#Okay bye love you ✌️
tracle0 · 2 years
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These characters will not show up again but LOOKIT WRITING
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sqwdkllr · 7 months
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Loved the cake so much they ate it in a single bite ❤️ a bit of self indulgent art catered to me and the 2 other fans
I think this is the first time I have ever drawn the brothers all in ONE drawing, I mean Baribal is there too technically,,, even if just arms,,, also happy birthday to me !! I’m so happy to have gotten this old goddamn
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codecicle · 3 months
Guys... I have something big to get off my chestⓘ
ⓘ This faggot's getting his tits chopped off! Happy Pride!!
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dandelions4dandys · 4 months
I might delete this but.... 20/10 recommend eating out ur gf Then eating a cantina chicken taco meal from taco bell ™️ Then hitting the vape 👌 twas heavenly tbh I can die happy now
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etherealyuri · 1 month
• Bridgerton (girls)
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Choose an image that you most identify
With that will be your pile!
How does your your s/o or crush feel about you?
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your song: bad at love — Halsey.
This person might be afraid to open themselves up to you, maybe because they hate drama or gossip. This person may be sensitive when it comes to people talking behind their back/ and is easily hurt by certain actions of relationships maybe because in the past they’ve dealt with similar situations and would just like to start over without drama or gossip taking over. Despite them feeling terrified about this situation they do feel like love is the answer that they would still want to make things possible with a connection with you. They feel sorry because it may take them time to open up, or they might have a hard time with relationships in general because they may be scared to get hurt again (but their willing to try with you if it’s your crush) if your in a relationship listen to your heart and be with the person that gives you everything you need & don’t settle for someone who may not feel ready because what if things don’t work out? You should always be on your guard!
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your song: waiting for a girl — Foreigners.
This person is open to compromise. They must really like you because they are willing to wait for you. I’m getting that they want you all the time. They definitely are attracted to you and desire you so much. (This may be someone who you know) but you are not in a connection with them for some reason. (Either you would like to take things slow or I’m seeing someone who doesn’t feel exactly the same for this person but they definitely like you a lot and maybe are waiting on you..maybe hoping they could change your mind) and for most of you there’s just someone who secretly admires you and thinks about you all the time and are willing to wait and compromise for you because they definitely want to work things out with you.
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your song: stay — Kid Travis.
This person often worries about their connection with you. They worry that you might lose feelings or that you don’t feel the way that they do. They care deeply about you but they have no idea if you care about them still. They wished things were different even find themselves wanting to hold you and take care of you. They feel like you don’t give a shit about them because maybe you’ve been acting weird or different lately or maybe they can’t read your mind and they probably want to know how you feel and what you think. They really want you to stay. They are also hoping that the connection between the both of you works out. They probably think about having a future with you and being with you forever. They wonder in their mind all the time about asking you to stay..wondering if you would if they did ask you. If they left you before it was probably because they were under the impression that you were done with them & you wanted nothing to do with the relationship anymore but that’s not how they feel. They want this relationship and a life with you and want to work out things again. (This is for those who are in a relationship) as for those who aren’t in a relationship your crush may be worried that your family or the people around you might not accept her/him because they may be different and not what the people around you are use to..they might want to reject you in fear that your families / friends wouldn’t be compatible but if the two of you are meant to be together family and friends wouldn’t be able to stop that keep in mind)
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If you enjoyed don’t forget to like share & follow dm me if you would like to book a Private reading with me! Okay enjoy your day bye! ✌️
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naneun-no · 13 days
On “Insecure Jikookers”…
Alright. I might lose followers for this and that’s very okay; curate your timeline and protect your peace babes. But for YEARS, every time the phrase “insecure jikooker” has come up on my feed my eyelid has done a little twitchy twitch 🤨🤨
And I have always ignored it, because I’ve never wanted to be out here policing ppl’s language and we are literally supposed to be having fun and celebrating love, like for me that’s the whole point, but —
I’ve been seeing the phrase popping up again surrounding the release of AYS and I just gotta say it.
You guys the term seems so culty 😬🥲
Like I think I get the origin (maybe)? It probably started when some of the early jikook bloggers (if you are one I salute you, I am not worthy, trust me this is NOT a dig at anyone, jikook bloggers are by and large cool and kind af 🙇‍♀️) would get these sketchy asks that were antis or cultists in disguise just casting aspersions on jikook’s bond or being blatantly homophobic and/or in general being rude little anonymous internet gremlins. Or maybe it was people who did want to believe that jikook was real but kept nagging and begging for reassurance at every turn, which I can totally see becoming annoying as hell and prompting people to start using the term.
But it feels like it’s used now as like a catchall for anyone who expresses any doubt or asks any critical questions? Even like… reasonable ones? And I used to see a lot of “hey believe what you want to believe but this is what I believe” but now it seems like the sentiment around jikooker communities has by and large become “if you don’t believe you’re an idiotic dumb person who has never known love — you’re either a rival shipper in disguise or WORSE (dun dun dunnnnn) an Insecure Jikooker — and we don’t want people like you around.”
And idk it just feels weird for a community that has always seemed to kind of pride itself on being the “rational, fact-based” ship… like we LOVE to be smug about how jikook don’t need edits to be obvious, don’t need slo-mo zooms with red circles and arrows because their chemistry and fondness and affection is just plain to see in basic footage. We’re the levelheaded ones 😌.
But doesn’t that mean that we should always be encouraging critical thinking, and if someone comes to a different conclusion than us, so be it? Like it or not, none of us have foolproof confirmation that jikook are anything more than very close friends. That’s literally all we know. The rest is our best guess based on vibes, anecdotes, dot-connecting, subtext and body language observation, experience, perception (!!This is a big one because confirmation bias is real!!), and suspicion. That’s literally it.
Look maybe I’m just projecting 😅 but when you criticize people for expressing reasonable doubt over something that is literally not confirmed, it’s just a little too religious fundamentalist for me! (This is why I was a bad Christian, because I always raised my hand and asked questions the Sunday school teacher didn’t like.)
Feel free to ignore me. I never want to come across as pushy or trying to stir up anything, it’s just a phrase that grinds my gears and I’m sort of hoping I’m not alone in that… but if I am, so be it! 🤣 would love to hear people’s thoughts because maybe I’m missing something.
(P.S. If you’re a troll who spams jikook blog inboxes this is not me defending you. You’re still annoying and you need a better hobby. Have you tried yoga? Snowboarding? Fly fishing? Filming food vlogs and/or painting? You should try cooking. You should stop being an anonymous internet troll stomping on everyone’s proverbial sandcastles and instead write a poem. K bye ✌️ )
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izuke-the-zombie · 1 year
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🐵🐵💮I finished a little half part of the doodle here and I wanted to post it because😙 hey why not, now they have legs, yay!👍✨
🌸I just wanted to let you guys know I'm still alive and kicking and stuff it's just life is a little crazy now kittens and other things🐱🐈🐯
🌸I'll try to sketch or doodle or post some unfinished ones when I find the free time, most of them will probably be just silly little things.😋
🤩I love and appreciate you all "mwah😚💋💕✨!" stay safe out there and stay awesome👍😽💕✨ okay bye-bye 🤗🥰✌️✨💖
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changbinsboiledegg · 11 months
i've been a silent reader for a while now and i rlly like your works so i'm going to request something lol
so skz reactions to a hyper independent s/o? like hurt / comfort genre, you can even like idk state why they are like this as well if you want :)
take your time and remember to drink water 💦
that's all bye ✌️
Heyo silent anon 🫶Thank you for the request! I'm glad you requested! I sincerely hope this is accurate depictions and that this is what you were hoping for. I took time to research a bit to,,, not suck at it? lol but please lmk if this is okay!! I don't want to accidentally offend anybody :((( also, thank you! Please drink water too, lovely!
GN! Reader X SKZ
Warnings: vague/ brief mentions of traumas leading to hyper independence, stress, burnout, uselessness, guilt mentions, injury, hurt/comfort, brief argument?, past relationship/ betrayal mention, negative thoughts, swearing, kinda. If I'm missing any, lmk. If anything is wrong, LMK!!!!!
Note: Thank you for your patience btw! I sincerely hope you have a good day and I hope these are to your liking & what you pictured! Okay I'll shut up now. As always, if no one told you today, ily! Take care.
Chan knows you’re very self reliant and accepts that. He can’t force you to ask for help when you needed. But he wished you’d come to him and weren’t afraid to lean on his shoulder when you needed just as you offered your shoulder for him to lean on when he needed.
You were looking for your wallet that you must’ve dropped when you went to visit Chan in the studio. The studio was now empty, but Chan’s things were still inside which indicated he would be back.
Knowing he was busy, you wanted to hurry and find your wallet before he returned. You checked under and on top of anything in the studio but came up empty every time.
“Shit.” You muttered, trying to retrace your steps. You didn’t ask for help because you felt confident that you would find it on your own. After all, everything you’ve done for yourself had been on your own.
You closed your eyes, knowing you needed to find your wallet. It had everything you needed inside. You cursed yourself for being so careless.
“You came back?” Chan asked, entering the studio. You were on your hands and knees, trying to see if your wallet fell under anything again.
“Looking for something?” He asked when you didn’t immediately respond. You sighed, sitting up on your knees.
“My wallet. Don’t worry, I know where it is.” You quickly replied, looking around the studio from the height you were at. Chan started to help you look, despite having other things to do.
“Hey, seriously. I can find it. Go work on your music.” You tried to reassure him. Chan shook his head, “it’s not a problem. I want to help.”
You knew there was nothing you could do to talk him out of stopping. This was one of the rare times he knew how to help when you wouldn’t ask.
“Ah ha! Here you go, babe.” He handed your wallet to you with a satisfied grin. You took it from him, relieved, yet a feeling of defeat wash over you.
“Thank you.” You sighed, glancing over your wallet.
Chan put his hands on your shoulders, gently squeezing them. “Anytime. I mean it.”
Lee Know
You never asked for help. Especially when you really needed it. It’s just how you were conditioned. From childhood to adulthood, you were forced to do every thing yourself.
Whether the task was dangerous or not, you didn’t ask for help because you never really knew how.
You were changing a lightbulb that had went out during your study session. You grabbed a new lightbulb, a chair and a screwdriver to unscrew the light fixture.
This was something help would’ve been needed for. Not changing the lightbulb itself, but you seriously needed a spotter as the chair you were standing on was wobbly.
Minho was in the other room, talking to Jisung while you were changing the lightbulb.
You steadied yourself, attempting to screw the light fixture back on but the screw fell through your fingertips and on instinct, you tried to catch it before it hit the floor.
The screw wasn’t the only thing that hit the floor. You yelped as soon as your body thudded against the floor. You were blinded with pain for a few solid seconds when you were greeted by your boyfriend rushing to your side and trying to assess the situation before touching you.
“What happened?!” Minho asked, his expression laced with concern.
“Should I call an ambulance?” Jisung asked, shocked at what he was seeing.
“No! I’m okay!” You attempted to sit up but the pain went through your arm like shockwaves. Minho’s eyes widened, seeing your arm was broken.
“Yes, please call an ambulance.” Minho spared a glance at Jisung. You were about to shake your head, but a broken arm was beyond something you could simply fix yourself.
“My love, why didn’t you ask for help? You know that chair has a bad leg.” Minho’s tone was soft, trying to comfort you through your pain. You had a frown on your face, speaking up, “I didn’t need help— and that chair never gave me an issue before.”
“Maybe you didn’t need help to change the lightbulb, but definitely needed someone to keep the chair steady.” Minho grimaced at the way your arm had broken. You didn’t want to argue and seriously considered learning to ask for help as you were in a decent amount of pain.
“It’s okay to ask for help. I would rather you… not have a broken arm.” Minho tried to keep the mood light, even if he was freaking out inside. You slowly nodded, “I will ask… next time.”
You weren’t sure if you believed yourself, but it gave Minho relief for the mean time.
You went from feeling an extreme amount of stress to feeling an extreme amount of guilt.
You were carrying boxes to the trunk of your car. Changbin helped you with what he could grab when he swung by to see what you were up to. When he saw you moving boxes, he wanted to help and didn’t ask first because he knew your answer.
You tried to stick to the heavier boxes, not wanting him to deal with those due to the weight they held. Even though you knew he could probably carry three heavy boxes in one trip.
You picked up a box that was seemingly too heavy for you to lift without your legs shaking underneath the weight.
The stress of packing and moving, and now this, frustrated you to an unbelievable extent. Changbin saw how you struggled with the box and quickly went over to take it from you.
“No, I got it.” You argued, almost stumbling backwards. Changbin caught you— and the box, steadying you.
“Come on, let me take it. You’re going to hurt—”
“I said I got it!” You snapped. A look of hurt flashed over his face, but he still took the box from you and silently walked it out to your car.
Changbin didn’t say anything for a while, helping you move into your new apartment and you actually letting him, feeling guilty for snapping at him. Receiving help wasn’t a bad thing, but to you, it meant there was something you couldn’t do.
You wanted to prove to yourself always that you were capable of everything. Which you were, but that didn’t convince you.
“Changbin.” You spoke up as he had gotten the last box— the box that made you snap at him, inside. He wordless looked at you, still hurt from before. You took a deep breath and stepped closer to him, hugging him tightly.
“I’m sorry. I was just frustrated but that’s no excuse to snap at you like that.” You apologized, the guilt only slightly melting away. Changbin’s arms wrapped around you after your apology and he kissed your cheek.
“I forgive you.” He finally spoke. You felt relief, although the guilt would remain for a while.
Hyunjin was very aware of your hyper independence. He knew you were always busy. Not because there was anything you had to do, but because you always gave yourself things to do.
It was how you made yourself feel useful. You always had the need to be useful in some way.
Hyunjin wanted to help out in some way, ease the pressure off of your shoulders, not knowing it was how you allowed yourself to breathe.
He would clean for you, tidying things up for you, do your laundry when you were out. He even cooked or ordered takeout for you so you wouldn’t have to do it yourself after a long day.
“You really don’t need to do this for me.” You sounded slightly upset, but it wasn’t at Hyunjin. He knew this, luckily.
Hyunjin brushed off your tone and smiled, “it’s not a problem.”
You sighed, not wanting to argue with him. Especially when he showed you the smile that made your heart swell.
“I didn’t want you to feel suffocated in chores.” Hyunjin added, he took your hand and pulled you towards the kitchen now that you both knew there was nothing else for you to task yourself with.
He set the table and served dinner, both of you sitting across from each other.
You started to eat, at least allowing yourself to enjoy what your boyfriend had prepared. Hyunjin felt satisfied with himself once again, seeing how you looked when you relaxed.
“Thank you.” You finally thanked him, grateful. Hyunjin waved you off, smiling as he began to eat with you.
“Not a problem.”
You watched him for a few seconds, “this is really good. I don’t think I’ve ever told you.”
“You have.” He took another bite. “But again, thank you.”
You never asked for help. The last time you asked for help resulted in you being hurt in a previous relationship. You tried to work through it, learn that not everyone is going to hurt you the way your ex did.
It was the day you got hurt and even though it didn’t hurt anymore, your heart seemed to think other wise. Jisung knew there was a specific day that bothered you inside, but never knew why. You refused to talk about it, even if deep down, you wanted to tell him.
You trusted Jisung, but there was always the suspicion creeping in and causing you to fight with yourself.
“Let’s go out to eat tonight. There’s a restaurant that just opened up.” Jisung invited, wanting to get your mind off of what was bothering you.
There it was again, the suspicion. ‘He’s going to break up with you during dinner.’ Your mind ran rampant with these thoughts.
‘He’s going to betray you like your ex did.’
You forced the thoughts back, telling yourself ‘Jisung is not like my ex. He’s better.’
Jisung’s heart sank at the lack of response. “Or… If you have something else in mind, I’m open to it.”
‘He’s only trying to lower your guard—’
“No! Yes, I’m up for trying this new restaurant.” You interrupted your negative thoughts. You weren’t going to let your past affect how you thought of Jisung and you certainly didn’t want to ruin his excitement.
Jisung smiled, his facial expression filling with relief. “Thank you. My treat—”
“No, I want to pay!” You objected, “you had a hard week.”
“No, no. I’m paying. I invited you, I should pay.” Jisung argued. You groaned, “no, Jisung. Come on. What if it’s expensive?”
“Then we can split the bill.” Jisung shrugged, “if I wasn’t already going to pay in full.”
And you let out a heavy sigh, knowing he wasn’t going to let up.
You found yourself looking up how to do basic tasks, even if you’ve done them multiple times before.
You tend to do this when you’re feeling particularly burned out and can’t focus properly.
“Damnit.” You muttered, slapping your hand against your thigh in frustration as you misspelled a word. You deleted the entire search and retyped it, only to misspell the same word.
You felt like crying or screaming or throwing your phone. You knew how to do laundry. You couldn’t explain to yourself why it mattered so much that you needed to look it up right away.
You were burned out. Mundane tasks were difficult to complete and you wanted it done, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
Looking up how to do certain things step by step was your way of convincing yourself it’s not that hard.
“Damnit!” You cursed a little louder, your hands shaking.
“Sweetheart? Are you okay?” Felix asked, peeking over your shoulder at the misspelled question in the search bar.
It was then that he realized how you were struggling.
“Want me to search it for you?” He asked, even if he knew you already knew how to do laundry.
He also knew it was your way of dealing with your burn out. You, of course, shook your head.
“No. I’m fine. I just need a minute.” You took a deep breath in and retyped the question, finally spelling it right and reading what Google had to offer.
“Why don’t you rest. I will take care of it.” Felix started to lift the laundry basket before you protested. “Wait, no, I got it.”
Felix saw the way your hands were shaking from the high volume of stress. He gave you a small smile and shook his head.
“Yes.” - “No.”
“Yes.” Seungmin stood firm on his ‘yes’. You two have been arguing back and forth, you saying no, him saying yes.
He was going to help you whether you liked it or not. Especially with something he bought.
“Seungmin, come on.” You pleaded, wanting him to let you handle putting together the shelf he bought.
“Nope. I’m helping. Look, I already have the box open— one second.” Seungmin quickly fell to his knees and opened the box quickly.
You pinched the bridge of your nose as he started to take out the parts and screws that came with it.
“Look, I already touched the instructions manual. Now I have to help.” Seungmin beamed, opening the manual.
“Um… can you help me?” He asked, handing you the manual. You sat with him and looked over the manual.
“Fine. Give me the screws and—“
“No. Then you won’t let me help.” Seungmin cut you off. You tilted your head at your boyfriend.
“Fine, Seungmin. You open the screws and I’ll hold the pieces together. Good?” You wished he wasn’t so stubborn, but then again, maybe it was something you loved about him among all of the other things.
Seungmin grinned, satisfied.
“Fine by me.”
You learned at a young age that ‘if you want something done right, do it yourself’. No one helped you unless they wanted to and you didn’t ask for help because you wanted things ‘done right’.
You wanted to come out of that mindset, feeling burned out from always relying on yourself.
But you couldn’t help it. It wasn’t something you could come out of overnight.
“Jeongin? What are you… Hey, no.” You sighed, walking towards him after turning on the light. He was trying to clean the kitchen in the dark, not wanting to wake you up.
He knew that you’d feel stressed seeing the messy kitchen.
He didn’t want to see you so stressed and burned out like this. You started to join him, cleaning up, but Jeongin quickly moved over to stop you by taking your hands in his.
“Let me. I made this mess, after all.” Jeongin reassured, trying to justify cleaning the kitchen by himself.
“But it’s my kitchen.” You countered. Jeongin shook his head.
“It’s still my mess.”
“It’s still my kitchen.” You frowned, crossing your arms. Jeongin thought for a moment, trying to convince you that you don’t need to be the one to clean up all the time. Especially since it was his mess.
“If you threw my phone off of a cliff, would I need to buy a new phone or would you need to buy it?” He asked, tilting his head.
You furrowed your eyebrows, “what?”
“I would need to buy you a new phone because I was the one that threw it.” You replied, not understanding his hypothetical question and it’s relevancy to him cleaning your kitchen.
“Exactly. Therefore, my mess in your kitchen is my problem. Goodnight!” Jeongin grinned cheekily before getting back to cleaning.
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shardkn1ght · 3 months
(translator because I'm too stupid to write)
OKAY I LOVE YOUR COMIC, and I arrived too late but at least I read it, it's better than ever HAKDJA. Hueso raised Leo AU, I LOVE IT. I don't know if you're still working on it, I really didn't pay attention. But the only thing that makes me curious is how Donnie spent it in his brother's absence. What research did he do, or even if his brothers told him that it would possibly be useless since he is dead. Well, they keep thinking that.
THAT'S ALL. (I'm going to look stupid if you're not even continuing it BUT I DON'T CARE.)
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I’m glad you like the comic!!!
And yes there are more chapters in the works! I just got let out for summer so i finally have more time to work on it!
As for your question. Donnie didn’t actively search for Leo. It was just a coincidence that Leo happened to pass one of the cameras Donnie had set up outside the gateways.
But he did always have an empty feeling. Like something was missing. When he was younger he didn’t know how to handle it, and he spent a lot of time trying to figure out what was ‘wrong’ with him. After a few years he learnt how to suppress the emptiness. The first time he saw Leo on the cameras, he felt that piece get filled. Which is why he was so desperate to find him.
I hope that answers your questions! And a new chapter will be out soon!
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avengers-rule103 · 4 months
i just think steve and nancy are perfect together in every single way and i think season 4 did an incredible job of setting their reunion up because stranger things has never been subtle about where the relationships are headed, we knew at the end of season 1 nancy was gonna move on to jonathan, now in season 4 they've once again made it crystal clear she's going to go back to steve, and i am just so excited for it. and i'm so happy for them and all of their character growth they've done both when they were with each other in the beginning and through all this time when they were apart. we love a second chance romance in this house. and i am honestly nawing at the bars of my enclosure that season 5 isn't coming sooner. i need to see steve and nancy drive away in their little RV and live happily ever after, okay, thank you, bye ✌️
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prettynice8 · 3 months
Hidan x preferably male reader
Okay I’m going anon because this is gonna be KINKY
Um anyway haha I’m talking hair pulling
I’m talking like uh biting
umm umm 😇 oh yeah like um
idk fucking…um maybe can you do A fucking trans ftm reader or some shit idfk if it’s just male that’s cool too i don’t know
like i don’t know sex that’s what usually happens ⁉️
i don’t know I’m so tired right now 😭 this is turning out not that kinky OH SHIT WAIT choking yeah that too but it needs to be HIM anyway yeah 😎 yeah anyway thanks im so tired so im not editing fucking *shit* but yeah hope this is readable anyway thanks bye im gonna go take a nap 😍
oh yeah but then it’s like he calls you a Bitch etc because it’s da- Hidan like ⁉️ anyway but we know he loves us 😌 stupid man couldn’t last a day without us with his horny ahh 😝😚✌️ okay bye for real why is this so long help im sorry they say im chatty but wow but yeah now bye 🥲💀
OMFG this was so funny I can't
Hidan x ftm male reader
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This guy
Stuff: swearing, degradation, BDSM?, kinky shit, choking, biting, possessive Hidan, hair pulling, dom Hidan, subby reader, top Hidan, bottom reader, smashing, rough sex, hints of fluff
Word Count: 1,036
Notes: by far the most entertaining request I've gotten. And sorry if this isn't quite right, I'm cis so I don't know a whole lot. happy pride
Hidan had been gone for an awful long time on Akatsuki duty, a whole 3 months to be exact, far too long from his home, and more importantly far too long from his adorable little boyfriend. Though he's been gone even longer, this trip felt particularly difficult because he missed your final bottom surgery, and he secretly felt terrible.
Right when he walks into the house, he sees you and his gruff demeanor quickly brightens up, but just as quickly drops since he has to keep up a certain image and fawning over his boyfriend didn't particularly fit that.
The moment you see him your face beams, so you run and jump into his arms, which thankfully he's quick enough to catch you.
"I've missed you so much honey." You stated with a massive smile on your face. Hidan does his cool guy thing and simply gives you a slight smirk.
"God, you're acting so clingy, so fucking annoying." He said coldly. "How'd the surgery go?" He asked, clearly his compassion for you getting the better of him.
"Pretty well, it felt weird at first, guess you're lucky you didn't have to be there for the worst parts." You answered, still brightly smiling at him.
He looked down at you with an apologetic look for a moment, "Sorry I wasn't, I'll try better to stay with you." He said, his cool guy persona practically destroyed at this point, but you had to open your fucking mouth.
"Aw, you care about meeee." You cheekily exclaimed, causing his light smirk to darken into a glare.
"I care about you fucking ass, speaking of which..." He replied before tightly gripping your ass.
You yelp gayly at his tight grip before your bright smirk returns to your face, though in your eyes now there's a burning hint of lust. "Fuck yeah!" You cheered brightly before Hidan pulled your hair, pulling your head to the side and exposing your neck, which he dived into the crook of your neck, attaching his canines to the spot.
He starts aggressively nipping at your neck, you would call them love bites but with the way he does it, they're hate bites, but you still continue to moan lightly. He continues this assault on your neck before going to sucking.
He sucks at a certain part of your neck, leaving a dark purple mark in his wake, causing your moans to get even louder. He multiplies into several deep purple marks until your neck is a mess of purple and red marks scattered throughout.
Hidan continues his sucking even through carrying you to your guys' shared bed, only stopping after finally laying you down. He then crashes his lips into yours, creating a kiss made of only teeth and tongue.
His kiss is powerful as his tongue completely dominates your own, causing you to moan deeply into the kiss. He then tries out your brand of penis, cupping the clothed member in his hand, causing your sounds to become even more frequent in the passionate kiss.
He takes your pants off and starts jerking you off, pumping his hand along your now hard cock.
"How is it? Now I have a new way to make you act like a fucking slut." He stated, both tightening and quickening his grip on your cock, causing you to moan at an ear shattering noise as you burst into his hand.
He licks up the cum on his hand, licking up as much as he can before stripping the rest of your clothes off you, and then soon after his own.
Hidan then flips you over so that you're on all fours and winds his hand up, causing it to quickly come crashing down on your ass in a powerful spank. You shriek in a mix of pain and pleasure, loving that you have your boyfriend back and he hasn't changed at all.
He roughly pulls your hair back to gently kiss you on the cheek, the duality of men. "I missed you." He said lightly. What a kind and uncharacteristic thing to say, he fixes this by plunging his cock into your already lubricated hole.
You already prepared before he came home. Hidan is a lot of things and one of them is consistent. He doesn't give your preparation a single thought as he thrusts his hips roughly into you, pounding the shape of his cock back into you.
"Sorry bitch, I just figured that you've probably gotten too tight, I had to re-loosen you up." He said, and loosen you up he does.
He thrusts his cock wildly and almost painfully into you, causing your moans to only crescendo and fill the room, along with the sound of skin quickly slapping into each other.
He wraps his hand back around your hard member, only quickening, because of course he still can, his pace into you. Hidan matches the pace of his hips with that of his hand, making you putty into his hands, literally, since he causes you to once again burst in his hand.
He quickened his pace as he reached his upcoming orgasm, filling your insides with his warm seed. He slows down his hips, gently rubbing your sides that have been bruised by the same hands, but he is far from done.
He goes right back to fucking you, his big cock rearranging your insides. His hands pull you hair back so painfully that tears develop in your eyes, a mix of the pain and amazing pleasure you were feeling, evident from how you have your now third orgasm of the night, eliciting the loudest moan yet, which is saying a lot.
He quickly flips you over and traps you into a deep and powerful kiss, one that is strangely warm and loving from him, before he once again cums in your abused hole.
He keeps his cock in your ass, still very far from being done, but he wants to stay like this with you for a few moments, holding you tight in his arms as he rests his head on your chest.
He gently traces the scars there, happy to have this moment with you. "Hope you're ready for round 3 bitch."
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fireheartaw · 2 months
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hi hello! if you know me, you know I'm a big fan of OCs soooo it's time for round ✌️ of 𝑶𝑪-𝒕𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓!
I've put together a list of prompts for the month of October that you can use to put your blorbos in situations!! p.s. the second image is NSFW themed weeks (featured down below the cut)!
If you feel so inclined to use this, please please tag me/or message me!! I'd love to get to know your OCs and see all the wonderful brainrots you all have!!💛
okay bye!! (see you in October for some OC goodies)
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osirisisv · 1 year
I just wanted to say that I adore your art and you’re a huge inspiration to me. It always makes my day when your posts show up in my feed. 💕 I hope you continue to create and make others happy through your posts. ❤️
Also if you’re looking for another strong, silent slasher look no further than Dominic from The dare 2019. When I saw this man for I first time I could not believe my eyes. Would definitely recommend. He’s so underrated.
okay, love you, bye ✌️🥰💖 Wishing you the sweetest dreams and best of vibes.
Aww thank you so much! 🥰❤️💕💕
Oh don't worry! I will continue making my silly drawings, I'm just having a HUGE artblock right now :""), but once I get all my inspiration back I'll start to make all the ideas I have on mind hehehe ✨
Oh my god i just search him on Google and 👁️👄👁️❤️✨✨
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I will absolutely watch this movie... For educational purposes of course 👀👀🔥✨
Thank you and i hope you have a wonderful day/night! 🥰💕
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Brain has been rotting for Haechan BAD. Wanna have banter and tease him to the point where he manhandles me to the bed face down and rails me. Cocky Hyuck comes out with ‘cute how you thought you could talk shit and get away with it’ spanking, hair pulling, breeding, makes you thank him for letting you cum— okay bye ✌️
Hyuck is just... he is- there is literally no word that can describe what I'm feeling for him. You are absolutely right. Hyuck would be so down for teasing, looooving when you're bratty and he can take his frustration out on you. He'd basically throw you across the room onto the bed, pressing your face into the mattress without a sign of mercy.
I hope that at this point everyone knows that Hyuck is big. So, especially that day, he'd love seeing you struggle to fit him inside of you. He's not playing nice, making you take every inch and thank him for it. Then it starts, him fucking into you like there's no tomorrow, hands grabbing your hips, then your hair to yank you upwards so your back is pressed against his front. He'd for sure wrap his hand around your neck, pushing in so deeply you can practically feel him all the way up in your heart at the same time, whispering the dirtiest, filthiest combinations of words into your ear...
Hyuck might not make you beg, but instead delivers and delivers, making you cum over and over again pretending like he's not even trying, saying that he's only here to use you for his own pleasure, but here you are, enough of a slut to cum just because he practically treats you like his personal fleshlight. And every time you clench repeatedly around him, he's making you thank him for being so good to you, makes you apologize for your behavior earlier.
The night doesn't end before he's pushed at least three loads of cum into you, enjoying his own sloppy seconds because you get extra wet. 🫶🏻
Yeah, to sum it up, I totally agree.
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lizziexmeow · 10 months
[ Taehyung posted 🌟 Weverse ]
231211 - 11:31 KST
> I think I'll miss you so much
Actually, I have a lot of regrets about not being able to spend happy memories with ARMY for a while, so if we take that one thing out, it would've been okay, but not being able to see ARMY is the hardest part. 18 months is a long time, and I will come back much healthier, so please take care of ARMY's health and if you are looking for something to be happy about every day, voila! I'll come back and say, "I'm here!" And within 18 months, I prepared a lot of things so please look forward to it🙋🏻‍♂️
Let's go and make precious memories like we always did
I'll really miss you and I love you so much
So you have to wait until then🙇🏻🥹✌️❄️
I'll go and come back fast! Bye!
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frank2blonded · 1 year
‣ Back To December
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𝓟airing ↳ 1610!Miles Morales X F!Reader
𝓘𝓷 𝔀𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓱 .. a girl realizing she misses her ex and that she fumbled.
𝓦arnings .. reader is dumb, no happy ending
𝓐uthor's note .. hopefully thid is good ✌️
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"Hi." The two of you awkwardly said, both of them not seeing each other since you two broke up a few months ago. You noticed Mile's appearance and happy demeanor changed a bit. His smile isn't as bright as it used to be when he saw you, he grew a few inches, his afro grew out, it looks nice. He's not wearing the bracelet you gave him though. It's okay. (it's not.)
"How's life?" You wanted to die right there, asking that. "Good." He bluntly responded, playing with the half-empty coffee cup.
"How's your family?"
"Good." He repeated, making it obvious that he didn't want to make small talk with you. It was for a good reason though. Last time he saw you, still sticks with him.
He gave you your favorite flowers after a big argument, trying to apologize, but you only left them to die.
You gulped, "Uh, I'm sorry, by the way. For that night." Your posture changed.
"It's fine." He really didn't seem interested. This is when you realized that you fumbled. You thought breaking up with him would give you more freedom. But it wasn't anything but missing him.
You knew if you were both still dating now, he would reassure you, saying that he still loves you, and it's not your fault.
You gave up on trying to keep the conversation alive, leaving him, mumbling a soft "Bye."
He didn't say anything, watching you walk past him and out the store. He shook his head, going back to finishing his drink.
After that interaction, you couldn't sleep for days. You kept replaying that night, the night where you viciously broke his heart. Why were you so harsh?
But then, you think back to summer. The peak of your relationship. When you were driving, windows down, music blasting, wind blowing your hair, as Miles was laughing.
But it wasn't long enough until you realized you loved him in the fall.
You now noticed, all he gave you was love but you shut him out.
You miss him. You miss his tan skin, his freckles, his dimples, how good he was to you, and never neglected you. How he held you in his arms that September night, the first time he ever saw you cry.
Maybe you missed the attention he gave you, or maybe you genuinely missed him. He was the first ever guy to treat you right, after all those failed relationships and situationships. He was the one who made your life better.
You swear if you could go back in time, you would love him right.
But you can't.
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