#One Helluva Student
hazbinuniversity · 2 months
Blitz knocked loudly, in case his roommate had moved in already, and fumbled for his key. He heard clanging through the door, but didn’t wait for anyone to answer as he twisted the lock and swung the door open. “I’m coming, just give me a second!” a familiar, though slightly raspy, voice called out. Blitz stood frozen in the doorway as the door swung open, his mouth falling open in horror. “Hey new roommate! Welcome to Fizzeroli’s dorm of delight--” Fizz, mid jump of some sort, landed with a thud and stared at Blitz. “Blitzo?” Blitz was in hell. “Oh fuck me.”
Chapter one is up! I think the best way for me to end my senior year of university is to force Blitz to start it.
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miyakuli · 2 months
when I read a post about giving some love to my fav bird and I end up just analyzing all the facets of his personality that I adore without sounding coherent in my words because my next class of students will arrive in 2 minutes
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queers-gambit · 10 months
When The World Seems So Cruel
prompt: ( requested ) Billy knows something's bothering his girl, so, he follows his instincts and checks on her - family, friends, and slutty cheerleaders in bikinis be damned.
pairing: Billy Hargrove x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Stranger Things
word count: 5.1k+
warnings: cursing, smut 'cause why not, boys being assholes 'cause they're losers, misogyny, toxic / abusive / neglectful family, description of background violence, angst, did Cherry really write it if there wasn't a helluva lot of projection and need for revocation of internet access?
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"Miss Cahill? I'm sorry to interrupt," you half-smiled at your math professor, "but I was just wondering if you still had my test? I never got mine back."
"Right," she cleared her throat, glancing around your body to see most of the class empty at that point. "I wanted to talk to you about that," she paused to pull out your test from a manilla folder. "I was very shocked to grade this under your name, honey, you're usually such a well-focused and high-achievin' student, I mean, you're on track for the Nat Scholarship! So, to see this... Was shockin', it's... Not your best work," she winced, handing the packet over.
You blinked in shock, frowning as anxiety mounted in your chest when you saw the glaring F in red marker. You mumbled in embarrassment, "I guess I've just been off my game..."
"Honey," Miss Cahill sighed in her light country accent, leaning on her desk with both fists so your eyes met hers, "I can always tell when one of my students is goin' through somethin' at home."
You froze, shaking your head, "No, no, it's not... It's not so bad."
"What's goin' on?"
You shrugged, "I've just been... Really tired," you decided on excusing, hoping beyond hope it was enough.
It wasn't, of course it wasn't. Miss Cahill just sighed and offered, "I can let you retake the test next week - but only after you go see the guidance counselor."
"Right... Um, yeah, okay, yeah, sounds good; um, thanks, Miss Cahill."
You made an escape, distracted by the third failing test you received this week; nearly barreling straight into a meaty, solid chest. "Woah, hey, no need to run 'round lookin' for the man of your dreams, I'm right here, doll," Billy teased, hands grabbing your upper arms to steady you. "What's got you inna rush, baby? You know I pick you up after this class."
You smiled in brief distraction, "Yeah, sorry, baby, I was just thinking about this essay coming up. Hi," you offered, stretching up on your toes to kiss him in greeting. "How're you?"
He half-smirked, "I'm good, you know Mr. Brunson's got a stick up his ass as usual."
"Mhm. As usual, and totally has nothing to do with you provoking him," you teased, latching onto his waist as you shoved your test deep in your shoulder-bag. You neared his locker, and you managed to choke out, "Hey, um... Y-You wanna get outta here?"
Billy offered you a look of mild confusion, smirking with a strange laugh, "You wanna ditch school?"
"I'm just tired," you offered meekly, "I feel like I haven't slept in a week."
Billy lead you up to his locker, hand on your waist to keep you close as he mused, "This feels like a setup."
"It's not, I promise."
He yanked the metal door open, "Uh-huh. You told me when I met you that I'd have to practically kidnap you to get you to skip class. Huh? 'Member all that? All them lectures you gave me 'bout the importance of goin' t'class if I wanna do anything after this shithole?"
"Yeah, but things change, Bee."
Billy's face dropped, shoving his books into his open locker before turning, leaning his shoulder on the locker next to his, arms crossed as he stared at you. "What's wrong?" He questioned sharply.
"Billy, I'm just tired."
"No, it's something else. What's wrong? What's goin' on?"
You sighed, "You know what? It's okay, nevermind, I actually promised Eddie that I'd help him make those banners for SGA during lunch today, so," you glanced around, "I'm gonna go."
"Nah, baby, hol' up, I ain't mean - "
"I know, handsome," you promised softly, nodding as you reached for his waist to give a squeeze and keep him close. "I just forgot I told a friend I'd help them out, so, I'll just see you after, yeah?"
One hand rose to pet over your cheek, sighing, "You sure you're good? You don't look okay, sugar."
"I'm good," you nodded, deflating into his embrace and hearing him chuckle. "I'm just stretched thin this week, probably shouldn't make promises to my delinquent friends with all the college drama to worry about."
"What'd Munson do this time to only get banner-duty? Huh?"
"Probably got caught skipping or something," you mumbled against his pectoral; inhaling the scent of his mall-bought cologne and finding it a refreshing change from the CVS-brand he used when you first met. "School did something right by makin' everyone in detention serve the SGA for all their shit."
"Definitely got me to shape up," he joked, pecking the top of your head before finishing, "but I mostly missed out on time with you."
"Hey... I was thinking, maybe I can come over this weekend? Keep Max company, maybe keep Neil at bay? Can have a sleepover, too, if you want."
Now Billy's head cocked and his expression hardened, "The fuck you wanna come over for? You know how tense shit gets - "
"Nah, you're not makin' sense, pretty girl," he snapped, pulling back to stare down at you. "What's going on with you? You don't wanna be at home or something? The fuck's goin' on that's so bad you'd rather be at my place?"
You felt tongue tied, but the bell rang shrilly and literally saved you from needing to answer. "Shit, I gotta run, baby. I'll find you later, okay?" You promised, lifting onto your toes to kiss him, promising, "I love you."
He frowned, grumbling, "Yeah, love you, too." He watched you vacate the hall, his mind basically going blank to all other thought beside you. The entire lunch period, he sat on the hood of his car, chain smoking, wondering where he went wrong; what he did to upset you; what could be going on and most importantly, why you couldn't say anything to him about it.
However, after lunch, Billy found you in the library's designated SGA room and thought you appeared ten times as relaxed, laughing with Eddie Munson. When the punk caught Billy's eye, he nodded in respect; gesturing for you to look, and your head turned with a smile. You parted from Eddie and trotted up to Billy, feeling relieved when he grabbed you in a possessive hold; searing his lips to yours.
"Hi," you giggled.
"You seem happy."
"Kinda hard to be in a bad mood around Eddie."
"I can see," he lead you away. He wanted to bring back up about whatever was bothering you, but didn't; fearing ruining your joyful mood. Instead, his fingers just tangled with yours and you entered history together.
What should've been a decently peaceful class turned into a state of confusion for you and Billy when the intercom kicked on, the front office asking for your presence with the principal. Billy glared at the speaker box as you cast him a look of doubt, both confused by the summons; being all too used to them calling his name instead. All of history passed miserably; Billy alone without his favorite person to keep him on track and becoming antsy the longer you were gone. When you didn't return by the end of class, he grabbed anything you left and begrudgingly went to the last two classes of the day.
When the final bell rang, Billy waited for you at his car for a solid 25 minutes with several cigarettes being burned, but when you still didn't show, he grew worried. So, he stored everything in his Camaro, not needing to worry about his sister because Max got a ride home with her new bestie, Jane, and her father, Jim Hopper, and stormed through the school. Anger radiated off his very being, nearly stomping his steps, and just before he got to the front lobby, he saw you exiting the office.
You didn't notice him at first, and for a moment, Billy thought you were going to hurl whatever was on your stomach as you held a few pieces of paper in shaking hands. "Baby," he called your attention, finding your eyes light up at the sight of him. "The hell's goin' on? You were gone the rest of the day, I got worried."
"Yeah, it was some shit wrong with my college applications, but we got it straightened out," you lied, stepping into his embrace. "I'm sorry I worried you, handsome."
He met your lips in a kiss, promising, "Not your fault. C'mon, day's over, our weekend can start once we get the hell outta here."
"Hmm," you hummed dreamily. "Lemme go to my locker and we can get gone."
Billy didn't mind waiting, and when you were done at your locker, he escorted you to his car; only a few students still lingering after hours. He opened your passenger door, winking at you, then quickly jogged to his side and slid in. "C'mere," he breathed, reaching for your cheek instantly; hand sliding along the back of your neck and bringing you in close.
You moaned when Billy's lips molded to yours; all but instantly salivating when his tongue tangled with your own in a messy dance. You had a few rules about PDA, especially in school; but being in his car was neural territory and Billy needed a way to expel his neediness. Praising God for making today steadily warm and that you wore a skirt, you were ready to cry when Billy's hand came down to grip the meat of your thigh.
"Billy," you rushed when his hand traveled under your skirt to ghost over your panties.
"Nobody's here t'watch," he smirked. "C'mon, lemme do this for you, pretty girl. You don't wanna go home yet, right? Ain't got some curfew?"
"Nope," you surged forward to slam your lips to his, moaning when his hand now confidently pet your panties as your legs spread all the wider to encourage him.
"Good girl," he praised quickly, skimming the apex of your thigh to hook your panties and pull them to the side. "Mhm," he hummed with a cocky smirk, "I knew you liked getting fucked in public. Feel how fuckin' wet you are - shit, Goddamn."
You mewled; tension mounting as you tightened up from the stoking pleasure. "Billy - " You gasped when he plunged his fingers into your cunt, easily sliding in due to your arousal. "Ohhh, fuck," you breathed, eyes shut and mouth agape in pleasure, "needed this - needed this so bad. Just needed you."
"You'll get so much more, baby."
You whimpered, "Now, please. Please, please, please."
He smirked, "Wanna get in the back or ride me, princess? Huh? Tell me what you need."
Your eyes locked with his as you thought it over, but then, you smirked as you readjust the passenger seat and turned so your ass was propped up. It gave him a full view of your messy cunt; panties askew from his previous motions and fluid rubbed all around. Billy reached out with one hand to plunge his pointer and middle finger back into your core, the other wrangling open his belt, button, and jean zipper in frantic movements.
He shimmied from the garments and sat up, following your lead in adjusting his seat. He instantly mounted behind you over the center console, licking his palm and stroking his himself to life as he drug his cockhead up and down your wetness.
Billy reached out to move your panties once more, line himself up, and plunge full-hilt. You gasped and grunted, letting yourself be shoved forward a little to catch on the seat; Billy hissing between his teeth as your warmth enveloped him in a sticky-wetness. "Hang on, doll, ah, fuck, there we go," he chuckled, readjusting his position before starting to move his hips to create the most delicious friction.
"Fuuuuck, Billy!" You whined when he held both your hips with only one hand keeping your panties to the side.
"Needed this, too," he chuckled. "Good girl, fuckin' taking me so well. You'd let me do anything, wouldn't you? Fuck you however I want to, huh? Yeah," he lifted one hand to smack the meat of your bottom, creating a ripple; liking the way you twitched and delivered two more, finishing, "I know my pretty baby would let me do whatever I fucking wanted with her - " he clenched his teeth, hips punctuating his words, "'cause she was fuckin' made for me."
"Yes," you moaned, mind blank from all the previous drama of your day; ready to weep like a bitch in heat, "anything, baby, yes, yes, yes, anything you want."
"Good girl," he laughed ruefully; picking up the pace to fuck you outta your mind as he ensured you felt every throbbing vein of his engorged cock. He chased his own orgasm as you were charged with your own; hand reaching for your clit to start applying pressure in tight circles. "Let me cum in you, sweetheart. C'mon, baby, tell me I can cum in you - in this pretty pussy - in my pretty pussy - lemme fuckin' cum in you."
"Billy, fuck - yes, baby, yes! Yes, harder, please, fuck me harder and you can cum wherever you want."
"Even your ass?"
"Yes, Daddy, yes, anything you want! Fuck my ass full of your cum, please, fuck, I need it! Whatever you want, I need. Please!"
Billy's golden curls stuck to his forehead and neck, entire car rocking with frantic, animalistic movements - but anyone lingering around the school to see it wasn't surprised. Billy felt like he went faster than usual, that he got a little rougher; but he was nearing his end and it was hard to keep pace. When you cried out and legs shook from your flash-bang of an orgasm, he knew you had finished and could focus on his own; never pulling out.
He'd fuck your ass later.
"Fuck!" Billy came with a shout; shooting hot, salty, opaque white ropes of cum into your quivering cunt. He stuttered his hips into the meat of your ass, balls contracting; emptying himself inside you as you relished in the feeling of his warmth flooding your lower belly. He chuckled, mocking, "Might just have to get you off that pill so I can get you fucking pregnant already."
"Whatever Daddy wants."
Billy laughed as he pulled out of you slowly, instantly turning again to crash into his driver seat. You went a little limp but managed to turn over, both panting as the windows were fogged up; but aired out when Billy rolled two down to light up his cigarette. "So," he spoke through his inhale and deep breaths, "you wanna tell me whats wrong now?"
"Why're you so distracted? Distant? Even with me?"
You felt panicked by the confrontation, resorting to your last line of defense. "Just dealing with a lot," you answered as your legs spread as wide as you could to start toying with your beaten-pussy. He watched with a stoic expression as you used your fingers to stuff his dripping-cum back inside you. "'S been stressful, guess I just had a bad day," you whined lightly, still playing.
"Fuck's sake."
"Hmm?" You feigned innocence.
"You're just askin' for it, huh?"
"Maybe," you pouted, "or maybe I just need your cum - "
"Cut it out, we gotta go," he snickered, turning the key in the ignition. "Your dad hates me enough, can't have you late for family dinner."
You went quiet as your thoughts were plagued with a screaming voice that begged Billy to just read your mind and understand what was wrong - why you were so upset, so panicked. But you knew better. So, you flipped down your skirt and readjusted yourself, sucking your fingers of his cum before letting his hand tangle with one of yours on your lap.
"Maybe you'd wanna come over tonight?" You asked softly. "Go see a movie or something?"
"You never wanna go out on Friday nights," he chuckled, but something felt terribly wrong about the notion. "You do homework and study on Friday and Sunday nights, you said it was a relationship rule, huh?"
"Things can change," you pouted.
"I told Tommy and Ryan I'd hang with them and the guys tonight," Billy spoke slowly. "But I can cancel if you - "
"No, no, don't," you shook your head, "go see your friends. 'Cause I'll see you in the morning, right?"
"And I can stay the night... Right?"
Billy nodded, "Anytime you want, baby, yeah."
"Okay, cool," you spoke softly, deflating in his seat when he pulled up to your house. "Um..." You stared up at the home as if it were haunted. "Do you wanna come in for a little?"
His head tilted and brows furrowed, "I have to pick up Max from Hopper's, remember?"
"Right!" You gaped, but didn't move.
"What's wrong?" He asked with a hardened tone, making you gulp lightly. "You don't wanna go in?"
"I could, like, just go with you?"
"Baby, the fuck's going on? Know I hate repeating myself and shit, so just fucking tell me - maybe I can fucking help."
"Nothing, no, it's just, it's nothing, I'm sorry, I just - I'm sorry," you chuckled. "Guess I'm PMSing and feel clingy or something."
He only hummed as you leaned over to kiss him in parting. Both promised you love each other before you got out, jogging up the driveway and opening the front door; pausing to wave at him and then disappear in the house.
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"Yo, dickhead! Hey! Grab me a beer!" Tommy Hagan called to Ryan Sheen as he went to rummage in his uncle's basement fridge. "And grab Billy one, too!"
"Nah, I'm good," Billy refused, glancing at the can in his hand. It was still half-full. He didn't feel like drinking after having time to sit and think about your behavior the past few days, worrying about you more than he wanted to get drunk.
"What?" Tommy laughed obnoxiously, smacking his teeth after. "You don't want a second? What's wrong with you, got some test you gotta study for?" He laughed at his own joke. In Tommy H.'s mind, only fucking losers study on Friday nights.
"Nah," Billy eased, setting his can down as he felt his irritation flare. He was annoyed at Tommy, sure, but also by the idea that something was wrong with you and you didn't trust him enough to say anything. "I actually gotta go, you guys," Billy stood.
"What?" Now Ryan scoffed, slapping a can of beer to Tommy's open hand. "You're not serious, dude! We've only been here, fuckin' what? Half an hour, bro!" He sucked his teeth in annoyance, rolling his eyes, "C'mon, we were going to Alicia's pool party tonight - you're supposed to give us a ride! The fuck's more important than the slutty cheerleaders in bikinis?"
"That Maria chick's been all over you, too," Tommy laughed. "You can't tell us a single thing that's better than Maria Thomas, all soaped up, in that tiny bikini she wore for the car wash. It's all our wet dreams come to life, Billy, you can't seriously consider missing that!"
"Not everybody's desperate to see Maria's tit-job. You know what? Whatever, man, I gotta go see my girl," he tugged his jean jacket on, tugging his blonde curls out of the collar.
Ryan rolled his eyes as Tommy laughed, "No way. Nuh-uh. You're seriously going to fuckin' ditchin' us for that chick?"
"Man, fuck you, guys, I'm ditching your dumbasses for my girl," Billy snapped. "Better what your fucking mouths and how you talk about her."
"Whatever, man. You're just whipped."
"She got you on some leash or some shit? Got you on a curfew like she's your mommy?" Ryan rolled his eyes, groaning, "Seriously, dude, we only see you at practice now!"
"Look, I just know something's up with her, so, I gotta check on - "
"So, what!? She ain't even tell you why she's pissed off? C'mon, man, that is such a stupid fuckin' tactic chicks use to get guys to go crawling back to their spoiled asses! Bitches do the pettiest shit to get us to suck up to them and shit."
Billy turned and easily caught Tommy by the collar of his shirt before he could even let go of his beer can, slamming the loudmouth into the wall as the aluminum can clattered. Ryan and the two other irrelevant guys left in the basement could only freeze, knowing Billy Hargrove's aggression and not wanting to become part of the receiving end.
"I told you to watch your fucking mouth," Billy seethed.
"Fuck offuva me!" Ryan pushed Billy's arms off. "She's just some bitch, bro, you've already fucked most of the school - what's so different with her?"
Billy scoffed, nodding in amusement as he backed off a few steps. "You know? If I wanna go hang with my girl instead of you deadbeat dickheads, 's exactly what I'm gonna do. Not my fault y'all ain't shit and don't know what it means to keep a chick happy."
"Fuck off, Billy! You're so fucking pussy whipped!" Tommy barked. "Ditching us for that crybaby! Dude, it's not even real! She didn't even tell you whatever she's all upset about! You just had a feeling, so, just sit the fuck down, finish your drink, down a fuckin' second beer, and then let's go to the party! See some bitches that are actually worth seeing!"
Billy shook his head, "I ever hear y'all talkin' about my girl like this again," he chuckled dryly, "might be the last time y'all can even form words. Fuck yourselves," he sneered.
Billy didn't hesitate to storm out of the room, ignoring their jeers and sneers about him being "pussy whipped" and all their complaints about him skipping out on being their ride to "the hottest party of the year." The door slammed behind him, rattling a few windows; making a beeline for his Camaro and pausing at the trunk. He found a pair of your sports shoes you'd eventually need, grabbed them in a white-knuckle grip, then got in the driver's seat and peeled away.
When Billy got to your house, he noticed the lights in your bedroom were barely turned on; knowing you didn't like overhead lighting and probably had a string of lights plugged in. On the contrary, the rest of the house seemed wide awake - every single downstairs light turned on. He grabbed your shoes and his school books (left in his backseat) and got out of his parked car, approach the front door, and paused when a barrage of voices suddenly met his ears. He froze.
The screams were full of hate, and while he couldn't make out distinct words, he heard both your mother and father's elevated voices. It was relentless, it was full of anger and hate and confusion and accusations and Billy wasn't sure how long he stood there with his fist raised. With a deep breath, Billy finally knocked at the door... Then again... Then again... And again, using the metal knocker to bang rapidly. He heard the voices lower and stopped knocking; taking a step back, then waited with his best look of indifferent innocence.
When the door ripped open, Billy was greeted by your angry-looking mother, who didn't look at who was at the door when she snarled, "What the fuck do you want!?"
"Uh, yeah, um, hi, ma'am..." Billy waved awkwardly.
"Oh, Billy," she gasped. "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize it was you, sweetie. What's wrong? What - What time - ? Do you know what time it is?"
"Yes, ma'am, I'm sorry to interrupt so late, but nothing is wrong," he assured. "I just know your daughter's a little forgetful when there's a test comin' up," he chuckled, holding up the shoes and his books, "and she promised to help me nail this essay for my college portfolio... Did I use that correctly? Portfolio? She's always tryna broaden my vocabulary," he chuckled smoothly.
She smiled warmly, another victim to his charming influence, "Sure, honey, yes, of course, it's Friday or something, right, of course you can come in. C'mon, c'mon in." She stepped out the way to let Billy enter into the foyer. "Baby Girl's just upstairs in her room," she gestured with a wine glass Billy just noticed towards the staircase as she used your childhood nickname. They paused at the grand bannister, her eyes rolling when there came the muffled pounding of a bass-line from some song turned up to the max. "She's always blasting her music now adays, it'll make her deaf," your mother scoffed, taking a long sip, then waved him up. "Go on, get up there, good luck on your essay."
"Thank you, Miss Lady," he purred with a small smirk; nodding as he then watched her retreat to the sitting room, and barely a moment later, your father was exiting the kitchen.
"Billy," he greeted stiffly, glass of scotch in hand.
"Sir," Billy replied with a nod of respect, stepping out of his shoes (per household rules) to leave your parents at the front of the house's sitting room; beginning his ascent to the second level. He'd been there before, so, locating your room was like muscle memory; knocking when he approached the door and pausing when he only heard blaring music.
Another knock, no answer. So Billy opened your door.
You were sat on the ground, back against your bed, record player spinning, and the window you faced cracked open to waft the cigarette smoke out. His heart clenched when he saw you, your sadness nearly tangible as light made your tear-tracks on your cheeks glitter. "Baby," Billy spoke softly, watching you jump in shock. "Hey, hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I tried to knock."
You nodded absently, "Music's on."
"Yeah, 's a good song," he allotted as he shut your door securely and asked, "want it locked?"
"Doesn't lock," you answered robotically, looking back out the window.
"Can I turn the music down, baby, please? Real hard t'hear you."
You nodded and he lowered the volume - but when he did, he understood why you had it so high. Your parents could be heard arguing downstairs, and even with an entire floor between you, it was still loud. So, he turned the music up just a little, frowned, and moved beside you, grunting lightly as his tight jeans constricted while he sat.
"Can I?" He asked, pointing at the cigarette. You handed it over mutely, your usual quip of "it's may I, not can I," nowhere to be heard. After two puffs, he meant to hand it back, but instead, you just fell into his side as if all energy you had to keep you up was depleted; a nearly drowned-out whimper emitting. Billy saw the coffee mug you had been using as an ashtray and dropped the cigarette instantly, using both arms to tug you into his lap.
Billy held you in a fetal position, gently and slowly squeezing you into his chest as he needed to feel you close; and you evidently needed to feel physical love. Billy had to gulp harshly when he felt your tears soak his shirt first, then the jerking of your shoulders; quivering of your body. This long week had finally caught up.
"Baby," he sighed, kissing your forehead. And instead of asking the idiotic and repetitive 'are you okay?', Billy instead just asked in a hush, "Why didn't you tell me it was this bad?"
Through your tears, you answered in a hiccuping-hush, "I didn't want it to be real."
Billy just sighed again, pulling you in tighter so you set under his chin. He let you simply rest, he just wanted to feel close to you... But something caught his eye. About three feet from you was your slumped, turned-over backpack; spewing contents as if it had been tossed aside in a fit of rage. What was interesting, though, was the crumpled pieces of paper; at least one sporting a huge, uppercase F circled in red marker.
"Yeah?" He whispered, sighing as he wanted to bite his tongue but couldn't. "Seems real enough to fuck up your grades though, huh?"
"I can retake the tests."
"You're gonna have to study."
"I know... 'S kinda hard to study here, though. Can't really focus on anything when all that's, you know, going on."
"No shit, Sherlock."
You snorted through your tears, "Don't make me laugh, I'm sad."
He smirked, "Yeah, yeah, all right. Listen, I'll just... We'll go to the library for tonight, and after, we can go to my place. How's that?"
"Thought you weren't allowed overnight visitors?"
"I'm not, but sneakin' inna my place can't be worse than tryna focus while here, right? Gotta be better than listening to this shit."
You nodded against his neck as a distant glass shattered, making you relent, "Touché."
"C'mon," he decided, kissing your forehead again, "pack a bag, baby. You're comin' with me - don't gotta stay here. Not tonight. Gonna come stay with me."
You pulled back just enough to ask, "Yeah?"
"Yeah, pretty girl," he smirked, caressing your cheek. "Might even let you do that green face goop thing you love bothering me about."
"It's an avocado face mask, and when your skin is literally glowing, you can thank me then."
Billy grinned down at you, taking the moment to swoop down and connect your lips in a long kiss; breathing each other in. When a second shatter sounded from downstairs, you flinched away, but Billy was quick to hush, "Hey, hey, hey," and when your eyes met his, he assured, "you're safe with me. Always safe with me." You nodded, tears shining in your eyes. "And you don't ever have to hide these parts of you - not from me. Never from me. I love you, pretty girl," he whispered, "and all parts that make you exactly who you are. Family included."
"I don't deserve you," you whispered.
"Nah, what you don't deserve is dealing with this shit. So, c'mon, get a bag together. We'll come back for what you need later, but get something together for the weekend."
You thanked him with a kiss, and while you got your things together, Billy mutely reached out to examine the pages in his grasp. He sighed, noting the three different failing tests and knew he had to "step up" his "boyfriend game" if he truly wanted to help you; and for the first time, he knew, without any selfish motives, he honestly did. He figured, for all you've done for him, providing you with something akin to a safe environment was a drop in the bucket; shoving those tests back into your school bag, standing, and helping you gather the last of your necessities.
Who needed slutty cheerleaders in soaped-up bikinis when this, right here, was what true love was? Shockingly, not Billy Hargrove.
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markster666 · 5 months
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Hello everyone! I'm a 20 year old psychology student with a love for writing. Welcome to my one and only writing (and shitposting) account. I have a hard time sticking with one fandom, but I mostly write reader inserts being paired with canon characters. I do take requests as well! Please check my bio to confirm that requests are open.
A lot of my content involves mature subjects and I strongly advise anyone under the age of 18 to steer clear from my profile.
Last Updated: 2/29/24
Total Works: 22
Hazbin Hotel:
Every Thought, You. (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Alastor Reacting To Stereotypical Activist Gen Zer
Breeding B*tch (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Tentacles (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Cleanliness Is Next To - Oh Wait. (Alastor x Fem!OC RP Thread)
Good To Be Back On The Air! (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #1: Dry Humping (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #2: Face F*cking (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #3: Begging (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #4: Masturbation (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #5: Daddy Kink (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #6: Overstimulation (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #7: Praising (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #8: Sound Kink (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #9: Mirror Sex (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #10: Orgasm Control (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #11: Face Sitting (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #12: Lingerie Kink (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #13: Deep Throating (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #14: Roleplay (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #15: Food Play (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #16: Car Sex (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #17: Toys (Alastor x Fem!Reader) Kinktober Day #18: Uniform Kink (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #19: Morning Sex (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #21: Unprotected Sex (Alastor x Fem!Reader) -I skipped #20-
Anybody (over the age of 18) is welcome to show up in my dms and chat with me or put in a request! I don't bite.
It is NOT guaranteed that I will do your request nor is it guaranteed that I will do it quickly. I get writing blocks sometimes or I just genuinely can’t think of a good plot for your scenario yet but I’ll try my best.
I have a pretty screwed up mind and will write about a lot so really, throw a prompt at me lol. I will also NOT do oc x oc, character x character, and character x oc.
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Five Night's At Freddy's
Harry Potter
South Park
Scat / Pee / Vomit play
Female on Male Domination
(If you have a taboo topic you want me to write about but I don't have it listed, feel free to ask!)
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and I hope I can hear from some of you soon!
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enj4s · 4 months
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─── ˚୨୧⋆ PAIRINGS; subaru sakamaki, 𖥻SUBARU x fem! reader 。˚ ⋆
─── ˚୨୧⋆ 𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙎; smut. swearing. fem!dom! reader. reader is mean, again. pegging. (lil) hair pulling. hickies. crying. toxic relationship. both are fucked in the head.
★ Author note 😆😆!!: Whoever requested ts excuse my dramatic ass, I LOVE drama as you can see. (sorry btw) enjoy 🤤‼️ yallyal request I got nun to do other than rot in my bed 💔
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It was one of those days-
You were a patient and laid-back person, or so you and some people thought. But your anger issues have gone up the roof since you met the seven diabolic, unhinged brothers.
Their mothers and Karlheinz were just as bad, if not even worse. The Mukamis could not redeem themselves but they were bearable, especially Azusa who was just less annoying and irritating, or atleast didn't make you wanna dig your nails in your skin and clutch hard till it bleeds, like the others. You had an exception between the seven Sakamaki siblings as well, whom was Subaru.
Subaru was one helluva person to deal with. If not for Karlheinz introducing you to his past, you would've kept your first impression of him, which was he had rabies.
That boy was as layered and complicated as an onion, and trying to navigate through his mind and emotions was gonna drive you mad. One moment he's calling you a dense ass for dropping a pencil or getting bitten, and the other he's glancing at you all soft like a high school girl in love would.
You swore you have spent and used more brain cells on trying to see through him than you had on maths. He could be downright cruel at times, and even dismissed you so harshly that you favored the men-whore final boss (Laito) over him for some while, which didn't last long when he forced you so adorably in a 'relationship' with him or is what you thought, since he ordered you to resist if any of his brothers try to bite you. What else did it mean?
He would become absolutely feral when he got jealous. It was pretty easy to make him reach that point, but dangerous. He would start yelling at you and destroying everything around him in blind rage when he saw you talk to a male teacher or student or his brother's, going as far as attempting drain you of plasma. It was all too tiring and frustrating, you wanted nothing but quietness, to be left alone and ignored.
His delusion of you being his was so utterly nonsensical, but you went along with it for your safety and sanity, it was wise to sometimes give up and give in to his delusions, which he used as a control and power element. Resisting only meant to get bit to near death, where you'd start to see stars and lights that you thought only existed in cartoons, or, like these times, when he'd strangle you.
-where you'd snap.
"Shut the FUCK UP!" You'd yell at the top of your lungs, couldn't you even be strangled to death silently? His yammering of you being a betrayer was so damn irritating. Subaru jolted and flinched away form the volume of your voice, that look on your eyes, he backed up slightly, his grip on your throat weakened. In a swift movement, you dug your nails deep into his unhealthily pale wrists, shoving him away with every ounce of strength you had left.
Subaru stumbled backwards, catching himself quickly, his white boots stepping on a broken shard of glass from a vase that you bet was supposed to be cherished. You felt guilty for using one of his traumas against him to make him halt, stop. Yes, but did it save you from getting choked? Yes.
The anger was incredibly contagious, you bite your lip to hold back all the insults and traumas you could bring up, knowing that it would just bring you brutal death and a quick burial in dirt in the next hour, you shut your mouth, trying to find saliva to relieve your sore throat that was deeply in dire need of moisture.
The grip he had on your throat just now had been so tight you could've sworn he had actually meant to kill you for a second. Your breathing became labored. Your heartbeat was stubborn and didn't wanna settle down. Your eyes stared back at Subaru's with a mixture of tears and fury, you blink. Trying to help your eyes get used to the light again.
Both of you had your flaws and toxic traits, you suddenly found yourself on top of Subaru, a hard grip on his hair that matched his on your throat earlier, you wipe salty tears away, everything was a blur. You swore you couldn't remember a thing. You'd insult other people for not controlling their actions, yet you couldn't keep yours in check either.
"Sorry," You murmured against his pale skin, kissing alongside the hickies and bite marks you left on his neck. They looked painful. He was a vampire, so you didn't worry too much. They'd heal in an hour or two. You were still between his thighs, cum dripped down his hips and legs.
"You just piss me off sometimes...It's so childish when you start yammering and yelling, creating scenes when I talk to anyone," You watched his wine red eyes trail down in something like shame. His mouth was sewed shut, he was already embarrassed from moaning as loud as he yells. He was cuter when he was quiet, you note, and grin silently, propping yourself on your knees to thrust inside him again without warning, tearing a shriek from the albino beneath you, he drops his head down on the pillows, you were making him feel way too good, as rough as it was.
It almost seemed like you were still taking your anger out on him as you pounded inside him harshly. Subaru felt his stomach coil and he tightens, when you'd lean down to whisper sweet nothings in his ear that didn't match your humping.
“C-ca- ah! Can’t! Hah..” Subaru whined shakily, a sound he'd drop dead before making if he was in his right state of his mind. He hiccups and whimpers as he covered his face with his hands. “So full..hic- too much," His legs dangle like a rag doll's from your shoulders as you plundge inside him deeper and deeper with each delicious thrust.
You lean down with a sigh, catching Subaru's lips in a kiss, and grab at his long bangs, tugging hard to tilt his head upward, and swallow down the loud wail that was about to wrack from his body as he came, vibrating slightly and hips thrusting up pathetically in the air. His fangs poked at your lip a bit painfully as he tried to bite down his noises, now chasing after your lips and the little blood that threatened to spill.
Getting strangled or beat again later from a flustered Subaru wouldn't be surprising after wracking his shit, but it was worth it. You could only laugh as he emptily threatened to break your arm after this, complaining that he couldn't feel his legs and that you're a perv.
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─── ˚୨୧⋆ @enj4s ♡ @un0rin ♡
don't repost or copy I know where u live 👁
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I know you can be louder than that (Lucifer)
BIG warnings for this one guys! Major NSFW! Minors, Do NOT Interact! Warnings: FEM!AFAB MC, Semi public sex, voyeurism. Lucifer uses MC to punish his brothers, mentions of pact use.
Summary: Lucifer's had a helluva week, his brothers have done nothing but contribute to the chaos. MC's been doing her best to help, but maybe he's got one more use for his favourite human.
Lucifer is tired.
This is not news, he's a hardworking demon with enough on his plate on a good day to make lesser demons buckle, but this week had been...hellish, for lack of a better word.
The prince has been swamped with extra requests from the house of lords, which means Lucifer has been swamped with Student Council papers which would otherwise be Diavolo's workload, as well as his regular duties, and on top of that, his brothers have wrought absolute havoc.
Asmodeus started an internet fight with some important modelling agency which needed smoothing over, Belphie missed roughly 80% if his classes this week, Beel caused damages in three separate restaurants after eating their entire stock, and of course Mammon sold one of Lucifer's cursed records.
Lucifer hasn't even had the time to track the record down again and punish his brother properly because he's so swamped, and his only saving grace-
"Can I come in?"
MC pops her head in, having knocked gently at the door, a wrapped package tucked under her arm and a steaming mug balanced carefully in her hand.
She's giving him that look, the look of a woman who knows he's overworked and stressed and wishing he could do literally anything else.
"That depends, have you more news of my brothers causing further damage to our reputation?" Lucifer huffed, to which MC chuckled.
"Your brothers are in the dining room, doing their damned homework and student council papers that they've neglected lately." MC explained, handing him the mug of steaming coffee and sliding the slim package onto his desk.
"And how in the Devildom did you manage that?"
MC chuckled and perched herself on the edge of his desk beside him, her leg brushing his. She met his gaze, and her eyes swam with the colours of his brother's magics. She's used her pacts.
Rarely does MC use those pacts to get the brothers to do anything, more often she can talk them into behaving, but she's been stretched just as thin as Lucifer trying to keep things under control.
Lucifer chuckled, his gaze alight with pride in his little human's use of her power and sipped his coffee before drawing his attention to the envelope. "And this?"
MC watched him open it with eager eyes as he slid the missing record from its case. "That was harder to track down than I thought it would be. Mammon gave the buyer back their grimm."
"You are a wonder, MC." Lucifer couldn't help but grin, inspecting the record for damage. It was still in immaculate condition, a trace of her magic still clinging to it protectively. He slid out from behind his desk and slid the record back into its rightful place on the shelves of his office attached to the library.
He looked back at his desk, the pile of papers still awaiting him, and the smiling human perched beside it, smiling at him, legs dangling over the edge of his desk.
He stepped closer, and MC spread her legs to let him step between her thighs, his gloved hand sliding over her cheek, smiling as she leaned into him.
MC's hands slid up his chest, settling around his neck to play with the hair at the back of his neck. "What do you need from me, Luci?"
His heart swelled, cold and unfeeling as it had once been. Dear human, who already does so much for his family, whose absence he's convinced would spell the end of the world.
Lucifer's hands slid to her hips, drawing her closer. What does he need?
He needs those papers to disappear, he needs his brothers to learn their place, he needs a damned break, but none of that could happened-
Or maybe it could.
MC arched a brow as the demon's eyes damned near lit up, and his magic reached out, pulling his office door open. She thought he'd ask her to leave, but instead, Lucifer came down upon her with a passion, his lips crashing into hers in a searing kiss as he stole the breath from her lungs.
He pushed her down until she was flat on his desk, stationary and papers shoved carelessly aside. More work for later? Perhaps, but he's got something else on his mind now.
Lucifer nipped at her lower lip, smirking at the quiet whimper she let free. "Correct me if I'm wrong, my darling, but my idiot brothers are all gathered in the dining room, correct?"
"And they cannot leave without your permission, correct?"
MC gulped, realising what he was getting at, why he'd opened the door...the other 6 have only the library between them, and the doors are all open.
The first born dove for her neck, one hand nimbly unbuttoning her shirt, exposing her soft skin as sharp teeth nipped marks into her delicate skin.
The material of his gloves raised gooseflesh in his wake as he cupped her breast and squeeze, thumb and forefinger gently tugging at her sensitive nipple as the cold air greeted her.
MC whined, tangling her fingers in the demon's hair, her nails gently scraping against his scalp as he shoved his hips forward, grinding against her clothed heat.
"Lucifer, they'll hear!"
"You're damned right they will." He growled against her skin, nipping at the shell of her ear, smattering hungry kisses against her skin. "They've acted like menaces all week, they deserve punishment in kind."
MC would have laughed at the pettiness of Lucifer's actions if not for the sight of him pulling off his gloves with his teeth, his gaze dark with lust as heat shot down her centre and she squirmed against the desk.
This was out of character, for Lucifer to flaunt her so to his own brothers, but perhaps the stress of the week had piled up enough. He needs a release, and he's chosen her.
His bare fingers were cold against her hips as he pulled at her waistband, demanding she lift her hips while never forcing her. She could always stop him, if she wished.
MC lifted her hips for him to slide her leggings down her legs, reaching hungrily for him, but Lucifer took her hands and guided them to her knees, his eyes on her quickly wettening centre.
"Hold yourself open for me, love..." The Avatar of Pride dropped to his knees, sinking his teeth into her soft thigh, driving another whine from her lips as he dragged a finger through her glistening folds.
Lucifer wasn't one for teasing, not when he knows what he wants, but he paused barely an inch away from her heat. "May I, my darling?"
"Yes, please...Lucifer!" She gasped and arched as he dove forward, licking a long stripe from her entrance to her pearl, collecting her wetness on his tongue before circling her clit with confident strokes.
Saccharine moans tumbled from her lips, clinging to the backs of her knees, keeping herself open for him as Lucifer suckled at her clit.
She felt the tug at her magic, the brothers had noticing something was off.
As if Lucifer had sensed the shift in her magic, he licked more firmly, lightly dragging his teeth over her sensitive skin, drawing a muffled yelp from MC as she struggled to keep hold of those leashes. "Luci-I can't-"
"You can hold them." He filled his palms with the globes of her ass, yanking her closer to him so he could gorge himself properly. "And I know you can be louder than that."
MC's eyes went wide, but the demon buries his face in her cunt and shoves his tongue inside her, curling it just right and she sang for him, her voice flowing free as she forced her will behind her magic and slammed down on the pacts. Those brothers had driven her mad all week, she wasn't above petty revenge.
Pride surged in Lucifer's chest as he wrapped an arm around her trembling thigh, fingers toying with her clit as his tongue plunged in and out of her heat, his own desire restricted by his trousers as he chased the pleasure out of her, relishing every cry that fell from her lips, every shiver and whine.
His brothers could hear, his phone was exploding in his pocket, and Lucifer was glad of it, they got to hear what they could not have. He couldn't think of a better punishment.
Her walls quivered around his tongue, close to her end, and with his eyes he demanded she be loud, and his dear, sweet, reliable human delivered.
She tumbled over the edge, practically wailing his name and other pornographic noises and she tumbled over the edge, her slick wetting Lucifer's chin as he drove her through her orgasm.
"Don't relax too much, my darling. My brothers haven't been punished enough."
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campbell-rose · 6 months
Hazbin Trailer + Rewrite Spitballing
The Hazbin Trailer omg
I finally watched it and like... it's so bad guys. Honestly, the only people I pity are the animators and the pilot voice actors, and the new actors too. Blake Roman especially, the man is super talented, but trying to fill the massive shoes of Michael is weighing his performance down so bad. Honestly, if Viv wasn't a petty brat, she could've kept Michael and gotten Blake as the singing voice.
Apparently there's a war on Heaven plot? I hope to god not, like that's NOT THE PREMISE. God Viv just cannot stick to her premises, can she? This happened with Zoophobia, initially it seemed like it was going to follow Cameron but slowly lost focus on her. Then Helluva Boss losing the hired assassin plot for the sake of shitty Stolitz drama. Seems redeeming sinners is going to be a side plot which is unfortunate because that was one of the biggest things i wanted from this show. I remember when i used to love Vivziepop and i got so excited for the pilot of Hazbin. Redeeming sinneers, that sounded so cool. It's what got me into demonology and was a big part of my life. Sad to see this happen.
I genuinely hate the stupid trope of heaven, the place that is literally paradise for good people, being bad. Like, i cannot feasibly imagine a universe in which Viv manages to write that in any compelling way. And why is it just ‘heaven bad’??? This could be an interesting story that discusses the nature of good and bad, talks about what makes someone a good person, should people be given redemption if they already blew their chance, is the definition of 'good' wrong? Like, in the hands of competent writers, Hazbin could be an interesting story, like a Walmart Good Place! But no, heaven bad, let's go kill angels that say fuck.
Like, as an example of my above point, let’s look at a familiar face from Helluva Boss, Mrs. Mayberry. 
She killed someone, tried to kill someone, then herself, and is now in hell. But a good question could be raised of if her being in hell is even justified. Yes, she killed a person (and attempted to kill another) which is not a good thing to do. But she killed her husband in a fit of rage after seeing him cheating on her – like actively, red handed, balls deep cheating on her. From what we see of her before her death, she seems like an attentive and caring teacher and wife, she even says herself she was ‘good my entire life’. Her students love her, and literally the reason she kills herself seems to be because she realizes that they saw her literally murder someone. She did choke and throw a child, but that was played for comedy so I'm not counting that against her. She kills herself because she’s so shocked about what she’s done. She’s bitter because she’s in hell.  
Her husband was a cheater and the woman she tried to kill was a murderer and a cannibal, so by that logic, doesn’t her killing a bad person negate the killing? Yes, murder is bad, she should’ve controlled herself, but this was one terrible moment in a lifetime of being good. Like, say someone kills a pedobear, is the person commiting the murder a bad person for killing someone who deserved it? Not that her husband deserved to die for cheating, a good beat down maybe. If a good person kills a bad person, does that make them a bad person too? Or does it come down to intention? Did the good only kill the bad for a selfish reason?
That’s an interesting conundrum (in my opinion). Does she deserve to redeem herself? How would she redeem herself? If I keep thinking on it, i'll ramble, but that's my thinking. Anyway, this made me think about a rewrite that follows this line of thinking.
I’ve come to the conclusion that Charlie being an angel and Vaggie being her Exterminator guard who goes with her to hell to redeem sinners is the best way to make this mess an interesting thing. Like, Charlie is an optimistic angel who thinks the extermination of sinners is inhumane and that the standards of Heaven need changed. Vaggie is literally trained to kill sinners and sees Charlie’s efforts as futile but is assigned to help her anyway. Makes sense why everyone would disrespect Charlie and treat her like an idiot for wanting to redeem sinners, instead of insulting the daughter of FUCKING LUCIFER HIMSELF, they’re laughing at an angel who came down out of nowhere and is acting high and mighty.
Also, Charlie can keep the name Charlie Magne instead of Morningstar because she's no longer Lucifer's daughter. Vaggie is just V. boom, problem solved, i'm a genius.
Have a doodle
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Hello! I've never sent an ask to anyone before, so I don't know if I'm doing this correctly! But I seriously love your aus, so I just had to try <3
For your monster!au, do you think that there is a difference in the kinds of food they eat between monsters and humans? The kinds of food, seasoning, preparation, how it's cooked, even the degree to which something is cooked. Especially with how you mention in another post about how some species can't eat certain foods.
Like, does Yuu (female pronouns please! Or gender neutral if you prefer) come to their world and have to figure out how to cook with ingredients she's never seen before, or does Yuu just start to cook things in ways the monster bois have never seen or thought of before? Would the boys enjoy it? Would it be safe for them?
Or do you think there wouldn't be much of a difference?
Also, out of curiosity, which species would you say has the most diverse diet?
I seriously love your page! Keep up the amazing work! Stay safe and stay healthy!💙💚😃
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Thank you for sending in an ask! You did it correctly, don’t worry c: And thank you so much! I’m glad you love the AUs so much to send something in! ;;v;;
To a degree, the food being cooked in the Monster!AU would be different depending on the species. I know I’ve pretty much beaten the grape incident into grape juice already, but while some may be okay with eating it, other students can’t due to it being toxic (I looked it up, and cranberry wine is a thing. That means Crewel can still enjoy a glass of wine, and it’s possible that the monsters/ghost chefs would use it in cooking instead of grape-based wines!). The same could be said for certain herbs and spices that we take for granted being something that can make them sick or can be just as toxic as grapes, like onions or garlic. Chocolate can still be a thing for some species, but carob is the main alternative that’s available—which means Yuu will still have access to it at least!
There’s also an extra sensitivity to citrus based scents. Using citrus juice to cook something like ceviche for example would be difficult, as not many can even get past the smell even if the taste itself is amazing. Funny enough, there’s actually this one manga I came across called “His Majesty the Demon King’s Housekeeper” that actually touches up on this fact as citric acid is one of the few ways to clean certain stains off surfaces, but most of the cleaning staff in the mansion couldn’t stand the smell of the orange peels until it was turned into a powder form by the demon king. It’s such a cute manga, and has lots of helpful tips too, so it’s a win-win!
If you can’t tell by now, Slice-of-Life manga and stories are my jam. I love when they touch up on things that we don’t normally think about and put a spin on things! >v<
Anyway, as you can imagine, if (and that’s a major IF) we were strictly to focus on the ingredients we know in our world, recipes would have to be tailored to be suitable to each species to avoid causing issues while ensuring that each student has the right nutrients needed to sustain their bodies. This would have resulted in having to find alternatives that are safe for students to enjoy while still being able to ensure safety to avoid severe allergic or otherwise dangerous reactions to having something they shouldn’t.
That would be one helluva menu to try to cater to when you can’t use certain seasonings to flavor things. Good thing Crowley has those ghost chefs to work with the menu, because I certainly couldn’t fathom the mental gymnastics of creating that kind of menu! @.@
But to put it in perspective, it’s like trying to give chocolate to a cat or dog when we have alternatives such as carob as I mentioned earlier. Or how people who are lactose intolerant have almond or oat milk or even goat milk as an alternative, or how there are gluten-free alternatives for those who can’t have it due to celiac disease. Just to name a few examples anyway, since I know there are people out there who have restrictive diets due to health reasons.
Thankfully, these guys aren’t entirely missing out on flavor since in Twisted Wonderland—much like how they have unique flowers and plants such as mandrakes right around the corner—I’m sure there’s no limit to the types of ingredients that can be used to cook with! In fact, I’m reminded of this manga that I’ve stumbled across that I gotta start from the beginning known as “Delicious in Dungeon”. Basically, it’s where the characters are traveling in a dungeon and they not only find monsters and creatures to hunt and eat (not like there’s a grocery store or market inside a dungeon), but also demonstrate how to prepare and cook using the ingredients found in the dungeon as well as the creatures themselves. It just looks so delicious whenever they show the results and what you can do with the extra stuff you can’t eat!
But I digress. ^v^;
This means that Yuu will have lots of new ingredients to try and explore in various dishes, and this also means new opportunities to learn new recipes! Imagine what you’d be able to learn during the Master Chef event too!
So…what happens when you have a female human who has excellent taste buds and a love of cooking and also loves to cook for others? You’ve got a whirlwind of ingredients flying around and waves of delicious smells wafting through the air leading many drooling students investigating the source (and trying to sneak a bite).
Iron-stomach gourmet Grim is the one who gets to enjoy Yuu’s experimental cooking at first. After all, why shouldn’t he be able to enjoy the spoils of his hench-human cooking for him? He’ll try guiding her with his knowledge of flavors and what tastes good, and she learns which seasonings to use for each dish whenever she talks to Trey or Jamil or even Azul. His bragging of being the first to try true human cuisine wound up drawing in the first years, many curious to see her in action while others hoped to try and sneak in a free meal.
Imagine if she cooked two-three meals a day: mini waffles and giant pancakes that are several inches thick? She’s adding various fruits and berries and pairing it with the perfect syrup! Homemade chicken or beef soup? Simmering with noodles boiled to perfection! Roasted pork and beef stew? Veggie stir-fry? Baked fish? Burgers? Pizza??? Nothing is off the table when Yuu is in the kitchen! And don’t get started on the different desserts she could whip up with Trey!
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Soon enough, word would have spread around the school about the human’s delicious cooking and it won’t be long before Yuu has visitors around every meal time.
Yuu:*whisking eggs as the rice cooks* “Breakfast’s almost ready, Grim!”
Grim: “Hooray! Omurice cooked human-style~!”
Yuu: “Come in!” *pouring the egg into two skillets before looking up* “Oh, hey guys!”
Ace: “Hey, Yuu! Whatcha making?”
Yuu: “I’m making omurice. I asked the chefs in the cafeteria how to make it and…wait…” *narrows eyes* “Did you guys come here just to get breakfast?”
Deuce: *sheepish* “Sorry, Yuu…we just really like the way you cook.”
Yuu: *sighs and smiles* “It’s okay. Next time, just let me know ahead of time so I can prepare more, okay?”
Grim: “Don’t even think of taking my portion!”
Ace: “Aww, is that any way to treat guests, Yuu?”
Yuu: “Grim, be nice.”
Grim: “What?! That’s not fair!”
Deuce: “I can wait my turn. Is there anything I can do to help?”
Yuu: “Could you chop up some more veggies and measure out the rice? Ace and Grim can have the first two, then we’ll have the next batch.”
Grim: “Stop encouraging them!”
Ace: “Oi! As if you don’t eat the food at the Unbirthday Parties!”
Grim: “Oh yeah?! Well I-mfh!?”
Ace: “Mfhg!?”
Yuu: *dusts hands after shoving two meat buns into their mouths* “There will be no fighting in my kitchen, you hear me?”
Ace and Grim: “Yeth m’m…”
/The Next Day/
Yuu: *standing in the doorway with a bowl of pancake batter* “…are you here to socialize or do you want to try some of my cooking?”
Silver: “Fa-I mean, Lilia…decided to cook breakfast today. He wanted to try and cook some old human recipes, but…”
Sebek: *looking mildly nauseous* “I did what I could to protect Lord Malleus, but…human food should not look like that.”
Yuu: “Ah, okay. Come on in. I’ll get another batch ready, so help yourself to the ones on the table! There’s fresh fruit and whipped cream there too.”
I have a feeling that Yuu would be getting a lot of visitors from Diasomnia on days that Lilia does the cooking, and I’m sure she’ll be more than happy to feed them too! 😌
As for the “food bribes”…well, it’s kinda hard to argue with the results. Especially when they can be very valid trades. Yuu wants a specific utensil to make that special treat or meal? You’ll get first dibs on the finished dish!
Oh no, Yuu needs help with this potionology assignment and made too many cupcakes to eat by herself! If only someone could come and help with both…
As you said, there are many possibilities of how Chef!Yuu could take advantage of their knowledge and skill around the kitchen! And before I forget, if I had to choose which species would have the most diverse diet…I would have to say it’s a tossup between the basilisks and the faun and satyr species. Basilisk can essentially eat nearly anything without much issue as their stomach acid is strong enough to even digest rocks and crystals, whereas faun and satyr can eat most any plant and fruit or vegetable imaginable and can tolerate some forms of meat without issue. Though if you really want to enhance the dietary variety possibilities, Epel and Trey would have this in the bag as these two are hybrids of two different species, making them truly omnivorous like humans!
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autumnmobile12 · 1 month
Villain Deku AU
Most of the time when I see the Villain Deku AU, he's often crazy, and while I do love that concept, I really want to see more sarcastic, cinnamon roll 'Moxxie from Helluva Boss' vibes.
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Shigaraki: And that's plan, any questions?
Deku: Uh, yeah, what was that?
Shigaraki: That wasn't a question, Deku.
Deku: That wasn't a plan.
Remember my League of Morons vs A Summer Camp post?
Deku can fix that.
Shigaraki: All right, smart ass, you think you can do better?
Deku: I actually can. Your first mistake is attacking the second night of the camp. Let them all have their summer camp fun. By the end of a single week of non-stop, hardcore training, they'll be exhausted and less likely to fight off a surprise attack efficiently. Now, before the camp begins, we'll need Spinner to drive out there. You're the only one of us who hasn't committed any significant crimes yet.
Spinner: Why is that important?
Deku: *smiling cheerfully* Because you're a civilian. The Wild, Wild Pussycats aren't going to think it's weird if a civilian drives up to their base asking for directions through the mountains. Just make sure you have nice, dead battery for your cell phone. Ooh, or you could park on the road with a low tank of gas and walk up to their base! That'll sell it.
Spinner: Sell what?
Deku: You're getting the exact coordinates of the building for Kurogiri, of course. Once we have that information, he can open warp gates beneath our target while he's asleep and let gravity do the rest.
Kurogiri: You suggest we strike at night?
Deku: Right. You want to kidnap Kaachan, so we do it covertly while everyone's asleep. After that, if you really want to send a message to the heroes, we can always seal up the doors and windows, then Mustard can gas the building. Or Dabi can burn it to the ground. Your choice. Painless death in their sleep or painful death by fire?
Dabi: ...holy fuck, that's insane.
All-For-One: *through the computer monitor* Intriguing proposition, Deku. I suppose you have a back-up plan in case something goes wrong.
Deku: About that, it's entirely possible one of the Pussycats or UA teachers will be on look-out and if that's the case, Eraserhead will be the biggest obstacle. Most of you rely extremely heavily on your Quirks. We'll have to work on that, but in our current time frame, doing so before the summer camp is not feasible. So we'll need to remove the one player who can nullify Quirks. That'll be Mr. Compress's job.
Compress: And how exactly will I do that?
Deku: You'll hit him with a surprise attack. Kurogiri will open a warp gate for you, and the second he does, then you strike. Simple.
Muscular: Yeah, and what about the rest of us?
Deku: You'll be on standby in case Compress fails or draws too much attention to himself. Now about our hostage situation...do we really want Kaachan?
Kurogiri: What do you mean?
Deku: Well I know Kaachan. Despite his violent tendencies, he does have a strong sense of justice and he won't be easy to corrupt. Might I suggest taking the heteromorph students instead? Given society's discrimination problem against what they call the 'non-human' types, they've already got a reason for dissatisfaction with how they've been treated since they were born. Oh, and we should take Yaoyorozu Momo, too.
All: ....why?
Deku: She's rich. Her Quirk is infinitely useful, of course, but even if we can't convince her to join the League, her family will pay us a hefty ransom to get her back. For the record, so will Endeavor if we abduct his youngest son, too. Or we could just ransom the oldest one if all else fails.
Dabi: How the fuck did you know?!
Deku: ...Todoroki Touya allegedly burned up in a massive forest fire and the body was never found. You have a fire Quirk and horrific, full body burn scars and are the age he would have been today. It's not rocket science.
Shigaraki: ...this brat just hijacked my entire plan.
He'd quickly become the Bilbo Baggins of LoV, the one who's solving all the problems right up until they get to the fight with Gigantomachia, at which point he says, "No, I'm not helping you this time. He's gotta respect you, this is your quest. I'm not the fighting type, so I'll just sit back and watch." Proceeds to sit quietly and take notes while observing the fight.
Dabi also wasn't helping out with that fight, so every now and then he checks in on their progress. He just shows up, mildly entertained and mostly annoyed by the collective ineptitude (not that he's any better,) and he walks up to Deku.
Dabi: So how many ways have you thought of to defeat him?
Both: *duck as Spinner goes flying over them*
Deku: ...47. How's that recruitment process going? Because you're starting to look way more useful as a bargaining chip for ransom.
Dabi: Says the guy who's just sitting here.
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olinblogin · 7 months
What fandoms I will write for;
-Lego Monkie Kid
-One Piece
-One Punch Man
-Assassination Classroom (limited characters)
-COD (call of duty, any game)
-ATSV (across the spiderverse)
-TADC (the amazing digital circus)
-Underverse/undetale AUs
What fandoms i won’t write for;
-Genshin Impact/Honkai impact
-Seven Deadly Sins
-Obey Me/Obey Me nightbringer
-FNF (Friday night funkin)
-MHA (my hero academia)
-Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
-other fandoms that have problematic backgrounds
-light angst
-slightly suggestive content (will have a warning)
-smut content (will have a warning)
-childhood romance (no smut.)
-teen romance (no smut.)
-Reader x character
-character x character (very rarely)
-character x Reader x character
-T4T (trans for trans relationships)
-F4F (femme for femme relationship)
-M4M (masc for masc relationship)
-F4TF (femme for trans femme)
-F4TM (femme for trans masc)
-F4TNB (femme for trans non binary)
-F4A (femme for any)
-M4TF (masc for trans femme)
-M4TM (masc for trans masc)
-M4TNB (masc for trans non binary)
-M4A (masc for any)
-LGBTQ content
-Yandere Content (not extreme)
-cnc (consensual non-consent)
-child x adult
-abusive scenarios
-anything to do with children involved in anything sexual
-unsanitary fetishes (i.e. scat, wound f*cking, etc)
-severe angst
-s*icide & s*lf h*rn
Characters I’ll write for in each fandom
—characters so far—
Stalker/Damon (usually Poly)
Deliver Guy/DG (usually Poly)
Shadowman (not much I for abt them, some nsfw - demisexual)
—characters not in game yet but I will write—
Ace (some nsfw - demisexual)
Milla (no nsfw)
Salvador (some nsfw - demisexual)
- MK (Qi Xioatian)
-Mei Dragon
-Sun Wukong
-Six Eared Macaque
-Ao Lie
-Lady Bone Demon
-The Mayor
-Yin & Jin
-Princess Iron Fan (Poly)
-Demon Bull King (Poly)
-Pigsy (platonic)
-Sandy (platonic)
-Nezha (platonic)
-Bai He (platonic)
- Monkey D. Luffy
-Vinsmoke Sanji
-Roronora Zoro
-Nico Robin
-Chopper (platonic)
-Donquixte Doflamingo
-Donquixte Rosiante
-Bartolomeo Kuma
-Boa Hancock
-Dracule Mihawk
-Portgaz D. Ace
-Edward Newgate, Whitebeard (platonic)
-Eustass Kidd
-Jewelry Bonney
-Monkey D. Harp
-Monkey D. Dragon
-Trafalgar Law
-Rob Luci
-Bepo (platonic)
-Child Emporer (platonic)
-Metal Bat
-Speed O’ Sound Sonic
-Mumen Rider
-Watchdog Man (mostly platonic)
-Atomic Samurai
-Lord Boros
-Flashy Flash
-Sweet Mask
(Any students such as Nagisa or Karma are platonic)
-Tadaomi Karasuma
-Irina Jelavic
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
-John “Soap” MacTavish
-John “Captain” Price
-Horangi (Hong-Jin)
-Valeria Garza/El Sin Nombre (F4F/NB/AFAB)
-Alejandro Vargas
-Phillip Graves
-Farah Karim
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-Kate Laswell (F4F)
-Gary “Roach” Sanderson
-Miles Morales (platonic/fluff)
-Gwen Stacy (Platonic/Fluff)
-Pavitr Prabhakar (platonic/fluff)
-Prowler Miles (platonic/fuff)
-Peter B. Parker
-Jess Drew
-Miguel O’Hara
-Hobie Brown
-Ink!Sans (platonic)
-Murder Time Trio (Killer!Sans, Dust!Sans, Horror!sans)
-AT!Sans (Geno)
-Fatal Error
-X!Sans (Cross)
please as well reread the will/won’t write section if you’re feeling unsure!
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Hi! I've never messaged you before, but your writing is some of my very favorite on Tumblr! I love that you have Steve as a poetry fan, and a fan of Simon and Garfunkel! I was reading the poem Richard Cory, and it made me think of a young Steve, the one people only see as a King, as a spoiled rich boy, not seeing his pain and trauma. Even his friends seem to gloss over it. And I can imagine him and Eddie in English class, and Eddie barely paying attention, but seeing how Steve subtly reacts to the poem when they read it, and Eddie wondering if maybe there's more to him than he'd previously thought! I found out that Simon and Garfunkel made it into a song, too, and that really sent it home! I hope you have a wonderful day, thank you for sharing your wonderful stories with us!
you are so kind, thank you so much. i hope you have a wonderful day too ❤️
oh, this has so many things i love. the poem & simon & garfunkel references (cw for references to suicide in both the poem & song lyrics), how Steve views himself and his high school persona vs how Eddie sees him—like, I could quote the whole poem but:
he fluttered pulses when he said, “Good-morning,” and he glittered when he walked.
Steve glittering as he walks! Eddie in denial that his pulse is also fluttering! ❤️
and them fleetingly crossing paths in high school is one of my absolute favourite things to think about, as well as them sharing the same English class at some point.
And when they read that poem… Eddie silently notices things. How Steve’s reaction stands out amidst the typically bored, glazed-eyes expression of other students. Eddie can see out of the corner of his eye how Steve reads the poem over and over, the subtle swallow, the shift in his jaw. The crease in the middle of his forehead that somehow seems more than just straightforward confusion.
But then he puts it out of his head—until, that is, an English period when the teacher says the whole lesson is just for silent reading. And Eddie hears a, “Psst,” coming from his left.
He doesn’t realise that it’s Steve Harrington trying to catch his attention, assumes it’s just someone trying to piss him off, so he snaps, “What?” a little harsher than warranted.
He almost does a double take at the way Steve shrinks back in his seat—not obviously so, but just enough for Eddie to notice.
“… Nothing. I’ll leave you alone,” Steve says shortly.
Eddie feels a flash of guilt. Sighs. “What?”
“Just… you’ve done this class before, right?”
“Fucking astute observation, Harrington.”
“Shut up. I just…” And Steve hands Eddie his photocopy of the poem, points at the top of the page. “Do you get this stuff?”
There’s a pause where Eddie scans the poem—and, Jesus, there’s a lot of annotations. Like, a lot. There’s even parts where Steve’s writing gets all cramped in between the stanzas, because he’s got a helluva lot to say, apparently.
Then he sees the part Steve’s pointing at, where there’s a scrawl of: Metre???
“Uh, yeah,” Eddie says. “I get what… it’s, like, the rhythm of it. Where the emphasis is on each word and stuff.”
Steve actually has the audacity to roll his eyes at Eddie’s, in his opinion, very generous explanation. “Yeah, I get all that in theory, but I can’t, like, hear it, y’know?”
And well, Eddie’s in a band. He knows a thing or two about rhythm. So he leans over and taps the rhythm out with his finger on Steve’s desk. He can’t remember the proper term for it, but he rambles, “It’s the same rhythm in Shakespeare plays? Kinda like a heartbeat.”
It must click for Steve, because sometime during Eddie talking, he starts tapping out the beat, too. Their knuckles almost touch. Not quite.
“Thanks, Eddie,” Steve says distractedly, as he takes his paper back and starts writing again.
And for the rest of the lesson, Eddie has to consider the fact that Steve Harrington truly knows his name, like he didn’t even have to think about it; like the freak moniker didn’t even occur to him.
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c-rowlesdraws · 5 months
I think certain advantages digital animation has over traditional when it comes to detail, specifically being able to animate complex designs and clothing patterns without having to draw the character from scratch for every frame, are incredible on the whole. Love technological advancements that let artists create more elaborate art with less money and labor and time. But I think this advantage specifically makes it easy for some creators to indulge their most overbaked character design desires at the expense of those designs’ readability, coherence, and appeal.
This is true for other projects too, but this post is really about my feelings towards the Vivienne Madrano family of products. I’m never going to watch Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss because the writing isn’t really for me, but every clip I see from them via social media has like… the most fun and fluid and energetic animation performed by the some of most cluttered character designs I’ve ever seen in a 2D cartoon. I want to go in with tweezers and pull like three elements off of every character. I’ve peripherally enjoyed Viv’s work since I first saw one of her student films in like 2011, but I want someone to like. Sit her down and gently urge her to consider if a particular character needs streaks in their hair and pinstripes and polka dots on the same outfit and heterochromia and owl ears and a little top hat that also has eyes and pinstripes on it, and, and…
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juicezone · 5 months
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Hi! I'm TL, and I do agere/petre art requests! You can find my queue and open status on my header! Please read the rules below, thank you! It helps to reblog this to spread it around :D
you must obey the dni of this account. especially please do not request or reblog if you are k!nk, nsfw, generally not safe for kids. you will be blocked.
If reqs are closed, you may DM me and ask me to send you a message/heads up when I re-open then!
please be kind when asking :) these are not commissions, i am not required to do them!
if your request is something i’m not comfortable with doing, i’ll priv answer so you have the option of sending another if you’d like! (this is easiest to do if you're not on anon/you leave an @ of your sideblog! If it's a nameless anon, it's likely to just be deleted, sorry ^^'
please put separate requests in separate asks! IE: if you ask for Character from Fandom A and character from Fandon B, please send two asks! (Unless you want them together which is fine :P)
not a rule but feel free to give suggestions! IE: “Can you draw character with a green paci” or “can you draw character as a fox pet-regressor?” or “can you draw character and character as cg + regressor?” "character in a dip" (just make sure to specify who is who!) Honestly, detail helps a lot with being able to draw and do the req!! (NEW 4/28) I will draw stuff like characters being upset, crying, ect. I'll draw characters in dips but atm i'm not necessarily comfortable drawing accidents themselves (unfortunately, i had a problem with one post i made + deleted being basically immediately snapped up by unsavory blogs ): so)
I’d prefer to not draw your persona/sona/ect! I don’t mind drawing in a “blank/YN” type character, but I no longer would like to draw personas/sonas/ect. Sorry! (NOTE: THIS IS EXEMPT FOR FRIENDS/MUTUALS LET ME DRAW YOUR AGERE OCS/INSERT SO BAD)
Requests may take a while! I work 30-40 hrs a week on top of being a full time student. I might get it done immediately, it might get done in three months or longer. Usually I do them in order, but not always! If you come into my inbox and repeatedly ask abt it (esp if ur rude) i will delete it. and i will block you.
Bluey, MCYT (characters ONLY. *), Star Trek, Pokemon, FNAF, Warrior Cats, Nintendo, Disney - Honestly, it's best to just ask! As long as the media isn't primarily NSFW in the 18+ way, I probably don't mind!
*Will not do dsmp at this time. May do people related to DSMP (ie philza for ex [i think? i dont know the people of that group]) but i will not do: Wilbur/soot or d/ream.
Harry Potter, Hetalia, IRL People (as in the Content Creator - see below for more detail), Attack on Titan, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Country humans/Country balls/Anything based off the countries, TBA
Will do: MCYT for example! Because my design is based off their MC skin. It's like actors v their characters if that makes sense Won't do: Things like Sanders Side or Marki/plier ego stuff, because it's like. there's nothing there for referencing other than the literal person. idk its hard to explain TLDR: thats just my comfort level sorry ^^''
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Request by: Anonymous
To that lovely hon who's requested Loona with male vampire reader - I've not forgotten about you nor did I reject your request!!
Unfortunately, hon, your request (that was like half finished) was one of those that ended up being accidentally deleted (as mentioned in previous request I published), and so, I had to start again and rewrite the whole thing!
I'm really sorry for the long wait, hon! But I hope that what I came up with makes up for it. Also, I recall you asking for a male reader, but saying it can be gender neutral if I don't do male readers - well, don't worry, hon, male reader is absolutely accepted here! So, enjoy your Loona and male vampire reader! <3
The take I did on this request probably isn't what you had in mind, but I hope it's still enjoyable!
🩸🖤🐺 // Loona having a vampire boyfriend //🐺🖤🩸
Type: Imagines
Settings: Romantic
Genre: Fluff, lighthearted
!TRIGGER WARNING!: I'd say mentions of typical Helluva boss stuff (demons, violence, etc), mentions of blood and its consumption, occasional swear words used, I tried to portray a relationship where there are cultural differences, that's probably all!
Sidenote: Reader is written as male as per request,
Sidenote: Reader is written as being around Loona's age (which is 22 if I remember correctly).
Sidenote: I feel like some of these might be a bit occ, I'm so bad at portraying characters, I'm so sorry
Sidenote: These feel kinda long, I might've gotten a little carried away (or maybe these are the usual length, I can't tell) - take it as an apology for the long wait,
That should be all,
Enjoy, <3
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vampires were said to be demonic creatures,
evil spirits,
So, we'll go with that description,
and make the concept of vampires more fit for Helluva boss,
So, let's say that vampires are like...
a cousin species to demons,
(I'd say these vampires look a bit less human and more demonic-like),
(just imagining some Vivziepop twist to them, in design and lore, y'know?),
Yeah, that sounds good, no?
And maybe it's not that unusual to see a vampire prancing around hell?
Maybe Hell's rings are a really popular destination for tourism and vacation for the vampire kind?
And maybe for some more and unnecessary world building,
let's say vampires live in some sort of middle ground between the human world and hell,
and maybe let's call it...
the abode of the undead?
I think that's kinda cool?
Back to the story!
So, as I've said,
vampires like to visit hell's rings for tourism and vacation,
That wasn't your case!
You weren't in hell for tourism or vacation,
you were in hell for college!
You've decided to go to college,
but not in your world,
I dunno,
That's up for you to decide,
Maybe you liked the idea of studying in a foreign land?
Or maybe you wanted to study a field only hell offers?
Who knows?
The options are endless!
So, you're free to make up the reasoning behind that decision, hon,
This decision of yours leads you to Blitzø,
For story reasonings,
I mean-
You obviously need some sort of accommodations for your stay,
And let's say,
for story reasonings,
that college dorms just aren't for you,
Maybe you can't imagine sharing a room with someone random you've never met before?
Maybe college dorms really aren't for you?
In the sense that college dorms in hell don't really accommodate to your needs as a vampire?
Maybe they don't even accommodate to any sort of needs of any kind of foreign students?
I'd say the colleges in the respective rings alone barely accommodate to the needs of students from different rings,
(students of those demon kinds that don't come from that specific ring),
(like colleges in Lust accommodating to the succubi/incubi kind only, etc),
So yeah,
college dorms are a no for you,
but you also can't afford to rent a flat,
Maybe you don't have any income yet?
And maybe your parents can't afford to rent you a flat?
Or maybe they can but they refuse to spend money on you?
Who knows?
That's up to you!
But anyways,
whatever the reason is,
it leads you to Blitzø,
Let's say that your parents and Blitzø have a vague history,
and he's considered a family friend,
Maybe he even babysat you when you were little?
So, you staying at Blitzø's is clearly the choice,
And Blitzø has no problem with that,
After all,
how could he mind when he's not seen his favourite little rascal in such a long time?
You two have so much catching up to do!
So yeah,
he agrees,
And you can be glad Blitzø is so fond of you,
otherwise he would've told your parents to piss off,
After all,
he would never allow for some boy to share a living space with his dear Loony!
Fortunately, he likes you,
so, you get a free pass to be around Loona,
And not only that!
Blitzø also pretty much begs you try and get along with Loona,
The girl really needs a friend,
even if she'd deny it over and over again,
And Blitzø really trusts that you're a reasonable and kind young man,
(based on the memories he shares with child you),
and that you can help Loona feel less alone in the world,
And maybe it's because you don't have any friends in hell yet,
or maybe it's because you genuinely feel bad for Loona,
but you agree to try your best to befriend and support Loona,
It's the least you can do for Blitzø,
And now Loona!
Loona doesn't know about the agreement you have with Blitzø,
And it's better that way,
because if it were the other way around,
she would've hated your guts,
she'd seriously despise you,
I mean,
she still isn't happy with the fact you'll be around,
but at least she won't be wishing for you to choke on the blood you're sucking,
So, it's good that she doesn't know?
I guess?
Well, anyways,
more about Loona!
Loona has actually never met you before,
so, she is unsure of what to expect,
which is one of the reasons why your stay displeases her,
Loona doesn't like uncertainty,
not knowing where she stands in such situations really upsets her,
and it leaves her all tense, irritated and quick to bite,
(because being left uncertain about such situations secretly stresses her),
(and makes her feel vulnerable and unsafe),
It's something related to how she grew up,
always uncertain about everything around her,
leaving her feeling powerless and suspicious of everything and everyone,
with no place or person to make her feel safe,
always fearing for her life,
And sure,
Blitzø might've mentioned you at some point before all this,
but whatever that imp might've shared about you happened a long time ago,
from the times you were still a little kid,
so, it definitely couldn't have been something useful to ease Loona's mind,
It most probably would've been something along the lines of you being Blitzø's first parental experience,
his first time being responsible for a child,
When in reality it probably wasn't even all that big of a deal,
and he's most probably spent like three hours looking after you on specific occurrences,
and him being pretty much the last resort for babysitting your parents could think of,
So, even with that,
Loona doesn't know what to expect of you,
And the fact that you're a vampire doesn't help one bit,
because vampires are quite different from demons,
despite being cousin species,
so, there definitely are some cultural differences to look out for,
cultural differences that can definitely result in awkward interactions,
another thing Loona really doesn't fancy,
and not to mention the amount of stereotypes and misconceptions about vampires!
Loona can already feel that this is not gonna end well,
And speaking of which!
The cultural differences between you and Loona,
it really does make your first meeting memorable...
It just so happens that Blitzø isn't present when you get to his place,
(he has some thing with Stolas going on or something),
and so it is up to Loona to give you a warm welcome,
And well...
it is awkward,
Loona is really indifferent towards you,
and your warm welcome is along the lines of:
"Oh, right... you're that vampire kid or whatever,"
And then she just stepped aside to let you in while giving more attention to her phone than you,
And well...
That's when it gets awkward,
when the cultural differences really show,
Because while Loona expectantly stands aside,
you, on the other hand, stand before the doorstep,
looking pretty awkward, embarrassed, uncomfortable and nervous,
And when Loona sees you make no move to step inside,
she immediately becomes a bit more hostile,
not really understanding or liking your "odd behavior",
it made her uncomfortable,
and that feeling of uncertainty of you and what to expect she's been dealing with got twice as worse,
And so,
you're met with a:
"Uh, hello? Are you coming in or do you plan on standing there like a fucking crackpot, and stare at me, making yourself look like an absolute moron all day?"
it is not really pleasant,
but it gets the situation to proceed,
much to both of yours relief,
After Loona's words,
you offer an awkward and nervous smile,
and you begin to explain your situation,
that situation being,
that in vampire culture you're not allowed to enter anyone's house if they don't verbally invite you in,
And sure,
you could walk in and not care,
but this is just a cultural thing that all vampires stick to,
with little to no exceptions,
And Loona's reaction?
That's all she can say,
being all dumbfounded,
since out of all the reasons she thought you could give her to your odd behavior,
this explanation was not on the list,
She was expecting some really stupid excuse,
maybe even some kind of perverse one,
or even some dumb and embarrassing pick up line,
but not this,
The reason you give her is not stupid,
it is an actual reason that explains your actions,
and while Loona doesn't understand this cultural thing,
(and maybe she even finds it a little odd),
she respects it,
she doesn't judge you,
doesn't give you shit for it,
she accepts your reasoning without unnecessary nitpicking,
and she properly invites you in,
as properly as she can,
"Well- uh- come on in then, I guess,"
After that interaction,
Loona feels like you might not be the worst kind of guy,
first impressions can often be wrong,
and so,
she's still keeping you at arm's length,
and she's not exactly friendly just yet,
but she's not hostile all that much either,
she's just really indifferent,
You, on the other hand though,
you know what you've agreed on with Blitzø,
and so,
you're quite actively trying to get along with Loona,
which isn't hard since you think she's a really cool girl,
and you genuinely want to get to know her,
And Loona's not exactly rejecting your friendly advances either,
but you still choose your steps carefully,
and you don't rush things,
nor are you too intense,
not wanting to overwhelm Loona,
or make her feel uncomfortable or threatened,
and cause her to pull back and build up her walls again,
during this period the two of you aren't really friends just yet,
but you don't mind co-existing,
and Loona doesn't deliberately leave the room when you come in,
and she actually allows for you to be in the same room as her,
and she lends you one of her ears to listen to you if you feel like talking,
sure, she doesn't give much input,
but she's clearly warming up to you,
And your relationship develops casually,
Loona getting more comfortable with sitting closer to you when you're watching tv together,
or just individually scrolling through social media,
she also starts showing you videos she comes across and finds funny,
or when she joins you on the couch in the living room, she asks what you two watching that day,
at some point she shares her favourite songs with you,
and she also eventually adds you on social media!
It's the little things that give away that you're on the right track in winning Loona over,
And sure,
she still doesn't share much about herself yet,
and she still is only ever half listening when you two are together,
most of her attention being held by her phone,
but you're getting there!
And that fact is proven by one certain incident,
(an incident the two of you now as a couple laugh at and think fondly of),
The two of you like to call it,
The big WGD incident,
Let me explain,
WGD stands for Where Gluttony Dwells,
And what is that?
Well, it's a really popular place to get a take-out from,
one that your friend from class recommended you,
that friend kind of forgot you're a vampire...
or maybe it wasn't really a friend,
and maybe they deliberately recommended you this specific place,
whatever the reason,
and whether the intentions were good or bad,
that friend nearly ended up with their head bitten off by Loona,
Where Gluttony Dwells is a place that really likes to use garlic in their stuff,
like, really,
that place is literally known for their extreme use of garlic,
So yeah,
you can probably tell that this place is not too vampire friendly...
you weren't really aware of that,
trusting your friend,
or friend,
and you ended up getting a takeout from that place,
and Loona nearly had a heart attack,
It went like:
"I got us a takeout,"
"Neat, what place?"
"Where Gluttony Dwells,"
"Hold the fuck up-"
Let me tell you,
Loona's reflexes were never faster,
And you still remember the way Loona nearly broke your arm,
from how harshly she grabbed your arm,
just when you were about to shove a spoonful of the least vampire friendly meal right into your mouth,
The spoon with the meal successfully ended up on the ground,
and while you were dumbfounded,
Loona was yelling at you for being a dumbass,
asking you if you want to get your ass dead,
and many more things you can't even remember from how much stuff she yelled at you,
Back then it sure was one of an experience,
but an experience that brought you two closer,
because a week later,
this whole thing became a funny story you and Loona shared with everyone you knew,
Blitzø, Millie, Moxxie, Stolas, Octavia,
they all got to witness you two having the time of your lives sharing this experience with them,
both of you laughing and bickering,
you teasing Loona for caring,
Loona playfully shooting back and telling you to eat grass,
because she:
"couldn't care less,"
and she:
"just didn't wanna deal with a dead vampire,"
cuz she:
"heard they smell,"
And then you'd both burst out laughing when you'd tell everyone the best part,
of how after Loona stopped freaking out,
you told her garlic doesn't necessarily kill vampires,
that it's more like lactose intolerance,
where vampires just get unpleasant digestive issues after garlic consumption,
and only extreme cases of garlic intolerance can be life threatening to unfortunate vampires,
It was the most warm and genuine moment you two shared back then,
And Blitzø couldn't be happier for Loona,
but that really wasn't where things ended between you and Loona,
because the WGD incident really did push the two of you to the right direction,
And pretty quick,
you and Loona were an inseparable duo,
that kind of duo where it's odd when you see the pair apart,
And, of course,
pretty soon, the inseparable friend duo became an inseparable couple,
The change happened subtly and naturally,
and you and Loona were basically dating for months before actually making it somewhat official,
And your 'making it official' was pretty much Loona sending you a Sinstagram video,
with the caption:
"Which cute animal reminds you of your boyfriend?"
Followed by Loona's message:
"The bat,"
Yeah, that's basically how you two made it official,
But to add more tea,
your following conversation after that message sure was interesting...
"The bat? Really? You know vampires can shapeshift into more than just a bat. Kinda stereotypical of you,"
"Shut up, as if you don't associate me with a wolf or a damn dog just because I'm a hellhound,"
"No, I don't,"
"Oh, really now? Then look at the video again and tell me which animal do I remind you of,"
"Alright, you'll fucking see!"
_ _ _
"It was the fucking wolf, wasn't it?"
"I don't feel comfortable answering that question,"
that's how you pretty much made it official without making it official,
but even after that,
your relationship with Loona didn't change,
You just vibe with each other,
share affections,
create happy memories together,
Yeah, you two are still casual about your relationship,
you're still the inseparable duo everyone knows,
And you two don't really make a big deal out of dating,
yes, you have lots of couple moments,
and you two are romantic with each other here and there,
but you don't really go around, shoving your relationship into other people's faces,
you keep things to yourselves for the most part,
cuz that's what you're comfortable with,
and you feel like what's between the two of you is of no one else's concern,
(I believe Loona isn't much for showing your relationship off to the public and having people stick their noses into it),
(and I also think she doesn't trust the outside world and the people in it enough to let her guard down and give an insight of her actual relationship with you),
(what if someone used you to hurt her?),
And to many people looking on it from the outside,
it would seem like you two are just close friends,
but there are subtle hints not many notice that point out just how close you two are,
For example,
a thing Loona loves to do in the name of showing you affection,
is that whenever you rest your feet up on the coffee table, she always rests her paws on top of your feet,
it's a subtle public display of affection that seems like nothing to others,
but to the two of you it's a really big affectionate gesture,
it's like you two having your own secret language!
Speaking of languages,
Loona's learned some pretty... colourful... vampire vocabulary from you,
Since you live in a completely different world with different culture and everything,
it'd only make sense for you to have some expressions and slang that most people in Hell wouldn't understand,
especially slang vampires your age use,
while Loona doesn't actively learn your language,
she's heard enough stuff from you to adopt to her own vocabulary,
(especially swear words),
and it's quite hilarious and wholesome,
you two often just switch to young vampire slang,
just to confuse people,
and keep them from prying into your conversations,
especially Blitzø-
Blitzø understands some vampire vocabulary,
but only that one your parents would use,
he's lost when you start using vampire slang of your generation,
But even Loona can get lost if you use some extra hard slang,
especially the one she's not come across yet,
and this is one of the reasons why you two don't argue much,
because your speciality is switching to hardcore vampire slang when an argument is close to happening between you and Loona,
not to talk shit about her,
but to annoy her to the point where the situation just turns funny,
your arguments,
(or more like bickering),
don't last long with this tactic,
And Loona acts like she hates this,
but she's secretly grateful that you two calm down before a real fight happens,
and then you talk about stuff without it getting heated,
speaking of your generation,
you've pulled Loona into your culture by introducing her to the vampire humour,
especially the one your generation uses,
giving her context on various memes you've shown her just so that she'd get it,
whether it'd be something a bit political or historical, or some celebrity drama,
for example you showing her a joke with some iconic line young vampires quote daily,
and then explaining that it's a line from some popular vampire reality show,
even showing her the clip to fully pull her in,
And Loona does the same back,
she gets you involved in the culture and humour that's going on in Hell amongst demons your guys' age,
And that creates many inside jokes between the two of you,
especially you involving Loona in your culture has that effect,
since not many Hell's inhabitants care about vampire culture enough to get involved,
so you two quote some vampire joke, getting everyone around you confused,
while you two struggle to hold it together,
Also, another thing!
As stated at the start,
there are many misconceptions about vampires,
You've already explained several stuff people got wrong about vampires to Loona,
but not all,
you've not gotten there just yet,
and it most definitely creates some memorable moments between you two,
For example:
"Wait... You guys don't use your fangs like straws to drink blood?"
"No...? We use them to pierce the skin, and then lick or suck the blood..."
"My whole fucking life is one damn lie,"
Loona needed a moment accepting that one...
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rius-cave · 2 months
Hi, I'm new to this, I do have a question for your prison AU in regards to the other characters like Alastor and Husk, though I don't know if you already answered this or not. Who is in prison, who is NOT in prison, and what are they in prison for? Like from what I see, this is what I predict: Angel Dust is in prison for illegal prostitution(since he most likely was too afraid to rat out Valentino as his pimp he was sent to jail), Husk was arrested for illegal gambling, Alastor was arrested for murder, Niffty arrested for burglary, and Sir Pentious was arrested for smuggling illegal weapons. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm still new to this AU.
Hello! Welcome!
I HAVE indeed gone into this in the past! If you want the long answers, I suggest you check out my tag "prison au" to get up to speed, but I'll give you a TL;DR :)
Most of the male characters are in prison. This is an all male prison, the ladies are still present one way or another, though!
Nifty is the lunch lady, Charlie visits her dad often and is a law student and aspiring defense attorney. Vaggie is a former cop who is now a private detective, helping out Charlie. Sera is the head judge and also mother of Adam (most likely adoptive). Emily is Adam's sister and also a law student. Lute was Adam's protege and next in command until Adam was arrested.
Angel Dust is in prison because of his mafia family. The details aren't ironed out yet, but something along the lines of taking the fall for something gone wrong (think kinda like Moxxie from Helluva Boss). His 'prostitution' only started once he got in prison, much like how Angel only became a pornstar after he died in canon. He met Valentino in prison too.
Husk is indeed arrested for illegal gambling!
Alastor IS a serial murderer, but he's not in prison for that! His crime isn't yet set in stone, but it's something along the lines of illegal radio broadcast of sensitive information or something like that lol
I think I actually haven't talked about Sir Pentious in this AU, but yup! Probably something to do with possession or distribution of illegal weapons and is just a general disruptor of peace lol
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hezuart · 8 months
What do you think of the newly revealed casting in Hazbin Hotel?
So right off the bat, just gonna say replacing all the indie VA's with bigger name broadway stars is a very Vivzie thing to do. It's not Chris Pratt as Mario levels of upsetting, but its still very unfortunate, especially considering that most of the new VA's sound... extremely close to what the previous VA's were going for in the pilot. So the replacement seems a bit sore or unnecessary. I've been told several times by my voice acting friend that this isn't an issue of Union Contracts, but an issue of replacements in favor of more famous talents and burned bridges amongst staff with Viv. Which, you know, if the VAs did undergo unfair treatment of any kind and didn't care leaving the project then kudos to them, but if its not the case for all of them and they were booted off without warning, I'd probably be hurt too.
But I'll be honest in saying Erika, Charlie's new VA is a better singer than the pilot singer. The pilot singer's voice was a little too high pitched, but it could have also been the fast high key song that made it difficult.
Vaggie's VA Stephanie voiced Mirabel from Encanto. Again sounds pretty close to the original VA, just maybe a pinch deeper.
Angel's VA is a bit more nasally and croaky? But only by a little.
Alastor's VA doesn't have as thick of an accent as Bosco gave him, but again, its very subtle. Husk's new VA on the other hand is straight up Keith David. Cat from Coraline and the Witch Doctor from Princess and the Frog. Husk sounded like a deeper more dead inside Rick Sanchez in the pilot but now he's gonna sound like a... suave jazz singer???? which is a very different take on his character.
Niffty's VA Kimiko is straight up Peni from Spiderverse. I think Viv said she imagined Niffty was half Japanese and from the 50s (Japanese Concentration camps ended in 1946??? I feel like that should effect Niffty's history) Her original VA wasn't Japanese, but she was bilingual and was an Japanese exchange student. So one could make the argument, that is to say if Niffty's Japanese heritage is actually going to be legitimately utilized, that Niffty got a new VA to prevent white washing. But I'm not one to representatively speak on a topic like that.
Alex Brightman is already the VA for Fizzarolli from Helluva Boss, so him as Sir Pentious makes sense. But I think Stamper the original VA already had a really good voice for that character. Perfectly quirky and evil.
So really I feel like maybe one or two characters have significant voice changes while the rest sound almost exactly as they did in the pilot. They are indeed very good VA's and singers, I'm excited they got this opportunity and I'm excited to see what they bring to Hazbin. On the other hand I just feel so awful for the indie VA's that got replaced because they're not famous broadway singers.
Like that's kind of the whole point of being Indie? Not being a big, major, famous company? Not having big major famous people?
But well, Hazbin Hotel was sold to A24 so... they're certainly not indie anymore.
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