#Natural peridot gems
syntheticgems-org · 7 months
Buy online Natural Peridot gemstone from Thailand
Buy online Natural Peridot gemstone from Thailand and china from gem factory at wholesale discount price
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Natural peridot gems are a type of gemstone that belongs to the olivine mineral family. Peridot is known for its distinctive green color, which can range from a yellowish-green to a deep olive hue. Here are some key characteristics and information about natural peridot gems:
Composition: Peridot is composed of iron and magnesium silicate. It belongs to the orthorhombic crystal system.
Color: Peridot is best known for its green color, which comes from the presence of iron within the crystal structure. The intensity and shade of green can vary depending on the amount of iron present.
Clarity: Peridot often has some inclusions, which are naturally occurring characteristics within the gemstone. These inclusions can affect the clarity and transparency of the stone.
Cut: Peridot is commonly faceted into various shapes such as rounds, ovals, cushions, and emerald cuts. The cut is chosen to maximize the stone's brilliance and enhance its natural beauty.
Origin: Peridot is found in various locations around the world, including Arizona in the United States, Pakistan, Myanmar, China, and Egypt. Each location may produce peridot with slightly different characteristics in terms of color and clarity.
Durability: Peridot has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, making it relatively durable for everyday wear. However, it is still susceptible to scratching and chipping, so care should be taken to protect peridot jewelry from rough handling.
Symbolism: Peridot is associated with qualities such as healing, protection, and good fortune. It is sometimes referred to as the "evening emerald" due to its green color.
Treatment: While most peridot on the market is natural, some stones may undergo treatments such as heat treatment to enhance their color and clarity. It's important to inquire about any treatments that may have been applied to a peridot gemstone.
Overall, natural peridot gems are prized for their vibrant green color and unique beauty, making them a popular choice for jewelry pieces such as rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets.
Buy Now: - https://www.syntheticgems.org/natural-peridot/1/12/gems
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Peridot
Peridot (The Tears of Pele)
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*Yes Peridot from Steven Universe is here. She demanded to be added okay!?
Color:  Olive Green to Yellow-Green
Rarity: Easy to Obtain, Harder to higher quality
Hardiness:  6.5 – 7
Type: Orthorhombic (Gem form of Olivine)
Chakra Association: Heart and Solar Plexus
Angels: Achaiah or Raphael
Deities: Pele and Isis
Birthstone: August
Astrological Signs: Leo, Libra, Gemini, and Capricorn
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus and the Sun
Origin: Brazil, Hawaii, Myanmar, Egypt, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, USA
Powers: Purification, Cleansing, Wealth, Happiness, Prosperity, Protection
Crystals It Works Well With: Rutilated Quartz, Rose Quartz, Sunstone, Carnelian, Tourmaline, and Citrine
How It is Created: Peridot is the gemstone variety of olivine, a mineral made up of magnesium, iron and silicate compound. The higher proportions of magnesium and iron are used to identifying the key features in the gem, while the chromium and nickel impurities contribute to its beautiful green color. Some specimens of peridot can even appear in meteorites called pallisites and found during volcanic activity on the island of Oahu in Hawaii.
History: The Egyptians mined peridot on the island of Zebirget, which is located in the Red Sea. Egyptians used the gem for over 4,000 years and was even said to be Cleopatra’s favorite. It is regarded as a sacred stone during Medieval times and was even used in the design of the Shrine of the Three Kings in Germany. Peridot crystals found in the black volcanic sands of Hawaii are said to be the tears of the Goddess, Pele. Now most of the world’s peridot comes from Arizona or Pakistan.
What It Can Do:
Keep away evil spirits and great for protecting aura
Releases and neutralizes toxins on all levels
Purifies the subtle and physical body and mind
Opens, cleanses, and activates the heart and solar plexus chakra to release “old baggage”
Clears the feelings of burden, guilt, and obsession
Guides you to better influences
Alleviates jealousy, resentment, spite, anger and stress.
Enhances confidence and assertion without aggression
Sharpens the minds and opens it to new levels of awareness
Banishes lethargy, bringing to your attention all things you have neglected
Is said to heal and regenerate tissues and strengthen the metabolism
How to Get the Best Out Of: Peridot works best near the throat area and heart area of your body so a peridot pendant or necklace would be best.
How to Cleanse and Charge: Cleanse using smoke or running it over water. Charge it by placing it under a windowsill during a full moon.
Social Media Talisman
Peridot ring, worn on the hand you scroll with
Moon water
1 small piece fresh or dried valerian root
1 fresh lemon slice
Cleanse and empower your ring with the ability to dispel feelings of envy and inadequacy.
Gather your materials in a sunny area during a waning moon.
Fill the chalice with moon water.
Take the valerian root in your hand and hold it in the direct sunlight.
Say, “Valerian root that calm sting, add self-assurance to my ring.” Visualize it absorbing the sun and pulsing with a gentle, light. Place it in the chalice.
Hold the lemon slice up to the sun, feeling the illumination and bright energy coming from it.
Say, “Bright yellow lemon with a bite, filter that which befalls my sight.”
Squeeze the lemon slice so the juice goes into the chalice.
Now the chalice holds a soothing brew imbued with calm from the valerian, confidence from sunlight, and optimistic realism from the lemon.
Put the peridot ring in the chalice and let it sit in the sun for about an hour.
Retrieve your peridot ring from the chalice and wear it. Pour the water into the earth.
The ring help ground you in reality while filtering your impressions of what you consume on social me protecting your self-confidence and dispelling any feelings of jealousy or inadequacy.
Perform this spell in direct sunlight, if possible, to illuminate the truth and soothe uncertainty. If you don’t have a chalice, use a bowl, or any kind of cup. Moon water is water that has been left outdoors under the full moon to absorb its power.
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neliiitoo · 1 year
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human lapidot is so real
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Jewel-uary Day 31: Peridot
As the last jewel of Jewel-uary, the peridot is most famous birthstone for Leo.
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Happy birthday, Justin Timberlake!
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back to the barn
… is a very important episode, especially for pearl’s character. i’ve also noticed that, surprisingly, it says a lot about pearlrose.
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pearl is a complex character & so is her relationship with the love of her life. as expected, her growth is nonlinear & complicated as well, and it’s not merely about “getting over" rose. heck, there are times when pearl’s love for her grows at the same time as significant moments in her personal development.
pearl + rose were rebels who rejected homeworld's society. pearl’s trauma from being seen as inferior & replaceable (i.e., ongoing self worth issues) complicated her relationship with rose (i.e, ongoing issue of pearl struggling to understand & truly believe she could be loved for who she was, not just what she could do).
nevertheless, back to the barn shows that pearl has trauma & struggles in general that are not directly caused by her relationship with rose.
after all, pearl is her own gem. a lot of her pain is her own too… it’s not about a relationship.
now, i love peridot, and when i quote some of the things she says, don’t see this as me saying, “this is what her character thinks of pearl.” this is no hate towards peridot, that’s not what this analysis is about. i adore everything about her.
the point is, peridot is still new to earth! she’s not quite a crystal gem yet (and, by the way, i love her character development too) and she’s still learning. she’s used to homeworld’s ideas about gems.
so, this reflects what homeworld thinks of pearls.
"pearls aren't for this. they're for standing around, looking nice, & holding your stuff... right?"
"you're an accessory, somebody’s shiny toy!"
when peridot asks pearl who she belongs to, pearl snaps, "nobody!" which reminds the audience of a playful exchange between her & bismuth—something that bismuth prompted the moment she left lion. this detail is important, because bismuth had been bubbled since the war.
it comes so naturally between them & implies that this exchange is something the crystal gems always did with pearl during the rebellion. someone says, “who do you belong to,” and she proudly, immediately responds with, “nobody!”
this ties into the times when garnet talked about meeting pearl during the war, describing her as the terrifying renegade & a pearl who belonged to no one. as the leader of the crystal gems who said, “we’ll both finally be free,” & “isn’t this exciting?” in a single pale rose, to which pearl’s cheeks turn blue & she says, “it is,” it’s likely that rose started this “who do you belong to” exchange with pearl and the other rebels caught on. but at the very least, we know that rose loved it… & so did pearl.
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it’s ironic, as the leader of the rebellion was once a diamond who was expected to give orders to her sole confidant, who was once a pearl serving the great diamond authority. but there’s so much evidence that the “terrifying renegade” & “just rose” are their true selves. during the war, pearl was already becoming her own gem. she was arguing with rose & fighting & everyone around her saw her as a true rebel, belonging to no one.
i also think rose’s secret would have been much harder to hide if pearl had acted the way she did in their old, forced homeworld dynamic & they hadn’t made progress in redefining their relationship, making it their own relationship that very much goes against homeworld. and this was still very early in their time on earth, too!
and when she’s reminded of all the ideas homeworld gems have about pearls, here’s the thing:
pearl doesn’t shrink in response.
instead, she’s determined to prove peridot wrong. she is confident in her abilities, assertive, stands up for herself, & knows she's capable of more than homeworld allowed. this can be true even if she has moments where the trauma from homeworld gets to her & she feels insecure or struggles to know her true strength. those setbacks are expected after living in a society in which she’s seen as replaceable, a thing, made to serve. however, at the end of the day, it’s obvious that pearl has been fighting her own mind & the mindsets of homeworld gems, making progress for centuries… and she wants to make progress.
also, when pearl is first ordered around (i.e., “you can go now… how do you get her to leave?”), she’s confused. this is a sign of how far she's come since her days on homeworld when she would say, “i could imagine it, if you would like me to.” she fights back & insists that peridot listens to her and that they work together. just as pearl + rose worked together in their early days on earth, when rose would call pearl’s ideas brilliant, saying that she couldn’t have done certain things without her. “pearl! you’re so smart.”
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pearl loves her independence & is still deeply in love with rose. it's only been fourteen years since rose's death, a short time for gems. pearl often talks about rose, especially the traits she cherished, like how rose saw the beauty in everything. they lived together for thousands of years and their major relationship issues that lacked closure were at the beginning & end, not in the middle, suggesting that they had a few thousand years in which they lived together comfortably & their relationship was healthier. since she was close to rose, she likely understood how much rose admired those around her, too.
& while there are many things that shaped peridot’s perception of the world and understanding of the crystal gems, this may have had a tiny influence:
“rose quartz believed all life was precious and worth protecting.” — pearl, it could’ve been great
“i can tell you with certainty that there are things on this planet worth protecting!” — peridot, message received
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pearl’s love for rose doesn’t reinforce stereotypes & expectations about pearls on homeworld. their relationship may be difficult to understand at times because they keep a lot of secrets from the other gems, but it’s very clear that their dynamic, as well as their feelings for each other, are a form of rebellion rather than something that mirrors the homeworld dynamic between, for example, blue pearl & blue diamond.
“pearl and rose start fusing. a lot.” — steven universe, end of an era, page 77
imagine what the homeworld gems would think if they knew a pearl + a diamond not only fused, but that pearl initiated it. if they knew rose called her "my pearl,” a term for superiors, and pearl called her just.. rose? even the way pearl shouts “why won’t you just let me do this for you, rose?” is very different from gently saying, “well, i was… sort of thinking you were the priority here.” pearl, who wasn’t "supposed to" be bold or shameless, became exactly that, and rose loved her for it—she went from having a displeased expression when pearl followed the rules on homeworld to falling in love with everything that homeworld claims she isn’t supposed to be, being in awe of her true self.
pearl’s trauma isn’t tied just to one person but to an entire society. her relationship with rose wasn’t merely a continuation of the homeworld power dynamic. it was the opposite. rose said herself, earth is the place in which there are endless possibilities. pearl fell in love with her on earth & not on homeworld for a reason.
would pearl have been so deeply in love with rose, for such a long time, if she felt primarily devotion to a diamond or if rose treated her like homeworld’s idea of a pearl? would either of them live together for as long as they did… heck, would the other crystal gems want to live with them if this was the case?
the answer is really evident in back to the barn.
“now listen here, you tiny twerp! in case you've forgotten, you're on our turf now! and i didn't fight a thousand-year war for this planet's independence to take orders from the likes of you!”
“i’m as good at building things as you. better, even!”
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she’s passionate about being a rebel, and this disproves any claim that pearl only became a crystal gem because of “devotion to a diamond” and “not being her own gem.” it’s difficult & there’s setbacks, but she wants to be her own gem, is genuinely in love with rose as an individual, & as i said, the terrifying renegade is very much her true self.
pearl’s character is often oversimplified, reduced to just a follower who needs to "get over" rose. but it’s not that simple & after all, she still loves her in the end. and personally, as a sapphic woman, this complexity resonates deeply. homeworld makes pearls feel incapable of certain things, inferior, and as if they must fit into certain stereotypes. they act like, “she can’t fight, she’s just made to serve someone and stand there and look pretty.” just as some folks may be told that they can’t do certain things, and that they’re supposed to serve the person they’re married to and that’s all (and this person is very often expected to be called a husband so the relationship feels forced in some cases, especially in environments where it feels unsafe to be your true self &/or form relationships based on choices and how you feel). but pearl is her own individual! she should be who she is, and gems are wrong to look at her with disapproval & expect her to fit into such specific boxes just because she has a certain gem. pearl’s character development is more layered and meaningful than just "moving on" from someone who died. there’s so many hidden messages, and this is one that i personally find meaningful as someone who’s feminine & sapphic. & her love for rose is something she only felt when she was on earth. she wanted to make her happy & they fused—a diamond & a pearl—which was all part of an understanding that they could form the relationship they want, even if society disapproves because of their gems.
that being said, i’m not ignoring the power imbalance that pearl + rose had to work through, especially at the start of their time on earth. on homeworld, they were forced into a specific dynamic, & all the other dynamics around them were also forced. yes, pink’s true self was just rose, and the terrifying renegade was pearl’s true self too. still, during their early years, they didn’t know anything other than homeworld’s society. this was further complicated by pink feeling powerless (which made her unaware of and unable to understand the powers she had), their responses to their personal and shared experiences, and the fact that they were each other’s first loves. my point is, there are many signs that pearl and rose made progress—during a war no less—in redefining their relationship, and they clearly both wanted the same thing. they allowed each other to be their true selves, and by the time they were living together, especially after seeing pearl proudly and shamelessly fusing with rose in front of a camera and not thinking twice about her gem and rose’s gem… it seems they had other complications in their relationship, and their original dynamic rarely caused issues for them by that point.
which is not easy to do. at all. the progress that they did make (even if their relationship was never perfect, and given the many difficult situations they were in, there would always be some ongoing work to do) prior to rose’s passing says so much about how strongly they both felt about the rebellion & each other. the dynamic that they both wanted from the start has always been one that homeworld would despise them for.
lastly, at the end of the episode, steven says something important:
"you’re wrong! if pearls are really like you say, then pearl isn’t common at all! she trained herself to fight! she learned how to build things! she works hard every day to be greater than she already is! that’s not common; that’s amazing!"
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this is the pearl steven has always known. he knows her well, & although he may not know or understand everything about her past yet, he knows that she works hard to grow, to improve.
all while she’s in the early stages of grieving rose. all while she’s raising a child. this is a strong character, someone who’s strong in a realistic way (or dare i say, real way). she’s flawed & she has setbacks, but she grows & sets her mind to overcoming such complicated trauma from homeworld. falling out of love with rose? based on their relationship, that is not a step in her healing that needs to happen. instead, she needs to overcome many complicated problems, personally & in her relationships, to find closure after the loss and also continue to feel at peace with herself.
her growth didn’t happen overnight & it didn’t start after losing rose. it was ongoing while she was with rose, and that’s one of the reasons they loved each other.
then there's the way pearl looks at steven after he says that. it completely contrasts the way she reacts when homeworld gems tell her how pearls should act. she’s clearly touched, & it’s more than likely that this is the way rose would speak to her.
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“sometimes, you even sound like her.” — pearl, rose’s scabbard
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clean-casual-analysis · 3 months
When the villain is a philosophy
When you think of the word antagonist, the first thing that comes to mind is a villain. This is completely natural, given that stories of good vs evil tend to follow a heroic protagonist fighting against an evil antagonist. But once you get into the definition of the word, a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something, moral alignment doesn’t dictate whether a character should be a protagonist or an antagonist. The most recognizable examples of this would be the likes of Invader Zim and Megamind, characters that are villainous in nature but are still the protagonists of their respective stories.
But villain protagonists and hero antagonists aren’t what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about the antagonists that aren’t entirely focused on, at least in the traditional sense. Antagonists that, despite being the source of conflict in the narrative, don’t actually show up a lot of the time. These antagonists, while characters in their own right, are more symbolic in nature. The protagonists of these stories aren’t just trying to defeat the antagonists, but the rotten philosophies that these antagonists have. The beliefs that push the antagonists to do their villainous acts.
White Diamond: Uniformity and the Status Quo
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In the entirety of the original Steven Universe series, not counting the movie or SU Future, White Diamond appears in three episodes out of one hundred and sixty episodes. (Two if we don’t count White Pearl/Volleyball) That’s not even one percent of the series. In most series involving a good vs evil plot line, we usually switch perspectives between our heroes and villains to understand how they’re reacting to the events of the story. But SU is entirely told from Steven’s perspective. The audience only gets new information about gems, homeworld, Rose Quartz, etcetera, when Steven himself learns it. Because of this perspective, we don’t see the final antagonist of the series until the very end of the show.
But even though White Diamond is not present throughout the majority of the show, her homeworld subordinates and beliefs fill in the place of the hurdles that the protagonists must pass. Think about what the show is about and what lessons it teaches. Relationships are intricate and need mutual respect, being proud of who and what you are, and (most importantly) societal roles do not define you. The development of the main characters each involve acceptance of the self and bucking of what’s expected of them. Pearl fully moving on from Rose, Garnet improving her self-love, Amethyst fully accepting herself for what she is, Peridot’s disillusionment with Homeworld and growing appreciation for earth, Connie disobeying her mother’s strict rules, Steven slowly becoming someone better than even his own mother, I could go on. It’s honestly surprising, looking back, how most of the characters’ core issues stem from the lack of self-assurance and how homeworld views their flaws.
White Diamond and her Homeworld regime ultimately represent how systems put limits and stigma onto people for the sake of uniformity. The consequence of living inside your own head. A fusion cannot happen between two different gems, Pearls must be servants, Quartz gems must be big and strong, and Diamonds must be the perfect leaders. Why? Because that’s just what gems do. Because that’s how the system works. Homeworld’s status quo is one of creating an ever-expanding empire at the cost of independence, self-expression, unique lifeforms, and healthy relationships. The system can’t be wrong, White Diamond can’t be flawed, it’s how things have always been so why change what isn’t broken.
Sauron: Dominance and Corruption
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While he has more screen presence and is a much more a significant part of the story of Lord of the Rings than White Diamond is to SU, the dark lord Sauron is similarly one small part of a larger tale. Heck, he doesn’t even have dialogue in the book trilogy. Also, like White Diamond, Sauron is best represented by his many underlings. Ruthless orcs with crude but effective weaponry, colossal beasts to crush his enemies underfoot, massive armies dedicated to the dark lord’s cause of dominating all life in Midde Earth. But what’s most notable about Sauron isn’t the great power he possesses or the armies he commands, it’s the way he corrupts and deceives those that stand against him.
The betrayal of Saruman the White, the nine Nazgûl once being great kings of men who were turned into terrible ringwraiths, and most notoriously, the enticing power of the one ring. Boromir, believing that Gondor can use this evil weapon for good. Smeagol, utterly degraded into a deceitful cave dwelling throttler named Gollum. Frodo, forced to carry a heavy burden that weighs him down both physically and mentally. To Sauron, the corruption of good is a weapon he wields with unmatched lethality.
The insidious nature of his villainy is what makes Sauron the great representative of dominance and corruption that he is. The promises of more enticing good people to do evil for the “right” reasons and the ruthless conquest for dominion over all is all too real an evil to ignore.
The Martians: Colonialism and Warfare
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I debated with myself on whether or not the martians from War of the Worlds should be included here. Unlike Sauron or White Diamond, the martians are clear and present throughout the story. On the other hand, there isn’t a named martian general or a big bad that’s shown to lead the alien invaders into combat. In the end, the fact that the martians are made to purely represent the darkest parts of humanity outweighs the secondary theme of this essay.
One of, if not THE first alien invasion story, War of the Worlds messaging is clear and easy to understand. The tentacled beings from Mars are coldly intelligent, remorseless, and regard our world with envious eyes. They use human blood as sustenance when they aren’t vaporizing us by the hundreds, their tripods are horrific machines of mass destruction, and their invasion is one of slaughter and destruction. But the book is quick to remind us that humanity isn’t so morally innocent compared to the martians. The consumption of our blood seems horrific, but humans have also killed animals and each other for food and resources. Their tripods are colossal and terrifying, but humanity has made countless destructive war machines. The invaders are dead set on wiping out humanity, but humanity not only brought extinction to animals like the dodo bird but to entire groups of our own kind. The martians are not simply an alien invasion to fight back against, it’s a cautious look into our worst future. A humanity that prioritizes ruthless colonization and military might is a humanity doomed to be parasitic and heartless.
War of the Worlds also takes a critical view towards solving problems through warfare. Violence is sometimes needed to fight evil, but that does make violence a good thing. The action and battles in War of the Worlds are not thrilling or glorious, they are horrific and even bumbling to an extent. Much like the early British imperials that they represent, the martians are arrogant and only win because they have the better technology. Even the destruction of a tripod has severe consequences, a flaming wreckage falling into a lake and boiling the humans hiding there alive. There is nothing pride or goodness to found in destruction and death. Warfare and violence should be the last resort of those trying to survive, yet humanity and martians brandish their weapons without care or empathy for those beneath them.
The Truth, In-Fighting, and the Seemingly Insignificant
These antagonists all represent a morally dangerous part of humanity. The stubborn refusal to change a flawed status quo, the desire to dominate and corrupt those who don’t, needless conquest and bloody war. But despite all their power and influence, these philosophies that the villains believe in fail them in the end.
For White Diamond, her ultimate failure stems from the mortal enemy of all tyrannical systems: the truth. In the last episode of Steven Universe, White Diamond removes the gemstone from our protagonist’s body. Believing that the mischievous Pink Diamond is merely hiding in this human body, White seeks to end this silly game once and for all. But once the gemstone is removed, it does form into Pink Diamond or even Rose Quartz. It forms a bright pink Steven. In the final act of Change Your Mind, White Diamond is faced with reality and all its implications. This gemstone is Steven, it’s always been Steven. This half human is not the irrational or childish person, it’s White. The leader of Homeworld, the one who’s supposed to know all and make things better, is wrong. But in order to do that, she needs to leave her own head. One of the hardest things for a person to do is admit when they’re wrong, that their foundational beliefs holding up a status quo is deeply flawed and objectively false. But accepting that you were wrong, learning from and fixing your mistakes, and becoming something better than what you were before is the greatest reward anyone genuinely looking for redemption can ask for.
For Sauron, his victory over Middle Earth comes so close. Minas Tirith has been ravaged, the army of man outside the black gates are crumbling before his might, and the ring bearer has been corrupted. However, just when all hope is burned to ash, something unexpected happens. Gollum, the epitome of the corruptive power that the one ring possesses, attacks Frodo to get back his precious. Whether it’s through struggling with Frodo like in the movie or not paying attention like in the book, Gollum falls into the fires of Mount Doom with the ring in tow. In the movies, we’re told that the eye of Sauron can pierce through cloud and stone. Because of this detail, I personally wonder what was going through the dark lord’s mind as he watched Gollum plummet to his death. The one ring’s defense, Sauron’s greatest strength, corrupting others into fighting amongst each other, was what led to his ultimate downfall. This is not the first time something like this has happened. Think back to the orcs fighting amongst themselves, or when Wormtongue stabs Saruman in the back. Not to mention that the mercy of both Frodo and Bilbo is what led to Gollum reaching Mount Doom in the first place. Even with all his armies and power, Sauron underestimated the petty infighting amongst his followers and the little acts of kindness of his enemies. Even when the forces of darkness seemingly succeed, all they’ll have left is each other to destroy. As Frodo himself said in the Two Towers book, they can’t conquer forever.
For the martians, their demise comes outwardly from nowhere. Their Tripods fall silent and they all die due to sickness. The book states that the martians either never encountered bacteria like earth’s or they had wiped out all disease on Mars. In both scenarios, the martian’s belief in their untouchable superiority over earth led their death. As soon as their invasion started, they were doomed. War of the Worlds isn’t just a hard look at what humanity could become, but also a love letter to all types of life. Bacteria, the seemingly most insignificant part of our world, is our savior here. It is so, so easy to despise germs and how they make mankind ill. But they also decompose dead flesh, helps the human body digest food, and are just as vital to our world as so many other creatures’ humanity takes for granted. All forms of life has a place in this world and to undervalue, let alone actively want to eliminate, all of it is foolhardy and black-hearted.
It’s how these stories come to an end is why I’m attracted to the idea of villains representing abhorrent philosophies. They show the inherent flaws of such morally bankrupt ideas and how their failures are inevitable. The desire for uniformity and belief that your status quo is flawless cannot stand up to the truth of the situation. Great and powerful conquerors seeking to corrupt will find themselves destroying each other when there is nothing left to dominate, while small acts of generosity and sympathy keep their opponents afloat. Arrogant war lords with their mighty machines will crumble to the things they deem to be insignificant.
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mothpawbs · 1 year
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more royal dragons, this time the ones from arc 2/3! these were really fun, and the previous designs helped me get comfortable with more detailed jewelry designs, so these are a bit more extravagant.
design notes under the cut!
RUBY: i didn't realize how young she really is when i read escaping peril the first time, i thought she was in her mid-twenties at least but apparently she's only 12/17? wild. anyways i made her ruby red with some orange accents to point to tourmaline. her tiara is meant to look like laurels, studded with rubies, and the gems on her brows and wings are citrine.
GLORY: i already had a design for her, i just touched it up a bit here. she's very pretty, but her scales are notably duller than my other rainwing designs. she has pouches she wears around her neck because she likes to be prepared and is trying to connect more to her culture. at least one of those pockets has snacks for silver. the flower on her ear is a plumeria india, one of my favorite flowers.
THORN: easily my favorite design in the set, oh my god i love how she came out. she has the same colors as my sunny design but desaturated, and almost the same markings. her jewelry is mostly gold with onyx and lapis lazuli insets. the design for the eye of onyx is inspired by @dragonsndoodles's design, which looks absolutely gorgeous and way more elegant than the graphic novel version.
SNOWFALL: i think i made her too round and soft-looking? idk i think she's cute though. i definitely had to get those pale sunset colors in there, and she has similar colors/markings to glacier. the tiara is one she found in the treasury after the racism crown™ was destroyed, and the shawl was a gift from luna as a thanks for helping her tribe. silk doesn't help much against the cold, but it sure is pretty.
WASP: SCARY BITCH. i had to mess with her colors a lot, i wanted to make her kinda greenish with red accents but it just was NOT working. i do like where i ended up though. i don't know that she would wear much jewelry, probably more armor than anything else, but i wanted to do hivewing jewelry so here we are. the neck piece was really fun to design. these are steel and gold with amber and peridot accents, and the cape is silk with gold embroidery. i have this headcanon of her having breath of evil growing out of her like a cordyceps fungus, and she uses the cape to cover the tendrils on her back.
SEQUOIA: ooo she was a challenge, i'm not great at designs with a lot of green or a lot of dark colors so she was fun. her colors are inspired by @daily-wof-designs, and the brown tones were pulled from pictures of giant sequoias. she wears braided leather straps hung with aquamarine, and the scarf might be silk? or some kind of natural fiber? i'm not sure. but it has leaf designs and is probably batik dyed (which is super cool btw look it up)
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archivehub · 1 year
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Here's my version of Steven and Connie's future family, commissioned from @screwpinecaprice!
More information about the kiddos is below the cut. You can also read my fanfictions involving them here!
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Grace (11 y/o) is the oldest, and thus most mature, kiddo. She heavily resembles Stevonnie, though it isn’t a perfect match by any means. She's closest with the Crystal Gems, liking how cool and adventurous they are. Because of their influence, she eventually pressures her mom into (reluctantly) teaching her how to sword fight.
Lisa (10 y/o) is the middle child. She's extremely mischievous and can be quite rude sometimes, though she still has a pretty strong moral compass, albeit one that doesn't exactly line up perfectly with her father's. Because of this, she often clashes with her parents, and she even becomes best friends with Jasper. Don't worry, though: she eventually realizes her different ideology doesn't make her parents love her any less.
Gregory (9 y/o) is Priya's twin, and also a musical prodigy who heavily takes after his father and grandpa. He's extremely sweet and just wants to make everyone happy, even if that can be very difficult sometimes. At times, he can get lost in the music™ and neglect his schoolwork, friends, sisters, and parents. This especially becomes an issue in his teen years once he hits it big as a rock star and starts traveling around the world.
Priya (9 y/o) is Gregory's twin, and she really likes building stuff out of random junk she finds around town and in the woods. She's amazed by technology, and she really wants to be the next great inventor. Naturally, this leads her to be good friends with Peridot, who teaches her about the inner workings of gem tech. Priya also meets a boy at school who's just as much of a nerd as her, and he teaches her a ton about human tech.
Priya's passion eventually disappears, however. As for why, you'll have to go to my AO3 to find out ;)
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ts4ritsa · 1 year
Crystal Gems + Steven with a daredevil reader? (Romantic or Platonic)
₊˚ପ⊹ daredevil s/o hcs ;
ft. steven, garnet, amethyst, & pearl from steven universe * ˚ ✦
tags / cw: gn!reader
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- steven would likely be excited by the idea of dating you. he enjoys trying new things and facing challenges, so he would usually be up for joining you on your daring adventures too. however, he does sometimes worry for your safety whenever you pull something a bit too extreme
- garnet would embrace both sides and find a way to appreciate the thrill-seeking nature of yours while ensuring your safety. since she can see the future, she can be prepared for all the situations you could find yourself in serious trouble. unless there’s an actual threat, she’ll leave you to do as you please — but if she says that it will not end well, she can only hope you can trust her judgement
- amethyst would absolutely find your daredevil lifestyle fascinating and exciting. she would most definitely enjoy the thrill of your adventures and might even try to outdo you in some daring stunts of her own! but as your relationship grows, she will make sure to remind you to make sure you don’t hurt yourself and to stay safe
- pearl might initially be hesitant and worried about the risks involved in dating you. but, she might also find your fearlessness intriguing and be willing to support you, as long as you know when to prioritize yourself
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a/n: hello!!! sorry if this is short, I accidentally posted it when I barely started writing it and I panicked so I finished this in a hurry so nbd would see my mistake 😭… oh also, if you’d like me to do peridot, lapis, and bismuth too, feel free to lmk!
© ts4ritsa (do not repost w/o credits)
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boymanmaletheshequel · 3 months
Crystals for Apollo
Hello tumblr witches, wizards, Druids, and magical beings! I’m starting a new series today entitled “crystals of the gods”. I am a geologist and have been collecting minerals and gems for over 15 years, and seeing as how intrinsically connected to divinity and magick crystals are, I thought I’d look into what crystals are representative of the many gods and goddesses across the worlds pantheons. For my first post, I want to try and represent a god that although I do not personally worship yet, I am in awe of: Apollo/Apollon. Let’s begin!
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• Citrine
Citrine is a gemstone of wealth and positivity, and nobody meets that standard in my eyes like Apollo does! They are full of joy and character, and shine like a beacon of yellow light that citrine encompasses so well.
• Brucite
A bit of a lesser known, but gorgeous mineral, brucites Scalenohedral crystal habit reminds me of the radiance of the sun! And it’s unbeatable bright yellow color is emblematic of Apollo’s connection to the lemon like color it holds, which facilitates much joy and pride in oneself.
• Pyrite
A mineral of subtle, but positive arrogance, and a touch of pride, pyrite might be called fools gold, but it’s not foolish at all! It’s incredible natural geometry is full of the character that Apollo radiates, and it’s literal reflective properties are a perfect metaphor for how the god represents hubris, but also character and personality that makes him so unique and adored!
• Muscovite
This powerfully flashy gem, a variety of Mica, is emblematic of Apollo’s more sensitive side that is often portrayed so beautifully, and often encompassed in acts of homosexuality. Muscovite is soft, only a 2-2.5 on the MOHS scale, but that’s not a negative thing! it’s color, and it’s personality, is among the strongest gold there is!
• Scapolite
Sharp and shiny, scapolite is the perfect stone for a glossy, muscular god like Apollo. It’s yellow hues are bold and sharp, and represent his strength in battle.
• Heliodor
Named after the archetypal god of whom he is a cultural descendant of, Helios, heliodor is the definite stone of the sun, and an ancient symbol of Apollo. Beryl was prized as a luxury to the ancient Greeks and Phoenicians, and heliodor was quite rare, this is an extravagant gift that he will surely be in awe of!
• Sunstone
This should be a no-brainer, but sunstone, a species of plagioclase feldspar, is somehow even more sunny than heliodor. It’s iridescent flakes of color remind one of the divinity of the sun, and it’s epithet, Apollo. Every Apollo devotee should offer the god some sunstone if they can get their hands on it!
• Amber
Warm and joyous, amber is perfect for Apollo. It’s honey like appearance, and beautiful deep warmth evokes Apollos radiance and pride. It is ancient, like they themself, and is a perfect idol of a god of sun!
• Topaz
Orange or imperial topaz, mined in the deserts of Utah and northern Mexico under a constant sun, is the domain of Apollo! It’s juicy colors are bold and rich, and remind one of Apollo’s intense personality.
• Peridot
Beloved by Cleopatra, mistaken by her for emeralds, peridot is like the spicier, more masculine version of emerald culturally. Often found in metamorphic rock around historically active volcanic sites, it’s no wonder that Apollo is attributed to its hot and spicy nature.
• Pyromorphite
In Greek mythology, Apollo was the slayer of Python, a massive serpent whom he dispatched of in a show of strength in Delphi. Pyromorphite, with its hopper like crystal structure resembling that of snake skin, paired with its serpentine color, is a great symbol of this historic accomplishment of the great Apollo!
• Tremolite
Similarly to pyromorphite, tremolites electric green color brings serpentine energy to a shrine dedicated to Apollo, and its a rare stone that feels like a perfect symbol to his awesome strength and power!
Well, there’s a good place to start! What crystals do YOU associated with Apollo?
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gamerbearmira · 7 months
Diamond au -
So, I caught up on some more scenes from the show (Mostly just the diamond scenes and wiki) and here's what I got.
(So, the diamonds in the show typically run their own colony on a certain planet. The Diamonds used their essence to create new Gems, who would become subordinates and dedicated their lives in the name of their Diamond. Gems were distinguished by the diamond emblem on their uniform, corresponding to the color of the Diamond they served.
In order to expand the Gem race, the Diamonds took control of celestial bodies for colonization purposes. This would allow Gems to be mass-produced by utilizing outside resources. Each Diamond owned specific colonies and was in charge of making sure they were successful. Gems produced on a specific Diamond's colony was under their control; for instance, Gems produced on Earth belonged to Pink.)
I decided to change some things around a bit-
Gems naturally burst out of any planet (Ones not known to man) and are basically like babies. They somehow naturally know how to talk and are fully grown but that's as far as intelligence goes and height goes.
What do the diamonds do when that happens?
They teach morals, do's & don't do's, right from wrong, etc. They also help their colonies in a certain area they lack. (The "kids" help as well.)
Which diamond "owns" a colony?
Magenta, Blue, Yellow, and green do. The grand-diamonds are in training (if they want to be) or just don't feel like having that sort of responsibility yet.
Yellow/Pepa helps with the weather because the planet her colony belongs to has horrendous weather conditions. If she isn't managing it, her colony suffers.
Blue and violet/Isabela help with flora and medicine. Isa creates the plants and flowers needed and Blue uses her natural ability to create medicine. She also teaches her colony how to do it as well.
The diamond adults do "own" a certain colony on a certain planet. But they aren't all that authoritarian at all. While the Diamonds continue to rule over Home world, they allow every Gem to live freely the way they want without judgment or punishment. Gems are free to fuse with whoever they please, and the caste system was dismantled so that no Gem is better than another. 
Home world has some kind of democracy, meaning the Diamonds, despite retaining a level of importance on Home world, allow Gems to take charge as leaders of their kind through elections.
The diamonds don't see any non-gem life form as inferior, but more interesting. Humans are mainly a curiosity to them, but they see how humans...are mainly hostile to anything different from them (especially to each other) and don't feel like interacting at all.
As far as interactions go when it comes to earth is just watching things called "movies", just to look at certain cultures and behaviors, fashion, and way of life.
Magenta/Alma doesn't like the word "own". It seems a bit rude to say she owns something when she had no control over when or how gems came to be.
So, she instead uses the word "care". Because that's technically what she and her "kids" do. They care for their colonies as long as they need to.
Young diamonds typically explore their "parents" gem worlds. Having fun, making friends & what not.
Certain gems/crystals found on their planets:
Pepa's planet - Golden Barites, Golden Beryl's, Golden south sea pearls, Heliodor's, Honey Calcites, Honey Topaz, Lemon Jades, Lemon quartz, and many more.
Bruno's planet - Jades, Tourmaline, Verdelite, October birthstone, Alexandrite, Malachite, Peridot, Sapphire, Apatite, Chrysoberyl, and many more.
Julieta's planet - Blue agate, Apatite, Azurite, Aquamarine, Benitiote, Blue Chalcedony, Chrysocolla, Dumortierite, Blue fluorite, and many more
Alma's planet - Padparadscha sapphire, Rubellite Tourmaline, Ruby, Spine, Watermelon Tourmaline, and Viva magenta.
The grand-diamonds don't have gems to look after yet but they do have planets to watch over. Each planet is similar to their colors/name. It's truly boring for them so they don't spend their time watching them much.
I searched up "planet that rains diamonds" and I found out that Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter are rumored to have natural diamonds. So, that's where Alma, the triplets, and the grandkids came from.
The triplets came from Saturn, Alma came from Neptune, and the grandkids are from Jupiter.
Also, Antonio's name in this au is Apricot. It's cute and it has 'A' in front of it, so it fits. I
W Diamonds for at the very least being decent gems 😭 give them mfs some sense of self, so at least there’s that. Planets are super cool 🤭🤭 also the fact that the grandkids find watching their plants boring is. So funny. Like there’s basically nothing on them, so it!s understandable 😭
Using plants that rain diamonds honestly makes a lot of sense. ALSO APRICOT LETS GOOOO 🤠🤠🤠
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While not a dictator or authoritarian, I think Alma just has a very misleading face 💀
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picturejasper20 · 6 months
So, i was trying to think of the strange connection that there is between Danny Phantom fans and Steven Universe fans, aside from SU being a show that was very popular on its moment. Like one show is from 20 years ago and the other is from last decade, both with different executions and genres.
...Which lead me to write a whole essay no one asked for, so here you go:
One of the first things that comes to mind is how the main leads are hybrids- Danny Fenton is half human/half ghost, Steven is half human/ half gem. And like both series give an idea that they are pretty unique in their experience as hybrids and they both belong to both worlds yet not fully to either of them.
Danny has a lot of issues with having to hide his part of himself from the world, his parents included. Meanwhile, Steven doesn't understand certain social norms and can feel disconnected from other teens around his age, having lived a somewhat recluded childhood from his peers. (This gets more explored in Future)
Aside from the struggles that being an hybrid it brings to them, they have episodes about learning new powers or learning how to control them. You see them start rather powerless only to become pretty OP on the long run. -Steven getting tired for summoning one shield to being able to do it without sweat-Danny having his powers glitching at the start to gain a power like Ghost Wail later on, etc.
Another thing that Danny and Steven share in common is that they want to help and be useful. In Steven's case, he wants to help people with their problems or "fix" them. Over time Steven starts to define his identity around helping others a little too much to the point that he doesn't know who to be outside of that.
A pretty common headcanon for Danny in the DP fandom is that his ghost obsession is about having to protect everyone he can, something you can see in the series in a way. After Phantom Planet, Danny doesn't know who to be outside being the hero and feels that people don't need him anymore in the context the world having being saved after the series finale. ( A Glitch in Time)
Both try solving problems talking it out if possible, if it is a misunderstanding or they think the antagonist can be reasoned with.
With Steven, he doesn't need an explanation as most people know his personality, for Danny- it depends on the situation and his mood, sometimes being kinder and other times more violent. I would argue again that he still tries to talk things out when he sees that violence isn't necessary -just not the same as Steven
That's not to say their characters are the same, in fact their personalities are pretty different and their ways to approaching problems differs too. They do, however, share some parallels in their character arcs that i already discussed.
Another aspect are the main antagonists, both Steven Universe and Danny Phantom have their antagonists have motivations outside of being evil for the sake of being evil.
In Steven Universe this is a main theme and i don't think it doesn't need much introduction. Antagonists (most Homeworld gems) have been taught and were socialized to act in a specific way in the totalitarian society they were born into. Examples of this are: Peridot, Jasper and Lapis- these motivations can be mixed with revenge or similar things as well.
In Danny Phantom the main antagonists are Vlad Masters/Plasmius and Valerie Gray, both characters who aren't evil by nature and the series leaves clear that their antagonism comes from what happened to them and the decisions they took in result of that.
Vlad Masters role as a villain comes from the insolation and abandonment issues that came from the Ghost portal accident in college caused by Danny's father, Jack Fenton. Vlad became obsessed with getting revenge on Jack and believing he "stole" a family that should have been his.
Valerie comes from her blaming Phantom for (accidentally) ruining her life and trying to get revenge on him, becoming a ghost hunter. Valerie's role is a mix between anti-hero and antagonist since she wants to protect people but opposes Phantom at the same time. Eventually she becomes a bit of a friendenemy to Phantom over the course of the seasons.
Other recurrent antagonists have their own motives to do bad things ( Sidney, Desiree, Ember) while others are more naturally classic evil (Ghost King, Spectra). It depends on the character one is talking about.
Diving more into Vlad Plasmius, both series have this idea of "legacy", as like protagonist having to deal with what their parent/s "left behind for them".
For Steven is a huge deal for him since many of the antagonists who attack him are for things his mother Rose Quartz did, having Steven deal with all this issues and believing he has to fix them, blaming himself for what how Rose hurt people in different ways.
As for Danny, Vlad Masters' antagonism comes from the portal accident caused by Jack, Danny's father, when Vlad, Jack and Maddie (Danny's mom) were still friends in college. In a way Danny has to deal with something that was caused by his father. It isn't something he choose to but yet still brings him a lot of problems to his life.
I'm not sure which character from SU Vlad could be compared to, but i would say that Spinel is the closest one, since Spinel was abandoned by Rose Quartz (as Pink Diamond), who was her best friend, similar to what supposely happened between Vlad and Jack after the ghost portal accident.
Other theme is the idea of redemption, or how you can be your worst own enemy. As i mentioned, antagonists in SU usually get redemmed and change their ways from the systematic ideas they were raised in. There is this idea that people have the capacity to change if they propose themselves to.
In Steven Universe Future, Steven is "his worst enemy" as he has to deal with his own demons he has been avoiding for years for trying to repress them or being too busy helping other people. He goes through a negative corruption arc because of this, ending with him realizing that he can't hiding his issues and needs help with them.
In the Danny Phantom series, this is very important theme in "The Ultimate Enemy", where Danny is confronted by the possible evil future version of himself, called Dan Phantom in the DP fandom. Danny battles against this version of himself and tries to fix his mistake, proving that he can avoid that future from happening.
Danny also meets Vlad Masters in the dark future timeline in this special, who regrets his actions after so many years passed and how he accidentally helped with creating Dan in that timeline.
A Glitch in Time expands on this theme further by exploring Vlad and Dan's motivations a lot more and giving them second chances. The novel itself shares parallels with Steven Universe and SU Future in multiple ways.
Back to Dan Phantom, he shares quite a lot of things in common with Malachite to the point people have pointed out these parallels.
In Steven Universe, gems can fuse with other, creating more powerful gems. A fusion's personality and manners are determined by the relationship the partipants in the fusion have and a combination of their personalities.
Malachite is the fusion between Lapis Lazuli and Jasper, two characters who hated each other and carried lots of personal issues the moment they fused, resulting in a fusion that is unstable. Malachite represents the toxic codependent relationship between the two characters.
Dan Phantom is the fusion between Danny and Vlad's ghost halves, Phantom and Plasmius. Dan was created in a timeline both Danny and Vlad had a lot of issues, with Danny having to deal the lost of his family and being left traumatized. All this trauma along with Vlad's mental state went to Dan, turning him into a destructive ghost.
These are the elements i see that Danny Phantom and Steven Universe series share in common to explain why fandoms often overlap, i'm not sure if there are more that i'm not able to recall at the moment.
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The way you've been writing the Cluster Arc has been super interesting for me, since I don't remember canon having the tone quite be so existential and hopeless. Was there any particular reason behind that decision, or did it arise naturally from the character/context differences?
Great question! I wish I had a more interesting answer for you besides 'I just kinda wanted to' but that's... about it!
I loved the way the show did it. It was ominous, but not a huge deal. But I really wanted to force the characters to face what was... realistically... a full on bio-warware level threat to the gems for the first time since 5000 years ago, during the war.
It has been like this since the beginning - WD!Steven in general takes a darker tone on everything. No matter how far Steven runs, he cannot outrun the slight dread that colors all that happens to him. Steven in this AU is a realist - sometimes to his own detriment! He understands the risks and cannot daydream it away.
In the end, I think the answer is the same - it's just a part of the show I wanted to explore! And to be fair, the Cluster arc DID get quite dark on its own already - the Cluster experiments, and Peridot and Steven's trip down into the upper mantle WAS nightmare-inducing on its own. The only difference is that instead of taking it all in stride like Canon!Steven, WD!Steven approaches it carefully, fully aware of what is on the line if he fails.
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antrunner · 1 year
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headcanons under the cut blinks at you sweetly
Benitoite "Beetle" is an engineer in Blue Diamond's court. He performs maintenance on everything mechanical and functions similarly to peridots. He is high-strung, analytical and a bit of a perfectionist. However, he has a hidden side to him that enjoys goofing off, relaxing and being a so-called "couch potato"..... whatever that means.
Pyrite "Booster Gold" was once a respected gem who worked closely alongside bismuth's in the forge to construct armor, weapons, buildings, statues etc. Pyrites are known for their semi-flammability and are helpful in igniting flames. Pyrite secretly goes by "Gold" as a little joke to himself and was nicknamed "Booster" by his fellow Pyrites for always boosting their spirits with his outgoing and cheerful attitude. He put these two named together and it stuck. His whimsical nature and jokes were not without punishment, though, and was frequently reprimanded for his behavior.
Booster joined the Crystal Gems shortly after he was stationed on Earth during the war. He fit in wonderfully and took to humanity as if he were an Earthling himself. His skin became less golden and instead took on a more human-like matte hue.
The two of them met on Earth during the Crystal Gem revolution when Benitoite was stationed on Earth, who got separated from his fellow engineers when a machine went haywire from an explosion and poofed him. Pyrite found his gem and waited until he could reform away from the battle field. And well. silliness ensues
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emmettkane · 1 month
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Boom, gem OC! Just 6 years late
Her name is Fayalite-forsterite, but you may call her Fifi for short. Not to her face though, she hates nicknames. Actually, she hates informality in general. Also, human expressions of joy, natural light, the color pink, and people named after concepts and emotions. On second thought, just try not to make eye contact.
The lore summary is as follows: Fayalite-Forsterite is a technical administrator whose primary role is to supervise teams of peridots, bismuths, and other gems vital to colony establishment and development, at the planetary or system level. She's also a vicious imperial loyalist, and has been pretty cheesed about this whole "Era 3" business.
Not that she can change anything in that regard. What's she gonna do? Start her own colony?
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peridyke · 4 months
Talking about when you know a straight dude made some lesbian art, you'll always know when you stumble upon Pearl NSFW that for some reason gives her tits out the front door. She. Would. Be. Flat. And still be incredibly sexy. Only cowards stick massive cups where it's not their natural habitat.
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