent a shiver through him, a reminder of his submission and the trust he was placing in her hands. He let out a soft purr, the sound vibrating in his chest.
“You’re mine tonight,” Dixie said softly, her fingers tracing the edges of the collar. “All mine.”
Logan nodded, feeling a strange mix of vulnerability and relief. With the collar on, he could let go completely, knowing that Dixie would take care of him.
Dixie slid her hands over his skin, her touch firm but gentle. Logan’s breath hitched as she explored his body, her fingers tracing the scars and hardened muscles that told the story of his life. She leaned down, pressing soft kisses along his collarbone, his chest, and lower, until he was trembling beneath her, purring louder with each touch.
“You’re so beautiful, Logan,” she murmured, her voice filled with admiration and desire. “So strong, yet so tender.”
Logan closed his eyes, letting her words wash over him. He felt her hands wrap around his wrists, lifting them above his head. The sensation of being restrained, even if only by her hands, sent a shiver of anticipation through him.
“Keep them there,” Dixie instructed, her tone firm yet loving. “Don’t move unless I say so.”
He nodded, his breath coming in shallow gasps, a soft whimper escaping his lips. Dixie moved down his body, her lips and tongue leaving a trail of fire in their wake. She teased and tormented him, bringing him to the edge of pleasure and pulling back, keeping him on the brink.
“Please, Dixie,” he groaned, his voice raw with need. “I need you.”
She looked up at him, her eyes filled with love and a fierce protectiveness. “I know, sugar. I know.” She finally granted him the release he craved, her movements slow and deliberate, drawing out his pleasure until he was a trembling, whimpering mess beneath her.
“Good boy,” she whispered, her voice soothing as she ran her fingers through his hair. Logan’s entire body purred with contentment, the sound filling the room.
Dixie released his wrists and lay down beside him, pulling him into her arms. Logan buried his face in her neck, his body still shuddering with the aftershocks of their lovemaking. She held him close, her fingers stroking his hair and murmuring soothing words into his ear.
“You did so well, Logan,” she whispered. “So proud of you.”
He smiled against her skin, feeling a warmth spread through his chest that had nothing to do with the physical pleasure they had shared. In Dixie’s arms, he felt safe, cherished, and loved in a way he had never known before.
As they lay together in the quiet of the night, Logan knew that with Dixie, he could be both the fierce warrior and the vulnerable man. She saw all of him, loved all of him, and that was the greatest gift he could ever ask for.
(I got the collaring idea from @larcenywrites )
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terrence-silver · 2 months
How would terry silver react if he was just passing by somewhere and overheard his beloved one on the phone talking to someone and saying something like "I don't care about that old man anyway i'm only with him for his money"
Is this Cheyenne Hamidi speaking?
Because, I mean, Terry would be devastated and he immediately thinks back to every business arrangement type of situationship he's ever had that was purely monetary in nature and how it didn't matter then, because there was no pretense of love there, perhaps, only the vague illusion purely for formality's sake, to keep the charade going. But, now? Now, for once, there's actually love involved and he cares so very deeply, only to be hit with this whole 'It's all for the money' bullcrap all over again, effectively being betrayed, with his vulnerabilities and trust dangerously trampled on and what's worse?
Behind his back? He's being talked of, made fun of, behind his back?
It would be pretty hard to describe the sheer level of mental breakdown Terry would have and how much rage, despair, grief and complete and utter helplessness seeps in through his lack of control, rendering him mortally dangerous.
Beloved wants to be a whore for hire? They want this to be transactional? They want him to pull out the 'Nothing's for free' philosophy? Fair enough. Anything for beloved. After an outpouring of violence, it is highly unlikely beloved ever leaves his mansion or his midst again. They'll be kept in a golden cage, on an enviable postal code, in a rich neighborhood, surrounded by all the lavish, material things money can buy, but they will never be rid of him. This is his spite. His punishment. His vendetta. How he copes with the pain and the rage. His heart being absolutely shattered. This will become their prison and they'll become his hole. A hole in a pretty, branded dress he gets to rip off, a hole on a luxurious bed they get to be fucked on, a hole fed the most expensive foods and a hole served the most exuberant drinks and they should be grateful for that too and that he didn't just end them for what they said. They wanted to be treated like a whore. They said so themselves, out of their own mouth, when they thought nobody's likely to hear. So? He'll treat them like a whore in his vindictiveness and toss them a piece of jewelry or diamonds when he's done because it's all for the money anyway, correct? Irony is, none of this would matter to him all that much if he simply didn't care tremendously about the person; but when he does? He could rip them to bloody shreds and put them through unimaginable suffering simply because he hoped --- he invested emotions into his beloved and now they took a big crap all over it, and that deserves revenge. That one phone call overheard costs beloved more than they've ever bargained for and if at all possible, they're never seen again, because Terry effectively keeps them hostage to his whims, his anger, his lust and his pain, and as I always say, it is simply better if they were just some passing sugar baby in a line up of many. They would be spared a lifetime of tears and agony.
But, considering he loves them?
He sees this as a declaration of total war and beloved as his prisoner.
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faytelumos · 2 years
Bestie when you have the energy, we need to discuss established bruharvey where Bruce, even if he's like the richest mf in the world, is widely known to be two-face's sugar baby
The funny thing is, they're still enemies in the field? But at home? Bruce tends to Harvey's mild wounds and listens to his complaining abt batman like. Yes honey he is a menace and yes I do know you could've taken him and no I won't leave you for him i promise
And as Batman AND bruce, our boy has to save his ass everytime. Imagine kidnapping Harvey and his kept man husband wipes the floor with you bc you interrupted family night sjsjsjs
Okay, okay, okay, so several thoughts:
Two-Face is a crime lord, and Harvey is smart as hell. Together, they'll make a formidable empire within and outside of Gotham.
With all of the different types of cash flow Two-Face has set up and the grade-A hierarchy he undoubtedly set up to keep things running in his absence, Two-Face is going to be very rich. More than rich enough to have a sugar baby pre-loaded with SpoiledRotten.exe
Is it icky for Bruce to accept gifts from blood money? Probably. Does he love Harvey and ache for the feeling of being taken care of to contrast the constant and obsessive impulse to be in control of a situation?
I think you're absolutely right and Bruce and Harvey knows each other much, much better than they know a lot of other people. There's a level of intimacy in their kind of long-lasting relationship (regardless of the nature of that relationship at any given time) that is simply so rare. They're entangled, and it reaches so far back for both of them.
[Idea: Bruce and Harvey are reincarnated together again and again.]
I'm a firm believer that Bruce is a sub because he is constantly holding onto absolutely every string and situation he can find and it is exhausting to live like that. In his best and most relaxed frame of mind he wants someone to take care of him, and I think Two-Face specifically would jump at the chance.
Maybe this is just me projecting or whatever, but I think Two-Face is confused by the way of the world. No situation is ever certain, you can never be sure of an outcome given all of the wild variables of life, and it's scary. He wants things to get done, he needs things to happen, and even when you're following the systems and the rules and the paths that shit is supposed to get better through, nothing! Works! Out!
But Bruce…. Bruce is constant. Bruce is there always, in one way or another. Even when he's so mad, even when Two-Face has fucked up royally, Bruce is still there. And Two-Face isn't sure of a whole lot, but he sure that he wants Bruce to be good and safe.
Two-Face would love to take care of Bruce because even if he messes up (which he won't because Bruce is precious and he's going to take good care of him), Bruce will always give him another chance. Two-Face is just trying to do the best he can and Bruce always knows that and Two-Face wants to pay him back for that faith, for that loyalty, for keeping him sane in this disgusting mess of a world.
So Bruce the Sugar Baby is something that both of them would gravitate towards.
Two-Face and Bruce is borderline domestic; Two-Face is sharp lines and rough edges and hands that hold too hard, but he wants to be soft for Bruce. And it works because Bruce doesn't always know what soft is, and Two-Face is so deliberate and mindful that it feels the same.
But it can be very different when Two-Face and Batman are in the room together.
Batman doesn't want to be taken care of and he can't give up control of a situation. It may seem petty, but Two-Face hates dealing with Bruce with that stupid cowl on his face because he is just the worst.
I don't think Two-Face and Batman get along nearly as well because they're both in their dominant head-spaces. Two-Face is trying to control the situation to protect Harvey, and Batman is trying to control the situation to protect Gotham, and because of the difference of scope of these goals, they butt heads.
When people Bruce loves are in trouble, he goes a little feral. Gotham fades in the background, and he'll do whatever it takes to get his people out.
And Two-Face, I can imagine, is a little tickled by this.
Like, no, he doesn't need Bats' help, thank you very much. He doesn't need to be rescued, he's perfectly capable, he could have gotten out of it himself. But damn does he look good clearing the room. He'll let himself get snatched up (as long as there's no real danger to Harv) to get a nice view of that action.
Yes, Bats, he could have gotten out of those binds at any time. No, he will not be repeating this position later in the privacy of their own home.
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quillinhand · 1 year
favourite snape hcs go 🎤
this is gonna take a while cuz I've been waiting for someone to ask this question for so long- so sorry for answering this post after a while lol
ok so.
he hates coffee, but marking and juggling all his work means it's often the only thing keeping him awake, and my man, he likes to take his coffee with enough cream and sugar to kill a small child. for energy, of course.
he likes to sleep. will commit murder if someone disturbs him.
actually likes marking. something about shitting on teenagers calm him down.
sometimes, he'll take out his old essays and go thru them with red ink. no teenager is as fun to shit on as yourself. except perhaps potter.
pan ace. am not accepting arguments
had sex for the first in the early days after graduation and initiation into the death eaters. hated it. very much.
loves physical touch and so, naturally, will make it impossible for anyone to touch him
has the weirdest possible relationship with Lucius malfoy but like, we don't talk about that.
(They are as close as you get to fucking/killing each other without actually fucking/killing each other. Knows each others darkest secrets but still would kill the other to keep themselves alive sort of close)
has a similar relationship with voldy shorts except, with our resident evil it's like, not consensual? Sort of? idk . My man's into tall dark and creepy ok? except in Lucius's case it's tall blonde and rich/ridiculous but. we don't talk about that.
Severus fucking Snape didnt become friends with Lily fucking Evans cuz she was pretty. nope. Twas cuz ma girl was powerful as heck(like him) and, more importantly, a bitch(like him). You are kidding yourself if ya think their friendship was anything other than that.
his relationship with his parents is a toxic one in that there IS some level of care there, but Tobias is too much of a depressed 30 something man to be a good father and Eileen was too much of a proud hag to be a good mother, and Severus was too much like them to be able to deal with their shit.
a huge part of why he used the mental arts so much was cuz he couldn't handle his emotions easily for the longest time, and would burst at the smallest thing. this was the trait that made him such a good target for bullying. the one trait he could never quite get rid of- just hide, under steel walls and scars that opened far too easily.
after lily died, he occluded to the point of magical exhaustion and ended up collapsing. wrecked his body to the point of him not being able to move for months. this was one of the first, and only things he learned to be kind to himself for, and relaxed with his occlumency shields as much as he could. and then voldy returned, and. well.
he is the Slytherin house's hero. not that he understands why. something about the whole, evil, dark, vampire aesthetic was very appealing ya see.
my man wears heels to look taller. not accepting arguments
his whole outfit was carefully planned. 20s Snape had FUN, I tell you. My man spent YEARS cultivating his whole vibe, from the expressions, to the poetry, to the ROBES- perfection, perfection. have you any idea how much he argued with tailors that, no, he actually didn't give a fuck if the robe he wanted was too tight for pockets. what the actual FUCK do you mean.
the buttons have so much history
his eye colour is actually just. gray, but like my man likes the whole vibe of ✨ obsidian ✨ more so. makes sure to stay around dimly lit areas for maximum effect.
he did actually go to school before hogwarts, but like he couldn't control his magic, so my man would bust the lights and flood the bathrooms and make the chairs hit the teachers he didn't like. The AMOUNT of confounding Eileen had to do to distract the town from their magic- worthy of a book series on its own.
I'm ending cuz this is already so longgg. sorry for answering lateee. ilyy 💜💜💜
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blazedrawsstuff · 2 months
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Here is my friend @cleffalover173 's FNF OC: Dusk!
[Note: Dusk belongs to my friend MelaGirl , I just drew the design. Also just like with both Blazes, Funkin Dusk and EddsDusk are NOT the same person. They are separate people]
Bio down below!
Full Name
Dusk Evans
None, so far
Vince Evans (Father)
Emilia Evans (Mother)
Blaze Thorburn (Friend, previously one-sided enemy)
Jacob Fairest (BF) (Friend)
Amber Dearest (GF) (Friend)
Kenji Sakubara (Senpai) (Friend)
(More to be added in the future, maybe)
Megan Harvey (Veyle from Fire Emblem: Engage)
Biographical Information
Age 13
Place of Birth
Date of Death
Physical Description
5"3 (160 cm)
43.5 kg (96 lbs)
Eye Color
Indigo (Human Form)
Blue Pupiless (Angel Form)
Hair Color
Black (Human Form) Light Blue (Angel Form)
Dusk's personality can be described in three words: Sweeter than sugar. She's incredibly caring and kind, always looking to make people happy, especially her best friends in the whole world.
Dusk can be rather naive and unaware of certain nuances. She has trouble telling when people aren't being totally sincere, and can be incredibly emotional, prone to bursting into tears when upset and being hard to calm down when in such a state. She can also be easily frightened and prone to jumping to conclusions. However she has an incredible level of compassion and emotional intelligence for someone of her age.
Dusk is one of the many angels of heaven, her parents also being angels as well. Despite only being 13, Dusk displayed exceptional weapon prowess, especially in the realm of Palms (the Kid Icarus kind of Palms), going so far as to obtain a license to use them. Vince and Emilia likewise having weapon licenses as well, for Bows and Blades respectively.
She and her family are agents of Heaven. Tasked with apprehending and/or exorcising nefarious forces, most commonly demons.
This would prove to be a problem for one Blaze Thorburn, who Dusk decided to hunt down after hearing about her "Episode" (the events of FNF: Inferno). Thankfully for the fire demon however, exorcism was preventing thanks to the brave efforts of Kenji (Senpai), Jacob (Boyfriend), and Amber (Girlfriend).
The three were able to convince the angel that Blaze, despite being demon, was not inherently evil. While confused at first, Dusk would eventually cease her attempt on the demon's life, reverting back to her human disguised. Even sharing her daisy umbrella with Blaze when the started pouring (water is painful for fire demons), out of both pity and guilt.
However, her parents weren't entirely convinced on Blaze's moral standing. That was until Blaze saved Dusk from the Lemon Monster while they and the others were hanging out together.
While it was rocky at the start, Blaze and Dusk became best friends after all that, now that Blaze was in her parents' good graces.
Human Form
Dusk can switch between her human and her true angel form on the fly.
Palm Proficiency
Dusk's weapon prowess lies in Palms, which she even has a license for.
Naturally, as a angel, she is immortal to aging. While she can still be killed, aging is not a concern for her.
In her angel form, Dusk can fly thanks to the wings on her back
Light Manipulation
In her angel form, Dusk can control and create light
As an angel, Dusk has the power to exorcise demons via the use of her Palms.
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simslegacy5083 · 2 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9
Today's (8/1/2024) Episode: Aging Up Is Hard To Do
After Noemi joined Luigi in adulthood, the pair struggled to settle into their new, older, stage of life.
Luigi had been busy after aging up, first grieving and then trying to make Noemi’s birthday perfect. When the vain sim finally checked his mirror, he was horrified by how OLD he looked. Wrinkles and bags under his eyes…!? The self-absorbed sim hated the marks time had left on his face.
It didn’t help his outlook that his eczema and anemia seemed to be getting worse, despite religiously sticking to his tried-and-true maintenance routines. He’d also begun to struggle with excessive thirst. None of it made it easy to meet his own high standards. Luigi was officially in a funk!
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As for Noemi, she had finally set a date to start the job that Skye’s birth and her health issues had postponed, but it was messing with her head.
She worried that her social struggles would prevent her from making a good impression on her bosses and new peers. On top of that, her inability to exercise the way she wanted to since Skye’s birth due to her surgeries had left her carrying a lot more leftover baby weight than she liked.
The idea of facing her new co-workers and clients when she feeling far from her “best” kicked her anxiety into high gear.
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When Luigi admitted his unhappiness with his new, older look and recent ill health it prompted his fiancée to admit to her own concerns.
Noemi suggested that, since Luigi was feeling under the weather, they start trying to tackle things with a visit to their doctors.
Hopefully, his primary care provider could help him figure out what to do to get his chronic conditions back under control and Dr. Valasquez could help her brainstorm ways to manage her anxiety.
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Sadly, the outcome of Luigi’s healthcare appointment only worsened his outlook.
His symptoms and answers to questions about his general dietary habits quickly prompted the doctor to order a panel of bloodwork. This revealed that Luigi’s recent fatigue and dry skin weren’t the worsening of his long-standing medical issues, but a sign that he needed to overhaul his lifestyle once again to deal with a new chronic condition: diabetes.
To keep his blood sugar in a healthy range Luigi would now need to avoid many of his favorite breakfast foods and mixology recipes. He hung up the phone in shock, his natural cheerfulness unable to find any bright side to the grim news. Why did these things keep happening to him!?
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Noemi didn’t fare much better. Her therapist wasn’t able to suggest anything she didn’t already know, leaving her no better off than before.
Grabbing a late dinner after putting Skye to bed the couple compared notes and tried to brainstorm. Luigi’s first idea came as he remembered how empowering it had felt for him and his cousins to curate their “new looks” after moving in together. Maybe, he told Noemi, they couldn’t change what was at the heart of their problems, but with a little “fashion magic” they could cover over them a bit. She agreed it was worth a try.
When he went on to bitterly joke: “At least my seldom sleepy trait keeps me mostly awake and alert. If only there was a satisfaction potion of chronic-illness-be-gone!” a lightbulb went off in Noemi’s brain. No satisfaction reward would help him, but there was definitely one for her weight concerns.
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When Luigi saw the “Insta Lean” potion pop out of his fiancées inventory he placed a hand on her arm to stop her from chugging it down.
“What?” she asked him “It’s a perfectly safe one time reset. Now that I can exercise again, I’ll easily maintain a weight that makes me happy. Come to think of it, exercising more would be good for both of us. Didn’t the doctor say a regular fitness routine would help you manage your sugar levels?”
“Yes, he did” Luigi replied, “and that’s a great idea. If you’re spending points, do you have enough to pick up Seldom Sleepy too?” At her nod he smiled and continued. “Grab that, and we can burn the midnight oil together, going for late night jogs on the beach and early morning swims!”
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Gesturing back at the potion his face got serious as he continued: “I just wanted you to know, before you drink that, that you are beautiful and loved just the way you are. If your new bosses or your bathroom mirror don’t appreciate you, I hope you realize how much I do.”
Noemi leaned across the table and kissed him softly. “I love you too. However much your love completes me though, I want to go into my new job feeling on top of the world. This expensive little cocktail will boost my confidence in the office Monday morning, when I’ll need all the help I can get!” With that, she tipped the glass back, letting the magical concoction slide down her throat with a cool tingle.
With their “fixer upper” plans in place the pair looked forward to a fashion makeover to highlight their new, more mature, and soon sleeker bodies!
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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