#Need a different wall shelf. That one is for floating
fisherrprince · 7 months
table :)
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elspethdekarios · 4 months
Writing Prompt -
Gale and Elspeth are in the Great Library doing their own research and trying to ignore each other - They have had a bit of a falling out, and are giving each other they silent treatment until the other apologises.
aaaaaand what if they fucked afterwards?
Alright alright I see you. Enjoy 💖
Pairing: Gale x Female Tav (named)
Word count: 2038
Rating: NSFW!!! 🔞
Warnings: PiV sex, angst, angry sex, makeup sex
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The air was heavy in the grand library in the Temple of Oghma, perhaps because of the incense permeating from the main floor below, or perhaps because of the tension between Gale and Elspeth. Beams of afternoon sun shone through the windows, illuminating dust and particles floating about. Gale stood by the wall, alternating between propping his book up on a nearby shelf and pacing with it in his hands. Every few minutes, he’d let out a huff to blow the stray strands of hair out of his eyes, increasingly agitated at its unruliness. He found himself fidgeting with the book’s pages or absentmindedly combing through his beard, distracted not by thought, but emotion. He had read the same page three times now and retained none of it.
Elspeth emerged from the towering rows with two antique books, purposefully strutting past Gale, robes swishing behind her, as she sat at a desk facing away from him. She refused to make eye contact until he apologized for how he acted that morning. Their usual end-of-tenday morning walk to the library was marked by silence and rigid hand-holding–no discussion of the day’s plans or playful banter. Occasionally one of them would remark on something happening around them, the other only responding with a firm “hm.” 
A few other patrons were scattered throughout the library’s halls, the only sounds those of pages flipping and the occasional cough. The librarian, an aged devotee of Oghma, sat at her usual high desk, spectacles sitting on the very tip of her nose as she wrote in a ledger. She did not ever engage in small talk with the library’s patrons, but the few times Gale or Elspeth needed help finding a particular book, her stern mouth would curl into a smile and she’d speak in excited whispers about the library’s collection. She often greeted them with a head nod, and sometimes a quiet “Mr. and Mrs. Dekarios.”
Elspeth kept her head down, trying to scan the book’s pages for any mentions of infernal machinery, but words were foreign symbols on parchment to her, jumbled and meaningless. Her thoughts kept snapping back to Gale. She unpacked a quill and began to take notes, hoping the motion might help her stay focused. But her parchment remained mostly blank, and when she heard Gale shutting his book behind her, she slumped back in her chair, frustrated with the lack of progress. Frustrated, still, with him.
After an hour in the library, Gale had successfully read four pages of the newest published studies on time-altering illusion spells–next week’s lesson for his advanced students. He couldn’t force himself through it any longer. He approached El, admiring the way her shiny, platinum hair reflected the sunlight, forgetting for a moment that he was angry with her. He resisted the natural urge to touch her–to massage her tense shoulders or lift her chin up for a kiss. She was incredibly stubborn, that much he knew, but she owed him an apology. And no matter how badly he wanted to feel her near him, he would wait for that apology.
“Are you checking those out?” he asked as he stood next to the desk, gesturing to the books. She only nodded and slid them on top of the large tome Gale held in his arms. Gale brought their books to  the main desk and the librarian stamped a magical glyph on the inside of each book’s cover. He returned to El, handing her the two small books she had selected.
“Surprised you trust me with books at all anymore,” she mumbled as she slid them into her bag. “But these aren’t your books, so I suppose it’s different.”
“Yes, El, it is different.” His voice, though a normal volume, sliced through the quiet library, earning him a few stares and a “shush” from the librarian. “It is different,” he repeated, lowering his voice to a whisper. “Presumably you won’t throw them out with the bathwater.”
“I hardly threw it out, Gale!”
“Shh!” came from the librarian’s desk and somewhere further away in the room.
“What do you call it, then?” Gale whisper-shouted.
“I call it ‘donating-books-to-an-orphanage,’ as a matter of fact,” she whispered back.
“Well now you’re just making me sound like an asshole.”
“You’re being one.” El shoved her belongings into the bag and turned heel, Gale matching her stride.
“El–let’s just go to the orphanage and ask for it back. We can forget this little spat of ours, get the book back–no harm done.”
“I am not–”
“Mr. and Mrs. Dekarios.” The librarian appeared before them, short and slender, pointed ears peaking through her silvered hair. “You would do well to remember that this is a library. If you must argue, then I must ask you to leave the Temple. You’ll be most welcome once you can follow the rules again.
Gale and Elspeth marched down the stairs and through the Temple in silence. Once outside and out of earshot of the priests, El turned to her husband, his windswept hair and the peak of collarbone through his robes almost making her forget their quarrel. She pushed the thoughts aside as Gale began crossing the street to Blackstaff Tower, motioning her to follow.
“I am not walking into an orphanage and demanding part of my donation back, Gale! Do you hear yourself?”
“I have no desire to take anything away from an orphaned child,” he said, pushing open the heavy oak doors. “But it’s one book–a book most likely too advanced to be of use to them. And I didn’t give you permission to donate it!”
“You gave me permission to donate the stack collecting dust in the cellar.”
“Yes, because they’re children’s books–I didn’t realize my first edition copy of Abjuration Accolades Through the Ages was on top!”
“That’s not my fault!” 
El followed Gale up the spiraling stone staircase, the building noticeably quiet as their voices and footsteps echoed. Out of breath, they reached Gale’s office.
“It wasn’t on purpose,” El lamented, trying to catch her breath. Her eyes were remorseful as she looked at him, silently begging for this feud to be over, but refusing to be the one to apologize. “You should have checked the stack first before agreeing.”
With a quick wave of his hand, Gale’s office door shut and locked itself. He stepped forward to where Elspeth leaned against the side of his desk, sliding one hand around her waist and using the other to push her hair away from her neck, baring the flesh for him to trail breathy, warm kisses from collar to ear. 
“Gale, we–we’re–” she began to protest, to remind him that they were still arguing. But she melted at his mouth on her skin, the scent of sandalwood dabbed behind his ears so close and potent that she forgot about their quarrel in an instant. She breathed out his name, clutching the back of his robes briefly before undoing its buttons and sliding it off his shoulders, revealing the toned forearms that always made her come undone.
In a quick movement, he had her on the desk, the books and bottles of ink vanishing with a hand gesture. His fingers trailed beneath the sleeves of her robe, pulling them down just enough to expose her shoulders. The sweet musk of her skin set his pulse racing as he sighed into her shoulder, taking desperate mouthfuls of her and leaving scarlet marks bursting beneath her skin. While his mouth wandered, his hands pushed up her robes, expecting to pull off the leggings she’d normally wear underneath. Beneath the fabric, however, was nothing.
“How scandalous of you, Mrs. Dekarios,” he teased, pushing her legs up for a full view of her cunt, glistening just for him. He ran a finger through her and grazed his lips softly against the pointed tip of her ear, his voice deep and quiet. “Almost like you wanted to be fucked on my desk.”
She could have come with those words alone. Already, the gentle circles he drew around that most sensitive spot threatened to send her over the edge. Whimpering and biting her lip in an attempt to reign herself in, she reached down to feel him, hard and eager beneath his trousers. She slipped the tied leather beneath her fingers and pulled the waistband loose, savoring the silky, hot skin of his cock in her hand. Gale moaned into her neck.
“Maybe I thought I could coax an apology out of you.”
“Hm,” he chuckled. “We’ll see about that.”
Before Elspeth could respond, he thrust himself into her, sending a wave of pleasure through her entire body as she held herself up on the desk and clutched Gale’s arm. She cried out, thankful they hadn’t seen a soul in the Tower on their way up, and not caring that there could be others in adjacent rooms overhearing them. Gale lifted her leg up, heeled boot resting against his shoulder as his hips moved rhythmically against her exposed bottom half.
Oh, she was angry with him. His suave words and bedroom eyes and beautiful cock that she worshiped, second only to her deity. Godsdamn him, smoothing over their argument by splaying her out on his desk and half undressing her, knowing the frustration she felt would melt away with a few magic words and a good fuck. It always did–though this was the only time that he had been the subject of her anger since starting their lives together.
But she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t hoping for this.
Gale’s own frustration was dissipating with every thrust. In truth, he knew he should apologize, but that realization only came about when he saw El’s ecstasy as he plunged into her. She was more special to him than an old book–than any book, really. He couldn’t be angry with her now if he tried. Truly testing El’s flexibility, he leaned forward, squishing her upright leg between them, and kissed her madly. His tongue lapped at the inside of her mouth, his moans harder to suppress, and he felt her hand slip between their bodies, finding the center of her pleasure. It was only seconds until she cried out. Her body tensed and her warmth pulsed around him, his release spilling into her as he groaned and clutched her close to him, the two of them finding their climax in perfect unison. 
Elspeth lowered herself to rest her back to the desk, still holding Gale as he lay atop her, panting into her chest. She smoothed out his now-disheveled hair as she caught her own breath, gently combing through the graying strands behind his ears. He raised his head to gaze at her.
“I’m sorry–” they both said in tandem. Giggling, he urged her to speak first.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I should have been more discerning.”
“No, love,” he said, reaching up to caress her cheek. “I’m sorry. I acted like a right fool. It was ludacris of me to suggest we ask the orphanage for the book back. The orphanage, of all places.” He shook his head in disapproval of himself.
“I know your books are important to you. I promise it won’t happen again, Gale.”
“And I promise to remember that you are more important to me than any book, first edition or otherwise.” He kissed the wrist of the hand resting in his hair. “Your generosity is one of my favorite things about you. I’d do well to take notes.”
He lifted himself up from the desk and extended his hands, pulling El up to her feet. 
“Well, my love,” he said as he redid the ties of his pants. “What else does the day hold for us?”
Elspeth smoothed out her robes and her hair, hoping she didn’t look too hot and bothered. “Let’s go to the bookstore. We can get you something new to fill the book-shaped void.”
Gale broke into a wide smile and pulled his beautiful wife into a deep hug, thanking the gods that she came into his life. 
“Does that sound okay to you?” she asked as he loosened his hold.
“That sounds absolutely perfect.”
Hand-in-hand, they walked back out into the City of Splendors.
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florvaine · 1 month
a moment to focus.
Even after a panic, you and Carl both have time to recalibrate again.
Genre: fluff, hurt w comfort.
Relationship: Carl Grimes x Reader (gender not mentioned)
Warnings: typical TWD related warnings, swearing, possible grammar/spelling mistakes
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-— IT HAD TAKEN A WHILE FOR RICK AND MICHONNE TO ALLOW YOU AND CARL TO GO OUTSIDE OF ALEXANDRIA ALONE. Michonne was a little more open to the idea, Rick needed all three of you to try convince him before actually even considering it. Nevertheless, it's amounted to you and your boyfriend finally being permitted to go on a small, unimportant supply run into the nearest city for whatever you wanted.
The trip wasn't too long, slightly strenuous due to the lack of mobile transport, but scenic and peaceful. It seems as though Rick passed through before you two left, clearing it out all the way to the town. Clouds sprinkle the sky, a few covering the sun momentarily before the heat returns onto your backs. The leaves on the trees had started to turn orange and yellow, as if the sly chill now in the air didn't already signal the end of Summer and the introduction to Autumn.
Now, you and him are separated by the dusty shelves of a decrepit book store, Carl attempting to find a new comic book series to indulge in and you trying to find a longer book for you to distract yourself with.
Sighing, you put another paperback into it's spot before you picked it up, reading yet another unconvincing blurb. You scan the place, the sunlight filtering through the dirtied windows across the rectangular building, tiny particles of dust float in the air like miniature pixies. The floor, a dark blue carpet, it covered with debris from the falling roof tiles, showing just how old the store was.
The shuffling of boots behind you takes your attention away from the appearance of the place, instead making eye contact with Carl. He's in his monochrome flannel, a white shirt underneath and slightly baggy black jeans over his brown boots; a new bandage over his eye and his hat shading his face.
"I found one," He looks down, flicking through the colourful pages quickly before stuffing it into his canvas bag with the others, "Got the whole series as well. You found anything?"
"Nope," You reply, turning back around to the sign that read 'FICTION' in bold capitals, "It's like the same story is just titled differently and published over and over."
As you're about to take another off the shelf again you accidently knock a thickly binded one off onto the floor. A cloud of dust follows and an array of growling sounds from the back room. From where the two of you are stood it's a clear view to the door with a hanging 'EMPLOYEE'S ONLY' sign on it, the source of all the noise.
"I didn't even know they were in there." You mutter.
There's a moment of silence as you crouch and pick up the book, putting it back on the shelf. In the process you pick up your bag from the floor, slinging it over your shoulders and sniffling from the dust. The snarling continues, the muffled sound hanging in the air around you two.
Glancing back at Carl, you reach for the axe hanging from your belt, "Should we check it out?"
The brunette steps ahead of you, hand on the handle of his knife as he rears closer to the door. He presses his ear to the wall and listens, holding a finger up to you to tell you to be quiet. Obliging, you move to stand just behind him, awaiting his input.
"It doesn't sound like there’s a lot of them, we could go in and take them out, see if there's anything else we can take back." He looks back at you, tilting his head slightly as he gauges your reaction.
You nod, shrugging, and a second later the two of you enter the room with your blades and weapons drawn. There's no lights, as expected, only the limited natural light that fell from the small oblong windows at the very top of the large, grey-walled stock room. Steel shelf after shelf, each holding multiple boxes - opened or not - as well as packing stations for online orders and bags for those at the till in the front.
The first thing you notice is the green bag dangling from a sturdy nail in the wall to the right of the door. Unzipping it you were greeted with a collection of bandages and gauze, sanitary supplies, plasters, a tourniquet, as well as latex gloves. Showing the bag to Carl he gestures to his bag, and you quickly shove it in with his comics, carful not to damage them in the process.
Moving further in together, you covering his back and him covering yours, the two of you look down an aisle at a time. The first had two walkers which you both took out immediately before going down it, taking your time to open each box in case something was hidden. It seemed to be time wasted as you both end up with nothing afterwards.
Carl walks to the end with a huff, turning around the corner to go into the next aisle, announcing it to you in a mutter.
He squints, the room not exactly the best for him to be in. Not only does he now have a blind side, but the lack of light and ruined depth perception is really messing with him. He moves his head to try see better, counting four zombies as he gets closer to them.
It takes him a minute or two to get them all, the first and second going down easily as he had caught them by surprise. Struggling with the last two due to them crowding him, he huffs and makes quick work of driving his knife into their skulls. Their bodies fall onto the tiled floor like sacks of dirt. He could never get used to the sound when he takes his knife back never gets easier to hear, nor does the sight afterwards. Carl has to stop himself from overthinking - there's no use in spending precious time dwelling over the dead.
He pokes his head around the closest boxes, smiling as he sees you opposite him, occupied with another box on the other side of the shelving unit. Shining his light onto them, he finally catches your attention, you giving him a huff of a laugh before placing whatever you were inspecting down.
"You found anything?" You ask, glancing at a box of paperback books. You take it out, skimming over the blurb, with your interest piqued you place it in your bag.
He shakes his head whilst you do so, "Nothing, it's all branded bags, books and tissue paper, best we got was the ki-"
The brunette cuts himself off with a curse, suddenly disappearing from your limited view from the other side of the unit.
"Carl!" You shout, blinking rapidly as you try pull yourself of the frozen state you found yourself in.
The panic shoots straight to the nerves in your legs, sending you bolting the shortest way to reach the end of the unit you were on.
With your torch long forgotten you take a single moment to register what was happening in the dark - a crawler underneath another unit grappled onto his ankle like a bear trap, dragging him towards the snarling, snapping jaws of death like a ravenous piranha.
As if the surprise encounter wasn't already the worst, his gun is far from him and on his blind side, hand grasping on dust and ceramic grey as you continue to rush to his aid. Coming closer you draw your axe from where it was on your belt just as Carl plants his free foot onto a bottom shelf to try push himself away.
In a second you put all your strength into bringing the weapon into the air and down onto it skull, crushing the decaying bones and flesh underneath the force of which you did so. Blood spurts in every which way, the walkers head like a scarlet grand canyon when you remove the blade. There's droplets scattered along the material of his and your shoes, and a drop or three on your face.
You huff, looking at Carl. He's panting, eye wide and slightly hunched to remove the now loosened hand from his leg. There's a singular drop of sweat from his knitted brow which he wipes away with the sleeve of his flannel. The panic you felt filters through your veins and into the ground, dissipating as soon as relief overshadows it.
"You alright?" You ask, crouching to sit beside him.
The long-haired boy nods, "I'm good,"
"Why didn't you use your knife?"
He closes his eyes in a grimace, "I panicked."
"I thought we were way past panicking when seeing a walker, Carl," You reply, half worried, half angry.
"I thought I was too," He trails off, taking off his hat and resting his head onto the box behind him.
Sighing, you hold back the rest of your scolding to give him another once over. Your view is limited from the lack of light, however his leg is okay and his face seems fine, not a scratch in sight, just dust and grime smeared over the texture of his freckled skin from the time spent exploring. Messy brown locks from his fringe hook onto the material of his eyepatch. Now he sits back, with his eye closed you can see his lashes gently pressing against the slightly flushed skin beneath his eyes.
His own eye catches yours, but you don't look away, and neither does he. It seems he's doing his own check, light cobalt scanning every inch of your face for anything he knew was out of the ordinary. If the two of you didn't just escape the other being bitten it would've made you nervous. It takes a moment for his eyebrows to furrow and the warmth of his palm to press against your face.
Carl pulls you closer to him and for a second you believed he was going to kiss you like he did that morning, instead he hyper fixates on an area on your forehead.
"You're hurt," He mutters with slight haste in his words and takes his hand from your face, immediately taking off his bag and pulling out the kit you found earlier.
Your face fills with confusion as you raise your hand to touch your forehead for the injury you weren't even aware of. It's not a cut but a shallow gash and you hiss as you finally feel it.
"Don't touch it!" He scolds you lightly, rifling through the kit and pulling out a wide plaster and an antiseptic wipe.
You lean back into the unit behind you, mumbling, "I didn't even know I got hurt,"
Carl says nothing in reply, his only focus being the now dripping wound on your head. He gently pulls you into a golden ray of sunshine from a window, away from the now fully dead corpse and to see better with the light casting over your figure. You don't care about the stinging from the antibacterial wipes, taking advantage of his distracted state to run your eyes over him again, trying to indent his being into your mind. Cast in amber behind him, an intense yet nurturing stare directed towards you, with everything in this world today, you don't think you've ever seen this look on him before.
It's undoubtably attractive, being so important to someone that they look at you like that.
"Focus looks good on you." You say, voice low and your gaze on him.
For a second he glances back at you, eye contact sticking like dripping honey, before he looks away, shuffling slightly and licking his lips. It nearly pulls you away from the light pink fading into the tips of his ears. The sound of thin plastic tearing from paper sounds around the two of you as he opens the plaster.
He takes a sharp breath in, "You hit your head or somethin'?"
"No, I think I'd remember that."
His eye is back to the gash as he lines the plaster up perfecting with it. Before you know it he's swiping the rubbish underneath the shelf and slinging his bag onto his back again. After he gains his footing he reaches his hand out to you, and soon enough the two of you are up and moving again. The both of you agree to just scan the place quickly and get out, but before you split up again he reaches for your wrist, lightly pulling you back into him.
His lips are on yours right after. It was only a peck, but who were you to complain? The second you register it, it's gone, but it speaks volumes. It's a 'thank you', his way of displaying you the feelings he felt the moment he was in danger, and the moment you took him straight out of it, and the time he took to patch you up even if it wasn't a major lesion. He cares, and he is grateful for the things you do and are even you aren't aware of them.
The look in his eye when he pulls away speaks for him in a way so that he doesn't need to actually say anything. He's never been fond of PDA (if it even counts when you're in a warehouse alone) but it seems even Carl Grimes reaches his boiling point sometimes. Hands lingering on your shoulders, he slips them off the straps of your rucksack and to his side, where his knife and gun now rest again, before speaking again.
"Let's just go, we have everything." He declares, leaving no room for debate. You shrug and follow behind him, the two of you now on the way to exit the bookstore.
"Fine by me." You reply. wc: 2.3k
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WIBTA for asking my spouse to open up our relationship?
Tl;dr: He said no years ago but our sex life is non-existent and I'm climbing the walls.
Full story:
Me (early 30s, NB) and my partner (late 30s, M) have been together for over a decade. We have a kid, a mortgage and enough interests in common to keep each other entertained. He's a genuinely good person and the last thing I want to do is hurt him. BUT.
We met before I hit 20, and he was my first ever serious relationship. Our sex life tanked about two years in, but we both had other things going on, and over time I blamed many different factors: living conditions, shift work, my weight gain, health issues, differences in upbringing, levels of queerness - you name it. In the last few years I helped him through a serious medical condition (think two surgeries and a long recovery), but once he was nominally in the clear my mental health went down the drain and I haven't really been back to normal since.
For a while, I had a really good counsellor and for once got to talk about some of the less savoury shit going on in my noggin. It all ended up on a Realisation that we only had sex while sober on a laughably small number of occasions, and any and all attempts on my part to spice things up ended at best with affectionately confounded denial or just a straight up brick wall. I got sober a few years before he did (I'm talking 'uh oh maybe we're having too many too often' rather than 'out of control alcoholism'), which effectively ended our sex life altogether. At this point I'm looking at a solid year since my husband last touched me, and even then it was after he came home from a pub in a silly mood so neither of us ended up getting much out of it. And it's not even the longest stretch.
I floated this as an issue a number of times, and every time he agreed it's something to work on then did precisely zilch. I told him point blank once that I wouldn't be opposed to an open relationship, but he was vehemently against, because that's the first step to a break up in his mind. I suggested he might be ace (there are several clues to that, not just my increasingly unhinged internet history), bought the book as a way to start a discussion - he put it on a shelf and never looked at it again.
After my Big Bad Breakdown earlier this year we ended up in family counselling. It quickly became clear that there are so many things he just Didn't Consider that the sex thing didn't even get mentioned, then we ran out of slots and he hasn't followed up on any of his revelations from the sessions, so I feel like digging in is a lost cause.
I love him, don't want to leave him and quite frankly couldn't even if I did because the UK is a financial ruin. I also have some extremely unfulfilled needs, and can't even rub one out in peace because he finds it weird (???). Even if I didn't find cheating morally Too Far it sounds exhausting and I already have too much going on. I haven't been the easiest person to be around for the last few months, but this has been a years-long issue. So, WBITA to start the conversation on the open relationship again, despite the negative feedback I had previously?
(If it helps, we both have different flavours of neurodivergence, although mine is under treatment and his largely ignored.)
What are these acronyms?
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inkformyblood · 9 months
harbour after a storm (CWFKB #7)
Fill for Absent-Minded Kiss @codywanfirstkissbingo Canon Universe, Post-Order 66, Order 66 Happened Differently
Cody taps his scoop of caf against the side of his cup, the powder falling free with a soft thump. A few particles drift free, dark against the pale surface of the small kitchenette unit installed in the corner of Obi-Wan’s rooms, and Cody notes their presence the same way he would track the individual pin-pricks of troops across a map. It’s light duties, stamped in his file with a liberal amount of glee by a medic who clutched their cup of their caf until their knuckles went white, and he’s been following that to the letter. It’s how they were trained after all.
It’s every space between the letters that he’s having difficulty with. 
Along with the assigned light duties, ostensibly to recover the brain surgery and actually to stop Cody from dismantling exactly why the Senate’s policy was karking banthashit to their faces, Cody had little to do and even less of an idea about what he could do. He arrived at Obi-Wan’s door one morning, his discharge papers crumpled up in his fist and a headache that had nothing to do with the chip that had been removed and everything with the fact he hadn’t had a sip of caf for a week, and he had never left.
He isn’t sure what that makes them now. 
They have been Commander and General for so long that to be anything else nearly can’t be thought about. There is a missing piece of Cody’s brain, a sinkhole for his thoughts to pour into in hopes of filling it back up, and he tips his worries about Obi-Wan into it so they don’t infest somewhere else. He is in love with Obi-Wan. He has been since that first battlefield with blood pouring down the side of his face and he didn’t know if he even had his eye still. Obi-Wan had cupped his face between his palms for an instant before pressing his knuckles to the bleeding hollow on the side of his face. “You’ll be okay, love,” Obi-Wan had murmured, grinning down at Cody and he had believed him. He had been right which had only cemented the knowledge that Cody had been right then, and he is right now. 
The kettle hisses as it boils and Cody picks it up, hooking his fingers beneath the handle and pouring some into the mug. Reflexively, he steps back, drawing the small timer up from the shelf beneath the counter before he catches himself. Obi-Wan is at a Council meeting that morning and for the rest of the day, there is only a single cup needed this morning instead of the delicate process of brewing and steeping and stirring that Cody has dedicated himself to the study of for Obi-Wan’s preferred morning cup of tea. 
Cody places the kettle back down, nudging the base flush against the wall, and returns the timer to the shelf. He stirs his own cup as he rifles through the growing collection of extras flavourings that Obi-Wan has added to his own supply of different teas and pulls out a sweet pod, dropping it into his mug. It cracks open beneath the surface, a few luminescent pearls floating to the surface. Cody scoops one up with his spoon and sips at it, cracking the pearl between his teeth. It matches well, the caf rich and dark and the pearl a burst of needed sweetness. He scoops up his mug, throwing the spoon into the sink, and turns towards the sunken sitting area. There is a spread of files across the low table, the curling corners of the flimsiwork nearly the same pale shade of the table but broken by lines and lines of cramped neat text, and the pit of Cody’s stomach falls out. 
He knows those files.
Obi-Wan needs those files. He’d poured over them for hours for the past few weeks, adding his own notations and thoughts to the already layered margins, his hair dishevelled from the disjointed push of his fingers as he paces to rehearse his arguments. It had been beautiful to watch him work in an entirely different battlefield to the one Cody is used to seeing, words forged into weapons, some as delicate as a blade and others a cudgel to hit his point home further. Cody picks up a travel mug, tipping his caf into it, and seals the lid with a quick swipe of his thumb, moving down to the table to pick up the files. They’re heavier than he expects, a dull ache throbbing across his temple as he wavers, knocking the flimsiwork against his hip until the file is mostly closed. He’ll just need to be careful to not drop any. 
Cody hesitates in front of the door, pressing his tongue against the jagged line of his canine. His breath is heavy in his chest, drawing him down to the floor, and he could just stay here. Obi-Wan wouldn’t mind if Cody couldn’t leave their rooms before he was ready, but he wants to do this. He cares for Obi-Wan, loves him with every choice he has ever made, and he wants to be able to bring him his files that the other man has forgotten just because he could. Cody taps the door controls, takes a swig of his caf, and steps out into the corridor. He doesn’t stop walking. 
The Jedi Temple hums with activity, still somehow peaceful despite the footsteps echoing through the corridors and the rumble of voices that spill out of the rooms. Cody keeps close to one wall, following it like a battleplan, and only breaking away to turn down one intersection or another. The doors to the Council rooms hang open, several familiar voices leaking out before Cody’s attention catches onto Obi-Wan’s voice. 
“I’ll just be a moment, thank you!” Obi-Wan bows as he walks backwards, tipping his hip around the catch of the door and spinning with the same movement. His face lights up as he sees Cody, his grin only widening as his gaze drops to the file Cody holds against his hip. “You brought my file? You wonderful man.” He crosses the distance between them in a handful of steps, cupping Cody’s face in his palms. “Thank you so much.”
Obi-Wan leans forward and kisses him, already moving to pluck the file from his arms. Cody, his mind empty, his eyes wide, lets him and Obi-Wan walks away. He doesn’t get further than two steps before he freezes, both hands rising to cover his face before Obi-Wan turns back around. “I’m so sorry, Cody. I shouldn’t have, not without asking, I just—”
Cody cuts him off, closing the distance between them again, and tugs the file down so he can rise onto his toes and kiss Obi-Wan again. Properly this time. 
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sungbeam · 2 years
𝗰𝗮𝘀𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝘄/ 𝘁𝘅𝘁!
txt ot5 x gn!reader
1.2k words, FLUUUUUFF, kith for yeonjun?, barely proofread but it's v soft, except for beomgyu he's just hot.
a/n: ykw,, , i'm single asf.
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CHOI YEONJUN … treats you to a shopping trip! (retail therapy is incredibly important, everyone)
You didn't realize when Choi Yeonjun was going to tag along with you, that it would end up with him trying on just about a dozen lipsticks and glosses. The two of you were in the high-end cosmetics store at the mall because you wanted to pick up this one birthday gift set for your cousin. Somehow… somehow, Yeonjun had convinced you to let him drag you all over the store as he hopped from brand to brand, swatching lip products on the back of his hand in differing shades of red. 
"What about this one?" He asked you, and he turned around from the small mirror on the shelf to show you. He pursed his lips in an adorable smile as he showed off the shade of glittery scarlet red. "It's pretty, no?"
"It is very pretty," you agreed. You took the tube from him and examined it. Smooth, glossy, and most definitely transferable. 
"Hey Jun?"
"Hm," he hummed in reply while hunting for his next tester. 
You gently took his chin in your hand and turned his head to yours. His eyes were wide as you pressed your lips to his with just enough pressure to transfer the color onto your lips. 
The kiss was short-lived, and Yeonjun chased your lips when you pulled away. 
You smacked your lips to spread the color around. "What do you think?"
Yeonjun looked at you in what could only be described as pure fondness. If he were a cartoon, he might have had love hearts floating from his head and popping out of his irises. "Perfect."
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CHOI SOOBIN … holds a spa night for you!
Choi Soobin's head perked up at the sound of his voice as he shoved another slice of cucumber into his mouth. "Huh?"
You grinned at the sight of his slightly chubby cheeks, most likely filled with the five or so cucumbers he had just cut. You had just finished showering and brought down your little box of nail polishes from your upstairs drawer. "Bunny, if you eat any more of those, we won't have any left for our eyes."
Soobin pouted innocently as you came up to where he stood at the counter and gently took the knife away from him. "I was hungry."
"We had dinner thirty minutes ago," you quipped back with a laugh as you began quickly slicing the remaining cucumbers. 
He pouted even deeper, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind so he could tuck his head into the crook of your neck. His damp hair tickled your freshly washed face. "We only need four slices, though, honey."
You sighed, taking a couple pieces and holding it up to his mouth. He took them between his teeth and you ruffled his hair. "You're too cute, Bin. How can I resist you, hm?"
He giggled and hid his face in your neck. "Can you paint my nails blue?"
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CHOI BEOMGYU … serenades you by starlight!
Why play Spotify when you can have a live concert, baby? Was what Choi Beomgyu had told you when you had suggested firing up the Bluetooth speaker. Your fingers were deftly occupied with braiding the bit of hair Beomgyu had grown out into a dark wolf cut, while he carefully reached over to the electric guitar propped up against the end of his bed. 
"How's it lookin'?" He asked you softly from between your legs where he sat on the floor, and you the bed. He turned on the speaker hooked up to the guitar, tongue poking outside his lips as he turned the volume down just slightly. 
"It's…" your words faded from your tongue as he began to strum, the sound echoing off the walls of his bedroom and filling you with a sort of warmth. A shiver ran down your spine, and you knew Beomgyu was smiling to himself because he knew it, too. "You look good as always, Beom."
He let out a husky laugh. "Thanks, baby. You do a good job every time."
You finished up braiding as much as you could before securing it with a small, black elastic. As his fingers strummed his guitar—the tune was familiar, but you didn't really care to pin it with a name—you wrapped your arms around Beomgyu's shoulders and rested your cheek against the top of his head. 
He let you lay there, your bodies pressed together and swaying slightly to the music he made. 
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KANG TAEHYUN … takes you on a reading picnic!
There was something so soul-soothing about sitting on a grassy hill overlooking the calm waters of a lake. The weather was warm and comfortable, the tall trees towering around you shading both you and your partner from the sun's rays. 
Kang Taehyun had his eyes mostly focused on the pages of his book—mostly. He did, however, occasionally (frequently) cast a glance down at you. You laid in his lap, hair falling slightly in your eyes with the way you were lying, your eyes running across the page of your own novel of choice. 
There was a picnic basket on the opposite corner of the blanket, left untouched since you and Taehyun had cracked open your respective books. 
"Is your book not interesting enough for you, Tae?"
He blinked, snapping out of his daze. "Hm? What makes you say that?"
You smiled and laid your book face down on your stomach as you shifted to stare straight up at him. He did the same, setting his down on the picnic blanket to give you his full attention. "You've been looking at me more than the words on the page."
From your point of view, he looked nothing short of dreamy, with the gentle wind blowing through his strawberry blond hair, white button up sleeves rolled to expose his forearms. You could get used to this.
"Well, you're just a lot prettier than words on a page, darling," he replied with a smile curving up into his cheeks.
Yeah, you could definitely get used to this. 
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HUENING KAI … indulges you in fresh bakes!
The sound of "Fresh Bread!" rang true like a doorbell as you and Huening Kai stepped through the door of the 85℃ Bakery and Café on the block. You inhaled the smell of freshly baked bread and pastries as Kai went to grab a clean, plastic tray and a matching pair of tongs. 
"Doesn't it smell good in here?" You chirped to him as you helped line the tray with a blanket of parchment paper. 
Kai chuckled at the adorable way you bounced on your feet as you surveyed the dozens upon dozens of options surrounding you both. There were far too many pastries lined up in each glass case, all crafted to mouthwatering perfection. "It does."
Cute, he thought as you carefully lifted the glass door of one of the cases to pluck a loaf of brioche with the tongs. He balanced the tray for you to place the bread on top of. 
"Hey baby, can you get me one of those marbled taro buns?" He asked you, inclining his chin toward the respective glass case. 
"Oh, sure!" You shuffled over and grabbed the pastry, then set it down on the tray. "Maybe we should get two," you said upon further consideration of the pretty, little lavender and white colored pastry. 
"Why don't we share one?" He suggested. "Lady and the Tramp style."
You giggled, and the sound was marvelous to Kai's ears. "Hyuka, how do you Lady and the Tramp a taro bun?"
"There's just a lot more kissing," he grinned.
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a/n: skfnkejf literally speedran to finish this and format this >< gonna go to bed now @_@
txt m.list
permanent taglist: @im-a-big-mess @honeyhuii @crazywittysassy @seomisaho @stopeatread @enhacolor @rnjfy @jaehunnyy @kpopjackie @spiderrenjunfics @justanotherkpopstanlol @w3bqrl @super-btstrash-posts @hibernatinghamster @otchae @bigballsz @shakalakaboomboo @ashxxkook @kpop718 @ethereal-engene @kim-jvnkyu
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A star in the ocean ch 1
Summary: after the fight in Awa’atlu spider becomes a drift a sea while trying to get back to the sully’s, talking it as a sign that he made it so far you take him with you back to your clan
Author's note: Any hate will not be tolerated and will be deleted, i'll be posting this to my wattpad, AO3, and quotev (alot I know). anyway I swear something possessed me to write this so i hope you enjoy and on with the story.
Warnings: nothin that i know of, typical canon violence
word key:
Tsahìk=high priestess/interpreter of Eywa
sempul= father
tsmuke= sister
Cold and exhausted, that's what he felt, in the water after swimming for Eywa knows how long, he knew the fighting had stopped with the lack of shouting and guns firing, but he didn't know how far he was from the island or the ship that was sinking last he saw it, he was sure that he wanted to rest even if it was only for a minute he had been swimming for what felt like hours trying to get back to the sully’s, so he just stayed in the water floating on his back, too tired to move much or be too aware of his surroundings.
“I found someone!”
There were small black dots clouding his vision as he felt someone pick him up out of the water and set him in front of them moving so that he was leaning onto them “don't worry you are safe now i'll take you to the Tsahìk, you'll be fine” said the voice they sounded a bit far and muffled to spider dew to the exhaustion that raked his body. But he felt like he could trust the mysteries voice for now, they sounded calming, and leaned into them, despite being in the water they were much warmer than he was, so not having much other choice he finally let himself rest, at least for a bit. ~~~~~~~~~
Spider felt warmer than he was before and alot more comfortable. He wanted to lay there for a while longer before any of the recoms came to bother him. He moved to get more comfortable than paused and thought for a moment, then he realized, wasn't he just on in open water in the middle of a fight with the RDA and an ocean clan? Spider quickly sat up a bit and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, trying to wake up more to survey his surroundings.
After a minute he glanced around, he realized he was in what looked to be a healer's hut, it was a bit small but there were a two other mats a few feet away from him, there were also some different herbs and plants tied in neat bundles that hung from the ceiling that looked to be drying out, a few short stands with bowls, cups, and other containers on top as well as a few different sized cloths that were stored on a shelf beneath them and finally a small fire pit that sat a bit into the ground closer to the wall with what looked to be a pot hanging above it,with something cooking inside, it sat opposite to what he Assumed was the entryway.
He could hear others walking around outside and talking but couldn't make out any specific words. He sat there for a few minutes trying to remember how he got here, and where exactly ‘here’ was, though he didn't have to wait as long as he thought because before long he could hear two sets of feet making their way closer to him. They were talking and as they got closer he was able to make out what they were saying.
“Is what sa’nu said true?!” The first voice sounded young and full of curiosity, they remind him a bit tuk but he could tell it wasn't, the second voice sighed “yes, but your not supposed to be here, sa’nok said she wanted you to stay in the kelku sooo go back” they drew out there words a bit, but unlike the first voice this one sound older and a bit annoyed. By now they had stopped a few meters from the hut he was in, their silhouettes barely visible with the flap closed “why! i want to see what he looks like'' the shorter one wined “because he needs to heal, besides you'll probably see him when sa’nok and sempul come to speak with him” “maybe but that means i have to wait and that's boring”
The older one chuckled, “then i guess you'll just have be bored then, now go i have to see if–” “i'll just take a peek really quick” “wha- hey!” the older one called after her but it fell on deaf ears and with that spider could hear the younger one rapidly approach the hut, before he could do anything else the flap was pulled back a bit and a small na’vi girl made herself know, she looked surprised to see that he was awake “it is true!” she gasped Before he could say anything she stepped back outside, letting the flap fall close behind her and started talking to who he assumed to be the other girl “Y/n, Y/n! Hurry up, come see!” the other person- Y/n he assumed- rushed to the little girl huffing a bit “zo’ile what did i tell you, i'll get in trouble if you go in there by yourself” she sounded annoyed but not to surprised.
“But Y/n look, he's awake!” she exclaimed excitedly, opening the flap with one hand while pulling the older girl inside the hut with the other “see!” she exclaimed, spider moved to sit up properly and looked towards the pair. The younger of the two was now hanging off of the latters arm leaning forward a bit to get a better look at him as if he was further from them than he actually was and was all but jumping in place with excitement now that she finally got to see him, the older girl didn't respond and seemed to be more surprised to see that he was awake and moving, she studied him a bit, seeing as when she found him she had to rush him to land due to the broken mask he had on.
when their eyes finally met it felt like something had knocked all the air from their lungs, it was like time had stopped. They were both stuck staring at each other as if when one of them blinked the other world disappear without a trace, spider noticed her eyes first, they were a striking blueish green with specks of E/C in them, they were calming yet striking to him like he’d know her his whole life despite having never met, the next thing he noticed was her skin, aside from the fact that they weren't anywhere near, it was obvious she wasn't a forest na’vi with her teal skin and fluid but distinct markings that framed her face and trailed down her body, her hair was H/C and say for a few strands that fell into curls, was pulled back into a braid that seemed to continue into her queue, the last thing he noted was how her arms were wider like fins and that her tail was much flatter than that of the Na’vi or avatars he'd seen. Overall he was in awe.
Despite it properly being a minute or two, It felt like hours before a quit giggling interrupted their little staring contest, both jumping slightly turning toward the sound, clearing her throat Y/n turned to look and the younger na’vi “zo’ile go-go get sa’nok, let her know he's awake” she said lightly pushing her toward the entryway, still giggling she agreed and left,Y/n turned back toward spider finding him to have sat up properly and already looking back at her. Shifting a bit under his gaze she asks “you- you can understand me right?” spider nodded his head not quite trusting his words yet, the na’vi noticeably brightening at this “oh good, here you must be hungry” she said a sigh of relief escaping her as she moved toward the pot, poking at the fire under it a bit before fixing him a bowl “here” she handed him the bowl Before sitting down, and ensuring she was sitting a reasonable distance in front of him without overwhelming him.
Spider mumbled a quick thanks and downed its contents, he set the bowl down and went to wipe his mouth. That's when he noticed it, his mask,it was gone. His eyes went wide as he started to look around him, he stopped when he heard quite chuckle he turned looked at the na’vi in front of him “sorry” her ears when down a bit “it just-are you alright you look confused” she looked at him expectantly her head tilted a bit “uh no- no i'm fine its just my mask-” he cut himself off and sat back with a dumbfounded look on his face running hand through his dreads “it gone”. The girl paused then remembered “oh you mean-” she was cut off when they heard someone approaching the hut.
“Excuse me,” you quickly got up and stepped outside. Letting the flap close as you left, taking swift steps you met your mother halfway greeting her “mother, I see you” she returned the greeting before saying “your tsmuke tells me the boy is awake”
“He is, his wounds were light and seem to be healing already” you explained. She smiled at you “that's good i take it he's asking questions then?” “a few” “i see, well there's no use standing here the sooner i see him the better, your father wishes to speak with him” with that you both walked back to the tent.
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various-short-stories · 4 months
A House by the Woods
As a bit of a precursor, this is by no means finished, and is more of a way to practice descriptions. I plan to make a more finished version later, but for now, this is just to get something out there.
In a little sun-lit meadow just south of a deep and ancient forest lay a red brick house, slightly covered in moss and vines. Ankle-high grass waved slowly in the wind all throughout the meadow, broken up by tall flowers scattered sporadically throughout. A little way away was a shimmering creek that flowed over countless smooth pebbles. A coarse gravel path led from the stream up to the back door of the house, and out from the front of the house led a dirt road that disappeared somewhere south beyond the hills.
From the house’s open windows, the pungent scent of garlic and onions lingered in the air, a scent that was somewhere between the realms of pleasant and unpleasant. The afternoon light flowed over the tree tops and through the little gaps between the white picket fence that separated the house from the untamed wilderness. Upon the house’s thatch roof was a layer of old and decaying leaves. The house itself was a little worn, but by no means was it in disrepair. In fact, apart from the foliage growing on them, the walls were polished and clean, and the area inside the fence was well kept and orderly.
On the west side of the house lay a number of gardening tools and a few flourishing vegetable gardens, while on the east side there stood a small shed and well. There were a number of shrubs and flowers of all shapes and colors growing around the house, interspersed with small clay statuettes. At the front of the house was a large oaken door with an intricate pattern carved into the front, and on each side of the door was an arched window set neatly into the wall.
If you were to step inside, the first thing you would notice would be the hall. While not particularly grandiose, a single long red carpet led from the front door to the end of the hall. The hall had ample lighting from two small, evenly spaced hanging lanterns, and was adorned with a few tapestries depicting scenes of distant and mysterious places. On each side of the hall lay 2 separate doors which lead to bedrooms and storerooms, while the end of the hall lay a set of great double doors made of a fine spruce wood. Through these doors lay a kitchen of considerable size, with anything an aspiring chef could ever need. The kitchen had far too many implements to count, and spice racks littered the walls. There were twin stoves upon which sat a great pot, the source of the scent from before.
Beside the kitchen was the dining room, cozy in design and filled with a number of shelves. Books of all sorts covered each layer of the shelf, fantastical volumes. So great was the number that many libraries might be put to shame. In the center of the room lay the table surrounded by chairs. It was a sturdy old thing that had clearly made its way through generations. Upon it sat four earthen plates, each complimented by a set of silverware of a fanciful design that did not match the rest of the table. A pitcher filled with some manner of juice sat in the middle, ready to pour.
The most curious thing about this room was the lighting. Several candles floated about the room, seemingly of their own free will. Each one possessed a different-colored flame, and would occasionally flare up before dying back down. Of course, if you had never been to the great cities beyond the hills, this would have seemed remarkably strange, but for people there, it was quite commonplace to have things of an even stranger nature. However, out in these relatively untamed parts of the world, candles did not often float about or glow with strange vibrancies.
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acorpsecalledcorva · 6 months
Your heart stops in an instant. The ground rushes up to meet you in it's warm embrace and you know, somehow, that everything will be ok. Roots descend down from your body and anchor you in place as the soil washes over your body, engulfing you completely. You're safe. You can let go.
Your consciousness floats up from the earth, completely free of worry or preoccupation, that chapter of your life is over now. You can go anywhere. You can do anything. You can soar high up above the urban hellscape beneath you and marvel at how little importance it holds now
As you swoop and swirl and spin with playful abandon, you notice a cloud above you that stands out amongst the rest. More dense and defined, but not dark and violent, it invites you in. As you fly through it's pillowy mass you're met with images of your life, past lives, and lives yet to live.
When you emerge from the other side, the city is gone. Transported somewhere new what you see below you is a vast white sandy desert, stunning emptiness in every direction apart from one solitary building. A small barn made of sand and stone with a loosely covered roof made of dried palm leaves
Settling inside the barn for cover from the oppressive sun, you realise that you're not alone. People in what seem like disheveled religious robes are tending carefully and dutifully to a small selection of plants. There is one plant in particular that catches your attention. You know this plant.
Time rushes around you advancing at a gallops pace. The barn is bigger now, there are more people, more plants. Forward again and the stone walls crumble away to be replaced with glass, and the holy symbols are replaced with lab coats. Outside you see a grand estate, civilization built up around you
The only thing that remains constant is you, and the plant. Growing at a snails pace for the centuries that have passed, but enough that by now it's vines of flowers reach to the ground and it spreads across the shelf dedicated to carrying it alone. It's waiting for you.
A millennia or two must have flown past by now, you marvel as the civilization turns into an empire. Magnificent structures of glass and metal grow like a forest around you and crumble back down into dust around you, returning to the sands. The barn is gone, but is replaced by an oasis
The plant surrounds you now, an interconnected web of different flowers and trees and leaves, all one singular organism, and where the shelf once held it aloft, a pool of crystal clear water glittering with more brightness than the sun could possibly provide. Your feet finally touch the ground.
Stepping forward into the welcoming water, cooler and more refreshing than you'd expect in the desert heat, you find yourself drawn to one flower in particular. As though it were vibrating at a frequency outside your hearing but calling to you all the same.
You're reassured that everything is ok, that what you're doing is right, as you pluck the flower from its stem and a thick white nectar pours over your fingers from the break at its base. The sweet scent is divine and you waste no time taking the juices into your mouth and relishing the taste.
Bones crack and organs compress as your body is unmade and reformed into what it must become. The pain is excruciating and burns through every cell incinerating all that you are and all that you ever were. Your skin is ripped apart a hundred thousand times by keratinous spines turning you inside out
The second it's over you fly up into the air in your new body, different from before, corporeal now you can feel the wind rushing through your feathers and the updrafts of warm air carrying you up, higher and higher helping you get to where you need to go
In the distance is a mountain range. One in particular shines more brightly that the others, a blinding dot glistening in the sun that gets brighter and brighter as you get closer and closer. Devouring the miles with ease carried by the warm loving breeze
In a sea of jagged unforgiving rock and stone stands a singular perfect rock face encased in pure flawless diamond. As you circle around it in the air, you notice that it's not just the sun reflected that glows. A third of the way down something shimmers more like gold.
Waiting for you is a branch, growing out of the rock face a tree is perfectly preserved in the crystal and a single splinter of wood and bark escapes so that you can land and rest from your long journey. Inches deeper a piece of fruit hangs from a delicate stem, glowing in warm radiance.
It's impossible to tell how long it takes you to peck through the clear hard crystal casing with your beak. Entire new empires could have risen and fallen as you dutifully chipped away atom by atom, excruciatingly slowly making your way towards your prize, life preserved by fruits light.
When you finally strike the soft juicy fruit the light shines out in a narrow shaft of brilliance blinding you. Frantically you rip through it's flesh, choking as it's juices go up your nostrils and sting your eyes until finally you can extract your prize. A single golden seed. It's light dimming.
Grasping the seed in your talons you fly up into the sky once more. As the miles rush by the strange cloud appears again and rushes towards you, surrounding you. You emerge from the other side back in your city and float gently back to the ground as a person. You take the seed and swallow it.
Your heart stops in an instant. The ground rushes up to meet you in it's warm embrace and you know, somehow, that everything will be ok. Roots descend down from your body and anchor you in place as the soil washes over your body, engulfing you completely. You're safe. You can let go.
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not-alien-girl-v · 1 year
Vampires Will Never Hurt You (Harry Styles)
Chapter 8
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When I woke up, the house was rather quiet. It was common to hear Donna cooking or Harry singing something (something I noticed the strange boy did more than often, figures, since it's his job,) as I was always the last to wake up, but if I didn't know any better, I might have been the first awake.
It was a Wednesday, and the clock on my nightstand informed me that it was 5 in the morning. The air was cold - colder than usual, likely due to the beginning of October, which reminded me that I still had to pick out a Halloween costume for my Halloween party.
My Halloween parties are always the most bomb-ass in history. Kidding. Donna wouldn't let me throw huge parties, the most she'll allow is the coven and a couple of friends. Unfortunate, but at least the coven was big enough that it was more of a party than a get-together.
However, this year, I'm going to go all out. I'm inviting every young adult I know and throwing THE single most epic Halloween party there ever was. I assume I can count on the addition of Harry and Louis to the party. And through them, most of my master plan is finished.
I mean, if word gets out that both men will be at one single Halloween party, I'll be having a hard time keeping people out!
Aside from my plans to throw an awesome party, I didn't have anything to do today. Donna and I had said we would start writing down the things we need to get done so we don't put them aside, but in the end, I'm pretty sure we got distracted and forgot to write them down.
Regardless, that only meant that I had a full day to do whatever I wanted.
I slid out of my bed and took a quick shower before I walked out into the hallway. It was currently early to mid-fall, which explained the cold temperature in the air. I went back into my room to grab a heavy sweater, then walked back into the hallway, this time, making it all the way into the living room. I made my way over to the bookcase which was perpendicular to the wall with the bay window that overlooked our backyard.
Next to the bookshelf was my favorite chair that I scored from some old woman's yard sale about 50 years back, and it had a very vintage look to it. Next to that was, of course, the bay window, where Jorge's creaky old birdcage resided, and he sat tranquilly.
The image seemed truly serene, with the way the beams of sunlight shone delicately through the window and onto the chair, perfectly illuminating it like a gift from the gods. It's times like these that make me glad to be alive, even if I take life for granted way too often, it's a gift nonetheless and I think people forget that.
I then spotted my grandmother's grimoire, the same grimoire I used to extract the spell which turned Harry. Maybe its time I do some proofreading to know what else I might have missed in the book. Also maybe something easy like a starter spell for Louis.
Speaking of Louis, last night I made plans with him to meet with my coven and him so we could work out the details of him joining. I decided to give it a few weeks because after all, we don't just let anyone in, and I think I'd like to know him better before either of us makes any big decisions.
I slipped the heavy book from its slot on the shelf and settled myself into my chair.
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
A couple hours had passed, and I was still engrossed in the grimoire. It had started to rain outside, no contrast from the gloomy weather previously, but still a rare occurrence for southern California.
Donna had woken up sometime as I remember her trying to hold a conversation with me through my reading, to which I ignored, so she now was outside collecting rainwater for some weird ritual. I don't really know what she's doing exactly; her and I have very different ideas of a 'witchy vibe' but whatever floats her boat I guess.
However, I still had not seen Harry at all this morning, which is strange, since he tends to be a morning person, much more than Donna or I have ever been, but it was now 1 in the afternoon and I had not heard a peep from him.
Maybe he was busy, with social networking, or whatever it is that famous people do other than sing and stuff. Although, he wasn't my main priority at the moment.
Yes, you heard it here first, folks, Faye Callahan actually came up with a to-do list. It only really has one thing on it, but it sure is a kicker. I decided that once I got bored of the grimoire, I would get Charlie over here and workout whatever is going on with him, since we got interrupted previously.
It had been about a week since the whole Louis and Florence thing, and I had been putting this off for a while, because I knew it wouldn't be easy, but Charlie isn't the best at being the mediator, which left me to solve his problem like these, even in situations I'm hardly involved in.
It's mostly because he is so stubborn and proud, he would never, in any circumstance, admit that he's wrong, but I blame that mostly on the fact that he's a Leo. I never trust a Leo. Or a Pisces. Talk about a victim complex. But that's beside the point.
Donna's not much better, with her being a Capricorn, but it always comes to me, the Sagittarius to solve these fights. I hope Harry doesn't have these types of problems, with him being an Aquarius and all.
I sighed, pushing my book aside, knowing I can't avoid this all day. I grabbed my phone from the window sill and reluctantly dialed Charlie's number. It rang almost exactly to the point where I thought it would go to voicemail, but at the last second, he picked up.
"Hello?" He sounded groggy, like he had just woken up.
"Were you asleep?" I questioned. I suppose he doesn't have a job or anything, but it's still strange for him to be asleep when he could be out doing something fun on a day when I hadn't texted him at all.
"Who wants to know?" He yawned, and I could practically hear his inaudible stretch before his breath returned back, close to the speaker.
"Me. You're coming over today and we are going to talk about your feelings, for real this time. I'm not letting you avoid this any longer." I expected him to put up a fight with me, like he does when I confront him about something serious, but he didn't.
"Okay. I'll be there. Give me like half an hour," and with that, he hung up on me, but I trusted him to keep to his word and arrive shortly.
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
Now, Charlie was sitting on my couch, with leg tucked under him and his arms around the back of the couch. Donna had come inside when the lightning started, not that it would injure her, but she preferred to be inside to watch it happen. Although, when she heard Charlie's voice enter the house, she immediately came to sit with the two of us.
Still, no Harry.
"Donna, have you heard about Charlie's new girlfriend?" I asked her, and based on the temporary expression of shock on her face, I could tell it was news to her.
"No, I haven't," Donna didn't seem half as angry as I expected. If anything, she seemed upset that she hadn't heard about it, rather than upset that he had a girlfriend.
"Yeah, I, uh, started dating this girl, Florence, she's Faye's boss at IHOP." I squinted my eyes at Donna. There's no way she's one hell of an actress. I've known her for long enough to tell when she's hurting inside, and she genuinely seemed unphased.
"Donna, would you mind giving us a moment alone?" I asked, and she silently nodded and walked off somewhere in the hallway. I took a moment to make sure she had actually left before I turned back to Charlie.
"Alright now, Mr. Charles, tell me the truth. The actual truth, and don't even think about lying because we both know I see right through that. Why are you really dating Florence, when its clear to literally anyone and everyone that you have a thing for Donna?"
"Well, I guess, um, Donna's a big fan of Harry and his little boyband, and, um, well, I guess when he came around, I assumed my chances with her were, well, over." He zipped his mouth shut the moment he stopped talking, like he had to superglue it closed so he wouldn't share anymore secrets.
"So what you're saying is that you're using Florrie to make yourself feel better about a girl you think you'll never have?" He cringed at my words. Good. At least he knows what he's doing is wrong. That's major progress.
He shifted awkwardly in his seat. "Well when you put it like that..."
"There's no other way to put it, dude. I think the best decision for you would be to break it off with that poor girl, she doesn't deserve this," I reasoned, and he sighed and opened his phone, shot a quick text to someone and closed it. We'll talk about text breaking up with someone later, that's not on the to-do list today.
"What should I do about Donna?" He huffed and laid his head on the back of the couch, staring at the ceiling now.
"Well, I think you should know that Donna doesn't like Harry that way. Not even a little bit. In fact, I don't think I've seen them actually talk to each other very much. Also, I think you're projecting your anger from your unrequited feelings onto Harry, although we both know he's not at fault here. So please, be nice to him, he's having a tough time lately."
"Alright, alright, I'll be nice to the kid, but remind him that he's on thin ice," I smiled brightly at his response. It may not be perfect, but its sure better than Harry thinking Charlie hates him. "Now what about Donna?"
"Well, that's a tricky one. You know as much as I do, it's hard to truly get to Donna. I suppose 51 years isn't enough for you. But if I had to give my best advice, I'd say you should try to connect with her. Learn about who she really is as a person. And stop being so self centered around her. She actually really likes it when people ask her about her personal life."
He sighed up at the ceiling before letting out a small laugh. "Y'know, you're actually really smart when you try to be. Who knew you could give such good advice."
"Well, hopefully, you. I've been solving all your problems since I was born, are you really only picking up on this now?" I laughed in return. His laugh was slightly louder this time, with more humor in it.
"Yeah, I guess so. I'm gonna head out now, I have things to think over."
We both stood up from the couch so I could walk him out. I slapped his shoulder. "Alright, well, let me know when you get things figured out, dude." He gave me a grateful smile before he was on his way out.
I sighed in contentment. I laid down on the couch, knowing my work was done for the day. I couldn't help but let myself dose off.
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
When I woke up, the sun had already set and it was dark out. I looked at the clock on the wall to see that it was now 9 at night. Had Harry still not come out of his room?
Maybe my work wasn't quite done yet.
I stood up from the couch to walk wearily down the hallway. What if he's dead? No, he can't be. I never even showed him the dagger that would kill him. Speaking of which, the dagger was still secured in my pocket, so at least I knew he wasn't dead.
I knocked on Harry's door, and I heard some rustling before he came and opened the door. I expected him to look like shit, but he didn't I guess that's a part of being a vampire, you probably always look good, no acne, no eyebags, no sweat, no greasy hair or skin. Or maybe that's just an exclusive Harry Styles thing. I don't really know yet.
However, he didn't look very happy, and that was the dead giveaway that something was up. "Yes?" He asked.
"Are you okay?" I returned his question with one of my own, and he gave me a shrug, not seeming like he wanted to talk about it, so I nodded, but gestured with my hand for him to follow me down the hallway into the kitchen.
I took a seat on the counter as he sat at a bar stool. "What do you want for dinner?"
He shrugged again, and I decided to accept it as an answer. I'd have to call in Donna, and she was always a nightmare to plan dinner with, but I didn't think I'd get much of a response from Harry. I pulled out my phone and texted her 'talking about dinner in kitchen. move ass and get here slut'
She quickly replied, 'kk love you too bbg <333' I laughed at our antics.
Within a few seconds, she appeared at the back door. It had stopped raining, so maybe she was sitting outside smelling the rain. She does that sometimes.
"So, what are we feeling tonight?" She asked cheerfully.
"Um, how about Chinese?" I threw an idea out and hoped we wouldn't have to bicker about it.
"Fine. Only if we go to that good place a couple blocks from here," she agreed, I guess, but not without her own terms and conditions, which I would have to accept if I even wanted dinner.
Harry stayed silent and scrolled through his phone.
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
Within a few hours, we had all gotten our dinner and finished it, with us all sitting in a comfortable silence on the living room couch.
Harry stood up like he was going somewhere. I decided I'd had enough of it.
"Alright. Harry?" I looked up at him.
"Yes, love?" I wasn't sure whether to cringe or swoon so I just pretended he didn't say it.
"Do you want to get out of here?"
He chuckled softly. "And go where?" I stood up from my spot on the couch to meet his stance.
"Anywhere. Haven't you ever taken midnight drive? Isolation, no destination, just the city lights and the night sky?" I perched myself on the arm of the couch to not feel so low down compared to him, although I could bring out a stool and platform boots and he'd still be taller than me.
"No, I don't suppose I have. Am I missing out on it?" He briefly touched his hair like he was going to fix it but he pulled his hands down and decided not to.
"Oh, absolutely! Right Donna?" I turned to include her.
"Yep. Especially with this one, she's got a hell of a playlist for the exact occasion," Donna briefly pulled her face from her phone to chime in.
"It's true. Now go grab a jacket. Also, do you have a car?"
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆  
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Outside of the general jist, I know next to nothing about King Arthur, but I had this crazy dream that through a series of events he had to be brought back to life. And at this point, the lady of the lake was now a small river or a sizable creek, and King Arthur was buried at the start within the lake part.
When he woke up, she floated him down the creek by hand, half-water, half-women, as she explained what had happened to the world after he had passed, and as they floated, they eventually flowed into a small walled structure where the floor was still the river-creek, but a few feet from the creek bed was stone walls lined with books that reached the ceiling.
She continued talking about the world, and how it needed him again, and then as they reached the end, she pulled him up from the river-creek, now more women than water, and said she had been waiting for his return for a very long time. And I can remember her little speech:
“I was once a lake, then I lived as a women, and now, I am here with you again. These are the books I collected while you were gone. Look there and you’ll see my most prized possessions.”
And she pointed to a shelf above a stain glasses door that would lead King Arthur back into society, and on the shelf in the middle was a bible and surrounding that bible on multiple shelves were copies of his legend in varying degrees of decay.
“The world is very different now, but they still love you, Arthur. They call you great.”
And finally, it panned to the legend himself, and he really wasn’t much older then a twenty-something year old. He stood before her in awe, looked at the creek behind him, looked at the books around him, and then at the ones with his namesake printed across the top before turning back to her. And that was when he cried, just started bawling, reaching for her and holding on for dear life.
And she laughed and cried with him, and there wasn’t anything else said, but what they were crying for felt so overwhelming, I think I also started crying in my sleep?? Like there was grief and mourning mixed with pride and fear as well as an all encompassing fatigue, but relief and happiness too, and I think they were crying because they had missed each other so incredibly much and didn’t know what else to do.
Sorry, it’s hard to describe. It was like a goodbye, and a hello, and a ‘I love you’, and a ‘I can’t believe this, and you, and me, and look how far we’ve come’ all wrapped in one.
Anyway, if that was the start of a modern day King of Arthur book or video game, I’d be in love.
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8d9d8e7d93e2936c · 2 years
Splatoon 3 Splatfest Get Close To Deep Cut Glitch
My explanation under the cut vv
Thanks to the camera drone and 10 second timer there's a ton of places you can clip into in Splatsville, and certain clips that let you get close to Deep Cut both before and after halftime were discovered!! (Since it's now past halftime I'll only be going over that one, here are links to the pre-halftime method [Video 1 (JP)] [Video 2 (EN)]) My goal for this post is not to replace the video guide above but to try and explain things more in-depth for people who need the extra tips.
First, you have to get above the voting tent. This is fairly simple as in you don't need anything but yourself to get up there. All you have to do is stand on the pole at the right corner of the tent and try to get on top of the lantern. I found the most success by not moving forward until I reached the peak of my jump.
The next part is opening the camera and getting it in the correct position so the drone can help you climb onto the float. Since the captions in the video obscure the bottom of the screen, here is a full screenshot from my game.
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The hardest thing about this is making sure the position is right, so here are some landmarks I kept a look out for while I was doing the glitch myself:
-the lantern above only having the two white dots on the bottom visible -the date in the top right corner being completely against the bottom of the platform and not the sky -the blue banner peeking out from behind the platform (the banner that is in a straight line below the lantern) -the black triangle on the giant green snake in the top left corner -the firecrackers at the bottom of the screen barely showing
The camera angle doesn't have to be perfect, for example you can have half of the third white dot on the lantern showing and/or the firecrackers may not be visible at all and it will still work. Once you have the camera position, go into settings and set the timer to 10. While the timer goes down you'll be trying to jump from the right side of the drone and over onto the platform you're trying to jump on, and hopefully the drone will push you onto the platform. The good thing is that once you have the position, you can keep trying again and again. However, do note that if you're too close to the drone when the timer hits 0, the drone will reposition itself as to not be inside you.
Once you get on top of the wood plank you have to jump to the little "shelf" in the middle of the float, turning into a squid/octopus at the last moment. From there you have to jump onto the eyeball on the float, and then jump from there to around the lantern at the corner to the left side of the platform. (where the upper jaw of the float is)
Next, stand at the very edge of the speakers and set up your camera like so:
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(This photo is from when I already performed the final clip, but your character should be up close to the camera to the right of the speaker)
Set the timer to 10 again and then, you just kinda... move into the drone, and then turn around and move into the invisible wall. I'm going to be honest, I don't really know how to do this part reliably. This is probably the hardest part of the entire process, but at least you can keep trying this in quick succession because you really shouldn't be falling off. If you're having issues there is this video that uses an alternate angle to clip, and this video that does an entirely different method, however I haven't tried these myself so I can't vouch for them.
Once you manage the final clip, you're all set! Take as many photos and videos as you like! (It's safe to use amiibos up here btw!)
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(By the way, this took me a little under 200 tries on my first attempt, and about 80 on my second...)
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Wooden Wall Shelf: A Perfect Blend of Functionality and Style
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In the modern home, space is often a premium, and how we organize our living areas can drastically affect the overall ambiance. Among the various storage solutions available, the wooden wall shelf has emerged as a practical yet stylish choice for homeowners and interior designers alike. Whether you're looking to declutter a room, display decorative items, or add a rustic touch to your decor, wooden wall shelves offer versatility, durability, and timeless beauty. This article explores the charm and utility of wooden wall shelves, delving into their various applications, design styles, and why they remain a popular choice for homes of all sizes.
The Aesthetic Appeal of Wooden Wall Shelves
Wood, as a material, has long been revered for its natural beauty, strength, and warmth. Unlike plastic or metal shelving, wooden wall shelves bring a sense of organic elegance to a space, making them a popular choice for both traditional and contemporary interiors. The grain patterns, textures, and tones of different woods—from the light hues of pine to the rich, dark shades of walnut—create a natural contrast that complements various design styles.
In minimalist homes, a sleek wooden wall shelf can offer a subtle accent while maintaining a clean, uncluttered look. In more eclectic or rustic interiors, a wooden shelf with visible knots and imperfections can add character and charm, embodying the idea that beauty lies in the uniqueness of nature. Moreover, the use of natural materials like wood often resonates with homeowners seeking sustainable and eco-friendly decor options.
Functionality Meets Design
While the wooden wall shelf is undeniably attractive, its functionality is what truly sets it apart. These shelves are designed to maximize vertical space, allowing homeowners to store and display items without taking up valuable floor space. Whether in a compact apartment or a spacious house, wall-mounted shelves provide an efficient solution to storage needs.
In the kitchen, a wooden wall shelf can serve as a practical and stylish way to store jars, spices, and kitchen utensils, keeping frequently used items within easy reach. In living rooms, they often function as display spaces for books, plants, art, and photographs. Their ability to hold a variety of items without overwhelming the space makes them a versatile addition to any room in the home.
Furthermore, wooden shelves are available in numerous shapes and sizes, offering flexibility in terms of how they are arranged. Floating wooden shelves, for example, offer a sleek, modern look as they appear to be suspended without visible brackets. These are often used in small spaces where the visual lightness of the shelf helps keep the room feeling open and airy. Conversely, bracketed wooden shelves, which can range from intricate wrought iron designs to simple metal supports, provide a more robust and traditional look, making them ideal for holding heavier objects.
Durability and Longevity
When it comes to home furnishings, durability is a key consideration. Wooden wall shelves, when properly made, are incredibly sturdy and long-lasting. Hardwood varieties like oak, teak, and maple are especially known for their strength, ensuring that your shelves can support a considerable amount of weight without warping or bending over time.
Additionally, wood is a material that ages gracefully. Over time, wooden shelves can develop a patina, a finish that enhances their rustic charm and makes each piece unique. Unlike synthetic materials, wood can be sanded, refinished, or stained, allowing homeowners to refresh their shelves without having to replace them entirely.
This longevity makes wooden wall shelves not only a good investment but also a sustainable one. Many wooden shelves are crafted from reclaimed or sustainably sourced wood, making them an environmentally friendly choice that contributes to reducing waste and deforestation.
Customization and Personalization
One of the most appealing aspects of wooden wall shelves is their adaptability to personal tastes and styles. With wood being such a malleable material, homeowners can easily find or commission shelves that perfectly match their vision.
For a rustic or farmhouse style, reclaimed wood shelves can add a touch of history and character to a room. Their weathered surfaces tell a story, bringing a sense of authenticity and craftsmanship to your decor. If you prefer a more modern aesthetic, sleek, minimalist wooden shelves with clean lines and a smooth finish can provide the desired look. Wood can also be painted or stained to suit any color palette, allowing it to blend seamlessly into existing interiors or serve as a statement piece in its own right.
Moreover, wooden wall shelves can be tailored to the specific dimensions of your space. Custom-made shelves ensure that every inch of your wall is used efficiently, whether you're creating a gallery wall or looking for a narrow shelf to fit into a tight corner. This flexibility is especially valuable in homes with unique architectural features, where off-the-shelf solutions may not always be ideal.
Enhancing Your Space with Wooden Wall Shelves
In addition to their functional uses, wooden wall shelves can significantly enhance the overall aesthetic of a room. They help to break up blank wall spaces, adding dimension and texture to a room’s design. When arranged thoughtfully, wooden shelves can draw the eye upward, creating the illusion of height in rooms with low ceilings.
Wooden wall shelves can also serve as a backdrop for personal expression. By carefully curating the items you place on them, you can showcase your personal style and interests. Whether it's a collection of vintage books, an assortment of travel souvenirs, or an array of indoor plants, a well-styled shelf tells a story and adds depth to your home’s interior.
Furthermore, lighting can play a significant role in enhancing the visual impact of wooden wall shelves. Under-shelf lighting, for instance, can create a warm, ambient glow, highlighting the objects on display and adding a sense of coziness to the room. Alternatively, placing shelves near windows allows natural light to bring out the wood’s grain and texture, making the shelves themselves a focal point.
The wooden wall shelf is much more than a simple storage solution. It is a piece of functional art that can transform a room, adding both utility and aesthetic appeal. Whether you’re looking to make the most of a small space or add a touch of natural beauty to your decor, wooden wall shelves offer an ideal solution. Their timeless charm, durability, and versatility ensure that they remain a staple in homes for years to come.
From the warmth of natural wood grain to the practicality of vertical storage, wooden wall shelves embody the perfect blend of form and function. They provide an opportunity for personalization, allowing you to express your unique style while meeting your home’s practical needs. As a result, investing in wooden wall shelves is not only a design choice but also a testament to craftsmanship and sustainability.
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wedezineinterior · 19 days
Creating a Welcoming Entryway: Ideas and Inspiration by WeDezine
At WeDezine, we believe your home's entryway is more than just a functional space—it's a powerful first impression that reflects your personality and sets the tone for the rest of your home. Our team of experienced interior designers in Bangalore specializes in transforming entryways into captivating spaces that are both beautiful and practical. In this blog, we’ll share our top ideas and inspirations to help you create a welcoming entryway that leaves a lasting impact.
1. Start with a Signature Rug that Speaks Style
One of our favorite ways to define an entryway is with a stunning rug that adds both color and comfort. A rug not only frames the space but also introduces texture and warmth, instantly making your entryway more inviting. At WeDezine, we recommend rugs made from durable materials like jute or wool for high-traffic areas. Opt for a design that complements your home’s aesthetic—whether it’s a modern geometric pattern, a traditional Persian rug, or a minimalist monochrome.
2. Illuminate with Custom Lighting Solutions
Lighting is key to creating a warm and welcoming entryway. Our WeDezine team often integrates a mix of ambient and accent lighting to add depth and dimension. Consider a statement pendant or chandelier for overhead lighting, paired with a sleek wall sconce or a stylish table lamp for softer, ambient light. If natural light is available, we help you maximize it with sheer drapes or strategically placed mirrors to amplify brightness and create a sense of space.
3. Functional Furniture Tailored to Your Needs
A practical entryway starts with the right furniture. WeDezine focuses on combining style with function by selecting pieces like console tables, benches, and storage units that fit seamlessly into your space. A custom-built console or a sleek, floating shelf can provide a designated spot for keys, mail, and other essentials. Benches or ottomans not only add seating but also provide hidden storage for shoes, umbrellas, and bags—helping to keep your entryway clutter-free.
4. Personalize with Art and Accessories
Your entryway should be a reflection of who you are. At WeDezine, we love to incorporate unique art pieces, family photos, or travel mementos that add character and tell a story. Think of your entryway as a curated gallery—a place where your personality shines. We can help you create a striking focal point with a statement piece of artwork or a gallery wall that blends different frame styles and sizes for a dynamic, layered effect.
5. Use Mirrors to Expand and Brighten
Mirrors are a secret weapon in interior design, especially for entryways. They create an illusion of space and help bounce light around, making even the smallest entryway feel more expansive. At WeDezine, we often choose mirrors with unique frames—be it vintage-inspired gilded frames, sleek metal designs, or rustic wooden accents—that complement your home's overall aesthetic. The right mirror can act as a statement piece while serving a practical purpose.
6. Bring in Greenery for a Breath of Fresh Air
Nothing breathes life into a space quite like plants. WeDezine suggests incorporating greenery into your entryway to add a natural, calming touch. Whether it’s a statement fiddle-leaf fig, a collection of small succulents, or a hanging plant arrangement, greenery can enhance the welcoming feel of your entryway. We also help you choose plant varieties that thrive in your entryway’s light conditions, ensuring they remain lush and vibrant year-round.
7. Smart Storage Solutions to Keep Clutter at Bay
A well-organized entryway feels instantly more welcoming. Our design experts at WeDezine specialize in creating custom storage solutions tailored to your space. Think built-in shelves, bespoke cabinets, or creatively designed wall hooks that keep your entryway tidy and functional. Stylish baskets or bins can also provide hidden storage for shoes, toys, or other daily essentials, maintaining a clean, open look.
8. Set the Mood with a Coordinated Color Palette
The color palette you choose for your entryway can dramatically affect its ambiance. At WeDezine, we work with you to select colors that reflect your style while harmonizing with the rest of your home. Light, neutral tones can create a serene, airy environment, while bold hues like deep blues, greens, or even black can add a sophisticated, dramatic touch. We also consider how lighting and natural elements in your entryway interact with your chosen colors to create a cohesive look.
9. Utilize Vertical Space Creatively
Entryways often have limited floor space, so make the most of the vertical space with creative solutions. WeDezine's designs often include floating shelves, wall-mounted storage, and decorative hooks that provide function without sacrificing style. Consider a tall, narrow bookshelf or a vertical garden to add visual interest and maximize every inch of your entryway.
10. Make It Yours with Unique Personal Touches
Finally, your entryway should feel like a true extension of your home. WeDezine helps you infuse your entryway with personal touches that make it truly yours. Whether it’s a bespoke welcome mat, a custom sign, or a cherished family heirloom, these elements can make the space feel more personal and welcoming. Our goal is to create a space that not only looks beautiful but also feels like home every time you walk through the door.
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urbanchoice132 · 23 days
Best Book Shelf  Design For Home
Designing a great bookshelf for your home is more than just finding a spot for your books. It's about making a piece of furniture that fits your space, shows off your personality, & meets your needs. A well-made bookshelf can really stand out in any room, not just holding books but also showing off decorations, photos, & more. Here’s a handy guide to some of the best bookshelf styles for your home—covering different looks & functions.
Classic Wall-Mounted Bookshelves:- Wall-mounted bookshelves are a classic choice that brings together style & function. These shelves attach directly to the wall, which saves floor space and gives a clean look. You can arrange them in many ways! Maybe a long shelf stretching across the wall? Or staggered shelves to create fun patterns.
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     The charm of wall-mounted bookshelves is in their flexibility. You could pick floating shelves for a simple vibe or go with brackets for a more classic style. They’re perfect for living rooms, bedrooms, or even hallways! Plus, they display your favorite books alongside beautiful decorations.
Built-In Bookshelves:- Built-in bookshelves are the top of custom design! These shelves blend right into your home's layout—making them part of the room. They can fit in any space, from small nooks to around fireplaces or even an entire wall! Built-ins offer a polished look & can match any style in your home.
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The big plus with built-in bookshelves? They use space wisely! Since they’re made just for you, they fit into tricky spots around other furniture & help you make the most of every inch. You get lots of room to display many books and other things—keeping everything organized and looking nice!
Ladder BookshelvesLadder bookshelves have become very popular because they add a modern feel to any room! These cool shelves lean against the wall like a ladder and usually have a unique shape—deeper shelves at the bottom & shallow ones at the top. This design looks nice while still being useful.
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These ladder shelves are awesome for small areas since they don’t take up much floor space and can be moved easily. They work anywhere—in living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, even kitchens! You could show off books, plants, or picture frames—adding personal vibes to your room!
Corner Bookshelves:- If you're tight on space, corner bookshelves are perfect! Designed to fit snugly into corners, they make great use of spots that often don’t get noticed and provide lots of storage.
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You’ll find corner bookshelves in different styles—tall ones that reach the ceiling or shorter versions that fit neatly into small spaces. They can be freestanding or mounted on walls; it’s up to you! These shelves enhance storage without crowding your room; they help create cozy feels wherever you place them.
Modular Bookshelves:- Modular bookshelves offer flexibility—they let you create shelving systems just right for you! Made of separate units, you can rearrange them however you need—perfect for anyone who likes changing things up often or moves around a lot.
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These modular units come in all sorts of styles—from super simple to more complicated designs with different shelf sizes and shapes. You might use them to make an eye-catching wall, separate spaces in a room, or maybe even as a media center. They’re truly great if you want storage that fits all kinds of needs!
Bookshelves with Cabinets:- Bookshelves that include cabinets give you the best of both worlds: open space for showing off items & closed storage for hiding things away! These are fantastic in living rooms or home offices where you store both books and other stuff like files or games.
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You could find cabinets at the bottom—which gives stability and keeps things neat—or mixed throughout the shelves. This setup helps keep everything tidy while still letting you display favorites proudly!
So there you have it—a friendly look at different styles of bookshelves to brighten up your home & meet all your needs! Enjoy creating the perfect spot for your book collection!
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dlifesworld · 1 month
Top Trends in Decorative Units for Modern Living Rooms
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In the world of interior design, staying updated with the latest trends is crucial for creating spaces that are both stylish and functional. Modern living rooms no longer adhere to a one-size-fits-all approach; they are evolving to reflect personal tastes, lifestyles, and even technological advancements. One of the most impactful ways to refresh your living room is by incorporating trendy decorative units. Whether you're an interior design enthusiast, a homeowner, or a professional decorator, this guide by our interior designers in Navi Mumbai will give you fresh ideas and practical tips for modernizing your space.
Why Decorative Units Matter in Modern Decor
Decorative units aren't just for storage; they can significantly influence the aesthetic and functionality of your living room. Modern decor trends emphasize versatility, minimalism, and personalization. Decorative units are ideal for achieving these goals, offering a perfect blend of form and function.
Multifunctional Furniture
One of the most compelling trends in modern decor is multifunctional furniture. Think about a sleek shelf that doubles as a room divider, or a coffee table that also serves as storage space. These pieces are perfect for small living rooms where maximizing space is essential.
Multifunctional units often come with innovative designs that cater to various needs, making them a smart investment. They help you keep the room clutter-free while providing unique style statements.
Open Shelving
Open shelving is another trend that's captured the hearts of many interior design enthusiasts. It offers a way to showcase your favorite books, art pieces, and other decorative items without overwhelming the space. Open shelving units are perfect for those who love to keep their living room airy and light.
These units come in various materials, from rustic wood to sleek metal, allowing you to find the perfect match for your modern decor. They also make it easier to change up your decor regularly by simply swapping out the items on display.
Floating Units
Floating units are taking the interior design world by storm. These wall-mounted pieces provide a clean, uncluttered look while saving valuable floor space. They're perfect for modern living rooms where minimalism is key. Floating TV stands, shelves, and cabinets can make your room look more spacious and sophisticated.
These units are often easy to install and can be customized to fit your specific needs and preferences. They offer a seamless look that can elevate the overall aesthetics of your living room.
Incorporating Color and Texture
Color and texture play a significant role in modern decor trends. Decorative units offer an excellent way to introduce these elements into your living room without making permanent changes.
Bold Colors
Bold colors are making a comeback in modern decor trends. Think of bright yellow shelves or a deep blue cabinet that stands out against neutral walls. These vibrant pieces can serve as focal points, adding interest and personality to your living room.
Using bold colors in your decorative units allows you to experiment with different color schemes. You can easily swap out these pieces if you want to change the look of your room in the future.
Textured Finishes
Textured finishes add depth and interest to modern living rooms. Wooden units with a rough, unfinished look or metal pieces with a hammered texture can bring a tactile element to your space. These finishes not only look stylish but also add a sensory experience.
Textured finishes can be combined with other design elements to create a cohesive look. For example, a textured wooden shelf can complement a plush velvet sofa, adding layers of richness to your decor.
Mixed Materials
Modern decor trends often involve the use of mixed materials. Combining wood, metal, and glass in decorative units can create a balanced and harmonious look. These pieces can tie together different elements in your living room, making the space feel more cohesive.
Mixed materials can also add a sense of luxury to your living room. For example, a wooden shelf with metal brackets or a glass cabinet with wooden framing can look sophisticated and stylish.
The Role of Technology in Modern Decor
Technology is increasingly influencing modern decor trends. Smart furniture and integrated lighting are just a couple of examples of how tech-savvy homeowners are modernizing their living spaces.
Smart Furniture
Smart furniture is designed to make your life easier. Imagine a coffee table with built-in charging ports or a shelf that doubles as a speaker. These pieces are perfect for tech enthusiasts who want to incorporate modern conveniences into their decor.
Smart furniture often comes with minimalist designs that blend seamlessly with modern decor. They offer a perfect blend of technology and style, making your living room both functional and fashionable.
Integrated Lighting
Integrated lighting in decorative units is another trend that's gaining popularity. Shelves with built-in LED lights or cabinets with motion-sensor lighting can add a touch of sophistication to your living room.
Integrated lighting not only looks stylish but also adds functionality. It can make it easier to find items on your shelves and create a cozy ambiance in your living room.
Wireless Charging Stations
Wireless charging stations incorporated into decorative units are a game-changer. Imagine a side table where you can simply place your phone to charge it. These units are perfect for modern living rooms where convenience is key.
Wireless charging stations often come with sleek, modern designs that fit perfectly with minimalist decor. They offer a clutter-free solution for keeping your devices charged and ready to go.
Personalization and Customization
Personalization is a significant aspect of modern decor trends. Decorative units that can be customized to fit your specific needs and preferences are highly sought after.
Modular Units
Modular units offer the ultimate flexibility. These pieces can be rearranged and customized to fit your specific needs. Whether you need extra storage or a unique display area, modular units can adapt to your requirements.
Modular units often come with a modern design that can be easily integrated into various decor styles. They offer a practical yet stylish solution for modern living rooms.
DIY Customization
DIY customization is another trend that's gaining traction. Many people enjoy the process of personalizing their decorative units to reflect their unique style. Whether it's painting a shelf a new color or adding custom hardware to a cabinet, DIY customization allows you to create one-of-a-kind pieces.
DIY customization can be a fun and rewarding project. It allows you to express your creativity and make your living room truly unique.
Personalized Art
Incorporating personalized art into your decorative units is a great way to add a personal touch. Custom shelves for displaying family photos or a cabinet designed to showcase a collection can make your living room feel more like home.
Personalized art can also serve as a conversation starter. It adds a unique element to your living room that can capture the attention of guests and make your space memorable.
Green Living and Eco-Friendly Choices
Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in modern decor trends. Many homeowners are looking for eco-friendly options when choosing decorative units.
Reclaimed Materials
Reclaimed materials are a popular choice for eco-conscious homeowners. Shelves made from reclaimed wood or cabinets crafted from repurposed metal can add a rustic charm to your living room while being environmentally friendly.
Reclaimed materials often come with a unique history and character. They offer a sustainable choice that can add a touch of authenticity to your modern decor.
Sustainable Brands
Many brands are now focusing on sustainability. Look for companies that use eco-friendly materials and ethical manufacturing practices. Supporting these brands can make a positive impact while helping you achieve a stylish and modern living room.
Sustainable brands often offer high-quality products that are built to last. Investing in these pieces can be a wise choice for both your home and the planet.
Plant Displays
Incorporating plants into your decorative units is a great way to bring a touch of nature indoors. Plants not only look beautiful but also improve indoor air quality. Consider shelves or cabinets designed to showcase your favorite greenery.
Plant displays can add a vibrant and refreshing element to your living room. They offer a simple yet effective way to enhance your modern decor.Decorative units play a crucial role in modern living room decor. They offer a perfect blend of functionality and style, allowing you to create a space that reflects your personality and meets your needs. From multifunctional furniture to smart technology and eco-friendly choices, there are endless options to explore. By staying updated with the latest trends and guidance from a reliable team of interior designers in India, you can transform your living room into a stylish and inviting space.
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