#Or if you'd rather I link a different tumblr or use a different name or smth
ourloveisforthelovely · 7 months
Running from the Daylight (Part 2 Final)
Regulus Black AU
Request: @iluvthe-marauders HI LOVELYYY, HAVENT HAD TUMBLR IN AGESSSSS. Dont know if you remember but i was the one who asked for different harry potter characters and wanted to ask if you'd do a regulus oneshot. where y/n is a halfblood (Remus’ sister) and they run away together?
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating: T
Link to Part 1
Remus and Sirius arrived back home after midnight to a quiet house. Sirius stood tapping his foot as Remus unlocked the door.
“I can’t believe you didn’t get me cotton candy.”
Remus rolled his eyes before opening the door.
“I can not help that the theater’s cotton candy machine was down. I promise we will go back next week and get you some.”
Sirius scoffed.
“I’ll take Y/n to a movie. She will get cotton candy too.”
Remus chuckled. He made a mental note to tell you that you needed to tell Sirius no more often. You treated him like some kind of pet, making Remus’ life difficult.
“You can be really annoying sometimes. You are aware of that, right?”
Remus said over his shoulder as he tossed his coat on the couch. Sirius was chuckling to himself as he moved to go get a beer out of the refrigerator.
“Yeah, but you love me so there.”
Remus smirked while shaking his head. He was not about to feed into Sirius’ foolishness (no matter how right he was on the subject). A small envelope on the coffee table caught Remus’ attention. It had both his and Sirius’ names on the front.
Frowning, Remus walked over and picked the envelope up. Right away, Remus noticed your handwriting.
“Is she leaving us love notes again?”
Sirius asked, coming back into the room while shoving popcorn into his mouth. Remus rolled his eyes.
“She’s probably begging me to marry you so you don’t go get lost some place.”
Sirius gave Remus a cold glare as his lover tore open the envelope.
“To Sirius and Remus, By the time the two of you read this, I will be out of contact. There have been many things that I have been hiding and it is time that the both of you know. I have been dating Regulus for a while. We are running away together. This is the only way that we can be together and no one have a problem with it. Remus, I know you of all people won’t be happy. You are my big brother and I love you but you need to let me make my own decisions. If I was honest and told you that I was dating Regulus, you would have flipped. Please know that I am not doing this to hurt you. I hope, in time, we can meet again and put this behind us. I beg you to take care of yourself and I love you. Sirius, I want you to know that you were right about Regulus. There is more to him than some cold member of the Black family. He isn’t a death eater and no longer “drinks the family koolaid.” He and I….we are what each other needs. Regulus is still your brother and he loves you. I hope to see the two of you sooner rather than later. I’m sorry but I have to go.
Love, Y/n.”
Remus stared at the letter with his mouth open. Sirius shoved a few more mouthfuls of popcorn in his mouth before realizing that Remus had gone dead silent.
“Moony, what…”
“Y/n ran off with Regulus!”
Sirius stood motionless. He tilted his head as if he was trying to process what his lover actually said. Did Sirius hear Remus right? You ran off with Regulus? Why would you run off with Regulus? Did you even know Regulus? Sirius had never witnessed the two of you speak to each other.
“Regulus? Like my brother Regulus?”
Remus ran a hand through his hair, fighting the urge to start jumping up and down.
“How many other guys named Regulus do you know?”
Sirius held his hands up defensively.
“Just my brother. Why would Y/n run off with Regulus? Do they even know each other apart from us?”
Remus handed Sirius the letter. Sirius frowned as he read the letter, his eyes widening with each word. While he wanted to panic that you jumped ship with his little brother in the middle of the war…he couldn’t. Sirius read your words to him about “being right about Regulus.” Regulus wasn’t a bad guy.
“Regulus is still my little brother, after all.”
Sirius smiled at the thought. His little brother…the real Regulus…the boy Sirius adored so much was still in there. Sirius also smiled at the thought of you being the one who gave him this information. You would be good for Regulus just as Remus was good for him. Sirius could live with that.
“Sirius, say something.”
Remus ordered, feeling on edge. He didn’t know what he was going to do but he needed to do something. Remus was nearly ready to go run about the neighborhood looking for you. Sirius took a breath before speaking.
“Remus, I need you to breathe, mate. Look, I didn’t know about this either. I have my concerns but…they are like us. Maybe Y/n is good for Reg. Let’s give them a chance. Let them come to us.”
Remus paced around quietly for a moment.
“She’s my sister, Sirius.”
Sirius nodded before moving to put a hand on the small of Remus’ back.
“She will always be your sister but for right now Y/n is what Regulus needs. Trust me.”
(two weeks later)
The sound of a tea kettle whistling woke you up from a sound sleep. Yawning, you reached over to Regulus’ side of the bed. His pillow was cold indicating that he had been up for some time. You stretched with a smile before slowly getting out of bed and looking out the window.
You would never get tired of the sight in front of you. Everything was peaceful. Waking up in a quaint little cottage with a field of wildflowers near a lake was your own personal heaven. From the moment that you arrived at the cottage life changed completely. You had gone from being stuck in the middle of a war with no idea how the future would play out to pure blissful peace.
The sound of a small bang in the kitchen tore you from your thoughts. Regulus muttering “son of a bitch” made you smile.
That was another thing that you couldn’t help but smile about. In the course of two weeks, you had seen Regulus make a complete change. Now he was no longer the brooding moody young man who always looked mad at the world. He smiled more than you had ever seen him smile before. You noticed how much Regulus being happy reminded you of Sirius. Happy was exactly how you loved seeing Regulus.
Your mind went back to the morning that you arrived at the cottage…
“This place hasn’t changed since I was a child.”
Regulus commented as he sat his bag down. You were looking around the cottage with a pleased little smile on your face.
“It's lovely. I can see why your uncle bought that place.”
Regulus nodded as he started looking through the cabinets.
“As much as Alphard loved our family, he loved being in peace that much more. He saw the cracks and crazy in the Black family. Thank Merlin he saw a way out and away from it all.”
You turned to face Regulus as he took off his suit jacket and started rolling his sleeves up.
“Now we can have our peace.”
You replied as Regulus’ grey eyes rolled up your face.
“Yes, we can. We can have our happily ever after without this stupid war or whatever garbage is going on back in reality land. Maybe in time, Remus won’t hate me for conning you into running away with me.”
You moved to wrap your arms around Regulus’ neck.
“You didn’t do any conning. I wanted to leave as much as you did. I’m not brave like my brother and friends. I don’t want to be involved in some war where people I love on both sides die.”
Regulus frowned before wrapping an around your waist.
“You are braver than you know. You left everything behind for some boy who never deserved a moment of your grace and love.”
“The boy who deserved all of the grace and love.”
You countered with a smile. Regulus leaned his forehead against yours. He didn’t know that you saw the happy smile on his face…but you did.
“Well..if you say so. You know, we’ve never had the opportunity to dance together.”
You couldn’t help the chuckle as Regulus slowly began to move with you in his arms.
“We’ve never had the opportunity.”
Regulus nodded.
“Now we do. Every day…anytime that you want.”
The bedroom door opening pulled you from your thoughts. Regulus stepped in with a small smile on his face.
“Sorry, I didn’t wake you…did I?”
You shook your head before moving to snuggle back into your boyfriend’s waiting arms.
“No…I heard you fighting with the stove.”
Regulus rolled his eyes.
“That damned thing is a menace. We might have to invest in a new one before I catch that one on fire. I see why Kreacher hated our stove at Grimmauld Place now.”
Regulus didn’t have to say it for you to know that he missed Kreacher. That was the only part of his family that he missed.
“We can get a new one whenever you want or you can let me do the cooking. I admire you for trying but I was born to cook on shitty stoves.”
Regulus rolled his eyes before looking back at the bed.
“You haven’t made the bed yet.”
You nodded.
“I just got out of it.”
Regulus reached out to gently push the strap of your nightgown off of your shoulder.
“We can mess it up a little more before you make it up…for the day.”
Wrapping your arm around his shoulders, you stood on your tiptoes kissing Regulus slowly.
“I love that idea.”
Right as things were starting to get heated there was a loud knock at the door. Regulus pulled away as you reached for your silk robe.
“Who the hell is that? We don’t have friends. That is the problem with visitors. They always come visiting.”
You grabbed your wand and followed Regulus down the stairs. Part of you was wondering if it was the friendly widow who lived down the road a bit. The other part worried that it was some member of the Black family to attempt to drag Regulus home.
“Do you have your wand?”
Regulus whispered.
“Armed and ready to go.”
You replied as Regulus moved to the front door. He was ready to hex whoever the hell it was to kingdom come and back.
The moment that he opened it, Regulus was shocked to see Sirius on the other side. Sirius stood holding what looked like a geranium in a tacky ceramic pot while Remus stood behind him looking super uncomfortable.
Regulus tilted his head to the side while you came to join him at the door. You were clearly as surprised as Regulus was.
Regulus managed to get out while Sirius smiled.
“Hello, happy couple…I brought you a plant.”
Sirius held out the geranium to his younger brother with a grin. Regulus slowly took the flower with an uncomfortable expression.
“Um, thanks. How did you two find us?”
Sirius glanced over his shoulder praying that Remus had listened to that whole “be nice and don’t strangle him” talk.
“Can we come in?”
You moved aside as did Regulus. Sirius and Remus walked in closing the door behind them.
“Did you two steal this from the old woman down the street? I saw her potting this plant last week.”
Regulus commented before sitting the geranium down. Sirius shrugged.
“She won’t miss it. So….here we are and here you are.”
Regulus nodded, sitting down.
“Yes. Here we are. Again, how did you find us?”
Sirius grinned.
“Uncle Alphard told me after I wrote him.”
“How long?”
Remus finally commented. Both Regulus and yourself turned to face your older brother. You could see the unease in Remus’ eyes. How he was remaining calm was a mystery.
You placed a hand on Regulus’ shoulder before speaking to Remus directly.
“Two years.”
“Two years!!?? The two of you have been dating for two years and no one said a word. Y/n, this is big. You could have married this man by now…wait, you two aren’t married are you?”
Regulus raised an eyebrow before holding up your hand that had a diamond ring on it.
“Not yet but we will be. This is exactly why we didn’t tell you, Lupin. You are spazzing out and acting ridiculous. Family reactions are the reason why we didn’t say anything. My family would never accept Y/n and would potentially hurt her. You are…well…you are acting as I expected.”
Remus went instantly silent before muttering “fuck me” under his breath. He took a few deep breaths before speaking. Looking at your face, Remus stared at you hard for a few moments. No longer were you the little girl that chased after him always wanting to be part of her big brother’s activities. Now you were a grown woman with a life of her own…a grown woman who deserved to have the life that she wanted.
Regulus was busy watching Remus hoping the other man didn’t burst into a fit of tears. He was not ready to deal with that!
“I apologize…to both of you. You have to understand that is my only family left, Regulus. Outside of Sirius, Y/n has been my forever friend. It hurts knowing that both of you felt this was the only option…but I understand. I was wrong to judge your happiness. Y/n, is this what you want?”
You squeezed Regulus’ shoulder.
“It is, Remus. I love Regulus very much. He’s very good to me and I’m happy. I know you are worried but I want you to be happy for me. I found my person must like you found yours….your plant stealing person.”
Sirius giggled. Remus stared at Sirius before shaking his head.
“Yeah, my plant-stealing person. Fine, if you two are happy then I’m happy for you. Regulus, please take care of her.”
Regulus reached up to squeeze your hand that was resting on his shoulder.
“I would die for her.”
Sirius stood up clapping his hands together before going off in search of breakfast.
“Now that is out of the way…who is going to feed me breakfast? You two should have seen the mad dash we made to get here.”
@geeksareunique @jessyballet @knreidy1 @justfinishthis @dumbbunnys-safes @mimisparkle12 @criminalyetminimal @teletubiswszpilkach @0xxeclipsexx0 @luclue @ad-astra-again @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @rubyroscoe1 @readtomeregulus @regulusblackswhorecrux @i-love-scott-mccall @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @s-we-e-t-t-ea @woohoney @abaker74 @regulus-black-223048 @saramaple @missgorldafirst @millies0bsimp @stelleduarte @siriuslyceleste @dumybitch @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @bennyberry @f4iryluvy @panpride @haroldpotterson @mentally-unstable-hoe @goldensunshineshit @padf00ts-l0ver @marichromatic @ravenhood2792 @playmore-zeppelin @ell0ra-br3kk3r @authoressskr @emiwrites3reads @rogue-nyx88 @coffeeaddictednymph @knight-of-gleefulness @shaylybaby2032 @livshifts
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All the fics that have been written using prompts from the Promise You WILL Write collection. This list will be updated monthly with anything new, most recent works listed first.
Please visit the collection to leave a prompt for someone to write or take one for yourself… All are welcome! You can check out their page @promiseyouwillwrite for more info.
✨ Be sure to show the authors some love and appreciation with kudos and comments on the fics you enjoyed!
*Authors: If your tumblr (or other socials) isn’t linked, and you'd like it to be, let me know and I'll be happy to add it. Or, if you're linked, and you'd rather not be, please contact me to remove it.
Most recent posted fics (new works this month, not WIPs) will be featured above the cut. ✂️
🥛 too late to run for cover by @promise-you-wont-write | masterwords [NR, 3K] Lucy's done with Hawk's drinking and tells him to leave so he buys a house on Fire Island and decides to fully integrate into the lifestyle at great detriment to his own well-being.
Part 1 of and so with the sunshine: the fire island chronicles Prompted by: @beyondxmeasure
🥛 right or wrong i can't get along without you by @promise-you-wont-write | masterwords [NR, 3K] Jackson Fuller disappears and everyone fears the worst - until he turns up in San Fransisco asking Tim for help. Prompted by: @arbor-tristis
🥛 i've got my love to keep me warm by @promise-you-wont-write | masterwords [T, 6K] Mary brings Tim to a Christmas party at Hawk's mother's house. Prompted by: @ishipallthings
🥛 Kiss of Fire by drabbleswabbles* [NR, 2K] Tim pays a matchmaker to set him up on a blind date. Things do not go according to plan. Prompted by: @ishipallthings
🥛 hold on (i'm coming) by @promise-you-wont-write | masterwords [NR, 2K] Hawk's nightly phone calls become increasingly desperate until Tim has no choice but to go to him. Prompted by: @lispenardst
🥛 my boy by @promise-you-wont-write | masterwords [G, 783] Tim wants to know who Hawk belongs to. The answer isn't what he expects. Prompted by: anonymous
🥛 Within The Heart of Me  by drabbleswabbles* [NR, 9K] Lucy goes to the hospital to talk to Tim. When she arrives, Hawk is already there.
Otherwise known as a prompt fill that wanders a bit off the mark, but is close enough in spirit to give credit where credit is due as far as inspiration goes. Prompted by: @beyondxmeasure
🥛 Darkness Before the Dawn  by @beyondxmeasure | Cyantific [NR, 1K] It’s June 1944, following the US offensive against the German-led Caesar line that tore through a small squad of the 141st Regiment, killing two men and wounding others, along with Sergeant Hawkins Fuller. Following the blast of the Nazi’s K5 railway gun, he underwent surgery to repair sustained shrapnel damage and is now recovering in the Army’s 32nd Evac Hospital. In the bed next to him lies Corporal Marcus Gaines from the 85th Infantry Division, also wounded in action.
Or, the story of how Hawk and Marcus met. Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 you just make my whole world weep (i'm at your feet)  by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [E, 1K] Even now the thought of the shape of his mouth imprinted on Tim's skin makes him shudder as he slides down Tim's body past his ridiculous Christmas sweater.
Or, a blowjob scene that went very differently. Prompted by: @startagainbuttercup
🥛 Let Me Shower You With My Love  by @beyondxmeasure | Cyantific [M, 7K] Hawk helps Tim in the shower.
A 1986 canon divergent fix-it. Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 like being home  by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup  When Hawk turns eighteen, he expects the name of Kenneth Willard to appear on his skin, tattooed on his arm or his leg, a soulmate mark that bonds you forever with the person you belong to.
Hawk doesn't know what you're supposed to feel for your soulmate, but what he feels for Kenny, his sweet Kenny must be very close, or at least Hawk thinks it is.
Or, a soulmate AU one person asked for and I still managed to do it wrong. Prompted by: @ishipallthings
🥛 I Belong to You  by @beyondxmeasure | Cyantific [E, 2K] This isn’t even close to how he saw their night ending, but here they are, and if Tim wants it rough, who is Hawk to deny him?
Or, the ‘Hit me.’ scene… but a little different. In which Hawk still hits Tim, just not where you think. Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 Please Ease My Pain.  by Southernkiss* [E, 3K] As the four men shed their clothing, their motivations varied. Some sought to satiate a thirst that could never be quenched, while others craved the rush of dominance. But little did they know, their desires would lead them down a path of self-discovery and into a twisted reality they never could have imagined. The darkness that resided within them and in this new world consumed them, tainting every aspect of their beings. And as they delved deeper into this abyss, they soon realized the true consequences of their actions. Prompted by: @doodlingawaits
🥛 gold-skinned, eager baby  by @lispenard-street | lispenardstreet [E, 10K] Tim sets out for Fire Island with a single goal: to dig Hawk out of his pit of self-destruction.
As it turns out, Hawk is after something else entirely.
A 1979 fix-it… of sorts. Prompted by: @lispenard-street
🥛 you should be in my space (you should be in my life)  by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [E, 3K] What if Tim let Hawk touch him during their mutual masturbation session. Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 In my nothing, you meant everything to me.by @in-our-special-place |  Cupping_Cakes [M, 636] Her body trembled with conflicting emotions—a slight tingle of pain for being unfaithful, but also a wave of happiness for finally feeling desired. Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 make sure he knows by b3y0ndm3asur3* [G, 693] “How did you manage it?” Marcus asks Hawk, not making eye contact.
Hawk squints at him, head pounding from the amount of liquor he’s consumed over the past couple of days. “Manage what?”
There’s a pause. Hawk watches Marcus swallow. “Losing a kid,” he says eventually through gritted teeth, like he has to force the words out. Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 is it over now? by @satelarry | satelarry [M, 42K] Seeing the love of your life walk away without being able to tell him that you love him has to be one of the worst situations a person can go through. But Hawk decided to fulfill Tim's request, knowing it will be the last.
What happens when he wakes up, 18 years before, with the knowledge of what's going to happen if he makes the same decisions?
Does the ending always stay the same?
Or, the Time Travel AU in which the only thing ruining Hawk's plan is Tim's stubbornness. Prompted by: @ishipallthings
🥛 In his voice I heard decay, the plastic face forced to portray. by @in-our-special-place | Cupping_Cakes [M, 557] Marcus finally broke the silence, his voice heavy with sorrow. 'Hawk,' he said, his gaze fixed on his glass. 'I have something to tell you.' Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 So simple now by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [G, 581] Hawk has loved Tim his whole life, too. He's loved him since the minute he saw him smiling adorably on that election night. He's loved him since the moment he felt him writhing in his arms, lost in pleasure. He's loved him for thousands of years, even before he was born. He loved him every second of every minute he spent with him, and he loved him even more when they were apart.
Or, the "I have loved you my whole life…" scene, but in Hawk's POV, a lot of overwhelming feelings. Prompted by: @lispenard-street
🥛 I'll follow you down and I am here right beside you. by @in-our-special-place | Cupping_Cakes [E, 1K] Tim's eyes were filled with a mix of satisfaction and sadness, as if he too felt the ache of their lost connection. Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 There’s no place I'd rather you be than with me. by @in-our-special-place |Cupping_Cakes [E, 719] Their embrace was raw and primal, fueled by the angst of wanting each other but being afraid to admit it. Prompted by: @ishipallthings
🥛 something i can't go without by @satelarry | satelarry [E, 7K] Hawk goes to Fire Island to escape dealing with his feelings but that isn't far away from Tim's kind heart. Perhaps he doesn't want it to be.
Or, The Meat Rack AU. Prompted by: @beyondxmeasure
🥛 Just keep on usin' me Until you use me up. by Southernkiss* [E, 1K] Tim could feel Hawk's hot breath on his neck as he whispered in his ear, 'You want to be loud, Tim? Well, go ahead. I want to hear you.' Prompted by: @deputy-buck
🥛 Yours forever anyway by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 733] Hawk and Tim dance together. Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 Until next time by @lovebunnie | space_kid [T, 1K] There was a moment in time where he could have run into Tim in this hospital with his newborn baby. He could have seen the devastation in his eyes as the betrayal became real, no more an abstract concept born in the early hours of the morning. Hawk had just missed watching Tim lay eyes on his son for the first time. He itched for a cigarette. Prompted by: @feelingpure
🥛 He calls late at night by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [T, 1K] Hawk calls Tim after Jackson's death Prompted by: @lispenard-street & @ishipallthings
🥛 Love is an angel disguised as lust by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [E, 2K] Hawk's eyes darkened, from outshining the daytime sky to rivaling the night. His lips curved into a wicked smirk. If Tim didn't know better, he might suspect he'd just played right into Hawk's hands.
"Educate me." That wasn't exactly what Tim had intended. But, his attention caught by the glint off Hawk's wedding ring, Tim decided he could work with that. Or, the edging fic that's probably sixty percent soft. Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 My religion is you by Southernkiss* [E, 734] Tim bit his lip; his body was already aching for more. 'You spank them,' he whispered, his voice trembling with desire. Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 I wave my hands and I got you by Southernkiss* [E, 616] He belonged to him, ring on his finger or not. Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 I’ll become the sea and the sea will come to kiss me by @in-our-special-place |Cupping_Cakes [M, 1K] Tim's voice was a gentle whisper. 'I know, Hawk. But I'm here. You're not alone in this.' Prompted by: @ishipallthings
🥛 We’ll be on the road like jack kerouac by @jesterlesbian | captainquint [M, 4K] He tried to think of what Tim would do or say. The man who had only spoken to his son a handful of times over one weekend in 1968, but had seemed to understand him far better than Hawk ever had. The business card felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket. An idea burst to life in Hawk’s mind. This was an emergency if he’d ever seen one. “What would you say to coming with me to San Francisco?” Or, Hawk and Jackson go on a cross-country road trip to San Francisco. Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 Like to make you comfy cozy by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 1K] During a lazy night in bed together, Tim sings Hawk to sleep. Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 So give me just a little, baby Just something to get by. by @in-our-special-place | Cupping_Cakes [E, 1.3K] Tim couldn't help but think that this was the best milk delivery he had ever received. Prompted by: @beyondxmeasure
🥛 You take my body I give you heat. by @in-our-special-place | Cupping_Cakes [E, 1K] Without hesitation, Tim bent down and began to lick the milk off of Hawk's body, savoring the taste and feel of Hawk's skin under his tongue. He traced every muscle and curve, his lips and tongue sending waves of pleasure through Hawk's body. Prompted by: @startagainbuttercup
🥛 champagne lovers  by @satelarry | satelarry [NR, 12K] It's awards season, and what better way to celebrate than with a Hawk/Tim awards AU. Whether they're strolling the red carpet together, supporting each other as they're up for awards, or just presenting something. It's up to you. Just 'tis the season for this kind of AU! Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 You taste divine  by @carnivalrow | nightfall_in_winter [E, 1.3K] Hawk joins Tim in the shower in episode 6 because he wants to kiss him…there! Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 A Star To Steer Her By by Anonymous [NR, 6K] Tim is a starship captain, Hawk is a diplomat. Things happen when Hawk arrives on Tim's ship. Or, the Star Trek AU one (1) person asked for. Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 Beautiful Things by @carrotcakecrumble | LuxLox [M, 1K] I turn away from the radio I’d just been tuning, there’s a crackle and pop on the wave, but Miller’s ‘Over the rainbow’ is just about spattering through in tune. Kenny says something about how he loves this one. It could be the first time he’s hearing it, for all I know. He falls in love with everything.
A multi-chapter fic following a young Hawk and Kenny throughout their relationship, from beginning to end. Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 the thrill of your sweet embrace  by @redmyeyes | redmyeyes [E, 4.4K] "Somewhere, a butterfly opened its wings."— Erik Larson, Isaac's Storm
Let's see if we can make this a fix-it. Part 5 of Fellow Travelers. Prompted by: Anonymous
🥛 all those letters unsent and that garden ungrown by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [T, 1.4K] Dear Tim, I know I promised I won't write, but I believe what I really promised is not to send you letters, and this one I'm not going to send, so it is not a violation of my promise. Skippy, I miss you more than I thought I could. It's your birthday and I can't help but think about you the whole day, you consume my every thought and I can't stop wondering, what would it be like if you were here. Or, the letters Hawk never sent. Prompted by: Anonymous
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
Your platonic Baizhu fic is so heartwarming!!! Got any more thoughts on that fic???
( Also I think your fic links arent working because they send me to different fic and on chrome instead of the app. Though that might be me ahahaha)
Your amazing and don't let anyone tell you other wise! Bye bye
thoughts on chronically ill!reader.
summary. a collection of random thoughts about baizhu's junior herbalist.
trigger & content warnings. no applicable warnings.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. baizhu & reader, qiqi & reader. 0.3k words. they/them pronouns for reader. i believe the fic that this anon is talking about is invisible disability? it's rather visible to me.
author's thoughts. hello darling! thank you sm, that fic is one of my personal favorites <3 i have SO many thoughts regarding that fic. here are a few of them. feel free to ask me to expand upon anything if you find something interesting!
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the implication about baizhu is that he's seeking immortality, right? yeah. i like to think that his sweet lil junior herbalist knows about that and does what little they can to help him—e.g., discreetly seeking information, whether that be through the suspiciously well-informed mr. zhongli or through foreign sources. their morals become somewhat skewed after working with baizhu for a while, but it doesn't really bother them. why would it? baizhu is soft and gentle and kind with them. they aren't afraid of him. they never will be. it's because of his attention and care that they can manage their life. this is how they're returning the favor.
changsheng and [name] ABSOLUTELY, 100% fight for his attention. they have a weird ass family dynamic going on with that snake LMAOO..... baizhu knows about this. he finds it funny.
qiqi and [name] like to wander liyue together. once they develop enough strength and endurance, they'll carry her on their hip and go wherever she directs them. sometimes, baizhu will trail after them (like a father!) and leave the pharmacy in gui's hands. bro is a single dad with two kids and all of liyue knows it.
"baizhu is a coward" not when someone threatens his kid! it's verbal assault ON SIGHT if someone does something to hurt [name]. he hasn't had any need to physically defend them yet thankfully, but he has definitely had a few choice words for certain impatient people.
sometimes baizhu lets them braid his hair after seeing them do it for qiqi a few times. it ends up becoming very normal for them to braid both his and qiqi's hair on slower days.
i hc that there's a room in the pharmacy with low sensory input (dim lighting, limited scents & sound, etc) in the case that anyone needs to rest for whatever reason; migraines, body aches, sensory overload... it's available for any reason at any time of the day. sometimes baizhu and [name] end up in there at the same time and just sit in the silence. it's a bonding ritual of sorts.
thank you for letting me know about the links. i use the tumblr website and it tends to be kind of difficult sometimes; i'll work on fixing the links shortly! in the meantime, if there's any particular fic you'd like easy access to, just send me another ask and i'll direct you to it <3
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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ghul-wein · 7 months
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Further details under the cut; please read in full before reaching out in any way
Highly suggest you have these things ready at the least before contacting me:
If interested, you’re free to get in touch with me via tumblr dms or email ([email protected]) — email is preferred for organizational purpose. Full commission details and some unlisted options can be found Here
- CHARACTER REFERENCES AND POSES: Drawn reference is the best for 2D characters! Screenshots from the media is best for live action characters.
For original characters, photo and written descriptions are welcome, but are subject to being considered a character design commission and incur a design fee.
- WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR: Is there a story you're looking to tell? If so, what? What feeling or vibe are you trying to dial in on? What about the character absolutely needs to be in the piece?
All payment will made in USD --PayPal and Venmo only -- trades are not accepted; I can invoice you if needed. I ask for 50% of the payment up front and don’t begin working on your piece until then. I will not send the final piece until the remaining payment has been sent. I can break down installments into smaller sums for larger projects, say one big piece or multiple pieces @ once, but this needs to be discussed before moving forward.
I’ll send progress pictures as I work on your piece and am willing to do slight revisions [changing a hairstyle, tweaking colors, fixing a nose, etc.]. But anything larger --like completely redoing a pose -- will be incur an extra, charge and is subject to being treated as a new project. If during the commission process you decide you'd like to upgrade into a higher tier, just let me know via our correspondence. This can only be done within a specific category (bust, half-body, full-body.)
The upgrade price is the difference between the two tiers.
Rights of Usage
I, as the Creator:
Will retain full ownership and copyright of the final image(s).
May use the final product and any progress work on social media sites.
May use the final product and any progress work on my portfolio to showcase my ability.
If you would like the commission to remain totally private, please let me know before I begin any work on it. All commissions will be publicly visible unless otherwise stated.
You, as the Commissioner:
May share the work onto your social media pages. Please credit it back to me and/or link to my social media.
May use the image(s) as avatars, emotes, OC profiles, digital wallpapers, etc. with credit back to myself.
May print out the image(s) for personal use, like hanging in your home.
May claim the character design as your own if it is an OC.
May not claim the work as your own.
May not use the image(s) for commercial purposes. It may not be sold, reproduced, or used in any way to garner profit. This includes advertisements, merchandising, NFTs, etc.
May not alter the artwork and post it publicly.
If and when the commission is shared on social media, the commissioner will be tagged if they are on the platform. Real names will not be shared. Please let me know beforehand if you would rather not be tagged.
By ordering a commission, the commissioner agrees to all the above terms.
I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason.
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snarryauctoberfest · 1 year
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Snarry AUctoberfest: Week 1 💚❤️
💚❤️ [Fanfic] Never in Your Favour || E || 20k Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Underage Tumblr Post: Link AO3: Link
Muggle AU. Headmaster Dumbledore decides it is time for Harry to train resistance to interrogation so he can properly join the Order of the Ostrich. And who better to administer that training than his very own Chemistry teacher, Severus Snape? "I am not merely talking about discomfort – you will be hurt, you will need medical assistance, there is going to be a severe impact on your mental health as well. We will be far, far out of range of a student-teacher relationship."
💚❤️ [Fanfic] Receive You || T || 11.5k Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence Tumblr Post: Link AO3: Link
It was supposed to be a typical investigation, even if “unwanted mischief in Glenloris” left too much up for conjecture. Suspicious characters were sneaking around the ancient dragon tomb just outside of town, and Severus had been sent to look into it. Things become a bit more complicated, however, when a young man and his white horse come to town. Prompt: 0001 - Wild Card! Snarry meet-cute in a Skyrim reskin with a dash of Yakuza/Like a Dragon mixed in for flavor.
💚❤️ [Fanfic] Wicked Wiesn || E || 18k Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Tumblr Post: Link AO3: Link
Severus fought tooth and nail to be spared the experience of visiting the famous Oktoberfest with his colleagues, but of course Albus made him come. Being forced to endure the crowds of people, a handsome waiter catches his eye. Maybe this whole affair is not as bad as it seems, and maybe Severus can find something (or someone) to enjoy this craziness.
💚❤️ [Fanfic] Innocent Lilies || E || 1k Archive Warning: Rape/Non-Con Tumblr Post: Link AO3: Link
It was bittersweet to have Harry as he was back then — a charming boy who asked after another's health, who cared for the hippogriffs roaming the castle grounds, and who greeted Severus each day with a bashful hello. Now Harry was the Dark Lord, ruling the land with a tight grip and harsh declarations, so different from his first eighteen years of life. Severus receives confirmation one night. A 2HA Snarry inspired fic.
💚❤️ [Fanfic] Unexpected Suitor || T || 6k Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Tumblr Post: Link AO3: Link
Prompt: Historical AU. Harry must marry before his 25th birthday in order to receive his inheritance or see it given to a distant relative, but he has driven off every suitor. Fed up, Lily decides he can marry her childhood friend Severus, who won't let himself be scared off by Harry's antics. James is less enthused, but can see no other option for Harry to receive his inheritance. - "Severus, you'd be perfect!" "Excuse me?" exclaimed James and Harry simultaneously, one horrified, the other shocked. Severus' eyes narrowed. "I'm not quite sure what you mean, Lily." -
💚❤️ [Fanfic] Harry Potter and the Monster in the Woods || T || 5.8k Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Tumblr Post: Link AO3: Link
Harry is sent into the woods to be sacrificed to the creature who lives there in exchange for the creature lifting his curse on Harry's village. Harry is rather surprised not to be eaten. The creature is rather surprised that Harry turns out to be a tolerable life companion.
💚❤️ [Fanfic] Brat! || E || 25.7k Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Tumblr Post: Link AO3: Link
“Every child in the world will know his name!” With Voldemort gone forever, Harry’s childhood goes a little differently. Years later, Severus is called in to help deal with Harry’s magical outbursts. Life will never be the same again.
2023 Snarry AUctoberfest Entries || HOS Tumblr || Discord
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carriehobbs · 3 months
I saw you tagged Ellery Wiseman on that poem and am dropping into your inbox to ask for anything you'd like to share about your Button!! (Do you have more than one? Who do they romance? How is their relationship with Nick?) -wayhavenots
omg pd tysm for asking!! 💕💕 there is absolutely nothing in the world i love more than having an excuse to talk about my ocs
i (with some rare exceptions) am the kind of if player that makes a new oc for every romance route i play, so i actually have 5 buttons 🫣 (technically 6, rip elliot wiseman who was from my very first mind blind playthrough, when i just wanted to see if i liked the game. you were very depressed and never became a fully-realized button, but your sacrifice is remembered and your name is retired out of respect). i have a page with very, very brief details on my buttons (and also my detectives for wayhaven) and links to their tags here, but if you use tumblr mobile you've probably never had the opportunity to see it.
this got so very, very long, so the rest is under the cut
my 5 buttons are: ella, ellie, elle, ellis, and ellery (can you guess what naming convention i lifted from the game's default names? lol). what's universally true for all 5 of them (though with some nuance, they all have slightly different feelings about their relationships) is that they're as close as they can be with their parents (because i like john and hope as characters and i find "i really love these people but our relationship became incredibly complicated and we now have to find ways to reconcile our disappointment/anger/etc. with our love for them" to be really compelling. i love mess) and with nick (because i'm a middle child and i accidentally projected my feelings about my siblings (and especially my older sister) onto the button&nick relationship. i physically can't be mean to nick because i cried for about 45 minutes the first time i read the end of chapter 3/chapter 4 and for the first time really considered my sister's mortality, and that changes you).
for a (not really that brief, whoops) rundown of my buttons' whole deals:
ella: equally humorous and confident, very high insightful stat, romancing ambrose. she's independent, intelligent, ambitious, loyal, great at compartmentalizing, and, quite frankly, arrogant. she can be really abrasive sometimes (while she can be a kind and compassionate person, most people don't get to see that side of her and so she can come off as really rather unpleasant - think that know-it-all kid in your class that everyone kind of hates). ella naturally is rather funny/confident/intelligent/etc., but i think, after the incident with hope, she ended up amplifying these inherent traits of hers and making them into a sort of armour that keeps her safe, but also isolates her. i think she's afraid of showing weakness and i think she feels this subconscious need to prove to everyone (including herself) that she's capable. her relationship with nick is the worst out of all of my buttons (but is still incredibly high, think 160/170-ish approval), mainly because she and nick clash the most. she's very independent and knows what she wants and will pursue it (even if it's a boyfriend her brother doesn't like or a career her parents don't want for her) no matter what anyone else thinks, and nick can be a little hover-y (though this improves over the events of the game). she does really love nick (and does actually care about his approval, even if it won't stop her from doing things she knows he won't like), even if she finds him kind of annoying sometimes. she views the incident with hope as a horrible accident that wasn't anyone's fault, and i think she sees better than my other buttons how everyone in the family was affected by the fallout. fun fact: several years post-game, she and ambrose have identical twin girls (ella jokes that she wanted two kids so she and ambrose had twins because "we're efficient". they have girls because ambrose is a girl dad. i am not accepting notes) that share a birthday with nick (because i need ambrose to be forced to participate in a large yearly party that at least partially involves celebrating nick. do you know how many years nick rented a bouncy castle and then proceeded to bounce on the bouncy castle with the girls? it's every year until they decided they're too cool for it. nick's heart broke that day)
eleanor/ellie: more humorous than confident (with confident stat increasing through the game), but has a decent morbid stat too, very high insightful stat, romancing grayson. ellie fulfills my need in every if game/rpg i play to have at least one character who is so, so nice to everyone (my detective alina fulfills this need in wayhaven). she's kind, considerate, forgiving, has a strong sense of morals (except at work, where she's very expedient), and tends to blame herself when things go wrong. she really feels just unbearably guilty about most things: the incident with hope (if she'd acted differently, if she'd been different, etc., maybe it wouldn't have happened), nick's accident in chapter 3, nick having to take care of her through high school... she really struggled after the incident with hope because she needed nick and depended on him so much, but then hated herself for how much she needed him and feeling like she ruined his life (she did project this onto gray when he started hanging around, which is why she didn't like him at first, but over time she realized it wasn't his fault and moved on. and then she got goopy feelings for him). she's not blind to nick's faults, but she adores him (200 approval easily). i think a lot of her growth over the course of the game comes from learning to trust herself and to believe in herself. fun fact: she once made a joke to gray after they started dating (in front of nick and sally too 😬) without thinking about how there'd be "no kids or dog until we have a house". it was way too early in the relationship to be making a joke about having kids or a house. they didn't even live together yet. she's still a little mortified that she said that
elle: confident, very high insightful stat, romancing kent. i love elle because she's kind of relentlessly forward-thinking. she doesn't really dwell on the past except to figure out how to improve the future. she believes strongly that it's what someone does that matters. she's my button who's the most interested in trying to get herself into the npo program. like ella, i think she views the incident with hope as a horrible accident that isn't really anyone's fault, and i think she really makes an effort not to dwell on it or assign blame for what happened. she also has terminal foot-in-mouth disease (talking about bondage with kent in front of your brother, best friend, and instructor after revealing that you'll probably get tortured together, anyone?), which is the bane of her existence. while i think all my buttons struggled with some agoraphobia post-the incident with hope, i think elle really struggled with it: she loves dogs and used to volunteer at an animal shelter, but had to stop because she couldn't handle being outside of her home without sally or nick (she could go to school if she spent the entire day with sally, and then would go straight home) and it took several months for her to feel like she could go places without one or both of them again. once she was able to leave her home independently, she started volunteering at the animal shelter again, and is still there. fun fact: post-game and further into their relationship, she ends up accidentally moving in with kent. it starts by just spending a lot of time at his place because it's so close to nick's (i think a lot of her and kent's dates just involve hanging out together), then more and more of her stuff migrates over, until one day she realizes she's been there for two weeks and all of her clothes are in kent's laundry. she formally moves in after that. she's also my button who's most likely to elope!
ellis: humorous-morbid (slightly more morbid than humorous), tentatively more innovative than insightful (i keep swapping the stats), romancing sally. he's "just some guy" (affectionate) to me, if "just some guy" had gallows' humour. he's been kind of desperately in love with sally since he was 13 and figured out what love was. ellis is the kind of person who looks fine on the surface but really isn't. whereas elle doesn't dwell on the incident with hope because she wants to move forward with her life and not have this one event define her, ellis doesn't dwell on it because doing so will wreck him. he was the closest with hope growing up, since they shared a sense of humour and he felt that she really understood him, and it profoundly hurt when she started to pull away as he got older. he trusted her more than anyone growing up and it hurts a lot now to think about how the people he relies on most now are nick and sally instead. he's not as forward about the guilt he feels and how it affects him as ellie or ellery are, but it's still there. he's also very close with nick and really admires him: nick is ellis's model for what it means to "be a man" (more so than john, but i don't think ellis is really aware of this). ellis also views gray as a sort of quasi-older brother figure and is actually more likely to ask gray for relationship or life advice than nick (mainly because he'd feel a little awkward talking to nick about stuff like relationship advice - also look at nick's relationship track record, gray's probably the safer bet). fun fact: ellis is either the same height as nick or one inch shorter than nick (i can never remember), so if they're out together and the topic of height comes up, he tells people that he's at least two inches shorter than he actually is. this is because nick will lie about his height to make himself taller if given the chance, so ellis gets there first and forces nick to be 5ft9 for an evening (nick hates this).
ellery: humorous, higher insightful stat than interpersonal stat, romancing (m!)glitch. she's such a smartass. she's all jokes and has a quip ready for any situation, but, like ella, i think these are inherent characteristics of hers that get amplified as a defense mechanism. i think it's in chapter 1 of the demo that there's the line that says it's better to have people laughing with you than at you, and that really fits ellery. ellery blames herself for really everything to do with hope and nick, but if she brushes it off with a joke she can pretend to be fine (she's incredibly not - her guilt defines a lot of her relationships with other people and how she views herself). she's also incredibly devoted to her family (to the point where she can't listen to someone criticize them professionally because like. that's her dad. this sometimes causes issues in her and glitch's relationship, because glitch is unafraid to criticize unity when appropriate, but they figure out how to manage it over time). speaking of glitch: she is such a loverrrrrrr 💕💕💕 they really are intolerable together because they're that couple that's just all over each other. everyone around them hopes they'll tone it down after the honeymoon stage ends but they do not 💕 i imagine them moving in together incredibly quickly too. i don't know the exact timeline of the game so far, but even this early on, ellery knows that he's it for her. ellery makes me think the most about what it would actually be like to not only grow up with people who are able to hear your every thought but to never live with someone who can't read your mind. i always imagine ellery as being very comfortable communicating telepathically when she chooses to (she almost got held back from preschool because she didn't speak until she was 3/4 - not because she had speech or language delays, but because why would she speak out loud when she could communicate telepathically? eventually telepathic communication had to be (temporarily) banned in the house to get ellery to speak verbally, and once she did the ban was lifted). telepathic communication also means an entirely different way of communicating between people: visual jokes, jokes where the comedy isn't in the punchline but in the way the joke is constructed before it's been told, being able to rely on the person you're talking to picking up subtleties from your thoughts if you're having trouble expressing yourself in words, etc. and glitch is the first person she's ever lived with who can't read her mind (sometimes she'll be in another room half way through a conversation with glitch in her head and she'll ask him for his opinion on something she thought, only for him to have to remind her that he cannot hear her. luckily glitch finds this funny when it happens and lightly ribs her about it). she gets incredibly frustrated with herself sometimes because she doesn't know how to explain to him how much he means to her or how much she loves him. she tries, but she never feels like it really encompasses the depth of the feeling (it's the one time she wishes he was a ment, so he could hear it). fun fact: about a year into their relationship, ellery wrote glitch a really bad love poem to try and express her feelings for glitch in a way that's meaningful to him. glitch loved it and insisted that it was beautiful, but she thinks it's amateur and is kind of embarrassed about it because he quotes actual love poetry to her all the time. this poem does actually exist because i wrote it to try and get in her head space and figure out what she'd say, and it's mid at best (i am not a poet)
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prettyqueerwitch · 7 months
#OcculTea - A Tag
A tag created by @/ella.harrison @/the.redheadedwitch @/polish.folk.witch
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(alt text: #OcculTea. Social Media Witchcraft: Grifters, Aesthetics, Imposter Syndrome, Consumerism, And Gatekeeping. A community conversation about the things that divide us. @/ella.harrison @/the.redheadedwitch @/polish.folk.witch)
Hello beautiful people! Today I am doing a tag called #OcculTea. I plan on creating a video on my YouTube so if you'd rather watch me discuss this in a podcast form. I hope you enjoy this "mini-essay". YouTube Linked Here
Introduction : Introduce yourself. How long have you been participating in the witchcraft online space? What practices and topics do you discuss primarily?
My name is Ares, my social media is PrettyQueerWitch, I've been practicing for about 7 years now, however my practice changed recently to folk magic (I am most interested in German folk magic and Braucherei but I'm also researching English and Scandinavian folk magic). I've been a part of the witchcraft online community for about 4 years as a consumer but in September 2023 I started my tumblr and started to do book reviews and occasional grimoire pages. Topic 1 : Impact on Community
~What is my personal reasoning/inspiration behind sharing my practice online? What am I looking to achieve by participating? Do I seek to educate, learn, or connect?
I want to do book reviews that I can make as honest as possible. Along with wanting to build a community that supports, respects one another, and understands the differences in people's practices/opinions. I seek to learn and connect with my audience rather than just educate my audience. I don't share the personal parts of my practice online but I am willing to share my thoughts as well as small parts of my practice and knowledge I have accumulated over the years.
~How do I believe that social media, as a whole, has impacted the community?
I believe that social media has both positively and negatively impacted the witchcraft and occult community. I believe that while it has brought people into the community and connected people there are also rifts in the community between groups. I believe social media also censors the community and some practices.
~How do I think social platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube have each impacted education/sharing information?
I am not really on Instagram for witchcraft/occult content but I am on TikTok and YouTube, as well as Tumblr. For TikTok we see the issue of dopamine seeking in the form of short-form content, here's a video on short-form video content, attention spans, and dopamine seeking. There is quite a bit of misinformation on TikTok, as there is on any social media platform, and I believe it is the most rampant there. I don't believe you can thoroughly educate people on TikTok and with so much content going around sometimes you never know what to believe. On YouTube, I see less misinformation but that may be because I'm very selective about who I watch but I am sure there is still misinformation on there. I believe that TikTok and Instagram are great for posting pictures and short videos but not educational videos.
~Is consuming witchcraft content becoming a substitute for practice?
I believe there is a group of people who consume witchcraft content, read books, and put their all into researching but never apply it whether that's out of fear or imposter syndrome. There is another group, that I don't see as often, who consume witchcraft content and say they practice but their practice is just consuming the witchcraft content. I believe some people consider it a substitute but in my opinion, practicing witchcraft is something done with intent and energy. A video I love is this video by Ivy The Occultist which gives advice on how to go from just consuming content and understanding things theoretically to practicing witchcraft and magick.
Topic 2 : Influencer Authority
~Out of what I share on social media, how much of it is staged vs. reality?
For me, I don't share my practice online. If I do it will be very small bits. Maybe I'll share my regular altar space, but I wouldn't share my ancestor altar. Maybe I'll show the informational parts of my grimoire but I wouldn't share my birth chart or personal workings I do. When I do book reviews I try to be as honest as possible. I want to start posting videos on YouTube and those will be videos like "Research with me" or "Fill out my grimoire with me". I want to be as authentic as possible while not diving into the really personal parts of my practices.
~Do I think there is an element of censorship in online spaces? How do I decipher what is "appropriate" to share online vs. what to keep privately? Is this based on "social media etiquette" or a personal preference.
Once again I don't share much of my practice online but I have seen creators who have to censor what they post because they're working with animal parts, animal bones, nude figures, blood, etc. I have seen these creators express that they may want to show these parts of their practices but are unable to due to censorship and community guidelines. Some people do in fact keep it private due to personal preference, however.
~Have I ever encountered or heard of grifters in our community? Do I recognize them? What are significant signs of grifters in the community? I have definitely seen and heard of grifters in the community. (Grifter - someone who swindles people out of money through fraud). I have seen people who consistently switch what they sell or what content they make depending on what revenue it brings in, I've seen books that aren't totally well made but are popular because they were made popular through social media. I have seen people sell $60 candles and $100+ herb bundles (I don't totally understand buying small amounts of 50 different herbs, I don't think you can totally connect to the herb that way and I also think it's a waste of money). I think significant signs of grifters are those who don't seem to be well-educated on what they're selling, and those who constantly switch what they're selling depending on what is popular.
~What tools are helpful to decipher misinformation, and how can we as a community prevent widespread misinformation?
I believe that you typically have all the resources at your fingers to decipher misinformation. If you are new to a topic and you learn something new, it is best to research it and cross-reference it. Never rely on just one singular resource. I would say that some ways to prevent widespread misinformation are being honest, not being afraid to constructively criticize, and trying not to glamourize it.
~How does a large following impact the perception of the creator? Does this immediately make them an "expert"? Or are there other assumptions as to why they may have a large following?
A large following often leads people to believe that the creator know what they're talking about. It's believed that because they have a big following and make educational witchcraft content, the creator's always right and I don't believe a big following makes someone an expert. I think research, time, energy, practice, etc. makes someone knowledgeable about a topic. Something I see often is people asking creators to basically create their practice for them but no creator is an expert on how someone's practice should be. Ella Harrison mentions that if you have a good camera, good lighting, a nice background, and upload consistently you are more than likely going to gain a following.
~How does one maintain the balance of authenticity and content creation?
I believe that for all content creators, it is difficult to maintain authenticity and content creation in a balance. I'm personally not sure how one would be able to maintain that balance. I think in the witchcraft and occult community, not glamourizing your practice helps with maintaining authenticity while still creating content. I will talk more about the glamourizing towards the end.
Topic 3 : Imposter Syndrome and FOMO
~When I follow other creators in the community space, does it make me feel genuinely inspired and empowered or does it create feelings of FOMO and being less than?
I am very particular about who I follow but the ones that I do follow, interact with, and put my money into, I find myself feeling inspired in my practice by them. I don't often feel FOMO (fear of missing out) from the creators that I follow and interact with regularly.
~If I experience FOMO, has it ever left me feeling vulnerable to be taken advantage of financially, or otherwise? An example would be - the "need" to purchase the latest popular product or book to "fit in"?
I don't experience FOMO a lot but when I do it definitely has made me feel like I absolutely "need" something. However, as of late, I have been feeling more connected to just using what I have.
~When practicing my craft, do I find myself comparing what I do to what I've been seeing people do online?
When indulging in content relating to similar practices that I'm looking into and implementing into my practice, it's very easy to compare. In the next question, I'll talk about how I personally avoid this comparison and imposter syndrome.
~In what ways do I combat imposter syndrome?
I personally have begun to try to stop caring and to acknowledge that my practice, my circumstances, etc. are going to be different than others. However, I also deal with imposter syndrome in the thought that "I don't know enough". Sometimes I feel like because I don't have everything written down or I don't know every little thing I don't know enough to be on social media talking about witchcraft and the occult. Recently I've been trying to get out of that mindset and just let myself learn and write down my knowledge and acknowledge I haven't been doing this as long as others so of course I don't know as much.
~What would my practice look like without the social media influence of other creators?
As someone who has spent most of my time in the online witchcraft community being a consumer, I don't know if my practice would've evolved and progressed the way it did without the influence of other creators. I think I would definitely still be struggling to find my path and practice without the influence of social media.
Topic 4 : Capitalizing Off Community
~Do I consider online communities as equally valid to in-person communities?
I absolutely do. Not everyone has access to an in-person community and I believe that both are valid. It's great if you have one and not the other or if you have both! I find that both sides of it have their benefits and as someone who is a part of multiple communities, I find that online communities can be beautiful and uplifting.
~How have online occult/witchcraft communities impacted me as a person and practitioner?
I believe that online occult/witchcraft communities have given me so many resources for being a better practitioner and have inspired me and my practice. I have met so many wonderful people that I am incredibly grateful for.
~What are some of the dangers of the current phenomenon of capitalizing off the witchcraft community? Have I been personally affected by this, or have I witnessed someone else be affected?
I personally believe the biggest danger is scammers, people who aren't qualified to be doing divination readings, reading birth charts, etc. Scammers are a big thing in any community and what we see a lot of in the witchcraft/occult community is people pretending to be popular content creators and offering tarot readings for money. I also think influencers making their audience think they may need to buy certain things is also a problem in any community.
~Should there be paywalled communities and online courses?
I think if a creator puts time, effort, energy, and knowledge into creating a community and online courses they should get paid for that. That's why Patreon is such a big platform. Creators put time and effort into these communities and courses.
~How does one ensure the authenticity of courses/workshops/memberships/etc. as a financial investment?
Once again research and cross-referencing are big and important things. Look into who you want to financially invest before you do so and make sure that it's worth what you're getting out of it.
Conclusions :
~What are some topics of conversation I'd like to see more of in our community?
I believe more conversations in general about witchcraft and social media, the glamourization of witchcraft, critical thinking, constructive criticism, and more conversations like this tag would be great.
~What are my community needs?
I feel in terms of community needs, a community where everyone is heard, respected, and seen is the kind of community that we need. I also liked The Norse Witches' answer that giving more of a platform to those outside the US, Canada, and Britain is important especially as folk magic becomes more and more prevalent in the community.
~Where would I like to be held and supported? ~Where do I feel like I'm not truly being seen by my community?
I personally don't really have any complaints as I am happy with my community right now!
~How can we help each other in removing the external peer pressure and grow in the community?
Not glamourizing witchcraft/the occult would probably be a good start. Not making it seem like it's so special and so aesthetic and more beautiful. Witchcraft is not all glitz and glam and it doesn't need to be, not everyone needs to have a super aesthetic and 'special' practice because in the end everyone's practice is valid, special to themselves, and beautiful and there shouldn't be this idea that you need certain things or need to do things certain ways to be valid.
~How can we, as a community, come together more with constructive criticism without it seeming shady/passive aggressive? ~How can we, as a community, do better when we do receive criticism/feedback?
As a community, I think listening to each other critically thinking over our responses and looking at their response as a whole is best to not make everything seem like it's shady, passive-aggressive, or an attack on someone. I feel like people often get talked over or talk over each other and go in circles because they don't listen to one another critically or genuinely.
~Who are some community members that I look up to that are reliable resources and aspirations?
Ella Harrison, Ivy The Occultist, The Norse Witch, De Spökenkyker, Chaotic Witch Aunt, The Witch of Wonderlust, Hex Marie, and Hearth Witch. That's just to name a few
~Further thoughts? I think I covered most of what I wanted to talk about!
Thank you so much, feel free to join this tag at any time on whatever platform, once again I will eventually also have a video version of this!
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miraculousfanworks · 6 months
Brief Writing Prompts FAQ!
As you all may have noticed, Writing Prompts have been posted with regularity over the past week, with a new format. In light of this, here's an FAQ (or, uh, a Would-be FAQ) about the writing prompts we post here on the Miraculous Fanworks tumblr!
Where do the prompts come from? The prompts come from out associated Discord Server, where we have a designated channel for people in our community to submit prompts for fanfiction. That's why each prompt has a "Prompt by:" section, indicating which of our server members was responsible for it. Not all prompts posted there get posted on the tumblr page, though. There's just too many. So instead we have a system where if a prompt has to get a certain amount of likes before it's put into the queue.
I made a prompt that's gotten enough likes on the server, why has it not been posted yet? Patience, grasshopper. Even with our restrictions on what can and cannot be posted, we still have a LOT of prompts in our backlog. We're slowly but surely making our way through. To ensure viewers of the tumblr page get a constant stream of content in the mean time, we put all the prompts in a queue set to update a couple times a day. Your prompt will make it onto the page eventually!
I made a prompt that was published on the page, but you didn't credit me correctly. What do I do? Simply reach out to us, and we will do our best to fix the mistake! We credit people mostly based on the usernames and/or nicknames they use on Discord (hence the lack of tumblr or ao3 profile links), so if you'd rather be credited differently then please tell us! You get to be properly credited, and we ensure that our records are accurate. Everyone wins!
Can I write a fanfiction (or otherwise create fan content) based off these prompts? Yes, absolutely, that is what they are here for. Just make sure to give some credit to the prompt's creator! (And if you feel like giving us a shout-out too, well, we certainly won't mind!)
Are prompts posted to the tumblr exactly the way they were posted in the discord server? We try to maintain as much of the original formatting as possible when copying prompts over, unfortunately in some cases that's just not possible. The most common example of this is when people incorporate Discord formatting or emojis into the prompt. It's common practice for people to use our custom character emojis for script-format prompts, and since we obviously can't use those on the tumblr such posts are edited to maintain the intention of the original as much as possible. If a prompt is preceded by a comment from its a creator saying it's a reference to something else on the server, than that comment will usually be removed or edited since tumblr users can't make use of them. Also, if there's a spelling or punctuation error that's particularly jarring then we'll fix it, but usually we try to leave the prompts as they are. If a prompt by you gets published with edits you do not approve of, then by all means reach out to us and we will fix it.
Who's posting all of these? Who's responsible for the prompt titles, and the tags? That would be me. Hi, I'm Maspers, one of the Miraculous Fanworks mods running the tumblr. Posting writing prompts (with editing if necessary) to the queue is my job. I'm also responsible for the majority of the titles given to the prompts, since usually the prompt creator doesn't make one themselves. If the title WAS created by the prompt's creator, it'll be in quotes (" ") and I'll make note of it in the tags. And yes, the tags are also my doing, since obviously those aren't present on Discord.
Why do I see a lot of the same names responsible for creating prompts? Isn't your community pretty big? It is pretty big. But as stated previously, the prompts posted here have to reach a certain amount of likes on the server first, and some people just have a knack for making good prompts! This goes for the stuff featured in the prompts too, some concepts and characters are just more popular. If you want to see even more prompts by even more people about an even bigger variety of Miraculous-related stuff, then come join our server and check out our writing prompts channel there!
I have a question about the writing prompts that isn't answered here. How do I get it answered? Reach out to us with your question, and we will do our best to answer it for you! The Miraculous Fanworks moderating team takes its job very seriously, and we want to ensure that everyone in our community feels like they can come to us for assistance. So don't hesitate to reach out!
Who thought putting Maspers in charge of managing the prompts was a good idea? He's insane. Look I'm just as surprised as you are, really.
Thanks so much for reading this brief FAQ about the Writing Prompts on this tumblr! We hope you continue to enjoy them! Have a nice day!
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retphienix · 2 years
@natahposting replied to your post “My F2P ass finally made 1k plat at once. I've made...”:
Drop a guide my ass is out here with 2 plat to my name
​I don't have some big secret, but I will gladly be transparent on how I make my plat in the hopes that other players can as well.
But uh.
I ain't gonna remotely pretend it's the most fun part of playing warframe, I just so happen to have the correct mindset to allow it to happen without me growing to resent warframe.
So obligatory "You're results may vary" bit here.
The most important part for me is utilizing Warframe Market which is a 3rd party website-
not linking because sometimes tumblr is perfectly okay with links and sometimes it isn't and I think this info is potentially useful enough that I'd like it actually popping up in the tag I post it in, it comes up in a search more than easily enough.
- for posting things you'd like to trade which I find infinitely more usable than say spamming trade chat or standing around the bazaar. I genuinely don't get how any player could utilize that as their primary means of trading, that's insane to me.
Market lets you post what you have, how many, what rank (if a mod) and the price and have it be easily presented to others. You can also toggle if you're online, online in-game, or offline which, again, helps direct players to when to contact you for the trade (messaging offline players is useless lmao).
If you opt to utilize market here are the mini-tips for that (skip to end of bullet points if not):
Mark yourself as "online in game" when you're online so that people know to whisper you for trades
Make sure to mark yourself as invisible when you're getting off or you'll get a ton of spam and people confused as to why they couldn't whisper you
On the top left is a toggle for which version of warframe you are playing on- MAKE SURE IT'S ACCURATE! This dictates both where you're trades are posted and what trades you will see. You can toggle this at any time, but worth noting that if you bookmark the site it will bookmark the version you were on when you bookmarked.
The button to post new trades is on the bottom right of the entire webpage, "Place order", easy to assume there is a simpler button to click but there isn't lol.
The common courtesies are not law, but the common courtesies are to message someone on the website if they are listed as "Online", whisper someone in-game if they are "Online In-Game", and generally don't bother spamming people who are offline. The site flourishes off of quick "Hey you have thing? Here's plat. We're done-thank you" trades rather than "Hey, can you be on next tuesday at 6pm for a trade?" meetups.
Price as you see fit- but the best way to get trades is to see what the average is of "online" players- or the median (Or just most common) price of offline players. If 4 people are online charging 20p and 1 person is charging 30 and 1 person is charging 19, it's 20p, if 1 person is online charging whatever but 30 people are offline charging 20p it's probably 20p regardless of what the one person is charging. But play it by ear and label as you see fit until you get a sale.
So there's the "tool", it does the bulk of the work in my opinion, now what do I sell?
Used to just sell prime parts, not so much lately though.
So this should be easy to explain.
Whenever I have the spare time I run some relics to collect prime parts. I used to just toss each and every one on the market and that did very much work for me, buuuut it's a bit tedious doing like max trades a day and making very little plat because parts generally aren't worth much unless it's a gold reward from a vaulted item.
So now-a-days I run relics when I'm bored and collect in the hopes of getting a full set for something, sets sell for a bit more so it just kinda solves that problem. Instead of selling an orthos prime and it taking 4 trades, I can do it in 1 for usually a bit more plat for the convenience, although some items go for less as a set, give it a check from time to time but I generally just say "fuck it" and trade full sets even if say the neuroptics are currently overpriced and I could make plat that way instead.
Prime stuff has arguably taken a dive for me though. There are a lot of people willing to crack relics with the boys all afternoon so the prices are generally a lot more fair on my platform, which is good!... but means less lucrative farming. Still worthwhile though, especially if you sit down to farm your backlog of relics from currently vaulted things.
But with that I've moved over to farming mods.
There are a ton of good targets to farm when it comes to mods, so honestly just think of some of the best mods and consider if the task of farming is up your alley.
Some stand outs for me are the various 60/60 mods you can get from spy missions, specifically Rime Rounds (Tier 2 at 5% or Lua at 7%) or the mess of them you can get from the Kuva spy mission (Frostbite, Frigid Blast, Thermite Rounds, Scorch).
The spy farms are generally a breeze with many of them being easily farmed at max efficiency as early as getting Limbo or even Rhino to ignore knockdowns from some spy obstacles.
I do hate Lua's simon says puzzle though. It genuinely makes me second guess myself into recording the solution each time -.-
Corrupted mods, though obviously that pool is just silly with 90% of corrupted mods being worthless outside of gimmicks and then 10% being worthwhile and constantly selling.
On the plus side getting corrupted mods is easy as hell, it can even be fun if you bring some friends and all go on a great "Slow walking fast sliding" adventure together in the hopes of netting that coveted Blind Rage lol
(SOME) Syndicate mods, these are easy as hell to acquire but you really have to do your research to see what's even worth posting, and I just find it too bothersome to deal with.
Cross checking what mods are ACTUALLY unique to one of the 2 sides on the syndicate page is annoying as is, so honestly I just toss a Despoil augment or a pilfering augment (dome or tentacles) on the market from time to time and those generally sell because even people in the correct syndicate want them early for obvious reasons.
Growing Power, pretty self explanatory, it's like "The" good drop from the silver grove, so if you've got an oxylus or a patient mind you can go collect some day and night plants and go put the Knave Specter through some hydroid tentacles for a bit.
Arbitration Mods, funnily enough putting galvs behind content that requires a lot of play time to get to and making them tradable does make these sell pretty consistently. Not universally for a lot or anything, but once you're at the point where you can go do some arbitrations for fun you might as well consider the bit of plat you have access to :P
Kahl "Archon" Mods, same deal. It takes a bit to get to Kahl, so newer players will often trade for the mods early since some are genuinely quite nice. Nothing game breaking, but nice.
I feel like a good portion of why mods are feeling much more secure a trading front for me is because EVERY player needs good mods, from new to old, while most prime stuff exists as mastery rank fodder which can always be put on the backburner. (Most, not all). The market for prime stuff is very much alive, but the market for mods feels massive in comparison.
So genuinely, my sell history is basically this:
Full warframe sets ranging from 50-130p
A metric ton of 60/60 mods for 10-30p a pop
"Some" rarer mods like Growing power for like 50p a pop
Obviously, different platforms different prices, maybe I'd only be sitting on like 100p by now on PC, haven't the slightest. But after a metric ton of spy missions I can say I broke 1k for the first time which is neat.
The short version
Warframe Market (3rd party website)
Crack relics when you're bored and toss what you don't need on the market
Farm 60/60 mods and toss them on the market
Sell mods from late->end game content
????????? (<-Luck)
Profit? Maybe?
Buy the Sway emote.
Anyone with more experience trading, feel free to add or argue differences on different platforms. I've got like 2 years-ish trading experience on playstation and that's it.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 8 months
hey man, im new here, read the rules and everything. couple questions. -not-a-degen-anon
if i write to fill in a prompt on tumblr, do i need to put it into the nasuverse kink collection on ao3 like that recent medusa prompt that was sent.
for fanart in general, i do sketches so im not sure how that'd work, like a 1-2 page comic or fanart of said characters doing stuff w.o dialogue? but in general for art, if i fill a prompt i still gotta tag it onto the ao3 collection you guys have ?
for old prompts on ur dreamwidth smth, should i still add that onto the ao3 collections?
do you necessary want us to tag you on tumblr for any claims or stuff we did for the prompt, like i have an acct but i barely use this site since its been 6 years. also, since you guys crosspost on ao3 for any stuff that was filled/done should i sent you a link for a completed work i did if you guys didnt see it or reblogged about it? if things get buried
Hello anon!
The ao3 collection exists for three reasons:
Archival. When people want to look up the fills that have already been filled, a lot of them find it easier to go on a full ao3 list you can sort by tags and such, rather than on tumblr where you have to wade through every fill ever made to find what interests you.
So that I, personally, can see it, and crosspost it here. Usually, people directly message me here when they've done a fill. But sometimes they don't, and so the only way for me to know a fill exist is if something new has been added to the ao3 collection. If you make a fill, but don't add it to the collection & don't inform me of it, I will not crosspost it here (because even if I see it, I will assume you don't want to be put on blast for whatever reason. Privacy is important.)
(Not relevant to your question but) so there is a way for people to send prompts/do fills that does not rely on tumblr.
What I mean is: adding your fill to the ao3 collection is optional. If you don't want to add your fill there, it's fine. Plenty of people do fills outside of ao3 (namely art fills, but we've gotten some fics via tumblr and google doc too) and can't add them to the ao3 collection. That's fine too. I would prefer of you added your fills to the ao3 collection because it makes things easier for me as a mod, but don't worry about it. It's not mandatory. This applies to the dreamwidth prompts too, if you fill a prompt from there you can add it to the ao3 collection, or not. Up to you.
Likewise, you don't need to tag me on your fills. It's just one way people have to inform me that they've done a fill. If you'd prefer send me an ask with a link to your fill, that is perfectly fine. (Or use the submission box, this one does not require to be logged on tumblr, it might be more useful to you?)
TL;DR: The ao3 collection + tagging me on tumblr are just ways to inform me a fill exists, if you want to do things differently that's fine by me. If it's been a few days and your fill still isn't up, feel free to send me a message, it's possible I missed it.
I hope I answered all your queries. If I was unclear or missed anything, feel free to ask for clarification, I will gladly provide c}:
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arvion-creates · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(Alt text: a header reading "Kinky Fanfic Rec List" above a kink bingo card, some squares marked off with a star.)
Hello all, and welcome to my kink bingo rec list! I bring you 16 fics from 11 different authors, written from 2018-2021, with ratings from general to explicit, with a word count from 2k to 15k words.
All are kink-centric or otherwise kinky oneshots from the Quanzhi Gaoshou / The King's Avatar / 全职高手 fandom. (All adaptations are considered.)
Sound like fun? Good! This will be long, so join me under the cut to get started.
EDIT: Tumblr has been preventing non-logged-in users from viewing the entire post. If that is you, click here (URL under the cut) for a copy uploaded to the web using Google Docs. (The link does not collect your Google login, and neither I nor others can see who has viewed it).
Here is the URL for anyone having trouble with the GDocs link above: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTs8H91R-FMqcvW8-tpDwQfNyG1HyVx948mK8m8coeUZzrI3MCqgvE8J3y8vtKY8emUuMQd64dirr0g/pub
Glory- Based Sex Wagers  the same as always (https://archiveofourown.org/works/30902807) GeniusCactus   @geniuskaktus
Han Wenqing/Ye Xiu Heart 7k
A 5+1 fic starting in Season 2, in which Ye Xiu and Han Wenqing made a bet that the championship loser gives the winner a handjob. Here’s the thing: YX and HWQ are Glory gods, not sex gods, and this fic portrays them as the teenage virgin gamers they are. It’s endearing, it’s sweet, it’s funny, it’s at some points intensely secondhand embarrassing. Ye Xiu feels distinctly live-action flavored, so if you liked him there, give this fic a shot.
Player/Avatar never once more (https://archiveofourown.org/works/28535274) lynne_monstr   @lynne-monstr
Swoksaar/Wei Chen Gut 5k
Wei Chen and Swoksaar fuck over a desk while trying to one-up each other. Now, my fondness of this type of power dynamic is in kink territory even on its own, so it as part of actual sex is a treat. And it’s good sex, too! Wei Chen is so obviously into the rough handling, and it’s both hot and funny to watch him complain when he’s so clearly enjoying himself. Bonus points for hidden knives with a happy ending.
Handjobs/Fingering powered by horny (https://archiveofourown.org/works/33104620) BlueberryAsh @ghostgum
Dai Yanqi/Liu Fei Heart 2k
Dai Yanqi and Liu Fei meet up in the corridors before their post-match press conferences. I enjoyed this fic’s balance: one part the connection of being women in a sexist field, one part comfort, and one part kinky sex. Dai Yanqi fingers Liu Fei under her skirt, right there, before the conference. There’s a dash of hurt/comfort thrown in as well. 
Dual-Core, Captain/VC  Following Instructions (https://archiveofourown.org/works/21025952) eloboosting
Han Wenqing/Zhang Xinjie Head 2k
A slice-of-life with Han Wenqing and Zhang Xinjie together, including sex. I enjoy this piece because of the way the author leaned into Zhang Xinjie’s characterization. now I’m not saying it’s the autism, except that I am. In the novel, we don’t get to see Zhang Xinjie so personally, so this is a treat for ZXJ Appreciators (of which I lead the fanclub). Their relationship isn’t a traditional TV romance (nor is it, arguably, a romance at all) or a fanfic-shipper’s-special, and I like the piece all the more for this. The way they’re together feels right. Additional mention for dom/sub.
Praise Kink one big exhale never did me no good (https://archiveofourown.org/works/24758542) UndeadRobins   @undead-robins    
Xiao Shiqin/Sun Xiang  Gut 2k
Speaking of power dynamics that are inherently kinky, *gestures vaguely to Sun Xiang*. In this fic, Xiao Shiqin instructs SX through some arena matches while properly motivating him to obey. Sun Xiang not only listens to directions but enjoys it. A combo of narrative tension and sexual tension that had me metaphorically on the edge of my seat. Especially notable for the dom point-of-view. 
Free Space  Self promo lol  @arvion-creates    What Happens At All-Stars (https://archiveofourown.org/works/28100205)
Huang Shaotian/Everyone 3k Gut
Free space, time to plug my own fic. I like characters being turned on in situations where they can’t immediately take care of it, and I like Huang Shaotian and his energetic spirit, so these two appreciations are at the heart of this piece. Other self-indulgences include exhibitionism, a strong network of intimate non-romantic relationships among the pros, and Huang Shaotian literally managing to talk himself off. If these also seem enjoyable to you, you might just like my fic!
Sex Toys solongfuturelover pink like blossoms (https://archiveofourown.org/works/30530190)
Tang Hao/Zhang Jiale Heart 2k
Zhang Jiale makes up with Tang Hao after a fight, including an unorthodox gesture of reconciliation (this is where the “sex toys” bingo square comes from). ZJL’s characterization is a highlight here– he really seems like he’s let go of much of his tension. Now, I am always a big fan of sexual tension and hatefucking, so TH/ZJL is a great pairing, but this one, despite the odds, manages to be a relatively healthy relationship! Congrats to them! lol
Tentacles of unusual size (https://archiveofourown.org/works/29759712) lynne_monstr   @lynne-monstr   
Zheng Xuan & Blue Rain 2k Heart
Some teen-rated tentacle fluff. Everybody has tentacles, and Zheng Xuan spends time with his team and revisits his boundaries for his tentacles. Part of the “Blue Rain as Family” tag. It’s both thoughtful worldbuilding to make tentacles just an everyday thing and heartwarming team fluff.  
Kink Exploration Shadaras   @shadaras    thrill of the night (https://archiveofourown.org/works/33495397)
4k Tang Rou/Sun Xiang Gut
It’s in some ways ironic and in some ways fitting to classify this as a “kink exploration” fic, given that the author mentioned they chose not to tag it as such in part “because sx is not self-aware”. In this piece, Tang Rou and Sun Xiang have sex in a back alley, and Sun Xiang likes it much more than he expected. Sun Xiang’s characterization manages to nail that confidence that I’m so proud of him for discovering, while still a hot dose of “embarrassed but I like this”. Tang Rou’s lack of self-consciousness, too, is attractive.
Ritual Sex try to keep each other afloat (https://archiveofourown.org/works/32814805) Synoshian @synoshian
Fang Rui/Ye Xiu 7k Head
In this setting, team captains have sex with new team members as a form of bonding. After Fang Rui transfers to Team Happy, he and Ye Xiu get to know each other better. Now, sex can be about so many more things than satisfying arousal, and this fic speaks to a part of human emotion that isn’t often seen in fanfic. There’s discussion of asexuality, and they both enjoy the sex they’re having. This is one of the more unique pieces on the list. If you want an unconventional read, give it a shot.
Junior/Senior devils all around you (https://archiveofourown.org/works/17137115) Synoshian @synoshian   
6k Sun Xiang/Ye Xiu Gut
Set during the China Glory training period, Sun Xiang is so desperate for Ye Xiu’s approval that he digs himself into a hole (and keeps digging). Of course, this is not how *he* sees the situation, because he hates Ye Xiu, and that’s all there is to it, of course. It’s like a high-suspense trainwreck of “can he make this worse?” Fun fact: this fic inspired me to try writing fanfiction, because I simply Could not stop thinking about it. I will read (and almost certainly enjoy) anything with Sun Xiang praise kink, and this is a classic.
Dom/sub Crown of Faith (https://archiveofourown.org/works/29021757) Shadaras @shadaras 
Zhang Jiale/Zhang Xinjie 3k Gut
Zhang Xinjie experiments with doing Zhang Jiale’s hair. This one’s a nonsexual kink piece that creates such a vibrant mood. It’s a good comfort read. I am generally very much in favor of Zhang Jiale relaxing and receiving kindness, and this hits that spot. (As well as the “zhang xinjie dom” agenda.) This piece was made to be enjoyable even if you aren’t familiar with canon, so if you’ve forgotten who Zhang Xinjie is (Tyranny’s cleric, master tactician) don’t let that stop you!
Magic Used for Sex/Kink blood and weed and bones (https://archiveofourown.org/works/27955286) BlueberryAsh @ghostgum
2k Qiao Yifan/Ye Xiu Head
Qiao Yifan, magically bound to Wang Jiexi, is tasked with killing Ye Xiu. The “magic used for sex/kink” may not be the kinkiest aspect of it– to me, that’s the power dynamics, but you all know I’m biased. The worldbuilding in this short little piece is soooo vibrant, too. The setting’s a bit fucked up, the ship is QYF/YX, and QYF starts by trying to kill him, so what more do you really need?
In-Universe Fanworks AND Biting Fayah  @unrivaled-super-hottie A Case Study in Demonic Courting Behavior (https://archiveofourown.org/works/17906363)
Han Wenqing/Ye Xiu (Desert Dust/One Autumn Leaf flavor)  Head 2k
Ye Xiu, a mage titled the Battle God, challenges Desert Dust, demon and the King of Fighting, for world-typical stakes for the winner. I love pieces with more of a story than we see, and this piece leaves me with a dozen questions and a desire to see more. There’s magic and rules the magic operates on, and the context of their motivations gives you a fascinating little glimpse into what could easily be a rich and exciting long story. Of course, the worldbuilding isn’t to the detriment of the smut; the two go hand in hand.
Femslash For the Girl Who has Everything (https://archiveofourown.org/works/31536923) madmaenad  @madmaenad
Chu Yunxiu/Dai Yanqi 2k Heart
Dai Yanqi propositions Chu Yunxiu for a hookup. Dai Yanqi is such a sweet, energetic young woman in this one, which is a nice complement to Chu Yunxiu’s weariness. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and she gets Chu Yunxiu eager and into it. It’s nice to see the two of them have an uncomplicated good time! The spice adds definition to the sweetness.
Monsterfucking in whom we rest (from whom grows the grass that feeds us) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/36044218) BlueberryAsh @ghostgum   
Wang Jiexi/Other, Fang Shiqin/Wang Jiexi 15k Heart
Here’s another intriguing sex worldbuilding one. All Glory teams have a patron deity of some sort. Naturally, a deity demands offerings, and the captain gives the most. There’s no Hurt/Comfort tag on this fic (there are, however, “Extremely Dubious Consent”, “Multiple Penetration”, “Sex Pollen adjacent”, and “Forced Orgasm”, among others) but it feels… hurt/comforty, somehow. This fic takes place in that world of difference between “saying yes” and “wanting it”. Although this piece bruises him up a bit, it bandages the wounds at the end.
That's all, folks! This rec list is my submission for Kink Bingo 2022 (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/QZGSKinkBingo2022). Our kinky writers don't get nearly enough appreciation, so if you enjoyed any of these fics, consider leaving a nice comment. If you enjoyed lots of these fics and want to see what I'm up to these days, you can find me at this tumblr or on Ao3 as Arvion. Have fun and happy reading!
Thank you to @pyrrhicprose for the support and feedback!
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shadowfoxsilver · 2 years
Donation Scams
Over the years, several users have popped up out of nowhere claiming they need mutual aid. Now generally, for the most part, those who are asking for aid usually are legitimate users. Unfortunately, recently, some who are sending asks for aid are actually scammers using randomly generated blog names and posing as someone who needs aid while stealing the information from those who really need help. They will even go so far as stealing the info from someone who may have passed away recently with little care to what happens from theft.
I am not saying all users needing aid are scammers; Rather, there are those who are mixed in with the real users and making it difficult to find them by yourself. I will attempt to explain how these scams work as best as I can with examples given.
tl:dr - Scammers are stealing info from legit donation posts from numerous places and currently spamming asks to reblog their scam posts or making up stories in asks telling you to reblog their posts. Searching their username will generally reveal they stole info.
Please share if you'd like. I'm not a popular blog, and sadly some popular blogs have fell for these scams. All I ask is that you remain civil, I am aware most people will already know how to spot scams but this is for those who haven't yet learned how to.
So how do these scams work? A person will join this site with a random username that's clearly been auto-generated and then go about editing their profile to fit whatever they chose to scam by. This may be targeting LGBTQA+, natural disasters that are still being recovered from, other minorities, or fandom related. Regardless of the case, they will copy/paste blog headers from someone else and edit their blog info to anything relevant to what they decided to use for the most part. Once that's done, they'll start searching tags.
These tags they search may also be relevant to their scam, or random posts they'll group together to look somewhat relevant. Usually a fandom tag, a tag for cool things, or a tag for an animal of sorts and generally just any tag that will also be used to look legit. Once they have chosen a tag, they will reblog about 20 posts from the tag but it's usually in the span of several minutes all at once. They will not tag these reblogs, and may occasionally reblog a few days later.
After this, they'll make a donation post. They'll add images to this post that may be sensitive, use words that are guilt tripping towards the reader, or steal the story someone else had when they had coped the post. Usually, though, the story they tell is just copy/pasted from wherever they stole the pics from. Generally speaking, they are from facebook/gofundme/etc and edited enough you may not easily locate the sources. After they make the main post, they'll add a paypal in the post as well that isn't the paypal that would have originally been in the post. At times, the original post did not have paypal listed! Sometimes, though, a different funding site is listed that isn't one very well known.
Afterwards, the scam blog will then start sending asks to reblog their pinned post, which is the donation post. The ask may tell someone to answer privately, an effort to obscure the ask from those who are searching it in tumblr search. They will send these asks out all at once to random users, many who will reblog the post without much attention to it's contents. However, some will take notice of this blog and search it's contents to find out it's rather new. Generally, these blogs are a few days old with no other posts.
Once called out, the scammer will then start to block anyone whose reblogged their posts saying their a scam. They'll also hide any reblogs so it won't show up in the notes.
Examples of scam blogs, sourced from my scam busting blog:
Link Link Link LInk
So please, do your research if you get an ask that asks you to reblog a pinned post. Check to see how old the blog is, how many posts they made, and if the ask was sent to several other users. It's also good to search the paypal name for any existing alerts.
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smol-nevi · 3 years
I don't generally make this kind of thing a habit, but I think if you happen to be on the Crystal RP Discord, aka @crystal-rp-ffxiv, you should probably be aware of this kind of behavior, so here goes.
If you're on Crystal RP and the admin team decides they don't like you, you're going to be living under a microscope while they wait for you to mess up, if not bait you, probably while making up conspiracies about you as well. As for how I know this, I was a moderator for about a week's duration and saw it first-hand.
Unapologetically lengthy post. Receipts in the link above, long version below the cut.
From the first time I looked in the mod chat I knew something was wrong. I read backwards in the channel, thinking I'd acclimate myself and see what kind of rules precedents had been set and that sort of thing. I mostly just found out that they had it out for a particular member (at the time using the name Jericho) for not much reason. They'd spent a troubling amount of time over the past few months watching him and another member like vultures, believing them to be the same person and waiting for them to make some kind of mistake that would justify banning both of them...despite keeping different schedules, having different personalities and typing habits, and visibly being two different people. The admin team had come to the conclusion that Jericho was a troll who wanted to make them look bad, and anything he said or did was scrutinized to a ridiculous degree for evidence that would corroborate their belief.
Except none of the things they believed at all were true: he'd had a minor argument via DM with the head admin Benjimir Thursby's wife, Tessariel Aerlinn, who had made an overly broad statement about anime and Asian culture. Jericho had told her that overgeneralization about 'Asian culture' is potentially racist, and she became extremely angry, saying that because she's Asian, she can't be racist against Asians. After that, it seemed that Jericho was considered fair game for whatever retaliatory actions the two of them could justify.
Even a cursory glance at actual racism in Asia pokes Tessariel's statement entirely full of holes, and having personally read the conversation I didn't see anything actually inaccurate in his statement even if she believed it didn't apply to her. I asked what he had done that would merit such a response, because it felt very disproportionate to anything I'd ever seen him do publicly, and that was what I was told. The exchange via DMs had been screencapped and kept in a channel for evidence, and while I didn't get a copy of it, I did read it, and I said that I thought it sounded awfully one-sided and punitive and would have been much better as an actual conversation. I also expressed that I was concerned how much of the channel had been solely devoted to what was basically a witch hunt, considering that some of the server members had over the course of the past couple of months commented that the admins' behavior towards Jericho seemed biased.
I basically got a pat on the head and told that my opinion was "valued" but wrong. This would happen a lot over the course of the week.
Shit continued to escalate. Their favorite punching bag, who was acutely aware of the grudge by now and probably trying to be nice and discuss something that he thought they could all talk about, brought up some articles that stated that LOTRO might be having a graphical overhaul. This actually ended in him being put into some kind of time-out mute, because "everyone knows those articles are debunked already" despite them still being hosted on reputable games news sites. Back-channel, the admin consensus was that he was in fact trying to bait Benjimir and Tessariel into somehow looking stupid in public, because [paraphrasing] 'he knows how important LOTRO is to them.'
Benjimir in fact went off publicly about how he knows the dev team and they sent him 'personalized swag' for 'being himself' and that everyone should just listen to him because he's right. Someone else made a reasonable request for sources on statements that Benjimir made about the LOTRO improvements not happening, and they immediately became the team's private #2 punching bag.
The whole time I reiterated that this was really uncomfortable and I had serious concerns about the way they were handling Jericho. And as always I received a pat on the head and was told to not worry about it, there were really good reasons for it, really. He was 'bringing down the quality of discourse' on the server somehow. Benjimir decided that the only way he would unmute Jericho is if Jericho talked directly to him, and that Jericho tried to talk to any of the more level-headed members of the team first was taken as obvious evidence that he wanted to evade rules and create problems. I asked when we planned to unmute him, and Tessariel immediately jumped to the conclusion that he had messaged me, which wasn't incorrect but the way she worded it felt highly accusatory and I was beginning to feel that I was also in trouble somehow for not agreeing with the rest of the team.
Things came to a head quickly when I woke up and looked at the mod chat and they were having an animated conversation that started with Benjimir asking if it was 'bad that he was laughing at Jericho' and most of the rest of the team talking about how he was stupid, uninformed, a troll, etc. for the sin of having some misgivings about cryptocurrency, of all the things. One of the mods self-described their behavior as bullying. I said that this was extremely unprofessional and that I thought they should keep conversation to actual moderation matters, and if they had a personal disagreement with a server member they should handle it in a personal venue, not via official server moderation channels.
I was, for the final time, patted on the head, and told that this was not something they would consider, because the moderation team 'needs to be able to vent for their mental health' (never mind that the job was not stressful except for the rest of the team committing worse behavior than the server members) and that maybe I was in fact too sensitive for the job. Benjimir heavily implied that I had become too close to Jericho and was being manipulated, managed to misgender me somehow despite my having used solely male or neutral pronouns the entire time I'd been on the server, and after relating a story in which a couple of years ago a well-liked moderator left after having the same complaints as I did (which he saw nothing at all troubling about), suggested that I should be demoted to babysitting the lore channel.
So I took some time to collect receipts, which are linked at the top of the post, and told him where to shove it.
Since that time, things have actually somehow gotten worse on Crystal RP. Benjimir posted an entire page screed vaguely talking about "rampant negativity" that stated anyone with questions should DM him.
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Upon DMing him with questions, Jericho was banned, the only reason given being that he was a 'poor fit' for the server in some vague way. I was immediately banned afterwards for calling out this decision as being driven by a personal vendetta in the feedback channel and let him know afterwards via DMs in no uncertain terms that I had logged everything I needed and would be building my case (and that he is an asshole). Jericho was reinstated, though I'm not sure what the conditions of his return were as that was after my ban and I didn't ask since I didn't want to stress him out further. Benjimir also reprimanded someone for discussing asexuality, stating in a DM to them that the conversation was somehow ERP related. I called him out on this via DM as well. Tessariel was not much later caught posting my last DMs to Benjimir in an entirely unrelated server, though she didn't include the part after that where I brought up his aphobia (during Pride Month, in a server with a rainbow icon no less). Benjimir for some reason decided to suddenly start following my FC's Tumblr well after our falling-out.
And as of today (6/24), Crystal RP now has seven pages of draconian rules, because it wasn't micromanaged hard enough before or something. Notably, a lot of these rules describe behaviors that they wanted to punish Jericho for but couldn't at the time justify, or that they'd like to punish me for but have nothing they can do to me. Or they exist to justify their own behavior, as now seen in the very beginning of the channel:
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"This approach also provides our volunteers with leeway to act in good faith without the burden befitting a professional occupation."
"So we afford them the means to speak openly, vent, lament, candidly and yes, sometimes crassly and raw about everything and one."
Not only did they behave unprofessionally and shit-talk before, they have now encoded in the rules that this is acceptable and even good moderator behavior, because they saw someone else do it so it's fine (a lot of this wording is very similar to what I was told when I protested it). So rather than address anything I ever said past or present, Benjimir is choosing to double down and giving himself and his team explicit permission to be shitty, right in the opening paragraphs where you'd have expected a mission statement or at least some sort of welcome.
Which is about all you need to know about that server and its owners, in my estimation. I'd considered not even posting to Tumblr about it, but given that it's only getting worse, I think it should be generally known that this is how you can expect to potentially be treated.
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a-womans-rhetoric · 3 years
Natalie Wynn's "J.K. Rowling" and Disruptive use of Women's Rhetorical Tropes: A Defiant Reply to Transmisogyny
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ContraPoints, surrounded by an opulent, candle-lit set and adorned in witch's garb, leisurely pours champagne into her glass — she's ready to breach the internet's hottest topic of January, 2021: her childhood idol being outed as a transphobe (link here). The video itself being over an hour and a half long, I would be hard-pressed to claim that I could ever hope to cover its entirety, comprehensively, in a single post. So to save-face, I'll be dedicating this space only to breaking down her most frequently used rhetorical tropes, one by one.
"Joanne, I wanna talk to you, Joanne! [Fans herself with a rainbow paper fan with the word "BIOLOGICAL" written across it] What is it about Joannes? I can't catch a break from these people" (00:23-00:29, emphasis added).
Wynn's introductory lines immediately open a dialogue with J.K. Rowling — however, this invitation of discourse is defiantly "irreverent" (reminiscent of Nomy Lamm's punk-feminist style in "It’s a Big Fat Revolution” (1995)). Contrapoints, herself a transgender woman, is aware that her very existence is considered in opposition to the TERF-ideology that Rowling subscribes to. Thus, she's rather playful — even openly disrespectful — with her diction: calling the British author by her first name in a mocking-tone and flaunting her own trans identity to the camera (in a way that would likely offend the fragile sensibilities of a transphobe). Her personal tone (with ample use of the pronoun "I") servers a duplicitous purpose: a simultaneous message of "sit down and listen" and a fair degree of "I don't care if you can't accept me."
"So, now that 2020 is finally over, I think we can let the record conclusively show that it was a year whomst is bad. And on top of everything else going on, truly the last thing we needed was the author of Harry Potter coming forward to announce there's two things she can't stand: bigotry, and the transgenders. (00:31 - 00:50, emphasis added).
Finally broaching the subject at hand directly, Wynn employs kairos alongside her irreverence. Kairos, or the rhetorical use of an "opportune moment," holds incredible weight in the first month after 2020: the year in which the whole world fell into a stasis. Characterizing Rowling's transphobia as a collective "the last thing we needed," is also rather dismissive — she unites herself with her audience with the pronoun "we" and invites us all to groan at the exasperating nature of Rowling's bigotry.
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Claiming the Right to Speak / Personal Experience
"This is a painful topic for me all around because, as a transgender woman, I am honestly really hurt by a lot of the things Joanne has said in the last year. But I also know what it's like to be the target of a Twitter mob" (01:36-01:47).
As she begins to touch on the topic, Natalie Wynn claims the right to speak on the issue of Rowling's transphobia — a type of bigotry that directly effects her. However, Wynn also situates herself partially with Rowling in her acknowledgement that receiving Twitter backlash is a terrifying experience (an experience, she argues, that the human brain is not prepared to handle the scale of, 01:49-02:39). In treating her subject with such dignity — and adding her own deeply personal account— ContraPoints creates a credible ethos in the beginning of her video essay. The audience is inclined to listen to someone who has been directly effected by the subject of Rowling's controversy (transphobia) and someone who is, rather compassionately, willing to empathize with those who would wish her harm. Although the generally sassy, glamorous, and irreverent tone of the video still appears soon after (see: the above image), her opening up for this somber moment garners a fair degree pathos in the viewer — we, as human beings, are inclined to sympathize with people who are open about being hurt.
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Metis (Embodied Rhetoric)
[The following ContraPoints quote is addressing the above J.K. Rowling tweet, content warning for transmisogyny] "Transphobes love to play this game where they pretend that trans people just don't understand basic biology, that's our problem! As if I didn't start taking female hormones because I'm acutely aware that my body is not the same as a cis woman's body, that sex is real. "[Fictional TERF character] You will never be a woman, Nathan. Every cell in your body is male and has a Y chromosome." Really? That's crazy. How you'd you learn so much about science? You know I don't really feel the need to have a second X chromosome, I get by with only one, I make it work. I actually like the Y chromosome, I think it's a little more dainty, you know, it's little softer, a little more petite. The X chromosome has a lot of extra appendages, and don't you think? I don't need anymore of those, thanks. No trans person thinks it's possible to change chromosomal sex and to pretend otherwise is to argue in bad faith" (08:47-09:34).
If you can excuse my gargantuan quote, I hope you'll agree that the dialogue ContraPoints builds here was just too good to cut short. Within this excerpt, we see Wynn's use of irreverance and personal experience blended seamlessly together. For this YouTuber, the personal is perpetually political — especially when her own identity is constantly taken as an ideological stance. She uses her own expertise in trans issues to pick apart just how disingenuous Rowling's assertions are — even accusing her of "argue[ing] in bad faith" with her reductive claims (later, taking specific issue with how Rowling treats trans-ness as a costume). But, here, she also directly invokes another rhetorical trope: that of metis, or embodied rhetoric. Natalie Wynn specifically references her transgender body as a sort of counterpoint to the condescending "sex is real" claims by TERFs. She cites her intrinsic desire to pursue hormonal therapy as evidence that she — and other trans people like her — are all "acutely aware" that there are chromosomal differences between themselves and cis women. With this salient statement, she then follows with some humor: which, again, utilizes her trans body in her rhetoric. Her characterization of the Y chromosome as "more petite" and playful declaration of not needing "extra appendages" lightens up the often dark tone that arguing for trans rights and liberation can take. The clever points she makes are by no means weakened by her humor — if anything, the audience is more willing to listen to someone who can "joke about themselves" (so to speak) while still arguing an incredibly important message.
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Naming and Defining Issues
"When I see Joanne tweeting about how trans people think sex isn't real and they're erasing same-sex attraction and they're silencing women, alarm bells are ringing because I recognize these as familiar transphobic talking points, specifically TERF talking points. "TERF" means trans exclusionary radical feminism. God are we still talking about this? I promise this is the last time. So TERFism is a hate movement that disguises transphobia as feminism. ... The fundamental problem with TERFs is not that they're mean. It's that they're politically reactionary, they want to reverse the progress of trans liberation." (14:05-16:02)
In her definition of TERF rhetoric, Natalie Wynn outlines some dog-whistles that are obvious to her, as a trans woman. She calmly explains to the viewer that, oftentimes in the present-day, rhetorics of exclusion are thoroughly disguised; TERFs, specifically, hide their rampant transphobia as a form of feminism. However, she further clarifies that the specific "danger" that TERFs pose is not from their cruelty — it's from their fervent dedication to strip away trans rights through political means. By specifying this danger, Natalie Wynn shifts the conversation away from empty discussion of offensiveness/terminology, to issues which directly affect the lives of trans people every day.
[This portion addresses the picture above] Also an act of naming and defining, ContraPoints makes a distinction between "Direct" and "Indirect Bigotry." She argues that many people envision bigotry as a festering, public, frothing-at-the-mouth hatred — a phenomenon she dubs "the Westboro Baptist Church theory of bigotry" (20:06). In bringing attention to the human tendency to think of people as exclusively practicing "direct bigotry" — envisioning them as a sort of delusional "other" — she then forces the audience to contemplate the relative omni-presence of the more covert (and possibly alluring) "indirect bigotry." This definition, crucially, requires introspection. By allowing ourselves to think of bigots not exclusively as "Westboros," we're made to adopt a much more nuanced view of subjects (most) generally prefer to keep black-and-white. Natalie Wynn uses her J.K. Rowling case study to complicate this 2D view of "The Bigot," inviting others to more carefully examine how politically reactionary views develop.
Phew, this was probably the longest post I've ever typed up on tumblr! Hopefully, I succeeded in demystifying (or at least adding clarity to) some of the specific tropes ContraPoints uses (that are common to women's rhetorics as a whole). Thanks for reading if you stuck around this long, and my ask box is always open!
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