#Not actual forever maybe like another few months :P
catosaur · 10 months
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a doodle after 6 months goodbye for ever now tumblr
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calcifiedunderland · 8 months
Pride and Prejudice: A TWSTed AU
The Schemer of the Scalding Sands: J. Viper
Introduction, or pick another route!
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Jamil x GN Reader
Warnings: Najma and Kalim are wingmen, Jamil insults you Darcy-style (he doesn’t mean it <3 ), P&P-level angst, descriptions of being extremely high in the air (magic carpet ride <3 )
Notes: ngl i became a jamil stan while writing this fic
Kalim was being quiet, Jamil thought as he glanced at the clock. Too quiet.
It was late evening, and usually around this time Kalim would be knocking on Jamil’s dorm room asking for him to cook something. Or for homework help. Or to plan a party. Or all three, plus something else. Usually, Jamil couldn’t go more than half an hour without Kalim coming around, but this evening had been oddly peaceful, so something had to be afoot.
He pushed away from his desk and headed down the hall to the dorm leader’s room, pressing an ear against his door. Good, he’s in the room. Judging by Kalim’s voice, he wasn’t in immediate danger. Good, good. Still, he should just make sure. He rapped his knuckles against the door and walked in without waiting, “Kalim, I came to check-“
He stopped in shock, eyes widening and a frown forming. Kalim was on his stomach on his bed video chatting with someone on his phone, legs kicking in the air cheerfully. That was all fine, except-
“Najma?!” Jamil screeched, diving to Kalim to get a better look. “Why are you calling Kalim?!”
“Dude, calm down,” Najma deadpanned. Kalim grinned, “yeah, it’s all fine Jamil! We were just talking about you actually-“
“What?!” Jamil wrenched the phone from Kalim, and dodged his hands. “Najma! You should be doing your homework not talking to Kalim-“
“Jamil can you relax?” Najma drawled, leaning back on her bed. “I just called Kalim to see if you were actually doing your job.” Not really, it was to make sure Jamil wasn’t overstressing himself. Clearly he was. She suddenly smirked, and changed the topic. “Kalim said you were close to that (name) person you brought to the Yasamina Silk festival. They seemed cool, but now they seem great.”
Jamil was indignant. “Don’t listen to him Najma. And Kalim! You-!” Jamil turned to glare at him, then immediately calmed his voice and face. “You should eat something, it’s getting late.” Kalim’s eyes widened and he looked at the time, “you’re right! We should see if the rest of the dorm is hungry too! We could all have dinner together!” He dashed out of the room without waiting for Jamil, who sighed and turned back to Kalim’s phone. “I’d better go after him, take care of yourself, Najma.” “Okay, bye~”
Najma sighed and slumped against her bed. Jamil seems to really like this (name), and they seemed pretty nice when we met. Not to mention, Jamil seemed happy they were there… it’d be nice for him to loosen up too. In the very few times he’d spoken about you to her, he seemed… almost cheerful. Very unlike the high-strung, perfectionist brother she knew. Even though Jamil was still her older brother, she still worried about him a little bit. It’d be nice if he had someone to loosen him up, who he genuinely liked.
She thought back to the festival, where you and Jamil shared a melon with one another. Sure, you may have not known that one Scalding Sands legend, where if you shared that melon with someone, your friendship (or romance!) would last forever. Or maybe you did know.
Either way, she knew her brother well enough that he wouldn’t slip up with splitting the melon like that. He may not believe in superstition, but a Scalding Sands legend was still a legend.
She thought for a bit, and then smirked and picked up her phone. Oh yeah. It’s all coming together. She just needed to get Kalim on board now.
Jamil was staring at you again.
It was out of the corner of his eye, and he kept looking away, but you just knew. Because he’d been doing it for the past few months, ever since the Scalding Sands event you’d crashed with Grim.
Granted, you were surprised he even let you go with him and Kalim, given how annoyed he looked at the extra guests (between you two, Trey, Cater, and Malleus, it was an unforgettable trip indeed). And you and Jamil sort of reached a… truce, of sorts, after his overblot.
You didn’t know how you felt ever since he’d basically imprisoned you and Grim in Scarabia, and all the things he’d said about you. Sure, after all of that went down, you were pissed and a little hurt. You’d thought that you’d made a friend in a new dorm, (two, counting Kalim, who really was your friend) but instead he was just using you. And now, the two of you were in a strange stalemate, and surprisingly, saw each other somewhat often.
While running odd errands for Crowley, sometimes you passed by the gym. You’d see Ace and Floyd, and also Jamil playing basketball, and invariably Jamil would become distracted. Floyd even loudly complained about that when a stray shot from Jamil hit him in the head. Then, at some point he’d offered to tutor you in Alchemy, saying that Kalim needed help too, so he’d just be getting two birds with one stone. And then Kalim would throw parties practically every fortnight and sic Jamil on your tail, begging you to come.
You supposed Kalim felt extremely grateful for helping him understand Jamil, but frankly you wanted to be left in peace. Still, when you did accept Kalim’s invitation, you sort of… enjoyed the small talk you made with Jamil, commenting on his cooking and sometimes helping him in the kitchen to get away from the crowds. At some point, the two of you even began meeting up to just… vibe.
Sometimes you’d meet with him in the kitchens, watching him cook while you did your homework, and occasionally cook with him. At some point, you’d take over from him and cook in his place, just to give the poor guy a break. This wasn’t something you took lightly, given how overprotective Jamil was over Kalim - the two of you reached a nice… whatever it was.
Still, you felt like he was uneasy around you. Why else would he keep staring at you, hovering over you, and ask you pointed questions? One moment he’d be more lax around you, chatting and bantering, and the next he’d be… venomous. It wasn’t like you could tell anyone about his overblot. You technically didn’t exist in this universe, anyway, so his secret was safe with you.
You heard a knock coming from the Ramshackle front door, and went to open it. In front of you stood Kalim and Jamil. Wait, no… sat.
They were both seated on Kalim’s flying carpet, the Housewarden beaming at you while Jamil looked tired and a bit peeved. “Hey, (name)!” The carpet waved its tassels at you. “Hey guys, I’m fine, but… why are you here?” Kalim grinned sunnily at you, “we wanted to see you! You should take a break and walk with us!” You glanced at Jamil, who was a little quiet, looking at you intently.
“I can’t, I’m…” you failed to think of an excuse, kicking yourself mentally, “…alright, sure.” Ugh, why did you agree?
Kalim cheered, and the three of you went along the path outside of Ramshackle. Kalim insisted that Jamil stayed on the carpet, even after he suggested he walk with you. “(Name), you should sit with us!” He smiled at you, something mischievous in his eyes. That’s a little… odd? Although it was Kalim after all. He did have some impulsive tendencies.
You gently took Jamil’s hand, surprised he’d even offered to help you up, and sat carefully on the carpet. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Jamil flex the hand he held yours with. You scoffed, “dude, I don’t have rabies or anything. You’re not infected with my hand.” Jamil frowned and opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Kalim jumped off the carpet. “Now, remember what we talked about! Go, carpet!”
Immediately, the carpet lurched forward. “Kalim, what did you do?!” Jamil gasped as the carpet began rising higher and faster. Your eyes widened and you instinctively grabbed the front of the carpet, “KALIM! Jamil stop the-!” You were cut off as the carpet zoomed up into the sky, leaving no trace except your shrieks and Jamil’s shouts. Nonetheless, Kalim smiled proudly at his handiwork, now Jamil and the Prefect can have some quality time together! Pleased, he pulled out his phone.
Kalim: its done! Jamil and (name) are in a whole new world of love now!!!!!!! \^o^/
On the other end of the chat, Najma grinned, and texted back:
Najma: YESSSSSSSS all according to plan >:)
You had been through a lot when you first arrived to NRC. Between living in Ramshackle, fighting overblots, dodging Floyds and Rooks, and shouldering Crowley’s responsibilities, you’ve dealt with your fair share of wildness.
But this? This was new.
You screamed as the carpet seemed to lurch higher and higher into the air, gripping the front of it for dear life. Your stomach flip-flopped wildly, and you tried to not projectile vomit in mid-air. The air rushed past your ears, cold and practically ripping through your skin. You could barely hear anything over the sound of wind, let alone Jamil yelling beside you.
At last, the carpet settled, and you felt extremely lightheaded. Your brain was static at this point, and you moved to lean on both hands when Jamil grabbed your wrist. “Do not look down.”
Well damn, you can’t tell me what to do, Jamil. That made you immediately look over the edge, and you regretted it instantly. The school was barely larger than a postage stamp, and you could practically see the borders of Sage’s Island with how high up you were. It was chilly too - you both were surrounded by clouds, and it was darker than you’d thought. It was probably about to rain - not that you’d know, being above the damn rainclouds.
Beside you, Jamil was beyond exasperated. If he seemed tense before, now he was just pissed. His hand on your wrist tightened, and he leaned closer to you. “Don’t. Look down.” His eyes flashed angrily at you, and you withered under his gaze, gripping the carpet tighter. He turned his eyes to your hands, gently putting his hands over yours.
“Look, I’ll steer the carpet downward, but you need to follow my lead.” He made you look at him. His dark eyes held your gaze, and for a moment you really did feel like you were in the clouds. That the world was just you and Jamil, high above everything on this terrifying carpet ride.
“Do you trust me?” You saw his lips move, but it sounded far away, like he was speaking through water. Maybe it was the altitude messing with your head, but Jamil looked so focused on you. You’d never seen him look at anything like this, so gently.
“Do you trust me?” Jamil tightened his hands over yours, and you were brought back to reality. You nodded, and he sighed. “Good. We’re going to go forward.” Carefully, he tipped the carpet, and you took in a sharp breath when you went forward. The two of you inched downwards, and the school became larger and larger until finally you both touched down in Scarabia.
Jamil clasped your hand in his and lead you off the carpet, silent. He had a deep frown on his face, and his dark eyes were even stormier than the skies. He didn’t get off the carpet with you, but clenched his hands after he helped you off. This was the second time it’s happened, he doesn’t think you have cooties or something right?
“Thanks, Jamil…” You looked at him, hoping he’d maybe lighten up a bit now that you were on the ground, but he refused to look at you, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “Just… stay here. I’m going to put the carpet away, just…I don’t need any more trouble.” As he walked away, you felt his words settle heavily in your gut. I’m just trouble for him? It’s not like I caused the carpet to go sky-high…
Still, you sat on the luxurious couch in the Scarabia common room, and tried to relax. Surprisingly, it was quiet - it seemed that everyone had gone to bed. It was a nice change from Ramshackle, at least. You shut your eyes, beginning to feel tired. After a while, you groggily awoke to a mop of white hair and red eyes exclaiming at you.
“(Name)! What are you doing here?! What about Jamil?! I thought you were up in the sky on your magic carpet ride!” Kalim blabbered while you tried to get your bearings back. He seemed… worried? He put his hand to his chin, thinking. “Well, maybe I could find an empty room and put you both in it-“
“Kalim.” The Housewarden immediately fell silent, spinning to Jamil with wide eyes, smiling at him. “Jamil! Don’t worry, we can still fix this!” Jamil’s frown deepened in confusion, “Kalim, what are you-“ “And the Prefect is still here!” Kalim pointed at you, and you went on alert as Jamil zeroed in on you, seemingly forgetting you were still here.
Kalim continued cheerfully, eyes steeling in happy-go-lucky determination. “And there’s still time! You can get back out on the carpet, there’s still stars out!” Jamil wrenched his eyes back to Kalim, mouth curling into a snarl and arms tensing. “Kalim, what are you talking about?”
“To confess!”
The silence was stifling. You stared wide-eyed at Jamil, who stared incredulously at Kalim, who still smiled innocently. Finally, Jamil seemed to temper himself and said through gritted teeth, “Kalim, go back to your room.”
Kalim placed his hands on his hips, “no way! We still have to-“ “Kalim.” Even though you didn’t know either of them as long as they knew each other, something in Jamil’s voice sapped Kalim of his energy. Kalim’s eyes widened, and after a moment, he left the room. You opened your mouth, but didn’t know what to say.
You watched as Jamil sighed irritably, running a hand through his long bangs. You slouched on the Scarabia couch, watching him pace and huff to himself. What had you done to earn his annoyance? He’s the one who basically kidnapped you on a flying rug. Surely he couldn’t dislike you that much.
“Kalim doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” he said at last, and you frowned deeply. “What? Kalim isn’t stupid, Jamil,” you said sharply, losing your patience, “and what in Seven’s name is up with you?
“Look, you’re-“ Jamil stopped, clearing his throat. He smoothed over his expression, face becoming the usual calm-and-composed Vice Housewarden that he always showed to the world, but not you. “Nothing is wrong.” You finally snapped, exhausted and utterly spent, “what is going on? You’ve been acting weird with me ever since winter break!” Jamil grit his teeth, but you continued. “What is your deal, Jamil?! I thought we were friends! What have I done to make you hate me this much?!”
“You’ve been a thorn in my side since you’ve come here!” Jamil yelled, stopping pacing in front of you. His chest heaved, and he had that angry-crazed look on his face he always got when exasperated. “You’re too clever for your own good! And ever since my…” he swallowed, starting to lose his momentum as he realized what he was saying, “last winter, you’ve shown yourself to be someone…interesting.” Finally, he seemed marginally calmer. “And… I don’t think I could’ve dealt with all of this without you, even though you’re the last person who I thought could help.”
Your frown deepened. You opened your mouth to say something, but Jamil hurriedly continued, shutting his eyes. “Look, I know that I inconvenienced you, but… you’re always on my mind, when I should be thinking about attending Kalim. You’re-“
“Alright, that’s it.” You stood up from the couch, and walked off without sparing a glance. Jamil stopped, sputtering, and cried out “you’re just going to leave?!” You spun on your heel, glaring at him. “Yes! I’m leaving so I don’t cause a bigger mess!” Jamil shut up immediately, and you stalked to him, poking his chest hard. “You have done nothing but insult me. What happened today, with the carpet, was not my fault. If anything, you made me into a thorn in your side.” He flinched, but you blazed on. He didn’t get to hurt and belittle you.
“You hurt the entire dorm with your overblot,” you seethed, “and you didn't inconvenience me. You imprisoned me and Grim in your little scheme. And I have tried to be nice to you since then, and I thought we were becoming friends, but you just seem to hate me every time you see me. So fine,” you backed off, throwing your hands up as you left, “I’m leaving, Jamil. I’m leaving.”
Jamil didn’t know how long he stood there after you’d left. The Scarabia common room seemed to get chillier as the night passed, but he couldn’t find it in himself to go back to his dorm. At some point, he found himself on the couch drifting in and out of sleep, wondering why things were the way they were, and why he just couldn’t be lucky. Before he closed his eyes, utterly defeated, his last thought was, I deserved that. But not them.
The next few weeks passed without a hitch, although you were still brimming with dulled hurt every time you saw Jamil and Kalim.
Even though you had nothing against Kalim, Jamil always slunk behind him like a shadow, making you uncomfortable every time the sunny housewarden bounded up to you. Somehow, it felt like Kalim came up to you even more often than before. You’d supposed that maybe Kalim was trying to mend things between you and Jamil, but while he had the best intentions, it was really up to Jamil. Still, you thought, you weren’t exactly kind when you last… spoke to him.
Every time you spoke to Kalim, you tried to gently but firmly turn his invitations down. This time, he seemed adamant that you come to tonight’s party, basically begging you to attend.
“Please, Prefect!” He grabbed your hand pleadingly, “it’ll be fun! The Pop Music club will be playing, and Jamil’s cooking all your favorites-“
“Kalim, let’s go.” You were jarred to hear Jamil speak up, and Kalim actually listen to him rather than brushing it off. Kalim looked at Jamil, who continued, “We need to head back to the dorm and prepare. And…” Jamil avoided your eyes, “please, don’t trouble the Prefect.”
As the two of them left, you felt their absence weigh on you. It had been a while since you’d hung out with Jamil - so you took to cooking alone in Ramshackle or Heartslabyul, and tried studying by yourself. On nights when Scarabia was having a party, you tried to not think about when you and Jamil would hang out in the kitchen, or when you and Kalim would drag him out to the dance floor to loosen up. Still, your Friday nights were getting drearier by the week, even when you tried reading Prejudice and Pride to take your mind off it.
In the gym, the basketball club was in full swing, and Ace and Jamil chatted while passing the ball to each other. “Yeah, sure, I can try to get them to come tonight,” Ace began dribbling the ball, then smirked at Jamil. “Didn’t know you missed them so much though!” Jamil frowned, flushing. “I just… Najma wanted to see them again. That’s all.”
Ace shrugged and passed the ball, “alright, guess I’ll see you later.” Later that day, you frowned at the text you got from Ace, wondering how you should respond. At this point, you’d attempted to avoid Scarabia at all costs, but it had been a while. Even then, you still wanted to see Kalim and Jamil one last time - and at least you’d be with your friends.
Ace: hey theres a party at scarabia tonight, Jamil wants you to go
Ace: so u wanna go or what
You: sure, I’ll be there. Meet u at the mirror in ten
You, Grim, Ace, Deuce, and Cater stepped into Scarabia. Immediately Cater ran off to find Lilia and Kalim, and you got separated from Ace and Deuce while trying to cross the dance floor. At some point Grim perked up as he smelled food wafting in the air, and made a beeline for the kitchen. You ran after him, dodging the partygoers (and at some point almost crashing into Lilia, Kalim, and the drum set) until you found yourself standing in the Scarabia kitchen.
Grim bounded over to Jamil, who was standing over the stove stirring a large pot. “Jamil! What’s cookin’?” Grim’s eyes were shining, and he strained to look up. You heard laughter from behind you, and a voice saying “hey, it’s the Prefect!” Jamil’s head snapped back to where you stood. You looked behind you, jaw dropping, “Najma?! What are you doing here?” She grinned at you, and you followed her to Jamil.
“I just wanted to see Jamil! And Kalim said he was having a party today,” she hugged you tightly. “I haven’t seen you since the festival! Jamil keeps talking about you too!” You made eye contact with Jamil over Najma’s shoulder. He looks like a deer in the headlights.
“Najma, let the Prefect go,” Jamil recovered quickly, and she let go reluctantly, pouting. You turned your attention to the pot, “hey, are you making curry? I thought Kalim hated that.”
Grim stood at attention, “whatever it is, I want some!” Jamil sighed, “I already made the food for the party, this is for Najma.” And you, if you showed up. Najma scrunched her nose, “I don’t want that, it’s too… plain.” Plain? You glanced into the very fragrant pot, swirling with spices and oil.
“You’re going to eat. You didn’t have lunch, baba will be mad if he finds out I didn’t feed you,” Jamil spooned some curry onto a plate and Najma crossed her arms. “It’s fine, but you still make your food look too plain. Like, garnish it or something. I know (name) can probably make it better!” She handed the plate to Grim, and as you picked Grim up to place him on a chair to eat, you frowned.
“My cooking isn’t that great, Najma. Jamil taught me some stuff, but still.” Najma looked confusedly at her brother, “but he says you cook so well!” Jamil gaped at her, while your eyes widened. Najma gave her brother a look, and continued, “he loves your cooking! And he said he loves cooking with you! And-”
“Jamil!” Finally you cut her off, as Jamil looked one second away from smothering her, “I didn’t know you liked my cooking?” You felt your nervousness from the party melt, and smiled hesitantly at him. He seemed to soften a little, “Yeah… it’s nice to have the company,” he cleared his throat. Why did it feel so hot in the kitchen?
Najma watched the both of you stare at each other, then clapped her hands together, making you both flinch. “Alright! This is enough. You need to get out.” As she strode out of the kitchen, you both watched her confused. “Najma, where are you going?,” Jamil called, but she didn’t answer. Grim shrugged, finishing off the curry, “Wow! Jamil, the food tasted so good!” You and Jamil stood in silence, before you both opened your mouths to speak.
“Jamil, I’m sorry for yelling-”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you (name)-”
Your eyes widened, and you both fell into an awkwardness. You were about to open your mouth, but then Najma kicked in the door. “Both of you! Out!~” Trailing behind her was… “Why’s the carpet here?!” Jamil yelled, “Najma that’s a precious heirloom of the al-Asim family! You can’t just-!” The carpet wrapped around both of you and Jamil and began pushing you out of the dorm to the outside, being lead by Najma, who cackled gleefully.
“Okay carpet! Two times is the charm! Go!” The carpet seemed to nod? and then unfurled itself from around you two. It swept underneath your and Jamils’ feet, and began rising gently in the air, unlike last time. Jamil was shouting at Najma, looking down but you weren’t focused on him. Rather, you were looking up.
“Jamil,” you nudged him softly. “Not now, Prefect,” he grumbled. “Jamil, look.” He finally sat down on the carpet, and his mouth hung open in shock. The two of you were in the sky again, but not as high this time. All around you, the stars twinkled brightly in the night, and nebulae swirled across the sky. There were barely any clouds. It was slightly chilly, but Jamil’s warmth next to you was enough to keep you fine. Rather, the goosebumps on your arms were from other things.
“It’s beautiful up here,” you breathed, and Jamil glanced at you. “Yeah, it is.” Jamil could feel his stresses slowly dissipate, and while you both were up in the sky, it felt like the world was only you and him, and the twinkling of the stars above you both. His mind wandered to the old Scalding Sands legend. Was this how the princess and her lover felt when they were courting?
You looked over at Jamil, gently grabbing his hand. In the calm of the night, Jamil seemed a little… less put-upon. Like he could finally speak freely. He cleared his throat, lost in thought. “I… got ahead of myself before,” he finally said, shifting uncomfortably on the carpet.
“I never got to tell you, but I’m sorry,” his voice cracked. “I’m sorry for trapping you and Grim in Scarabia. You’re not a thorn in my side, what I meant was… you were always there. And at first, I hated it. I didn’t trust you. You were like a thorn in my side, because you were always there. But…” You waited for him to continue, all the anger and hurt leaving you in the cool night air.
“I began to like your presence. Like I could relax when you were there, because you could help with Kalim, or keep me company while cooking, or just-” Jamil seemed a little choked up now, is he ok? “Be there. I never felt like that… just…-”
“Supported,” you finished, and he nodded, swallowing thickly. You both stayed quiet, until you spoke. “I didn’t mean to yell at you. I just… You always seemed to either like me or hate me?” You felt jittery just saying it out loud, “sometimes we’d be fine, but sometimes you’d just… avoid me. And it hurt.”
Jamil squeezed your hand softly, and you sighed, “And I never know what you’re thinking. I really don’t know if you just kept me around for Kalim, or if we were actually…” friends. Jamil moved closer to you. “...I do like being with you. I… I do.”
Jamil turned your chin so you’d face him. He took a deep breath, “Kalim wanted me to… confess,” the word sounded like a hiss. “I thought he was getting ahead of himself as usual but then I…” he hesitated, “I realized he was right. And Najma was right. I did… I have feelings for you, and somewhere along the way I started… loving you.” His voice became quiet, and he averted his eyes from yours, as if expecting you to be angry. To his surprise, you weren’t.
You cut him off, gently pressing your lips against his cheek. His eyes widened, barely believing it. Him? Of all people, him?
“I really wanted you to not hate me,” you confessed, face feeling warm despite the chill. “I… really do like you, Jamil. I like what you can do, and I like you. And I think somewhere along the way…”
You squeezed his hand tightly, making him look at you with a smile on your face, “I started loving you too.” You softly closed the distance between you, finally ending the weeks of inner turmoil.
Jamil softly cupped your face, looking into your eyes, then kissed you gently, as if he couldn’t believe that this was real. You wrapped your hand around the hand on your face, squeezing it softly. You were here. You moved to clasp him tighter, and he wrapped an arm around your waist, holding you tighter.
Quietly in the chilled night, if anyone cared to look up into the starry sky, they would have seen two newfound lovers finally together, exchanging stolen kisses and chuckling amongst themselves. Lucky for them, the only witnesses to them were the stars above, and two teenagers standing outside Scarabia.
Hands on her hips, Najma proudly stared up into the sky, squinting at the shadowed figures on the carpet. Wordlessly, she held up her hand, and Kalim high-fived her, grinning.
“Mission accomplished!~”
Notes: this got so long bc of the introduction with Najma but I just had to include her and Kalim conspiring together! Anyway, hope you enjoyed the Jamil chapter, thank you so much for reading!!!!!!
Taglist: @cerisescherries, @eclecticprincecollector, @ars-tral, @thehollowwriter, @twst-eeps, @casperandcats, @ttokkisbee, @mitsuriswaifu, @parad-ice-lostandfound
@sad-sie, @moyo5653,
(If your username is in bold, it means I wasn’t able to tag you properly 😅)
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weedburglar · 9 months
Doug Remer x Reader | 18+ MDNI
plot: Remer is a huge perv 🤷🏻‍♂️ that’s all
cw: unprotected sex, p in v, cowgirl, degrading, teasing, dom!(bratty?)reader, sub!remer, daccryphilia, cock warming
word count/read time: 1,555 words/10 mins
notes: This is the first fic I’ve written in like 7 years and my first and only fic was….something….and this is my first time writing smut😨 reader is afab
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You’ve been living with Coop and Remer a few years after they had already moved in. You were struggling to find a place to stay especially with how little you were paid, so they offered you the spare room they had upstairs. Luckily you guys have been friends for a while so this wasn’t any problem. After a few months of living with them, you’ve started to develop a crush for Remer. You always thought he was cute but it might’ve been after living with him, seeing him in a domestic way really made you have a soft spot for him.
You, Coop, and Remer always took turns doing chores. When it came to making dinner, it was usually always you. Last time Coop and Remer tried making it one night, you had to get a pillow off the couch and fan the smoke out the window then you had to scrap off…whatever was on that pan. It took forever.
Tonight you were trying to make dinner. When you went to look in the fridge you realized Coop didn’t go food shopping as this week it was his job. Closing the door with a sigh, you went up to Remer’s room and knocked on the door. You could hear a muffled “Come in” from inside. You went inside and told Remer, “Hey Coop DIDNT go food shopping this week so I’m going to the store to at least get dinner for tonight. I’ll be back in a bit.” He was laying in bed with his laptop and turned his head to you, “Alright, drive safe.” He gave a slight smile. You left and shut the door and walked to your car, starting to and driving off.
Remer was horny. Before you walked in he was actually watching porn, trying to get it up. But all he could think about was YOU. He loves everything about you, your smile, your laugh, your caring personality, everything. As soon as he saw your car pull out of the driveway he had an idea. He didn’t know if he should go through with it, but he was too horny and needed to get it taken care of.
He walked to your room, right across from his. He slowly opened the door, even though he knew you weren’t here and shut it. He started to open your drawers, looking for your underwear. He eventually found a pair and had wide eyes. Was he really gonna do this? Whatever. As he held it he started to palm himself through his boxers, then he got another idea. He looked over at your bed and slowly walked over to it. He took off his boxers, leaving them on the floor. He got on your bed, laid down and started to jack off. He held his cock in one hand and had your underwear in the other, glancing at it every once in a while. He started to sniff them, getting your sent mixed with your laundry detergent. He started to pump faster, he was getting close
You pulled into the driveway and left the car. You opened the trunk so you could get the groceries. You realized the door was unlocked so you just let yourself in. You walked to the kitchen counter and set the bags down with a huff. You walked to Remer’s room to tell him you were home. You knocked on the door and didn’t hear anything so you let yourself in, and you didn’t see him. You checked the living room, the garage, Coops room, even the bathrooms. You couldn’t find him anywhere. You decided to go to your room to get your phone off the charger so you could text him. You opens the door and saw him, jerking off, and holding your underwear.
You don’t know where the confidence came from, maybe just because you were turned on, you were just frustrated and needed to release the anger, who knows? But all you know is that you’ve never gotten into a room so fast. You walk over to Remer and softly say, “Do you want me to help you Doug?” His eyes widened, still shocked from the embarrassing situation he got himself in. “Uh..y—yes please.” He looks at you with desperation, his face turning bright red.
You slowly start to strip, taking your clothing off one by one just to tease him. The sight you saw was beautiful, you could see he was starting to sweat, his dick leaking with precum begging to be touched. Eventually you’re standing there finally nude, you decide to keep teasing him. You crouch down to his level and slowly start to pump him using his precum as lube. He bucks his hips up and whines as if begging you to go faster. “P—please (y/n)“ You don’t listen and you go slower.
You lean your head on the bed and cock your head slightly, “I’m sorry, what was that?”. He looks at you with glossy eyes and has a look that’s pleading with you. You noticed this and decide to stop completely. He becomes a mess “Wh—what’re you doing? Please--please I’m begging you-please keep going!” He starts pleading. You place you hands under your head supporting it, “Why should I? You’re being such a slut, stealing my stuff, jacking off in my room? Why should I reward such behavior?”
He starts to get antsy with tears welling in his eyes, his dick throbbing “Please please I’m so sorry! I’ll be good I promise p—please I’ll be good!” he slightly bucks his hips up. “Good boy. I guess I’ll touch you.” You start to slowly stroke his cock, “Ah—Ah yes, feels so good. Ple--please go faster!” his word slurring together, him whimpering, almost sounding feminine. He shits his eyes and his mouth is slightly agape. You start to go faster, your cunt also throbbing at the sight before you.
He opens his eyes slightly to look at you, “Baby I—I need to feel you please”. You cock your head slightly again slowing down, acting like you don’t know what he’s insinuating, “I’m jerking you off, what else do you want? Tell me”. He whines “I—I—wanna be inside you, ple— please.” He bucks his hip up. You decided to give him what he wanted, giving you a perfect opportunity to get off as well. You get up from the side of the bed and get on top of him. You can hear his breath hitch as you’re getting on. You honestly can’t wait anymore, as much as you’d like to keep teasing him.
You slowly sink onto him, earning moans from both of you. You start to go slow, taking you time with him. He tries to buck his hips again but you force his hips down “Don’t.” getting stern. You slowly bounce up and down. Remer starts to whine and begs “Augh F—Fuck…Please—please go faster please!” At this point the annoyance you had for him had vanished, being dominated by pleasure. You start to pick up the pace. Remer asks in between moans “C—can I touch your clit pl—please?”. You nod, unable to convey any words at the moment. He eagerly reaches his hand toward your throbbing clit and starts to circle it with his thumb. The added pleasure makes you moan louder, and in turn makes you bounce on him faster, feeling him hit your g spot. Remer chokes and whines out “I—I’m gonna—“ you look him in the eyes and sternly say “Not yet”.
You keep bouncing, and that mixed with Remer playing with your clit, you can feel your climax coming. Remer has tears in his eyes, “p—please—please baby—ah— I’ve been good—lemme cum in you, wanna fill you up” his words slurring together, dangerously close to his orgasm. “Yes, yes cum in me.” You notice you’re on the edge and knowing how badly Remer wanted to come, you tell him, looking at him with hooded lids, “Cum for my baby”. That’s all he needed to hear, he cried out your name and threw his head back while one hand on your hip and one still playing with your clit, pumping his load into you without hesitation. The feeling of his hot seed flowing into you made your knot snap and your orgasm soon following, throwing your head back and moaning out Remer’s name. You start to slow down your pace, eventually coming to a stop. You and Remer stay as you are for a minute, catching your breaths. You start to slowly lay on top of Remer with your head in the crook of his neck, both of you still panting.
Remer says, still slightly panting, “Th—Thank you for helping me.” He turns his head from embarrassment. “Hey, no need to be embarrassed.” You softly grab the side of his face and turn it to face you. You confesse “Honestly, I’ve wanted to do this for a while, I really like you Doug”. His eyes widen, “Really?” you chuckle “Yeah really”. He pulled you into a kiss, “I’ve liked you since you first moved in, guess I should’ve made a move sooner”. You both giggle and you start to get off him, he asked “Wait actually, can you..stay on?” You smile and go back down, both of you drifting off to sleep in each others arms.
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animeloverskylarmoon · 3 months
Mayuri Kurotsuchi (Bleach) -Extra
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“I already told you, this is the best way to administer the drug.”
He bit the capsule, and you barely got a word in before his lips were pressed to your own. You gripped at his captain’s cloak, knees trembling as his tongue seemed to explore every area that it could. Your brows knitted, and he finally pulled away, licking his lips confidently.
The bruise on your arm was sizzling and he smirked.
“See, the drug is already taking effect. Although it is still underdeveloped, it works wonders, wouldn’t you agree?”
His tongue darted out, licking the corner of your lips.
You couldn’t believe how much had changed.
Just a few weeks ago you were complaining about how infuriating this man was. Now you’re just letting him mess with you.
You mutter weakly.
You liked it when he kissed you.
There was no denying that.
“Am I?”
His hand slid around your waist and you squeal when he flash steps. You’re now seated in his lap as he sits at his desk. Your intention is to yell. Do something, say something, but the second his hand lands on your thighs, you feel like you’ve lost your voice.
“M-Mayuri w-wait someone could walk in..”
You clenched your eyes shut when his free hand moved up your shirt.
“This is my private space, no one but you and Nemu have access.”
That statement shocked you.
He leaned closer, nibbling on your ear and you shivered, bracing your hands on the desk.
“What else should I test on you, hmmm?”
“I-I’m not an experiment!!”
Mayuri’s grin grew wider.
“I beg to differ, you’re the best experiment that I’ve ever encountered.”
His hand started drifting over your thighs, moving to your center. You bit your lip, eagerly anticipating the touch. He was close, so clos-
The sound made you jolt, and your head whipped behind.
There was now a gaping hole where a computer once was, and when the debris and smoke finally cleared, you could see none other than Kenpcahi picking himself up off the ground. He was smiling like a maniac.
“Good one Ichigo!!”
He blasted right back out of the hole, creating a bigger gape in the wall.
“How bothersome.” Mayuri grumbled.
It’s then you seemed to realize just how compromising your position was. You jumped out of his lap, pointing at him.
“Q-Quit messing with me all time!!”
You were gone in an instant, and he just let out a soft huff of annoyance.
“S-Stupid Mayuri!!”
When did you become unaffected by that clown-faced weirdo?
It was a little annoying.
He was still using you like a test subject.
Maybe that’s what was actually pissing you off. At any time he could find a replacement. Some new person that would peak his interest. Then what. Were you just supposed to pack up your feelings?
“I hate him..”
You hate that he makes you feel this way.
Self conscious and unsure.
Planting yourself on a building, you just stared at the sky. When you first got here everything was pretty clear. Mayuri was a psycho that you needed to avoid.
Yet now..that’s so far from the truth. Maybe it wasn’t just now, but all those months you spent going along with his crazy adventures. Each one seemed to be worse than the last, but you always showed up. You were always with him and Nemu. Now it feels weird to be all alone here.
The familiar sound of robes flapping brought you back. You didn’t have to turn. You already knew who it was.
“Do you intend to sulk forever?”
His tone sometimes really did piss you off.
“What do you want? Another perverted experiment. Why don’t you just go find some other superpowered human.”
You hugged your knees, still refusing to look at him. It was petty, but you can’t help it.
Mayuri frowns.
“There is no other being that would come close to intriguing me as you do.”
It was shocking, hearing something like that from him. You turned your head slowly, and he was just looking at you. There was something there. Something he didn’t show often, or maybe ever. Mayuri looked away, seemingly agitated that you made him express such a thing.
This wasn’t a confession of his undying love, but this was possibly the closest you would get. You wore a small smile, shaking your head.
“I’ve really lost my mind.”
You must have.
Oh well. 
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cabbageslost · 10 months
ATLA Birthdays
ATLA Birthdays! I have way too much headcanon for this. ROFL My brain grants the benders a birthday in "their" season, and the non-benders whenever. Assuming they spend 3 months in each season, with Sozin's Comet being the "end of summer" deadline Roku mentions. And then in my head, the Jasmine Dragon scene is about 5-6 weeks post-comet. (Allowing time for recuperation, a few weeks to set up Fire Nation things, then they can leave to check in on other nations they've been fighting. I would imagine longer except those trees are still mainly green.) Anyway, gives about 10 months for the show, so statistically most would have had a birthday. So, in order vaguely of how we first see them, here's some ATLA people's ages/birthdays as I think of it whenever I write something. :)
Katara - My brain puts her birthday right at the start of winter, so we JUST miss out on her 14th birthday. Like, it's a few days before the show starts. In fact, my brain goes so far as to make up a little story that Sokka knows how much his sister wants to fight and he can relate to that since he wanted to go with their dad and the warriors a few years ago. 14 is when fighters are taken ice dodging in the tribe and he can't do that for her - he didn't even get to go after all - but what he CAN do is take her fishing with him. But like, he's a big brother, he's not going to admit that stuff out loud to her.. and they still annoy one another. LOL Bam, that's how we find them on the water in the opening scene. (Puts her at 14 at start of show, 14 at end of show.)
Sokka - My brain sticks him in the fall, about 15 months older than Katara. No big reason behind that one aside from the activity that gets you a kid is some easy entertainment during cold months you might be stuck in an igloo. LOL I could easily see him with a summer or spring birthday too. (Puts him at 15 at start of show, 16 at end of show.)
Aang - His birthday would have been fall, but as we know he lived out a good portion of his age-12 year (seriously.. mastering airbending, getting tats, making trips around the world - since we can see his tats in the flashback with Bumi, all the kerfuffle with being told he's the Avatar, losing airfriends enough that he just hung with Gyatso, Gyatso letting him be a kid and not just train 24/7, eventually monks being huffy enough that they threaten to separate him and Gyatso, etc).. it would have had to be months after his actual birthday that he ran away. In my head, it was summer - soon before Sozin's Comet the 1st, makes sense since apparently the monks were still at the temple and not out hunting for Aang during the attack. So he was about 2-3 months from 13 when he got frozen, putting his "new" birthday at end of winter/start of spring, since he got UNfrozen at start of winter. (Puts him at 12 at start of show, 13 at end of show.)
Zuko - In my head, his birthday was just squeaking in at the end of summer. Like late at night last day of summer, scarily close to first day of fall. Thus why his dad was automatically ready to assume that he wouldn't be a firebender. But he made it even if it took a visit to the true masters to pull out his full potential. (Puts him at 16 at start of show, 17 at end of show - though honestly if not for the "banished at 13 and it has been 3 years" my brain would have slotted him a year older. His sister too.)
Iroh - I don't know. I don't think my brain gave him an age. Ageless. LOL Uncle forever. He looks way older than Ozai for sure. And maybe he is. Who knows. Or maybe he's not.. goodness knows losing a son (and witnessing your brother be an absolute abusive dick to your nephew) probably ages a person. Anyway, his age was just ?? at the start and ??+1 end of show. :P
Suki - She gets a late winter birthday in my head. My brain placed her at Sokka's age but maybe a few months older. She seems young enough to be playful, but old enough that she's got her act together. So, right on the edge of "ATLA Adult" is where she goes in my brain. (Puts her 15 when we first saw her on Kyoshi island, 16 when we see her after that.)
Azula - She would have a summer birthday too, but I imagine something more dramatic like the summer solstice or something. Gotta have a flashy day for our firebending prodigy. (This puts her at 14 when we first see her, and 15 partway through S3 - but as said above, my brain would have likely slotted her one year older based on deportment, etc. But maybe that's all nobility training?)
Mai - I don't have a set birthday plan for her in my brain, but I do imagine her as actually being close to a year older than Azula. Still close enough that Azula was the childhood playmate choice, but also close enough to Zuko's age that she wished she could have been hanging out with him. But, you know, Azula dynamics. (Puts her at 16 by end of show.)
Ty Lee - I imagine her as a few months younger than Azula. Probably mid-to-late fall birthday? (Puts her at 14, close to 15 at end of show.)
Toph - I imagine her having her 12th birthday - likely a boring, stuffy celebration of solely her parents' friends - shortly before the Gaang got to her in the spring/S2. And I live for the initial dinner scene because you will never convince me that that is not Toph manifesting youngest child energy as though she'd been doing it her whole life. Like I so wanted Sokka to lean over to Aang and be like "welcome to having a little sister." LOL (Anyway, this puts Toph at 11 when the show starts I guess, but 12 when we meet her and 12 at the end of show.)
Okay, there's all my thoughts on ages as someone who has just watched the cartoon. It's all headcanon, not canon-canon, and I'm perfectly fine with that.
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raspberry--fool · 1 year
There are lot here, so just pick whichever ones you want to do.
I O P S V (cyrus / aurelius / andrea)
oh that is a lot! jokes on you, i’m doing all of them :3
I. Are there any stories you have been brainstorming but haven’t written yet? so, so many. i have two prequels to sic semper tyrannis up my sleeve, a pirate story set after the death of their beloved captain in which they wrestle with their grief and their conflicting feelings about him, a couple of stories set in the world 9 year old me created as a coping mechanism and a retelling of herodotus’s story of mycerinus (look it up if you don’t know it – it’s an incredible tale!)
O. Which writer(s) influenced your style? Alternately: which writer’s career do you wish you had/hope to achieve? i want so badly to write like maggie stiefvater……also, i want my worldbuilding to be as good as ursula le guin’s in her earthsea series (my childhood)
P. What draws you to a story idea? (Example: themes, a fun character, Aesthetic, etc.) god…..i have no idea. story ideas sort of just appear in my brain and shout at me until i’ve written them down. sometimes they’ve come from songs, sometimes from images, a few times even from dreams! what draws me to them, i guess, is probably the characters and how they feel and view the world and whether that’s compelling enough?
S. Are you a pantser, planner, or plantser? (How much planning do you put into your stories?) i love the idea of pantsing but ultimately i can’t write without a scene-by-scene plan so i am very much a planner.
V. Original fiction: Do you have a face claim for (character)? most of them i make on picrew…. that’s cyrelius at the top and, from left to right, elias digby, adrien bennet, nora atkins and andrew spencer from merlin motors:
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AD. If (story) were adapted in another medium (comic, tv show, etc) what would it be? i have this incredible movie adaptation of honourable dishonour that lives in my head bcs i just know it would be visually so stunning……and i have all these ideas for how you could use the medium to your advantage, especially because in the book sunlight is a motif that runs throughout and it would be so cool
AE. What is one word or phrase you catch yourself using weirdly often? ohhhh so many how do i pick. probably ‘laughed disbelievingly’ or ‘wrinkled her nose.’ not sure but i do know this happens a lot
AN. If you could collaborate on a story with any author, living or dead, who would it be? JANE AUSTEN sorry but she’s actually my best friend
AR. You are a famous author (you are to me!) and someone comes to your house to interview you and take pictures of where the writing magic happens. What is your ideal writing space and how does the interviewer describe the meeting to their audience? (IE: what kind of vibe do you hope to give off as an author?)
BB. How do you come up with titles? Do you dread this or love it? they appear to me in a vision only when i am at my absolute wit’s end glowing and haloed and tell me ‘be not afraid. i am the perfect title for your wip and i have been staring in your face for like a month and you haven’t even noticed’
BD. What do you like most about your writing? my prose, specifically descriptions. give me any setting and tell me to write 2k words on how beautiful/ugly/eerie/scary/empty/lively etc it is and i am in my comfort zone forever <3
BE. Original fiction: (story) is getting published and you get full creative control for the cover. Describe what you envision. oooo ok so. first of all they wouldn’t be photos they’d be quite simple art designs. i think sic semper tyrannis would have a raised fist in the middle, and then around that fist the silhouette of a bear’s paw or a bear’s head. cyrelius i imagine maybe an image of the rooftop since that’s an important motif OR of like a crown. or actually maybe a hand coming up from the bottom left holding a wine glass and a hand coming from the top right and stirring the wine with the finger…..or something to do with hektor since he’s essentially the keystone of it all?
BF. What is one question you have always wished someone would ask about your story/writing/character? Answer that. “talk to me about the motifs in cyrelius?” omg wowww what a great question pippa. ok this is gonna get a bit long sorry
honour: so. all the politicians in the royal court have the title of ‘honourable minister’ and addressed as your honour, which is in direct contrast to their obvious corruption, greed and self-interest. at one point the group have a debate with an elderly noble relating to the definition of honour – he believes its defined by heritage, wealth, land, prestige, having important family, titles. cyrelius go on a business trip in which they end up having to solve a mini-mystery and resolve a dispute, and at the end they praise a poor farmer for his honour. when they are condemned and brought to the king at the end he says that they have betrayed ‘both their personal honour and the honour of their nation.’ the rooftop: so aurelius loves sitting on the rooftop of cyrus’s cabinet building and later cyrus ends up joining him there. it’s where they have their first kiss, where they stay up late to talk and where they go to escape from the monotony of paperwork. it’s also where they hide their diaries and letters when they learn that they’re going to die. it’s significance is that it’s actually one of the highest points in the city, and therefore they can see what most politicians are blind to: the slums. this is significant bcs it represents how they see and care about the injustice that most of the royal court either ignore or actively exploit. and those are just the main ones…….
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habla-memoria · 2 years
Easy Vegan Carrot Cake Recipe
I've been vegan for almost 2 years now. If someone were to ask me why I went vegan, the response I have stored in my brain is "for the animals". It's obviously more complicated than that--the environment is another big factor. But what pushed me into this ideology wasn't methane emissions or deliberate deforestation, it was a video, a short video of a pig inside a truck sticking his nose out and smelling the cool morning air. The description of the video read something like "Pig experiencing the outside of his pen for the first time before being taken to the slaughterhouse."
It wasn't the footage of the actual slaughter, nor the brutally cramped conditions of his pen, that horrified me. It was the thought of those five minutes of joy that this pig got to experience in his entire life that shook me. I never needed to watch Dominion or Earthlings. This recipe calls for one and a half cups of brown sugar, but I find 3/4 cup of regular sugar to be better, as too much sugar obscures the flavor of the other ingredients.
Carrot cake is my favorite dessert, as it gives you the impression that you're eating healthy despite the very apparent reality that you're just eating cake. It's only been a couple years, as I said earlier, but I feel like I've already given up on convincing other people. It's hard to continue trying to even suggest veganism to someone when phrases like "animals belong on my plate" or "I'm gonna have an extra serving of bacon for you today" keep bouncing back at me. Not to mention the several cascading scenarios which all spell doom for the earth, the scorching crops, the lack of water, the forever plagues which are almost always caused by animal exploitation, the tiny particles filling up our lungs and giving babies cancer from the womb. Speaking of, I would only use one and a half carrot, as produce these days is filled with microplastics. These things won't be stopped by my regime of chickpeas and tofu, I know that now. I may be saving a handful of animals' lives, in the realm of abstraction, but my eating and shopping habits won't convince any CEOs to stop violating the earth. Some of them will start selling almond milk in addition to cow milk. Others will sell lentil burgers next to the cold cuts section. That's about it.
Sometimes I look at my nephew, he's 3 years old, and I think "what is going to happen to you? How am I gonna help you in the coming... years? Months? Weeks? When will we run out of water to put in your little blue cup? Please laugh now, don't save a single smile for tomorrow, please do it now." It's 32c in the Arctic. Storms of arsenic dust are on the brink of raging. Millions are being displaced as I type this delicious recipe that will leave you full of carroty goodness. For years I imagined how life on earth would end, mistakenly thinking we would all go together in a massive global panic, but now I see that the end will protract itself for years and those of us left alive will start wondering when it will hit us, or feeling relieved that it hasn't hit us, and then it does, and maybe we'll have enough time to know that this desert surrounding our puddle just moved a few inches in our direction. This desert that has no idea that we feel pain and loss and is not supposed to. Actually, I'm very much sure that we'll have just enough time to suffer that thought.
So I will sit here and have my black beans and turmeric rice and the arid winds of the desert will blow through my brain, and maybe I'll take some of that free sample of klonopin I found laying on the street last week, which will either calm me down or make me more suicidal (70/30 odds from what I read) and go sit on my porch and look at my cats play and my breathing will be heavy and fast, but I'll feel relieved that my neighborhood doesn't have many tall buildings and my oven runs on electricity and not gas. If you also have an electric oven, I would recommend leaving the cake in for an extra 20 minutes, just make sure to check on it periodically and doing the toothpick test.
Vegan Carrot Cake
Prep time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 30~ minutes
Servings: 10
Calories: 673kcal
- 2 cups All Purpose flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp nutmeg
- 1 1/2 cups light brown sugar or 3/4 granulated sugar
- 2 medium sized grated carrots
- 2 flax eggs (2 tbsp ground flaxseed meal with 6 tbsp water)
- 1/2 cup canola oil or vegetable oil
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
- Preheat the oven to 350f (180c). Spray two 7-inch cake pans or two 8-inch cake pans with non-stick spray and line the bottoms with circles of parchment paper.
- Sift the all purpose flour into a mixing bowl and add the baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix together.
- Add the sugar and grated carrot to the mixing bowl.
- Prepare your flax eggs by adding 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed meal to a bowl with 6 tablespoons of hot water. Let it sit for a minute to become gloopy.
- Add the flax eggs, oil, vanilla extract, apple cider vinegar and chopped walnuts to the mixing bowl.
- Mix everything together. If it seems like it won't come together and the mix is too dry then step away from the bowl for a couple of minutes and then come back to it. The carrots will have released more moisture into the batter allowing it to come together into a thick batter.
- Divide the batter evenly between the two prepared cake pans.
- Bake for 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of one of the cakes comes out clean.
- Allow the cakes to cool in the pans for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire cooling rack to cool completely.
- Make sure to grate the carrots yourself. If you buy pre-grated carrots you will find that they're already dried, and you need the humidity of fresh carrot for the mix.
- For a gluten free option, simply switch the all purpose flour for gluten free flour
- The recipe adapts to 12-18 cupcakes depending on how full you make the cupcake liners.
- The walnuts are entirely optional but I find that they add so much to the texture, it makes the cake much more enjoyable.
- The cake can hold up to a week in the fridge and 0 months in the freezer.
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amanda4love · 5 months
Good morning! It's 10:57am, January 30th of the year twenty-twenty-four.
Well, not much is new these days... Wait, what am I saying?!
Actually, I finally had my ears pierced, earlier this month to mark a milestone birthday. I quite love the studs that are in my ears right now, (synthetic) black opal. They flash green-ish. It's a vibe.
And I have a few pairs of earrings I've either bought for myself or had gifted to me by my mom and grandma, that I am also super excited to wear once my piercing holes are fully healed!
That, and I got my first tattoo a little over a week ago! I am beyond happy with it. I drew out the design two different times, with the second design being the one I was the most satisfied with. My tattoo artist managed to follow my design nearly exactly, so I'm hyped that I essentially have my own art on my body. Closest thing I could get to actually tattooing it on myself, haha. (Maybe one day, we'll see...)
Picture/video updates are going on my public/professional Artist's Instagram. Yeah, I guess I'm being a tease.
P. S.: Virtual cuddles + kisses for my one and only. I'm trying to cherish the dwindling number of days that you can be in one place.
P. P. S.: I did this guided meditation earlier (as soon as I woke up), that really helped me to clarify why I regret and hate myself for feeling regret. Jay Shetty, you da real MVP today. Apparently I am human, though. I love deeply, some people will feel the same way back and be obvious about that, and I also value loyalty so some relationships stay as friendships for good reason. Some relationships of my past, if they went beyond friendship, fizzled out if they were problematic to begin with but some also ended because I intentionally stopped putting in the effort. I've made mistakes but the important thing is that I continue to find ways to learn from them.
P. P. P. S.: Someone who devotes attention and effort to their relationship with you, even after you've completely fucked up, is the kind of person you want in your life forever.
P. P. P. P. S.: This one is an angry rant of a post-script. Fucking just stop. Being photographed with someone problematic doesn't automatically make another person a problematic person. The problematic person needs to take accountability, it has nothing to do with the other person just standing there and enjoying something else. I'm saying this because I saw someone I used to follow "Like" a reblog, with screenshots of an article that included pics of Taylor standing next to one of the Mahomes brothers - the original blogger's message was incredibly critical and basically demanding that Taylor needs to make a statement regarding some made-up connection to said brother, who is accused of something socially and morally unacceptable. Like, excuse me, since when is it Taylor's responsibility for some guy's reprehensible actions? She is seen in a picture with him, it doesn't mean she knows everything about him or even talked to him. Fucking stop preying on her privacy. You're the reason she feels like her life is inspected and critiqued under a microscope. Stop expecting her to be perfect and on top of all the bullshit news that you are making up about her. (I am fuming and I hate ending my blog post on this sentiment, but don't worry about it - I'll be fine eventually.)
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smallboyonherbike · 6 months
for the end of year asks: 2, 9, 14, 20
ty ty!! 💖
2 - album of the year
if we go purely by my top apple music album it's måneskin - rush! which is a good album but not solid enough for me to say absolute top - it had the advantage of being released in january.
i do stand by my other top 5 as more reflective: diamonds & dance floors by ava max (another jan release but SUCH a solid pop album, if you also skip ballads this is for you), the rise and fall of a midwest princess by chappell roan (i didn't check her full album out until like november and it still got top 3 bc of how obsessed i got, she needs to blow up bc she's a musical and aesthetic genius), this is why by paramore (paramore being my 2nd fave artist of all time ofc their new album would be up there but i truly do love it, it's an evolution but also just so Them still!)
5 is renaissance beyoncé which was a 2022 album sure but i hope it's in my top 5 forever bc it's album of all time for me!!! could i have just picked one album maybe but shhhhh!!
9 - best month for you this year
hmmm i'm so bad at remembering shit in terms of months. i'll say november bc it's always a good month - my birthday, plus fall, plus it's after october which is my busy travel month at work so i get to be chill again. this year i went to the renaissance fair w three friends and it was a blast!!
14 - favorite book you read this year
oh god lemme try not to write an essay lol. i read way more this year than usual as an adult bc my current job is often slow (having actual free time still feels weird)
i'll instead talk about the three authors i read the most - mary balogh - i read 16 of her books this year. i really went on a tear and would have read more if i wasn't trying to save at least a few for the future. she writes regency romance which is yknow a big genre w lots of authors but smthg about her style really works for me! she somehow manages to have series with like 8 characters and their love interests and you care about all of them and they're all distinct enough to be side characters that Matter
jasmine guillory - read 7 this year. contemporary black romance. her characters are all loosely connected but you could easily read any of them solo! tropey meet cutes but not overly so, and crucially the characters can be flawed and have issues without being total assholes who shouldn't be together
seanan mcguire - read 7 october daye series this year. i've long been a huge fan of her wayward children fairy tale fantasy series but hadn't read any of her october daye urban fantasy until last year and now i'm obsessed! i literally got some of them as physical books from the library instead of ebooks which i hadn't done in years, bc i couldn't possibly skip any. october is a stubborn jerk and i love her so much. also cat boyfriend and found family incl her ex-death omen <33
20 - what's something you learned this year?
uhhhhhh i've thought about this previously and idk tbh. it's felt like a p solid year for me without a ton new going on. but maybe sliiiightly more being willing to push past my social anxiety to do new things! i can get p complacent in how i've set up my life to not have to do anything new, which makes me feel like i'm less anxious than when i was in school until suddenly something New is happening.
but like having to travel alone for work, def in 2022 i mostly got take out bc eating alone in a restaurant feels So Scary. but this year i was like i wanna eat hot food and relax and enjoy and it was p nice! something i still wanna work on in general, doing a bit more new/social things while still being a homebody lol
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my-lunaberg · 1 year
Yeah just to clarify, Im qatching the no way home vod now I'll probably make this a seperate post for the sake of keeping shit more organized
Oh they are in prison my hearst beating so fast rn
Oh dear god technical difficulties
Bruh did they drag them to jail with fishing rods thats fucked
Oughhhh the fucking armor thing aaaaaaaaaaaa
Okay the real question is, does Dream want Tommy to die or does he still wanna keep him alive n shit
I knowww wI definitely need another break but its already noon and I just gotta power through this shit man
"You broke in and killed me in my owm house" idk why but thats so funny to me. dreams house, The Prison
Dream smp got me rockin back and forth dude
Bro did Tommy keep DreamXDs bell from the cell really
Okay Tommys keeping his weapons, some pearls and his totems thats good
Ah nvm
Oh this is so painful to watch man i feel like im gonna die
Oughhhhh the discs.. ...... even aftrr all this time
At this rate its gonna take me like 10 hours to watch this hour long stream man
Okay he kept cat and mellohi
Bro look att them just watch. sickos
Oh yeah baey its monologuin time
What if its just the snake monologue. like word for word
Maybe thats just me but "I dont have anything to say to you" from Tommy followed by a long ass pause and then "I have a lot to say to you" from Drea has the same kinda vibes as "I dont think about you at all" from Wilburs fanfic
"I hadnt bothered you for months!! I just left you with lifelong trauma!!"
"Bro, I was too busy trying to ruin the lives of these other guys to even try gaslighting you again!!"
Im trying to discern if Dream actually believes the bullshit hes saying or if this is another manipulation attempt rn this is so fascinating
Oh boy philosophical discussion about death time
Ok nvm i think
Cmon white boi tell me about the meaning of life
Dream is basically like "oh why does this stupid shit matter so much to you when theres immortality and life after death" and its like okay, but why would you wanna live forever if you cant even enjoy yourself though. Like, what are you doing this for if not so you can go hang out with your friends in peace and have fun forever
Bro Dreams actually the kinda guy who goes "well, why shouldnt i be god" without a hint of irony
Dream is about to actually lose it man
Why are they all talking about death as though they have absolutely no idea what happens after you die permanently? Like, both Wilbur and Ghostbur talked about what limbo was like to anyone who listened and Dream was literally JUST dead. Like yeah, it was only for a few minutes but if the conversion is 1 day on the smp = 1 month in limbo then he mustve spent atleast a few hours if not days there right
What are Punz' opinions about all this does he want his boytoy to be god. is he familiar with the god that looks exactly like his boytoy
"while you were recovering from the lifelong trauma i gave you I was studying the meaning of life"
I spent the entire day yesterday just watching musical bootlegs on youtube and all i can think of rn is that part in Twisted where Aladdin is like "im gonna break the chain! youll see!! Im gonna live forever!!!"
Imagine pouring your fucking heart out about what you think ks the meaning of life to two teens that you kidnapped and one of them just goes "what kinda life is that" i would start crying
"We want a life without mystery" where is your fucking whimsy bro
You know, if Sam wasnt basically responsible for Dream being tortured and Dream didnt break him down as revenge, the two of them and Punz couldve been a real death defying power trio. And then i guess Tommy, Tubbo n Philza would be the death defyer-defying power trio
what do you MEAN not contribute anything by just walking around on the dream smp??? HOW is the Dream SMP connected to any other place??? HOW IS IT CONNECTED TO FUCKING UTAH
"We need to be alive together to find out what life is" youre never gonna know if you dont die though. Especially because like, theres no such thing as heaven in this world, its life and then you die and then its hell for eternity so you gotta make life heaven but the only way to truly appreviate and comprehend that the life youve made is heaven is to think about it in hell, if Im making sense here
I would love to watch these guys try to have this discussion with Philza that would be soooo interesting
the victim complex is strong in this one
Ohhhhhh the bois are fightinggggggggg
Hey, is Dream gonna address that fact that the actual capital g god of this world looks exactly like him any time soon. because that seems relevant
Oh my god this kind of dehumanization of the people around him is so painfully relatable it hurts im in pain
Bro how is he bringing up Ranboo right after bringing up Foolish but not yknow, DREAMXD
Okay Im gonna b real with yall, Ive been having a pretty good time with this vod and this finale so far but now hes bringing up mind control and the stuff with Ranboo and Im not a fun uh uh absolutely not
Alright so, they revealed that the revival book can do mind control as well, ive read spoilers about this and i was desperatrly hoping that I just misunderstood but sighhhhhhhh, no.
This is so fucking stupid man. The revival book was a really good concept because of how simple yet effective it is and how scary it would be for someone like Dream to have it, it doesnt need any more powers or whatever. Obviously the stuff with Ranboo being controlled by Dream to some extend has been planned for a really long time, and it does make sense, but they shouldve gone about it way differently. My fix is simple: bring DreamXD into this.
Like, right now it doesnt seem like Dream and DreamXD are connected in any meaningful way when Dream couldve been like, idk a worshipper of DreamXD who eventually earned his favor, or just a human that DreamXD thought was interesting and wanted to help occasionally so he'll keep entertaining him. Maybe he gets the revival book and immediately tries to test it out and then DreamXD appears and hes basically like "okay, i wont kill anyone for you or destroy anything or get too involved in all your petty mortal squabbles, but if you call for me I'll help you out bc Im so nice XD dont rely too much on me tho or else I'll kill you XD" and Dream is like "k i'll keep that in mind" and then when Ranboo shows up he calls for him like "okay, can you make me like, a mindlink to the new guy so I can control him" and XD is like "okay, sure, I wont help you anymore though" and Dream agrees and thats that. Maybe DreamXD is even like "Im still rooting for you though XD" and then Dream could bring up the fact that god is on his side during this unhinged monologue
Okay, when hes saying 'other dimension' is he talking about limbo or is it like, the real world that has the Utah that Wilbur went to and everything
Ohhhhhhh hes talking about the End uh yeah, no way man DreamXD is gonna put a stop to your foolishness so quickly if you try to go there
Okay, the fact that both of them have been to limbo really takes a certain edge away from their motivations though
Like, if they hadnt known what death was like and just feared it because it was the End of Everything that wouldve been so interesting and then Dream died and came back to tell Punz about it and how its nothing but suffering that wouldve made it feel a lot more human if that makes sense because sure, i just spent a bunch of time poetically philosophically whinging but at the end of the day I wouldnt wanna die just to spent eternity in a hell made specifically for me yknow
I slept 8 hours today so Im perfectly well rested as Im writing this but honestly, at this point I'd rather be sleep deprived and delirious itd make this go by way faster and make it more fun too
Oh my god please tell me its not gonna get meta
They were in the End?!??!? Bro are they gonna bring up DreamXD anytime soon
Im serious how are they not gonna bring up DreamXD cc!Dream knows the lore around him because he PLAYED HIM
Okay so I guess theyre just gonna sacrifice people to make up for them reviving each other over and over? Idk man this is barely comprehensible I feel like i might as well be delirious the only differenfe is im not having nearly as much fun rn
I realize that Dream is like, a villain and also clearly mentally ill so Im not expecting his plan or his worldview to make any actual sense but this just seems pointless. Like, if you revive too many people or if you revive yourselves too many times it could bring about the end of the world, presumably bc ya boi XD needs souls to eat. So you need to kill people to balance shit out but if you kill people, its gonna paint a massive target on your back and people will want to force you to revive people. So, you really cant revive people then right
Oh good god what now
Not the guy who was in limbo for maybe a day trying to lecture the guy who qas in limbo for like three months 💀💀💀
If it wasnt for the fact that these guys just hit me with like three massive disappointments all in a row I'd say something like "oh i forgot about this but yeah, I am kinda curious as to why Tommy never came back as a ghost, like even Schlatt was there for a day atleast" but my spirit has been crushed and so all im hoping for is that the explaination isnt too stupid
"We know the responsibility that comes with the revival book! Thats why we kept reviving people even after we knew it was slowly destroying the world!!" Its giving oil companies talking abt climate change yknow what i mean
"The worlds fucked up, we fucked up" BRO. STOP FUCKING REVIVING PEOPLE IT CANT BE THAT HARD
Okay, the stuff about limbo changing based on the circumstances of your death is pretty interesting hopefully they wont fuck it up
Ohhhhh I think I can see where this is going one of these guys is gonna have to die for their buddy isnt he
Okay, im at 27:51 in the vod Ive been at this for atleast two hours Im gonna go take a walk again
Alrighty then time to watch these bozos torment these boys
Bro the dehumanization right off the bat man
Ah so this is that Drunz Sandwich Date ive heard so much about
"You can warn the others about their inevitable doom that is... inevitable" he has such a way with words man
Something something the definition of insanity
Okay but Dream cant be all high and mighty about Tommy and Tubbo doing the same shit over and over because he literally does the exact same thing
Aarhghggh pain and suffering
cc!Tommy just left thats hilarious
Noooooooo Tubbos still in rp mode this is so funny man
Theyre both about to die with the lergy 😭
Okay now what. both of the discs are gone now and they didnt hit the pressure plate. I dont think that was planned.
Oh I cant believe this this is so awkward man
Oh man
Okay theyre just carrying on time to jump through the hole
okay i dont think that was planned either lmao why did they think this was a good idea to do on stream
👁👁 project dreamcatcher??
Right now the thing is, ive read spoilers so i roughly know how all of this is gonna end, I just dont know how we're getting from this exact point to that ending yknow what i mean
Theyre gonna nuke them arent they
This is so upsetting man
TUBBO WAS THE ONE WHO STOLE THE NUKE??? i mean, atleast they remembered that plotpoint
Ohhhhh Tommys gonna use himself as bait
The only way to destroy gods is to nuke them
Dude, the Dream SMP as a post post apocalyptic world though
Lets fucking nuke that sonofabitch!!
the bench,,......
Okay so theyre gonna kill Dream and Punz and then everyone will be free from them and the revival book but like, what about their ghosts though. I mean, those presumably wont be able to revive anyone but they could still like, harass everyone n shit
Okay but why would no one believe them about Punz being evil now, doesnt he have a reputation for doing whatever for a paycheck and Dream is like, one of the richest guys on the server
Oughhhh watching Tommy tell Tubbo to tell everyone their stories is so painful when you know its all gonna become lost history at some point
Theres no music..........
Okay Im not gonna watch this again from Tubbos pov
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angelkhi · 2 years
A House, A Home. - S.R
Pairing: Neighbour!Steve x F!Reader
Summary: You invite Steve over to your apartment for a dinner date but things get a little more intense than you had originally planned.
Warnings: SMUT (18+ MINORS DNI). Unprotected sex, fingering, cum eating kind of? reading porn, unprotected sex, p in v, slight chkimg, slight thigh riding, missionary <3, bit of hair pulling, allusions to a threesome, a lot of feelings and heart stuff, bad language obvi, mentions of innocence but nothing major, dry humping kind of??? Creampie
Word count: 3.6k
A little note: hey besties this is actually a very long note! More Neighbour!Steve <3333333 in terms of a timeline, the first part happens in mid July , second part happens early August, and this part takes place in mid January, big time jump I know but this “story” has a very loose plot / narrative anyway. My goal for this year is to post at least one thing a month and I’m really hoping I stick with it. Also planning any holiday writing in advanced because knowing me you’ll get Christmas content on Valentine’s Day :/ speaking of, I hope you all had a lovely festive period to those that celebrate and if you don’t, I hope you enjoyed your downtime (assuming that you have down time)! Another thing, I’m big into Matt Murdock / Frank Castle at the moment ( if you can’t already tell by the “story” reader reads to Steve) so we’ll see if anything happens with that and I’m rewatching Eternals, so maybe some Druig content as well? Anyways, hope you enjoy this, lots of love <3 (p.s. I know the gif is technically Ari Levinson, but this is the look that best fit in my mind <333)
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The moving boxes that had piled up in the corner had finally been emptied. All of the little bits and bobs you'd collected over the years each in their rightful place. The walls the two of you had painted a few nights ago, the Christmas trimmings you refuse to take down from your first festive period in your own home, the bookshelves Steve had built whilst you struggled to read the instructions. It finally felt less like a house, well apartment, and more like home. The small space is perfect.
In the middle of it all is you. Curled into the corner of the sofa, a glass of wine rests between your fingers, your grip all too tight as you read page after page of one of your many 'trashy' romance novels. Steve stares for a moment, taking you in whilst you let him. No turning away, no cracking jokes or silly faces, no brushing off the stares that held all the words he was too scared to say. He sees you. You have painted your lips red, a colour he had mentioned he favours on you so dearly and your dress seems to float around you, shifting with each breath. Steve couldn't forget that dress, even if you burned it right in front of him, because the image of you slumped against him, skirt bunched at the hips is forever burned in his brain, because it's the dress you wore on the day you met him.
It still fits the same, and he knows that if you stand up, it would just cover enough to make you seem innocent, all whilst showing just enough to let him know that you most certainly are not.
You turn and smile up at him, only small, and he's sure his heart stops, because it's so devastatingly beautiful and it's only for him.
"Steve? What are you doing just standing there?"
"Nothin' sweetheart, smells great in here." He bends down to kiss you on the cheek, his lips lingering against your skin, hoping to savour the feeling, so that he could keep it for when you're not around.
"Thanks Stevie." You smile, "Should be ready in about an hour"
"M'Kay, whatcha reading?"
He quickly takes the bottle of wine he has bought over into your small kitchen, pouring himself a drink and stealing a look in the pots and pans on the stove. The sofa sinks under his weight when he finally sits down, resting an arm around your shoulder. He presses a kiss to your forehead and clinks your glasses together, breathing out a laugh against your skin.
"Just a book."
"I can see that smart mouth." He laughs again, pinching your shoulder, "Read to me."
"I don't-"
"Please." How could you say no to him when he had asked so nicely? You will the words to suddenly disappear, saving you from the surging embarrassment, but they don't. They sit perfectly still, waiting for you to speak much like Steve.
"Go on." Steve's fingers stroke the back of your neck, the familiar feeling of his touch both grounding and unnerving you all at once. He listens intently, humming every now and then, huffing out a laugh at the almost humorous parts, until you get to the section you really didn't want to read.  Steve's movements halt under the first few words but he collects himself again, listening keenly to you detail how the princess turned prisoner lies face down in the large tent, whilst General Castle licks her cunt, cumming in his pants from the sheer taste of her. Steve seems to perk up even further when Prince Matthew listens to them, slumped over a regal chair fisting his cock.
Your throat is dry by the end of the chapter, cheeks warm to the touch partially from reading something so graphic to Steve, partially from the arousal you're sure is dampening your panties. Steve doesn't speak for a moment, and you can feel his chest rise and fall a little quicker against your arm.
"You've been holdin out on me sweetheart." When you look at him, his smile is somehow still sweet as ever, whilst his eyes undress you with a burning precision. "Here I am, thinking you're reading your lovey-dovey shit, but just listen to you. Sneaky little thing."
Steve's hands run up and down his thigh, smoothing out the dress trousers he'd so kindly worn for your fancy dinner date at home, his fingernails dragging lightly against the fabric. He continues staring at you, continues stroking the material around his thighs until he slowly takes your glass from you, placing it carefully on the coffee table, and slides a hand beneath your legs and around your waist.
"What are you doing?" You ask as he pulls you further into him, until you're sat in his lap. His thighs are hard beneath you, flexing every so often, shifting you little by little until your back is flush against his chest. "Steve?"
"Shh, keep reading honey." You hesitate, shifting about until you are comfortably seated on Steve's lap. His fingers trace the skin on your knee in tight, slow circles, but you disregard it, obeying Steve's request.
Prince Matthew beckons the princess over to him, making her crawl on her hands and knees until she is facing his weeping cock. He threads hand through her hair, guiding her mouth onto him. His hand stays there, gripping the roots tighter with each thrust into her open throat. Tears stream down her cheeks but he just smiles, wiping them away for her.  General Castle is still knelt where she left him, a small damp patch decorating the front of his trousers.
His fingers that had been brushing against your knee begin moving up your thigh, featherlight touches creating a path of flames, searing your skin, creating an invisible brand on your thigh. His movements don't falter, reaching higher and higher, disappearing beneath your dress, skimming the apex of your thighs, but refusing to give too much. Steve's hand lingers, so you continue reading each word with as much control over your voice as you could muster, until he's moving once more.
His thumb swipes against the damp gusset of your panties, barley giving you anything yet your hips still jut into his hand. Your words falter and a soft whimper takes their place, like warm honey. Though just as soon as it was there, Steve had moved his hand away tutting into your ear.
"You stop I stop, okay?" You nod, shifting as he pulls down your panties, keeping them for himself in his shirt pocket. "That's my good girl. Go on."
The Prince removes his hand from her hair, and tells her to kneel, whispering in her ear just loud enough that the general can hear them how he's going to fuck her until she can't take it. How he's sure general Castle would appreciate a small thank you for taking care of her so nicely earlier. Prince Matthew kneels behind her, guiding his hard cock into her tiny cunt, stretching her with little remorse. General Castle is in front of her now, his dick wet with the remnants of his last orgasm, and he uses it to paint her open lips, then sinks into her mouth throwing his head back and gripping her jaw, guiding her movements.
Steve's palm lays flat against your stomach, holding you in place, whilst his other hand does nothing but rile up the ache between your thighs. He thumbs your clit in tight little circles, barely applying any pressure yet he still drags breathless words from you. His touch trails lower, adding more pressure the further down he goes, until he's pushing into you, his slender fingers stretching you out. As the words on the page grow filthier, so do Steve's actions, you want nothing more than to feel him all over you but you keep skipping words and his touch keeps leaving you. There is only a page left of the chapter, but Steve's too good at what he does.
It's overwhelming, the sting of your thighs and pussy, the thrumming humiliation beneath it all. You loved it. Loved the way that Steve held you together after taking you apart so intricately. His fingers work in tandem, relentlessly fucking your pussy, toying with your clit with a wavering pressure, his tongue caressing that spot on your neck lightly. It's hard to focus on the words, the only coherent thought in your brain is Steve making you cum and so you stop reading all together. But Steve continues. He feels the way you clench around him, feels how you grind onto his fingers desperately and decides that this is better than seeing you frustrated and worked up. Giving you what you want and need is all he ever wants to do. Your hand wraps around his, bringing it from your clit to your neck, making him squeeze ever so lightly, and you replace the sensation you'd just lost, rubbing your clit in fast hard motions. There's nothing in your head, not a single thought when your orgasm hits you fast, with shaking legs and stuttering hips. Steve doesn't stop immediately, slowing his movements gradually until you're gripping at his arm. You look at him through hooded eyes, chest heaving, watching as he brings his fingers to his lips, suckling on them lightly all whilst staring you down like prey.
"You okay?" He asks after a moment, smoothing down the front of your dress.
"Mhmm, yep. Thank you Stevie."  You kiss his chin, still stunned by his actions.
"I wanna see your pretty face," Steve smiles, pressing stray kisses into every bit of exposed skin. You shuffle around to face him, the manoeuvre awkward on the tiny seat but Steve's there helping you, as always. He settles you into his lap, smiling at the way your breath halts and your eyes flutter shut when you feel him beneath his you, clenching around nothing desperate for Steve to give you more. He tuts and shifts deliberately, pushing his hips up into yours, subtly grinding his cock against your bare cunt.  Steve stops suddenly, leaving you with that unrelenting pressure, doing nothing about it. His lips are inches from yours, but he refuses to move any closer, choosing to glance between your tired eyes and pouting mouth.
"You know how many times I've thought about fucking you on this sofa? Over your coffee table and kitchen counter? So many times sweetheart, more than you could imagine. But it's you. You deserve so much more than that."
"Do it." You pant against his open lips, the images of him doing just that floating about your brain. "You know I'd let you do anything to me, Steve. I want you to."
He looks doubtful, his hand stroking your cheek to remind him that he gets to be here with you. "Stevie, please. I'm yours."
Everything stops. The silly bickering, the heated touches, the subtle grinding of your hips and Steve's hands trying to keep you still. Instead, he wore an incredulous look on his face, one that sent his sharp, dark eyes all doughy and bright and his mouth slightly open in search of something to say. But there was nothing he could say, he couldn't find the words to match the fire spreading rapidly in his chest.
In one swift movement, the two of you are up and moving, skirting around your sofa. Steve still pressed close behind you once again, guiding the pair of you around the small space. He steers you past the kitchen, straight down the hall towards your bedroom, ignoring your puzzled glances at him over your shoulder. The door to your room is open, and Steve walks you to the edge of your bed, turning you to face him. The soft duvet brushes against the back of your thighs, the touch comforting and unbearable all at once. Steve towers over you, his shoulders as wide as his touch across your cheek is delicate. He stares, watches for a few moments, his brows furrowed. If you didn't know him you'd assume that he is angry, but you know that he's just thinking, calculating his next word, touch, step.
"You're mine?"
"You're mine?" He repeats.
Steve's thumb brushes your bottom lip, his fingers trailing across your skin, settling their soft touch on your chin, lightly tiling your head up so you can meet his eyes. You're sure he can feel the blood rushing through your veins, going a million miles an hour beneath the weight of his touch, of his gaze, of the confession you'd made some moments before. Was it even a confession? Telling someone you're theirs is a bit intense to not be a confession, but it's not like you'd told him you love him. Oh god, was that a really shitty I love you? Oh god-
"Stop thinking so hard, Sweetheart. You're mine? Yes or no?" His large hand envelops yours, holding it to his chest. You can feel his heart beating beneath his shirt, the thud just as fast as yours, like something from a dream. Steve's as nervous as you are, and you're just stood there. Staring at him like there's all the time in the world, wishing there really was all the time in the world.
You will the single syllable forming on your tongue, focusing on that heartbeat beneath your palm, hoping and praying that hire going the right thing.
Steve brings your joined hands to his lips, his hair tickling the tips of your fingers as he kisses your open palm, then your wrist, and your arm and shoulder, until he's inches away from your face.
His lips brush yours when he speaks. The words take a moment to register in your head, squeaking out a small "what?" as he finally kissed you. The grace that Steve moves with will never fail to amaze you, his hands resting on your waist pushing you onto the mattress with little effort. He crawls above you, his hands roaming each and every cornered your body, a body he knew better than his own. It is like coming home for him. Steve savours you like you're his final breath, each touch lingering, each kiss burning your lungs in the best way.
He slips a wide thigh between you, nudging your legs apart. You can't help but grind down on the rough material of his trousers moaning and cursing against his full lips. Your dress is once again hunched up around your thighs and if you weren't so lost in your pleasure, you'd laugh at history repeating itself.
"C'mere let's get this off." He lifts the dress over you head and unclasps your bra in seconds, then quickly removes the rest of his clothes until he's just sat in his boxers.  Steve wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you flush against him once more. His boxer briefs do little to hide how hard he is, the navy material marked by a small wet circle. Your touch him tentatively, the thin material adding an almost painful friction to his erection. You slip him out of his boxers, fist tight around his cock, and begin stroking him delicately. His moans are low and quiet, vibrating against your skin through his open mouthed kisses.
His head dips low so he can latch his mouth onto your breast, his hips chasing the hand that's working him in between you. Steve licks and nips all across your chest, leaving no inch of skin untouched. He settles his teeth around your pebbled nipples, slowly scraping the sensitive skin and you have no choice but to arch into his touch. His hand grips your own lightly, pulling your hand from him, once again pushing you backwards until your head hits the mountain of pillows beneath you.
"I wanna see you, need to see you." Steve says quietly, his voice gravely and desperate, his body hovering over yours. For a moment he just stares at you, at the way you stare back at him and all he can think of is your words. Of you telling him you're his, and how bad he wanted to show you just how much you truly are.
"Put me inside you." He commands against your lips like it's nothing. It stuns you for a few seconds, long enough for Steve to speak up again.
"Come on, put my cock in your pretty cunt. You want me to fuck you good, hm?" You nod, his potty mouth never failing to please. "Then take it."
Your hand snakes back down, gripping him lightly and guiding him between your open thighs. His bulbous head slips in with little resistance, and you pull him into you until you can move no more. Steve thrusts his hips slowly, sinking all then way into, both of you letting out small cries at the feeling. He pulls out once again, right to the tip, and falls back into you in one perfectly slow motion.
His thrusts never change, always deep, always calculated, always slow. It's different to any other time you've done this. It's always been urgent, and dirty and new. But this? It felt like coming home. It felt like all of your Christmases and birthdays had come at once. It felt like love.
Steve's body cages you in, his eyes boring into yours and you've never felt more at peace before. Your hands grip his back, pulling him impossibly closer to you, wrapping your legs tight around his hips and waist, making sure he goes as deep as your body can handle.
"I'm yours." Steve's head rests in your neck, your chests almost flush. His voice is all breath and bass against your skin, vibrating through your very being. I'm yours. It feels too much yet not enough. Never did you expect that fucking your neighbour in the basement at your parents housewarming party would lead to this. Whatever this is. But he's all yours. Yours.
Your lipstick is smeared across your cheek and chin, though it's mostly on Steve's mouth. You can't imagine how your face is gonna look by the end of this, let alone the sheets, but Steve doesn't seem to mind, whispering how perfect you are beneath him, how lucky he is that you chose him, how pretty your face looks when you're all fucked out.
"Say it again." You whisper.
He chuckles, his deep groan swallowed by your skin as he grazes his teeth over your shoulder. He thrusts slow and deep, as though he's staking a claim on your body whilst trying to reach your soul.
Steve presses his lips right close to your ear and rasps, "I'm yours, I'm yours for as long as you'll have me, and you're mine."
"Fucking always, my girl." Steve's kiss feels like a Sunday, it feels like everything warm and good in the world and it's all for you.
You reach a hand between the two of you, fingers toying with your clit in fast motions, pushing you to the edge of orgasm. Steve's thrusts become more harsh, driving into you, hitting that spot over and over again chasing your orgasm. He fucks you through the burning in your veins, through the ringing in your ears and the scream that never quite makes it past your throat. He uses your body to get himself off, pace speeding up for the first time, until he cums deep inside of you, pushing himself back in a few times before laying down with you.
Steve's shoulders heave, his body slumped partially over yours as he rests half flaccid inside of you. His thumb brushes your hip as he brushes his fingertips up and down the length of your body, small pecks your neck, bringing you both down.
"My girl." His hand settles on the back of your head, trying not to get tangled in your hair as he whispers against your lips. He kisses your bottom lip, slow and delicate, finally slipping out of you with a hiss.
You bask in his warmth, and his smell and the sounds of the world right outside your window, willing the world to stop spinning and time to stand still, so that you could bottle this moment and watch it on repeat.
Until a waft of something burning spins into the room.
"Oh shit the food," you sit up quickly, trying to slide out of his embrace but he's got you pinned beneath him again in seconds. Steve's hands are surprisingly soft,  when he holds you down, smiling like a kid in a candy store.
"I'll deal with the food. You stay." You nod.
Steve leaves for the kitchen as you cross the hall to the bathroom, peeing very quickly and wiping what little makeup was left off of your cheeks. When you get back to your room, Steve is almost done changing the lipstick stained sheets, and nods to the dresser where a two cups of water have been placed for the two of you. You gulp it down whilst he shakes out the comforter, waiting til you're done to pull you back into bed with him. He slips his hand under his pillow, wiggling his eyebrows at you before pulling out your book.
"Read me some more?" Steve asks, resting his on his side.
"Now look whose talking." He pinches your shoulder once again, his grin contagious.
"What? I wanna know what happens to Kingpin!" You can't help but laugh at the genuine interest on his face, and unable to say no to his curiosity take the book out of his hands and settle into his open arms.
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maizumis · 3 years
Hii! Another Haikyuu dad au! Can it be with the miya twins, Bokuto, Iwa, and Suna? They get into an argument with their pregnant wife so the wife tells them to leave her alone. The boys find a loophole so they talk to her baby bump about how sorry they are to their mama :)
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ft. timeskip!miya atsumu, iwaizumi hajime, suna rintaro
note: female reader‼️ angst to fluff ‼️different format cos I wanted to write more 🥴 thanks anon! hope you like it 😽 I think I'm gonna do a part two cos this got longer than expected and I couldn't add all the characters! not edited, that's work for tomorrow!
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atsumu came home after a rough day at practice, excited to spend some time with you and baby boy that was about to come in just a month
all happiness he had quickly erased when he saw that the home was on the same that when he went to practice, dishes without washing and clothes without fold
" ‘tsumu you're home! we missed you!" he walked past you, he didn't even give you a side look, going directly to the bathroom "‘tsumu all okay? I made your favor–" "could ya please shut up? a come home after working and entire day for ma family and the house is like this? what did ya do the whole day?"
you were stuck in your place with wide eyes and hands over your belly "I'm sorry ‘tsumu, my back hurts a lot today and—" "save it, don’ wanna hear yer excuses"
"go fuck yourself then, miya, sleep in the comfiness of the couch today and don't you dare talk to me until tomorrow" with that you were gone to the master bedroom, fighting the tears that were in your eyes
he thought nothing about it and went to the shower, thinking what was he gonna eat for dinner then go to sleep, tomorrow is a new day
freshly out of the shower with pajamas on, he went to the kitchen to eat something, mesmerized when he saw the little note on the oven glass
"enjoy your meal! we love you!<3"
not only that, but that you made his favorite, knowing he was gonna come home late and exhausted after practice
memories of the recent fight came to his mind, he didn't even let you talk your mind, his throat feeling heavy with the guilt that he was experiencing, maybe he should let you talk after all
contradictory to your words, he went runnint to the shared bedroom, ready to apologise for being an ass "baby, yer awake?"
"not for you" you told him trying to hide your sobs, the day was awful, your back didn't let you do anything, the meal you cooked was an hour of fighting the back pain, thinking your ‘tsunj would be happy if he found this
"okay then, good thing a have a baby I can talk to"
he knelt down in front of you, carefully placing his head on the baby bump, caressing it from time to time
"I was an ass, sorry, a bad person to yer mom today baby, a came home and told her bad things, she was hurting and a Didi care, can ya tell her sorry for me?" he felt a kick on his cheek and a smile on his face when he saw you laugh, even with the tear-stained cheeks you were beautiful
" ‘tsumu, not cool what you did today, I wasn't feeling okay and I missed you, we missed you" your voice still a little wiggly after that crying session you had with your maternity pillow
finally, first name privileges, he thought "a know, am sorry, am so sorry, ya deserve so much better angel, am sorry"
"‘s okay tsum, cuddle me as an apologize, yeah?"
he never got into bed at that speed, quickly cuddling you with hands on your tummy while giving little pecks to your neck
"ya don't have to tell me twice"
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before and during pregnancy you joined iwaizumi on his works out or runs from time to time, you knew he enjoyed his time doing it so, why don't join him?
today you were not feeling like it, morning sickness took over you and the bed seemed like the best place to stay all day, one day in bed wouldn't hurt, you thought
apparently it stroke a nerve on hajime "what are you doing in the bed? up! we need it go out! " '‘m sorry haji, not really feeling like it today, why don't you go and I make something when you return home?"
"what do you mean 'you don't feel like it' the only thing you do all day is laze around"
you took a deep breath before answering, knowing didn't meant what he say "well I'm sorry I'm pregnant iwaizumi, I can't help it. go on your run and we can eat something together when you return"
"fucking Clara wouldn't put this excuses on me" he murmured under his breath, hoping you didn't heard the mention of his ex partner
"repeat yourself iwaizumi hajime, I'm waiting"
"no baby— I'm sorry, I didn't mean it-"
"go out before I go out by myself iwaizumi, don't bother talk to me the rest of the day, I'm gonna make dinner and leave it on the fridge, I'm also gonna sleep in the guest room. fucking low of you iwaizumi, so fucking low"
he went out with a knot on his throat, he didn't need to bring that up— he knew you weren't feeling your best and then he still played that ex-girlfriend card. on the way back home he picked up flowers knowing you loved them, praying to anyone who was above him for your forgiveness
"I'm home"
"and I told you not to talk to me, iwaizumi"
being petty was right, the mention of his ex while carrying his first daughter because you didn't feel like going out today was bullshit, he didn't have an excuse
he looked down to the floor before closing the door and going to the living room to think about what he did, cheeks red of embarrassment because of his childish behavior
he waited for you to be asleep before going into the room, with the idea of carrying your to the king bed instead of this one, after all, he was the one that deserved the uncomfy room
before picking you he saw the pregnant belly, the shirt you were wearing rolled up so it was exposed to the cold air
" ‘m sorry baby, your mama doesn't deserve this, you have the right to be angry with me" tears were pricking his eyes, maybe he was thinking too ahead but would you leave him for this?
"I'm such and asshole, I hope you don't remember that lady's name" he told the fetus as if he was having an actual conversation face to face "behave for mom yeah? don't put more pressure on her than already did" with that he picked you up, without knowing you were fully awake the whole conversation
you let yourself be carried to the big bedroom, once you felt him place you on the bed, you tugged his shirt while looking at him with teary eyes "we need to talk tomorrow but please,stay hajime" you were still mad, but his company is what you were craving right now
"there's no way I'm not staying forever with you"
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rintaro was coming home late this past weeks but he finally had a free night! so you were excited to spend a bonding time with him and your unborn baby
finishing the little detail on the table such as the dry flowers and the candles, you hear the door being open "rinnie! you finally home! it felt like forever while waiting for you!" he gave you a sweet peck in your lips before going to his room to change his clothes
"oh~ I see you dressed fancy for the occasion! wait for me I think I have a dress that stills fits me!" "what do you mean? I'm going out with the inarizaki boys, kita is in town"
you stopped midway the hall that ended in your room, quickly walking towards your boyfriend again "what do you mean you're going out? what about what I made?"
"you made something?"
it was ridiculous to keep begging, maybe you should call it a day and watch some movies in the couch with a tube of ice cream, alone, again.
"okay then, have fun rin, don't drink to much and come home safe"
rin came home after a few hours out, he indeed had a good time with his old teammates but his mind was all the time one you, maybe he should have stay with you, eat some homemade food and cuddle all night while talking about nothing
he entered the house and saw you spread on the couch, huge blanket on with his highschool jersey on, long forgotten night snacks on the night table and Netflix on the tv
it wasn't only that what caught his eye but the table in the kitchen too, he walked towards it and saw it, the candles, the flower carefully placed on the middle of the table, the matching napkins and fancy plates, so that was what you were referring to earlier
guilt creeped all over his body, he didn't acknowledge your efforts to make a night for the both of you, was this negligence? he thought
going again to the couch, bending over so he would be at your height, he placed a hand on your belly before speaking
"you're allowed to be mad at me when you're born baby" he paused for a few seconds, thinking what was he gonna say next "papa is a fucking asshole— sorry, don't say that, papa is very clumsy from time to time"
there you were! his hand came quickly behind your neck, pressing your forehead and noses together, lips brushing each other
"I'm sorry I'm so stupid— fuck, I really don't want to cry right now, I'm an horrible person"
you cupped his face with both your hands, eyes teary about to cry for a second time that day "you're not horrible Rin, it's just it feels lonely you know?" tears already going down your cheek, the sight made his heart ache, you were crying because of him
"I know you're out there trying to be the best for us but" your voice wiggly, you were really trying to hide the sobs you had inside "but sometimes it feels like you're not around anymore, I can't share the little moments I have because I wake up to an empty bed and go to sleep with the thought of you being out" full sobs were coming out of you at this point, days of pain finally reaching their point "and it hurts so bad not to have you around"
rintaro was crying along with you, you could feel his wet tears on your neck, where he was placing his head "and your absolutely right angel, I'm gonna be better for you– for the both of you, what about I take the day off tomorrow, yeah?" his quavering voice betraying him, even if you knew he was crying he wanted to be strong
"that sounds perfect rin... come cuddle me?"
carrying you bridal style to the bedroom, he lit your favorite candle and snuggled you under the cost sheets
"cuddle you, all day long baby"
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Tell me about Reader who’s only dated assholes (arrogant tech bros, flaky politicians, unfaithful artists, ghosting athletes, etc…) from different walks of life until she meets Frankie 👀 maybe pure FILTH ensues after a while, maybe… 👀 like. Pure fucking nasty filth. Also, beaches. 😊 maybe not at the same time tho sounds painful tbh
Ok this may have ended up softer than "filthy" but not by much!! Hope you enjoy Frankie and his magic hands, dude. Those Hands
Word count: 1200+
Rating: explicit, 18+ only
Outline: Frankie Morales x “You” (cis/het female reader, “blank canvas”/no physical description/no name/no use of “Y/N”)
Warnings: coffee shop meet-cute; beach vacation; oral sex/F receiving; vaginal fingering; P/V sex; shower scene; mentions of food and alcohol
It was the hands you noticed first. Work-worn and calloused, but somehow also soft-looking. Big hands, nice hands, they held the door of the coffee shop open for you to enter as he left, and you almost tripped over the threshold with how distracted you were. You didn’t know you could be attracted to hands until you saw his, but somehow they were different from the soft, manicured hands of all the men you had dated before. Guys who only worked at keyboards in nice offices, who played golf or maybe drew sketches for upscale galleries, guys who didn’t mow their own lawns. Guys who got bored and left you after five days or seven weeks or four months. You hoped you would see him again.
And a week later you did, and then a few days after that, and then again the next day. And then one day you timed it just right, or he did, and you actually ended up in line together. And when you both picked up your orders, you ended up sort of fighting to give the other person the last open seats, a little two-top table, until you both just laughed and decided to sit with a stranger. Well, a nice stranger anyway. And there’s no way to sit at a tiny 2-person table like that without talking, and so it was very nice to find out that the pair of nice hands belonged to a nice man who finally gave you his name, and by the end of the conversation, his number. And so that’s how you ended up with ‘Frankie Morales’ listed in your phone and a date for the following Saturday.
And oh, wow, what those hands could do. Over the next few weeks you found out how warm they felt holding your hand, how well they fit around the side of your hip as you walked, how good they felt cupping your jaw for a kiss, and how thick they were when he slid them inside of you while he worked magic with his talented tongue.
Weeks turned into months turned into a year, and then suddenly there was an anniversary weekend to plan and a beach vacation to arrange, and you found yourself laying on a white sand beach holding one of those big hands in yours as you napped under an umbrella. You were just drifting off when Frankie’s big hand gave yours a squeeze. You cracked your eyes to watch him walk away, because you never got tired of that particular view, the broad shoulders and the golden skin and the easy confidence he carried himself with. Your Frankie.
And then he came back and offered you a cold drink and you sat up and brushed his fingers with yours as you took the cup and smiled at him over your sunglasses. And when he smiled back little stars burst behind your navel, better than butterflies because the starbursts were backed up by 365 days of knowing what those hands and lips and body could do, to you and with you and for you.
And the afternoon passed in lazy naps on the beach blanket interspersed with squealing moments in the water, Frankie splashing you or carrying you piggyback into the waves. And one big wave knocking your sunglasses loose into the water, lost forever until Frankie gives you his to wear, and tells you how cute you look with his big aviators on. And then the sun sets and it’s time to go wash up, have a romantic dinner, take a bottle of wine back to your beach view room. And when it’s dark you turn off all the lights and let the moon stream in through your open balcony door.
Frankie takes his time with you that first night, working you open with his lovely soft lips and tongue, licking and swirling you up into knots of desire until his fingers push you over the edge and you burst into pieces, moaning wordless sounds into the salt-scented night air that’s rolling through the room. And then he does it again, one more time just to feel you squeeze his fingers hard before he strokes himself and slides into you with hardly any friction at all. You cling to him with your arms and legs wrapped as tight as you can until he chases his own high and pins it down inside of you, thrusting into you and releasing his own deep groans, then making you sigh with contentment as he tucks you under his big arm to sleep.
The second day passes in a blur of laughter and a boat trip, sightseeing and catching a few precious glimpses of dolphins, and then more beach time and dinner. And another long night of lovemaking in your room, but this time with Frankie taking you on your hands and knees, feeling him pound deep inside of you, hitting that ticklish spot over and over as you gaze out the balcony door over the moonlit ocean. And then again at 1:00 a.m. when you wake up and feel Frankie’s cock hard against you as you snuggle, and you shift your hips back into him, and bump him playfully until he wakes up. And then you straddle him and he cups your breasts with those big hands as you grind against him and make him moan in the near dark.
And you wake up the next morning and he’s absent from the bed, but you hear him in the shower and you sneak in to join him. And Frankie puts those hands to good use one more time, scrubbing your back and rubbing suds all over you, tip to toe, and then rinsing you off before he makes you come on his fingers. He wraps you tight with your back to his broad chest, one big hand under your ribs and the other rubbing tight circles into your clit and dipping up inside of you by turns until you collapse and shatter for him and then come back to yourself. And then you kiss him and tell him you love him and he says it back, and you know he means it.
And you wonder how you did this before, without Frankie. How you put up with the arrogance and the dullness of the disinterested men that you dated. How you ever believed that they were worth your time. Because now you see it, the way that Frankie uses his hands and his whole heart to love you. How he listens to you and sees you, how you won’t ever be alone as long as he’s there.
And you dress and go down to breakfast and intertwine your fingers with his beside your orange juice, and you lift his hand to yours and kiss his magic fingers one by one. And he just looks at you, glowing at you like you’re the sweetest thing he’ll ever see. And then he tells you how soft your lips are, and how much he’s looking forward to tonight. And you tuck into your breakfast and you swear nothing has ever tasted this good in your life, because you’re finally with the right person, and that makes all the difference in the world.
--- Frankie "Catfish" Morales character masterlist Just-here-for-the-moment’s main masterlist
The only tag list I have for fics: @quica-quica-quica @anaaaispunk @justanotherblonde23 @gracie7209 @nicolethered @honestly-shite @driedgreentomatoes @dihra-vesa @1800-fight-me @the-queen-of-fools @juletheghoul @kesskirata @honeymandos @silverwolf319 @mourningbirds1 @greeneyedblondie44 @spacedilf @maxwell–lord @anxiousandboujee @cevvie @sherala007 @writeforfandoms @libellule2001 @deadhumourist @mandoalorian @javierpinme @eri16 @mandocrasis @pilothusband @bastillealmighty @eri16 @jitterbugs927 @babiiface95 because Frankie!!
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tr0p1cal · 3 years
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Summary: waking up to their s/o charting their freckles like constellations
Pairing: Wilber x gn!reader, Sapnap x gn!reader, Dream x gn!reader
Warnings: not proof read, but other than that it’s basically just a load of fluff-
A/N: had this idea for a while and decided to do it :D hope you enjoy :P this can also be cc! or c!, so you can just imagine it however you’d like :) also pls ignore the weird writing style change in the dream part- I wrote it a month later after some bad writers block lololol XD enjoy!
A/N no. 2: feedback is very very welcomed and wanted as I’m new to writing stuff like this! Seeing what people think is normally very motivating and would be much appreciated if you could spare a moment to let me know your thoughts! If that’s not possible at the time, that’s always perfectly okay, but it would be most helpful to know :) <3 Thank you much ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
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Okay, Wilber would absolutely LOVE your freckles
Like 100% simps for them every moment he gets
Loved them before you even started dating
He’d probably randomly come up to you, grab your face, and admire them
Doesn’t matter if you have a bunch or just a few.
Everyone would make fun of him for it too, like it would most definitely be a known fact
There’d be an ongoing joke that he only liked you for your freckles
You’d totally play into it too-
Before you and Will got together, everyone would always play flirt with you to annoy Will because EVERYONE know he had a fat crush on you
Besides you of course- you were so oblivious you didn’t even get it when he asked you out </3 rip Wilber
But even then he loved your freckles and always made sure you knew that <3
You stirred in your sleep, slowly beginning to wake up. As you took in a breath of air, letting it out with a sigh, you gently went to rub your eyes, only to realize there was something in the way. You opened you’re eyes, met face to face with your beautiful boyfriend. “Well good morning lovely,” you said with a growing smile, voice still rough from your grogginess.
“Good morning to you as well, my love.” He smiled back enthusiastically.
“What are you up to?”
“Well I was just occupying my time with admiring you’re amazing freckles,” he said with a cheeky grin
You sighed knowingly. “Were you ‘marking out constellations’ again?”
He faintly chuckled, debating with himself whether to admit it or not. “Yeah, maybe I was.” He shrugged. “What about it, huh? What’re you gonna do about it?”
You rolled your eyes, knowing he was just messing around. “God, you are so annoying sometimes.”
“Maybe, but you still choose to deal with me on a daily basis,” he said with a grin, poking you gently on the nose.
“I hate you,” you joked dryly.
“I love you too my dear.” He smiled, pulling you in to cuddle.
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Sap really didn’t think your freckles would be something he’d come to love so much-
When you first met, he didn’t even notice them
To me, Sap gives off MAJOR himbo vibes-
Idk how that connects here- I just needed to say it...
You were actually just really good friends for a long time, slowly developing feeling for one another
It took forever for you to get together because neither one of you wanted to “ruin the friendship”🙄
George “accidentally” he claims it was actually an accident, but no one believes him outed you feelings for one another on steam
After that you talked it over and bam! The literal power couple of the century🙌
It didn’t take sap long to realize his love for your freckles and never fails to voice his adoration
He’s just a big puppy frfr
You felt gentle hands brushing over your skin as you slowly began waking up for the day, a smile spreading across your face at the sensation.
“Oh I’m sorry bubs, did I wake you?” Your boyfriends gentle voice rang through your ears, causing you to smile bigger and flutter your eyes open to get a look at him.
“Nah, I needed to get up anyway, so don’t worry about it,” you said with a groggy voice, yawning and stretching a little.
Sap pulled you close, snuggling into your chest. “No, I don’t want you to leave yet,” he whined playfully.
You laughed at his antics and ran your fingers through his hair. “Okay okay, I’ll stay a bit longer. You’ve convinced me.”
You laid there for a few minutes just basking in each other’s presence.
“Oh hey, what we’re you doing when I woke up? I just felt you touching my face.”
Sap looked at you and grinned. “Oh! I was charting your freckles!”
You starred at him for a moment. Charting? Like how you chart constellations?” You asked with a raised brow.
“Yes, exactly.” 
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Freckles. You’re a sucker for them and always have been.
Dream and you accidentally started dating after pretending to be together-
You’d always loved his freckles, but never verbally admitted it
Sap and George new you both had a thing for each other before either of you even realized
They’re the ones that got you to fake date for a bit lololol
You’re honestly just a big simp and so is he
Since you got together though, you’ve made it quite clear just how much you like his freckles
You’re constantly commenting about them or simply just poke them
He’d absolutely love that you’re a big dump for him
I mean- mans do have a bit of an ego to him, so you showering him with compliments and shit would be perfect to him
He’d also like his hair being played with frfr
You woke up to your partner soundly sleeping, cuddled close in a loving embrace. The sight brought a smile to your face as you watched dream sleep. Instinctively, your hand moved to play in his hair.
As you quietly laid there, enthralled by the beauty of the boy you had the pleasure of calling yours, you couldn’t help the lingering stare on his lovely freckles. See, you found them so captivatingly beautiful, you couldn’t help but love them.
You gently reached out towards his face, softly drawing imaginary lines connecting his oh so enchanting freckles to on another. This was an act you did constantly. Though sadly you were interrupted by the eyes of your lover slowly fluttering open.
“Mmm good morning my love. What’re you doing?” His voice was groggy and low due to him just waking, causing you to shudder slightly at the angelic sound.
“Good morning to you as well honeydew,” you said with a bright, energetic smile. “I was just admiring your captivating beauty. As one should always do,” you grinned.
He laughed and shook his head a little. “You’re too much. It’s far too early in the morning for you to start with all the compliments.”
“Dream, my dear, it’s never to early to tell the truth.”
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damonjuicyscock · 2 years
The New Singer-Chapter 5 (Dilf! Damon Albarn X Reader)
Pairing: Dilf ! Damon Albarn X Reader
Warnings: language, smut (P in V sex, oral female receiving), maybe a few spelling mistakes.
Summary: You've been dating Damon for 9 months now, but you've been far away from each other for a few. You're scared it might not end well, which makes you insecure, he proves you the total opposite.
Words: 2164
A/N: Hello lovely people ! Here's chapter 5, I hope you'll like it. I included a little part in French, but not worries, I translated it for you ! I'm currently working on other smuts but I don't know if one will be published on Wednesday because I have to work for my exams coming in two weeks now (ouch).
Enjoy !
(Look at him guys, isn't he handsome ?)
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July 2018:
Being far from Damon was hard. We were dating since 9 months, but on these 9 months we’ve been together for only 4 months. I was scared we would end breaking up because of the distance, even if we were phoning twice a day. Especially when my label asked me to fake date another new singer so we could both gain popularity. I remember Damon and I arguing about this topic, him shouting at me and telling me he didn’t want to see me ever again.
What he couldn’t understand at first was I had no choice.
He didn’t call for a whole week, leaving me crying, eating nothing, before calling me to apologize and make it up to me. After this event I started to feel very insecure.
Since this, my public “love relationship” was no more. I loved Damon too much for this and I didn’t want to fuck anything I had with him up.
Medias were talking about me, often asking me the question “Are you seeing or dating someone since your breakup with thingummy?” And I knew I was forced to answer the fucking question. I always answered with strength “Maybe, but I like to keep my private life private.”
The label was clearly not happy of my non-submission… well, fuck them.
The first part of my tour was over, so I decided to join Damon in a French festival in Britain called “Les vieilles charrues”, without him being aware.
Happily, one of the security men recognized me and let me get backwards.
While I was looking for Damon, I jostled against someone.
-Oi, watch out! The man shouted at me -I’m so sorry si… Oh my fucking god! I screamed
I was maybe a well-known singer by now, but I was still me, and me meant the “forever fangirl”
-What? -Y-y-you’re Liam Gallagher ! I answered
Yes, he was there in the flesh, in front of me, smoking his cigarette.
-Yea thank you Y/N, I know who I am. -N-No, I mean… I’m a great fan! You’ve got so much influence on my music, actually I didn’t know you knew me. -Yer talking too much ya know? But thanks for the compliment, Rasta, I really appreciate it. I love your music by the way. He answered -Thank you. Huh…actually I was looking for Damon, did you see him? -Dermot O’Blong? -Oh yeah sorry, forgot you maybe weren’t the right man to ask… -Oi kid, Oasis vs Blur is over, I think he’s over there. He said, indicating his right with his head -Thank you, Our Kid. I answered, about to leave -Oi, wait! He said grabbing my arm -What? -Are you going to see Noel? -Huh… probably in a few days yeah, why? -Just tell this scouse schlepper I said hi please. -Huh…okay. I answered, unsure -Thank you. You can go.
I started walking again, thinking “do it yourself you wanker”, but I was wrong, and I knew that after. He was just missing his big brother and it’s sad. My relationship with my sister wasn’t really good as well, but we’ve never been to the point where they were.
I finally found someone familiar. Jamie’s wife
-Emma? -Y/N? Oh hey! How are you? -Bien merci et toi ? (Good, thank you what about you?) I answered in French -Bien aussi, merci. Does Damon know you’re here? She answered -Je te rappelle que je parle français Emma. (I remind you I’m speaking French Emma) I said chuckling -Ah oui, désolée ! (Oh yeah sorry !) -En France il faut que je pratique mon français autrement je vais le perdre. En plus tu es française, double raison. Et pour te répondre, non il ne sait pas. C’est une surprise, je vais chanter avec Gorillaz de nouveau pour quelques temps. (In France I have to practice my French or I’m going to lose it. Moreover you’re French, it’s another reason. And to answer you, no he doesn’t know. It’s a surprise, I’m going to sing with Gorillaz again for a few) -Ah je suis contente d’apprendre ça ! Laisse-moi juste prendre une bière pour Jamie et je te conduis à eux okay ? (I’m happy to know that! Let me just have a beer for Jamie and I’m taking you to them, okay?) -Okay!  I answered
Once she had the fresh beer in her hand, we started walking towards the band while talking.
-Alors…Damon et toi vous êtes ensemble ? (So… You and Damon are dating?) -On peut dire ça… j’imagine qu’il l’a confié à ton mari ? (We can say that… I imagine he told your husband?) -Oui, mais ne t’inquiètes pas, c’est un secret à nous quatre. Puis je ne suis certainement pas la personne à aller répéter des secrets, ni Jamie. (Yes, but don’t worry, it’s a secret to us four. And I’m certainly not the person who will reveal secrets, nor Jamie). -Encore heureuse ! Mais je sais que je peux compter sur vous deux. (Fortunately ! But I know I can count on you two) I answered -Okay, on y est. Restes derrière moi, fais le coup à Damon du « devines qui c’est », il ne peut pas te voir, il est de dos. Je vais faire signe à Jamie de ne rien dire et de ne pas réagir. (Okay, here we go. Stay behind me, do to Damon the "guess who" thing, he can't see you, he’s from behind. I'm going to signal Jamie not to say anything and not to react.) -Niquel. (Perfect) I answered
Emma opened the door, her husband looking at her. She put her index on her mouth, showing not to tell anything nor react, just like she previously said.
He kept doing like nothing, what he understood when he saw me behind Emma.
-Here’s your beer darling. She said, handing him the plastic cup
I approached discreetly, covering Damon’s eyes with my hands.
-Guess who? I murmured in his ear
He jumped off his seat, surprised, and turned to see me.
-Y/N! He said, a smile invading his face
He came towards me and hugged me tightly, kissing my head.
-I missed you… He whispered in my ear -I missed you too. I answered the same -We have to be careful, I came with my daughter, so kisses and hand holding in private, okay? -Like we always did darling. I answered
He let go of my body
-Do you want to drink something? He asked -No, thank you, I’m okay, hope there’s a mic available for me, because I’m going to sing our duet with you! -Always!
I went to hug Jamie and the rest of the band before coming back to sit next to Damon.
-Also… I need a room where to sleep tonight, unless you’re sharing it with Missy? I murmured -No, you can come with me, and anyway, if it was the case, I would have welcomed you. We just wouldn’t have slept together in the same bed. -And I know we’re not only going to sleep… -Oh no, I’m going to show you how much I missed you. He answered winking at me
Suddenly, the door opened, and a young lady appeared: Missy, and one of her friends.
-It was so fucking good! She said -Yup, totally! Her friend answered -Ah! Here she is, my pride and joy! Damon said getting up -Oh dad, you missed something! -Was it that nice? -I’m sure you would have adored it. -Missy, let me introduce you to someone, it’s… -Oh you’re Y/N! I’ve heard so much about you! I’m so happy to finally meet you! You’re such a great artist and a great friend to my dad! She said before hugging me -I’m so happy to meet you too Missy, you are radiant! -Thank you! -Oh, I’m so happy to be with you all, knowing the awkward meeting I had before finding Emma. -Who was it? Emma asked -Liam fucking Gallagher. -Oh geez! Missy said -He’s actually kinda cool. -Liam is just… being Liam. Damon said -He called you with the nickname he gave you on Twitter. -Dermot O’Blong? Damon asked -Yup. -Oh you know, he hasn’t changed at all. He already did it in the nineties. -He also asked me to tell something to Noel but I’m afraid he could get angry. -He won’t. He’s rather calm. -Well anyway, I met another of my favourite singers, even though he always had this weird position to sing. That’s his signature.
Back at the hotel, Missy and her friend went to their room, and I went in Damon’s with him. Once the door was closed, I was pinned against it, Damon’s lips on mine, kissing me harshly.
Then his lips went to my neck.
-I missed you so, so much… He said -Oh Damon…I missed you too… I answered moaning when he sucked a spot on my skin.
His hand slid on my thigh, and under my dress, rubbing his fingers on my clit through my panties. I whimpered in pleasure.
-Damon please… -What do you want baby girl? He said, still pleasuring me -The bed… -Oh you want me to lay you on the bed? -Yes…and make love to me, please…
He picked me up, throwing my legs around his waist, and headed towards the bed, laying me on it, climbing on top of me, spreading my legs, to put himself in between. He unzipped the zipper in front of my dress, revealing my breasts.
-Surprise! I said chuckling -That’s the kind of surprise I love! He answered before bringing his mouth on one of them, sucking it while swirling his tongue around the sensitive nub.
I moaned, my fingers went tugging at his hair. He moaned as well when I did it. Then he did the same with the other before heading down between my legs, taking my panties off, before licking a long stripe from my clit to my wetness.
A breathy moan escaped my lips. His head started moving quickly, he was devourishing me like his favorite meal.
-Oh…Damon… -Yes baby? He said, lifting his head up to see me Just make love to me please, I want you so bad… -Right now? Without preparing you? -I don’t need to be prepared; I’ve been ready since I left you. But maybe you want me to prepare you? -Nah, I’m goddamn ready too, I’m all yours my love.
We both helped each other to take our clothes off, Damon straddling me again, spreading my legs with his. He placed his tip at my entrance and kissed me. He teased my folds a little bit before pushing in.
We both let a moan out in unison. He let me get adjusted to his size for a minute or two.
-Oh, how I also missed making love to you… He mumbled
He started thrusting in me, adapting an exquisite pace, between slow and fast. It wasn’t fucking, it was really making sweet, passionate love. He was leaving kisses between my lips and my neck. I could hear his pants and breathy moans.
-Dames… I love you… -I love you too baby.
He kept moving inside me, his hands caressing my body, bringing me closer to my climax with each thrust.
I could feel his movements lose their rhythm and get sloppier. We were both close.
My nails went to dig in his back and claw at it as I let out a loud moan.
His thumb went to rub my clit, throwing me over the edge. I didn’t even have the time to tell him I was going to cum. My back arched on the mattress and my walls contracted around him and convulsed.
He let out loud moans and I felt his length throb inside me, releasing his hot cum.
He collapsed on top of me, and I felt him caress my cheek, while I caressed his back, both getting down from our high. I loved this man more than my own life.
-Don’t go again. Stay with me… I really thought I was going to lose you when you were forced to date this other twat. And I can’t lose you, I love too much for that young lady.
-I’m right here, I’m not moving Dames. Not for 3 months. I thought I was going to lose you too. I can’t see my life without you in it. I love you…
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littlepadika · 3 years
hi P🥰🥰 what are your thoughts on javi having someone really sweet and sunshiney to come home to after an intense day at the embassy? but in the sense of they’re still just friends but both have feelings for each other!! you’re my favourite on this app 🤗
Yes anon... our Javi deserves a sweet bebita to come home to 🥺. Also I'm your FAVORITE 😭 what?!?! ILY <3
Javi's Sunshine (1) l Javier Peña x F!Reader
Part 2
Warnings: YEARNING, legal age gap
AN: Thank you @heythere-mel for the food recommendation. Now I have to make this dish and live out my fantasies hehe
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Javi trudged up the steps rubbing his tired eyes. It was another terrible day at work. He was stuck behind his desk writing reports and in meetings, everything but actually working the case. Worst of all, a unit of police was ambushed outside Bogotá following a lead Javier found. Two men were killed. Javi was supposed to be there. He could have stopped it. Days like this Javi used to head to the bar, losing himself in a woman who was pretty enough and liquor that was strong enough. However, he headed home.
You had been Javi's neighbor for a few months. He had enjoyed the one minute exchanges he would have with you every morning, a pep in his step when he'd finally force himself out the door. He loved your laugh, your bright eyes, your sunny disposition. If you were any less perfect he would have already taken you out, experienced your pleasure. However, there was something about you that felt too monumental. He didn't want to waste you.
Three days ago, a pipe burst across his hall and you knocked on his door asking if you could crash at his. You were a university student. You didn't have any family to fall back on while the landlord fixed the apartment. You seemed put out, worried he would say no, which only made him say yes with more enthusiasm.
You were a tiny sun. Shedding light onto everything you touched. His grimy apartment shone as you cooked, and reorganized even if he grumbled about it. He knew the beauty would stick even after you were gone. The spoon you used to stir pasta sauce would forever hold that precious memory. The old record player you repaired would sing beautiful music for many days to come. You were everywhere and he couldn't believe he got to be a part of it. Perhaps your midas touch rubbed off on him. A sinner could hope.
That's why Javi was hustling home. After such a grueling day he needed to see you. He needed to remember there were still beautiful things in this world. That there was something, someone to hope for.
"Javi!" You smiled when the door opened. "I was starting to wonder when you were coming home."
"You didn't wait for me, did you?" He smiled softly. He could smell something delicious and spicy cooking in the kitchen. Your hair was mused. Your face makeup less. And you shone like a lighthouse in his dark. Leading him home.
"Of course I did." You let him walk in and set his things down before asking him about his day. You could tell it had been bad. He had wrinkles in his pants which told you he was sitting all day. His tie was already off.
"Smells great in here, hermosa." Javi joined you in the kitchen, grabbing the plates and glasses from the high shelves.
"Thank you." You smiled. "It's your recipe I mean i think it is. I uh- I found this..." You rifled through the drawer finally pulling out a stained notecard.
"Oh?" Javi took it from you. He blinked a couple of times, his eyes still adjusting to the warm light of the kitchen. Spicy Fideo. His mother's recipe. Handwritten. She had slipped it into his things when he left for Colombia. He found it when he unpacked.
"I hope you don't mind. It sounded good." You chewed your lip nervously. Maybe you crossed a line. You made yourself too at home.
"It's my mother's." Javi mumbled.
"Oh." You smiled. "That's sweet. Well... I doubt mine is going to taste as good but I did my best." You took the bowls from beside him while he continued to watch you dumbstruck. You dished the pasta into each bowl, looking at him out of the corner of your eye. "So how was work? Bad i'm guessing?"
"Oh yeah. It sucked." Javi came to his senses, tips of his ears reddening under knowing gaze.
"You know you can talk to me about these things. Roomie." You nudged him with your hip playfully as you passed. He gulped. You blushed. Roommates. That's not what you wanted to be.
"I don't want to talk about it." Javi sat, pulling his napkin into his lap. "And not because you can't handle it." He added with a wink. "I just don't want to right now." Maybe he was being a little avoidant, but he just didn't want to waste the time he had with you on sad things. There would be time for that once you were gone. That thought made him pause a moment. Fuck, you would be leaving one day. Across the hall but that was an ocean away at this point.
"Okay." You smiled bracingly. You watch him lift a bite of the pasta into his mouth. He moaned when the flavor hit his tongue. It was delicious. Just a bit spicier than how his mother made it but still a taste of home. "Good?" You asked tentatively.
"So good. Maravilloso." Javi took another bite. You glowed at the praise finally trying it for yourself.
"Wow...this is delicious. You'll have to give your mother my thanks."
"I will. Next time I call. Gracias, hermosa. For doing this. For everything." Javi smiled though the thought of you leaving hung over him like a storm cloud.
"Javi..." You chuckled. "You're the one who is housing me."
"Pssh." He shook his head "That's- that's not the same."
"Well it means a lot to me. Cooking and running errands. That's how I give my thanks. You know..." You blush down at your food "My love language. Acts of service. That's me."
Javi's eyes widened. Love language. "I-I haven't heard of that."
"It's acts of service, physical touch, gifts..." You trailed off unable to think of the rest. "But acts of service that's how I give.... oh! words of affirmation and quality time. Those are the other two."
Javi chuckled resting his elbows on the table. "Quality time." He latched onto the last one you mentioned. "Quality time sounds like mine... I don't know I haven't ever thought about it like that."
You shrugged. "It's different for everyone."
You and Javi ate in silence while he pondered this. Quality time. How he rushed home to be with you. To spend time with you. You did things for him. Acts of service. The answer hung in the air between you both if only Javier would just grab it. But he was scared. Scared he wouldn't be enough. Scared what he could put you through. Those two men who were murdered today, he could have been one of them if he was there. How could he put you through that? This had to be enough. Sitting and having dinner. Sharing a laugh. Letting the record player fill the space in between. And as you wiped your mouth off and mentioned something about cake, he knew it was.
My masterlist
Permanent Tagist: @ajeff855 @what-iwish-you-knew @kirsteng42 @fan-of-encouragement @sleep-tight1 @pascalisfairyy @ceniington, @prettypedros 🧁, @pascal-rascal424 @axshadows @prideandpascal @frenchyjuju @pedrosmustache @blackmarketmummy @idreamofboobear r @pretty-brown-eyess @persephones-garden @javierpinme @mylittlesenaar @bellaorisa @elinedjarin @beskarboobs 💖@beskar-candy @dindjarinneedsahug @anaaaispunk @headinthestarz 💫 @beskarprincessjenny @nicolethered
Javi taglist: @3rdfloorview @goddessofsprings
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