#Network interface configuration
virtualizationhowto · 11 months
TrueNAS SCALE Network Configuration Tips for Home Server
TrueNAS SCALE Network Configuration Deep Dive for Home Server #homeserver #TrueNASScaleNetworkConfiguration #FailoverSetupGuide #LoadbalancingOnTrueNAS #VLANConfigurationTrueNAS #BridgeInterfaceGuide #TrueNASStaticIPAddressSetup #TrueNASSystemSettings
When you set up a TrueNAS SCALE server, one of the first configuration items you will want to tackle is the network configuration. This helps make sure you achieve optimal performance and security. If you are struggling to configure your TrueNAS SCALE home server networking, this post will help you configure a static IP address, Link Aggregation (Failover, LoadBalance, LACP), VLAN, and Bridge…
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codingquill · 8 months
Network switches
What’s a network switch ?
A switch is a device used in computer networks to connect multiple devices together within a single local area network (LAN). Its main role is to facilitate communication between different connected devices, such as computers, printers, servers, IP phones, etc.
It is a mini-computer which is made up of RAM, ROM, flash RAM, NVRAM, a microprocessor, connectivity ports and even an operating system.
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RAM (Random Access Memory) contains the current configuration of the switch and temporarily stores the MAC address table, which is then processed by the microprocessor.
The microprocessor is the heart of the switch, responsible for data processing, including switching and creating links between multiple devices.
External memories
External memories, such as flash RAM, ROM, and NVRAM (Non-Volatile RAM), store configuration files , different versions of the IOS , etc ...
The switch ports are the communication interfaces of the switch. There are several of them, generally 24 for a Cisco switch. Each port is associated with an LED which indicates its status and activity.
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How does it work ?
Now how does a switch work to transfer information from one machine to another?
Suppose we have 4 machines: A, B, C and D connected to our switch in ports 1, 2, 3 and 4 as follows:
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The switch only works with MAC addresses , so basically we have an empty MAC address table stored in RAM as soon as the switch starts up which looks like this : 
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Transmitting data from machine A to machine B happens in the following steps:
Machine A sends a frame to machine B
Once this frame arrives at port 1 (which is the one linked to A), the switch reads the source MAC address and stores it in the MAC address table
The switch reads the destination MAC address and looks for it in the table, if it is not in the table, it broadcasts to all the active machines connected to the switch except the source one.
If the port linked to the machine we want is active, it sends a response frame from which the switch reads the MAC address we were looking for (@B)
Once done, it records the MAC address of B in the table.
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This process repeats until the switch reaches what is called "MAC address table stability", that is to say it knows all the MAC addresses of the connected machines and has no more need to broadcast.
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Starting and configuring a switch
When it comes to booting a switch, the process is similar to that of a traditional computer system:
POST (Power-On Self Test): The switch performs proper functioning tests on all hardware.
Loading IOS (Internetwork Operating System): The switch operating system is loaded.
Loading the configuration. At this stage we have two cases:
Either the switch already has a startup configuration defined and stored in NVRAM
Either the switch is blank and it is up to us to define the startup configuration when it goes to setup mode
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Switch configuration
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The configuration of a switch is done through different modes, such as user mode, privileged mode and global configuration mode, which allows access to specific configuration modes, such as interface mode, routing mode, line mode, etc.
And to do all this of course you must first connect the switch with the machine via the console cable and open a terminal emulator
💡 It should be noted that the only machine that can configure the switch is the one connected to it by a console cable, the others are only hosts.
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kremlin · 4 months
With our wonderful new Systemd "init" system even the most trivial of tasks must be completed via #-configuration.conf file under some asinine conf.d directory. Simply make your change and restart via systemctl. We only ship barebones images so no text editor of any kind is included. No not even ed. We don't care about POSIX or fucking anything. We don't care about anything. GTK2 and GTK3 libraries are included in this image
Ah, not so fast hotshot, you can't simply install an editor, your network is not configured! And we will NOT default to dhcp on any interfaces because that would be ridiculous. Looks like your ass is echoing appends. Thanks for using Linux we hope you get into a car accident.
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narsus-travel-logs · 6 months
Checking core systems...
Launching bootup...
Checking S.A.I.L. essential files...
Welcome, user @%#!.
It would appear the S.A.I.L. user interface program has been corrupted. Reconstructing...
You are required to input a new username.
Name: Asher Narsus
Welcome, Captain Narsus.
Engine status: critical. Immediate repairs required.
FTL drive status: inoperable. Complete replacement required.
Ship Teleporter: online.
We are currently in orbit of a hospitable planet. I have calculated a 96% chance of resources necessary for repairs existing on this planet.
>Access Personal network
Well... shit. Isn't this just fun. After sitting in this claustrophobic ship for about an hour and crying a locker-full of tears, i've decided to, for my own sanity, keep track of anything that has happened to me - should anyone ever find a wreckage of my ship or somehow access this network.
My name is Asher Narsus. This is my story.
I was born on an Apex Colony planet - much like any other apex outside of Terrane Protectorate authority. I lived my life under constant fear of scrutiny, assault, violation of my basic apehood, and much worse. Despite keeping to myself and not interacting with anyone outside of necessity, i was eventually arrested by the Miniknog for deviant and antisocial behavior. I was later told it was actually because i was a mutant and had to be euthanized. In a society full of apes, the monkey among gorillas is the one that needs to be put down... alright. Sure. Anyways, i was sitting in my cell, waiting to be executed, when i heard a series of explosions and gunshots. The resistance busted me out. Not to recruit me, not because i was important - because they just wanted to. Out of the goodness of their heart, they released me from my jail cell and were guiding me to an escape ship. I'm the only one on board of this ship. They all died protecting me.
To say I feel guilty would be an understatement. 5 apes gave their life for mine. They gave me a chance to finally present the way i want to, to live the life i am entitled to. But it doesn't change that important apes died to give me this. I'm no one. Nothing. I'm just a dysfunctional monkey who doesn't even [DATA EXPUNGED. ENTRY EDITED BY SYSTEM ADMIN 1 HOUR AGO.] Fuck it. Whatever. I'm gonna learn to live with all of this one way or another. There's only enough canned food in here for a month, and i need to fix this ship, or find someone who can, before i die hungry.
I'm going down to that planet below the ship. I've got a gun, enough energy rounds to last me a while, a sturdy enough staff and martial arts training to keep me alive. I'm configuring a communicator to link with S.A.I.L.'s personal network so i can continue to take notes without having to warp up and down. This is my only chance, and I'm taking it. If not for myself, for my brothers and sisters slain by those monsters to give me this chance. I don't know what I'm walking into - could be a populated planet, could be entirely devoid of sapient life. I'm willing to take that risk.
Well. Here goes nothing. Signing off for the day.
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ick25 · 1 year
Rockman.EXE and Cyber Security.
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When you are a Rockman/Megaman Battle Network fan and you take a college course about networking, you start to notice how broken the internet is in the anime. So just for fun, I want to talk about a few things I learn about network security and how it is interpreted in the Megaman Battle Network anime.
1. Firewalls
What are firewalls? In simple terms, it is a security barrier that is placed between a private network and the public network. 
They are configured to monitor and filter networking traffic, hackers go through them by figuring out how they are programed, once they do they can either bypass the security undetected or simply disable the firewall.
Lets take a scene from the movie where Lan sends Megaman into a secretary’s console to destroy a program inside a company’s server.
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Megaman is running through the network between the console and the firewall, which protects the private network of the company.
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Logically, for Megaman to go through the firewall, he is going to need to use his powers as a Net Navigator (Net Navi) to analyze the firewall at an incredible speed to try to find a way to go through it, right?
WRONG! Battle Network logic says you can just break it with brute force!
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You see the problem?
Does this mean Navis and battle chips are just as destructive to the net as viruses? Because last time I checked, Viruses and malware are the only programs with the ability to destroy networks.
2. Viruses
Viruses are man made, they are programed with a purpose that’s usually to destroy data files. They can also be used to change and manipulate programs, that’s why you can see evil Navis controlling viruses to do specific jobs for them. Viruses can’t replicate on their own without a user interface, so how is this Moloko a baby?!
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There was an undubbed episode of Megaman Axess where Rush meets and befriends a baby Moloko virus, which doesn’t make any sense. Yes, Rush is a virus, and it has been established that viruses can communicate with each other, but why does this Moloko have parents? And why was the group of Molokos it separated from was being herded by other viruses like Trumpy? All I’ve seen Molokos do is charge at megaman when they see him, trying to ram him. Why would someone herd them? For the wool? It disappears after you hit it!
And what even is Rush’s purpose anyway? When he first appeared in the anime, he was made to track down Rockman’s frame or structure when they were trying to revive him with the backup data, but now?
All he does is being a crappy character who runs away when things get dangerous, doesn’t act like a dog anymore, and irritates me because he can move between the cyberworld and the real world! He is selfish, lacy, and practically useless, there are several times where Megaman goes missing and Rush is never even called to track him down, so he doesn’t even have that ability anymore.
On a positive note, viruses can be interesting, I found out that there are different types of viruses. For example.
A Stealth virus is a virus that avoids detection from anti virus software, this means it can conceal itself and attack without being spotted, sounds familiar? In this case the anti-virus software would also include Navis.
A retro virus tries to destroy anti-virus programs, I like to think these apply to viruses who specifically target Navis in battle like Canodumbs and Piranahs since they only attack when they detect an enemy in the line of fire.
Armored Viruses are hard to detect or analyze because they have a protective code, These could be Viruses with armors or auras like the Dominerd or even the life virus.
But Phage viruses remind me of these guys because they rewrite programs.
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And I guess this one counts too?
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Other viruses just act like malware, like the Alpha bug that is more of a worm than a virus, because it can replicate and travel across networks without any human assistance.
Others are obvious like the Pop up virus which is just Rush, and it is supposed to be adware, but just like Rush, it is more annoying than harmful.
In the anime, killereye viruses are used as spyware, there was an episode were Videoman used them to spy on Rockman and make copies of him.
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3. Tracing a signal.
Basically, everything you do on the net leaves bread crumps or cookies behind that makes it easy to track a user online, every device have a Mac Address and every network has an IP address, but it takes a special kind of software and advance skills to track down somebody in the real world.
Let’s talk about episode 32 of Stream.
Remember that episode were Megaman followed a revived Shademan to 20 Years in the past and he witnessed a famous hacking incident that was stopped by Colonel?
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Aside from the fact that it was 20 years in the past and Megaman is more advance than most of the technology there, there were a few things bothering me.
For starters, why does that computer show a little Colonel doing something to that guy’s hacking program? It’s cute and all, but this is a confusing way to show someone disabling a program, it usually just shows a notification. Or is that how the computer sees colonel, like a little pixel version of him? XD
That hacking program was made to open any cyber lock, it uses three special pillars to disguise the signal so the police wouldn’t be able to track down the address, this means those pillars have some special form of encryption to cover the data to make it untraceable. In the anime’s world, that means it’s invisible, but somehow Megaman can still sense it? And how did Barryl know where the guy was? Did colonel tell him? Or did the viruses he sent to delete colonel revealed his location? Oops.
4. Hard Drives.
To end this post, what are hard drives? They are what your computer uses to store files, so Navis can obviously be stored in a computer as well. The problem is that they are still sentient inside the computer instead of dormant.
The concept of containing a Navi, yes, Navis have their own jail in this universe, doesn’t really make any sense. We know Navis can sleep, but the Navis we see in cages are still active, and if everything is connected to the internet, how can they not escape?
I’m using this scene with Megaman as an example, when he was arrested for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, he was put in a cute little cyber cage.
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However, since Megaman is more advance, he wonders if the hard drive of the computer he is stored in is weak against vibrations. What does he mean by that? Physical or cyber vibrations? Does that mean he can control a frequency in that computer’s cyberworld to alter it? 
Whatever he did worked, because he left a gap in the cage, but how did he do it without damaging the Hard Drive? The police officer wouldn’t be able to access his files anymore, maybe it was minor file corruption?
And the worst part is that he opened a gateway into the internet, which is still there! I guess Megaman can travel through routers by himself? Maybe that wouldn’t have happen if the officer just disconnected his ethernet cable. 
This Network based world is a scary one.
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raidspecialist1 · 2 months
Synology Data Recovery: A Comprehensive Guide
Synology is renowned for its NAS (Network Attached Storage) devices, which offer robust data storage solutions for both personal and business use. Despite their reliability and advanced features, data loss can still occur due to various reasons. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of Synology data recovery, covering the causes of data loss, the steps to recover lost data, and best practices to safeguard your data.
Understanding Synology NAS
Synology NAS devices are designed to provide a centralized and accessible storage solution with features such as RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) configurations, data protection, and easy-to-use interfaces. They support multiple users and applications, making them a versatile choice for data storage and management.
Common Causes of Data Loss
Data loss in Synology NAS devices can result from various scenarios, including:
1. Hardware Failures
Disk Failure: Hard drives can fail due to age, physical damage, or manufacturing defects.
Power Surges: Electrical surges can damage the Synology NAS’s internal components.
Overheating: Inadequate cooling can lead to overheating, causing hardware malfunctions.
2. Software Issues
Firmware Corruption: Problems during firmware updates or bugs can lead to data corruption.
File System Errors: Corrupt file systems can make data inaccessible.
3. Human Error
Accidental Deletion: Users can mistakenly delete important files or entire volumes.
Misconfiguration: Incorrect setup or configuration changes can lead to data loss.
4. Malicious Attacks
Ransomware: Malware can encrypt data, making it inaccessible until a ransom is paid.
Viruses: Malicious software can corrupt or delete data.
Steps for Synology Data Recovery
When faced with data loss on a Synology NAS device, it’s crucial to follow a structured approach to maximize recovery chances. Here are the steps to follow:
1. Stop Using the Device
Immediately stop using the Synology NAS to prevent further data overwriting. Continuing to use the device can reduce the likelihood of successful data recovery.
2. Diagnose the Problem
Identify the cause of the data loss. Understanding whether the issue is due to hardware failure, software problems, human error, or a malicious attack will help determine the best recovery method.
3. Check Backups
Before attempting data recovery, check if there are any recent backups. Regular backups can save time and effort in the recovery process. If backups are available, restore the lost data from them.
4. Use Data Recovery Software
For minor data loss issues, data recovery software can be an effective solution. Several reliable tools support Synology NAS devices:
R-Studio: A powerful tool for recovering data from various storage devices, including Synology NAS.
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard: User-friendly software that can recover files lost due to deletion, formatting, or system crashes.
Stellar Data Recovery: Known for its robust recovery capabilities, supporting Synology NAS and RAID configurations.
5. Consult Professional Data Recovery Services
For severe data loss scenarios, such as hardware failures or extensive corruption, it is advisable to seek help from professional data recovery services. These experts have the tools and knowledge to recover data from damaged Synology NAS devices. Some reputable data recovery companies include:
DriveSavers Data Recovery: Offers specialized services for Synology and other RAID systems, with a high success rate.
Ontrack Data Recovery: Known for its expertise in NAS and RAID recovery, Ontrack provides comprehensive solutions for Synology devices.
Gillware Data Recovery: Provides professional data recovery services, specializing in complex RAID and NAS systems.
6. Prevent Future Data Loss
After successfully recovering your data, implement measures to prevent future data loss:
Regular Backups: Schedule frequent backups to ensure you have up-to-date copies of your data.
Firmware Updates: Keep your Synology firmware updated to protect against bugs and vulnerabilities.
Surge Protectors: Use surge protectors to safeguard against electrical surges.
Proper Ventilation: Ensure adequate ventilation and cooling to prevent overheating.
Data loss on Synology NAS devices, though distressing, can often be remedied with the right approach. By understanding the common causes of data loss and following a systematic recovery process, you can effectively retrieve lost data. Utilize reliable data recovery software or consult professional services for severe cases. Additionally, implementing preventive measures will help safeguard your data against future loss, ensuring that your Synology NAS device continues to serve as a reliable data storage solution.
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gproduction · 4 months
Mastering the Art of AV Installation: A Comprehensive Guide
In today’s digitally driven world, audio-visual (AV) installations have become essential for various sectors, including corporate offices, educational institutions, and entertainment venues. Whether it’s for a high-end conference room, a dynamic classroom, or a home theater, a successful AV installation can transform any space into a highly interactive and engaging environment. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the key aspects of mastering AV installation, ensuring you achieve top-notch results every time.
Understanding the Basics of AV Installation
Before diving into the complexities, it's crucial to grasp the basics of AV installation. AV installation refers to the setup and integration of audio-visual systems, including projectors, screens, speakers, microphones, and other related equipment. The goal is to create an environment where audio and video components work seamlessly together to deliver a high-quality experience.
Key Components of AV Systems
Display Systems: These include projectors, LED walls, and large-screen displays. The choice depends on the room size, lighting conditions, and the purpose of the AV setup.
Audio Systems: This involves speakers, amplifiers, and microphones. Proper placement and configuration are vital to ensure clear and balanced sound throughout the space.
Control Systems: These are the brains behind the operation, integrating all components into a single, easy-to-use interface. Control systems can range from simple remote controls to sophisticated touch panels and voice-activated systems.
Connectivity Solutions: Cables, wireless transmitters, and network connections ensure that all components communicate effectively. Proper cable management and network security are critical for a reliable AV setup.
Planning Your AV Installation
A successful AV installation begins with meticulous planning. Here’s a step-by-step approach:
Assess the Space: Understand the dimensions, acoustics, and lighting of the installation area. This helps in selecting the right equipment and planning the layout.
Define Objectives: Clearly outline what you want to achieve with the AV installation. Are you aiming for a cinematic experience, a professional conference setup, or an interactive classroom?
Budgeting: Determine your budget early on. High-quality AV equipment can be expensive, but it’s a worthwhile investment for the performance and durability it offers.
Technical Considerations: Factor in the technical requirements, such as power supply, ventilation for heat-generating equipment, and network infrastructure.
Installation Process
Step-by-Step Guide
Pre-Installation Checks: Ensure all components are present and in working order. Test the equipment beforehand to avoid any last-minute issues.
Mounting and Placement: Install display systems at optimal viewing angles and heights. Place speakers strategically for even sound distribution.
Cabling and Connectivity: Run cables neatly and securely, avoiding any potential tripping hazards or interference issues. Test all connections to ensure seamless integration.
Programming and Calibration: Set up control systems to simplify operation. Calibrate audio and video settings for the best possible quality.
Testing and Troubleshooting: Conduct thorough testing of the entire setup. Identify and resolve any issues to ensure everything functions perfectly.
Common Challenges and Solutions
Even with meticulous planning, AV installations can present challenges. Here are some common issues and their solutions:
Interference and Signal Loss: Use high-quality cables and connectors to minimize interference. Consider signal boosters for long cable runs.
Audio Feedback: Properly configure microphones and speakers to avoid feedback loops. Use acoustic treatments to enhance sound quality.
Connectivity Issues: Ensure all devices are compatible and up-to-date. Regularly update firmware and software to maintain smooth operation.
Mastering AV installation requires a blend of technical expertise, precise planning, and a keen eye for detail. As you embark on your AV installation journey, partnering with a professional can make a significant difference. G Production stands out as the best choice for AV installation in India, offering unmatched expertise and a commitment to excellence. With a team of skilled technicians and a portfolio of successful projects, G Production ensures that every AV installation delivers superior performance and reliability. Trust G Production to transform your space into a state-of-the-art audio-visual haven, where technology and creativity meet seamlessly.
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andmaybegayer · 2 years
The new laptop has been named (calcite) and gendered (they/them) and is presently getting OpenSUSE jammed in there. Installing Tumbleweed always tries my patience because the repos are slow as hell, so I tend to install Leap and migrate from there once I have the basics set up.
I've got it set up with bitlocker-like disk encryption, i.e. backed directly by the TPM so that data is encrypted at rest but it decrypts automatically on boot. This leaves you a little more open to attacks on the login system if someone steals your laptop (which have happened a couple times over the years), but honestly my threat model is "someone steals my laptop and halfheartedly checks to see if I have any bank details stored in plaintext".
The way to do that is systemd-cryptenroll, which can generate a TPM key and add it to a LUKS2 device (which must already have another key). Then you just finagle your crypttab and regenerate your initrd. Since the TPM verifies your kernel at boot, you need to regenerate this key each time your kernel, bootloader, or hardware changes, hence the need for an existing key to cover your ass when you invariably forget to do this during an update. See the "Unencrypted Boot Partition" of this article:
I was going to try and use Wicked for networking but a quick systemd-analyze shows that it hangs up the network for 20 seconds. I can fix that by changing its service type, but NetworkManager is ready in under two seconds in its default configuration and I don't know if that tweak would cause mysterious wicked bugs. Either one brings overall boot down to under four seconds from initrd load to login screen. Wicked is fantastic if you have a stupendously complicated array of interfaces, bonds, and vlans to configure, but it's honestly overkill for a laptop.
Since it's only 8GB of RAM, I put the full 8GB of swap in so it can hibernate too. Hibernate is much slower to enter than sleep, but that four second boot time really helps with waking up.
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shubham-pant · 7 months
5 Best Palworld Server Hosting Providers You Can't Ignore
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Palworld, the game of Pocketpair, offers players a sandbox survival adventure where camaraderie and competition thrive in multiplayer environments. To fully embrace the collaborative spirit of Palworld, selecting the right server hosting solution is essential.
From performance to affordability, each aspect must be carefully considered to forge an unforgettable gaming experience.Best Palworld Server Hosting
Cheapest Palworld Server Hosting | Best Palworld Server
For those under budget constraints, getting the best Palworld server hosting is quite a difficult task.
Based on consideration, popular hosting providers known for their quality service in the gaming community include:
Hostinger — Best Palworld Server Hosting
DatHost– Overall Best Palworld Server Hosting
Scalacube– Affordable and Reliable Hosting Service
Zaphosting — World’s Fastest Growing Gaming Provider
Shockbyte– Easy to set up Gaming Server Hosting
Comprehensive analysis of the cheapest palworld server:
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Hostinger Offers cost-effective hosting plans, ensuring affordability for individuals and small businesses. They have a widespread global presence with data centres in various regions, enhancing accessibility and performance. Also, Ensures dependable uptime, providing users with reliable website hosting.
2. DatHost
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Dathost provides high-performance hosting services for fast website operation and loading times. Providing a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for users of all skill levels. Includes a comprehensive control panel for easy management of hosting environments.
3. Scalacube
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Scalacube provides high-performance hosting services for fast website operation and loading times. They feature a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for users of all skill levels. Includes a comprehensive control panel for easy management of hosting environments.
4. Zaphosting
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ZapHosting is experiencing rapid growth in the hosting industry. Utilizes high-performance servers for optimal website performance. Prioritizes low latency for quick response times.
5. Shockbyte
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Shockbyte simplifies the setup process for quick deployment of websites. Features a user-friendly environment suitable for beginners. Offers competitive pricing for budget-conscious users.
To get a detailed analysis you can read the comprehensive analysis of the Best Palworld server hosting.
Considerations to keep in mind while choosing the best palworld server
When choosing the best PalWorld server, there are several key considerations to keep in mind to ensure an enjoyable and smooth gaming experience. Here are some important factors to consider:
A. Performance and Stability
Opt for a server with reliable performance and minimal downtime. Look for hosting providers that offer powerful hardware, low latency, and robust network infrastructure to support smooth gameplay without lag or interruptions.
B. Server Location
Choose a server location that is geographically close to you and your fellow players to minimize latency and ensure a stable connection. This helps reduce ping times and improves overall responsiveness during gameplay.
C. Scalability
Consider the scalability of the server hosting provider, especially if you anticipate a growing player base or increased server activity over time. Ensure that the hosting plan allows for easy scalability, with options to upgrade resources as needed to accommodate additional players or server demands.
D. Customization Options
Look for servers that offer customization options, allowing you to tailor the game settings, rules, and configurations to suit your preferences. This includes adjustable parameters such as world size, resource abundance, creature behaviour, and difficulty levels.
E. Modding Support
If you’re interested in modding or creating custom content for Palworld, choose a server hosting provider that supports modding capabilities. Look for servers that provide access to modding tools, support for custom mods, and a vibrant modding community.
F. Community and Support
Consider the community and support resources available for the server hosting provider. Look for hosting providers with active community forums, helpful documentation, and responsive customer support to assist with any technical issues or inquiries.
G. Security and Moderation
Ensure that the server hosting provider implements adequate security measures and moderation tools to protect against cheating, hacking, or disruptive behaviour. Look for servers with active moderation teams and robust anti-cheat systems to maintain a fair and enjoyable gaming environment.
H. Price and Value
Compare pricing plans across different server hosting providers to find a balance between affordability and value. Consider factors such as server performance, features, support, and scalability when evaluating the overall value of the hosting service.
In conclusion, the quest for the best Palworld server hosting is a journey filled with both challenges and opportunities. By leveraging the insights provided in this guide, adventurers can embark on their multiplayer adventures with confidence, knowing that they have chosen a hosting solution optimized for their medium-ranked needs.
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guzsdaily · 8 months
[Re]starting my self-hosting journey, and why
Day 80 - Jan 24th, 12.024
Yesterday I "woke" up my old computer as a server [again], now the fun part starts. But, why am I self-hosting?
Why self-host?
The short answer: for me, it's fun.
The long answer: to start, if you don't know what self-hosting means, here's a small explanation from our good old Wikipedia:
Self-hosting is the practice of running and maintaining a website or service using a private web server, instead of using a service outside of someone's own control. Self-hosting allows users to have more control over their data, privacy, and computing infrastructure, as well as potentially saving costs and improving skills. Source: Self-hosting (web services) - from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In summary, it's like if you used your computer to run something like YouTube, instead of connecting to the internet to use it. Self-hosting can be really advantageous if you care a lot about privacy, control of your data and how it's used, not only that, but if you're a developer, you know have a lot more power in customizing, tweaking and automating services and tools that you use. And because the data and code is on your own machine, you aren't locked-in into a cloud provider, website, yadda yadda. There are people who can explain this better than me, and nowadays self-hosting isn't that hard if you know a thing or two about computers.
Personally, I plan to use self-hosting for three reasons:
Privacy and data control, of course;
Network control, aka. Ad blockers in the hole home's network with something like Adguard Home and a private intranet with Tailscale;
And, the most useful, automation. I already talked about here and there, but I hope that I can automate my social medias, daily journal publications, and things like that using my home server, specifically with something like Gitea actions (or in my case, Forgejo actions).
Maybe something like federalization also, I don't know yet how hard it would be to self-host my own Mastodon or [insert another ActivityPub-compatible instance here] on my computer.
Something which I also plan to do is to run my own Invidious and other frontend-alternatives for myself, I already use public instances and pretty much de-googled my online life nowadays, so why not try self-hosting also? Maybe even open these instances to my friends? So they can also have more private alternatives? Or maybe I'm dreaming too much? Probably.
How to self-host?
If you're somehow interested about self-hosting after this amalgamation of an explanation, and do not know where to start, I would recommend taking a look at CasaOS or YunoHost, these give you an easy-to-use User Interface (UI) to manage your server and services. I tried both, CasaOS being what introduced me to self-hosting, alongside this video on how to install it on Linux and use it.
Nonetheless, this is my third try on self-hosting, because the two previous options didn't serve my current needs and also because I'm liking the idea of using NixOS, which is how I'm configuring my home-server now. And it is being kinda great to share common configuration and code between my desktop and home-server, without counting also the incomparable control of using it instead of the docker-based solutions I mentioned (but again, I wouldn't recommend using Nix in your first try of self-hosting, even less if you don't have any experience with it or programming in general).
I already have a Forgejo instance running now, and I hope that tomorrow I'm able to configure Adguard Home on it, since these are pretty much the two main reasons and purposes of this server. Also, Tailscale is also configured, pretty much just services.tailscale.enable = true, that's it.
I have to admit, I'm kinda loving NixOS more and more, and it's also making me love even more Linux in general. It's always great to learn and try something new. Hopefully in some days I will make a more detailed post about the hole system that I'm creating to myself, it's kinda scary and interesting the scale that this "productivity system" is taking.
Today's artists & creative things
Playlist: Braincell.exe has failed to load - A stimming playlist - by Aliven't
Copyright (c) 2024-present Gustavo "Guz" L. de Mello <[email protected]>
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License
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harinikhb30 · 9 months
AWS Solutions Architect Certification Journey: A Comprehensive Guide
Embarking on the path to becoming an AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate requires a meticulous and strategic approach. This extensive guide offers a step-by-step breakdown of essential steps to ensure effective preparation for this esteemed certification.
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1. Grasp Exam Objectives: Initiate your preparation by thoroughly reviewing the official AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam guide. This roadmap outlines the key domains, concepts, and skills to be evaluated during the exam. A clear understanding of these objectives sets the tone for a focused and effective study plan.
2. Establish a Solid AWS Foundation: Build a robust understanding of core AWS services, infrastructure, and shared responsibility models. Dive into online courses, AWS documentation, and insightful whitepapers. Gain proficiency in essential services such as compute, storage, databases, and networking, laying the groundwork for success.
3. Hands-On Practicality: While theoretical knowledge is crucial, practical experience is where comprehension truly flourishes. Leverage the AWS Free Tier to engage in hands-on exercises. Execute tasks like instance management, security group configuration, S3 bucket setup, and application deployment. Practical experience not only reinforces theoretical knowledge but also provides valuable real-world insights.
4. Enroll in Online Learning Platforms: Capitalize on reputable online courses designed specifically for AWS Certified Solutions Architect preparation. Platforms like A Cloud Guru, Coursera, or the official AWS Training provide structured content, hands-on labs, and practice exams. These courses offer a guided learning path aligned with certification objectives, ensuring a comprehensive and effective preparation experience.
5. Delve into AWS Whitepapers: Uncover a wealth of knowledge in AWS whitepapers and documentation. Explore documents such as the Well-Architected Framework, AWS Best Practices, and Security Best Practices. These resources offer deep insights into architecting on AWS and come highly recommended in the official exam guide.
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6. Embrace Practice Exam Simulators: Evaluate your knowledge and readiness through practice exams and simulators available on platforms like Whizlabs, Tutorials Dojo, or the official AWS practice exam. Simulated exam environments not only familiarize you with the exam format but also pinpoint areas that may require additional review.
7. Engage in AWS Communities: Immerse yourself in the AWS community. Participate in forums, discussion groups, and social media channels. Share experiences, seek advice, and learn from the collective wisdom of the community. This engagement provides valuable insights into real-world scenarios and enriches your overall preparation.
8. Regularly Review and Reinforce: Periodically revisit key concepts and domains. Reinforce your understanding through diverse methods like flashcards, summarization, or teaching concepts to others. An iterative review process ensures that knowledge is retained and solidified.
9. Effective Time Management: Develop a well-structured study schedule aligned with your commitments. Prioritize topics based on their weight in the exam guide and allocate ample time for hands-on practice. Efficient time management ensures a balanced and thorough preparation journey.
10. Final Preparation and Confidence Boost: As the exam approaches, conduct a final review of key concepts. Revisit practice exams to bolster confidence and ensure familiarity with the exam interface. Confirm your ease in navigating the AWS Management Console and understanding the exam format.
In conclusion, the journey to mastering AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate requires strategic planning and dedicated effort. Success is not merely about passing an exam but about acquiring practical skills applicable in real-world scenarios. Approach this preparation journey with commitment, practical engagement, and a mindset of continuous learning within the ever-evolving AWS ecosystem. By navigating this dynamic landscape, you are not just preparing for a certification; you are laying the foundation for a successful career as an AWS Solutions Architect.
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WG-Easy: Wireguard Config Generator VPN Server in Docker
WG-Easy: Wireguard Config Generator VPN Server in Docker #100daysofhomelab @vexpert #WireguardVPN #WireGuardEasyTutorial #SetupWireGuardVPN #WireGuardServerConfiguration #WireGuardDockerInstallation #SimplifiedVPNSetup #WireGuardIPRouting
WireGuard has made a significant impact since its initial release in 2016, providing a modern VPN that is not just secure but straightforward to set up. It is widely deployed and works for home networks and supercomputers alike, but the setup can sometimes be a bit of a headache. Enter “WG Easy,” the easiest way to install and manage WireGuard on any Linux host. Let’s see how it makes an easy…
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fullstackmasters01 · 10 months
Python FullStack Developer Jobs
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Introduction :
A Python full-stack developer is a professional who has expertise in both front-end and back-end development using Python as their primary programming language. This means they are skilled in building web applications from the user interface to the server-side logic and the database. Here’s some information about Python full-stack developer jobs.
Job Responsibilities:
Front-End Development: Python full-stack developers are responsible for creating and maintaining the user interface of a web application. This involves using front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.
Back-End Development: They also work on the server-side of the application, managing databases, handling HTTP requests, and building the application’s logic. Python, along with frameworks like Django, Flask, or Fast API, is commonly used for back-end development.
Database Management: Full-stack developers often work with databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, or NoSQL databases like MongoDB to store and retrieve data.
API Development: Creating and maintaining APIs for communication between the front-end and back-end systems is a crucial part of the job. RESTful and Graph QL APIs are commonly used.
Testing and Debugging: Full-stack developers are responsible for testing and debugging their code to ensure the application’s functionality and security.
Version Control: Using version control systems like Git to track changes and collaborate with other developers.
Deployment and DevOps: Deploying web applications on servers, configuring server environments, and implementing continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.
Security: Ensuring the application is secure by implementing best practices and security measures to protect against common vulnerabilities.
Skills and Qualifications:
To excel in a Python full-stack developer role, you should have the following skills and qualifications:
Proficiency in Python programming.
Strong knowledge of front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and frameworks.
Expertise in back-end development using Python and relevant web frameworks.
Experience with databases and data modeling.
Knowledge of version control systems (e.g., Git).
Familiarity with web servers and deployment.
Understanding of web security and best practices.
Problem-solving and debugging skills.
Collaboration and teamwork.
Continuous learning and staying up to date with the latest technologies and trends.
Job Opportunities:
Python full-stack developers are in demand in various industries, including web development agencies, e-commerce companies, startups, and large enterprises. Job titles you might come across include Full-Stack Developer, Python Developer, Web Developer, or Software Engineer.
The job market for Python full-stack developers is generally favorable, and these professionals can expect competitive salaries, particularly with experience and a strong skill set. Many companies appreciate the versatility of full-stack developers who can work on both the front-end and back-end aspects of their web applications.
To find Python full-stack developer job opportunities, you can check job boards, company career pages, and professional networking sites like LinkedIn. Additionally, you can work with recruitment agencies specializing in tech roles or attend tech job fairs and conferences to network with potential employers.
Python full stack developer jobs offer a range of advantages to those who pursue them. Here are some of the key advantages of working as a Python full stack developer:
Versatility: Python is a versatile programming language, and as a full stack developer, you can work on both front-end and back-end development, as well as other aspects of web development. This versatility allows you to work on a wide range of projects and tasks.
High demand: Python is one of the most popular programming languages, and there is a strong demand for Python full stack developers. This high demand leads to ample job opportunities and competitive salaries.
Job security: With the increasing reliance on web and mobile applications, the demand for full stack developers is expected to remain high. This job security provides a sense of stability and long-term career prospects.
Wide skill set: As a full stack developer, you gain expertise in various technologies and frameworks for both front-end and back-end development, including Django, Flask, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and more. This wide skill set makes you a valuable asset to any development team.
Collaboration: Full stack developers often work closely with both front-end and back-end teams, fostering collaboration and communication within the development process. This can lead to a more holistic understanding of projects and better teamwork.
Problem-solving: Full stack developers often encounter challenges that require them to think critically and solve complex problems. This aspect of the job can be intellectually stimulating and rewarding.
Learning opportunities: The tech industry is constantly evolving, and full stack developers have the opportunity to continually learn and adapt to new technologies and tools. This can be personally fulfilling for those who enjoy ongoing learning.
Competitive salaries: Python full stack developers are typically well-compensated due to their valuable skills and the high demand for their expertise. Salaries can vary based on experience, location, and the specific organization.
Entrepreneurial opportunities: With the knowledge and skills gained as a full stack developer, you can also consider creating your own web-based projects or startup ventures. Python’s ease of use and strong community support can be particularly beneficial in entrepreneurial endeavors.
Remote work options: Many organizations offer remote work opportunities for full stack developers, allowing for greater flexibility in terms of where you work. This can be especially appealing to those who prefer a remote or freelance lifestyle.
Open-source community: Python has a vibrant and active open-source community, which means you can easily access a wealth of libraries, frameworks, and resources to enhance your development projects.
Career growth: As you gain experience and expertise, you can advance in your career and explore specialized roles or leadership positions within development teams or organizations.
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  Python full stack developer jobs offer a combination of technical skills, career stability, and a range of opportunities in the tech industry. If you enjoy working on both front-end and back-end aspects of web development and solving complex problems, this career path can be a rewarding choice.
Thanks for reading, hopefully you like the article if you want to take Full stack master's course from our Institute, please attend our live demo sessions or contact us: +918464844555 providing you with the best Online Full Stack Developer Course in Hyderabad with an affordable course fee structure.
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monisha1199 · 11 months
Unveiling the Magic of Amazon Web Services (AWS): A Journey into Cloud Computing Excellence
In the dynamic realm of cloud computing, Amazon Web Services (AWS) emerges as an unparalleled transformative powerhouse, leading the charge in the world of cloud services. It operates under a pay-as-you-go model, providing an extensive repertoire of cloud services that cater to a diverse audience, be it businesses or individuals. What truly sets AWS apart is its empowerment of users to create, deploy, and manage applications and data securely, all at an impressive scale.
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The marvel of AWS's inner workings lies in its intricate mechanisms, driven by a commitment to virtualization, a wide array of services, and an unwavering focus on security and reliability. It's a journey into the heart of how AWS functions, a world where innovation, adaptability, and scalability reign supreme. Let's embark on this exploration to uncover the mysteries of AWS and understand how it has revolutionized the way we approach technology and innovation.
At the core of AWS's functionality lies a profound concept: virtualization. It's a concept that forms the bedrock of cloud computing, an abstraction of physical hardware that is at the very heart of AWS. What AWS excels at is the art of virtualization, the process of abstracting and transforming the underlying hardware infrastructure into a versatile pool of virtual resources. These virtual resources encompass everything from servers to storage and networking. And the beauty of it all is that these resources are readily accessible, meticulously organized, and seamlessly managed through a user-friendly interface. This design allows users to harness the boundless power of the cloud without the complexities and hassles associated with managing physical hardware.
Virtualization: AWS undertakes the pivotal task of abstracting and virtualizing the physical hardware infrastructure, a fundamental process that ultimately shapes the cloud's remarkable capabilities. This virtualization process encompasses the creation of virtual servers, storage, and networking resources, offering users a potent and flexible foundation on which they can build their digital endeavors.
Services Galore: The true magic of AWS unfolds in its extensive catalog of services, covering a spectrum that spans from fundamental computing and storage solutions to cutting-edge domains like databases, machine learning, analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT). What sets AWS apart is the ease with which users can access, configure, and deploy these services to precisely meet their project's unique demands. This rich service portfolio ensures that AWS is more than just a cloud provider; it's a versatile toolkit for digital innovation.
Regions and Availability Zones: The global reach of AWS is not just a matter of widespread presence; it's a strategically orchestrated network of regions and Availability Zones. AWS operates in regions across the world, and each of these regions comprises multiple Availability Zones, which are essentially self-contained data centers. This geographical distribution is far from arbitrary; it's designed to ensure redundancy, high availability, and fault tolerance. Even in the face of localized disruptions or issues, AWS maintains its resilience.
Data Centers: At the heart of each Availability Zone lies a crucial element, the data center. AWS doesn't stop at just having multiple data centers; it meticulously maintains them with dedicated hardware infrastructure, independent power sources, robust networking configurations, and sophisticated cooling systems. The purpose is clear: to guarantee the continuity of services, irrespective of challenges, and ensure the reliability users expect.
User Control: The beauty of AWS is that it places a remarkable level of control in the hands of its users. They are granted access to AWS services through a web-based console or command-line interfaces, both of which provide the means to configure, manage, and monitor their resources with precision. This fine-grained control enables users to tailor AWS to their unique needs, whether they're running a small-scale project or a large enterprise-grade application.
Security First: AWS is unwavering in its commitment to security. The cloud giant provides a comprehensive suite of security features and practices to protect user data and applications. This includes Identity and Access Management (IAM), a central component that enables controlled access to AWS services. Encryption mechanisms ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data in transit and at rest. Furthermore, AWS holds a multitude of compliance certifications, serving as a testament to its dedication to the highest security standards.
Scalability: AWS's architecture is designed for unmatched scalability. It allows users to adjust their resources up or down based on fluctuating demand, ensuring that applications remain responsive and cost-effective. Whether you're handling a sudden surge in web traffic or managing consistent workloads, AWS's scalability ensures that you can meet your performance requirements without unnecessary expenses.
Cost Management: The pay-as-you-go model at the core of AWS is not just about convenience; it's a powerful tool for cost management. To help users maintain control over their expenses, AWS offers various features, such as billing alarms and resource usage analytics. These tools allow users to monitor and optimize their costs, ensuring that their cloud operations align with their budgets and financial objectives.
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Amazon Web Services (AWS) isn't just a cloud platform; it's a revolutionary force that has reshaped how businesses operate and innovate in the digital age. Known for its power, versatility, and comprehensive catalog of services, AWS is a go-to choice for organizations with diverse IT needs. If you're eager to gain a deeper understanding of AWS and harness its full potential, look no further than ACTE Technologies.
ACTE Technologies offers comprehensive AWS training programs meticulously designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and hands-on experience needed to master this dynamic cloud platform. With guidance from experts and practical application opportunities, you can become proficient in AWS and set the stage for a successful career in the ever-evolving field of cloud computing. ACTE Technologies is more than an educational institution; it's your trusted partner on the journey to harness the true potential of AWS. Your future in cloud computing begins here.
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veradailyy · 8 months
The reasons why Tumblr is a suitable platform for developing a Digital Community are numerous. 
Tumblr, like other social media platforms, was created with the primary goal of connecting users in the online space, fostering an environment of interaction and diverse content sharing. As a popular microblogging platform, Tumblr has emerged as a favorite social network among younger users. 
Digital communication, utilizing modern communication technologies, serves as a continuation of age-old human communication, amalgamating both traditional and contemporary means such as voice, image, sound, and signs. Leveraging the concept of "blogging," a form of content sharing through writing, Tumblr has evolved by incorporating distinctive display elements such as short blogs with images, videos, and animated GIFs. This multi-dimensional approach enables the community to develop in a nuanced way, attracting a diverse audience with varied interests and opinions. 
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The Tumblr community is further facilitated by the ability to search based on themes and hashtags, fostering connections among individuals with similar interests and establishing a shared space for users with common interests. Unlike other social media platforms, users are not obligated to follow each other to view content. It can be said that Tumblr is a less monitored social network, as users cannot ascertain when others are online, and timestamps are not prioritized. 
On the Tumblr platform, users enjoy a considerable degree of freedom in constructing and managing their personal profiles. A standout feature is the customization of blog interfaces, enabling each user to create a unique online space that reflects their individuality and creativity vividly. This customization extends beyond mere color and background changes, encompassing aspects such as font styles, sizes, and layout configurations. This not only cultivates aesthetic diversity but also promotes creative freedom, allowing each member to have a distinct space for self-expression. 
Through descriptions, taglines, and the sharing of personal information, each user can build a clear image of themselves and the values they wish to share with the community. This results in a social media space that serves not only as a hub for meeting and interacting but also as a platform for artistic freedom and personal expression. The diversity in creative freedom highlighted on Tumblr is not just an individual user's concern; it is also a crucial aspect of the global appeal of this platform. 
Tumblr is not only a gathering place for regular users but also a preferred destination within the community of artists and authors. The allure from this creative community has significantly contributed to the diversity and innovation observed throughout the entire Tumblr community. 
Tumblr adeptly limits restrictions on user-generated content, creating an online space with a prominent principle of freedom of expression. This freedom extends not only to creating diverse content in terms of form and substance but also encourages diverse perspectives and opinions. However, due to these reasons, Tumblr's content lacks age restrictions, even though the minimum age requirement is 13. Tumblr is also unique because, instead of using the platform to connect with family, friends, and coworkers, many users choose to connect with members of the Tumblr community whom they may not know personally but share common interests with. Because of this, it is possible that a community of Tumblr users will focus on sharing content related to depression. 
In conclusion, with these distinctive features, Tumblr is not just a social media platform; it is a flexible and creative digital space where the digital community can flourish and express its diversity in the freest manner possible. 
Attenberg, J 2012, Network: How to Use Tumblr to Connect with Readers, Poets & Writers, viewed 31 January 2024, <https://www.pw.org/content/network_how_to_use_tumblr_to_connect_with_readers_0?cmnt_all=1>. 
Cavazos-Rehg, PA, Krauss, MJ, Sowles, SJ, Connolly, S, Rosas, C, Bharadwaj, M, Grucza, R & Bierut, LJ 2017, ‘An Analysis of Depression, Self-Harm, and Suicidal Ideation Content on Tumblr’, Crisis, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 44–52. 
Jibril, A, Ruqayya, R & Bashir, AS 2023, Digital Communication, Research Gate. 
Reif, A, Miller, I & Taddicken, M 2022, ‘“Love the Skin You ‘re in”: An Analysis of Women’s Self-Presentation and User Reactions to Selfies Using the Tumblr Hashtag #bodypositive’, Mass Communication and Society. 
Ruby, D 2023, 59+ Tumblr Statistics For 2023 (Demographics & Trends), DemandSage. 
Tan, L 2014, 8 Tumblr Limitations You Probably Do Not Know - Hongkiat, Hongkiat. 
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harrelltut · 1 year
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