#No negative vibes
samsaloonchan-blog · 1 year
Tumblr is such a nice vibe. No one downvotes or makes fun of what you post. I haven't seen any petty arguments. No one is calling me dumb or making fun of women or LGBT stuff. No one is making fun of women for their weight. Guys....
I've never felt so welcome
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albedo05 · 8 months
Just because we want to be skinny doesn't give you or me any right to hate on others and their bodies.
It honestly disgusts me that people are able to comment so casually on others bodies, calling them ugly names. It's so childish, immature and just an asshole move.
Grow the fuck up and stop looking down on others just because you feel like trash. I hate my body, and I don't wanna be chubby anymore / as chubby as I was, but that doesn't give me the right to go on and hate on others just because they're chubbier than me.
Realize that we are all humans and have our own feelings. What if your comments end up hurting someone? Or worse, killing them?
Open your eyes and take a more positive turn in life. Be as mean to yourself as you want, but NEVER EVER go around bitching to others about how disgusting you think they look like.
That's all I wanted to say.
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allycat75 · 4 months
Just a reminder of why I am here, lest you think I actually believe a certain Dumb Fuck from Boston is actually reading this blog.
In case it wasn't obvious, addressing specific posts to a particular person is but a literary device (such that it is on Tumblr). This blog is a way for me to scream into a void and if you don't like what I have to say, please respectfully leave and try to refrain from misrepresenting me on other blogs. I may not be your cup of tea, but I will not be minimized.
What I am screaming into the void about:
Mr. Dumb Fuck roped us all into this by trying to convince us he is stunningly happy in a relationship when it is obvious to almost anyone he is not (and if he is, he has to be the most toxic boyfriend/hubby ever). He even tried to help his cause by doing a bad job on purpose, but that act to save himself came crashing down on those who called out the Emperor who had no clothes, hard. Because when we pointed out the many obvious inconsistencies, we were branded as crazy, stupid and jealous. Then there is the gaslighting with changing timelines, photoshopped pictures, ghost sightings/weddings, poorly acted jump scares and general mindfuckery. He can't now un-invite us to the party because he doesn't like what we are saying. We will defend ourselves from lies and manipulation and not accept the negative labels thrust upon us. Too often, women are dismissed for being irrational and this stunt highlights the incredibly antiquated and misogynist trope.
The little wifey is an awful person and by tying himself to her like this he tacitly provides his approval to her racism, antisemitism, fatshaming, arrogance, immaturity, clout-chasing and entitlement, forever. That hypocrisy cannot go unnoticed considering his former stance on these subjects and his role as the face of the insipid ASP. I am a member of a few of the groups the wifey and her crew target so no one gets to tell me I am taking this too seriously or I am being too sensitive. As Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona discussed during a recent talk on an unimportant, ego stroking website, passiveness normalizes destructive behaviors and beliefs toward marginalized communities, at a time when we in those communities feel unseen or unprotected.
The fact that he looks absolutely miserable, with no light in his eyes, and discusses his life as if it is not his own is more than a little unnerving. This is in no way to shame him, but rather out of a genuine concern for his wellbeing. If I were to encounter someone on the street acting like he did as described in the near career ending GQ article, I would be compelled to call someone to assist this man in distress. And I don't buy the excuse of "he's just tired" or "he is working hard".  He is running from who he has become and doesn't know where to go.  These posts are a way for me to work out frustration of not being able to help someone who is in clear need of it.  And yeah, maybe it is none of my business, but just as if I ran into the GQ version of him on the street, I couldn't just stand by and do nothing. 
This circus also shows how his behavior parallels the issues of the world at large and how we accept things we shouldn't. We have kept quiet about unchecked privlege, intent vs. impact, performative activism, being child-like vs. childish, ageism, greed and corruption, mental illness and wellness, self awareness, the power and weaponry of sexuality, toxic masculinity and misogyny, generational wealth, integrity, alternative facts and emotional truths, misinformation and disinformation, imbalance of power, value placed on hard work, attributes of healthy relationships, preciousness of time, and the effects we have on our fellow mortals, all of which has got us to now, on the brink of societal destruction. And we see this epitomized in the microcosm of this shitshow. I use this blog and the unlikely, fucked up muse that inspired it to think about how we all cultivate our points of view and perhaps pressure test what they really mean to us and how we express them in our daily lives. Others who find my blog may feel lost and alone, as we all do at times, in need of some comfort or inspiration. While the quotes, infographics and articles may be very pointed, they are there for everyone to enjoy and interpret. The Song of the Day, however, is purely about me and what I woke up singing or feeling. Nothing to do with BDF, but still for everyone to appreciate.
So that's about it. I hope you have more clarity about what I am trying to accomplish and again, if you wish to be negative, you can see yourself out. Thank you! 👋
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olivegreeennn · 9 months
2024 is the year of leaving people where they’re at. If you don’t align with the lifestyle I’m trying to live we don’t need to be around each other. I’m protecting my peace at all cost moving forward. Keep the bad vibes and negativity far away from me.
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the-clumsywitch · 7 months
People always talk about taking "inspired action" when it comes to manifestation and spellwork. But what if visualization and spellwork are the inspired actions? You are technically still taking action by doing either of those.
Just a thought.
- Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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thecalmdaisy · 2 years
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I’ve finally put together the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe. For years I have created rocks and stone but now that is history. 😭
perfectly soft and chocolatey.
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Why do you interact with Cal? He's a little freak. 🤢
Dear @tenderheartgrumpymind aka Cal & Cat,
You both are marvelous, wonderful, charming, brilliant, kind, caring, lovely, and many more amazing qualities. I ask that you don’t listen, especially Cal, to this hate. I wanted to address it, to make it clear that it’s not okay. Cal, it boils my blood that anyone would think you like that. You are beautiful, and unique, and hilarious, and so much more. I’m so sorry that this was directed to you. I love you both dearly <333.
Dear Anon,
Excuse me?
*takes a deep breath, reminding myself to be patient*
Anon, I do not stand for any kind of negativity or hate on other bloggers/people. You are entitled to an opinion, but if it’s negative, keep it to yourself. Why of all the things you could be doing, would you choose to be negative, to bring people down?? Name calling is hurtful. It’s immature. And I have zero tolerance for your negativity.
Why do I interact with Cal? Ever since I’ve been writing on tumblr, Cal was there for me and one of my biggest supporters. He always had positive things to say, which never failed to lift up my spirits. He is a wonderful, chaotic, positive energy on this platform. And then Cat joined his account, so now it’s a duo account. And Cat is lovely as well. She’s well rounded, kind, and motherly. She balances Cal well. And I thoroughly enjoy the conversations and interactions that I have with both of them. It makes my day. @tenderheartgrumpymind are so amazing, and would never, ever deserve such slander. Never.
Anon, respectfully, stop. Stop hating. Stop slandering. Hurt people hurt people. If you ever want to be vulnerable and talk, I’m here. But I will not stand for your hurtful words.
Talk with Me ❤️‍🩹
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strippa1s · 6 months
Hope y'all have a beautiful stress free Saturday 😏
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luvalwayslanora · 11 months
She’s baccckkkk !!
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junnieverse · 1 year
I literally hate my mom so much.. like wtf? Stop slandering me sm damn ur not gonna be there at my wedding if it continues like this bro
-sad rizzki anon
Sad rizzki makes me sad too :((
Mothers tend to be like this (or atleast in my experience) and it makes me want to pull my hair out.
Try watching or doing something fun, that sometimes helps me whenever I feel angry or sad just to laugh and increase my serotonin a little bit :)
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randymansalien · 1 year
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Just me and my scrunkly @noskull13
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thatswhatshequipped · 2 years
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What can I say, it just comes naturally
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icynightshade · 1 year
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Little Dragon with no thoughts, head very empty.
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celisticwolf · 2 years
Don't forget to cleanse your home/space for the new year! Move out all of that stagnant energy that no longer serves you. I just cleansed my home by sweeping out the old energies with my ritual broom(made myself with a stick, pine needles, and twine.) It doesn't have to be extravagant or expensive to get the job done.
A few different ways to cleanse:
1. Sound. Make noise. Play music that symbolizes cleansing/clearing to you. Clap, or play an instrument.
2. Make a cleansing spray. Use distilled or filtered water, witch hazel, essential oils and/or salt. Just be careful with essential oils if you have pets.
3. Sweep your space. You can do this with a ritual broom, or use your regular cleaning broom. Visualize sweeping the stale energy out of your space.
4. Actually clean your space. Removing physical clutter and dirt from your space allows energies to flow freely.
There are so many ways to cleanse your space, these are just a few of my favorites. Keep in mind, with all of these techniques, you want to move around your space in a clockwise motion. I start at my front door, move clockwise around my house, and end at my front door. At the end of cleansing, I open my front door and push all of the stale energy out.
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writers-ex · 2 years
🐥 is a big player omg, trying to leave u for ryuttaeng
ngl i'd leave myself for @ryuttaeng <3
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beatheprincess · 6 months
Tumblr guys r smth else sometimes💀 u wanna check in on me and do fake stuff but gain a attachment w me but loose interest because I have boundaries ??? Sorry for not wanting to date a 31yr old bozo-
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