The Minerals Are Gone.
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stayhealthyinside · 1 year
Facts about vitamins A, D, E and K
Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A, which is actually a group of interrelated substances (retinol, retinal and retinoic acid), can be synthesised in the body from β-carotene, found in dark-green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, sprouts, broccoli and spinach, and in carrots. Cooking the vegetables does not damage the β-carotene molecules and in fact β-carotene is more easily absorbed into the body from cooked carrots.
The speed at which the human eye adapts to seeing in the dark depends on the amount of vitamin A available in the body, known as the vitamin A status. Xerophthalmia or dry-eye is a classic sign of vitamin A deficiency.
Vitamin A is involved in normal growth and bone formation and it plays a part in the production of red blood cells and therefore the prevention of anaemia.
Vitamin D
The main role of vitamin D is to facilitate the uptake of calcium from food, through the lining of the small intestine into the blood. It also controls the deposition of calcium in the bones during growth and maintains adult bone structure.
In fact, the beneficial effect of sunlight, in playing a part in vitamin D synthesis, has to be balanced with the detrimental effect, its role in causing skin cancers. It appears that an exposure to sunlight of about 30 minutes per day (avoiding the part of the day when sunlight is strongest) is an appropriate balance between the harmful and beneficial effects.
Vitamin E
Some chemical reactions in the body produce harmful substances called free radicals that contain single electrons and become involved in chain reactions in the cells, which can be damaging to the body. Antioxidants like vitamins A and E neutralise the harmful substances and prevent further damage.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K is widely distributed in the diet and it is absorbed from the small intestine with the assistance of bile acids.
The main role of vitamin K is in blood clotting. This process requires the presence of a number of different chemicals, called clotting factors, in the blood. A number of these (including prothrombin and Factors VII, IX and X) require vitamin K in their synthesis.
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tastyphysique · 1 year
Mango and Pineapple Salad
- 1 ripe mango, peeled and cubed
- 1 small pineapple, peeled and cubed
- 1 kiwi fruit, peeled and sliced
- 1/2 cup blueberries
- 1/2 cup raspberries
- 1/2 cup blackberries
- 1 tablespoon honey
- Juice of 1 lime
- Fresh mint leaves for garnish
1. In a large bowl, combine the mango, pineapple, kiwi fruit, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries.
2. In a small bowl, whisk together the honey and lime juice.
3. Pour the honey-lime dressing over the fruit mixture and toss to coat.
4. Chill the salad in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving.
5. Garnish with fresh mint leaves before serving.
Enjoy this refreshing and healthy fruit salad as a dessert or a snack!
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nutripathfinder · 15 days
We Are What We Eat, Weirdly True...Wait What!
You Are What You Eat: A Fact or Fiction? Unveiling the Surprising Link Between Diet and Mood “You are what you eat.” This age-old adage, first voiced by culinary savant Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, carries more weight than we might realize. In a world where our diets oscillate between fast-food feasts and green smoothie cleanses, the age-old adage, “You are what you eat” has never had more…
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bhavanameti · 1 month
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the-nn-project · 4 months
Trust facts not myths
Watch our new video about Nutrition myths
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mindhealthboost · 6 months
Food care for diabetes.
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rghbfitness-blogs · 7 months
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mr-divabetic · 10 months
This episode of Divabetic's podcast features tips, advice, and strategies for turning around a Prediabetes or a Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis. Guests include Jill Weisenberger MS, RDN, CDCES, CHWC, FAND, and gospel music recording artist, Pat Lacy.
Jill Weisenberger is recognized internationally for her expertise in nutrition, diabetes, and prediabetes. She worked as a nutrition counselor, diabetes educator, and health coach in hospitals, research, and private practice settings. Jill helps leverage resources, recipes, and scientific insights to find better ways to improve eating and smart living, reduce the risk of mismanaged diabetes health-related complications and support better health. Jill is the author of Prediabetes: A Complete Guide, 2nd edition, Diabetes Weight Loss Week By Week, 21 Things You Need to Know About Diabetes and Your Heart, and The Overworked Person's Guide To Better Nutrition. Additionally, she offers the Prediabetes Meal Planning Crash Course, Prediabetes Turnaround, Type 2 Eating Guide, and a Stick With It Video Course.
Vocalist Pat Lacy, who has worked with The Sounds of Blackness and Luther Vandross, shares her experience living with type 2 diabetes and how she managed to turn her health around by modifying her lifestyle. This podcast features music from Pat Lacy's upcoming gospel album, I'm Taking You To Church.
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nutrisentials · 11 months
Rejuvenate Your Skin Naturally with Collagen: Unlock the Secret to Radiant Beauty.
Collagen production decreases with age, resulting in the development of lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Nevertheless, we can naturally repair and renew our appearance with the aid of collagen supplements.
Understanding Collagen
The most prevalent protein in our bodies, collagen serves as the skin's structural foundation and gives it strength, flexibility, and resilience. It creates a web of fibres that supports the skeletal system of the skin and aids in preserving its firmness and beauty.
Reversing the Aging Process
The body can produce more of it when it is given a protein supplement, which helps with skin cell renewal and rejuvenation. We can efficiently slow down the ageing process and preserve a youthful appearance by refilling the dwindling levels.
Boosting Skin Elasticity
Sagging and skin that is loose arise from a decrease in skin elasticity caused by protein loss. The synthesis of elastin fibres, which provide the skin with its pliability and bounce, can be increased by taking supplementation with protein, which can help enhance skin elasticity.
Diminishing Wrinkles and Fine Lines
Its potential of it to lessen the appearance of creases and fine lines is one of its most sought-after advantages. Protein supplements help smooth out wrinkles and make the skin look plumper and younger by increasing the skin's levels.
Restoring Hydration and Moisture 
The level of moisture and humidity in the skin is crucially regulated by it. It aids in maintaining the skin's hydration, nourishment, and plumpness by drawing and holding onto water molecules, giving the skin a brilliant and healthy sheen.
Brightening Dull Complexion 
Supplemental protein can help lighten a drab complexion while enhancing skin tone. It helps to achieve an even skin tone and a beautiful, youthful complexion by increasing skin renewal and promoting cell turnover.
Reducing the Appearance of Scars
It has been discovered that it promotes healing and scar recovery. Encouraging the development of healthy skin cells, it encourages tissue regeneration and aids in reducing the visibility of scars.
Supporting Hair and Nail Health
Protein encourages strong hair and nail growth in addition to being good for the skin. Supplements containing protein can improve the general health and appearance of a person by supplying necessary nutrients and fortifying the shafts of hair and nails.
It is an innovation when it helps with reviving and repairing youthful skin. We can reduce wrinkles, increase skin suppleness, and achieve a beautiful complexion by supplementing with collagen to replenish its levels. The key to timeless beauty is to recognise the power of it.
To get the best healthy supplements visit Healthyhey.
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tkmgroups · 11 months
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completenutrition · 1 year
Weight Loss Stack | CTS Max & CTS Black | Complete Nutrition
This weight loss stack contains the cts max & cts black for an incredible 1-2 punch. The cts 360 weight loss program is the strongest fat-burning program
CTS360® Weight Loss Stack is BACK!!  This award winning stack contains the CTS Max and CTS Black for an incredible 1-2 PUNCH.  The CTS360 Weight Loss program is the strongest fat burning program in the CTS360® line and the top-selling program online.
CTS supports energy, fat-burning, and appetite for maximum results.
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idigitizellp21 · 1 year
Ace Your Health: Helping You Choose The Best Multivitamins
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Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires a balance of various nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, most of us do not consume sufficient nutrients throughout the day. As a result, many people succumb to external multivitamin supplements to meet their daily nutrient requirements. With the vast array of multivitamin options available in the market, it can be challenging to choose the right one for your health needs. We at JV Nutrition believe that you can ace your health only if you bridge the gap between required and consumed multivitamins.
Here’s a quick guide:
1. Determine Required Nutrition Needs
It is always wise to begin from how much you require to how much you consume. This will not only give you a deficit number but will additionally, allow you to choose the right proportion of nutrition to bridge this gap efficiently. Therefore, the first step to choosing the best multivitamin is to determine your nutritional needs. It is critical to note that, nutritional needs vary on the basis of age, gender, and current health status. It can also vary from profession to profession. Example: An athlete will fulfil a heavy daily protein requirement compared to a 9–5 desk working personnel. BRIDGE THE GAP WITH NUMBERS.
2. Scan through the Label
When choosing any multivitamin supplement, it is ideal to read through the label information to ensure that it contains the recommended daily values (RDVs) of essential vitamins and minerals. The RDVs are the amount of nutrients needed to meet the average nutrient needs of a healthy individual. ITS ALWAYS GOOD TO BE INFORMED.
3. Inspect for Quality Assurance
Choose a multivitamin supplement is easy but multivitamins which adhere to global quality norms is a tedious task. You will be able to explore A-graded multivitamin only if the product is manufactured in-house by a reputable company that follows good manufacturing practices (GMPs). This ensures not only a high-quality multivitamin product but also a safe product that is free from contaminants. CHOOSE QUALITY OVER QUANTITY for a QUALITATIVE LIFE.
4. Choose the Right Form
Multivitamin supplements come in various forms, like in multivitamin tablets and capsule format for quick pop-ins, and in the form of chewy gummies, and the best form being liquids. Take out time and carefully choose a form that is easy for you to consume and digest. This is a personal preference agenda additional to which suites your body in the best way. For example, if you have difficulty swallowing pills, choose a gummy or liquid form. Also, some individuals are looking for instant absorption in the body and hence consumed in water or milk is ideal.
5. Explore Specialized Formulations
Some multivitamin supplements are formulated specifically for certain populations, such as pregnant women, seniors, or athletes. These formulations may contain higher levels of specific nutrients that are essential for that particular age group. If you belong to any of these specific population, you must consider choosing a specialized multivitamin formulation as its designed or your current state. EMBRACE CUSTOMIZATION.
6. Avoid Mega Doses
It’s a known fact that, “Anything in access is harmful”, even if it’s a vitamins and mineral supplement. If consumed in access can do more harm than good. Often, individuals fall for the instant boost trap also known as mega dose. Little did you know, if you have an over dose of multivitamins or minerals the fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate in your body and lead to toxicity. We hence recommend, KEEP IT MEASURED.
7. Avoid Synthetic Ingredients
Some multivitamin supplements may contain synthetic ingredients, such as fillers, binders, artificial colors and flavors. For optimal results choose multivitamin supplements that contains natural ingredients and avoids synthetic additives. ACE YOUR HEALTH WITH NAUTRAL INGREDIENT MULTIVITAMINS.
8. Check for ill effects
Some vitamins and minerals can interact with medications and other supplements that can prove hazardous. Before choosing a multivitamin supplement, it’s highly recommended to consult with your doctor or pharmacist to ensure that it does not interact with any other ongoing medications or supplements. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.
9. Read Reviews
Reading up the internet about what the brand customers have to say is a great way to understand brand values and trust factors. Skimming through them can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and quality of a multivitamin supplement. Look for reviews from verified purchasers and choose a multivitamin supplement with mostly positive reviews.
Why choose JV Nutrition’s: Apex Vital Products?
Over and above JV Nutrition’s wide range of brands offering variety of whey protein and multivitamin products, here are some reasons why Apex Vitals products are taking the market by storm: ⦁ Robust quality assurance procedures. ⦁ Happiness is when the body, mind and soul talk to each other. ⦁ Offering affordable yet quality products. ⦁ Customized products for esteemed customers.
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npskudlu · 1 year
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"Attention parents! Are you on the hunt for the healthiest vegetables to incorporate into your toddler's daily meals? Look no further than National Public School Kudlu's top picks for the BEST vegetables for toddlers! From leafy greens to colorful squash, we've got a variety of delicious and nutrient-rich options that will fuel your little one's growing body and mind. Join us in promoting healthy eating habits and giving your toddlers the best start in life with our exciting vegetable recommendations.
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nutripathfinder · 2 months
We Are What We Eat, Weirdly True...Wait What!
You Are What You Eat: A Fact or Fiction? Unveiling the Surprising Link Between Diet and Mood “You are what you eat.” This age-old adage, first voiced by culinary savant Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, carries more weight than we might realize. In a world where our diets oscillate between fast-food feasts and green smoothie cleanses, it’s time to dig deeper into this phrase. Is there an ounce of…
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bhavanameti · 1 month
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