erovalkyrie · 1 month
I've had it with "isekai female protagonist can only be a healer, defender, uwu waifu, otome protagonist or has to *tame* the obviously abusive aristocrat love interest who is only shitty because of some bullshit patriarchal humbug and who is the ultimate *prize* of heteronormative marriage with same-same gender roles" BAH
isekai where a woman is reincarnated as a male orc lord, learns how to use her new strength and confidence to her own self-validation and newfound identity, and proceeds to romance the kind-but-shy muscle himbo prince who was originally set on killing said orc, only to dismantle the archaic monarchy altogether with her supportive boyfriend, bound by love and swords in battle THIS IS WHAT I WANT
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dragon-kazansky · 2 months
Bridgerton shade of blue
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Benedict Bridgerton x Female Reader
Benedict bumps into you, quite literally, at a ball while trying to escape his mother's attempts to find him a partner. You decide to humour him with a dance, not realising just how entwined you would become with him. It seems the universe will find every excuse to push you and Benedict together, no matter how much you fight it.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Season one
Chapter Eight - Sparkling diamond
Benedict joined his sister, Eloise, out in the garden again long after the other had gone to bed. She was smoking on the swing like last time.
As Benedict takes a seat on the opposite swing, she passes him the cigarette. He takes it.
"I found bits of your sketchbook in the fireplace," Eloise says.
"Are you spying on me now?"
"You'd actually have to be interesting for me to bother spying on you," she chuckles.
"The drawings in that sketchbook were abominable," he says firmly. "I could not stand to look at them."
"I believe that is why they call it a sketchbook." Eloise looks at them. "I write in my diary, which is not the same as wiring in my novel."
Benedict chuckles.
"It must be very difficult to want something and not be able to get it."
"If you enjoy drawing but need practise, then practise," she goes on. "Hire a drawing master. Find a young lady to act impressed."
You cross his mind. However, he doesn't want you to act impressed. He wants you to be impressed by his work. Genuinely so.
"If you desire the sun and the moon, all you have to do is go out and shoot at the sky. Some of us cannot.
"Look no further than Lady Whistledown. She possesses a huge talent for writing, and yet she must hide away and publish under a false name."
"Yes, because if anyone knew who Whistledown truly was, she'd be strung up for what she said," Benedict states.
"That is not my point. Whistledown is a woman, therefore she has nothing, and still she writes. You're a man, therefore you have everything. You are able to do whatever you want. So do it. Be bold."
Eloise envies her brothers.
"At least that way I can live vicariously through you." She rises to leave.
"Eloise... are you Lady Whistledown?" Benedict asks.
Eloise laughs.
"You're an accomplished writer, always scribbling in that diary of yours. You certainly know everyone else's business. You have more opinions than anyone else I know in London. You would have my full support and admiration either way, sister."
Elosie laughs again.
"So... is it you?"
"No." She looks at him. "Though if it were... do you honestly think that I'd admit it?"
Elosie heads back inside.
Benedict is left with his thoughts.
The ballroom was elegantly designed. Soft shades to light up the room. You find yourself without a dance partner, however.
Prince Friedrich was in the middle of a dance with Cressida Cowper.
The duke was standing sternly off to the side with Lady Danbury. They appeared to be talking quietly, though judging by the stern faces, it was not a pleasant conversation.
You find yourself gently, and you admire the room. Benedict wasn't here. You couldn't see him at all.
That is not to say you had gone unnoticed. You glance to your left and find a perfectly suitable gentleman looking your way. You smile softly and turn your gaze away.
Tactics of flirtation were not completely out of your power.
Before anyone could make a move, however, the doors at the top of the stairs opened. It wasn't so much the doors that caught everyones attention, more like who had come through them.
You swear you all breath left you when your eyes landed on Daphne coming down the stairs with her mother. She was wearing the most beautiful silver gown you had ever seen, and her hair was beautifully done. She looked like, well, a princess.
In her hand was a feather fan. It went beautifully with her attire. She began to descend the stairs.
All eyes were on her.
Prince Friedrich was at the bottom of the stairs. Not once did he look away. You watch with interest as Daphne gets closer, closer, and closer to him.
The prince leaves Cressida's side to meet Daphne at the bottom stair.
The duke does not move.
Daphne stops.
"Miss Bridgerton, I simply musylt have your first dance." He speaks to her softly.
"It would be an honour, your highness." She curtsies.
A moment passes between them, and then you watch as Daphne drops her fan. Just like that, the prince kneels down to pick it up.
The prince kneeled.
You don't even realise the soft gasp you let out as you watch.
Prince Friedrich offers her the fan, and she takes it. She smiles at him and then gives the fun to her mother as she takes the prince hand.
They dance.
The duke leaves. Though he turns back to look at Daphne before he goes.
In the words of Lady Whistledown, why settle for a duke when one can have a prince?
The invitation to attend the boxing match came from Anthony Bridgerton. You were rather pleasantly surprised by his invitation.
Anthony apparently needed some help to keep his mother quiet about finding a wife for himself.
You laughed.
You follow the siblings until they reach the prince. He approaches Daphne, but greets you, also. You curtsy.
Anthony then offers you his arm. "Shall we?"
You chuckle and take it, allowing him to lead you over to some seats. As you settle, you turn to the eldest Bridgerton.
"Where are you brothers?" You ask.
"My brothers? Currently talking to one of the fighters." He gestures to the edge of the ring where you spot Colin and Benedict.
You don't even notice you're smiling.
"You and my brother seem to have grown rather close." Anthony points out, looking at you.
"I can assure you there is nothing untoward. Your brother is my friend, as are you all now." You smile at him.
Anthony chuckles.
"Benedict seems to have a lot on his mind at the moment. I am not one to get in the way of someone's business."
"Smart woman," Anthony chuckles.
You nudge his arm lightly and wait for the fight to begin.
As the match is announced to begin, the other brothers find their way to you and Anthony. Benedict looks rather surprised to see you. "I had no idea you were attending."
"Your brother invited me to keep your mother off his back. It seems that is all I'm good for." You chuckle.
"No true, but appreciated none the less," Benedict comments.
You smile, and he takes the empty seat beside you. It does not go unnoticed that you keep your arm looped with Anthony's. He doesn't comment on it.
The fight is intense. You gasp with every hard punch. The men around you cheer on their victor.
You had never witnessed such a match before, and you would be lying if you said you were not somewhat into it.
As the crowd stands, you stand with them and cheer along with the Bridgerton brothers. William Mondrich was their friend, and he was putting up hell of a good fight.
Benedict finds it amusing how excited you seem to be.
Mondrich wins!
You cheer along with the brothers. You laugh at the excitement. It was a thrilling match, indeed.
Anthony helps you down from your seat and speaks close to your ear so you can hear him. "We're off to collect our winnings. I shall see to it you get home right after."
You nod and thank him. As he leaves to fetch his earrings, Benedict turns to you.
"Did you enjoy that?"
You chuckle. "I did. Surprisingly."
"I must say, I did not expect to see you in attendance."
"I am full of surprises."
Benedict looks at you quietly for a moment. "Yes. You are."
You smile and look away. However, his gaze lingers on you for a bit.
Later, the Bridgertons see to it that you get home safely before they head off to the club. A place for the gentlemen only.
Anthony helps you up into the carriage and thanks you for humouring him today. Yo return the gesture and wave as the carriage leaves.
Colin has to nudge Benedict out of his thoughts.
@callmemana - @lilscast - @imgondeletedis - @benedictbridgertonss - @clownsdiehard - @wxnterwidow333
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@ms-fandomgirl - @fablesrose - @anyaisinyourcloset - @meowzerzstuff -
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ghelgheli · 7 months
17! but also using the opportunity of the ask game to get to know more about the effortless worldbuilding in sff :)
from the end-of-year book ask
17: Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
I think Three Body Problem is the only one meeting this condition this year so I'll have no trouble staying on topic :> but I'm gonna specifically talk about "hard" SF as I conceive of it—I haven't read any analysis so this may just be a jumble of improvised thoughts.
SF, being "speculative" fiction, of course has to take on the problem of speculating and of presenting things that don't (and perhaps cannot) happen. On average this is accomplished thru a healthy combination of scientific grounding and good-natured handwaving: I drop a few sentences about "quantum entanglement" and you go along with my ansible, or you tell me about "positronic circuits" and I agree that you can make a brain with them. This is the compact that makes SF work because you fundamentally cannot expect speculation without, well, ceding ground on reality.
But at least a subset of SF readers are of the kind to really want to grok how it is that this or that scientific feature of the world works or may come about. Every contraption and novel technology is like a puzzle to be riddled out. This is the place where speculation becomes sincere mechanical prediction, and it's why I love hard SF.
This subset of readers can be matched to a subgenre of writers who commit fully to filling in as many blanks in their technological, biological, etc. speculation as possible. The rows of astronomical data can't be left vague—tell me what frequency of light we're dealing with here—xenobiology isn't taken for granted—what is the neurology of your aliens??—and so on. The dots are connected, the rest of the owl is drawn for real, the image is made crisp. Like fireworks for the reader's brain.
When this kind of worldbuilding is executed well imo it looks effortless. Looks, not is, because behind every explanation of near-c travel is hours of research into at least special relativity and time dilation, along with calculations by-hand. Behind every account of an exoplanet's atmosphere is probably a few papers perused on the subject and several articles on scientific american. Peter Watts, in the note at the end of Blindsight, includes a fucking bibliography of a hundred or so references as well as thank-yous to many an academic he split handles of liquor with. And this is only the visible fragment of what has to be a library of knowledge accumulated both passively and actively to make a speculated world feel as concretely plausible as possible.
None of this is necessary for good SF. The aforementioned compact means any author can opt out of this commitment at any time. But it's what it takes to make tightly-written hard SF, where your conceptual hands are kept diligently at your side, waving an idea through maybe once every five chapters when you have no other choice.
So anyway, Three Body Problem is a tour de force in doing this and doing it cleanly. It uses a storytelling device a lot of hard SF employs to make it work: rather than stuffing dense exposition into narration (at which point, just read the source papers) it deploys a cast of characters who more than anything else, really know their shit. We get exposition trickle-fed through experts who are trying, along with us, to make sense of their novel environments and unfamiliar technologies using their knowledge of the present limits of human understanding. This is what Watts does in Blindsight too, by the way: a claustrophobic ship crewed by technical specialists makes first contact, so everyone has something encyclopedic to say about everything and it's only natural.
What astounded me about Cixin Liu's writing is that he made it work just when I least thought he would be able to. I was sure I was being shown things completely inexplicable and necessarily supernatural until he went and explained them in plain terms; better yet, he explained them in ways that made so much sense in retrospect that I was kicking myself for not seeing the answer. This has exactly the flavour of a good puzzle.
The trade-off hard SF makes is that you are often limited in the metaphorical/thematic work you can do through your speculation. I think the contrast between "calendrical science" in Yoon Ha Lee's Machineries of Empire series and Asimov's "psychohistory" illustrates this well.
Yoon Ha Lee has mathematical training, and calendrical science is a speculative field consisting of theorems, conjectures, proofs, etc. in the language of mathematics that stand in for cultural hegemony and power projection. This makes for a great operationalization of soft power: space is filled and distorted by the quantifiable effects of whatever regime is dominant there (the "calendar" here being synecdoche for culture writ large). But obviously he can't fill in the blanks of how a calendar causes spacetime distortions that specifically make one side's weapons more effective, or provide certain formations with shielding effects. This is, I guess, semi-hard (lol) SF—you can see how it's supposed to work, but it's clear that it just won't. What you get in return is pretty politically interesting storytelling.
Psychohistory is the converse: a deterministic-enough lovechild of economics and sociology explained in the Foundation series as using all the familiar methods of linear algebra and differential equations together with unfamiliar innovations of just how to quantify human behaviour in order to make reliable predictions. There are entire chapters dedicated to explaining the conceptual nuance that went into developing psychohistory ("the hand on thigh principle" from prelude to foundation is just about how the theory resolves divergence by reducing insignificant terms to zero) and an entire book to exploring one of its limitations. It's fascinating to read. But you also get little narrative depth out of it, because hard SF, even when done well, is not guaranteed to make a story thematically interesting or politically compelling. This is the Three Body Problem problem too: its political commitments are threadbare and unserious because that's just not what it's about. I couldn't recommend it on those terms, but that's not what I like so much about it. I will say the conceptualization goes a little off the rails in the final chapters, but I think most SF authors were in some kind of string theory inspired fugue state at the time.
What I would love to see (and I'm sure exists) is hard SF that also has interesting politics. Unfortunately that's an intersection of two already-narrow intersections.
ty for ask✨🐐
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eternalflashh · 6 months
reflection ; aspiration
neuvillette / furina (platonic or romantic, your pick) | 999 words
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“There’s been an uproar in rumors, you know,” says Brigitte, a relaxed countenance accompanied by the darkening night. “Regarding the Hydro Archon—whether she has truly died. They say—“
“—the Hydro Archon faked her death, and is really just shirking her duties? I’ve heard,” the Iudex hums. There isn’t any trial scheduled for the day, so the court of Erinnyes is considerably empty. The winter air blows pleasantly past them, the fountains by the court lazily reaching for the skies. “The idea isn’t particularly new, either. Even the light novel writer who popularized it admitted she drew inspiration from past research that was buried in the depths of Meropide.”
“That explains your lack of surprise. But if the idea managed to persist through time…”
“Perhaps only testifies to how tempting the idea is, to humans—to those who cannot accept loss so easily.”
Neuvillette’s steps slowed down before the Fountain of Lucine, Brigitte following suit. It’s one of the few things in Fontaine that has observed significant change since the Hydro Archon’s resignation; the Chief Justice had been quite insistent on retaining everything in Fontaine as they were, as if the god had never left. Truly, life had continued with all of Fontaine still worshiping their god, no matter that she had become human. No matter that she had passed.
The Fountain of Lucine blooms ever the brighter in the night, water gleaming cyan with a power of Hydro that exists nowhere else. Water sprites swirl around the fountain, crooning a gentle melody, heard only to those with particular affinity. 
It’s a wonderful night to treat your friends out to a meal, speaks the teasing voice. Whether the voice is real or simply a figment of his imagination, Neuvillette refuses to discern. Turn back before it is too late—or I will splash you with a rage that rivals the Tulpa’s.
The Champion Duelist remains silent. Then, “I don’t suppose you are so much different than us, in that regard.”
“I don’t make up stories to convince myself she’s alive,” Neuvillette chuckles, but his eyes are still fixated on the statue before him. 
“You don’t. You make a shrine of her—a sentient image—that should remind everyone of her existence, her divinity, her sacrifice. An eternal reminder that serves as your company when she is no more.”
The water swims around Furina’s curtseying figure, before resting upon the pool with a splash. “I believe the difference lies in that I have thoroughly accepted her death. I am… remembering her for the life she’s lived, not spun-up tales about boasted magnificence, or a selfishness to her that never existed.”
“Yet you pray, like she's to come save you.” Brigitte laughs, but it is pitiful. “I believe that is your own manner of delusion.”
“Is that what it is, to you?” Neuvillette lets out a gentle smile, running a hand through the diaphanous waters. “Here I thought I’d simply been reminiscing.”
The skies let out its first teardrops; like this has happened one too many times, Brigitte quickly pulls out her umbrella, shielding herself from the rain. Neuvillette, as always, takes the rain as it is—lets it run down the length of his hair, the edges of his coat, his gloved fingertips. 
“I’ll take my leave for the day, then,” the duelist says in greeting. Neuvillette lets out a hum, barely casting a glance her way. She turns, but pauses just then.
“You say this is reminiscence, to you.”
“Yes, indeed.”
“Why is it that you reminisce of her, when it is your birthday?”
The trickle of rain against the stone road fills the air. Neuvillette hardly budges, gazing still at the fountain, the statue, the vigorous waters, the glowing waters, holding moonlight in its palm. 
“What do you do on your birthday, Brigitte?”
“We commemorate our lives, how far we’ve come,” she responds in an instant, “and make wishes for the upcoming year, what’s more to come.”
Neuvillette then turns to her, granting her a small smile. “Isn’t the Fountain of Lucine perfect for such notions? For reflection, for aspiration?”
Brigitte raises an eyebrow. There seems to be a question barred behind her gaze, but she shakes her head, and gives him a nod, before walking towards the station, leaving the Chief Justice to his own company. His own, and the spirits of the fountain before him.
You are hopeless, it seems to be saying. A fine night, and you ruin it with rain and gloom.
Neuvillette takes his gloves off, lets himself feel the touch of benevolent waters. He lets the fountain dance, feeling currents run through his fingers, feeling its poison, feeling its kiss. 
He closes his eyes. 
In his mind, indeed, are plenty of memories. Of banter in the court from the Iudex and the Hydro Archon’s respective seats. Of watching Furina dance on stage, him holding his heart with the utmost admiration. Of distress, seeing Furina shrieking over the smallest critters, running over the smallest problems. Of all the times Furina would question his faith in her—to retrospectively understand the fear that underlied her accusations, the desperation in her violence.
Neuvillette would spend hours in the rain doing this—to replay each memory, four hundred years worth of a performance; to learn why she had chosen to act the scene in that specific way, to appreciate it all belatedly. The show is over, but Neuvillette has plenty of time going ahead anyway—if there is anything he owes her, if there is anything he can do, as the specially invited audience—it’s to learn.
To learn, to praise, to immortalize. 
The skies betray his heart, thundering and pouring through the night, swallowing the full moon with its weight. But Neuvillette stays by the fountain, letting it dance to its heart’s content until it decides to rest. 
What is the meaning of my existence? He’s had to ask for centuries. 
This, he’s realized. To be your witness, to be the arbiter of true Justice, for past, present, and for all of the lightless future.
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talonabraxas · 4 hours
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“You attract and manifest whatever corresponds to your inner state.” - Eckhart Tolle Hyperspace – A Scientific Odyssey
A look at the higher dimensions Do higher dimensions exist? Are there unseen worlds just beyond our reach, beyond the normal laws of physics? Although higher dimensions have historically been the exclusive realm of charlatans, mystics, and science fiction writers, many serious theoretical physicists now believe that higher dimensions not only exist, but may also explain some of the deepest secrets of nature. Although we stress that there is at present no experimental evidence for higher dimensions, in principle they may solve the ultimate problem in physics: the final unification of all physical knowledge at the fundamental level.
My own fascination with higher dimensions began early in childhood. One of my happiest childhood memories was crouching next to the pond at the famed Japanese Tea Garden in San Francisco, mesmerized by the brilliantly colored carp swimming slowly beneath the water lilies. In these quiet moments, I would ask myself a silly question that a only child might ask: how would the carp in that pond view the world around them? Spending their entire lives at the bottom of the pond, the carp would believe that their “universe” consisted of the water and the lilies; they would only be dimly aware that an alien world could exist just above the surface. My world was beyond their comprehension. I was intrigued that I could sit only a few inches from the carp, yet we were separated by an immense chasm. I concluded that if there were any “scientists” among the carp, they would scoff at any fish who proposed that a parallel world could exist just above the lilies. An unseen world beyond the pond made no scientific sense. Once I imagined what would happen if I reached down and suddenly grabbed one of the carp “scientists” out of the pond. I wondered, how would this appear to the carp? The startled carp “scientist” would tell a truly amazing story, being somehow lifted out of the universe (the pond) and hurled into a mysterious nether world, another dimension with blinding lights and strange-shaped objects that no carp had ever seen before. The strangest of all was the massive creature responsible for this outrage, who did not resemble a fish in the slightest. Shockingly, it had no fins whatsoever, but nevertheless could move without them. Obviously, the familiar laws of physics no longer applied in this nether world!
Meeting a Higher Dimensional Being To understand some of the mind-bending features of higher dimensions, imagine a two-dimensional world, called Flat land (after Edwin A. Abbott’s celebrated novel) that resembles a world existing on a flat table-top. If one of the Flatlanders becomes lost, we can quickly scan all of Flatland, peering directly inside houses, buildings, and even concealed places. If one of the Flatlanders becomes sick, we can reach directly into their insides and per form surgery, without ever cutting their skin. If one of the Flatlanders is incarcerated in jail (which is a circle enclosing the Flatlander) we can simply peel the person off from Flatland into the third dimension and place the Flatlander back somewhere else. If we become more ambitious and stick our fingers and arms through Flatland, the Flatlanders would only see circles of flesh that hover around them, constantly changing shape and merging into other circles. And lastly, if we fling a Flatlander into our three dimensional world, the Flatlander can only see two dimensional cross sections of our world, i.e. a phantasmagoria of circles, squares, etc. which constantly change shape and merge (see fig. 1 and 2). Now imagine that we are “three dimensional Flatlanders” being visited by a higher dimensional being. If we became lost, a higher dimensional being could scan our entire universe all at once, peering directly into the most tightly sealed hiding places. If we became sick, a higher dimensional being could reach into our insides and perform surgery without ever cutting our skin. If we were in a maximum-security, escape-proof jail, a higher dimensional being could simply “yank” us into a higher dimension and redeposit us back somewhere else. If higher dimensional beings stick their “fingers” into our universe, they would appear to us to be blobs of flesh which float above us and constantly merge and split apart. And lastly, if we are flung into hyperspace, we would see a collection of spheres, blobs, and polyhedra which suddenly appear, constantly change shape and color, and then mysteriously disappear. Higher dimensional people, therefore, would have powers similar to a god: they could walk through walls, disappear and reappear at will, reach into the strongest steel vaults, and see through buildings. They would be omniscient and omnipotent. Not surprisingly, speculation about higher dimensions has sparked enormous literary and artistic interest over the last hundred years.
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j4m3s-b4k3r · 6 months
Here are some pre-production drawings done for MONKEYBONE, a film directed by Henry Selick. I worked on the film very briefly, perhaps only a week or two, helping with story beat boards. It was a fun gig, in part due to the location in The Presidio.
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Nowadays The Presidio is one of the jewels of San Francisco - a truly beautiful parkland for residents to play in - but when I first arrived in San Francisco, it was still a functioning military base. It was already known that it would soon close, however. So discussion about what was next for the site bubbled for the first few years that I lived here. Would it become low income housing? Or yet another swanky property development, as seemed likely. Who else but big money could pay for the cleanup required after the military had left so many toxic cooties (asbestos etc) behind? 
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Anyway, while such things were being decided, some of the abandoned buildings would be rented out for short term projects, one being an animated/live action comedy, that was in pre-production circa 1998 (adapted from a graphic novel - DARKTOWN  by Kaja Blackley & Vanessa Chong). I worked on MONKEYBONE in the early, eager, happy, anything-is-possible phase. It may have been so early that our work was merely a proposal, before a ‘green light’. 
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Henry himself was in a great spirits, now that he was out of the shadow of Tim Burton, and Chris Columbus was his exec producer. Many of the crew were Henry’s old cronies from Nightmare Before Christmas, such as production designer Bill Boes. He’d already built models of some of the sets & locations, and these were great reference. With a tiny lipstick camera we could shoot the models from all kinds of angles, and this was enormously helpful, allowing myself & Lawrence Marvitt to bang out panels relatively quickly, under the guidance of Mike Cachuela.
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Many things had not yet been decided on, such as casting. The protagonist in my sketches here was based on Nicolas Cage, but of course Brendan Fraser got the role of of Stu. Other roles were played by Rose McGowan, Dave Foley, Bob Odenkirk, John Turturro, Whoopi Goldberg, Chris Kattan and even Breaking Bad’s Giancarlo Esposito. The final film really had an amazing cast.
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The Presidio was not yet full of dining options, but our workspace wasn’t far from the Presidio gates, where we’d have lunch at Liverpool Lil’s, a great little pub (that has recently burned down, sadly). I also remember a really fun swanky dinner (I forget now where) with the entire tiny pre-pro crew, where Henry was in a jovial mood and writer Sam Hamm was too. Both hilariously regaling us with their Hollywood horror stories (and comparing their scars inflicted by Tim Burton). Best of all, someone else picked up the exorbitant check! (I think it was Sam Hamm?)
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Years after my brief stint on MONKEYBONE I got an invite to a preview screening in early 2001. The film was madcap, weird, & even disturbing at times. Much of what I’d thought would be animated was actually handled with costumed humans in the final film, surprisingly. But it was exciting to have worked on a feature film that actually got made. This was a period where I worked on many great projects that collapsed before making it to the screen. I remember enjoying it until the very end, when I saw that I hadn't got a credit (I hadn't worked on it long enough apparently). In the lobby after the screening, there were a lot of concerned/worried/disappointed faces. Whereas I was bummed that my name was was not in the credits, many people seemed unhappy that their names were.
Ha ha!
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Sure enough, the film was a financial & critical flop and has low score to this very day (despite a tiny subset of viewers who still love it, and look back on it fondly). I learned that there had been much tussling along the way to the screen. Perhaps the guy who'd done Home Alone was not the right choice to ‘mentor’ Henry? Did things go sideways after Rupert Murdoch fired Bill Mechanic? Or was it merely typical studio meddling? My guess is it was another case of AOTA: all of the above.
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Henry himself sums up MONKEYBONE this way:
"I have two thoughts: it never would have been a big hit. It certainly would have done better if they advertised it a little... I would still like to do a Director's Cut because there's a lot of cool stuff that was removed... my main lesson learned is, I don't really do well in the live-action universe... I love my world of stop-motion... I went down a slippery slope to make Monkeybone, but the film that came out it's not my vision of what the film could've been, and I just don't thrive in that.”
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Not long after I worked there, the fate of The Presidio was finally decided when George Lucas’ proposal to develop The Letterman hospital into a media centre was accepted in 1999. And it became the mixed-use space SF residents play in today.
Just last weekend, we spent a day in The Presidio, enjoying its restaurants & bars and exploring the new Tunnel Tops park. As we strolled around, I tried to figure out which of The Presidio's many buildings we worked in in 1998, but couldn't pin it down (of course, the Letterman hospital complex was levelled to build what became ILM/Lucasfilm, so perhaps the buildings we worked in are gone).
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lexiandliterature · 2 months
copy paste & copyright: i loved fourth wing and i think i know why.
like everyone else, i have been patiently waiting for the third book of the empyrean series "onyx storm" to release and as i've been waiting, i've had some thoughts.
i've come to two conclusions as to why i enjoyed it so much, the first being the pacing. when i first read the books i could not put them down. credit to rebecca yarros because the flow was amazing. the endings of each chapter we're excellent and i couldn't wait to read the next chapter after i had just finished the last.
and the more important second conclusion, that her books are the literally a copy and paste every single dystopian/fantasy novel that has come before her.
don't believe me? well think for yourself.
when i first read fourth wing, i got this really strange feeling that i'd already read something very similar. and i was not wrong! red queen by victoria aveyard IS SO SIMILAR. two girls get ripped from their lives to join a magical school to hone their abilities, both of them lightning wielders with eventually some kind of light dyed hair at their tips. Both of them have an older brother who's just mysteriously died who we later learn aren't actually dead. and they both have friends that are actually in love with them (Kilorn vs Dain). they both fall in love with someone very very off limits, get a shocking reveal and then realize they are the pinnacle of this giant rebellion! also the naming? war storm? onyx storm?
not convinced? then let's compare it to divergent by veronica roth.
they both come from a quiet more reserved and then go to a place where they are to become soldiers (abnegation to dauntless, scribe to basgiath). they both have to take a test of bravery (tris' jump into the pit and violet's parapet). they both are extraordinarily weak but still have to fight in weekly fights where they basically almost die. when they finally start advancing in the rankings due to training they both receive assassination attempts (tris being almost thrown into a pit and violet being almost killed in her sleep). oh and don't forget BOTH of them fall in love with their superior. to top it all off, they're both the pinnacle of some rebellion.
i still LOVE fourth wing though because it honestly has some of my favorite parts of every single trope. and i understand that writers take influence from one another....
just me?
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skymagpie · 3 months
Mists of Pandaria literally took a dwarf character, previously rightfully depicted as a scumbag villain because he wiped out an entire tribe of tauren whilst citing imperialism and racial superiority, and depicted him as a good guy out to protect the pandaren whilst vilifying the tauren for resisting him!
Not to mention that they retconned nearly the entire orc race as evil in that expansion with countless promising orc characters previously depicted as honorable and likable like Zaela, the entire Kor'kron organization, Bloodhilt, ETC becoming Garrosh clones simply because they were orcs and "orcs are inherently bad".
Or that the tie in novels for Mists of Pandaria like Tides of War literally had Baine freaking out and exiling tauren for resisting human and dwarf colonization of their lands.
Vol'jin, one of the only Poc coded monsters to be depicted in a decnet light in MOP, was literally described by the Alliance player as "Disgusting", "savage", and other terms, with the game even adding flies around Vol'jin for this quest.
Before you say thats just the Alliance player's view, white characters never get this description like say human characters when you're playing Horde.
For reference, Shadowlands demonized Dambala, a revered and famous real world loa worshipped in Haiti and many other parts of the World.
The same expansion almost exclusively had PoC coded monsters in the Hell portions, like Zul'jin was in Hell for protecting his lands against colonists that are so proud of their genocide of trolls, their leaders name themselves after it(Trollbanes) the recent Sylvanas novel even clarified that the humans and High Elves knew that it was the Amani's land when they made their homes there from the stone obelisks decorated with troll holy symbols and writing.
It has also been confirmed in recent novels that the tauren gods are fake whilst the night elf gods are real...
And the tauren's oppressor whom had been frequently terrorizing the earth throughout World of Warcraft's history, Magni Bronzebeard, literally got the role of voice of Azeroth like the true Mighty Whitey he is.
Warcraft III for all its racial coding never had anything like this and Warcraft I and II did not have this much racial coding.
So the Doubling down on the racial coding and the "PoC Coded monsters are evil" stuff was done by the modern writers that go "look at how woke we are, two white women are gay an we retconned another white character to be trans, now lets kill some voodoo worshipping savages in the Jungle together!"
Anyhow, sorry I have strong feelings about this as someone whom isn't white myself.
This is sadly a very extensive list and I have no doubt is only part of the problem. I used to play WoW when I was 13 which was 13 years ago and I didn't speak English then so I didn't really know lore. I came back only recently and the few things I played were some BfA (Kul Tiras side), all of Dragonflight and some Legion and a bit of Shadowlands. I haven't touched the other things aside from the vague knowledge of what is going on. I have to keep an eye on these things as I play on because I didn't know most of it.
Hell they do stupid colonialist tropes even with white-coded races, like I am sure the Drust are supposed to be Celtic coded and yet they also have them portrayed as bad for not wanting the Kul Tirans on their land.
I feel like when they do something good for the non-white coded races, it is always played safe for the general playerbase of the cishet white dudes who want their racist stereotypes intact. They always seem to be pussyfooting around the issue without making any meaningful change. They want to make sure they won't offend their biggest racist consumer base and that is so sad. Blizzard has potent racism 10 years behind everyone else.
Also I am sorry you have to write so much, but thank you for sharing this and I hope more people are made aware of it. It's okay to always vent here for anything, and I will eventually catch up with playing the content.
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em-dash-press · 2 years
Tips for Adding Subplots to Your Novel
Subplots are a challenge for any writer. Your novel or story will have a theme, conflicts, character growth for your protagonist, and some kind of resolution fitting for your work.
When and where do subplots come in?
Readers love subplots because they add depth to your fictional world and characters they'll fall in love with. Subplots are the tumultuous relationship between Henry DeTamble and Ingrid in The Time Traveler's Wife and the family drama that creates the tension in Romeo and Juliet outside of the titular characters.
These are a few tips to keep in mind as you practice wielding and writing subplots in future stories/novels.
Pick a Subplot Theme
Just like main plot lines, subplots always serve a purpose. Although that can be specific to your characters, you can also craft them around themes like:
Love vs. hate
Life vs. death
Achieving vs. failing
Good vs. evil
Growth vs. regression
Let's say your novel is about a travel influencer who falls in love with being a grocery store manager. They may be friends with someone who becomes a rival because they view the career change as a regression, but then the rival experiences a regression of their own that makes them realize that no one can define happiness for anyone else.
Their rivalry could fuel the protagonist to work harder or find more joy in their life, then feel supported when the rival turns back into a friend who cheers them on. That's a much more interesting story than someone who switches jobs.
Give Your Subplot Purpose
Your subplot could be an integral part of your plot line. Think about making it something like:
The inciting incident
A complication during the plot's rising action
The main conflict
The emotional/physical resolution
The humorous through-line that keeps your story light
Katniss' love triangle with Gale makes her budding relationship with Peeta more interesting in The Hunger Games (because it's one of the many complications in the plot's rising action).
Losing Prim wouldn't feel like a primary part of the Hunger Games series' climactic events if there wasn't a continual subplot of Katniss loving her, doing anything for her, and trying to get home to her.
Give Your Subplot Time
You may not always start writing a story or novel with all of your subplots in mind. I know I've gone back to manuscripts and edited them a year, two years, or many more years later because I've thought of a subplot that merges the themes or character arcs more effectively.
There's no harm in going back during your editing phase to develop subplots or even remove them if your manuscript is too dense. Giving yourself time to sit with your work and feel things out will help you know if something's worth writing, adding, or removing.
Your beta readers could also inspire your subplots! They might want more explanation between a character's growth in Chapter One vs. Chapter 5. Maybe they think your protagonist needs more motivation to achieve their goal. Subplots could be the best way to address those challenges if you find that the notes are deserving of your attention.
It can take time and practice to write subplots as effortlessly as your primary plot line. Give yourself space to try, fail, and try again. You'll get more comfortable with them as your writing skills grow stronger.
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j0kers-light · 2 years
His Lighthouse: Choices part one (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Choices part one 
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series summary:  
Y/n is an aspiring writer living in Gotham City and struggling to find her next muse. Her recent novel is getting all the buzz, earning her far more attention than she signed up for. But when a chance encounter results in her nursing The Joker back to health, will she find the time to write another best seller or will her own story become front page of the Gotham Gazette?  
chapter summary:
As the aftermath to the gala event unfolds Y/n must decided on what she truly wants out of her deal with Joker. Will she continue down this road with him or will someone else distract her heart?
Author’s note:    
It feels like forever since I updated! I’m able to hold my phone with my hand so that made typing easier this go round. It still took too long (in my opinion) but my therapist said I’m making some progress! Which means I have more time to recover and write lol. I’m on a roll! I’m so happy where this story is going! I have part two sketched out and the story outline going so I don’t get off track. I also changed the rating so that means *drum roll* ITS GONNA GET SPICY SOON! The slow burn is well worth it! Read to find out.
Last Chapter | Next Chapter 
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Joker never saw you asleep before so he didn't know if this was normal.
He was amiss on what to do after you fainted on him but decided to make you as comfortable as possible. With how your night was turning out, it was the least he could do. You were light as a feather in his arms as he carried you from the center of the room over to his bed.
It was the only thing in the otherwise barren room. Joker considered himself lucky to find this particular hideout untouched by the GCPD as they combed the city searching for him.
It wasn't his favorite locale but he couldn't be choosy given the circumstances.
In the day that Joker spent away from you, he managed to get his crew in order, gain control of his main stronghold, and move equipment out of the few remaining hideouts that had yet to be compromised over to the main.
A busy day, yet you were on his mind the entire time. He planned a hit on the party you were attending, but nothing went according to plan.
Joker wasn't a guy to plan things.. but for once he wanted things to go smoothly! Now he had to re-strategize and wait for Two Face's next move, all the while keeping you out of it. Joker did not want you caught up in the middle but he feared you already were. Which became the reason why he ordered Frost to bring you here.
He couldn't help but watch over you as you slept. He never saw you so vulnerable before– so demure and otherworldly.
Your formal attire highlighted your natural beauty and despite the lack of natural light in the room, your jewelry twinkled and caught his eye.
Joker knew real diamonds when he saw them.
He also knew that sleeping in your best threads was bound to be uncomfortable. He fought the urge to pocket the fine jewels and slid your bracelet off your wrist before unclasping your earrings. You didn't like that and shifted, hinting at your possible alertness but thankfully you simply rolled onto your side.
Joker was about to tackle taking your braided updo down, when you began to talk.
He thought you had woken up but green eyes widened upon discovering you were still fast asleep. So you talked in your sleep? Interesting..
It was interesting to see your mind still at work even while unconscious. You continued to amaze him however your actual words worried him.
"Dead doves. Lemons... no not there. Don't burn the sandwiches!" Your entire body jerked and Joker knew the telltale signs of a nightmare from anywhere.
He sincerely hoped your sandwiches were okay.
You continued to thrash around until he tossed morals out the window and pulled you into his arms. If you woke up now he'd willingly face your scrutiny. Joker marked this down as another newfound joy.
He didn't know that holding someone close could feel so good and apparently you thought the same.
You calmed down and resumed a normal sleeping pattern. The takeaway was that you used Joker as both a personal pillow and a teddy bear. He couldn't escape even if he wanted to and honestly, why would he?
You were snuggled up against him, humming softly in your sleep. It was cute and it fit your personality.
One of your hands rested awkwardly on his neck and while he was moving it, he saw the jagged cut he left on it days prior. It was healing nicely on its own but he hoped it didn't scar. He didn't want you to have a permanent reminder of his mistakes.
Joker didn't know what possessed him to kiss your palm; Maybe as an apology or rather a prayer towards good health, either way he repositioned your hand to lay against his dress shirt.
It would wrinkle with how tightly you latched onto it, but feeling you nuzzle your head further into his embrace was worth every crease.
"You're more trouble than you're worth." Joker extended his arm to pick up a book on the side of his bed.
He didn't dare move too much and risk waking you. It was just a challenge for him to reach it. His hands found purchase and he was able to prop the book up on your head to read in his downtime.
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You woke up alone. For not knowing your surroundings, you were well rested and yawned loudly.
A flash of red caught your eye and you drew your hand back to check it. You were a bit confused to find a perfect lipstick mark over the cut Joker gave you.
"Where did that come from?" Then it hit you.
The color red. Blood and so much of it. How could you forget a night so horrific? Everything came rushing back to you in stunning clarity.
You were talking with Sapphire and then bumped into Polly for a potential endorsement and happened to witness sheer madness in the form of Two Face and his goons shooting up the place. You felt sick just thinking about it. Each face in the crowd, each person who lost their life, entered your mind. You didn't know them yet their deaths somehow felt like your fault.
Sapphire's felt more personal. She was right there in front of you.
If you had more time, thought on your feet, did something instead of standing there useless, perhaps she would still be alive. You did nothing but freeze up in the heat of the moment.
Whatever happened to your Blüdhaven instincts? Whenever you heard gunshots growing up, it was just background noise and one less thing to worry about.
It was natural to duck for cover but a younger version of yourself wouldn't have been so terrified. Maybe annoyed more than anything. Cooped up indoors all the time had reverted your reaction time to violence right back to square one.
You felt more awake now and blinked to clear your fuzzy vision away, though you realized your mini concussion was still screwing with your system. You looked down and finally took stock of the state you were in.
The designer dress that was delivered to your home was unrecognizable with its dried blood splatter and huge rips throughout it.
You thanked a higher power that it wasn't on loan.
It was just a shame you would have to toss out a once beautiful art piece. However you were quick to notice something else was missing here. It would have to wait. You were sitting on a mattress inside a room you didn't recognize.
Your head was still spinning but not overly so where you couldn't remember how you got here.
A man in the crowd saved your life and delivered you straight to Joker. It was a surprise to see the clown after the argument you two had, yet he greeted you wholeheartedly and kissed... you...
Was it wrong to hyperventilate over that fact rather than almost being killed?
You had finally kissed Joker! The third time was indeed the charm and this time, Joker didn't require any gimmicks to reach his goal. He just went in and claimed your lips like the zealous man he was. You couldn't lie and say that it wasn't worth the buildup.
Joker was hesitant at first until you met him halfway and matched his energy.
His lips were a bit chapped but quickly molded into the softest clouds to tango with yours. Every move was done with careful precision and his patience was greatly rewarded. How long had you denied him this small luxury, this obvious desperation to connect?
There was so much tension between the two of you it was ridiculous.
You teased and bewitched him for so long, your kiss felt like a balm being applied on a sore wound. The relief was instant and it felt good to experience and have out in the open for Joker to feel.
But there was one teeny tiny problem. He promised that he wouldn't leave you. One look around the room made him into a liar. Almost as if Joker had some sixth sense, he walked in right after you formulated the thought.
You were right where he left you, awake of course, just with a troubled look about you.
Joker knew your thinking face and your thoughts must've been running a mile a minute. He slowly walked up to your side of the mattress, searching for any clues that you might lash out.
You appeared rather calm to Joker but looks could be deceiving. He sat down on the bed and you quickly bombarded him with questions.
"What time is it? Where am I? Why did you tell that guy to bring me here?" You tossed out
"It doesn't matter." Was Joker's casual response. Surely he was joking.
"What? Yes it does matter! I don't even know what time it is, or if it's still Friday night or not. You have the answers to these questions Joker! I was at a high profile event that ended in mass murder. Barbara and Florence must be worried sick along with Sebastian! Oh my God, poor Will! He read all of my online posts!"
"Who are these people?" Joker asked while trying to keep his jealousy in check.
Wayne was enough competition. Joker didn't need others, though it was safe to say he claimed first place to your sought after affection when he kissed you.
"Where's my phone? I have to make some calls.."
"No." He shifted in his spot on the bed.
The action called out his close proximity to you, however you weren't bothered by it. You were bothered by how he kept brushing you off.
"What do you mean no?"
"I mean.. There's no cell service soooo no calls." Joker stressed his words and you knew you touched a nerve.
In a detached voice you said more to yourself. "So we're underground."
Joker watched you process that info. He could practically see the wheels turning upstairs. The nail on the coffin was when you abused your lip right in his face. He just couldn't stand watching your soft flesh be bitten raw.
Joker didn't hesitate bending down to kiss you and your brain promptly shut down like Windows. He sighed in bliss and you kept quiet as he pulled away.
You hated to burst his bubble. "I need to go back to my apartment."
That's what you thought about after he kissed you? You always managed to test his patience one way or another but this was new. Sometimes that brain of yours worked too much.
Joker exhaled through his nose. "No."
His lack of sensitivity on the matter was irritating you. "Can you stop saying no? It's getting on my nerves."
"O-K. Mm, how about, it's too dangerous."
"How is it dangerous, Joker?!" You asked in a cynical tone.
"Y/n. Harvey Dent went out of his way to crash your.. uh, little gala thingy. You don't think he wouldn't show up at your apartment? I would if I were him. It's more convenient.. and you can control the wit-ness count."
"Are you seriously critiquing his methods?! Ugh, I don't have time for this! I have to go back home and get in touch with Cindy to make an official statement and mourn Sapphire and the others and then check on Polly and and—"
He really had to stop kissing you mid sentence. It was very distracting but maybe that was his intentions all along.
You indulged him a bit more and really got into it. Joker was pushing your shoulders, trying to guide you back down on the bed when you resisted and gasped for air.
"I-I really need to s-shower and change! I don't know how you're kissing me when I feel like death itself."
He sighed and sat up straight. He pointedly eyed you up and down and decided on telling the truth. "Ya look fine to me. Blood suits you."
That comment made you turn pale and question what you looked like from his perspective. You remembered Sapphire's blood splattered on your face at the party but how much was left?
Since then, you had a sack placed over your head, rubbed your face all into Joker's suit, and slept. And somehow he kissed you despite all of that.
Either the man was in love or completely insane. Both were true.
You frowned and glanced down at your bare arms, trying to change the subject with something else in the room. Then you remembered your missing accessories.
"Where's my bracelet?" You patted your ears and came up short. "And my earrings?"
Joker had the audacity to feign ignorance. With a shrug he replied. "Hmm, probably being sold on the errr, black market."
He began to laugh as he leaned back on his arms. You hated how hot he looked splayed out on the bed. Hopefully he didn't see you staring but he turned to face you as if he felt your wanton gaze.
"I took them off when you were sleeping. It didn't look comfy if you catch my drifT."
He nodded at your wrist where a red indentation of the bracelet was visible on your skin. You did mention to Barbara that she fastened it on too tight.
"I can't believe you sold them!" You were appalled.
Joker however took it all in stride. "You'll get over it." Obviously he didn't know how much the set cost.
You took a deep breath and carried on. It was a major loss, but you had more pressing matters.
"I still want to shower." You argued. Joker rolled his neck. You could tell he was losing the last of his patience with you.
"Okay... you might not care about hygiene but I do. And I'm leaving here with or without your permission." You stood up to leave but ran into a problem.
You couldn't find the door. The walls seemed to blend in flawlessly with no apparent doorframe or knob.
"About that.." Joker whispered in your ear making you jump.
You turn to face him and in the process, unknowingly backed yourself into a wall. Its smooth surface was cold on your exposed skin and it made you even more uncomfortable by touching it.
You thought humor would lighten up the situation. "What is this place, some kind of bunker?"
"Yes." Joker said without missing a beat. He stalked you like a predator with his dangerous aura perched on his shoulders.
"You can't keep me here, Joker. I.. I.. can't!"
He eyed your twitchy behavior and the puzzle pieces slowly came together. You were claustrophobic.
These four concrete walls were a stark contrast to the bright, open space of your apartment. It would explain why your place had so many windows and few walls to not obstruct the floor plan. Now Joker knew why you always grew nervous when he bullied you into corners.
He felt like an idiot for not noticing the signs sooner.
Your makeup was a mess from sleeping in it but his red lipstick was dotted all over your face from where he'd been kissing you. Joker was about to comment on it when four knocks echoed loudly in the room.
A door not even an inch away from you opened up revealing the man who rescued, or was it considered kidnapping? You really didn't know what to call his actions really.
He spared you a glance but dragged his attention over to his employer, towering over you. "The news is on."
Joker growled. "Oh goody. Let's see the mess Dent left us with." He walked out the room with his right hand man, leaving you high and dry with the door wide open.
You didn't know if it was a trap or if Joker did it by accident. Either way, it was a way out. You didn't waste a second.
Wearing your heels would make too much noise but you still grabbed them before tiptoeing barefoot to the door.
You stepped out into a long hallway. You saw the back of Joker's cloak turn a corner out of the corner of your eye and you immediately followed him, not knowing where else to go. His destination ended up being an office of sorts where a box tv was perched upon a folding table.
The volume was being turned up when you snuck in behind the two men. As promised, the aftermath of the gala was being shown as a local reporter broadcasted live.
"Tragedy struck The Prosperity last night as partygoers were caught in the crossfire of recent gang member activity. Sources confirm former Gotham City district attorney, Harvey Dent himself, crashed the event demanding special guest and popular YA author, Y/N L/N, be handed over. At this time, her whereabouts are unknown but eyewitnesses place her at the event before the slaughter occurred. Many fear the worst and an ongoing investigation into her disappearance is underway. Twenty nine people lost their lives and dozens more are still in critical condition at local hospitals. Startling video footage from inside the event was leaked online that depicts the harrowing scene and we must warn you, the following images are graphic."
Like you needed a refresher on what happened but apparently someone who attended the party captured the mayhem on their phone.
The video was shaky and the loud screams and close popping of gunshots depicted the scene as nothing but chaotic. In the far left hand corner you could see Sapphire's demise blocked by a few terrified guests before you were yanked out of frame. If you blinked, you would have missed it.
The reporter was continuing her coverage but you had (re)seen enough. You were slowly backing out of the room when a sharp pain in your head took you by surprise.
"You shouldn't be sneaking around Princess."
It was the same voice that catcalled at you when you were first brought here. It held a distinct, slimy tone that made your skin crawl. You didn't hesitate in screaming and dropped your heels in the process. They rattled loudly to the floor.
Joker and Frost both spun around in attack mode but found a new recruit holding you steady by your hair.
Although Joker didn't show it, he saw nothing but red.
"Heh! I caught her snooping around Boss. I know how you hate a rat." The poor guy looked proud of himself despite Frost shaking his head.
He knew what was coming and discreetly stepped to the side.
Joker's green eyes narrowed at the scene and caught your gaze at the last second. The glassy color made him hesitate on displaying any form of violence in front of you. It wasn't his norm to be merciful but for you, he could make an exception.
Joker walked up to the guy and slapped his hand that was holding your braids away. "I applaud your, uh.. dedication kid, but let me make something veryyyy clear."
You sighed at the pressure dissipating and sagged your weight into Joker's awaiting arms.
The intimate gesture made the guy pale in fear. He realized his mistake a little too late. Joker's eyes were like sharp blades stabbing into its victim.
"Don't ever touch what's mine, you got thaT?" Even Frost understood the message loud and clear, although it was the newbie who answered.
"Y-yeah boss. Listen, I.. I'm sorry. I didn't know."
Joker scoffed and began to massage the back of your head as if he knew exactly where the pain was coming from.
"Of course you didn't knowww! I didn't tell you but here's the thing. She's kind of a secret right now so I'd really appreciate it if you kept this between you and me. Can ya do that?"
"Y-Yeah of course boss!"
You could picture Joker's wide grin, deceit and utter madness fueling the motion. "Good. It's good to have people you can.. trust close. You can go."
Surely this guy wasn't that naïve and actually believed Joker's lie, yet much to your dismay he left with a big smile on his face, like he was truly honored to gain Joker's trust.
As if it could be gained so easily.
He barely rounded the corner when Joker leaned over to whisper to his right hand. "Take care of that later."
"With pleasure." Frost said with a chuckle.
You couldn't believe your ears. This was the man who you were falling for. The level of standards you set for yourself was an all time low. You tried shrugging out of Joker's arms and he noticed your demeanor change almost immediately.
"What's with you?" He asked.
"Me?" You huffed at the accusation. "You just ordered a guy's death like it was Chinese takeout!"
"He made the miss-take of putting his hands on you. Nobody touches what's mine without my say so, you got thaT?"
"No! I don't got that! I am not an object Joker. I'm a human being and last time I checked, I am not yours!" You managed to free yourself from Joker's hold and created some distance from him.
Frost did not get paid enough to witness lovers' quarrels. He was still in the room and thought it best to leave. "Yeah. I'm gonna go snap his neck and dump the body. Call me if you need me."
Joker waved goodbye to Frost which did nothing to help his case.
"See what I mean!?" You shouted.
"Y/n, you know who I am. Why does it suddenly bother you? Is it.. because you got to see it with your own eyes? Oh Bunny.. you can't fear the monster under your bed when he's been sitting at your dinner table for weeks."
Joker was reaching out for you again but you were faster and retreated two steps back.
You hated when he was right. You spent so much time with Joker yet you only saw the façade he wanted you to see, not the real monster he truly was.
He was Gotham City's most wanted criminal, not a sweet roommate that complains about the thermostat and pile of dishes in the sink. You two weren't in your apartment anymore. He didn't have to play house and pretend to be someone that he wasn't.
You weren't prepared to see Joker's true colors despite knowing well in advance who he is.
He used your moment of uncertainty to wrap you up in his arms. You were so confused.
It felt so good to finally be held by him but your brain knew the circumstances behind it were all wrong.
There was a reason why you didn't read gangster/mob tags in fanfiction! The ending never turned out well for the girl. She always struggled with her emotions and ended up getting hurt every single time trying to love the villain.
You were an author. You knew there was no happy ending here. This would only lead to angst and suffering on both sides. While you struggled with your feelings, Joker seized the moment to memorize every curve of your body.
You fit into his arms like the last puzzle piece snapping together. He could say with confidence you were made for him to hold.
Joker remembered one of your characters in The Greeks Among Us say that to their partner. It sounded sappy when he read it, but now it made all the sense in the world. His natural curiosity prompted his hands to become more adventurous.
He slid them down the slope of your back while his lips traveled up the column of your neck.
You felt his staggering breath on your ear and had enough.
Despite you holding onto the lapels of his suit for dear life, your words were pushing him away. "I'm so confused."
"Shhh." Joker left a kiss on your jawline. "Stop thinking so much and accept it."
That comment made you come to your senses. You shoved Joker away and stood your ground.
"Screw that! I-I need time to think and I'll do it in the comfort of my own home. I'm not gonna let y-you seduce your way into my good graces when you could have prevented that!"
You pointed at the tv screen showing the gala event being processed as a crime scene.
"I want to go home, Joker." You wished your sad puppy eyes worked on him better.
He simply averted his eyes. "It's not safe."
"I don't care. I'm going and I wish you would try and stop me."
Joker didn't bat an eyelash. "Okay?"
"Fine. I'll go by myself!" You yelled.
You ignored him and bent over to pick up your heels. You left to find your way back to the original room you woke up in. Thankfully it wasn't too hard and you located your long forgotten clutch sitting in a corner.
Looking inside you found your earrings and bracelet, confirming Joker's comment about him selling them on the black market to be false. You liked Joker better when he was funny and not so methodical in his pursuit of pure chaos.
This was too much to process. Why couldn't things go back to how they were a week ago?
Your head was still spinning from bumping it in the van last night and thinking about Joker wasn't helping the pain lessen. Your only concern right now was getting out of this bunker and contacting Cindy to begin some serious damage control.
You might not be able to control Joker and his actions but you could control your public image.
You decided to stay barefoot until you reached street level and started the grueling journey of finding the exit. You didn't expect to run into another one of Joker's henchmen. And fate would have it, it was the same one that brought you here.
He blocked your path with his towering frame and you quickly drew into a shell. "Hi.. um."
"Turn left, then go up the small flight of stairs. Take another left and the door outside is on your right."
He was about to walk past you down the hallway, when you stopped him.
"Why are you helping me? Don't you have orders to keep me here?" You asked.
"You're stubborn just like my daughter." He mumbled under his breath. "No I don't."
His confession made you stop and realize these criminals could very well lead normal lives. Given their nefarious deeds they were still capable of doing the right thing and were still human.
Could Joker be normal? Perhaps in another lifetime.
You imagined Joker with a family living in a house outside the city limits. A Joker whose laughter was carefree without evil, holding a son or a daughter that looked exactly like him...
Your wild daydream made your ears flush beet red and the guy in front of you quirked his eyebrows at the visual. No wonder you got along with Joker. One of your screws upstairs were loose.
You recognized that look from anywhere. A look of veiled judgment and it made you snap out of your thoughts to defend yourself.
"I-I promise I'm not crazy! Well not clinically that is. Um, I didn't quite catch your name when you were saving me last night."
"Frost." He looked down at your hand laying on his forearm. You quickly removed it.
"Cool.. so um thank yo–"
"Just go woman. You're not needed here anymore." He huffed out, nearly exasperated.
Your foot froze mid step and you tossed an "Excuse me?" over your shoulder. It was apparent Frost wasn't intimidated by it.
"It's obvious you don't belong here. Run along back to your ritzy penthouse where you came from."
If it were possible, steam would be blowing from your ears. Here was Joker's right hand man blatantly telling you off and you were supposed to take it?
You seriously had enough of people ordering you around like you were some kind of invalid. You weren't a push over.
"You're a terrible driver and worse at offering advice."
"At least I don't have lipstick all over my face." He shot back. You frowned in confusion and he decided to give you a break.
"Bathroom is behind you." With that, Frost left you stumped in the maze of a hallway.
Sure enough immediately behind you was a door that opened up to a decent sized powder room. Or should you say former bathroom.
The area now was decrepit and riddled with squalor. You didn't want to touch anything let alone use the mirror. The once reflective glass was cracked and murky with age and neglect.
And they called this a bathroom. "Sweet Jesus deliver me." You didn't dare turn around and see the toilet. The smell alone hinted at its current state.
You stomached through its stench and scanned your face in the mirror.
Just like Frost said, the same shade you bought last Monday for Joker was scattered all over your skin. There were a few lipsticks marks on your mouth and faint ones trailing down your neck.
The harsh red stood out on your complexion and you sported a comical tick mark of irritation until you remembered there was also a lipstick mark on your hand.
Was it a sign of regret? You questioned earlier if Joker was capable of being normal. That one lipstick print was all the proof you needed.
I'm his own way, yes he could. You were tired of running away. It was time you stood up for what you wanted.
Who carried if it wasn't the right choice? Perhaps you might end up regretting it later in the future, but for now, you retraced your steps back to Joker.
His head shot up when you appeared in the doorway.
He hoped you didn't catch him pacing back and forth deep in thought. Joker had a million things he needed to do and not a lot of time to complete them in, but you always managed to bomb rush his thoughts and take center stage.
Would you make it back home safely? Would you calm down and see the reason behind his refusal to return or was this the last time he would see you?
Joker stopped pacing and picked at his cuticles. He didn't like that last scenario.
He refused to let you go yet. He liked how you were a (somewhat) independent woman who could speak her mind.  Smart and drop dead gorgeous with a sprinkle of crazy, he really didn't want to fumble this bag which is why he panicked when he saw you panting out of breath before him.
You caught your breath by clearing your throat.
"I am.. tired of running away and bottling up my feelings. I'm sick of taking two steps forward and having to retreat back miles and miles when something goes wrong between us and trust me, it always does. One of us says the wrong thing or our actions speak louder than our hearts, yet we always manage to make up."
"I'm going back to my apartment and.. and I'm asking if you want to come with me. This isn't some 'two week up in the air' agreement like last time. Of course I want you healed... but this is just me— being selfish and simply wanting you there with me. We're both adults here, Joker. So let's cut to the chase. Stay with me.. until I think about what this is."
You ended your speech waving your hand in the space between you two.
Joker hummed in that vague tone of his but this time you didn't know if it was positive or negative. He cut the distance between you and him short by meeting you in the doorway.
Now that he knew you were claustrophobic, he didn't crowd your space even when his personality demanded it. He liked to invade people's personal space and intimidate them. He would have to train himself to stop around you.
"Hmm. I'll be spotted if I return to your place with you. I need a smug op."
"A what?" You were elated that he was agreeing to come back but his terminology threw you for a loop.
Joker fought back his grin seeing your head tilt like a puppy. Your bright, young mind had a habit of turning off from time to time during the most inopportune times.
"Are you serious about us? Me. Staying at your place?"
Joker was too nervous to speak in full sentences but you understood him word for word and nodded. Joker nodded to himself and started hatching a plan.
"You won't be a ahhh secret anymore, I'll have to get you involved. Stay behind me." He said.
You were thoroughly confused and had no other choice but to follow wherever Joker was dragging you off to. You definitely regretted not putting your heels on.
This bunker was truly a maze with all kinds of twists and turns that Joker led you through.
By the fifth left turn, you were turnt all the way around that you would never make it to the exit that Frost pointed out to you.
The end of the wild maze brought you to another unmarked room noticeably larger than the first where dozens of men, all in various conversations, were in the middle of activities like playing cards or arguing over the game being displayed on a flat screen tv.
This must be their common's room.
You felt out of place in your torn designer gown but Joker calmly walked up to a pair of men who immediately stopped talking to greet their boss.
Joker skipped the pleasantries and got to the point. "I need... a covert smuggle operation."
The men looked from Joker to you completely speechless. The rest of the room followed suit. Joker smacked his lips, patiently waiting but nothing happened. And so his patience waned.
"Did ya ears stop working? You. Your name- uh Mark something. Whatever. I need to sneak into.." Joker gestured at you awkwardly standing behind him. ".. her apartment without being seen. Can ya do it?"
"It's Mac but yeah wh-where's the place?"
You saw Joker's brain troubleshoot. He stayed at your apartment for weeks and he didn't know your address. Talk about awkward.
"Move Joker. Honestly..." You gently pushed him to the side and everyone in the room gasped.
"Hi Mac. I live on Quinn Street in the North Grant Row building. It's the white glass rooftop high rise near the Grant Park fountain. I can keep Joker hidden from view up until Gotham Square but the rest of the way, I'm not too sure. Can you help?"
You leaned against the table and Mac got to see your beauty up close. He would be a fool to say no.
He totally forgot about Joker standing next to you. "For you, I'd love to. I have to say I ahh.. I'm not very familiar with Old Gotham."
"Really? Oh it's not that complicated! Lots of old alleyways and one way streets to duck in and out of. I'm just worried about the open streets the closer we get to my complex. Hey, can I borrow that map?"
You asked a guy, a table away, who was openly staring at you. He looked to Joker for approval and then handed over the map. You thanked him with a smile and he proceeded to swoon.
You smoothed the map out onto the table and pointed to a spot with your nail. "Here. There's an awning that we can stop at. It'll be the last cover Joker has before it's an open shot."
Mac stood up to see better and hovered by your side– a bit too close– for Joker's likings.
Unfortunately the blond didn't notice.
"Oh that's uh First National bank. I think. We can do a swap there if the Boss gives the green light on it. What's the security at your place like?"
You sigh. "That's the problem. It's tight. Front desk staff with only two entrances; the main lobby and a service on the side of the building, here. If you can help Joker make it to the apartment building, leave the rest to me. I'm the top floor tenant so I have special privileges. Plus there's a restricted passageway that Joker can use to my apartment."
"A whaT?"
Everyone turned to stare at Joker.
He had sat down after watching you interact with his men like some seasoned gofer. Joker honestly didn't know if he was turned on or concerned by how at ease you were around them.
You met Joker's gaze head on. "I rarely use it but there's a secret tunnel. I'll um explain later, it's a long story."
Up to this point you tried to ignore the intense pressure that came with being watched but you couldn't stomach it anymore. You were a big girl and you could handle confrontations. So you turned around to address the issue.
"I'm sorry. What's your name?"
You pointed to the second guy, a stocky brunet, who was seated at the table with Mac. His demeanor came off very aggravated ever since you walked into the room.
He snorted while crossing his arms. "Boss, you lettin this broad order us around?"
The whole room went silent and it was a tossup to either look at Joker or you. However, the majority of the crowd chose the latter.
It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out his problem. You had written countless characters just like him so you knew exactly how to deal with his kind.
Once again you wished you were wearing your heels to appear taller.
"I may not look like it– but I'm no pushover. I really wanna go home and you and your misogynistic attitude.. is standing in the way of that."
You took a breath to calm yourself. This man was really trying you. "So... I'm asking you nicely to stop being a dick and avoid ending up with Pookie and nem' in Port Adams. Yeah. I know the lingo; this ain't my first rodeo. I'm from Blüdhaven, south side at that, so by all means! Buck up to me again and I promise you, I'll write your obituary with perfect grammar."
He rose up from his seat and began a staring contest. He was sizing you up until a humorless laugh cut through the room.
It was sarcastic and dark in nature, sending a chill down your spine. Everyone in attendance turned to face their boss who was seated with his hand propping up his cheek and ending his theatrical laugh.
"She's a feisty one isn't she? It's gotta be that, uhhh.. Blüd in her. She's still running on adrenaline so I'd listen to the nice lady, Flint. That obituary might come as a surprise. The truth hurts ya know."
Flint understood what Joker was implying and wisely sat back down.
He was still brooding as you finalized the operation with Mac and kept a cautious eye on him.
In the background Joker ordered Frost to dismiss the rest of the men who weren't needed. They didn't need to hear the rest of this conversation. As the last goon left the room, Joker approached the table where the three of you brainstormed.
He'd deal with Flint's attitude later. Joker got the impression that you were no stranger to violence but witnessing any form of it terrified you. Perhaps your childhood turned you away from it? He wasn't too sure.
However if Joker was staying with you for the unforeseeable future, he needed to ensure that all of his business remained behind closed doors so you didn't have to see it.
Although that could wait. Joker had more pressing matters to think about. Like how you stood up for yourself without his help.
In a room full of men you demanded their respect, barefoot and while wearing a ripped designer gown. Joker was more than proud, he was absolutely feral after seeing your more bossier side.
Recently he only saw your docile and sweet nature.
Cooking him meals, stumbling over your words around him, to being on the receiving end of your coy gestures. It was a complete 180 and boy did he love it. So what if everyone saw him eyeing you like a piece of meat? He wasn't ashamed.
Joker wondered if you would complain if he took you right here in front of—
"..ker! Of course you're not listening. We're ready to go whenever you get your head out of the clouds."
You rolled your eyes and leaned back over the table to iron out some more kinks with Mac. He was more than happy to work with you and see this secret tunnel you mentioned.
Joker was too busy shaking himself out of his daydream.
Much as he would like to establish dominance and claim you as his for all to see, he knew your current attitude was just a front.
You used your tough Blüdhaven upbringing to face his crew but the minute you two were alone, Joker knew you would revert back to the introvert you were. The one that tucked tail and ran away every time he tried to make progress with you. He hoped you didn't after all of this was over.
Just overhearing the conversation you planned, this operation would be risky. Doable, but it was cutting too close to home.
Were you really serious about him staying with you? You were proving it in your actions but Joker would have to find out if your heart was on the same page when he got you alone again.
The meeting was wrapping up and Mac offered to show you the way to the awaiting vans.
Everyone was leaving and Joker waited till you were out of sight before dragging Flint back into the room by his collar.
"Hi..." The awkward crimson red smile on Joker's face was not friendly.
Flint knew his actions had consequences but he didn't think they would come back to haunt him so quickly.
His eyes darted everywhere but at his boss who was proving the saying, 'if looks could kill' absolutely true.
Joker wagged his finger at the male while slowly circling him.
"You're a great guy but I really... reallyyy thought about killing you earlier. But I didn't! Wanna know why?"
Flint was used to working for a psychopath yet nothing prepared him to be held at knifepoint and the blade digging into his mouth. He blinked and Joker held his life in his unpredictable, makeup covered hands. Honestly, that was a typical Saturday around here.
"You wanna know? I'll tell ya. The thing is.. if I killed you– Y/n would've saw it! She's very.. sensitive to these things and I'd.. hate.. for her pretty little head to worry. I. Don't. Want. Her. To. Worry. So.. you're gonna do your joB and listen to her plans and if you don't?"
Joker tugged on the knife, digging harshly into Flint's gums "You don't want an obituary written out for you. Hm?"
Flint shook his head no along with Joker. He froze when another henchman came into the room.
"Uh Boss?"
Joker's fingers danced on the knife's handle. "What."
"Y-Y/n is waiting for you. She's getting impatient in–"
Joker looked at the newcomer and didn't realize that his hand slipped while holding the knife. A pained grunt gained Joker's attention. He took one look at the gash he made on his employee and cringed.
"Oops. I uh.. hmm. Patch that up and oh c'mon at least it's not ear to ear!" Joker patted Flint's shoulder and walked out to join you in the van.
The newbie and Flint both shared a look. Y/n was a touchy topic best left alone.
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Your original plan had to be revised.
Walking in from the street was too risky so Mac proposed ditching the original swap at First National Bank and went forward with dropping you and Joker off at the service entrance at your place. Joker was a wanted criminal and with your current state of dress, neither of you could be seen.
The cover story for the front desk staff was another furniture delivery that Mac thought on the fly.
The story went as follows: You escaped The Prosperity massacre and made it to your apartment where you passed out from shock. The delivery man woke you up.
It creeped you out how believable this lie was. Short, sweet and to the point.
From the service entrance, you and Joker would meet up with Mac on the eleventh floor, he having taken the main entrance to sell the lie.
If all went well at the front desk, it was smooth sailing. A foolproof plan that even Joker had to applaud. Joker followed you as you guided him through the service hallways and passed by the apartment building workers in the area.
The giant service elevator was behind a wall and gave you and Joker some time to breathe. You spotted a surveillance camera above and noticed the red light was off.
Parked a block away one of Joker's software techs, (you chose not to think about how he had one on his payroll) hacked into your apartment complex system to disable the cameras.
Everything was carefully thought out and when the lift softly chimed open, you all but shoved Joker in before hitting the eleventh floor button. You sagged your weight on the stainless steel walls and missed Joker's wary green eyes checking you out.
He knew this mission was quite stressful on top of you not processing things from last night's attack. When you were finally situated at home, you were gonna crash like a bag of rocks. He would make sure you got some much needed rest.
The lift dinged on the maintenance level and you lowered your guard thinking the coast was clear. Joker's arm pushed you back inside in just enough time to avoid walking into Mac.
He looked up from his phone to Joker then at you, stunned speechless.
"How did you...?" You asked after a while.
He left at the same time that you and Joker did. Either he teleported here or..
"Don't ask that question. Where's this secret tunnel you talked about?" He looked around the maintenance room but didn't find anything remotely similar.
Joker was curious too and decided to speak up. "You said you'd explain later. It's later, Y/n."
The two men hoped you didn't lead them to a dead end and waited for an explanation.
"Alrighty then... It's not really a tunnel per se, more like a hatch. The construction workers needed an easier way to transfer large equipment and materials during the renovations to my penthouse and made one. I only used it once during an emergency, i-it's practically useless."
You walked over to the far end of the room to grab the step stool you left last time, only to find it missing.
"What? I had a step ladder right here. Where did it go?" You scanned the room looking for it but Joker was losing his patience again.
You tried to stifle your scream when Joker picked you up and sat you on his shoulders.
You couldn't believe this was happening but you kept blinking and sure enough your head was grazing the ceiling. Joker rolled his eyes knowing your mind was spinning faster than the Earth with questions.
"Just tell me where to go." He mumbled.
You stole a glance at Mac who pointedly avoided watching the scene unfolding before him. Smart guy.
You guided Joker over to a portion of the room, trying to keep your thoughts PG.
"I-I never opened it from this side before but there should be a.. Ah here!" You wobbled a bit on Joker's shoulders but he held you steady.
His head swam when your thighs clenched around his neck. Why did he put himself in these situations with you? You were unaware of Joker's growing dilemma, you had felt around the ceiling until a mechanical popping noise was heard.
Much to their surprise, a decent size latch opened up from the ceiling. Joker regretfully sat you back onto your feet, missing your warmth around his neck already.
"How many people know about this, Y/n?" Joker pointed to the ladder. You cleared your throat and answered.
"Well– the contractor, his employees, you and I, and now your crew. Why?"
"Dwindle that number." Joker said without looking back.
It took you a minute to realize Joker wasn't talking to you.
Mac gave you a look, 'don't ask', before he mentioned he was going to survey the rest of the complex building and left. Before you knew it, Joker was already halfway up the ladder.
"Wow! What a gentleman Joker! You couldn't wa–"
His voice floated back down. "You have a front door. Use it."
If he remained down there with you any longer he wouldn't have been able to control himself. He reached the top and took in your neat storage closet. Another mystery door in your hallway was explained.
He was looking around the organized shelves and heard something outside the door that made him pause.
Your head was poking up from the top of the ladder and Joker waited until you found your footing on the floor above before he slapped a hand over your mouth.
"Shhhh shhh bunny. Are you expect-ting anyone?" He left a brief kiss behind your ear as an apology for scaring you.
At this rate you'll have red lipstick stains everywhere.
You shook your head and froze when you heard something heavy being knocked over, followed by a loud curse.
"Keep it down, she could be in here." A voice said.
Another one answered just as fast. "Sorry!"
Someone was in your apartment and by the sound of it, more than one person. You knew Joker wanted to say, 'I told you it wasn't safe' based on his pointed glare.
He pushed you towards the wall right underneath your large supply of paper towels and whispered his warning. "Lock the door when I leave and don'T come out until I turn the door knob four times."
He knew the moment you were away from his crew this would happen.
Gone was your tough persona replaced by his timid little Y/n. Your big doe eyes were fixated on him and already glazing over in panic..
They glanced down to his leg and Joker was reminded that he was still on the mend from his shootout with te GCPD. This was the most troublesome gunshot wound he had to date.
"I'll be fine, Y/n. Keep quiet." Joker whispered to you.
He then reached for the door handle and slowly opened it to step outside into the hallway. He heard the deadbolt lock immediately afterwards.
Smart girl. He thought to himself.
Joker didn't see anyone from his position in the hallway but he couldn't dash over to his room where his duffel bag of weapons were stashed underneath the bed.
He would have to be light on his feet, something ever since his injury– he was unable to do.
Joker had his trusty knife in his pocket but against two possible assailants (and maybe more) with unknown weapons of their own, he wanted to enter this fight prepared. He knew Dent and his half burnt boys never played fair so he would have even the odds.
It was too quiet in your closet and it felt like time stood still as you waited for the door handle to turn.
Were you supposed to hear something? Was silence a good thing or a bad thing? These past twenty four hours had been brutal on your nerves already. You were getting antsy just sitting around waiting, so you did the exact opposite of what Joker told you to.
You got up and opened the door.
Your apartment felt foreign with the fact that people were here unannounced. How many were here? Just how badly did Two Face want to talk to you?
Scratch that. Why did he want to talk in the first place? Random people were raiding your house all because of a fictional misunderstanding.
Each door in your hallway was closed but you wanted to be double sure. The main bathroom was empty so you moved onto the two guest bedrooms. They were empty too.
Maybe your imagination created a second voice to scare you but Joker heard it too! Moreover, you sighed and closed Joker's bedroom door when your heart took a dive straight to your stomach.
Joker heard you scream and the sound of something breaking and thought the worst.
Once again you made him lower his guard and he only had seconds to dodge the fist being swung at him. A perk of fighting in private/public areas. Guns were too loud and hand to hand combat reigned supreme.
Right up Joker's alley.
The poor guy didn't stand a chance as Joker parried the fist and used its momentum to flip the intruder over onto their back.
A moment of hesitation cost him and the slight stinging pain in his hand was the price to pay but Joker knew killing the guy wouldn't earn him any brownie points with you.
Instead of slicing his throat open Joker opted to snap his neck. A good compromise he thought, but then he realized that it wasn't just a bit too late. He would lie about that later.
He remembered you screaming and ran (more like limped) towards the hallway to assess the scene. He found you standing over the second intruder still holding half of a decorative item in your hand.
You were panting and jumped when Joker grabbed your forearm to pull you away.
He checked the guy's pulse, definitely unconscious, and the oozing blood on the back of their head confirmed a guaranteed headache whenever they did wake up.
"What did you do?" Joker ended up asking you.
He eyed how your body was still shaking, either from adrenaline or from fear, he didn't know.
"H-He was about to.." You swallowed loudly. "He was about to go into my room."
Joker was well aware your room was your escape from the world. In the two weeks he'd been hiding here, he only knew the walls were dark in color.
No other glimpses inside and you most certainly didn't talk about what lie therein.
It was your most kept secret; it was no wonder you bashed the guy's head in to stop him from entering. Once again you amazed Joker with your bravery but he did have to scold you.
He opened his mouth to speak but followed your line of sight to his hand. It was red from the slash the first intruder managed to land on him.
"Why are you bleeding?" You whimpered. The bauble you currently held fell from your grasp. Neither of you cared that it landed on the guy's head.
Joker glanced at his fresh wound and rolled his eyes. "Calm down bunny. It's just a scratch. I thoughT... I told you to stay in the closet."
"I wasn't gonna let you take on two guys at once! Are you crazy?!"
"Uh yeah." He replied. It was common knowledge. "I told you it wasn't safe here but you.. don't listen. I'll have to assign people to guard your building. There could be more.. uhh unwanted visitors. I uh.. I can keep you safe, that is... if ya want me to really stay?"
Joker didn't mean for it to come out like a question but he wanted to be sure that this is what you wanted and not some spontaneous decision made in distress.
He stepped over the unconscious goon and entered your personal space.
It was instinctive yet you weren't uncomfortable by his proximity. In fact you gravitated closer to Joker and rested your hands on his chest.
The air was thick with uncertainty and Joker wondered if now was the time that reality set in for you. Would you kick him out and never talk to him again? He thought through all the possibilities in the same amount of time you came to a conclusion.
Your heavy sigh gained his rapt attention. This was it; you were saying goodbye. Your sad eyes confirmed it.
"Like I said earlier, I don't know. I knew having you in my life would be dangerous and scary but until I figure out exactly what I want– I'll have to embrace the unknown. I have to accept who you are and the baggage that you carry, along with the risks. I'm scared, Joker... but I'm also scared of how I'll feel if I don't give you a chance."
Joker's eyes widened when you held his hand up to your cheek, miraculously avoiding getting any blood on you.
With every word your lips grew closer and closer to his.
"You promised me– you promised you wouldn't leave. I want to try us. Please don't–"
Then the doorbell rang.
Joker was two seconds away from throwing a tantrum. Every time he was in the middle of having a moment with you, fate had to intervene. He sighed through his nose as you glanced at the door. You were about to pull away when Joker grabbed your hands.
"Y/n, wait. It could be another attack."
You broke your hands free and wiped Joker's blood off on your gown. It was bound for the trash anyway.
"I highly doubt if they were coming to kill me they would ring the doorbell."
You were too stubborn for your worth. He growled lowly as you moseyed over to the front door and looked into the peep hole.
Joker frowned when you yelped and snapped it shut.
"Hide Joker!"
"What? Who is it?" He wanted to see who it was, but you shoved him back towards the hallway.
You didn't notice the guy's motionless body near your dining room table.
"J-Just a second!!" You shouted over your shoulder at the door. "You have to help me change. Now!" You whispered to Joker.
"Who's at the door Y/n?"
"Bruce!" You didn't hesitate to fling your heels across the room, drastically dwindling your height, and you were shrugging off your draped gown when Joker's brain short circuited.
Obviously you weren't thinking things through because you wouldn't have stripped in front of Joker if you were.
Did you forget that two men were unconscious, one of them (unintentionally) dead in your apartment and in the same room as you?
Joker was wondering what rare good deed he did to deserve a show like this. Despite the odd circumstances, he was still a male. Watching you undress was mesmerizing.
Joker's eyebrows jumped up seeing your skimpy black panties as you bent over and his eyes nearby rolled back into his head when you...
"Hide the bodies somewhere while I go change!" You cupped your breasts and sprinted to your bedroom.
The door slamming shut was the last thing Joker heard before his mind switched to autopilot. You weren't wearing a bra.
Now he'd seen some pretty bizarre things in his life and especially living in Gotham City, but the greatest sight of all was you stripped down to your underwear.
He could only imagine the full unobstructed view.
He cleared his throat and got to work dragging the dead body to your storage closet. While he was in the hallway, he grabbed the unconscious one by the foot and pulled him inside as well.
Joker didn't register that he sent a text to Mac to dispose of the two bodies on the maintenance floor before he kicked them down the secret ladder.
Their body weight landed loudly on the floor below yet Joker's mind was still racing with the visual of you. He closed the door to the storage closet the same time you stepped out of your room.
This all took place in less than three minutes. You decided to wear simple grey sweatpants and were struggling to pull down another fan T-shirt when you caught the pair of green eyes looking your way.
"Well don't just stand there! Go hide!"
Joker just nodded and walked in his room.
That was weird, but you didn't have time to question Joker's odd behavior. Bruce was waiting outside your door and you knew exactly why he was here.
You waited until Joker was safe in his room before sprinting towards the front door– a quick deep breath was the only preparation you gave yourself. Then you opened the door with a smile.
"Sorry for keeping you waiting. Come on in!" You welcomed Bruce Wayne inside.
His dark eyes felt like a lie detector ray as he scanned your frame. If Bruce noticed your frazzled appearance, he was a gentleman and didn't comment on it. That didn't stop you however.
"I probably look a mess. It's been a.. well a terrible night." You chuckled to yourself, knowing good and well the joke wasn't well received.
You weren't expecting Bruce to hug you.
Your short gasp was muffled by bands of muscle and expensive fabric. His cologne smelled phenomenal and did a good job of lowering your defenses.
The past twenty four hours finally came crashing down on you and the weight (along with Bruce and his natural charm) broke you down.
"I was so worried when I saw the news. Barbara called me in total hysterics asking if I heard from you." Bruce squeezed you tighter and somehow guided you over to your blue couch.
Why did his arms feel so safe? Not even five minutes ago you were confessing to Joker that you wanted to try things out with him yet here you were in another man's arms.
You could hear Florence's favorite quote, "she's a slut!" bouncing off your eardrums.
"I thought that Two Face captured you or worse. I was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by and check on you. Imagine my surprise when you answered the door. Y/n, talk to me, are you okay?"
Bruce pulled away just enough to see your face. He tucked a loose braid back over your shoulder. His deep chuckle startled you out of your musing.
"I find myself being so forward with you, please forgive me. I call you out of the blue, I try to take you out to dinner, and even now I arrive at your home unannounced."
You had yet to say anything but that didn't stop Bruce from asking the unthinkable.
"I worry. It's not safe for you here while Dent has a price for your head." That made you look up in fear.
It was the first time you heard Dent's intentions with you. He wanted you dead over a fictional book? The man was insane!
"This might be too forward of me but I can't stand you being unprotected. Come with me to Wayne Manor."
You could've sworn you heard something break in the bedroom.
Bruce backtracked seeing your confusion clear as day. "Hear me out. I have the best security money can buy and you'll be taken care of while this whole Two Face situation quells. I'll personally guarantee—"
You cut Bruce off. Judging by his gentle smile he wasn't bothered by it. "Y-You want me to stay at Wayne Manor? With... with you?"
"Yes." He added, "At least until I know you'll be safe on your own."
You shook your head and stood up from the couch. It was a lot to take in and it worried you that you were actually considering on going.
Bruce knew you needed time to think about his offer.
He wasn't sure it was appropriate to ask, (he hadn't been on a date with you for crying out loud) but he couldn't bear if anything happened to you.
He got the distress call from Oracle aka Barbara right as the GCPD and Jim Gordon were dispatched to the scene.
Barbara was indeed beside herself with worry and cried the entire time Bruce tried to process the scene. He came to the conclusion that you had miraculously fled the scene by your partial fingerprints leading down the event stairwell.
But at the back alleyway, your trail went cold.
Batman and all of his advanced gadgets could not find you, so he waited until daybreak to search for clues as Bruce Wayne.
He didn't lie, he was visiting his Foundation chapter near Wayne tower when the idea to check your apartment hit him. Bruce didn't hesitate interrogating the front desk and slipped a hefty sum into their pockets to keep his visit confidential before heading up to the top floor.
He wasn't expecting to see you open the door nor to find you were still in disarray from last night.
He couldn't ask you where you stayed last night but it didn't take a genius to know it wasn't at your place.
Your heels were tossed across the living room, he heard you do it, and the designer gown you wore to the event (he thought it looked outstanding on you) was in a pool of fabric by the door.
They were all indicators that you changed quickly before answering the door.
Something else to the equation was missing but for the life of him, he couldn't figure out what. Bruce had a hunch that Dent would target you again and as much as your apartment was 'safe and secure', a breach could happen at any minute.
Your life was too precious to leave up to chance.
Bruce would not sleep peacefully until you were safe under, well.. over, the batcave on the Wayne Manor grounds.
"I.. I don't know.." You mustered out. You fiddled with a braid while you paced in circles.
Bruce watched the erratic steps for any emotional clues, but found none. Just a lot of confusion, copious amounts of stress and inner turmoil. You needed to rest.
He sighed to himself and stood up to make his way towards you. He stopped you mid pace by taking ahold of your hands.
They were clammy, but Bruce didn't care. "Please consider my offer, Y/n. Call me and I'll have a car pick you up immediately if you accept." He bent down to kiss your knuckles and noticed the smudged blood on your skin.
It sent alarms to his brain that Bruce Wayne couldn't address. If he were under the cowl, he could coerce you into telling him where you were.
Perhaps if you said yes to staying with him, he could coax it out of you in another way. Right now your brain was overwhelmed and running on fumes. He would take his leave.
You said nothing as Bruce saw himself out. What could you say? You shocked yourself by considering his offer. God, why were you so confused about everything?
"Aren't you going with him?"
You screamed hearing Joker's deep voice in your ear. The whiplash from dealing with Bruce straight to Joker had a girl tripping.
You dragged your hand down your face, exhausted. "Stop scaring me like that.."
"Again. Are you going Y/n?" Joker bit back. Each word was harsh in the air and it put you on the defensive.
"Is this some trick question? Why does it sound like you want me to? I-I said I wanted to go home and I'm here. Why would I leave?"
"Because you're confused. You don't know what you want so... when a golden opportunity is presented to your tired, weary mind, it wants to snatch it up! It's a basic human instinct Y/n, no need to get defensive about it. Just don't hurT your brain trying to decide when we both know your decision."
Joker told himself he was gonna stop invading your space after learning you were claustrophobic. Old habits die hard.
You landed on the couch with a slight bounce before Joker boxed you in with his frame. His arms were beside your head as he leaned in almost nose to nose.
"Deep down you want to go. But you can't have your cake and eat it too. Spoiled little bunny, she can't choose between her rich, arrogant boy toy, or the scary clown she can't run away from. Save us allll the trouble, and go pack your bags Y/n."
Joker's words taunted your heart but as you opened your mouth to deny them, he gripped your chin.
"Go ahead and eat your cake. Enjoy your time with.. Gotham's savior, live it up in his mansion all you want. But know this little bunny.."
Joker's eyes were intense pools of juniper staring straight into your soul.
You couldn't look away even if you tried. His grip on your chin began to hurt but his words cut deeper.
"You'll be back and I'll be waiting."
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moonfeatherblue · 2 months
Blue Mooney Intro ~
Hello and welcome! It's so lovely to see you 💙
At this point in the timeline, I am still Blue Mooney AKA moonfeatherblue. I'm a writer of fantasy and a shy magical library in human skin 📚✨
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(art by @/yukijanc_)
I stream a variety of fantasy-creative-writing-related content on YouTube at 10 am aest every Monday (except when I don't... and I promise to let you know when I don't). The occasional gaming and chatting stream also occurs, among other random fun times. Like reading streams! And maybe some karaoke now and then? Blue loves to sing 🎶
Audiobook-style videos of the short stories we write and/or edit on stream are slowly being published on YouTube, as well. These short stories are also available to read on Wattpad, Inkitt, Scribble Hub, and of course, here on Tumblr (eventually Tapas too, but the website currently hates me, and we haven't worked out our problems yet).
What I want to do as Blue, more than anything else, is fill my metaphysical shelves with fiction of the fantastical nature. In other words, I want to share all my stories with you ~
Let's start with my main magical project! I'd love so much to share it as a series of light-novel-style audio web novels on YouTube, chapter by chapter. And once each novel in the series is posted on YouTube, publish them as e-books! Oooh, and release original songs as themes for each instalment, that sounds fun ~
Here's a terrible too-long elevator pitch for the series!
"Kaz is a smartass, a deadbeat, and a former delinquent. He's definitely not destined to become a fire-gauntleted magical boy. Or to save the universes from an evil alien warlord.
... But he'll do in a pinch!
Keen to show up his aloof space kitten mentor, Kaz hurls himself headfirst into magical urban warfare, thrashing monsters and protecting his city. The battles are brutal and the recognition non-existent, but hey, at least he's got work! Kaz might be crushing his sparkly new career, but this invading force is ruthless, relentless, and hell-bent on mounting his magical head on a spike. Good thing he's got a strong support system at home, but come on - are his siblings trying to sniff out Kaz's magical secrets? One thing's for sure: he won't be fighting this war solo much longer."
There are so many more stories I want to write - intrigue-stuffed high fantasies, disturbing shape-shifter fantasies, action-packed dystopias, amphibian-centric quests... more magical boy/girl/people adventures - but this main magical project still takes priority in Blue's heart 💙 Who knows how many light novels this series will take? Many, many, many, many...
I hope to see you around the library again!
... That's me. I am the library.
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(art by @/Nura01012333)
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rrahuntersblog · 26 days
About Me Redux
I decided I needed a new "about me". My original one was written hastily and just lacked meat. I am a person of substance, and not a one-note. So... shall we begin?
Online Nickname: Raye Pronouns: She/her
I'm a cis-woman with bisexual leanings, and could largely be considered a pagan/agnostic/atheist. (It varies on the day. 😅)
I consider myself a writer. I've dabbled in Medium posts, and in the past, have written fanfiction, original stories, blogs. Nowadays I'm working on my first screenplay. It's been a fun challenge and I have been enjoying it immensely!
Eventually I hope to branch out into novels. Those take longer, but it's a dream of mine nonetheless.
I'm passionate about reading. I have a number of favorites and love to re-read them when the mood strikes. They're heavily urban fantasy, with a dash of high fantasy, Dungeons & Dragons type books, and the occasional romance.
I'm a survivor of abuse. Since childhood, I've endured just about all kinds of abuse: mental, sexual, emotional, physical and financial. There's a reason why I speak out about abuse, and try to shine a light on what I can because I do not want anyone else to suffer. It would be wonderful if one person was helped or found strength to leave because of my blog.
I hadn't meant to become an anti-blog. I do and will share things about other stuff, but I am also going to focus on the abuse I see from Elta Danneel Graul Ackles to her husband, Jensen Ross Ackles.
I'll speak of writing, life, positivity... whatever strikes my fancy. Just don't come here claiming I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to abuse. The fact I can still hold love and kindness after what I've been through speaks to my strength.
If my abusers couldn't break me, what makes you think you can?
See Follow Up For Masterlist
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afreakingdork · 4 months
Reader stan here, happy to see more and more people are recognizing reader's impeccable rizz!! /lh
Ah but also..Donnie scrapping someone off the contending list just because in his eyes, she's not in reader's good graces. What a DORK.
And not to ramble but GOSH, reader is such a good influence to most, if not, every person they've come across in this fic. It didn't even cross my mind that Donnie would be apprehensive of being poisoned until Reader did AND made the point of eating first.
I enjoy these two so so much, I initially enjoyed them because I *love* a tinge of co-dependency and 'ride-or die', but overtime I also came to appreciate just how mature their love became.
That kind of love that's mellowed down and though it's not *exciting* perhaps, it's part of everyday life now and they've just become so comfortable around eachother.
As someone who's arospec but at the same time, a hopeless romance enjoyer, I used to be disillusioned and scared of that stage of love because I thought of it as being the end where you've grown bored of eachother. Now I realize it's not boredom, it's simple contentment with the other and damn, I see the light now!!
ANYWAYS SORRY FOR RAMBLING AND GETTING A LIL EMOTIONAL THERE, it's a testament of how freaking amazing of a writer you are!! Do you plan on ever making original novels??
Reader stan!!
Reader could have told Donnie they didn't like Ingis' clothes and Donnie would have dumped them off the list on even that 🤭
What's funny is I never intended and I still don't intend to make reader out to be some magical person. They're only prowess is the sea of all these dumb-dumbs is that they have the boldness to be honest above all else. It's their curse and gets them into so many scrapes, but there's such a power to being able to blurt out to someone something truly from the heart. It has such a power on this bunch precisely because they've struggled for so long with a lack of honesty and communication. Donnie has learned long and hard throughout the series that he needs to be upfront and honest and him heading in that direction is starting to take affect as well even though reader as a batting average that far exceeds his own!
There's something about 'healthy' or maybe 'chosen' co-dependency that I love so much! If both parties want it, is it really so bad to spend all your time together? I've had a ton of friends who've felt the same, you just need to be ready and honest when you no longer want to be that way!
Not to wax my experience here because I am quite single and in reality have very little experience, but I think your fears are founded, it's just how you react when you reach that stage. If you don't let yourself get complacent it's totally fine! You don't need puppy love to continue a relationship. There's nothing wrong with that initial spark going out, because it's lit a candle! Tend to the flame and you'll reap the light rewards! I subscribe to the Justin McElroy way to relationships: always strive to give 60/40. If both partners strive to do more than neither will feel left out. Also it's literally impossible for you to both give that much! As long as you make an effort for your loved one, that's what's going to shine through.
But like also don't strive if they don't! You do gotta watch yourself first and foremost!
Not a babble at all! Thank you for writing in!!! I do have my own original story planned, more than a decade in the making! It will see the light of day some day!
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Reading List Game
I was tagged by @thelettersfromnoone. Thanks for the tag, friend!❤️ So here we go.
What are your recent, current, and future reads?
Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan (reread) + the graphic novel version which I had not read before
Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo
Once Upon a December by Amy E. Reichert
Game of Thrones by George RR Martin
The Ex-Mas Holidays by Zoe Allison
The Professor's Secret by mrspeetamellark
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too by c-r-roberts (reread)
Forbidden Love by mega-aulover
A Blind Date with Santa by MTK4FUN
The League of Gentlewomen Witches by India Holton
The Islands by Dionne Irving
When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through edited by Joy Harjo
The Chance You Didn't Take by ronja
Enthralled by damndonnergirls
THG Season of Hope 2023 entries by various
Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood
Clash of Kings by George RR Martin
Becoming by Michelle Obama
The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan (reread) and the graphic novel version which, as with SoM, I haven't yet read
Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo
Be That Way by Hope Larson
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen because I have somehow never read this one???? I swore I'd read all of hers but apparently not???? #Travesty #For SHAME kdnfb
A House United by shesasurvivor
The Firebird by merciki
Behind Blue Eyes by maxwellandlovelace
The Odds by mollywog
EDIT I CANNOT BELIEVE I FORGOT THIS ONE! MORE FOR SHAME ON KDNFB.... ahem Hunger Games par Suzanne Collins (l'édition française)
The first three of the future fanfictions on my list are all ones that I've started reading and then, for one reason or another that has nothing to do with the stories or writers themselves, I got pulled away from finishing them. So I am determined. They're getting read this year.
Tagging to play if you want to! : @pookieh, @awhiskeyriver, @bellairestrella, @distractionsfromthefood, @pitualba2015, @mega-aulover, @jroseley and anyone else who would like to play!
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It definitely does NOT feel like December should be over! But here we are, wrapping up the year of 2022 with December's reading list. This list is full of gems, I had such fun reading them and I hope you have a chance to enjoy them as well.
I want to give a great big THANK YOU to all the writers on this list! I was a bit of a Grinch this year in RL and your fics pumped my heart full of love, warmth and cheer.
This list is alphabetical by fandom (mostly), then by character. Summaries and warnings are included as provided by the authors.
Read what you like and share what you love!
2022 reading list | fic rec masterlist
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
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Strategic Fit by @indyluckycharlie Corporate AU!Bucky Barnes x Co-Worker!Reader Bucky knows better, he really does, and the last thing he wants is to give you more reason to hate him, but when he overhears an rather interesting conversation of yours, he just can't help himself.Warnings: Smut (minors do not interact). Explicit dirty talk, phone sex, male masturbation (but trying to hide it). May be considered noncon since Bucky's eavesdropping without permission and getting off on it (although someone else might be getting off on it too 👀) References to female masturbation and oral sex. Some light dom/sub vibes. Enemies to lovers, kind of.
A Piece of Me by @negans-lucille-tblr Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Bucky doesn’t want anything for Christmas, but you still manage to make it special.Warnings: Christmas, grumpy Bucky, moody Bucky, getting drunk, gift exchanges, lingerie, smut, fingering, p in v, orgasms, fluff
Marc's Praise Kink by @softlybarnes Marc Spector x Reader Anon: ill say it once and ill say it again, when marc spector gets comfortable enough around you, the praise kink is gonna come out and it's gonna come out hard, and lemme tell you, there's nothing that man loves more than being told he's doing a good job and hearing how good he's making you feel - i'm literally not taking any arguments about thisWarnings: Smut.
Remember me, love by @writingsoftheloser Sam Wilson x Reader When Sam and Bucky found themselves imprisoned, an old friend shows up to help them. And Sam definitely remembers them. Warnings: there’s some angst, fighting, swearing and a bittersweet ending
Destressing by @kittenofdoomage Steve Rogers x Female Reader Prompt: Steve has been such a good boy and deserves a special treat. Warnings: smut, fluff, slightly subby Steve
In The Moment by @kittenofdoomage Steve Rogers x Female Reader Prompt:  fill me up plz. Warnings: smut, rough smut, public smut
Knowledge Man by @maladaptivexxdaydreaming Librarian!Steve Rogers x Female Reader concept: With him, your words are becoming novels. warnings: tiny plot in library with just smut, semi-public sex, oral and fingering (r receiving),nicknames ─ Dove,
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In Spite of What My Heart Says by @princessmisery666 Dean Winchester x Female Reader You’ve avoided Dean for a while, but there’s so much that’s been left unsaid. He catches up to you and you’ll happily distract him to put off the inevitable difficult conversation. Warnings: smut, choking, rough sex (sort of!), p in v, unresolved angst, language. 
The Longest Time by @princessmisery666 Dean Winchester x Original Female Character (Wynter) For the longest time, Dean hasn't allowed himself to dream of a future, but Wynter changes things.Warnings: fluff, flangst.
Just Like A Pill by @princessmisery666 Dean Winchester x Female Reader Sequel to “In Spite Of What My Heart Says”. Y/N has no choice but to go to the Winchester’s for help. But after ditching Dean at the Christmas Market and still not having spoken how will it go down? Will they finally say all the things that need to be said?Warnings: Angst, language, mild smut, mention of Dean dying, Demon!Dean mentioned.
The Girlfriend Who Remade Christmas by @deanwinchesterswitch Dean Winchester x Original Female Character (Nicole/Nico/Nic) Dean’s holiday spirit is nowhere to be found. Fed up with his Grinch-like behavior, Nicole is determined to open his heart again to the wonders of the world around them and help him find joy in the Christmas season.Series Warnings: FLUFF, a tiny bit of angst, implied smut, slight canon divergence
Evermore by @deanwinchesterswitch Dean Winchester x Reader Living without Dean is an unbearable endeavor.Warnings: ANGST, character death-no graphic detail
Twofer by @kittenofdoomage Dean Winchester x Female Reader x Original Fictional Character (Lucy) Prompt: 2 for 1.Warnings: oral sex, threesome (F/M/F), reverse cowgirl, mentions of bad break-ups
Samnesia Series by @princessmisery666 Sam Winchester x Original Female Character Brooke is a calming distraction from the chaotic mess of Sam's life. When a hunt keeps them separated for over a month, Sam returns to find she no longer remembers him. The need to find out what happened while he was gone sends Sam on a case that will change the course of his life. What he discovers along the way will change the way he looks at love. Warnings: angst, fluff, smut, slow burn, language, stalking, mentions of cheating, kidnapping, shitty friend, canon level violence mentioned. 
Duck Dean Afternoon (4 Parts) by @mrswhozeewhatsis Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam Winchester x Reader A/N:  It was born from @helvonasche saying “It’s like fucking a duck for taffy,” after which she had to explain why fucking a duck for taffy was such a stupid idea.Warning: This is crack. So many things you never wanted to know about duck dicks are in this. 
Opportunity Knocks by @kittenofdoomage Dean Winchester x Female Reader x Sam Winchester Prompt: Eager to please both. Warnings: double oral penetration, threesome, implied double vaginal penetration
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Other Fandoms
Practice Makes Perfect by @kittenofdoomage Geralt x Female Reader Prompt: she’s been practicing and wants to show him what a good girl she can be. Warnings: sex work, brothels, oral sex
Clueless by @supernaturalgirl20 Din Djarin x Female Reader Request: for idiots in love. “You’re so cute. What did you just say? I said you look like a boot.”Warnings: Fluff, mutual pining, Din being clueless, Established sexual relationship, live sick idiots, mild reference to smut.
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Happy Reading!
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dizzyedgc · 6 months
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[ dev patel, man, he/him ] — whoa! GIDEON CHOWDHURY just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS, working as a LIBRARIAN & WRITER. that can’t be easy, especially at only THIRTY-THREE. some people say they can be a little bit INSECURE and TIMID, but i know them to be INTELLIGENT and DEVOTED. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to BROOKLYN! — (freddie, twenty-four, aest, they/them)
content warning - death of a parent, mental health issues.
full name: gideon chatur chowdhury nickname/s: gid preferred name: gideon ( is happy / comfortable with anything though, really ) age: thirty-three birthday: may 14th zodiac: taurus gender: man pronouns: he/him occupation: librarian & writer sexuality: bisexual relationship status: single ( + open for ships )
faceclaim: dev patel hair colour: dark brown hair length / style: slightly grown out, curly, often slightly messy eye colour: brown height: 6'1" tattoos: none currently peircings: none currently scars: none noteworthy
positive traits: intelligent, devoted, considerate, imaginative, creative, clever, loving, selfless, aware, humorous, helpful, friendly, courteous, resourceful, entertaining negative traits: insecure, timid, weak, defeated, defensive, scared, submissive, anxious, avoidant likes: writing ( when inspiration hits ), the smell of books, warm weather with a cool breeze, kisses on cheeks and foreheads, books, music ( specifically orchestral music ), natural light, beautiful architecture, home cooked meals dislikes: film adaptations of books that are vastly different from the original source material ( "why didn't they just create their own story inspired by the book? with this many differences it's not like they'd get in trouble for plagiarising..." ), writers block, uncomfortable silences, spilled drinks, licorice hobbies: cooking, tending to his tiny indoor herb garden, writing ( if only inspiration could ever hit ), reading, watching films, listening to music, playing any instrument he can get his hands on, going for walks bad habits: not getting enough sleep, smoking, biting fingernails, procrastinating, stretching himself too thin, doubting himself
gideon was born to starving artists; his mother was a musician, and his father was a writer.
his parents worked hard to provide a good life for their family, though at the same time, they never forgot to chase their dreams and put happiness above wealth.
they moved to new york when gideon was six years old, and there gideon found himself living a perfect life.
above everything else that kept gideon busy, he cherished his time playing music with his mother, and coming up with ideas for his father’s latest books.
unfortunately, gideon’s perfect life was cut short at the age of thirteen, when his father passed in a sudden and unprecedented accident.
to say that gideon was lost is an understatement; he experienced his first terrible bout of mental health issues, and the despair felt endless.
it didn’t last forever, no matter how bleak life felt at times; his mother was of particular help to him, as was reading through his father’s work - the ideas they had come up together, but that his father had never been able to realise into a completed novel.
life carried on, and gideon kept his father in his life by becoming fixated on his work. as a young adult, gideon began to dabble in completing his father’s work, and thus, gideon’s writing career began.
over the course of some years, gideon had three novels - a fiction trilogy - published ( sure to credit his father for his contribution ) and met with success, he felt as though he had never been happier.
like before, though, the happiness didn’t last. without his father’s books to complete, gideon found himself losing purpose - no matter how many great things he still had in his life - and his mental health issues returned.
he thought the solution was to keep on writing, but no matter how hard he tried, no inspiration hit enough for him to complete any other work.
gideon tried for a very long time - he still does try, in fact - but he lost his spark, and submitted to a job at the library instead, something he felt would make him feel closer to his father again.
best friend - this is a ride or die connection, they could have been friends as young as six, when gideon moved to new york, and they’re thick as thieves. they’ve been there for gideon through everything ( and there’s been a lot ) and vice versa ! any gender, similar age preferred.
childhood friends - they became friends as kids here in new york, and no matter how much they developed and changed and grown, they’ve stayed friends because of that. i think it’d be real funny if they were super opposite people, and if people had no idea why they’re even friends. any gender, similar age required.
regulars at the library - people who trust his opinions on what books they should check out, people who talk with him for far longer than they should while he’s working about books - or other stuff ! -, people who get their fees for overdue returns disappearing because they’re such nice people to gideon.
ex love interests - gideon was in a serious relationship for the past few years, but before that he also had a few other partners. he’s not the most experienced because he’s quite reserved with his love, but he’s a very good partner when his insecurities and mental health issues aren’t preventing him from being one. any gender !
book club - i’m not sure if this is an already established thing in this group yet or not, but gideon is definitely part of a book club. he wouldn’t have started it, but he would have joined it years ago and committed to it as anything literary related makes him feel closer to his father. he never misses a meet !
musician friends - while he might seem more literature focused due to his career, gideon is an extremely good musician, and i’d love for him to connect to others here in new york. he only typically plays for fun, jamming by himself or with these friends, but i could also see him jumping in on tracks or performances as a session musician when needed / when a friend asks !
gideon is also open to so much more, i'm happy to brainstorm or listen to any / all of your ideas !
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