#OC x Deku
dessertpanda · 25 days
To be a Hero..... Or maybe PT3
Pt2 PT1
This story is heavely based on one of my OC, it mentions kidnapping, suicide, bullying, sex, yander behavior and abuse. Please be warned this is little more graphic compared to my other storys. Also the time line for the story is a little different when compared to the actual MHA, the characters are all in college vs being in hight school. Please enjoy and note that i do not own any of the named character except for Paris, all credit for the characters goes to Horikoshi. (Izuku x Fem Reader)
(A mini training arc!! this will progress from the start of their senior year to the near end/entrance exam)(Mention of a minimize panic attack"
"IZUKU YOU GOTTA RUN FASTER" called to him as he stood at the other end of the beach panting. When she said she would help him train... he didn't think it would be every day. "YYY/nnn please I'm exhausted" He panted before collapsing into the wet sand, allowing the water to run over his legs and lower torso. He sat there for a while, panting and wincing from the tortures training she’s been putting him through. Y/n came rushing back, kicking up sand and splashing water in her way to meet her boyfriend. She gently moved his hair from his face, showing how red and sweaty he was. With her other hand, she placed it on his chest, feeling for any issues with his breathing or heart. "I'm so sorry Izuku... I shouldn't have pushed you so hard" She let out a soft sigh of relief as she found nothing wrong with him. With him being checked and good, she removed her hand from his face, allowing his hair to fall back into place, with a huff she took a seat next to him in the wet sand. With a squishing sound as she settled, she drug her knees up into her chest and started blankly out into the water. The sound of the waves brushing and crashing the shore did little to comfort her but they did help slightly. "Izuku... I'm sorry.... I forget that the levels between us are a little different" He lifted his head slightly, not quite understanding what she was saying, "What I mean is.... I've been training like this since I was little...” She stopped “T-there a lot I have yet to tell you Izuku… And I owe you an explanation” She sighed. Gently taking her hand, he brought it to his lips and left a gentle kiss on her knuckles. “You can tell me anything, my love... I am here to support you, and I’ll love you no matter what” He was now sitting up, hand in hand… they stared out into the vast ocean. “Okay the truth about me, my past, and my reason for coming here to Japan”
(Mini Time skip)
She allowed the tears to flow, as Izuku brought her into his chest, “Y/n I-I have no words to express how… sorry I am for you love” He placed gentel kisses on her head, holding his position for a moment longer to inhale her scented shampoo, trying to ground himself. She nuzzled closer to him as his hands ran gentle circles across her back, trying to soother her after the small break down she had just had. He still allowed his own tears to flow, unable to contain his sadness from her tale. He felt his heart shred as she shared the experiences she’s gone through just to get away from her past… and now to tell him about it all made him feel a small sense of pride? Maybe relief? Because to Izuku, this was Y/n showing just how much she loved and trusted him, to open up and allow herself to be so vulnerable. “I trust you Izuku, I want to spend my life with you… so I know this was something I would have to share” She spoke, her voice slightly broken from the sobs, but non the less held nothing but pure lover for him.  “And I want nothing more than to be here supporting and loving you Y/n” He squeezed her tighter, reassuring her that he meant every word he spoke, and had every intention to stay true to it. She let out a sigh of relief, relaxing into his chest, allowing herself to breath in his scent, feel the skin on his arms, and listen to the rhythmic breaths he was taking. She felt safe and content, as if from this position nothing could harm them, not Kacchan, Not her mother, not her past, not the future…. All that mattered was the present, the gift that the universe handed her in the form that was her lovely boyfriend. Izuku continued to rub soothing circles, allowing the world to fade into the background… he was here, training to be a hero, with the love of his life… what else could he ask for?
(larger time skip)
Months had passed since they began training, and now nearing the final stretch of their senior year, Y/n could truly see the changes that were occurring with Izuku. He was muscular, not too big but definitely toned, not to mention the amount he had grown. He was taller, pushing 6’1, and had grown in confidence. Kacchan also began to leave them alone, he was beginning to focus on his own future. Every day, they trained, and soon He was able to keep up with her on the beach runs and lift a fridge with no help... he was still the same Izuku but yet he still changed.
Panting, hunched over on the beach, Izuku stood. Y/n sat atop the fridge he had just moved with a bright smile. "Izu! you're doing so well!" She cheered, jumping down to hand him a bottle of water. Landing with a soft thump, she dusted her butt off before holding up a semi-cold water to Izuku. "Here love, you need it" With a soft thanks and gentle hands, he took the water bottle from her hold and gulped its liquids down. She could only admire how far he'd come, his hard work, his determination, his everything led him to this weekend "The entrance exam" She whispered under her breather, only shifting her stare to his arms, they were littered with small bruises and scratches from them training. "You ready for this Izuku?" with a sigh, he removed the bottle from his lips, wiping his mouth, he turned his attention to her. "as ready as my amazing girlfriend could get me" He giggled, running a hand through his crazed hair in an attempt to slick it back, even just slightly. She rolled her eyes, "I'm serious Izu.. do you feel ready? are you nervous? scared?" She was scared, she had no idea what the entrance exam was like without a recommendation. What if pure strength wasn't good enough? what if they asked for a demonstration of quirks? What if he could die? Yes of course she was worried, she knew Izuku was strong and resistant, she made sure of that... but to send him off like that, to an environment that neither she nor him was familiar with scared her... terrified her. She was spiraling without even realizing it, her anxiety, her fears, her everything was coming to the surface. "Y/n" muffled for sound... "Y/n" it kept calling her but she continued to ignore it... too lost in her own thoughts. That was until two large arms grabbed her shoulders, forcing her out of her panic mind "Y/N" With bright green eyes, Izuku stood in front of her. "Y/n babe, talk to me.... come on" He tried coaxing her out of her fiddled position. "Tell me something love, what... what color is my hair?" He was hopeful that distracting her would calm her enough.
"Green... your hair is green... and you eyes are the exact color" Her eyes still glossed but she was staring right at him. "A-and your face is red, with freckles... like a strawberry" She gently ran her hand over his cheek, feeling the heat radiating off of it and the continue in the brightening color. "My Zuku" She sighed, finally gaining some sort of grounding "I'm right here" he whispered kissing her palm and holding closer to his face. "I will be fine," He spoke as if he was in her mind, reading it but in reality he could just read her that good. "Trust me, trust yourself!" He spoke, moving slowly to take her other hand, that played with her knee "You are an amazing teacher... so please have confidence in us" He had their hands clasped together, holding her tightly... watching as her eyes became their normal Y/e/c. "There they are.. those gorgeous orbs" He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding... watching as she completely came back to this moment, away from her mind. "I trust you... and I am 100% sure you will pass this exam" She nodded, determined, ready, and confident in both his and her own ability's. "Tomorrow... You will shake the world" She said staring into his eyes... "And after this summer... WE will shake the world" With his bright smile and reassuring eyes, she knew that that statement was 1000% true. "TO BE HEARD NO MATTER WHAT" the screamed their words, ones that represent their silent promise to one and other. "Okay Zuku... lets go get you ready"...
(I AM SO SORRY!!! My classes just started nack up and let me tell you WOW they have taken a lot of my time,But I am getting in the grove again... Based on my routine I'm hoping at least one chapeter a week for this BUT PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY REQUEST!!!) {ALso side note this story is gonna be tranfered over to its own book that way its not to much of the same here<3)
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os3npaio · 2 years
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This can't be happening.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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Words: 2531
Artwork by oS3NPAIo | DO NOT REPOST
Part Eight: Guilt
Amelia was expecting to be happy for her photoshoot and not be on the phone arguing with her fiancée in the bathroom. She rubbed her temple with an irritated sigh. The photoshoot was to show off a new luxury brand of hero-themed lingerie. It was supposed to be high quality and her manager was the one that scheduled it. Amelia didn't mind the lingerie part of her job, but she forgot to tell Izuku about it. That was a big mistake on her part, and she knew it.
"I NEVER agreed to THIS." Izuku was furious. "How did you agree to a lingerie shoot and not know?!"
"We agreed on no nudity, Amelia!" he snapped on the other side of the phone. "I remember sitting down with you about shoots like that!"
"Izu, it's not nudity. I'm going to be in lingerie. It's a new line of hero line. Y'know, like the cheap ones you bought for me." Amelia frowned to herself. "But better."
"That's different! I bought those so you can wear them for me! That type of stuff is supposed to be private. I don't want anyone else to see your body like that but me."
Amelia rolled her eyes.
"It's too early to be fighting right now and I'm working," she whispered in annoyance.
"I'm worried—"
"What are you so worried about? I'm not doing anything wrong! I'm here to do my job just like you are at yours." Amelia slammed her hand on the bathroom sink.
Izuku sighs. "I'm worried how this type of shoot would affect your reputation."
"What reputation? I barely even have one," she said as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
"You know damn well what I mean." his voice was cold. "I'm worried about you, Princess."
"Stop worrying so much about me! I'm not made of glass and I'm not a child. Please stop treating me like I'm not capable of handling things."
There was a pause.
"Well, if would stop acting like a fucking child I would be so protective!" he growled. "After what happened—"
She clenched her jaw. "I have to do this photoshoot. It's my job."
Izuku scoffed. "You think so? I have half the mind to go down there and drag you out of that goddamn shoot myself."
"You wouldn't." Amelia let out a sigh.
"Oh? Do we want to test that theory? You're talking to someone who has float, speed, and Blackwhip."
"Yeah, like that will make a great headline for the papers." Amelia shook her head.
"Amelia. Evans."
"You seem to forget that you are my fiancée and not my manager." Amelia rolled her eyes. "I wish you could be more supportive of my work."
"I do support you, Amelia. I worship the ground you walk on, but I have a limit. I don't like the idea of it. Please understand where I'm coming from." Izuku let out a sigh of frustration.
"Izuku, can we not do this today?"
"It's not appropriate." he hissed.
"You know what's even more inappropriate? This entire conversation. I cannot walk out of a photo shoot because YOU don't approve. I am so mentally drained from the fighting," she said as she rubbed her temples.
"Are you worried about my reputation or yours?" she asked bitterly.
"It's not like that and you know it. You're trying to put words in my mouth." Izuku sighed.
"Maybe we should take a break."
There was a pause.
"I beg your pardon?" he scoffed.
"I can't do this right now, Izuku. I need to get ready for this shoot. I'm already late for makeup prep."
Amelia hung up the phone before Izuku could say another word. She didn't want to hear it anymore. Her phone continued to go off and she silenced it with a frown.
I can't do this.
The tears brimmed her eyes before she slipped into the bathroom's furthest stall. If she was going to cry, she needed to do it now before the shoot. Amelia closed the stall and pressed her back against it to bury her face into her hands. The tears fell down her face as she let it all out.
Her mind went blank.
When did I become so miserable?
Everything came down on her at once. The very weight of what she had done had been on her mind all night. She was horrible for doing what she did and there were no excuses. Amelia had a moment of weakness and took advantage of Katsuki's kindness. He was gentle with her, cared for her needs, and made her feel like a woman.
All the things Izuku used to do at the beginning of their relationship. Izuku was usually in a hurry because of his work schedule. They never had enough time and Amelia was never satisfied. He always apologized for his work taking most of his time but at what cost?
However, after that night when Izuku hurt her, it changed everything. She saw a more sadistic side and she was not into it. Amelia didn't know what changed with Izuku. He used to be a passionate lover and boyfriend. He used to tend to her all changed after she lost his hero license.
Izuku was distant during the damage control. He did everything in his power for media outlets out of it. If she was grateful for anything it was that but with his change of attitude, she resented it.
He didn't treat her like a woman.
She was treated like a porcelain doll.
When she was with Katsuki last night it was the opposite. Never in her life did she think she would agree to do that so easily. If she was honest, she was completely terrified when Katsuki asked to kiss her.
Not because he asked.
Because she gave in without a second thought. Amelia was so desperate to be desired again it clouded her judgment.
But why did she want more? If she gave Katsuki the chance, he probably would have marked her body up with love bites. He made sure that she finished when they were together and overstimulated her but it felt good. Her face felt hot thinking about it.
It was exciting.
Fuck, Katsuki made her feel so damn good.
I'm so pathetic.
Deep down she knew it was wrong. She knew she shouldn't have done it. Amelia knew what she did was selfish, it was eating her alive. Amelia had not reached out to Katsuki since that night and it has been a few days. Her nerves were getting the best of her and she didn't know how to approach him.
The next morning after the Gala, Amelia had her original photo shoot and then was offered the lingerie photo shoot the following week. She took it without hesitation because it was a big break for her modeling career. Some part of her hoped Izuku would be happy about her branching out to a different type of photoshoot.
She looked up from her hands and took a deep breath as she grabbed some toilet paper to wipe her eyes. After a few minutes to collect herself, Amelia left to join the other models at the makeup stations. She sat down so the makeup artist could work on her. Her mind was elsewhere while they got her all dolled up.
The other models were taken to the changing area along with Amelia and given hero lingerie.
There was already a model in a Deku-themed set and she looked confused. One of the stylists handed her the Dynamite set and ushered her to the changing room. They closed the curtain behind her before she could say a word. Amelia clenched the two-piece lingerie in her hands nervously.
She took a deep breath before touching the fabric, it was silky to the touch. It felt nicer than the cheaper version she got from Izuku. Amelia took it off the hanger with a hum and put it on her body. She looked at herself in the mirror and for a moment touched her thighs and sighed.
It was a cute set.
The bra resembled Bakugo's hero shirt. Black with that signature orange x on the front. The panties were black like his pants and they had green straps on the thighs. She felt self-conscious as she looked at herself in the mirror. She slipped her phone out of her robe and snapped a few photos of herself.
The pictures she took the more confident rose as she posed with her phone.
"Be ready in 15 minutes ladies." someone calls out.
She looked down at her phone and debated whether to send a photo to Izuku, but it would only fuel a fire.
She nibbled on her bottom lip.
He'll be furious because it's Katsuki's hero costume instead of his.
She sighed to herself as she sat down in a chair and scrolled through social media. She had some time to kill before the photo shoot started. That's when she noticed she had a message on her Instagram.
We need to talk.
{ * * * }
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»»————- ♡ ————-««
Izuku threw his coffee cup with a frustrated groan, and it shattered against the wall. His quirk flashed through his veins as he stood there panting and staring at the dent in the wall break room. He could feel One for All coasting through his veins as he breathed heavily. His jaw clenched as he seethed at the phone call.
Fucking bullshit.
When Amelia called him this morning, he had got butterflies. She never calls in the morning or during work. He thought she wanted to talk but never did he think it would be something to set him off like this.
Everyone in the office looked at him and his face flustered in embarrassment. He quickly started to clean up the mug and the coffee spill. He excused himself to his office and slammed the door shut with a grunt. He pressed his back against the door and ran his fingers through his hair down to the back of his head.
Amelia has been so distant lately and it's driving Izuku mad. She barely calls or texts as it is now. He honestly thought they'd have time to patch things up yesterday at the Gala but she was so quiet. Every time he would talk to her it felt like she wasn't there. When he dropped her off at her apartment, he tried to get her to invite him inside but she insisted that she was tired. Izuku gave her the benefit of the doubt because of her photoshoot.
A break?
Has she lost her mind?
He was getting tired of walking on eggshells.
Izuku worked too hard to gain her love. He also risked his career to save her social status. Izuku wished that she would do better and listen to him because all he wanted was the best for her. He didn't understand how she couldn't see that. He never intended to change this way, but it happened because she changed first.
Something switched.
There was no way he was going to throw that away from a big miscommunication. He wanted his damn fiancée back and not whatever this was. It was something he couldn't see or understand. He loved her but he doesn't know what to do anymore.
He frowned as he down on his chair and leaned his head back against the headrest. Izuku moved forward to pull up a web browser for resorts.
Maybe a vacation would help us. Go somewhere where it's just us.
Maybe the states?
There was a knock on the door, and he sighed.
Would Amelia like Hawaii?
"Come in..." Izuku sighed.
Maybe I could buy her a few swimsuits?
Amelia always looks good in white.
The door opened as Uraraka walked inside. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry for my outburst." he frowned. "Been having a rough morning."
"Are you sure you're okay?" Uraraka frowned as she closed the door behind her. "You've been very tense around the office lately."
"I shouldn't have done that. It was very unprofessional and immature of me." Izuku clicked around the browser with a frown.
"I mean it's been a month since it started," she said as she rubbed her arm. "Do you want to talk about it? I'm always here for you, Deku."
Please stop.
Izuku scrolled down the available options for an island stay and clicked one. Uraraka stepped closer to his desk as she cleared her throat nervously. He stopped looking at the computer screen and looked at her.
"It's a personal problem and I shouldn't have let it affect my work. I'm sorry about that. I will do better with that." He said as he folded his hands on his desk.
"I'm just worried about you."
"Don't be. I'll bounce back. It's just a rough patch right now." Izuku smiled at her.
Uraraka frowned. "Is it about Amelia?"
Izuku looked away with a sigh. "I don't want to talk about it."
She leaned over his desk to touch his hand. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
Izuku felt his entire body run cold as h realized how close she got. Uraraka had moved around the table to get to him. Her hand lightly touched his thigh and his heart raced as Uraraka leaned over for a kiss. His hands shot up to shove her away before their lips connected.
"What the hell are you doing?"
His heart hammered away against his eardrums as he stepped back, nearly tripping over his office chair. They both stared at each other before Izuku clenched his jaw.
She looked at him surprised. "Deku?"
Izuku pointed at the door and with a firm voice he growled. "Get out."
"Deku..!" she held up her hands. "I'm sorry!"
He scoffs. "Get the FUCK out of my office."
"I...I'm sorry!" she started to whimper.
"This is so unprofessional! You come into my office to throw yourself at me? I'm engaged! What did you think was going to happen?!"
"I just..." her voice choked. "You look so unhappy and I thought..."
"You thought?" he scoffed louder. "You thought I was going to sleep with you? That I was going to throw my relationship away because I'm stressed out?!"
Uraraka stepped back with a sob. "I just don't like seeing you so unhappy! I wanted to make you feel better and—"
"I love Amelia. That's never going to change." Izuku clenched his jaw before looking at Uraraka.
"I could make you happier. You deserve to be happy, Deku." She stepped forward to grab onto his shirt but he held up his hands.
"Uraraka.." he looked away from her. "I'm going to look past this as your friend and not reprimand you."
"Deku please.."
She tried to step forward again but Izuku backed up even more.
I feel sick.
"Please leave my office." Izuku pointed at the door[ once more. "I need to be alone, and I can't even look at you right now."
Uraraka left his office with a sob and the door shut behind her. Izuku stood there his heart was racing. He locked his door before walking back to his desk. His hands covered his face as he broke down.
He knew he was a mess.
"Fuck.." he mumbled over and over again.
He quickly pulled out his phone as his heart hammered away in his chest. He quickly tried to call Amelia's number but she didn't pick up. His jaw clenched as he started frantically typing away at a message. The entire time his heart was racing and his stomach knotted.
This can't be happening.
{ ( Last Part ♡ ) } | { Next Part Loading...)
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hanahaki270 · 6 months
♡ Sharing a Dorm ♡
Synopsis ┊Your dorm is going under renovation and you need to find a place to crash in for a while. Luckily a certain someone offers you to stay in theirs for the time being.
Characters ┊Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya.
A/N ┊beginner Writer here, these were harder to think of than I thought ngl. If you have any requests please send them to me, I'm open to do different characters and also different anime's!
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Katsuki Bakugou
❥ By no means whatsoever does he offer his dorm out of the kindness of his heart. He just got pissed off of seeing you sleeping on the couch in the commons area every morning, and accidentally stepping on your blanket or pillows. After stepping on your blanket once more he grabs your shit and puts it in his dorm and acts like he's bothered by this but really he doesn't mind at all.
❥ Makes you sleep on the floor for the first two nights until you convince him to share the bed. He's reluctant at first but then allows it as long as you stay on your side of the bed. Do you really though?
❥ Expect to sleep earlier and get your sleep schedule in check because his dorm, his rules, lights are off at ten pm sharp with no exceptions.
❥ Also expect your grades to go up. While he's your roommate he's going to make you don't slack off on your studies.
❥ When he wakes up in the morning and notices your head resting on his chest he gets somewhat annoyed but secretly likes it. he's willing to get behind on his strict schedule and let you rest on him a little longer. but just a little.
❥ Demands you now be his training partner but is careful to not get carried away. You're strong, but he still doesn't want to run the risk of hurting you. therefore, he always keeps Aid kits in the bathroom just in case you do get any scratches, even if they're minor.
❥ Constantly threatening to kick you out over every little thing but actually has no intention of doing so. He won't admit it but he enjoys your company. "I swear if I see one more sock lying around I'm grabbing your shit and throwing it out."
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Shoto Todoroki
❥ "Why don't you sleep with me." he said boldly unaware of how his sentence had more than one connotation to it. I mean you need help and as your friend he's more than willing to help you out. plus he has the biggest dorm compared to everyone else, if anything he's the most suitable to offer his help he thought.
❥ Asks you what temperature you prefer to sleep in so he can use his quirk to either make the room colder or warmer depending on your preference. and ALWAYS makes sure to make both sides of your pillows cold.
❥ When he's out visiting his mother you make sure the place is clean (though it usually is since he tends to be on the neater side) and prepare some soba for him as a token of your appreciation. After a couple of times he starts to look forward for it and got saddened the one day you forgot.
❥ In return he made sure not turn on the lights when getting ready in the morning as to not wake you up. Part of it was for a selfish reason though, he thought it was cute how you slept soundly on his bed.
❥ Speaking about sleep; During the night he would find himself cozying up next to you, not on purpose though. He just felt comfort in your presence and he realized you felt the same way when you also moved closer to him during the night.
❥ Leaves out coffee for you in the mornings since you tend to stay up late on nights and wake up always running late to your classes.
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Izuku Midoriya
❥ Overheard you talking to Tsuyu and Uraraka about how you need a place to sleep in and walked over to offer his help without a second thought. You already spend most of your time in his dorm room during the day to share notes anyways. The only difference would just be you spending the night.
❥ Offers for you to sleep in his bed while he sleeps on the floor. After you refuse to let him sleep on the floor he shyly agrees to share the bed with you constantly asking you if you're okay with it.
❥ Midoriya stays up late at night writing in his notebook and murmuring thoughts to himself. You persuade him to go to bed and leave his worries for the following day. he deeply apologizes for the burden kind of embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry! was I keeping you up? I'll go to bed in a few minutes don't worry."
❥ Always invites you to go out with him whenever he leaves the dorm, even if it's something as simple as going to the gas station to get some snacks.
❥ he loves to talk your ear off geeking out about the knowledge he knows about the top heroes and their quirks. When he notices he got carried away he gets all types of flustered but even then he doesn't get the sense of being judged.
❥ Since he's constantly getting injured and going to see Recovery girl he always comes back exhausted. regardless, his stubborn ass still tries to go out on missions and push himself to the limits. he get's frustrated when you don't let him do so and force him to rest and leave his chores to you. But he loves you for it.
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katsuki bakugou x reader
texts katsuki struggled to send you.
part 1/3
different than what i usually write, but i thought i’d try it out
inspired by down bad
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11:06 pm
kats: hey, idiot
kats: i’m sorry
11:10 pm
kats: i messed up
kats: happy?
11:18 pm
kats: ok im sorry again
kats: i just got jealous when i heard you went out with icyhot, thats all
kats: i know im the one that broke up with you
kats: but that doesn’t mean i was okay with seeing you go out with some other guy
kats: i know thats fucking stupid you don’t need to tell me
12:01 am
kats: i know you’re still mad at me
kats: i shouldn’t have freaked out like that when i saw ur instagram story
kats: shitty hair’s making me type most of this shit btw
12:53 am
kats: ok we’re alone he went to bed
kats: i can see ur online
kats: do you still have me saved with ur dumbass nickname
kats: i kinda hope you do
1:02 am
kats: i regret not texting you more often
kats: im sorry i was so dry
kats: but you’re the only person i’d ever text back
kats: i actually liked hearing from you
kats: im sorry
1:17 am
kats: i broke up with us bc i wasn’t treating you right and i went home everyday feeling like a shitty boyfriend. you deserved better
kats: i did it for ur own good, idiot
kats: especially after what i did to you
kats: i can’t ever make that up
kats: the guilt was killing me
kats: and after that i knew you deserved more
kats: but i miss you
kats: and im sorry i didn’t tell you the truth
kats: i take back everything i said
2:00 am
kats: are you asleep?
kats: whatever you’ll read this in the morning
kats: you left your moisturizer here
kats: i wish i could call you. i fucking miss your voice. im sorry
2:49 am
kats: you know ur the only person i want
kats: theres literally no one else
kats: and idk what i’ll do if i can’t have us
kats: i was an idiot to let you go
kats: im sorry about freaking out about that half and half bastard but im so much better for you
kats: i make you laugh
kats: i bet you were faking it with him
kats: even if you weren’t. lie to me
kats: i miss you
3:33 am
kats: you’re the prettiest person i have ever seen
kats: did i tell you that enough?
kats: well i’ll tell you now
kats: even if you slam the door in my face i’ll still tell you ur beautiful idc
kats: you’re so pretty it makes me angry
kats: i saw a photo of you in my gallery
kats: my mom says she misses you
3:51 am
kats: is ur apartment cold
kats: im sorry i never fixed your heater
kats: i should’ve made the time
kats: but i liked when you came to me for warmth
kats: maybe i didn’t fix it on purpose
kats: if you don’t take me back i’ll still fix it
kats: i love you like that
4:04 am
katsuki (do not answer) : have i told you that enough? that i love you?
katsuki (do not answer): im sorry
katsuki (do not answer): for not telling you i love you enough
katsuki (do not answer): for not telling you how god damn pretty you are
katsuki (do not answer): for not buying you flowers
katsuki (do not answer): for not treating you how i should have
katsuki (do not answer): i know i messed up
katsuki (do not answer): but i wanna make it right
katsuki (do not answer): you’re my whole fucking world
katsuki (do not answer): and i do love you
katsuki (do not answer): so open the door, im outside
part two soon! 🪽
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blondieeu · 4 months
prom. bakugou k
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“remember this one babe?”
on a night where katsuki gets home from work a little earlier from work, you always make sure to cook dinner since it was a rare thing that happened and it gave you the opportunity to eat as a family that day.
it’s before your daughter bedtime so she’s sitting on the couch watching tv, while you and your husband slow dance in the kitchen to some song that played when you went to prom together all those years ago.
you laughed, throwing your arms around his neck as he spun you around before pulling your body back into his arms.
your daughter laughed as she watched her father spin you around like you weighed nothing, clapping to the beat of the music.
katsuki couldn’t help but think about how worth it it was— to risk his life every time he leaves the house just to provide a nice life for his family, and to be able to come back to a warm plate of food everytime he was done.
it was on nights like these that made everything worth it.
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blondieeu xx
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standreamy · 1 month
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I didn't decide a lot on my izuocha kiddos au but this much is sure. Deku would cry. A lot.
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l0veizz · 3 months
dating my hero academia boys !!
bakugo: he cooks for you, cuts your steak, and washes your dishes. he loves to play with your hair when cuddling. working out together is a must. LOVES being called names like babe, handsome, pretty boy, my love, etc but will never admit to it. cuddling and making out is his favoriteee! will literally stare at you for hours if he was able to. loves when you come to spend a night at his dorm. knows all of your fast food or restaurant orders by heart and what you get from the gas station. his mom shows you baby pictures of him 24/7 and he gets super mad. very loyal, will never even THINK about having another woman.
denki: he’s literally obsessed with everything about you. compliments 24/7. ur his wallpaper and lock screen. he takes millions of pictures of you. he post you ever single day. he brags to everyone about you. he LOVES cuddling. he loves making you laugh and seeing you smile.
kirishima: he lets you diy his hair when needed. he will do absolutely anything to hear your laugh, he loves it. he will let you paint his nails and do his makeup. on your birthday he will do everything he can to make it the best day ever, tons of gifts, a surprise party, etc! breakfast in bed at least 3 times a week. always matches your energy.
deku: the sweetest boy ever. super shy but it’s adorable. his mom LOVES YOU! when he’s training with all might you’re top of his discussion, all might has gotten tired of it. you guys got moved away from each other in class for giggling so much. makes sure you’re always happy!
sero: if you’re sitting next to him his hand WILL be on your thigh. 🍃 buddy. can make you laugh in any situation. the best at giving advice. very jealous and overprotective.
dabi: his “secret”. madly in love with you but is confused why. (if you have piercings) he literally loves them. had his eyes on you way before y’all even started dating. loves making out or simple kisses. very gentle with you.
todoroki: very caring. dry texter. extremely clingy and touchy, in a cute way ofc! buys you random gifts and says “i thought you’d like this.” helps you study. loves your cooking skills.
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theclassiccherry · 2 months
I’ll say it since no one else has:
we got the ending my mha before GTA 6
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skymar13 · 2 months
please please PLEASE do something about whiney virgin!kaminari x fem!reader where he gets pussy for the first time, i would literally FOLD
Virgin!Denki Kaminari x Fem! Reader
University AU
:Smut MDI , all characters aged up!
TW: Obvious smut warnings, unwrapped (pls wrap it kids) loss of virginity m/f oral.
Not proof read because I HATE reading my own writing.
Denki kaminari was somebody who talked about sex 24/7, all day everyday. Mixing this fact with the idea that he was incredibly thirsty people assumed that their classes whore couldn’t be a virgin it was simply impossible.
You had been under this impression so you decided to never asked fighting that simply it’s do more damage than it would good. And kaminari couldn’t tell his experienced girlfriend that he had absolutely no idea where the clit was. He’d watched pornos but he never really focused on the parts that matter, only focused on burning off some steam. He was growing impatient as you’d only gotten to 2nd base and he needed to feel what it’s like being inside someone, inside you to be more specific.
You and Kaminari were laying on your bed making out. You were straddling his lap while he held your waist pulling you impossibly closer. You feel his tent tight from under you, so you break the kiss raising an eyebrow at you boyfriend making him turn into a hot blushing mess. “I’m sorry it’s just it was so good and you’re so-“ “Denki why’re you apologizing? I’m happy my boyfriend is turned on by me.” You continued to kiss down his jaw his movements being paused from shock and astonishment, but he soon followed your previous actions. You started to grind down on his hips making him let out a loud groan. “Sensitive are we?” You joked but his reaction being one of embarressment. “What’s wrong Denki? It’s okay if you’re uhm..vocal?” You said trying to make the atmosphere lighter to no avail. He looked at the floor for second before his eyes went back to yours. “I’ve never gotten this far with someone before, I’m a total virgin.” He said rushed but you heard him clearly “that’s okay we can go slow.” You said with a kind smile “I don’t want to go slow unless you do?” He said with a wanting look in his eyes as if he’d shatter if you said you didn’t want to do this with him. “Okay I’ll follow your lead” you said with a nod. With your approval he smashed his lips onto yours his hands gabbing at every ounce of skin that he could making you groan into the kiss. You rolled your hips into his you both let out a soft whimper. He pulled away from you lifting up his shirt over his head then discarding it somewhere on the floor. You did the same with yours leaving you in a bra and your pj bottoms. He looked at your covered breasts practically drooling. “What never seen boobs before?” You teased making his face go into fake hurt. “I’ve seen boobs trust me I’ve just never had sex, get your facts straight hun.” He said sarcastically before his hands were back on you. You placed your hands on abdomen feeling his abs then moving to his back then eventually tangling your hands in his hair tugging slightly making him lift his head exposing his neck to you. You left open mouth kisses up and down finding his sweet spot and sucking slightly on the spot. You let of his neck with a small ‘pop’ looking at him as he had a dazed expression. You got off his lap sinking to your knees and motioning for him to move towards the edge of the bed. He did so without even thinking anticipating on what you were going to do. You began to unbuckle his belt then the button of his jeans then the zipper. You played at the hem of his boxers making direct eye contact. “Stop teasing me and do something it hurts so bad!” He whined and my did it make you wet. “Say please don’t be rude babe!” You said laughing to yourself. “Oh my god please [name] please I need it so bad please.” With out saying another word you brought out his member, it was prettier that you’d expected. He wasn’t the thickest but he had good length and well trimmed with a pretty pink tip already leaking pre. You began leaving kitten licks up and down his shaft. He let out low groans and moans. “I need more please stop teasing me already.” He hissed out with saying anything you took him in full bobbing your head up and down sucking him in the right ways. He let out a sigh of relief getting in pleasure. He tangled his hands in your hair pushing your head down and pulling your head up lightly. You tapped his thigh signaling you needed air. You came off his dick a string of saliva connecting the two of you. Your hand went to massage his balls, he let out a loud moan quickly covering his mouth. “Don’t be ashamed let them know.” You giggled out at his embarrassment quickly spitting on his shaft and continuing your previous actions. You felt him twitch in your mouth knowing his was close. You bobbed your head fast sucking with more pressure turning him into a groaning mess. He looked pretty like this: fake read mouth slack and eyes shut. An imagine you burned into your mind. Just as he was about to cum you pulled off quickly replacing your mouth with your hands. “Where do you want to cum?”
You had barely any chance to finish before he yelped out “your face. Please please let me cum on your face.” You nodded quickly pushing him to his orgasm. He stuck to his wishes white ropes coating your face. You brought a finger up to the mess taking a stripe of his cum and tasting it. “So yummy babe, want a taste?” You asked coming up to kiss his lips. He groaned into the taste of you noticing the sticky substance he grabbed a nearby cloth helping you wipe off the mess he’d made. “Your turn.” He said switching yalls position and pushing you on your back lightly. He took your previous seat on the floor pulling you closer to the edge. “Can I uh..take these off?” He pulled at the waist band of your panties and pajama pants, you nodded with a weak “yes please” with that he slid them throwing them somewhere across the room immediately diving in. “Hey babe. You’re licking my thigh.” You let out. “I’m sorry I havnt done this before I just want to reciprocate it! Can you show me?” He said embarrassed face red not do to the heat. With your fingers you directed him to where he should be focusing on. And he knew what he was doing after that. Eliciting moans and whimpers from you. He added one of his digits into your hole making you arch your back at the contact. After a couple pumps he added a second. “Is this good?” He questioned. “You can go fast but yes you got!” You said trying to contain your moans. He did as you wished pumping his fingers in and out of you faster, his tongue circling your clit with more force you quickly came on his face. He carried you through your orgasm his face coming up to yours sloppily making out with you groaning at the taste of yourself on his tongue. With the same rag you helped him clean up your juices.
He pulled you in with open mouth kisses swiping your lips when you opened your mouth he immediately shoved his tongue in li king your cavity. He broke away a mixture of seriousness and list clouding his eyes. “Can I fuck you?” He asked you nodded your head fast without warning his directed his tip to meet your opening. He gave himself a count down and slowly started to push himself into you making sure to give you time time to adjust. He arched your back the contact making you both groan. At first you’d hissed at the stretch but the pain turning into pleasure. He slowly rocked his hips into yours feeling your walls clench down on him. “T’s way better than m-my hand” he let out making you let out a mixture of a moan and a laugh. Your hands came up to rest on his shoulders. Your own hips moving to meet his. He began to push into you at a fast pace feeling like he needed to be deeper. You could feel the knot in your stomach beginning to form and you knew he was close too, his cock twitching ever so slightly. With a few more thrusts you knew you were about to cum. “Denki I-I’m gonna cum” you let out trying to hold off your own orgasm. “Me t-too.” He hissed out. After two more sloppy thrusts you felt the knot un do and you released all over his shaft. Your vision going black and your mouth slack. He tried to pull out but your walls keeping him in. “I need to cum so bad. Can I cum in you? Please?” You gave a tired nod not even realizing the question. He released his load inside of you with a loud groan. His body falling limp on yours. After a few minutes of catching your breaths he finally pulled out. You grabbed the rag and helped him clean up before cleaning yourself. “I love you so much” he said out of nowhere. “I love you too.” You responded. After you cleaned up you slid your pajamas back on and changed the sheets.
The was written in a rush lowkey. I lost my first draft. But anyways as always requests wanted!!
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sukislady · 1 year
• ₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ“forgotten kiss” ♡ ˎˊ ˗
𐚁̸ featuring .i. midoriya, k. bakugo, s. todoroki, d. kaminari, e. kirishima, h. sero
𐚁̸ scenario .you wake up late into the morning, your partner has long since been to work, leaving after giving you a faint kiss that you didn’t feel. which makes you think they forgot the one thing that’s routine for you two; a good morning kiss
𐚁̸ warnings .fluff, cursing, humor, reader is goddamn stupid
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shinazugawaswife · 2 months
Late Night Training | Bakugo x reader
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Summary: Bakugo returns to the dorms late after he’s been training, to find you waiting for him. He wants to shower but you won’t let him go, so he just has to take you with him
Warnings: suggestive, aged-up characters!! (they’re in college), swearing, (let me know if I missed any)
Word count: 1.6k
A/N: just a little something I thought of;)
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It was late as you sat in your boyfriend's bed, in his dorm room, bored out of your mind. You’d come here to hang out with him, as you did almost every night, but he wasn’t here when you came today.
You looked at your phone. It was 9.53 p.m. He was cutting it close tonight. Curfew was at 10 p.m.
When it was five minutes to ten, Katsuki’s door opened and he stepped inside. He looked at you sprawled across his bed and a small smile tugged at his lips. You’d been with Katsuki long enough to know that even the smallest smile meant as much from him as a smile that took up an entire face meant from anyone else. 
“Hi baby” you smiled back at him. Your smile was one of those that almost went from eye to eye and it was often those kinds of smiles you displayed when you were with Katsuki. It wasn’t your fault he made you so happy that you sometimes felt like you would burst. 
Katsuki pretended to hate your overly excited nature, but secretly, it was one of the things he loved most about you.
“What are you doing here idiot?” He asked as he fell down on the bed, half of his body next to you and half of his body on top of you, clearly exhausted. 
You didn’t waste a minute before you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and your legs around his waist, pulling him close. “Waiting for you obviously. You almost didn’t make it on time,” you scolded him jokingly, looking down at him with a frown. 
“Shh” he rolled his eyes while shushing you, which made you break out into a grin. Katsuki looked up at you then with tired eyes, but something akin to admiration shone in them as well. Your heart skipped a couple beats, like it always did when he looked at you like that; like he couldn’t believe that you were his. And that was exactly what he was thinking as he lifted his head to kiss you.
You didn’t hesitate to grab his face and kiss him back enthusiastically. He groaned when you slipped your tongue between his lips. He propped himself up on his elbow, so half of his weight wasn't crashing you down any longer, and moved so he was more directly on top of you. Your legs were still wrapped around his waist and you moved them a little lower so you could pull his lower body closer to yours.
Katsuki rolled his hips down on yours while he pulled your bottom lip out between his teeth. A moan escaped your throat and your hands slipped into Katsuki’s hair as he started trailing a path of open-mouthed kisses down your neck. He kept grinding his crotch on yours and you whimpered as he left small bites on your neck, smoothing them over with his tongue afterwards. 
“Baby,” he mumbled against your neck, “I have to shower.”
You weren’t listening to what he was saying. The only thing going on in your mind was the way his hips rolled against yours and the question of when he was gonna start taking your clothes off. “Baby?” he spoke again, seeing as you hadn’t answered him the first time.
It was unfair really. How did he expect you to listen, much less have a conversation with him, when he was making you feel so good already. His mouth never left your neck and his hands had started roaming the sides of your body. 
Finally, when you still didn’t answer, he lifted his head from the crook of your neck and looked you in the eyes. “Are you even listening to me?” He asked as he looked down on you, his hips halting to a stop. “But Katsuki,” you whined, “how am I supposed to be listening to you while your making me so fucking horny?”
Katsuki smirked at that and leaned down so his nose touched yours, his eyes still looking into yours. “I see how that’s my fault baby, sorry,” he chuckled. He kissed you before looking down at you again. “I was saying,” another kiss on your jaw, “that I need,” a kiss on your neck, “to shower”, and finally another kiss on your lips. 
“You can’t shower now,” you looked at him with a frown. That smirk of his returned to his face as he leaned down, his lips a ghost of a touch on yours, “need me that bad baby?” 
You rolled your eyes, “no-” you hesitated, “well yes, but I meant you can’t shower now cause it’s past curfew you idiot,” you gave him a smile and a kiss. 
Bakugo raised his body slightly, putting more space between you. “Well yes, but I don’t care, no one’s gonna notice,” he shrugged and started to get up from the bed. 
“What the hell Kats,” you pouted and pulled him back by his arm, “you can’t get me all worked up and then just leave.”
You knew Katsuki was very strict with his hygiene. Seeing as his quirk literally relied on him sweating, he often sweated a lot. Which also meant he showered a lot and he hated being sweaty when he wasn’t training or fighting. 
So you knew that he wasn’t leaving you hanging because he didn’t want you, in fact the bulge in his pants proved very much otherwise, but just because he couldn’t really enjoy himself fully when he was all sweaty from training. You knew this because he’d told you. Many times. 
It really wasn’t your fault that you almost always jumped his bones whenever he came back from late night training, he just looked so freakishly hot. Sometimes he would take you immediately when he came back, just because he had trouble controlling himself when you looked so pretty sprawled out on his bed, often wearing only his t-shirt. Then he would just shower afterwards and he could live with it because your perfectly amazing body had taken his mind right off his shower and right into the gutter. Most often though, he would insist on showering first and then give you his undivided attention afterwards. 
You could live with that. After all you understood and respected that he felt the need to be clean when his quirk made him sweat much more than anyone else. You also suspected that he thought you found it disturbing when he was all sweaty, which you absolutely did not and you had told him this, but you wanted him to feel comfortable nonetheless.
But right about now you wished he would say fuck that shower and just fuck you instead. “I’ll take good care of you after baby, promise” he kissed you cheek, “all night if you want,” he smirked and finally managed to escape your grip on him. 
He walked over to his dresser and started collecting clean clothes and his other shower essentials. Looking at his muscular back didn’t help your current situation, so you huffed and turned your gaze to the roof. It didn’t stay there long though before it traveled back on Katsuki, who still had his back towards you. 
You stood up from the bed and walked towards him. He was like a magnet, it was impossible for you to stay away for too long. You wanted to touch him all the time, even if it was just holding his hand or kissing his cheek. You were obsessively in love. Lucky for you, Katsuki was the same most of the time, his arm always around you and his gaze never straying far from yours. 
Right now though, you felt as though you were all alone in this longing you felt for him, and as you came up behind him, you were determined to change that.
You wrapped your arms around his waist and placed a kiss between his shoulder blades, on top of his t-shirt. Katsuki chuckled and turned around, probably to tell you just to wait a little longer while he showered, but no words made it out of his mouth before you had placed your own on top of his. 
You kissed him hungrily, your tongue immediately sliding into his mouth and your hands weaving into his hair. He groaned and slid his hands from your waist down to your ass, grabbing it and pulling you closer into him. You moved your hands from his hair, down his shoulders, stomach, and under his t-shirt. You let your hands roam his body, feeling his abs beneath your hands before you pulled off his shirt.
His mouth only left yours for a second as his shirt went over his head, before he grabbed your face and pulled your lips back on his. You moaned into his mouth at the fierceness in which he kissed you. 
You ran your hands down his now bare chest, loving the feeling of his smooth skin. “Shower with me,” he mumbled in between kisses. You could tell he was getting just as desperate as you now, if not more, by the way he groped and grabbed your body. 
His mouth trailed down your neck as his hand found your chest. “We’ll get caught” you managed to get out in small gasps as his thumb slid over your nipple, only covered by the material of his t-shirt.
“Come on baby, everyone’s asleep,” he insisted as his lips found their way back to yours. 
It didn’t take much convincing, because you were sure that your entire body would starve and crumble if it had to be apart from his right now. So you did what only seemed rational and followed your boyfriend into the boys’ showers after curfew, hoping to not get caught. What you would never admit was that the possibility of getting caught only added to the excitement.
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Part 2?
Requests are open btw, so please feel free to request anyone you’d like me to write<3
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todorokis-girl · 4 months
I Never Knew You Were Alive - Soulmate AU (IV) NSFW
Chapter IV: What are we doing?
No actual dabi in this one
Chapter I: So it starts Chapter II: A late arrival Chapter III: belive of be doomed Chapter IV: What are we doing? Chapter V: Last minute encounter Chapter VI: Deciding to fall in love with you
Next Chapter
This one is smut...there's really nothing else to say.... There's a lot of self indulgence here. I am so sorry.
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The following months were fraught with tension, especially whenever her missions hinted at any involvement with the League of Villains. The delicate and precarious relationship with Touya weighed heavily on her mind, and she was acutely aware of the potential danger it posed not just to herself but to civilians and fellow heroes. Despite her best efforts to avoid him, it was impossible to escape his shadow entirely.
Surprisingly, they bumped into each other a few times after their initial encounter. These meetings were fleeting, marked by brief, silent exchanges of glances rather than words or violence. The first time she saw him again was during one of her nightly walks. The city was shrouded in darkness, and the air was crisp and cold. She was passing through a dimly lit alley when she felt his presence and spotted him from the corner of her eye. Her heart raced as their eyes met. He stood at the far end of the alley; his silhouette framed by the faint glow of a distant streetlamp.
The second encounter was during a mission. She was part of a covert operation to gather intelligence on a rumored League hideout. The abandoned warehouse was eerily quiet, the air thick with anticipation. As she moved through the shadows, she sensed him before she saw him. He was watching her from a distance, his intense gaze burning into her. She froze, her heart pounding in her chest. But just like the previous encounter, he made no move to harm her. He simply watched, his eyes filled with a mixture of intensity and something she couldn't quite decipher.
With each silent encounter, the tension between them grew, a palpable force that was impossible to ignore. The air seemed to crackle with electricity whenever he was near, and she found herself both drawn to and terrified of him. The sexual tension was undeniable, a magnetic pull that she didn't know how to handle. She was even more confused, as along with this sensation, the threat he had made to her loomed over her every thought. 
Touya’s physical presence was overwhelming. His tall, lean frame exuded a raw, almost dangerous charisma. His pale skin contrasted starkly with his dark, tousled hair, which framed his angular face. His eyes, a vivid shade of turquoise, were piercing and intense, holding a depth of emotion that belied his villainous persona. The scars that marred his skin only added to his allure, a testament to the pain and suffering he had endured. There was a rugged handsomeness to him, a dark allure that was impossible to resist. His voice, low and husky, sent shivers down her spine whenever she heard it. She had no idea if to attribute these thoughts to the fact that they were fated for each other, or simple raw attraction. 
The way he moved was almost predatory, graceful and confident, like a panther stalking its prey. She couldn't help but be captivated by him, despite the danger he represented. Every glance, every fleeting moment they shared was charged with an intensity that left her breathless. The memory of his touch lingered on her skin, a reminder of the night he had threatened her.
This was definitely not something she could talk to Keigo about. It felt shameful to admit her attraction to a villain, but it was also understandable. Touya was her soulmate, her one true match. He was supposed to be the one person who could satisfy her and make her feel something real. The bond between soulmates was supposed to be unbreakable, a connection that transcended all else. But the reality of their situation was far more complicated.
She often found herself lost in thought, replaying their encounters in her mind. The memory of his touch, the intensity of his gaze, the way his presence made her heart race – it was all-consuming. She was caught in a web of conflicting emotions, torn between her duty as a hero and her undeniable attraction to him.
Late at night, she would lie awake, her mind racing with thoughts of him. She could still feel the heat of his hand around her neck, the way his breath had brushed against her skin. It was intoxicating, and she hated herself for wanting more. The thought of him consumed her, filling her dreams and waking moments alike. She yearned for him, despite knowing how dangerous that desire was.
He wasn’t just her soulmate, he was the enemy, the one threatening her students. What would Keigo think? Aizawa? Hell… what would hero society think if they found out? 
Yet, she couldn't deny the truth. Touya was her soulmate, and no matter how twisted their relationship, that bond remained. She could feel it in her very soul, a connection that refused to be severed. It was both a blessing and a curse, a source of both strength and torment. She was trapped in a dance with darkness, unable to escape the pull of the man who was supposed to be her other half.
As she navigated her missions and daily life, the tension never fully dissipated. It lingered, a constant reminder of the battle raging within her. She was determined to find a way to reach him, to make him see the truth of their bond. But each encounter left her more confused, more conflicted, and more desperate for answers. The path ahead was uncertain, and the stakes were higher than ever. But she couldn't give up. Not on him, and not on herself.
The last time before the cataclysmic event, she hadn’t gone out looking for him, but they found each other. She was returning from one of her rare midnight patrols, enjoying a can of iced coffee. The city was quiet at this hour, the usual hustle and bustle replaced by an eerie stillness. The streetlights cast long, dim shadows on the empty sidewalks, and the occasional car passed by, its headlights slicing through the darkness.
Tomorrow was Saturday, and she didn’t have to work, but she had a weekly meeting with her best friend and needed to grade some assignments. She sighed, knowing she needed a lot more than a can of iced coffee to keep her going. Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t notice the looming presence that had been tracking her.
She stopped in her tracks and slowly turned to look at the alleyway, carefully adjusting her vision to peer into the dark. The alley was narrow, lined with overflowing dumpsters and scattered debris, the smell of mold lingering in the air. After a couple of seconds, she could start making out his shape. His silhouette was unmistakable, even in the dim light. Then she saw his eyes, two burning points of blue in the darkness. They held each other's gaze, and she felt a lump form in her throat, a mix of fear and pent-up desire.
When she was about to step away, he finally approached her, stopping at the very edge of the alley, right at the line where he would be stepping out into the light. The faint glow from the streetlamp illuminated his features partially, highlighting the intensity in his eyes and the harsh lines of his face. His presence was imposing, and she could feel the heat radiating from his body even from a distance.
She took a sharp breath and braced herself, hoping today wouldn’t be the day she fought him, not in her current state. Her heart pounded in her chest, a rapid drumbeat of anxiety and anticipation.
“I’m not ready to talk, I don’t want to fight, I don’t trust you; I’m tired of the tension,” he said, his voice low and intense. His gaze held her captive, his eyes burning with unresolved emotions. Confused, she scrunched her eyebrows, wondering what she was meant to do. Her heart raced in her chest, the confusion still present.
“Let’s get rid of it,” he added, his words a dark, compelling command. Setting backwars into the alley, almost pulling her to follow him. 
And with that, she was convinced. She couldn’t deny the magnetic pull between them, the way his presence stirred something deep within her.
The narrow alleyway provided a cloak of secrecy, shielding them from prying eyes and the hustle of the city beyond. The faint glow of distant streetlights cast eerie shadows against the worn brick walls, adding to the clandestine atmosphere of their rendezvous. The air hung heavy with anticipation, thick with the scent of urban decay and the heady aroma of their shared desire.
The world around them disappeared as their bodies collided with a desperate need that had been building for months, probably years. The alley was a confined space, filled with the mingled scents of the city and their shared passion. The rough texture of the brick wall pressed against her back contrasted sharply with the heat of his body. His touch was both rough and tender, a confusing mix that left her craving more.
He roughtly pulled her sweater to rest above her breast and desperately pulled her bra downward to expose her breast, the sounds she made echoed in the confined space. At that moment, she couldn’t think even if she wanted to. Her mind was a haze of sensation and emotion, a whirlwind of heat and urgency. She could feel every scar, every line of his muscular form, and it drove her wild with a longing she couldn’t control.
Witth heavy breast and a hint of desperating, he lowered his pants to his waist and after urging her to be quick, grabbed her ass, and lifted her up to rest against the wall, held up by his arms; her legs around me. Her shorts and underware carefully dangling from her ankle. 
There was something taboo in this clandestine encounter, knowing they were not supposed to be together. She was his enemy; she was his soulmate.
His hand cupped her breast, his fingers tweaking her nipple. A gasp escaped her lips, a shiver running down her spine. It was as if electricity crackled in the air, the atmosphere crackling with tension and anticipation. Sweat dripped down their bodies, mingling between them, a testament to their overwhelming connection.
Heat pulsed through her veins, fueling the ravenous beast within. He whispered obscenities in her ear, probing her with his tongue, and she shivered at the filthy words.
"Fuck me, dammit," she cried out, her hips grinding against him. "Take me."
He echoed the sentiment, his voice raw and primal as he grabbed her and smashed her against the cold, unforgiving wall. The impact sent a jolt of pleasure through her limbs, echoing the primal core of their need.
His length throbbed between them, and with a violent thrust, he entered her. Their bodies moved in a syncopated rhythm, both in harmony and discord, a clash of need and fury.
"God, Touya," she moaned, her voice bouncing off the cold walls of the alley. Her head rolled backwards, hitting the surface with a dull thud. His name on her lips was a mix of love, fear, and lust, an intoxication that tasted sweeter than any drug could.
The pain of his grip on her hip, the primal frenzy of his thrusts as he invaded her: all of it fed that insatiable hunger within her. Her legs wrapped tighter around his waist as she took him deeper, each thrust forcing her closer to the edge.
"You like that?" Touya asked, his voice a low growl, savage and raw. The question sent a chill down her spine, and she couldn't help but nod eagerly. She wanted to give herself to him completely; she was beyond the point of shame or fear.
Her heart raced as he took her, his movements becoming stronger, urgent and intensifying with each passing moment. Her body shuddered around him, her walls clenching around his length as she met his rhythm.
Touya pulled on her hair, forcing her to arch her back, giving him better access to her heaving chest. He bent down to take a hard nipple into his mouth, sucking on it with a greed that made her cry out in pure bliss.
His other hand moved between their bodies, his thumb finding her swollen nub. Pressure and friction, a divine combination she couldn't resist. She bucked her hips, pressing herself harder against him, urging him on as her pleasure mounted.
"Don't stop," she panted. The sound of their bodies moving together reverberated through the alley, mingling with the distant sounds of the city.
Touya continued his sensual assault, driving her to the brink of madness. The tension built inside her, her core ached with anticipation. His moans on her ear were becoming maddening, aiding in the sensitivity and pleasure. 
Her body, wet and warm, clung to him. He groaned his satisfaction, his length fully sheathed inside her as he established a hard, insistent rhythm. She could hardly breathe, her ability to form words vanished as her senses heightened to a fever pitch.
The slap of their bodies echoed in the narrow confines of the alley, a reminder of their forbidden union. Her back remained glued to the icy bricks, while his hands roamed her body mercilessly. The mix of hot and cold on her skin sending her farther down her path. She was used to conflicting temperatures on her skin, but this time it made every inch of her body more aware. 
He cupped her breasts in his calloused palms, pinching her sensitive nipples with a cruel force that made her gasp. He growled, letting go of one nipple only to grip the other more fiercely. Her breathes quickened, each one panting out in rhythm with her growing need, she could feel herself getting closer, a white hot sensation running though up her spine skin. 
"God, Touya, I'm so fucking close," she cried, her voice hoarse. Her body trembled as her lips parted wider, gasping for air, her eyelids fluttering as the orgasm approached. Every thrust making her moans louder.
“Careful, someone might hear the little hero” He grinned, his lips curling up into a wicked smile, hearing her pleas drove him wild. Gripping her hips tight, he buried his thrusts deep inside her, relishing the sensation as his length pounded against her sensitive spot. Pleasure consumed her body as her walls closed around him, wet and greedy, demanding every inch he could give her. He felt her cum on his cock, and he saw her. Her eyes rolled back with one last moan, no, scream; twitching and she desperately looked for something to grab onto. 
He had no intentoon oh helping her lower her moans, it wasn’t exactly his problem whow saw. With a mischeavious lick of his lips he grabbed her hips again, knowing she hadn’t finished her orgasm and continued to thrust into her. 
He was close to his own orgasm, and he was gonna use her to finish even if she couldn’t take it anymore. He made sure to watch her, sounds wilder and louder as he speed up closing on his own high. 
With one deep groan, he attached his teeth to her shoulder, near the baase of her neck, bitting as hard as he could, finishing himself off deep inside her. 
"This. Is. Fucking. Insane," she managed to pant as she carefully attempted to catch her breath, she looked into his eyes studying him carefulluy "What are we even doing?" She didn’t understand what she was doing, and to be quite frank, she was yet to figure out how she felt about it… emotionally. 
"Savoring. Each. Other." He ground out in response, between his own harsh breaths. His tongue traced the shell of her ear before he nipped at her earlobe. She gasped, her body responding to his touch like he was a drug she couldn't get enough of.
"You liked that, didn't you?" he whispered, his voice thick with desire. She moaned, her legs involuntarily shuttering around him. He pressed himself against her, his hardness throbbing against her core, a reminder of the intimacy they shared and the larger connection that lay between them.
He took in the bite he had left on her, red and angry, and licked it. It was gonna leave a mar, and it was going to bruise; and he wasn’t going to let her forget any of this. 
She gruided her hands under his shirt. Her hands trailed between his toned abs and up to his broad shoulders, feeling the muscles underneath ripple. She took the moment, and the opportunity to study his scars, and soutures and how the alternating textures felt on her skin, allowig herself the oportunity to familiarize herself with the warmth of his body, almost memorizing his temperature; who knew when she’d have the oportunity to do this again (more like who knew, if she would allow herself to do this again). It was a moment of intimacy unlike any other, a fleeting connection between two souls bound by fate, one that she increasingly though would never stick. 
But even as she reveled in the sensation, permitting herself the moment of intimacy, a part of her couldn't shake the nagging doubt that lingered at the back of her mind. She knew what this was, and the moment he decided he got his fill, she had to run. 
She didn’t look up at him, but he studied her carefully, he was just as confused as she was. He had never felt the desire for anyone that he had felt for her, and he needed to know why. Now that he knew, it terrefied him, this wasn’t about love or even wanting to have anything with his soulmate; he just couldn’t stand the tension any longer.
As she leaned back against the brick wall, using it for support, Touya couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt wash over him. He had allowed himself to be drawn into this moment of vulnerability, to let down his guard and succumb to the allure of her touch. And now, as they stood there in the darkness, he couldn't help but wonder what it all meant.
She swallowed, her breath finally staying, as she quickly pulled on her clothes back on properly. She was moving quicker than she though she could and felt her eyes begging to water, finally, after a moment of calm the current reality swallowing her whole. 
“Thank you; for…” She used her hands to sort of half haeartedly signal to the encouter; and he looked at her uninterested. 
“Leave” he finalized adjusting his own clothes and began to walk away, she didn’t know how to feel or why; and as much as she expected and knew this would be the reaction, it still hurt her.
He himself was confused, but he knew, even if he wanted to belive her, even if he trusted her, even if he begged for it; they could never really be together. He didn’t know if she understood their circumstances, but one day it’s click. He was sure of it. 
tags: @staygoldsquatchling02
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edensfixations · 3 months
hehe imagine if Deku had a twin sibling who was a big Hawks fan (but is more low-key about it) and coincidentally had a recessive quirk that gave them 2 pairs of retractable wings
AHH i LOVE these platonic au's!
we're going bullet point form!
• izuku has a twin sister? 🤨 her name? isaki!!
• isaki, just like her brother, doesn't hold much height! she's around 5 feet tall, very defensive about it! she's got the same green curly hair but longer! she has freakles and glasses (courtesy of her reading late at night in the dark and unlucky genetics.)
• anyway, contrary to her brother, she has a quirk. she got it when she was five and absolutely went batshit crazy when feathers sprouted out of her back a random saturday morning. she ran straight to izuku and he was no help whatsoever. he screamed louder than her!
• over the years her quirk has grown and developed! for a bit she ended up randomly floating causing a massive panic to her mother and amusement from her brother. her wings had grown into large black wings that resembles a crows.
• she's gained many nicknames from people. from her mother, dove. from her brother, saki and raven! katsuki however calls her shadow for an array of unfortunate reasons but at least she doesn't get the same treatment as her brother!!
• when the midoriya twins turned 12 a new hero made his way onto the scene! an 18 year old with his own company??!?!? suddenly in the top 10 in only 6 months???? WHAT?!?
• hawks having an amazing reputation like this immediately after debuting had him have eyes on him constantly! and isaki wasn't any different!
• while her brother was OBSESSED with all might since they were kids, she had only idolised him a bit. he was 100% her biggest inspiration and thought only the most highly of him but she never wanted to be a hero until she saw hawks! I mean she practically bounced off the walls when she saw someone with a similar quirk!
• over the next 2 years she had slowly built a merch a collection, a pathetic one really because she mostly used her pocket money for food and books while her brother never really used his money for anything but all might!
•her merch collection includes a few posters, 3 hoodies, an action figure and a bobble head as well as some limited edition sneakers that she'll NEVER admit she qued overnight for.
• similar to her twin brother, she also keeps a little notebooks. she however keeps about 4? 2 for hawks and 2 for everyone else. after deciding she'd like to follow her quirkless brother and his deranged frenemy to ua, she starts assessing some of her favourite heroes, namely hawks and his techniques and how to utilise them.
• so from ages 13-15 you'll just see an isaki midoriya flying around in her backyard practicing moves she learnt from hawks via the internet.
• when izuku had started his 10 month intense training with a mystery man izuku hadn't told her about, she decided to start her own 10 month training. hers however contained a gym and her doing combat training with whoever was training there too and up for it! there she met tenya iida! story for another time.
• however, about 5 months into her training, she had particularly drained herself that day. because of this she was barely paying attention to her surroundings. it was quite a shock to her when she had been suddenly grabbed from the ground and sped off about a block away when where she once was!
• who was it? pro hero hawks of course! naturally, isaki was completely star struck. she could not BELIEVE who was standing in front of her right now!!! she was barely listening to him warning her to watch where she's walking so she doesn't get run over by a car (she walked into traffic, whoops!) she snapped out of trance when she heard him say, "nice wings, kid" before he was gone.
•isaki flew home and screamed into her pillow!!! she couldn't believe that happened! HE COMPLIMENTED HER WINGS!!!!!! she was so close to him! practically hugging him! (delusion)
• upon her screaming her mother and brother enter her room, curious, afraid and wanting answers.
• she looks up from her pillow, pink faced and hyperventilating, "HE SAID I HAVE NICE WINGS!!" her wings start fluttering creating a small breeze. it's a small habit she picked up from when she was little. her little family chuckled at her words. "Who??" "That guy from the gym??" "NO HAWKS. I CAN DIE HAPPY."
• isaki is now laying on the ground while her brothers jaw is slack and her mother leaves, giggling to herself.
• needless to say, she wore her hoodie and limited edition sneakers to bed that night.
(pls send requests I loved doing this so muchhhh!!)
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lalenrasch · 10 months
BNHA Pet pals 🐍🐭🐕🐟🐑🐱🐸🐰
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each character with a pet🌸🌻
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katsuki bakugou x reader
the times bakugou broke your heart
heavily inspired by mbobhft
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1) the denial
“are we breaking up?”
his reasons made sense. he had a job, a goal, a burning drive to prove himself as the best. he was burnt out, his fingers worked to the bones. he couldn’t give you not just what you wanted, but what you needed. and that killed him more than it did you.
it made sense. the gears turned. the writing was on paper. like almost everything he did, it worked out. of course it worked out for katsuki bakugou- he’s the best.
it wasn’t all that set in stone for you, however.
he could have given you a million more reasons before the tears spilled. “i’m an asshole.” true. “i don’t treat you right.” fair. “you deserve so much fuckin’ better, [y/n.]” yeah, he was right.
but you always liked to challenge the acceptable.
at first, it didn’t hit you as hard as you thought it would. you walked through your room, too numb to pay mind to the tears that rolled down your cheeks, and silently packed up his sweaters into a box. the necklace he gave you, the ‘k’ pendant, came off your neck like a butterfly lands on a branch, knowing that its death is inevitable and doing nothing to stop it.
at night, you cried, and cried, and cried. you called him about 27 times. he never answered. he texted you to make sure you were okay, but your tear-blurred eyes kept you from seeing the keyboard clearly. you left him on seen and prayed that he was worried, prayed that his heart would explode at your lack of an answer, prayed to god that he would come over just to check on. suffice to say your prayers were left unanswered.
you thought he’d call. but he didn’t. but your soul remained devoted, eyes glued to your phone screen and hands shaking. he has to call. he has to tell you goodnight. he has to tell you that you’re an idiot. he has to tell you he loves you. he’s going too, idiot.
2) the anger
if he wanted you dead, why didn’t he just say?
your heart burned for anger. for salvation. for revenge. you knew katsuki bakugou knew anger well, but he had no idea the way your soul flared like a whole new depth of hell.
you laid in bed, awake, eyes excruciatingly drive from crying your tear ducts may as well have been burnt off. memories of him haunted your brain while your fists tightened.
you regretted giving him your heart. your love. your late nights and early mornings. your fights, your passions, your 2ams and your smiles. you hated the way you let him draw the laughter out of you, how he showed parts of himself to you he had never shown anyone.
and those little things that made up your love, he was going to use on someone else. you knew it.
he was going to cook them his special fried rice his mom taught him how to do. he was going to teach them how to punch because he doesn’t want them to get hurt- something he did for you. he was going kiss them how he kissed you, love them in a way that should have only been you.
but he shouldn’t. in fact, he should look back at what you had, and regret every. single. thing. he did to let is end. he should regret everything he didn’t do to keep you. he should burn alive from guilt. scream. cry. fight for his life while his body is doused in gasoline. attempt miserably to tear the fire off his skin while it burned him to a crisp. he should die screaming.
he should deserved it, after all. because he heard your screams, and put his headphones on.
3) the bargaining
please. you wailed. who do i have to talk to? what do i have to do to get him back!?
you suddenly thought of so many scenarios in your head, scenarios fuelled by false hope. things you’d do to kiss him one last time, to hold him, to love him and be loved by him. you’d dry the ocean water. you’d turn stones into gold. you’d bring him to heaven and back. you’d get out of bed. you’d compromise more. you wouldn’t forget to kiss him. you’d love him. you’d love him so much harder. please.
suddenly everything seemed possible. if someone answered your calls, if someone made a deal with you, you’d offer up everything. you were sure you’d place everything on the line for him. you want it all back- his yelling, his snark, his nicknames, his attitude, his everything- no, your everything. you’d pluck out your own eyes for his red ones, or your heart for his heroic soul that loved you brighter than anyone else. being loved by katsuki bakugou was something you wouldn’t trade for anything- turns out you couldn’t trade it either.
4) the depression
everything smelled like him. your sheets blossomed into his sweet, burnt scent, the one that he’d leave behind whenever he slept over simply because he left you. all your jackets felt like his chiseled arms, wrapped around you as if you’d be gone in a moments notice. his voice was everywhere. the songs on the radio, the words you read on your phone, and the memories that played like your favourite movie soundtrack.
you wondered if he knew you couldn’t get out of bed. sometimes you imagined him calling your ass lazy, and then dragging you out of bed with a kiss to your forehead and a breakfast he cooked for you. maybe then you’d rip off the sheets and face the day. but right now, your bed was the only place you could mourn.
it was cruel, in a sense. letting you fall in love with him only to leave. letting you fall in love with his stupid smug smirk, his laugh, his teasing, his anger, his unreasonable handsomeness, his millions of pet peeves and trigger words, his clinginess, his distance, his days and nights, ups and downs, his hate and love all tied into one. he made you love him, knowing you would never get to love another katsuki bakugou.
5) the acceptance
acceptance was bakugou realizing how badly he fucked up.
part 2 soon!
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blondieeu · 3 months
No but just think about, imagine how Aizawa just likes to suck on reader’s tits while taking a nap and laying his head on their chest, he finds it in some way comforting
ur so right nonnie
ass or tits? aizawa s.
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if you asked aizawa if he preferred ass or tits he wouldn't even have to fully think about his answer, let alone let you finish talking. of course he's choosing tits!
his favorite part of the day is coming home to his pretty wife relaxing on the couch and cuddling with her. at this point in the relationship after 8 years together its a well known ritual to the two of you.
"missed you, let me sit down"
as soon as he even gets a glimpse of your head of hair on the couch, he's already shuffling out of his work clothes, sitting down on the soft fabric so you could sit in between his legs and continue watching TV while his hands sneak up your shirt to fondle your breasts.
aizawa loves your tits, cant get enough. but he especially loved how sensitive they were. like last week, while the two of you were just chilling in the bed watching TV while he kissed your nipples, you had to get him to stop or else you'd cum!
"don't do that.."
and he'd look up from his spot on the bed to see your face all flushed and nervous. your eyebrows doing that puppy eyes thing that you always did when you were gonna cum, you did it everytime!!
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blondieeu xx
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