nitewrighter · 1 year
What I wanna know with lifeweaver is what’s the deal with his cybernetic bits and pieces. Do they enhance his biolight somehow? Does he need them for other reasons? How and why did he get them, and from who?
And what’s the deal with his right arm? It looks like a prosthetic bc he has robo joints in his fingers, but his dev update calls it a gauntlet and the scene from his origin story where he’s travelling shows him with both arms flesh and in tact, so I have no idea
Well my theory is that the prosthetic arm is kind of the 'final step' in becoming an architech. LifeWeaver says he 'dropped out' of the academy, but his backstory said he would also use his family's fortune to travel and learn about the world during his academy days. So it makes sense that he would still have both arms while traveling. I think ultimately he did get the prosthetic because it was necessary for him to finally manifest Biolight. But as I've mentioned before, he does have lines that suggest more extensive (but subtle) prosthesis and cybernetics. He mentioned that Vishkar would cut off his hands (plural) to get biolight, so that may hint at the fact that more extensive cybernetics were necessary in order to make, what Sigma described, as self-replicating biomass.
My theory for the extensive cybernetics is that biolight replicates both carbon, the most abundant element in living things, and the behavior of cells, and that the prosthetic arms of Architechs basically serve as a secondary brain running the necessary calculations and storing the memory of hard-light structure templates. So basically biolight is actively mimicking both Lifeweaver's own organic cells and arranging itself in the manner of hard-light. I also have this secondary theory that Lifeweaver's big giant petals (that make his hitbox STUPIDLY BIG) are actually solar panels that help drive this process--almost like photosynthesis!!!
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proneterror204 · 1 month
Manson family relations
The GIW had finally done it. They had declared marshal law in Amity Park. The complete lockdown started three days ago and they had surrounded her house. Sam was lucky her parent never skimped on home defense. They had gotten advice straight from Bruce Wayne after all and it was reinforced with Fenton Tech.
When the lockdown first started Sam's and a bunch of other parents went to complain, and the GIW had simply opened fire. They were gone now, along with most other parents. She didn't know where the Fentons were. Tucker, Jazz, and all the other kids were hold up in the school, under siege by the GIW just like her. The Fentons had also fortified the school. FentonWorks went up in green ecto-fire yesterday. Sam doesent know why.
Danny had been blown out of the sky getting everyone left to safety. He had been unconscious in her bed for over 24 hours now. Sams only comunication with the outside world had been from her grandma Ida, who was vacationing in Florida, and said that she was sending family.
Sam was trying to figure out what that meant when she heard gun fire outside. Not ecto-guns but real guns and explosions. It was getting closer.
Glass shattered from inside the house and her emotions boiled. There was no way she was gonna let them inside the house. Sam raged as every house plant her mother thought was fake sprung to life and lashed out at the intruder. Swords slashed vines and guns riddled pots and plants with bullets till a man in an orange and black battle suit stood in front of her. He had two sword and alot of guns. He took off his helm revealing and aged face with a missing eye as he spoke.
" Relax little Poison ivy, Ida sent me. My name is Slade Wilson and Im your grandfather."
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intotheelliwoods · 4 months
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Fullmetal Alchemist
My entry (well, entries) for this weeks theme "Heros and Villains" for the @tmntfashioncompetition !!
Its Sprout! Dressed as the guy I might have taken inspiration from back when I first designed his prosthetic- I mean automail-
My opponent is the lovely one and only @bluesgras <3 <3
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1800-lemon-boy · 13 days
Friendly reminder that in the lightning thief musical the first song(the day I got expelled) doesn’t even start with Percy.
It starts with Luke.
Because in all actuality the story started with Luke.
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minimumwagesoul · 10 months
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shoutout to this thirsty ass peashooter
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 196
So. Tucker might’ve done an oopsie. But it’s not his fault! How was he supposed to know you weren’t supposed to even be able to hack into the watchtower with a PDA? He uses PDAs for everything, and it’s not like it’s even hard???
Why are the heroes looking at him like that? 
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dp x Dc AU: Tucker gets hired by the JL to work on the Watchtower’s cybersecurity... He might have a few friends visit. 
Batman looked over the application for visitors presented to him by Dr. Foley, who was nervously wringing his hands but seemed excited to talk about his two close associates, and it appeared that everything was in order for the pair to be allotted a short visitation time slot. 
The paperwork was established by Batman himself after all, needing a way to permit non-members (His Children) to visit him at his office in the watchtower. Looking over Dr. Foley’s application, the invites to Dr. D. Fenton and Dr. S. Manson seemed to be somewhat warranted.
Dr. Fenton is a well known astrophysicist and Dr. Foley had been upping the security to reflect more complex physics models as the ‘lock’ mechanism for access to Watchtower servers. Dr. Manson was a more controversial figure in social justice but a biochemist to rival Dr. Pamela Isley, not to mention she was someone Bruce Wayne had met a number of times and not completely hated (though he was sure she hated him and everyone else in the gala). She was a fan favorite guest by his children and a great advocate for animal and human rights. 
Batman approves the application, allowing their visitation for a few hours at a time once a week until the completion of Dr. Foley’s project. 
He doesn’t hear much from it, nor from Dr. Foley, but things start to come down the rumor grapevine that the two guests were more than they seemed. Red Robin was the first to comment on it to him, and as practical and efficient Tim could be, there was a look of chaos in his smile as he discussed the two additional PhDs. He was stingy on details and that always meant something bad for Bruce’s mental health. A few others asked a few questions as to who exactly the pair were visiting, and Cyborg commented that they weren’t really doing too much to assist Dr. Foley. 
Batman decides to intervene and meet these two for himself when he hears Constantine complain (not that the man wasn’t always complaining about something) about the two new magic users being way too OP for normal humans. 
This is how the JL gets to become allied with Ghost King Phantom and Thorn (not Poison Ivy pt.2 as Robin insisted). Turns out they weren’t sure if the JL could be trusted with interdimensional politics, so Tucker spent the last two years gaining their trust to let Danny and Sam up here to ‘check the place out’ before they committed to becoming members. 
Batman doesn’t even get to raise alarms at the espionage of it all because Red Robin has already programed their new badges and welcomed them on with open arms and a project to take down the LOA’s Lazarus Pits “safely”.
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thebirdieboi · 3 months
Pvzheroes but my designs!
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Both drawings are very recent!
[ Reblogs are appreciated! /NF ]
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kairos-in-space · 9 months
in awe of their 'tism
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regonold · 2 years
Plants don't like danny
No matter what he does or how hard he tries they always die in his care
So when sam ask him to take care of her plants while she was away for at most a week he was worried but he could last a week he would stick to sams list of how and when to care for the plants
When sam was delayed for an aparent month because her parents decided to extend their vacation he got worried and when the first plant started to show signs of death he decided to take drastic measures
This is how dr pamela isley aka poison ivy found herself kidnapped out of arkham to care for a young girls plants
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littlebumblebe9 · 5 months
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Another big drawing for the pvz franchise
I didn’t have the time to put the details like I wanted but I’m still proud of how it turned out :’)
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redindef · 6 months
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eightdoctor · 5 months
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(revolution man; book 21)
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(city of the dead; book 49)
the doctor is literally a glue trap that fitz got stuck in. don't pull him out though because he likes it there
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raineandsky · 7 months
It’s six in the evening. The villain knows this from the telltale sound of plastic scraping against the wooden floor. The sound is accompanied by the undeniably incredible smell of food.
They don’t bother turning their gaze from the window—they can see the hero in the reflection anyway. They nudge the tray into the room as far as they dare, lingering awkwardly on the threshold for a moment.
“Finding everything okay?” they ask after an unbearably thick silence.
“Found everything but my morality,” the villain retorts flatly. “Keeping me in here won’t make me a goody two-shoes like you, y’know.”
The villain had expected worse; concrete floors, metal bars. But here they are, in a plush bed, looking out to the beautiful scenery beyond, a goddamn lasagne sitting on a plate for them. 
“Was compassion not a good enough reason to have you in here the first three times?” the hero asks, their voice halfway between confused and joking. “I get the impression you like it though, seeing as you haven’t… left this room.”
The villain scoffs. “Escaped, you mean.”
“Left,” the hero corrects. “You’re not… locked in here, you know.”
The villain finally snaps their gaze from the window. The hero flinches slightly at the speed of it. “What?”
“You’re not locked in here.” The hero shifts on their feet restlessly. “Did you never even try the door?”
It’s too embarrassing to admit that it was too nice here to bother trying to leave. “I like to get my escapes right first time. I won’t try it until I need to.”
“Right.” The hero shuffles again. “Well, there’s a lot of villains who know you’re here and have been wondering where you are.”
“Villains like who?”
The hero smiles, like they’ve fallen into a trap. “Come outside and find out.”
The villain scowls at that. The hero raises their eyebrows expectantly. “Eat your food,” they say casually. “Then come say hi, okay?”
The hero sighs, like this is a conversation they’ve had a thousand times. “The door’s always open,” they say gently. “Come see the others when you feel up to it.”
They linger in the doorway for a moment but the villain offers no response, so they simply sigh defeatedly and carefully shut the door. 
Tsch. Does the hero think they’re stupid? They’d open that door and heroes would descend on them.
The day they leave this room, it’ll be as part of their greatest escape yet.
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tellnovision · 26 days
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A recreation of an older drawing.
Now relatable to Garden Warfare 2 players!
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i love the rrverse so much but i need people who’ve only read it and maybe some tumblr incorrect quotes abt the greek gods to stop trying to explain greek mythology to me its really obvious srry
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