#New York kpop fans
janet-sung · 9 months
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what’s your ETA
new~ new jeans keychains! so excited by how these came out!
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flowerlovecharmer · 1 year
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Emma Myers on Preparing to be a Werewolf in Wednesday and Her SEVENTEEN Obsession (Extended)
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httpseungmxn · 18 days
Park Seonghwa Smut Drabble
Idol!Seonghwa x Fan!Reader
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authors note; I promise I haven't lost motivation to write! I've just been working on a lot of different ideas and planning fics that I'll hopefully publish for you all soon enough! For now, I give you all a smut drabble of my husband 🤭
Warnings: pwp(very little plot though), piv, unprotected sex (wrap it up), fan x idol, reader is referred to as "angel", seonghwa is big compared to reader in both height and size down below 😉 MDNI OR YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!
Triggers: n/a
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How you had gotten into this position was completely unknown to you at the moment seeing as Seonghwa's big dick was turning your pretty brain to complete and utter mush.
You had scored tickets to their New York concert through a bet you had with your boss from work. It was supposed to be you and your best friend but she had grown sick with food poisoning just hours before the concert.
Promising to facetime her and take millions of photos for her. You felt bad leaving her behind at the hotel but you'd feel worse if you hadn't gone to the concert ; and you wouldn't have scored this opportunity.
You see when your boss gifted the tickets, she failed to mention that they were basically front row. You had managed to win a set of expensive tickets to one of the biggest kpop boy groups ever. Was luck finally on your side after many years of troubles?
Seonghwa's smooth, beautiful voice took you from your thoughts. His tip hitting your g-spot repeatedly as his hips slammed against your ass. " you like that, angel? I bet you just love feeling me filling your tight hole. "
He was right. You had never felt so full and fucked-out before. You had only been with a few men in your life but Seonghwa obviously took the cake, not just because he was bigger than the others but because he actually cared about how you were feeling.
From the second you were pulled away from all the other fans, to the minute he was inside of you. Seonghwa was focused on hitting all your spots and making you feel comfortable. You couldn't care less about the position because it felt like no matter what, you'd be limp in his arms from pleasure.
You felt like the luckiest fan ever when Seonghwa's fingers pressed to your clit just as you hit your orgasm causing the pleasure to double. Luck tripling when he hit his orgasm just moments later, plowing his cum deep inside of your tight hole and only stopping his thrusts when he heard you whimper from overstimulation.
" Lets do this again sometime, Angel. I'll need your phone number. "
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authors note: had to stop in the middle of writing a few times because I kept getting shy. I know, I know. me, a smut writer, getting shy while writing smut. crazy, yeah? It's just because i've never written for hwa before for reasons such as this. I will definitely be writing for him more in the future though! remember to tell me what you think, and thank you all for all the love! 🫶
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neos127 · 4 months
WHY HER? (chapter two)
pairing. idol!jake x fem!fan!reader
synopsis. in the most cliche way, jake falls for a fan of his. y/n just has to decide if she’s able to handle being apart of his life.
notes. i was inspired by this one jake fan sign vid i saw…he’s absolutely insane
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Y/N was sure she had never felt so nervous in her life. She had already talked to Sunghoon and Jungwon, feeling as if she were about to pass out. (Un)fortunately Jake was next, and Y/N could feel her throat closing up. She felt tingly as Jungwon kindly thanked the girl for her gift while holding her hands. He even sent an air kiss her way as she stood up from her seat.
Y/N had never been to a fan sign before, not wanting to feed her delusions even more. Whenever she visited South Korea, she was always bombarded by all of the kpop fan service she could partake in, something that wasn’t common back in New York. She refused to go to fan signs, feeling as if she would pass out, throw up, or become insanely delusional like those people she laughed at on twitter.
She had changed twice, in an outfit different from the one she posted online. She decided to go with a plain long sleeve shirt and a cute red skirt she had found online, hoping that it wouldn’t be too much. She put on light makeup and added some accessories to elevate her look. Y/N decided that if she were to attend this fansign just this once— she would allow herself to indulge in her fantasies and look good for the boys she adored. There was truly no harm in it for at least one day.
But when Y/N sat down in front of Jake, she nearly forgot what to say. How was it that the man was more beautiful in person? His features had always captured her attention but they were even more striking now.
“Oh my gosh…um…hi.” Y/N squeaked out, a nervous smile on her face. Jake smiled and greeted her back, offering his hand over the table after signing the album she brought. Y/N looked down at it with wide eyes before bringing both her hands forward to rest in his. She noticed the size difference instantly and had to hold back a scream.
“How old are you?” Jake asked, leaning forward. Y/N unknowingly clutched Jake’s hand harder, causing the boy to smirk slightly.
“I’m uh 19. I’m turning 20 this year actually. I’ll probably celebrate my birthday in Korea this year.” Y/N answered, trying to stop the word vomit that threatened to come out. Jake’s eyes seemed to light up at that and he began to play with her hands.
“Are you not from here?” He asked seemingly genuinely intrigued. Y/N had to convince herself that he acted like this with everyone before she had a heart attack.
“No I’m not. I live in New York but I often visit Korea to see my friends.” She answered, silently hoping that her face wasn’t showing any signs of nervousness. Jake pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as he observed Y/N, trying to commit her face to memory. He wasn’t sure why she captivated him so much compared to the other fans he talked to earlier, but he also didn’t care at the moment either. There was just something about how adorable she looked, and the twinkle that appeared in her eye when he asked her questions.
When Y/N thanked him for being such an amazing performer and inspiration, he felt his chest tighten and his stomach flip. Compliments from enegenes always made him feel happy and appreciated, but this felt different— and Jake was in awe of how Y/N had a hold on him already.
Y/N then held up the Spider-man keychain she had bought for Jake, her hands shaking as he took it from her. He smiled wide, thanking her for bringing him something and grabbing her hand again. He suddenly paused, realizing the smell of the perfume she was wearing. It smelt of chocolate with a mix of vanilla…Jake had to make sure his composure didn’t slip even more.
“Your perfume smells really good.” He commented, nearly in the girls’ face. She smiled wide, embracing the blush that was definitely on her face.
“Thanks! I can’t remember what it’s called but-” Y/N was suddenly cut off by Enhypen’s staff. She had to move along to the next member since her time was up. Before she could fully stand up, Jake grabbed her wrist, bringing it to his nose to smell her perfume once more.
“Suits you.” He murmured before sending a wink her way. Y/N was sure she was about to pass out right there. On the floor. In front of all the members. She mumbled out a weak ‘bye’ before quickly moving over and sitting down in front of Heeseung, nearly tripping over her own feet.
Unfortunately, Jake never managed to leave her mind. Even when she went to sit down in front of Sunoo, or when she went out with her friends for dinner that night. Especially when she laid down to sleep that night. She swore she could still feel his hands touching hers, or the brush of his lips against her wrist when he smelled her perfume. Y/N groaned, burying her face into her blanket. That was exactly why she didn’t want to attend any fansigns.
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taglist. @junityy @super-amberlynn @jvjsssnaa @dreamiesformula @deepdeancloudspy @syazzzlisa @nnana2 @hkkbrosdienagge @iheartjayke @armydrcamers @yeojeolmi @yelshin @yunville (it won’t let me tag some people :/)
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candywife333 · 7 months
My Little Saesang (Part 1)
chubby reader x idol jungkook
Summary: Y/N had been a super fan for a while. Some would say bordering on saesang or creep level. She didn't think she was one, till she experienced an incident that made her stop being a fan. She had never thought that Jungkook or any of BTS ever noticed her, as she was part of the masses of obsessive fans. But they had. Especially, one doe eyed idol in particular. He never thought he would miss his fan, or shall we say saesang. Yet, he couldn't help but notice her absence. And he didn't know when her presence started to matter to him so much.
Disclaimer: The Jungkook represented in this fic does not reflect the true actions or thoughts of the real life Jungkook. Please treat this fic as exactly what it is, fiction
Triggers: Critique of fandom culture and kpop as a whole, identity crisis, eventual smut
Note: Not proofread. Slated to be approximately 4 parts or less.
"Y/N, what the hell are you still doing in that cafe? Didn't we come over here to spy on Jungkook at his house before he heads off to M-CountDown for his performance? I don't remember scheduling a pit-stop for you to have a second lunch", Kim-Hee glared down at me through her thick framed black glasses that honestly sort of made her look like a sexy principal. Anger at being diverted from her goal of catching the tan pop-star in his sweaty excellence seemed to cloud her vision.
I retorted back with a snort, "You know me very well at this point, after being my fellow saesang comrade in arms for close to 2 years girl. I am digesting my food baby as we speak and will soon be ready for delivery in that nasty garbage ass smelling toilet. I have a date with the shits, so to speak. Don't you see that my jeans are popped open and the zip down ready to go. I don't got the energy to chase this man today. Our stunt at New York was bad enough, don't you think"? Shaking my head at her idiocy even after knowing me for so long, I exclaimed, "Feel free to chase him in time for his ending fairy if you feel like it though. I am just not feeling it today".
Kim Hee, my bestie, stared at me with squinted eyes, black tiny eyes glittering in the harsh sun, "Girl, you were the one who had this all scheduled out a month back? How could you not bloody commit at the crucial time!!!! Our fucking junior fans are counting on your stupid ass". I waved my right at her in dismissal, ramen sauce covering my lips like a new Fenty lipstick that I just could not afford right now with my measly ass job as janitor at KBS.
I snarled back in irritation, "Tell those kids to go and study in college, that's more important than following his dumb ass anyways. He won't remember them for their troubles. At max, he will remember a few fans from their initial debut days , get married to a rich ass plasticky actress, have beautiful spoiled kids, and die a rich philanthropist. Saesangs don't get paid if you catch my point. Honestly, if it paid as a job, I would consider it. But I think I may have to retire". I patted my distended stomach in contentment, satisfied with the first proper meal I had in 3 days, stalking JK with my team all over New York and then catching a flight to Korea for his album showcase.
My bestie stared at me now in shock, with wide eyes, hands waving in the air, clearly confused at my statements, "Didn't you just say a week ago that this was all worth it? That supporting our faves, especially BTS, and the lord and savior himself , Jungkook, was a noble passion to pursue? Why have you suddenly done a 180 on us and him like this"? I flinched visibly at her reminder of what I used to be and who I used to be. The person she described felt foreign to me now. Ever since I opened my eyes and saw what fans, especially super fans like us, who didn't have a life outside of BTS suffered, I was a reformed woman. A reformed woman who had decided as of now to save all my money for some botox and a dental appointment, some clothes for mom and dad, and a hot meal for my younger sister. I was going to go from being a crysallis to a butterfly. In essence, I was going to woman the fuck up. That's what the fuck I was about to do with my life.
With this aim in mind, I slammed my fist against the plastic table, startling Kim Hee. "Bestie, you never got close enough to JK to see how much he hated it, okay? He hated us in those moments that we invaded his privacy. Remember that one time I snuck up on the set of them filming "Black Swan" to give him a godiva chocolate my mom had brought back from Sweden?" Kim Hee nodded in assent, clearly knowing how much of big deal it was for me to part with food of any kind, for any reason, for anyone (Even my own family). I loved luxury chocolate and food in general. Nobody could rip it out of my hands , as evidenced by Kim Hee and all our friends in middle school when I slapped a guy stupid and hit him in the nuts for taking a ferrero rocher out of my hands---the motherfucker.
I continued ,"Well I gave it to his hands while he was waiting outside at the entrance of the set. Even normies like me are allowed on that area, it was not a restricted filming area. I just left the chocolate next to where he was sitting, with a red bow (his name engraved on it) wrapped around it. He legit stared at me in confusion, like he had not seen me for the past 9 years, sneered at me, disdain in his beady black eyes and threw the chocolate in the dustbin like it was as figment of his imagination". Kim Hee stared at me in dismay, clearly knowing that what I considered the foremost cardinal sin in life was throwing away food, particularly expensive food.
I wrung my hands in the air, holding in my tears, "Bestie, it was white chocolate, do you understand? It was limited christmas edition. I could never afford that chocolate in my dreams , if not for one of mom's colleagues gifting it to her. Chili ,(my sister) was yapping about it for days, salivating, thinking she could bite into it. And I sacrificed it to an undeserving multi millionaire". I sat back down on the bench, numbly, tears streaming down my face. I was so done with him and the entire group at this point. I understand that what we do, Saesangs, stalkers, whatever they like to call us, is not correct. We should not be so invasive. But I always told the kids who followed in my footsteps that we could support them, but just not to the point that we impinged on their personal lives. I had done some fucked up things as a newbie army, but two years into their debut, I understood that limits were required.
The most I had ever done since then, was to gift the members things as a fan. Whatever I could afford. Whether that was their favorite convenience store snack left by us on the set of one of their music video shoots. Or a pack of gum or their favorite desserts when we attended fan meets. I and the girls who followed me on these adventures, as I used to call them, never snuck into HYBE. We were of the more benign variety, not on par with the crazies who took the same flight as them (not that I could afford that), or collected saliva, sweat, and urine samples. For goodness sakes, we didn't even run after their vehicles, we just waved politely and jumped up and down like rabid dogs that had treats waved in their faces.
The moment I was compelled to stop following my fave, or I guess my former bias as of now, was simply when he casually looked at the chocolate I had left next to him as though it were poison, and tossed it in the trash without looking back. That was when I knew, I was worthless in his eyes, along with the rest of the fans who tried so hard.
We shelled out money saved up from little jobs and pocket money accumulated for months together, to buy expensive albums, merchandise, and anything else they put out. We forgo the little luxuries like nicer shoes and warmer coats in winter to buy tickets for outdoor showcases and shiver in the cold wind to just catch a glimpse of one of their half smiles. We stream their music that speaks of love that we do not comprehend, love whose face is so unfamiliar in our youth that we would pass it by as though it were a stranger. When we don't have anyone in our lives to hug us and hold us and kiss us, to wipe our tears and pat us on the back when we are down and to tell us that everything will be alright, we stare at them in the tabloids extrapolating who they could be in love with, fantasizing about a love that could never be ours. We live our lives, living for them, living around them as though we are satellites caught int he orbit of a bigger planet, and now, it does not make sense to me anymore.
It may just be a chocolate, stupid worthless and insignificant to him. It may be cheap, a show of cheap love that he wishes to spit on. But it wasn't cheap to me. My love wasn't cheap. Food isn't cheap, especially food bestowed with love. And I was done giving my love away for free, as though it meant nothing. As though it were a cheap cigarette to be smoked and discarded, ground under the foot of someone who had finished using it for a fleeting high. Cheap and dispensable and convenient, that's what we were, what I had become.
I cringed internally as my gaze redirected towards Kim Hee. I croaked out in determination while chewing on the remnants of soggy ramyun, "We are done babe. I am through with this horrible, parasitic relationship. I am going to figure out how to make myself rich or get rich through marriage. I am done being stupid, falling over myself for a guy or a group of guys who don't see or appreciate me. They get rich on my desperation, and I don't wish to give them that power anymore".
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emo-batboy · 1 year
Fan pages on Twitter with Bruce are making me think of one thing. Kpop Twitter. Do u think they would be making fancams of him too? Photocards? Posters? Buying 10 copies of vogue just for different cover with him?
*takes off glasses* now I cannot reveal the secrets of my Twitter au BUT you came to the right person :DD
BRUCE WAYNE AS A FORMER MODEL (idk if this has been done before with Battinson? Let me know so I can read it)
So maybe Bruce did some covers for a business magazine in his late teens or early 20’s and it went really well!!
a few luxury brands asked if this fresh-faced Bruce Wayne would consider being an ambassador. Maybe a brand of watches, suits, sunglasses, something business-like or old money
He agrees to work with some suit company cuz his dad loves the brand and he likes them too now
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This earns him his first ever taste of A-List Celeb Status. He is on the cover of magazines, not just business and fashion: Gossip magazines. Tabloids. People recognize him and want his autograph. Paparazzi follow him to lunch dates with friends.
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They want to know his favorite color, cereal brand, ice cream flavor, and not because they want to be billionaires like him (poor little nepo baby) but because they love him so much they want to know every little detail of his life.
He is given the title of heartthrob over and over again (and I mean look at him, ofc he is)
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He despises it with every cell in his body.
BUT he keeps working for this one luxury tailor brand until his contract ends. Maybe two or three years?
He has a good relationship with them, still. Wears their suits mostly, recommends it to friends if they need a new one. But he’s decided it’s not for him anymore.
Now. Every year, during New York Fashion Week, Bruce is invited to walk in their show. (This brand gives all of their ambassadors the opportunity.) Sometimes, he says yes. Sometimes, he doesn’t.
He refuses for a few years (during his vengeance era) until Bruce Wayne changes and decides to make more appearances. NY Fashion Week comes around, and Bruce returns for one (1) show.
Oh lordie the stans
They arrive in droves
He tears up that fucking runway! He’s a seasoned veteran of course he does
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And ya know what?
He says yes
Cuz he wants to be personable, likable, approachable, a role model (no pun intended)
His bitterness is slowly dissipating, and he’s grown stronger after the stress of his early 20’s and the hatred of his late 20’s. He’s an Adult TM who can handle it.
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This is when he learns about the new emergence of stan culture :)
The edits are EVERYWHERE
Some are from his new collections and looks
Others are made up of early 2010’s Bruce Wayne
Imagine like those sparkly ones with cute music in the background and it’s just Bruce smiling
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(And then there’s the thirst trap ones, you know those one)
Pretty boy billionaire Bruce Wayne and his army of fans could declare a nation. They’re your cousin, your friend, your teacher, your goddamn accountant.
Old posters from Tiger Beat 2009 go up on eBay for thousands of dollars
And those old “vintage” fashion magazines where he’s on the cover, those could cost you rent
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Bruce walks some new shows and agrees to pose for some magazines (fashion AND business, among others)
Vogue offers him the cover, which he accepts
They run out of stock.
(How is that even possible?)
Fancams of him walking down the street and attending press conferences crop up? That’s what surprises him the most.
He is still very camera shy but the more he gets to know the regular fansites, he feels more comfortable waving and talking to them. (And hopefully they don’t suspect a thing. PLEASE don’t suspect a thing.)
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There are a lot of events where they’re not allowed in but if it’s a public event, they will be there
(There are some creepy ones tho, and Alfred handles them accordingly) (with a call to the police) (and occasionally a hose)
It’s fun tho, allows Brucie Wayne, Billionaire Nepo Baby Extraordinaire, to become separate from his nightly persona
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This is how Bruce becomes very familiar with Stan Twitter
But he still refuses to make an account for his own sanity
It’s for the best
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sinister-things · 1 year
Can't Take My Eyes off You
Loosely inspired by this post by @fabuloustrash05
⚠️TW: One mention of food⚠️
Synopsis: Hamato Yoshi– or, Mr. Splinter is a very wealthy man, owning multiple dojo's across New York City. When he announces a gala event in hopes of his son, Donatello, finding that special someone, your parent's force you– New York City's "IT Girl" to attend. What could go wrong?
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Everything was set and ready. The food was from all around the world, Splinter had hired the greatest orchestra in town, and everything about the room screamed "I make eight figures!"
To put it nicely, you were an IT Girl. You were beautiful, rich, had deals with multi-million dollar brands, and the media loved you.
You made your way to the food table, heads turning by the mere sight of you.
This event was supposed to last for five hours. You only knew of Mr. Hamato because your younger cousin attended one of his dojo's.
You had never met his son, Donatello, prior to this. You had heard of him and his intellect, but had never met him in person.
"Oh, mi gosh!" You heard a voice squeal.
You turned to investigate the sound, only to find a humanoid turtle donning an orange bandana standing a few steps behind you.
"Hello, can I help you?" You asked him.
He was buzzing with excitement. "You're Y/N, you were on the cover of Vogue last month!"
You chuckled at his excitement. "And you are?"
"Oh–" The boy blushed, "I'm Mikey, I'm a really big fan," Mikey told you. "Can I take a picture with you?" He asked bashfully.
"Sure!" You popped the last finger sandwich in your mouth and crouched beside him, flashing your famous smile.
He waved as he walked away, cellphone in hand, likely to post the picture somewhere.
You continued on with your night, chatting up a few of your other rather famous friends.
"Not to sound rude, but," You furrowed your eyebrows. "Why are you here? You already have a girlfriend." You asked.
Your friend Kelly, a model, huffed. "My sister was invited, and you know she can't be left alone for more than five seconds," she laughed.
The two of you heard a gasp, followed by an "Oh my god, it's you!"
You both turned to see your mutual friend, Iseul, a kpop idol. You smiled as the three of you caught up with each other's lives.
You three laughed and genuinely had a good time. But during the entire conversation, you had a weird feeling. Like you were being watched.
From across the room stood– for lack of a better word, the prettiest girl in New York.
Y/N L/N, the quote-unquote "IT Girl" of New York was talking with two other girls. Kelly Blare, a model from Newfoundland, and Kim Iseul, a Korean singer known for her stunning appearance.
Y/N was mostly known for her modeling career. For some reason, brands fought to the death to even have one of their products in the background of an Instagram post.
She was on every billboard, every cafe window, every magazine cover, everything! You couldn't walk down the street and not see her face.
Everyone knew who she was.
Everyone knew her name.
Mikey was a big fan of Y/N, using her modeling shoots as inspiration for his various art pieces and following her on every social media he had.
The press adored her! Always praising her actions and beauty, painting her as this divine being who could do no wrong.
And Donnie would be lying if he said he didn't have even the smallest crush on her.
Donnie never expected himself to be one of those lovestruck fools, blindly admiring someone he barely knew. In fact, he laughed at the idea. Him, falling in love? Heavens, no. Impossible!
He never cared for the various celebrities and socialites his father met with. But when he saw you, something changed.
He hated to admit it, but the gossip was true: you were more beautiful in person than in a picture.
But there he stood, face redder than Raph's mask. A bead of sweat ran down the side of his head as he watched you laugh at something Kelly said.
Pathetic. He was pathetic.
You had captured his heart, just as he feared someone would. The sight of you nearly making him forget how to breath, captivating him with your presence alone.
But you looked so unreal! You've most likely had thousands, if not millions of people profess their love for you. What would make Donnie stand out from the rest?
Donnie's heart stopped when the two of you locked eyes. He dropped the glass he was holding and found himself running in the direction he came.
You chased after the person. "Wait, come back!" You called to them.
You found yourself running through the various hallways of the estate, the person not stopping for a second.
"I just wanna talk!" You called desperately, picking up your speed.
With every twist and turn, you tried calling out to the person, hoping to persuade them to stop and talk.
The person ran out the nearest door they saw, you quickly following in pursuit.
Your legs burned, begging to rest. But you weren't going to until you stopped this stranger in their tracks.
You climbed a steep, grassy hill. There was a large, looming tree standing at the peak, a bench underneath it. Sitting down, you smiled.
"Hi, what's your name?" You asked. That was a good conversation starter, right?
"I'm Y/N," You told him, hoping to gain his trust. "I like your suit!"
The person scuffled to the other side of the bench, you only following. They fiddled with their jacket for a few seconds before muttering a response.
"I'm sorry..."
You were confused. "For what?"
"For staring..." He admitted.
You bounced your knee, a smirk growing on your face.
"Well," you leaned forward– not to close, but close enough that you could see him blushing. "I'll forgive you if you tell me your name."
He bit his lip, looking to the ground. Sighing, he met your eyes.
You gasped. "Donatello? As in, Donatello Hamato?" You asked him curiously. He nodded.
"And you're Y/N," his ashamed frown began turning into that of a smile. "The prettiest girl in New York,"
You're reaction was a mix of shock and flattery. "Well, I think you're the smartest guy in this city," you told him.
Donatello's face went red. "Really?"
You nodded, "I've heard of all the different kinds of tech you've made, it's pretty cool!"
His face lit up, smiling like a child who saw Santa Claus. Someone praised his tech? He's been waiting for this!
The two of you rambled on about your interests, your passions and your dreams for hours.
From the corner of his eye, Donnie saw April and his brother's cheering him on from inside the house.
He rolled his eyes, ignoring his family and his blush for the time being, focusing his thoughts and smile on your adorable rants.
He sighed, realizing what was happening to himself. He, who laughed in the face of Cupid, was head over heels for the prettiest girl in New York City.
In the span of four hours, you had managed to make him smile and laugh more than he had in a single month.
But down the line, you and Donatello are as happy as can be. Whether sixteen or sixty, one thing is for sure: he couldn't take his eyes off you.
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alwaysvivid · 2 months
- - ⋆ ₊ ゚ 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐚 & 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐢 @ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐚 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 ♡ ˚◞
⚲ new york city , new york
sora and sisi of the global kpop girl group VIVID made their met gala debut at this years carpet. the pair were dressed by donatella versace in custom floral gowns. the pair wore individual outfits that worked together to convey the theme ‘garden of time’. both girls represent the same garden in different times with both showing the ways that flowers bloom and die over time.
the girls were a hit , with both of them appearing on multiple best dressed lists for their appearance. there was debate on their looks as they were seen as too literal. they still went viral for their stunning looks which brought in a lot of new fans and admirers. overall our girls ate that shit up !
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“hello beautiful girls ! it’s honestly an honor to meet the two of you.” the interviewer gushed as sora and sisi made their way over to her.
sisi shook her head dramatically as she grabbed her own mic, “no the honour is ours! we can’t even believe we’re here.” sora nodded beside her. despite how fluent she had become she always felt a bit nervous and often let sisi take the reins.
“and this is your met debut right? how does it feel to finally be here tonight?”
sisi looked over at sora, subtly motivating her band mate to speak, “yes it is. it’s so amazing.” sisi couldn’t help but smile , “even at the fittings we were like,” the australian placed her hand over her mouth, in a high pitched tone she jokingly squealed, “ah oh my god!”
“oh wow pretty dress, wow pretty shoes!.” sora joined in. “hours and hours of fittings.” her band mate added both laughing along with the interviewer.
“speaking of dresses.” the interviewer took a long pause, dropping her jaw and gesturing to the girls. “you two look absolutely gorgeous!”sora and sisi laughed, thanking her profusely.
the camera panned from their heads to their toes , making sure to capture every detail of their looks. the interviewer continued to gush over them making both girls strike poses as they continued to giggle. sora lifted her arm, signaling for sisi to spin to show off her full look before doing the same gesture for sora to do the same thing.
“sisi i heard stray kids are making their debut as well tonight . and i hear your younger brother is actually a member of the group?” both sora and sisi nodded along with the interviewer , “how does it feel to be here together.”
“well i love felix i do.” she smiled before jokingly throwing her hair over her shoulder. “but we both know who’s gonna be the best dressed sibling tonight.” the other two couldn’t help but laugh at her as she continued to stare the camera down.
“definitely. felix do you hear that?“ the interviewer joked before closing off her short interview. “you’ve been so fun to talk too, you look amazing and i hope you enjoy your night ladies!”
the girls waved off excitedly before moving over to the next interview.
- - ⋆ ₊ ゚ 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐢 ♡ ˚◞
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sisi’s look was inspired by a vibrant and blooming garden. her dress wraps her is sculpted pastel fabrics embellished with bunches of flowers. the flowers appear to continue grow up her legs as the decorated straps of her heels wrap upwards to her thighs. they finished off the look with her makeup although fairly simple had exaggerated blush that complimented the flowers placed in her slick back bun.
- - ⋆ ₊ ゚ 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐚 ♡ ˚◞
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sora’s look represented the garden after time has passed and the flowers are not as vibrant as they once were. her dress depicts this by having sculpted flowers that only bloom at the top and bottom of the dress whilst being surrounded by overgrown ivy. unlike sisi’s garden sora’s does not grow up her legs with her shoes only having leaves. the look was topped off with a subtle makeup look that was decorated with large flower petals that go into her hair.
- - ⋆ ₊ ゚ 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 ♡ ˚◞
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for the after party their look was still matching. this time the two were each a half of a silver flower and when they stood beside one another it created a full flower. they popped on some silver heels and made their way to the after party.
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betterthanburrow · 11 months
heyo!! this sounds like a weird request but can you can an insta au with a reader who’s a kpop idol ???
Celebrity Crush - Instagram AU
(Bengals QuarterBack! Joe Burrow x K-Pop Idol! OC)
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liked by 570,815 users
Bengals: If the internet breaks, this is why.
view all 30,405 comments
username2: the Bengals page is really trying to turn my gay at this point…
username3: 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
username4: he could tell me to jump into an active volcano and i’ll do a swan dive!
username5: hard to look ❌hard while looking at ✅
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liked by 1,009,513 users
yourinstagram: Night 1 in New York!
Thank you, I love you 🤍
keep dreaming, loving, and doing what you gotta do!
Thank you for a lot of love last night!
view all 420,075 comments
username1: the concert was so much fun!
thegarden: 🤍🤍🤍
username2: NEW YORK LOVES YOU!
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liked by 99,513 users
ALLKPOP: Cincinnati Bengals Quarterback Joe Burrow revealed in the Media Press Conference that he is a big fan of K-POP Soloist Y/FN Y/LN and he said that she is his celebrity crush and that everyone should go listen to her new album that was released in April.
Who Knew That The NFL QB is a K-POP Fan?!
view all 50,111 comments
username1: i never thought that my two worlds would collide 😵‍💫 i don’t know how to react to this information
username2: i’ve seen this guy all of my FYP… he’s hot!
↳ usermame3: he’s even hotter now that he’s admitted to being a fan of Y/N!
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liked by 690,205
view all 101,630 comments
username1: this is the first time Y/N has acknowledged a celebrity when they say they like her music 😳
username2: the kissy face and pink heart emojis 😶
username3: nice choice of emojis @.yourinstagram
username4: as a burrow girl and a Y/N fan… i think i might pass out seeing my two faves interacting 🫨
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liked by 20,513 users
view all 9,055 comments
username2: now i understand why Y/N decided to acknowledge that Joe Burrow listens to her music…
username3: Y/N IS A BURROW GIRL?!
↳ username4: i didn’t even know she liked american football… who introduced her to the world of sports?!
username5: i want to be a fly on the wall when Y/N found out that Joe Burrow listens to her music.
username6: this is the wildest thing to happen in the K-Pop World in a very very very very very long time 😳
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liked by joeyb_9 and 1,505,013 users
yourinstagram: Night Two in New York!
Thank You So Much… I Love You 🤍
being able to perform multiple tour shows at Madison Square Garden is an honor and i’m so thankful for the love and support you all have shown me on tour.
view all 222,009 comments
thegarden: you’re always welcome at MSG!
username1: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
username2: i can’t believe tour will be over soon ☹️
username3: WE’RE SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!
joeyb_9: you need to do a concert in Cincinnati.
↳ yourinstagram: new tour dates are coming soon 😊
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Author’s Note:
i used to be a fan of k-pop (i only listened to one boy group, a few girl groups, and a few soloists) so it was kinda interesting to combine one of my old interests with one of my new interests.
it’s been a while since i’ve published a requested Instagram AU, thank you all for the patience as i’m trying to catch up on all the IG AU requests that are in my Inbox at the time.
if you have a Instagram AU request, please send the IG AU request to my Inbox and i’ll try to get the requested Instagram AU published as fast as i can!
thank you all for the love and support! 🤍
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sourbinnie · 1 year
♕ cicuta.mp3 ♕
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-> genre : non!idol au | angst | smut | fluff | all of it one bowl
-> pair : ot8!skz x fem!reader
-> warnings : this teaser contains mentions of smoking, swearing and cheating (mentioned).
-> plot : so how did you end up surrounded by the biggest rappers from the underground seoul scene? your brother was making it big (even if your parents didn't believe that was a real job) and you decided to join him at one of the finals to see him. let's say that's where it all went downhill…
-> appeareances from other idols, stay tuned!
a/n -> dude first fanfic ever in kpop world. i'm gonna try to update it whenever i can but i feel like i'm gonna be writing often since i'm putting my heart and soul on this one, might be a bit weird, a lil too explicit at times and a lil messed up but it's my baby.
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✘ intros ✘
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♕ bangchan ♕
chan got into freestyle and battles when he was 14. he always found it his safe space to go to the park with friends and engage in it. now many years later he still is fond of competitions and likes to participate whenever a global event takes place, he easily became a pro and one of the most known rappers in the scene. he knows he changed, knows that his face tats and his sleeves aren't really who he was when he started. but he likes the new him, likes how it makes him feel and what it shows. 
✘ 1997
✘ sydney
✘ 7 wins (2 international)
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♕ k-now ♕
minho didn't know how he fell in love with the scene, he just did. he wasn't that much into rap but after seeing so many battles, he started composing his lyrics and his need to be in competitions grew. at first he stumbled, he got made fun of but that only made him want to participate more. with time he got better and eventually as the man he stood today, he had 4 official wins in korea. his next goal was to make it through the international wave and he was so ready.
✘ 1998
✘ gimpo
✘ 4 wins
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♕ changbin ♕
changbin is probably the biggest name you could hear. he grew from the underground scene all the way to the top, being the korean artist with the most international wins. he didn't think much of it though, he was a down to earth man who just enjoyed rapping and if he happened to win, he just accepted it. the public would be surprised if he didn't win but he would just accept it. he didn't crave the tournaments, it was the other way around. everyone just wanted to have a piece of him but he ain't offering. 
✘ 1999
✘ yongin
✘ 9 wins (4 international)
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♕ hyun ♕
hyunjin just started his career. he used to be a watcher, a little kid watching his favorites fight it out and he knew he wanted to become a part of the scene and not stay in the crowd. now full of piercings, a bunch of tats and addiction to nicotine later, he was ready. he showed skill, he was promising was what the crowd thought and what he knew himself. he didn't have an ego problem (yes he did) but he knew he was good and would continue to smash it if they gave him a chance.
✘ 2000
✘ seoul
✘ 2 wins
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♕ han ♕
jisung knew he was born with the gift of freestyle. not only was he a fan of rap and hip-hop but he would compose so many bars at such a young age, even his friends from school would ask him to rap for them. so it was obvious that when such a young boy joined the scene, only to kill it in every verse that it would cause such a huge impact. he didn't think that when he flew to new york, he would win his first international competition against bangchan. yet that was the best moment of his life and he did not regret a single bit.
✘ 2000
✘ incheon
✘ 6 wins (1 international)
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♕ b.o.k ♕
felix was just starting to grow, his deep voice and calm aura were key to it. when he first arrived and saw what was happening on the parks, the way the crowd would act up with whoever was rapping, yeah needed to do that as well. he concentrated when the time would arrive and then would kill it slowly on the mic but it still wasn't enough to earn him wins. he needed to be more brutal, more threatening, have more courage, he had it in him at the end of the day. he needed to stop being afraid of fucking it up first though.
✘ 2000
✘ sydney
✘ 2 wins
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♕ min ♕
seungmin wasn't caught up in the rap scene at first. he was always the one who would put the vocals in their tracks, doing the chorus now and again but he got tired of it. he knew he had the lyrics to make it work so why not give it a try? needless to say that his fans absolutely loved the change. he was really well known already but as soon as he started the competitions, there was a shift to how he would act. let's stay he wasn't that friendly anymore but the fans ate up that image so? who cares what anyone else thinks?
✘ 2000
✘ seoul
✘ 3 wins
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♕ i.n ♕
jeongin learned what he knew from changbin. he looked up to him in a way he couldn't explain and his hyung taught him everything he needed to know. of course this brought a lot of bars against him in competitions but he would respond in such an effective way that no one dared to fight back. he wasn't covered in tattoos like changbin or had an intimidating voice like felix, but boy did he rap fast. he's got the flow, he's got the skills, he just needs the wins now and as the scene gets tighter, he knew he had to make it out.
✘ 2001
✘ busan
✘ 2 wins
✘ teaser ✘
"so you're mingi's sister?" bangchan asked or at least that's what i thought his name was. can you blame me? i'm not familiar and this is my first time here. i couldn't say though that i wasn't intrigued and a bit intimidated because he had a weird aura about him (or it's probably the face tattoos).
"yeah, it's the first time i'm seeing him compete." i said as i looked around because i thought he was right behind me but i lost track of him. i sighed as he probably got distracted with the first thing he saw or the first person he came across. "i don't know much about rap competitions though but i heard my brother and he's pretty good."
"oh yeah he's incredible. he was in the same group as wooyoung and hongjoong, they killed it in the scene back in the day. wow i'm sounding old as fuck." he said as he crossed his arms and i got a peek at the different designs that were covering him. "oh i'm chan by the way, kind obvious since that's almost my stage name but yeah whatever."
"i'm (y/n), nice to meet you." i said with a smile and he smiled back, damn dimples okay. not like i had a thing for dimples and tats at all, nope. it was easy to lie to myself but i needed to pull myself together, this was my brother's friend at the end of the day. 
"already flirting with someone? you've got a girlfriend christopher." another guy said as he approached us, oh my god more tattoos kill me now. but now i knew that chan was off limits and i would stick to being good, not gonna get involved in a cheating scandal, that's not me!
"shut the fuck up! this is mingi's sister dumbass." chan said and the other dude made the most shocked expression. okay so mingi did not talk about me at all which was good and bad, good because i did not like to be mentioned around but also if i knew it was full of guys like these, i would've liked them to know my existence. then again it wouldn't have been good because i would constantly be thrown around in verses.
"oh shit, hi i'm changbin. you probably heard of me because i'm wooyoung's best friend and he's very close to mingi." he said and of fucking course, how did i not recognize him? dude is practically one of the best rappers in korea. the fact that i was standing by two people that were masters of not only this scene but of music was huge to me and the fact that they were nice just made it better. 
"hi, yeah wooyoung is at my house a lot. please come pick him up, he practically lives there." i said, rolling my eyes, which caused them to laugh and god what a beautiful sound. no, boundaries (y/n) please, stay true to yourself and don't fall for the man with tats again. 
"(y/n) what are you doing with these old men? oh wait never mind, i'm older than bin by two days." he said as he got close to you and greeted chan and changbin with a smile. "i didn't expect you two here and it seems like you met my sister." 
"well changbin obviously came by to support jeongin since you're competing with him today. i have no idea what i'm doing here man, i practically live here." chan said, lighting up a cigarette which i found kinda odd since we were backstage and not outside but i was guessing no one really cared about that shit here.
"dude is a freestyle ancient, he has to be in all competitions." changbin said which earned him a punch in the shoulder from chan and a laugh from mingi and myself. "but yeah i gotta support my boy but i wish you the best as well."
"thank you man, really appreciate it." mingi said and looked at me, giving me a little smile which i gave him back as i hugged him. "gotta go on stage, don't drift too far away and fucking pray that i win."
"duh dumbass, that's why i came here!" i said smiling and giving him a pat on the back as he went out, all the lights focusing on him and the so-called jeongin or i.n. also there were the judges who were mostly composed from ex freestylers, rappers and previous winners. 
"let's get this show started." changbin said and chan just nodded as he looked at the screen but then he looked back. 
he gave me a wink and of fucking course i blushed. yeah this wasn't going to end well for me wasn't it?
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c3stlav1e · 2 months
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written by EnVieOus
The Met Gala, taking place the first Monday of May each year, is undoubtedly one of the most watched events of the year in the realm of the filthy rich and those finely attuned in to the lives of celebrities. Celebrated in New York City and hosted by international phenomenon Vogue Magazine, recent years of the event have seen more and more internationally recognized celebrities welcomed to grace the number one red carpet of the fashion world, something that gives us Kpop fans a reason to cheer. While a swath of idols were seen at this year's gala, 3 that never fail to catch my eye were La Vie's Anya, Star, and Mari.
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from left to right: Anya Na in custom YSL, Star Shinawatra in custom YSL, Mari Bang in Schiaparelli haute couture '21
Anya and Star both stunned in custom Yves Saint Laurent, unsurprising from the luxury brand's princess and her closest confidant. While this was Star's debut at the Met, this is the third year in a row that Anya has been invited by the designer house.
However, Lovies were left with plenty of questions when the group's maknae Mari arrived later than the former two in a striking yet conflicting outfit by Schiaparelli. Although the three only briefly passed on the carpet, no acknowledgments were shared.
To older fans, this icy greeting is hardly news. Its been recently made clear that tensions between La Vie and their maknae have been raised ever since she first made her solo debut in the American music industry back in 2021. Some fans had bashed the idol for "abandoning" the group to focus on western fame and validation.
Lovies were led to believe that things were on the mend between them all when Mari returned to the group for their most recent comeback celebrating the group's 7th year anniversary, making it the first OT6 comeback in nearly 2 years. The group released a 2 hour long documentary highlighting the group's history and the album's making which had an emotional segment on Mari's absence, how it had effected the group's dynamic, and her intentions to right any wrongs in the hearts of her members and her fans. It was all very touching.
And yet, almost a year later, we are seeing the conflict back in full swing. 4 days before the Gala, La Vie posted a teaser for their newest comeback to all of the group's socials. The teaser very notably only featuring 5 of the members (missing Mari once again), much to the disappointment of hopeful Lovies everywhere.
"Teaser ; White Swan" posted to La Vie socials on May 2, 2024
While this in itself stirred up controversy, nothing would compare to the shitstorm that arose when 2 days later, Mari dropped a teaser for her newest single, set to release only a week after the rest of the group's mini album.
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Teaser posted on May 4, 2024 to Mari's Instagram, @ maribang, captioned " ugh, what a b!! SOMETHING NEW COMING TO U JUNE 4TH "
Fans and netizens have conveyed a wide range of emotions the past few days, from outrage to disappointment to jumping for joy, and this most recent interaction (or lack thereof) has only added to the overflowing dramatics of the public's opinion. Calls for Mari's official removal from the group have only increased since her apparent cold shoulder on the carpet. Some are blaming conflict between Rainbow Entertainment and MGM, Mari's record label in America, for the issues, fruitlessly arguing that the girls would never want to treat each other so coldly of their own accord.
After years of this drama, the people are beginning to demand answers, but the radio silence on both ends continues. Was it simply an accident, where one didn't see the other? Or a blatant cold shoulder between former best friends?
Let us know what YOU think here !
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ltov6: this is a reachhhh!!!!!! they were on the same part of the carpet for like .2 seconds before star and anya were rushed off. don't put words in their mouth!!
bangbangmarmar: anyway. mari outsold on her own, she doesn't need those washed up bitches🙄🙄
expensiveanya: well my princess was serving as per usual so that's all that matters🤭
lvis6: wait... SHES THE BLACK SWAN!!!! ot6 cb is coming!!!!!!
feelinlikepsychoo: good god can they just kick her out already...... like they clearly do not need her. dragging their name down for no reason.
2sunz: if sol was there she wouldve straightened them out fr. acting like children without their mama
lovelylovie: to everyone saying she probably didn't know... she's literally dressed as a black swan. she knew.
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joesalw · 6 months
Wow, 138 tons of CO2 emissions simply for a dick appointment.And her fans say that she’s this baby angel billionaire princess. She really flies to wherever he’s playing for a day or two and then fucks off back to New York.
‘If you had a PJ you’d do the same’. The fuck I wouldn’t. One thing if you’re constantly on the go for work purposes and are traveling either with at least 5 people or your family with you on the board and the other is hopping around the country to suck a dick and get photographed or broadcasted at the nfl game. I get that A-list celebs may be unsafe flying commercial especially in the social media era. There have been numerous instances where stalkers have found out the flight info and booked a seat next or near them. Some have licked toilet seats they sat on or done other creepy shit. That could make the experience of a whole flight passengers unpleasant and possibly get the said celeb on the no fly list. But this shit is truly next level, I’d understand if most of the time her jets were in a hangar and she was renting it to other people so the service and maintenance would pay off but 99% she’s the one on those flights. And why on Gods green Earth would you need a second one at that?
This mediocre hunchback Barbie is inescapable and I’m sick of her
With the insane amount of stalkers, kpop idols still fly commercially with proper amount of bodyguards. So TS can at least afford proper measurements for her safety with 1.1 billion dollars in her bank account. Keeping that aside, if she can't fly commercially, she can at least lessen the nonsense back and forth she keeps doing just to get some dick, maybe do facetimes like a normal person or like buy some sex toys if she's that desperate. But no, miss goth punk artist will produce 138 tons carbon emission for a guy that's gonna last for like 5 months before she moves onto the next one. Call me mysogynistic or whatever but that's who she is.
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svt-chanel · 3 months
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General information
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Name: Nishimura Shinigami
𓇼 CheChe (pronounced ChiChi)
𓇼 Chanellie
𓇼 Nel / Nellie
𓇼 Ellie
𓇼 Cho
𓇼 Charli
𓇼 Amour
𓇼 more....
Birthdate: October 31st, 1997
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Birthplace: The Bronx, New York
Nationality: Japanese
Languages: Korean 90% | English 100% | Vietnamese 80% | French 70% | Japanese 100% | Spanish 40%
Sexuality: Pansexual / Bisexual
Representative animal: 🦢
Representative emoji: 👑/🛍/💋
Career Information
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Stage Name: Chanel
Company: Pledis Entertainment
Group(s): SEVENTEEN, TWC (Tomorrow Won't Come), FNM (Fear No More), Mixxtopia, I.DOLL, K/DA.
Sub-Unit(s): Performance Unit, Hip-Hop unit, TWC, FNM, Mixxtopia, I.DOLL.
Position: Leader (of all her other groups excluding SEVENTEEN), Lead rapper, Center, Visual, Face of the group, Main Dancer, Sub Vocalist
⟿ vocal: 7/10
⟿ dance: 9/10
⟿ rap: 10/10
⟿ visual: 10/10
⟿ songwriting: 9.5/10
⟿ producing: 10/10
⟿ public speaking: 3/10
⟿ stage presence: 8/10
Personal Information
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𖧷 Mom, Nishimura (Hayashi) Aiko, 52 years old, retired
𖧷 Dad, Nishimura Neji, 57 years old, retired
𖧷 Sister, Nishimura Konon, 19 years old, Tiktok star + Choreographer/Dancer
𖧷 Brother, Nishimura Riki, 18 years old, Kpop Idol
𖧷 Sister, Nishimura Sola, 14 years old, Dancer/Unemployed
Habits: stuffing the whole thing in her mouth; biting nails (she now wears acrylics); sleeping in weird positions (splits, etc); sticking out tongue; checking pulse when nervous; Winking back and forth when happy; biting her nails (omg just like me fr twin); staying to herself when things get hard; snarking and tsking when she's annoyed; laughing silently; staring at people; cracking her knuckles and neck; swinging her legs when sitting; humming; sleeping hugging a stuffed animal; cracking her knuckles when she's nervous;
Hobbies: working out; shopping; sleeping; dancing; Producing; Composing; Song/Lyric writing; Choreographing;  taking strolls; going to art galleries; reading gossip magazines; researching about plants; taking pictures and/or selfies; reading and writing; listening to music; collecting dragon figurines; gossiping; talking about folklore.
Health conditions: Anxiety.
PHOBOPHOBIA :: Chanel has the fear of fear. Chanel has this fear because she was always told to be the best and doesn't want to let anyone down, hence why she is so confident in everything she does.
ENTOMOPHOBIA :: Chanel has the fear of insects. Because insects are genuinely gross. She quickly developed the fear after seeing all the bugs in Korea.
ATELOPHOBIA :: Chanel has the fear of failure because she's a perfectionist and because of the environment she grew up in.
GLOSSOPHOBIA :: Due to having anxiety and being an Introvert Chanel has Glossophobia or the fear of public speaking. She has this fear because of anxiety but it has gone away a little bit because she's an idol.
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┈─     …    She is a huge fan of GFriend. Chanel went to multiple of their concerts and to some fan meetings, she has all of their albums, some of them signed and used to collect and trade photocards in those fandoms before she became an idol. Her bias is Yuju. She supports all members' new activities now that GFriend has disbanded, and has even showed off her Viviz lightstick on live once.
┈─     …   She is fluent in Japanese, Korean, and English, and can keep a conversation in Vietnamese, Spanish, and French. Her parents valued education a lot, especially when it came to other languages and cultures.
┈─     …   Chanel is absolutely terrified of birds and all other animals with feathers, especially chickens. Back in Japan her grandparents had a farm and she was attacked by a chicken once, and that made her terrified of all birds, even nightingales.
┈─     …   Chanel is not good at managing her anger, so she gets snappy and sometimes explosive when people piss her off (by, for example, using her things without her permission), she will go on long sermons about how they need to show more respect for other people. The other members, especially those younger than her, find her scary at these moments.
┈─     …   She was a model when she was younger, but mostly while she was in Japan. Once she got to Korea her sights were set on becoming an idol and becoming an idol only. But now she's a model / ambassador for Chanel and Miu Miu.
┈─     …   She is what can only be described as a social media addict. She is always posting updates on SEVENTEEN's socials and will always be the one who talks the most in the group chat.
┈─     …   She is an absolute karaoke legend, she can make everyone sing along with her.
┈─     …   Chanel is very fond of little plants, and loves to take care of the ones she has scattered around the dorm and the ones in her room. She buys one whenever she can and often puts names on them for fun. Her room is full of flowers and small plants, a green paradise.
┈─     …   Her members often say that she smells like cake frosting, thanks to her vanilla perfume, of course Chanel doesn't miss the chance to joke that she bathes in frosting every morning.
┈─     …   She is a collector, she usually collects things that her acquaintances say are frivolous, but she loves it, some of her collections being: earrings, band shirts (even if she doesn't know them or is a fan), lipsticks and gloss, bookmarks and mugs.
┈─     …   Her natural hair is really curly, and she hates having to straighten it for certain hairstyles.
┈─     …    She is known for spending the night in her producer booth making music.
┈─     …   She has one “Pink Tape” by f(x) album that her family got her when it was still in print. She got a Sulli photocard and it’s her most prized possession. (Esp ever since...yk)
┈─     …   Because she is a huge music lover and producer, Chanel knows how to play the bass, guitar, keyboard and drums. She is self taught in all except the keyboard.
┈─     …   She is one of the few in her family that cannot be described as clumsy.
┈─     …   She loves body art and even has a few tattoos + piercings.
┈─     …   She doesn’t have an ideal type and is very open about that and about not wanting to date ever.
┈─     …   Her colleagues in school would often basically harass her because she was an idol. After a pretty strongly worded message on VLIVE, they “mysteriously” stopped. (During 2NE1 / Red Velvet era)
┈─     …   She really likes animals and has 5 pets.
┈─     …   She has watched the entirety of GoT just for the dragons, she cannot tell you one single plot point of the show.
┈─     …    Chanel was known as "HYBE's diamond", "SM's Siren Leader", and "YG's best thing" when she was a trainee + Idol
┈─     …    Chanel got into a scandal that she was dating the soloist SOMI and cheating on her with KARINA of the group AESPA.
┈─     …    Chanel composes, produces, and Writes all of SEVENTEEN's songs. (Alongside Woozi)
┈─     …    Chanel is named "Mother of Kpop" because she takes care of almost all kpop idols 3rd gen, 4th Gen, and 5th gen. And older people than her.
┈─     …    Chanel has Anorexia.
┈─     …    Chanel was a child actor and is still an actress.
┈─     …    Celine, Chanel, Calvin Kelin, Dior, Prada, and Miu Miu were all fighting for Chanel but she decided to be the avassador for each brand for 2 years and then switch.
┈─     …    Chanel does stalk kpop fans and her fans on tiktok and stuff so she knows all the latest trends when they come out
┈─     …    Other then Chanel’s public Wattpad account that people dont know its her she used to have a Wattpad account from 2009-2013
┈─     …    Chanel has a clear phone case and depending on the first photocard she gets from that promotion time she puts it in her phone case but the photocard changes every comeback and when there's no comeback she just puts a polaroid of her and the members or of herself.
┈─     …    Chanel owns a LOT of pets in her own dorm she has 3 snakes and 2 cats 5 pets overall.        
┈─     …    Chanel has the nickname “Variety Show Queen'' (or VSQ for short) because she's really good at variety shows. Even with her low charisma people seem to like her alot on Variety shows and if there's a game she usually wins them.
┈─     …    Chanel was known as “East Asia’s most influential teenager” until she grew up but some people still remember her by that title
┈─     …    The company had originally wanted her stage name to be just “Cheon” or even “Charli” once again but just because of that reason she chose not to do either of those and did her birth name Chanel, she decided to do the exact opposite of that and instead rebel against the company (later getting scolded for it)
┈─     …    Chanel is the oldest in her family and the only one who isn't born in the 2000s.
┈─     …    Chanel often visits ENHYPEN as she always wants to make sure her brother is okay and the same goes for her brother.
┈─     …    Chanel has credits to 263 songs
┈─     …    despite being an Introvert Chanel has alot of Idol friends
┈─     …    Chanel is an all-rounder
┈─     …    Chanel has composed for different groups such as Newjeans, ITZY, ENHYPEN, and more
┈─     …    Chanel is a good mafia player
┈─     …    Chanel gets good treatment from HYBE because she is their first female to debut.
┈─     …    When SM kicked Chanel out of Red Velvet and replaced her with Yeri knetz had made scandals of Yeri being a replacement for Chanel (which she was) but SM had lied and told everyone that Chanel had quit but then Chanel had come out herself and said that SM kicked her out and replaced her with Yeri but she has no hard feelings nor a grudge towards Yeri and only has one towards the Company she had even mentioned that she and Yeri were very close friends.
┈─     …    When Chanel was in Red Velvet she went under the stage name “Charli”
┈─     …    Chanel is supposedly in a group chat with all of the Japanese line
┈─     …    Chanel is in a group chat with the 97 liners
┈─     …    Chanel was born in The Bronx, New York but both of her parents are Japanese and she was born there due to her father being there for work. She left The Bronx, New York when her mother was pregnant with Ni-Ki. (8 years old)
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woo-verse · 3 months
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Stage Name: Chanel (샤넬) 
Birth Name: Nishimura Amour Chanel Shinigami
Legal Name: Nishimura Shinigami (西村死神)
Korean Name: Bahng Cheon (최여신)
English Name: Nishimura (Amour) Chanel
Position: Lead rapper, Center, Visual, Face of the group, Main dancer, Sub Vocalist
Birthday: October 31st, 1997
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Height: 5'11 186 cm
Weight: 56 kg (122 lbs)
Blood type: AB-
MBTI type: INFJ (2022 — taken by members) / INTJ-T + INTJ-A (2019 — taken by herself)
Representative emoji: 🦢
Nationality: Japanese
Sub-Unit: Hip-Hop Team, Performance Team
Instagram: @/chanel_luv_chanel
Chanel's Spotify list: Chanel, Prada, and Dior vibez 
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Chanel Facts
— She was born in New York but born to a Japanese mother and father.
— She is the older sister of ENHYPEN's maknae Ni-Ki
— Despite being born in New York, being a American citizen, and living there for 8 years she gave up her American citizenship once she became an idol.
— She left Korea to go back to Japan in 2009 due to her mother's pregnancy but then came back after her mother gave birth.
— She left Japan and became a trainee at Pledis in November 2008.
— Her stage name comes from her Birth name "Chanel" but her mother named her Chanel because it's her favorite brand. 
— Before becoming an Idol she wanted to be a Fashion Designer
— Her and the Chinese Line have met before in China
— Chanel is called the "3rd Gen black swan" because of her stage presence and rap. In one of her raps she called herself the 3rd gen black swan.
— Her original name (at birth) was gonna be Charli
— Pledis wanted her Stage name to be S.C, Akuma, or Cho but she decided to do the opposite and chose Chanel
— Chanel has her driver's license (including an international one)
— Chanel is one of the only producers/composers in the group along side Woozi
— Chanel has credits to SEVENTEEN, Solo, and other kpop groups songs
— She is the only person in the group to be in 2 Sub-Units
— She's called "S.C" because 1. She looks like S.Coups, 2. That was her orginal Stage Name, and 3. Because it's short for Scary Chanel due to her being scary.
— She is a black belt in Taekwondo
— She's good at multiple martial arts due to training when she was younger
— She's in the 97 line of the group (also in the maknae line)
— She's known as the fashion icon of the group (alongside The8)
— She used to do b-boying in Japan for 3 years until she became a trainee
— Out of all her siblings she's closest to Konon
— she lived in American all the way until Ni-Ki was born in 2005 and then her family moved to Japan again but then in 2008 she left to Korea.
— Chanel is very close to Soyeon of (G)I-DLE and all SM artists due to her and Soyeon being in lots of SM collabs
— Chanel has lots of titles received from netizens, her fans, members, and her family
— People say S.coups and Chanel look alike and could possibly be siblings but they don't believe it
— Fans call Chanel and Jeonghan "Momz" because they are both the mothers of the group
— Dior, Prada, Chanel, Celine, and Miu Miu all fought for Chanel to be their Ambassador but Chanel eventually became the Ambassador for all 5
Prada - 2015-2017
Celine - 2018-2020
Dior - 2020 - 2022
Chanel + Miu Miu - 2022 - present
Show more Chanel fun facts...
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qazastra · 16 days
btw guys @ verivery fans (and people who just want to see a good show-- i have seen them perform before n they were really fun!!) in the US use code VERYGO for buy one get one tickets for their shows in the US. cheapest tickets are $65 (oof) but if u do this then its just over $30 per ticket which is a major steal for a kpop show!
i got an email about it from pav since i've bought tix from them before! copy-pasted more details and info about how to use the code below, it differs per stop!
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Starting June 8 until June 12, you can use the promo code VERYGO to obtain a BUY ONE GET ONE discount on your concert admission ticket!
For Chicago and Fort Worth: simply add the Concert Admission ticket to the cart, and apply the promo code VERYGO during checkout!
New York, Minneapolis, and Atlanta - you may use the promo code VERYGO to unlock your discount on the ticket seller platforms:
- MINNEAPOLIS: SHOWCLIX (please add both tickets to your cart to use the discount)
- LOS ANGELES: your promo code is not ready yet - we will send you an update once it's ready to be used!
This discount is only valid from June 8 until June 12. The discount only applies to Concert Admission tickets.
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hstylesloverr · 2 years
dad!harry x singer!reader
the series masterlist.
harrystyles via instagram stories
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yourinstagram via instagram post
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liked by harrystyles, roses_are_rosie, annetwist, bellahadid and more
yourinstagram Pink Venom MV is out today at midnight! 💗🫶 from us to you with all our love PS: i know it seems like i'm everywhere but i haven't left my bed in new york since yesterday
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harrystyles Thanks for the clarification, I thought you had died and your spirit was chasing me everywhere I went
harryfan1 LMAOOOO i love them
dualipa miss you so much 💗
username some fans who saw harry at the bookstore today said he told them he was buying some books for y/n and logan 🥺🥺🥺
harryfan2 yes and also bought medicine at a pharmacy, probably y/n’s ill
ynfan1 best fiancé ever
taylorswift13 Today kpop revives
harryfan7 i will miss the 2020 era 💔💔💔
yourinstagram there i had my best hairstyle and outfits but i was pregnant and really sick so i prefer this era 😣😣😣
lalalalisa_m 💞
bellahadid When you come back you’ve to cook me the new dessert you invented
yourinstagram a good wife only cooks for her husband.
bellahadid But since you don't have one yet, I guess it doesn't matter 🙈
yourinstagram i’ll only cook for jack chambers.
harrystyles Seriously stop.
yourinstagram no
bellahadid No.
ynandharry quiet boy + explosive girl = harry + y/n = 💓💗💞🥺💖😣💝🥹❤️
username boy who barely speaks + girl who can't stop talking = harry and y/n
harryfan4 they’re literally like lorelai and luke from gilmore girls
liked by harrystyles and yourinstagram
username i love how homey is y/n in her latest posts
jefezoff 🤍
liked by yourinstagram
harryupdates via instagram post
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liked by harryfan1, ynfan, username, harryfan5 and more
harryupdates The girl who met Harry today in a bookstore said that she had struck up a nice conversation with him, and when she asked him about Y/N and their engagement he couldn't be more smiley saying that they and their son were very happy! He also said that Y/N had a terrible headache and that's why she couldn't accompany him, so he was just looking for a book that Y/N had wanted for a long time and another for his son Logan.
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harryfan1 He looks so happy with Y/N 🥺🥺🥺🥺
username i love them so so so much
harryfan4 y/n is my favorite bookworm
ynfan9 i love y/n so much i hope she gets well soon
harryfan harry is so in love if i don't have a boyfriend like that then i don't want anything
username harry looks like such a close and nice person
bpfan i just know harry reads books to logan before bed
username ok but let's talk about today's outfit?? IT WAS LITERALLY BEAUTIFUL
harryfan3 i really love this relationship as much as if it were mine
harryfan9 i would give absolutely EVERYTHING to meet harry on the street and be able to start a conversation with him
username same
yourinstagram via instagram stories
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harrystyles via instagram stories
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