#OP bless your soul
evansnoir · 1 month
Jin Grandet with a Transmasc partner
Let's be perfectly honest, neither one of you exactly expected to get together give Jin's track record. Jin is one of the notorious lady's men of the palace, Jin is the one with a self-proclaimed love for breasts that it is often one of the first things folks know about him.
Yet, here you two are. How did this happen? To be perfectly frank, Jin had to come to terms with a lot about himself and what he wants to even come to the conclusion that he is interested in being with you. Make no mistake, he's thrilled for you and watching you grow more confident has been amazing. Attractive, even! However, much like the post with Theo for IkeVamp, what does that mean for him if he finds you attractive?
He's not going to rush into a relationship, to be fair he doesn't even do that with Belle as was certainly wounded by the way his mother was treated, but he needs time to sort himself out.
Once he does though, he is all in. Reputation be damned, he's your man now just as you are his.
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thankyoumskobayashi · 11 months
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New Bambi:
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New Toshiro:
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New Retsu:
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New Quincy Ichigo:
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Manga Aizen:
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Pot/Spot Grimmjow:
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Pretty CB Gin:
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The Better Pot Uryu:
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souldex's website is here: https://bbs-simulator.com/characters
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ziinesso · 1 year
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Impatient. His lips betrayed an intense desire as they reached out for the gentle touch of yours.
"Kiss me."
Instead of responding to this request, you pulled back slightly. You created a distance, a deliberate pause. You needed to hear those three crucial words. Your heart needed him to chase away your doubts.
"Tell me you love me."
A mischievous smile played on his lips. A smile that hinted at the forthcoming response. A smile that prolonged your agony. His eyes sparkled with a mischievous gleam as he allowed himself a caress. His thumb brushing against your lips, he gazed at you.
"Do you want me to tell you how much I love you? How your mere sight fills me with joy? How much I cherish your greeting in the morning and bless your caresses at night?"
His hand slid to rest around your neck.
"Oh, sweetheart, if that's what you want, I can promise you my love as many times as it satisfies you," He offered. He brushed his lips against yours, demanding with a whisper, "But in return, I need you to kiss me. Kiss me, Y/N. Again and again. Kiss me until our souls become one."
- geto, nanami (jjk) ; madara (nt) ; wakasa (tr) ; corazon, mihawk (op) ; takasugi (gt)
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thebibliosphere · 11 months
"Wow, I don't know what OP was smoking, but I want some of that 😜"
Oh, bless your soul. This is my brain not on drugs.
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The Captain - Simon Riley x Sniper!Reader, Wife!Reader
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Part 3: Let's Have a Baby
summary: Ghost’s sniper wife (reader) joins Task Force 141 on an op, against his wishes call sign: Freyja warning: MDNI, mentions of canon typical violence and death (ofc), implied child loss Note: The much-awaited part 3 of The Captain! Thank you so much for all of your support! And don't y'all, Part 4 is brewing ;) Enjoy and blessed be! << Previous | Next >>
“Mohawk’s gettin’ particularly long, Johnny boy. When’s the last time you took any off the top?” Freyja asked, tugging at the end of a long strand at the back of his head.
“Dinnae dae that!” Soap whipped his head around and gave her a look of playful irritation. “If it weren’t for that wee barra in your belly I’d knock ya one, lass.”
“You wish, tough guy.”
���Just you wait, soon as y’return to full duty, we’ll have a square go, ye fuckin’ weapon.”
“I’ll block off my calendar.”
She and Soap had grown rather close since they all returned to England following the mission. As promised, Ghost spoke with Price, who convinced Kate to transfer her to the 141 permanently. While she was on desk duty for now, being on the same team would be tremendously helpful in keeping their schedules in sync. The couple could carpool to and from the base together, and John would do his best to keep them from being deployed at the same time.
Plus, she got to spend all her day with her friends and husband, which was a phenomenal change of pace from their previous setup. It was far less lonely being surrounded by the bustle of the busy base and having other friends to talk to besides Price.
They had a standing ‘play date’, as Price called it, every Friday night, where they watched movies, played board games, and ordered takeout. Board games usually ended in a heated exchange between her and whichever unlucky soul had crossed her (usually during Catan), her normally fiery temper heightened with each month of pregnancy that passed. There had been several instances of Ghost scooping her up in his arms and hauling her away to cool off before (any other) objects were lobbed at someone’s head.
One time, Freyja was in rare form when Gaz refused to trade for a material she desperately needed, and whipped a pointed dinner knife in his direction.
“What is with you guys and throwing bloody knives at me?!” he cried, throwing his hands in the air as Ghost dragged her off, screaming obscenities in various angry-sounding languages.
Soap jerked the blade out of the wall. “Dunno if I should be turned on or terrified,” he had said thoughtfully, turning it over in his hand. 
Catan was banned for a few weeks after that incident, and Freyja gave Kyle the following day off as an apology, though he insisted it wasn’t necessary.
Freyja lowered herself into a chair on the other side of Soap’s desk and leaned her head on her fist, watching him do his paperwork. She’d already finished for the day but was waiting for her husband to fetch her and bring her home to prepare for another Friday with the boys.
“So, Captain, any big plans for this weekend?” Soap asked, still scribbling away at the stack of forms in front of him.
She pursed her lips and shrugged. “Nah. It’s our anniversary on Sunday. Have a routine visit tomorrow to see how the baby’s growing. Nothing crazy.”
“Anniversary?! You didn’t tell me that was comin’ up!”
Her eyes rolled with a chuckle. “Soap, we aren’t showy people. Never have been,” she started, adjusting to sit straighter after having slid down in the chair a bit. Her round belly had started to weigh down her body a few weeks back, and she was starting to feel the effects of back and neck pain. “We weren’t together for very long when we got engaged, if you’d even call it that. We got married a few days later, as soon as we got back to the UK. Didn’t want to waste time, given our line of work.”
Johnny laughed at this, tossing his pen into a mug he fashioned as a stationary holder. “Oh, I’d bet he just loved slappin’ his name after ‘Captain’, too,” he joked with a raised brow.
The image of a spinning circle on a computer came to mind because that was exactly what she was doing. Buffering, her mouth open slightly while she processed his comment. Her mind screamed at her to say something, anything, but nothing came out as she stared at the Sergeant.
He clearly picked up on her inner turmoil, because he asked, “What? What’d I say?”
Goddamn pregnancy brain. “Ah…Nothing. He didn’t like me taking his name, actually,” she mostly muttered, unable to find a way out of the conversation at this point. “He asked me not to change my name and I did it anyway.”
“I don’t get it, why wouldn’t Ghost want ya to change yer name?”
Freyja sighed as she rubbed a hand over the top of her bump, a recent habit for comfort. The baby hadn’t been particularly active that day, only offering a bit of shifting. “You’d have to ask him, John.”
She rarely called him John, so he knew the conversation was over on her part. “How’s your back?” Best to change the subject and move on. 
She was grateful for it. “Terrible. Even sitting here is bothering me.”
Soap lit up and he practically jumped to his feet. “I can do that thing I saw Ghost doin’ last week!” He was already in front of her before she could even answer.
He had been relentless ever since he caught their cute little private moment in the kitchen when she was supposed to be getting herself some fruit to snack on. Simon followed shortly after, offering to get her fruit bowl together for her so she could sit down again. Craving some semblance of independence, she instead offered to cut up her snack while her husband took some of the weight off her back.
“Walked myself right into that one. You just want an excuse to grope my belly.”
“Me? Never! M’offended that y’would say such a thing, Bonnie,” he feigned hurt feelings, pouting with his best puppy dog eyes.
“Alright, fine! Come’ere, I’ll show you,” she laughed, high up in her chest. Freyja pulled herself up with his hands and moved them to the more open space in his office. “Alright, so I’m gonna stand here—“ She turned to press her back against his chest and took his wrist in her hands. “—then you just wanna put your hands flat like this—“ She flattened his palms just under the swell of her stomach, by each point of her pelvis. “—and now you carefully pull up. Emphasis on carefully.”
She groaned at the sudden relief, her head falling back against Soap’s shoulder as he just barely lifted her stomach. 
“There w’are. Steamin’ Jesus, how’s such a wee thing so bloody heavy?”
“Yeah, now imagine carrying that around with your back twenty-four-seven.”
They stood silently for a minute, soaking in the relief from the lack of pressure on her disks. A small hand dragged across the underside of her stomach, pressing against Soap’s hand. His chest rumbled against her back, but he held steady.
“Will anyone be coming for a visit? When she’s born?” It was bold of him to bring up such a sensitive subject, but his curiosity got the better of him.
“And you’re alright with that?”
“I have everyone I need right here, Johnny. Who else outside my husband would give my back a break and hold my giant belly?” She reached back to jokingly slap his cheek a few times.
“Where’s that husband o’ yours at? It’s gettin’ late.”
A soft knock on the open door had her turning her head. “I’m comin’, Jesus,” Ghost said, approaching with his hands in his pockets, t-shirt tight as ever. He took in her smiling form, intrigued by the scene in front of him. He smiled beneath his mask, eyes crinkling slightly. “How are my girls?”
Freyja flinched, a hand flying to her belly at the sharp kick. She sported an angry pout. “Ow! That hurt, you little–”
“Be nice. She can’t help that I’m her favorite.”
She pulled out of Soap’s hold, sad to lose the help on one hand, but thrilled to see Simon on the other. “You’re so obnoxious. I’m literally creating her organs and limbs, making sure she has ten fingers and toes, and I don’t get so much as a single hand or kick. But the second she hears your stupid voice, she’s suddenly an MMA fighter,” she complained, shoving at his shoulder. “Un-fucking-believable. I hate you.”
“Mmm, sure you do. How will I ever get back in your good graces?”
“I want Chinese tonight.”
“I think I can manage that.” Ghost bent down to gently, but briefly, touch his forehead to hers, one of their familiar gestures to refrain from more overt displays of affection on base. She would occasionally give him a peck over his skull mask, and they often shared passing touches, but neither partner was a huge fan of PDA. In the comfort of their own home, they were much more obvious, even around the other members of the team. Just not on base (save for a quick romp. Or two. Or– y’know what, never mind).
“Aw, lookit ya wee sook,” Soap cooed, nudging Ghost with his elbow as he walked past, gathering his things to head home.
She giggled and patted Simon’s pec. “He really is!”
Simon grumbled but guided Freyja to the door with a hand on her lower back. “If you lot keep talkin’ nonsense around me, I’ll pop a gasket.”
“It’s not nonsense, Simon. It’s a beautiful language. One that your people just so happened to smother into near extinction,” she sang, pursing her lips in a challenge as she looked up at him walking next to her.
“OOO, sick burn, lass!” Soap smacked their hands together, laughing heartily.
“Fuckin’ hell…”
Simon checked the time on his phone again with a deep sigh, shaking his head. He detested getting to work anything past ten minutes early, and it was currently five past six. Freyja had told him to go ahead and toss their baby bag in the car, which he had done ten minutes ago. He insisted they keep their ‘go-bag’ (her word, not his) with them, either in the car on errands or on base during the work week.
The area around their front door was littered with broken-down cardboard boxes from various toys and furniture from the nursery. The Task Force had turned out to be extremely generous uncles, to the point where the Rileys hardly had to buy anything. Johnny and Gaz were by far the worst listeners, continuing to purchase mountains of clothes long after Freyja and Ghost begged them to stop. Enough clothes that she would never have to wear the same outfit twice for the first year of her life.
Not even born yet and already spoiled rotten.
Her boots weren’t in the tray by the door, so she must have gotten to that part of her routine, at least. He pushed off the door frame in their entryway, making his way toward the living room. “Frey, what are you doin’? We’re already five minutes late–”
He cut himself off when he laid eyes on the sight in front of him – his wife, now 39 weeks pregnant, attempting to contort her body around her bump to lace up her boots. Simon allowed himself a moment to watch in amusement before clearing his throat and grabbing her attention. “Do you need help?” he asked, about to kneel in front of her.
She grunted and shook her head, then tried to smooth the mussed-up fly-aways that had started to poke up at the edges of her tied-back hair. “No, I can do this. I just did it on Friday.”
“Darling, that was three days ago. There’s no shame in askin’ for help–” He stopped again at the icy glare thrown his way, crossed his arms over his chest, and sat in the armchair across from her. “A’right, if you insist.” He had long noticed that she sometimes struggled to accept help with tasks she could normally complete on her own, if not for a protruding bump being in the way. He knew if she really needed help, she would ask.
This time, she propped the heel of her boot on the coffee table and attempted to stretch over her belly. She was proud of the strength and flexibility she had been able to maintain throughout her entire pregnancy, up until now. Not many people could say they could even see their feet this far into their pregnancy, let alone tie their shoes. After another minute of huffing and puffing, fingers just barely unable to graze the laces, she held her foot out to her watchful husband and sighed. “Fine,” she mumbled, crossed arms mimicking his.
He smiled softly under his mask, blue eyes twinkling with silent laughter as he slid to his knees at her feet, pressing the sole into his chest. “Thank you,” he praised, taking his time to focus on doing her shoes up at the tightness she liked to support her ankles, but allow breathing room at her calves. As he finished up the second foot, he heard a quiet sniffle and jerked his head up to meet her eyes.
Bloody hell, not the waterworks again…
He gently pushed her legs apart and settled between them, his gloved hands covering and rubbing her knees. “What’s wrong, love?”
Freyja wiped her nose with the back of her hand, then used the neckline of her t-shirt to swipe at her wet cheeks. “Nothing, I’m just annoyed. Feels like I can barely function on my own.”
“If I recall, you’re the one who insisted on working until she’s born.”
“Fuck you.”
She playfully shoved his shoulder, rolling her eyes as she scoffed. 
Ghost pulled his mask up to his nose, just enough to steal a long, soft kiss from her, fingers still gripping her thighs. When they broke apart, he swooped down to press wet kisses on her belly. Freyja put the fabric back in place with deft fingers. “A’right, we sorted?” He smacked her thigh twice when she nodded and offered her hands to help her stand. “Good, you know how I am about bein’ late.”
“Maybe I’ll get lucky and she’ll be an early bird like her daddy.”
“Better than always being late like her mum.”
“Low blow, baby. Low blow.”
They made jabs at each other back and forth the entire ride to base (lovingly, of course) and during their walk to their offices, only pausing for the occasional passerby.
Kyle handed off a steaming mug of tea to Ghost, taking a small sip of his own as they watched the recruits spar with Soap. Most days, the three of them worked with the privates for a few hours, varying from marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat, etcetera. Ghost tugged his mask up enough to enjoy his caffeine, the steam dampening the wrinkled fabric.
“How was your weekend, Ghost?”
He hid his subtle smirk behind the cup, the memory of their anniversary evening at the forefront of his mind. Ghost met Gaz’s gaze with a side eye, to which the Sergeant snorted with a throaty chuckle. Gaz fixed the brim of his hat lower to shade his eyes from the sun better. “Shouldn’t have asked,” he said, a bright, cheeky grin on his face. “Change the subject.”
Ghost thought back to that morning, snickering himself and cradling the mug with both hands. “Frey couldn’t tie her boots this morning.” He tried to hide his amusement, he really did. But both men burst into deep laughter, Gaz shamefully covering his eyes with his free hand as he imagined the Captain working around her stomach.
“Bloody hell, poor thing.” When they finally composed themselves, Kyle took a deep breath and wiped a stray tear from his eye. He sighed and placed his now empty mug on the ground, his hands now hanging onto the lip of his tactical vest. The Brit observed the training session, occasionally glancing over at Ghost to gauge his mood. Maybe he should mind his business, but Gaz also wanted to be a good friend to the Rileys. In the end, he decided to take the plunge. “I see it, y’know,” he said, choosing a careful tone.
Simon turned his head fully to shoot him a probing look, urging him to continue.
Gaz sighed to himself. In too deep, now. “Just something I’ve noticed. Seems like she’s done this before, s’all.”
Damn Kyle Garrick and his perceptiveness. How long had the Sergeant been sitting on that thought, watching and observing her mannerisms? Simon stood staring blankly at his companion, unblinking for too long. His heart clenched painfully, twisting and beating violently against his ribs. When his eyes did finally come back into focus, he covered his face again. “As you were, Sergeant,” he commanded, his tone stern and unyielding. Neither of them noticed the Scot break away from the recruits, reading a text from his phone.
“I don’t mean to pry, sir–”
“Lt?” Soap held the device up, brows knotted together. He didn’t make much of an effort to hide his emotions and was concerned. “Price needs ya, sir. Said he’s pretty sure yer wife’s been in labor for the last hour.”
The trio quickly appeared in her office, where she sat behind her desk, beads of sweat on her forehead as she typed away at her computer. John shrugged helplessly and then scratched at the stubble under his chin. About an hour into their daily morning meeting, where he brought her peppermint tea while they worked over files and potential recruits. They were mid-discussing her scheduled c-section when he noticed her breaths sporadically shake, or the muscles in her arms tightening for seemingly no reason. Price asked her if she was okay and was brushed off every time he prodded at her; when he finally had enough, he decided to call for reinforcements.
Freyja glared at the men, mainly aiming it at Price. “Traitor,” she growled, continuing to work through another contraction.
Simon tossed the keys to their car to Price, who swiftly snagged them out of the air and slipped behind them. In the meantime, he tucked his mask into the back pocket of his jeans, his slightly overgrown blonde hair and the top of his head sticking up. He sat on the edge of the desk, looking down at her as she attempted to ignore his presence. His foot slipped a little on the floor, and he found a small puddle trickling across the floor from the space under her chair. “Anything you want to tell me?” he asked, impossibly soft and gentle for a usually deep, gruff military man.
“No.” She was an accomplished sniper and a skilled linguist and had been deployed on hundreds of special missions, interrogations, and rescues during her military tenure. She, however, wasn’t very convincing when it came to lying to her husband, especially when another sharp pain rippled through her body, forcing her to flinch.
“Wanna try that again?”
Her eyes watered uncontrollably, her lip trembling as she tried to keep herself together. The notion didn’t last long, and her head shook from side to side.
“How long?”
“Long enough.”
“Hm.” Simon turned her chair with his shin until she faced him. As he suspected, dark wetness was creeping up the fabric of her jeans. “We should get going then, yeah?” He tilted his head to the side, watching as she grabbed his hand in a fierce grip.
“Simon–” The woman choked on her tears, panic starting to claw its way up her stomach and wrenching her tight throat. “The OB’s out of the country,” she whimpered, barely a whisper.
“I know. Seems that she’s taken after her old man, like y’said,” he offered in an attempt to give her some comedic relief in her state. Simon could see the panic attack set in, and while he knew he couldn’t stop it, he could at least lessen its effects some.
“I was kidding.”
He smiled softly at her and squeezed her palm, drawing soothing circles with his thumb. “Don’t think she’s quite old enough for sarcasm, there, sweetheart.” He got down to his knees in front of her, sitting back on his heels, just under eye level now instead of towering over her. A familiar position for them as of late. “Looks like we’re doin’ this the old-fashioned way.”
She started crying hysterically now, nearly crushing his hand and cradling her belly. “Simon…I–”
“I know.”
It was as if their audience had completely disappeared, leaving just the two of them for what should be a private moment. But Soap and Gaz were still pressed to the wall by the door. In the months they had become close friends with Simon’s wife, she was almost always composed, her moments of hormonal rage the only outlier they witnessed. They’d never seen her such a panicked, blubbering mess, but Gaz had an idea he knew what it was about, even without specifics. For that reason, he chose to keep his distance and advised Soap to do the same with a tap to the shoulder.
“This–This isn’t the plan. I wanted…they’re supposed to take her out. I don’t want to push again.”
“I know,” he repeated. “I’m sorry, love, but you’ll have to.”
“Can’t we just–” A gasp cut her off, her features pinching together in pain while she rode out yet another contraction.
“No. We can’t.”
“I can’t do this again, Simon! I can’t!” Her chest heaved and she sobbed, struggling to catch her breath. Panic attacks had become more frequent during her pregnancy. There had been about five or six instances where an odd feeling or uncomfortable pain had anxiety washing over her, sending her into a spiral until they could get to an emergency room or OB, snapping at them to ‘just fucking check, for fuck’s sake’. This was definitely one of the worst. All of her meticulous planning, down to every nitty-gritty detail to ensure she didn’t have an episode went right out the window because a certain impatient Riley was eager to make her exit and simultaneous entrance to the world.
The world was collapsing around her, dark and suffocating. The cold pit dragged her back to what seemed like another life, where she lay curled up in a hospital bed, sick and hot and in the worst agony she would ever experience. Her bones burned and ached, struggling to sit still yet unable to move at the same time. Price’s phantom touch ghosted up and down her bare back in that place, brushed her sticky hair off her forehead, pressed a cold towel to her neck as violent sobs and forced, unnatural contractions tore through her—
She blinked when different, gloved hands slipped under her hair, the warmth of her skin bleeding through the material as he cradled her face. Her fingers slipped down to dig into his tattooed wrist. “You can, and you will. Take a breath,” he took a deep breath, guiding her through the exercise. He held the air in his chest before letting it out in a slow exhale, which she mimicked. Ghost summoned Gaz over and rose, pulling her up with him. “Good girl. Can you walk?”
When she nodded, Kyle slipped into the space beside her, offering his forearm for support. She knew Simon could have handled her himself, but it warmed her heart to see him leaning on their friends. John had been a great support system when Simon deployed on his own, but having so many hands to hold made her feel loved and understood.
“A’right then, let’s have a baby, yeah?”
taglist: @esthervalea, @miss-leto, @lethalchiralium, @sweetestcowboy, @blueoorchid, @apocalypticseagull, @eatingtheworldsoffanfiction, @covenlovenn, @330bpm-whiplash, @gnoccheyy, @jaggernauticals, @dwkfan, @untoldshortsofthefandomsdoms, @bobfloydsgf, @maviee, @thomaslefteyebrow, @kyovy, @prodyng, @scout-fang, @avalkyrieofparis
Copyright © 2023 as-is-above-so-below. All rights reserved.
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stonedcoldfoxtarot · 1 year
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5 Reasons You’re That Bitch
Something for the hotties and the secret hotties ft. lyrics by Megan the Stallion
Pile 1 -> Pile 2
Pile 3 -> Pile 4
Pile 1
7oS, Hierophant, Empress, 4oC, 7oP, AoS, QoS, 10oP rev, 10oW, 5oW (2oS)
Many of you are strategic and move in silence. Hoes mad, but you ain’t finna stop until you make it to tin-op and do all the things your haters say you could not (NDA)
You live life on your own terms. Don’t give a fuck about what a hatin’ ass bitch gotta say. Cause none of these hoes saying shit to your face and none of these hoes finna see you at the bank (Thot Shit)
Taken or single, men everywhere want you cause you’re a hot girl and you do hot shit. You make him spend his income on your outfit (Girls in the Hood)
You got a body-ody-ody that makes bitches wanna fight. They spend a lifetime tryna get this hot, but you not the one to play with, like a touch-me-not (Body)
You’re a savage, attitude nasty. Talk big shit but your bank account match it. Haters keep your name in their mouth, now they gaggin’ (Savage Remix ft. Beyonce)
Pile 2
Strength rev, Moon, 4oC, KoP rev, 5oC, Hermit, 4oW, 7oP, AoC, Magician (4oP)
You’re a certified freak, 7 days a week. Wet Ass P*ssy, make that pull out game weak. Some of you don’t cook and you don’t clean, but let you tell it, you got that ring (WAP)
You a real ass bitch, you know you got it lit. All year round it’s a hot girl summer, got a whole lot of options cause they know a bitch poppin’ (Hot Girl Summer ft. Nicki Minaj)
Every day you wake up paid and pretty. Bitches gotta come get their man before you put em in a trance. Cause you got that super nova..that grip, that choker (Cognac Queen)
Pile 2, you ‘bout your money, p*ssy out when you feelin’ real cunty. Men like you thick with the accent county, would sell their soul for a sniff of your undies (Tuned In Freestyle)
Fake ass bitches, fake ass hoes…you tint your windows and lock your doors. When you dip off everybody talking ‘bout a bitch “went ghost,” but, shit, that’s how you roll (Tina Snow Interlude)
Pile 3
KoW, 5oW, 7oP, 6oP, World, KoS, 3oS rev, AoS, Magician, Moon, KoP
Above all else you know your worth. You like all nice things and you like ice, bling-bing. You tell those boys ‘pipe up if you wanna pipe me’ (Pipe Up)
If a man fumbles you, it’s always his loss. You tell him ‘if you wanna leave then bye-bye-bye. I’m a big girl, so I won’t cry-cry-cry’ (Don’t Rock Me To Sleep)
You keep your hair did, nails did, everything did. You tell him ‘Get it for a bad bitch, spend it for a bad bitch. If you got some money, then trick on a bad bitch’. Pile 3 you a savage. Once you spend his money, you leave ‘em in the past tense (Sugar Baby)
Every time you pop out it gets scary for these hoes. You who every man’s wife fear, a thick-thighed nightmare. You the boogie-bitch, hoe, you every man’s type, yea (Scary ft. Rico Nasty)
Pile 3 you stay on your “Fuck you” shit, cause you done being nice. And when it comes to cuttin’ people off, you don’t ever think twice. Fuck it, bitch, you not nice (Not Nice)
Pile 4
Hanged Man rev, 8oP, Hierophant, 5oC, 2oP, Emperor, KoC, 5oS, Fool, AoC, Magician (8oW)
Might have had some setbacks but that was the past. You ain’t gotta worry ‘bout shit, money good. Cause you been out here grindin’ like you ain’t ate, while these hoes bringing nothing to the table but their plate (Money Good)
Pile 4, you have expensive tastes, only men who hate on you are the ones that can’t afford you. This is a motherfuckin’ broke male warning (Warning)
Bitches don’t like you ‘cause you cocky, well you cannot help that your sexy sell and you’re in love with your sexy self. You need a boo that’s gon’ sex you well (Bless The Booth Freestyle)
Pile 4, you’re all that and a bag of flamin’ hot chips. You a hot girl so talk yo shit (Flamin’ Hottie)
And you couldn’t care less if these bitches don’t like you, cause, like, you’re pretty as fuck. With a face like this and a bitch this paid, shit, what could a hoe say? (Her)
Thanks for reading🔮✨
© 2023 stonedcoldfoxtarot. All rights reserved. Please do not copy, translate, edit or redistribute.
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thesunsethour · 3 months
Tumblr in Westeros (S2E4)
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🔗 maesterofsex follow
daemon targaryen summer
🔆 duskendalerebels follow
what does this mean
🔗 maesterofsex follow
rotting in my room and forgetting to brush my hair. perhaps being haunted by ghosts
467 notes
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🐍 divinerightofkingaegon follow
May the Seven bless the soul of King Aegon II Targaryen! Slain in battle protecting his kingdom! Slain by the forces of Rhaenyra the Cruel!
🗺️ 420blazewaterbay follow
18,589 notes
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⚓️ lordlannisterpleasepaymydebts follow
king viserys is dead prince lucerys is dead and me l feel also not so good
⚓️ lordlannisterpleasepaymydebts follow
prince jaehaerys is dead erryk and arryk cargyll are dead and me i feel also not so good
⚓️ lordlannisterpleasepaymydebts follow
princess rhaenys is dead king aegon is dead and me i feel also not so good
🌼 tyrellrosetintedglasses follow
Just Another Day On Normal Island
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🏰 thebutchandthemaidenfemme follow
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Aegon: The haters said I couldn’t do it. And they were correct. Honestly great call from the haters
56,563 notes
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🪝winteriscummingwhosaysno follow
yooooooo FINALLY a proper DRAGON BATTLE 🐉🐦‍🔥 EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!
🏵️ vivathesmallfolk follow
yeah epic. three of my brothers died and my family are now refugees
🍺 tavernwench follow
how about we don’t trauma dump on other people’s posts
47 notes
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🥮 mothermaidencrone follow
what if your dad DIED and you were PREGNANT and your husband was GAY and then you GOT YOUR RIGHTFUL CROWN STOLEN
🥮 mothermaidencrone follow
this happened to my good friend queen rhaenyra targaryen
89,312 notes
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🌽 sweetestsummerchild follow
(most normal voice ever) oh the other death of a royal on dragonback? yeah that was also an accident
🔰 cristoncolebabygirl follow
hashtag i support prince aemond’s wrongs
339 notes
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🟢 alerieflowers13653729 follow
Pray tell does any man have history book recommendations? I would prefer some books centring around the glory days of King Aegon the Conquerer. Should any man have any knowledge on the subject, do not hesitate to seek contact.
♟️anothericebrickinthewall follow
does op firstnamebunchofnumbers know that this site is for the SMALLFOLK. take your highborn ass elsewhere, your (dis)grace
57,579 notes
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technically-a-kiwi · 1 month
Lol, imagine this : cosmic horror AU
The Noise would be the charismatic TV host of chaos, hosting his mysterious show, his public would be the souls of the damned, and his audience would be random people who watched TV at the wrong time and at the wrong place, they are the unsuspected victimes of The Noise's game, a game starting as simple challenges and slowly turning into psychological torture, he'd be narrating your moves like a sports narrator you hear on TV, if you survive those challenges, you'll go back to your life... But you'll never be the same... If you fail, you'll be part of The Noise's audience... forever. Ooooh this is so edgy I love it >:)
Appearance wise it'd just be Cosmic Noise in a less cartoony style with half of his face skin missing revealing a second row of teeth on top of his current teeth (you know like you see in children skull X rays) it's gross, it's creepy, I love it
As for Peppino he'd be the Great Primal Cosmic chef, creating every level of existence from his mighty pizza oven, and blessing humanity with the art of cooking and the Holy Book of Recipe. His words are of unmatched wisdom (and loudness) but are somehow of common comprehension, his presence is overwhelming and yet somehow comforting, he's so calm and so unstable at the same time, he creates in love and in wrath. Peppino is a contradicting deity and his authority is often challenged, his existence only been reduced to fairytales (so yeah basically Italian Arceus). Despite having an age beyond compression, his omnipotence and omniscience and his status as the Cosmic chef, he's one of the most human cosmic entity of them all, experiencing feelings like loneliness, stress and fear. He combats those feelings by cooking, pretty much being a workaholic, it kinda works but he's still pretty lonely.
Appearance wise he'd be cosmic pep in less cartoony style but absurdly huge, like no matter how you tilte your head up you'd only see the beginning of his collar at best, basically being like miss Bellum. And if somehow you manage to get around head level he'd cover his face with a pan, if you're mortal it's because you'd burn if you see his face and if not it's because he doesn't want you to see his disfigured face he got after a cosmic battle with The Noise. He'd be translucent, his body is marbled with scars of past fights, and his overall color palette would be a lot more cooler and darker with his apron and chef hat being the only bright thing on his body.
Yes it's absurd, yes Peppino is God in this AU, yes I made my favorite character into an OP being, yes I'm being a kid. It's meant to be edgy and it will.
Ohhhh but I see you from miles away "BuT wHaT aBoUt CoSmIc FaKe ???!?!!??!" I KNOW YOU WERE ABOUT TO SAY IT, KIWI SEES ALL 👁️👁️, well lucky for you, I may have an idea for our fav ticket stand
THE FAKER is a shapeless dark entity, with infinite amount of faker faces on its body, it hides itself inside a ticket stand where it waits for unsuspected victimes, if you go to the ticket stand and ask for a ticket, a voice will invite you inside, wether or not you accept the invitation, a hand will drag you inside, your body will slowly be assimilated, your mind shifts into one that isn't your own, you feel like you don't know who you are, you feel cold, but one thing is for sure, you have to be so big, strong and mighty to the point you'll rival the might of the Cosmic chef. So yeah basically here it's the thing who wants to be a god.
Okay I'm done with my trip, obviously it's not canon in anyway and it's just my inner kid (and idiot) expressing itself. It doesn't have much of any link with True cosmic, only vaguely taking some of its ideas and exaggerating them to make them sound creepy. I really love horror in general and since Cosmic Au is already absurd I just want to push it to the max and make it an edgy and angst mess. I'd probably design it someday but I already have so much to do ! You know what, to anyone who managed to read this far, I challenge you into drawing those characters using the description I wrote.
If this post gets some people interested maybe I'll do the rest of the cast...
Okay NOW I'm going back to work...
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tarotwithdanise · 1 year
20 things that May will brings to you.
This can be realizations you will feel, new hobbies, your career and finances, love and relationships, blessings or negative outcomes that you might be experiencing.
༉ ‧ ₊ ˚ how to choose a pile? ✧ . ˚
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
1 - 2
3 - 4
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Pile one
If this pile may have many negative messages outcome for you, don't claim them focus on the positive sides and avoid dealing with them. Perhaps we can't probably do that all the time, in the first week of this month wear something dark such as black especially in days like 2nd and 11th or in every Tuesday and Friday to block any evil eye. Additional advice here, put salt in your doorway and do smoke ritual.
Going back to places that reminding you your childhood ; a heal for your inner child.
There are some outcomes that will make you so happy.
If you are someone who is in the field of social media like influencer or well known in a specific community- you probably gonna gain a lot of followers that will respect and honor you the most.
A shocking news ; can be bad or good well it's depends on you on how you perceive this situation.
Someone in your back doesn't agree with you at all and just playing nice towards you because they can benefit something from you, for simple description; you are a tool for them.
If you are experiencing unstable health currently, this pile is a confirmation that you are in good health yet slow and steady.
You might loss some of your property.
An enemy ; an averting evil for you will watched your moves this month. And possibly waiting for you around the corner.
If you are planning to learn some new language, new diet plan or new instrument, this tells you this is the right time for you start.
A sincere new friendship may build and come for this month.
Some of your efforts will be crowned with success.
You will be a bridge to a new develop couple so they can linked and get together.
Good fortune is coming and so you need to trust your family more.
Satisfaction in your home may likely to happen.
You will pay attention and focus to your physical and mental health.
Someone who is strong authority and influence to the public will be significant for you.
A healing for you with a married woman ; this can be your mother. Healing about your mother wound issues.
If you planning to get married with this month. You and your partner may have a happy and comfortable life.
Be careful when investing money or buying something from someone, you might get scammed.
You will find yourself truly blessed with the Universe with this time. And so you feels like to inspire others as well be inspired from them.
Thank you so much for reading my work, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated. Tipping jar is already mentioned above of this post !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Pile two
Planning to meet someone who is popular and famous?Like attending to your favorite idol concert? This will bring a lot of happiness for you. You will enjoy this situation. If not, you are likely planning and savings money for you to actually meet them.
Someone who will get married or if not, you likely to attend and be invited with this wedding.
A partnership. Agreement or soul connection may happen this month with someone.
You will develope a new exercise plan or if not, you maybe interested to join in a exercise program.
Your spiritual growth and intuition will be on point.
You will forgive someone.
Your like or crushing to someone may develop into the next level of like, especially love.
Step out of your comfort zone. (In case, you were looking for a sign this maybe a sign for you to start doing it.)
You bring love and peace into a situation.
Shock from a bad news.
A end of someone or something, can be an actual 💀.
You will be surrounded by true friends.
Fulfilment of your high hopes.
For some, new love may develop.
Swimming??Not sure if it's pool or beach though.
You will discover a secret of someone.
Family quarrels may come.
You will receive a good fortune and neutralize the evil near to you.
Strong unexpected fortune.
You will receive a message from someone that will touch your heart.
Thank you so much for reading my work, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated. Tipping jar is already mentioned above of this post !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Pile three
You may somehow feel deeply hurt.
Manifesting exactly what you want, just keep a positive mindset.
Moving on from a heart break and arriving of someone.
An awaited message may finally arrives ; text, call, email.
You will be talked online? You will be relevant somehow for others.
You will stop a toxic pattern.
A short embarrassment may happen to you that will follow a happiness moment.
Someone might stole something from you so better watched out your things ; a theft.
You maybe get a rival for a competition into someone or something.
A confession from someone you know.
If you have business, it will like get recognition and success.
A enemy will decided to go and turn their back away from you.
Motivation for others and for yourself.
A change of mind.
New pet or working on a new jobs.
A personal issues will finally found it's solution.
You will decide to work with your fears because you think your bigger than them.
You will start dancing and connecting more with Nature.
Starting a new hobbies especially baking sweet treats and writing a journal.
A planned vacation may happen or you will move into a new house, room or dorm.
Thank you so much for reading my work, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated. Tipping jar is already mentioned above of this post !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Pile four
A get together with your friends.
New hair color and hair style.
After a long months of not watching a movie, you will decided to watch again.
A study to stars or if not, a study to astrology.
You will go to see a doctor for check up.
You will buy a new sets of book for yourself.
Deep breathing can calm down your anxiety, you will nourish your temple.
You will let yourself to be playful and enjoy for this month.
A new phase of your life will be happening and preparing yourself for an union with the next coming months.
A freedom from toxic relationship or addiction habits.
Contented of being alone, you will start your own self-care.
A pain???
Your fierce enemies are near to you with this month.
A popularity of someone or yourself will bring so much joy to you.
Your feelings for someone will grow be intense.
Important advice from someone who is female.
You will have a lot fun coming here for you pile four.
Someone you like will like you equally can be friends like platonic.
Someone will try to gaslighting you so be aware.
You will find out something from someone that will shock you and everyone.
Thank you so much for reading my work, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated. Tipping jar is already mentioned above of this post !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
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sashi-ya · 1 year
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𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐬. Trafalgar Law x F! reader & Crew
✦ a sweet comfort scenario after ch. 1081. Do not read if you are not caught up with the manga!! HEAVY SPOILERS AHEAD. We will miss you, Polar Tang. ✦ wc: 1062
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His wounds were something you haven’t seen before; even after Dressrosa the cuts and hits weren’t as deep and severe as those.  
Quickly, those who still can swim freely or with some difficulty, pull the ones at risk out of the water into the coasts of Victor Island.
Ahead of them, some yellow pieces of your home sink into the cold abyss of the Grandline. That in which Polar Tang had been surrounded and hugged, now seems to be its graveyard.
You can only focus on the pain your soul can feel, the physical wounds are nothing compared to it. But it's not just yours; it's what Law will feel when he finally wakes up.
Because he will. And your hands will make it possible.
A day or so has passed, the wounds have been treated. Bepo has returned to his usual form, and besides Penguin and Shachi nobody can stop asking him about his Sulong state. You were able to smile for the first time since the incident because of it. Seeing such a sweet polar bear turn into such a beast and then go back to his apologizing ways is always a little funny.
However, there is something that you can all agree… there wouldn’t be enough gratefulness towards him for saving Law from getting his most precious treasures out of him; his life & the Ope Ope no mi.
A new night came and the still pretty tired -but alive- crewmembers head to their improvised beds still on the coast of that island. Law, continues to be submerged into unconsciousness. Maybe is not that he is not strong enough to wake up, but he doesn’t really want to.
You snuggle on his side. It’s a blessing to be able to grab his hand and feel it so warm. It could have been different. It could have been terrible.
Inside that little cave where you dragged him in, the soft brilliance of the moon only reaches the entrance, and the sound of raging waves fill the place. You wonder if those same waves are softly lulling Polar Tang to its eternal rest and some tears sprout from your eyes.
“I’m sorry…” he mumbles. Soft tattooed hand sloppily reaching for your cheek. It gets wet because of the tears.
“La-Law! You are awake!” you chime, trying to choke back tears that won’t stop falling. “Don’t try to move, you are still pretty hurt” you tell him, while grabbing his hand and planting a kiss on his palm.
“Your face… it’s hurt… I’m sorry… I couldn’t protect our home” he murmurs, with just one eye open because that’s what his swollen eyelids allow him to do.
You don’t care about anything; your wounds are nothing. He protected you all, he fought against a man who plays it dirty. Who is a coward and can’t win if he doesn’t steal other’s dreams. How dare him speak of dreams, when he goes around this world snatching them from others?
“No, Law. You are such a strong man. You protect us all. Your mission was completed, you put yourself in front of us to fight!” you try to make him understand he is not weak, that he should be the winner because Teach wasn’t able to take what he came to steal; the Ope Ope no mi.
Law turns to you with difficulty and grimacing in pain. His hands reach your cheeks, and his forehead presses against yours. “I’m glad you are alive. How is the rest?” he asks, with trembly voice. He is scared to hear what he doesn’t want to.
“The whole crew is alive. They are all safe and sound!” you inform him, allowing the poor doctor to breath a sigh of relief.
He nods, closing his eyelids tight. A tear tries to scape. Because there is yet another crew member he knows he lost. But, there is even more he wants to discover… He lifts his arm, putting his hand in the classic form to cast his “rooms”.
“ROOM…” he shily says, still with eyes closed and trembling lips.
With difficulty, a blue bubble of light sprouts from his palm illuminating the surroundings with its magical hue. Law barely opens his eye, and lets his body fall limp on yours. He is so relieved. His fruit, the reason why Cora-san died, the heart of his life is still inside him.
“Bepo saved you. He was the one who gave Teach the final blow to prevent him from stealing it. Bepo turned into Sulong… he saved you as a vice captain should” you proudly inform your captain -and lover-.
Law fixes his watery icy eyes on yours. And a smile you rarely see appears on his beaten-up countenance. “I’m so proud of my brother… I wont have enough life to pay him for this”
You know Bepo doesn’t need anything back for doing what he did, but you agree with Law either way.
However, Law’s sight reach for the sea outside the cave. And countless silent tears bathe his cheeks. He knows there will be no coming back, and his only home for the last 12 years is definitely gone.
“What will you do, now? I lost our home… how am I gonna face Mr. Wolff after this?” he murmurs, burying his head on your chest.
“We lost it the physical body of Polar Tang yes, but we didn’t lost our home Law…” you whisper, kissing his ruffled black hair with delicacy and tracing circles on his back with your palm.
You let him cry all he needs. After all, he is just human. And soon shy eyes surround you all. The whole crew wait to say something, they were all sleeping but his captains heartbeats surely woke them all.
“Law… are you sure we lost our home?” you ask, again, making him look up towards his nakama surrounding you.
You make them all come to him, slowly. Bepo is the first, however, to run and hug him. And in a big, sweet hug you all melt. “Captain, you are alive!” they all chime. But Law can’t stop apologizing for losing Polar.
“Law, I’m gonna ask you again… are you sure we lost our home?” you repeat, grabbing his cheeks. He blinks, in between blurry sight he keeps silent.
And you all, at unison repeat; “Captain… home is where the heart is!”
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
Heaven in Your Eyes || Arthur Shelby x OC!Reader
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Summary:  Weeks passed since Arthur's first encounter with the woman of his life. From that day, you meet every night and part only when the morning comes. When Linda starts to suspect it, she decides it's time to remind him who is in charge. The thing is, Arthur cannot take it anymore and just want to be with you.
Words: 4k
TW: Angst, toxic relationship, narcissistic personality disorder, mention of witch hunt and death, implicit divorce, soulmates finding each other for good but hint of dependent relationship
✞ Even though Linda tends to be a disliked character, this story does not want to demonize her but rather offers an reading of the character based on my interpretation and research on narcissistic personality disorder.
✞ Heaven is OP's original character but written with the use of « you » (Moodboard here).
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When Arthur came back home at dawn, he could still feel the tingling sensation your gentle and cold fingers had left on his skin. His body collapsed on the sofa, repulsed by the simple idea of sleeping in the marital bed beside his controlling wife, for he was smitten with the divine creature he had met earlier. 
He wanted her. 
Only her.
And he wanted her so bad that it physically hurt.
The way she had touched him — like no other women did — had lit a blazing fire within. 
His whole being was burning with an unquenchable desire he was not really sure how to hold back. But more than a carnal appetite, it was his whole soul that was yearning for her. A feverish sigh escaped from his lips as his mind replayed each of their interactions again and again, like an old broken record: She had washed the blood from his face without the slightest wince nor hint of disgust. As the white cloth she used had turned entirely red, she looked at him with a soft gleam in her eyes, then laid a blessed kiss on his forehead. He remembered grabbing her wrists before she let go of his face and begging her not to leave. The look she had given him, full of divine mercy, almost brought tears back to his eyes. The Angel finally allowed him to rest his head on her lap. 
His memory blurred from this moment. All he could remember was how gently her hand stroke his hair. He had dozed off, lulled by her fresh spring-like perfume and by the way her nails grazed the shaved parts of his head.
Little he knew that what was supposed to be a fortunate and ephemeral miracle soon turned into an addiction — maybe the healthiest addiction he ever had. He eagerly waited for the night to come because he knew that, at the end of the day, she would wrap her arms around his neck and make every one of his problems fade away. This was how they had started to reunite each night, hidden from the world’s sight. 
Moon after moon, he would listen to her sing, her voice echoing through the church’s walls as it did the night fate had led him to her. Sometimes they would stay inside the church, talking until the sun rose and the birds chipped. Some other nights they would go for a walk, holding hands and finding comfort in each other’s presence. But ultimately, they would always end up laying in her bed, their fully-clothed bodies pressed together and their fingers intertwined,  with the firm will of never parting. And it was at the exact moment when the heat pooling under their skin became unbearable that their lips would brush against each other’s, shaky breaths melting together as they fervently waited for the other to break the small but oh-so-excruciating distance that was separating them.
But he never did — for he feared hurting her.
And she never dared — Afraid she would curse him.
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“You came home late. Again,” Linda stated. Noticing the calm but devastating anger in her voice, Arthur opened his eyes and focused on the wall that was facing him.
“Told ya. Had to take a walk.” When she remained silent for more than a few terribly long seconds, his gaze shifted from the invisible spot he was staring at to look at her winter iris. Invisible knives stabbed him as she gave him the cold-eyes stare she used to do whenever he didn’t do what she wanted or what she had expected him to do. 
“Arthur. I already told you that working in the dark is —“
“For the Devil,” He finished off her sentence, “working in the dark is for the Devil. I know.”  Arthur growled,  too tired to suffer another Christian lecturing. As he swallowed, his calloused hand rubbed his throat as if it was looking for the invisible leash she had put around his neck. An invisible leash that had started to suffocate him after Tommy’s wedding.
“You know, I am trying to save you. But how come each night you leave the house and manage to sabotage each of my attempts to make God forgive you?” Her voice remained quiet, but each word she spat was coated with venom. Her personal dog was slipping through her fingers, disobeying her orders, and she could not stand it.
“Save me eh. “ Arthur repeated, his lips stretching in a crooked smile tainted with indescribable sorrow. There was a time he truly believed her — a time he thought Linda would see past the beast he was and treat him right, but she only trapped him in a loveless marriage. When she was not boring him with her endless religious sermons and metaphors, she would value herself by demeaning him.
By all means, Linda Shelby was a fierce woman who tended to give herself a superior appearance to others and felt an overwhelming need to be both admired and praised. Especially if it was at someone’s else expense.
He could have ripped her throat with his bare teeth, of course. He, Shelby’s unhinged mad dog.  But Arthur wanted so desperately to be loved that he had never dared to bite.
“Yes, save you. But I’m starting to think all my efforts are useless.  I helped you get off drugs. I brought you to church each Sunday despite ruining my reputation dating a Shelby and this is how you thank me? I am —“ She paused, only to step closer “ Deeply disappointed in you.” The expression on her face would have broken Arthur’s heart if she had not used the same trick countless times before. It was just a part of her strategy.
“Come on, Linda! Say it!” He snapped and jumped from the chair, facing her, “Say I’m not worthy of saving eh. Ye always say that kind of fookin’ things to me. One day I’m a poor misguided sheep, the other I am a shit not even worth stepping on. This ain’t goin’ to save me. Yer messing with me brain!”  He hit the left side of his head with his palm as he said so. 
Linda blinked, surprised by her husband’s audacity to bark at her.
“How… Dare you?” She whispered , feeling her self-control starting to break down. Despite the anger slowly building within, Linda was smart. Far too smart for lashing out on Arthur by yelling at him — For her, relationships were like a chess game. All she had to do was moving the right pawns to get people to do what she wanted, “Don’t you realize that I am the only one who will ever want you?”
Was it the sound of broken glass or a shattering heart? Arthur could not tell, for her murderous words had struck him with the violence of a guillotine’s blade on a prisoner’s neck. He took a few steps back, bewildered by what he had just heard. 
“Yes, you heard me right. When I found you in London you were fucking with these Eden Club’s whores because no one wanted you. You either scared women, or repelled them, and don’t be dumb enough to think it has changed.”
At this point of the conversation, his head started to get so dizzy he had to hold onto the chair’s backrest, “Don’t— Say — that.” He gritted through his teeth, nails digging into the varnished wood.
Closing his eyes, Arthur thought about you in an attempt not to burst into a destructive rage, but his heart only ached more at the possibility of you being afraid of or disgusted by him. What if she was right? What if you, God’s most beautiful Angel, would grow tired of him?  After all, you were a young and pure soul. And he was an old and sick bastard.
What could he give you, except a miserable life  in Small Heath and the negative influence it has upon people?
Linda sneaked behind Arthur with a wild cat’s grace and put one of her delicate hands on his chest. The unwanted physical contact snatched him from his thoughts. He reopened his steel blue eyes, shining with both anger and pain. A part of him — the self-depreciating one —  wanted to fall on his knees and beg her for forgiveness, knowing far too well that placing his hopes in you was a vain thing to do. No one would ever want him, she said.  Let alone you, Heaven, the most beautiful and holy creature he had ever seen.
“So now,” the tone she was using had turned from venom into sugar again “You will first apologize to me and, then, promise me to stop leaving at night no matter the reason behind those nocturnal getaways. I don’t care if it’s for family business or for a young slut. You’ll stay here and be a good husband, will you?”
And that was how she always won arguments without raising her voice once. Pushing the right buttons and using a punishment/reward method with Arthur was efficient enough to keep him under her thumb.  Now, she knew he was going to feel awful for yelling at her and he would seek for her tenderness, afraid she would leave him. Maybe he would cry, maybe not, but as long as he remained obedient it did not really matter. That was what usually happened. Or at least, that was how it would have happened before you and he met, for he could afford to lose Linda but not his angel. In fact, he would rather rot in hell than give up on you. 
“Go choke on yer apologies, Linda. Ya don’t seem to realize that I’m already saved, and ya had nothing to do with it ”  
When, with eyes wide open and trembling hands on her mouth, Linda Shelby realized she had lost for the first time in her life, the door slammed so violently it felt the whole house was shaking, within an inch of collapsing on her head. 
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If there was one thing you missed from your home town it certainly was the mountain forests of your childhood. There was a comforting feeling in walking through the green vastness of the woods, birds' whistles and streams’ whispers for only companions. When you first came to Birmingham, you felt like suffocating: the noise, the smell, the swarming people…  You had trouble handling it for weeks. The truth was, you cried yourself to sleep almost every night, wishing to wake up in your beloved French Alps. But, deep inside, you knew that coming back to Haute Falaise would be a death sentence. 
Even though the bedroom you rented from Lucy, the lovely widow who managed the place, was located near a mock forest, it was nothing compared to the mighty splendor of the mountains’ landscape. Still, you understood that crying would not resolve your problems so you did what you did the best: raising your head and taking the blows… And here you still were.
You had just finished brushing the horse’s mane when Lucy came, arms crossed on her generous bosom.
“There’s a man waiting for you at the door.” 
“A man?” Your brows furrowed for you expected no one. Making friends had never been an easy task for you, even more considering they were all scared of you and your white hair.
“Tall, all limbs, cold blue eyes, and a mustache.”  Lucy stared at you, waiting for your answer to know if she should welcome the visitor or if she could chase him with her broom — the landlady was not a very social woman. Even though you remained silent, the surprised and shy expression that appeared on your juvenile face gave her an answer, “ Alright… But if you plan to fuck, I’d ask you to clean the bedsheet yourself.” She added. 
You would have died from shame right on the spot if Arthur’s presence did not occupied your thoughts. Heart racing in your chest, you walked to the door but the tall blonde woman, whose face remained placid as always, grabbed your arm as you went past her. 
“Heaven. He’s a Peaky Blinders.” 
“I know Lucy.” 
“And this one is the most dangerous.”
The frozen blizzard of her eyes warmed when she stared at you, silently begging you to be careful around this kind of men, especially when they bore the name of Arthur Shelby. She, along with all of Birmingham, was aware of his violent nature and did not want him to put you in a vulnerable position.
“Well. My mother used to call me dangerous too.”
She let go of your arm when her sharp senses noticed love coursing through your veins. Lucy sighed…
It was already too late.
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As soon as Arthur saw you running to him, your long ivory mane dancing in the wind and your aquamarine eyes shining with excitement, the weight of his dark thoughts magically lightened. His morose mood vanished, swept by the way your hypnotizing body swung at each step. It was the first time someone looked at him the way you did, genuinely radiating with joy at his simple presence many dreaded. In many ways, he was used to glimmers of fear and hatred or, at best, pity, in the eyes of those staring at him, but not that deep and sincere affection you always blessed him with. His lips stretched in an enamored smirk, his mustache slightly lifting as he did.
“What are you doing here? Are you okay?” You asked.
Words choked in his throat, for the way the pale sunlight reflected on your delicate porcelain skin clouded his mind with confusing and intense urges. His strong, calloused hands grasped your hips with hast, almost bruising you in the process. Yet, you wrapped his neck with your arms far from being repelled by the firmness of his possessive grip. Quite the contrary, his overwhelming need of owning you made you feel safe. 
“Arthur?”  You called him again softly, but he remained silent,  mesmerized by your beauty he never had the chance to observe by day. A light, hoarse chuckle escaped from his mouth. 
“I can’t help but wonder where your wings are each time I see you, love.” His smile widened when he noticed the adorable pink shade that had just appeared on your cheeks. 
“Don’t try to change the conversation, what are you doing here?” Fire burnt within as his hands tightened their grip even more, and his thumb started to caress your hip in circular movements.
“Couldn’t wait for tonight. And to be true, I can’t fookin’ wait at all. My body and heart yearn for ya. It’s like a slow acting poison running through my veins, infecting me brain. And it feels good only when I’m with you.” 
Boom. Boom. Your heartbeat echoed in your whole rib cage, its pace so brutal that you were pretty sure it was about to burst your chest open.  Moisturing your lips with the shy tip of your tongue, you did your best to muzzle your emotions. 
“I missed you too. You know… I feel like I come back to life when the moon rises.” Mission failed, your heart spoke far too quick than your rational mind, even though your voice was merely a whisper —  In spite of all your love, the man was not yours and he will never be. 
At your words, Arthur let out a long relieved exhale and leaned over you, burying his nose in your neck. A shiver ran down your spine at the sensation of his mustache tickling your sensitive skin.  Usually, he would rub it in your neck to make you laugh but today he was not in the mood to torture you. All he wanted was to keep you in his arm and never let you go. His ardent breath, fanning over you, made you realize how close his mouth was, and this sole thought almost drove you crazy.  You ran your small hand through his hair and brought him closer— but it was never enough. No matter how close you were, there was always too much space, too much clothes, too much of everything between you and him.
Arthur closed his eyes and drown in your perfume, whose floral and green fragrances reminded him the smell of Lily-of-the-valley. And even if he had never dare to use his lips on you yet, he started kissing your collar bone for he could not resist anymore.
“Fuck—“ You breathed and bit your lower lip, trapping it between your teeth while you tried not to give in to the fuzzy sensation that was numbing your whole being. 
His mouth kept conquering your skin, tingling kisses trailing up your neck first, then your jaw, and your cheek. With one skilled movement, his hips crashed against yours and hugged your forms with a tailored perfection — He was convinced God created you for him and nothing could change his mind. One of his powerful hands left your hips only to catch your chin and raised your face for you to look at him. You felt overwhelmed and intoxicated, surges of electricity running through your body as the Celeste blue of your eyes dug into the steel blue of his. 
“Arthur— No. You’re married.”  The words that had just escaped your mouth left a bitter taste on your tongue. Your face turned to the side, denying him access to your lips. 
“Is that the problem, love?”  Arthur was still staring at your lips, forehead pressed against your head. Strands of hair were falling in front of his face, now darkened with a shade of anger. He was not mad at you, far from it, but your anxiety about his marriage reminded him of the foul things Linda had said to him a few hours ago. He swallowed, gathering all his strength to keep his calm even though you had already met that monstrous part of him the night you had cleaned the blood off his face. Somehow, Arthur knew you accepted him as he was — contrary to Linda who wanted to change him — but his protective nature told him to spare you from his tantrums.
“It is indeed one of the two problems that keep me from kissing you, Shelby. You know the nature of my feelings for you, dear, but if I resisted the temptation of your lips for months it’s not to give in now. I don’t want to be the other woman.”
Arthur backed off, jaw clenched. Then, he raised his left hand to display the golden ring he had never taken off since his wedding day.  “So it’s that damn thing that bothers ya,” He paused,  only to look at you and your otherworldly beauty. Sometimes he had still trouble realizing you were real,  “lemme tell you something… It ain’t a wedding ring. It’s a fookin’ noose and I don’t want it anymore.” At these words, he took it off and threw it as far as he could with one powerful movement. The ring, whose golden surface reflected the pale sun rays, flew away and ended in the small stream nearby. As soon as it touched the water, the stream's flow carried it away.
You looked at him, speechless and bewildered by what he just did.
“Fook Linda, and fook my vows. I don’t want ya to be the other woman, I want ya to be me woman.”  The gravel in his voice sent a shiver through your spine.  He looked at you, arms open, silently asking what else he had to do for you to belong to him. 
Admittedly, Linda had been one impediment to your relationship with Arthur, but it was out of respect rather than anything else. What really terrified you though, was the consequences of your love upon the man.
“You don’t understand Arthur,” This time tears flooded your vision, for if Linda was a resolvable problem, the other obstacle was engraved in your flesh, “They say I’m cursed.” 
His long arms fell down along his body, not quite comprehending what you meant by "cursed". The tall gangster remained petrified for what seemed to be an eternity, his mind proceeding with this information. You had always been mute about your past — all he knew was that you came from France and people thought you were some kind of witch. But as superstitious as he was, he would not let stupid rumors ruin you. You were everything he needed, everything he prayed for, cursed or not. And at this point, he was just saddened by the distorted image you had of yourself. How he would have loved to lend you his eyes so that you see yourself through his lights.  This is why he broke the distance you had set between you and him and pressed his warm and rough hand gently against your cheek. 
“You ain’t cursed. Who told you that?”
“Father Hughes.”
“He’s a cunt. And even if he’s right, you can be their curse, but it doesn’t mean yer not me blessing eh.” 
“But — “ The sun reflected on your crystal tears, making them shine as if melted diamond streams were overflowing from your heavenly eyes. What people had always said about you was still somewhere behind your brain, hanging onto it with their claws dug deeply into your synapses. They kept you awake at night, along with the villagers’ chants, the menacing pyre, and the stones cast at you.
“You’ll die if you stay by my side.” You muttered between heartbreaking sobs, whose ache would make stones weep.
“You don’t seem to understand, love. I’ll die if I don’t.”  He spoke all the while lovingly pressing his forehead against yours, pulling you into a tender embrace — It was at that very moment you discovered that his tenderness had the power of chasing your sorrows away.
Silence fell down on the two lovebirds, whose silhouettes embellished Lucy’s garden. Arthur’s lips brushed against yours, still unsure if you wanted it or not. Yet, the way your mouth slightly parted left no doubt of your consent. He leaned over you to break the distance but, as he did, you gently backed up but only to tease him this time. He growled, his hoarse voice making your soul vibrate. 
“Kiss me, eh.” He complained, with a low tone.
Your lips still grazed his, gently, ghostly, like an angel’s feather.  Arthur inhaled your breath and the feverish sigh that followed made you flicker like a candle flame. That was only when the wait became unbearable, almost physically painful, that your mouths collapsed, like rogue waves crashing against the shore’s stones.  As you were finally giving in to your desire, a firework of sensations exploded within and eluded everything that surrounded you. 
He smelt like whiskey and musky aftershave, but he tasted like honey and sadness. 
Among all the drugs he had taken, all the alcohol he had consumed, and the women he had known, the sensation of your tongue lightly touching his with an adorable shyness was so ecstatic that it rendered his past vices bland and empty. The world melted under your feet. Arthur embraced you tighter, feeling the need to be pressed against every inch of your body he could rob from you and jail them in this timeless moment. Your lips slightly shifted to the side so you could catch your breath, but he kept kissing the edge of your mouth, hungry for more and more. He did not want to let you go for the life of his. No matter if he had to suffocate in the process.
“I love you, Heaven.” He mumbled between kisses.
It was all it took — along with the pleasant caress of his mustache on your face — to convince you to give up on breathing too and devour his lips a second time, fiercely. As you pulled him in a second kiss, Arthur’s hand left your cheek only for him to run his long fingers through your magnificent hair, whose ivory color suited you so well. To be true, he really fancied that unusual physical trait of yours; given how he always played with some of your long white strands. Your tongues danced one last time together and as they did, his demons found a cure in yours.
Arthur pulled away reluctantly, knowing he had to let you go. He had a meeting at the Garrison with his brothers to talk about the Russians. You laid a soft kiss on his chin, waiting for him to break your embrace.
But he never did — for he feared losing you.
And you never dared — Afraid he would shatter without your touch.
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Any comment, review, reblog or constructive criticism is welcome. Also, I'll be more than happy to meet people in the Peaky Blinders fandom. I hope you enjoyed some Arthur and Heaven.
Ask if you wanna be tagged in future Peaky Blinders Works.
Peaky Blinders Requests are open.
Tags: @areyenotfondofmelobster
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hello I'm a new follower of you can I request to you about honkai star rail x archon older sibling reader (any gender and any archon) and the archon older sibling is the god of luck , life or death and the honkai star rail characters are the astral express crew or Gaspard , blade , luocha and Jing yuan is it ok and thank you for your great writing
(Honkai star rail x genshin impact)
A/N: Hello, thank you for following me and your great request! I hope, I can do your idea justice!<33
Characters featured: Gepard, Blade, Luocha, Jing Yuan
Content: Fluff, some tiny angst, reader is an op god sibling, mentions of death(?), no one except for chosen characters know that you're a God, platonic sibling relationships
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread!))
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You are the god of luck and Gepard's, including Serval's and Lynx's, older sibling, which comes with alot of responsibility at times. Especially in keeping your godhood a secret from everyone outside of your family.
Being the god of luck is very beneficial in Gepard's case, mainly because he needs alot of it out on the front lines. You keep him safe and make his days easier, which he appreciates alot.
He doesn't fully grasp your abilities or power, yet still tries his best to understand everything. He is grateful to have you and very proud at that. He'll listen intently when you tell him stories of a long forgotten past, always asking questions and noting things down, if he has to. He wants to know and understand everything, so he can best take care of you.
Gepard does everything to keep you and your secret safe with him. You mean the world to him as his older sibling and he makes sure you know it, with how he keeps you safe and content. It's the least he could do, for the luck you grant him.
He always asks and prays for your blessings, whenever he has longer weeks at the front lines, always keeping a picture of you and his other siblings in his pocket just in case. He feels more confident and at ease, knowing you're always watching over him.
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Despite never admitting it out loud, he is very grateful to have you by his side. You are the God of death and therefore aid him in causing havoc and chaos. You love your little brother after all and can't say no to him. Though you have to admit, that collecting the souls after his chaotic endeavours was becoming quite tiring...
He doesn't treat you like a god or something above him, in fact, he sometimes is arrogant enough to think he's better than you. You let him think what he wants, finding it cute and amusing even. You always support him in anything he does, no matter what it may be.
Though there are days, where you have to keep him in check. Keep him sane. And whilst he constantly defies you stubbornly, deep down he's glad that you are keeping him stable and safe. It comforts him to have his older sibling watching over him at all times.
He doesn't care, if people know of your secret or not. If they know, then people would be more intimidated and scared, which benefits him greatly. Whilst he has his power and ego trips, he doesn't notice the invisible child leash you always have on him, keeping him away from serious trouble and death for that matter. You sometimes seriously wonder, what he'd do without you.
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You are the god of life and therefore quite useful to Luocha's work as a doctor. You are, amongst other things, able to heal people with him and he's grateful to have a sibling like you helping him out.
You both travel the countries together, the coffin always accompanying you everywhere you go. You never inquire about it, even if you find it a bit odd as the god of life. But everyone has their secrets and as long as your little brother is okay, you don't mind... though you are still quite curious about it in secret.
Speaking of secrets, yours is safe with him. If anyone asks about how you can heal people so easily, he just simply says that you're special. He never elaborates either. You are important and valuable to him and anything that dares hurt or question you will be kept far away from you.
He protects you and takes care of you, always keeping you close during your travels. He enjoys spending alot of time with you and listening to you tell him about your abilities or stories.
Luocha is happy, that he has a sibling like you and likes to remind you of it with kind, gentle words. Your blessings makes his job and skill better and he's more than grateful for it.
》Jing Yuan
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You are the god of luck and boy... does he sometimes take advantage of that. You usually tolerate everything your little brother does with you. Whether it is helping him make his elaborate and exhausting plans true or helping him have luck achieve better skills at something, you do it all for him.
And usually you never complain... although you're starting to feel like he should make pay you first with offerings or just money at this point, before you do anything for him anymore. But with enough sweet talking and borderline manipulation, that you see through completely, he still gets everything he wants. Did you maybe spoil him too much with your powers? Yes, you have and no, you can't stop now.
Don't get him wrong though, he is eternally grateful for everything you've done for him. He's convinced that you're the only reason he ever survived on the battlefield, so he can't be thankful enough for you watching over him.
He keeps you and your secret safe, you're his first priority in everything and asks for your blessing everyday, before he leaves for work.
He keeps you close, joking teasingly to others, that his older sibling is his "luck charm". You're not very amused.
A/N: I hope this was okay! Thank you again for the request!<33
♡All requests are appreciated♡
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kefiteria · 6 months
Heartstrings and High Tea
Character: Neuvillette x Reader
Tags: established relationship, major fluff and romance
A/N🍨: I was listening to my favorite classical piece, Romance in E flat major op 11 by finzi, and please listen at this timestamp 4:04 till 4:30 (this is my favorite part of the piece) it's so good and that's where this fanfic is inspired from! I hope you guys like this!
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“Ah, this tea is exquisite, my love.” Neuvillette remarked, savoring the delicate flavor. “What blend is it again?”
“Geranium, my dear.“ you replied as your brush dancing across the canvas as you captured his likeness. “And hold that pose, you're positively radiant.”
A hint of color dusted Neuvillette's cheeks as he attempted to hide his smile behind his fingers. “You flatter me endlessly...” he murmured, his gaze fixed on you with adoration.
“You deserve every compliment, my handsome muse~" you teased with affection evident in your voice. “...and your presence alone inspires me.“
Neuvillette chuckled softly, tracing the rim of his teacup with his fingers. “You've painted me countless times, my love. Do I truly make a good subject?”
“Absolutely.” you insisted and setting your brush aside to meet his gaze. “You're more captivating than any masterpiece I could ever create.”
Neuvillette remained seated in the cozy chair amidst the glass greenhouse garden which surrounded by an array of delectable pastries and steaming cups of tea, all serving as picturesque props for your painting. The air was filled with the sweet aroma of flowers, mingling with the warm scent of freshly brewed tea, creating a serene atmosphere that cocooned you both in a dreamy embrace.
As you diligently painted Neuvillette, your brushstrokes danced across the canvas with an ethereal grace, capturing every subtle nuance of his features bathed in the soft, diffused light filtering through the glass panes. Your gaze often lingered on him with a tender affection, your smile a silent testament to the depth of your love for him, a love that transcended words and found expression in the strokes of your brush.
Neuvillette observed you with a mixture of adoration and wonder, his heart swelling with gratitude for the blessing of having you as his fiancée. He longed to express the depths of his feelings, to convey how fortunate he felt to share his life with someone as understanding and lovable as you. But for now, he contented himself with basking in the warmth of your presence, reminiscing about the countless cherished moments you've shared together.
In this idyllic moment suspended in time, surrounded by the lush greenery and bathed in the soft glow of the afternoon sun, Neuvillette found himself lost in a reverie of love and gratitude, his heart overflowing with a sense of profound bliss. And as you continued to paint him with unwavering devotion, each brushstroke became a testament to the timeless bond that bound your souls together, creating a masterpiece of love that would endure for eternity.
“You're the serenity that graces my weary eyes, my dear.” you whispered, your voice carrying the weight of adoration as you approached the tea table, seeking solace from your artistic endeavors. Neuvillette, ever the poet, met your gaze with a soft smile, his eyes shimmering with affection. Pouring the fragrant tea into your awaiting cup, he uttered, “You and your words weave a tapestry of enchantment, my love.”
With a gentle clink of porcelain, you both indulged in the comforting warmth of the tea, enveloped in a tranquil silence that spoke volumes. Neuvillette's tender touch, his ungloved hand intertwined with yours, caressed your skin with a softness that transcended words, his thumb tracing delicate patterns as if etching promises of eternal devotion.
In this silent exchange of love, every sip of tea became a communion of souls, each touch a symphony of unspoken vows. Lost at the moment, you found safe heaven in the simple act of being together, your hearts entwined in a dance of whispered promises and lingering gazes.
“Soon we'll officially be husband and wife, my beloved.” He whispered as your heart swelled with emotion at his heartfelt declaration. “To wake by your side each morning, to legally bind our love, and to have the privilege of calling you mine for eternity fills me with boundless joy.”
As Neuvillette poured out his hopes and dreams for your future together, you felt a surge of gratitude for the unwavering love and devotion he offered. With a gentle squeeze of his hand, you conveyed your unwavering commitment to stand by his side through every trial and triumph that lay ahead.
Together, you had already laid the foundation for a partnership built on love, trust, and mutual respect. From open communication, comprehension, compromising to unwavering commitment, you both understood the importance of nurturing your relationship with care and compassion.
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As the scene shifted from the tranquil greenhouse to the grandeur of the altar, time seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of the momentous occasion unfolding. With hearts pounding in unison, you stood hand in hand with Neuvillette, your eyes locked in a silent exchange of vows that transcended mere words.
"I do." Neuvillette's voice resonated with unwavering conviction as he slipped the ring onto your trembling finger, a single tear glistening in the corner of his eye. With a tender kiss upon your forehead, he sealed the promise of a lifetime, igniting a blaze of passion and devotion that would illuminate your path forward as husband and wife.
In that electrifying moment, amidst the hushed whispers of cherished guests and the swell of emotional crescendo, you both embarked on a journey of boundless love and infinite possibilities. For one who once knew not the depths of emotion, to stand now, married, heart brimming with love – it proves: anything is possible.
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firaloveatea · 4 months
Corazon mets Neon
@sakura-rose12, I kinda took some inspiration from your WIP Comic. I hope you don't mind.
Thirteen years is a long time to go without seeing someone you love. Donquixote Rosinante, Corazon, by some, knew this statement well. Thirteen years ago, he left behind someone precious to him, locked in a treasure chest, while he bled out on the frozen ground. Now standing in Dressrosa with the man who raised him, Rosinante found himself looking at his cherished person, all grown up. Ragged, worn out and wounded from fighting Doflamingo, but alive. He survived that dreaded disease. Their hopes for the Op-Op fruit came true.
With Sengoku’s indirect blessing, turning his back, he raced after the Pirates, racing away from Dressrosa. Corazon called after Trafalgar Law, surprising the younger man by scooping him up and racing down the temporary dock built for the pirates' escape.
A pirate named Bartolomeo hosts most of the pirates, throwing a party over their victory in Dressrosa and creating the Straw Grand Fleet. Law, however, is not fully present in the festivities. His attention is solely on a young woman from the Straw Hat crew, Chaos Neon. Her legs are wrapped in bandages from her thighs to her feet, rendering her unable to walk without assistance. With his gentle touch and caring demeanor, Law takes the lead in this role, tending to her needs with the precision of a doctor and the tenderness of a friend.
A silent observer, Corazon can’t help but notice the profound affection in Law’s eyes when he is with Neon. The soft caresses of her cheek or hair as they converse. Resistance is absent when Neon leans against Law’s shoulder. Corazon discerns that something truly extraordinary has blossomed between the two young souls. It's in the way Law rests his head against hers, closing his eyes and finding solace in their shared presence.
It takes Corazon a few days to find Neon alone; between her crewmates fretting over her, Law also remains vigilant. He finds her leaning against the rail, watching the waves in the early morning sun. Sleeping, hungover pirates from the previous night's partying covered the deck, but she didn’t seem to mind. He carefully walks over, nearly tripping several limbs. A soft humming floats through the air the closer he gets to the young woman.
Corazon clears his throat so as not to startle her. “Chaos Neon?”
Her vibrant red eyes turned to meet his, curiosity lighting them up. Not a trace of fear was present, only a warm smile. “Corazon, it's a pleasure to meet you finally. Law has spoken so much about you.”
This shocks Corazon as he moves closer, sitting on the deck beside her. Law had told someone about him. Neon must have done some heavy work to get Law to open up to her, an impressive feat since it took him nearly six months for Law to open up to him. “I wanted to say thank you for caring about Law. I have been watching the past few days and couldn’t help but notice your bond.”
“Thank you for loving him first, Corazon,” she replies, returning to the sea. “I spent about two years with Law and the Heart Pirates.”
“After your captain punched a Celestial Dragon,” he nods; he knew the story of the Straw Hats disappearing from the world for two years before reemerging in Sabaody.
Neon giggles at the mention of that event: “Yup, Law saved me from getting arrested or warped off to some unknown island by Kuma. Then Silvers Rayleigh asked Law to train me in Haki and anything else he found useful.”
“That explains why he’s been caring for you so much since your injury,” Corazon replies, pulling out a cigarette. “How did you get such extensive wounds to your legs?”
“I fought Doflamingo and pissed him off several times for taking me hostage to use against my friends,” her voice is so casual, with hints of humor in it. “I gave him a tongue lashing he needed to hear.”
The confidence she must possess to stand up to a man like his brother. Corazon thinks about the known abilities the Marines had on this woman; she doesn’t have devil fruit powers. Haki isn’t a perfect armor or tool against someone as psychopathic as Doflamingo, but she did it. “Why?” is all the Corazon manages to say.
“To protect Law,” she admits. “Doflamingo knew that some relationship was between Law and me due to some Punk Hazard events, but I wasn’t scared. I didn’t care because I wouldn’t let him use me against Law, even if it was his biggest fear.” She turns to look at Corazon again. “I would give up my acrobatic abilities, my legs, or anything for Law. I would never regret it.”
“Neon!” Law’s voice calls, interrupting them. “You should be resting.”
The young woman turns, still leaning on the guardrail, “You cleared me for short walks and standing!”
Law marches over with a serious expression, but Neon doesn’t flinch. Instead, she reaches out and tugs on Corazon’s sleeve as if she wants him to see something. “She is using the rail, Law.” Corazon chimes in, trying to help her out to some degree.
“If you push yourself too much, your wounds won’t heal properly,” Law scolds, gently picking her up. “And it is time to change your bandages, maybe even remove them if Mansherry’s abilities sped up the healing process enough.”
“Hold on, don’t you want to introduce me to your father properly!” Neon protests.
Law’s face contorts in confusion, “You want Cora to know?”
“Do you want Corazon to know?” she flips the tables on him so easily.
Corazon smiles, “Law.” The Heart Pirate Captain looks at his father figure. “She’s good for you.”
“She can be like you,” he replies. “And I love her for that.”
Sengoku’s words echo in both men’s minds to go out and seek their happiness. A part of Law’s happiness was already at his side.
Neon leans back so she can look at Corazon from around Law’s shoulder. “Corazon, we should find some time to talk more later! I wanna tell you more about how!”
Corazon chuckles, “And I’ll tell you about Law as a child.”
“I will keep you two apart!” Law shouts, his face and ears bright red, while Neon giggles at his embarrassment.
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aufi-creative-mind · 1 year
I hc that the Bargainer Statues are early depictions of the Fierce Deity (who's true form therefore has 4 eyes), who is referred to as a Kishin in Japanese, which according to folklore, are wrathful, powerful, even scary-looking beings & vicious fighters, but are also deeply compassionate, benevolent, & protectors at there core. They're said to enact just & righteous vengeance for those who've been wronged.
Anyway, my thoughts are that he is the 3rd in the Hylian/Demise triad, being where the Hero's Spirit originates from. I also hc that he created the Sheikah much like how Hylia created the Hylians. (So, if the naming conventions follow, his true name could start with "Shei" or "Sheik.")
Anyway, he's a god of war, the moon, heroism, & death. Which is why Link is always able to see spirits. He gathered spirits & fought or soothed Poes (the enemies) either by fighting them or playing the Song of Healing.
The Dark Clumps being pieces of the pseudo-flesh that spirits form to create Poes & the Depths Set being made from this pseudo-flesh.
Also, I hc that the symbols are actually ancient Sheikah script, which the Fierce Deity taught the Sheikah. And before losing or giving up his immortality, he tasked the Sheikah with taking his place, which is who delivered the spirits to the Bargainer Statues before Link.
This is part of the reason why the Sheikah are so heavily associated with death & graveyards.
As for who the Bargainers are, they are this thing called a bushin in Japanese culture, which there deities have the ability to split pieces off of themselves & create lesser copies that rule over certain areas, but are lead by the source deity. The same is said for the Goddess Statues. Basically, Hylia & Fierce gave up their immortality, but the statues are still being run by their bushin.
Stop me, I will literally talk you ear off if you don't.
Anyway, what are your thoughts??
.................................................... OP. My guy, my gal, my non-binary pal. Why did you drop this on my inbox? This needs to be its own proper post! This is a very fascinating take on the Bargainer and the other known deities in the Zelda world.
Ngl, I haven't thought much about the Bargainer and their role is since there's so little in their lore. Other than "guiding lost souls into the afterlife without prejudice" and exchanging materials, weapons and outfit sets in return of Poes... (Kinda like how the Goddess Statue exchanges Blessings for Hearts, Stamina and Sage's Wills).
And seeing so many Poes in the Depths in a state of purgatory, makes me think that they are akin to the Grim Reaper of sorts. On top of the Yiga notes about how those "strange statues" would rip the souls out of fellow members if they come too close to it in the Depths.
I also imagine that the name "Bargainer" is a recent title when they were (re)discovered by present-day Hyruleans. And their true name had already been lost to the looooooong passage of time. And for all we know, the "Bargainer" was the god(dess) of the long extinct Zonai people.
That's about as far as I have for the Bargainer.
As for other deities like Hylia, Demise and the Fierce Deity, I don't have much beyond what is present in the games and the popular headcanons shared within the Zelda fandom.
I do have headcanons on how each race and clans interpret these deities and their own faith systems. For example, the Sheikah view Hylia as a "two faced" deity with "light and shadow" themes in their faith. Which is in contrast to their Hylian counterparts who have more clear-cut views on Hylia as the benevolent protector-goddess of their people (And why the Horned Statue exists and is shunned and hidden away).
(Though this is all part of my BotW-TotK Family and Legacy story.)
TL;DR I don't have a lot of ideas / headcanons on who or what these deities are. BUT I do have headcanons on how they are interpreted by different peoples/races.
But seriously though OP, if you're reading this, you need to create dedicated posts and elaborate more on these headcanon ideas. They have POTENTIAL to become some very delicious reads.
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seitosokusha · 6 months
Hi! I recently got into reading some of your fanfics via Ao3 and ff.net. I instantly fell in love with Ayame and her chaotic nature. I was wondering if it would be possible if we could get a overview on her and her many abilities. If possible of course, Pls and thank you!
I'm always down to talk about Ayame!
As a character, Ayame has basically 2 rules.
Nothing is impossible for her*
She's stronger and smarter than anyone else.
*There are things that she won't do and thus will lie to your face and say it's impossible. If it's truly impossible, then it's like... "shatter reality if it's done" type possible and then survival > "it's possible" wins.
Because I toss her into multiple fandoms, she always scales a little with said fandom. And as I discovered with the KNY fic with her, putting her in fandom where the balance is off makes for a boring fic.
Ayame (Tier and Asher too) whole concept is to be the most OP, curbstomping, there's nothing they can't do, type characters. They have their strengths and weakness of course. Tier and Asher essentially fill in the gaps in Ayame and vice versa. There's no limit, except perhaps some logical limits.
For example, it's not impossible for Ayame to build a time machine, but if you need a time machine RIGHT THIS INSTANT, she can't just snap her fingers and have on made instantly. She might come up with the design right away, but between testing and physically having to build one, it'll take days. (Or a day at least)
Ayame's base kit includes
Sight, despite it's name, is not reliant on sight only. wwbtf is the only fic I wrote that really goes into it, but essentially just like how shrimp can see colors we can't, Ayame's view on the world is a little more skewed than others. She sees/hears/feels/senses/tastes/smells things we can't. Goes from anything from ghosts to fate strings to seeing the future and past to dreams to aura and more.
Onmyodo, Ayame grew up on a shrine. Her father was a powerful priest. So she's got all the normal rituals, basic purification and blessings and more down.
Portals, Ayame has the ability to anywhere she wants to be.
That's it. No, seriously. That's it.
Ayame's OPness comes from the fact that the "power system" from her world is highly flexible and compatible AND Ayame understands the truth of the system on top of being a genius.
FFXV calls it magic, KHR calls it Dying Will Flames, at the end of the day, to Ayame, it's a type of energy that you produce from your soul and since she produces that type of energy, she can use any technique you use with higher efficiency and more power and better understanding probably.
And when it comes to raw output of that same energy, she got more than anyone else in the entire universe.
But what about the gravity power she always uses in fics?
That's Engetsu's power :D
And her weapon?
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