#Network Architecture
windsails · 3 months
escapism gets a bad rap but i think we can actually use it proactively to build a better world and simply enter that world. if the escapism fantasy is realistic enough, there’s no reason why we couldn’t actually treat the escapism fantasy as a blueprint and manifest it materially. we just need resources proportional to the scale of the escapist fantasy itself
to be completely honest nobody should have to live in a world they don’t want to live in, there should be social tools to distribute realities to each according to their needs, within reason. each world could have its own constitution initialization program, a server instance
we’ll still have to all do work to maintain the infrastructure of such a system but, that could be accounted for! personally i want to live in a peaceful reality with hiking and beaches and books, and computers
i want to spend my days simply appreciating every single moment and making art. and i don’t mind helping out with IT infrastructure and some light gardening
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madmantechnologies · 4 months
Demystifying Network Architecture: Building Blocks of Efficient Computer Networks
In the world of contemporary technology, where connectivity is critical, knowing network design is like knowing the digital world's blueprint.
1. Understanding Network Architecture:
Definition: The design, setup, and structure of computer networks are all included in network architecture, which also specifies how devices share and communicate with one another.
Importance: Optimized speed, improved security, and smooth data transfer all depend on an efficient network architecture.
2. Key Components of Network Architecture:
Physical Infrastructure:
Explanation of network devices: routers, switches, hubs, access points.
Overview of network cabling: Ethernet, fibre-optic, wireless connections.
Role of Network Interface Cards (NICs) in connecting devices to the network.
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3. Network Topologies:
Bus Topology: Devices connected to a shared communication medium.
Star Topology: Devices connected to a central switch or hub.
Mesh Topology: Full or partial connections between all devices for redundancy.
Hybrid Topology: Combination of different basic topologies to meet specific needs.
4. Network Services and Security:
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol): Automatic IP address assignment.
DNS (Domain Name System): Translation of domain names to IP addresses.
NAT (Network Address Translation): Mapping of private IP addresses to public IP addresses.
Firewalls: Monitoring and control of network traffic for security purposes.
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Network architecture serves as the backbone of modern computing, enabling seamless communication and data exchange. By comprehending its core components - both physical and logical - and understanding the significance of network topologies and services, individuals can navigate the digital landscape with confidence, ensuring the efficiency, reliability, and security of computer networks.
MADMAN TECHNOLOGIES is one of the leading IT sector companies, where technical experts can help you to build your setup and best network where the chances of getting any threat are less. Computer Networks are actions designed to protect the convenience and integrity of the network and data. It incorporates both hardware and software technologies. Customers’ needs and worries are the priority.
For more details or any other further queries, you can contact the undersigned:-
Contact no. — 9625468776
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vipintiwarionline · 5 months
Network Architecture !!!!!!
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marciodpaulla-blog · 11 months
Shaping the Future of National Security: A Joint Quantum Endeavor by the NSA and DHS
In an era where technological prowess serves as the bedrock of national security, the U.S. government is making an unprecedented move that could alter the landscape of its defense apparatus. By harnessing the combined strength of the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the government is signaling its intent to leap forward into the next technological…
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manglastubh · 1 year
What is Workgroup network model?
Hello, friends and family welcome to another new blog. Today we will learn about What is Workgroup network model. Introduction A workgroup network model is a type of computer networking system. That is used in small to medium-sized businesses, homes, and other environments. Where a centralized network infrastructure may not be necessary or practical. In a workgroup network model. Computers are…
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mspi · 1 year
Hehehe... Don't know if I'll ever get used to the age gap between my siblings and me.
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Can you believe my sis said I haven't been through a recession before? Oh, maybe it's because she was in grade school when I began working for corporate in the DotCom days.
All her and the youngest can remember were kickin' presents and cool offices.
There's the fun part with kids. They didn't ask for name brand tech. Having a sis who can build systems and provide games made 'em happy.
Here's the thing, that's almost all they thought I did.
-- dnagirl
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9kmovies-biz · 1 year
Prosecutors Say Sam Bankman-Fried Is Getting Around Surveillance With a VPN
Sam Bankman-Fried, far left, was last in court Feb. 9. Prosecutors were concerned the failed FTX founder has been trying to communicate with encrypted messaging apps like Signal.Photo: Michael M. Santiago (Getty Images) Federal prosecutors are squinting pretty hard, trying to keep an eye on what the failed FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried has been doing while he’s been ordered by the court to live…
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routehub · 2 years
Network Design Cookbook: 2nd Edition - v2.4.1
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Hello Networkers,
We have updated the Network Design Cookbook: 2nd Edition (v2.4.1) which includes the following updates / additions:
TL;DR: POD schema changes, Bandwidth Services, Stacking, Virtual Switching, Network Automation, SD-WAN
Updated POD schema to first include what type it is (FWK, SOL, SRV, ATT)
General corrections and clean-up of errors discovered
Updates to Hardware selections (e.g. LAN and DC Frameworks)
Added 'Network Automation' Solution
Added 'Stacking' POD to LAN Framework
Added 'Virtual Switching' POD to LAN Framework
Revamp Bandwidth Services section under Attributes
Revamp 'Services' section
Added 'Hardware Services' under Services
Added 'Network Services' under Services
Added Cisco SD-WAN using Viptela under SD-WAN Solution section
Updates to 'Wireless POD Configuration'
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windsails · 2 months
the easiest way to achieve socialism is to build a worker owned social media network and find a way to collectively make money and help each other learn and grow and improve our lives. and pretty much just ignore all the people who don’t believe in collaboration and teamwork. expand operations to include more stuff. create a healthy ecosystem of creative teams. make knowledge sharing an entertaining art form
we will also need to prove to the people who think violence is necessary that we all deserve better than another failure like the french revolution. the french revolution and russian revolutions both failed BECAUSE of the violence, that’s why we got napoleon (capitalism) and stalin (nationalism). so that’s why it has to be about collaborative ecosystems. because networks of ecosystems transcend both capitalism and nationalism and allow everyone to express their unique nature, to express their portion of truth
truly radical shifts are only possible if you can reassure people and make them feel cared for. you can only do that if you have no enemies and no intention of making any
if someone hurts you, don’t hurt them back, retreat and show them what they’re missing. eventually the superior system will establish itself. it will be collaborative & generous. we're closer than you think
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mikeberggren · 2 years
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Nice diagram from Microsoft documentation illustrating principals of protecting/integrating a hybrid network with Azure.
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pharaohgargamel · 4 months
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Заброшенная готическая оранжерея
(сделано с помощью ИИ)
Abandoned gothic greenhouse
(made with AI)
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byebyesupercut · 8 months
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mecnun1cinar · 10 months
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chiomaus · 23 days
observations on germany from a british person
very cool i would love to live there one day
political system less fucked than the UK (im really bitter on UK politics and brexit atm). not perfect by any means and has the same issues as we do here with the alt-right, but no shitty first-past-the-post system and people still seem to be largely in favour of the EU
public transport my beloved. people clown on the unreliability of german trains but i don't think UK trains are much better AND ours are way more expensive (love the deutschland ticket 👌). i love how ubiquitous the tram/metro is in german cities
better cycling infrastructure. in a lot of places you're just allowed to ride on the path, which (duh) is safer than riding on the road
love the Pfand system. very cool
love the recycling system. very cool
more tolerant of graffiti?? in that it doesn't seem to get cleaned off as quickly as in the UK. which actually leads to people creating cool art bc they know it won't get removed rather than writing their tag 5 times on the side of a building
somewhat less polite and less respectful of personal space. but i also met so many kind and helpful people while i was there. shout out to the woman on the U-Bahn with her daughter who helped me figure out how to get home the one time i had issues with the train. also my Airbnb hosts who invited me to dinner at their apartment (white asparagus and potatoes!)
just generally there seems to be way more arts and culture around. even walking under a railway bridge there were cool poster designs for shows and such
housing market slightly less fucked?? some rent control laws, less obsession with owning a house, more compact housing. possibly related: high streets don't seem to be dying like they are here
great vegetarian and vegan food. really didn't expect this but there is so much you can buy in the supermarkets. i love the vegetarian ham and i'm sad we don't have it here
largely into football and beer. so we are alike in that regard. but i am not into football or beer and coincidentally neither were any of the people i met
has four of the world's suspended monorails. cool!
beautiful language idc what anyone else says. you really do put your whole pussy into it when you speak german. i like how compound words are constructed like legos and the esoteric sentence structures are interesting (really does bury the lede when multiple important verbs are sent to the end of a sentence). don't like adjective endings though
cash everywhere but i did go into one cafe in cologne which was card only
german TV is not great. i would imagine there is less motivation to create original german TV bc they just import the best international TV and dub it. tatort was good though i liked that
additionally: yes EVERYTHING is dubbed. best one i came across was futurama. good for me to practice my listening comprehension
internet is not great. slower on average than UK. but i never found myself without mobile signal
related: just generally slower to accept new technologies. i don't think this is awful. i know germany is big on privacy laws, but having to make in-person appointments for government stuff and not having a centralised government website like we do here sounds a pain
healthcare system less fucked than the UK. although the whole thing with public/private insurance seems confusing
unemployment benefits / disability benefits sound somewhat better than the UK??
autobahn is not actually faster than the UK on average bc for every 150kph stretch there will be another stretch with roadworks and a 60kph limit
less dogs :( i did see some nice dogs though. now that i think about it i didn't see a single cat, even outside of built-up areas. can't really find any info on this though
sensible laws around things like noise pollution, home schooling (illegal!), shop opening hours
i actually like that most places close on sunday. very peaceful and quiet
slightly more religious than the UK. there are some very cool brutalist churches though
OH YEAH. buildings in general just prettier. there seemed to be a different attitude to the UK when it came to rebuilding post-war (very much emulating what was there before). but even an ugly german building is more interesting to me than an ugly british building. i absolutely despise the soulless housing estates we have here
BMW / audi drivers still shit drivers
you have to pay for things like public toilets and water in restaurants
few more i thought of:
british people are better at queuing (i had to give us something)
british electrical plugs are vastly superior to EU electrical plugs
you don't have to pay for university in germany (practically – it's like €100??). i forgot this one bc i have already been saddled with £50,000~ of student debt so it's no longer relevant to me
you can buy a beer in mcdonalds in germany
ok that's everything that comes to mind. i know i am speaking as a tourist who has spent 2 weeks~ in germany total (and only the NRW region) so i guess i'll just have to keeping coming back to refine my opinion. and in the meantime if anyone from germany / EU wants to fall madly in love with me and marry me so i can sneak back into the EU that would be great. man or woman or other i am open-minded
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The "P" Stands for Pre-trained
I know I've said this before, but since we're going to be hearing increasingly more about Elon Musk and his "Anti-Woke" "A.I." "Truth GPT" in the coming days and weeks, let's go ahead and get some things out on the table:
All technology is political. All created artifacts are rife with values.
I keep trying to tell you that the political right understands this when it suits them— when they can weaponize it; and they're very VERY good at weaponizing it— but people seem to keep not getting it. So let me say it again, in a somewhat different way:
There is no ground of pure objectivity. There is no god's-eye view.
There is no purely objective thing. Pretending there is only serves to create the conditions in which the worst people can play "gotcha" anytime they can clearly point to their enemies doing what we are literally all doing ALL THE TIME: Creating meaning and knowledge out of what we value, together.
Read the rest of The "P" Stands for Pre-trained at A Future Worth Thinking About
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columboscreens · 1 year
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