#No spoilers in tags please I’m like. Right at the start of this game :
veeloopz · 11 months
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Some Raiden
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turtletaubwrites · 1 month
Numbers Game ~ Part 17
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Pairings: Cross Guild x Fem!Reader x Shanks
Numbers Game Masterlist
Word Count: 3930
Ao3 Link
Summary: Crocodile isn't happy with your charming guest, and you might agree.
Author's Note: I am WAAYYY too excited for y'all to read this one 😭
Alternate POV Symbols:
🌲 ~ Flashbacks from Reader's Past | 🐊 ~ Crocodile | 🗡 ~ Mihawk | 🤡 ~ Buggy | 🔴 ~ Shanks | (If reader is not in the scene, then these symbols will bracket that section to denote the POV shift)
!!! SPOILER WARNING !!! Fic contains spoilers for the end of the Wano arc
Rating/Warnings: Author has Chosen to Exclude some Smut Warnings for this Chapter to Avoid Spoilers, Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Dark Content, Blood & Violence, Swearing, Alcohol, Cigars, Smut, Fluff, Manipulation, Humiliation, Pet Names, Power Imbalance, Cross Guild boys are VILLAINS, Possessive Behavior, Teasing, Threats, Size Difference, Daddy Kink, Degradation, Hair-Pulling, Rough Oral Sex, Comeplay, Shameless Shameless Smut, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
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“I don’t like this.”
“Really,” Mihawk teased, pouring Crocodile a glass of scotch before topping off his wine. “ You hide it so well.”
“Fuck off,” Crocodile grumbled, more annoyance than anger coating his rough voice. He continued pacing after accepting the scotch, taking too large a sip, too quickly. He hissed lightly at the burn, then sent those silver eyes to tear into the man hanging his fancy coat on its fancy hanger. “Tell me what they’re doing.”
The swordsman smirked, touching his arm to guide him to one of the loveseats. 
The loveseat that was against the connecting wall to the middle suite. 
“They already went in there,” Crocodile huffed, taking up a large space on the small sofa. 
“You didn’t hear the doors? You really are bothered, aren’t you?”
“Of course I’m fucking bothered,” he snapped, although his voice was a bit hushed so close to that wall. “You invited some freak to come fuck our girl, and our– and you didn’t think to tell me? I don’t care if he’s your ex, he’s a fucking Emperor. This is not a good time for variables. Or do you not care about our plans?”
Mihawk was still standing, his head cocked after the slew of words that had just left the typically stoic man’s lips. Crocodile’s jaw clenched tighter with each passing moment of silence, until confusion took over his features, his lips parting as Mihawk sat down beside him. 
Tapping his ear, Mihawk shifted in his seat, facing Crocodile as he tilted his ear toward the wall. This left the golden eyed man with nowhere to place his long legs except for across the larger man’s lap, leaning back against the cushioned armrest as he met his gaze.
“I apologize for not telling you about Shanks,” Mihawk began, taking a large swig of wine while Crocodile processed his words, and the weight Mihawk had so casually stretched over his lap. Silver eyes narrowed, searching for lies on the swordsman's face as he continued his apology. “You’re right. We’re partners, and I shouldn’t have let my personal feelings keep me from respecting our professional arrangement. It won’t happen again.”
“Didn’t know you were capable of apologies, Hawk Eyes,” Crocodile sighed after a long pause. He downed his glass, which the other man grabbed to set down for him, as those long, leather clad legs were still restricting his movement. 
“I am capable of many things that you aren’t aware of,” he replied, just a hint of that teasing edge in his words.
“Just tell me what they’re saying,” Crocodile groaned, rubbing his palm over his face. “If he hurts her, your apology is fucking null.”
Mihawk laughed as he extricated himself from the sofa, fetching the bottles of scotch and wine before resuming his position. He looked as pleased as a cat with cream as he stretched across Crocodile’s lap again, body going loose before he started to share what their girl was up to.
“Don’t worry, Crocodile. Our little rabbit is far more interested in our clown than touching the handsome stranger. In fact, she’s giving him a rather hard time.”
He chuckled at that, his eyes looking up a bit as he focused on the laughter in the other room. 
“What do you mean,” grumbled the scarred man, frowning deeper than usual as he waited for more. 
“Well, Y/N insulted Shanks’… manhood for one thing,” Mihawk laughed as Crocodile choked on his liquor, trying to speak through his coughs until Mihawk took pity on him. “Don’t worry, it was just a joke. They seem to be having a lighthearted time in there.”
“How does your ex handle being the butt of jokes?”
“He’s not my ex, you know,” Mihawk insisted, stretching his neck before elaborating. “He was a rival. Then a friend. Then a close friend.”
“Do you consider all your close friends to be ‘phenomenal fucks?”
Golden eyes widened, showing a hint of shock, even a surprised lift to the corner of his lips before he shook his head with a laugh. Crocodile flexed his jaw before taking another burning sip, looking away from that pleased face.
“I can’t imagine you have many close friends either, sandman, and it’s not easy to find lovers worthy of respect out on the seas,” Mihawk started, his teasing voice turning sharper as he went on. “What about you, Crocodile? Do you have any long lost loves out there somewhere? Did you keep a little harem of sweet girls when you had your hook in that kingdom? Maybe there’s even a few baby crocs crawling around some–”
Blood and scotch mixed in Crocodile’s palm, most of the shards of glass still held or embedded in his hand after he’d crushed it. Mihawk’s eyes looked even less human than usual, assessing the other man like a predator deciding whether to leave this catch alone or not. 
“Let me help you with that,” Mihawk rasped, slowly reaching for that clenched fist. Crocodile nodded, the veins in his reddened neck starting to shrink. He followed the swordsman to the bathroom, the only sounds being his slowing breaths, Mihawk’s little hums, and the tapping sound of each piece of glass as they were carefully removed from his palm to fall into the bin.
“It’s not bad,” Mihawk noted after cleaning and wrapping the collection of small wounds. “I’d hate to have to buy you another hook. This one looks rather expensive.”
Crocodile huffed a laugh, the tension in the room starting to ease while he sat against the marble counter. He let out a sigh, tilting his head toward the ceiling before diving back in. 
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“Oh, Shanks? I think he can take a joke better than you can,” Mihawk laughed, holding his hands up at Crocodile’s scathing look. “Sorry, sorry. No more jokes. Not tonight, anyway.”
“Just tell me what’s happening.”
Mihawk agreed, but led the scowling man out to the bedroom before frowning at the loveseat, mumbling about that “peaty stench.” Instead, they sat on the edge of the bed, Crocodile’s rough voice starting until Mihawk cut him off.
“Your sweet girl was brattier than I’ve ever heard her, and Shanks is handling her well.”
“Are you fu–”
“She’s having a lovely time,” he assured, smoothing his hand over a large thigh before Crocodile could get to his feet. “I wouldn’t let him hurt her any more than she wants. Besides, our clown is taking good care of her. Shanks is giving our pets a night to remember.”
“I don’t fucking trust him,” he growled, shaking his hand loose after clenching it around the bandages. He paused, waiting for Mihawk’s snarky reply, but they shared another long, empty moment. 
Another moment that neither man used to bring up the elephant in the room.
“I should have told you,” Mihawk rasped as he stood, touching Crocodile’s shoulder as he moved to stand between those long legs. “In the spirit of honoring our professional agreement, why don’t I make it up to you?”
The air shifted, hot and thick, while Crocodile’s eyes narrowed yet again as he studied the man that was too close. 
That he’d let get too close.
“How do you mean,” he asked, although the answer was clear in those golden eyes, a tiny gleam of fire building within them.
“Since it’s my fault that you’re without your sweet girl, or your only hand tonight,” Mihawk purred, taking his time running his fingers down Crocodile’s arms, “I believe I owe my business partner some assistance with relieving the stress I’ve caused. Don’t you?”
Crocodile wet his lips, eyes pouring down that wicked face, that bare chest, those ridiculously low, leather pants, to the hands that traveled back up his arms to his shoulders. He didn’t stop the swordsman when those arms wrapped around his neck. 
The man was so close. 
“What do you say, sandman?”
“Business partners,” Crocodile urged, unable to look away from the other man’s smirking lips.
“Of course,” Mihawk hummed as he leaned even closer. “I’m just helping out my business partner. Can’t have you so stressed before the big event. Let me take care of you.”
That offer, that request, was left as a tempting breath along Crocodile’s lips, and his silver eyes went dark before he closed that fraction of space. The kiss was almost angry, as if there was too much energy in their bodies, so they forced it into each other's hungry mouths. Soft grunts, little gasps, and heavy breaths filled the air as their tongues explored each other. 
Mihawk’s lips managed a smirk, a laugh almost breaking through, until Crocodile’s bandaged hand forced him deeper into the kiss. Fingers twisting into soft black hair brought pretty noises from the swordsman’s throat, which only made those fingers tighter.
“Fuck,” Crocodile broke the kiss with a groan, pushing Mihawk back after the swordsman had pressed a leg against the hard length already growing in his dress slacks. Before either could say a word, Mihawk was on his knees, trailing hands along Crocodile's inner thighs, devilish satisfaction clear on his face. 
“Take these–”
“Shut up,” Crocodile growled, cutting Mihawk off with the tip of that golden hook, pressing into his neck. “You wanna suck my cock so fucking bad, you don’t get to tell me what to do. You gonna ask nicely?”
Mihawk’s eyes went heavy, fluttering as the hook dug in, his mouth slack as he tried to look up at the man who had him. 
“Please, Croc, take your pants off. Please, let me suck that perfect cock of yours.”
Mihawk gasped when Crocodile grabbed his jaw, hard, scraping the hook down his neck to his shoulder. Crocodile finally had his own pleased smile as he stared down at the twitching man in his grasp, those leather pants straining as Mihawk moaned from the pain. 
“If you want this, you know what my fucking name is,” he taunted, leaning down to whisper in Mihawk’s ear as he kept dragging that sharp point down his skin. “What’s it gonna be, little bird? Still want what I can give you?”
“Yes,” Mihawk gasped before scraping his bottom lip through his teeth. 
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, daddy,” Mihawk moaned, his eyes rolling white as the words left his lips. 
“Good boy,” Crocodile purred, releasing him before standing up. He towered over the man on his knees, smirking down at the unexpected sight of Dracule Mihawk begging for his cock. “Now get to work.”
Mihawk gazed up at the man he’d just called, ‘daddy,’ and obeyed instantly, his mouth hanging open with need as he reached for Crocodile’s belt.
“Yours too,” the scarred man ordered after Mihawk helped him out of his clothes. Crocodile had started to undo his vest and shirt slowly, but Mihawk’s skilled fingers flew up to free him. Now Crocodile sat nude on the edge of the bed, watching as those leather pants were undone, and set aside so carefully that he laughed. “You’re so precious about your fucking clothes.”
“Of course, they’re one of a kind,” Mihawk huffed, frowning a bit before going to his knees again.
“I’ll make sure you get all the fancy clothes you like, swordsman. Want me to hunt down a personal tailor for you?”
Mihawk paused, cocking his head as his hands reached for the larger man's thighs. It was his turn to narrow his eyes, before laughing at the sincere look on that frightening face. 
“I would never say no to such an offer, but I made those myself.”
He started to smooth his palms along Crocodile’s thighs, looking away from the face above, missing the grin that beamed down at him. Fingers dug into that black hair again, and he moaned softly as he was forced to meet Crocodile’s gaze.
“So, my scary little bird likes to garden, treats cats like fucking children, collects the prettiest toys, and even makes his own fancy clothes,” he teased, though his voice was filled with enough heat to keep Mihawk from retorting. “Do you want daddy to help his little prince build a new castle?”
Mihawk gasped softly, eyes still guarded as he melted into the rough touch. 
“I like that song you hum when you’re happy,” Crocodile whispered, almost releasing Mihawk when he realized what he’d confessed, but he charged on, pretending it hadn’t happened. He brought his hook down along Mihawk's back, trying to distract him with pain that had the man’s cock twitching. 
“You know I can give you what you want, don’t you?”
“I know you can, daddy,” Mihawk agreed, a bit of himself coming back as he let that tasty word float between them. “All I have to do is tell you what I want.”
Crocodile sat back, satisfaction warming his features as he flicked his eyes down. 
“Show me how much you’ve been wanting to suck my cock, you twisted, little prince.”
A needy sound left Mihawk’s throat. He stared too long, etching that moment into his memory before giving in to that desire and demand. 
Long fingers danced down his thighs, and Crocodile caught himself holding his breath as those shining eyes got closer. Mihawk let himself admire that cock the way it deserved, looking it over as if trying to decide which bite of cake to enjoy first. Those heavy balls hung down over the edge of the mattress, and he couldn’t resist reaching for them first, enjoying the little gasp Crocodile let out. He traced his fingers up the shaft, taking in every new sound from his lover’s lips. 
Mihawk brought both hands down, wrapping around that thick cock before leaning in. He looked up from his work with a wicked smile, feeling precum drip down his own length from how desperately he’d been wanting to do this. 
“You’ve made a lot of promises, daddy,” he teased, hands still playing while a stern face stared down. 
“And I hope you keep them,” he purred, licking over that swollen tip. The taste made him moan, Crocodile taking in a sharp breath at the feel of that sweet, dangerous tongue.
Mihawk swirled that tongue, spreading the taste around until Crocodile shuddered, reaching for Mihawk’s hair to hurry him up. Mihawk moved before those fingers could push him, taking as much of that massive cock down his throat as he could in the first go.
“Gods, yes. Good boy, use that filthy fucking mouth of yours.”
Strangled, desperate moans vibrated over Crocodile’s veiny shaft as Mihawk let spit drip down for his hands to play in while he kept opening his throat. 
“One hand, little prince,” Crocodile chuckled, dragging his hook along Mihawk's forearm. “You can make us both come, can’t you? You talk such a big–”
That hungry throat relaxed further, even as the man on his knees reacted to the challenge. Muffled grunts forced through as one of his hands left Crocodile’s base to wrap around his own, throbbing length. His other hand shifted down to those heavy balls, squeezing and stretching as he swallowed as much of that fat cock as he could, shoving deeper and deeper. 
“Fuck yes. Fucking knew my cock would fit your throat, you dirty, little prince. Be a good boy, and spill all over your hand before you swallow my come. You want daddy's come so fucking bad, don’t you?”
Golden eyes burned with tears as Mihawk looked up, unable to respond except for the choked moans and nods that were lost while he fucked his face onto that cock. But Mihawk obeyed, eyes rolling back as he brought himself, his come shooting high enough to coat his own chest, and the bottoms of Crocodile’s thighs. 
“Ju–ust like that– fuck,” Crocodile praised, fisting Mihawks hair to guide the last few strokes. The bandage on his palm had soaked through, but neither man noticed while Crocodile forced that willing throat to take everything he had to give. 
Mihawk lost himself in the pain and bliss of being used, drinking in his lover's pleasure as that delicious cock pulsed along his tongue, and so fucking deep down his throat.
After a pause, Crocodile yanked the man up by his hair, Mihawk letting out a filthy moan from the force. 
Silver eyes poured over the masterpiece that was Mihawk’s body. His own pleasure dripped down his chest and stomach, while the blood from Crocodile’s palm trailed down from the back of his neck, his shoulder, gathering over his collarbone before it fell down his chest in a few thin, bright lines. 
“Pretty prince,” Crocodile rasped while Mihawk still twitched from his attention. He released that black hair, frowning at the blood pooling in his palm. Mihawk leaned forward as he grabbed the bleeding hand, either not noticing, or not caring as he placed it against his chest, adding to the mess on his skin.
“So, did I please you, daddy,” he asked, his normal, teasing voice rough from the abuse his throat had just taken. 
“Need more praise, huh? Such a spoiled little prince,” Crocodile laughed, tracing one of his thick, jeweled rings over Mihawk's pouting lips before he could retort. “You were soo good for daddy.”  
The swordsman's eyes fluttered closed, a relaxed smile touching those devious lips. He swayed a bit, a rare look of exhaustion washing over his features. 
“Shower first, bright eyes. You look like a fucking crime scene.”
“Come here,” Crocodile urged, frowning at Mihawk when he laid down in his normal spot, with no one between them. Mihawk raised a brow, but kept his mouth shut, moving to let the larger man curl around his back. 
“Are they okay in there?”
“Of course,” Mihawk laughed softly as sleep pulled the two ex warlords under, “Buggy’s already snoring.”
It hadn’t made a difference when Shanks released you, his hand no longer covering your lips. You weren’t sure you’d be able to make a sound ever again, to speak any words after the weight of change that Shanks had dropped onto your life.
Buggy’s silly snores gave you bittersweet smiles, yet you still couldn’t sleep. 
Every sweet thought of Buggy led to the grief of him being gone. Every sad thought of losing Buggy led to guilt, the need to never hold someone back, to never force someone to be with you. 
Selfish. What have I done, anyway? I betrayed him, used him, now we’re both just playthings. He needs to leave. He deserves better than me.
Eventually, Shanks drifted off with his arm still wrapped around you to touch Buggy’s waist. The connection between them was so heavy and ringing that it made your teeth hurt. Time became torture, caught between these sleeping men, and your hurtful thoughts. The prick of tears came, and you longed to sneak out of this bed to be held in the massive one next door. Convincing yourself that you’d be able to sneak away from these powerful pirates undetected was pointless, as the thought of leaving Buggy alone with Shanks made your stomach turn. 
Out of pure exhaustion, you were finally forced into sleep. Stormy seas met you again, but this time the ship was cast in red light, and it was Buggy’s voice calling your name.
“Y/N? Pretty star? You hungry, baby?”
Foggy eyes opened to a smiling face, that red nose seeming redder without fresh makeup to distract from it. Buggy was propped up on an elbow, holding an orange slice to your lips.
“I’m hungry,” Shanks purred, making you jolt as your sleepy brain remembered whose warm body you were pressed against. 
“Get your own food, shithead,” Buggy grumbled, eating the slice himself before you had a chance to think. 
“Didn’t know this was a buffet,” Shanks chuckled as he nuzzled his face into the side of your neck, humming at the twitches and moans you let out from the sensation. He breathed his next words against your ear, the heat and promise in them making your body tighten, already dripping for him. “I’d love to eat a little bunny for breakfast. I bet you taste so fuckin’ sweet, huh Y/N?”
Too tired and tingling to care that this charming man was here to steal your love, your head fell back against him with a desperate whine. Shanks let out a satisfied sigh as your body loosened, kissing and nibbling down your neck. Buggy placed an orange slice on your tongue, his crystal eyes feasting on the sight of Shanks’ hand and lips on your body before he kissed you, sharing that sweet, yet sharp taste.
“Mm, such a needy little bunny. Gonna tell me how she likes it, Bugs? Tell me how to–”
“Time for work,” Crocodile ordered, the heavy clang of his hook beating against the door. 
You were in a daze. 
It didn’t make sense that you had already gotten used to a routine that was so new, and so dangerous, so likely to change at any moment. 
Yet, adding Shanks to the mix threw you off. You found yourself spacing out, and you weren’t the only one affected. Crocodile’s displeasure radiated off of him like simmering heat when Shanks charged into the shared suite to get ready with the group.
His frown only let up when it was his turn for the shower, smirking at Mihawk’s daily complaint about needing to install multiple shower heads. 
“I need a hand, sweetheart. Wanna help daddy out?”
Crocodile rested his arm against the shower wall away from the water, his soft eyes leading you to his bandaged palm.
“What happened?”
Your question was drowned out by two other voices, Mihawk’s lazy drawl, and Buggy’s excited yell.
“None of us can reach that—“
“I can lend two hands!”
Buggy had already dried off, dropping his towel to the floor as his hands flew back into the shower. Giggles burst out of you when the animated hands started scrubbing Crocodile’s chest and shoulders, the massively tall man’s lips parting while he gawked at Buggy’s smiling face.
Mihawk turned to grab the shampoo, tossing it up for Buggy to massage through that black hair. Your attention was dragged away from the show at the sight of the vicious, red lines trailing from Mihawk’s neck down to his lower back.
Your golden eyed lover caught your expression, making your mind buzz white with a subtle wink before stepping toward Crocodile.
“I’ll get your lower half. You’re too large for one person to handle alone.”
Deep, pleased laughter drifted through the steamy air as Mihawk started scrubbing those powerful thighs, a small, but wicked smirk pulling at his lips. 
Buggy’s nose was pressed lightly against the glass, an adorable grin on his giddy face, as he focused on washing that frightening man, but over his shoulder, another face ripped you from the moment.
His red hair was still dark with water, rivulets pouring down the muscles of his chest and stomach. He stared at the scene, nothing in his pretty eyes that you could read, except for the lack of that playful glint. 
Shanks noticed your gaze, and as much as you wanted to look away, to pretend you hadn’t seen it, you were trapped. 
Trapped by the curiosity that filled those eyes as they poured over your skin, seeming to take in all that you were. The depth of his scrutiny stole your breath, but he broke the spell with a slow, crooked grin. 
Your lips obeyed you, returning that friendly smile, but the feeling of being studied didn't fully fade.
What did he see?
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Likes, comments, and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you!!
a/n: I have made myself FERALLLLLL. Can't think about anything else 😩
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Tag List: @shewrites02 | @caniseethefourthsword | @hey-august | @chaoticqueen33 | @destinationmars | @novakitten0901 | @h0n3y-l3m0n05 | @dorky-birdie | @szired | @pinejayy | @laws-wife-things | @jadeddangel | @gingernut1314 | @urlocaltwink | @blue-rae18 | @bontensbabygirl | @bbnbhm | @0-sparkling-lace-0 |
Part 18
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Operation Olive Branch has compiled a working spreadsheet of ways to help families fleeing from the genocide in Palestine. If you enjoyed this fic, and are able, please click the link to find a list of GoFundMe's, as well as other ways to help.
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176 notes · View notes
ang3lofdivinity · 5 months
Can we have Andrew and Reader have a life after the events of the game (In the Bulletless Decay route)?
Reader would be an exchange student who would have gone to stay with the Graves family, but in the end she ended up being another 'victim' of the game's circumstances.
She would be a type of person who was indifferent to almost everything, cold-blooded, with somewhat sociopathic tendencies but with a kind heart.
Okay, let's do this, after Ashley's murder, Andrew and Reader finally got fake teeth and moved somewhere far away, but with all the recent traumas and along with the fear of being abandoned.
Andrew started to have possessive tendencies, a little clingy, toxic, manipulative towards our 'poor thing' Reader and that would result in them having children in the future, to keep her trapped in the coffin with him.
❝𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐧❞
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Relationship(s): (somewhat)yan!andrew x fem!reader
Format: Headcannons + some stories
Genre: ANGST. A bit of fluff?? + Yandere(?)
Warnings: spoilers for tcoaal, yandere themes (toxic behavior, non consensual kisses and such, etc), marking, smoking, swearing, blood, death.
A/n: Ty so much for this first ever request!! Other warnings will be tagged in this post later on, ofc.
Also, fair warning to all of you, my dearest readers; if anyone or yourself is acting like this in real life, please get some professional assistance as this is not healthy. This is a work of fan-fiction. Thank you.
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Andrew didn’t know all of this would happen, let alone know he’d meet someone new
He and his sister had planned to rob their parents after killing that murderer within the woods where Andrew used up all of Ashley’s bullets in her gun!
How (absolutely not) lovely.
For you? You were living somewhat in Elysian.
You were a college student, a pretty good one too, so much so because you got a scholarship to get into the college in the first place, that being a huge achievement since that was hard and not only free!
But then again, you didn’t really have anyone to stay with..
Before Mr and Mrs Graves offered, of course!
Your parents died at a young age, and you learned how to take care of yourself from that age as well
Yet.. you couldn’t feel anything for them, you felt lack of empathy, you didn’t even shed a real tear at their funeral when you truly wanted to
You felt crazy and something akin to depersonalization came over you, and it stayed there within you for months, or well you entire life
You were taken into an orphanage until you became 18, moving somewhere else to start fresh where you became an exchange student
During your time in the orphanage, you still had school.. and you did that well to the point where you colleges were almost begging you to join
But you first needed somewhere to stay while you finished your studies
And thankfully, the Graves gave you the offer to stay with them (which you took)
You’d cook, clean after your own messes, do chores, keep quiet unless it was a severely bad issue, wouldn’t be around during their.. ‘personal playful time’, and pay them for staying there
In return, they kept you fed, helped you with clothes (specifically Mrs Graves), and the most important of all; let you stay there and finish your studies
You worked some extra jobs outside of college to pay for the Graves and to continue your studies, etc
You usually slept on the couch or at the table from studying, not like you got much sleep at all since you practically overworked yourself
Speaking of college, you didn’t have many friends because of your “weird behavior”
I’m talking about the fact had a lack of empathy for others including yourself
You were impulsive
You lied a lot
You were a bit manipulative
You ignored most rights and feelings of others
And the cherry on top, you were aggressive with most people
All factors of your sociopathic tendencies and personality
You had started going to therapy to try and fix that, and it somewhat worked..
Keyword: somewhat
You found out that you had a much more.. softer side so to speak
There wasn’t much you could do about your sociopathic tendencies but to mask them
And you did just that
Cutting to the chase here though, you were out for the day getting some ingredients for some cookies for you along with Mr and Mrs Graves
And if you had any extras, you’d give some other people within the neighborhood.
You got all of your items, went to the register and payed for all of it before packing them all into bags and leaving
The store wasn’t too far from the Graves house, so you would just walk to and from the store
One your way though, an odd sense of apprehension took over you.
It.. was just super weird
You had to stop for a few seconds on your walk and just, shudder
And this wasn’t normal
You pressed on nonetheless, making it to the house
When you unlocked the door, taking out your key and opening the door all the way- you saw Mrs Graves on the couch in deep though
However, the atmosphere was palpable
Something wasn’t right.
“Good evening, Mrs Graves.”
She didn’t respond, only looking up at you in pure fear.
“Dad??” Someone called from kitchen
..Dad? What.
Mrs Graves slowly got up as a perplexed look came across your face, going into the kitchen
She said something you couldn’t hear before she approached you
“(___)..” she started
Before you knew it, two people walked out of the kitchen
One was a woman with cherry blossom pink eyes, the same as Mr Graves. She wears a black top together with a visible black brassière, light grey shorts, and a yellow pendant hanging from a black choker. Her hair is uncombed and tied at the back in a ponytail
Then the other was a man with emerald green eyes like that of Mrs Graves (just darker) who was pale-skinned with black uncombed hair, like the woman’s and a black, slightly over-sized jumper with light grey ripped pants.
“..meet my two children, Ashley and Andrew.”
Safe to say you were genuinely so shocked
“..Good evening. I’m (___), it’s a pleasure to meet you.” You spoke solemnly, a blank look on your face.
“Nice to meet you too..” the male suddenly spoke as he looked somewhat.. stunned and mesmerized by who knows what.
“What he said.” The girl rolled her eyes inconspicuously (or at least tried to), but you saw it. You always managed to catch onto small things like that.
From then on, it was somewhat.. odd living with the two newcomers.
You crashed over at a close friend’s house for a while as Mrs Graves tried to figure everything out, but a little bit after that Andrew gave you.. small little gestures here and there, like he was asking for you to stay.
And sometimes you did.
On those times, he would try talking to you after a lot of awkward silence in between you both.
“..(___), right?” Andrew quietly asked you, looking over at you.
“..Mhm.” You managed to utter back as you refused to meet his eyes as eye contact wasn’t.. all that comfortable
“You.. go to college, what profession are you working on?”
“Law. I’m thinking about becoming a lawyer” you quickly replied back.
“Let me guess, you were a psychology major?”
“How did you-“ He stuttered over his words, baffled by yours.
“You just seem like that kinda person to be interested in that major” you calmly stated.
You two had a long staring contest before Andrew spoke again for the both of you.
“I’m pretty fond of you..”
“Any particular reason why?..”
“You’re kinda like… somewhat the opposite of my sister” He shrugged nonchalantly.
“Don’t like her all that much?” You raised an eyebrow.
“It’s- not that..”
“What is it then?”
“..We’ve only had each other for.. so long. As long as I can remember. My- our mom forced me to take care of Ashley when I was 7 because she had me when she was 15 and felt like I was able to take of a 5 year old Ashley. That,, didn’t go well. Shes attached to me at the hip and I can’t get rid of her now.”
“Maybe try. Point out every little thing shes doing that makes you uncomfortable, tell her how shes made it feel like what it is shes doing normal when it’s not.”
You returned to slowly eat your food while Andrew just, stared.
“..Thank you” he suddenly spoke as you gave a small nod.
Tapping your foot for a few seconds as you pondered about what to say next, you sighed softly and turned your head to him.
“Want some?..” you motioned to your food.
He, although astounded by the request, accepted.
He didn’t even bother grabbing another fork and just ate from yours..
Moving on from this however, you two bonded over a lot of things you thought you probably never would.
Interests (mainly him liking things that you liked), personalities, dislikes, likes, etc.
And due to this, you started hanging out more with each other!
And his sister obviously showed that she didn’t like you because of that.
“Oops” she’d say as she spilled over your drink, ate your food even after when you caught her multiple times and told her to stop, dropping anything she had in her hands onto you, it was just.. sucky of her.
And whenever you tried anything even defending yourself, she went crying to Andrew!!
“I’m sorry.” He would mumble to you and give you a hug for his sisters acts while she stared daggers at you.
This went on for a while until one night—
“Get up” a harsh voice echoed quietly as you were violently shook from your slumber. You had passed out after studying for hours on end for your exam next afternoon.
The room was filled with a scent of blood, and the food you all had from earlier. The zephyr wafting
“H-huh?” You drowsily said, wiping the drool away from your mouth and looking around as a hand reached up to your head and slammed it down onto the wooden table, creating a loud thud as you winced.
You wanted to yell, scream, fight back. But, with the moonlight shining through the curtains of the windows and illuminating your surroundings, you saw Ashley holding a gun.
Your breath hitched as you chewed your bottom lip as you waited for Ashley said something else.
“I didn’t say to speak, dumbass. Keep fucking quiet.” The girl groaned as you heard footsteps approaching.
“Ashley!! I told you not to touch her! You have already taken our parents lives— but not hers. You can’t, Ashley.” Andrew’s familiar voice echoed throughout the kitchen, sounding demanding.
“Oh? So she matters more than me now? YOU CARE MORE ABOUT HER?” She started raising her voice, almost loud enough to alarm the neighbors as he slapped a hand over her mouth to shut her up.
“KEEP YOUR FUCKING VOICE DOWN.” He whispered yelled as he furrowed his brows together. She pried off his hand with a furious look, gritting her teeth together.
“Oh, don’t wanna admit it, huh? WELL FUCK YOU!” Ashley got closer to Andrew than anyone would be comfortable with as she pointed the gun at him.
“.. damn, crazy bitch.” You whispered to yourself and giggled, before you even knew it she had the gun pointed at you next.
And she got close to pulling the trigger before—
Theres blood everywhere.
Andrew had killed his sister with the cleaver he had been clutching in his hands so tight that his knuckles turned white.
You didn’t even know what to say anymore..
“..what did you both do to Mr and Mrs Graves?” The question slipped past your lips even though it wasn’t the moment to be talking about any of this when someone in-front of you has been murdered.
“It’s.. nothing”
“Andrew- what did you do?” You asked, adamant on prying out an answer from him.
No answer.
Who knew that this little encounter would lead to both you and Andrew cleaning up the body of his dead sister.
But, nonetheless, he took a shower to clean up from the blood that splattered all over as you turned to washing both of your piles of clothes within the washer and dryer.
No sign of Mr or Mrs Graves at all.
You laid out some clothes from him from Mr Graves; A baggy sweater, some baggy light grey pants, some really old converse shoes you’d thought he’d fit in.
Surprisingly, they did!
Like Father like Son. You guess
Being that those shoes are when Mr Graves was just a teen to young adult.
Nonetheless, you two decide to have a conversation about.. what to do now.
Which was… off putting
“I can pay for most of the house bills. I have a job after all… though- I would have to find out how to get the police to believe that the Graves gave the house to me.” You spoke. Hands resting one over the other in your lap.
Andrew was in front of you while you were seated on the couch, your head felt.. dizzy about everything that he and his now.. non-available sister did.
The Graves weren’t the best, but they weren’t the worse while you knew them. So why?..
He told you everything about them that happened in his childhood, and you just… felt a bit disgusted.
“We could just.. move into a less expensive place.”
“True. Until I graduate, of course. Then I could get us into a much bigger and nicer house.” You chimed in, a faint small on your face.
“I can also help you get a job, Andrew”
He seemed.. surprised.
“I can also see if I can get you back into college. I can truly believable story about why you dropped out.”
Andrew stayed silent before he slowly dipped his head down low.
“Why.. are you helping me so much?”
A quiet gasp left your mouth, your lips agape as you fidgeting with your fingers. You paused to take a moment to yourself.
“..I feel bad for you. You deserve much more than this world offers.”
Safe to say he cried a bit. Thanking you profusely.
He also told you a bit about having to dump the bones of Mr and Mrs Graves, along with Ashley.
So you went just as the sun was beginning to rise, and chucked the bags out into the lake, with the three skulls.
The two of you then just… sat in the car for a bit, processing what you two just did.
“..not really but just,, go ahead…”
The car then drove off, you hugging your knees as you stared out the window.
And that’s when the two of you started bonding more and moved in together!!
Of course, the police got into contact with you more than once about the deaths of Mr and Mrs Graves, and you told them you knew nothing as you tried to make yourself seem sadder than you were about the situation.
Nonetheless, living with Andrew in the apartment you bought wasn’t too bad.
You quickly graduated your college, now getting a job as a lawyer.
Andrew himself got a job somewhere, thankfully well paying.
You two managed to move shortly after you both were doing well enough on money as he expressed that he wanted to go back to college, to learn psychology!
You didn’t see any harm in that, and decided to help him pay for the expenses.
Maybe you shouldn’t have though.
Eventually, during your time together, he’d start commenting on some of the outfits you wore.
“..That looks a bit too short”
“The color doesn’t match you”
“It exposes.. maybe a bit too much”
You of course questioned further why he was acting like this when he wasn’t even dating you, making him reply; “I’m just.. worried about you”
So you shrugged it off.
Then the gifts started.
Romantic ones.
Flowers you loved, stuffed animals, jewelry you liked, etc.
You found it.. admiring.
Andrew started getting more touchy too.
Even if you didn’t want it.
He apologized for that of course, before going back to touch you more.
This was all before he proposed the idea that you two should start dating.
Of course, for mainly appearance looks.
But you didn’t know the truth, nor the mistake you’ve made.
It only took a little more time before Andrew started getting more and more possessive over you.
He would always have some form of physical contact with you, started saying you could only go out with him, until it changed you couldn’t go out at all besides for work.
Even then he would secretly have a tracker on you always to make sure you were always where you said you were.
You tried to object to his actions, before he started making excuses for his behavior.
“Do you know how many men would drool over you??”
“I’m just trying to protect you.”
He would then cajole you to place down the subject.
Now while you were at home, he was all handsy with you, even being bold enough to start giving you hickeys and markings in very noticeable places.
And he was far too good at manipulating you that you would start standing up for yourself.
The final straw was when he got you pregnant.
You sobbed for days, you never wanted children.
You eventually tried to get him out and break up with him.
But he threatened you all too well.
“If you do this, i’ll make sure to ruin everything you have, you wouldn’t want to raise that child all by yourself?” “You wouldn’t live without me”
So you sucked it up, and couldn’t even get rid of the child either since you were too afraid.
Genuinely afraid
So.. now you’re trapped with him forever in this rose covered coffin. One where the roses are wilting and have poisonous thorns so you may never leave again.
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Woah, this took— much longer than I expected. But, i’m alive!! Ty all for reading and I’ll be sure to try and update more!
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kimberlyeab · 6 months
Undertale Yellow - Thoughts
Do you ever touch a piece of media and it hits you so hard that you just decide to drop all your artistic responsibilities for a day and write something to get your thoughts down into a single coherent place.
Well, uh… let’s talk about Undertale Yellow.
Please avoid if you intend to play and do not want spoilers as this delves heavily into topics laid down in the pacifist route. Also please note this contains content warnings for child death, so don’t touch if that ain’t your cup of tea. Like all Youtubers would say, please play the game before you read this, because this experience is best enjoyed in its original form.
The first issue i am struck with before getting too deep into this topic is that this is a fan project. While i, as a fan creator, enjoy feedback on my work; even if it is a little biting at times, i don’t know the pulse of the team in this regard. After all, this had no price tag and was purely a labour of love with seven hard years of development behind it.
i also don’t know how the development of this project was handled and if it was a collaborative effort from start to finish or different teams worked on different sections with an overarching goal. All i have is my own experience of modding for Hearts of Iron IV where my efforts were focused on singular nations and not overarching plots. If different sections were handled by different teams, please don’t take a critique or praise of any singular section as a slight against your work, it was all fantastic just some areas were more fantastic than others.
i enjoyed the mod, immensely, it stuck with me to the point that i had to come here and discuss it for what seems to be close to 2000 words. This project is something truly special, not only in terms of a fan game, but as a piece of media in general. It managed to make me feel that sense of magic I felt two years ago when i first played Undertale. And i can’t think of a higher praise than saying that.
The sprite work was amazing. The battles were fun and just the right amount of challenging… except Axis… fuck Axis. The music was a genuine banger to the point where i even liked some of the songs better than some of Toby’s work (i’m looking at you, the person who composed A Mother’s Love, that Hopes and Dreams drop ruined me emotionally for the rest of the run and i hold you and the writing team responsible for that).
And the story, gosh the story was just a real treat.
The mod in general is a bit slow to start, i’ll be honest, i did enjoy the tease at the beginning with Toriel and i think it was genius to cut us off from her entirely at that point. To me, a Undertale mod doing the ruins is like a Batman movie watching Bruce’s parents get gunned down. So, getting something refreshing here was a great foot forward.  Actually, I think that the fact that this mod does not use the OG cast as a crutch is an all-around strong point that i really appreciate and helps set it aside as its own independent thing, different from Undertale. Even though I did find myself craving at least a cameo at times.
On my first day of playing, i witnessed everything that the ruins and Snowdin had to offer. i enjoyed Dalv and Martlet immensely. As I went into the start of the Wild East, I was having a lot of fun. Yet, something felt off, something wasn’t quite sparking the magic i felt with Undertale. So, I left off my first session in the Oasis, having beaten the third boss. All in all, an enjoyable time but not quite clicking.
i couldn’t describe why the game felt off up to this point. Until i watched a friend stream xeyre own first run of the game.
Xey said something during it which made me realize what the issue with these first three areas was. They felt safe, they felt fangamey. These were fun experiences with great atmosphere and enemies but Dlav and Martlet (up to that point) were not characters who grabbed me and made me feel as invested in them as say Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, and Undyne (all characters we would’ve met at a similar point in OG Undertale). Sure, they were nice, and were immensely fun, but i didn’t feel that drive to get to know them better and care about their greater story. These were not the characters of ask blogs and video essays.
At this point, i went to bed, content to get back to it tomorrow but still very much feeling like “this is a fangame.”
Then i woke up…
And let me telling you about Starlo and the town on the edge of the Wild East.
This is where Undertale Yellow grabbed me, this is where the story became something special. This wonderful cast of six unique characters who left me wanting to consume every piece of dialog they had available. These six characters managed to crackle to life that little fanfiction voice in the back of my brain. It was these characters that planted the seed of this sprawling text i am currently writing.
Starlo, himself, is a wonderful character, very fun, very well written, just a treat to experience and spend time with. His missions were comedic gold to a degree where I was cackling in VC because of how good they were. And the fights, oh jeez, the two fights in that area are where the mod really showed off what it could do when it came to combining fun gameplay, great music, and just top tier sprite work that helped give these characters so much substance and life.
And it was also in this section where i started to get invested in the characters. This is where the fangame vibes withered away and gave birth to that same experience i had playing Undertale for that very first time.
It was hinted at with Starlo, a monster putting on a façade to hide from the cold reality of being a member of a broken species living in an equally broken land. His reasoning is so tragic, yet through the tragedy, he is just trying to distract people and bring them whatever joy he can manage. His methods are faulty but his goal is good.
And Ceroba is just amazing, as well, hinting at something darker in the narrative, weaving her story into OG Undertale by experiencing loss to the same experiments that would haunt Alphys. She is something familiar, a mother in pain like Toriel, but also someone who didn’t let that pain keep her in hiding. She uses that pain to try and help this world. And it plays on me so well, making me genuinely ache as my mind idly wonders which amalgamation in the lab was once this monster’s little girl. I wanted to know her story and experience it.
Then the game was all high points from here.
The adventure in the Steamworks where we see the remains of a shattered legacy and the pain that Ceroba goes through when she realizes that her husband was never respected in life. It resonates as we learn how much he just wanted to help Monsterkind and his legacy was just thrown away and left to rot. It made me hate Asgore.
And then comes the plot twist, the moment the shoe drop, as we approach Hotlands and Starlo confronts us. He knows Ceroba’s secret and is there to keep us safe. I had never been so invested in finding out what any of this meant, craving to know what could possibly bring these two into conflict with one another after being so close just two sections prior.
And that’s when we go to Ceroba’s home. That’s where we experience the empty abode that used to house a family. It’s where we learn how this tormented world of captivity that broke them, one by one, killing father, daughter, and yes, even the mother. It’s where we learn about Chujin, a figure of mythos, this mod’s Asgore in a way. A man who knew that escaping the Underground wasn’t the end goal unless Monsterkind could assert itself and prove that it had a right to exist upon the surface. This moment was so compelling, asking questions that fans have had for years and answering them in a way that felt downright satisfying.
And it put a fire in my breast going forward. i feel bad for the individuals who wrote dialog for optional areas after this reveal because i was a woman on a mission at this point. There was no endearing encounter, no fun moment that would distract me from finally finishing this with Ceroba.
And as we reach New Home and face the enemy, a mother who has lost everything, with our friends by our side, that’s when we play the best boss fight, I’ve had the privilege of enjoying in a very long time. It was the right amount of difficult with perfect music, amazing phases and forms, and a wonderful use of the yellow soul to its full capacity. It was long and slogged out, fought tooth and fucking nail, all while the music perfectly weaves together Ceroba’s struggle with the adventure we’ve been on and also a little nostalgia just to remind you what’s at stake. i have slept and i still remember her piano bits combined with those little western twangs, bringing together two childhood friends before dropping Hopes and Dreams just to show you how epic it is. It is… HOLY SHIT… it is something.
And with every phase we see a little more of what this monster lost. We watch her husband wither away, we see her risk her daughter and fail, and we see every last thing this obsession has cost her. And we know that this is a family broken by a collective scar left upon a whole species. We know that humanity is at fault, subjecting a whole race to torment for something that’s generations old. This family is just one of many who our species has wronged, just one trauma on a whole ledger.
And as we finally dispatch her and feel victorious, the reality of the situation slowly settles in.
This is a prologue… we know how this ends.
Asgore has five souls right now. Yet, by the events of Undertale, he has six.
i knew on a logical level that this would happen but the mod still managed to destroy me with the reality. As our friends try and figure out a way to keep us safe, we, the Spirit of Justice, a child with a pure heart, know that we can’t let this slide. We saw what humanities punishment has done to this species and we know that we can help them.
So, Clover sacrifices their Soul. And its at this moment that i started bawling like a child, watching their friends bargain with them, then plead, then seeing them slowly come to terms with it. And the game slowly ends from there, watching our hero make this sacrifice and then send away their friends so they don’t have to see them die. It’s just us, alone, knowing that we did the right thing and it cost us everything. It’s beautiful and tragic, the perfect ending that still chokes me up thinking about it.
And it pays off as the credits role and we get an epilogue that shows all the monsters we’ve touched and made their lives better.
It was special.
This was the special that i felt after Undertale.
And like Undertale, i will never touch it again (unless i speedrun it). The story was completed and the sacrifice was beautiful. It would be wrong of me to erase the deeds that i’ve done to better these lives. i don’t want to erase their happy ending just to tinker around and extract every ounce of life from this game.
So uh, yeah, sorry to the people who worked on geno-run. i’m sure you did a great job but i can’t bring myself to hurt these characters.
All-in-all, sitting there in a VC, bawling at 3:30 in the morning, i knew this was unique and I knew that i wanted to share my thoughts with the fandom and maybe even the developers if they get around to reading this.
Dear devs, if you read this, you created something out of this world, thank you.
Sincerely, thank you.
Would I recommend this mod?
Let me tell you what I said after the credits rolled.
“Fuck this mod.”
Err… text kind of loses the translation of those words being spoken through the warble of a tear-stricken voice that was fresh from sobbing for ten minutes straight.
So, uh…
Yeah, it was alright!
Hey, y'all should join my Discord! It's multifandom and queer as fuck (Please be 18+ though).
Visit my website to see where else you can find my work, follow my socials, or support me!
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nottawriter · 2 months
Fanfic Writer Questions!
Thanks for the tag, @fazedlight and @thatonebirdwrites
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 16
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supergirl – Arrowverse/ DC Comics: Primarily Supercorp, secondarily Dansen, Brainia, and J’M’zz, and I have one AgentReign with secondary Supercorp.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
PRIDE and Prejudice – Super gay retelling of Jane Austen’s classic. Every kudos equals $1.00US to a LGBTQIA2S charity I make at the conclusion of Pride month (June) each year (teen)
Tell Me It’s Not Too Late – Post-S4, Lillian believes Supergirl is responsible for Lex’s death. Lena rushes to J’onn’s for game night, to confront Kara on her identity, only to find she’s nowhere to be found (teen)
I Believe in a Thing Called Love – Full alternate Season 6 rewrite (teen)
Wouldn’t It Be Nice – 50 First Dates movie AU (teen)
How Lost We Are – Lena is placed by her Witness Protection team (Maggie, Kelly, and Lucy) in Midvale as a flower shop owner where she meets teacher Kara and coffee/bookshop owner Jess, among others (mature)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, I do usually respond, though not always right away. I enjoy chatting about my fics, so don’t hesitate to ask questions, but I don’t give out spoilers though.  
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
When She’s Gone, the Darkness Comes – Oof. It was so sad I had to write a second chapter. I much prefer happy endings (teen)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them have a happy ending of some kind, or they will once they’re completed. Though there are some with happy endings like Speak Now and Tis the Damn Season. Smut. I’m talking about smut (explicit)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yeah, though I’ve been mostly lucky. I don’t know why people leave hate on any fics really. If you don’t like something, close the tab.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. It started as a small scene here or there when it was a natural progression of the fic, but now I occasionally right full smut fics and pwp like those found here (explicit)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Kind of, but the characters are all from within the Arrowverse/ DC Comics universes somewhere.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I don't understand why someone would do this. Please respect writers.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. I Believe in a Thing Called Love is also in Spanish Creo en una cosa llamada amor (teen)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I’m currently working on one with @thatonebirdwrites, though it's not published. It’s a Supercorp fic where Kara is a building inspector and when she goes to inspect Lena’s home, she meets Lena’s daughter to tells her the floor is lava, so naturally Kara has to ensure that issue gets resolved.  
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Supercorp. But I do love most wlw ships
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I intent to finish all of my active WIPs. I have some WIP ideas that may or may not ever get going, but once I start a fic, I intend to finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have no idea… I guess easter egg type stuff or like blending canon into storylines. If your a reader and there's something you think is a strength I have, let me know.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing. Words be hard. And it's hard to find the time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I do it sometimes, probably not well. I like to include the translation in the fic (unless the characters themselves aren’t supposed to understand until later). But I'm sure the translations aren't fully right as I only use google translate and the Kryptonian dictionary.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Supercorp. I started writing fiction in Dec 2020. Before that it was all scientific research papers for uni.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I suppose What Has Been Lost (Mature). It was what started this crazy adventure, has been the most challenging piece, and my longest (still ongoing). It truly blends lore and characters from across the Arrowverse and DC Comics into a human world and original storyline.
For Tags, if you'd like to participate: @fyonahmacnally @casualsavant @luthordamnvers @itsalliebitheway @innamorament0
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 2: Light Yagami from Death Note vs Edelgard von Hresvelg from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
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(remember that these characters are fictional and your fellow tumblr users are real. please be normal in the notes, i will not hesitate to block if you harass people)
Propaganda under the cut, may contain spoilers:
Light Yagami:
LOVE: - "He does some messed up things but have you considered: fucked up protagonists rock :)" HATE: - "this man makes me sick. ive genuinely had manic episodes over hating him. i have trauma from his existence in general. not even because of the murder. because hes a sexist cheater :(" - "My cousin and I frequently debate this. I think despite his 'intentions' he's ultimately a despicable character who cares for nobody but himself. She disagrees and says that he is just trying to do the right thing and making a difference in the world (she still thinks his actions are wrong, but she doesn't think he himself is despicable)" BOTH: - "I mean cmon man"
Edelgard Von Hresvelg:
LOVE: "People either claim she's the hero or the irredeemable villain with no in between. She's also my lovely wife who has never done anything wrong in her life." "I never even finished her route and remember nothing of what happens in that game but I DO remember the absolute warzone the fandom turned into because of her. She staged a coup and overthrew the head of the government/church and I think that's pretty cool of her. "But she committed war crimes!" God forbid women do anything." "I lied in the previous question. I don't hate her or love her in fact I have never even played this game. But I keep finding people making up Discourse™ featuring wild accusations of bigotry towards both Edelgard fans and Edelgard haters so I feel that she belongs here. (Also my friend hates her. but HER friend loves Edelgard. So even in my small social circle there is a clear polarization.)" "ok I don't have any solid propaganda because my opinion of her is more positive-neutral, but. she fits the spirit of this poll. trust me." "[three houses spoilers] Yes she started a war but it was the only apparent way to break the chokehold the church had over everyone in Fodlan. Also she’s the only lord you can gay marry so I’m hopelessly biased" "every time i go into the tag its either "edelgard is perfect no notes!!" or "edelgard is literally a fascist!!!". ive never seen someone with a neutral opinion of her. i yearn for battle." "I know very little about her to be quite honest! But good god. As a fire emblem fan for the GBA and engage. I have NEVER seen such a decisive character like Edelgard. Jesus Christ. I still find stuff in those tags. What the hell!!!" "I don’t even go to Fire Emblem but even I know that Edelgard has never done anything wrong, ever, in her entire life, and that if she did any war crimes they were a SUPER effective use of girl power. source: I am a lesbian. (realtalk I genuinely love a noble-minded extremist revolutionary and think Edelgard is a great character, so it’s kind of a shame that opinion on her seems to simply split down the line of “whether the person wants to kiss Edelgard or Dimitri more.”)"
HATE: "So on the one hand, she's fully willing to kill and burn and murder her way to a "better future" at the expense of the present, but on the other hand she's pretty cool and #girlboss. She's also a canon gay romance option, but idk if that makes her more or less problematic." "I just. I understand why people like her. I really do. And I don't have anything new to say for why I dislike her. Edelgard fans and stans have heard everything. She has great points and motivation, but her methods are wrong. She hitches her ideals to the first good opportunity and never reconsiders her allegiance when things go off the rails. She hates the church for "lying to people" and proceeds to lie to her own populace herself in her own route. She gives Claude an opportunity to live because she knows he believes in her goals. But Dimitri and his Kingdom are too beholden to the church to ever be offered such mercy. She herself acknowledges that the change she wants to see is more quickly enacted through war than subtle and slow societal change. She recognizes the human toll of her actions, but she justifies it through flowery language and an insistence that the change needs to happen now or it never will. I honestly find her so interesting, and I agree with a lot of her thoughts about the need for societal change in the world of FE:3H. But people latched onto her and propped her up as someone who can do no wrong. And that just never sat right with me. I just think she’s a hypocrite who got put in front of a shiny means to her end and was immediately blind to every other opportunity around her." BOTH: - "I dont even play fire emblem but I cant escape people not shutting up about how much they love or hate her" - "You said there were no hate answers for her...and I don't really hate her so it wouldn't be right but I wanted to balance things out some. She's the perfect storm of a character who sounds right and progressive and has a route all to herself that doesn't contradict that...but once you play other routes, it becomes clear she's kind of. full of misinformation. And attacking people who don't deserve it. Also a LOT of the divisiveness I'm willing to blame on the writers rather than her, for having her both be Evil Tyrant we NEED to take down and Sad Uwu Baby who just wants to eat cake and laze around and loves You the Player SO MUCH."
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reputationbarbie · 8 months
❝one thing about me, i aint taking no shit❞
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read the rest of the read the rest of the series before this chapter or you’re getting spoilers.
A/N: hi. did y'all hear 1989 tv? it was really good. also, i blacked out (happy halloween) so, sorry this chapter is late. i really have nothing to say other than this isn’t edited so ignore any mistakes. please leave feedback in the comments ★ ˙ᵕ˙ liv
Chapter Summary: joel and the sweetest baker have their first fight. the sweetest baker rethinks if she wants to be with joel.
Chapter Warnings: angst, language, alcohol, slight age gap (F!MC and Joel are 6 years apart), symptoms of anxiety and depression, lmk if i forgot something.
Series Tags: chef! Joel, single! father Joel, no outbreak! Joel Miller, slow burn, dual-pov, fluff, flirting, friendship, eventually established relationship, eventual smut, original character, black!fem!MC, no y/n.
⋆ word count: 4.6k⋆
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ series masterlist⋆ spotify playlist ˖ ݁ 𖥔.
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Time seemingly taunts me on Tuesday afternoon with a slow bakery and 3 employees. The fretting about the pie recipe paid off and the bakery made it into the Chicago Tribune for best fall treats. We sold out of pickup orders the next day but no one wants to get their pies this early in the week. 
My mind drifts watching Ellie’s slow and methodical paint strokes. I wonder what her biological parents did to have that much talent weaved through her DNA. Dina sits on the floor next to her, reading her an astrology book. The two girls appear sickly in love and I smile, standing from the chair. 
The iPad next to me dings and I'm reminded that it’s 11:15 a.m., time to start baking birthday treats for Mayor Thomas’ annual fall bash. I mentally run through the list in my head. They asked for chocolate cupcakes with pumpkins on them. It’s simple, Imogen.
I feel like I’m losing it as I walk back towards the kitchen. When I enter the room, two of my employees are sitting, aimlessly tapping away on their phones. Furying climbs up my shoulders when I realize I’m paying them to play video games on their phones back here. “Look alive, ladies,” I snip, walking over to the cupcake storage.
They both both their phones away, apologizing profusely. “It’s fine. You can make up for it by helping me ice two hundred cupcakes,” I say nonchalantly and I hear nothing but groans in return.
I shuffle around the kitchen grabbing all the necessary tools before popping my headphones in. If I have to ice two hundred cupcakes, I’m damn sure going to be doing it while listening to “1989 (Taylor’s Version).”
I click my favorite vault track and smile when the music fills my head. My body uses muscle memory as I buzz around, filling the piping bags with icing. Since the cupcakes are already done and cooled, it takes little to no effort for me to decorate them. Nearly half of the album plays and my pan is done in half of the girls' time. But I created the recipe so of course it is. 
Carefully, I place the cupcakes aside until they’re ready for pickup. My heels click on the pink tile beneath me as I walk back to the front to check on the girls. When I round the corner, I hear Chloe talking on the phone. Her shoulders are hunched over; her body language for ‘I’m dealing with a shitty customer.” 
I creep behind her as best as possible but she hears the sound of my shoes against the floor, slowly turning around. She tries her hardest to manage the situation herself but after seeing her struggle, I extend my hand for the phone. She puts it in my palm, giving me a silent thank you before returning to her task.
“I’m sorry, this is Imogen Scott. I’m the owner. Can you explain the situation again?” I speak into the receiver. 
“Hi Imogen, it’s Rebecca. Mayor Thomas’ assistant,” she speaks frantically.
I nod, pacing slightly around the bakery. “Oh hi, I just finished the cupcakes. You’re still scheduled for the 2 p.m. pickup, right?” I confirm with her.
She kisses her teeth and lets out a small sigh. “About that,” she starts.
I shake my head, panic starting to cause a tightening in my chest. “No. No, no, no. Don’t do this to me, Rebecca,” I plead.
“I’m sorry. The Thomas’ just tested positive for COVID,” she elaborates and I sigh.
I can’t be mad because someone is sick but what are we supposed to do with two hundred cupcakes? “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” I express sympathy for the family.
“Mayor Thomas sends his sincere apologies and promises to pay for the full order,” Rebecca apologizes for her boss.
Oh, he doesn’t have a choice. I understand emergencies but I’m definitely charging every last penny to the government. “That’s great but I still have… you know what, it’s not your problem. Have a good afternoon,” I say clicking the end button on the phone.
When I turn around, Chloe is still standing nearby, awaiting the tea. “So I have some good news and some bad news,” I tell her.
“Good news first,” she requests.
I press my eyes closed, trying to push away the oncoming migraine from this fiasco. “Situation is handled and they’re still paying for the full order,” I tell her, and she high-fives me for charging them my worth.
Chloe smiles and nods. “Awesome! Now the bad,” she waves for me to continue with her hand.
“We have to figure out how to distribute two hundred perishable cupcakes before closing,” I quickly spit out.
Dina seemingly overhears my phone call and stands while Chloe greets the customers who’ve just entered the shop. When Dina is in front of me, she shrugs. “That’s easy, every customer gets a free cupcake with purchase,” she says nonchalantly. 
“That’s great for 50 of them. It’s so slow and I don’t want to count on that,”  I explain, gesturing towards the bakery. 
Chloe hums in response before taking care of the customers who’ve just approached the counter. “What can I get y’all today?” she asks gleefully.
“Two dozen cookies. Half sugar, half chocolate chip,” the woman speaks for the group.
“Wow, sounds like you’re going to a big party,” I say over Chloe’s shoulder, handing her some boxes.
A younger and quite frankly attractive man steps up in front of me. “Office meeting,” he flirts with a wink.
On any other day, I might flirt back with him out of boredom. But the more I look at his smirk, the more I find it disgusting. Joel’s smirk is suggestive like he already knows what I want. I’m starving to wake up next to Joel and I’d rather die than wake up to the man in front of me.
My vision blurs as I allow Chloe to get them checked out and out of the store with their box of free cupcakes. After she wipes the glass counter top she pauses, turning around to face me. “What about Dina’s book club at the school?”
I think back to my drunk shenanigans and the fact that I almost laid hands on a parent while in that building. “I’m not going back into that place until Christmas time,” I complain before turning my head towards Dina. 
“Either you take them or have James bring them to you when he clocks in,” I urge her to pass on the directions and Dina mutters agreeing responses.
I step in front of the counter, surveying what supplies we have left. We’re almost sold out, so the cupcakes will come to good use. “I’m going to drop some off at the Austin. Maybe their employees can take them home,” I tell her, rotating on my heels to face Ellie and Dina. “Girls, no–”
“Drinking, drugs, sex. Got it,” Ellie groans the mantra I’ve drilled into her head from her spot on the floor.
Chloe’s face lights up with a smile after processing the information. “That’s a good idea,” she praises.
“Thanks! Text me if you need anything. I shouldn’t be long,” I tell her, grabbing a large pink box to put the sweet treats in.
My body is filled with a giddy feeling thinking about the possibility of seeing him for the first time since Friday. And honestly, I’ve never been more excited to see someone.
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The elevator dings to let me know that I’m on the floor of the Austin. I step off confidently carrying the boxes of treats up to the host stand. “Welcome to the Austin. I’m assuming you have a reservation,” he welcomes me into the restaurant.
The deja vu from my birthday hits me like a truck and I shake my head. “Oh, no. I’m here to see Chef Miller,” I reply.
The host looks at the boxes in my hands and then back up at me. “Do you have an appointment?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.
“No, but,” I start before I’m cut off.
“I’m sorry. I can’t let you back there. If you want to schedule an appointment with him, maybe he’d be willing to try your,” he pauses to look skeptically through the clear cover on top of the pink box. “Cupcakes,” he says disappointingly. 
Yeah, well no fucking cupcakes for you asshole. “He’s already tried my cupcakes, his daughter–” I cut myself off to take a deep breath and compose myself. “Look, Joel’s my boyfriend,” I try the last-ditch effort. Hopefully, Joel will hear baker and girlfriend then have a fucking clue.
The host’s eyes widen and he clears his throat. “Oh, let me go check with him then,” he dismisses himself.
Another host quickly replaces him, keeping the front of house running smoothly. I step out of the way, allowing customers to file in from the cool autumn afternoon. I pace around the lobby, watching my heels click on the marble floor. The toes of my shoes kiss the window and as I peer down below, I can see the masses of people crossing the clogged city streets. 
That annoying throat-clearing noise sounds out again from behind me. I turn around to show this prick that he has my full attention. I’ve been nothing but fucking nice to you, asshole. “I’m sorry. Chef Miller is predisposed and every employee I passed said he doesn't have a girlfriend,” he tilts his head and patronizes me.
“Fuck this, I’ll go talk to him myself,” I grunt, stepping past him and quickly walking towards where I suspect the kitchen is.
“Ma’am,” I hear the host call over my shoulder as I make my way through the restaurant. My eyes quickly scan the room, finding the pattern of employees flowing in and out of the kitchen. I beeline confidently towards their path. “Ma’am you can’t go back there,” I hear the host repeat and he confirms I’m correct.
I shrug, fed up with the bullshit. Joel might be mad but I can explain later. “I can and I will,” I call over my shoulder. 
As I’m walking down the hall, I hear crashing in the kitchen. The employee doesn’t let up with harassing me to the door. I pause for a second contemplating if this is the right thing to do.
Fuck it. You’re already here, Ginny.
I push through the double doors and the first thing I see is a white wall. But the crashing of dishes and the screaming doesn’t pause. “Y’all need to take your head out of your fuckin’ asses and start realizing what the hell is goin’ on here,” he barks, as I round the corner.
The chefs and employees are wide-eyed, some of them in tears. Nobody speaks, just accepting the abuse from the older irate man. “Most chefs I’d know would be fuckin’ embarrassed,” he reaches in front of a chef with a plate sitting on the table in front of her. He snatches it, crashing it down on the metal surface. It hits the tabletop and the porcelain and food scatter on the grey tile beneath it.
The noise causes me to jump ten feet in the air, nearly dropping the box of cupcakes. “Do you think we’re gonna get a fuckin star with this shit,” he growls.
 Joel doesn’t stop there, picking up the next closest plate of food he’s determined uneatable and chucking it across the room. “Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you,” I watch as Joel points in each of their faces, spitting the degrading words. 
The feeling of sympathy for the chefs weighs heavy on my heart. None of them can be older than 25. They’re babies and he just crushed their dreams of becoming chefs in 20 seconds flat.
Joel’s back rises and falls rapidly, as though he’s on the tip of a spiral. “Get your shit together!” he swears, removing the towel from his waist and slamming it down on the counter.
My feet quickly and quietly start moving backward in hopes of avoiding Joel. Tears well into my eyes and I trip on my own feet. I don’t know Joel. Not this one. This can’t be the same Joel who offered to whip me up something special on my birthday. Now I realize that whoever made my food on that day probably got fired.
Up until this point he’s been nothing but sweet to me. He’s shown me nothing but his good side. The first time he got angry with me, I checked him. But that’s not an option for his employees. 
When Joel rounds the corner, his eyes meet mine and he stops in his tracks. His breathing hitches before he inhales a sharp breath. “Ginny,“ he utters lowly almost as if he’s afraid. It’s a complete 180 from his previous behavior. 
I set the stack of pink boxes on the shelf next to me. “Here’s the cupcakes I brought for you, because I care about you, Joel. I care for you and Ellie and I wanted to see you. Come to find out you’re treating your employees like the shit on your shoe. That’s fucked up Joel,” I fume.
Joel purses his lips before stepping forward, attempting to box me in like her always. “You weren’t–”
“No,” I hiss, sidestepping out of the way. The simple yet quick action causes the tears to spill over my brim. “Ellie’s at the fucking bakery right now. Does she know? Is that why she didn’t want to work for you? I treat my employees with kindness and you rule with fear. The fuck are you doing, Joel?”  I croak out, attempting to hold on to the last sliver of composure I have left.
You just don’t treat people like that. I don’t give a fuck about a star or a stripe. “I don’t know,” he sighs, rubbing his eyebrows with frustration.
I shift, leaning on my opposite leg with my hand on my hip. “You don’t know what?” I articulate sharply.
Joel throws his hands in the air. “Fuck, sugar. I don’t know anything. I was just trying to teach them how I was taught,” he argues.
My eyes flicker back and forth between Joel’s brown ones. They’re full of regret and my shoulders soften. “You don’t have to be the abusive boss your head chef was to you, Joel,” I explain.
Joel’s eyes dart towards the ground like an ashamed puppy. “Here, take these.” I place my hand gently on the top of the box. “Maybe share them with your staff. It’s a step in the right direction at least,” I advise, walking out of the kitchen.
I don’t turn around when I hear Joel following me and calling my name. I don’t speak to him when he picks up Ellie that night. And I’m unsure if I want to anymore.
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Thanksgiving Day
Tommy clears his throat before he shovels a spoonful of pie into his mouth. “Mmmm,” he moans. “This is good, Ginny,” he compliments happily.
The rest of the table chatters in agreement. After being stuffed full of Joel’s meal, they needed a warm dessert before bed. The fluffy layers of the crust flake apart perfectly in my mouth; taste buds bursting with cinnamon and apple. Fuck, this is going to knock me smooth out after Joel’s meal. 
I can feel him staring at me. He wants me to look at him, but I can’t. If I look at him, we have to have a conversation. I don’t want to do that in front of our friends and family. This entire Thanksgiving has been awkward as fuck between us. But god, I miss his lips, his smirk, his tan fingers interlocked with mine. 
Maddie and Leo made themselves useful and created a burier in between me and Joel. But Ellie and Tommy are seemingly oblivious to our little spat, which I’m grateful for. 
“No wonder this made it into the Chicago Tribune. This is divine, Ginny,” Mrs. Crown compliments, pointing towards the dessert with her fork.
I smile, bashfully looking down at my palms locked in my hands. “Thank you, Mrs. Crown,” I murmur.
Someone drops their utensil and it clatters against their dish. “You made it into the Tribune?” I hear Joel ask in shock.
I glance up at him for the first time tonight, studying his bug-eyed disposition. “Uh, yeah. Forgot to tell you,” I come up with a quick excuse.
Joel gave my face a once over before sitting back in his seat. “Hmph,” he grunts and I can tell he’s not buying the diversion.
Ellie had celebrated with me all week, having already been at the bakery. But when I found out, I told her I wanted to tell Joel on my own time. We just never got to that after the Monday fiasco. 
Ellie slyly leans over and whispers to the disgruntled man, “Joel, say congrats.”
Joel’s head slowly rises until he’s peering at me. He’s pissed and I can practically see the steam exiting through his pores; his blood is boiling. “Congrats,” he mutters.
I take the cloth napkin out of my lap, leaving it on the table before standing. “I’ll be right back,” I mumble, swiftly walking out of the dining room. Before I fucking cry again in front of Joel.
I feel like the small hall is swallowing me whole. My head is pounding, and the tears begin flowing down my cheeks. I never want someone I care about to be mad at me.
Bursting through the kitchen door, I stare at the staff wide-eyed. They whisper to each other before exiting the large space, leaving me alone to calm down.
Once they’re gone, I crouch on the ground with my back against the cold wall. And only then do I allow myself to let go, crying until I feel like I’m suffocating on my own tears. My chest tightens, and I hear ringing in my ears, unsure of what just happened. 
I’m brought out of my thoughts when I hear the kitchen door creek open. 
“Ginny?” I hear Ellie’s voice ring through the room. 
I hear her footsteps walking over to me and I quickly brush the tear stains away, praying she doesn’t notice my tomato face. I reach my hand out to grab the counter next to me and use it to support me as I stand, grabbing a bowl to use as a cover. 
I plaster on a smile, putting the bowl in front of me.  “What’s up, El?” I ask. 
Her head tilts and she walks closer to me. “Is something going on between you and Joel? You’re both being weird as fuck with each other,” she speculates. Fuck. Ellie’s no idiot and I know that.
My nostrils flare and my vision blurs. I’ve always been great under pressure, but talking to Ellie feels heavier than a rude customer. “Well, you’re not wrong…” I trail off, abandoning the bowl. “Uh, we just had a heated conversation,” I confess.
Ellie’s brows knit and the curiosity seeps through her pores. She’s not gonna let it go. “About what?” she asks.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it. I’m sure it’ll all blow over tomorrow,” I reassure her, shifting awkwardly to lean on my other leg.
Ellie’s lips part and I know she’s about to argue when Joel appears through the doorway. “Ellie, time to get going,” he waves her towards him.
The air in the room is thick and I feel like I’m drowning in the swimming pool that is the tension between Joel and me. Ellie apparently senses the same feeling I do, and she scrunches her nose. “Okay…” Ellie elongates the word, tip-toeing out of the kitchen.
I avoid Joel’s gaze to no avail when I see his tattered brown boots before me. He inhales a sharp breath, causing my hair to scatter around my forehead. “Sugar,” he rasps, and his fingers touch mine.
My eyes latch with his and I have to remind myself not to melt in the amber waves. “Joel,” I mutter.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes, his shaking fingers toying with mine.
I gnaw on my lip, leaning back a little so there’s space between us. “I know, Joel,” I reiterate.
He curses under his breath, abandoning his attempt to slyly hold my hand. “What can I do to make it up to you?” he asks.
And here we are again, back at the beginning. What doesn’t he get? The people working for you are human. “Treat your employees with respect,” I instruct.
“I’m trying that. We’ve had a good day, let me show you,” Joel stresses.
I shake my head, slowly blinking from exhaustion. “You can’t do it in one day,” I remind him.
Joel takes a step forward to box me in. “I know,” he sighs.
I reach my hand up and caress the skin on his face with the back of my hand. He leans into my touch, humming softly. “You have to change the culture of your business,” I gently remind him.
Joel nods, and his hand slides up my waist.  “I will. It’s just, I need you, sugar,” he emphasizes with so much need, I’m eager to forgive him. “This week has been shit without you. Every time Ellie mentions you, I feel like hell,” he continues.
We’re adults; There’s no reason for us to go back and forth. “Okay,” I conceded.
Joel’s face twists and he jerks his head back slightly. “Okay?” he asks, his voice thick with confusion.
I nod, feeling my jaw relax from previously being clenched. “I don’t wanna fight with you. I missed you a lot,” I admit.
Joel’s mouth curves into a small smile. “I missed you too,” he returns the sentiment. “Those pretty eyes, your perfume,” he says, putting his hand under my chin. “Missed these,” he finishes, dragging his thumb over my bottom lip.
“How about you kiss me since you’ve missed me so much?” I offer, with a raised brow.
His face lights up with excitement. “I can?” he asks for consent.
I nod, returning the small smile. “Please,” I stand on my tiptoes, giving him better access.
Joel leans down, connecting his lips with mine. My eyes flutter closed and I give into him, allowing him to take full control of the kiss. He hungrily dips his tongue into my mouth, seemingly desperate for more. I oblige him, craving the same thing. Maybe more than I can get right now.
His tongue swirls with mine and I moan quietly. Joel lightly squeezes my neck, tilting my head back. The feeling of the counter-pressing into my back gives the sharp pain to the pleasure I so often crave. My hands find their way into Joel’s head, tugging on his root. He groans into my mouth, deepening the kiss. 
Suddenly, I hear a throat being cleared behind me. Joel takes a step back, parting our physical connection like the Red Sea. When I turn around, I’m embarrassed to find Tommy, Maddie, and Leo standing near the entryway. “Finally, you two made up,” Tommy throws his arms up dramatically. 
Maddie dramatically rolls her eyes, walking over towards me. “I honestly couldn’t take it anymore,” she complains. 
Leo awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. He’d been a dick to Joel all evening and the guilt is written all over his face. “Sorry for harassing you tonight, man,” he apologizes to Joel.
Joel shrugs and I’m grateful that he understands Leo’s protectiveness over me. “I get it, you care about her. Too much to lose,” he empathizes.
Ellie comes around the corner with her burgundy coat zipped up. The fabric makes a swishing sound as she walks, reminding me of my own childhood. “I’m ready,” she announces, a hat secured on top of her head.
We all file out of the kitchen, bidding the Miller’s a goodbye before I realize, I should probably go home too. Grabbing my coat out of the closet, I struggle to get it on successfully. Joel comes up behind me, gabbing the shoulders of the jacket to assist me. “You want a ride home?” he asks lowly.
Maddie picked me up so I assumed I’d leave with the first person out. Happy that it’s The Millers, I nod. “Yeah, I’ll ride with you guys,” I graciously accept his offer.
The four of us file out of the house on the chilly evening. The physical manifestation of my breath floats in front of me with each rise of my chest. Maddie and Leo wave goodbye from the front door before shutting it once we’re on the curb. 
Joel unlocks the black truck, opening the back for Ellie to climb in. “Tommy, in the back,” he barks at his brother.
I put my hand on Joel’s bicep, attempting not to fantasize about him picking me up and fucking me against a wall. “No, Joel. Tommy’s legs are longer than mine in the truck,” I let Tommy take the front seat.
“You sure, sugar?” Joel confirms.
I smile, stepping up on the side rail. “Positive, sweetness,” I respond, sliding in next to Ellie.
Joel raises his brows, before nodding. “Mmm, sweetness. I like that,” he says.
“I bet you do,” I murmur back before he shuts the door.
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After dropping Tommy off at his place, Joel invited me over to his for a glass of wine. I’d never seen his place, so I gleefully took him up on the offer.
My eyes scan the room and I notice the dust covering the top of the blinds, as if they’ve never been moved. There’s barely anything on the walls that accompanies the neutral paint, aside from a few art pieces I assume are Ellie’s.
The kitchen is humongous with an identical double oven like mine. There are pictures on the speckled kitchen counter and when I look closer I see Ellie, Tommy, and a little girl I’ve never seen before. My head tilts as I take in her brown curls and freckled face. She looks like she could be related to me. “Woah,” I breathe out, sliding into the seat next to me.
It’s uncanny, and it’s making me queasy. “Fuck, right?  Joel doesn’t see it,” Ellie startles me a bit, adding her two cents.
“Ellie,” Joel scolds his daughter.
I turn toward Ellie, thinking of the best way to explain this to a kid. “I don’t think he wants to compare his daughter to anyone, El,” I start. But, I wonder if that’s why he was so drawn to me in the first place.
Ellie plops down onto the worn leather couch in the living room. “No shit. I don’t like it when people compare things to my mom’s,” she says over her shoulder before clicking the TV on.
“Ellie,” Joel grunts before opening the fridge.
Fed up with his repetitiveness, I groan at the two. “Joel, she’s expressing herself in the way she can in an appropriate space. Let her swear now so she can learn codeswitching,” I rant, pausing to take a deep breath. 
My attention turns toward Ellie who is now fully invested in me ripping her father a new asshole. “Now school? No fucking way, kid. I don’t need to come up there and cuss someone out again,” I warn her.
Ellie puts up her hands in defense. “Sounds like a sweet fucking deal to me,” she smiles maniacally. 
Joel shakes his head, popping the reusable cork out of a wine bottle. “Hell, you two are going to be the death of me,” he predicts before pouring a glass for me.
Ironically, Joel and Ellie are the only daily sparks of life I have left.
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murdereraisuha · 10 months
Classpecting TWST: Heartslabyul
After basically an eternity, I have finally gotten back into the mood for TWST character analysis and classpect. Therefore, I am briefly emerging from my swamp to slap this on the internet before retreating back to my hermit hut.
For everyone who wasn’t here years ago for my previous classpect posts, please check the classpect tag on my blog for more info on what the hell this is. Spoilers for chapter 1, chapter 5, and some personal stories. No knowledge of Homestuck required to read. This post will be using quotes from Kanade Musing’s translation of the original Japanese version of the game.
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[Image description: A banner containing a picture of Riddle, the symbol for the rage aspect, and the words “Riddle Rosehearts: Maid of Rage”]
Right off the bat, I can’t think of any 2 aspects that could fit Riddle better than rage or doom, which both have to do with limits/rules. Rage focuses on stubbornness and “no,” while doom focuses on systems and caution. To me, the distinction between the two seems to be like personal vs universal. Anyway, Riddle’s strict self-discipline and adherence to the rules obviously relates to one of those aspects.
How exactly does the concept of limits/rules factor into his personal growth? The conflict in chapter 1 revolves around Riddle going ridiculously far with enforcing the rules in his dorm. From Trey and the post-overblot flashback, we learn that Riddle’s behavior stems from his mother being extremely controlling and teaching her son to value the rules & success over his desires & happiness. At the end of the chapter, Riddle apologizes to the dorm and becomes more lenient with enforcing the rules. 
Ah yes, the good old days of less than 30 episodes a chapter. This is a refreshingly straightforward story compared to basically everyone else, which means that I’ve already narrowed it down to 2 classpects: maid of rage or maid of doom.
Maids, the active creation class, make their aspect, as shown by Riddle enforcing the rules amongst his dorm. In terms of their personal journey, a maid is first controlled by and reliant on their aspect. Their moment of development comes when they rebel against their aspect and finally claim it for themself. For Riddle, he is first controlled by the rules, like when he has to throw away the tart Ace made when he actually wanted to eat it. However, in the end, he rebels against his mother’s teachings and starts thinking about how he can work towards his own goals rather than blindly upholding the rules.
The question now is whether Riddle’s aspect is rage or doom. After some thought, I believe that rage suits him better. First of all, rage deals with negative emotions like hate and fear. Those emotions characterize the interactions we see between Riddle and his mother, from her vehemently declaring that sweets are poison, to her outrage at Riddle hanging out with Trey and Chenya. You can also see it in Riddle in his destructive anger and his despair at not having friends.
Secondly, rage deals with refusal and denial. It is the opposite of hope, the aspect of belief. Prior to and during his overblot, Riddle stubbornly denies that he is wrong. Just look at these lines from episodes 1-23 and 1-24:
Riddle: Are you saying that I’m wrong, too? Even after I did my best to protect all those strict rules?! Even after I’ve endured so, so, so many things! I won’t… I will never… I will never believe it!!!!!
Riddle: HAHAHAHAHAHA!! I do not need anyone who defies me in my world. I am my world’s absolute ruler. My world itself submits to me! I will not tolerate any answer aside from, “Yes, Lord Riddle.”!! It’s off with the heads of everyone who defies me! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Riddle: I’m the only one who’s always right!! If not, then all that I’ve worked for was…!!
Doom, which deals with caution, death, and acceptance, does not seem nearly as relevant to Riddle’s personality and struggles as rage is. Therefore, Riddle is most likely a maid of rage.
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[Image description: A banner containing a picture of Trey, the symbol for the mind aspect, and the words “Trey Clover: Heir of Mind”]
I’m gonna start out with some pieces of dialogue from episode 1-17
Cater: Are you really okay with this…?
Trey: ……….. There’s nothing I can really do…
and episode 1-19
Trey:  … I understand why you’d think of him as a tyrant, and I understand that the way he does things is a little wrong, too. But, I… I still can’t find it in myself to go against him at all.
Ace:  ………. Now that I know more, I understand completely now. The reason why Prefect Riddle is like that… It’s all your fault…
Ace:  If you think that the Prefect’s making the same mistakes as his parents, then tell him directly. Fix your mistakes. What’s gonna happen to him if you just feel sorry and spoil him? So you’re just gonna watch everyone hate him and alienate him from a distance?
I feel like these lines encapsulate Trey’s problem in this chapter. He knows why Riddle acts the way he does and he knows that what Riddle is doing is wrong, but Trey hasn’t done anything to fix it. Therefore, in terms of Trey’s classpect, I currently believe that the class that fits him best is seer.
Seers, the passive knowledge class, invite understanding of their aspect and through their aspect. For Trey, in chapter 1 he provides the 1st years with knowledge on apologizing to Riddle and Riddle’s upbringing. Also, a seer’s main problem is their struggle to understand and use the information that they have. In Trey’s case, he doesn’t know how to handle the situation with Riddle, so he ends up just giving advice to the rule breakers instead of actually confronting Riddle. 
Now, we need to do some more investigation to figure out what aspect he is.
Trey has a obsession with dental care because his parents, who work as bakers, did not want all the sugary treats he grew up with to negatively impact his health.
Trey has many younger siblings and he often treats his dormmates like younger siblings too.
Despite how Trey’s brotherly behavior suggests a romantic and selfless outlook on things, he can actually adopt a rather practical and self-serving attitude as shown in his lab coat and dorm outfit personal stories.
Also in his dorm outfit personal story, Trey lets the other students try and utterly fail at making cakes to teach them how difficult baking really is instead of just telling them that their cake requests are unreasonable.
Trey is perceptive and was able to figure out that Cater dislikes sweets by observing him.
Trey’s unique magic, “Doodle Suit,” overwrites qualities (ex. taste, unique magic, color) of things or people with something else.
Going back to Trey being a seer, what exactly does he know and invite understanding of? Trey holds knowledge about Riddle, baking, dental care, Cater’s dislikes, and dealing with siblings. How the hell do all these things relate to each other?
Actually, hold on. Is he a seer? Cause I’m realizing now that he could also be a sylph, the passive creation class. Sylphs are typically known for getting involved in others’ business and fixing what they think needs to be fixed. For Trey, he offers advice to the 1st years, he tries to calm Riddle when he’s angry, he makes sure Unbirthday Party preparations stay on track, and he tries to enforce good brushing habits in the rest of his dorm. Giving up on fixing the Riddle situation might just be him failing as a sylph.
I’m kind of stuck there now, let’s consider aspect for a bit. Though his unique magic does relate to space, I don’t think his aspect is space, time, light, or void. Whatever his class is, it seems to mostly relate to concepts like harmony and healthiness. Therefore, the 2 main aspects I’m considering are heart and life,
Life would relate to his nurturing nature, his concern for dental health, and his relationship with food/baked goods. Heart would relate to his management of others’ emotions, his unique magic which basically alters the identity of something, and his turmoil with the Riddle situation relating to their relationship with each other. Now that I’ve listed these out, I’m gonna say that his aspect fits closer with heart due to that relating better to important things as well as the pun there with Riddle’s name being Rosehearts.
However, it is also important to consider the opposite aspect of mind. The thing is, about half of this post was written more than 2 years ago. Back then, I ended up putting Trey as seer of heart. However, looking back, I really don’t feel like that fits with my current understanding of his character. So, I am going to argue against my past self’s reasoning now.
Trey’s relationship with Riddle is indeed a big part of his character, and the events of the main story did induce some character development in Trey. However, Trey is his own person who is not defined by Riddle and who has his own problems and areas for personal improvement outside of Riddle.
What his own problems are can be seen in his personal stories and his appearances in event stories. A recurring theme with Trey is how he stubbornly denies that he is anything more than average. In his gym uniform story, he deliberately tries to get average grades in flying class, then proceeds to pull off maneuvers in an emergency that has Vargas praising him. In the port fest event, he makes an excellent chowder for the class’s booth, and then brushes off the others’ praise for it. In the 2nd Vargas Camp event, he comes up with a successful strategy for defeating the monster (Vargas) and then, again, brushes off the others’ praise for it.
So many of his efforts go towards blending in and hiding his true capabilities. Going back to chapter 1 of the main story, his main problem is that he hides what he is truly thinking about Riddle. Together with stuff from the bullet points up there like his “practical and self serving attitude”, I don’t think this behavior is something to do with what his class is like my past self did, but I think this is a symptom of his aspect being mind.
Now, after looking at the possible classes to pair with that, I believe that Trey’s classpect is heir of mind. Heir, the passive manipulation class, really seems to fit Trey. Trey seems to naturally default to putting up a mask, since he is often misinterpreted by other characters to be more caring about others than he actually is. He has a goal of not standing out and getting into trouble, and he does stuff like aim for average grades and shy away from going against Riddle as an extension of this goal. These two things seem to be examples of him being embroiled in or manipulated by “mind”, as an heir of it. 
Then, as shown in his Starsending Robes personal story where he convinces Riddle to get the dorm a food processor that it doesn’t really need or his ceremony robes story where he successfully stalls Riddle while Cater fixes the roses at the dorm, he is great at getting what he wants through manipulation, but it is not very focused/deliberate like active manipulation would be. He did not make a premeditated plan to talk Riddle into getting a food processor for the dorm, but he happened to stumble on Cater and other students struggling in the kitchen and took the opportunity to bring up a food processor in conversation. In fact, Cater and the other students join in the conversation to back Trey’s sales pitch up without even knowing Trey’s true thoughts on the matter, which seems like a obvious example of inviting manipulation of mind. Therefore, I’m pretty sure that Trey is a heir of mind.
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[Image description: A banner containing a picture of Cater, the symbol for the heart aspect, and the words “Cater Diamond: Bard of Heart”]
First, here’s a link to my Cater analysis, which contains my evidence and reasoning for my interpretation of Cater. You only need to read it if you’re curious about how I came up with this summary of him:
Cater’s puts up a constant happy façade to hide his inner sadness. He blends in with the crowd by following the latest trends and acting like a peppy cheerleader towards others. Because of family issues and constantly having to move, he has built up a strong resistance towards trusting others or forming close bonds with others.
Based on his deception, his blending in, and his unique magic “Split Card” which basically allows him to fragment himself, Cater’s aspect is most likely mind or heart. Mind deals with apathy, conformity, and masks, while heart deals with emotion, showing off, and identity.
For classes, I’m going to eliminate page, sylph, and the theft classes cause those don’t seem relevant. I don’t think he really rebels against anything so witch is also out, and the way his personality was shaped by nurture instead of nature doesn’t make heir seem likely either. Finally, though he puts up a mask, it’s more of a way to avoid attachment than hide insecurities so he’s probably not a knight. The remaining options are mage, seer, prince, bard, and maid.
Pairing those up with aspects (and also throwing out seer in the process) leaves us with mage of mind, prince of heart, bard of heart, and maid of mind.
I think the best way to decide between these 4 classpects is to focus on what Cater’s biggest problems are and how he as a person would change when those are resolved. 
First, I feel like one of his biggest problems is how he pushes others away. He hides the depressed mandrakes he made in his lab coat personal story, and it is Trey who has to deduce that Cater doesn’t like sweet food rather than Cater telling him that. Second, the other big problem he has is how he not only refuses to acknowledge his problems to others, but also to himself. Even when he is completely alone, like at the end of his ceremony robes story, he still insists on maintaining his happy, life of the party persona.
The natural resolution to these problems would for him to be more truthful with others and to himself, revealing his “heart” and reducing his reliance on his masks, his “mind”. The resolution to his personal journey is really not a change in his relationship to “mind” but a distancing from “mind” and towards “heart”.
Therefore, I think that his true aspect is heart, and his specific classpect is bard of heart. I feel like the way that he lies to himself about his feelings and his overall laid-back nature aligns more with the passive destruction that a bard brings about than the active, focused destruction of a prince. With no other options remaining, I’m locking in my final answer for Cater as bard of heart.
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[Image description: A banner containing a picture of Deuce, the symbol for the hope aspect, and the words “Deuce Spade: Heir of Hope”]
Deuce is a very earnest and “act first, think later” kind of guy. Though he is hard working, his enthusiasm and naivety can lead to him go about things in not very thought out ways, which makes me think of him as having an opposite attitude to the lazy but calculating Leona.
An issue he is very conscious of is how he is quick to anger and get into fights, which is what led to him being a delinquent in the past. Now in high school, he is trying his best to change his ways and be an honors student out of a desire to help instead of hurt his mother.
He is pretty hard on himself about this, but in chapter 5, Rook and Kalim help him see that his approach to things isn’t necessarily bad, leading to him accepting himself and developing his unique magic during the overblot fight.
Overall, his personal journey and character development seem to really revolve around the concept of going with your instinct versus strategizing. However, it doesn’t seem to be in the heart/mind way which is focused on rationality and expressing or hiding one’s true self. Instead, Deuce’s behavior comes more from an drive to get things done and push forward towards his goals regardless of what stands in his way and what others may consider unrealistic odds. His unique magic, “Bet the Limit”, is all about taking a bad situation where facing down someone who is stronger than him and is winning and flipping it on it’s head by retaliating with an even stronger version of the magic they’ve used against him.
Therefore, I believe he is strongly involved with the hope and rage aspects, with the hope aspect being the most likely of the two, so I am going to proceed with the hope aspect for now
So, for classes, the main thing we have to consider is how Deuce interacts with Hope. His personal journey is basically first he rejects hope because it caused him anguish because of his mother, then he realizes how he can use hope in a good way and accepts it. However, I do not think his relationship with hope was really destructive. Unlike someone like Cater who buries his “heart” as far down as he can, Deuce still does things based on hope. He acts according to his ideals and instincts, he’s just ashamed of it afterwards. Therefore, I don’t think Deuce is a prince or bard.
Therefore, I think one good possibility is heir. Like an heir would, Deuce naturally connects with core parts of the hope aspect such as trust and “doing” rather than “stopping”. His unique magic is based so much on his intuition that after he uses it he isn’t even sure how to do it again, which seems quite heir-like. Connecting his class to his personal journey, his challenge was to redefine his relationship with hope into a more healthy one instead of letting it pull him down bad roads like his delinquency, which kind of seems to fit with heir based on what tiny bits of memory I still have left of John Egbert’s character development in Homestuck.
I’m not 100% sure about that though, so another possibility is seer. As the passive knowledge class, the challenge of the seer is to reach a better understanding of what their aspect is and figure out what the right path to follow. This looks somewhat similar to Deuce’s case, but after some thought I don’t think seer fits. After figuring out the course of action to take, a seer tells others about it instead of taking action themselves, and Deuce is the only one here doing stuff with his hope. I don’t think Deuce is a seer or even a mage, because understanding/comprehension doesn’t seem to be a major thing with him.
 Deuce could be a page. However, the problem is that he didn’t try to be better at hope or anything like that, he avoided hope. His behavior just doesn’t mesh with a page’s. Deuce could also be a rogue. He does struggle with owning his spontaneity/hope, but he never does any giving of it to others. Finally, going over the rage aspect and possible class pairs with that, nothing seems to really match up given how hope-based Deuce’s final character development and unique magic is.
So, in the end, the best fit I can think of for Deuce is heir of hope.
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[Image description: A banner containing a picture of Ace, the symbol for the breath aspect, and the words “Ace Trappola: Sylph of Breath”]
In contrast to Deuce’s honesty, sense of duty, and occasional naivety, Ace is shrewd, independent, and has a talent for deception.
Ace often looks for the most efficient, corner cutting way to do things, such as in the 2nd part of his dorm uniform personal story where he decides to focus his rose painting efforts on the ones that are most in view.
One of his hobbies is doing magic/card tricks.
Though Ace puts himself first a lot, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about others at all. 
Ace is not afraid to call people out if he thinks they’re being unfair or doing something harmful, such as in the dialogue I quoted in Trey’s section in this post.
Though Ace insists they he just hangs out with Deuce, Grim, and the player character out of pity, he shows a lot of care for them, such as in chapter 4 when he makes the long trip back to NRC because of the distress call the player sends when they’re held captive in Scarabia. Ace’s Halloween costume personal story is specifically about Lilia and Malleus commenting on how much Ace cares about his friends, complete with flashback scenes of stuff like Ace giving up his omelette at lunch to stop Deuce and Grim fighting over Deuce’s omelette.
Another cute example of how Ace acts aloof is in his dorm uniform story, when the hedgehogs go missing. At first Ace just tries to find the hedgehogs quick so Riddle won’t punish him for forgetting to lock the cages. However, once he actually starts to worry about if he can get the hedgehogs back, his mind automatically goes to how distressed Riddle was about the hedgehogs. He starts begging the hedgehogs to come back with him because Riddle will be really worried otherwise, even though Ace had previously made fun of another student for talking to the hedgehogs since they can’t understand human language.
According to the wiki.gg Twisted Wonderland wiki, throughout the main story, Ace apparently shows a talent for wind magic.
Given these facts, the first thing I want to consider for him is the breath aspect. Though his occasional contrarian attitude could look like witch-like behavior, given other parts of his character, I feel like it is more a manifestation of his aspect rather than his class. He insults people and expresses unpopular opinions as an assertion of his freedom and lack of attachment to others. Therefore, compared to other aspects, breath (and its opposite, blood) seems like the most relevant one here.
Now, to figure out what his relationship to breath might be. I’m just gonna copy paste this dialogue down here too cause I think it’s a good example of how Ace operates.
Trey: … I understand why you’d think of him as a tyrant, and I understand that the way he does things is a little wrong, too. But, I… I still can’t find it in myself to go against him at all.
Ace: ………. Now that I know more, I understand completely now. The reason why Prefect Riddle is like that… It’s all your fault…
Ace: If you think that the Prefect’s making the same mistakes as his parents, then tell him directly. Fix your mistakes. What’s gonna happen to him if you just feel sorry and spoil him? So you’re just gonna watch everyone hate him and alienate him from a distance?
After hearing about Trey and Riddle’s situation, Ace is able to quickly figure out what the essence of the problem with Trey and Riddle’s relationship may be, figure out what should be done to solve the problem, and succinctly communicate that to Trey. This ability immediately makes me think of the knowledge classes (mage & seer) or sylph.
What’s also interesting about this is the exact advice Ace is giving. Looking at this while thinking of the breath and blood aspects, what Ace is saying can be interpreted as him telling Trey that he is too restricted by his feelings for Riddle, (aka blood) to tell Riddle what he needs to know, so Trey needs to make the hard decision to step back (aka move towards breath) and confront Riddle.
Based on this, I think that Ace’s tendency to call people out for stuff is a result of him being a sylph. As the passive creation class, sylphs are known for meddling in other people’s matters and “healing” any lack of their aspect. For example, this advice that Ace gives Trey can be seen as an example of Ace “healing breath” by trying to introduce more objectivity to Trey and Riddle’s relationship, which in this context means more breath.
His feigned apathy towards his friends and the feelings of others ties into how a sylph can have a very fixed interpretation of their aspect, which can lead to problems when others challenge that interpretation. Ace seems to view attachments to others in general as something negative. Not just concrete relationships like friendships and romance, but also simple empathy and care, like that which the random student in Ace’s dorm uniform personal story shows to the hedgehogs when he babytalks to them. In the story, Ace pointedly notes that the hedgehogs can’t understand them, discouraging the guy from talking to the hedgehogs. This is an example of Ace going too far as a sylph and micromanaging breath here to an unnecessary extent. Therefore, Ace’s challenge is to learn when to limit his pursuit of freedom and recognize that some personal connections are alright to have.
The idea of Ace being a sylph of breath really felt right to me, so there is a decent probability that something else that I didn’t notice fits him better, but I’m gonna go with the ~vibes~ and settle on sylph of breath. 
It was close, but basketball club didn’t end up as blood club. It’s just blood-and-breath club now I guess. Freshman breath player gets bullied by a pair of sophomore blood players. Hah. 
Anyway, bye.
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
BakuDeku one shots by nikkiRA
UA Students
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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All of these stories are by @aravenlikeawritingdesk
Some contain mature content.
Read tags. Check Ratings.
Art work by @Milmil21229 {twitter}.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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jump then fall by nikkiRA
Summary: During a storm, Class 3-A end up playing a version of the newlywed game, except Deku and Katsuki get roped into playing, even though they're not dating.
They're really good at it.
“It’s cute that you know so much about each other,” Ashido says. Bakugou curls his lip; he locks eyes with Deku, and he feels his cheeks heat up at the happy smile he gives him.
One Shot | Third Year AU
Rated - General Audiences
can this be a real thing can it by nikkiRA
Summary: His friends are all laughing when Katsuki throws himself down beside them and says, “Why the fuck do people think I’m dating Deku?”
This time last year it would probably be hard to get an answer, with no one (except possibly Kirishima) willing to be the one to poke Katsuki’s anger. Now they all burst into laughter, and Mina says, “Have you seen you and Deku?”
One Shot | Second Year AU | Post War
Rated - General Audiences
this love left a permanent mark by nikkiRA
Summary: "I get 'em too."
Izuku looks at him, but Katsuki is faced away. "About what?"
Katsuki shrugs. "Take your fucking pick. Got a lot of options." And isn't that just damn depressing. "Hey," Katsuki continues, and his voice has the forced neutrality he always gets when he cares too much and he's pretending not to. "You can stay here tonight, if you want."
One Shot | Post War
Rated - Explicit
king of hearts by nikkiRA
Summary: Bakugou gets hit by a quirk that makes hearts manifest above his head— the more hearts, the more he likes you.
He can under no circumstances let Deku see him.
One Shot | Third Year AU | Quirk Accident
Rated - Explicit
gorgeous by nikkiRA
Summary: Katsuki smirks and says, "Why d’you like my summer uniform better?"
And here's the thing— Izuku could come up with an acceptable reason, except at that moment Katsuki crosses his arms, and even in the school uniform Izuku can see the outline of his muscles, his incredibly big, incredibly strong muscles. And Izuku's very dumb, very gay brain latches onto them, and Izuku's very dumb, very loud mouth opens and says, “Arms."
One Shot | Third Year AU
Rated - Explicit
this love is a bloodbath by nikkiRA
Summary: Izuku takes a breath. "When I thought that you were dead, I thought of all the things I hadn't told you, and now it's like I have a second chance. I don't want to keep secrets from you anymore.
Katsuki swallows. His mouth is very dry. “What secrets have you been keeping?"
the truth comes out.
{One Shot}
Rated - General Audiences
Research Purposes by nikkiRA
Summary: The curiosity gets to be too much for him. There were too many unknown variables. When did he start needing glasses? Izuku had been watching and taking notes on Katsuki since he first learned how to write. He needed to know for research purposes. The fact that they made Izuku horny as hell was just an unfortunate side effect.
{One Shot}
Rated - Explicit
Unravelled by nikkiRA
Summary: *spoilers for chapter 362*
The first thing Katsuki becomes aware of is the fact that he’s not dead. Or at least, he’s assuming he’s not dead, because he’s hoping being dead isn’t going to hurt this fucking much. It feels like Shigaraki had turned him into dust and some stubborn idiot had gathered up all the pieces and super glued them back together.
There’s a sniffle near him, and Katsuki opens his eyes to see the stubborn idiot in question.
One Shot | Post War
Rated - General Audiences
Someday by nikkiRA
Summary: "Bastard hit me with his quirk," his Kacchan says. "It's supposed to swap you with a version of your past self, except Aizawa erased it right in the middle, which somehow meant that this shithead got pulled through, but I didn't get sent back."
"Who're you calling a shithead?” Sixteen year old Kacchan bursts out. Kacchan smacks him on the head.
"You, shithead! Pay attention!"
One Shot | Third Year au | Quirk Accident
Rated - Teen & Up
dining in by nikkiRA
Summary: "Kacchan," Izuku says patiently. "I just squirted on your face. Tell me you love me."
Katsuki’s eyes turn hungry at the reminder. "Fuck yeah, you did,” he says leaning down to give Izuku a kiss that is mostly teeth. "I fucking love you."
One Shot | Third Year AU | Trans Deku
Rated - Explicit
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doodlecircuitredrawn · 5 months
Happy New Year, everyone!
Damn, I’m gonna have to dust this blog off-
It’s Circa! (Temperarily) back from my lurking hibernation! I have some writing for y’all for my newest brainrot, In Stars and Time (ISaT)! Please be warned that this game generally talks about really heavy issues. So please read further with caution. The bad formatting is because I had a spike of inspiration and creative energy at like,,, what? 1, 2, 3 in the morning? AND I wrote this into a google doc, lmfao.
Warnings: Angst, slight description of gore, ISaT Spoilers!
I’m not sure what particular act these are spoiling, so I’ll be cautious and put in as many of the spoiler tags as possible because I don’t wanna ruin anyone’s gaming experience on accident!
These are ISaT au ideas!
Looper Odile au (Her birth country, Ka Bue is now the Forgotten Country)
“Hey, Odile, your accent sounds a little-“ “Unfamiliar?” (Mirabelle startles. You notice and quickly fix your face.) “…Yeah, I know.” “Y-your Vaugardian is perfect, though! I could confuse you for a native!” (…Hah. You laugh. Cackle, even. A little too much. You’re crying.)
(…Okay calm down, you’re scaring Mirabelle.) (You quickly wipe your tears and clean your glasses with a rag.)
“…Ah. Sorry, I needed that.” (Mirabelle has a slightly nervous smile.) “…I can tell.” (Oh gems. You’ve made the situation awkward. Time to end it here.) “…Alright, go away, I’m reading.” (You reopen your bookmarked book.) (Mirabelle gets the message and quickly walks away.)
(…You need to get out of here before you start losing your mind… Any more than you already have.)
“Odile, have YOU ever run away from home?” (What? This is new… They haven’t asked this before…) (You blink confusedly.)
“…Why are you asking the old lady?” “Ooh, Now I wanna know! Tell us, ‘Dile!” (…And now Boniface has their attention on you. Okay. Erm…) “…I was absolutely furious at my parents about… Something. I ran all of the way to the coast over a few days and took a boat, and then…”
(You refocus on everyone’s faces to help gather your thoughts…) (They’re starry eyed, holding on to your every word.) “…And then…?”
“That’s all I remember.” “WHAT!?” (You stare wide-eyed at Boniface) “Siffrin’s forgetfulness is rubbing off on you!” “Hey!” (Siffrin pouts dramatically.) (You tune out the rest of their conversation. You’ve heard enough.)
Looper Isabeau au
(Not again. Not again. You’ve been put at a standstill AGAIN. You forgot to tell Siffrin to look harder for that key. No. NO. ENOUGH.) (You make a beeline towards the rock. Everyone is staring at you, confused.)
(You frustratedly and impulsively hit the rock as hard as you can.) (Why is it not broken yet? …Fine.)
(You hit it again, and again, fists getting bloodied and dark as the rock slowly caves under the pressure.)
(…It breaks.)
(…No, that’s not the right word… It shatters.) (Yes. Yes! YES!) (You turn excitedly to your friends.)
(…Oh. They’re scared. You realize that you’re smiling a little maniacally. You quickly fix your face.)
“…Got it!”
(…They’re stepping back from you. Why?) (You’ve helped! You were helpful! Helpful Funny-buff Isabeau! And they’re looking at you like… No.) (Madam Odile has put herself in front of a wide-eyed Bonbon in a protective stance. Mira looks like a deer in headlights with her hands covering her mouth. And Sif… Siffrin has their hand on their dagger.)
(Why? You’re being helpful! Whydidtheynotwantyourhelpwhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy-) (Wait.) (You barely noticed how mangled your fists are, no wonder they’re so scared of you.) (…You’re a monster Isabeau, a big, disgusting monstererererererer-)
(You feel a tug on your stomach.)
Looper Bonnie au
“I know you’re on tonic and juice duty, but you can’t just snatch keys and rush into places we haven’t been to, yet!” “…How did you even know the key would work there, anyway?” (AH! A-port [abort] mission! A-port [abort] mission! Quick, say something!)
(Frin’s inviting you to fighting lessons again. But you’re literally stronger than him at this point. …Okay! Okay! Weak hits! Weak hits!)
(…Or… better, yet… You could use this chance to make Frin stronger instead!) (As you try to tune back into what he’s saying, you both notice a sadness. You both get into fighting positions.)
(Frin is trying to weaken it a bit for you.)
“…Okay, first you need to-“ (You tune him out.) (Frin, Frin, Frin, if only you knew how strong I was, now…) (It’s time for you to help him!)
(You rush in and let the Sadness hit you, and purr-pose-fully [purposefully] fling yourself to the ground and lay still for good measure… Just a scratch!)
“BONNIE!” (Frin doesn’t seem to think so, as he finishes off the Sadness in record time.) (They rush over to you.) “BONNIE!” (They pick you up and start running… To Mirabelle maybe?) (Well at least something different is… What’s that noise?)
“*sniff, sniff, hic!*” (…Oh. Frin’s crying. AND he’s taking you to Belle. You have a bad feeling about this…) (Despite your miss-givings [misgivings], you lay still with your eyes closed to not blow your cover.)
“Siffrin! Sif-“ (With a gasp, Belle becomes a blur as she looks at your woo-nds [wounds].) (After she uses her healing craft, you feel a lot better.)
“Bonnie! Are you okay!?” “Never better! I feel great! I’m gonna take a nap now! Don’t worry! I’m just sleepy!” (You remember Belle mentioning that fuh-teeg [fatigue] is a common side effect of having healing Craft used on you. That should curb at least some of their sus-pish-un [suspicion])
“Wai- Bonnie! BONNIE!” (Frin’s still crying.) (You run off before they can stop you.) (Okay. Not the best outcome… Let’s just go to the clock tower and regroup for now.)
2.5 (Part 2 of the thing earlier)
**Siffrin and Mirabelle focused**
(…Bonnie ran off before you could react.) (…And Siffrin’s inconsolable right now. The townsfolk are politely looking away. You take him to a secluded field.)
(…You don’t know what to say. You should start with…)
“…Siffrin. What happened?” (They turn to look at you blearily.) “…” (…They’re not responding. You should probably say someth- Oh, he’s opening his mouth.)
“…Bonnie rushed in while I was teaching them to fight. And they didn’t seem like they were paying attention to what I was saying in the first place… *sniff* …They got hit and fell so I had to deal with the sadness really quickly before I could pick them up. I…”
(He breaks down into tears again… You can’t really do much else except be there for him, seeing as they don’t like touch.) (…You’ll talk to the others — and more importantly, Bonnie themselves, later. Siffrin needs you right now.)
…Aaaaand that’s about it for now! I’m very much considering posting these to my ao3. Wait, what? I didn’t say anything about it? Ah, shit, erm. It’s the same user as my main blog here on tumblr, @/CircadianAnomaly. I haven’t posted anything, yet, so y’all aren’t missing much, lmfao. Do let me know, though — I crave feedback!
Bye for now!
- Circa [:
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devildomwriter · 2 years
Obey Me As Tumblr #11
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>saves rare items for the most dire of situations
>gets through the whole game without using any of them
“What if there’s an emergency?”
-gets into emergency-
Leviathan: If Santa keeps track of naughty kids every year and the year doesn’t start until January 1st, that leaves 6 days after Christmas and New Years left undocumented, so nothing you do can be held against you
Mammon: The Purge: Season’s Greetings
Mammon: A vanilla soy latte is a type of three bean soup
Barbatos: No
Mammon: Does mace work on birds
Mammon: If a heron is attacking me will mace be an effective deterrent
Mammon: Time sensitive question please respond
Solomon: Despicable me ruined the word minion whenever I become a supervillain I’m just gonna have to call them my homies or whatever
Solomon: What if when you went to hell you had to watch a cinemasins-style video of every sin you committed during your life as part of your punishment
Me: Why didn’t I get into heaven lmao???
God: Everything Wrong With You spoilers! (Duh)
Asmodeus: Be handed a letter by your maid. Break the wax seal. Read it with dawning understanding and then slowly look up into the middle-distance with an ominous smirk. Order your carriage to be prepared at once.
Mammon: Me getting a text and calling a Lyft
Leviathan: Any body know any substitutes for love and personal fulfillment
Beelzebub: Crunchwrap supreme from Taco Bell
Satan: Fun Fact: ever wonder why it’s called The Iliad? Because ilium was another name for Troy, and the -ad suffix was used to mean “The Story of” This means that if you translated the title, the Iliad should actually be called
Troy Story
Mammon: Thanks I hate it
Simeon: You got a friend in horse
Satan: Nothing will fuck you up more than the realization that there’s no real reason the alphabet needs to be in order
Mephistopheles: the fuck
Mammon: Telling someone “you are shit” and “you ain’t shit” are both insults
Satan: But “you are not shit” is a reassurance
Asmodeus: And “you are not the shit” is an insult
Belphegor: And “you are the shit” is a compliment
Solomon: I present to you the English language
Leviathan: Do you ever look at your eyes in the mirror and be like “I’m looking at my eyes with my eyes”
Diavolo: Lollipops are so weird you’re literally swallowing your own flavored saliva
Asmodeus: What have you done
Satan: “Maybe if you go to bed you’ll feel better in the morning” is literally just the human version of “have you tried turning it off and back on again?”
Leviathan: What have you done?
Solomon: Some of us are still “it” from a childhood game of tag
Mammon: This fucked me up far more than it should
Mammon: Pineapple on pizza discourse is so ugly like no one can win
We’re all losers as long as we live in the reality where it’s commonplace to put fruit on pizza
Mephistopheles: Tomato is a fruit
Mammon: Blocked
Mephistopheles: You can block me but you can’t block the truth
Belphegor: What if sleeping is our natural state and we’re only awake to gather information for dreams
Lucifer: You stop that
Raphael: If you’re lucky your internal organs will never see the light of day
Mammon: What?
Raphael: At some point you will be the next person on earth to die
Mammon: Stop!
Satan: The guy on the radio just said “gas prices aren’t so bad if you consider you’re really buying liquid explosive dinosaurs” and my perspective on life is forever changed
Barbatos: Want your house to smell great? Put two caps of vanilla extract in a cup, place it in the oven at 300 for an hour and your house will smell like heaven
Simeon: Hack life here
Mammon: I did this once and I thought it said TWO CUPS of vanilla extract and my entire house smelled like pillsburry dough boy’s butt hole for a month
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thedivineflowers · 1 year
Alice in borderland x reader part 3
Warning: possibly Yandere behavior, gore, cursing, violence, mentions of death and character spoilers. Please tell me if I missed anything or any tags thanks :)
Hey, you like have the nine of cards before beach got it, yay :)
After your tag game and making sure that Tatta was safe, you handed him some things for him to survive since you didn’t want him getting in danger exploring with you and playing games with you. It had been what seemed like 2 to 3 weeks after that tag game and you had ran into Usagi and Arisu and joined them in looking for a place called “beach”.
You three were taking a break on a bridge after finding the place when you guys were suddenly knocked out and woke up in a room filled with unknown people.
“good morning.” A woman had said with a smile standing elegantly when a man spoke “I apologize for this rude introduction. Our sentries report that there were people spying on us.” As the man finished another pretty woman had walked in and asked a question quietly “Why are you here?” Arisu had answered while you had looked around the room when a man suddenly entered. “That’s right. We have the answers that you are looking for. Welcome… to the oasis known as Beach. Here is the first answer.” The man had said has he snapped his fingers and the wall moved, revealing different cards that had x’s on the, to indicate that they have been obtained. Arisu and the man were talking and you had started paying attention after Usagi had tapped your hand to listen to what the man was saying. “Rule one. Always wear a swimsuit wherever you go.” Said the man as you had asked a question “But why?” You had asked when all eyes turned to you. “ooh? So the pretty can speak… But to answer your question, it’s because you can’t hide weapons in swimwear, can’t you? Also, you are free to drown in alcohol, drugs, and sex as much as you want. Enjoy your life while you still can.” Said the man “all keys and locks have been destroyed and thrown away. There are no secrets. Rule two. All cards are the Beach’s property. That means that all the cards you’ve collected, we’ll hang onto for safekeeping. Those who have contributed their cards will be promoted in numerical order. You see, after our collective effort sends out the first person, it won’t be long before we can gather enough duplicate cards to send out a second person, and then so on.” ‘what if I need to use the bathroom? Can anyone walk in?’ You had asked yourself as the man explained the third rule “death to all traitors.” After you three were allowed to leave you had changed into a swim shirt, Jean shorts, a jacket and some sandals as you decided to walk around for a bit and ended up in what seemed like the main hall as everyone gathered for the next games
“It’s a surprise to see you again.” You had heard a man say as you looked back so fast you nearly gave yourself a whiplash. “Oh, man you scared me.” You had said as you started laughing “How’s the wound?” Asked the man as you brought yourself back to attention “It’s fine, I tried taking it out but it didn’t budge so I left it there, I keep on getting scared that i’ll get an infection. I’m just gonna have to deal with it until I can find someone that can help me.” You had said as you had tuned away from Hatter to look at the man. “I can try to help you.” Offered the man as you answered immediately. “Please do I feel like I’m taking care of a child with not child support to back me up.” You answered the man as everyone started running off to their cars and go to their games so you did the same bit little did you know that two people we’re taking about you. “Wow, that’s who you were talking about?” A woman had asked. “Yep.” “You’ve certainly got eyes.” Said the woman as she looked at you more closely “I want to take Y/n with us.” Said the man as he looked back at the woman “We’re doing it.” Said the woman as they both walked off as well. The game that you ended up in was a seven of hearts and only you came out alive, in a daze when you got back you latched yourself to the man who’s name was Chishiya and followed him around and you also met hid friend who’s name was Kuina, certainly you were in heaven being able to talk to the beauties but your time with them was cut short due to a man interrupting the conversation you had with Kuina, Arisu, and Usagi. “Well, who is this little thing here? How ‘bout you tell me your name sweet..” said the man as he wrapped his arm around your waist and he pulled you closer to him. Out of instinct you pushed him away and you inched yourself to Kuina who was standing alert like your other two friends, only to find out that everything was paused so everyone to look at you and what had unfolded. “So, you gonna tell me your name or what?” Said the man as he got up and slowly started walking towards you as you starting walking away backwards with every step he took. “No.” “No? You’re not gonna do a poor guy a favor and tell me someone such as yourself your name? What?” He laughed as an older looking man had interfered “Niragi, watch yourself.” Said the man as you looked back to look at him only to remember that it was the same man at the tag game you had once played. The man had turned his attention from you to Arisu as he asked him a question “where’s your friend? Oh yeah? He’s dead? Too bad. Yet someone like you still lives.” As the man started taunting Arisu, Kuina spoke “you guys know each other?” Her question went unanswered as the man looked at both you and Usagi and ordered to bring you both along. 
As the man grabbed both you and Usagi’s arms Arisu had defended both of you as the man had tried to grab you both again “Are you a tough guy? What should I do with him?” The man asked as he looked at his leader “Break both his legs so he does in the next game.” They all started to prepare to bring you three to leave Hatter strolled in “Is there a problem?” “Back off, Hatter. This is none of your business.” Said the leader of the militants “But this business is mine. I am the Beach’s leader. What I say is law here. And I’m saying… that you keep your hands off the newcomers, Aguni. Especially that one, Y/n. Y/n got us the nine of hearts.” Said the man as he pointed to you as most of everyone had gasped and turned the attention to you “Niragi?” Hatter had looked at the man who had grabbed you earlier and he responded “My boss is the general.” He responded as Hatter had looked at Aguni again “Then I will ask the general. Who do you think is your boss, then, Aguni?” After he finsiehd Aguni looked at him “I know it’s you.” Responded Aguni as he walked away after Hatter had told him to shower “Executive members! Meeting in the conference room. Arisu, Y/n, you too. Ann told me that you have potential, and Y/n, you got us some real good cards. Come with us.” Said Hatter as you both followed after him but not before you had given Tatta a squeeze as you realized he was near you.
Both you and Arisu had walked into the room awkwardly and made eye contact with Chishiya as he waved at you both and you waved back eagerly. “Two of spades. Six of spades. Four of diamonds. Two of clubs. And another seven of hearts. So far, the existence of any face cards has not been confirmed.” Said the woman as she sat down and opened her book “If the face cards are not confirmed than we only have ten of hearts left.” The man, Kuzuryu had spoken “The ten of Hearts. It hasn’t appeared in any game yet.” Said the woman, Mira “If the ten of hearts hasn’t appeared in any of the games yet, then maybe there’s a reason for it. Perhaps it’s not in Tokyo.” Reasoned Ann “No game arena has been found outside the 23 districts. That only means we haven’t searched far enough.-” “we’re not changing the plan. The search for other game arenas in Tokyo will continue. Keep an eye on visa expirations. Let’s wait for the ten of hearts to show up. My visa needs to be replaced soon.” Said Hatter as Mira spoke up “Respectfully, there is a way to earn a visa. A hearts game is a game that plays with peoples minds and emotions. We use a decoy we know will die and fix the game so that you survive. Arisu cleared the seven of hearts game. Y/n did so with the nine of hearts. I guess that means… if he can do it, then anyone can!” Said Mira as she smiled “Arisu, Y/n, you cleared the seven and nine of hearts game? Can you give us some advice?” Said hatter as he laughed as you looked at everyone with fear as they looked back at both of you. “Meeting adjourned!” After Hatter had closed the meeting you had ran out in a rush to just get away from the eyes that folllowed you everywhere 
Part 4 here part 4 in progress
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miss-celestia13 · 1 year
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She Stings Like She Means It
JakexOFMC Smut One Shot
Words: 3.82k
After some bad news, Manon is ready to hunt down and kill the MWAF. Lost in fury, no one can get through to her… except Jake. There is only one way he can make her listen and see sense. Lucky for her, it ends very well for both of them.
A standalone story! There is some scene setting at the start to make it work as such. Typically, I don’t do trigger warnings, as I tag everything to death. But just to let you know, it’s angry and rough fucking. Emotions are boiling over, she wants to kill, and he wants her to live. He knows how to convince her, and she pretends to fight it but wants it all. Spoilers for the game, but I assume most have played it by now.
Manon stormed through the house in a cloud of black anger, the furious beat of her heart accenting every step, and she clutched a dagger in each hand. Richy’s screams rang like a death knell in her head, and she was done. Fucking done playing and waiting for this prick to make a mistake. She had to end this before anyone else got hurt. Richy being taken hadn’t been part of the plan, that was her mistake and she would right it now. She hit the ground floor just as Dan rolled into the hallway, freezing with a handful of chips halfway to his open mouth when he spied her. Jake followed behind her, and Jessy, Lilly, and Cleo soon appeared behind Dan.
“What’s going on?” Jessy demanded.
“What the fuck!” Cleo yelled.
“Who the hell are you?!” Lilly blurted, eyeing what Manon was wearing, the guns strapped to her body and the daggers in her hands.
It was Dan who snapped her out of it, stalling the rage bubbling under her skin, turning her blood molten, and threatening to consume her.
“Why the fuck is she carrying so many knives?!” He exclaimed, dramatically throwing his hands in the air, and they watched as a cascade of potato chips fell through the air like salty snow.
Manon stopped before them and felt Jake’s tentative hand slide over her shoulder.
“I’m going to end this now. I can’t keep playing this his way; it’s time to en this.”
As one, their jaws dropped, and Jakes hand tightened; she tried to shrug it off, but he only gripped her harder, pulling her against him. Any other time she would have relished it, but not now. Manon leaned back against him as though giving in, and his fingers loosened slightly. She waited while the others watched her warily, and jakes other hand landed on her hip; she smiled slightly. Manon sighed as though tired, melting into him until his grip slackened enough she could jerk free in a fluid motion. Shoving away hard enough that he stumbled back. She bolted out the front door before anyone else could stop her. She’d pay for that later, but she couldn’t keep hoping the slow and steady way would win this race. She bounded down the porch stairs, taking them in twos as she aimed for the car. Gravel crunched behind her, and she growled before whirling, lifting her hands so her blades were positioned to swipe at whoever had come after her. Her heart stopped when she saw a panicked Jake cautiously approaching, utter desolation in his beautiful eyes as he held his hands up as though he was attempting to calm a feral beast. A slight tremor ran through her hands as her body stiffened, her bleeding woman’s heart cutting through the roasting fire of her killing calm.
“I won’t stop you if you really want to go, Manon.” He pleaded, and she lowered her hands slightly, “But please, let’s plan this first. You don’t have to do it alone; I’d really prefer it if you didn’t. It’s not just you that would be hurt.”
It took Manon a moment to realize what he meant by that, so focused on the hurricane of emotion swirling within her iron chest that she hadn’t thought how he’d feel if she didn’t come back. Gods, she was an awful person, and she didn’t deserve him. But still, she couldn’t risk them getting hurt. She opened her mouth, the action feeling like she had to snap her jaw she’d grit her teeth so hard.
“And what makes any of you think you’re qualified to go toe to toe with this bastard? I won’t get hurt, you all would, and I can’t fight five battles at once.”
Her voice was harsh with tightly leashed anger that she barely recognized; it didn’t sound like she and Jake heard it too. The desperation in his gaze shifted to the one she could never refuse, his love for her. Manon tasted blood in her mouth, like her heart was leaking into her throat.
“Teach me, I’ll come with you, but you have to show me what to do; I can fight, but not like this.”
Manon gave an indignant snort and dropped her hands, still palming the daggers just in case.
“Oh sure, I’ll teach you in five hours what took me a lifetime to learn.”
Jake scowled; a cold fire raged in those singular eyes, and something deep inside her sat up at that anger. Something that enjoyed being hunted as much as it loved doing the hunting. Adrenaline was an intoxicating thing in her blood, sharpening her senses and twisting her fury into something primal and hungry. She broke their silent stare off to look over at the house. The door was closed, and she saw no sign of her friends watching them. As though he had read her mind, Jake replied to that thought.
“I told them to make themselves busy, figured you wouldn’t want an audience.” Jake smiled grimly and nodded; Manon’s heart lurched at how well he knew her already.
“Why? Why should I risk you when I can do it myself and walk away?” There was a thread of hopelessness in her voice. No, she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t risk him. It had to be her.
“Why should you take the burden of it all? What sins are you trying to atone for?”
Manon snarled, “I could say the same of you. Or do you want to pretend you weren’t planning the same fucking thing?”
Jake smiled slowly, confusing her but not as much as the lust simmering under the icy rage in his eyes, sending a spear of heat through her core. Oh, was this foreplay? She wasn’t sure if that made them both mad.
“I know. But not alone. Let me help you.” He came closer, still out of reach of her knives but close enough that the wind carried his scent to her. The familiar warmth of it stoked the embers low in her stomach to a soft burning fire. She shifted on her feet as he appraised her body, wrapped in skin-tight black. Every curve and hollow was on display. When he again met her gaze, the hunger in his had liquid heat pooling between her thighs. Oh, they were twisted, and Manon loved it. Jake licked at his bottom lip, and Manon followed the action, ardor fighting with the madness, neither winning and only heightening the other. If this was a distraction technique, it was working.
“You still haven’t told me why I should risk you, Jake.” She managed to get out, her voice nothing more than a wisp of smoke.
Jake stepped into her personal space, overwhelming her already confused emotions. He didn’t touch her, but he didn’t have to; she felt him all the same.
“Because you’re too important to lose. You can’t just go and get yourself killed.”
“I’m not that important. I’m here to solve this, and that’s what I’ll do.” She kept her voice steady, but she was wavering. Her body craved the pleasure it knew he could give her, but her mind wanted revenge. Manon knew that when they did give in to the lust, it would be explosive; it would change them. Jake lifted his hand, deceivingly gentle fingers trailed down her cheek, and she fought to keep her eyes open, tried not to lean into it. He saw her struggle and smiled wickedly, making her want to slap him and herself for being so easily convinced.
“You’re too important to me, Manon. I can’t let you go.”
Truth. It was pure truth and tore down the last brick in her long-held defenses. Shattering them like he had all the others, and Manon wanted to scream. Her righteous fury bled into her heady lust and addled her overtaxed mind.
“You mean too much to me; I can’t fight if I know you could be in trouble.” Still, she tried to make him see, even as his fingers trailed down the column of her neck, settling over her rapid pulse and staying there. The wetness between her thighs turned to a flood, and the ache of pure need began a low, steady beat as the blood rushed to her cunt. She raised her eyes and bravely looked him in the eye, almost floored by the intensity of the want in his gaze.
“I’ll be fine; we can talk it over later.” He said softly but not weakly.
Manon raised a brow, “why not now?” His hand wrapped around her throat and tilted her head back, pushing her back against the car, hiding them from the view of those in the house. Her mouth opened with a gasp as he slid a muscular thigh between hers, and she felt his hard length against her hip. Oh, he was just as fucked up as she was; it turned her on to dangerous levels. Distantly she heard the clang of steel against gravel as she dropped the daggers. Jake nodded, whispering.
“Good girl, I’d rather fuck than fight, Manon.”
Manon bit back a whimper, wetting her lips as her mouth went dry and she focused on the feel of that hand around her throat. His fingers flexed, tightening slightly before going loose again. She swallowed hard; his other arm came up beside her head, caging her in and exciting her further. Somehow she’d lost all control, given in to the need coursing through her body, and submitted to him without a thought. He bent his head to bring his mouth in line with hers, stopping a hair’s breadth away, and Manon tensed in anticipation.
“Tell me to stop, and I will,” Jake said, voice so rough with restrained hunger it was unrecognizable. The vibration of it against her chest sent a lick of flame down her torso, and the ache became an irritant, a hollowness desperate to be filled. Her empty hands slowly lifted, one going around his neck, the other sliding around his hips to palm at his lovely ass. Manon brushed her lips against his once in affirmation, wanting him to take control since her body was warring with itself.
All that emotion and adrenaline had to be released somewhere if he wouldn’t let her do what she planned; she knew he could take it and give it back, the thought turning her knees to jelly as he rocked that thigh between her legs. The friction zinged through her and turned the fire inside into an inferno. Jake growled, sensing what she needed from him, and crushed his mouth to hers.
It wasn’t graceful or pretty; it was a fight. Manon battled him as he forced her mouth open and slid his tongue against hers, her hand pulling at his hair, demanding more. She tasted everything he felt, the love and exasperation, the want and desperation. It drove her wild; she arched and slid herself along his thigh, seeking more, more, more. Needing him to touch her soon, or she’d combust. He dominated her mouth, stealing her air for his own and snapping at her lips when she fought back. The hand around her throat tensed and relaxed; she whimpered each time her breathing was restricted. Jake drank each one down, both rocking their hips into the other. Both of them turned on to the point of pain now. Manon’s impatient hands fell to the waistband of his jeans, blindly flicking the fly open and delving inside, smiling against his mouth as she wrapped a hand around his cock.
Jake groaned and increased the pressure of his bruising kiss, his beard scraping her skin raw. She moved her hand over his hard length, enjoying the weight of him and increasing the pressure slightly before swiping her thumb across the fat head and stealing the drop of moisture she found there. She was riding his thigh, spiraling higher, and knew her pants would be soaked through, she snarled in impatience, and Jake chuckled. The hand beside her head dropped and tugged her trousers down, the tight fabric sticking to her overheated skin, but it came loose with his determined pulls, and black excitement took her over. She renewed her efforts then, twisting her wrist before sliding back down to the base, the velvet-soft skin tantalizing her. Jake impatiently pulled her trousers over her ass and bared her to him, she had no underwear on, and he whispered more praise when he realized. Manon lost all sense and focus on her task when he dipped his fingers into her folds, so wet now she could feel it dripping down her inner thighs.
“This is all mine, isn't it?” He purred, and Manon threw her head back, surprised she didn’t shatter the car window.
“Yes.” She managed when he grazed her clit, toying with her and soaking his fingers in her essence.
“Touch me, Manon, or I’ll stop.” Manon opened her eyes at his order, the ache inside her taking over every thought, and the idea of him stopping was a sweet torture she couldn't endure. Somehow she moved her hand again, stroking him how she knew he liked, and was rewarded with a low moan. He delved into her folds again, and she closed her eyes, his thumb circling but not touching her clit, driving her insane as her hips bucked. He kept teasing her, a fingertip dancing around her entrance but not diving inside, and she felt unhinged; her eyes flew open when he did it again. Her annoyance was evident on her flushed face when she found him watching her with a satisfied smirk; he was playing with her and knew exactly how to take her apart. Make her plead.
“Will you please stop teasing?!” She bit out, her own hand pausing its movements as she watched his handsome face. His knuckles brushed against her clit, making her jolt and give a weak hiss.
“I will when I think you’ve learned your lesson.”
Manon stiffened, her predictable temper igniting at the authoritative tone, and she let go of him. Still, she didn’t remove her hand from inside his jeans. The hand between her legs stopped moving, and she wanted to sob, so turned on it was almost painful.
“What lesson is that?” She spat at him, her voice trembling, ruining the effect as she panted and writhed, the car at her back the only thing keeping her up. He’d barely touched her, and she was a mess.
“Where you go, I go. We are together, Manon. Does that mean the same to you as it does to me?” He slid two fingers inside her so abruptly that her knees threatened to buckle; as it was, she let out a choked moan. Every nerve, every thought focused on those fingers and how incredible they felt as he taunted her.
“Of course it does, but I still can’t lose you” Her voice was a broken thing as he pushed back inside her, thumb circling her clit again, and she rolled her hips to seek more friction.
“I can’t lose you either. Do you understand?” another finger stretched her, and her inner walls tightened around them. Her mouth was slack, and all she could see, taste, smell, and feel was Jake; he was everywhere. She could only nod; Jake hummed in approval before taking a deep draw from her mouth, the fingers inside her moving in tandem with his tongue. She was so close, the ache not satisfied by his hand. Manon whined into his mouth, impatience making her want to beg, and she never begged.
“As long as you understand, I’ll give you what you want. I need to hear the words, Manon.” He crooked his fingers and hit that spot deep inside her; a torrent of wetness drenched his hand at both his words and his talented fingers. She was out of her mind now, a creature of lust and feeling, nothing more. Somehow she found her voice.
“I understand, Jake. Fuck me now, or I’ll stab you; I can’t take anymore.”
He laughed darkly, the sound so arousing she was surprised she was still standing and not simply a 5 foot 1 pile of ash.
“That’s all you had to say; it wasn’t so hard, was it?” He had the nerve to tease her; she sneered and snapped her teeth at him, trapping that plush bottom lip and sucking it into her mouth before sliding her tongue into his mouth. Her hand wrapped around him again and gave two quick tugs, and it was as though she’d grabbed an animal by its tail. He snapped, the leash he’d had on himself gone in an instant, and he was gone. His hand slipped free of her cunt, and before she could protest, she was on the ground. The gravel biting into her ass as he pulled her trousers down her legs, leaving them trapped around her ankles. He crawled between her legs until he loomed over her, settling them around his hips, a hand braced at the side of her head, the other positioning him at her center.
Manon arched, her hands trailing down her abdomen to her cunt, her fingers slipping through her saturated folds before swirling around her clit. Jake watched her with blackened eyes, enthralled as she pleasured herself and gave a soft moan, seeming to forget what he was doing. She had to get him on the same edge she was balancing on, feeling crazed and completely untethered. Her fingers glanced over that bundle of nerves again, a moan crawling up her throat, and his eyes flashed back to hers; she smiled savagely. Manon reluctantly removed her hand, lifting her soaked fingers to his open mouth, watching through heavy-lidded eyes as he sucked them clean and swallowed her down, looking like he liked her taste. It was his undoing and her victory.
Jake buried himself inside her, and she wanted to laugh, the pleasure and sting of being taken so harshly quickly forced the urge aside. Her bare ass scraped against the concrete floor, only adding to the frenzy of lust in her body. He filled her so thoroughly she thought she might burst. The size of him always a shock and delight; she moved her hips to meet his thrusts. He was punishing her; that was clear, each vicious lunge of his hips hitting so deep inside her that she could only stare at him open-mouthed. His hands slid under her and lifted her onto his thighs so she was straddling him. He moved her as though she weighed nothing, the angle so deep and intense, turning her very vocal.
Strangled sounds escaped her throat, she had never heard them come from her before, and Jake loved it. Every time she moaned or whined, he plunged harder, she was soaked, and he had no trouble hitting that spot; only he knew how to find it. It made her feel frantic and delirious; she arched shamelessly in his arms, circling her hips and tightening her walls around him to draw a rich moan from him. Smiling as his mouth landed on her neck and sucked the delicate skin there, teeth grazing her pulse, and she jolted in his arms, felt his answering smile against her skin. Her hands turned to claws and searched for bare skin, slipping under the neck of his T-shirt to find it. She dug in her nails and scratched him, earning her a teeth-rattling thrust that made her howl. Release shimmered so close, the warning pulse making her flutter around his cock, the earlier anger making it so intense she almost couldn’t withstand it. Jake felt it and growled before turning his head to capture her mouth, silencing the insane noises she was making.
It was so fucking good. It always surprised her how well their bodies worked together, how they’d known what to do from the start, and the pleasure they could pull from the other. She was on fire, her cunt like a vice around his cock and refusing to let go, Jake cursing under his breath every time she tightened around him.
“Manon, I’m not going to last long; you feel too good; I need you to come for me.”
Manon shuddered in his arms, every movement within her so intense, too damn good she feared she would disintegrate as she flew to that edge, release waiting for her there. Her eyes flew open and found him staring at her, the love she found there, and the hand she used to rub her clit, igniting the orgasm he desperately needed from her. Two sweeps, and she was gone, nails clawing into his back as her body tensed, bowing at the force of it as it knocked the air from her lungs. She screamed, actually screamed his name. Jake fucked her brutally through it, chasing his own release. Her cunt tightened like a vice to hold him inside her as he came, her name a broken call from his lips as red and white light obscured her vision before she slammed her eyes shut.
She was trembling in his arms as she returned to herself, her body aching and boneless, held up only by the shaking arms he’d wound around her. Both were breathing hard, Manon desperately tried to piece herself back together and Jake buried his face in her sweaty neck, breathing deeply. They didn’t move for a long while, he seemed content to hold her, and she wouldn’t complain. It had grown dark as they’d fucked their frustrations out, the forest around them seeming sinister as their shadows stretched monstrously, and she shivered when the breeze ghosted over her exposed flesh. Manon rested her head on his shoulder, so grateful he’d stopped her from running into a trap. Jake hummed, shifting her weight and pressing a delicate kiss into her hair.
There was so much she wanted to say, but her tongue felt leaden, and her brain had gone to mush. Overwhelmed and exhausted by all that had happened that day, she couldn't remember the last time she'd felt so tired. Jake managed to pull himself together and say what she couldn't.
"It'll be okay. I don't know how. I don't know when. But it will be. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. I love you."
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. ❤️
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astrum99 · 5 months
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@patronsaintofdemons from original post
*runs at u* *snatches u by the arm* *shaking u shaking u* I GOT U. YOU RE NOW A VICTIM OF MY THOGHTS . DO NOT RESIST. 
No joke I woke up yesterday morning at 4am, saw ur tags, and couldn’t get back so sleep for a whole hr bc I got so excited to talk abt whatever funky waves my brain is generating ( I am at peak obsession right now, I am generating enough energy to power a small city))
Sorry if I’m being awfully deranged. I'm not used to being Comprehended and Perceived as an existing entity. Please excuse the part of me that is vibrating so hard I am about to emit light beams from my eyes like some sort of cartoon character. Anyways.
Ultrakill, so far, doesn’t actually have a super complex lore. The story is succinctly simple and tragic. The characters as well. I won't focus on that because my obsession lies in Gabriel. From your tags, it looks like you haven’t gotten deep into the game (yet), so I don’t want to spoil the fun if you ever decide to watch a playthrough of the game, or play the game yourself.
And I can avoid spoilers because, for this post, what I latched onto is not his character arc, but his inherent setting of “an angel”.
“Why are you thinking of an angel”
Well. For starters. I wasn’t thinking about angels at first. I was thinking about his thighs and what he got down there. 
Stay with me. The horniness is fading. The poetry is starting. (shaking you)
Click see below.
No? As if you had a choice.
Jokes on you, I lied. This is less of a poetry and way more of an incomprehensible ramble on why Gabriel is irresistible to me. I hope you enjoy it anyway. <3
Humans are largely made of storytelling and wonder. A desire to strip back layers and layers until a deep, concise answer is found. Then we move on. The study of magic: biochemistry, aerodynamics, fusion physics. We boil the universe down to the barest essentials, then examine some more. We looked inside ourselves: blood, plasma, enzymes. Until we reach the concept of consciousness and suddenly, we are incapable of going further. Attention turned to the sky: planes and rockets; astronomy and “what happened before the Big Bang?” in a child's voice. And we saw that the stars were moving further away from us, faster too, and we thought "we'd have to keep going."
It is at these ends that things become interesting. Never-ending debates of questions that will never be solved because of our inability to go beyond the limits. Reaching the skybox of the universe and unable to do anything more than to speculate what lies further still.
It is no wonder that the thought of an angel captivates man. If it exists, then its nature of being far outside of our observational capability becomes the ultimate lure for artists and scientists alike.
For example, what form would it take? A question of pure speculation, no different than a child's image of aliens. Brainstorming shapes and curvatures and weight in the three-dimensional space, fruitless and fantastical.
An abstract form, perhaps. So abstract that it becomes a type of cosmic horror or a Lovecraftian horror. The burning of eyes, the melting of mind. To lay eyes on it is to condemn yourself to death. Radioactive elephant's foot. We'd try to see it regardless.
A holy being, perhaps. Formed like a man but spills pure light when cut. Would it even cut? What does it mean if the imperfect blade made from the hands of a lowly man had sliced through its skin? Skin? Does it have skin? Like a salamander? Like a leopard? Can a creature’s skin contain the light of god? …Would it leak like a broken puppet? Does it sometimes hate itself like how some of us hate the silhouette of our shadows?
A man, perhaps. Uncertain if it became an angel because the mold of humankind was filled to the brim with divinity, or if it is divine because the pile of carbon assumed the role of an angel. Does it know? Does it wonder? Does it see man in itself, and itself in man? Does it feel lonely to be separated from its lightless siblings that wander the earth freely and sinfully?
And if it is man, as physical as it can be, how close am I to it? …What makes you sacred? Can I see? Can I touch? Can I study your form as millions of humans studied every inch of their world, concrete and abstract? Do you see me as ants? Or family? Would you grieve for me as I have for the songbird?
If I cut you open, will you hold yourself down for me?
Will you forgive me for desecrating you like so?
I think I would be ok with dying by your hand if it is you: let me trade my sight to see you, let me trade my life to touch you. To know you is to cross the limits of the beasts. Sacrilegious.
… And I don’t think you’d allow me to. It’s not in your character. Another angel perhaps, from another story. But I’m thinking of you. And so I can only think, like ancestors before me, and descendants after me. Of the study of magic, of self, of sky.
Of angels.
Truthfully, I’m not a believer in a higher being, never have been, probably never will; but standing on the boundary between life and death and yearning to know the feeling of an angel’s skin under my fingertips are the closest thing to a prayer I have ever experienced. Passion burns; I tend to the fire.
And it’s so regretful that I will never know (because you are an angel) and I will never know (because you are born of fiction) and I am never supposed to know (because to completely understand something or someone is to remove the wonder and hope and passion - like how life without death is timeless and still).
So, this is a love letter of sorts. Because I can’t be the only one craving to know every crease and crevice of this holy being made wearing the same shell as a creature who roams the earth blindly, bumbling, and mad.
By the way, please excuse grammar issues. Both my writing in the original post and this one are messy and not thoroughly edited. I just type my brain words out in one setting (partially because uni is in full swing). Sorry if this is on the too-long side of things. I was 700 words into my take on human storytelling before I went: “wait, I’m going way off topic” haha Hope this version is more palatable!
Also just wanna let you know: I just started posting my writing, so your tags were one of the first few that came in and got me really excited! I’m always so happy to read the tags of people who enjoyed my stuff. Thank you!
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yukidragon · 2 years
SDJ Headcanons 3
Took a little break from writing Sunshine in Hell or Sunshine in Another World for the past couple weeks to recharge the ole mental batteries, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t musing about the world of Sunny Day Jack. In fact, I had a theory hit me recently that demanded I make a new headcanon post for it.
As always these thoughts are likely to be spoilers for Sunshine in Hell. There are absolutely spoilers for the demo. These theories/headcanons also might change later on as I get new ideas. This post talks about changes I’ve had in my thoughts towards the series compared to my previous headcanon posts after all.
We’ll mostly be focusing on one particular theory today, and boy is it a doozy. I’ll be giving evidence that points me to it, as well as the implications that come from it and narrative parallels that appear elsewhere.
As always, I’m going to use my specific name for the main character, Alice, unless I need to point out general details about the MC that apply across the board. My headcanons mainly reference my personal version of sunshine, but many details can be applied to others pretty easily.
Oh, and a heads up about the theory I tossed onto my twitter the other day, it was a joke theory. I don’t actually think Jack cheated on his partner like Ian did and was murdered because of it. I just like causing chaos sometimes with random funny cursed thoughts and images. 😼
As always an important reminder - Something’s Wrong With Sunny Day Jack is for Adults Only! No one under 18 is permitted in this fandom. Some themes of the game go to very dark and sexual places, and I will be touching on those mature themes, such as dubious consent and emotional manipulation, so no minors permitted past the cut.
Obligatory tag for @channydraws and @earthgirlaesthetic. If you want to be tagged the next time I make a headcanon post, please let me know. Enjoy!
The Tragedy of [Redacted]
This theory all started from a single line of dialogue in the Sleepy Time Jack virtual body pillow.
“I-I’ve never been like this with someone like you before…”
It’s a sweet comment, isn’t it? Jack only says this after he’s stripped nude. It’s an adorable amount of fluster on his part from being so exposed to his sunshine, but happy at the same time because they’re so special...
But the key words here are “with someone like you.” It implies, to me, that Jack has been in bed with at least one other person before, naked, but it wasn’t in a relationship with someone who, in his words to his sunshine (when they cuddled on the sofa in the “hug” route) makes him “feel love.” It implies that he has engaged in sexual activities with at least one other person, though not in a romantic context.
This makes sense though, right? Jack clearly knows what he’s doing sexually. In both the “yes” and “no” routes, he has no hesitation towards what he’s doing. He can strip his sunshine quickly, he knows how to use his fingers well on a lover’s body regardless of equipment involved, and he knows how to hold back to edge his sexual partner at the brink of orgasm.
Not to say that there isn’t some level of uncertainty involved given things he says in both routes. However, those are not towards the physical act but rather their emotional connection. It shows up too in another nude Sleepy Time Jack quote.
“This is fine…Right? I love you…And you love me, don’t you? So this is okay~”
In the “yes” route he seems almost amazed by his sunshine’s arousal towards him. “You were really ready for me weren’t you...” It’s almost a question, like he can’t really believe that he really is loved and desired, but he fumbles to recover from a statement that could be taken wrong.
In the “no” route, there’s a lot more desperation overall. Things like, “This feels good right...? Tell me it feels good...” and, “Our feelings are special right…?” It’s still the same theme of Jack feeling insecure that he is loved and desired. After what happened earlier, he has good reason to be especially insecure.
Overall, it’s pretty clear that Jack is a yandere because he is so insecure and desperate for love. That’s even without adding in his precarious state of existence in the present that is entirely dependent on his sunshine needing him.
In his past, even that psychologist could tell Joseph “wanted attention” and “to be seen and heard and felt and loved.” If someone could make such such assessments about Joseph so quickly, it indicates that it was easy to notice... at least for someone who knows what to look for. This meant that he was very vulnerable to anyone who saw those signs too and had a mind to exploit them for their own gain.
I think that’s exactly what happened to Joseph after he ran away from home and changed his last name from Cullman to Haberdae.
Let’s face it, runaways put themselves in a dangerous, desperate position, even if they’re teenagers with a troubled past, an attitude, and possibly a knife. Joseph made himself homeless at the age of (possibly) 14. He ran away in the middle of a school day, so this wasn’t a preplanned thing. He left with only whatever he was carrying at the time. Needless to say, he would have been ill prepared for making a whole new life elsewhere and would be in desperate need of money and shelter. In this period of his life, he is alone, barely scraping by, and no doubt still just as lonely and aching for love.
It would be so easy for someone to come across Joseph, maybe even picking him up while hitchhiking. He’s got a good build, a handsome face, and a gorgeous smile. He stands out in a crowd and he’s very attractive. Add in his vulnerable state, and if someone showed him kindness, even attraction, well... it wouldn’t be hard to imagine that he might be swept up in it the positive attention that he never got back at home.
It’s no secret that there is a dark underbelly to the entertainment industry. We hear stories all the time of producers, directors, agents, etc. offering desperate actors roles or connections in exchange for sexual favors. These actors are ignorant of the industry, and people with money and power can make or break their budding careers. This puts them in positions where it’s woefully easy to take advantage of them.
I think that’s what happened to Joseph. I think someone in a position of money and power with the studio that owned the SunnyTime Crew show dangled the promise of the starring role and adoration of the masses as a carrot in front of him. All he had to do was a few... “favors” in return... Maybe they even feigned as though they genuinely cared about him. They certainly desired his body and that did show they were interested in him...
Joseph, being in such a delicate position and so desperate could be willing to ignore the red flags, to convince himself past his doubts that they really do care about him. Sure, they expect him to provide things for them in return - sex, obedience, act like the perfect Jack for the public and not break character, work hard hours, etc... but they’re doing it because they care about him... right? What they have is special, right? They might be doing some shifty things and controlling his life, but it’s for the best, right?
Someday, Joseph will understand why they’re doing this. They’re only doing it because they care about him.
Abusive and manipulative behaviors can be a cycle. It’s entirely possible that Jack was once on the receiving end.
Jack’s comments about Ian further hint to me that he knows about relationships that aren’t built off real love, but lies of love and false promises that you wish were real, even though it’s so painful...
“He’s really fooled you, hasn’t he? He promised you the moon and all the stars…And I bet he did it so well… …But what did it all amount to in the end? He doesn’t love you… He can’t love you… Nobody who can do what he’s done to you knows what love even is.”
Jack really sounds like he’s speaking from experience there. What did all his efforts as Joseph amount to in the end? His death... and then the complete burial of his memory at the hands of the studio. As he mentioned in the hug route, the world is so busy and will forget all about someone like sunshine... like him... as what happened to him thanks to the company erasing his memory and silencing those who remembered with those iron clad NDAs.
It’s hard to blame Joseph’s co-stars for their silence after his death. They were likely in similar desperate situations that he was in. They couldn’t risk people in such powerful positions destroying their careers and suing them to bankruptcy. Those lower on the food chain in the entertainment industry are beholden to those in power and can be crushed and erased so easily, as the erasure of the show and even Joseph’s name showed.
So what I think happened was that Joseph was in a toxic relationship with someone of power. He was nothing but a good looking toy and a useful prop for the show once it got popular. He was was being overworked, likely both on and off set.
What if Joseph had moments similar to the “no” route where he felt pressured to perform and please this person holding his life in their hands?
Then of course there’s the aspect of addiction. Joseph had a nicotine addiction, but possibly also one for alcohol or hard drugs as well. The rum flavoring in the “bad choice” yogurt mini-game hints at the alcohol, while the pill imagery in the title screen hints at the drugs. Vices often serve as a bandage over the real problems a person suffers, but just make them addicted so that they sink deeper and deeper into depending on them, as well as draining their money in order to get more and more of them.
These things could be scandals enough all on their own to cause damage to the studio if word got out, but it could be worse if, say, Joseph was exposed for sleeping with one (or more) of the higher ups.
Why I say Joseph might have been having sex with more than just the person sponsoring him is because Jack had said in an interview that he wouldn’t mind joining a poly relationship. If we assume he’s in character during the interview, that could indicate that the person who “cared” for him had others they also “cared” for as well... and sometimes cruel people can treat those they have power over like toys to be passed around or pimped out for favors...
But, it’s okay, right? The person who discovered him cares about him, right? Joseph can take this all on with a smile and make it through. After all... love is about what a person can provide. He never had it before, but he has it now because he provides them with reasons to give him what he needs, the pleasure of sex, drugs, attention, and everything else he has now, when before he had nothing.
Jack himself talks as though love can be transactional, that what a person provides the other is what defines real love. He has proven in the past that he can provide so much, and his sunshine is giving him life when before he had nothing. Unlike before, however, because of the agreement between him and Alice, he can actually feel that she cares about him.
“I’ll be whatever you want me to be.” That phrase has a more disturbing implication if Jack felt that was what he had to do as Joseph to be loved...
Both in the past as Joseph, and in the present as Jack, he is suffering from desperation. He is dependent on a partner choosing to provide him with a way to live and for someone who actually cares about him. He must do all he can to make he provides for their needs so that he won’t lose everything.
Speaking of providing, let’s talk about the scalpels. Plastic surgeries are not uncommon in the entertainment industry, even with stars who are already conventionally attractive. People pick apart each little perceived “flaw” and can sensationalize it. It could be worse if the person toying with Joseph started to get bored or wanted more and more over time because he proved he will do whatever they ask. What if they felt he needed a little tweak or tuck here and there? Could he really be in a position to argue against it if they insist, or even if they pay for it? He wants to keep everything they’ve provided him, doesn’t he? Then he needs to stay pretty for them and for his fans.
As for the murder itself... What might have happened was that someone connected to his “partner” had an axe to grind. They could have been another toy they used, one just as desperate for that person’s “love” that they viewed Joseph as the enemy. That other lover could have snapped and exposed all of Joseph’s dirty secrets on camera in front of a huge audience... as well as the secrets of the big important person in this squeaky clean children’s entertainment industry and so much dirty laundry hidden behind the scenes of this wholesome children’s TV show... They could have exposed so much that coupled with Joseph’s murder and so many witnesses, it forever tainted the show.
So the studio buried it. The people with connections and deep pockets resorted to bribes, gag orders, burning records, and just removing every trace that might get them in trouble. There never was a SunnyTime Crew Show. There never any murder. There was never anyone by the name of Joseph Haberdae.
Joseph became [redacted] when he and all his hard work were so easily erased.
The murder, no doubt, was a traumatic event for everyone involved, especially Joseph. Being publicly raked through the coals in front of so many who meant so much to him must have been horrible. He wanted to do right by the children who looked up to him. He clearly made friends with his co-stars and probably others who worked on the set. In one horrible moment, all of that was irreparably stained before everything he ever worked for and even the fact that he existed at all was completely erased...
The incident was likely so traumatic that his soul might have remained stuck in that moment, obsessing over how everything went wrong... and what he should have done to make it right...
I still stick with the headcanon that a recording of the incident was kept by some sick person who enjoyed snuff films. Specifically, the person who toyed with Joseph’s life kept it as a twisted little souvenir after everything was said and done, a last piece of someone whose life - and now even his death - belonged to them. They and the murderer might not have magically cursed Joseph to remain in the tape, but he would have every reason to haunt them. His death and that person could become an obsession, as he finally learned that their love for him wasn’t real and he saw how easily he was erased and replaced.
With this being the case, the reason why the tape wound up in the thrift store was because that person killed themselves in a horrible fashion. Think what happened with Nick, only far worse, and far more personal. They babbled about “him” in the end as they mutilated themselves and died in a horrible, tormented manner... Their possessions were then distributed among relatives, some stuff sold for quick cash if they seemed as worthless as old VHS tapes.
Joseph being Jack now is part of him abandoning his imperfect past, someone who was never loved. He’s “clean” now with a new start, new name... and a new love. He’s not addicted to drugs. He is handsome and whole. He’s always cheerful and friendly and helpful. He provides his sunshine so, so much now. And... obviously they love him. It’s why he’s there. It must be.
Alice was drawn to the tape because her heart was in a similar state of broken disillusionment and desperation for real love. It’s what allowed Jack to manifest as he does. It’s like finding just the right frequency where things just... fit.
Alice wants love. Jack wants love. Alice saved Jack from hell and cares about him. Jack can’t help but love his sunshine for everything she provides him. Eventually, Alice will show him that her love doesn’t require such strings attached.
Tragedy Repeats
What’s sad is that with this new theory, I’ve also gained a new theory about why Ian cheated. Ian was trying to make it as an actor. If someone at his fancy new college convinced him that the way to “play the game” as it were was to flirt with people and be friendly... it could have led to his mistake.
Hell, it could even be as dark as Ian being offered favors in exchange for sex. He could’ve gotten connections, a better grade, or even a part or modeling contact. With his low self-esteem he could have easily been swayed into thinking that it was the only way he was going to make it.
It doesn’t excuse Ian cheating, of course. He still chose his career, personal pleasure, and/or even just not being lonely in the moment over his relationship. He might have felt guilty in the aftermath, but, in the end, he chose himself before he chose his love for Alice.
It’s not surprising though. In that one teaser image of the past between Ian and his partner, he drunkenly once said that if his acting carrier didn’t work out, then maybe they could just “be together.” While this isn’t technically canon to the story, I’m still looking at it for my headcanon.
Just being with Alice was Ian’s fall back plan. She was convenient because she was always there supporting him when others sneered at and bullied him. She was defending him when people, particularly his mother, were awful to him. Her presence was sweet, addicting nostalgia. With Alice not around him all the time to protect him and keep him company in a new and unfamiliar place facing down an uncertain future that he desperately wants, well... he might have made some pretty selfish decisions.
That’s why Alice doesn’t want to love Ian anymore. He might say he loves her, he might want her back and to be with her, and he might even believe that she really is the most important thing in his life now... but when push came to shove, he proved that his wants are more important than her.
Ian getting back together with his ex is something he might be able to accomplish with some sunshines. After all, it is a route in the game. In that case it would be a redemption story on his end, where he made one bad mistake and learned from it the hard way.
It could be a sweet story, but I’m not going that route with Alice. She no longer believes that Ian’s love for her is real.
In a way, Ian’s desire to change is similar to how Jack learned from his mistakes as Joseph and changed himself in the present.
Jack and Ian have a lot of things in common... and I bet that would drive Jack pretty crazy.
Conventional Attractiveness is Everything
Getting back to the entertainment industry preying on actors, especially the pretty ones... Let’s go into a new idea that bloomed from the theory about Joseph.
Sunshine was mentioned to be degree hopping in college. Given the heavy emphasis of the entertainment industry in the game, and the Phantom of the Opera inspiration, this gave me the image that, initially, Alice was trying to make it as an actor alongside Ian at the start of college.
Sure, it was scary. Sure Alice was intimidated by it... but she was doing it alongside the man she loved. She helped him practice so often that she had gotten good at memorizing lines and acting out scenes right alongside him. They were both shy and nervous about it, but they supported each other to keep going. And wouldn’t it be romantic if they became stars together?
As you might expect, that didn’t work out.
One day, the acting professor had Alice stay behind after class. They informed her that she was “too fat” to make it as an actress. They weren’t even necessarily going out of their way to be cruel about it, but giving her a “harsh truth” before she developed an eating disorder to lose weight or something. At best, someone chubby like her would get parts that would make her the butt of cruel jokes for the audience to mock. Not to mention that the entertainment industry would eat someone as shy and insecure as her alive...
This was a huge blow to Alice’s already low self-esteem, as you might expect. It served as the tipping point along with other factors that made her decide to try for a different degree.
This incident did make Ian struggle as well. Suddenly his partner wasn’t working alongside him anymore, and suddenly there was added emphasis on looks, which he was always insecure about. However, in stark contrast with Alice, the same teacher encouraged him to continue.
Alice encouraged Ian as well, so he kept going to follow his dream. Unlike her, he had a chance. He was praised for his looks once he got to college by multiple people. He had a glow up. He was no longer that awkward kid anymore. He also wasn’t chubby like her, and besides, men can be forgiven a few extra pounds in acting roles...
And she was right. Ian made it as a model and actor. He even got into that fancy acting college abroad. Alice was so proud of him. She would miss him and felt so lonely without him, but she was sure that when he graduated and he finally started the career of his dreams that everything would work out in the end... They could both be happy. Together.
As you can see, this new theory about Jack’s death has pretty big implications, and has a lot of narrative reflections in other events in the story, including with other characters. It goes to show how much the entertainment industry can very badly negatively affect peoples’ lives, especially the characters in this story.
Sadly, we don’t know enough about what the entertainment industry is going to do to Shaun to know where this theory might reflect with him and his particular narrative arc, but he was shown as being overworked in a piece of teaser art... so I’m pretty sure that he’s not going to escape its painful stranglehold.
I hope you all enjoyed the theory and headcanons in this post. Honestly, there’s not enough clues yet about the actual murder and Joseph’s life to have anywhere close to a clear picture of how and why he died. For all we know, my joke theory was closer to the truth. Still, I find this idea appealing and I’m inclined to explore it further in Sunshine in Hell.
Speaking of, if you feel inclined to read the fanfic and like it, please let me know what you think. I absolutely adore all your feedback and it really encourages me to keep writing and coming up with headcanon posts and theories like this one. Thanks for reading!
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yunarim · 1 year
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. . . loading : real-life otome simulator ☆ - chapter 1
❤︎ prologue ❤︎ tags : female reader, reader is yuu, extrovert reader, second-year reader, sfw, fluff, chapter 6 spoilers ❤︎ author's note : english isn't my first language, please make sure to point out mistakes if any! :) you can read this work on ao3 ^^!
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. . . loading 1st chapter : 35% (in which she just knows she needs an additional rest because sleepless gaming nights aren’t so helpful after all)
 Yuu didn’t know whether Ortho talked to his brother in a serious, more persuasive way, or was it just “Yeah, fine, sure, just don’t let her enter any further” answer from Idia, but the girl managed it right to the Ignihyde. 
Ortho even was there with her for some time. They laughed together as she described characters, but then he said he needs to check his brother, and left her with a cup of hot tea. What an angel he is.
Yuu grabbed headphones and looked around, checking if there was someone in the lobby, but hell no - no way an Ignihyde student will willingly go out of his room. At any rate, an exciting feeling boiled up in her, and she proceeded to download fresh out of the oven game. 
Oh, so the prologue starts with a main heroine’s voiceover. She sounds so mature and mysterious! Still kinda familiar, though… Yuu thought she looked through all of the details beforehand, and even the name of the voice actress lingered in her memory, she still couldn’t get where she heard her for the first time. Even so, there was no time left thinking about this. Her 2D boys and girls are waiting, after all!
Yuu chuckled at the main plot features. Main heroine strongly resembles Yuu herself. The way she speaks, the way she befriends everybody… The way she got transmigrated into the magic world, being absolutely magicless herself. Yuu saw many manhwas with similar situations and almost could claim she were an isekai excerpt at this rate, but it was much more ironical to read something like that now .
“Oh, so it has two story modes, I see… I guess I need to clear each of them in order to unlock the true route, then.” She mumbled to herself, already clicking on a cute girl profile, choosing her as her first ever route to play.
The game has started.
Lilia didn’t interrogate her, as usual, instead, the smile of amusement stretched on his cute face all the time she excused herself and headed straight to the Ignihyde dorm. Ah, the sense of the blooming soon-to-be-friendship with a totally shut-in dorm leader lingered in the air, which only bat fae himself could feel.
Today was the exception, though, and Lilia appeared in front of her, hanging out of the ceiling at the exit of the school building. 
“Oh my, Lilia!! Give me a second, I’m out of my breath… I told you not to do this little prank of yours with me!!”
“Don’t you worry, Yuu, hehe~ It’s just I’m worried about your appearance.”
“Eh?” Yuu genuinely blinked in incomprehension.
“I bet you can win over Ignihyde dorm leader’s eye bags at this rate. Come here, I have something from Rook.”
Lilia, still hanging out of the ceiling, applied some BB cream on the girl's skin, smiling proudly after seeing her looking not so tired anymore.
“I’m not in the right position giving you advice on this matter, given I’m the gamer myself, but I’m not human, unlike you. Pulling all-nighter is critical for your health!”
“Okay, dad, I understand.” She chuckled, leaning over, and tried to hug Lilia in this position of his. “I’ll sleep properly today… It’s just I had to finish the last chapter of the remaining route and I can unlock the last, true one!”
“Yeah yeah, as you say! Alright, take care!”
After arriving at Ignihyde she pulled on her headphones as usual, already entering the game and continuing her walkthrough.
It was the last, best-friend troupe route. It was considerably hard to play since this character was voiced by Neige and Yuu cringed at times, but really appreciated all the amount of hard work he has done. 
Alright, the tricky last choice comes! The heroine is known to be quite ambitious, yet she still has to maintain the image of an exemplary student who never disobeys her beloved sister. At first she suspects Neige’s character to be a delinquent (Yuu actually genuinely laughed at the image of Neige behaving in a Deuce way, but quickly collected herself), but he proves wrong, suggesting the main heroine to fly off the cage she is believed to be trapped in. Heroine isn’t sure whether she should let her heart decide or think about her sister who was left out in the heroine's original world. Debating with her ideals, she meets her crucial moment in this route, and Yuu is here to solve this problem.
“What’s with this Makoto Niijima* kind of experience even…” Yuu mumbles to herself, getting a lot of resemblance. “But well if I’m getting her character right, then…”
Yuu decided.
  ╰► Explain that you can’t do it
╰► Forget about your previous life and risk it all
  Sudden increasing trust stat gave her the thought that she did everything right. And she actually did - with that tricky situation Yuu managed to gain understanding from Neige’s character and he agreed to wait until the heroine’s heart is ready. It seemed actually ridiculous, but still cute and interesting enough to get her bursting into tears at beautiful CG andー
  “No, what the hell is this choice?!”
Yuu quickly wiped her tears, afraid of showing her emotional side, and tore off headphones, looking back.
“I mean, what??? You’ve been playing the fool just to do something actually smart in the end and it works??? What for were the previous dumbass options then?!”
Yuu blinked once. Twice. She couldn’t even register that Idia appeared right in front of her, lamenting over her choice, so she forgot she had a otome-related business to discuss with him. Tips of his hair were blazing with an orange shade on them, hence Yuu got a sneaking suspicion he was furious. Once her attention shifted to this amazingly beautiful iridescent hair, she stared at him for a moment, until finally regained herself.
“Uhm, hello, Idia?..”
Ignihyde's dorm leader appeared out of nowhere, reminding her of Lilia suddenly, but in any case - it was unexpected. Idia looked as if he was grumbling about something extremely serious, and for a second she felt an urge to ask if everything was alright.
When his breath hitched with incessant whining, she dared to speak up.
“I assume you chose the second option?..”
“You bet I am! I mean, the task was playing dumb, and I did just that. Why pull out a smart kid card so suddenly… I don’t get it.”
Yuu mentally chuckled at his commentary. She was amused at his indignation. Though all of the “I hate otome games” popped out in her head. 
“Ugh, first of all, I don’t think we’ve met properly, right?” She stood up, and Idia suddenly jumped on the spot from the realization that he was talking to a stranger. Well, not to a stranger exactly, but similar. 
“I’m Yuu. It’s nice meeting you, Idia.”
“Erghhh, I know your name, no need for an introduction or whatsoever…” Idia mumbled to himself, his voice began to dissolve into near-total silence to the point she needed to concentrate on him talking. “You were doing just fine gaming, why are you playing extrovert all of sudden…”
“I’m always being extroverted, but alright. Actually, it’s quite funny that you chose the second option, lol. You truly didn’t get the main heroine’s character, huh.”
Now that seemed to startle Idia for a second. He can admit he’s bad at finding out how feelings work (especially romantical ones - they could be compared to the dark forest submerged in a dark maze), but her statement has awoken something indescribable in him. 
  ✎﹏﹏ ⌜ Would you like to turn on competitive mode? ⌝
  ➩ . . . Proceeding to react accordingly to your choice. Countdown before starting: 3… 2… 1…
  “Huh? Why would I even try to analyze something that useless?” Idia hushed, completely forgetting he’s staring at the girl like she was stating nonsense. 
“Maybe for the reason that it actually helps you during your walkthrough, nah?” Yuu fends his argument away in a light manner, but Idia didn’t seem any pleased.
“The main heroine doesn’t even have logical reasoning, she lacks common sense and she’s dense af. Why would I, again?”
“But I assume you didn’t even reach this ending yet, heh? You look like you’ve been for a bunch of reloading due to the wrong choices. Correct me if I’m wrong on that one.” Yuu chuckled softly, drawing her knuckle to her lips to hide a smile.
“Oh Great Seven, watch this normie trying to touch the inner core of mine. Good luck to you on that, then.”
“I’m right, though. I know I am.”
“Never in my life thought that Ortho was begging for such a normie to be able to use our lobby PC, geez. To think that would be you, even…”
“No, I actually have to reciprocate to that one. To be completely frank, I thought you would hate this game. Uh, to be more exact…”
Yuu cleared her throat, drawing all of Idia's attention to her. He frowned and crossed his arms over his chest before she continued. 
“ Otome games are out of my league. I don't want to waste my time on them… Since I’m in a good mood today, I’m taking criticism regarding my intonation. I believe I did well. So?”
Frightened look came across Idia’s face for a second before it switched with pure anger, but she still found it quite amusing, considering she was planning to get the exact same reaction from him. 
“Hey, you!!”
“It’s Yuu, thank you very much. Yes?”
“U-ugh, nevermind… Was it Azul who told you?..” suddenly the cocky tone of his faded away, leaving a place for stuttering, and she’d be lying if she said it wasn’t cute at some rate.
“Not exactly, but close. Anyway, what’s the matter with such a sudden change of heart?”
“Like a normie like you would actually u-understand,” Idia pulled on the hood, pulling the strings down, trying to hide from the girl, now almost physically feeling her determination and nearly fainting due to talking to an extrovert. Extremely popular extrovert magicless girl out of people! He could manage talking to Azul, but being confronted by a girl, never talking to one irl? Never!! 
Still, she was standing in front of him, waiting for an answer. He could give a try, considering she was playing after all, but it was otome which caught her attention, although he saw boys playing other dating-sims in their freetime, too, what made her different from them then? Does she even know Star Rouge at least? Yes, she may be from another world, but it’s impossible to skip this legendary totally OP five-star game, right? But then again, what ifー
“Ugh, listen, I’m sorry if I was impolite or hurt your feelings, I was just curious?..” Yuu tried to sound not offensive in any rate, but she was still curious as hell. 
“Have you looked through characters’ profiles?” Idia spoke so suddenly and silently that the girl took a few steps closer to actually hear what he said, causing Idia to step back accordingly. 
“Yeah, I spent two weeks on simping on teasers,” Yuu chuckled softly, but Idia heard quite a bit of highly specialized slang from her, peeping out of his hood for a moment. Normies usually don’t speak in that way. “Why?”
“D-do you know the main heroine’s voice actor?..”
“You mean Kim MinjiU** ? Yeah, I definitely heard this name, but I can’t remember where… Is something the matter?”
“And there I was, thinking you could consider you not so normie I thought you were at first…” Idia took off his hood, to which Yuu smiled gently, ignoring his words. “She’s a Gakemo leader. But of course you don’t know what a girlboss she isー”
“OH MY GOD HOW COULD I FORGET!” Yuu exclaimed suddenly, her voice reaching almost a desperate scream level, and Idia considered hiding in his hood again, but was so stunned at her behavior that he couldn’t think properly at the moment, continuing staring at her. “I’m jamming to their last release, but I forgot the leader’s name… You’re right, sorry I didn’t recognize her at first. Geez, it’s so embarrassing. Gakemo songs are quite similar to my favorite group songs in my world.” 
She was smiling sheepishly, while Idia tried to process what the hell happened just now. His inner demons were fighting with each other, debate unfolded, reminiscent of a battlefield, where Idia was trying to decide whether she was considered normie or not. 
“So she’s the reason you’re playing?” Yuu continued her attempts in restoring the conversation and getting it back on track, finally remembering her plan.
“Y-yeah,” Idia answered, seeing the monitor turning off behind her back. “A-and what’s the reason you are playing?”
He thought it was Neige at first. They had a thrilling discussion, after all, it would be just as logical for her to play for simping. He had no interest in romancing all characters, all that matters is his bias’ words regarding true route. In an interview, she said that she was incredibly happy to play in a new role. Moreover, the voicelines of the heroine were very emotionally different from those she voiced in other routes.
That could play for Yuu simping over Neige as well, right? He’s new to this whole games industry, it was normal for everyone to appreciate his work? Or so Idia thought.
“I just happen to like otome games,” she shrugged. “I like the characters and the story, too.” 
“It's dumb as hell though…” Idia mumbled, noticing Yuu frowning. 
“The hell? The game is top-tier, it’s impossible not to notice. Have you ever read the reviews? No one has unlocked the true ending yet, and it’s so fucking thrilling. It’s such a challenge!! And you think it’s dumb?” 
“MinjiU is slaying all by herself, though,” Idia regained his confidence once more, his smile sly.
Yuu got startled for a moment, feeling rage overwhelming her, but what was the reason? It was just his opinion, he could think whatever he wanted to, she had no right to prevent him from it. And yet…
Something irked her.
“Never took you as someone who turns down the challenge.”
“Huh?!” He frowned at her. “Who said I’m turning it down?”
“I will be the one who reaches 100% clear first-try true route, obvi~” Yuu grinned. 
“Ha, says someone who never used presents for characters for unlocking extra secret CG.”
“Ugh how did you!ー” Yuu paused and bit her lip. She didn’t notice him watching her playing, for how long has he been doing it? Was it just today? If it was, then she opened her in-game inventory just once by accident, how could he manage to get this that quickly…
“Classic normie behavior spotted, lol!” Idia folded his hands, laughing at her. 
“Call me normie once again, and I’ll!..”
“What? Don’t know how to fight back, normie ?”
“Shut the fuck up, you won’t handle my top-tier references, you can cry about it. Oh to be you, not knowing my world games masterpieces.”
They continued bickering, completely forgetting what was the reason in the first place. Yuu didn't seem to realized she forgot to save the game, when the lights went off in the entire dorm just for a half of a minute, but this case got all Yuu and Idia’s attention. 
Great, stuck with a normie girl in a complete darkness, what a flop era of mine, Idia thought, revealing his tablet and tapping really fast, his focused face was illuminated by the bluish glow from the tablet. Yuu heard a mechanical sound, followed by another bluish glow in an opposite way of the lobby, so she guessed it was Ortho who floated into the room.
“Oi, Ortho, what happened?” 
“My sensors indicate that the freshmen in the system room caused a short circuit. One minute, I'll restore the lighting.” With that being said, Ortho closed his eyes, then suddenly the whole lobby was being illuminated again. Yuu blinked twice, trying to get used to the light. “All done!”
“Thank you,” Idia smiled. 
“Hello again, Ortho,” she smiled as well but then finally noticed her PC was shut. “Oh shit.”
“Is there a problem, Yuu?” Ortho floated to her, and then looked at the monitor too. “Oh…”
“I forgot to save my walkthrough… Shit, there was like, a lot of time spent on this route…”
“ Go cry about it or what did you say?” Idia went back into a mode where he freely mocked her, ignoring the upsetting state she was in. 
“Big brother, it’s bad to talk that way to Yuu! But I don’t believe there’s a way to restore the data, I’m sorry, prefect…”
“I’ll manage I guess… It’s just.. Ugh, I feel like a fool after saying I’ll reach the true ending first. What am I supposed to do now?”
Idia proceeded to go back to his room, when Ortho suddenly did something similar to clapping his hands and smiling, then grabbed his brother’s hood and tagged him back despite his complaints.
“I know the way out, Yuu!”
“Alright?..” Yuu glanced back at Idia, turning pink. “Does it have something to do with your brother?”
“Yes!” Ortho, despite his small body, was built quite strong, being able to grab her and his brother at once to get closer to each other. “Just finish the last route together!”
Silence. This is it. This is where Idia dies.
“I’M NOT GOING TOー” “I’m sorry, Ortho,” Yuu interrupted him, ignoring Idia turning absolutely crimson at this point. “Idia seems to lowkey being not so fond of the plot and the characters, while I am. I also don’t think your brother really supports this idea either.”
“YES, SHE’S RIGHT, ORTHO, LISTEN TO ANOTHER EXTROVERT HERE.” Idia protested, but still couldn’t make a move, Ortho’s grip on his arm became even stronger.
“It would be such a great experience for my brother to make a friend here in NRC! You seem to have similar interests, too. Oh, I’m sorry if I’m being pushy, I didn’t intend to… But I just think you'll benefit from this too, Yuu.”
Yuu looked at his pure big eyes, filled with a genuine hope, and couldn’t stand against them, raising hands in surrender.
“Alright, alright… I’m doing it just for you, though.”
“Thank you so much!!” Ortho hugged her, turning at his brother, still holding the girl in his hands. “Brother, will you agree, please?..”
“I didn’t add you puppy eyes function, just how the hell..”
“Hehehe,” Ortho laughed. “Don’t worry about my brother’s decision. Well, see you tomorrow, Yuu?”
“Yeah, it’s getting late already. Will you bring your computer here in the lobby by tomorrow, I presume?”
“Why, no!”
This when she and Idia knew it won’t end well.
“Since the computer didn’t save your gaming data for something I think was approximately 5-6 hours, you’ll be playing on my brother’s computer. In his room!”
What the actual fuck she didn’t really subscribed to?
“Okay bye-bye see you tomorrow!!”
Yuu didn’t remember how she got in the Mirror Chamber, but well, she guessed it was another confidant rank she had to max out, speaking Idia’s language. He knew the true choice based on her walkthrough now, after all, it’ll help him to adjust to her gaming pace quite fast.  What could go wrong, really?
Yuu thought she heard Idia screaming in desperation in Ignihyde, but decided to return to Ramshackle in peace, thinking whether she should bring some small gift as a partially uninvited guest to Idia’s room tomorrow.
 Meanwhile Ortho somewhere in Ignihyde: being happy his little light trick was a huge success.
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© yushiiae 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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