#Operation Cookie Monster
sauolasa · 1 year
Le polizie di 17 Paesi per "Operation Cookie Monster": arrestati 100 ladri di identità digitale
Spiega la polzia anti-cyber criminale olandese: "Non sono state rubate solo le credenziali delle vittime, ma anche l'impronta digitale online. E questo può significare che tutti dati di una persona, che sono stati rubati, possono essere utilizzati in modo improprio"
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amazingabellini · 9 months
Every Single Thing 621 is Called on Rubicon
Dog Augmented Human C4-621 You 621 Intruder Illegal Enemy AC Merc Corp AC Registration number Rb23 Raven Callsign: Raven Mercenary Corporate Merc Corporate Dog Interloper Military Force Hostile AC Shameless Coral scavenger Independent Mercenary Hunter Sharp A local An Independent A merc who only kills for credits A real merc G13 G13 Raven Kiddo Freelancer Maggot Fake Redgun Tagalong Sewing club member Not a total amateur Not a pro Corporate Vulture Mere pawn Scavenger Hound of Walter Competition Good for nothing Good for something Wretched vulture Unidentified AC Damn Hyena Rotten Money-grubber Corporate scum Enemy backup One of the infamous Walter's hounds Wallclimber War buddies Comrade Buddy Intruder Doser Shameless Corporate Dog Greedy Mercenary Greedy hound Daring A symbol of resolve Only Other Person That Can Keep Up With Me You Again Old Augmentation Recalcitrant Mutt Vermin Pest The Pest of Rubicon Code 15 Raven the Wallclimber Code 31C Solo Independent Mercenary Pitiful Dog Gen 4 Fine hound Another dead dog Older type of Augmented Human Tourist No ordinary tourist Smart Cookie No slouch A cut above the rest Not afraid of anything Belongs in a museum Freak My favorite little Tourist A certain someone New friend The Freelancer from the dam raid Target Walter's Hound Solo AC Independent Merc Trespasser to Rubicon Walking Advertisement Mascot AC of Unknown Affiliation Suspected Corporate Hire Single AC Code 5, Unknown AC Independent Mercenary Assembly That AC Hostile AC Priority Subject for Termination One helluva merc Hired Operative Intruding AC Grunt Famous Mercenary Fine Soldier One Loose End Corpse Quick on the uptake Not like those savages Cur Scoundrel Oathbreaker Just an AC Patchwork AC Better than the other ACs Like a bird in flight Killer Menace to Rubicon Target for Termination Unknown Intruder Intrusion Attempt Menace Volunteer The Objective Just a Gen 4 Strong Worthy of your name False Alarm Impostor Impressive Pilot Wormkiller Threat to Planetary Closure 20 Iguazus A Real Redgun Not so Special Too Dangerous to Keep Around Not Afraid to Die The Only G13 Who's Managed To Live This Long Strong A Threat Dangerous Another Threat to Rubicon Veteran The Mercenary Who Took Your Name Rat Fool The Big One Corporate pawn Rather Extraordinary Gen 4 Augmentation High Level Threat Strong Candidate One of Allmind's The One Rusty was talking about Head in the Clouds Old-Gen Alive Handler's Hound Old Colleague Subject Beast of burden Guest of Honor The Key Smartass Freelancer Wonderful People Demon Miserable Relic Trigger for the Change to come Dog without a shred of intelligence Not worthy of humanity Stray Dog Obstacle Faithful Hound Biggest Threat Legacy Augmentation The Greatest Obstacle The Liberator of Rubicon The only one The Spark of War The Fires that Haunt Rubicon The Monster who Burned the Stars One With Allmind Aberrations to The Plan Trigger for Coral Release Irregular The Old-Gen Who Could Do It All
The Freelancer Who Had It All
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cuppajj · 3 months
Neo Beast Head cannons?
✨Saint Vanilla Cookie
He’s the only one who goes wherever he wants. The other beasts are pretty stationary for the time being, but Saint’s on a mission and he will show up literally anywhere
Still loves animals and thinks they’re incapable of sinning, so they don’t get the purifying touch. It’s why raisin’s crows are still alive
Speaking of raisin, he does miss her but he thinks she’s in a better place. Calls her his martyr and talks about her like she’s still alive
He has tea every morning
It’s unknown where he sleeps when he’s traveling the world
He keeps Crepe’s headset extra clean for the day they meet each other again
❤️‍🔥Dragonberry Cookie
She is still the same old Hollyberry who loves drinking berry juice like there’s no tomorrow. She even brings pints to Neo beast meetings
Even though her pride has given her a massive superiority complex, she still views her family and even Pitaya rather fondly, though it doesn’t prevent the latter from being spared any sort of pain. She sees everything as playful until it’s not
Does frankly miss Tarte Tatin and Royal Margarine even though one or both of them has Snapdragon, who she’s trying to get her hands on
❄️Frigid Cacao Cookie
Rarely speaks but when he does it’s usually to give orders, and half of that time he asks for food
His incense always remains lit
Alongside the cookies left, sometimes the licorice sea monsters that now roam his halls act as his servants. He can also use the licorice ooze to do wacky things like teleport from one place to another
Sometimes he appears in the fog of the snow like an apparition, something you can barely see but know he’s there. It’s one of the rare sightings of him outside
Another thing he does when outside is stare at a frozen Cacaoian. Sometimes he touches the icy surface, maybe kneels. Who knows what he’s thinking?
☀️Celestial Cheese Cookie
A lot of her mannerisms are akin to white diamond from steven universe, she was actually one of the main references I used for her design
She can summon as many golden arms as she wants and they operate on hydra properties. Cutting one will grow two
Despite this, she doesn’t have the legit Midas touch where everything she touches turns to gold, she can be selective. Which is good when she wants to pet jackals
Her growing kingdom is full of converted desert inhabitants and travelers, maybe a handful of townships, and it’s remarkable how she’s been able to grow a lot from nothing. She does get a bit of an inferiority complex when comparing herself to the likes of Dragonberry, but it motivates her to conquer more
🥀Midnight Lily Cookie
She picked up playing the harp after she became queen, and she plays often. The silver fae like to gather around to listen to their queen perform, and her harp can be heard across the kingdom
She’s grown more accustomed to speaking like the silver fae as well at times, her voice songlike despite how neutral it sounds. She’ll sing as she plays the harp as well
Despite being a beast, she’s the least accepting of that name for lack of a better word. She doesn’t see herself as being corrupt, only staying true to her decisions and her sovereignty, what she believes is right for herself and everyone. It just so happens that it enables the bad to do worse, but it’s not her problem anyway.
Her kingdom is still strict to outsiders, probably on the same level as cacao. You might need an invitation inside or risk the silver fae being free to do whatever they wish with you
As I mentioned previously they operate similar to the fae (unseelie in aesthetic) so you don’t want to bother chaotic neutral creatures
The only one allowed without invitation is Saint Vanilla, who has a habit of showing up in her garden to lay among the flowers. Lily can only imagine what he thinks of when he sees her
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frozenjokes · 1 month
mumbo killsalot jumbo kills.. a lot.
Mumbo was a monster.
He’d always been a monster, born- well, Mumbo wasn’t sure if he could say he was born or even created.. He existed to take, wilt, consume. He remembered all of it as well, the beginning of his existence, atoms, sickness, taking until he could grow, change, match to his taste, then take and change all over again.
Mumbo did not used to think or feel. He was not big enough to think, only atoms, all he cared to do was grow.
Innocent enough. With most things, that was the goal.
And then he did grow. From a thing, he became a bigger thing, sharing bigger instincts, bigger thoughts, bigger feelings. But something must have gone wrong, DNA or otherwise getting corrupted, switched around, volatile as it was in the first place; Mumbo knew it was wrong, because he had always, always been cruel.
An animal was not a monster for eating. An animal was not even a monster if she killed more than she could consume; it was instinct to kill, to keep for yourself, to fight and defend and take. All she wanted want to live and grow, and it did not concern her what she had to do to accomplish those things at the most optimal conditions. Animals were brutal. They ate each other alive, sacrificed their young, abandoned their fellows in greatest times of need, but these things were necessary, after all, they had evolved to be this way for a reason.
Mumbo, however, did not operate the same way. He was drawn to brutality, relished in it, invented new methods for terrorizing victims of his assault. He was much like a cat in that way, playing with his food, waiting until the doomed thing was too tired to continue fighting, too fatigued from blood loss to continue struggling before smashing skulls when all hope had drained from its limbs. Hope, that was quite a tool. Hope drew out suffering, made meals out of scraps. Carefully, intricately leading a creature into a false sense of security, letting it move on just long enough to relax, then sending homes and burrows crashing down, snatching it up in his claws and consuming every morsel of dread. Betrayal, too, was delicious. A rabbit did not expect a fellow from her own warren to corner her, snatch her throat and eat her whole, still struggling, still breathing. Mumbo went through phases of engorging himself on whole societies, and when he got bored, finding some place new, starting again, innocent and bloodless.
You might expect his first human kill to be from the body of a monster, creations known for their single minded instinct to kill for the sake of it, but Mumbo did not like monsters for that very reason. They were not social, they did not form attachments, and they cared very little whether they lived or died. They made poor meals, nothing but meat and bones, and while Mumbo craved meat just as much as he craved the drawn out cry of senseless suffering, for some reason, monsters never sated him. Perhaps one without the other was no good; there was no point picking bones without the pleasure of a scream as he crushed them in the first place.
No, the first time he killed a human, he had taken the form of a dog.
Never, ever in Mumbo’s existence had he encountered a creature that freely approached a predator, a wolf nearly its size, snarling and circling and ready to lunge. It was a lucky thing that Mumbo did not mean to attack yet, only to scare; he had been waiting for this human to run so he could begin his chase.
It never did.
It cooed and spoke softly and opened its arms for Mumbo to tear it to pieces, but Mumbo did not, not yet, instead stilling in a state of utter bewilderment. He waited for it to run. It did not. It pulled something from a pocket in its clothes, a cookie it looked like, and threw him a crumb instead. With nothing else to do, Mumbo licked it up. The human took a few steps back, not fearful, but delighted, patting its legs encouragingly and throwing another crumb to the ground, further away this time. Mumbo got to his paws, and soon enough, he was following the human to its home.
This had simply never happened before. Even animals that worked together did not tend to share the same spaces for long, especially not hunters and hunted, so this just did not make any sense! Mumbo had to stay, had to find out more, and what he discovered was that humans, at least this one, grew incredible attachments. Mumbo was not the first animal to be lured to this human’s home; far from it. There were at least fifteen other dogs kept together in a fenced in area outside, one they could easily jump if they so chose, but this was not the case. Mumbo was stunned at how much care the human afforded him and the others over the following week, how it brought them all meat, bones, anything a typical dog could want, which seemed to sate the others, uninterested in killing the human when it provided so much meat. They did not care to hunt anymore, not when their needs were met.
Mumbo had been utterly baffled. How could a creature lose the will to hunt, choosing instead to whine and beg at the hands of another? Mumbo tried it, out of curiosity more than anything. Would he too prefer this? The answer after two weeks was a definitive no. So after coming to this conclusion, officially ready to consume and become the human that had nurtured him for the past weeks, Mumbo killed all of its dogs. Put simply, he just wanted to know what would happen. What the human would do, say, if it would even care. Despite seeing its attachments firsthand, Mumbo didn’t really expect it to. He’d never seen anything keep pets before, he did not know why resources would be allocated for such a task. So when the human left for the day, Mumbo systematically tore the garden apart, killing and consuming each and every dog, leaving nothing but the stains of their blood in the grass.
Mumbo sensed unease when the human worked its way up the bend, hearing no howling and barking and whining.
And then, stronger than Mumbo had ever felt anything in his entire existence, he felt the human’s deep, pulsing, utterly overwhelming distress, so powerful it nearly knocked Mumbo off his feet. He was drowning in its grief, its anguish, it filled every sense, danced across his skin like electricity, set every single one of his hairs on end, bled out of his ears, mouth, and nose.
And then it saw him, white fur stained just as red as the grass. It screamed. It ran. Had it seen death in his eyes? Had it known? Mumbo had yet to decide if this magnitude of emotional gluttony was a good or bad thing when he gave chase. Smashing through the slammed door, scrabbling on the hardwood floor, snapping at the feet of the human as it tripped on the stairs, just barely squeaking away, but not for long. Mumbo tore it clean in half in its own bedroom, soaking the sheets. And then he started to change.
And then, taking on a complexity he’d never come close to experiencing, he began to scream. It was so much, too much, advanced versions of emotions he’d never dreamed he could feel in his entire existence. Even the new intricacy of his thoughts was utterly too much; he felt guilt and longing and loneliness and ambition and disgust and shame; how miserable it was to be human, thinking and feeling so strongly all of the time. He couldn’t do it, he needed to escape, so he changed to an existence with no brain, with hardly anything at all. He let himself float, particles in the soil. Back to one goal, simply, to grow. So small, so meaningless, he couldn’t even think to be cruel.
But the taste of humanity was still on his lips, as soon as he’d grown enough to remember it. As frightening, as terrible as it was to be human, to eat a human; as overwhelming and as all consuming that it was, soon, taking another human life was all Mumbo could think about.
So he did. He did it again and again, ravenous, until no other prey would suit him. No other creature made him bleed this pleasure, no other being sated him so completely.
Well.. not completely. No. Mumbo would always want more.
It was a long time before he was brave enough to become human again. More years until he tried a third time, and again, years until a fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh attempt. When the human existence was so painful, Mumbo didn’t even know why he wanted to experience it, but regardless, he could hold the form for longer and longer each time, growing stronger, learning more, even in the face of his inevitable collapse. Soon, after over a hundred tries, he’d managed to speak to his first person as a human himself, but he did not last much longer before taking their life.
It had been a swift, near painless ordeal. There had been no suffering. And yet.
The emotion, the raw energy released from his own heart at killing one of his kind, at the horrified screams and bouts of terror from onlookers; Mumbo couldn’t even finish the meal. Couldn’t even eat the meat.
After that, it was a countless number of days, months, years even, before he could bear to touch a human form again. He still took great pleasure in killing them, though he always used less intelligent forms to do this work. These, perhaps, were his most gluttonous days, drowning himself in dread and terror, taking until he could not stand to take any longer, eating until he could not move. Death, at least for humans, was not permanent here, so sometimes Mumbo would delight himself in stalking the same human over and over, watching its terror grow until it disappeared altogether, leaving only the ruins of unfinished homes. Mumbo always wondered where they went. If they only had so many lives before never returning, or if they were in hiding, somehow beyond his reach.
That curiosity was what pushed him to try being human again. Not hunger. Not gluttony. This time, getting to know the people of this world was not a matter of preparing a meal, but a matter of knowledge. Of learning. The emotion and the attachments it wrought were frightening, but with a little time, became less overwhelming. He did not like them still, could not hold a human form for very long, but it was worth it for the pursuit of knowledge.
And that was when Mumbo learned he could leave. That there were other places, other worlds, and his existence had only started in one of them.
Later, Mumbo learned others had limits on where they could or couldn’t go. Mumbo did not have these same restrictions; in fact, he could go wherever he wanted and no one could stop him, keep him out, and very rarely could he be overpowered.
He liked small servers. Stalking the residents as vicious beasts, taking their fear, their lives, until they stopped coming back. He entertained himself with this for a while, and all was well, that is, until he’d driven every person from the server he currently resided and had to find somewhere new.
To move from place to place, Mumbo had to take a ‘player’ form, an important distinction, because soon it became quite apparent that he was not the only inhuman being taking residence in these infinite series of planes. Regardless, typically he needed to take a human-esc form to travel, which wouldn’t be an issue if he didn’t have to face the magnitude of what he had done every single time.
As boars, bulls, and rams, Mumbo did not care for humanity. He did not feel guilt or shame, he did not fight the insatiable shadow that pulled him to consume, he simply did as he pleased, unthinking, rarely feeling. When he was human, he cared. The human did not like the shadow of cruel desire that stuck to the soles of his shoes, but human did not want to move on to the next world, the human did not want this to happen again. The human did not want this to happen, because it knew at the end of every meal it would have to face the regret caused by its shadow’s disregard.
But the human was still hungry. It still shared the cravings of its shadow, however, in an act of defiance, upon arriving in each new world, the human would linger. The human would build, work, make friends, and play games, and it would not eat to spite its shadow. But its shadow did not play fair or nice. Its shadow carved holes in its stomach, played tricks on its eyes, spoke of sweet horrors that would relieve its pain, if only it were to give in.
Physically, starvation did not make Mumbo any weaker. Even while living off scraps for years, Mumbo never succumbed to hunger-related deaths, though perhaps that was because his mind deteriorated far faster than his health.
To his mind, he always succumbed. Even worse, he relished the feeling. Mumbo the human would disappear, replaced by whatever predator suited him. He would feast. He would drive them all away. And then when it was all over, he’d be forced to reckon with it. The things he’d done to people he called friends. And he’d have to move on, because there was no more food that satisfied him. He’d have to move on, knowing it would happen again.
Often, he wondered if he would ever feel full. Feel sated. It was a fleeting hope that this would all end, Mumbo knew it well, but still his mind wandered. The closest he’d come to fullness was murdering that human in his own human body, but even then, that was more akin to nausea, though some days, he wanted to experiment. To see what would happen if he tried again.
But Mumbo couldn’t. He didn’t want to do that again. If anything, he deserved to starve for the things he’d done to ease the hunger, retreating to the peace of minds unburdened by this severe and overwhelming shame.
But he would not stop. He would not even return to the torture of animals; he couldn’t, not unless he returned himself to atoms, slowly working his way through growth and evolution until he could think again, remember, change back to bears and wolves and bulls, creatures big enough to hunt and terrorize the people at the center of his want. The only meals that felt enough, or, well, as close as enough as Mumbo could get. In the case of animals, he had no choice but to chase the better meal.
But what about as a human?
Mumbo could choose more easily as a human, he could decide not to kill, not to eat, but he’d never quite tried to only consume animals.
Humans ate animals all the time, it was not wrong. Mumbo knew very little about how he attained this information, the difference between right and wrong, but these sorts of things came with all changes, helping him discern social cues. But humans ate animals. So Mumbo could eat animals too. He could make them fear him, chase them, and it would have to be enough, though if it wasn’t, he deserved to feel empty, dead, justice for the lives he’d disrupted, driven from their homes.
Hermitcraft was the longest he’d managed to hold this habit. Mumbo had not been invited here; he never was, but the inhabitants seemed to forget this after a while, not that they could do anything about it. This was the place Mumbo had chosen; a small server compared to many, but something beautiful, something he took a great liking to while scouting it out. He enjoyed the community, friends, all of it, but there was a comfortable distance as well, one that would allow Mumbo to get up to whatever he wanted with little interference.
Though, the more time passed, year to year, Mumbo was more and more aware he was not the only person around with peculiar habits, particularly, gruesome and/or unsavory habits, which was as much of a relief as it could have been. It made Mumbo a little more comfortable, though no less careful.
He would not have anyone believe he was anything less than human. He would not let them know what he wanted with them, desires almost as overwhelming as the blast of feeling he’d been hit with on his first human kill.
It was a terrifying kind of intensity. Mumbo wasn’t sure how much longer he would last here. Rapidly, it felt like he had been slipping. Inhuman hunts just weren’t enough. But it was fine. It was fine. If he needed to escape to another world, he would, just like he’d done in the last two years. He tried not to think about how little time had passed since then, since his hiatus; how quickly the ache of starvation had returned. His shadow didn’t want other worlds. It wanted this one.
Maybe Mumbo could do it at the end of the season. Maybe once they were all ready to move on anyway, that’s when he could take everything he needed, then move on to new worlds and do it all over again.
(But he was starving now, he wanted to consume the world now, and it hadn’t even existed for that long; he’d have to wait months, maybe over a year, and every day he felt his resolve dwindling.)
(Would he start with Grian first? Take his closest friend, revel in this betrayal of trust? It was not that Grian would know it was Mumbo who was stalking him, Mumbo who took the form of any predator best suited for the job, but deep at the back of his mind, Mumbo would know, and he would take great pleasure in it.)
(Or maybe Grian would know. It would not be the first time a past friend had connected Mumbo’s disappearance with the monsters at their backs, gouging, tearing, delighting in their spilled blood.)
(Mumbo hoped Grian would recognize him. He loved when victims called his name.)
The thought left a pit in his stomach. He didn’t want this. He didn’t want to go. But he did. He needed to. But he wouldn’t, not yet, and for all his fear of collapsing to the whims of his shadow, Mumbo did not lack control. Mumbo was not possessed, he was just hungry. He could grow up and deal with it. He would not touch a hair on anyone heres’ heads, at least not with his own hands. He’d certainly slipped a couple times in the eighth season, a little in the ninth even, but never directly. His fingers would never touch anyone elses’ throats.
And no one would ever know.
“Hello, Mumbo!” Someone’s voice came from above him where Mumbo was stewing over his own starvation, in a truly foul mood, though he didn’t intend on letting anyone else know that. He looked up, and despite his mood he laughed, staring up as Cub floated slowly down on his elytra, so slow he was hardly falling. Cub was not a person Mumbo often talked with, both of them airing on the shier side, not to mention somewhat conflicting personalities. Cub was the kind of person who was very free with his desires, even the unsavory ones, dismissing inhibitions and indulging whenever he saw fit, which was enough to set the hairs on the back of Mumbo’s neck on end. In fairness, Scar was the same way, but he was warmer, easier to talk to, and if Mumbo was being honest, sought Mumbo out more than Mumbo went to him. But as passing friends, he and Cub got on fine, neither of them missing the other if they didn’t talk for months at a time.
“What’s happened to you, mate? You get stuck up there?”
“No, no! This is the new thing, Mumbo, the new trend. Everyone’s doing it.”
Mumbo snorted, skeptical, “You’re the first person I’ve seen.”
“It’s a new trend, Mumbo, new. You’d best jump on it before it really picks up, you’ll be in with the coolest hermits around.”
“Ah. I understand.”
Cub smirked, raising an eyebrow as he pretended to miss Mumbo’s sarcasm, “Well then, I just so happen to have a shulker right here full of potions, even a spare elytra if you need it. Free of charge.”
Mumbo shook his head with a small laugh disguised poorly as a sigh, “No, I think I’m okay. Are you visiting everyone like this? Good luck with your trendsetting if that’s the case.”
“Oh, no, I’m not here to- one- give it a second-“ Cub waited until he hit the ground, still laying face down for some reason (if the purpose of face planting in the grass was to make Mumbo laugh, Cub had certainly succeeded), then getting to his knees and brushing off his khakis.
Mumbo clapped, amused, and Cub acknowledged him with a pleased nod, straightening up.
“Scar and I are about to tear each other to shreds and eat the pieces afterward, but he played dirty last time, and the winner- who kills the other first- gets a better share, so I thought I might invite you, really catch him off guard. You can share the winnings of course, I’m less about the prize and more about seeing Scar’s face when he realizes he’s outnumbered.”
Mumbo blanched.
There was no reason for Cub to be here, asking him this. Mumbo was human, as far as Cub knew Mumbo was human, and this was- this wasn’t-
Mumbo swallowed his anger, or maybe dread. He didn’t have to be rude about this. He knew well that Cub and Scar got up to all sorts of.. vex.. shenanigans.. and this was part of it. Cub knew Mumbo was friends with Scar, and he certainly knew that Grian and him were close, so given they were all working together in the permit office, well- Mumbo didn’t really know, maybe Cub just wanted to get to know him. Extend a vex offering of friendship.
Cub didn’t seem to care about the long silence, staring at Mumbo just as eagerly as he had been the moment he’d extended the invitation.
“That sounds unfair.” Mumbo tried, hoping to let Cub down easy.
“That doesn’t bother me,” Cub replied evenly, no less eager.
“Well I wouldn’t want to do that to poor Scar, no, I don’t think so. I couldn’t bring myself to do it.”
“No?” Cub cocked his head, maybe curious, or maybe amused, “He’s not so innocent.”
Suddenly, perhaps brought on by a wave of hunger induced nausea, Mumbo no longer wanted to dance about the issue. “I don’t eat people, Cub,” he said firmly, anger or maybe fear spiking under his skin, his shadow screaming in protest, but he ignored it.
“You don’t?”
Mumbo was having a lot of trouble telling if the question was genuine or if Cub was just pretending. There was a little too much intention under his voice, which Mumbo took as a threat.
“I don’t.”
“Well you could just help me kill him?”
“I don’t kill people either.”
“That’s not true. We all kill each other.” Cub did sound genuine this time, confusion so clear that it made Mumbo feel guilty for assuming malintention, but at the same time, this was really a conversation he didn’t want to have.
“I don’t, Cub. I don’t.”
“Do you want to watch, then?”
Mumbo struggled not to be frustrated, but he was fighting a losing battle. “No, Cub! I do not want to watch. I want nothing to do with this.”
Cub deflated at that, quieting to the point where Mumbo almost felt bad, but he didn’t feel bad, because Cub was being ridiculous and honestly quite rude, and for goodness’s sake Mumbo did not want to have any part in this!
“Well,” Cub said finally, shrugging off his dejection, “You know where to find me.” His elytra flicked to life on his back, Cub producing rockets as he turned to leave. But he lingered, as if waiting for something. Mumbo did not say goodbye. He did not ‘know where to find Cub,’ nor would he want to find Cub in the near future for any reason.
Cub flew off.
Mumbo watched. Ah right. He’d been planning some landscaping before he’d gotten distracted in the spiral of his own mind, hm.. maybe he could ask Scar for some advice?
No. Not Scar. Not now. Mumbo would wait, at least a day to be sure. Maybe a couple days. Just to be safe.
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randomfandommaddness · 4 months
Silent Salt is the Founder of the St. Pastry Order Conspiracy
Solidarity- unity of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common goal, interest, or BELIEF.
Freedom- The power of choice in actions, thoughts, words without hinderance. - Alternatively, the option to choose the greater good for one's self, and/or for another's sake.
Silence- The restriction of actions and words, and the total control of thoughts. Complete obedience even if the actions are wrong. Tyranny.
Three Updates foreshadow the connection:
1 - The First Tower of Sweet Chaos Update
A- Aesthetics:
- The Backdrop Color scheme for the church Matches Silent Salt's color pallet
- The Shadow sister's order is the closest we get to matching outfits
- Silent's current clothes look torn, but their former attire appears to contain a lace-like fabric (Similar to the pastry order's robes) * There appears to be no imagry of Silent anywhere in to order's church. There are three potential reasons for this:
1- Silent DOES appear, but their helmet is removed (They are the praying cookies at the edges)
2- Silent HAD imagery that was removed after their imprisonment. (Reputation is important for religious groups or cults. Heretic imagery is heavily condemned.)
3- Silent REQUESTED no imagery of them to be made and they operated in the shadows of the order. (Most likely)
B- Beliefs:
* The order worships the witches, And Silent was personally baked by them, so... This could be a case of abusing a belief for the sake of control. We have absolutely no idea what the witches would have wanted, but the order's actions actually don't align with the witches. If they did want what the order is preaching, then Silent Salt WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN LOCKED UP. This actually makes the whole Order built on literal pillars of salt. If the truth got out about the founder, then no one would be fooled by it. Cookies with morals would leave enemas forcing the Order's leaders to crack down on rebellion.
* The order believes that cakes and monsters don't have a place in the world (Similar to medieval beliefs that were influenced by Christianity- Beautiful= Good, Ugly=Bad)
- By the destruction of "The World's Order" Pastry was probably referring to the perseverance of cakes and other desserts (Notice how we don't see anything other than cookies in the order proper)
- This is backed up by Red Velvet, saying "And when you meet your Godly creators, ask them. Ask them about your precious 'Order' that decrees pretty Cookies to live, and forsaken, burnt Cakes to be SLAIN!"
- The weapons of the order are specifically made to purge monsters.
* There is LITERALLY a Book of Salt in their Bible's Equivalence, the Quote "...may thy will guide the fork of your humble servant" is an example. (Of course there are more books, like the Books of Butter and Flour, but Salt being mentioned is suspicious.)
C- The Cake Tower Itself:
-According to the Order, and the cookies of darkness, the first cookies were baked in the tower. As for whether or not the five beasts were baked here is up for debate. But it is possible that they were.
-White Lily being involved with the tower and the witch's banquet in of itself is proof that the order connects back to Silent Salt. White Lily becomes Dark Enchantress Cookie by being re-baked. Did anyone ever make the connection to Dark Enchantress having a very demonic design? The very thing someone like the Order would oppose.
It's not just the design though... It's also her goal! Dark Enchantress seeks to overthrow the witches and recreate the world in her image. And destroying the world that the pastry order protects is absolutely against the order's code. With the Order worshipping the witches, Enchantress is obviously their enemy. But the order is also bad for its own reasons.
If Silent Salt did found the St Pastry Order, then it has been around for a very long time. Long enough to shape the cookie world. Just as Christianity shaped Medieval Europe, The Pastry Order shaped the land of Earth Bread. Even without Silent Salt at the helm, their order is carrying on their wishes. As for their wishes, it's to ensure that cookie kind flourishes, while other desserts are deserted. And there's more...
2 - Cookie Run Odyssey (Where things get dark :D)
A- Asthetics (They're getting more convincing)
- The Cookies in black masks are the closest design to Silent by far - Why the masks guys? Something to hide? (Or someone they're referring to?)
- The weapons all carry a very refined astetic, and also a fork symbol.(Silent's soul jam kinda resembles a fork too. Huh)
- The very presence of the missionaries in the Creme Republic. (Silent's design could be a reference to the Templars from the crusades)
B- Beleifs (They carry the ones above here, but lets add some more salt.)
* The Order Believes that Cookies were made to be eaten (White Lily learned that the hard way)
- The first cookies ran away from their creators (They could be referring to the beasts, but that may not be the case)
- The witches are waiting for the cookies to return (So they can fulfill their purpose of desserts)
- Elder Mille-Feuille Stated "The First Oven will open, and all will become one." This could be referring to the baking and consumption of cookies.
C- Goals and Motives shown in the Odyssey
1- They are after the soul jams. As for why, they say that combining the soul jams together will summon the witches. While we don't know if that is true, it may be possible... But I think that the real reason that they want the soul jam is that it was Silent Salt's final order before they were imprisoned. That way, the order could free both them and the other beasts and restore their power. (Of course, they can't say that that would be selfish!)
2- They are NOT working for or with Dark Enchantress Cookie. We do fight the Order in Odyssey, but during the Final battles, they are nowhere to be seen.
3- The order is trying to convert as many cookies to their cause as possible. Since the youth are impressionable, that's a good place to start. Preaching to the desperate is also a good tactic if they wanna get followers. (Yeesh, they're more like a cult than a church. At least the church is optional!)
3 - White Lily's Beast Yeast Update (Trust me, this update is important)
It is within this update where we get introduced to Silent Salt properly, along with the rest of the beasts. We notice that certain areas of Beast Yeast refer to the five. In the Land of Silence- the Salt Flatlands we see a giant cross on the map. A GIANT CROSS. Yep. Defidenty guilty.
Within this update, we are introduced to our first beast Shadow Milk Cookie, Pure Vanilla's polar opposite. Oddly though, Shadow also has a rivalry with White Lily due to Elder Faerie Cookie leaving her the post as Guardian of the Tree. I always thought it was weird that Shadow would target another ancient hero that isn't Pure Vanilla Cookie... Until we consider Silent Salt's stake in all of this. What if this isn't meant to be a three-way fight, but a four-way?
Silent Salt Vs Pure Vanilla Cookie. How would that play out? Let's start with the very fun possibility of exposing the St. Pastry Order as frauds. After all! Pure Vanilla cookie holds the light of truth, so letting such a harmful and dangerous lie run its rounds unchecked would be against what he stands for! Moreover, having Silent Salt paint Pure Vanilla as a heretic would be very in character for them. Pure Vanilla was inspired by Jesus Christ, Who was persecuted Himself! Oh wait... Does this mean that Silent Salt is going to successfully kill Pure Vanilla Cookie?
The Themes of Solidarity, Freedom, Tyranny, Deceit and Truth. Solidarity is defined as unity. It is a special force that the individual can connect too but is also felt by multiple people. I imagine that the original source of the soul jams power is derived from its core aspect:
- Imagination and curiosity are the source of the power of Knowledge
- Will power and motivation are the source of the power of Volition
- Interest is the source for the power of Love
- Action is the source for the power of Change
- Unity is the source for the power of Solidarity
Now, just as the original soul jam before it was split, the power is still fueled by its aspects, but instead the conditions are a little more specific: - Delusion powers Deceit, while Acceptance powers Truth - Lack of will powers Apathy, while strong will powers Resolution - Lack of Care powers Laziness, while immense care powers Passion - Desires for Carnage power destruction, while Desires for Worth Power Creation - Absolute submission powers Silence, While Individuality Powers Freedom.
Now unlike most powers, Solidarity is powered by a group of cookies with a common goal and a feeling and sense of unity. In order for that power to be strong, the connection they share must be strong. Kinda hard to do when everyone believes in completely different things... But what if they didn't? What if all the cookies believed in the same thing strongly? Then the power would flow like the salt in the seas!
However, in order to have a strong belief, you would need a very solid idea. An idea so important that it would be impossible to ignore, doubt, or question... an idea like your makers. Worshipping your creators, creating an empathetic narrative around them... Making it easy to get both mentally and emotionally attached to them, and most importantly: being able to connect to others who do so as well.
It's why the order deems anyone who isn't a cookie as blasphemes. Cookies are a dime a dozen on Earth Bread. But they are also capable of thinking and common sense. Why else was no other dessert chosen to potentially become the order? Other creatures aren't as bright as cookies. And for that reason, cookies are able to be saved, while other desserts are a heresy! Hence why they have to be purged.
If all creatures of Earth Bread share a likeness in the form of cookies, then they have more in common, making it easier to connect with another cookie instead of a cupcake.
When it comes to Silence itself, we are talking about Tryranny. The complete restriction of words and actions. It's all about complete control, even if it's against the will of the victims. ESPECIALLY if it means doing something that will hurt another person. Being constricted isn't going to last forever, and almost always ends in disaster.
Of course, being deemed a "holy being" meant to pass judgement in the name of their creators lets you get away with some messed up stuff. How do you know if they are acting for the cause, or for their own interests? You can't tell, and that's the whole point. Silent Salt is using a so called "Holy Cause" as an excuse to do horrible things to other cookies and desserts. Namely:
- Making everyone believe in a suicidal ideology (.... What do you even call this? Brainwashing?)
- Deeming any critics as Heretics and killing them (Assassination/Murder)
- Using everyone's impressions as a source of power and control (Abuse on a wide scale)
- Going against the witches, all while claiming to work in their name (The worst evil in the world: Hypocrisy)
- Using the set of beliefs that controls everyone to cut down innocent creatures who did nothing wrong. (Mass Genocide)
- Tricking others into killing for the cause as well (They're still guity, but it's not entirely on their heads)
- He probably turned families against each other as well! Mainly over beliefs. (I... I have no words for this. It's too horrible to even imagine.)
Yes. The list of crimes for this cookie is long. I wouldn't even be surprised if they were the evilest of the Beasts.
Now for the million dollar question: How do you beat Silent Salt cookie?
Well, their power comes from unity under their constrictive control, and that control comes from the strong beliefs in the orders followers. So, the only way to beat them, would be to turn everyone against them. More specifically, dividing the order, and getting them to disband somehow. The number one way to do this is by exposing the order to the truth. And it's no stretch to believe that Pure Vanilla himself will be involved with this part.
Just as White Lily beat Shadow Milk with the power of free will (She chose her own option over the two options Shadow gave her), Pure Vanilla is going to use the truth and expose the Pastry order, having them turn on themselves in disarray. With infights and zero control, Beating Silent Salt is just a matter of skill. Of course, you'd have to be pretty convincing to go up against the order's core beliefs. So, what if Pure Vanilla bought the witches into the picture? It would be cool if he could find out the real reason why the cookies were baked the way that they were. Though I'd imagine that Silent would actually turn the order against him at first, get Vanilla killed, then the witches would re-bake pure vanilla cookie in front of the order. That would be super cool! :D
Also, I forgot to add that the St. Pastry Order will probably invade the Fairy Kingdom. Just as Christianity Settled in northern Europe.
Where Silent Salt Is Sown
Living Things can't be Grown.
Small Note: There may be more that I forgot. Feel free to add to the list!
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dduane · 1 year
I've been following the fanfic & author discussion and I definitely see the issue with fanfic based on your own work. However, I'm curious how that doesn't extend to, well, everything else. If an author reads a coffeeshop AU based on their works and then writes something similar into a book, how is that different from reading a coffeeshop AU from a completely different media and then writing something similar with the names changed to their characters?
At the fanfic level, for me, it does extend to everything else. Let me tease this out a bit for you.
All writers distill their output at least partly from huge amounts of data, fed into their storymaking systems over (routinely) decades of time. When that input comes along in the form of traditionally "published" material—books or films or comics or whatever—I’d expect there to be an inherent understanding that what one publishes or films may (if you're lucky) wind up in the public consciousness. And thereafter—assimilated and, ideally, much changed and individualized—it may also end up in the work of people who create in the same general way you do.
Where traditionally published materials that I've internalized are involved, I've paid for them (or libraries or similar institutions have paid for them for me). Money''s changed hands, confirming (as it were) the contract between the creators and me. After that, what I make of Paradise Lost or Perelandra is my business.
And my business, both generally and specifically, is subversion. It's a rare work in any genre that doesn't afterwards leave me wondering "But how about if this was done completely differently...?" I.e., "What if a prince rescued a prince?" "What if you don't need a school to learn magic, because the universe teaches you?" And so on. ...The only hard and fast rule I have about this process is one that Heinlein handed me: "Sure, file the serial numbers off that idea and make something else of it. But you have to leave it different, and ideally better, than when you found it. If you're going to be the magpie who makes off with a pretty shiny thing, you must bring back something bigger and shinier in return."
So that's how that operation goes, when I'm dealing with what we might consider mainstream/tradpub works.
But fanfic operates under different rules. No money changes hands (because no money may). Fic writing is founded in a gift economy. And for me, to steal a gift or steal from a gift-giver is vile.
So, per the original question: For me, the primary difference between the two kinds of fics you're positing above is that in the first case, the fic's author and I are (creatively speaking) in a relationship... even if (strictly speaking) it's a nonconsensual one. I therefore feel a responsibility to protect their work from me by not allowing myself into situations where I might, however accidentally, borrow from it. And I also feel a responsibility to protect myself from possible adverse consequences of having seen their work. Safest way to ensure that protection on both sides? Not to see their work.
In the second case, let's say we've got a coffeeshop AU where, oh, I don't know, Bert is a barista and Ernie is a regular customer. (And Big Bird is the manager, and Cookie Monster is—no no, let's STOP this now...) Here it's safe to say that my relationship with either the IP owner* or the fic writer is likely to be nil. The writer doesn't know about me, or (I'm sure) care. They've put their stuff out there on AO3 or wherever for their own reasons, and at least theoretically for others' entertainment. So I'm at liberty to take it as such.
Which is all very well on the face of it. But if I caught myself inserting business from that Bert/Ernie AU fic into something of mine, what I'd consider the right thing for me to do would be to discard that whole line of thought and start over... because this is material sourced in a gift economy, and to me it feels wrong to use a gift this way.
And stressing this point: I'd do that once I'd caught myself. Because as I mentioned at the start of this, all writers pick up and digest concepts and situations that then go "into the pot", as Tolkien said, and get lost over time in the general melange of flavor. If I don't catch myself, and then the flavor of the original gets submerged in the overall taste of the soup to the point where I can't ID it... that could get troublesome. And if I later realize what's happened, it'll pain me no end.
This is why I do not want to see Young Wizards fanfic at all. The chance always exists that if I do look at any of it, I might accidentally internalize it and pop it out, however changed, years later... and would thereby have abused my relationship with the fic writer. (And yes, ever though they would by definition be in that relationship with me nonconsensually, that would not make it right, or all right, for me to do the same thing back to them.) In this regard, I'd sooner be safe than sorry... because being sorry about something you've written is a very sad, bitter place to be.
...Maybe all the above will strike some people as unusually rigorous. (shrug) That doesn't bother me; not least because they don't have to live inside my head, and I do. My creative life doesn't have a billion rules, but this is one that seems obvious to me, and which I do my best not to violate. It's not all about legal exposure. It's about trying to do right.
*It's surprising how many potential scenarios I had to throw out just now because I am in relationships with the IP owners, or have been. Pity. The Cap/Bucky one would have been fun...) :)
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sirenologyyy · 1 year
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ao'nung x fem!sully reader
✷ premise : as tensions rise and your family is forced out of the only home you've ever known, fish boy meets forest girl and the rest is history (tragedy)
✷ warnings : kidnapping, swearing, injury, blood, violence, and death
✷ author's note : I've recently just fell down the ao'nung rabbit hole and holy fuck am I enjoying myself so I decided to write an ao'nung fic to feed my delusions further! also, some italicised paragraphs are flashbacks, I didn't italicise some of the dialogue in between them since I had to give some of the words some emphasis.
part 1 of the SOLD OUT OF LOVE series
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Jake never took a strong liking to your mother when they were still humans, if Grace Augustine was snappy, foul-mouthed, and a know-it-all then your mother was somehow every derogatory word in the English language. Jake and her would lock horns almost everytime they spoke, and if you knew how much fights Grace and Jake got into you can double that number and then you'd have the rough estimate of Jake and your mother's daily rows.
But somehow despite all that, Jake knew what lengths he'd go to just to protect your mother, Bettina "Betty" Chacon, a xenoanthropologist who was sent to Pandora two decades after Grace to further study about the natives, the Na'vi, the environment around them, and the complexity of this symbiotic relationship between their God, Eywa.
Unlike Jake and a few selected others who were granted the permission by the RDA to have Avatar bodies, your mother chose to learn about the Natives the hard way, by exopack, even if Norm and Max built her one and was ready at her disposal, she still opted against using it and said she'd rather be caught dead than having to walk around the forest like skinless cookie monster.
After the Sky People had been defeated and Grace Augustine's demise, the humans left Pandora and were sent back to Earth. There were a few who stayed, loyal to the Na'vi like Norm, and Max, some who were too young to even travel in a cryochamber like Spider who was a curly haired devil zipping around camp, and your mother who couldn't travel back to Earth because she was carrying you.
She had fooled around after her Grace and her older sister Trudy's death, drank, slept with other scientists, soldiers, threw herself in her work, never slept, never ate, always drinking, drinking, drinking, because she feared of what may come when she finally stopped and stood still and let the feelings wash over her like she had been barricading the floodgates this entire time, fearing she wasn't strong enough and that the gates would break open and she'd be caught up in a maelstrom.
She'd finally singed her liver, was what Jake always said when he'd come home to Neytiri after spending an afternoon at the lab, checking up on Betty making sure she was taking care of herself and that he didn't have to skewer Max and Norm like a shish kebab as he thought he would. Alongside Neteyam his budding archer, Kiri his compassionate little girl, and he had to worry about an ex-alcoholic scientist friend of his with a baby on the way.
Still though, it was too quick. How she was just taking a shower and started seizing in the bathroom, how her brain started hemorrhaging as they placed her onto the operating table, her vitals worsening by the second. They were forced to deliver you, even if you weren't ready to come out yet. Jake barely made it, able to hear Betty's last words, how she was with Grace, with Eywa, to take care of you, and tell you to keep going even if the world tells you stand down, to never give a fuck about anyone who made you feel less of yourself, that you were Betty Chacon's kid, and nothing could ever change that.
With one last push your screams rang out, and your mother forever silenced.
Your mother never decided on a name, didn't even want to find out if you were a girl or a boy so Jake chose your name in her stead, Neytiri wasn't fond of it, so she took it upon herself to give you a better name, a Na'vi name. Funnily enough, the second time that day, for a few hours earlier she had given birth to a child as well, a boy, whom they named Lo'ak.
Despite that, you grew up in the lab with Norm, Max, and Spider who was just a couple years older than you and made sure you remembered it. Unlike Spider though, you get winded down easily, which is why he wins all the races, he couldn't even break a sweat from chasing you and tagging you, and in hide and seek you always get found first because he'd be finished counting and you'd still be looking for a place to hide.
"You're doing that on purpose" You called out, narrowing your eyes at your older sister, Kiri who kept sticking her ikran closer to yours. Your ikran Hína, squawking in indignation and swaying to the side.
"Doing what?" She wonders, almost clueless.
You click your tongue against the roof of your mouth. "You're drifting, if you piss off my ikran i'm going to chop your tail off"
She laughs at you. "I'd like to see you try, you skxawng"
Suddenly, Neteyam appears in between the both of you, your ikrans making way. "guys, respectfully, can you two shut up?"
You see Kiri rolling her eyes. "Go mind your own business, jack off"
This makes you snort, watching as Neteyam turns his head towards you. "Yeah, piss off posterboy"
He winces sardonically. "It's really hard not to, seeing as all I can hear from the front is you two yapping"
"We'll keep it down then" You compromised.
"Thank you " says Neteyam, shaking his head finally moving away leaving you and Kiri alone.
As a child it was infuriating to have everyone around you treat you like you were fragile cargo, they still kept on the baby proofing they installed since Spider was born, only doubling it when they realized how a little bruise could swell up and cause you unease and discomfort, if you started sniffling and coughing out of nowhere it meant 2 weeks rest and Neteyam, Kiri, Lo'ak, and Spider couldn't bring you outside, they made the most out of it though, you taught them how to play Uno, as three 6-feet tall tweens force themselves to fit inside your cube sized room.
Due to lack of sunlight your skin would start to turn sallow, you were lanky, every cut bled out abnormally fast, they tested you for hemophilia but when the tests came back you were in the all clear, no hemophilia, no leukemia, no anemia either. They didn't know what was wrong with you.
They traced it to your birth, since your fetus had been placed under a lot of stress from your mother's premature labour and her brain aneurysm it had a lasting effect on you.
You remember how when you were 8 though, you had all snuck out mere minutes before eclipse because Lo'ak and Spider kept bragging about this secret spot in the forest that had the coolest view of the Omaticayan village without having to climb up so high to be able to see it. When it had started to rain Neteyam warned everyone to turn back, realizing that it had already been their curfew and that Max and Norm might be sending out a search party to find you and that you could come visit it tomorrow, but you, who had just left the lab and experienced what rain felt like on your skin for the first time said no and told him to stop acting like a scaredy cat, to which the others were happy to jump on and called Neteyam a scaredy cat as well.
So you all trekked the forest in the dark, Lo'ak started pulling at people's tails and denying that it was him until you gave him a taste of his own medicine and pulled his tail which made him scream and start running away, Neteyam chased after him, so did Kiri, and Spider pulled you onto his back as you ran after them. After a while though, you couldn't hear their screeches anymore so Spider put you down and told you to stay put as he went to go and find them.
You waited and waited but when he didn't come back you decide to find them and you eventually did, all grinning and out of breath, Lo'ak decides to race everybody to the spot and everybody else began running after him, not that they wanted to beat him
Spider was tired at that point and told you that you two should just walk instead, but you take off, feeling the raindrops land on your head and back, the cold wind lapping up at your face as you followed the blurry figures of Neteyam and Kiri until Lo'ak jumped out from behind a tree and scared you, you had jumped in fear, giggling and turning around to scold him but you slipped, fell down, and cracked your skull open, rolling onto the rushing river, the last thing you could hear was Lo'ak screaming your name.
"Eywa, my tailbone is killing me" you whined, only loud enough so that Kiri could hear, but it seemed like her mind was elsewhere.
"I don't think it'll hurt for much longer" She replies, making your eyebrows knit together before you turn your head and finally see the Metkayina village growing larger and larger, more vivid, more detailed. The locals wasted no time in giving you a proper welcome, with spears drawn out and menacing looks.
"Tough crowd" you mutter to Lo'ak, who you felt walking up to you.
He scoffs in agreement. "Tell me about it, someone's gotta show these people how to loosen their collars a little" He comments, earning a little snigger from you.
You slap his arm. "Bro, look at that guy" You tell him, nodding at one of the warriors whose face morphed into a tight sort of enraged expression. Lo'ak sees it and laughs through his nose.
"He looks like he's about to pop a nerve"
"He looks like he's constipated"
The both of you snicker to yourselves again.
Your sprightly mood was short-lived when you spot two teenage boys making their way towards you, the next thing you knew they were laughing right behind you.
"What is that?" One of them says. "Is that supposed to be a tail?"
The taller one out of the two takes your tail in his hands, making you flinch and turn around. "Definitely not, how would you swim with it? Too small, too weak, might as well be a piece of fabric, maybe then it would have more use"
They laugh in unison, feeling your ears turn hot. Once they started walking away you flick your tail harshly against the taller one's backside, you hear him yelp and turn around, his aquamarine eyes narrowing to slits.
"Sorry," You make out, trying to stifle a smile. "It has a mind of its own sometimes"
You think you hear him hiss at you but you were too busy trying to avert Neytiri's sharp gaze to be sure, Lo'ak though, once the two Metkayina boys were out of earshot, started to snort, you clear your throat, an attempt at passing off the giggle that had fortuitously escaped your lips. You were sure Neytiri was a second away from pulling your ears back to the Omaticayan village when the Olo'eyktan arrived on his Tsurak, making his way through the crowd to greet Jake.
They exchange pleasantries, so did you and your siblings, placing your hand to your head and bringing it down to your stomach. The chief did not spare another second to get to the point, wondering why Toruk Makto was here in the Reef with his family.
"We seek Uturu" says Jake as a chorus of gasps went off.
"Uturu? " Ronal repeats in disbelief.
"A sanctuary, for my family" He says, eyeing Ronal as she took Neytiri's tail to further scrutinise it, then turning to Tuk. "Their arms are weak" she backs away from Ronal, scurrying to Jake in a panicked state.
She rounds on Kiri this time, observing her tail. "Their tails are weak," says Ronal, taking the older girl's tail into her hands making her cringe and swat Ronal's arm away. "You will be slow in the water"
Then she grabbed both of Kiri's hands, turning them so her palms faced upwards, ten fingers. "These children, are not even true Na'vi!"
To your horror, she rounds on you and grabs your hand, raising it to the sky so that everybody could see all 4 of your fingers. "They have demon blood!" She screamed, you keep your head down in shame, in anger, you feel your ears drooping as you stared at the sand, hearing the blasphemous gasps and hisses that reverberated around you.
"Look!" Jake exclaimed, raising his hand in front of Ronal. "Look, look! I was born of the Sky People and now I am Na'vi, you can adapt alright? We can adapt"
After what seemed like forever Tonowari finally agreed to let your family stay with them, learn their ways, live life like the Reef People. You try and shake it off, already unpacking your things off of Hína who was no doubt as worn out as you were, Tsireya, the Chief's daughter began leading you the way into the village, you try and ignore the fact that mothers were pulling their children farther away from you, the whispers that followed you, the lingering looks.
Suddenly, you feel the woven pathway beneath you dipping, someone was walking up to you. When you turn around he was already there, the boy, from earlier, donning a prideful smirk as he sized you up, observing the amount of things you had been carrying. "How are you carrying that? I'd expect your arms to snap off by now"
"How are you walking? I'd expect your body to sway with that swelled head of yours"
You hear him hum. "You'd be surprised, I have been doing just fine the past 16 years"
"I pity your mother then" You tell him, not looking his way.
"Why?" He asked.
"She hasn't found a cure for you yet" you reply, not bothering to look at his reaction. "Whatever Eywa has cursed you with, she definitely did not hold back" you chuckled. "I have not seen anyone who has made her so angry to have cursed you with such a malady and allowed you to keep walking the face of Pandora, maybe if I keep telling you the truth, unlike your parents who keep feeding you lies and falsehoods then maybe your head would shrink to the actual size of your brain"
You continue. "I haven't been here long enough but I pity your people, not only is their future Olo'eyktan a half-wit, but you'd be having trouble finding your next Tsahík, every woman must be running the other direction with that hideous face of yours"
"I wouldn't be too sure about that" He laughed, waving at a few girls who were gathered by the entrance of a Marui, they see him and they giggle amongst themselves.
You turn to him. "Are the ladies of Awa'atlu so easily won over by a charming smile and nothing else?"
He tilts his head to the side, the edges of his mouth curling up to a smirk. "Charming? You find me charming?"
You scoffed at him. "I find you as attractive as a pile of íkran feces, but then again you are what you eat"
He blinked at you. "I will have you know that you are still speaking to the son of the Olo'eyktan-"
You stop walking and he screeches to a halt. "-do you think that I would drop to my knees, kiss at your feet and apologise?"
He half-shrugged, watching his eyes flick downward then upward to your face. "I would not hold it against you" He replies.
"I do not bow down to anyone" You told him. "Especially not to a man"
"Well then you haven't met me yet"
You feel your jaw tighten. "Whatever jackass, you aren't worth my time anyway" you spat, turning around and walking after your family.
He laughs. "I look forward to our talks in the future Forest Girl!"
Shouting another insult his way would catch your family's attention, so you flipped him the bird until you rounded a corner and disappeared from his line of sight.
"Yo, where were you?" Lo'ak wonders when you suddenly appeared at his side.
About to throw hands with the Olo'eykyan's son, you don't say. "I just had to catch my breath, nothing serious" you tell him instead.
You see his face soften. "You good baby sis? I could take a few, lighten your load-"
You shake your head at him adamantly. "No, no, I'm good, I'm serious," this does not convince him as he messes up your hair making you slap his hand away, pointing at his face as he laughs. "if you touch my shit I'm gunna kick your ass so hard you'll be pulling tail hairs out of your mouth for a month"
"Fine," He laughed, straightening himself up. "suit yourself"
You began walking again, allowing Lo'ak to go first as you tried to bring up the rear. Just when you've given him a false sense of security you tugged at his queue making him lose his balance and hiss, you bolt out of there, dancing past your siblings, ignoring their complaints before Lo'ak could even touch the end of your tail.
It had taken them a long time before they managed to find your body, Neteyam and Lo'ak braving the gushing river to find you while Spider and Kiri ran back to the village to get some help. Your exopack had been shattered, they weren't sure for how long, Neteyam had to perform CPR on you until Jake and the others came.
They transported you back to the lab in a helicopter, you remember that. Everytime they increased the voltage of the defibrillator the faster Lo'ak's mind went, the faster Spider's heartbeat went, Kiri was inconsolable, Neteyam was on the verge of a breakdown, Jake tried to keep it together, gain some composure if it was even possible but ultimately failed.
He had lost your mother 8 years ago to a head injury, if he loses you as well then Eywa really had it in for him.
When they brought you back to the lab you had been under a medically induced coma for several months. The Sullys visited you a lot, Neteyam telling you stories of the hunts he'd go on, how he promised he would teach you archery when you woke up, Kiri confiding her deepest secrets to you, what plants she'd discovered, what poultices she learned to make with her grandmother, how in the dead of night Spider would bring a pillow and a blanket and camp next to your bed if he couldn't sleep, Jake would come and tell you stories of your mother, how she would have wanted you to fight, how she would have wanted you to stay, so did Neytiri, she'd sing you songs, pray for you, she even started you a song cord and told you that when you woke up you and her would continue it together.
Though out of all of them, the one who visited you the most was Lo'ak, he was the one who made you fell, and ever since that day guilt had overcame him swallowed him whole, he'd sit with you for hours, apologising, telling you it didn't matter if you didn't wanna play with him anymore, if you didn't wanna talk to him anymore, if you didn't want to watch old cartoons with him anymore, if you hated him forever, as long as you woke up.
"Why does she have to suffer so much Dad?" He asked Jake as they watched over you one night. "She never met her mom, she never met her dad, she's always sick, now she's going to die and it's because of me"
"She isn't going to die" Jake interjects.
Lo'ak shook his head, staring at his hands. "I heard Max and Norm, Dad, they said if she didn't wake up soon she'd be in a ve-vegetitative state forever" He managed, as his breathing became more ragged. "I didn't know what they meant but then Spider told me... and- and I don't want that to happen Dad, she's only 8, she hadn't even reached the- the two number age yet an-and she's going to die and it's all my fault"
Jake places a hand over Lo'aks shoulder. "Look son, don't let your guilt eat away at you, everything happens for a greater reason. Y/N wouldn't want to see you so down in the dumps all of a sudden would she? No, she wants to see you happy-"
A fat tear rolls down Lo'ak's cheek. "-But it's so hard to be happy dad," He sniffled, looking up at Jake with glossy eyes. "I just want her to wake up, I don't want her to go yet" He sobbed, rolling his hands into fists as he wipes the tears from his eyes. "I don't wanna pretend I'm happy, I don't want to keep hoping she's coming back, I want her to come back now" Lo'ak wailed.
Jake takes Lo'ak's shuddering body into his arms, letting him cry on his chest as he placates him, running a hand over his head as he looks at you, so pale, so still, lying on the gurney with a tube sticking out of your mouth and wires attached to your arms, the soft beeping of the machine and the wheezing of your breathing apparatus.
"Yeah, so do I"
Ironically enough, eclipse started to dawn on you when your father called all of you back to your Marui for a family meeting, much to Lo'ak's chagrin.
"Remember?" Neteyam admonishes, grabbing Lo'ak's arm and pulling him inside the pod. "Family meeting?"
"Alright, come on, take a knee let's go"
You do as he says, glancing at your big brothers who followed suite.
"Okay," Jake begins. "I need you kids on your best behavior" He says, his accent slipping through.
"I mean it, learn fast, pull your weight" He looks at Lo'ak. "Don't cause trouble" Then, he looks at you. "Got it?"
You couldn't help but sigh. "Yes sir"
You ears pick up on sniffling from your left, you turn your head and see Tuk crying. "I want to go home" She says, wiping her eyes with her wrists.
"Tuk," your Dad began, taking her little hand in his. "This is our home now, okay? We're gunna get through this, we do this, we have eachother's backs"
"What does your father always say?"
You resist rolling your eyes at the catchphrase that comes to mind. "Sullys stick together" You mumbled, quieter than your brothers.
"That's right, Sullys stick together, now this time with some feeling"
On Eywa. "Sullys stick together" You say with your brothers.
"Alright" says your father, seemingly satisfied. "Dismissed"
You all stand up, Tuk and Kiri getting out of the hut first, your older sister convincing your youngest sister that if she stopped crying they could go play in the shallow water and find seashells, this instilled a bright spark in Tuk as she began jumping in joy in no time.
You decide to hang out with your brothers again, just like what you had been doing before you've all been called into the pod.
"Y/N, hang back for a sec"
This makes all 3 of you stop walking, your brothers turn to you and you nod at them in acknowledgement, pointing your chin towards the beach. Neteyam nods as well, heading out, Lo'ak touches your forearm before he follows Neteyam.
You turn to Jake who places an arm on your shoulder, leading you towards one of the driftwood stumps that acted as chairs.
He looks at you, peering over his amber eyes. "What's up Lite Brite? You doing okay?"
You wince at that nickname, the nickname your father called you ever since you were a kid, even before you were Na'vi. "I'm fine" You insist.
"Hey, don't lie to your old man"
"I'm not" You insist, looking down at the floor.
"I know it's a lot of change baby," He began, you turn to look at him. "It's a lot to deal with at the moment but you're strong, I know you are"
You let out a scoff of disbelief making Jake chuckle in confusion. "What?"
"You kept telling me that when I was a kid you don't need to keep telling me now"
"The advice I give ain't half bad kid, you gotta learn that it wouldn't be a bad idea to start listening to me once in a while, yeah?"
"Yeah" You smile, ducking your head.
Your Dad grinned, tussling your hair. "Yeah" He replied fondly. "You're my strong little lady"
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"Should we just... follow them in?"
You were the first one to stop leaning over the diving platform to look at your brothers, specifically to Neteyam who had been standing on your right. "Well yeah, unless you're too much of a pussy to jump in"
He looks up and laughs, walking up to you to place both his hands on your shoulders. "If you're so keen on following them in baby sis, maybe you would like to go in first?"
You shrug his hands off, pushing his chest away from you as he cackles. "Not a chance, jackass"
"It's only fair Y/N" Lo'ak chimes in. "They're gunna be wondering why we took so long to follow them"
You groan, your shoulders slumping. "On Eywa, when will I ever catch a break?"
"Hey, Y/N what is that?" Lo'ak asks, pointing at the water.
"What's what?"
"There!" He exclaims, pointing at it again. "It's right there! Can't you see it?"
You frown, leaning further into the dock, trying to scan the water for anything that your brother might be pointing at. "I don't see anything"
You tried to turn around to look at Lo'ak but you feel Lo'ak's arms wrap around you, feeling the both of you fall over the dock and into the water, Neteyam following shortly afterward. You swim up to Lo'ak to tug at his ear, a swarm of bubbles escaping Neteyam's mouth as he laughs. The three of you spot shadows coming from above you and try to swim away before Kiri or Tuk body slams into you.
You swim after the Metkayina kids into the reef but soon after you feel your lungs start to burn. You look at your siblings, already swimming up to the surface, you try and follow them up, gasping for air once your head broke the water. Once you all managed to catch your breath you dip your heads into the water again, seeing Tsireya smile up at you, doing something with her hands. You frown and you shrug at her, turning to your siblings for support but realizing they had no clue what she was saying either. Watching as they swam up to the surface to join you.
"You're too fast, wait for us!" Tuk wailed, rubbing at her eye.
"Just breathe" says Tsireya.
"You are not good divers" Ao'nung intones. "Maybe good at swinging through trees but-" He stops to laugh at his own joke but was quickly silenced when Tsireya slaps the side of his head.
"Come on bro" Lo'ak groaned, turning to look at Neteyam, almost as if he was waiting for him to say something.
"We don't speak this finger talk" says Neteyam. "We don't know what you're saying"
"I will teach you" Tsireya tells him.
"Where is Kiri?" Rotxo suddenly wonders. Everyone starts looking for her, calling for her, except for Ao'nung who was too busy looking at his reflection in the water to know who Kiri was.
What a fucking parrot.
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It was the second month of you in a coma when you start crashing all of a sudden, your usually quiet room now had several scientists running in and out trying to bring you back for it was a win lose situation, if they played their cards right they might be able to stabilize you and keep you in your medically induced coma or they might just lose you altogether.
It was Jake who decided to tell Norm and Max to transfer you into an Avatar body, the Avatar body they've been building for you since your 1st birthday.
It evened out the odds a little bit when they found a heartbeat in your new body, they rushed you out of the lab and brought you to the Tree of Souls, Jake knowing all too well where he's seen this before. Mo'at was reluctant, she's seen how frail you were, how weak you were as a child, she did not want to keep Jake's hopes up when things didn't go the way he wanted it to. So they waited, and waited, and waited, hoping that you were strong enough to pass through the Eye of Eywa.
And you were.
Just barely.
Ever since then you'd been living with Jake and Neytiri, having your own hammock, taming your ikran, not needing to wear shoes which was fun now that Norm and Max weren't yelling at you every 10 seconds to put some on, it felt nice that you could catch up to Lo'ak and Neteyam, that you didn't have to catch your breath every so often, that you could learn how to fight.
Your human self would never be able to survive breathing training with the Metkayina, let alone with Ao'nung.
The next day bright and early, you, your siblings, the Olo'eyktan's children, and Rotxo all met up at the beach per the agreement the night prior. Tsireya had paired herself up with Lo'ak and Tuk, paired Rotxo with Kiri and Neteyam, leaving you and Ao'nung.
"I do not understand what I am doing wrong" you huffed, ridding your face of water.
"Everything " Ao'nung replies. "Everything you are doing is wrong "
"I'm breathing from my gut like you told me to, I'm calming my mind like you told me to, is there a possibility that you might just be a shit teacher?"
He rolls his eyes. "Attitude won't help you here, Forest Girl"
Your eyes widen a centimeter in half-shock. "Oh and you will?"
"Just shut up and try again" He snapped, nodding at the seabed. "Go on" He insists when he sees your irritated expression.
You huff again. "If I pass out and don't make it back up it's going to be your fault"
Ao'nung gives you a smile. "Good, the world could use a little less of you anyway"
You wanted to roll your eyes at him but decided not to. With an inhale, an exhale, and a bigger inhale you dive down again, trying to feel as calm and as free as possible, maneuvering yourself through the schools of fish to reach the seabed quicker, but a troupe of the jellyfish looking creatures started to block your path towards the reef, you tried swimming up, no go, you decide to swim under them but you were too afraid to get stung, your only option was to wait them out but once your chest started to feel like it was about to cave in on itself you defeatedly swam up to the surface, gasping for air.
"I can't- I can't do it" you manage, feeling the tumultuos rise and fall of your chest as it yearned for air, hearing Ao'nung's despondent groaning.
"Are you even trying?" He exclaimed.
"I am!" You retalliate tiredly, rubbing your eyes as it stung from the salt.
"Then act like it!" He yelled. "It's bad enough I am stuck teaching a bunch of half-breeds I have to be paired with the densest most incompetent student ever"
You couldn't help the scoff that left your lips; you couldn't believe you had to deal with some snotty airhead when you could've had someone as understanding as Rotxo or as sweet as Tsireya. "do the world a favour and go fuck yourself"
Ao'nung narrows his eyes at you. "I've seen newborns breathe better underwater than you"
"Keep running your mouth like that and I'll stop you from breathing forever" You threatened him acidly.
"I'd like to see you try"
You cock your head to the side. "Don't threaten me with a good time"
Just then, Ao'nung sighs greatly at you, raising his hand above the water to pinch the bridge of his nose. "Look, Forest Girl, are you afraid?"
You blinked. Then you blink again. You open your mouth to retaliate with some witty comeback but no sound left your lips, you shut it closed, trying to save whatever was able to salvage of your dignity. "I'm not afraid" you finally tell him.
"If you aren't afraid then diving would be easy for you, fear is clouding your mind, it is holding you back" He reasoned with you, for a second you almost believed that you weren't talking to a boy that looked like a radioactive frog, he was actually starting to make sense. It frightened you. "Nothing will come at you stupid girl, we are too close to the shore to be near real danger"
There it was.
"So i just... need to grow some balls and do it?"
Ao'nung's face contorts. "Grow... what? "
"Dosen't matter" You quickly reply, hoping he'd learn to brush it off.
"Try again," Ao'nung starts. "Remember to calm yourself Forest Girl, there will not be anything to hurt you here, the way of water has no beginning and no end, the sea is around you and in you. Remember that"
You nod reluctantly, turning your gaze to the distorted seabed below you.
He peers over his eyes to look at you. "What... do you want me to hold your hand on the way down?"
You give him a look. "No thanks... I might contract some disease"
He laughs. "Then go"
You take a big breath and dive again, feeling yourself being one with the sea, gliding and drifting, keeping your mind blank as you finally reached the reef, propelling yourself through the mounds of coral that grew from the sand. You were able to spot the shell that Ao'nung threw into the water this morning, quickly snatching it and swimming up to the surface, feeling the sunlight pepper your skin as you resurfaced.
"I did it! I did it!" You exclaim, waving the shell in Ao'nung's face as you hear him laugh, loud and raucous, only fueling the triumphant fire that roared in your chest.
"I'm impressed" He says, taking the shell from you, your fingertips feathering over the other. "Maybe you aren't so incompetent after all"
You feel a small smile stretching across your face. "Maybe not"
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part 1 done! wow that was real fun to write, anyways stay tuned for part 2! Hope u enjoyed <3
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deepdreamnights · 15 days
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Repeat that...
What's heading toward us how fast?
The image(s) above in this post were made using an autogenerated prompt and/or have not been modified/iterated extensively. As such, they do not meet the minimum expression threshold, and are in the public domain. Prompt under the fold.
Prompt: a portrait of Super Mario as a member of Gorillaz, full color illustration by Jamie Hewlett, flat shading, character design, concept art, 4k, promotional image:: Dino-Knight Allosaurus, in the Dino-Base command center, humanoid dinosaur in power armor, still frame from the Dino-Guard, 1992 animated cartoon series, by TOEI, AKOM, Sunbow:: pen-and-ink illustration of a [dinosaur, humanoid lambeosaurus, anthropomorphic hadrosaur, dinosaur fursona, parasaurolophus, duckbill dinosaur] as a 1950s telephone operator. microphone headset, smiling, looking at camera. Promotional artwork. Illustration by Jack Kirby, Alex Toth, Charles R. Knight:: a brachiosaurus-anthro, humanoid brachiosaurus, photograph, wearing lederhosen and playing the accordian, dinosaur wearing clothes, 15 feet tall, at octoberfest:: A scene from the film 'The Thing' directed by Howard, in which there is an underground base with alien cookies and muffins inside a glass dome. The background shows some strange lights, a dark atmosphere and some monsters on top of it. Shot on Super Panavision-70 camera in the style of Stanley Kubrick.:: ,an illustration of an urban environment with blue, red, and orange color hues, in the style of andreas rocha, spiky mounds, burned/charred, enchanting realms, sergey musin, monochrome landscapes, detailed crowd scenes
This is a 'prompt smash' experiment, combining random (mostly) machine-generated prompts into a single prompt with multiple sub-prompts. Midjourney blends concepts in these situations, making vivid but essentially random results.
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cmtcahrule · 1 year
No Words. Part 1.
For those of you who can't or won't watch.
Yes, we were living in Cayman the last three years. We went back to LA for the summer. And everywhere for the summer.
Island life has been grand…it’s just time to wrap it up and get back to reality.
It’s Swiss Family Robinson here.
But you have the LA itch? Yes, I have the LA itch.
We can always find any way to justify anything. Mom needs to go back and you guys are going to be happy wherever you are.
Oprah’s been my idol my whole life.
Modeling is so interesting. You don’t have an opinion or a voice. As with TV, you can drive it.
I never enjoyed doing the red carpets. I leave that type of journalism up to you.
Did you ever think you should be the person on the other side….like the person walking the carpet? Honestly when I was in college, there was an acting job that came through the modeling agency, but I have never wanted to be an actor. I don’t understand this. Why are we sitting in trailers for 12 hours when we could be really productive? It didn’t make sense for me to be distracted (by acting).
I thought I was going to wait to open the bakery until after I did The Today Show for 10 years. Thank God I did not wait until I was 55 or 60 to do it. Because you cannot pull 4-5 all nighters per week when you are that age.
I can contribute my television career and success to 30% talent and 70% bribery. I would go in and bomb an audition and come back with Monster Cookies and then I would get a call back because of the cookies.
In my 20s, when I wasn’t raging, I would come back home and bake dozens of cookies.
I am passionate about JIF peanut butter. I am passionate about Helmann’s Mayonnaise. We are not fucking around with these products. We have integrity.
We have been in talks to open up in LA. Talks to open up at The Grove. The Palisades Village. Maybe we will do that when I have more bandwidth some day but right now I am tapped out.
You are managing all of these businesses from afar? I mean I am on an airplane every few weeks.
I told my agent to give me anything except anything related to pop culture. Everyone is voodoo dolling you right now. That is the dream of so many girls and people wanted you to do it and you said no. Give me a war instead. I will volunteer to go cover a human rights foundation before I will go on a red carpet.
Did you meet your ex husband Armie in the industry from doing industry interviews? He was not even working at the time. He wanted to be an actor but he was not doing the things to be an actor.
Regarding Tyler: He would never hang out with me because he was with his best friend Armie.
We met through our mutual friend Tyler. It was love at first sight. For sure.
Regarding their meeting: It was good for Armie because he had to work for something.
Ambition is important. I know you want to do something so do something. Either go back to college or go to acting class. I am not interested in someone who is complacent.
I think it was hard for him at the time because I had a boyfriend who was very successful and doing a lot which is the hottest thing to me because I love ambition.
It was a good motivator. So you motivated him to get his ass up and work….as Kim Kardashian would say?
Since he was with you when you were opening up BB, was he supportive and was he helpful? Because he was so young, he probably had even less of an idea on what to do. He wasn’t the business man behind the operation to say the least. 
I’ve always been an independent person who does what I want. If I am with somebody, that is how things are going to go. I do whatever I want when I want however I want.
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caffeineyum · 3 months
Bad Dream
The night was deep and quiet on Reach, except for the not-so-stealthy shuffling of pajama-clad feet outside John and Linda's quarters. The soft whoosh of the sliding door was almost drowned out by the hum of the base's sleep-mode operations.
John, whose usual sharp awareness was dulled by the first decent sleep he'd had in weeks, cracked open an eye. The dim blue light from the clock cast ghostly shadows across the room, making the trio at the door look like specters from some kid’s ghost story.
"Hey," John mumbled, his voice gravelly with sleep, "What's up, team?"Kat stood there, awkward in a way that only a teenager trying to appear unbothered can manage, her prosthetic arm catching the light as she crossed her arms defensively. Beside her, Rosenda clutched a raggedy tiger plushie like a lifeline, while Emile—his expression more sulky than scary in his skull-print pajama bottoms—seemed to be wrestling with the indignity of being seen in such a state.
"Um, sir... ma'am..." Kat's usually crisp officer cadence was replaced by the hesitant tones of a kid caught sneaking cookies. "We had nightmares. All of us. Kinda didn't want to be alone."
Linda, ever the mom of the group even when half asleep, patted the bed beside her. "C’mon then. There’s room for everyone."
Rosenda needed no second invitation, scampering over with her plushie in tow and hopping onto the bed with all the grace of a happy puppy. Emile followed at a more dignified pace, though the quickness of his movements betrayed his eagerness. Kat lingered by the door just a moment longer before giving in and joining, though she chose the foot of the bed like a wary cat deciding this lap might be acceptable.
John shuffled over to make room, the bed now a mosaic of Spartans and one brave stuffed tiger. "So, what were these nightmares about? Covenant back for a rematch in your dreams?"
"It's always Reach falling," Kat muttered, picking at a loose thread on her pajama sleeve. "Like a broken record. Can't turn it off."
Rosenda nodded vigorously, her words tumbling out in a sleepy slur. "And the monsters are so big, like, bigger than big. And so many teeth!"
Emile, ever the tough guy, added with a scowl, "They just keep coming. Waves and waves. And I shoot, but my gun's shooting marshmallows or something stupid like that."
Linda reached out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind Rosenda's ear, her voice soothing. "Dreams can do that, make you feel helpless. But it’s just your brain being a drama queen. It’s all quiet on the real front."
"Yeah, and hey, look at it this way," John chimed in, adopting a mock-serious tone, "if your gun ever really shoots marshmallows, I'll make sure you get a refillable chocolate syrup scope to go with it. Turn it into a snack attack."
That got a giggle out of Rosenda and even a reluctant smirk from Emile. Kat rolled her eyes but the corners of her mouth twitched upwards.
The room settled into a comfortable quiet, filled with the soft, steady breathing of family—not bound by blood but by battles, shared dreams, and now shared nightmares. Outside, the stars were still, untroubled by the small dramas below, yet somehow serving as a silent reassurance that some things remained steadfast and true.
Awwww! This wonderful! Thank you for sharing with me!
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Don Sahlin (pronounced "Sa-lean") (June 19, 1928 - February 19, 1978) was Jim Henson's main designer and puppet builder in the 1960s and '70s, and a key influence on the overall aesthetic of the Muppets. In 1962, Henson contacted Sahlin to build a dog character he had sketched for use in commercials, Rowlf. Don Sahlin soon became Henson's primary designer and builder, beginning with commercials and early projects such as Tales of the Tinkerdee. He also provided special effects for Time Piece, and assisted on stop-motion projects, such as the animated ham used in the second Wilson's Meats Meeting Film (in which Sahlin has a cameo). In The Muppets on Puppets, Henson introduced Sahlin to the viewers as "doing some of our backstage effects and working some of the puppets" in the 1968 special. In a story-telling skit, he alternated between puppeteering Rowlf's right hand and operating effects like an "explosion". Don Sahlin went on to create and build Muppets for Sesame Street, The Muppet Show, Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas, The Muppet Movie, amongst many others. Don Sahlin also helped Jim Henson with two of his stop-motion Sesame Street films, "The King of Eight" and "The Queen of Six". In a Closeup Magazine interview from 1976, Don Sahlin said "Jim Henson supervised the filming, but he gave me all the freedom in the world to do what I wanted.
Sahlin is the designer credited among Henson staff as the creator of Ernie and Bert, Grover, Cookie Monster and other classic Sesame Street characters. He is "the inventor" of the Muppet look, from a design point of view. As discussed in the book Jim Henson's Designs and Doodles, many of the Muppets began as Henson's rough sketches, which Sahlin then built and modified as needed. This often included special mechanisms or effects; for the La Choy Dragon commercials, this meant "devising a system for this early full-body character to actually breathe fire."
Sahlin was known to refer to himself as the "guardian of the essence" of the Muppets. Beyond building specific characters, Sahlin contributed two significant concepts to the Muppet aesthetic, "the Magic Triangle" and "the Henson stitch." The former was a simple but effective approach to positioning eyes, creating a triangle in relation to the nose and mouth. Jim Henson explained the importance of eye placement: "It would be the last thing [Sahlin] would do, and he always wanted me there, to make sure it was right for both of us -- making sure the eyes had a point of focus, because without that you had no character." The stitch is a specific method of sewing cloth as tightly as possible so the seams would be "nearly invisible," thus aiding the illusion of stylized "reality" when characters were filmed in close-up. This technique, dubbed the "Henson stitch" by Sahlin, does not in fact create a truly invisible seam, but worked sufficiently for television purposes (hiding, for example, the seam down the middle of Kermit the Frog's snout).
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pinkskytwst · 2 years
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Hi everyone! this is the Octatrio Valentine's Day special that everyone voted for. Hope you like it! Let me know what you think! <3
(Octatrio/Prefect Romantic Poly)
Twisted Wonderland didn’t have Valentine’s Day.
Not really, at least.
There was a festival in the Queendom of Hearts that was specifically for married couples that was a little similar but that was it and it wasn’t during the same time of year.
The Prefect was a little surprised by this fact, but it also made sense.
It was a different world, after all, and not everything would be the same. Heck, even their own world didn’t have Valentine’s Day everywhere, it had just been picked up by a lot of the countries for how easily it could be turned into a capitalist plot to sell heart shaped stuff and overpriced flowers.
So the fact that Valentine’s Day didn’t exist in Twisted Wonderland and Azul hadn’t already planned out something for Mostro Lounge for said money making holiday, just kind of gave them a pause before they shrugged and continued on. It wasn’t like they had ever really celebrated the holiday in their own world before - for various reasons that they definitely weren’t going to admit to their lovers – and the three mers constantly told them they didn’t need to give them gifts for them to know that they loved them. It wasn’t that big of a deal.
But the Prefect was surprised to realize that the closer they got to the actual day…the more they kind of wanted to do something special.
After all, it was the first proper Valentine’s Day that they could celebrate with people they loved and were in a relationship with instead of just sharing candy with friends and family.
They didn’t want Azul, Jade, and Floyd to get them anything for it – Seven’s knew the three already spoiled them way too much – but it would be nice to get them something special. Do something for them to show just how much they appreciated and loved them.
How very grateful they were that they had been brought to this strange world if it meant they were able to meet.
“You’re doing it again, henchman.” Grim said, watching their thoughtful expression as he munched on some cookies. “That thing you do when you get all stuck in your brain and don’t do anything until it drives you crazy. Just make a decision on whatever it is and move on.”
The Prefect glanced over to their partner, chuckling at all the crumbs the feline had created from his rather messy eating habits.
“Just like that, huh?” they teased lightly, chin propped up on their hand where they were curled up in the corner of the sofa to watch some silly show on the laptop that Azul had gotten for them.
“Yeah, what’s thinking about it going to do? Nothing!” Grim pointed out, smacking their leg with one of his paws purposefully.
They couldn’t help but laugh and scooped the blue eyed monster into their arms for playful cuddles, smooshing their face into his and ignoring the way Grim struggled and complained loudly.
He never used his claws on them, though, so they knew he didn’t mind too much.
“You are very wise, Grim-sama.” They chuckled when they finally relaxed their hold and let Grim sit on their stomach instead.
“Of course, I am!” he declared, chest puffing out. “I am the Great Grim! Most powerful mage in the world!”
“Yes, yes, it was silly of me to forget.” They said amused, pulling the cookie plate closer so Grim could continue to eat from where he made himself comfortable on them.
“What’s bothering you, anyway? Did the fish do something?” he asked, nose scrunched up.
“Why would you think it’s about them?” they chuckled.
“Everything is about them with you.” He deadpanned, making them laugh again and lightly boop his nose, which made the feline stick his tongue out at them. “Oi, not my fault you’re useless around them.”
“Hey, I’m not useless!” they gasped playfully.
“Yeah right, you almost fell off your stool the other day when Floyd rolled his sleeves up to move the Lounge furniture around by himself. And what about that time Jade tried to tutor you and he had to repeat himself like, five times because you kept getting distracted by how close he was? Or when you dropped a whole tea set because Azul was changing shirts and you didn’t knock before going into his office. Or the time-”
“Alright alright! I get it!” they said quickly, flushing darkly as they tried to cover their partner’s mouth to prevent more embarrassment to spew from his treacherous tongue. “You’re the worst partner sometimes, you know that?”
“Yeah, well you’re the worst worst henchman and I have to put up with your googly eyes drooling about them all the time, so I am definitely the one suffering more.” He shot back, making them sigh in defeat and drop themself on the cushions limply.
“Then what do you suggest, oh great and powerful Grim? I want to give them gifts for a holiday from my world because it’s supposed to be about romantic couples and I-“
“Have never had anyone be able to put up with you before?”
“Hey! Rude!” they snorted, poking him in the side playfully. “But, yeah, basically. I think it means more to me than I originally thought, but I also don’t want them to feel bad about not knowing about it and I don’t want them to feel like they have to get me something for it. I mean they already do so much and get me so much and Azul keeps trying to give me these ridiculously expensive clothes that I’m pretty sure even Vil is jealous about. I just…I don’t feel like I really bring as much to the relationship as they do, ya know?”
“Not at all.”
The Prefect laughed again, ruffling the fur on the top of their partner’s head. His blunt honesty but genuine care never failed to bring a smile to their face.
“Look, I think you’re making this too complicated.” He said, nose scrunched up again as he bit into another cookie, his words turning a bit garbled. “Jus’ give ‘em whatever you’re gonna give ‘em and tell them what ya feel an that‘s all ya need ta do, right?”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” They smiled fondly, absently trailing pets along his back. “Okay, Great Grim-sama. Looks like Operation: Valentine’s Day is a go!” they said, throwing their fist into the air.
“Good you go do that so I can eat in peace. You’re ruining the show with all your mushy stuff.” He sniffed, earning another laugh and smooshed face before they set him down on the pillows and set off upstairs for their notebook to start making plans.
They only had a couple of days to prepare, after all, so they couldn’t do anything too elaborate, but they wanted to do something meaningful.
The three definitely deserved it.
Using the excuse that they were a little burnt out and tired, they begged off one shift and let Azul, Jade, and Floyd know that they wouldn’t be able to drop by for a couple of days. They knew that at least Jade suspected something when they assured them that they didn’t need anyone to bring them food, but thankfully the eelmer didn’t push the subject and if he had been lurking around Ramshackle they hadn’t noticed him.
Funny enough, Jade was actually the easier of the three to decide on a gift for. They had also found what they needed from Sam’s at a really decent price so it was mostly putting it together and a trip to see Crewel that took more time.
Floyd’s gift was a little more embarrassing and took longer to make but thankfully it had turned out better than they had expected and they were fairly sure their more energetic twin would like it.
Azul was the one they hesitated on. The idea they had come up with meant a lot to them and they hoped that it would convey what they wanted to convey but…well they never wanted to bring up bad memories or make Azul doubt how much they cared. He had enough self-doubt and they wanted to do everything they could to show how much they loved him. How they were lucky to have earned his affection and not the other way around.
After waffling back and forth a little, they finally made the decision and took another trip to Sam’s.
They really, really hoped that they made the right choice.
“Aa, good morning, angelfish.” Jade greeted them with a smile when they stepped though Mostro Lounge’s employee entrance.
“Good morning Jade!” they beamed, leaning up happily to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
The eelmer chuckled, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind their ear fondly before glancing down at the two bags in their hands.
“And what are these, darling? Did you need help carrying them to the dorm?” he asked, since Sam’s store was far closer to Octavinelle than Ramshackle.
“Oh, no, nothing like that!” they said quickly. “Actually…I was hoping I could talk to you guys for a minute? If you’re not too busy?”
Jade blinked, his head tilting to the side slightly as it did whenever they did something that confused him. He didn’t look concerned, really, just more curious than anything else.
“Of course, dearest, we are never too busy for you. Floyd is still sleeping but if you want to go wait with Azul in his office I can retrieve him.” He offered, turning to walk with them down the hallway.
“Thanks Jade.” They beamed, tugging on his hand lightly for another quick kiss that he gladly bestowed with a chuckle before he disappeared to retrieve his twin.
The Prefect made their way to the office and almost just walked in before remembering how Grim had teased them and paused long enough to knock lightly. They heard Azul call them in and they poked their head inside with a smile before stepping in and closing the door behind them.
“Good morning, Azul.” They smiled, heading directly over to his desk to place a kiss on his temple.
Azul had managed to control himself a little better with physical affection, or at least not becoming quite so flustered unless it was just sprung on him out of nowhere, so the octomer smiled back with only the slightest dusting of a blush across his cheeks.
“Good morning, my pearl. How are you feeling today? I hope you were able to rest well?” he asked, pulling the chair back a little and the Prefect readily placed the bags of wrapped presents on the floor before taking a seat in his lap.
“I feel great.” They hedged slightly with a smile, lightly draping their arms around his neck. “I was actually going to talk to you and the twins so Jade went to grab Floyd.”
“I see, I hope everything is well?” Azul asked, adjusting his glasses a little and hesitating before placing his hands around their waist gently, his blush darkening a bit more.
“Yeah, don’t worry, it’s nothing bad.” They promised, feeling Azul relax slightly under them.
“I’m glad to hear it.” He returned the smile, “I will admit that we all missed you during your absence and Floyd was absolutely impossible to work with.” He added bemused, tone fond despite the obvious exasperation towards their chaotic lover’s antics.
“Sorry.” They laughed. “I’ll make it up to you, promise. I can work an extra shift tonight if you want? I can try to get Floyd in the mood to cook some of his amazing dishes. Might not be able to manage that part though.”
“You are more than welcome to-“
He was interrupted by the office door being kicked open and almost wobbling off it’s hinges as it slammed into the wall behind it.
The Prefect felt rather than heard Azul sigh against them and the next moment they had been snatched from the octomer’s lap and pulled into a desperate embrace that was only barely short of bruising. They clung to Floyd’s neck as the much stronger male spun them around erratically in a wild attempt to convey his flurry of excitement at seeing them again – as if they had been gone months instead of a couple of days. Infectious giggles escaped the Prefect as they waited for their lover to get his energy out but couldn’t help be relieved when Jade finally stepped in and snagged his brother by the elbow to at least prevent them from getting so dizzy they threw up.
“Please refrain from making our angelfish sick again.”
Floyd grumbled, refusing to let them go and snuggling his face into their neck as he glared at his brother over their shoulder grumpily.
“Hey, it’s not my fault Koebi-chan abandoned us.” He pouted before pulling the human back under his armpits to send them a pout. “That was very mean, you know, Koebi-chan.”
The Prefect chuckled, reaching out to smoosh his cheeks playfully.
“I’m sorry I abandoned you, Floyd. I’ll try not to do it again.” They promised fondly, squeaking when the eelmer proceeded to dive into a very deep, very hungry kiss that left their thoughts reeling and breathless when he finally pulled away again to set them on their feet.
“You’d better not or I’ll just have to squeeze you to teach you a lesson.” He grinned against their ear, making their blush darken.
“Floyd, at least wait until they’re able to talk with us about what they wanted before you molest them.” Azul said dryly, having stood from his chair and was peeking curiously into one of the bags.
“Ah!” they quickly darted forward to snatch up the bags protectively before shooing all three of them onto one of the sofas to sit. “Don’t look yet!” they pouted, though it wouldn’t really matter since they were wrapped.
“Oh! Did Koebi-chan get us presents!? I want mine first!” Floyd said excitedly, holding his hands out with grabby motions. “I will accept this as an apology for being so cruel and heartless.”
The Prefect laughed. “Well, I’m glad for that at least.” They teased before feeling their cheeks darken a bit again and they couldn’t help but shift shyly.
“You see…I did kind of lie before. I didn’t really need a couple of days off to rest, I was actually wanting to get these ready but I didn’t want you to know. Sorry.” They admitted sheepishly.
“That’s alright, we understand even if you had. Everyone needs their space sometimes and we certainly respect yours.” Jade said, purposefully elbowing his brother in the side when Floyd opened his mouth with the clear intent to argue that point.
They covered up a small giggle before clearing their throat. “Thanks. This…uh, isn’t just for no reason, though.” They admitted, shifting again and having to look away embarrassed. “You see, back in my world there’s this holiday that some people celebrate. It’s called Valentine’s Day and it’s mostly a commercial thing or status symbol with how people can try to outdo each other, but anyway, it’s supposed to be about appreciating the people you love. Some like to celebrate it with their friends and family but it was originally and mainly meant for…uh…romantic relationships.”
“Ho?” Jade smirked, making their blush darken even more.
“So, you have prepared gifts for us in honor of this holiday?” Azul asked, brow furrowing. “Why did you not tell us? Surely you know we would want to return the sentiments.”
They quickly put their hands up to try and stop him from thinking the worst.
“I know! I know! I promise it’s not that I doubt you or anything! Really!” they insisted. “I just…” they chewed on their lip a little before offering a sheepish smile. “You three do so much for me and give me so much and are always there when I just need to talk or cuddle or anything. You’re so amazing and I know you say that I don’t have to pay any of it back but…well sometimes I still feel like it’s hard to show just how much I love you and what you mean to me.”
They glanced up, almost faltering under the intense gazes focused on them, but managed to swallow thickly and force past it.
“I…I just wanted to try and do that now.” They said before setting the bags down and rummaging around in the first bag to pull out a package as long as their arm and handed it over to Floyd.
The eelmer eagerly snatched it up and began ripping the red wrapping paper off and throw the top of the box over his shoulder to reveal the prize inside. His heterochrome eyes widened before he reached down and delicately pulled out a plushie in the shape of a shrimp. It was clearly hand made and not perfect and rather simplistic but it was obvious what it was supposed to be and the longer Floyd stared at it silently the more they began to fidget.
“I…uh…I though, you know, since I can’t stay over all the time…that maybe this might help.” They said softly. “It’s not that great or anything but after I made it I was able to ask Crewel-sama and he placed a waterproof charm on it that should keep it safe even if you take it back home with you.”
Floyd continued to stare as he brushed his fingers over the little button eyes and the slightly uneven details they tried to embroider into it without having any real knowledge of how to do so.
“…is…um…Floyd?” they whispered, their shoulders sinking. “I could make a better-whoa!”
This time the Prefect knew the embrace the eelmer had pulled them into would bruise but as they felt the almost imperceptible fluttering of his heart against their cheek they realized his silence said far more than any words he could have said.
“Koebi-chan should never leave my side.” He said under his breath, fingers buried in their hair and nose pressed into the curve of their shoulder. “But I’ll let you get away with it since you made me such a good substitute.”
Warmth flooded their chest and they clung back to Floyd with all the meager strength their human arms could muster.
When Floyd was finally persuaded to release them again, the Prefect couldn’t help but smile as they watched him hold the shrimp plushie in his arms while Jade was given his gift.
The box for Jade was a little smaller and they couldn’t help but tug on the bottom of their shirt sheepishly as he pulled out what looked like a rather simple terrarium. It was obvious that Jade liked it, of course, he would like anything they gave him, but it didn’t seem special like Floyd’s had been so he was a little confused.
“It’s waterproof too!” they beamed eagerly, making his eyes widen. “Sam said it’s enchanted so that if you take it home it’ll be safe and protected and whatever mushrooms you put in it will be fine as long as you don’t open it under water. I know it’s not really big but Sam didn’t have any others and I thought you would like to be able to take at least a couple of your favorites home with you.”
Jade’s expression softened to a degree they rarely got to see even privately, a warm smile on his lips as he took in the gift that they had chosen. That they had known would mean so much to him.
He held out his hand and the Prefect took it and allowed themselves to be pulled closer and down into a slow, indulgent kiss that sent tingles all the way to their toes.
“I love it, dearest.” He whispered against their lips, stroking a thumb along their jaw. “Thank you.”
Their blush had darkened even further but they couldn’t help the giddy smile on their face.
“I’m glad.” They said, pressing a light kiss to his cheek before going to retrieving the last gift and turn to Azul.
The octomer was watching intently, expression loving and happy at seeing just how happy they had made the twins, but also eager to find out what they had chosen for him.
The Prefect hesitated for a moment, a flash of doubt returning before they held out the package for him to take.
“I…I wasn’t sure if this would…” they swallowed. “I know you don’t have many happy memories of your childhood.” They said softly as Azul removed the top to reveal a dark violet photo album. “But, I don’t want you to forget that those memories don’t mean you can’t make happy ones. I don’t want you to forget the memories we've shared and I hope that you never forget how much we love you and how amazing we think you are.”
The octomer pulled open the cover to find a good third of the sealed photo pages already filled with pictures. Pictures of all of them together at Mostro Lounge. Pictures of each of them dancing together at the festival with RSA. Pictures of them and Floyd curled up sleeping on the sofa with Grim hanging off the back. Pictures of the four of them in their beanfest uniforms that Jade and the Prefect had won as monsters. Pictures of them all in the expansive Octavinelle dorm pool where Azul had first built up the courage to show them his merform and ended up blushing the deepest purple they had ever seen when they had unintentionally blurted out that he was the hottest person they had ever seen while Floyd and Jade cackled in the background.
Azul didn’t even realize he had started crying until the Prefect had knelt in front of him and taken his face into their hands, wiping away his tears gently.
“Azul, there’s a reason that I didn’t fill it completely.” They said softly, looking to both of the tweels before returning their focus on the octomer that had covered their hands with his own and were pressing their palms against his cooler skin as if he wanted to brand the feeling there forever.
His silver eyes shimmering with tears looked up into theirs.
“I thought about it a lot. I didn’t want to make the decision lightly or have any regrets.” They said, taking a deep breath and setting their shoulders. “But while I was preparing these gifts and trying to find things that you could take home with you…I realized that I couldn’t bear the thought of you leaving and me being left behind.”
They heard Floyd’s sharp inhale of breath.
“I know you have all been careful not to bring up Crowley finding a way for me to go home. I know you want to try and figure out a way to make me stay, but you don’t want to take that choice away from me either.”
Their smile widened as tears began to gather in their own eyes.
“But you don’t have to do that. You don’t have to trick me or force me to stay…because I’m choosing to stay. Even if Crowley ever found a way for me to go back home…I wouldn't take it. Because I realized that even though I came from there…it’s not my home anymore. You are.”
This time it was Azul’s hands that would leave bruises as he pulled them into his lap and clutched them close as a sob wracked his body. They felt the corners of his glasses digging into their shoulder but didn’t care as they just held him back and buried their face into his soft hair as they tried to soothe his trembling.
A moment later Floyd’s arms were around the both of them and while they didn’t think he was crying his breathing was hitching and he was letting out a soft whining sound that both broke and warmed their heart.
Jade was close behind as he took a seat on Azul’s other side and added his own embrace to theirs, though he reached up to stroke their cheek softly. Tears were gathered at the corners of his eyes and the Prefect wanted nothing more than to kiss them away. To make sure none of them ever had a reason to cry again.
“Your gifts are lovely, dearest, and we will cherish them forever.” He said softly, ever so gently smoothing their hair behind their ear. “But I hope you realize that there is nothing you could give or do for us that wouldn’t pale in comparison to the gift of being allowed to remain at your side.”
“I feel like that is more a gift for me.” They teased weakly, voice wobbly as Azul gave a particularly hard shutter and did his best to shake his head while it was still pressed into their shoulder.
He couldn’t manage to speak through his tears yet.
“Koebi-chan is stupid.” Floyd muttered into their neck. “But that’s okay because we’re symbiotes and that means you’ll never get rid of us. So even if Koebi-chan is stupid sometimes it’s okay. Because you’re our Koebi-chan.”
They couldn’t hold back their own tears any longer and they buried their face back into Azul’s hair and just clung to the ones they loved. The ones that loved them more than anything and who they would give up a world for.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” They whispered against Azul’s crown, knowing they could all hear them.
Even if Valentine’s Day didn’t exist in Twisted Wonderland, it would now be a day that, for them, could only ever mean absolute and unconditional love.
Thank you all for voting! Hope you enjoy it! <3
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raetreaderarts · 5 months
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Dr. Wasabi Headcanons
(some of these are gonna be related to romance and relationships because I’m a mega simp)
• When she says she wants to get to know you inside and out, she means it. Her love language is dissection and experimentation, the exception of course being Mustard Cookie
• She’s very observant when studying patterns in behaviors, and sometimes she’ll even make note of things she deems to be extremely important, even if the person in question sees it as something small
•She’s a gamer, her favorite genre being online fighting games. This woman is an absolute MONSTER when it comes to mastering input combinations, a fearsome foe to be certain. I can imagine her and Mustard Cookie duking it out every so often whenever she visits the lab
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• She sometimes affectionately nibbles her loved ones’ hand or arm
• Pansexual leaning sapphic (I was originally gonna say she’s a full-on lesbian but actually since she’s so down bad for Roguefort in the manhwa I think this makes more sense for me personally)
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• She has a hard time standing still, always rushing around the laboratory and trying to get several things done at once. If she’s in a conversation with someone she might pace around or mess with her gloves
• She’s somewhere on the spectrum. Adding onto that, she has a lot of knowledge about a wide variety of subjects, she could go on Jeopardy and do pretty damn well probably
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(I know everyone in the operation survival manhwa talks like this but infodumping fits her personality really well I feel)
• Since she’s a wasabi cookie, she can tolerate very spicy foods. On the rare occasions that she has guests over (she usually prefers to be alone when she’s tinkering with experiments in her lab) she forgets that not everyone likes food that will set their mouth on fire
• When she watches horror movies she picks apart all of the scientific inaccuracies, ie “actually if they were stabbed in that location then this would happen” don’t ask how she knows this information because you can probably take a pretty good guess. Despite this she still thoroughly enjoys them most of the time
• You’d be surprised just how flexible this old woman is, she can move in ways that contortionists can only dream of (I mean you just have to watch her slide in ovenbreak to know that)
• She can literally MacGyver any sorta contraption out of whatever junk is lying around, whatever you’ve got this woman just makes it work somehow
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• She views Zombie Cookie as a son, think like if Victor Frankenstein were actually a good parent
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• Her handwriting is absolutely atrocious, mainly just a bunch of incomprehension scribbles that she’s somehow miraculously able to read
I have many many many many thoughts about this woman, a lot of them pulled from the manhwa but some of them pulled from the games or just from my own brain. Ofc I know the manhwa isn’t canon but I feel like it does a really good job at portraying her personality so I incorporated it into my headcanons because of that. If you guys have any questions or additions I’m always open to hearing about them, I love unique character interpretations it’s just so much fun fr! Anyways if you enjoyed this post then that’s awesome, cause I’ll prolly be making more Wasabi content in the future teehee, absolutely obsessed with her ✨
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cuppajj · 4 months
How does Cacao treat his remaining servants? Like the advisors and stuff
As with everyone Cacao hardly speaks to them unless he needs to. They can tell he’s looking them in the eye, but for the servants it’s a bit hard to return the gesture because of the almost literal iciness, though they do it anyway. He still has a great degree of respect for those in the wall, but it’s hard for them to tell because of his general inaction and lack of communication.
Most of the speaking on his behalf is done by the advisors and the new First Watcher (the second watcher in the canon game, this guy), who is even sent by Cacao to attend beast meetings on very rare instances. They’re also normally at Cacao’s side often, but since becoming a beast, neither they nor anyone else are allowed in the throne room unless he permits them. The place is a quiet chamber for the king to reflect in.
Operations are mostly normal for Cacao’s servants and guards, and honestly they’re more used to the frost and licorice monsters sharing their hallways than anyone else. The latter are unsettling, but they were there to see Cacao tame the ocean, so they know that as long as they’re on the beast’s good side, they’re on the monsters’ good side as well. It’s mostly making do with what everyone has; they acknowledge the cacao kingdom beyond the citadel is littered with the frozen bodies of cookies* , but life still moves on as it should. They are kept there by their vow to serve the king; and with their limited knowledge of what happened to the previous First Watcher, they know the consequences if not.
*I should also mention that Cacao’s kingdom freezing may have not been his direct choice, he was also the one who stopped it from reaching the citadel, so cookies who serve him can’t say that he was the one who froze all the cookies outside. Still working on this part but it’s good to know
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mj-102009 · 6 months
Echos of Who She Used to be (Bucky Barnes x oc)
Rlly on edge abt this one lmao
The first time Amanda met Bucky he wasn’t Bucky at all.
She was flat against the wall, listening for an opening, mouth covered by a thin cloth that tied under her tightly held hair. The bodies of men in front of her were just out of sight from the men.
“I don’t understand why we still affiliate with those asshole!” One yelled. “That goddamn monster they have-”
Another scoffed. “Which one?”
“He’s right.”
Amanda pulled a vill out of her pocket and shook it violently before opening it and letting the white milky mist spill out.
“Do you smell that?” 
“Holy shit that smells like my momma’s baked cookies.”
“What? No, it’s burnt wood, like a campfire.”
Thump! “Don’t be stupid that’s old spice and fresh cut grass.”
“Anyone else feel…tired?”
“Hehe, yeeeeeaaaahhhh.”
She turned into the room, many of the suits were already out, slumped over or even fallen out of their seats. She walked over to the end on the long table, a lanky man was snoring on the table.
With a scowl, she grabbed him by his hair and lifted him up, a moonlite glow came from her palm and he blinked tiredly. “God you’re disgusting,” She growled.
He smiled like a drunk. “Are you an angel?”
She moved her other hand to his neck, it glowed that same light. “Where does HYDRA operate from?”
His eyes dilated but he sobered up and answered. “I have the coordinates on my computer.”
Amanda grinned and dropped his head. “Thank you Mr. Smitty.”
She turned and found a red dot on her forehead, she sighed and looked at the man. He didn’t speak, just held up the gun and stared, his mouth covered by a black heavy duty sheet. She raised an eyebrow. “Winter Soldier.”
He clicked off the safety. “Echo.”
“Don’t love the name,” She grumbled, he didn’t move. “Well? Gonna shoot?”
“I have orders to stop you from killing him,” He jerked his chin towards the sleeping man.
She chuckled. “He’s fine, Soldier.”
He dropped his gun and pressed his earpiece. “Mission complete.”
Amanda blinked then shrugged and turned to the hallway ready to find her file.
The second encounter wasn’t so lucky.
It was some eighteen months later, Amanda was snapping the neck of a HYDRA lackey in Germany, several others firing off rounds.
“Come at me fuckers!” She roared in German, dropping down behind a wall and sprinting down the street.
She quickly came to a halt, a familiar greasy haired man blocking the path to her getaway car. He had the same stoic expression while her adrenaline filled one dropped and she inched her hand to a pocket knife.
“We meet again, Winter!” She exclaimed, waving comically and grinned like he hadn’t already thought of hundreds of ways to beat her ass.
He began to walk closer and pulled out two knives, Amanda grumbled and dashed at him with one pocket knife. He faked left and swung with his right, she grinned and jumped up, wrapping her legs around his shoulders and flipping him flat on his back.
This time he had the intent to kill and she wasn’t giving up.
“C’mon Jackass,” She grumbled, kicking his left blade away and stepping on his other wrist. “I got free, you can do this, man.”
He ignored her and wrenched his hand free, swinging his foot up and knocking her down. Amanda rolled onto her back and parried his knife, he pressed and pressed until he was confused.
The Soldier grunted at the impact in his groin but didn’t budge. “Give up now Echo.”
“Pretty boy I will cut your goddamn dick off,” She threatened.
He cut down harshly at her head, she rolled away and bounced up, he whipped around the look at her, but she already had her hand on his forehead and the light was making his thoughts mush.
“Hail-” He started, then his eyes cleared and he jerked back away from her, senses blinded. “STEVE- GAH WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!”
She picked up her blade and winced. “I corrected your nerves, should bring back a memory or two, gotta hurt like a bitch though.”
He saw it in flashes, a war, a boy, pain. Bucky was thrown into the driver's seat of his mind, he gasped and clutched his head on the ground. “GOD DAMNIT!”
Amanda frowned. “Winter-”
“STOP IT!” She rested her hand on his forehead and gasped, she pulled her hand back and he stopped yelling, instead he looked at her with broken eyes. “What have I done?”
Amanda’s eyes widened and she began to walk towards him. “Hurry I can help-”
His eyes glazed over and he lunged for her, she groaned in frustration getting tired of this. Before he could really do anything, she had jumped up and roundhouse kicked him.
The third encounter was much less brutal than the last.
It came almost a year later.
He was in a coffee shop, hunched over a table, Amanda was curled up on a couch with a mug. On her lap was a computer, subtly going through hidden files and such. She glanced around her until her eyes landed on his gray pullover hoodie.
As if he felt her eyes on him, he turned and looked at the gaping woman. She had on a pair of black leggings and a casual white hoodie. Bucky raised an eyebrow and raised his black mug.
Immediately she stood straight up and robotically walked over to him, laptop under her arm and tea in hand. “What are you doing here?” She hissed. “You-know-what is donezo my guy, give it up.”
He cracked a grin and analyzed her. “Not with them anymore.”
She raised an eyebrow and pulled a chair out across from him. “Oh? I heard about the whole debacle with the Avengers, totally thought you were goin’ all pew pew on ‘em.”
He shook his head. “I, uh, I should be thanking you actually, I probably would have killed them if you hadn’t done…you know.”
She nodded. “No problem.”
“Bucky,” He said, holding out his hand. “Not the other guy.”
She chuckled. “Amanda.”
The next encounter was the next week.
Then the week after that.
Then the week after that.
And so on.
Until one bleak night.
Amanda was criss-cross on her couch, a plate of pasta in front of her and a rom-com on the TV. She had just finished another HYDRA take down on the Tuesday that they usually met for dinner. He knew she would be gone, although she had said to still come, yet not one text from Bucky. This didn’t worry her, he was old and grouchy at times.
She had just looked at her phone hoping to hear from him when a sharp ring came from the porch.
“Coming!” She called, standing up and wiping her mouth. She opened the door and immediately lunged forward with a knife practically appearing from her sleeve sneering at the blonde haired man. He blinked in surprise and stumbled back. But before she could kabab Captain America’s skull, an arm was coiled around her waist and she was lifted into the air.
“Easy Doll,” Bucky grumbled in her ear, setting her down.
She ripped herself away from his touch. “What the fuck is Stars and Stripes doing in my home?”
Amanda finally turned to Bucky and instantly dropped the attitude, he was beaten bloody, his arm was in the hands of another Avenger who was staring at her like she had two heads. “Listen, I’m sorry there was an issue and I didn’t know where else to go,” He gripped her forearm firmly, she exhaled sharply and screwed her eyes shut. “Please.”
“Fuck- fine,” She stepped away and pointed at him with a grim expression. “Show them to the back bedroom, you can take the one next to mine. And you two!” She looked at Falcon and Captain America. “Anyone asks, you were never here.”
They nodded quickly, she jerked her head towards the house and walked in. “First aid kit?” The blonde asked.
“Bathroom mirror, handle all that at the table” She told him before looking at Bucky. “Have y'all eaten?”
He shook his head, she whipped out three bowls and filled them with soup. “I’m sorry.”
Amanda sighed, not looking at him. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” He tried to tell her.
She scoffed and walked a bowl over to the other one. “Anything to drink?”
The captain came over to him. “He could use a shot of jack daniels for these stitches.”
Bucky came over and set the liquor bottle beside him. “Here.”
Amanda filled a large bowl with water and got a few clean rags. “C’mere Buck, arm time.”
The man sighed and sat a few feet away from the other two, Amanda got out a set of pliers and gestured for his shirt to come off. “Sleep or anesthetic?”
“Neither,” He told her.
She scowled and prepared the tools. “Gonna hurt like bitch.”
The Falcon spoke up. “Drugs don’t work on super soldiers.”
“Yeah well I don’t use normal drugs, Flyboy,” She told him.
He snorted. “It’s Sam, Sam Wilson.”
“Amanda Rae,” She told him, wiping down Bucky’s shoulder.
Sam quietly swore for a while until the Captain was done fixing him up, while Bucky was staring into the wall not moving. Amanda carefully and skillfully moved the plates into their places and fixed up his arm. Everything she couldn’t fix with metal tools she would mend with her mind.
At the end Bucky stood and stretched. “Thank you, Mandy.”
She flicked him on the forehead. “Go get clothes for your friends, Metal Boy.”
He rolled his eyes and moved to the hallway leaving her with the other two. The silence was comfortable before the Captain cleared his throat.
“Thank you,” He said, she didn’t look up from her toolbox, just hummed. “For fixing up Bucky, and helping him, I truly appreciate it.”
“Mmhm,” She acknowledged throwing away a few rags. “Need one of these?”
He looked down at his injuries. “Yes please, thank you ma’am.”
She nodded and tossed him a warm cloth. “Stitches?”
His eyebrows furrowed. “What?”
She finally looked up at him with an amused smirk. “Do you need stitches?”
“Oh,” He shook his head. “Probably a bandage or two but I should be okay.”
“I can help with that,” She told him, walking over.
Quickly he shook his head. “No ma’am I should be-” His train of thought hit a hard break and his brain froze in place as she loosely grabbed his hand. He weakly croaked. “Ma’am?”
Amanda chuckled and a glowing light came from her palm, Steve watched in awe as his nerve ends healed and every small bruise and scrape faded away. After a few seconds she stopped and looked him over.
“Buck should have fresh clothes in the second room to the left,” She told him, stepping back. “You can sleep in the same room as Wilson or the couch. I don't care. And don’t worry I have cameras everywhere out here, they’ll wake you up if there’s anyone in the area.”
He opened his mouth up and down like a fish. “What?”
A low chuckle came from the doorway, Bucky was leaning with a smirk. “Break him Mandy?”
“Oh you know,” She hummed while walking down the hall. “Wake me if someone is dying.”
After she was gone, Steve looked at Bucky for a long while. “You’ve been busy.”
“I suppose.”
It was silent for a heartbeat. “Who is she?”
“She’s like me,” He sighed, resting his elbows on the counter and carding a hand through his hair. “Ex HYDRA experiment, only she got lucky and I was stuck as a weapon.”
Steve licked his dry lips. “She can heal?”
“I don’t press,” He admitted. “But from what I’ve been able to understand, her family was HYDRA legacy and set her up for sale, one of the tesseract trials. They tried to change her DNA with some sort of infection but she adapted and made it her weapon. Advanced strength, speed, intelligence, the whole deal. Then the nerve control thing.”
“And she’s out of the game?”
Bucky nodded then tilted her head back and forth. “She’s been beating HYDRA down until nearly nothing.”
Steve rested his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “She’s a good person Buck.”
“I know.”
This is entirely self indulgent XD. Tell me if you liked it GIVE ME REQUESTS (PLEASE IM BORED)!!!
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doin-just-fine · 2 months
!! System Introductions !!
We are at a spot where we feel comfy enough officially introducing everyone! We'll dive into who everyone is, what they do, and what their experiences are in the system to provide insight to other questioning systems!
Welcome to our system!! We have a collective system name but is based on our host's real name and they aren't comfortable sharing that information yet so here you can refer to us collectively as:
✨ The Super Fine System ✨
We are a median system as of now because that is the best label we have found and we think we formed due to our neurodivergence (we have diagnosed ADHD and undiagnosed autism) making us a neurogenic. There are possible other origins but nothing is clearer than the struggles we've had our whole life that came with our neurodivergence. We don't really understand how the different consciousness identities work so we don't really use them. Let's get into who everyone is and how we work!!
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Name: DoinFine (wants to be anon online for now) Emoji: 🛸 (flying saucer) Age Slide: 23~19 Pronouns: They/Them Star Sign: Virgo Identity: Queer and Non-binary Time of Origin: Birth I guess lol Role: Front stuck Host Brief Bio: DoinFine enjoys the winter, blue hour, cloudy skies, and their favorite colors are blue and green. They enjoy hot chocolate, garlic bread, and cookies. The animal they identify with (not as) is a crow. They are kind, gentle, and goofy. Information: DoinFine is our front stuck Host, this means amnesia is not the same for us like it is for more diagnosable/traditional systems. Since DoinFine is around all the time we don't usually forget things completely though it can happen. Our amnesia looks and feels like having difficulty in recall of events but with enough description from an outside party we can pull up the memory as well as emotional amnesia where we can recall memories but not the emotions attached. It's almost like we have the memory the color has been stripped from it. DoinFine has also started having some identity issues with who they are with in the system. They are starting to realize that personality traits they thought were theirs were actually someone else's and they are having to relearn who they are as an individual which is harder for them specifically than anyone else in our system due to their role and how our system operates.
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Name: cloud Emoji: ☁️/🌩️ depends on the day (cloud or cloud with lighting) Age Outside: 19~23 Pronouns: He/Him Star Sign: idfk this one is dumb (🛸 I'd say Scorpio or Aries) Identity: i'm a dude and i don't really like anyone Time of Origin: wouldn't you all like to know (🛸 He won't tell us but I know it's early early) Role: protector and gatekeeper Brief Bio: they wrote this for me but here you go - Cloud appreciates the fall, night time, cloudy skies and his favorite color is deep red (only cus they said black doesn't count). He likes monster energy and pizza (i'm not a sweets guy so no dessert). The animal he identifies with (not as) is on the scale from black cat to king cheetah, depends on how he feels. Cloud is direct, nicer than he looks, and unattached. Information: doinfine is our eyes and ears on the inside and out so to them our headspace looks like a couch that has a plug in seat (the front) and spot next to them for anyone to sit down and watch/give in put but with no way of controlling. everyone uses the couch but i don't i stand behind doinfine and tap in sometimes. we don't share thoughts , our minds are our own unless you sit in the chair or in my case stand behind. as far as anyones aware "touch" can link us a little bit but doinfine can never access anyones entire mind. so information retrieval is limited on and i'm not handing it to them freely so this might not be as clear as doinfine would like. i was the one who broke through first to doinfine. what happened was we lost access to our ADHD medication. we have been on ADHD medication since we were 8 with no breaks (which we think may have to do with our origin) so suddenly we were off it for like a week and a half. thats the longest we've gone with zero meds in 15 years. the no meds dropped some barriers and doinfine started thinking about system things again. systemhood has been an interest of theirs since they were 18 and they were starting to wonder why they found it so interesting and personal. i'm a gatekeeper and they we're piecing stuff together so i had to push back and that actually made it more obvious what we were. and now here we are.
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Name: Summer Emoji: 🌾 (Grass) Age: 24 Pronouns: She/Her/they Star Sign: Libra Identity: Fem Lesbian Time of Origin: I believe around middle school/high school Role: Caretaker Brief Bio: Summer enjoys the spring (silly I know), golden hour, partially cloudy skies, and her favourite colour is golden yellow or green. She likes fruity teas, creamy soups, and pastries (bonus if they have chocolate in them). The animal she identifies with (not as) is an old bear basking in the sun or a deer. Summer is quiet, gentle, and easily overwhelmed. A bit shy but absolutely wonderful when you get to know her and she opens up. Information: Summer was the reason we started thinking about the possibility of being a system before the whole medication debacle. We were at home and we got the weirdest sensation when we took a passing glance at a mirror. We expected to see ourselves with long straight hair tied back and when we didn't see that it felt very uncomfortable and disturbing to the point of being unable to look at ourselves again for a bit. There was a bit where we went through a denial spiral and wrote off everyone else beyond Cloud as not being real because at the time we only had hard evidence from Cloud. Summer saw that we were in distress and disappeared to make things easier on us. For awhile it was the three of us, DoinFine, Cloud, and Bean. Then we got validation from our therapist about our experience and felt much more comfortable in our situation. Since that, Summer has slowly come back and, with it being summer time, she co-cons quite a bit. Also fun fact about Summer: we think she may be British. She got a lot of inspiration and influence from the things we were watching at the age she developed during. People like Dodie Clark and characters like Clara Oswald were big influences over her style and vibe.
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Name: BEAN!!!! Emoji: 🧸 (Teddy bear) Age Slide: 8~10 Pronouns: I'm a kid! (🛸 🌾 She doesn't quite understand so we interpret that answer as neutral and use They/She) Star Sign: Taurus Identity: N/A Time of Origin: Early Role: No role Brief Bio: Bean enjoys the summer , mid day sun, blue skies, and their favorite color is all of them. She enjoys bubbly drinks, Annie's brand pasta, and rainbow sherbert ice cream. The animal that Bean identifies with (not as) is a baby chick or a kitten. Bean is energetic, impulsive, and can be shy at first. Information: Bean comes out when the stars align. She is very shy around other people despite wanting to be friends with our partner system's littles. We think that they may have been the "original". They came back out really strong last summer when we were back home and didn't recognize where we were because we had moved 2 years earlier and when I🛸 gave her the tour of the new house we came down stairs and Bean didn't recognize our pets. This told me that she hadn't been around since we were 8 or 9. Around that age we went through some medical trauma and I🛸 think she retreated far far back after that. Usually she just kinda wonders by the front and feels like a passing thought, impulse, or emotion and when I🛸 got to respond she's already gone. I🛸 don't think she understand who she is or who we are and why we're all here, but I🛸 do think living deep inside the head for 15 years has made her really good at navigating it. They have been the only one to front so strongly that I🛸 was bumped out of my seat for a second. I🛸 was still on the couch but I🛸 was shotgun and they were driving. I🛸 remember being impressed and then feeling someone else (☁️) feeling nervous which made me🛸 nervous and us both just gently holding the steering wheel while she drove and then she just got out of the chair and wondered off like it was no big deal.
We realized that we wanna do a separate post for how we operate, interact, and all that stuff because it will already be a massive post on it's own let alone being attached to this post so look out for that soon!
Welp! This is us! Feel free to ask us any questions either as a collective or individuals! We would be happy to answer them!
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