#No one owes you anything
way2gosuperrstarr · 1 month
(have people ever heard of muting tags and blocking to curate your online experience and what you like to see . do people forget about that)
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frenchfriesoverguys · 2 years
queer baiting
had a feeling i would be making a post about this at some point.
what is it?
According to Wikipedia, Queerbaiting is a marketing technique for fiction and entertainment in which creators hint at, but then do not actually depict, same-sex romance or other LGBT representation.
what is it not?
Celebrities hinting at their own sexualities. It’s not from real people but rather a tactic where media producers imply queer stories and media texts that are never actualized (Rolling Stones).
Why is this an important distinction? Because it is damaging to the bisexual, pansexual, and genderfluid community. The term has started to be associated with celebrities who talk about not identifying as straight but never having been in a relationship with someone of the same gender. Or celebrities who present as queer but never label themselves. Or literally anyone who has a “queer” fashion style. People are trying to cancel celebrities instead of cancelling shows/companies for misrepresentation.
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Queer people should not be the only ones talking about queer baiting but straight people need to educate themselves first.
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sacrificethelamb · 1 year
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redtail-lol · 1 year
Actually though fuck people who think you're supposed to reblog things. I don't owe you exposure. I don't owe you a boost in visibility. I don't owe you shit.
I have 3 blogs now. This one is my personal blog and MOGAI blog. It's for MY terms, MY ramblings, and MY content! If I think something deserves visibility I'll reblog it. If I really like something I'll reblog it. If I agree with a statement I'll reblog it. If I have commentary I'll reblog it. If I reblog your stuff, that's a nice thing I did for you. I don't have to reblog your art, your fanfic, your flag, or anything you made if I don't want to. I reblog what I want to be on MY blog. I also have bilesproblems. That's for all things bi lesbian related, and I'll reblog things that are relevant to mspec lesbians but basically nothing else. Then there's my redtail arts blog, which I rarely use and was mostly to not expose this blog to my friend. I'll reblog art occasionally but it's mostly going to be MY art because it's MY art blog!
There are blogs that mostly reblog stuff related to a certain category and if you need more reach, tag them! I tagged queer-love-for-women on my lesbian flag because I knew QLFW is a prevalent reblogger and dedicated the blog to reblogging things related to queer love for women. You can also tag your posts. Don't make salty posts about how someone liked your post and didn't reblog it. You're lucky someone liked your post at all. When you get mad about likes without rbs you literally are acting like a spoiled child and if I see one more post on my dash about how reblogs matter more than likes I will start blocking y'all at adding "thinks reblogs are more valuable than likes/gets upset when someone likes a post and doesn't reblog it" to my Do Not Follow list.
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chaosandwolves · 1 year
Something I loved about heartstopper 2 is how it was repeatedly made clear that Nick doesn't owe anyone a coming out.
I repeat
We either invite you in or we don't.
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manthabeth · 2 years
Y’all aren’t “Activists”
You’re just assholes who bullied a kid into coming out before he was ready. You clearly didn’t understand the point of the show or comic book.
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mygaymindpalace · 2 years
I absolutely HATE when fans pester celebrities for new content, specifically new music. AJR put out an album a year and a half ago and just finished touring and people are ALREADY DEMANDING A-FUCKING-NOTHER ONE.
AJR has ALREADY mentioned that another album is already in the works, so it'll be out in due time. You can shut the fuck up and wait until then. They have 4 ½ albums (½ because they released a deluxe version of one) already out. I know that when you absolutely love an artist a lot can sometimes never feel like enough, but that simply DOES NOT give you the right to go in comment sections and aggressively talk about how you "need a new album right now". For 1. THEY'RE ALREADY FUCKING WORKING ON ONE AND HAVE TOLD US SO and 2. NO ONE OWES YOU ANYTHING!!!!!! Celebrities don't work for you; they don't. And somewhere along the way society has forgotten that. Yes, they make things that we enjoy but they do not work for us and tend to our every need.
Celebrities -singers, actors, writers, musicians, dancers, animators- are human. They deserve rest and time to relax. They don't deserve people constantly asking for things from them. And no, this is not "what they get for putting themselves in the limelight and getting famous". They're still people, and they're still entitled to their privacy, their free time and being treated with basic human respect & decency.
Your favorite people are just that: people. Stop hassling and pestering people who've already given you so much. It makes you a bad fan. Don't be a bad fan especially if you really do love the *band, actor, singer, writer, influencer, etc*. They love you too and chances are more stuff will be released eventually. Just be patient.
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snapeysister · 2 years
Lesson #1 for how to acquire basic human decency and be seen as a decent human in the eyes of others.
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t0xikon · 7 months
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No one owes you anything
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bigfatbreak · 4 months
So I'm starting to see a pattern here... What deal did Marinette make with the Changeling Tikii?
nothin at all. Tikki just likes her.
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crossdressingdeath · 1 month
Y'know, people call Goldanna a bitch but if some random guy claiming to be the half-brother I thought died along with my mother during childbirth and who as far as I knew or had any reason to assume grew up in a castle being waited on hand and foot as a noble if not a prince showed up at my house where I was scraping a living as a washerwoman for me and my children and expected me to be happy to see him just because his dad fucked my mom (and in the process caused her death) I'd start throwing things at his head, so I think all in all she's being extraordinarily reasonable. I can understand Alistair being upset that she wasn't happy to see him but she doesn't know him and (supposedly) sharing genes doesn't mean she owes him love or even attention.
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casualavocados · 3 months
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Don't come to see me again. Throw them away for me. There's no point in keeping them. It's all in the past.
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thesoftboiledegg · 8 months
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anistarrose · 2 months
there's a type of tumblr funnyperson who's never posted explicit hate/exclusionism towards asexuals and other a-specs... and yet, they like to make up a guy. where the type of guy they always make up undermines any trust a-specs might've otherwise had for them. for example, a common post format is making up a hypothetical tumblr user's bio that's obviously just so cringe, according to the sensibilities of everyone reading — wherein the implied joke is how we've all seen someone in the wild who's cringe like this, right?
these posts always feel the need to slide some a-spec microlabel in there. a lot of the time, it's specifically an ace-spec microlabel plus "heteroromantic," especially if they think that the guy they're making up is trying to be a real special snowflake. to round out the "cringe," they usually pepper in at least one element from the set of: neopronouns, a namedropped mental illness, and a piece of media that's targeted at children/popular for tumblr to hate at the time.
then a zillion people reblog that post, all agreeing haha that's so cringe, and a million a-spec people (and nonbinary and autistic people) shudder — because are they the butt of the joke, to the people reblogging it? or are the people reblogging just laughing about a different element, like a comically long DNI or something, which has distracted them from noticing the fact that OP clearly associates a-spec identities with "cringe"?
if any a-spec people point this out about OP, or ask a reblogger if they support ace people, they are inevitably accused of overreacting — which is great for the aphobes, because they get a new "cringe" a-spec person to point and laugh at. it's just such a nasty cycle, and even people who wouldn't consider themselves aphobes aren't great at noticing and interrogating it.
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ejga-ostja · 1 year
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Just Dance night at the Van Eck mansion
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utilitycaster · 4 months
Queueing this after seeing a post in the tag about how criticism of Critical Role is not a thing to be feared or pushed away or waved off with "well it's their show" (true) but with the defense that it's a company making tons of money on their shows and other IP and it's like. I criticize indie podcasts that are begging for Patreon subscriptions too. If you put a creative work out into the world there will be people who do not like it, and they are permitted to say "yeah I didn't like that."
Like, personally, I think people who get extremely picky about D&D minutiae or the mere use of Rule of Cool are joyless and irritating and should probably stop watching. But I think the "it's THEIR show and they can do what they want and you can't have negative opinions on it" people are just as obnoxious. And, most crucially, and the reason I couldn't reblog that post despite otherwise liking it, was that I do not think the creators of a work of fiction owe you anything [other than like, the common decency of not harassing you if you say something they don't like but that isn't hateful or an attack] and it seemed to imply they did. They don't. I'm allowed to say "I didn't like this creative choice" and on the off chance the creator sees that they are allowed to say to themself "too bad, I liked it and I'd do it again." Literally that is it. When I say a character does not work for me that doesn't mean Critical Role needs to scrap them and make a better one, nor does it mean that I need to shut up and gratefully accept what I'm given without a word otherwise, and I feel this weird mentality that I should is especially a problem in Actual Play compared to scripted shows when it really isn't any different.
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