feyhunter78 · 1 year
I saw your country star Miguel idea a while back - and I raise you:
an edgy rock/metal singer Miguel. Tatted up, gruff, but also an absolute softy with his daughter (bc ofc he is!), voice of a (fallen) angel.
And, like, while he fucks reader/(Y/N), telling her to "sing" for him. Back stage, before he's mic'd up and about to perform.
Or after, when he's all tired from performing his heart out, full of adrenaline. Taking reader in his dressing room (maybe over his vanity, so she can see her face as he fucks her good). And he's shaking bc he's been waiting on this the entire show. Desperate, needy, rough and sloppy.
...somebody's gotta fuckin spay me...
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What if Beren and Luthien were genderbent? How does this change things?
Well i think it would depend on how much you think the elves put weight into gender roles. If they don’t put a lot of weight on it, i personally don’t think it would chage that much.
If you do think the elves would put a lot of weight in it, i think it can change so much as to say that they don’t even go out to steal a silmarillion.
I do think that if Luthien was a guy, he might have been let out of the girdle more/would have become a warrior, maybe. His parents might not have been as overprotective, especially Elwe. However, it can still be argued that male!Luthien is a soft boy™️ that isn’t a fan of fighting. Furthermore, Elwe can still be overprotective of Luthien by virtue of Luthien being his kid and not wanting to loose him.
Idk, if there would be a close relationship between Luthien and Galadriel, or if now it’s Luthien and Finrod that are best buds.
(Mind you, i’m thinking through all this as i’m writing it, so apologies if it’s not so coherent)
You know what? If Luthien and Finrod are friends, Luthien might be more involved with Nargothrond/might have visited there. Maybe he met C&C there as well. Food for thought.
Regardless, even with the gender changes, Elwe would still oppose marriage between Luthien and Beren, bc he doesn’t think anyone, let alone a mortal, is good enough for his son.
Beren, i think, regardless of gender would still be Beren, up until she meets Luthien.
How they would meet could either stay the same, or change a bit. I do think them meeting in a peacefull setting is important. You know what? Let’s keep it the same/similar. Beren sees Luthien dancing in the moonlight and promptly goes “holy shit he’s pretty”.
And luthien spies her and thinks “oh, she’s cute”.
I personally hc Beren as socially awkward, charismatic when s/he wants to be, but socially awkward when it comes to one on one converstations. Don’t get ‘em started on romance.
And maybe Luthien invites Beren to join him, just for fun (for some reason i have the scene from httyd where stoick and valka are dancing together in my head).
And they have fun, which kickstarts their affection for one another.
I think both of them would appreciate having a partner who’s strong in their own right, just because they’re scared of possibly loosing the other, so with Luthien being son of a maia, and Beren being one of the most wanted people on the planet, they also feel more comfortable trusting each other.
I think Beren would like the levity Luthien would bring, and also not be bothered by Luthien being half maia bc, fuck man, she’s seen so much weird shit. And Luthien likes Beren’s pragmatism, and also that Beren fell for him before she knew he was a prince.
Moving on-
Of course you have the whole drama with Elwe.
Elwe’s like “this bitch is not marrying my son” again, how elwe goes about it would be influenced by the emphasis he would place on gender roles. I think if he were more traditional, he would maybe say things like “she’s not pretty enought for him” “she won’t make a good wife” etc.
Tbf, in this scenerio Beren can still pull something like “well, what if i wore a silmaril around my neck, would i be pretty enough then?” Which can still lead to a quest for the silmaril.
Or elwe could have a whole different challenge for her to win Luthen.
But we’re gonna go on the assumtion that there is still a quest to steal a silmaril.
So Beren sets out with Luthien, bc i think elwe would have a significantly harder time keeping him in place, especially if Luthien is a warrior himself. And they go to Nargothrond for help from finrod, who’s indebted to Beren’s family and who is Luthien’s friend.
And then of course you’d still have drama with C&C.
Bc Beren and Luthien arrive together, i don’t think C&C would bother them individually as much. Also, no kidnapping of Luthien by Celegorm.
There would still be a stir, idk how the party would go, maybe there would be less members, and Beren and Luthien could convince Finrod to stay bc *motions to Luthien* they have a half maiar on the quest, they don’t necessarily need more man power, especially on a stealth mission.
Also, bc of Luthien’s open presence, there might not be a coupe. And maybe even grudging respect.
You know what? What if Celegorm or Curufin or both join them on the quest? I mean they’re going for the silmarils right? With the help of a half maia, surely they’ll do better.
So like the 4 + huan set out. And Finrod still stays on the throne. (Wow, history really is changing)
And maybe, just maybe, the 4 do manage to sneak past sauron. Or maybe they immediatly go option: nuclear and just destroy sauron on their way through.
Celegorm shoots at sauron: THIS IS FOR MY BROTHER YOU POS!!!
And they travel on.
And with Curufin there, when Luthien lulls Morgoth to sleep, with his tools they manage to snag all 3 jewels instead of just one.
And they run.
But instead of headin towards the girdle they go to one of their brother’s outposts. Let’s go with himring.
(Is this slowely turning into a fix it? Maybe.)
And well, since curufin and Celegorm technically have the silmarills in their porssession (and for cautious sake the 2 brothers are the ones holding the silmarils) the vow is lifted.
So all their brothers go “wtf”.
Yada yada yada
They make it to himring and are like “hey look what i got!”.
Cue maedhros having a small panic attack.
Bla bla bla bla bla.
Of course is Luthien excited to be amongst kinslayers? No. But, tbf, he’s also half maia and maia don’t exactly have the same taboo. Beren’s human, kinslaying in and of itself doesn’t bother her.
Tbh, i don’t know how Luthien would handle being around the feanorians, bc yeah they did kill his kin, but also... it’s complicated for him. And clearly finrod doesn’t seem to have too much of a problem with then if they were letting C&C stay with him.
I’d like to think that, now that the vow is lifted (almost called it a curse for a second there), maybe curufin fashions one into a beautiful necklace for Beren as a big fat fuck you to elwe and a thanks for helping them get free.
Idk, it depends on what you think the silmarils are, are they just shiny jewels or do they have a bit of feanor’s faer in them. For the sake of where i’m going, it’s the former.
N e way, beren and luthien get back to doriath with Beren wearing the silmaril necklace while staring down elwe defiantly. And Luthien’s like “i’m gonna marry this women”.
Bc Beren said that “if she were to wear a silmaril as a necklace, would she then be pretty enough?” As opposed to promising to hand elwe a silmaril, the silmaril stays with beren, or maybe she gives it back after having proven a point.
N e way, bc Elwe isn’t the one to have the silmaril in the end, i think both massacres are avoided, so doriath still stands proud for a lot longer.
Also, bc they didn’t die/have to come back to life, idk if Luthien should choose to follow his wife after she dies of old age. It’s be interesting if he didn’t bc that means that the “choice of the peredhel” maybe wouldn’t exist, and that opens up whole new possibilities with aragorn and arwen down the line, and even elros. (Ngl, a little fuzzy on the whole “choice of the peredhel” thing)
Or maybe he does give up his immortality and follows his wife, convincing mandos to let him.
Either way, the story would change significantly enough that the impacts is different (for one, instead of Arwen being as beautiful as luthien or smth, it’d be more that she’s as powerful as luthien? Idk.)
Or you know, maybe canon would still happen, just with genderbent Luthien and Beren.
I really do think that the amount of impact their gender has on their story has to do with how you interpret their characters.
You really made me write a lot, huh?
It was fun.
Did it come off across as a bit like a fix it? Yes. But, tbf, Luthien being arguable the most beautiful elleth in the world is such an important aspect of the story, that taking it away would change how people would treat him, and thus the whole storyline, drastically enough that i think a completely different outcome is possible.
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favvnsongs · 2 years
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from someone who's literally in art school: it's not gonna magically turn you into a good artist trust me some ppl's assignments are so mediocre it's crazy, profs can help you learn how to use that creativity you already posess and give criticism and review your work and give you steps to stuff and so much more but im telling you
if you dont bring your own condiments, it will be a very fucking boring bowl of noodles okay
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truthundressing · 11 months
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box-dwelling · 1 year
Godot out here making me question my sexuality. Maybe I am some kinda mspec because fuck, that man is smooth
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bronx-bomber87 · 7 months
Good evening Fandom :) Gonna try and be more concise and mini this time haha Wasn’t so mini last time. Imma really try LOL Also the gif library just refuses to pull anything that's new and its driving me nuts. Guess all the pretty gifs will have to wait till summer when the library gets it's act together and I can be more in depth. LOL This is supposed to mini anyways. I'll do my best to make this brief but impactful haha This is a new gear for me.
6x02 The Hammer
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Their first interaction is fraught af. Tim is radiating hurt still not that I blame him. He is trying to sweep it under the rug but the man is hurting. I do love Lucy trying to let him know not how healthy communication works. heh She's not wrong. You know I was so Tim in this moment before therapy. Surprise surprise right?
Deeply hurt but when it gets brought up I shirked it off. Try to put it in a box and bury it. Lucy is right it’s not healthy. But he isn’t in the place to receive that right now. I do love her saying they have stuff to talk about if she ever goes under. Yes.... yes you do. Lucy seems to have calmed down at this point and Tim isn’t there yet…
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Credit to This post for this image
Lucy getting roped into the ring thing LOL Their tension is immediate as they sandwich Angela in their fight. Angela is the fandom as she watches them bicker. My goodness not hiding how they feel whatsoever….Tense af while they’re fighting. Could cut it with a knife. Sniping at each other. Tim saying he knew she wasn't really over it.
Which kills my 'calmed down' theory for Lucy haha Even though they're at odds Tim still offers his help because it's his girl. Lucy saying she will accept it even if she doesn’t need it. These two.. Angela's final words had me laughing. Wanting to come and enjoy their fight with popcorn. Tim saying she’s not funny on the way out hahaha Not in the mood for his bestie either.
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Love Lucy reaching out to touch him and make a joke bout Hammer's real name. Tim full of sass asking if he can finish? Well I never Timothy. LOL He has a warrant out and it’s outstanding that'll make this easy.... Even worse he loves to fight cops. Oh boy. Ladies first lmfao oh Tim I love you so. Putting his hand on her back. She’s smiling though.
OMG I can’t believe Tim tried to get her to fight the Hammer. My love no.... Her argument is solid af that she has to look amazing. That no one cares what he looks like. I mean I care what he looks like but it’s true she needs to look hot at haha Tim caving because well it's Lucy. Like fighting the sun right now. heh Lucy telling him he’s got this. Oh my lord it's so cute.
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Lucy wanting to jump in but Tim stops her. My heart. He’s getting his ass kicked at first oof. Tim launching off the bed to kick Hammer into the closet. Holy shit that was sexy. I hope this fight gets gif'd it was great. He wins though. Well done Tim that was fine as hell. Got my motor revving.
Oh my goodness him bending on one knee and looking at her. The looks are LOADED here. Especially on Lucy's end. Getting me all in my feels goodness. Especially Lucy’s face. Myriad of emotions going on there. Foreshadowing at it's finest Oh my. I have a feeling when do the summer review I'll have a novel on this. Tim passes the hell out shortly after. Getting asthma attack just looking at him.
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Love the set up girls night/boys night and their talk bout their relationship. Celina asking Lucy to have less baking at her party HA! Naww love Celina thinking in those terms. Lucy saying that's way off. Seeming worried it’s not in their future. Heart clutch. Adore this back and forth between Lucy and Tim at the parties LOVING Chastity telling Lucy like it is. Calling her out really. Even she can see it. I mean feel like Lucy is scared and just won't back down from this path.
It's not just Tim. It's her too but she is digging her heels in. I can’t say I don’t agree with Tim on the projection. Lucy using Isabel as an excuse for that. I think she is using it more than he is IMO at this point in time. She usually is right on the money with Tim. This time doesn't feel like it. Almost as if she’s using Isabel as a scape goat for being scared more so than Tim. Lucy saying she’s fine. Lying liar my love lying liar.
Poor Tim wanting to show he’s not the problem my love. That he's not the only one. There is clearly still a lot to sort through for them. This scene is proof of that. Lucy gets a call from Tim to meet at the station. This has to be the lie detector test. Harper telling her to run I was dying.
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How cute is Tim in his black shirt all wired up for her? I'm dying how precious it was. The way she crosses the room sweet lord. Eyeing her prey. She basically is straddling his thigh. Imma pass out. Getting as close as she can to him. Basically hugging his thigh with hers. I’m getting hot under the collar already. She is so ready to ask him anything but UC questions to start this off. Clearly wanting to ask him specific things on her mind since he's hooked up to the machine.
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The bug question LMAO. The most Tim and Lucy thing ever. Of course that man doesn't release the bugs haha. Very her to ask him to do it though. God this was so cute I cannot. Small little insight to their relationship we don't usually get to see.
Then she went right after it with asking if he loves her? A question I think has been weighing on her mind for awhile. Knowing she can immediately see if he's lying. Gah look at him light up. The way he leans into her. Reminding of his posture in 5x09 when he asked her out again. Just as serious now as he was then. Saying he loves her ugh my heart. Our big softie in action in this moment.
Lucy couldn’t be happier with this answer. Same look she got whenever he complimented her in the past. They be beaming everyone. Then he get’s a big fact lie with the UC question crap. Now I feel this isn't fair. Because the man LIVES to support her but he is a struggle bus about this path. To me that 'lie' wasn't because he doesn't support her. To me just those damn demons that won't rest for him.
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Tim looking fine af. Looking for his girl of courses sigh. Cool cool cool fun angsty glances. Damn you gif library was primo angsty looks. Even though they’re sitting next to each other it’s the most physical distance seen between them really in ever. Yeah their arms are touching but not much else. More angsty looks between them at the reception. Gah they’re intense as hell.
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Tim coming to find her my heart. Being the one to break the distance. Asking her to dance and confronting this issue. So proud of him and what he tells her. What a man. He's owning the trauma he still carries. Which is HUGE for him. Lucy thanking him and saying they'll make it through. I love this. Always love us touching back on. 'Unless it is.' moment. Because yeah this is hard but they're worth it and they continually see that and show it.
Now do I love it squarely being just on Tim this UC Fight? No I don't. I do think she is still having doubts but love him laying it out there. I think the issue's Lucy is having just haven't been confronted yet. Their fight from 6x01 was about Tim's issues for most part. Her's were for sure in there just not as prominently. I'm hopeful we touch on her's later this season.
This still feel unresolved to me and imbalanced. Especially now that Tim has admitted some fault to their problems as of late. I feel like I have a really good grasp on these characters. To me my gut is telling me Lucy is scared, having doubts, worried about a long term assignment. What it'll mean for them. Her side of it still needs to be delved into. 5x20-5x21 shook her more than she is letting on. Truly think this just hasn't been explored yet. Because they both have things to resolve with this career choice.
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Also wanna note in this lovely scene. Lucy has her hands all over her him and I’m about it my god. The intimate swaying and leaning into each other. That magnetic force of their's bringing them back together. Their bodies relaxing for the first time in this entire episode. Just happy to be near one another. They're glowing when they come back together in this moment.
Gah their chemistry is out of this world. Her hand on the back his head too phew lord and we get a return ILY. *heart clutch* Lucy's eyes searching his face hoping her saying as such soothes his wounds a little. The cute lie detector line I cannot. It’s was so precious. Their smiles have me on cloud 9. Couldn't be more in love if these two tried. *happy sigh*
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Lucy and Tim leading the charge hot damn they pretty. Tim in formal wear and his badge? Lord help me. Phew this was a HEFTY one. So many things to sort through. Like I said in my OG post these are first thoughts. Should be interesting to see how they change come summer and we're in the hiatus.
Thank you to everyone who liked the premiere post. These are a different gear for me glad they're liked ha Imposter Syndrome is real ya'll lol Feel free to comment your thoughts I love chatting about them and this season best part of going through it together for first time. See you all next week!
Side notes-non Chenford
Lmao the cold open. Daddy cop was always a fav one of mine.
Hey Henry is back sorta. ha
Love Luna checking in on Aaron. Then having a little ptsd poor love.
Oscar is back too LOL
‘Miss Cleo' nickname LMAO
Poor Aaron having a rough time of it. I was worried he was leaning on Celina too much tbh. Also that kiss yikes my man yikes...
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evansbby · 2 years
Exhusband Ari taking you to dinner in to talk about the divorce, in his limo he convinces you to cock warm him on the way there and the agreement is that both of you will sit still and not move. But Ari told his driver to deliberately take a bumpy road. You’re trying to steady yourself but it makes you bounce around on Ari’s cock and squirm around. You’re close to Cumming and Ari makes it seem like its fault and that you’re initiating sex and so ends up railing your pussy and ass and your a hot mess by the time you make it to the restaurant, you can barely walk and his cum is dripping out of your holes. Luckily he owns the restaurants because it’s obvious you’ve been destroyed. Now you’re not as mad or eager to sign the papers and it ends up being a date night.
Oof bestie this is so hot, I had to keep it in my inbox for a few days to let it marinate therefore I’m sorry for the late reply!!
I can imagine Ari persuading innocent reader to cockwarm him, he’s like, “babe, please. I’ve had a rough day and it’ll just be for a few minutes to calm me down. Nothing sexual, I promise.” And reader’s like “okay, Ari. Only because you said you had a rough day☺️” and then of course the roads are so bumpy and you keep inadvertently bouncing on his dick and you’re so embarrassed and Ari smirks, all like, “so you want sex, don’t you?” And you’re like “nooo! Not my fault, the roads—” and Ari’s ignores you, “Aww, my needy little baby wants sex huh?” And then of course he just rails you like three times in the backseat of the limo (it’s taking suspiciously long to get to the restaurant, I think Ari told the driver to keep circling around the same bumpy road, but you don’t know this). And in the end you’re all submissive and crying and Ari practically has to carry you into the restaurant and he makes you sit in his lap and hand-feeds you the food and babies you and you forget that you were there to talk about the divorce 😩😩
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juiceboxscans · 11 months
And here we are at last.
We're just... oof.
More text in here a moment. Go read.
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[Top panel shows Yoshino, eyes closed, resting her head on Kirishima's chest and in the bottom panel her eyes are opened wide as Kirishima pats her on the head.]
We're still in our feelings about this chapter (SHE BROKE INTO HIS ROOMS TO SEE IF HE WAS OKAY), so we're going to be over here in the corner over wrapped in a blanket (AND THEY CUDDLE), sipping hot tea (AND HE SAYS GOOD MORNING) and sobbing quietly (SHE SAYS IT BACK).
The extras. Did you love them? We do. Thanks for reading!
Hope you have a great week! .・゚゚・(/ω\)・゚゚・.
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🍙Cooking Class🍥
Meeting Single Dad! Osamu Miya
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Single Dad! Osamu Miya x Single Mom! Yn (female reader; she/her pronouns)
Warnings: fluff, a small Miya child raised by Osamu and Atsumu 😅
AN: This is an Anon request! I named the children because it was easier than saying “your son” all the time! Also the request is a little different then the direction I went in, I honestly love this request so I left it open to a potential pt. 2 👀
Oof- being a single mom is HARD
Trust me, I know 🥰
But once again this isn’t about me, this is about You
Our fearless, strong, kind, beautiful, intelligent YN
Emphasis on the strong part because as a single mom, you sure need alot of strength
You work your butt off during the day, working full time and juggling your sons daily schedule
At night, you cook dinner, clean, help your son with homework, bedtime, bath and repeat
It’s literally a never ending cycle of work for you my love
If you’re lucky, you’ll get a night free or maybe even get a chance to relax with a glass of your favorite alcoholic beverage
But most of the time, your focus is solely on your son, Akira.
You had him relatively young and he’s approaching the age of 8
He’s a busy, active boy who has alot of friends, does well in school and is an overall good kiddo
It makes you feel so good when people praise you for bringing up such an awesome son 🥰
This is important to remember YN because sometimes raising kids is literally like raising demons that just crawled out from the pits of hell and have never been introduced to civilized society
😮‍💨 sorry about that long and very detailed description but tell me I’m wrong
I’m definitely not
This fact often hits home when your son asks you one question in particular…
“Hey mom, when are you going to find a boyfriend?” Akira asks innocently
“Umm well, like I’ve said before, I don’t need a man and I’m doing pretty well on my own,” you say with a smile
Your son ponders for a second before saying
“Ok so then why do you keep saying to your bestie that you wish you had a man?” He says as you gape at him
“First off, stop listening in on my conversations! Second, while it would be nice to date someone, I’m just really busy,” you say, hoping this will deflect all future questions and move on to literally any other subject
It’s a pipe dream Yn keep up 👏
“Well my friend Gao says his dad said you were hot and would date you,” he says as you turn to stare at him once again
“I’m not dating any of the dads at your volleyball practice Akira!?” You said as your son just shrugs
“Plus none of those dads are even good looking,” you say as you throw the dish towel down on the counter
It’s true that your dating life had been less than spectacular as of late
Oh sorry, it’s never been spectacular 😅
You’d been on your own since Akira was born, having not been on a date in literal years due to working and your commitment to parenting
You signed as you walked out of the kitchen, Akira’s attention now turning to a book he had been reading
“Maybe it’s time I do something for myself,” you say as you head to your room
And that’s what brings us here, to the doorstep of a cute little Onigiri restaurant known as Onigiri Miya
You had seen an advertisement for cooking lessons in the local paper, having registered online
You walked into the restaurant, the doorbell chiming
The restaurant was small and cozy, but the smell permeating the air was heavenly
You looked around, noting no one else in the store
“Hey, just a second!” A voice shouted as you turned to the doorway
“No rush, thank you!” You respond standing in front of the menu
The options were spectacular and all looked beyond amazing
“Hey sorry about that wait,” a tall, handsome brunette man said coming out from behind the kitchen door
“Oh it’s not worry! I’m a bit early it seems,” you say, smiling
The man stared at you, eyes raking in your form from top to bottom
You were dressed rather casual for a summers evening, shorts and a nice top with a pair of comfortable shoes
“Im YN by the way,” you say, smiling and extending your hand
“Umm Osamu and don’t worry, you aren’t early or late, you’re my only sign up for the class,” Osamu says as your eyes widen
“Oh my god really? This is such an amazing class and you’re telling me I’m the only sign up?” You said as Osamu nodded
“Yep but no worries! Come on back and we can get started,” he says as you nod and make your way around the counter, “Wash your hands and we can get stared. Do you know anything about cooking?”
“I mean, I wouldn’t say im completely a novice,” you say as you dry your hands
“Ok so a beginner,” Osamu says as you interrupt him
“Hey! Give me some credit! I know how to boil water ok? Im at least intermediate,” you say as Osamu chuckles
“Ok so we can skip the boiling water lesson then,” he says as you smile and stand next to him
Osamu stiffens as you stand there looking up at him with your big eyes
You were so cute and sweet
You face was perfect from your eyes to your nose, your hair immaculate and your body flawless
“Ok let’s get started,” he says as you hear the door chime
“Hey dad!” a voice shouted
“Kenji what the hell are you doing here? Where’s Sumu?” Osamu says as you watch the little boy, around your sons age walk into the kitchen
“I’m right here chill out!” Another voice yells from the door as a double of Osamu but with untoned hair walks in
“Well hello there,” the untoned blonde says as he walks up to you
“Sumu what the hell? I told you I had a class tonight! You were suppose to keep Kenji until 9,” Osamu says as he sighs and looks at you apologetically
“Wait that was tonight? Oh shit, I totally forgot! I have a meeting with Sakusa and Bokuto,” Sumu says as Osamu rolls his eyes
“Hi there, I’m Kenji,” the little boy says to you as you smile and meet him at eye level
“Hi! I’m YN, it’s very nice to meet you!” You respond, shaking his hand
“Hey you’re really pretty! Are you dating my dad?” He asks excitedly as you snicker, Osamu’s face heating up at the question that just emerged from his sons mouth
“Kenji no! She’s a client of mine who is taking a cooking class,” Osamu says
Kenji looks from you to Osamu, “is cooking class a secret word for something?”
Sumu belts out a laugh as Osamu kicks him, causing you and Kenji to both laugh
“No, your dad is teaching me how to make onigiri,” you say, “it’s my sons favorite so I want to make it at home with him.”
Osamu looked at you as you smiled back at him, he would have never known you had a son at your age
“Oh cool! How old is he? Does he play sports?” Kenji asks as you smile and nod
“Akira is 7 and he does! He just started playing volleyball,” you say as Kenji’s eyes light up
“I play volleyball too! My dad use to play in school too!” He says as you smile
“Hey what about uncle Sumu!” The agitating voice interrupts
Kenji just rolls his eyes as Osamu smirks 😏
“My uncle Sumu plays setter for the MSBY Black Jackals,” he says
“His very SINGLE uncle that is,” Sumu interrupts
You 👉🏻😐
Kenji 👉🏻🙄
Osamu 👇🏻
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You giggle as the twins fight and Kenji grabs a stool to help you
“You should bring your son here sometime,” he says as you smile
“I think I will! He’d love that!” You say as Osamu watches you interact with his son
He can’t say the picture didn’t melt his heart just a little, seeing Kenji getting along with someone so well
Too bad kids give very little reprieve
“You should go on a date with my dad,” he says as Osamu nearly chokes on air
You giggle and continue prepping
“I don’t know how your dad would feel about you setting him up,” you say and Kenji shrugs
“Uncle Sumu says he needs to get laid,” he says as the room goes still
You try hard to contain your laughter as Osamu slowly turns to glare at Sumu
Sumu run 👉🏻😗 🎵
“Well would you look at the time! See you soon kiddo and it was nice meeting you Yn!” Sumu says, running from the restaurant before he receives a career threatening injury
“I know what we could do, maybe you and your dad could meet up with me and Akira for a playdate?” You say, looking at Kenji
His eyes light up, “ohhh yes can we dad?!”
Osamu watches your gorgeous eyes light up, the sweet smile on your face melting all of his restraint
“I don’t see why not,” he says as Kenji cheers
“Ok it’s a date then!” You say, looking for Kenji to Osamu
“Yeah, it’s a date”
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onsunnyside · 2 years
um, hi baby, I don’t know if you still accepting tots but…
bratty! stepsister only allows stepbro!Ari getting off grinding up against her soaking wet panties. 😵‍💫
ok first you call me baby and then give me this thot ?? bestie dearest you’ve opened up a can that will never shut !!
you and Ari have been at each other’s throats since you met. mostly keeping it under wraps when your parents were around bc you two weren’t complete nightmares (yet). but then you moved into Ari’s father’s house and everything gets a million times worst. he irritates the fuck out of you through pranks, stealing your shit, ratting you out to your parents and even throwing low blows during your *daily* arguments.
definitely some: “I bet you’re so needy because your dad left” “do you ever not dress like a whore?” “Oof… daddy issues much? Are you gonna cry like a baby too?”
and what do you know… you find out he went on a guys trip with his friends and lied to your parents about going to some two week camp for his studies/sports. he used all that money to party and travel behind their back. You threatened to tell your parents. He begs you not to, and even tries to bribe you with free drives in his car, money and he’ll finally stop pranking you.
and yes, the bribes work. In fact, your parents think you’ve never gotten along better. you and Ari are suddenly spending a lot of time together which just included him driving you to the mall, sticking around to pay for all the things you want and hold your bags. he also becomes the designated driver whenever you go to parties with your friends 😌 and his friends make fun of him for it (be he’s really drinking pop at a party… mr party boy Levinson…) like “downgraded from stepbrother to chauffeur… that must fucking sting” and bc you’re hot, they never shut up about wanting you, or your itty bitty dresses and skirts, they say nasty things like “I don’t know how you control yourself around her” “she’s my stepsister, you pervert” “I’m just saying, if she were living in my house, she’d be far more… obedient if you know what I mean”
Oh ari does. He’s dreamt of it, fantasized about it, jerked off to it dozens of times 😖😖
you love rubbing it in his face, that he could get into so much trouble if you just opened your pretty mouth 😌 so he better pay up to keep your lips sealed !! You flaunt your new clothes paid for with his money, and make him cancel his plans bc he needs to drive you somewhere, and ofc, by never shutting up when you invite boys over while your parents are out of town. you’ll invite a guy over and literally fuck in every room of the house, telling him to stay in his room as if this weren’t his house.
what finally pushes him to the edge is when you bring over one of his friends. the same one who said they’d fuck you silly, and Ari’s forced to listen to you scream and cry “daddy” and beg for cum like a slut.
you find him getting off and take pity on him (in a bratty way) 🥺🥺 this big hairy hunk hasn’t had any pussy bc you’re taking up all of his time… how sad… he totally deserves it though:
“Having fun there?”
He peeks one eye open, still tugging at his hard length. “What the fuck do you think?”
You step further into his room, holding up your arms. “No need to have an attitude, ungrateful prick. Not like I was going to help you or anything…”
He inhales deeply, squeezing the fat base nestled in the coarse pubic hair. “…what do you mean help me?”
“How else do you think, idiot?”
He doesn’t speak for a moment and you can practically see the gears turning in his head. His hand has since stilled, his bicep still tense and veins prominent in his arms and neck, perfectly highlighted by the sweat on his skin.
“You’re fucking sick.”
“Yet you clearly like the idea.” You lick your lips, watching his cock twitch in his hand, beads of pre cum rolling down the thick head. “What’s wrong, big brother? You don’t get pussy for a few weeks and want to fuck me instead?”
“I’d rather die.”
You laugh. His mouth says one thing but his eyes eat you up like a starved man, drifting over your bare legs and tight bikini, your skin was still a little wet from skinny dipping with his friend.
“I guess I’ll just go back to Steve… he was getting really touchy, I’d hate to leave him all alone.” You turn around and sway with each step, the tiny fabric of your (pathetic excuse of a) bathing suit digs into your fleshy hips—your ass just begging for his fingers to bruise it.
You don’t bother hiding your smirk and glance over your shoulder. “Yes, big brother?”
Ari wrinkles his nose, “don’t call me that.”
“Oh yeah? What would you rather have me call you?”
You did not expect daddy to come out of his mouth. You laugh, no, you cackle, “You are not daddy.”
He quirks a brow, “really? You don’t think you’ll drop to your knees the moment I throw you around a little, spank your cunt and call you a good little whore?”
You grit your teeth, feeling a different wetness on your bikini bottoms. “I dare you to try.”
now… this isn’t the daddy moment for him bc you don’t even let him touch you bare. you just bend over his dresser, and let him grind against you.
“Hurry—uh, up,” you struggle to keep your moans at bay, “Steve is gonna wonder where I—ah!”
“Shut the fuck up.” A hard hand lands on your ass, a burn blooms from the spot. “You never fucking shut up.”
“You’re such a fucking dick—” you’re cut off by a sharp gasp when he pulls your bikini to the side, the bare tip of his cock rubs up and down your soppy slit. “H-Hey!”
He groans heavily, pinning you down by your hips, “You know how easy it would be for me to slip in? You’re already soaked—what’s wrong, little sis? You getting wet for your step brother like a little slut?”
now pls… the way im tempted to replace my other Ari kinktober fic for this 😳😳 are two stepcest fics for kinktober too much already ?? 😖
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royallygray · 4 months
if I had a nickel for every time that Sirius and Remus had a huge turning point in their relationship and then fuckin instantly got walked in on by Peter because of a situation of It Was Totally Their Fault They Should've Either Planned It Better Or Just Locked The Fucking Door id have two nickels
[AtYD and this.]
the second hand embarrassment is powerful I'm gonna need to pause for a hot second. extend my Duolingo streak. panic over some homework.
rip Peter. I'm currently starting to appreciate him because that's gotta be difficult man. walking in on your besties having sex and/or having their first kiss? like. oof.
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babiebom · 7 months
What Clique they would belong to if they were in Bully(2006)
A/N: because I wanna play this game on stream and have been watching old videos about it <3 also there’s no real emo clique but all the emo goth kids are in a specific clique that you will see very soon
Tw: mentions of bullying, cursing, some maybe nsfw stuff
Bc: idk like 5 each?
Stardew Masterlist
Okay see this is what I was talking about
There is no EMO clique in this game
Like the closest thing is the Townies so he’s going to that clique
Is you don’t know what the townies are they are the high schoolers that don’t go to Bullworth Academy and half of them look alt
The reasoning is Sebastian is too cool to be with the nerds
But he’s not cool enough to be in like the others
Like he isn’t preppy at all
He isnt a bully bc he’s antisocial and would rather just not talk to anyone
He isn’t a jock at ALL
If I had to put him with any of the ones at school he would be with the greasers but in reality he doesn’t fit in with them other than like his love of motercycles
Okay so he would definitely be in the jocks
He literally was a gridball star
He is an athletic man who has just let himself go
In high school his depression was not as bad or it didn’t even exist at that point
So dude would be with the jocks, laughing at nerds and being the captain of the football team
He doesn’t fit in any of the cliques unfortunately
Just like his bestie (guess where Abby is gonna go)
So townie he goes
He’s too nice to be in the jocks or bullies
He’s way too cool for the nerds
And dude is not a greaser
So oof townie he has to beeeeeeeeee
King of the preppies
Again he gives me pretentious vibes which match with the preppies really well
Would think he’s better than you
And is a rich kid
It literally just makes sense
Dude is a doctor with a special interest in planes
Definitely in the nerd clique
But I don’t think he would be bullied as much because the girls in different cliques think he’s cute
So they’d be like “hehe Harvey can you help me with my homework? I promise to make it worth it”
And he’s like “yeah sure!!” And absolutely ignores their flirting attempts because he’s oblivious
I mean what else would he be in?
If Shane is the captain of the team Alex would be the quarterback (are they different things? Idk?)
Like actually the most popular guy in school
If I have to pick a second clique for him it would be bullies
Like rich blonde girl that’s pretty? Duh
While I do think she bullied people in high school
She’s too bougie to be in the bullies clique they’re too ghetto for her
And I’m pretty sure it’s the preppy girls who are cheerleaders which she definitely is
Captain of the cheerleading team by the way
But like Harvey all the guys like her (in a very bad kind of way they wanna corrupt her)
So she doesn’t get bullied often
Can always be seen in the library reading
Is actually really pretty and the preppy girls hate her because she gets a lot of attention especially bc she’s a redhead
Only one to be non cliquey
She doesn’t fit in ANYWHERE
And that’s a blessing and a curse for her
Since her sister is a prep she isn’t bullied relentlessly
But she also doesn’t have a group of people to fall back on
But people in multiple cliques like her
She’s like popular but not popular if you know what I mean
Like if someone tries to bully her a random jock would be like
“Yo thaTS Emily she’s cool leave her alone”
Unfortunately for her she would be a preppy girl
Because this is high school we’re talking about
And Leah was a normie before she ran away to become an artist
So she would be in the preps and would HATE IT
Severely dislikes Haley and wants to fight her
Never hangs out with them unless it’s to keep up appearances or on campus so she isn’t kicked out and bullied
Literally gets bullied everyday because why tf are you so socially unaware?
Also she isn’t hot enough (unfortunately) to escape the bullying
The guys that like her like her because she’s ethnically exotic to them
She’s popular among the nerds though because of her smarts
Literally could lead them if she wanted to
Drumroll pleaseeeeeee
She’s a townie what else is new?
Alt girl who is too cool for the uncool kids and too weird for the cool kids
If she had to have a second clique I think she would want to be around the greasers
Simply because I think high school Abby wouldn’t wanna be associated with the nerds
Like does she like the same stuff they do?
But she would go feral if anyone tried to bully her
The greasers are the right amount of cool for her
Not bully enough that it makes her uncomfy but like they aren’t really bullied by anyone other than the preppies (literally the outsiders)
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
I wanna hear any plot point ideas you have about the new season "Stick or Twist" will be about?!
Oof okay. So. This is hard. Exciting but hard because there’s a huge difference between what I WANT to see and what I think FB is capable of.
Stick or Twist
🩵 We’re a casa girl. I don’t think we’ll be playing as a Casa boy because that’s too complicated with routes and having certain LIs etc.
🩵 Only one of the girls will be our friend. She’ll want the guy we want and we’ll have to break her heart to get him.
🩵 The other girls will be quite unfriendly. It is graft o’clock and we’re all trying to get back to the villa, so they’re not going to hesitate to swoop in on our man.
🩵 We won’t get dumped if we don’t try. I’ll be very surprised if Fusebox makes this a fail-able game. I think it’ll be more like S3 where if you flirt with X, they’ll pick you, but if you flirt with no one, Y will pick you. Y will be a sprite no one likes (my baby beloved Ciaran)
🩵 The love interests will include a guy who is totally loyal to his girl in the villa. That’s my man Lewie so that’s probably who I’m going for 🤣 wanna turn his head sooo baddd. He might be turnable, he might be a LI who you can only get once you’re back in the villa.
🩵 Raunchy races will still be a thing and you’ll have to go HARD lol. We’ll also get swerved quite a bit by guys who are trying to stay loyal so don’t be surprised.
🩵 One of the other girls is going to be a “perfect match” for one of the guys and he’ll be basically off limits 😒 he’ll also be the hottest sprite.
🩵 Sigh. Eddie will return. (Can we have him as our gossip bestie that would be fun)
Misc (basically bingo lol)
🩵 Someone will make a feet, fart, or bacon joke.
🩵 Someone will reference an islander from the earlier seasons
🩵 Someone will be far too into us. It’ll be creepy if they’re ugly or super cute if they’re hot. (Lol)
🩵 Someone will have a sexy NSFW animalistic kiss while all the others watch and it will be hot AF. Someone will say OMG. Someone else will call you the rizz-master.
These are just ones I’d personally like to see that they haven’t done yet or haven’t done in a while
🩵 A Mechanic
🩵 A Pacific Islander (if it’s a girl I’ll die)
🩵 A 29 year old (plz help we need more mature men)
🩵 Another med student (for fics, Viv is getting the workout of a lifetime)
🩵 A single parent
🩵 Tall girls
🩵 Curly hair rep (Kelly beloved 😭)
🩵 A guy with a different body shape. We’ve got curvy rep for the girls why do all the guys have rippling abs gimme some dadbod rep!
🩵 More blonde men I love them gimme. Especially if they’ve got dimples hehe.
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sargebutton · 7 months
lesbian sargebonhe drabble for me and my three fans
girls under the cut (it’s about 900 words)
i wrote this just about all day after seeing a tt at about 3 am also thank you to my bestie kay for being an enabler(/j)
including: drunk logan, phone sex, sex toys
Logan drops her purse on the ground after getting home from the club. She’ll pick it up tomorrow. She turns quickly to lock the deadbolt, head still a little dizzy. Her tall boots fall into the shoe rack easily, along with her keys on accident.
“Oof,” Logan whispers to herself. Usually, she loves drinking with Jack, Oscar and Liam but… They were all super horny for their partners tonight and alcohol only made their tongues that much looser. Logan shimmies her miniskirt down her legs and throws her mesh shirt over her head and jumps into bed.
Sadly, both of her girlfriends are out of town. Dalton had to have his wedding the same time as Alex’s grandmother’s birthday meaning she had to pick. And she would have loved to have Alex and Lily on her arms but a grandmother only turns 100 once.
Not wanting to upstage Dalton by having two hot girlfriends is also there.
Speaking of… Logan is feeling that usual heat in her stomach. Alcohol does make her horny, it’s one of Lily’s favorite things to tease her for.
Laying on their bed in a bralette and panties and waiting to be fucked is usually one of her favorite hobbies.
Usually…but she’s all alone now.
Logan sighs and throws herself out of bed to grab another beer from the fridge. She absentmindedly rubs her stomach with the door open, eyes flicking through their selection.
A can of margarita ends up in her hand, along with a bottle of water. Alex would be proud of her for being responsible. She cracks open the can, taking a big swig of lime and tequila. Laying back in bed she opens up instagram and nearly instantly regrets it.
So much tan skin on display. Alex, wearing the swim shorts and matching sports bra Logan got her for her birthday. Her long willowy limbs are somehow even more bronzed. Lily is also wearing something Logan bought her which warms her heart.
And between her legs again.
Fuck it.
Logan leans over the side of the bed dizzily. Her nails hook into the box of toys under the bed and she pries the lid open with her last long fingernail. She grabs the first thing she can wrap her hand around and pulls up a small light blue vibe.
Logan gets even hotter thinking about the time Lily held it down on her clit until she squirted everywhere and Alex licked both of them clean.
Fuck it. She slides the vibe into her panties and swipes open the group chat she has with her girlfriends.
Lily and Alex are out at the street vendors when the voice memos start coming through.
Usually Logan will send little voice messages during the day but it’s 2 am in London now.
They’re splitting a mango sticky rice when Alex finally looks down at her phone.
“You wanna listen?” Alex asks, pulling her airpods out of the pocket of her shorts. She looks great, totally in her element. Lily can’t wait to pounce on her when they get back to the hotel. She nods.
“I miss y’all.”
Logan’s voice always takes on this syrupy Southern drawl when she’s drunk. Lily thinks it’s adorable.
“Went out with everybody tonight and of course the conversation in the Uber was about sex. I was squeezin’ my thighs together listenin’ to Liam talk about Yuki eatin’ her ass. God I want that to be me. Eat me when you get home, yeah?”
Lily’s breath hitches. Holy shit.
“I got home, so drunk ‘n so horny. And there was no strap at home. Wish y’all were here so bad. I need Alex to brush away my tears while Lily rails me. And I want y’all to switch. I wanna be so ruined just sink down into the mattress all wet and used.”
Alex gasps a little and Lily squeezes her hand.
“I want you so bad. Please come home soon.” Lily can hear her kicking her legs against the bed. She’s clearly a bit distraught. She’s whining like she usually does when she’s close. “Fuck me. We aren’t getting out of bed for at least six hours when you get back.”
“I really wanna tell her she’s being bossy but it’s really hot hearing her be needy like this,” Alex whispers.
“Don’t tease Lex.” Lily slaps her on the arm.
“She would want me to,” Alex says cheekily. “I’m sure she wants a lot of things right now.”
“Someone needs to sit on my face real soon. I’ll be so good I need it so bad darlin’. Fuck I miss your hands. Fuck.”
“You hear that?” Alex smiles, she always knows something Lily doesn’t. Lily shakes her head. “The faint hum of a vibrator.” Alex whispers in her ear and Lily feels it in her clit. She can hear it; slightly buzzing.
“We need to go back to the hotel now,” Lily says, fisting a hand into Alex’s linen shirt.
By the time they stumble into bed, sweaty and naked, Logan is long asleep. It’s okay, they can still do something for her while they wait for her to wake up.
Logan wakes with a throbbing in her head and cum dried on her inner thighs.
She also wakes up to two videos and a text reminding her to take some painkillers.
Logan takes the pills with some water, grabs the vibe again, rolls over and presses play on the first video.
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fisherpiers · 7 months
Hunter coming out to Luz as bi
OKAY here i am like over 6 months later LMAO
like whattt? im not dead?? i know, i know. my deepest apologies
i have already written him coming out in flapjacks with syrup so if you want more go read that too not to self promote agskgjjghh (i will be updating that soon just saying 👀)
but here’s some headcanons!
lemme see, theres so many ways for this to go. lets entertain just a couple tho lol
scenario #1
its july and luz is getting/making pride merch for everyone bc shes trying to make it a thing on the isles. at least a little holiday. perhaps a parade? itll be fun!
and she realizes she has no clue what hunters deal is. is he straight? aroace, maybe. that guy is married to his work.
shes trying to keep this pride thing a surprise so she asks him nonchalantly like “hey broooo i was just wondering. whats your sexuality. a friend wanted to know.”
and he bluescreens
“uh. i— i dont know, actually.”
he never really thought about it. hes always been too busy being attracted to them books lmao
he has to get back to her in two business days at least 😂😂😂
he basically spends those days spacing out and scaring his classmates by intensely staring at them.
hunter discovers that he generally feels the same about any gender. and he didnt really have a preference when imagining his future having a wife, husband, or partner. as long as they made him happy
and everyone was really pretty. hexside had quite a lot of cute witches and demons
but honestly, he still didn’t really find himself wanting to start a relationship with any of them (gee wonder why)
he chalks it up to the fact that he’s focusing on his studies and apprenticeship right now and has no time for romance
besides, if he had a partner, he’d have even less time to spend with luz his friends
he finds luz up in a tree behind the owl house, nose in a book. shes so focused on the story that she doesn’t even hear him approach
she was so startled she fell put of the tree. hunter tried to catch her he really did but they both wound up crashing down to the ground in a heap
luz shoved him off her, laughing “first you give me a heart attack and now you try to crush me? i thought we were friends now, hunter!”
“sorry, sorry,” he wheezed as he rolled over in the soft grass
luz went and retrieved her book from where she accidentally threw it, “so what did you need me for?”
“oh, i just wanted to tell you i think i figured out my sexuality now, like you asked,”
“thats okay. i didnt mean to presure you so you dont have t—”
he sat up, “im bisexual,”
liz gasped “OH SWEET, twinsies!”
she got matching bandanas for them. cowboy vibes lol
luz did successfully get the annual pride parade set up in the isles. hard to say no to her shes a force of nature and also kinda a celebrity now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
scenario #2
luz has just assumed he’s gay
bc they often talk about guys they think are cute. like if theyre at the mall food court (without the hexsquad) and see any hot guys they are thoroughly checking them out and giggling like school girls
its not something she can do with amity (obviously), vee or willow. plus, she trusts that hunter isnt about to go squealing to her girlfriend about her attraction to men she has no plans on pursuing
its a good bonding activity, okay. if you cant thirst over cute guys with your bestie are they really your bestie
alas, because of this, luz never reads too much into the moments they have together. hunter let a hug linger a little too long? he lets her eat off his fork? puts his arm around her on the couch? just friendly behavior. its not like he likes her or anything. bc hes gay right
anyway. theyre like, at a chinese restaurant picking up takeout for the gang and the cashier is just adorable. miss teen connecticut. the cutest girl ever. they both stutter their words and awkwardly fumble around while picking up this order. hunter almost dropped the food and luz signed her name as Liz Noda on the receipt
they get out of there and start laughing once they reach the car
“guess its bi disaster hour am i right?” hunter joked
luz laughed but then it hit her
“wait. you like girls?”
hunter looked at her confused, “yeah?”
“oh…” she trails off,
and hunter starts the car and drives off, not even giving the conversation a second thought
meanwhile luz is dead silent in the passenger seat like
Tumblr media
she be rethinking everything agsjfjjhh
tboy!luz au :3
okay so luz is scared bc he’s finally worked out his gender. he’s a guy.
its what pushes him to break up with amity. its amicable at least
and so as luz moves on with his life, and starts falling for hunter, he’s scared hunter wont like him now bc he’s trans
and once hunter finds out about that, he’s putting a stop to it fast. like:
“dude. im bi. i dont care if youre a boy or a girl. youre luz. and i like luz.”
and they live happily ever after the end agajdjjg
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