#Or Derek gets hurt and as he's fading in and out he just feels Stiles gently petting him and sees real fear for his safety in Stiles' eyes
noyzinerd · 2 years
Derek the Doggo
Now, I've read a few Sterek AU fics where Derek has to pretend he's a dog/wolf and gets adopted by Stiles, who is none the wiser. Stiles usually talks to his "pet" in these as if he were talking to a person.
That's nice and all, but can someone PLEASE give me a Stiles that speaks to fully-shifted wolf Derek like a tumblr millennial raised on the internet? Like the single, poorly socialized, unhinged, expending-waaaay-too-much-energy-into-his-"fur-baby" dog-mom I know he'd be?
Like, Stiles holding up a mirror up to Derek and going "It you!"
Or, when Derek lays belly-up, paws to the ceiling, and stretches his toes wide, Stiles says sagely, "Ah, yes.The beans are coming in nicely this year."
Or Stiles putting Derek in a hotdog costume.
Or decorating his entire place with balloons and streamers and ordering an elaborate, dog-safe cake made of peanut butter and Milkbones to celebrate their one-month-iversary since the adoption.
Stiles hiring a professional baby photographer for a photoshoot.
Stiles setting up a Zoom call for Derek with another friend's dog, in which, Derek just sits there, looking awkwardly between Stiles and the other dog like "What exactly am I supposed to do here?", because he's a full grown man expected to have a "conversation" over videochat with a dog like they're supposed to bark back and forth about the weather or park recommendations or something.
Stiles making Derek a Twitter account and constantly posting as him in doggo speak (which he reads out loud, in a voice he imagines Derek would have, as he types). Like "Henlo! I is heckin good boi derk! Big anger! Much grump!" Or "No bork. Only O\m/O". Or "Mmmm hooman shoes omnomnomnom 😋"
And when Derek tears into things or misbehaves in an attempt to upset Stiles, he's just met with a psuedo-stern "Wuh-oh. Looks like Hurricane Derek strikes again. I hereby sentence you to 3 hours of cruel and unusual punishment!" Before being put in a cone of shame.
Bonus points if, after Derek shifts back, it turns out Stiles already knew he was a werewolf (maybe not the whole time, but definitely early on). He just wanted to see how far he could push things until the mysterious werewolf he had adopted finally showed himself and revealed whatever he was planning.
(If there is, by miracles of miracles, already a fic like this, recs would by greatly appreciated!)
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maria021015 · 5 months
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Erica’s convulsing did not let up as Scott jumped into the back of the Jeep with her - him being the only one able to restrain her. “Where are we even taking her? Derek hasn’t gone back to his house for weeks!” Zaida exclaimed, the shaking in her hands starting to spread up her arms. She gripped the passenger seat beneath her and gritted her teeth, trying not to let it show, but Stiles noticed. Stiles always noticed. He sent her a worried expression with wide eyes, but she shook her head slightly, indicating for him to drop it. She didn’t want Scott to know just yet. Not when they had bigger things to worry about.
“The…railroad depot.” Erica managed to ground out between full-body spasms and choking sounds.
Stiles didn’t need to be told twice, he knew exactly where she was talking about and slammed his foot onto the pedal. They made it there within ten minutes and several ran red lights. From there on in, Scott led the way with his nose, managing to get inside through a back entrance. In their haste, they descended the stairs two at a time into the darkness of the abandoned building. Derek must have sensed that they were there because he was ready to meet them, opening the doors to a railway car.
“The Kanima attacked, and she just started seizing, we don’t know what to do,” Zaida explained frantically, her voice shaking from the nauseating fear within her stomach. The shaking had now spread to almost her whole body as if she was shivering. “Wasn’t her whole reason for taking the bite because it was supposed to stop the seizures? So, why is this happening?”
“Was she paralysed?” Derek questioned as Stiles sunk to the floor, holding Erica in his arms. The boy nodded and Derek kneeled beside him as Scott and Zaida watched on. “The Kanima venom stopped her accelerated healing. That’s why she’s having a seizure. Hold her up.”
“Is she dying?” Stiles asked anxiously, trying desperately to keep Erica as still as he possibly could while she writhed in his lap.
“She might. Which is why this is gonna hurt.” Derek answered blankly and reached out to clutch one of Erica’s arms with both hands, wrenching them to break the bone clean in half with a loud snap. Erica threw her head back and screamed. The sound of it was agonizing in and of itself, but for Zaida…it felt as if it was happening to her. She cried out and whimpered, biting her lip to stifle the noise so fiercely that she could taste the metallic essence of warm blood on her tongue. If her own pain was only an echo of what Erica was feeling…she truly felt horrible for the girl. Her eyes flickered between Scott and Derek, who were both so focused on Erica that they assumed Zaida was simply crying out in shock.
“You broke her arm!” Stiles exclaimed, outraged at the wolf’s actions. Zaida was too distracted to see the sense in it.
“It'll trigger the healing process. I still gotta get the venom out - this is where it's really gonna hurt.” Derek warned and Zaida braced herself, gripping the metal bars of the seat legs. Surely enough, the stabbing pain came, and tears spilled from her eyes as she struggled not to scream the way Erica was. Instead, she sobbed, watching through blurry vision as Derek dug his claws into Erica’s broken arm, draining the blood from the limb. Scott reached out to squeeze Zaida’s shoulder in support, believing she was having an emotional reaction to watching what was going on. From the look on Stiles’ face as she caught his eye, he knew. The boy couldn’t do anything to help her, lest he expose her secret, and she wasn’t yet ready for her newfound abilities to be out in the open yet. She sighed in sweet relief when Erica’s seizure stopped, resulting in the pain fading and the shaking stopping. The blonde wolf sagged in Stiles’ arms as she went quiet.
“Stiles...you make a good Batman…” She smiled up at him weakly and Zaida felt a pang of some unrecognisable emotion in her chest that left as swiftly as it came.
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aloneatpeace · 2 years
Cosmic chaos
Chapter 2
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Stiles drop you off home the light on Bonnie's and grams off you assumed they were asleep and you silently go into your room and you see your window open .
" werid i always close it " you put your phone charging
you don't know what happened, next thing you know that someone covering your mouth an arm around your waist and pull you into bathroom you try to kick and scream and your slam against hard surface and it's warm .
"I'm not going to hurt just stay quiet" the voice sound oddly familiar .
you can hear your chest pounding and you try to take steady breath .the person turn you face him .
" Derek " you confused panicked state quickly change into anger " what the hell are you doing here ? how did you even get here ???did you anything to family "
you close the only gap between you without even realising.
Derek didn't say anything only gazing at your eyes and he look back around you but you didn't move your eyes from him
" clam down i didn't do anything to anyone " he said in annoyed voice .you look at him confused anger slowly dying down "I'm here because Scott is going to turn tomorrow and he can't go the party .he is going kill someone even worse he might kill you ." he's eyes flash blue your too shocked to say anything
when he start walk out the bathroom but you put your hand on his chest to stop " wait what Stiles said is true ?'" but Derek doesn't say anything then you notice your where your hand is " sorry " he node at you and now you grab his arm " just hold on you can't just drop the bomb and run away ....wait are you the one that killing people now " you narrow your eyes at him
he glare at you " no there is something out here that killing the people and it's not me " before you can say anything he is gone .
It's been an hectic day as soon as your head hit the pillow you fall asleep.After some time your mind and body is relaxed everything was dead silent . It was a pure bliss.
Loud everything was loud so suddenly, you can hear sounds of what you assume thoughts of other and it was getting so loud.
You felt like your floating in a dark space. There is so many voice speaking at same time it was getting louder and louder.
red mist flow around rooms and walls the walls every small object in the room start leaving own it's own
You squirm in your bed. Whimpering when your head start to hurt, you jerk your heads to sides telling it stop, praying the nightmare to stop And when you open your eyes you can see so many faces and their voice but they were not movie their mouth. suddenly you're hit with so many emotions and voices become so loud
Everything was in fast pace , so many faces and so may faces and it's was getting louder and louder t's looks like your seeing them through a mirror.
Your back is arching from the bed hands gripping the sheets like it's the only thing thats keeping you there .
You close your eyes hoping it's all fade away , in your mind you could see Scott and stiles smiling at you, grams and bonnie and you having breakfast smiling all the time.
the slowly turn into blue mist and the objects levating
back to it's places. eting go your grip You flot in there try to block out the voices in your head blue colour glow surround yourself and your room. You could feel your self settling back in your bed gently.
At same time stiles and Scott awake looking around. Stiles grab his phone.
𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 : 𝙎𝙘𝙤𝙩𝙩  𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙪𝙥 ?
𝙎𝙘𝙤𝙩𝙩 :𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙝. 𝘿𝙞𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙤𝙤?
𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 : 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙝 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚.
𝙎𝙘𝙤𝙩𝙩 : 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙝. 𝙄 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙙𝙪𝙙𝙚 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙬𝙚𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙄 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙡𝙛 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙.
𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 : 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙞𝙨 𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙮 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙗𝙮 𝙙𝙖𝙮. 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙚𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙣𝙤 𝙬𝙤𝙡𝙛 𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙩𝙩
𝙎𝙘𝙤𝙩𝙩 : 𝙄 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙬𝙚'𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 .
𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 : 𝙘𝙤𝙤𝙡. 𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩.
𝙎𝙘𝙤𝙩𝙩 : 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨.
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the class starts but you where to busy thinking about what Derek said you glance at scott
" what ?" he mouths when he see you look at him you shook your head at him .
" The Battle of Willow Creek took place right at the end of the war in our very own Mystic Falls. How many casualties resulted in this battle? Ms. Bennett ?" tanner point his finger at bonnie .
" Um...a lot? I'm not sure. Like a whole lot." bonnie answer while looking at you , you give her thumbs up
" Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Ms. Bennett. Mr. Donovan? Would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your embedded jock stereotype?" tanner state bonnie looks embarassed
what the hell dude you whisper
" It's okay, Mr. Tanner, I'm cool with it." Matt reply
" Hmm. Elena? Surely you can enlighten us about one of the town's most significantly historical events?"
"I'm sorry, I--I don't know."elena tell him
" I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, Elena. But the personal excuses ended with summer break." tanner state
you , Stiles and Scott look at eachother like what the hell is problem
" There were 346 casualties. Unless you're counting local civilians." the new guy tell
" That's correct. Mister...?"
" Salvatore."
" Salvatore. Any relation to the original settlers here "
" Well, very good. Except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle.
Stefan: Actually, there were 27, sir. Confederate soldiers, they fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss. The founder's archives are, uh, stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts, Mr. Tanner."
outside the when the class ends you ,Scott and stiles meet bonnie and her friend.
"man this is first time the nerd of class actually get appreciated " stiles said as clasp his hands on stefans shoulder.
you shake your head " don't mind him but it was good to put him in the place . " you give stefan a smile and he smile back .
"we never actually meet I'm Scott " scott shake his hands with stefan and he look at stefan a little longer, before continuing
" this is stiles and this is a stary i picked from the road side " Scott put you in headlock as he introduced all of you and you roll your eyes at Scott.
Stefan let out laugh it's not mocking kind " y/n i know bonnie told me about you "
"all good things I hope " yoh shoot bonnie a suspicious look. she give you the famous really y/n look back at you.
stefan give you small smile " yeah all good "
you glance at his ring which odd looking you open stefan also see you glance at his ring your mouth to say something but alison and lydia shout your name from where they stand making you turn to them. and they motion you to come closer
" I think that's my sign to leave " you give them small smile.
"are you coming to the party tonight? " stefan ask you suddenly out nowhere surprising everyone there. elena give stefan a look and bonnie throw a curious glance.
" maybe?" you walk to where alison and lydia standing.
"hi guys "
alison give you small smile "hi y/n"
" what were you saying to schools new hot guy over there? " lydia ask with mischievous smrik on her face.
you Scrunched your nose " really? "
" even though I love to see you with other than with Scott and stiles. I don't think it would work out seeing the way elena kept eyes on you and him watching like hawk " lydia mutter
you eyes wide with amusement " no she didn't "
" yes she did it was funny " alison adds and you all broke into a laugh.
" well how is you and Scott doing all good I think because I can't handle his whiny ass ? "
alison blush at mention of him " well we are going on date tonight at the party and we'll see how it's go "
"word of advise take things slow talk to each other" lydia state.
" yeah and I'm saying this not because I'm his friend but Scott means well , he would be good to you he means no harm and he clearly likes you , he can be an idiot some times and make dumb decision. all you have to talk and figure out . communication is the key right " you said knowing very well at some point they will have to know about the everything happening.
" for someone who never had relationship you know a lot about love " lydia tease you.
" for the sake of our friendship I'll pretend that i just didn't hear you saying I don't have love life which I'm both proud and embarrassed "
After practice, Stiles headed straight for his bedroom, where he began researching Werewolves on his computer. His online search starts with articles on Lycaon, said to be the first Werewolf, and moves on to articles about wolfsbane. Some time later, Stiles moves on to reading an old, battered book titled The History of Lycanthropy, before going back to the computer and searching online for articles about silver as a weakness of Werewolves. Finally, Stiles, looking concerned about what he's read so far, prints out an old sketch of a Hunter aiming a crossbow at a transformed Werewolf.
you open his door unannounced and barge in startled Stiles start to close his maccbook upon seeing it's only you he let out a breath ." close the door "
you do as he told and start to pace around his room think how to tell him about Derek and you're now fully sure that Scott is turning into wolf.
when he didn't hear anything from you he stop his research and turn to you .
" what wrong ?? " he ask now giving you his full attention.
" if i tell you , you'll think I am crazy " you let out humourless laugh .
Stiles shake his head " come on you can tell me "
" i think Scott turn into a wolf or werewolf " you put your hands on your hip and close your eyes waiting for him laugh at you
" i think too" he stand up and bring you his chair showing you his research
" whoa you're have your dectectivie cap on " you go through his notes and search bars .
" how did you find out ?" Stiles ask as he take book from the desk and skim through it .
"Derek told me "the book fall out his hand as he look at with wide eyes "and he is also a werewolf" you don't pay him mind a silence fall upon you .
Suddenly, the sound of knocking at Stiles' door startles him and you Stiles thinks for a moment on what to do next, ultimately closing you close his as he MacBook and walking over to open his bedroom door. When he finds Scott and in the doorway, he sighs in relief before allowing and Scott entry
" Get in."
Scott walks into Stiles' bedroom just as Stiles closes the door " You gotta see this thing. I've been up all night reading-- websites, books, all this information."
Scott sets his backpack on the floor by Stiles' bed, his eyes widening when he sees all the paper covering the floor and desk." How much Adderall have you had today?"
"a lot " Stiles shakes his head before changing the subject " Doesn't matter, okay? Just listen."
Scott takes a seat on Stiles' bed "Oh, is this about the body? Did they find out who did it?"
Stiles is momentarily distracted by the point of summoning Scott to his house as he shares what he knows
" No, they're still questioning people." you answer
" Even Derek Hale." Stiles add he glance at you for a moment.
"Oh, the guy in the woods that we saw the other day?"
" Yes. But that's not it, okay?" you state as you stand now .
Scott frowns in confusion " What, then?"
Scott gets so upset that he starts to stutter as he argues with Stiles and you " What are you guys trying to do? I-I just made first line. I-I got a date with a girl who I can't believe wants to go out with me, and everything in my life is somehow perfect. Why are you trying to ruin it?"
" we're trying to help!" Stiles yells loudly.
" Stiles clam down " you put a hand on his back
Stiles takes a deep breath before he continues in a softer tone of voice. " You're cursed, Scott. You know, and it's not just the moon will cause you to physically change. It also just so happens to be when your bloodlust will be at its peak."
" Bloodlust?" Scott look at you confused .
" what he is trying to say is that something supernatural is happening . remember when we heard the wolf howling after it bite you .they howl when they are lonely and we heard it that's mean there is pack of them around here and you're one of them "you explain hoping he would understand.
" a pack of wolf ?and I am one now ??" Scott glance at the two of you .
" werewolf more like and that's why you're not going anywhere tonight " Stiles add and you node at this .
" why not I have to go today party i have date with Alison tonight "
" Scott you can't it's full moon tonight you can't go out " you plead at him
" listen to us Scott if you go out it's going give a blood lust " Stiles state
" blood!?" Scott ask
" yeah you're gonna want to kill anyone" Stiles said
"I'm already feeling like I want to kill someone now , Stiles " Scott growled.
Stiles frantically grabs The History of Lycanthropy book off of his desk and starts reading aloud from it in an attempt to convince Scott that he is becoming a Werewolf " You gotta hear this-- "The change can be caused by anger or anything that raises your pulse." All right? I haven't seen anyone raise your pulse like Allison does. You gotta cancel this date."
Stiles stands to his feet and starts digging through Scott's backpack again.
" Stiles " you call him already feeling something going happen.
Scott yelps " What are you doing?"
Stiles grabs Scott's phone from his bag and starts to pull up Allison's number
Scott start move to Stiles but you stand infront him push him back Scott doesn't hear you call him and he push you out the way with inhuman strength as you land serval feet away and you hit the floor hard letting out Yelp .
both Stiles and Scott fall silent as they watch you .Stiles drop the phone and run towards you. kneeling infront of you ." what is wrong with you ?" Stiles look angered at scott .
Scott watch you with ashamed as your eyes start to tear up you hold his eyes acknowledging that your bestfriend just yeeted you across the room .
" I'm sorry. I-I gotta go get ready for that party."
Scott picks up his phone and his backpack and heads for the door, giving you one last apologetic look before he goes.
" I'm sorry." Scott leaves, and Stiles lets out a long breath of relief. Still clearly upset he help you stand up
" are you alright ? i didn't think he would push you away" Stiles check you his eyes sad as he gaze at you .
" I'm fine it's not the first time I get hurt and I'm certain it won't be the last " you laugh but he still look concerned " beside i don't have concunion i don't think my one sacred brain cell could've handle that "
he laugh at that " all hail one sacred brain cell " he hug you " we are going to figure it out together right?"
you sigh into hug " yeah together " .you glance at the chair with wide eyes ." Stiles?" he hum in return as he starts to rock side to side "Stiles look ?"
you point at chair and his eyes widen when he see four claw marks on the chair leather .
when you and stiles walk into the party searching for Scott he was no where to be found you and Stiles walk around the woods and you stumble up on Jeremy Gilbert .
" hey man " Stiles awkwardly wave at him
"am I interpreting something sorry I'll leave " Jeremy tell .
" nope we are just looking for our friend Scott we kinda lost him " you reply now you three walk around
that when you see Tyler and Vicki and from vicki's visible uncomfortable make you all three move fast .
"hey get away from her " Jeremy run towards them
" dude you're sick " Stiles tell Tyler disgusted in his behaviour .
"piss of Stiles" Tyler glare at you and stiles , you both return it he roll his eyes before walking away.
you check on Vicki asking her is she alright .she just node at you before walking away Jeremy follow her and he node at you telling he'll take care of it .
you and stiles search for Scott and find him running out of door but as you try to follow bonnie comes out nowhere and you stop infront of her .
" there you are i have been looking for you everywhere"she said .
" yeah now you found her can we go ?" Stiles ask impatiently.
" no she is my sister " bonnie said
" well she is my best friend which is more sacred" Stiles argue .
" Stiles why don't you go look for Scott then text me okey " you state knowing that this isn't going no where Stiles start to protest but think it's better go after him and he does .
you hope everything goes well tonight.
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sterek-is-eternal · 2 years
omg hello i just saw your fics recs and all of them look so good so thank you can’t wait to read them! and on that note, what’s the angstiest sterek fic you’ve ever read? maybe without happy ending? 👀 but with happy ending is cool too!
Hey, I’m so glad that you liked it!
Angst without happy ending? omg… First of all, I sending you a virtual hug.
I don’t read much fics like that. Those are the angstiest I know but most of them with happy ending. Please always read tags and author warnings because those fics deal with rape, depresia, slavery, torture or some heavy staff that can be trigger for someone.
1. This is the first fic that was on my mind. I would say ending is bitter-sweet, one that give hope. Stiles died but Derek resurrected him. Stiles is different and not happy. They both trying to find the way to be happy again. I really love it.
Won't Do Me No Good Washing in the River by DevilDoll, Jinxy, Rahciach 6k
"Remember, Derek: you never get back what you lost." 
2. Exactly what summary says. Derek was dating Stiles when Nogitsune happend.
Sing Me to Sleep by Dexterous_Sinistrous 6k
What if Derek and Stiles were dating when the Nogitsune came along?
What if Derek didn't know if Stiles was really Stiles when they were together?
What if the Nogitsune didn't want to give Derek back to Stiles?
Or: Rewrite of Season 3B where Derek and Stiles are dating.
3. This one hurt but in a good way. Soulmate AU with Stiles being in coma. They bodyswap for one day.
I'm Lost In You by matildajones 13k
Stiles wakes up in his soulmate's body, on his twenty-second birthday, with blurry memories of the past year. Derek doesn't wake up at all.
4. Royalty AU. Stiles is force to work for Gerard.
You're Just An Empty Cage Boy (If You Kill The Bird) by cirquedusoleil 26k
Stiles can't remember the last time he's spoken.
5. Stiles is infertile and trying to get divorce with Derek.
All Derek Ever Wanted by Dexterous_Sinistrous 7k
Stiles knew Derek always wanted a big family. And, for the longest time, he thought he'd be the one to give it to him. Life, devastatingly, has other plans.
Prompt: "I've been thinking about omega stiles n alpha derek. They're trying to hav a baby. But one day stiles go to the doc, n he imply that stiles can't get pregnant. Stiles keep it secret and try to make derek divorce him."
6. Stiles is a necromancer who resurrect Laura but it cost him his health. Reading as Stiles slowely fading away is just pure hurt.
You Only Live Once...or Twice by WonderWolf 33k
“Anything,” Derek’s eyes are determined, boring into Stiles’.
Stiles huffs a laugh, “Careful there, big guy. Don’t want to be promising anything to every necromancer you meet. Some might ask for your soul or someth—”
“I’ll give you my soul to bring her back,” Derek says, his voice steady and strong with resolve, “if that’s what you want.”
Stiles’ mouth gapes open for a moment before his brain kicks into gear and he stutters out, “N-no, I don’t ask for that. I only ask for money.”
(Or the one in which Stiles is a necromancer who needs help stopping a rogue alpha and Derek is the solution, but at what cost?)
7. This is a very popular one (as it deserve to be). Story through Sheriff eyes about Stiles being raped.
Promise You'll Look After Him by DiscontentedWinter 10k
Sheriff Stilinski is used to dealing with victims of violent crime. He knows how to approach kids who've been beaten and sexually assaulted.
Except this time it's his son.
It's Stiles.
8. It’s a second part of a series. Derek is writing a book about Stiles and he is describing him in a very bad way (he didn’t mean it though).
how this one ends. by standinginanicedress 49k / Wayback Machine
“And Stiles,” he's addressed directly for the first time since this whole thing started, and when all eyes land on him this time, he just squeezes Derek's hand and squares his shoulders. He can act like this doesn't bother him. Derek can do it, and Derek's here. He'll be okay. “...how does it feel to know that millions upon millions of people are going to read intimate, private details about your life with Derek?”
“It doesn't bother me,” Stiles says with a shrug, going for nonchalant and feeling like he's doing it pretty well. “I knew what I was getting into. Besides – everyone wants Derek Hale to write about them, right?”
9. Sexual slavery AU. Stiles is a present for Laura’s son.
All The Way To You by AgnesBlue 14k
“Can you make a stop at Beacon Rock? It’s a little town close by, maybe forty miles away from where you are.” He’s instantly irritated. “Why?” “I need you to pick up a present I got for Mason,” Laura says.
AU in which Derek is returning to Beacon Hills after years of being away. Laura calls him while he's on the road, asking him to make a stop to pick up an omega she's purchased as her son's gift.
10. War between werewolves and humans. Stiles is capture by Derek’s pack and made Derek’s slave.
Enemy Lines by qhuinn (tekla) 149k
This is the story of werewolf Derek Hale and human Stiles Stilinski: two people who grew up in the same town but completely different worlds, their realities split by the war between men and wolves.
Years later when Derek returns to Beacon Hills, he does it as Alpha of a military pack on a mission to capture those responsible for the region’s resistance. With his main objective, Sheriff Stilinski, out of sight, he settles for the next best thing: his son, Stiles.
Neither of them suspects they’ll need to trust each other if they want to make it out this alive.
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fanficanatic-tw · 2 years
For Kayla!!! ^_^ #5, 8, 14, 19, 28, 37, 38 annnddd 50!!!
Yay thank you so much for asking :)
What personality trait do they love the most about each other?
Kayla really loves Stiles' charisma and energy. She loves how he always knows how and when to use humour, and was one of the first things that she fell for. She also loves how generous he is with his feelings. She knows he feels a lot for her; and never has to doubt that because he shows her. For Stiles, he loves how blunt and upfront she is, and how he can never predict what she might say. He appreciates how she stays true to herself, regardless.
Do they get along with each other's friends and family?
Yes. Kayla and the Sheriff are best buds, and he really grew to care for her like a daughter. On Kayla's side? Well 😂 her mum doesn't, and Derek is, well... Derek... but I think her family knows Stiles is good for her and grounds her. They share the same friends.
What song fits them perfectly?
This is a tricky one because there's a lot, depending on what stage in their life/relationship they're in, but I think 'you are the reason' by Callum Scott. Very appropriate to the events surrounding Kayla's death and her (coming up) need to leave Beacon Hills for her own sanity.
Would they ever lie to each other? Why or why not?
Yes. But not to be malicious. They're still teens and learning to grow, so sometimes have kept things from each other thinking they're protecting the other person, but they always find out down the line it doesn't work well that way. Through the books they have grown to be comfortable being honest and open with each other, even if it hurts.
Are they jealous/possessive of each other?
Yes haha. Not in a toxic way though. Stiles is canonically a jealous person. It's just a personality trait that I think stems from anxiety, paranoia and feeling always second best. So at the start of the relationship, he got annoyed and jealous at little things but over time it fades to a more appropriate level. Kayla? Yes and no. She's confident and secure in herself, but does have blips where she endures lots of self doubt. She'll happily confront someone hitting on Stiles with snark and sarcasm... and maybe fists 😂
Have they ever hurt each other on accident?
Lol yes. The only things I can think of right now is during some energetic, kinky sex session lmao
Have they ever hurt each other deliberately?
Yes. When Kayla was evil she did many things to hurt Stiles and try and make him fall out of love with her. Her intent was to ruin him, as she blamed him for her death. On a few occasions, during arguments, they may snap slanting hurtful at each other, but are wise and aware enough to realise it was wrong.
Who would protect who in a dangerous situation?
Both. Despite Stiles' human nature, it is built in him to be a protector. He never has shied away from the terrors of the supernatural, or the horrors of the real world. However, he is more likely to run. Kayla has always been confrontational, and rarely backs down from a fight. Regardless of the danger, she doesn't think and leaps straight in, something Stiles' hates. It's like she has no awareness or self preservation, as Peter would call it lol. She did the ultimate protection for Stiles, and allowed herself to get killed to save him from the nogitsune. She didn't even have to think, she just did it.
Thanks for asking :) hope that's what each question meant ahaha
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mona-stay · 3 years
Secrets part 3 Peter Hale
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Paring - Peter Hale x Reader
Warnings - smut finally
Part 1. Part 2
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You drove straight to Derek’s, still feeling a little shaken up after what Theo had done. Outside Peters Shelby wasn’t there, you didn’t know if you were happy or sad not to see it. When you got inside to your surprise Peter was there sat reading his book. He’d actually agreed to car pool with you.
Stiles and Liam both cheered as you walk in, Stiles calling you a good luck charm after the win today. How you managed to get coach to listen to your ideas. For the next few hours you all laughed, talked, drank and ate.
It was at this point, Derek being one of the closest to you noticed your neck. “what happened” he said, Peter now in his feet coming over to see. You explain about Theo’s threat and how he tried to strangle you.
“I’m gonna kill the little runt” Peter said heading for the door. You grabbed his arm, stopping him.
“don’t, Stiles’ dad’s took him, Coach is having him expelled and if he’s stupid enough to back at me then you all have my permission to kill him. But for now can we just forget about it” you say to him. Peter clenches his jaw but agrees he’ll leave Theo to sheriff Stilinski for now.
You watch Peter return to his book as Lydia pulls you to one side asking to talk. Stepping away to a more private part of the loft you wait to see what’s wrong. “what’s going on with you and Peter?” she asks outright.
You blush “nothing, what do you mean?” you say coyly. Maybe you needed to tone down your stirring at the handsome wolf.
“I seen him today at the game, his arms around you before fighting with Theo. Are you two dating now?” she asks a little concerned.
Shaking your head no “that was to wind up Theo. Peters version of leave her alone I think, not like it worked” you told her, not really sure why Peter had started on Theo the way he did. “and besides even if I did like Peter, I don’t think he likes me like that”. You say looking down not letting her see the sadness you felt.
“oh, I doubt that. The way he is around you, looks at you. I think Peter likes you, I’ve always thought that especially after you saved him” she says.
You wished it was true but knew differently, you’d kissed him wanted more he told you no. “No, I think Peter just likes the game, I know he wouldn’t want me like that” you say hoping to end the conversation.
Lydia eyes you suspiciously but doesn’t question it. She looks over at Peter who watches y/n out the corner of his eye like he’d always done. She was going to ask him but knew Peter would never tell her the truth.
Peter sat just watching everyone else, what he always did when Scott used the loft for after games celebration. It was only pack members but for Peter it was still way too many.
He glanced over to y/n now she’d finished her chat with Lydia, he was about to gain your attention until Liam got it first asking her to dance. To Peter’s annoyance you agreed, going over to dance with him, Lydia, Stiles and Malia.
Peter growled watching as they young pups hands tried to move down your body. He found himself thinking how dare Liam touch what’s his, even if you wasn’t, its all Peter truly wanted. He hated even more you hadn’t stopped it. That you just moved slightly so he wasn’t touching anymore still laughing and dancing.
For the third time Liam’s hand come inches away from your ass. This time you decide not to move out of his way, nope you decide to see Peter’s reaction. Your eyes lock with his, he’s stirring with a snarl. You wink at him hoping to push him to come over do or say something but he doesn’t.  He gets up and walked to his old room. You sigh Peter hadn’t got jealous.
With Peter gone and the song finished you went to find something to drink. Everyone turned seeing the loft door open, Cory walked in scanning the room. Mason was happy to see about to give him a hug but Cory walked past him straight to Scott, his eyes flicking to you.
“Theo’s been arrested and he thinks Peter is up to something. He says Peters an alpha and y/n’s in danger” Cory blurted out. You sigh, it wouldn’t take Theo long to spill Peters secret.
Everyone looks at you, taking one or two breaths trying to keep your heart beat stable. “is this true” Scott asked.
“not as far as I know” you say hoping the wolfs wouldn’t notice the lie. After being with Theo you learned how to control some tell-tale signs of lying. “Theo has been arrested for trying to kill me” you tell Corey showing him your neck. So now he’s using lies, he knows I’m living in Peters and trying to find a way to turn you lot against him. Peter wouldn’t hurt me, in fact Peters been more respectful in the last two weeks than Theo has in two years. So what ever he’s told you Cory ignore it, I would.” You say hoping the rest believe you.
Derek agrees “y/n right Peter would never hurt her, yes he’d hurt a lot of people but I don’t think he’d do anything to her” he says knowing his uncles not so secret feelings for y/n. Although the Peter being an alpha was something Derek wasn’t sure about, it’s possible but surely he’d know.
Peter walks down the stairs “what have I meant to done now” he smirks. He’s eyes meet yours a small head tilt and smile tells you he’d heard what you said.
“Theo thinks your an alpha”  Scott says eyeing up Peter, arms folded, more or less asking the question without words.
“if I was Scott, you’d be dead” Peter jokes knowing they wouldn’t question it more. “anyway I’m ready to head home, y/n shall we your my lift” add.  You nod saying your goodbyes.
Once in the car Peter seemed quiet lost in his own thoughts. “thanks” he said eventually.
“what for?”  you asked not sure what he was thanking you for.
“keeping my secret. You didn’t have to lie for me but you did so thank you” he said.
You smiled, you had promised you’d keep his secret and did. Even if Theo knew the truth you still wouldn’t rat Peter out. “I keep my promises, I’m a good girl like that” you say.
Peter laughs but doesn’t look up at you. “I’m sorry Theo outed you” you say. Peter just shrugs it wasn’t your fault.
“sorry he tried to strangle you” he said, thinking he was party to blame for pushing Theo. Also making a mental note to kill him next time he saw him. You smile back saying wasn’t his fault.
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Back at the penthouse you walk in the door, as soon as it shuts you take your t-shirt off, showing of your sports bra. Dumping the top in the washing basket you say to Peter your getting in the shower. Giving him a full view of your body hoping after today he’d still be in a touchy mood.
Peter headed straight to his whiskey cabinet. His mixed feeling were getting the better of him, ten minutes ago he was jealous then seeing you lie for him made him love you so much more. And then your mini show for him then left almost nothing to his imagination.
 He downed his drink refilling it, tonight he was going put an end to this dam game once and for all. No matter what you decide he was done playing.
You come down after your shower in short pyjama shorts and top. You didn’t miss the way Peters eyes widened as you walk past swaying your hips.
You watch Peter, he seems off you’d noticed it since the game ended. You smirk a thought coming to your head a way get what you want and cheer him up.
You open the fridge, getting out a bottle of juice, choosing not to have alcohol so he can’t say your drunk this time. You stretch up high reaching for one of the glasses on the taller shelf, making little noises to get his attention. Once you have the glass you smile giving him a small wink but he didn’t smile back. He turns his head away.
You sigh, filling the glass you walk to where he’s sat, sitting on the arm of the chair. “you know sour wolf is Derek’s nickname. This kind of pouting doesn’t look good on you” you say, swinging your legs over his, one foot resting on the top of his thigh, your toes dangerously close to his package.
“what are you doing y/n” he asks, unsure what else to do with his mixed feelings right now.
“I’m hoping to put a smile on your face, plus I owe you a thank you for coming to the game today” you say moving your toes a little to tease him.
He sighed keeping his face straight “I think you should stop y/n” he tone was stern.
You look at him confused, the first night from the bar flashing back at you. Maybe you worry wasn’t for nothing, maybe he really didn’t want you.
“Trying to find a way to cheer you up, do you really want me to stop. Peter.” You say nudging your foot over his cock.
Peter grabbed your foot, “y/n stop, I can’t do this anymore” he said looking you in the eye. Seeing your smile fade he went on to explain. “I can’t play this game we’ve been playing. I thought I could but I can’t.” He says low
You didn’t speak, just watch as he runs his hand though his hair, thinking about what he wanted to say next “I can’t handle your looks, touches the way you act like you want me. I can’t handle you falling asleep on my knee and I certainly can’t handle carrying you to bed and it not being mine. Ever since we kissed that night after the bar, all I think about is how much I want you, how you should be mine. How foolish I was acting like the good guy, pushing you away say no because you were drunk and upset, when I should have been the selfish bad guy”
He’s words were cut off when you grab him, smashing your lips with his. He was surprised by your action and didn’t move, just closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of you on his lips.
You pull back biting back a smile “good, I don’t think I could of handled it any more too, I was hoping you would have said something sooner” you say. This time Peter kisses you, this one more passionate but still light and closed mouthed.
His hand slides up the outside of your leg finding your hip. “I promised you I wouldn’t sweetheart, that night I gave you a choice, if you still wanted me in the morning I’d take you to bed, or promise I’d never bring it up” he laughed as his fingers traces circles on your hips.
You giggle, almost forgetting he’d said that “then take me to bed Alpha” you playfully order.
Peter had other ideas, he pulled you off the arm of the chair onto his lap. Kissing and nipping at you neck “thought you’d never ask” he said flashing his eyes red, scooping you do he can stand with you still in place.
You playfully slap him before kissing and biting his jawline and neck. He carries you up the stairs to his room, finally getting the girl he’d wished for and this time he wasn’t going to let you slip away. Peter laid you on his bed gently, leaning over you stirring deep into your eyes “you definitely want this sweetheart?” he asked once last time. You didn’t answer with words. Capturing his lips on yours pulling him closer for more.
Peter grabbed the hem of your vest top, slowly sliding it up, his lips following the material until he reached your boobs. He nips and kisses the parts of your boos that isn’t hidden by your black lace bra as he pulls your top off completely.
“Peter” you moan. He smiles at you as he comes back for another fast, hungry passionate kiss. He didn’t care how much you beg, he was going to take his time. He was going to make sure you never wanted anyone else but him after tonight.
You watched Peter when he broke the kiss apart, pulling his own shirt over his head. You look over his chest, taking in every line, curve and  ripple that makes him. Leaning up on your elbows to get a better, fuller view of him as he started to undo his jeans.
You bit your lip, as he slowly slid them off tossing the behind him. He smirked “like what you see” he chuckled before sliding his hand up your legs pulling down your shorts leaving you in your underwear. This time it was Peters turn to admire you, his eyes raked up and down your body “beautiful” he said coming to kiss you.
Your hands went to his chest, trailing around his neck, as you pull the hair at the back of his head. Arching your back so he can unclasp your bra he throws it the away like he did his jeans. He leans back to look at you again before kissing your boob his and playing with the other one.
Running your hands across his shoulders, digging your nails in as he bites on your nipple rolling the hardened bud in his teeth. You could already feel how hard Peter is, his member pressing against the top of your thigh. You moved your hips to grind against him.
Peter took it as a hint, he gently let his fingers down your stomach, sending goose bumps over your skin. He rubbed your covered core making you moan, under his touch. He smiled feeling how wet you were for him, how your body reacted to him. His kisses follow the same path his hand had stopping just above your pantie line. He pulls them down not taking his eyes from yours.
He only looks away when there off and he kisses his way up your legs biting your inner thighs. You reach down tangling your fingers in his hair as he licks along clit. You hum and whine as he teases you with his tongue, wanting and needing more. “quit teasing please Peter” you say.
“only because you said please”  he chuckles, sliding a finger in you. Your hips buckle as he wastes no time finding the spots that make you cry his name. It wasn’t long before he adds a second. He let’s them explore you, taking in the places that make you moan and cry for him. Before bringing his tongue too your clit to increase the pleasure you felt.
Peter knew you were close and didn’t let up swapping his mouth for his thick thumb. “cum for me sweetheart, I want to see you come apart for me” he practically sang. Before you knew it you were pushed over the end, clenching around his fingers, screaming a mix of ‘oh god and Peter’
Peter brought his fingers to his lips humming as he licked your cum from them. Leaning over you he kisses you, you feel his tip at your entrance. He let’s it roll along your swollen lips and cups your cheek with his hand. “I’ve wanted this for so long sweetheart” he says lining himself up.
He slowly enters you, feeling bigger than you imagined filling and stretching you in the most amazing way. The growl he makes, almost animalistic once he’s deep as he can go. “fuck me Peter” you cry, you didn’t have to ask twice, for him to start moving.
Peter was anything but gentle and you loved it. His thrusts were hard and sharp, hitting spots and places you didn’t know existed. You wasn’t gentle too, if Peter didn’t heal, your own scratch marks would have been visible tomorrow.
You could feel yourself getting closer to the edge, and so could he. You whine a little as Peter pulls out but before you could moan any words. He flips you over so your now on your hands, entering you again with one fast hard thrust. Once he was settled inside you, he pulls you close so your back is pressed against his chest. His hands on your boobs kissing your neck, all you could do was reach up to grab his hair.
You moan his name loving the new position your in. He bucks his hips sending a new pleasure though you.  Trying to turn your head, a new wave of arousal filled your stomach seeing him, sweaty, sexy and those bright red eyes. “Peter, make me yours, bite me” you moan out on the verge of your next orgasm. “make me your little wolf, alpha”  you beg. His growl mixed with his dick hitting your g-spot sent you hurling into your orgasm.
Your walls clenching around him as he feels you cum on his dick, mixed with your words send Peter over the edge. His thrusts get sloppy but he doesn’t let up, the sound of you begging he let’s his teeth scratch lightly over your neck but resists the urge to sink then in as he cums deep inside you. “your amazing” he whispers, not caring if you heard or not as he slips out of you.
You fall on the bed, out of breath, worn out. Peter hands you a drink before pulling you into his arms. Kissing your head
You laid naked in Peters bed, his arms around you, holding you close. He kissed the top of your head as you made little soft murmurs in your sleep. He was still stunned last night actually happened, that you’d chosen him, asked and begged for him. He hoped it wasn’t a one time thing. He also hadn’t forgotten your high on sex driven request of becoming his beta, butting and turning her. He wasn’t gonna lie, the thought passed his mind. He almost caved as you clenched around him begging to be his, his little wolf.
Peter didn’t do it, almost for the same reason he didn’t sleep with you the first night you entered his penthouse. He worried you’d regret it the next day and hate him for it. He decided he would bring it up again in a few days see how you felt then
He smiles as your started to wake, “morning sweetheart” he says, bring his lips close to yours, kind of testing if it was a one night stand for you. To his delight you lean up kissing him. “breakfast? He asked.
You shook your head no holding him tighter “I don’t wanna move or you to move, I’m comfy like this” you say. Peter smirks letting himself settle. You stayed there almost an hour, sharing hugs and kisses before you had to get up to go the bathroom. Peter kisses you heading down the kitchen in his boxers.
You take a second to take in how yummy his ass looked in the tight silk. When you go down Peter had you a coffee ready. He wanted to bring up what last night meant, if it meant as much to you as it did to him.
After breakfast he’d mentally asked you 10 different ways all sounds as bad as the one before. “what’s on your mind?” you ask him noticing him stirring into space.
“did you mean what you about wanting to be mine?”  he asked out right, there was no other way to say it.
You pull yourself onto his lap looking him deep in the eyes “yes I meant it, I meant it all. I want to be with you, be your little wolf I want you peter” you say before kissing him.
He smiles a full happy, and slightly relieved smile. “good it’s all I want too” he says kissing your neck. He promised to bite you on the next full moon but until then you were happy just to be his girlfriend. “you know both Scott’s and Theo’s pack won’t be happy if I turn you” he joked.
You kiss him again, “I don’t care what they think,  I want it and I’m happy with you” you say reassuring him. You smirk “buyt until we find a way to tell them it can be our newest secret”
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kitchenisking · 2 years
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 Part 4😊
A Simple Life by Survivah - (Adventures and Explorations) - (Rating: T, Words: 13763, sterek)
Derek plans to spend the rest of his life holed up in the woods after Laura dies. Then he meets a stubborn young fox, and the stubborn young fox meets an urn of Deaton's magic powder, and his plans change.
Call Me Alpha by MyOwnParabatai - (Stiles Stilinski, My Alpha) - (Rating: T, Words: 2323, sterek)
It came more as a shock than anything when Derek called him ‘Alpha’ as opposed to ‘dumbass’, ‘dorkface’, or just plain ‘Stiles’. For the first time in his life, he was genuinely speechless, going as far as silencing his current tirade with an aborted shriek. 
“I’m sorry.” He said after rebooting his brain. “What did you call me?” 
Sterek Pre-Slash + Hurt/Comfort = Cuddles. **One-Shot**
They're MY puppies.. DON'T FREAKING MESS WITH THEM!! byMagnoliachild - ( Stiles's training of the STUPID alpha.) - (Rating: T, Words: 1817, sterek)
Stiles spends an hour cleaning and comforting his babies after a too rough training session with Derek. once they are calm enough Stiles goes over to the loft to show Derek what happens to people who mess with his babies.
Omega by sapphireginger - ( Alpha Yours, Omega Mine) - (Rating: G, Words: 546, sterek)
Stiles is lonely to the point of a literal broken heart and the feeling of being incomplete. So, he does the one thing he swore was a last resort. He sends in his application for a service that'll pair him with His Alpha...more like his "ideal" alpha but he's not picky. He can't be because he just wants to find a home for his heart. 
Phantom by thisgirlsays22 - (Phantom) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 12743, sterek)
Halfway through his interaction with Stiles, Derek realized his head was throbbing and he was clenching his jaw so tightly his teeth ached. His fangs threatened to drop, and he was still struggling for control after Stiles had disappeared into the sheriff’s office. 
Derek didn’t stop struggling even after Stiles walked past his desk ten minutes later, saluted, and left the building. Not until long after his scent had faded. 
In which Stiles unknowingly triggers a phantom alpha heat in Derek and then offers to help him through it. Against Derek’s better judgment, he accepts. 
Not Another Sterek Romance (It Is Absolutely Another Sterek Romance) bybetp - (Tutor!Verse) - (Rating: T, Words: 2405, sterek)
 In which Derek is the worst at history and Stiles wears glasses.
The Boy Is Mine, You Bonkers! by frownypup. - (YAMS (You Are My Sunshine)) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 35535, sterek)
It turns out that the words ‘a painfully smart and brave unclaimed human who is stupidly unutilized in Beacon Hill’s pack’ became the hottest gossip in werewolf underground. Yes, what the hell. Stiles’ existence has changed from a plankton to a rising sun.
Derek Hale has something he needs to say about it.
Anything for You by Onlymine987 - (Anything for You) - (Rating: Not Rated, Words: 930, sterek)
Derek reminds his Stiles how valuable he is to the pack, and to him. Sometimes his baby needs to be reminded of his worth but Derek will gladly do it eveytime he has to.
Discovery Channel Taught Me by xxjinchuurikixx - (Our Fevered Souls) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 19350, sterek)
Derek goes into rut in the early winter, and he can't stand being near Stiles. Stiles comes over to make sure Derek isn't dead. Good job, Scott.
“Stiles… You have to leave. Please--just go away.” “It's okay, buddy… We're gonna get through this.” He touches Derek's chest with his own, fingers brushing Derek's neck. “I'm here.”
The Only Exception by alisvolatpropiis - (The Only Exception) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 8153, sterek)
Derek sighs, frustrated, not yet willing to resign himself to his fate of an arranged relationship even though it’s seeming more and more inevitable.
He forces the whole ordeal out of his mind and stares hard at his laptop, re-reading the same sentence over and over again, trying to stare it into submission, when a familiar scent distracts him, jolts him out of his pitiful attempt to focus.
Through the heavy haze of rich coffee and warm cookies that fills the café he can smell that weed-tinged spice and fresh citrus, cool rain water and the slight hint of another werewolf. Vivid memories flash and fill his senses: the way that scent sweetened with mouth-watering arousal, the solid, steady thrum of a wildly quickened pulse, running his tongue over intricate tattoos, throaty mewls of pleasure punctuated with muttered curses and pleas not to stop, a firm, tight ass bouncing against his thighs.
Stiles Stilinski.
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velvetcloxds · 3 years
Pairing: Derek x Fem!Reader
Word count: 791 words
Warnings: none, just fluff
Summary: Scott and Isaac are confused by Y/n getting her first period since she started dating Derek, worrying that there may be something else wrong with her. Stiles and Derek help dismantle the situation.
“I mean you smell that too, right?” Scott asks stepping forward to sniff me. Isaac nods quickly pointing at Scott to show that he agrees.
“Oh yeah definitely. There’s a distinct smell of death.” He adds and I sigh looking between them.
“Boys. I’m fine. Really.” I retort stepping passed them only to be stopped by Isaac’s arm. He frowns, leaning in close just like Scott did before, worriedly looking towards him.
“Death and blood. Do you smell blood too?” He asks worried and I scrounge my nose at the pure thought of this situation.
“Did someone attack you that we didn’t know of?” Scott asks attempting to lift the sleeves of my shirt, but failing when I slap his hands away with my free arm.
“Did you hurt yourself?” Isaac chimes in reaching for my arms as well.
The questions keep coming my way and I decide to place the jar of peanut butter in my hand down, seeing no escape from this without an explanation. I turn my gaze to the back of the kitchen where Stiles stands behind the two werewolves and I feel my face mimic the same look of frustration as his shows. You’d think they’d get it by now.
“What’s going on here?” A voice asks and I see Derek walking into the kitchen. He throws his jacket on the counter while searching for my eyes. A smile tugs at his lips when he sees me, but fades quickly when he sees me frowning.
“We think she’s dying.” Isaac retorts bluntly. Not missing a beat. Derek is quick to react, pushing the boys away to still at my side.
“Oh gosh.” I mumble covering my face with my hands. Someone scoffs and I peak between my fingers to see Stiles pulling at the side of his plaid before in frustration before sighing loudly.
“She’s not dying, you idiots. She is on her period,” He states and everyone turns to me. I feel my cheeks redden at the statement. Scott and Isaac stare at my stomach conflicted and Stiles gestures between the two of them with his hand. “You’d really think with the werewolf thing you’d know this happens every month.” He continues.
I pull my hands away from my face. Desperately pulling Derek’s sleeve to get his attention away from Scott and Isaac who have even more questions. He looks down at me, quickly glancing at my fingers folded over his arm before meeting my gaze.
“Der. Baby. Please, for my sanity, make them stop?” I beg softly and he smiles, pulling me into his side and I almost instantly rest my head on his chest avoiding Scott and Isaac as they look down at me.
“Leave,” Derek demands plainly and his arm slides from my back to my waist. “Now. Everyone out.” Stiles finally looks satisfied as he waves at me, before following Scott and Isaac out of the loft. We both remain quiet for a while before Derek pulls my body to be facing his. “You okay?” He questions.
“Yeah.” He nods slowly at the reply.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t know I should,” I step back and push myself onto the counter. “I haven’t really had anyone to report this to before. I mean did your previous girlfriends talk to you about this?” His eyes trail over the wall behind me as he thinks and I can see the growing smile lingering in those pretty green eyes.
“I haven’t really had many girlfriends before you.” I look down at my hands, feeling myself smile as well due to the reply.
“It’s not a big thing though, it’s just a period. Besides, you had sisters, this isn’t exactly foreign to you.” I lean backwards to rest my head against the wall while shrugging off the idea of him worrying over this. He nods.
“Does it hurt?” He asks and places his hands onto the material covering my thighs.
“Only phenomenally.” I laugh softly, folding my legs under his touch.
“Well...” He trails his hands away from my legs and slides his fingers over my arms, lifting my sleeves in the process. “”That I can help with.” As soon as he says that little black veins form on my arms escaping my skin and rushing onto his, taking the pain from my stomach and back with it.
“I thought werewolf healing powers were only for life or death werewolf situations?” I ask playfully, smiling as he cups my face with a gentle hold. He steals a small kiss, resting his forehead against mine, making my heart flutter in a loud response he definitely picks up on.
“Yeah,” He hums making a soft vibration bounce over my lips. “But I’d make an exception for my girl.”
Hi there, more of my work can also be found on Wattpad under @mjoubertt. Mxx.
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monsterrae1 · 3 years
Can I request again?
bandaging each other up and sharing a tender moment, grabbing your lover's face and not being able to let go
this time for Sterek?
Of course! I'll give it my best.
As the human of the pack he was used to a few cuts and bruises, over the years he had gotten better at avoiding getting badly hurt and now days he usually came out the other side almost completely untouched.
"Hold still" Derek's voice was soft, cradling Stiles' face with his hands.
"I'm okay" He answered equally as soft as Derek, lately things were like that. Scott would call, needing help, Stiles would show up from Quantico, and Derek from wherever he was at the moment. They'd team up, deal with whatever needed to be dealt with, bandage each other up when necesary, stay the night in a motel talking in soft voices until the sunrise because they couldn't sleep, and then go their own ways.
"You need stitches" Derek's thumb brushed against the cut above his eyebrow "I can't do stitches" He brushed the area again, pressing slightly more into it, taking away the pain of the area.
"You can do buttlerfly bandages, can't you?"
"Won't be enough"
Stiles could see the worry on his eyes, from how close they were to each other Stiles could see every detail on his face, the salt and pepper beard that he now had, the lines around his eyes, and his eyes. Stiles had always been captivated by his eyes, with their impossible gray flecked hazel color, and how expressive they were compared to how closed off Derek was.
"Derek" Stiles placed his hands on top of Derek's giving them a gentle squeeze "I'm okay, it's just a cut"
Derek had already healed from his own injuries, even the worst of them had already faded into new patches of skin, while Stiles could feel the purples and green bruises forming on his skin, and he knew Derek hated the reminders, that Stiles had yet again gotten hurt.
"Stiles, I can't keep..." He pressed his forehead against Stiles, closing his eyes and brushing both of his thumbs back and forth against his cheekbones "Watching you get hurt it's not easy, Stiles"
"Neither it's watching you get hurt" A small smile crossed Derek's lips.
"I heal"
"Doesn't make it easier, Derek, you still feel the pain"
He parted from him, eyes scanning Stile's face, he smiled in response and gave his hands another squeeze.
"We're okay"
"Yeah, we're okay"
Maybe this was the night they didn't went their separate ways, maybe it was the night they finally talk about the thing they've been dancing around for a long time, but for now, Derek had a few butterfly bandages to apply, once he was willing to let go of Stiles' face.
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Word Count: 2,026
Characters: Derek Hale, Cora Hale, Isaac Lahey (mentioned), Scott McCall (mentioned), Stiles Stilinski (mentioned), Talia Hale (mentioned), Laura Hale (mentioned), Hale!Reader
Pairings: Derek Hale x SIster!Reader; Cora Hale x Sister!Reader
Warnings: small fluff, angst, death, TW: disease and heart problems
A/N: okay so yes this is very different from many things i’ve wrote but here we are i just had inspo and went for it
A/N 2: I have no shame in finishing Superman and Lois in like three days and I can’t wait till the next episode i love it so much
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You remembered the events of that day like it was yesterday. You felt off, you felt sick and Talia insisted you stay home. She was always worried about you, mainly because you were the only human one. Both of your sisters and your brother inherited the werewolf trait, but somehow you didn't.
Talia spent a great amount of time focused on you. She kept you by her side for most of the time and grew paranoid quickly. You remember smelling something on fire, and you remember everything around you burning. You were trapped, screaming and crying out for anyone, you could hear the cries of your family.
Laura dragged you out, holding you tightly before holding Derek. The two of them had just come back from school for the day. You had burn marks on your legs and your body.
They never disappeared or faded, instead, they remained a scar. You remember all the times Laura had to rush back to Beacon Hills or rush anywhere in the world. Being the alpha always came with a price. Derek was left to raise you, not that he ever minded. Talia always raised all of you to believe that family was the most important thing in the world, and no bond could ever replace that of a family.
You found yourself standing outside the Hale house, a place where you only saw last when you were barely eight. You were now 14, starting high school. Laura’s body was buried, while you stood in front of it, looking down. There were tears in your eyes as you tried to keep yourself together.
You always tried to hide any of your feelings, you didn't want your siblings or anyone to think you were weak because you were human, but that only made things worse. You taught yourself how to lie to a werewolf and how to hide your emotions.
“What are you doing out here?” you felt Derek’s hand on your shoulder as you jumped, wiping your face.
“Sorry, didn't mean to scare you,” he said.
You shook your head, before wrapping your arms around yourself.
“Have you found any lead on this?” you asked.
“Nothing in specific. But you don't need to worry about this,” Derek always tried to give you a normal life.
“I want to help,” you said.
“And I said no. Go to school.” you sighed, before nodding your head.
You sat in the car, putting your headphones on before he started driving.
“You can’t just go turning my friends into werewolves!” you tried to hold back your tears as you yelled at Derek.
“I know you’re upset, but-”
“I’m more than upset, Derek! Y-You always try to keep me out of all this supernatural crap, then you turn the only people that have even talked to me into werewolves!” you yelled.
“(Y/N), I told Isaac the truth about everything, and in the end, he made his decision. He was in a bad situation at home, and he wanted a change. I just helped him,” Derek kept his voice calm as you ran your fingers through your hair, frustrated.
Your heart was beating quickly, before you paused, feeling some sense of pain take over you. You felt like your heart was being ripped repeatedly from your chest as you found it hard to breathe.
“(Y/N),” Derek put his hand on your shoulder, looking at you worriedly as you tried to breathe.
“I-It hurts,” you cried shakily.
“Hold on,” he put his arms around you tightly, running to the hospital.
“It’s called Coronary artery disease. Our dad had it,” you looked down at the sheets of your bed, while Derek paced around your room.
“How do we heal it?” he asked.
“There’s no cure,” your eyes watered slightly before you wiped the tears away.
“Well what about medication?” he asked.
“Derek…” your voice was shaky as you looked up to him.
“Even with treatment, most people don't survive past the age of twenty. Dad was the exception,”  you said.
“How come there weren't any symptoms? Things like this don't just happen,” he said.
“Sometimes there are no symptoms, and even if there were… with everything going on I would’ve been too stressed to notice,” you said.
He sighed deeply, before walking next to you, holding your hand.
“We’re going to get through this,” he said softly.
“I don't understand why you can't just give me the bite,” you sniffled.
“(Y/N),” he started.
“All of this would go away if I was a werewolf,” you pointed out.
“I don't understand what's… (Y/N) if you’re already weak, the bite can kill you,” Derek started.
You shook your head, pulling your hand away from him.
“I’m not weak,” you spat.
“I didn't mean like that,” he said.
“Just go. Don’t you have to train Isaac or something? There's a full moon tonight,” you said.
“Yeah… get some rest,” he gave you a small hug, while you kept your gaze off of him. You knew he was giving you a pitiful look before he walked out of your room.
Your condition only got worse over the past few months. Your body was in pain anytime you tried to do anything. You always tried your hardest to keep it from Derek, but he could smell it, and so could Scott. 
“(Y/N)!” Derek put his hands on either sides of your shoulders while you jumped, looking at him fearfully.
“Derek, it’s like 6 in the morning. What do you want?!” you whisper-yelled.
“(Y/N/N) just come downstairs with me. I have a surprise for you,” he said.
You sighed, before nodding, getting out of your bed.
You followed him downstairs as he held your hand. You froze, taking the last step from the stairs as you saw a woman pacing around in front of you.
“Cora,” your voice broke as her head shot up.
“Oh my god,” she ran to you, wrapping her arms around you tightly as you let out a shaky breath, before burying your head into her arms.
“I missed you so much,” she said softly.
“I-I missed you too. Where have you been? How are you here?” you began to bombard her with questions as she laughed softly, walking with you to the couch.
“Okay, here’s everything…”
You would never admit to anyone that you were scared to die. Everyone in your life was a werewolf, except for your dad. But you barely remembered him. You were only a baby when he passed. 
Supernatural heaven and hell were much different from human heaven and hell, and you didn't know what to expect. You would want your family with you more than anything but you knew that wasn't going to be possible. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” you exhaled shakily, while Derek continuously yelled at you.
You sat on the couch of the loft, your arms wrapped around yourself. You were freezing, your chest was aching, it felt like burning.
You kept your eyes on the floor, your tears at bay as Derek paced around.
“I cannot stress how unbelievably stupid you were,” you held in a wince, closing your eyes.
“I just wanted to help,” your voice was low, barely half of what it was.
You, Scott, and Stiles searched for the Nemeton, unable to find it. Deaton pointed out that one of the only ways it would be able to be found was for the three of you to sacrifice yourselves in place of Chris Argent, Melissa McCall, and Noah Stilinski.
It only made your condition worse. The pain intensified. 
“You could have died, (Y/N),” he shouted.
“So what if I died?!” you yelled back, taking him by surprise.
“At least I would have done something when I died! I-Instead of being useless and weak I would have had a purpose!” you let your tears fall freely as you took a deep breath, rubbing your fingers through your hair frustratedly.
“You don't understand how it feels like to be the only human in a family of werewolves. You all have these powers and you all save people and help people. Everyone treats me and looks at me like I’m made of glass, like I can't do anything and I hate it. Our family died and I was trapped. I couldn't save any of them and Laura ended up dragging my ass out of the fire. She went around the country saving people and helping people. Y-You’re an alpha, Derek. You saved people, you saved Isaac. Everyone here relies on you to save them. Cora is… she always fights and she’s strong and she doesn't have all these stupid problems that makes it hard for her to even breathe,” you stopped yourself, sitting back on the couch before you wrapped your arms around your legs, putting your head on your legs as you curled up into a ball, shaking slightly.
You cried softly, while you felt Derek sit next to you, wrapping his arms around you.
“The reason I’m crazy protective over you is because you mean the world to me and Cora and we don't know what we’d do without you. Why didn't you tell me you were feeling like this?” he asked softly.
You shrugged, before resting your head on his shoulder.
“I’m tired,” your voice broke as he caressed your arm.
He kept holding you, while you laid in his lap. You closed your eyes, letting out a shaky breath as you fell asleep.
You began to fight, and you began to care what was happening to you. You started taking your medications, and you tried to keep as safe as you could. But it always felt like you were running the last stretch of your life, and things got much worse after they started getting better.
You were now 19, Derek decided that he wanted a break from going on missions and being a wolf. You left Beacon Hills with him, the two of you going around the country and seeing wonderful things. Occasionally he would let you help with small missions. 
Everything seemed to be peaceful, everything was calm. You had an amazing time with Derek, you watched him get married to Braeden. You were more than happy to have her in your life.
“Cora sends her love,” Derek handed you an envelope from your older sister, while you frowned, opening it.
She sent you a picture of her with her new girlfriend. The two of them were in South America, and you saw a small caption.
I said yes
You let out a small laugh, smiling in joy at the card.
“When’s the wedding? Did she send a postcard instead of an actual letter?” you laughed.
“Yeah, you know how she is. The wedding is in January,” your smile fell slightly, while you nodded your head.
“Hey, you’re going to make it to that wedding,” he said, putting his hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah, I know. Come on, Braeden said that you guys have a date night,” you pulled on his arm as he sighed.
“If you need anything, call me, okay?” Derek said.
You nodded softly, a small smile on your face before you sat on your bed, turning on the TV.
“Why aren't you fighting anymore?” you heard Derek’s voice break as he held your hand tightly.
Cora stood on the other side of you, stroking your cheek.
“I’ve been fighting for years. It’s okay, Derek,” you said softly.
“No, it's not,” you heard Cora say.
“I’ve done everything I wanted to do,” you said.
And it was true. You watched both of your siblings get married, you watched them both start families. You saved people, and you knew you weren't alone. Not now and definitely not when you die. Everything would be okay.
“I don't want to lose you,” Derek said softly.
You stroked his cheek softly, feeling a tear slip down your face.
“If I’m ready to move on then you should be too,” you said.
“I love you guys,” you cried softly.
The two of them held your hands tightly, while you closed your eyes.
You let out a small exhale, letting go.
“We love you too, (Y/N),” Derek said softly.
Your body went limp, the tears falling down both of their faces as they looked down at your lifeless body.
“We love you.”
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eusuntgratie · 2 years
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Kiss prompt 67 stisaac
(also on ao3)
Isaac knows that he’s letting his pain and his grief spill out of his mouth and bleed out of his body onto everyone. That he’s not snapping at the pack because it’s them he’s mad at, but because he’s been so fucking angry and so goddamn sad for so long that he just can’t hold it in anymore. Derek has growled his name at least four times tonight, trying to get him to settle, to stop poking at everyone’s open wounds, but he won’t fucking touch him and can barely look at him and it’s too much like- he just doesn’t have it in him to pretend to be okay. Not even for this ragtag group of wolves and weirdos who are all he has anymore. Stiles finds him in a dark corner of the loft, trying to get a fucking moment of quiet to get his head back on straight, to push everything down and move on. He rolls his eyes and lays into him about being an asshole but Isaac doesn’t even hear what he says. 
Twenty different insults fly through his brain but before he can even open his mouth to hurl one of them at Stiles, he’s got him pinned against the wall with his forearm across his throat, pushing a little harder than he should with someone who’s not a wolf. 
“Shut. Up,” he growls. 
Stiles just smirks. “I think maybe you like it when I drive you crazy.” 
Isaac presses a little harder and watches the way Stiles’ eyes start to drift before his face hardens and he leans into it. 
He’s not sure who leans in first or even how it happens but somehow the violence of anger bleeds into the violence of sex and Stiles’ teeth are knocking into his and his tongue in his Stiles’ mouth. When Isaac moves his arm Stiles fists his hands in his hair and his tshirt to pull him against him, biting at his lips and kissing him sloppy and Isaac melts into the feeling of tongue and hands and spit and heat, ravenous for more of this and the way it makes all the pain and the hurt and the fear fade into the background. 
But then Stiles is pulling back and looking up at him with those big, brown eyes and something too close to worry crosses his face. 
“Shit. I’m sorry. Are you sure you-”
Isaac swallows whatever he was going to say, shoving a leg between Stiles’ thighs and pushing him further into the wall. 
He kisses him until he can smell nothing but sex and want and then pulls away, leaving Stiles panting and trying to chase his lips. 
“I told you to shut up,” he growls, and sucks a mark into his neck, so that next time the hurt threatens to drown him he can push a finger into it and watch Stiles squirm and remember what it was like to lose himself in the mouth of the pretty boy who drives him crazy.
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thebigoblin · 3 years
Sterek Fic Recs Part 3
[You can find the first two lists here: Fluffy Sterek Recs & Sterek Fic Recs. Also here's a special fic, check it out]
First off, thank you all for a 100 followers!! As of September 7, 2021 you've made me feel really, really good about my obsession with two oblivious idiots (with sprinkles of the hale pack and other fandoms), and this is my way of thanking you ♥️
If you're on PC, you can see that there is a page dedicated solely to fic recs, which caters to other ships & fandoms too. So don't feel left out if you're looking for something other than Sterek!
Without further ado, let's get to it then!
an awful curse
Isaac is asleep in a chair. The angle of his neck makes Derek wince in sympathy.
"Isaac," Derek says.
Isaac snaps awake immediately.
"Where's Stiles?"
"Stiles?" Isaac asks.
Jesus. It's not like they know more than one.
AU - Canon Divergence | 6.3k | By blinkiesays
Throw Away The Key
Stiles knew it was stupid to go to the hunters’ headquarters all by himself, so when he finds himself caught, he can really only blame himself.
It shouldn't surprise Stiles when the situation quickly goes from bad to worse as the hunters throw him to a feral werewolf waiting to tear him apart.
Sucks that it's Derek, though.
AU - Canon Divergence | 5.9k | By mommymuffin
Whatever Happened Last Night, Why Did Glitter Have to Be Involved?
Derek rolled out of bed in search of his phone - quickly finding it in the pair of jeans that had evidently been tossed aside haphazardly on the way to the bed. Seeing the pants sparked flashes of memories - wolfsbane-laced alcohol, loud music, multicolored lights.
Peter’s new supernatural-friendly club - the pack had gone to the opening night party.
He unlocked his phone and opened the pack group chat, which Erica had affectionately named ‘Moon Sluts’.
>>Derek: What the fuck happened last night
[or: Derek wakes up with three things on his mind: he feels like he was punched by a troll, his mate is missing, and there's glitter covering his bed. Oh, and the pack group chat is mildly helpful]
Prompt #159 - “Also, my bed has glitter in it for reasons I do not recall.”
Crack Vibes | 1.2k | By ash_mcj
Good to Eat
So if Stiles married Derek Hale, he could become Jewish too? Perfect. It was settled. Stiles gleefully shoveled a forkful of cheesy shells into his mouth.
"Uh oh. I know that look.” Claudia shook her head.
"Don’t worry, Mom, ” Stiles said, reaching for his plastic Batman cup.
"I’ve got a plan.”
"Good luck, Derek Hale,” his mother muttered.
AU - Childhood Friends | 1.7k | By Jmeelee
Murder Brows and Avoidance Tactics
Derek gets the wrong end of the stick.
Written for prompt: "You're jealous, aren't you?"
AU - Everybody Lives | 2k | By Dragonink13
Double Vision (only registered users can read this one)
"So what caused my hearing and sense of smell to dull?"
Deaton's brow furrowed, all amusement vanishing from his face. "What do you mean?"
Derek snapped, letting loose all of his anger and fear at the man before him. "I mean I can't hear your heartbeat or the cars down below or the birds in the attic! I can't smell the flowers in Mrs. Everett's apartment, I can't smell the rotting burger in the fridge that Isaac left in there a month ago, I can't smell or hear anything like I normally can!" Deaton mouth was pressed into a thin line. "Can you explain that?!"
 Tumblr Prompt: Derek jealous of himself.
AU - Everyone Lives | 6.1k | By Novkat21
Derek likes kissing Stiles, honestly he does. Until he doesn't.
Fluff | 3.6k | By clotpolesonly
Oblivious Misadventures, and Other Such Tales
Going to college was exciting and new, a chance for new friends and a fresh start, and the best part was, there was a supernatural fraternity on campus, meaning Scott finally had the freedom to be himself.
Then he met the resident human who came with a stalker alpha. What was the point of a supernatural fraternity if he still had to pretend to be human. And seriously, did Stiles ever fall asleep somewhere normal?
(aka - Five TImes Scott Found Derek and Stiles Sleeping, and the One Time He Didn't)
AU, Supernatural is real but not known by everyone, Alive Hale Family | 11.2k | By Little Spoon
Call Me (Cliché)
When the sheriff's sister ends up in a wheelchair for the duration of summer, Stiles' dreams of three months full of pack bonding, late-night video games and bro-time with Scott come crashing down. He's temporarily relocated to Redford, a three hour drive away, and he can already tell he won't be getting many visitors.
Sure the pack will forget about him while he's gone, Stiles is determined to make the most of his summer of isolation, training his body and mind - and his magic - so he can come back with a bang, and maybe catch a certain Sourwolf's eye.
Then Derek shows up at his window one night with a flimsy excuse about needing research done. Suddenly, his summer away is looking a whole lot more interesting.
AU - Canon Divergence | 84.6k | By Orphan_Account aka the author has dissociated themselves from the fic
Stiles has really, really cold hands. Luckily, Derek knows just what to do about that.
Established Relationship | 1.7k | By canistakahari
Derek Hale's Possible Heart
An anon sent me a sterek prompt for Laura teasing Derek and Stiles joining in, then somehow sharing their feelings for each other in the mess of things.
AU - Canon Divergence | 4.3k | By loserchildhotpants
What's a Secret Identity?
Stiles sipped at a mug of coffee, absently watching the news play in the break room. Because of course a news station couldn't play anything other than its own content, even in the one part of the office that was supposed to be a safe space from work. His interview with Superman was making a rerun and Stiles glanced at Derek before commenting absently, “I’d totally let Superman fuck me.”
Derek, who had been in the middle of a swig of coffee, choked violently, “That’s not something I needed to know at nine in the morning, Stiles.”
Stiles raised an eyebrow. “What time would you prefer I tell you about all of the things I would let Superman do to my body?”
AU, Derek is Superman | 7k | By Chrystie, imabignerd and kate882
i see that you've come so far [just like them old stars]
But her big brother’s unwillingness to touch anyone, like he thinks he doesn’t deserve it isn’t the only thing she notices. She also notices how Stiles doesn’t touch him.
Everyone reaches for Derek in some form or another, but Stiles- Stiles is something different altogether because he reaches for Derek but he never makes contact.
He’ll be trying to shimmy past Derek and instead of putting a hand on his arm like most of them do, he’ll reach out with a hand and stop it scant centimeters away from Derek’s skin.
Or they’ll be walking alongside each other and Stiles will hover a hand on Derek’s lower back.
It’s both fascinating and tragic to watch, like NASA lost control of one of their robots and instead of it landing on the moon it’s fated to gravitate around it.
AU - Canon Divergence | 2.3k | By crossroadswrite
Déjà Vu
There’s a shop in Beacon Hills that no one knows anything about except that the mysterious proprietor, a witch in whispered circles, knows what you need before you do and that the things given are always just what you need.
Derek, lost after a breakup, heads into the shop to see if he can find something to help him forget his ex. The witch gives him a potion to drink, and when Derek wakes up, he finds he’s sixteen again and there’s a new student at his school, Stiles Stilinski.
Everything is familiar and yet not, and Derek finds he’s strangely drawn to Stiles in a way that is entirely supernatural.
AU, Supernatural is Real | 8.8k | By gremlins-came-and-got-me and StaciNadia
Start Small, Like Oak Trees
The months following Allison's death have passed Stiles by in a haze of monotony. He sleepwalks through days that seem to lose their color, an unwilling passenger in a body he no longer trusts. Eventually, he thinks, he'll just fade away. He isn't sure anyone would notice. Then, during a spur of the moment grocery run, he stumbles upon Derek Hale attempting to console a lost child, and for the first time in recent memory the world doesn't seem so awful.
He's not sure what he'd been expecting when he eventually convinces Derek to move into the Stilinski's spare bedroom, but a newfound passion for weeding and topsoil certainly isn't it.
AU - Canon Divergence | 24.2k | By SmallBirds
Undercover K9
As it usually goes, Derek acts before he thinks. This time he has a good reason, though-it's all Stiles' fault. Mostly.
Or, that time when Derek volunteered to spend all his spare time as a wolf with the Beacon Hills Sheriff's Office K9 Unit, just to protect Stiles' dumb ass.
Future Fic | 17.9k | By Cobrilee
Rose Colored Glasses
“Obviou—um, what? Derek?” Stiles managed. “What? You’re not colorblind. You’re colorblind?”
“Yes.” Derek said gruffly. ���And?”
“And? What do you mean and? You can’t see colors?” Stiles demanded, thrown. “Does it—what kind is it? Red-green? Blue-yellow? Why doesn’t—oh my god, is this why your entire freaking wardrobe was completely black until like two years ago? Oh my god!”
“There’s nothing wrong with having a favorite color, Stiles.”
Established Relationship | 2.2k | By SassyStarboard
1,460 Days (gotta clean my slate)
Two years after Scott becomes Alpha and Derek gives it up for Cora, Stiles gets hurt during a fight and ends up in a coma for two weeks. According to the nurse, a guy has been visiting him every day and, as much as he wishes it were Derek, it sounds a lot like Scott. Except he and Scott aren't even friends anymore.
AU - Canon Divergence | 10k | By army_of_angels
This is it for now. Happy reading y'all! ♥️
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Hi! So it's getting cold and dark outside that you just want to grab a blanket and get comfy. Do you have any recs for hurt/comfort and/or pinning fics like "With delayed expression" by Idday, "lodestone" by llassah or "Yes is a World" by jezziejay? Thank you so much in advance! :)
Texas has completely shut down because of the cold. So I’m all for blankets and fanfic.
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lodestone by llassah
(1/1 I 5,491 I Teen I Sterek)
“We could…we could be something, couldn’t we?” Stiles murmurs, eyes slipping shut. Derek looks at the IV line in his arm, the bandages covering his chest, his leg. His hand, pale against the hospital sheets, palm up. Derek waits until he’s sure Stiles is asleep before he responds.
It takes Stiles eight years to ask the question again. It's okay. Derek can wait.
Yes is a World by jezziejay
(1/1 I 10,207 I Mature I Sterek)
When the nemeton casts a protection spell over Beacon Hills, Stiles can finally go to college. Derek thinks this might be a good thing.
In which Stiles falls in love and Derek learns a lot.
With Delayed Expression by Idday
(1/1 I 10,397 I Mature I Sterek)
"I have… well… she said that she thinks that I maybe have… PTSD?”
The line goes so dead that Derek almost thinks Stiles hung up on him. He waits eight very quiet seconds, and says softly, “Stiles?”
“I’m sorry, what?” Stiles says, breath whooshing back over the phone line.
“I have PTSD,” Derek says more firmly. It’s the first time he’s said it out loud, not as a question. It hasn’t really seemed real, until now. He’d spent the whole of his last session arguing that Tamara was wrong about him, and saying it out loud is like admitting it’s true. “Post-traumatic stress dis—”
“I know what it means,” Stiles interrupts, “I just didn’t think I’d heard right. Oh my God.”
Howling Inside by wingswinger
(2/? I 3,220 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles has panic attacks, Scott attempted suicide after a breakup, Lydia thinks she has visions, Isaac has PTSD and Jackson is just simply in love with himself. All these kids need some healing time at the Eichen House -hopefully they'll get better with the help of Dr. Chris Argent and Dr. Peter Hale. The latter though might have other things in mind...OrThe AU where everyone is in a mental institute while were-creatures DO exist! Stiles finds himself dropped face-first into a strange murder case where both the victim and the killer are inside Eichen House, and the only recent change in there was the new security guard. But can a guy that beautiful be actually a murderer?
(Don't forget to) Breathe. by Pixilated
(3/? I 3,272 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles is unaware he is Derek's mate and leaves for college after one night with the man who has held his heart for years.
In which both Stiles and Derek are idiots and could have avoided a whole lot of manpain and emotional constipation by just talking to each other.
enchanted to meet you. by dylaesthetics
(1/1 I 10,525 I Teen I Stydia)
“You’re unbelievable,” Stiles scoffed. “Pretend I never said anything to you back there, please.”
Lydia pulled a face, “Even that I’m hot?”
“Stop talking.”
“Am I your type?”
“Lydia, stop.”
“It’s a simple yes or no question.”
“If annoying is my type, you’re definitely it.” _ OR as lydia worries about her future, stiles is her shoulder of support
(not so) Pure Imagination by theroguesgambit
(11/11 i 33,185 I Explicit I Sterek)
"There is a world where whenever someone fantasizes about you, you can physically feel it, but you have no idea who is thinking it about you."
Stiles knows it's wrong, but he's been Fantasizing about Derek and he can't bring himself to stop. Derek doesn't know who's taken an interest in him, but he's enjoying it way more than he probably should.
Now as Ever (All That Is and Has Been) by venis_envy
(16/16 I 52,270 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles can't remember what happened to rearrange the time-space continuum, or how he ended up being pulled into the past. All he knows is that he's there now, in 2003 Beacon Hills, with a teenage werewolf and a possibly-crazy veterinarian as his only allies.
Strut on a Line, its Discord and Rhyme by xiaq
(21/21 I 61,811 I Teen I Sterek)
“Carry me,” Stiles says.
“But I’m injured.”
“You have a rash,” Derek says. “On your arm. Your feet work just fine.”
“No. You weigh almost as much as I do. And you ate a pound of chicken at lunch.”
"Well, yeah, but I pooped like an hour ago, so.”
“You’re disgusting.”
“Don’t play, you love me.”
I do, Derek thinks, relatively horrified. I really do.
When sparks fly by LunaCanisLupus_22
(4/4 I 87,515 I Explicit I Sterek)
“Derek,” Stiles thunders. “Were you ever going to tell me your house is trying to hook us up?”
Derek's head snaps up, eyes wide and scenting the evident crackle of magic in the air.
Or the one where spark!Stiles moves into an enchanted apartment block owned by a grumpy alpha and is completely oblivious to the building's efforts to matchmake them.
Shook Me Cold by 1lostone
(27/27 I 90,620 I Explicit I Sterek)
After a strange electromagnetic event causes Derek and Stiles' plane to crash on Great Bear Island, the two are separated from one another. Hurt, terrified, and unsure if the other is alive, they nevertheless refuse to give up. With everything stacked against them, can they persevere? Or will they fade into The Long Dark...
Manipulated by DearDaisy (Sunsetdaydreams)
(30/30 I 221,251 I Mature I Sterek)
Nine years ago, Scott kicked Stiles out of the pack. Stiles left and never returned. But now his dad has been hurt, so Stiles returns to take care of him. No one knows the truth of what happened back then, not even Scott or Stiles. But that's about to change.
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gaeilgeoirgay · 2 years
Day Twenty Whumptober 2021
it was still his hands
Stiles Stilinski has been in Eichen House Mental Institution for three days, two hours, and thirty-seven minutes, with no one for company except the fox demon living in his mind. He’s having an amazing time, obviously.
He hasn’t slept in even longer, because the Nogitsune doesn’t believe in sleep and wouldn’t let Stiles’s body rest while it was in charge. He’d been sleep deprived before from the Nogitsune’s attempted possessions and the real thing just made him even more tired.
But he can’t fall asleep now, because when Stiles sleeps, the Nogitsune takes control. Stiles can still see the pain in Scott’s eyes as the Nogitsune twisted the blade in him and he can’t let that happen again. The Nogitsune uses Stiles to hurt his pack every time it takes control and Stiles can’t take it anymore.
The Nogitsune had made his dad think that he was going to lose Stiles to the same disease that killed his mom. It had used him to kill people with the electrical wire, to hurt Isaac. The bomb in his Dad’s office could have killed the whole station, people Stiles has known since he was a baby. Hell, even Coach Finstock got hurt by the Nogitsune!
Stiles knows he has to stay awake and stay in Eichen to keep his pack safe, but God he hates it. He’s so lonely and he’s terrified that the Nogitsune could take control at any moment. But he doesn’t know what he would do if he wasn’t in Eichen either.
He hurt so many of his pack and he knows it was the Nogitsune in control, but it was still his hands. Stiles’s body framed Derek and Chris, Stile’s body tortured Scott, Stile’s body tampered with the wires and burned Isaac.
It might have been the Nogitsune pulling the strings, but Stiles can’t help but feel guilty. None of the pack deserved anything the fox demon did, and Stiles didn’t deserve it either but this will break the trust that Stiles has in himself and the loyalty the pack has towards him. It could ruin his relationship with all of them.
Scott will know it wasn’t him that tortured him but every time Scott thinks of the memory, he’ll think of Stiles. Of Stiles’s hands twisting that blade. Scott has been his best friend for nearly two decades and Stiles can’t bear the thought of losing him to the Nogitsune’s manipulations.
Another pack member he’ll have to apologise to is Derek. It’s hardly the first time Stiles has framed the werewolf for murder and he’s not sure if Derek’s been told that Stiles was possessed. Either way, Derek is pretty well acquainted with Beacon Hills Police Department now. Whoops.
The Nogitsune has done a lot with Stiles at this point. He’s not sure what the body count is, but at least three Oni are dead and he knows that the wire killed a lot of people. He feels guilty about it, regrets that it was his body that was used to kill them. He knows, he knows it was the Nogitsune but it’s getting harder and harder to hold onto his conviction the longer he stays awake.
The Lichtenberg figure on his back itches, and Stiles remembers why he’s not sleeping. If he sleeps, the Nogitsune takes control. He takes another amphetamine from the bottle Morrell gave him. It’ll keep him awake for a while longer.
He just needs to hold out until either the mark fades or his pack figures out a solution. Either way, the Nogitsune is ending up the same way as every other monster that’s tried to kill the McCall/Hale packs. Dead as a goddamned doornail.
”You know you can’t get rid of me.”
A sudden voice speaks in Stiles’s mind and he inhales sharply. The Nogitsune hasn’t spoken in his mind like that before. It’s bargained with him sure, but it’s never declared it’s claim so loudly. The Nogitsune doesn’t plan on leaving him anytime soon and God, that scares him.
”Why would I change host? I like this body. It’s young and healthy and perfect for my needs. You’re smart too- I have a lot of knowledge and with access to those whirlwind plans of yours? Oh, I could feed from every pack in America without ever getting caught. You’ve bound me temporarily but as soon as those eyes close, I’m in control. It’s only a matter of time.” The Nogitsune laughs, amusement in its voice.
No, no, no. There has to be a way to kill the fox demon. Lydia was possessed by Peter before and they managed to break it. All of the frankly insane solutions they’ve come up with before, there’s got to be something that can be done about the demon.
”No, Stiles, there isn’t. I’m a thousand years old, you can’t kill me. And even if that therapist kills you, I’ll just find another host. It’ll be an inconvenience, sure, but it wouldn’t stop me in the slightest. But, if they do find a way to force me out of you, it won’t work completely. I will forever be a part of you, Stiles. Every bit of chaos and strife we caused together will linger in your mind for the rest of your life. I will haunt you until your dying day.” The Nogitsune hisses, it’s voice filling Stiles’s mind until it’s the only thing he knows.
It’s right though. Stiles knows he’s been changed by the Nogitsune’s presence already, and he’ll always have the memories of its possession no matter what he does. Nothing will changed the fact that people are dead, that people are hurt and it was Stiles’s body that did it with the Nogitsune in control.
After all…. He chose to give control to the demon just before it killed that old Japanese man. Katashi, the Nogitsune called him. Stiles’s may not be responsible for the Nogitsune inhabiting his mind in the first place, but he’s responsible for the fact that he gave up.
Stiles doesn’t know what to do. The Pack will figure something out, they always do, but how is Stiles meant to live with what happened to him? How many more people will be hurt before this ends?
It’s almost a relief when Brunski injects him with the Haldol. Stiles doesn’t have to think anymore, doesn’t have to wrestle with the Nogitsune for control. All he has to do is fall asleep.
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Whispered Praises and a Soft Touch
Stiles is super nervous about getting a tattoo and it doesn’t help that his tattoo artist is an incredibly gorgeous man called Derek.
 12 Days of Kink-mas – Day 9 (20th December): Praise Kink
     Stiles walked up to the front door of the tattoo studio, looking at the sign that hung on the glass panel that read ‘OPEN’.
He drew in a deep breath, letting the rush of cool air fill his lungs smother out the burning embers of anxiety that had settled in his chest. He let the tension in his body subside, his shoulders dropping as he pushed open the studio door.
A small bell chimed and a man stepped around the corner. He stepped in, closing the door behind him.
The sound of footsteps filled the space as a man came down from upstairs.
He was handsome, with thick black hair and a short, neat beard that cast a soft shadow across his jaw. His eyes were pale aventurine, the colour of his irises shifting in the light; from hazel to jade green, to a shade of light blue. He was dressed in a grey Henley with long sleeves hat were bunched up around his elbows, leaving his firm forearms bared. There were tattoos across his skin; one arm had the silhouettes of trees on his forearm—pine trees, elm trees, and the silhouettes of spindly trees that had lost their leaves—the roots and the ground faded into dots around his wrist. His other forearm had two roses on the underside of his arm, the delicate petals tattooed in black and white. The fine cursive script of names peeked out from beneath the unbuttoned top of his shirt.
A kind smile turned up the corners of his mouth as he met Stiles’ gaze.
"Can I help you?" he asked.
"I'm Stiles, I have an appointment," Stiles managed to say around the lump in his throat.
The man nodded.
“I’m Derek. Come on through,” he said, nodding towards the small sectioned-off rooms of the studio.
Stiles followed him, taking in his surroundings. The shop was quite modern, the plastered walls painted a soothing grey with black framed photos of tattoo designs and portraits of past customers—most of them printed in black and white—showcasing the incredible details and fine line work of their tattoos. On the counters were little cacti potted in white or concrete pots.
Derek was quick to get everything ready; showing Stiles a printed copy of the design to check the font and the spelling before transferring it to a stencil.
“You wanted it on your ribs, right?” Derek asked.
“Yeah,” Stiles replied. He shifted slightly, feeling a little self-conscious.
“You don’t have to take your shirt completely off,” Derek assured him. “You can just pull it up enough that I work.”
Stiles nodded, pulling up the side of his shirt.
"How are you with needles?" Derek asked as he cleaned Stiles' side and positioned the stencil. 
"Honestly? Terrible," Stiles admitted. "But this is something I want; something I need."
"I promise I'll be gentle with you," Derek said with a soft smile. He pressed the stencil to Stiles' skin and pulled it back, leaving the outline from which he was going to work. "How's that?"
Stiles looked up at the mirror on the wall. A small smile crept up the corners of his lips as he looked at it.
The design was somewhat simple, a few lines of script in a solid text with roman numerals at the bottom—a date—positioned on his left side over his ribs.
 In one of the stars I shall be living.
In one of them I shall be laughing.
And so it will be as if all the stars
were laughing, when you look at the sky at night
And so you will love to watch all the stars…
You–only you–will have stars that can laugh.
I shall not leave you.
 Stiles nodded. "Yeah, that's perfect."
"Alright, let’s get started.”
Stiles nodded as he lay down on the bench.
There was something about this man—something about his glittering eyes and his sweet smile—that just made Stiles feel calm.
Derek started.
Stiles tensed for a moment, exhaling heavily and relaxing. He shut his eyes and felt something press against his skin, a small prick, and then nothing.
"How was that?" Derek asked.
"Was that it?" Stiles replied, stunned. "That didn't hurt at all."
Derek chuckled. "Good."
He set to work and Stiles relaxed, his eyes slowly drifting shut as he felt Derek's fingers brush across his skin.
Time passed quickly as Stiles drifted into a peaceful oblivion, still somehow remaining completely aware of Derek's tender touch, of the warmth of his hands and of his glittering eyes that were focused solely on his work.
“You still with me?” Derek asked, his quiet voice gently shaking Stiles from his wandering thoughts.
“Yeah,” Stiles replied.
“Haven’t passed out yet?” he teased.
“Not yet,” Stiles said with a slight chuckle.
Derek chuckled in return, the deep sound rolling through Stiles’ chest and igniting every nerve.
“I like the quote,” he said, reading the tattoo.
“It’s from The Little Prince,” Stiles explained. “My mum used to read it to me every night when I was younger.”
“And the date?” Derek asked.
Stiles’ voice went quiet. “That’s the day she died.”
Derek paused for a moment.
“I’m so sorry,” he said, his voice full of sincerity.
“It’s okay,” Stiles said; he didn’t want to admit how much I hurt to say it.
Derek was quiet for a moment.
“2004,” he read. “I lost my family the same year.”
“I’m sorry,” Stiles replied, wishing he had more to say.
“Thanks,” Derek said. “I hope this tattoo gives you some kind of closure.”
“Thank you,” Stiles said quietly. “I hope so too.”
They settled back into a comfortable quiet, the only sound was the buzzing of the machine and the even rhythm of Stiles’ breaths.
The needle hit a sensitive spot, a jolt of pain shooting through his body and burning his veins.
Stiles sucked in a sharp breath, fighting the urge to flinch. He let out a measured breath, calming his heart and breathing through it as the pain subsided.
“That’s it. Good boy,” Derek whispered, gently brushing a finger over the sore spot before continuing.
Stiles blinked in shock as a wave of warmth crashed over him, stirring something inside of him. He tried his best to keep his breathing even as his mind began to wander; imagining what it would be like to have Derek whisper those words in his deep voice as he lay with his body pressed against Stiles’. He wandered what it would be like to look up into Derek’s aventurine eyes and hear him say those words as Stiles took his length in his mouth, or to hear him whisper it as he gently stroked Stiles cheek as they lay in the sheets together, breathless and ragged.
The thoughts and images swirled around in his head, making it harder and harder to sit still. But there was something about the firmness of Derek’s hand and his gentle touch that grounded Stiles.
“All done,” Derek said, shaking Stiles from his thoughts.
He gently wiped down Stiles’ side and cleaned up the tattoo, setting everything aside before pushing his stool back.
“Have a look in the mirror if you want.”
Stiles sat up and rose to his feet, stepping over to the mirror and turning slightly to look at the tattoo. The fine black lines stood boldly against his pale skin.
"It's perfect," Stiles said breathlessly. "Thank you."
Derek cleaned up the rest of the tattoo, spread gel over it and wrapped it up. He gave Stiles instructions on how to care for his tattoo.
“You didn’t pass out,” Derek congratulated.
Stiles chuckled, pulling down his shirt.
“Funnily enough, you’re actually one of the best customers that has ever sat for me,” Derek told him.
“You’re kidding,” Stiles scoffed.
“You were,” Derek said.
"I mean it, Derek," Stiles said. "Thank you. I don't know if I'd have ever been able to do this if I didn't have you as my artist.”
Derek smiled.
Stiles' heart skipped a beat.
“Look, this might seem out of line slightly, but I know how hard it is to deal with losing your family, and if you ever want to talk or just want someone to spend time with…” Derek wrote something down on a piece of paper before handing it to Stiles. “Just give me a call. Any time.”
"Thanks," Stiles said, returning Derek’s smile.
“Oh, and for the record, you have nothing to be shy about,” Derek said, eyeing Stiles up and down.
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tabbytabbytabby · 4 years
Don't Wanna Wait Till The Sunshine Fades (7333 words) by tabbytabbytabby Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Laura Hale, Theo Raeken, Erica Reyes, Jordan Parrish, Vernon Boyd Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Alternate Universe - Firefighters, Firefighter Derek Hale, Paramedic Stiles Stilinski, Fluff, Light Angst, Mutual Pining, Massage, Getting Together, First Kiss, Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions, Magical Stiles Stilinski Summary:
Derek's dream ever since he was little was to grow up and be a firefighter just like his father. His father always told him to wait. To have a back up plan. Derek had listened, but still couldn't fight his true calling. His only regret is his father wasn't there to see everything he'd accomplished. Even though he's living his dream, it still doesn't seem to be enough. He feels like he should be doing more to help people. So he does. He starts pushing himself too hard, and eventually his best friend and coworker Stiles starts noticing. The only problem is, Derek isn't sure how to explain himself without giving away his secrets. Especially the big one about his feelings for Stiles. As it turns out, Derek isn't the only one who has been keeping secrets.
For Day 1 of @fandomaufest: Action/Adventure
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