twelverriver · 10 months
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heartfullofleeches · 6 months
[Tldr: Big spider wifey Yan and sweetie little human darling]
W...women... Tiny, kind-hearted Darling who welcomes the bitter rightful hier to their kingdom with open arms after she returns centuries after her trial and execution. Her new form frightens most, but Darling finds her piercing glowing eyes and ashened skin to be quite gorgeous. All those extra limbs she's grown would be wonderful for hugs. As the kingdom runs itself mad trying to find ways to defend themselves from the evil queen, Royal Darling is in their garden creating a bouquet of their favorite flowers to gift to her upon her arrival.
"You there... I've come to take what's mine. Give me my throne or I shall take it along with your head."
"...Okay! When is the wedding?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"T-the wedding?..... Seeing as I am the current ruler the only way you can become Queen now is if we are wed... Oh, is that not what you intended? I'm sorry... "
Darling knows the pain of being rejected by their people as well. Their dislike for their ruler has never reached the same scale as the former Queen's treacherous flock, but had there been anyone else left in Darling's family the crown would have been theirs. Nearly all of Darling's kin had been whipped out by some mysterious plague. Darling is all that's left and there have been whispers throughout the kingdom how unfit they are to wear the crowd for how soft hearted they are."
"hm, you are stronger than you appear. I suppose I can humor you for the rest of your natural life. I and the rest like me will outlive you and your people for eons...."
The Queen planned on killing Darling the day of their wedding. Did this fool truly believe she would want the last remaining member of that bastard bloodline who betrayed her to stay alive? It would be a spectacle for all to see, yet - as they day arrived her withered heart had changed its tune. Everyday since the Queen had agreed to Darling's proposal they waited outside her door with a fresh bouquet and handpicked fruits from their garden. They asked their servants to add minerals and rose petals to her water whenever she bathed so that the cracks in her skin hopefully never worsened. Though she never spoke back much in the beginning, Darling spoke to her as if they were already married.
It was almost.... endearing.
"Do you take this....woman to be your wife?"
"I do."
"And do you take this person to be your spouse?"
"....I do."
How humorous is it the Queen's rage was snuffed by a descendant of the people who made her as she is now. The new queen carries her adorable spouse in her arms every which way she goes. If her spies hear even a word of someone speaking ill of her angel for giving into her wishes so easily she'll have their tongue ripped out and fed to the hounds. The flower crown's Darling makes for her decay within a day's time atop her head yet she wears them with pride till the final petals falls.
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nimmie-nugget · 5 months
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Concept: Logan as your Boyfriend
Warning: I apologize prior for any Grammer, Spelling+etc errors. Cringe?? Logan may be OOC >:(
SBG Masterlist
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NICKNAMES: Love, Darling, Honey. Just all that mushy cutesy stuff<3 Would probably be nervous when he starts giving you nicknames, not knowing if you’d like them. Definitely prefers a nickname for you though, like a shortened version since it reminds him of how beautiful your name is.
“[N/N]? C-can you help me out..please?” He fumbles, playing around with his fingers nervously as he blushed in slight embarrassment.
DATES: Anything to do with nature basically, would 100% keep sanitizer with him since he’s Germaphobic, we love a boy who keeps up with his hygiene<3
“[N/N], look here! Roses—” Proceeds to go on a rant about Plants and how they grow, even mentioning the littlest details.
LOVE LANGUAGE: Gifts, they’re a must!! Would buy you matching accessories with whatever pocket money he was given, have you SEEN him?!? His style is GREAT!!! Flowers too, not just any bought flowers though, he’d handpick the flowers himself and wouldn’t want ANYONE to help him because he wants to put effort in for you. He’s precious!!
“[N/N], here…I have a present for you..” He says shyly as he was outside you’re door, a hand on the back of his neck as he looks at his shoes, avoiding eye contact as he smiles slightly with a blush.
Holding out some handpicked flowers out for you with a keychain of your favourite Flower. The smell of hand sanitizer hitting your nose.
“…I hope you like them.” He glanced at you.
INSECURITIES: Thinks you’ll leave him one day if you find someone better. It’s honestly a miracle to him that you haven’t left. Often needs reassurance and you’re touch, unless your uncomfortable with physical touch then words with genuineness, fondness and care would work. Such an emotional boy, actually so sad :(
“Y-you pr-romise?” He sniffed as he’s curled into a ball, looking at you for comfort
CUDDLING: Little spoon most definitely, but wouldn’t mind big spooning if you’re feeling terrible<3
His head snuggled into you’re chest as his arms tightly wrapped around your waist, clinging onto you. Breathing softly as he falls into a much needed slumber.
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Lil Note: Hearts, Comments and Reblogs are Appreciated💙
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kurogane2512 · 1 year
Lisa Birthday 2023
Character: Lisa x fem!reader
Type: Angst with happy ending
Happy birthday to Lisa once again! So much changed since the last birthday fic I wrote for her but she's still one of my top waifus in the game <3 I love her so much omg, I was so glad we got some Sumeru content on her and outfit is stunning!! I hope we continue to get more content on her, and even more affectionate content at that! <3
"Hey, Y/n. Thanks for taking over early today."
Wyratt spoke as you entered the Knights of Favonius HQ in order to begin your daily shift.
"No problem, happy to help."
You replied with a smile and walked over to the post outside of the Favonius Library, he spotted a gift box in your hand and smirked then leaned over to whisper, "Good luck~"
"H-Hey, stop it...!"
Wyratt chuckled then waved and walked out, making you sigh and turn to face the door of the library as you took a deep breath and readied yourself.
"I'll give this and tell her today...I will!"
You then opened the door and looked over at the librarian's desk to see Lisa standing in front of the table, she turned around almost too excitedly as if she was waiting for someone but calmed down when she saw it was you then smiled and walked closer.
"Oh my, isn't your shift rather early today, Y/n?"
"Y-Yes, Wyratt had some work so we changed earlier...."
"Hehe, I see~"
You smiled then walked closer while holding your hands behind your back, making Lisa curious as you fidgeted slightly before bringing your hands forward and holding a small bouquet of Cecilia flowers that you handpicked yourself in the morning along with a small gift.
"Happy birthday, Lisa."
Lisa's eyes sparkled and she smiled back softly then accepted your presents.
"Thank you very much, sweetheart. Oh, these flowers are lovely! Cecilias are my favorite~"
"Yes, I know. That's why I chose them...."
Lisa smiled then put the bouquet on the table before unwrapping the gift to find a book inside.
"Isn't this....the new novel from Fontaine that's a bestseller everywhere so much so that there are no more copies available for months? I haven't been able to get a single copy so far...."
Lisa's smile widened, "Thank you so much, darling. I don't even know how you were able to get it but I appreciate it a lot. I'll be sure to read it and discuss my thoughts with you~"
You stopped mid-sentence as you glanced at her desk and saw 2 cups filled with tea and a plate of cakes kept on it, seemingly prepared for a guest.
"Hm, what is it?"
".....Were you expecting a guest?"
Lisa followed your eyesight towards the tea cups and sighed, "Hah~ I was. But I suppose it's pointless now...."
You thought for a moment then realized who she was referring to, "You mean the Traveller?"
"Yes....I sent him a letter some time ago asking him to stop by and visit for some time. I was expecting him to show up today considering the occasion but it's already past 9 pm now...."
You bit your tongue and averted your gaze, feeling slightly irritated.
"I see. Well, there's still a few more hours. Who knows he might show up any minute now~"
You mused with a fake smile, getting a small smile from Lisa in return. "Hehe, I'll hold onto that. Thank you once again for your wishes, Y/n."
You smiled and bowed then walked out of the library, giving her space to herself. You leaned on the wall and looked down in discontent, clenching your fists together then releasing them with a sigh.
"She has everything prepared for his welcome....I should have known. Why did I even think I stand a chance? I couldn't even confess now....For her, it's always him...."
Indeed, you had known for a long time that someone already occupied Lisa's heart the way she did yours. You remembered back to your first day here, a newly appointed Favonius Knight given the night shift to guard the library. You had heard of Lisa long before your appointment but never seen her since you weren't an avid reader and practically never visited the library; who would have guessed you would be given to guard it as your first duty after becoming a Knight.
And, who would have guessed you would come to fall in love with the very same mysterious librarian you had barely ever seen. The way she greeted you every morning before you left, the way she smiled, the way she laughed. The pleasant aroma from her tea and cakes would reach your nose even through the library door and you'd be lost in it. You had come to admire her bright and easygoing persona; she was the type of person liked by all of Mondstadt and everyone felt comfortable in her presence.
Children came to her library to read all sorts of books and she always made the effort to guide them, even sometimes holding group reading sessions for them. It was clear how much she loved books, there was something so endearing about her that you didn't even realize when you were drawn in. You'd hear parts of her conversations with different people through the door which enabled you to learn about her likes and dislikes, each of those things making her more endearing to you.
However, your position always made you uncertain. You were just a mere Visionless guard with minimal hobbies, you were not gifted in any way. You had worked hard day and night to be able to join the Favonius Knights; even then, you weren't strong enough to join the main divisions that were sent out on expeditions and monster exterminations hence you were assigned this guard duty. On the other hand, Lisa was a plethora of vibrant colors. 
Not only did she have a Vision but she was one of the top graduates of the esteemed Sumeru Akademiya, seemingly their best in the last 200 years. And her wisdom was very evident; you'd overhear her discussing so many different projects and theories with Albedo and Sucrose, speaking of terms you had never even heard of. Yet, despite all her skills and knowledge....she was the kindest and most loving person you had ever met.
You had come to realize you developed a liking to her, something that went much deeper than admiration but you never felt you deserved her. You were content with just watching her as she brightened up your life with the simplest of gestures...... Then came the day when she met her match, a person equally dazzling and gifted as her— a Traveller from another world with golden hair and unmatched power, rivaling even the Archons.
He instantly stood up against one of the legendary beasts of Mondstadt and was bestowed the title of Honorary Knight, a feat you couldn't even think of in your wildest dreams. He could even use elemental powers without a Vision, the difference between you two was clear as day. Then you noticed Lisa's behaviour around him. You initially thought she was just being kind considering his situation but it quickly became clear she meant more.
Their conversations always lasted long, he even became her apprentice for some time and learned various things from her— all the while you stood outside that same door every single day and simply heard her go about her life with him. You'd overhear her talking to Grand Master Jean about him, saying how she misses him and wishes he'd come to visit sometime. She took a trip to Sumeru and you found out she met him even there.
However, you had also learned something else. Despite how much she liked him and cared for him, it didn't seem like he thought the same. He never sent any letter or information about his travels; she would always find out from other sources. He had become famous all over Teyvat which meant he certainly made many companions along the way, who knows he might have even had some lovers every now and then.
This is where you felt you stood a chance; if he continued treating her the same way then perhaps, she'd move on from him and be open to someone else. In your eyes, she didn't deserve the way he treated her at all. You had found out that even on her Sumeru trip he barely spent any time with her despite her continued invites, you couldn't deny this angered you. She thought of him the way you thought of her, you would do everything in your power to make her happy. Yet....that happiness never came from you.
You stopped your recollection of the past and looked at the door, wondering if he'd really come. It was soon close to 11:30 pm and you felt sad for Lisa, how could he be so heartless? Still, you knew you couldn't blame him. He could be anywhere in Teyvat doing great things as usual while this lovely librarian waiting for him in hope and anticipation. 
It was now midnight and nothing changed, he didn't come. You wondered how Lisa was feeling, you wanted to go in and check up on her but held back. Some moments later, she herself walked out carrying some things and locked the library before glancing at you with a smile.
"Well, I'll be going now. Too bad he couldn't find the time to come, maybe I'll read about his great doings in a newspaper soon. I'll see you tomorrow, Y/n, and thank you once again~"
You smiled and bowed and watched her walk out of the building then you clenched your fist and punched the wall behind you, feeling frustrated.
"That look in her eyes....she was crying. I'm sure she was crying because he didn't even come to wish her on her birthday! What kind of Honorary Knight is he to make a woman cry like that! Dammit! She doesn't deserve this at all!"
You stomped your foot and leaned back on the wall, feeling helpless deep within.
"....I woke up early morning and spent hours picking up those flowers, even had to fight some Hilichurls and injured myself. Not to mention, for the book I....No, I shouldn't think this way. I was hoping for her to move on but....I'm the one who needs to let go here. There's no point in this...."
The next morning came and your shift changed before she came in, feeling slightly relieved you wouldn't have to see her so soon. An hour after you left, Lisa came in and brewed some tea in Jean's office as the two of them sat down together to have breakfast.
"Lisa, are you okay?" Jean asked out of concern, she could tell Lisa wasn't feeling fine.
"Yes...I just....I just wish he came."
"Honorary Knight? Did he not even send a letter wishing you like Collei did?"
"No, nothing...."
"Lisa....I'm so sorry. I know how much you like him..."
"It's okay, Jean. I suppose I was holding onto false hope and having the wrong expectations. I know he is busy and has no time for a mere librarian like me, I'll just try to....think of him less from now on."
Jean sighed and nodded then went back to looking at the documents on her table.
"What are you looking at, Jean?" Lisa asked.
"Ah these are just the vacation details of all our Knights. Since it's summer now so everyone applies for leaves but I can't send all of them away at the same time so I have to schedule their duties."
Lisa hummed and glanced at some of the papers when her eyes fell upon your name and she pulled the paper towards herself.
"Oh, is this about that week-long vacation Y/n took last month? Did she give any reason for it?"
"All I know is that she went to Fontaine to get something; something quite rare apparently considering she went all the way there for a week."
Lisa suddenly recalled last night when you gave your gift to her, a famous novel from Fontaine that had no copies in circulation anywhere else since last month. 
"Could she have....No, it can't be....Why would she....?"
"Now that you bring this up, I do wonder how her trip went." Jean suddenly spoke, making Lisa snap out of her thoughts.
"Hm? Why is that?"
"Well, Fontaine is a big nation, much bigger than Mondstadt and from what I know, she has never been outside of Mondstadt until now. Not even to Liyue. It must have quite difficult for her to visit a big and fast-growing city like that all alone. I really wonder what was so important there for her...."
Lisa looked away and pondered for some time before excusing herself and walking towards the library. She sat upon her desk and took out the book you had gifted last night then began reading it. She was too lost in her feelings last night that she simply accepted it out of courtesy and didn't bother to go through it. As she read, she came across various notes you had attached inside on some sections that you found interesting, mentioning your own thoughts on them.
She smiled as she read your opinions and realized how much she agreed with them, mentally noting down several points to discuss with you later. She read through the book with such enthusiasm and excitement that she finished it by evening, only stopping for tea break and some walks in between. She reached the final page and found the last note from you, quickly opening it with curiosity only to be extremely surprised at its contents.
"Dear Ms Lisa, congratulations on completing the book! I knew you would read it till the end. I hope you liked it and that it was how you expected it to be. It was the first time I read such a long book but I enjoyed it very much, I'd love to take some book suggestions from you whenever you have time!"
She smiled to herself and was about to close the book until she realized there was another page to the note.
"My apologies for saying it this way but I couldn't think of a better way. I love you, Ms Lisa. I love you very much, a lot more than you can gather through this. I know you'd expect one to be brave enough to say it directly but I don't think I can. I just wanted to let you know how much you mean to me; ever since I was appointed here, you brightened up my life like nobody else. I came to cherish every little moment I got to experience of you, be it with or without me."
"You are very beautiful and kind, and I wish you an eternity of happiness with the person you love. You don't have to feel obliged to reply to me, I do have an idea of what you'd say and it's okay. I just wanted you to know I'm always here for you and will support you, be it as a friend or just another guard. I'm just glad I got to meet you and fall in love with you, it was one of the best feelings I have ever had. Thank you for coming to my life."
Lisa's mouth hung open and eyes widened as she almost dropped the book. She composed herself and kept the book aside then looked down and pondered deeply.
"Look how negligent I have been....All this time, I was chasing someone else when there was a person right beside me willing to do everything for me....And I barely spared any thought to her. She picked up those fresh flowers for the bouquet, I could tell by the quality. And then this book....going all the way to Fontaine for it...for me....."
She pinched the bridge of her nose then firmed herself, finally sorting out her feelings. She looked at the time and saw your shift was to begin soon hence stood up and went near the door to listen in when you would come in. Sometime later, she finally heard footsteps approaching followed by you and Wyratt exchanging greetings before he walked out and you took his post. She took a few deep breaths and thought what she'd say then was about to open the door but you opened it before her, catching her off guard.
"O-Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize you were there, Ms Lisa. I hope you didn't get hurt."
You asked with genuine concern as she gazed in your love-filled eyes, feeling lost in their depth.
"Ms Lisa? Are you okay?"
You asked again and all she could do was grab your hand and pull you inside by force before closing the door and pinning you on it, trapping your figure in her arms.
"M-Ms Lisa?!"
You exclaimed in surprise but were soon silenced as she leaned forward and connected her lips with yours, kissing you gently. Your lips moved with hers in perfect rhythm, slowly and steadily as you tasted each other, your hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer and she softly moaned into the kiss before slowly moving back. The two of you gazing at each other as you panted, slightly breathless from the kiss.
"....I read your letter at the end of the book, Y/n. And....I accept, I accept your love."
Your eyes widened in surprise, "B-But, don't you love him...?"
She chuckled, "I realized I don't. You made me realize what love is and that's not how I felt about him, especially not recently."
You stared at her in shock then she cupped your face and kissed your cheek, "Would you like to date me, Y/n? I....love you too."
You were on cloud 9 at this point, it was the happiest moment of her life.
"I'd be very much honored to; I promise to keep you happy."
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im-a-moldy-bread · 10 months
Dark content. Yandere. Angst? This is just a comfort fic for myself.
Scara pov.
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When did it started? My salvation, my drug, —gone. This was what I wanted, I think. So what's this numbing punch in my chest? Like the sickening annoying seagulls circling above your boat in the middle of nowhere, giggling at your predicament with their superior freedom from above.
Oh, how I loved you, tiptoeing on the borders of obsession. When our heart first linked, the saturation was turned up to a hundred. I shut my eyes in reflexes, but you refuse to get out of my sight. Jealous, anger, how dare you live like this while I'm being blinded, how dare you grow up in this rainbow vomit garden and only now introduce me to those purple roses. I was fine until you came along, I didn't know what it was like, and now my eyes burns in your world, yet so captivated I can't leave.
This is your fault, so you don't have a choice. You don't have the right to say "Stop bothering me" and "I'm sick of you". You made me look at you, follow you, addicted to you. How could you?
Even then I still cling onto you, because your words are honey and I am hungry. It doesn't matter what those words means, as long as you still look my way, I will continue.
Are you crying? Your choked sobs sounds so calming, like the breeze before a storm. I want to fill my recordings with it, but your glistering eyes were begging for me, I have to pay attention to my darling.
You can't leave me. You don't need them. You no longer have a need for these legs, so bear with it sweetheart, it's for your own good. What if you get stolen and defile by those pest? I will plant your feet in the soil, nurture it and wait for you to grow. I will preserve your pretty face, the eyes and ears may be apart now, but once you grow again, into a new you, I will piece them back. So don't be scare, I will handpicked those leeching maggots off of you every day.
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sleepy-aletheas · 1 month
The dilemma of 'boring' characters
There's nothing new about how certain characters are seen by players as having "no personality" or they're "romantic interests". They're in general on a more calmer side, a bit quiet, they're really friendly and try to help wherever they are, but tend to avoid direct conflict. In-game they're usually dressed in blue, and are isolated from the world one way or another, but are loved by many.
I'm talking about Nilou, Ayaka, and Kokomi. My darlings, my babies, the joys of my lonely life.
Over the years, there are a lot of jokes about them; how they're the obvious girlfriend bait, they're meant to be bland with nothing to them, they could even be taken out the cast and nothing would be lost. I worded this in a more hyperbolic/paraphrasing way, because these sentiments go from polite "these are simply not to my taste" to just very demeaning ways that I genuinely can't understand.
It's interesting how these three get the brunt of these opinions, but any 4* characters that also walk along the lines of certain overlap personalities are never a problem, or really talked about (then again, the question for that is: is it a 5* vs 4* problem, or are people not engaged with the 4* to begin with?). Either way, these three characters are pitted against others like it's a competition of who is more worthy to be loved or be valid of investing interest in.
A lot of these things boil down to people not really paying attention to the game (shocker, I know). Because people have a problem with story quests, and the character personalities, and "they just try to stuff these characters and their romance role down our throats!" only to single out the characters that just want friends, that grew up isolated, that are tired and have a lot of responsibility not just for themselves but also their people. And the biggest crime they committed was...what? Being soft-spoken? Friendly? Introverted? Having possible autism or anxiety characteristics (which people will always deny because these characters are 'boring' so they can't be written more deeply than blank smiles, right?)?
Maybe I'm getting heated up for nothing, maybe I'm just sick and tired of people pushing down characters to prop up their own faves as better, when all these characters are friends. It's ridiculous.
I know people really have big problems with the story quests; how it's 'NPC Impact' and all that jazz, throwing it all in the trash, because "where's the focus on the story quest's character?" and "why are these no-names-with-basic-design important to just never return". And I wanna ask: are you aware that these playable characters are part of this world? They don't cease existing once you look away or move to another region. Time doesn't freeze once you end a quest or they fade away from the screen. Those characters that are handpicked for us to focus on have lives outside the Traveler (outside the player, who is not the Traveler, just to be clear, the Traveler is not a self-insert however much people try to say they are). They have hobbies, jobs, leisure time, birthdays, celebrations, due dates, shopping trips, going out with friends (which can be other playable characters or NPCs). They have lives.
It's easy to get lost in the mentality of "this is a game FOR ME so everything revolves around ME", but it's not. Even on a meta level, the Traveler is a witness, they just go around to experience the stories of others with a certain detachment, a third person perspective, really. In Cyno's 2nd story quest the characters were like "oh we haven't seen each other in a long time, let's catch up! there's lots of things that happened" (paraphrasing) and this applies to every nation in Genshin.
Even through events, new friendships are forged. Characters of one nation meet up with characters of another, and they make awkward acquaintances (ex. the poetry event introduced mondstadt and liyue characters that never met before), or just straight up become friends (ex. the movie festival where inazuma characters went to fontaine). These characters are mingling, are making friends (some of them for the first time outside their home/the traveler). But these characters also talk and exist with their people, with their neighbours, with the NPCs on the streets and in the shops. The NPCs are as valuable to Teyvat as the playable characters, it's just that the game focuses on a few from the masses, but those playable characters directly coexist with the NPCs, and that's how these playable characters can grow and change and follow their dreams. They cannot exist in a vacuum, that's not how it works.
With that massive grievance out of the way, why do people think less of Nilou, Ayaka, and Kokomi?
Well, for a lot of people it's their story quests. They're too passive for the taste of many, focused on running around and talking to NPCs and maybe having a fight but still not much happening in the exciting department. So it's easy to chalk the whole character up as trash.
I mean, if we ignore pretty much all other story quests that revolved around NPCs that are still beloved (a few that come to mind, like, Yoimiya's, Alhaitham's, Neuvillette's, Wriostley's...), the problem clearly is.....? I still don't know. I mean, every other story quest is about NPCs and the playable characters interacting with them. We learn how those characters, that we love and appreciate, exist in the world, how they interact with it, how it interacts back (I'm getting deja vu, did I write this before already?). We get a glimpse at how they feel about everything, we find out about some struggles they had or have, maybe have a problem to solve (possibly related to them or in an area they know enough to be helpful in).
So why? All three still fall under these same boxes, the same storytelling method that every time is slightly different to fit the character better. At this point it's not a fundamental problem of Genshin's storytelling, if every other story is good (or praised to hell and back when they came out), but player expectation.
Which is not a bad thing on itself, right? All of us have some expectations, or grievances, or hype, or emotional responses. We all gravitate to certain character stories more because of personal experience, or because we can process the situation to a cathartic release, maybe we can solve a little bit of our troubles through these fictional characters, maybe the emotions are all a person needs to be attached. We all have our reasons to like or dislike these stories. But the moment people start to mindlessly talk about how badly something is written or done, and never explain why or how, or how to fix it, it just becomes tiresome to engage with anything. Because it stops being about improvement, it becomes a holiday dinner with family, and that's just depressing.
Nilou's quest was about saving the theater and helping a new member to chase her dreams and hopefully reconnect with her father who was the antagonist of the quest. Nilou's compassion, hope, and steadfast determination fell flat for a lot of people, maybe because she tried to resolve it peacefully, with words, an even playing field. Nilou is loved by many, be it the playable characters or NPCs, she is trying her best to be helpful and friendly, and gentle. She's not here to do big feats and slay sea monsters or rule the nation. She's a dancer of the bazaar who loves her friends, and who tries to stick out for the ones who need a helping hand to find their own footing.
Ayaka is the annoying case of character mischaracterization turned up to eleven. All jokes of the 'eternal Ayaka banner' aside, Ayaka didn't have friends as a child, never had a real opportunity to make friends or get close to people, because she's from a big influential family, and it would breed conflict if she became too close to others. The Traveler was an outsider that doesn't need her power, doesn't need her status, they're just her friend. Friendships are hard, especially if you don't know how to make some (be it because you grew up without any or because over time we lost the skill and now don't know what to do). Ayaka doesn't try to date the Traveler (or the player), she just wants to have a friend.
And Kokomi, as the divine priestess and war general, doesn't have the time, space, or energy to be herself. She needs to wear a mask of maturity and wisdom all the time. She needs to protect her people, lead them to prosperity, try and give them better tomorrows. In her diary, as she's passed out on the desk, we can read about her 'spoons' and how tired she is. Yet she goes and does her duties for her people, because she cares, even if she doesn't really want to be a priestess, her interests laying more in war strategies and working behind the scenes than be a face and leader. And having a friend that sees her as Kokomi, and Kokomi only, it has to be very precious to her.
Did you also now realize I lost my train of thought along the way? Yeah, me too.
I'm just frustrated that characters that are softer are deemed lesser than others, be it for their tenderness or them not being "desirable" enough. Truly, damn a girl wanting to read military strategies or try to keep a roof over the head of others instead of being a 'girlboss' or a 'badass mommy' (as if we don't have quite a few of them already). There can be more than one type of female character in this game, and all of them can be engaging on various levels of action and emotion. Variety is a good thing.
(Just for the sake of any misunderstandings, personal preferences aren't my problems. If people hate a character because they cannot vibe or relate or understand, then go ahead and don't like the character. My problem lies on how people treat these characters and how they make it their duty to drag them through the mud for...nothing. Personal preferences are fine, but the moment someone starts to actively work for it, I think there needs to be a timeout and take a breather.)
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
Gossip Girl Playlists: Theatre Kid AU edition!—Serena’s
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[Blair's] [Dan’s] [Nate’s] 
I don’t even remember exactly how this started, but it’s @strideofpride’s fault. 
The concept began as: if they were in this world, what would be in the GG mains’ MT books? What would be their go-to song? Their 16 bar cut? And then, I got on spotify, and got wayyyy too carried away (typical me), and it sort of morphed into: what are the NJBC’s (plus Daniel’s) senior musical theatre recital programs? And now I have this: a quartet of playlists of repertoire handpicked by me for these fake people, and I am very proud of them. 
All selections based on my very particular taste, honed from a childhood in community theater, an adolescence in high school musicals, and a 4 year degree from a majority musical theatre school
And, as in the tradition of Glee and all plays within a play, the rep reflects something profoundly personal about the character, because you know I love a theme. 
the meta:
So Serena’s type…it’s the same with Nate, too, in that people try to pigeon-hole her into one, but she’s not really into it. She isn’t one for the leading ladies for multiple reasons: a): her personality does not vibe, because the villains and the old ladies (and the overlap of both) is so much more fun to her, b): she’s kind of shut herself out of wanting to be for Blair’s sake, because she doesn’t want to compete with her for the same stuff, and c): she’s as tall/taller than most male leads in her program. 
Her voice: hmmmmmm she IS a belter, or can be one, but it’s not — it’s not this weak sauce, nasal belting, and it isn’t high, like she’s not up in the stratosphere, yk? It’s a little rough and tumble, deeper, rounder, lower. She can get Up There, but it’s not where she lives. (Like S floated Laura Bell Bundy, but her voice is SO high, and rings in a way that’s so specific to her that I don’t really hear it for Serena. It’s a vibe, idk.) 
Oh, and she’s a ~dancer~ like Natie.
References: Bernadette Peters, Jane Krakowski, Kristin Chenoweth (for the Comedy and for that oldies golden-age country crooner kind of belt), and early Idina Menzel, pre-Elphaba pre-let’s write roles that shouldn’t be physiologically possible, and a girl from my voice studio I’ll call Heather, because she looked a bit like Blake Lively and had the voice I’m casting in this playlist. 
the tracklist:
Don’t Tell Mama — Cabaret
It’s just…so perfect. On so many meta-levels
Sally Bowles does not want you to tell her mother about her career change
A Trip to the Library — She Loves Me
Bc S’s au was so SPOT ON with this casting choice, omg. 
The darling, if a little bit ditzy, Ilona is definitely over her ex now, after a meet cute in the library. 
A Cockeyed Optimist — South Pacific
The only leading lady that both Blair and Serena are perfectly suited for. Imagine a plot where they both go out for it, then are double cast, all that delicious blairena drama…
Nellie talks to the dapper Emil, and reveals her personality, unshaken despite literally living in the middle of a world war 
Sonya & Natasha (duet w/ Blair) — Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
I really think this works best with the duet and solo ballad playing one right after the other. it’s all that stuff all those web weaving posts are about, girls loving with claw marks and teeth and blood but nobody else will love you as fiercely and as loyally. It’s the best friendship of it all.
Natasha’s cousin-but-good-as-sister Sonya discovers and calls her out on her emotional affair with a RAKE to whom she is not engaged. Absolutely brutal girl-best-friend fight ensues. 
Sonya Alone — Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
When her cousin shuts her out, Sonya remains determined to save her from herself. 
Through the Mountain — Floyd Collins
A hidden gem in a hidden gem of an esoteric kind of musical. But the song is gorgeous (also composed by Richard Rogers’ grandson Adam Guettel, in a genre I’m calling neoromantic bluegrass)
I picked the Audra performance bc I love her, and for the guitar, because musician!Dan my most beloved
While her brother, Floyd, is trapped in an underground cave, Nellie sings this promise to save him. 
Over the Moon — Rent
Like, ~serena the actress~ not doing Maureen is so implausible I cannot entertain the notion. Also, like, just imagine her in a performance—not even the whole show, just her recital or a cabaret—getting the crowd to moo with her. Only thee SVDW could. 
Take It Like a Man (duet w/ Dan) — Legally Blonde
I stand by what I said earlier re: Laura Bell Bundy, and while Serena is not a “so much better” belter, she could so sell this. And with Dan!!! It’s perfect!
Okay I have strong opinions on this but this is actually a perfect, feel-good musical. So many bangers, a genius adaptation of a beloved film, a balance that not many musicals in the same genre strike. (a guy judged me recently for calling it perfect and honestly fuck that guy. anyways).
Elle takes her best law school friend, Emmett, shopping for grownup lawyer clothes for their case. Feelings ensue.
Gorgeous — The Apple Tree: Passionella
Okay so I’ve never seen this show, but this song is basically about a “homely” girl who magically becomes ~sexy~ and she is Living for it — it’s a twist on the Cinderella myth, essentially. It was made famous by KChen in a revival. 
Turn Back, O Man — Godspell
For no other reason than I can imagine Serena having the most fun with it. 
The legendary Stephen Schwartz musical in which the only named characters are Judas and Jesus, it’s a…loose storytelling of the gospel. 
The designated soloist opens Act II with this song, which, for telling people to forswear sin and give up things of this world, it sounds hella sexy. (I chose the revival w/ Morgan James bc she’s one of my fave singers and hoooo. She can wail.)
Hard to Be the Bard — Something Rotten
A gender-bender song because Serena would. And let us never forget Serena, Founder of the Shakespeare Club my beloved. 
Poor ol’ Billy Shakes is struggling with the trappings of fame. 
Changing My Major — Fun Home
College-age Alison wakes up after a night of passion (her very first one) and is adorably and emotionally changed forever. 
The Life of the Party — The Wild Party
It’s Serena (one aspect of her character) wrapped up into one MT song. It’s perfect. 
A musical about a Fitzgerald kind of bacchanal, during which things get truly wild: alcohol, abuse, adultery….murder. Kate, a flapper if there ever was one, opens Act 2 with a salute to the party life. 
If You Ever See Me Talking to a Sailor — The Last Ship
Remember when Sting wrote a musical about some gruff northern english shipbuilders? No? Well, it kind of flopped, BUT I think it’s great. And the music slaps (it’s by Sting, hello) and this song slaps. 
Meg, a badass MILF who’s been hurt one too many times tells everyone in the pub of this seaside town why sailor’s ain’t shit. because her first love ran away on a boat after he (unknowingly) knocked her up? maybe so.
If You Hadn’t But You Did — Two on the Aisle
Written for a 50s Bway revue, KChen revived this into one of her staples on a studio recording. The wronged woman, but make it both deadly AND hilarious. And patter. 
Mamma Mia — Mamma Mia
Because S said it belonged here and she is RIGHT. Like, in a ~serena the Actress~ world, I see her starting off with the Maureens and the comic sexy relief before happily aging into Donna and everything Bernadette Peters ever did. 
Donna, on this, the eve of her daughter’s wedding, discovers that not one, but three of her exes (and all incidentally the possible biological father of said daughter) have been invited. Shenanigans and Abba ensue. 
People — Funny Girl
Idk if I would have her do this whole role, but I think she would love Babs and love this song (and she can absolutely do “Jingle Bells?” as a party trick at holiday gigs). 
Fanny Brice, charismatic comedienne full of ambition sings this number towards the close of act 1, as she begins to fall for Nicky Arnstein. 
Get Happy/Happy Days Are Here Again (duet with Blair) — as performed by Judy and Barbra
It’s about the BEST FRIENDS. And about that gorgeous, full, round, vibratoed belt. 
A mashup duet made famous from Judy Garland and Barbra Streisand’s performance on the Judy Garland show. Judy sings Harold Arlen’s “Get Happy” which she made famous in the movie Summer Stock, and Babs sings Milton Ager’s pop standard “Happy Days,” one of her most famous singles. 
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andileighwrites · 1 year
We Ran and Found Home - Chapter 2 | Carolyn (May 1957) BOOK PREVIEW
A young woman sat at the writing desk in her bedroom. She fidgeted while she tried her best to remain calm. Tomorrow was the day that her family would send her away. Though not permanently, she knew that it would be at least a year before she would see her family again. She wasn't as distraught over not seeing her parents as much as she was for her younger sisters. She loved them dearly and the two girls didn't quite understand why their big sister was leaving but they were excited for her regardless. Their parents made everything sound so glamorous. Carolyn had turned eighteen the week prior and her family always discussed her future with her; especially planning for after she turned eighteen. That was when the real planning would begin. During Carolyn's eighteenth birthday party, a black-tie event, her parents were excited to surprise her. She didn't know that they were planning a party for her, she also didn't know that the entire family would be there, and she especially didn't know that her parents would invite suitors that they handpicked, hoping that Carolyn would make a decision right then and there. She did not.
"Carolyn!" her father exclaimed when he saw her at the bottom of the stairs. She had come down after her mother had woken her up and told her to meet in the parlor. Her mother gave her a magnificent dress to put on; one that she had made by hand. When Carolyn went down the stairs and saw the crowd all gathered for her, for her eighteenth birthday, she was struck frozen.
"You look wonderful, darling," her father said while pulling her into a hug.
"What is all of this?"
"They're all here for you, darling! It is a special day after all."
Carolyn did not know what to say. She couldn't speak out against the party, oh no, her parents worked too hard for it. Her mother and father were never quite on the wealthy side, though they certainly liked to appear that they came from money. Her father was a factory foreman and her mother was a schoolteacher. They made decent wages but were often stifled by debt repayments. Her parents had a habit of showing off to their friends and neighbors, so when they wanted to flaunt their fictitious lifestyle, Carolyn and her younger sisters were to play along. They played their parts even if it meant supper would have limited options for the next week or two.
Strangers were coming up to Carolyn during the party, congratulating her for this most special milestone in a young woman's life. She didn't know what to say to these people that were invaders in her childhood home, so she would smile and nod, hoping they wouldn't ask her anything invasive. They always did.
"Oh, Carolyn dear!" a strange woman pinched her cheek. "I am so happy for you, sweet girl. What a beautiful young woman! And it is about time for you to pick a man for yourself, isn't it? Your mother told me you haven't a man on your mind!" The woman was old and Carolyn suspected her to be a cousin on her mother's side of the family. She smelled of strong floral perfume and sweat. Carolyn did her best to control her breathing; she was quite close to snapping at this old woman.
"No, no. Not a man on my mind in the slightest. Possibly later." Carolyn smiled and shrugged. Her cousin on her mother's side didn't accept this as a proper answer.
"Dear," she said sternly, "now you must not dawdle. You surely don't want to end up a spinster. That would be terribly out of sorts."
Carolyn smiled, gritting her teeth. She nodded.
The party went on and Carolyn grew tired of talking to one strange person after the next. She decided to grab a glass of sparkling wine and sat in the parlor on the sofa. She sipped on the drink knowing that her mother would disapprove, but it was her party after all. Carolyn wanted to enjoy one little thing, even if it was frowned upon by her mother. She watched the people standing around her, all in little groups of two or three, chattering away nonsense that she either found gauche or incredibly self-absorbed.
"I've got that Ford Skyliner. It's parked out front if you want to see it."
"My son Eric, the dear boy, is attending Princeton in the fall."
"Harry proposed at dinner. You must simply just guess what the ring cost!"
Carolyn couldn't help but roll her eyes. Everything seemed so meaningless. Everything except for the sparkling drink that fizzed in Carolyn's glass.
When Carolyn turned her head, she saw her father enter the parlor with a group of young men. There were four of them radiating confidence. She wanted to sink down into the sofa. She knew what was coming.
"Dear!" Her father waddled over to her with the men trailing behind him.
"Darling, I want you to meet some fellows." Her father introduced the young men one by one. There was Charles who was an aspiring lawyer. Then there was Gary who recently landed a job in finance. Next was Eric, the dear boy that would be starting Princeton in the fall. He wanted to become a professor. And finally, there was Scott. He was a wealthy gallery owner. Her father left her to indulge in conversation with the suitors but Carolyn was filled with white-hot rage. She finished her drink and excused herself from the group conversation; going upstairs to her room while she waited for everyone to leave. About another hour had passed before anyone realized that Carolyn had left her own party. Her parents were devastated.
Sometime that night, between the scolding, her parents dropped the news that she would be leaving in one week to attend a prestigious finishing school. The program would be a year-long endeavor and would teach her how to be a thriving wife to her future husband. Her parents made it clear just how much money they had to scrape and save to be able to afford this opportunity for her. All Carolyn could do was nod while she held back tears.
Copyright ©️ Andi Leigh, 2023
Chapter 3 will be posted tomorrow! Thank you for reading!
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a-purple-lizard · 3 years
Hi, glasses S/O anon here. Thanks for doing those, I enjoyed reading them. If it’s not too annoying, please could I request some more for an S/O with glasses, this time with Sindel, Skarlet, Frost, Tanya and Mileena (or any combination thereof)?
How they would react to an S/O with glasses part 2
Got it, I’ll write them as a feminine S/O since that was in your last request, hope that’s what you wanted! Also, side note for any fellow Mileena Mains, her Klassic skins are for sale on the store today! I finally got my hands on a couple!
Part 1
Sindel (Good)
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-Ah yes! She has seen such contraptions before on earthrealmers!
- She definitely wants an in depth explanation on how exactly they work. “Oh? They’re not glass? I see! So every human needs a certain type of this material layered atop each other in order to improve their sight, fascinating!”
-Like her daughter, one of her first actions are to customize it. Prepare for the finest craftsmen in outworld and beyond to line up at the palace, prepared to supply you with enough glasses for a damn generation!
-Needless to say, once people hear about the queens wife’s sense of fashion, it will definitely become a bit of a trend in outworld. So if you ever felt self conscious about them, know that you never will again.
Sindel (Evil)
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-Will definitely mock you the first time she sees them.
-Seriously? What in the hells are those ridiculous headgear? Are you blind, peasant!?
-But as your relationship deepens, the queen will see the item as another way to decorate her pet. Demanding her designers to fit you new pairs, ones that she approves of. If you have to have them on, they damn well better look good at least.
-Ah, now you look like a lady worthy of marrying into the royal bloodline!
-Sindel will definitely always use your glasses to her advantage if the two of you ever spar. She’s not above knocking them right off your face, so be careful.
-Though on the bright side, she’ll never damage them, after all, she handpicked those herself!
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-Ah, something similar to her goggles? No, these don’t keep sand out of your eyes….
-She definitely finds them elegant, especially if they’re red.
-Definitely a bit confused why you have such things, at first glance they seem to have no purpose.
-When you explain that they are to help you see, she laughs, “Ah, darling if you wanted to see without them, I could very easily use blood magic to fix your eyes”
-You respectfully decline the offer.
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-Ugh, you look ridiculous.
-I won’t lie, Frost has definitely bullied people over glasses before, and you’re no exception.
-They’re a weakness. They tell the enemy EXACTLY where you’re weak. They make you vulnerable.
-Just get contacts, Jesus.
-Guess she’ll just have to protect you. Well, not like any idiots are going to attack the true grandmasters girlfriend.
-You will still be bullied.
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-Shes seen these before, they help humans see, correct?
-Will think they’re cute.
-Oooo, do they come in other colors? You should get pair in yellow!
-Rain will definitely point a few jabs your way, but after the third time Tanya kicks him to the ground, he’ll learn to shut the hell up.
-Will always drag you to events wearing them. She wants everyone to see her earthrealm lover and her exotic fashion taste!
-“Calm down Tanya, they aren’t that special. There’s literal Billions who wear them on earthrealm.”
-“Yes, well there happens to be only one wearing them on outworld!”
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-Let’s be real here, Mileena is a girly girl.
-As soon as she sees them she wants to try them on!
-Ooo so pretty! She looks like such a lady!
-Will practically beg you to get them in pink. Oh! And with little gems on them! And make sure the pink is a really nice shade!
-Will practically squeal in delight if you oblige her request.
-Ahhh yes! So pretty!
-At one point, Shang Tsung offers to fix your sight with magic, but Mileena looked so disappointed when he offered, you just had to decline.
-The convenience of not needing glasses is outweighed by Mileenas fascination with them.
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whumpcereal · 2 years
behavior modification
WRU has hired renowned behaviorist Dr. Ivan Peters to refine their training protocol for Romantic acquisitions. When Jack Kenyon--the brilliant young partner of one of Ivan’s med school rivals--applies to be Dr. Peters’ research assistant, he has no idea what he’s signing on for. Maybe reblog or leave a note if you feel so inclined? This is my first real whump offering, and I’m excited! 
part one: jack and ivan at dinner
content warnings for creepy whumper, implied future captivity and noncon, dehumanization, and vague references to childhood trauma and specific psychiatric disorders 
The restaurant is crowded, but not too loud. It isn’t the sort of place that ever gets out of hand. White linen table cloths, soft lighting, a gentle undercurrent of piano, polished stemware—everything exudes taste and class. Ivan knows it’s impressive; doing business here always gives him immediate caché with his potential interns. They want to be what he is. They want what he has.
Jack Kenyon is no different. At least, in theory. He is young and eager. He is looking to improve his resumé before applying to doctoral programs. He’s heard of Ivan’s work and wants to be a part of it.
But Jack Kenyon doesn’t know that he’s already been handpicked for a very special project.
Jack says all the right things, of course, and as he talks, Ivan lets his eyes move over the boy’s face, his body. Darling Jack takes pride in his appearance, that much is clear. Straight shoulders, lean jaw. Dark hair, thick, but neatly trimmed. Big blue eyes beneath a fringe of black lashes, the kind people always say are wasted on boys. Lips, sweet and pink; one corner lifts higher than the other when he speaks.
Ivan’s fly is tight just imagining what he’ll be able to do with those lips, the way those eyes will look up at him when sweet little Jack is on his knees where he belongs.
Ivan smiles at the thought and takes a careful sip of wine. “So, you’d want to focus on trauma work?”
“I do.” Jack nods eagerly. “I—it’s very important to me.”
He looks at Ivan for approval. It’s cute, Ivan thinks, how badly Jack already wants to please him. That will be useful. But Ivan will not tip his hand. Not yet.
“And why is it so important?”
It is a pointless question. Ivan already knows the answer. He’s done his research. But Ivan enjoys seeing the sudden alarm in Jack’s eyes anyway; it suits him. It is an animal’s unconditioned response.
“Oh, uh—”
“You don’t have to say, Jack. Not if you don’t want to.”
But darling Jack knows better. If he wants this position, he has to answer. And Jack wants this position.
At least, he thinks he does.
“No. It’s fine. I—well, I was in the system when I was a kid.”
“Foster care?”
“I suppose you saw a lot of things.”
“I did,” Jack says softly. “I was a really angry kid. Oppositional-defiant disorder, intermittent explosive disorder—”
“Post-traumatic stress disorder?”
Jack nods, Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.
Ivan’s seen the boy’s records, of course. Seven foster care placements before he was twelve, then a series of halfway houses and group homes until seventeen. And a stint in juvenile detention at thirteen, for attacking his foster father. The man had gone after Jack, and not for a beating. And Jack, sweet little Jack—he’d fought back.
Ivan hopes Jack still has some fight left in him. It’ll keep things interesting.
“But I got help,” Jack is saying. “There was—one of the group homes, it was actually run by someone who gave a shit—” he winces, and it’s adorable, “I’m sorry—someone who knew what they were doing. They hooked me up—connected me with my first counselor, and it was maybe the first time in my life I didn’t feel like what had happened to me was my fault. I—I’d like to do that for other kids—other people like me.”
Ivan nods. Jack will never do any of that, of course. But that doesn’t mean he won’t have his uses. Ivan will make sure of it.
“That’s a noble goal, Jack. To be of service.”
And he will be. When Ivan is done with him, Jack’s only use will be to serve.
“Thanks. But I’m not doing it to be noble.”
“Of course not,” Ivan agrees. “We’re all in this because we want to help people. Because we want them to find what they’re meant to be.”
Jack’s blue eyes light up. “Exactly. That’s exactly it.”
“You understand that my work isn’t exclusively trauma-based, yes?”
It is a white lie. What Jack doesn’t know won’t hurt him until Ivan decides that it should.
“Oh, yeah. But behavioral analysis is key to a lot of trauma-related therapy, right?”
Ivan nods. “Of course.”
“Then I’m sure working with you would be an incredible opportunity.”
“No need to flatter me, Jack. You’re doing quite well, you know?”
Jack’s cheeks flush a beautiful shade of red, and he fumbles for his own wineglass. “Well, thanks, Dr. Peters. I—I really wasn’t expecting to hear from you.”
“Your resumé is very impressive. And you’re just what I’m looking for. You understand that this project is at the request of a corporate investor?”
Jack nods. “I was going to ask—”
“Oh, we can’t discuss specifics,” Ivan says. “Not until final decisions are made. Legal matters, you know. But I need someone to, ah, sell the company on my research. And you, Mr. Kenyon, are a very strong candidate.”
Darling Jack looks quite pleased with himself. Ivan wonders what the boy will look like when he realizes what’s going to happen to him, what he’ll become. Perhaps those blue eyes will fill with tears before they go blank forever.
It will be beautiful.
“That’s wonderful to hear,” says Jack.  
“It’s the truth,” Ivan demurs. “Your graduate transcripts are outstanding, and to already have some publications under your belt? That’s quite impressive. I want someone with a sharp mind.”
The sharper the mind, the more fascinating it will be to dismantle. He smiles at Jack.
“I certainly hope I can offer you that,” Jack says with a laugh.
“I’ll take all you’ve got,” Ivan promises. He leans back in his upholstered chair, swirling the dregs of his wine. “Speaking of—this position is rather an intense commitment. I’d have to be sure that the person who takes it has the time necessary to devote to our research.”
“I mean, the semester is over soon. I’d be all yours after that.”
Oh, does Ivan like the sound of that.
“Would you? You don’t have any—personal entanglements that might weigh on your time?”
Jack grimaces, and Ivan feigns concern, even though he knows what Jack is about to say.
“Actually, I—”
Jack scratches self-consciously at the back of his neck, and Ivan can’t help but imagine what that long, white throat will look like when it’s collared. There is an insistent twitch low in Ivan’s belly, and he spreads his legs just a bit wider beneath the table.
Jack’s cheeks are red again. “I—about that—well, you’re going to think this is crazy—I mean, it’s a small world, right?”
“Is it?”
Ivan knows precisely how small the world is, but he waits patiently for darling Jack to explain. The boy runs a nervous hand through his hair. An unconscious defense mechanism. Gorgeous.
“I’m actually involved with—I live with—I mean, I’ve been seeing Dr. Joseph Prescott?”
Ivan laughs. “Oh, of course. Old Joe.”
It was a minor scandal among their graduating class. Joe Prescott and his handsome infant of a graduate assistant, shacking up together. Jack was at least ten years their junior. But perhaps Joe and Ivan had more in common than Ivan had ever realized. Perhaps they both liked easy prey.
Jack bites the soft pink of his bottom lip. “I, well, I know that you two went to med school together. And that you didn’t really—I mean, you weren’t—uh—”
“Don’t worry your pretty little head, Jack,” Ivan purrs. “No, Joe and I were not close. But then we can’t all be psychiatrist to the stars, can we?”  
“That’s an overstatement. But Joe says that you were brilliant. Are, I mean. You are brilliant.”
“I am.” Ivan drains the last of his cabernet, politely blotting his lips with his linen napkin when he sets the glass back down. He is sure that Joe Prescott has other things to say about him, things that have nothing to do with his brilliance, but he won’t bring them up just now. “And you’re brilliant too, my boy. Your—relationship with Joe has no bearing on our work together. It’s immaterial.”
Or, at least, it will be. When Ivan is done with Jack, if all goes according to plan, the boy won’t even remember that there is a Joe Prescott. And even if he does, old Joe won’t ever see his pretty little boy again. Of course, Ivan’s work with Jack is about scientific knowledge—but watching Joe Prescott suffer will be an added benefit.
“Oh,” Jack says. “Well, that’s—that’s good, right?”
“Terrific,” Ivan replies. He nods to the sommelier, who returns to the table with what remains of their bottle of wine and fills Ivan’s glass again. Ivan leans forward. “You know, I saw that your Dr. Prescott is on the list of keynote speakers at next week’s APA conference.”
Jack beams, holding his glass out to the sommelier as well. “He is, yeah! On trauma-informed practices in combination therapy. He’s practiced for me. It’s going to be great.” He smiles to himself. “Joe’s the best. If I can be half the clinician he is someday—”
“—he is, isn’t he?” Ivan interrupts. “Will you be attending the conference then, Jack?”
And there’s that pretty blush again; Ivan hopes he never loses it.
“No. I mean, someone has to stay at home with the dog, right?”
“The dog?”
Jack laughs, and Ivan is not immune to the sharp line of the boy’s jaw as his head tips back.
“Carl. Our Berner. He’s a bit of a diva—he’d never forgive us if we left him all alone.”
Ivan clicks his tongue. “But you’ll miss Joe’s presentation.”
And Jack will be all alone.
“I told you—he’s practiced for me. I don’t mind. Besides, it’s the end of the semester. Finals to proctor, papers to grade.”
“No rest for the wicked, then?” Ivan says warmly.
“There’ll be other conferences.”
There won’t be. Not for darling Jack. No conferences. No papers. No doctorate. Nothing that requires thought or choice. He’ll be a sweet little lab rat.
Perhaps Ivan should be more concerned about depriving the psychological community of what Jack Kenyon has to offer, but he is not. Jack certainly has other charms that Ivan will enjoy taking for himself.
“If I get the job—” Jack hesitates, and then he smiles nervously at Ivan, “If I get the job, who knows? Maybe we’ll present our research together the next time.”
Ivan only raises his eyebrows. WRU certainly won’t want this research made public, and if Jack knew what he was in for, he wouldn’t either.
“Dr. Peters?”
“I—I know the interview isn’t over, but—”
Ivan smiles. “I’m looking forward to working with you, Jack.”
The boy’s face lights up. “You are?”
“Of course. The interview was mostly a formality; I just wanted to put a face to the name.”
“That’s amazing! I can’t tell you how grateful I am for the opportunity.”
“I know you’ll be perfect for me,” says Ivan.
“I’ll do my best not to let you down, sir.”
If Ivan were more committed to the bit, he would tell the boy not to call him ‘sir,’ but he does not; after all, it’s one less thing that sweet little Jack will have to learn.  
“Is all the information on your resume correct, Jack? Phone number, home address, that sort of thing? It’s important that my office can get ahold of you next week while I’m at the conference.”
Jack nods. “Oh, yeah. Everything’s current.”
It is, too. With Ivan out of town, no one will be able to tie him to Jack’s inevitable disappearance. And with old Joe at the conference, no one will know that Jack’s gone. Not until it’s too late.
Ivan raises his glass. “Someone from my office will be in contact next week with all the necessary paperwork. Shall we toast to our new arrangement, Mr. Kenyon?”
Jack’s smile is infectious. “I think we shall.” He clinks his wineglass gently against Ivan’s. “Thank you so much, Dr. Peters. I can’t wait to get started.”
Oh, sweet little Jack. “Neither can I.”
next >
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borathae · 3 years
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↳ Index [Chapter 11 - Geschenk]
• Geschenk (German, present)
Warnings: cute presents, sexual tension, confusion, secrets
Wordcount: 6.8k
a/n: i can’t think of author’s notes lol, i love Tae though :(
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You look up from your book. Someone just rang your doorbell. You aren’t expecting any guests, so of course your curiosity is piqued at who it could be. Putting your book and teacup down, you leave the kitchen to open your door.
You peek through the spy first. You aren’t that reckless. 
You don’t know this man. His proportions were blown out by your spy, but he was still obviously old. His hair was grey and long, bound ik the back in a low ponytail. His face carried a mustache and his cheeks had fallen in slightly. He wore a suit and coat, both seemed tailored. 
“Who is it?” you ask through your speaker.
“Delivery for Miss ___ from Kim Taehyung”, the man answers you.
“Taehyung?” you interest is piqued. You open the door, “what is that?” you ask, eyeing the black velvet garment bag in the man's hand and the six other bags behind his feet.
“He ordered me to read you this letter Miss”, the man tells you and pulls glasses from his coat pocket. He unfolds the letter and clears his throat loudly.
“Good morning dearest darling. I have sent my familiar Gregor”, the man lowers the letter and points at his own chest, “that’s me Miss”, he explains proudly and then continues reading the letter, “I have sent my familiar Gregor to deliver these goods to you. I hope they serve your liking. Do let me know if I shall exchange something, I am happy to do so…”, the man lowers the letter again and turns around to pick up the bags, “he told me to give you the bags when I reached this part of the letter”, he explains and gives you the packages.
“Oh, ah thank you”, you say, struggling slightly to accept all of them without dropping any.
Gregor, who seems happy to have fulfilled his task, returns to reading the letter.
“You may wonder my darling why I decided to spoil you in such manners. The annual Masquerade ball is just a week away and I was wondering if you wanted to attend it with me.”
“The annual Masquerade ball? Is it that costume party I saw flyers for everywhere on campus?” you ask, tilting your head to the side.
Gregor nods his head and continues reading the letter.
“Please let me know your answer once you thought it over thoroughly. I will wait eagerly. The goods you can of course keep, no matter your answer. They are my way to treat you. With deepest adoration Kim Taehyung.”
“Wait, Taehyung wants to go to the party with me?” you gasp to which Gregor nods again.
“Yes Miss, that’s what the letter says”, he says and smiles, showing off his missing right front tooth in the process.
“And those packages?” you ask, looking over your shoulder where you had placed them on the floor.
“Those would be your costume Miss. Kim Taehyung handpicked the clothes himself. He said that it would match perfectly with his costume.”
“He did?” you eye the packages again, heart fluttering in your chest, “wow, that’s so nice of him. Can you let him know that I appreciate it?”
“I will Miss”, Gregor says and bows ninety degrees.
“Ah, no don’t bow. You don’t need to bow for me”, you say, waving your hands in front of your chest.
“Of course Miss”, Gregor says and, despite that, bows again, “is there anything you still wish to know from me?”
“Uhm, no I think”, you take a quick look at the packages behind you, “first I need to sort through those before any questions come into mind.”
“I understand”, Gregor says and closes the letter, “here is your letter, Miss. Have a nice morning, Miss.”
“You too, uhm, thank you”, you say.
He bows one last time, leaving afterwards. You watch him until he crosses a corner. How peculiar, you think, that Taehyung has someone thrice his age working for him. Or let alone have someone work for him in the first place. That man really is full of surprises.
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Once your door is locked, you turn your full attention to the packages. You pick all of them up and carry them to your bedroom. What could possibly be in them that Taehyung needed six big bags and one garment bag to transport them all? You eye them, resting your hands on your hips. Yeah no, first you need to get your cup of tea. The amount of bags makes you nervous, you need to calm your nerves.
The tea does help a little. At least you feel busy with the cup in your hand, now you aren’t just standing frozen in front of the bed and stare at the bags. Now you are observing. You appreciate gifts, you really do, but man why are there so many bags? And why do those bags all look of such expensive origin?
You reach out and touch the first one. Come on, get a grip and open it. Taehyung clearly put a lot of thought into them, it would be rude of you not to at least look at what he had gotten you. You put your tea cup down on your dresser so you wouldn’t have a spilling accident and then hurry back to your bed.
So the first bag. You pull a shoebox out of it. You open it with quaking fingers, holding your breath.
“Holy shit”, you gasp. They are beautiful. Lace up boots with a petit heel and toe cap. The golden rivets are blinding against the expensive velvet fabric. You try not to look at the red sole. Why would Taehyung get you such shoes?
The second bag. There are three boxes in it. You pull out a long, black box first, opening it with sparkling eyes. Red tissue paper hides whatever was hiding underneath, but you already have a feel of what it might be. With uttermost care you open the golden sticker on the paper and pull it back.
“A corset?” this is not what you had expected and yet it made your stomach tingle in the familiar warmth of excitement. It looks handmade, all of it, even the lacing on the hem or the flower embroidery on the body. You drag your fingers down the material, feeling yourself swallow. This makes you feel so sexy and you haven’t even put it on yet.
After touching it one last time you turn your attention to the other two boxes. You open the second one. Black gloves, hand crocheted, they must be old. They give off a musky smell, the essence of their years. It’s the kind of scent that makes you feel expensive.
You touch them and giggle in shyness. Those gloves with the corset… Oh dear, you are flustering again.
The third box carries a beautiful set of lingerie. It was a piece of art. Not in your short life would you have thought of calling underwear art, but this set was pure art. You feel unworthy of even looking at it. But then, Taehyung bought it for you which means he saw you worthy of wearing it. Your cheeks flush. Did he imagine how you would look in the lingerie? You giggle, looking at your lap. Did he see it and think that you would look sexy in it? You touch your own cheeks, taking a deep breath. What’s wrong with you? You can’t just get all flustered right now, Taehyung isn’t even here. This is so embarrassing.
Filled with endorphins and curiosity you reach for the third bag. It is a little bigger than the first two and heavier too. You open the red tissue paper.
“No way”, you murmur, pulling out a long fur coat, “it’s so freaking soft what the hell?”
There is a tag attached to one of the golden buttons. It is in the same handwriting the letter is in.
“It feels wonderful on bare skin. You should try it out some time.”
You feel yourself fluster, instinctively looking over your shoulders as if Taehyung was standing there and watching you. Giggling, you put the coat away quickly before your mind could wander to other places. How Taehyung is able to know how it feels on naked skin for example. Or how he would react should you ever try it out in front of him. You shake your head. Stop being so horny, woman.
You get up from your bed and walk to your dresser. You need a tea break. You look at everything on the bed, having to take a big sip of your cold tea. You are scared of the last three bags. They are significantly smaller than the rest of the bags, which can only mean one thing. Jewellery and judging by his other purchases, you are scared to find out what he had gotten you.
Taehyung had gotten you a three piece set of earrings, a necklace and a bracelet. Golden and the diamonds and pearls are clearly real. You set it down on the mattress and stare at the wall. How much did this cost? A car? Two cars? Three? You close the box and push it away from you. No, this is too much. You can’t accept such luxury. And still you open the last two bags as well. An expensive perfume, you told him about it in passing, and last but not least a mask. Sleek and elegant, held in simple black. It looks handmade.
“Nope, I’m out”, you say and close the box quickly, “this is too much.”
Grabbing your tea cup you leave the bedroom, closing the door behind you. You know that you haven’t looked at the dress yet, but you can’t handle any more presents. 
It is funny. You are happy to have received presents and yet on the other hand you feel sick to the stomach just thinking about how much he must have spent on you.
“This is too much”, you murmur, eyeing the bedroom door, “I have to return this.”
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Jungkook joins you at the table, sighing in exhaustion as he does.
“You alright man? Was boxing that exhausting?” Hoseok asks, studying the younger man's face.
Jungkook nods, sneaking a glance your way for the briefest of moments. His eyes grow big. It seems as if he hadn’t even realised that you were there in the first place.
“Hey”, you greet him.
“H-hello?” he answers you, lowering his head shyly.
This is the second conversation you and him are having. And he looks nervous.
“I, I didn’t even see her”, Jungkook whispers to Hoseok, who turns to look at you.
He snorts and pats Jungkook's arm.
“How? Look at her funky outfit today. You can’t miss that”, he says.
“Okay, hold your horses. My outfit’s literally so bland, I don’t know what you’re on about”, you say, having to chuckle.
“It’s pretty”, Jungkook whispers, fumbling with his thumbs.
“Uhm…” you look at Hoseok and Seokjin, who seem just as surprised by Jungkook's words as you, “…thank you Jungkook, that is really nice of you to say.”
“Yaaah Jungkookie”, Hoseok gasps playfully, “look at you. You big, old Casanova”, he teases, taking Jungkook into a headlock.
“Stooop”, Jungkook whines, “I don’t like that.”
Hoseok chuckles and releases the poor man's neck, ruffling his hair instead. With his lower lip between his teeth in nervousness, Jungkook sneaks a glance your way. His eyes grow twice in size when he realises that you are smiling at him. He clears his throat, starts scratching his ear and looks at his lap.
“Anyways”, deciding you don’t want to torture the poor guy any longer, you turn your attention to your other two friends, “are you guys going to the costume party on Saturday?”
“The Masquerade ball?” Seokjin asks, “of course we are going. I’ve been looking forward to it since last year.”
“Is it fun?”
“It is literally the most fun you will ever have. Literally everyone dresses up and the costumes are all so funky and dramatic”, Hoseok gushes, waving his hands in the air dramatically, “and there is always this costume contest. The winner gets two hundred bucks.”
“Two hundred bucks?” you gasp.
“Yep, and last year they also got a really big bar of chocolate. Which honestly was the real deal”, Hoseok says, eyes beginning to sparkle.
“Alright, Mister Rich Kid”, Seokjin teases, making you laugh.
“Two hundred bucks would be funky too. Man, let me live”, Hoseok pouts, nudging Seokjin's arm.
You study both of them with a fond smile on your face and rest your chin on your palms.
“Are you guys planning to partake?”
“Jungkook is”, Seokjin says, pointing at the man beside him.
“Oh really?”
Jungkook looks from side to side, nibbling on his lower lip nervously. He nods his head, lowering it afterwards.
“That’s cool. What do you want to dress up as?”
“Uhm… I, I. Uhm…”
“He wants to dress up as a soldier from the Korean War. With the uniform and the mask and everything”, Hoseok answers for Jungkook.
“Oh? Really? That’s a unique costume idea. Why is that?”
Jungkook clasps his hands to little fists on the table, looking at Seokjin for help.
“His grandfather served in the war. It’s his way of honouring him. Right Jungkookie?” Seokjin is nice enough to get the hint.
Jungkook nods his head, scratching the back of his neck.
“Oh that’s cool. I bet your grandpa would be so happy to see you Jungkook”, you say, wanting to reach over and pat his arm, but deciding against it. You are pretty sure Jungkook wouldn’t appreciate you touching him like that.
“T-thank you”, he whispers, shy smile washing over his lips for the briefest of moments.
Seokjin ruffles Jungkook's hair, smiling fondly and turns his attention to you afterwards.
“Are you planning on partaking?”
You shrug your shoulders, “I didn’t even know there was a contest. So I have no idea yet. You know, uhm I think Taehyung has an idea for a couple's costumes but I have no idea what he-“, you stop talking as your eyes fall on the group of guys passing you by. Alpha, it’s them and Taehyung is sending you a playful wink right this moment. Your heart speeds up, cheeks heating up.
“You alright ___?” Hoseok asks, nudging your arm.
“Guys excuse me for a second, I need to talk to Taehyung”, you tell them and set your cutlery down.
“What? Why? You were literally just telling us a story”, Seokjin says, blinking in confusion.
“It can wait. I need to talk to Tae”, you say, standing up.
“Uhm? Please don’t”, Hoseok tells you, but you don’t listen anymore, already making your way over to the other guys.
“This girl I swear to god”, Seokjin murmurs, getting to his feet.
Hoseok and Jungkook follow.
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The conversations of the other guys die down as soon as you arrive at their table.
“Good afternoon. What a pleasure seeing you here”, Namjoon greets you, mischievous sparkle in his eyes. Why is he looking at you like that? And what’s with this seductive intonation of ‘pleasure’ as if that means something to you? You furrow your brows in confusion and shake your head to get rid of the weird sting in your head.
“Hey”, you greet him quickly and turn to Taehyung. He seems happy to see you.
“Hello, my darling”, he says and scoots over on the bench. The way he pushes Yoongi away by doing so and the mumbled curses which follow, he ignores.
“Hello”, you murmur.
“Come, sit sweetest, sit”, he offers, patting the spot next to him.
“I uhm…” you sneak a glance at the other guys.
Yoongi seems disinterested, stirring his cup of black coffee with a bored frown on his face.
Jimin seems displeased, looking at you with a jealous sparkle in his eyes.
Namjoon seems more than interested, letting his eyes run up and down your body unapologetically.
Taehyung holds your hand then, tugging you closer. His eyes are filled with warmth as you look at him.
“Fine, for a little”, you murmur, letting you fall down on the bench.
Taehyung drapes his arm over your shoulder and leans in to kiss your cheek.
“You smell wonderful today”, he whispers.
Jimin scoffs and looks away, crossing his arms in front of his chest. You try to ignore him, just as you are trying to ignore a gawking Namjoon, looking at Taehyung instead.
“I put perfume on”, you say.
“Yes?” he smiles, “any particular perfume?” he asks with a knowing smile.
You lower your gaze before nodding your head. 
"Yes?" he whispers and giggles softly. 
You nod again before reaching out to nudge his chest.
“You didn’t need to do that.”
"Hush, it’s alright", he shushes you, dancing his finger down your temple before tugging a strand of hair behind your ear. 
He moves closer again, nuzzles his nose against your neck to smell you.
"Mhm sweetest", he sighs, pecking your cheek, “you smell bewitching.”
“Gag”, Jimin says and groans, “are you guys finally finished or do I have to throw up to get you to stop?”
The warmth in Taehyung’s eyes disappears, replaced by cold annoyance. You yourself feel quite annoyed, sending Jimin a dark look. 
"This isn’t your conversation", Taehyung spits. 
"Careful", Jimin growls, "I can easily make it my conversation." 
Taehyung scoffs angrily, leaning back on the bench. His tongue outlines the inside of his cheek, his fingers are tapping on the table quickly.
Jimin grinds his teeth, sending dark looks Taehyung's way. 
Yoongi seems disinterested as always and Namjoon seems weirdly amused. 
You cough to cover up the awkwardness. 
"Either way", you begin, feeling how their looks shift to you, "I heard that there is going to be a costume contest at the masquerade ball. Are you guys planning on partaking?" 
Yoongi scoffs and shakes his head, "why? Are we children?" 
Jimin chuckles at that. 
You cough again and look to the side. Seriously, this is without a doubt the most uncomfortable table you have ever sat at. And we are not talking about the comfort of the seats here, but the overall vibes. It seems like everyone hated each other secretly and as if smiling was forbidden. 
"You two are boring", Namjoon says and looks at you, "don't listen to them. They feel way too important to dress up. I myself am planning on partaking." 
"Yes?" you lean closer to him, "do you already have a costume idea?"
"Someone inspiring like Jason or Freddy perhaps?" 
“Inspiring?" you make sure, laughing nervously, "you mean evil, don’t you?" 
"No, I meant inspiring", he says completely serious. 
"Uh...okay", you murmur, looking at Taehyung for his reaction. 
Taehyung, who seconds ago had grinded his teeth, feels his eyes on you and shifts his gaze to you. 
"He is joking. You are a terrible jokester, Namjoon." 
Namjoon chuckles deeply and shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. He is honestly weird. Namjoon stops laughing and shifts his gaze to you, frowning as if he had heard your thoughts. It makes you swallow nervously before averting your gaze to the table instead. He is seriously weird. 
Taehyung touches your cheek then, making you feel less nervous instantly. 
“Are you planning on partaking?” he asks you, letting his eyes run over your face most devotedly. 
“I don’t know, don’t you have something planned? Gregor mentioned matching costumes.”
“Gregor?” Jimin throws in, straightening up, “what’s Gregor doing at her place?” 
Taehyung seems...frightened for the briefest of moments before he gains back his composure. 
“It shouldn’t concern you”, he says. 
“Well, it does. Why are you sending Gregor to her?” Jimin asks coldly. 
Taehyung lowers his head and laughs nervously. 
Heads turn. Hoseok, followed by Seokjin and Jungkook arrived by the table, looking at you with widened eyes. Taehyung seems to visibly relax, even going so far as to exhale in relief. 
“Amazing! The scum’s here”, Jimin exclaims and laughs. It basically trips in annoyance, “my lunch is ruined”, he spits.
“My lunch’s been ruined ever since I laid eyes on your face Park Jimin, so get in line”, Seokjin spits.
“Oh? Ohoho you really want to start this here?” Jimin growls, jumping to his feet.
“I’m not scared of you little man, come here”, Seokjin spits, making himself big. 
“You’re going to regret this!” 
“Yeah? Get it on then, cunt.” 
The restaurant becomes as silent as a graveyard at night. Nobody dares to move, staring at your table with held breath and widened eyes.
“Will you children be quiet for once?” Yoongi growls, finally lifting his head from his coffee cup. He had merely banged his hand on the table and somehow managed to silence the entire restaurant. Even you feel yourself holding your breath in fear of making a sound.
You can feel how Taehyung drapes his arm around your waist and watch how Hoseok seems to take a step back. Even Jimin and Seokjin are frozen to the spot, lowering their fists slowly. 
“Jimin sit the fuck down and behave.”
Jimin grinds his teeth.
Jimin turns before breaking the distance between him and Yoongi. He leans down, stopping mere inches away from the blackhaired man.
“Just because you are the oldest doesn’t mean you can tell me what to do”, he hisses.
Yoongi merely frowns, giving him no other reaction.
“Tzt”, Jimin gives up and straightens back up to strut out of the restaurant in big, angry steps.
“He had it coming”, Seokjin murmurs.
Yoongi’s head snaps into his direction, startling a poor Hoseok. His eyes seem as dark as the night.
“Yeah? And why is that? Because you test him all the time”, he spits coldly.
Seokjin gasps before closing his lips, taking a slight step back.
“Tzt”, Yoongi scoffs, peeling himself off the bench and standing up. He fixes his black leather jacket and turns to walk off.
The room is silent, eyes follow him, heads turn as he passes by tables. He had walked not more than ten steps when he stops and turns.
“Why is everyone staring? Continue you with your pointless existence, will you?” he growls loudly and you can watch how a synchronised flinch seems to run through the people as they quickly look away and try to continue their conversations without looking at Yoongi.
The restaurant is loud and filled with chatter in an instant.
Yoongi scoffs and finally turns to continue his way out of the restaurant. He disappears behind a pillar and then you can’t see him anymore.
“This was scary”, you say and shudder.
“Yeah right?” Hoseok agrees and goes to touch your shoulder, “come on ___ we should leave.”
“Not yet, wait”, you shake his hand off, “uhm Tae can we talk?” you say, resting your hands on his thigh.
“Of course. What is it, my sweetest?”
You let your eyes race over the other guys. They all seem to be interested in what you have to say. Especially Namjoon, who lets his eyes linger on your neck almost hungrily.
“It’s, uhm”, you look back at Taehyung, “the presents you got me.”
“You got her presents?” Namjoon gasps and the way Taehyung seems to flinch for a second doesn’t go unnoticed by you. It confuses you truly.
Taehyung stands up and places his hand on your arm.
“Let’s walk a little”, he says, sneaking a glance Namjoon's way.
“Hey! Kim Taehyung! You got her presents?” Namjoon yells after you and him, sounding angry as he does.
Confused by the entire situation, you look between Taehyung and Namjoon and later the group of worried faces in the form of Jungkook, Hoseok and Seokjin as Taehyung leads you past them.
Jungkook calls your name, but you can’t stop, not with Taehyung having such a persistent grip on your arm.
“Uhm? Tae, what is going on? Why are we leaving all of a sudden?” you ask, staring at the side of his face.
“Privacy ___, I value it a great deal”, he explains, voice darker than usual.
“Oh, okay?” you let him lead you out of the restaurant and down the hallway. A good five minute walk later and Taehyung leads you up the stairs to the music wing.
“Taehyung, why are we walking for so long? Come on, I just want to talk about the presents-” you ask, but Taehyung just shushes you. What’s gotten into him? Taehyung looks over his shoulder, takes your hand and then pulls you into an empty room. The room turns out to be a broom cabinet right next to where the trumpets are practicing.
It is terribly dim in here. You can still see his face however, his eyes having a peculiar glow to them.
“W-what is this supposed to be?” you stutter, looking around.
“Privacy ___, now they can’t hear us”, he explains and it makes you scoff.
“What? You do know that it would have been enough if we just walked over to another table right?”
Taehyung doesn’t answer you, he simply cups your cheek.
“It’s better this way.”
“Better this way”, you repeat his words, his eyes are so piercing in this darkness, they are almost hypnotising you, “yeah, okay better this way.”
“Good girl”, Taehyung seems content, pulling his hand away, “what did you want to talk to me about?”
“Uhm…” you have to blink in order to find your thoughts again, “uh…the, uh…”, you swallow and shake your head, “yeah right! The presents you got me. They are far too expensive, I can’t accept them.”
This was weird, when he had touched your cheek it was as if your thoughts all scrambled. You had almost forgotten what had boggled your mind the entire day.
“Of course you can, I purchased them all in the thought of you”, Taehyung insists with a lopsided smile on his face.
“No buts, I don’t expect anything in return. It was merely my intention to make you happy.”
“They’re so expensive though”, you murmur.
Taehyung chuckles, reaching out to drag his thumb over your pouting lips.
“Don’t boggle your mind over the prices darling, you are merely meant to enjoy the clothes. Unless of course”, his thumb leaves your lips to caress your cheek instead, “you don’t find enjoyment in them, then I am positive that we can find something else for you.”
“I, I mean”, you lower your eyes, “they are kinda nice”, you whisper.
“Well, that is wonderful to hear”, Taehyung smiles proudly, “then don’t worry anymore, just enjoy them”, he leans closer, his scent engulfing you, “enjoy them in the ways I advised you to do darling”, he rasps, lips ghosting over the shell of your ear.
You shiver, eyelids fluttering.
“Are you talking about the coat?” you whisper, knees buckling at the sound of his deep purr.
“Perhaps”, he whispers and then raises his head.
You giggle shyly, hiding your nose behind your hands. Taehyung smiles, tugging a strand of hair behind your ear. 
"You look beautiful, my sweetest", he whispers. 
"Stop it", you nudge his chest, "you can’t even really see me in this light." 
"Doesn’t matter, you’re beautiful nonetheless."
“Ah Tae…” you breathe, feeling your stomach tingle.
“Yes, my sweetest?” he asks, running his finger down the side of your neck most tenderly. The touch leaves you shivering like nothing else. 
"Is it true that you want us to match?" 
"Yes, I had the most wonderful idea last night. We will look marvellous together." 
"Yeah?" You draw closer to him, hands falling onto his chest. His hands come to rest over yours.
“What is this going to be?” he asks, amusement lacing his words.
“I have no idea, it’s the coat and your idea", you explain, taking another step closer, “and the broom closet.”
“The broom cabinet?” Taehyung chuckles darkly, eyes flitting to your lips.
“You, uhm”, you lick over your lips, “are really handsome in that light.”
Another chuckle. Taehyung dances his fingers over the inside of your wrists.
“I get the feeling you want to seduce me”, he rasps, voice heavy in arousal.
“I think I do, yeah.”
A third chuckle, followed by a content purr. Taehyung steps closer, guiding your hands behind his neck and placing his own behind yours a moment later.
“If that is so. Allow me to kiss you”, he whispers seductively.
“Kiss me”, you say and close your eyes, holding your breath.
He pulls you closer, lips already tickling yours. Finally. But then.
His head snaps up in alert. The once warm sparkle in his eyes turned dark and angry.
“What’s wrong?”
“We’re getting company”, he says darkly, wrapping his fingers around the doorknob.
“Wait. How do you know?” you say, looking at him in confusion
Taehyung opens the door and steps out with you behind his back.
“You followed us”, he growls at someone you can’t see from your position.
“You know that we did”, that voice, you know it.
“Rude. Do you have no manners?” Taehyung spits, closing his arm around you more.
“We could ask you the same thing. Running off with her as if you owned her is a pretty big dick move of you”, that voice you know too.
“A dick move?” Taehyung chuckles darkly, “my friend, she wanted to come with me.”
“I don’t think she did. Let her go”, the third voice also seems familiar.
You step from behind Taehyung. Hoseok, Seokjin and Jungkook look at you in an instant.
“Guys, what are you doing here? What’s going on?” you ask them in confusion.
“___ come here this instance”, Seokjin says, urgency lacing his voice.
“What?” you look at Taehyung and back at the others, “no. Why?”
“Because I say so”, Seokjin insists, stretching his hand out.
You blink in confusion and cross your arms in front of your chest.
“No, I don’t want to.”
“___”, Seokjin says your name in warning, eyebrows furrowing.
What’s gotten into him?
“Hyung”, Jungkooks worried voice makes all of you look at him, “I can smell them. They’re close.”
They look back at Taehyung. The latter places his hand on your upper back.
“Take the fire escape”, he says and the surprise which washes over the faces of the other guys confuses you.
They exchange a look. You search for answers in Taehyung's face.
“Be quick about it, will you?” he hisses.
Hoseok is the first to react, nodding his head vigorously and rushing up to you.
“Come on ___, let’s go”, he says and intertwines his fingers with yours.
“What? No. First tell me what the hell is going on” you refuse to move.
Taehyung places his hand on your lower back and leans closer.
“Go with them darling, don’t ask questions”, he whispers, placing the softest of kisses to your cheek and like that all your worries are gone. Like magic as if his touch hypnotised you again.
“Okay, no questions”, you repeat and nod your head. Taehyung told you to go with them, so this must be the right thing to do.
Taehyung looks at the others.
“Go now, I will take care of them.”
“Thank you”, Hoseok says, giving Taehyung a brotherly pat on the back, “let’s go ___” and with that you and him hurry to the fire escape.
You can see how Jungkook and Seokjin look at Taehyung as they pass him by. Confusion, surprise, suspicion. It seems to be all of those emotions running through them. And although you have the desire to ask Hoseok the question of why, you can’t seem to open your mouth. You promised Taehyung no questions.
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“Come on now, let’s run a little” Hoseok tells you and then starts running.
You stumble, catching yourself before you can fall, and start running down the stairs as well.
“Slow down. Oh my god” you squeak.
You can hear steps behind you. One look over your shoulder and your feelings turn out to be correct. Seokjin and Jungkook, both of them looking up the stairs every so often. You look back to the front, fingers tightening around Hoseok. You want to ask him what is going on, what is happening, who you are running from, why you are running in the first place. And yet you can’t seem to open your mouth. It is like your body is refusing to listen to your mind.
Jungkook overtakes you, taking three steps as he does. He throws himself against the fire escape door, opening it.
“Through here”, he tells you, waiting until all of you are through it.
Hoseok stops running, Seokjin comes to a halt next to you. They both turn around and so do you. Jungkook closes the fire escape door, giving them a nod of his head. They seem to know what it means, but you are totally confused. You want to ask them what his nod meant, but you can’t. Come on mouth, work!
“Can you tell us your address? We will take you home”, Seokjin asks, touching your shoulder.
“Uhm…yes…”, you say and tell them your address without asking any questions.
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Turns out that Hoseok owns a car. A neon green VW beetle. They sit you down on the backseat, Seokjin next to you and the other two in the front. Hoseok drives, of course he does. You want to ask them again, what is happening and yet you can’t. You are left sitting in silence, listening to their conversation which only confuses you more.
“You think they’re going to follow us?” Jungkook asks, looking left and right the entire drive as if he was waiting for someone to jump at them.
“No, he took care of them”, Hoseok answers him, taking a turn.
“What’s with him anyways? Since when is he helping us?” Seokjin asks.
“No idea”, Jungkook murmurs, “probably an act.”
An act? Is this the pretending Taehyung talked about? Are they talking about Taehyung? Why can’t you ask those stupid questions?
“Nah, it looked too real.”
“The spot?” Jungkook asks.
Silence. Hoseok looks at Jungkook first before he takes a glance at Seokjin through the rearview window. Seokjin scoffs in disbelief.
“Why would one like him?”
“I don’t know, maybe…” Jungkook says and does the faintest of nods into your direction. Or maybe he just stretched his neck for a little. Who knows.
“You think so?” Hoseok gasps.
“Could be possible”, Jungkook says, shrugging his shoulders.
“Highly unlikely”, Seokjin murmurs, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
What the hell are they talking about? Hey, mouth ask the goddamn question!!!
“Why’s it working so well?” Hoseok asks then, looking at you through the rear view window.
Jungkook and Seokjin look at you. Why are they looking at you? Ask the goddamn question! It’s not that hard! Ask the question!!
“Experience”, Seokjin merely answers and looks to the front again.
“It’s impressive”, Hoseok says, concentrating on the road again.
“Yeah, and scary”, Jungkook murmurs, continuing with scouting out your surroundings.
“You think it’ll stop?” Hoseok asks.
“No idea”, Seokjin shrugs his shoulder.
“Imagine living like this”, Jungkook mumbles, to which both guys agree with a sad hum and a nod of their heads.
What the living fuck are they talking about? Please just ask the damn question.
“Guys help”, you choke out, touching your own throat, “I can’t ask questions.”
“Mhm? Are you alright ___?” Seokjin asks worriedly, placing his hand on your knee.
You shake your head.
“I can’t ask questions”, you exhale shakily, “I can’t ask questions.”
“Everything is alright, calm down”, he tells you, caressing your knee, “you seem fine to me.”
“I can’t ask questions”, you squeak, beginning to shake.
The three guys exchange a look. Hoseok seems worried, Jungkook seems angry, Seokjin seems sad.
“Don’t panic, you’re probably a little shaken up by what happened”, Seokjin says and sends you a smile, “I had a panic attack once which looked exactly like yours. I also couldn’t ask questions.”
“That makes no sense-“, you wanted to ask what bullshit he is talking about, but couldn’t, “oh my god I can’t ask questions.”
“Hey ___, look at me”, Seokjin says sternly and forces you to turn your head by cupping your cheeks with both hands. His cold skin makes you gasp, “calm down, you are totally fine.”
“I’m fine”, you repeat, feeling yourself calm down.
“Yes ___ you are totally fine”, Seokjin assures you and caresses your cheeks, “alright? You are fine.”
You nod your head, “okay. I’m fine.”
“Good”, Seokjin sends you a sweet smile and lets go of your face.
You lean back on your seat and look out the window, counting the raindrops on the glass. Rain is pretty and so, so calming.
“Why?” Jungkook asks, anger lacing his voice.
“Had to be done”, Seokjin answers, clenching his jaw as he lowers his eyes.
Jungkook scoffs and clicks his tongue, looking out the windows.
The rest of the drive is filled with silence. It is a heavy silence and yet you are so, so calm. You don’t even feel the desire to ask any questions anymore, you just feel so perfectly calm. But then. Why do you feel so calm all of a sudden? You don’t really want to feel so calm right now. So why do you? You stare at a church as you pass it by, watching the way the lights inside make the colourful windows sparkle. Oh, well whatever. Being calm is much more fun than wanting to ask questions.
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“We’re here”, Hoseok announces and turns the car off.
Jungkook and Seokjin get out of the car, so do you and Hoseok. Hoseok holds your hand again, Seokjin joins you on your other side. Jungkook stays behind you.
“I feel so weird”, you say, blinking lazily as your head turns like crazy.
“We’re almost there”, Seokjin assures you, holding your other hand to support you.
“Your hands are so cold”, you note.
“I know sorry, it’s the weather”, Hoseok shivers, “brrrr, it’s so freaking cold.”
“I don’t know what is going on”, you choke out, tears filling your eyes from the pure desperation you are feeling.
“Everything’s fine”, Seokjin assures you and squeezes your hand.
“No, this is all so weird and confusing. I don’t know anything”, you say, voice quaking.
You reached your apartment door. Jungkook stayed outside, saying that he needs some fresh air. You know that this was a lie. That they are keeping something from you.
“You’re probably just tired and stressed out”, Hoseok says, watching you unlock your door.
You get inside, turning around to face them.
“Come ins-“
“No!” Seokjin interrupts you quickly, “it’s alright ___, not today. You need to rest.”
“I’m so confused”, you are so close to crying.
Why do they not want to come inside? What is happening again? Why aren’t you feeling calm anymore?
“I don’t know what is happening to me”, you choke out, lips trembling.
“You’re just tired ___”, Hoseok sends you a smile, “take a warm bath and then go to bed. I promise, you will feel so much better come tomorrow.”
“No, tell me everything!” you insist, but Seokjin shakes his head.
“Just sleep ___”, he says and pushes the door closed.
“No, wait!” you blurt out, but Seokjin is stronger, closing the door on you.
“Wait!” you say, opening it quickly but they are already gone. As if they were never here in the first place. You can’t even hear their steps in the corridors.
What the fuck is going on here? Are you losing your mind? Why are all those questions racing in your mind and yet. You try to say a question out loud to yourself, failing miserably. You sob in frustration, closing your fingers around your neck. Why can’t you ask questions out loud?
You gag and cough, feeling like you might throw up any second now. You run, pressing your hand over your mouth.  You manage to kneel down in front of the toilet at the last minute, already emptying your stomach on your way down. You clean your mouth with water once you are finished and flush.
Why can’t you ask questions out loud? You sob, back falling against your wall as you slide down on it. What is happening to you? You hide your face in your knees and hug your own body. What is happening? And, and what is that unbearable urge to go to sleep? Your knees start shaking, muscles going to work on their own. Sleep. You need sleep. What? No you don’t want to sleep. Why is your mind telling you that you want to? Your eyelids flutter, knees wobbling. Sleep. No, limbs stop moving! No, please you don’t want to sleep.
Your hands clear your bed of Taehyung's presents. No, stop moving! Your hands grab your blanket and pull it back. What is happening? You sit down on the bed and lie down on the mattress. No you don’t want to sleep. Your hands pull the blanket over your body, your eyelids fall closed. No you don’t want to sleep…
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oblivious-nuisance · 3 years
Hello. I do not know if the requests are open. If not, I'm sorry. Can I ask Mori Ogai, Fyodor Dostoevsky (separately), who love role-playing games in bed with their fem!s/o (this is their kink)? Please.
hi doll, sorry for the delay! idk if i did a good job since it's my first time writing for these two and i haven't really written anything related to roleplay until now, but i love writing about these raunchy bastards, it gets my toast buttered. n e way, enjoyy!! <3
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↳ includes: mori ōgai, fyodor dostoevsky
warnings: smut, fem!reader, roleplay, fyodor's being kinda rough at some point, meantions of: spitting, slight bondage, praise kink, glove kink if you squint, russian pet names ✋😩
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personal preference: doctor/nurse
unexpected, right? /s
he just wants to find excuses to see you all dressed-up in a skimpy little outfit
buys a considerable amount of them so that you always have options to choose from
and if he's being so good to you, who are you to deny him?
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"oh, i'm so gonna kill him." you sigh as you slide on your costume, groaning at how tight it fits on your body.
it accentuates all of your curves nicely, your breasts almost spilling from how tight the blouse is (you couldn't even button the whole thing up past your nipples).
after you finish applying the red lipstick and climb into your heels, you begin strutting around his office, waiting for him.
mori usually likes to sit and watch you get dressed in every outfit he'd buy you, with a hand tightly gripping his cock as he'd palm himself at the sight of your beautiful form, all on display for his eyes only.
this time, though, he indulged you, since you've been talking his ear off about how important the element of surprise was.
"darling?" his voice is suddenly calling from outside the office. you giggle to yourself when you register the barely audible, but quite prominent strain it has to it.
tsk, you think. so impatient.
"yes, my love?"
"you ready?"
you hum enthusiastically as he finally enters the room, eyes instantly trained to your body, clad in the outfit that he personally handpicked oh–so nicely for you.
"my, my, look at my baby. do a spin now, doll, let me see you."
"now, now, what sort of inspection is this, doctor?" you bat your eyelashes innocently, slipping into your role with ease.
he freezes and looks at you through his glasses, silently searching for the signal. the moment you give it to him, his features twist into a grin.
"well, let's see: everything has to be sterile, am i right, doll? nothing should be dirty, and i need to make sure of that. come closer, now; let me see you better."
"as you wish, doctor."
and so the examination begins.
mori checks your hands first, tutting at the lack of gloves on your fingers, his own digits making their way up your arms, to your shoulders.
one hand reached for your face, cupping your cheek gently before slipping one, then two lithe fingers into the warmth of your mouth.
you moan softly around his glove-clad digits, sucking obediently, not once breaking eye contact with the tall man before you.
"now, darling, how about i check in here as well?"
you whimper as his hand slides lower, past your collarbones and breasts, past your belly and hips until it reaches the wet spot that is now forming on the slit of your white panties.
"filthy, filthy," he tuts. "we've gotta clean this mess up, sweetheart." he groans as he crouches and positions himself between your legs, one hand spreading them apart, the other one already palming at his cock through the tight material of his white dress pants.
you throw your head back and smile to yourself. weakling, you think. but as his warm tongue teases your slit, your thoughts are slowly evaporating from your head, being replaced with a choked moan as the older man starts eating you out with fervour.
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personal preference: predator/prey, more specifically: cat/mouse dynamic
i mean
what do you expect when he's literally leading an organization called rats of the living dead
but he isn't gonna be the one accepting the "little mouse" nickname during the whole ordeal
no, that is yours to claim babes
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fyodor was built quite different, you could say.
he isn't into fancy costumes or elaborate plays; in all honesty, they bore him no end.
he isn't into acting, either: the man quite hates to see you slip into a role, he thinks that it's unnatural, that you're trying too hard.
no, he likes it much better when you're patiently waiting for him in his dimly lit kitchen, hands obediently kept behind your back for him to tie when he gets home.
the dark chuckle that he lets out is both terrifying and arousing, sending chills down your spine as he situates himself behind you, tying your wrists with rope, the rough material prickling at your skin.
"nice outfit, printsessa." he whispers huskily in your ear, tracing the hem of your grey skirt with one long finger, cupping your breast through the thin material of your white top and flicking your perk nipple with another.
fyodor is alternating between leaving tender touches all over your body and turning you around to face him so that he can spit viciously in your mouth.
arousal is clouding his eyes, glazing them over; there's something else there that you can't quite put your finger on as he watches you swallow obediently, bringing his hand up to your mouth and tracing it with the calloused pads of his fingers.
"open up, malishka."
his long digits are making you gag and choke as he skilfully fingers your mouth, patiently prepping you for when you're going to take his fat cock instead.
"yes, my sweet, just like that. perfect."
after he deems you ready, he roughly pushes you down, sitting you on your knees, the floor underneath you cool as he unbuckles his belt, taking his cock out of his slacks and forcing it past your lips without any warning.
you gag at the sudden intrusion, eyes watering and hands struggling against your restraints.
"sorry, angel, but you're making me loose control." he apologises half-heartedly as he caresses your cheek with his cold hand, tone strained by how good it feels to finally have your warm mouth around him.
it takes you a few moments to regain your composure, breathing in through your nose to calm the erratic rise and fall of your chest.
and then.
you start bobbing your head up and down his shaft, flattening your tongue on the underside and feeling the sensitive veins there bulging, his cock twitching at the action. you then turn your attention to the head, the tip an angry red as you swirl your tongue around it, humming at the familiar taste of precum.
"beautiful, myshka, beautiful. keep going, baby, keep—fuck—keep swirling that tongue around it." you hollow your cheeks and take him all the way in, the weight in your throat muffling your pretty moan. "yes, baby, just like that."
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©oblivious-nuisance - all rights reserved
no translations, edits, copying, reposting etc.
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unactive-shroom · 3 years
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≡;- ꒰ °A Life With Venti <3 ꒱
Character: Venti/ barbietoes
Warnings: food mention, not proof read, completely fluff
Fandom: Genshin impact
A/n: Requests are open!! Pls send some genshin stuff I’m v inspired currently
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⇢ He ‘serenades’ you with songs he writes for you like, twice a week
⇢ Goes to the tavern a lot less after meeting you, he wants to spend more time with you relaxing
⇢ That doesn’t mean he’ll stop going completely, He still goes quite a lot
⇢ Always brings back handpicked bouquets of flowers for you when he goes to windrise
⇢ He is a pretty bad cook but can cook like 5 meals that taste amazing
⇢ Don’t be surprised to come back to your home and find venti just chilling with some random bird, I feel like he gets on well with animals
⇢ He is very touchy and likes to hold your hand a lot or just place his hand somewhere on you, but he is respectful of you too and if you’re uncomfortable he stops immediately
⇢ He really likes when you braid his hair for him!! And when you unbraid it after a long day
⇢ He begs you to have matching plaits with you if you have long enough hair, and if you don’t he tried to persuade you to grow it out enough for plaits
⇢ He loves making you smile and will annoy diluc to get you to laugh
⇢ He loves hugs!!! Hugs from behind are very common, he just runs up from behind you and wraps his arms around your waist with a cocky “hello, darling~”
⇢ If you watch him play for other people he will definetly say stuff like “this ones for a very special person” and wink very obviously at you
⇢ Nicknames would include: windblume, darling, sweetheart, flower, dearest, beloved
Soldier, poet, king - the oh hellos
Sweet tooth - cavetown
Oh klahoma - jack stauber (I’m not sure why)
Meteor shower - cavetown
Problematic - bo burnham (purely bc of an edit on tt)
Patchwork- sung by Ventis Chinese VA!!
A usual date for you two would be an evening at the tavern, eating dinner there and watching venti play for a few hours, before going home for cuddles, or sitting at the fountain together and just chatting
Other dates that are still often, but less so would be sitting at his tree in windrise, writing poetry or songs or reading poetry or stories to each other, with someone’s head in the others lap
Rarer dates would be gliding on top of buildings at nighttime to find a picnic date that venti set up, complete with candles, a cushions and of course, dilucs finest wine. And once, a very deep conversation shared in the hands of ventis anemo statue outside the cathedral
He always gives you small things that he finds that reminds him of you, so expect wildflowers, rocks, crystals, food, or anything that can be foraged. For more important events he actua saves money he gets from performing and buys you something special. He always wants to show you how much he cares for you but he doesn’t believe that physical items should be a metaphor for his love. That won’t stop him from getting you gifts though!
If one of you are going somewhere, or are simply too busy working to meet up with each other, you send notes to each other via the wind. Venti usually starts them, saying things like “I miss you <3” or “how’s my darling today?”
He always always always is ready to comfort. Wether you need cuddles ASAP or a distraction from the heavy burdens of day to day life, venti is always there for you. He might seem like a complete jokester at first glance, but the bard can truly be an understanding and loving s/o.
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drxwsyni · 4 years
HC’s - Yandere Childe
anonymous asked: “Hii, may I ask for Yandere Childe headcannons pls? Thanks” a/n: i got a little carried away, and ended up doing a few drabbles with some of the hc’s. but ty for the request nonnie! warnings: general yandere themes
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•   Depending on how you meet, Childe would attempt, at least for a while, to keep his identity as a Harbinger concealed from you. Mostly for convenience’s sake - it allows him to gather information on you. Despite you being new to this world, the Fatui are such a threat to most that it’d be hard not to know about them. And so if you were aware that Childe was so closely associated with them, you’d surely try to keep him at a distance.
•   He has no problem omitting the truth, even lying outright if he must - the chance to be with you in your natural element is very important to him. While he wouldn’t say that the thought of making you his the hard way doesn’t get him excited, there will always be time for that later. For now, a peaceful, ‘normal’ if you will, relationship is what he’ll go for. It’s much easier for him to get close to you that way. Should you somehow become suspicious of him, it won’t last for long. Childe is nothing if not manipulative during these times, so as long as the damage is minimal, tricking you to having him back in your good graces shouldn’t be hard.
•   Using his power as a Harbinger, he’ll be sure to keep a handful of Fatui reserved for monitoring you. Not that he wouldn’t kill to watch over you himself, but he’s an extremely busy man. When he’s not around, handpicked guards will watch you from the shadows. It’s a 24/7 arrangement - Childe knows no limits when you’re involved.
•   He finds a strange amount of joy in observing your little quirks. Whether it be from afar or up close, you’ll often miss how his eyes remained trained on your form. It’s because of that he can so easily tell what you’re thinking, and how you’re feeling - even when you don’t tell him yourself. Subsequently, it becomes impossible to lie to Childe. Before long he’s got all of your micro expressions filed away in his mind. You might say one thing, but he’ll always know if you mean another. Of course, he doesn’t want you to know that.
“Now then, what’s my beloved darling doing out this late at night, hmm?”
Despite your blood running cold, the sound of Childe’s voice behind you when you thought you’d avoided him, you had to steel yourself. He wasn’t supposed to be here, having been told by the man himself he’d be out tending to business until tomorrow afternoon. Turning, you met his self-satisfied, smug looking face. “Just out for a walk, why don’t you join me.”
He drew closer, and while your earnest smile and warm eyes told one story; your rigid stance, how he could tell your nails were digging crescent moons into your palms - it told a much, much different one. Childe already knew you were planning on going out to gather supplies tonight, stocking up to travel across Liyue in search of the truth, of how to get yourself home - but you didn’t know he knew that.
Looking down at you, he responded, thwarting your plans for the night. “While that does sound nice, you really shouldn’t be out at this hour. It’s far too dangerous for someone like you - let me take you home.”
•   At any point should he give up the innocent act, it’s like night and day. You practically get whiplash at how he so easily becomes violent, or says the crudest of things. Yet he still does it all with a smile on his face, only now it’s much more unhinged. All the while Childe soaks up the look of horror you show him, proving to be equally as captivating as all of the other reactions you give him. Mostly, he’s glad that he can show you his strength in full. Physically, emotionally, especially his status as a Harbinger - none of it needs to be hidden.
“While I’ve enjoyed these little games of pretend, it’s high time I show you what I’m really capable of. Oh, but don’t worry, I’d never hurt you. It’s others who I’ll be demonstrating on, enjoy the show~”
•   Throughout it all, Childe is wildly possessive. When you’re with him, it’s expected to have him touching you in some form, and if not then you’re certainly not anywhere with prying eyes. Anyone who he finds getting to close to you will be dealt with personally, a prime opportunity for a good fight as far as Childe is concerned.
His gloves are cold to the touch, something detached in them as he rests a hand on the small of your back while you walk through the streets of Liyue together. You don’t quite register the way it drifts so that it’s resting on your hip while you talk to a local vendor. So engrossed with the products on display, you also don’t notice the chilling stare Childe has on the man explaining his wares. The Harbinger’s now tight lipped, friendly smile remains plastered on his face. As such, the vendor needs no words to tell him to keep conversation professional and minimal.
•   Childe is a fan of flaunting his wealth. Buying you the finest jewels and clothing, adorning you in things he’s bought. Seeing you in those necklaces and fine fabrics satiates him. You might wear the countless things he’s gifted you, but they were, and still technically are his. He owns it all, and so in a way, he owns you.
•   Something that will never change, no matter if you like the man or not, is the endless teasing Childe puts you through. He never stops until you give him a reaction - bashfulness, irritation, just the slight increase in your heart rate that’s evident in how your breathing becomes heavier. He lives for it, nothing more entertaining than the effect he has on you.
Catching your wrist in his gloved hand as you try and push him away, Childe only brings you closer. An arm wraps around your waist, pinning you to his chest. “Ah - I’m not done with you yet,” punctuating the remark with a kiss pressed lightly against your inner wrist.
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steviesmarigold · 2 years
M’s Week on AO3
First Reads
Can I go where you go?: 11k words
Becca looks so much like Bucky it aches. She frowns at him, staring at the stranger in her doorway. Oh, god. This was a mistake, he thinks to himself. He should leave, leave her be. But he can’t make himself turn around or walk away. Not after his promise.
Besides, it’s not like he has anywhere else to go.
“Uhm, hi” he says, “Sorry – I’m uh.”
“Can I help you?” she asks, there’s music playing inside – some kind of movie credits on the TV screen. The kitchen looks like a mess.
“I – Bucky” he swallows, this all went much easier in his head, “Bucky asked me to – to check on you. If anything – uhm – happened.”
“Oh’ she frowns for a second, “Are you Stevie?”
“Steve Rogers” he says, a slight nod – something inside him twists at hearing the nickname. An echo of Bucky saying it in the middle of the night ringing in his ears.
“Look – I know what he’s like. But I don’t really need a babysitter” she says, “I’m fine.”
“I’m not” he says.
all of these stars will guide us home: 20k words
“So it’s not against the rules to be friends with civilians?”
“No, but it might be against the rules to kiss them.”
During the middle of a battle, college student Steve Rogers gets saved by newly-appointed Avenger Bucky Barnes and from that moment on, everything changes.
From Russia with love: 18k words
Steve Rogers was an exceptional Avenger, he could run into collapsing buildings, fight aliens from outer space and out maneuver and out strategise against the most brilliant of enemy minds. But when it came to spy craft, going incognito - he lacked...finesse.
Handpicked by Natasha for a new mission, Steve couldn’t help wondering if she’d asked the wrong guy. Going undercover to catch blackmarket Vibranium smugglers sounded all well and good - until Steve realised he’d need to speak passable Russian.
Enter Professor Barnes, a civilian who specialised in languages and Steve’s saviour.
Signing up for the class was easy. Trying to hide who he was and his growing attraction to his handsome teacher was infinitely harder.
Suddenly learning a new language wasn’t the trickiest thing Steve had to deal with...
Dealer’s Choice: 6.1k words
Steve gets temporary doses of magic from Loki that turn him into a super soldier. As a result, this big, strong, physically capable Steve only lasts for 24 hours and then he needs to recharge the magic, which takes about few days. When he's big and kicking nazis in the ass, Steve is everyone's poster boy darling, but when he gets small and sick again, everyone is immediately ignoring him, except for Bucky. At the end, the war is over and Steve gets a chance to decide the form he wants to stay in - big or small?
Rosetta Stone: 14k words
Steve's a sculptor and Bucky's locked inside a piece of marble. Wanda did it, but there was a really good reason.
Stay with Me: 79k words
When Bucky Barnes accompanies his family to a ceremony dedicated to George Barnes' activity, he expects free food and drinks, the occasional boring speech, and watching his dad blush furiously as he gets to finally meet his childhood hero. What he doesn't expect is saving Captain America's life and getting shot in the process. What follows is a slow road to recovery, eating hospital food (still disgusting), making new friends (Avengers!!! Seriously, the Avengers!) and pining over Captain America (he won't comment on that). It sounds simple, but it really isn’t!
To be Loved: 7.5k words
Bucky was grateful to be in his halls, because that’s how he spotted him.
He was gorgeous. Short and skinny, with floppy blonde hair and the kindest blue eyes he’d ever seen. He had the cutest glasses that blew up the proportion of his eyes, and dressed like a hipster. His name was Steve, and he was beautiful. Bucky knew he also faced a certain amount of negative attention from those living in their halls. In the few weeks Steve had been living there, he had garnered a relatively large reputation for himself, for not putting up with bigotry, creeps and not backing down from a fight despite the odds.
It was safe to say Bucky was in love.
James Barnes’ Mystery Man: 11k words
James Barnes: Famous actor, heartthrob, and star of the blockbuster series 'The Winter Soldier,'
Steve Rogers: Veteran and high school history teacher.
The two should have nothing to do with one another. Except for the fact that they really, really do.
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes have been in love with each other for as long as they can remember. It wasn't meant to become the world's biggest secret. It did anyways.
A Noble Steed: 37k words
"You say the Warhorse showed up last night," Sam said in tones of profound doubt.
"Yeah," Steve replied.
"The Warhorse. The Warhorse of legend. Daelland's Warhorse."
"The same as the one on the back of the transit card, yes."
"And he appeared in your living room?"
Steve eyed the Warhorse, very large and very black and giving him a dubious look out of his strange grey eyes. "He's standing in it right now."
"Uh huh," Sam said.
"Hey, I'm not any happier about it than you are."
* * *
Steve's mom had left Daelland long before he was born, following her heart to New York, but she'd raised him on stories of its famous Warhorse. Before she died, he'd promised he'd go back and learn the country she'd come from.
That was why he was in Daelland. Not so Daelland's legendary Warhorse could appear in his living room. But planned or not that's what had happened—now Steve had to figure out what to do about it.
out of sight | out of mind: 58k words
When Thanos snapped, Steve watched as the most precious thing in his world turned to dust right in front of him. Now, he and those left behind are left to deal with the consequences, and try to find a way to bring them back. Whatever it takes.
World War II hero Bucky Barnes, AKA Captain America, saved the world in 1945 when he put a plane down in the Arctic. In 2012, he was found, defrosted, and brought back to the world. Now, he leads a specialized unit called the Avengers, with Sam Wilson on his six and a couple of kids who give him heart attacks on the daily. Everything is great, except a nagging feeling that things aren’t quite what they seem, and a blond man in his dreams that he’s never met, but misses fiercely.
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
Home Is Such a Lonely Place
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: When Loki is handpicked to be part of the Avengers new space force, it causes some problems in your relationship. Will distance make the heart grow fonder or is it too much to bear? Warnings: none I believe :) A/N: Based on the song Home Is Such a Lonely Place by Blink-182. This has been sitting in my drafts since February so here it is. Hope you enjoy :)
Permanent Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant @lunarmoon8 @twhiddlestonsstuff @lokistan @lowkeyorlokificrecs @gaitwae @whatafuckingdumbass @castiels-majestic-wings @kozkaboi @cozy-the-overlord @birdgirl90 @myraiswack @mythicalgarlicknot @what-a-flammable-heart @marvelouslovely @laurenandloki @fallinallinmendes @sophlubbwriting @mooncat163 
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine
Loki was perfect. No, you weren’t exaggerating; he really was everything you’d ever wanted. It was the circumstances that were the problem. Because you were born a mortal and he a god, so you were relegated to Earth while he spent increasingly more time in space.
The Avengers and SHIELD had both reached the same decision that Earth needed to be protected from extraterrestrial threats. So, who better to send out to space than those with the most experience out there? A team had been assembled, and Loki was put on it, traveling with them for a good many months now. You could still remember when he’d first told you.
“Darling?” he called out, coming home from work that fateful day.
“In here,” you called from the kitchen.
He walked into the messy room, hugging you from behind. Loki rested his head on your shoulder after placing a quick kiss to your cheek, breathing in your scent. You sighed as you relaxed against him, but there was an odd, nervous sort of tension in his body. Frowning as you tried to figure out why, you got an idea.
“Here, try this, love,” you suggested, holding a steaming spoon of pasta sauce to his lips.
After blowing on it a bit, he’d taken the spoon in his mouth, swallowing the sauce. He’d smiled at you, cupping your cheek. “Delicious, my sweet darling.”
“But...?” you’d prompted.
“It could use just a dash more oregano,” he conceded, pinching a small amount of the herb between his fingers and tossing it in, stirring the pot. Mimicking your actions from just moments ago, he held out a spoonful for you to try. “Well?”
“It’s perfect, Loki,” you beamed, pulling him closer. “So perfect, in fact, that I think you need a taste too.”
“Oh, is that so?” he chuckled.
“Mhm,” you hummed before kissing him, the taste of the sauce still on your mouth.
“You were right,” he purred, pulling back a little bit. “Absolutely perfect.”
Troubles momentarily forgotten, the raven haired god set the table for two as you finished cooking dinner. The two of you sat, chatting and eating and holding hands. Everything was going so well, and then you asked a question that made his smile falter.
“So how was your day?” you’d inquired.
“About that,” he said, setting down his utensil. “We need to talk.”
“Uh oh,” you responded. You felt a little nervous as you put down your fork too. “That doesn’t sound good. Is everything ok?”
“Yes... and no,” he sighed. “SHIELD is putting together a team to take care of threats from other planets. A team that they have told me I am to be on.”
“Oh,” you replied, trying to keep your face neutral. You didn’t want to be upset if it was something he was actually excited for. “And it’s required you go?”
“Not exactly. If I plead my case, I’m certain I can stay. Believe me, I do not want to leave you. I will stay, if you wish me to.”
“Well, how long would you be gone for?”
“I am uncertain. It could be three months, or it might be ten.” He bit his lip. “But, darling, tell me to stay and without hesitation, I shall.”
It felt like the floor was falling out from under you. Of course you wanted him to stay, but would that really be fair? Could you let yourself be the one to hold him back? If there was one thing you knew, you loved each other. As long as you didn’t forget or doubt that, you could weather anything.
“No, Loki, it’s a great opportunity,” you said. “You should go. I’ll be waiting here when you get back.”
“Oh, darling,” he whispered, sliding out of his chair. Kneeling before you, Loki rested his head in your lap, and you ran your fingers through his silky black hair. “I swear these next three weeks shall be the best of your life. I will dedicate all my time to you before I leave.”
“My love, I would like nothing more, but I don’t want to monopolize all your time,” you hesitantly said. Though you wanted to spend as much time with him as you could before he left, you didn’t want him to feel obligated to. “If you really don’t mind, though, please do.”
Of course, he was more than happy to and spent just as much time with you as he had promised. But now he’d been gone for six months, and you missed him terribly. You laid on the roof, petting the cat Loki had bought you before he left. So you never got lonely, he said. It had shiny black fur and beautiful green eyes. As soon as Loki gifted your new friend to you, you’d named him Loki Jr., earning you a playful eye roll from the trickster god.
Remembering that night brought a brief smile to your face. Now, you looked up at the moon, Loki Jr. purring as you pet his soft fur. You wondered where your lover was out there in that great expanse of space. Was he looking at it like an empty void? Or was he appreciating the stars and the wonders that were held out there? Maybe he was just indifferent to it, you thought. After all, he’d grown up on Asgard, so perhaps he was used to it.
Going back to your room that evening, your bed felt empty. Your home just felt so lonely without Loki. The real Loki, anyway. As much as you loved Loki Jr., it just wasn’t the same thing. Was your love thinking the same thing, you wondered? You hoped so, but didn’t want to think about it too much, lest your brain make you believe he didn’t miss you.
Sighing, you buried your nose into Loki Jr.’s fur. You had no one to blame except yourself, really. Loki had asked you repeatedly if you wanted him to stay, but you always said no. Told him he had to live his life to the fullest. That he couldn’t wait for you to give him the ok. You’d still be here when you got back, and you had your job at the Tower to keep you occupied. Of course, every mission you observed from there reminded you of Loki. How you’d met and all the shy glances you’d shared. You couldn’t help yourself from wondering how he was doing. He’d be alright, you were sure. But until he got back, it seemed there was nothing you could do to ease your worrying.
Space was beautiful, there was no denying that. But it was kind of cold and empty too. Especially since the trickster god had to be without you, his beloved. Now that’s not to say he wasn’t having fun or wasn’t enjoying the time he got to spend with his brother. He just still really missed you and your company.
Loki ran his fingers over the picture he had of you. Not too much longer until he could brush his fingers over the soft skin of your beautiful face. Oh, how eight months could feel like a million years, Loki didn’t know. Well, in a way he did; any time spent away from the one you loved with your whole heart as he did you was bound to be tedious and feel drawn out. He’d be arriving back home tomorrow. Or, rather, today, he realized with a thrill as he checked the clock, reading midnight.
It was a bit of a struggle, but soon he was able to fall asleep. When he woke up, there was a mere hour left before reentry into Midgard’s atmosphere. Even with as empty space was, it somehow felt even lonelier with you. And now he’d be back with you in your shared apartment. He couldn’t wait until that night when you got to lay together just holding each other, basking in the other’s presence.
“Well, brother, are you ready to head back?” Thor asked, clapping Loki on the back.
“You have no idea just how eager I am, brother,” Loki replies. “It has been too long away from my beloved.”
“And certainly, they are missing you, too,” the God of Thunder assured.
“I can only hope. But what if they have moved on? We have not even been able to talk to each other in over a month. What if... What if they do not love me anymore?” Loki let himself be vulnerable, utilizing the relationship he and his brother had cultivated on this journey. “They did, after all, encourage me to go. Quite a bit.”
“Yes, but you know they just did not want to hold you back. Cheer up, Loki. Everything will be just fine.”
By the time they landed, Loki had mainly eased his worries, though he did feel a twinge of panic in his heart when he didn’t immediately see you while walking off the ramp. Luckily, you were there, he’d just missed you in the crowd.
Immediately, you ran to him, giving him the biggest hug you could. He reciprocated, beyond happy to feel your frame pressed against his. Tension relieved from both your bodies as you held each other.
“Hello, sweet darling,” he smiled.
“Hello, my love.”
Kissing the top of your head, Loki led you, following the gathered group as they walked further into the Tower while laughing and chatting with their recently arrived teammates. Loki kept an arm around your shoulder, and you one around his waist, the need to keep each other close quite obvious.
You and your boyfriend had to separate for a little while as Loki went to a debriefing. Soon he was back out, and the two of you joined the Avengers for a little welcome party of sorts. It was really just a get-together for the team to catch up. Even though it was a ton of fun, you were more than happy when you and Loki were in your car, driving back to your apartment.
“Welcome home,” you grinned, opening the door. Loki Jr. immediately came and rubbed himself against your legs. Loki smiled as you bent down to pet the cat, glad to know his plan had worked, at least in some degree. “Did you miss it?”
He cupped your cheek, looking deep into your eyes. “You have no idea, darling.”
Unable to wait any longer, Loki leaned in and kissed you. You responded immediately, brining him closer to you. He lifted you up and put your body between his and the wall. You giggled when the two of you finally broke for air, and Loki planted a million little kisses along your neck.
“I missed you, too,” you panted, still breathless.
“Next time,” he said between kisses, “I am telling them I am staying here.”
“Wait.” You brushed a few of his raven locks behind his ear, cocking your head at him. “Next time?”
Loki sighed. He knew he shouldn’t have brought this up so soon. The last thing he wanted was to make you upset on the day he came back home. All the trickster god wanted was to be with you, but of course he had to mention it. You had an adorable inquisitiveness in your eyes as you continued to play with his hair, twirling some of it between your fingers. He wondered if there was still a chance to save the day after his blunder.
“Yes. Fury wants to ship the team back out in a few months. After so long away from you, my darling, the thought sounds torturous. I will stay here. With you,” he explained, setting you back onto the ground.
“But that’s not fair to you,” you protested. “I shouldn’t be the only thing tethering you here. I don’t want to hold you back.”
“No, darling. I want to stay with you, I swear,” he vowed. You frowned, and he felt his heart drop a little. You said you missed him, and yet you were telling him to go again. “Look, sweet darling, it is late already. Let us just enjoy this night together. There is plenty of time to decide.”
“Ok,” you agreed, burying your face against his chest as you hugged again. You really didn’t want him to go, but a human like you shouldn’t tie down a god like him, you thought.
You led him to the bedroom you’d so missed sharing with him. After getting ready for the evening, you both laid in bed, talking of lighter topics. Neither of you could keep your hands off the other, and constantly maintained some kind of contact. Loki hadn’t even realized how late it’d gotten until your sentences began to be punctuated by yawns. Though you would have rather continued the conversation, you acquiesced when he suggested getting some sleep.
“You know,” you said, cuddling up to him, already half asleep. “If you do want to go on the next mission, I won’t be mad, my love.”
“I know. But I want to be with you. Yet you keep telling me to go and...” he trailed off, absentmindedly rubbing your back. “We will talk another time. Just sleep for now, my sweet darling.”
“Alright,” you hummed against him. “Goodnight. I love you. I promise, I’ll never stop loving you.”
“And I promise the same. I love you too.”
There was only a month left before Loki would leave again. If he left again. You were both still debating, though you had eased up a bit after he voiced his concerns.
“Really, you should go. I- What’s wrong?” you’d asked during one such argument when he frowned.
“You say you love me, but you try to send me away,” he replied, a few tears gathering in his eyes, threatening to spill. “Why?”
“Oh, Loki, I really do love you. I swear on my life.”
“I believe you,” he assured while you kissed his forehead, though with an unmistakable hint of doubt behind the words.
“It’s just you’re a god. And I’m a mortal. I don’t want to hold you back. Hold you here. I don’t really want you to leave either; home is lonely without you. So if you really want to be on Midgard, of course I’ll support that too. I just can’t imagine you wouldn’t rather be free to roam.”
“In all honesty, my darling,” Loki began, “I do quite enjoy space travel. The settling down is nice too, of course, but there is something about being out there that’s freeing. So no, it is not that I want to be on Midgard, but that I want to be with you. I need to be with you. I love you so, so much, and I cannot bear to go without you for so long again.”
“Well, that’s it then. I need you too because I love you too. And you don’t want to go without me, but what about with me? We’ve been so caught up in our argument, we didn’t even consider another option.”
“Bring you with me?”
You nodded nervously. Maybe he was going to tell you it was too dangerous. Maybe he was just being nice saying he wanted to stay with you. But no, he wouldn’t have been this stubborn if that was the case. Just as you were going to try to recant your suggestion, Loki surged forward and kissed you.
“Darling, you’re a genius!” he exclaimed, pulling away. “I cannot believe we did not think of it sooner. You can work on the ship to monitor the missions, just like you do here. And we will be together. It is perfect!”
“Is it ok if we bring Loki Jr. too?” you asked as the cat plopped himself in your lap.
“For you, my sweet darling? For you I would do anything, so of course it is,” he chuckled as he cupped your cheek and kissed you again.
When you broke apart again, you felt happier than you had in a long time, knowing you wouldn’t have to part again. After all, he was your home, and you were his. So as long as you were together, home could never be a lonely place.
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