yuri-is-online · 5 months
no cause the way you have filled my brain with sho brainrot,,,
baby acting like a mf guard dog for his favourite senpai, constantly wanting their attention 😭
I am so glad I waited to answer this for a teeny bit because I thought I was exaggerating at first because like. It was one voiceline right? WRONG. When you level him up he says "thank you senpai" and when I got his SR and slapped him onto my homescreen he does in fact try to get your attention and ask for help from his senpai. He's supposed to be this brash delinquent but he's shockingly respectful of one very specific senior even if he's just a bit sarcastic about it ugh.
Sho feels like he needs an excuse. He can't just ask to hang out with you because then it looks like you're friends, but if he's asking for a favor then you won't have a reason to say no. The Professors all want you to help out the ghouls so he can say just about anything and you'll jump at it, right? Yeah no that's not the real reason. He wants to have you to himself and if he words it like he needs help he can make excuses as to why you two need to be left alone.
Absolutely uses the fact that he can cook to his advantage. I think one of the main reasons Sho started liking the MC so much was because you supported his cooking. He seemed like he expected to be judged for it so when MC was just hungry and said his food was good? The only person he really seems to have cooked for up to this point is Leo (and Bonnie but she's special) so he wants that praise. And to hear you say he could charge money for it? Oh he was riding that high for ages. I feel like he already wanted to open some sort of cafe but really appreciated the support.
And it gives him the excuse to get you to stay around him longer when he asks for your help. Well he's going to cook anyway and you're hungry, so just stick around. He'll make something and pretend to complain about it but he likes feeding you. Well assuming you don't douse his food in hot sauce, though that won't stop him from making you stuff.
I really like the idea of him competing with the Frostheim ghouls idk why. I think MC should get to be good friends with Kaito and Luca and Sho should get to be a brat about it. Vagastrom and Frostheim already don't get along and he never got his fight with Lucas so yeah. He's super intense about how he's way better at protecting MC than they are, especially with Lucas. Part of it is because he feels guilty for going along with Leo's plan and almost getting you killed, he feels like he needs to prove that he's strong enough to not let that happen again.
Speaking of Leo... I sort of get the sense that Sho hides how much he hangs out with the MC from him. In book 3 Leo makes a bet that would see him getting Sho's food truck if he wins it so I sort of feel like if Leo knew Sho liked the MC he'd be insufferable about it. Honor Roll is stealing his best friend (¬、¬) how lame ugh. And he would try to sabotage it because he would find it funny, or even worse try to make Sho's friendship with you the cost of a bet. I could see Sho having nightmares about that.
Book 3. When Towa and MC go missing. I just know in my heart Sho was loosing his goddamn mind. Again I think he feels sort of guilty for almost getting you killed, and now that you aren't with his dorm you just go missing? Unacceptable where are you? How did Jabberwock fuck this up so badly holy shit. I wanna see him admit that he was worried about MC. I wanna know if he got into any arguments with the Frostheim ghouls while the professors forced them to stay behind.
... i kind of want him to argue with Jin. Like specifically Jin. For no reason other than it would be funny to me personally and like... Jin is the one who interrupted his fight with Luca so I just think it would be funny if they had beef.
I need to level his affinity more. I need to see more chats game please ;-; I love him shomuch.
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manheeiim · 5 months
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controlling? - rafe cameron
summary: ex-pogue!reader x kook!rafe - arguing with rafe over your pogue friends || warnings: toxic relationship, manipulation, drugs, rafe harshly grabs y/n's hand || genre: established relationship, angst || word count: approximately 1130
Rafe slammed the car door as he left me alone in the car, storming inside. He was pissed, really pissed, at me. We'd gotten into a big argument over my friends, whom were pogues. He hated me hanging out with them when I knew he hated them. I thought it wasn't fair since I was a pogue myself, originally at least, and since they were my friends.
I got out of the car, shutting it behind me as I trudged my way towards the house. I walked inside, looking for Rafe. I knew how he could get when he was angry but I just wanted to talk to him, even though I knew it'd probably end up in another fight. That's just how it was with Rafe.
I made my way down the hall, hearing some noises, and I saw Rafe, bent down in front of the counter, where some cocaine was poured on it in a line.
"Alright, alright. Just one." I could hear him whisper to himself.
I hated when he did drugs. I really did. I had enough bad experiences in my life with drugs, my family members overdosing and all of that, I didn't need that happening to him. That was my biggest fear.
"Rafe.." I quietly said as I hesitantly walked in. I walked over to him, "Please don't." I said as I walked closer to him.
"Y/n," Rafe looked up at me, looking annoyed. "Don't." He said, sniffing some of the cocaine.
I looked over and grabbed the small bag that had the remaining cocaine in it. He groaned as he got up, walking over to me, "What are you doing? Give it back to me." Rafe said.
"No." I told him, holding it away from him.
"Give it back." He then said before grabbing my hand harshly and forcing the small bag out of my hand. Rafe let go of me and walked a few steps away, pacing a little as he looked at me. "You know why I'm so upset right now?" Rafe then asked. I stayed silent. "Huh?" He said, wanting me to acknowledge him.
"What is it, Rafe?" I asked, letting out a sigh.
"You don't know how to listen to me." Rafe said and I just stood there, not really knowing what to say. "I tell you to not hang out with those dirty pogues, but you do it anyways." He then tells me.
"Don't say that." I said, hating when he called them "dirty pogues" since I was a pogue once too, and technically, I still am.
"No, I'm going to say whatever the fuck I want about them." Rafe harshly told me. "You go hang out with those people and look what happened, the cops got called to their little party, and I had to come get you." He scolded me as he continued to pace around.
"I'm sorry, Rafe." I said, letting out a small sigh.
"No, don't start with that shit, Y/n." Rafe said, walking closer to me. "I already have enough shit going on with the cops. My family has enough shit going on with the cops. I don't need you getting in trouble too. You got that?" He then asked. I stayed silent for a few moments, I understood where he was coming from. "You got that?" Rafe then asked again when I didn't answer him.
"Yeah." I said.
"Good." He sighed, going back to the table and kneeling down in front of it.
"I don't like you calling them "dirty pogues"." I blurted out and Rafe looked up at me.
"What?" He asked.
"I don't like you calling them "dirty pogues"." I repeated.
He let out a sigh as he got up again, coming over to me, standing directly in front of me as he looked down at me. "Yeah, well what else would they be?" Rafe asked.
"Good people. My friends." I said.
Rafe inhaled in frustration as he slowly blinked, "Yeah, and I hate that, you know that. They're always getting you in situations that you shouldn't be in." He told me.
"I know that they make bad choices sometimes, I do, but they're my friends, Rafe." I said. "Don't forget, that I knew them before I knew you. I was a pogue before I met you." I then told him.
Rafe closed his eyes for a second, taking a breath. I could tell he was really holding back. "You may have been." Rafe said. "But you're nothing like them. Especially not now." He sternly said, almost like he was trying to get me to believe that.
I don't say anything as I look away, he walks away, kneeling down by the counter again and sniffing some of the cocaine. I stay silent as I look down at my feet. I let out a shaky breath.
"You know what I don't like?" Rafe asked and I looked over at him, waiting for him to tell me. "I don't like you going around and doing whatever you want, completely disregarding me, your boyfriend, who's trying to do what's best for you." He told me.
"I'm sorry, Rafe. I know." I softly said, feeling bad. "I just.. why do you have to be so controlling?" I asked really quietly, hoping he didn't hear what I just said.
Rafe slammed his hands on the table, making me flinch as he stood up straight again. He walked over to me. "Controlling?" He repeated as he walked a few steps away, sniffing as he paced around the room. "Controlling?" He repeated, yelling this time, making me flinch. "I'm controlling for looking out for you?" He asked in a raised voice as he motioned towards himself. "All I do is make sure your safe, that you're healthy, that you're not being stupid and getting yourself into trouble, but all you do is defy me." Rafe scolded me as he walked over to me.
"I- I-" I didn't know what to say.
"Yeah, don't know what to say, huh?" Rafe stood in front of me. He looked at me for a few moments before sighing. "I do this because I love you. You know that, right?" Rafe asked and I nodded. "You know I'll take care of you. Alright?" He then asked and I just looked at him. "You don't need them. You have me." He said.
I looked at him for a few moments before I hugged him, wrapping my arms around his muscular torso and burying my face against his chest. His arms came around me as one wrapped around my torso and the other came up to my head, combing his fingers through my hair as he placed a kiss to my forehead.
I loved him, even if he wasn't good for me.
ᥫ᭡ link to my masterlist
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The Owl House Critical Post, scroll away now I don't know if I am being too harsh in this post but I wrote it anyway so if you don't wanna read something potentially upsetting this is a warning (to those who decide to read please tell me if I'm being too harsh)
I remember initially hating how the show handled its villains, they all felt like jokes, they never felt like threats or like they provided a meaningful challenges for the main cast, they never had any real depth or complexity. but i bit my tongue, I was told that I was basically a dumbass for complaining that Bump openly breaks a law that's supposed to be punishable by death so that Luz could fulfill her witchy fantasy and that he wasn't arrested. the show could've had him make the multiclass student thing be something underground- boom it lets luz live out her fantasy but doesn't ignore what was established about the setting and creates potential stakes if these underground classes ever got discovered! That already made me angry but the cult thing is what I wanted to complain about- i only had basic ass knowledge about cults and TOH fails at portraying that crap, most people in the EC can just quit and do so in a way that makes it feel like they're just quitting a job, it doesn't feel like they fear losing their friends or sense belonging and community, they don't feel like they're anything but jokes. Leaving a cult is scary, often times cults will send their followers into the real world and set them up to have bad experiences so they'll come running back, they'll hire thugs to scare them into staying or position them in away so that they suffer (sending them out without money or the skills to survive), they humiliate those who begin to ask questions so that they stay in line. guilt tripping, putting members against each other, cutting off contact with the rest of the world! The show only adds the whole 'forced to fight on a mountain' thing for flavor! Everytime it brings up actual stuff cults do it feels like it's more for flavor than actually writing this topic with sensitivity- look at how they treat Lilith! Imo It feels like the show insulting people for ever trusting belos, treating them like they're braindead and could've just realized fairly easily that he was evil. It's the most egregious with hunter who was basically fucking born into the EC. the show is also pretty black and white, which is curious for a show that gets praise for its portrayal of religious trauma. You think the show would be more grey. I did deeper research into cults and just got SO tired of people talking about how good the show was at conveying such a heavy topic. The titan reveal also doesn't help- Luz is told by an all powerful deity that she is the chosen one basically and is told that old man is evil and needs to go down- isn't that the same justification that belos uses for his actions- not saying belos should've gotten redemption or forgiveness but this feels wrong. He deserved to die don't get me wrong but using this justification feels gross. What's even worse is that the titan made Philip's life harder on purpose- ah yeah that brainwashed cult victim would totally change his mind especially if you make his life harder- yeah I would've preferred if belos was depicted in a flashback just having a bad time on the boiling isles and cherry picked those bad experiences to justify his actions. Also I hate that the show just writes belos off as greedy and glory seeking when it could've conveyed a message about how people can get absolutely get warped by religious dogma. I do wonder though if I'm being too harsh because TOH is for kids and I was told it would be hard to portray this stuff in a way kids could understand. I can come up with ways to make the breaking the law openly thing less egregious but I am struggling to think of ways the show could have handled the cult thing, I am aware that maybe I'm accidentally saying stuff that is kind of bad faith but this is my truth. I feel like TOH wasn't good at villains and it sure as hell didn't write cults well
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transformation4life · 3 months
At Masters Side
Mark wasn't one for superstition, but ever since a few weeks ago everything has felt like its changed. When you live in a random town you expect not much else to happen except... that's now how it's been. Over the past weeks, people have gone missing. No trace of their existence anywhere. It's caused quite a stir in town. Conveniently... right when these disappearances started going rampant a strange antique store opened up in the town square. People were quick to assume it was the store's doing but no traces of any victims were found in the establishment so the police had no grounds to do anything and the shop stayed open. And that's where we find Mark, currently outside the store. Hoping for a lead. He may not be in any police force let alone a detective but his best friend Kody was one of the missing victims and he wanted answers. "Here goes nothing..." The sounds of a bell rang as Mark entered. Looking around, he was the only one in the store at the moment. Looking further down he sees an old man brushing the floor with a broom. That must be the owner, Mark thought. The owner looked up from the floor and made eye contact with Mark. Mark waved and then walked off. The owner made no attempt to make contact. The store was a lot bigger than it looked from the outside. Shelves lined the store and it was very easy to get lost. Mark looked around for any clues or even a little bit of a suspicious and found nothing. Very demotivating, but he needs to do this for Kody! As Mark walked over to the next aisle he bumped into a box on the floor and it tipped over with something falling out of a box. Mark not wanting to be mean picked it up.
It was... a mask with a strange symbol on it. And a crack?
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The eye felt like it was piercing into Mark's soul and he got chills almost immediately. "You know... a mask like that one got sold just a couple weeks ago" The owner suddenly appeared behind Mark. "Gah! D-Don't scare me like that sir... please..." Mark said.
"Ah sorry... I tend to do that sometimes. My apologies."
"I-It's okay... But anyway. You said a similar mask was bought recently" The owner nods.
"I think the guy who bought it looked like someone your age... They had blond hair and brown eyes..."
The description hit Mark like a truck. That was Kody's hair and eye color! A clue!
"R-Really? I see..." "Yeah... you know how it is. I'll leave you alone now. I'll be at the cash register if you need me..." The owner slowly walks away leaving Mark alone with him and the mask. Mark looked back at the mask. The piercing gaze still there. It almost felt like... it was telling Mark something. "Wear me...." Mark looked around. Who said that?
"Don the mask... You will find who you seek..." This time it was very clear. A sudden urge to wear the mask overcame Mark with a unstoppable force. He couldn't fight it.
"I'll find who I'll seek... we'll see." Mark put the mask on and with that his fate was sealed. The eye on the mask started to glow a bright red as Mark got a massive headache causing him to clench his head in pain. Red fabric appeared from thin air and covered Mark's head and neck. Somehow Mark could still breathe and even see. The real changes were about to begin however.
Mark's body started sweating like crazy. Like years of workouts and training from... somewhere were being done in a flash. This did cause a physical change in Mark however. Mark's thin frame began widening as it packed on muscle. Mark's flat chest becoming much thick with wide and beefy pecs alongside an impressive set of abs. Mark's arms grew in massive size becoming like thick trunks of a tree as his hands grew with them becoming strong and calloused. The once small back Mark had widened like a long treasure map. Thick meaty legs were becoming evident on Mark's frame as he had massive thighs and musculature and a new bigger foot size. Mark's rear also gained some extra bounce and size to them. The final physical transformation was Mark's height skyrocketing to at least 10 feet tall. And now came the new clothes. fabric in various shades of red and black wrapped itself around Mark. It was skin tight meaning all of Mark's new muscles were very visible. A black harness fell from above and fitted itself around Mark's chest. Two eye shaped pauldrons popped onto Mark's shoulders. A belt adorned with the same eye shapes as the pauldrons wrapped itself around Mark's wide waist. Dark red arm and leg guards appeared on Mark's arms and legs, small blades emanating from them. A red and yellow collar prompted up, circling Mark's thick neck. The final change was an exotic headpiece. Two "hairs" splitting out tied together with a white band. The physical transformation was complete.
Mark's headache ended and he became aware of his surroundings again, immediately realizing how much taller he'd become. "What the fuck- oh! M-My voice it's so much more... deeper." Mark then looked below him, realizing his new form. "How did that mask... do this? I have to take this off!" But alas Mark couldn't remove the mask. "God fucking damnit... I can't go out in public like this... What am I supposed to... " This was when Mark realized how big his muscles were. Mark always loved big muscles and even though the transformation was not something he wanted, the muscles were very appreciated. Mark flexed a bit to no one in particular. God he felt amazing when he thought about it. He could get used to this Mark thought, but he had to leave this place without arousing any suspicion. He walked just a bit before knocking something over. It was some sort of device similar to a tablet. "Shit, he's gonna notice me... wait what's going on-" Mark was enveloped in a blue light and whisked away to a place unknown.
An unknown amount of time passed before Mark woke up from unconsciousness. He looked around his sorroundings. This place was not anything he's even seen before! The statues had eyes similar to the mask that caused all this so he knew they were correlated.
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"Sooga? Is that you?" A voice rang out. Sooga? Someone starting dashing and waddling towards Mark. The man worse similar garb to the current Mark and also a very strong and prominent gut.
"Who are you? Where am I?" Mark immediately retorted. "Come on buddy, don't play dumb with me! I've been lookin' everywhere for ya!"
"No offense sir, but I don't remember a thing. I was at this store and I turned into... this."
"Huh... really? Strange... I had a dream where something similar happened to me! We're dream buddies now Sooga!" "My name isn't Sooga! It's.... uh..." Mark completely blanked on his name. He should know this right! He was just in that store with that weird old man and he... ugh... who was he?
"Oh I see, having one of those sets of deja vu eh? Don't worry I went through something similar recently too. My soldiers helped me remember real quick." Something similar... Wait is that..? "Let me get you up to speed. You're the loyal right hand man of me, Master Kohga and your name is Sooga! Master of the blades which you don't have on you for some reason and a real beefcake!" Kohga's words flickered something in Mark. What Kohga- no... what his master said was true. How could he forget. How could he forget the day he was saved by him with a mighty banana. The years of rigorous training he had gone through and taught to become what he is today. The conviction of being Master Kohga's right hand man was strong. "Master Kohga! My apologies for ever forgetting about you and the clan." Sooga immediately kneeled. "Now now Sooga it's okay. I can tell you still are loyal to me! Let's get some bananas and plan our next move! Kohga turned around, on his way to the precious banana Yiga Clan hoard. Sooga was not far behind, after all he was always at his master's side.
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 2 months
Okay so this is actually too made up but anyways...
Let's say that y/n was Izana's gf for a long time, and let's say that she was in Tenjiku, and sadly, she was also there when izana was killed, and after that, she disappeared from Tenjiku and losed contact with all of the members (including Kakucho, who was her best friend)
What would happen if years after Izana's death (in Bonten) Kakucho looked for her and took her to see Mikey, who is physically the same as Izana? What would be your reaction if Mikey asked her to join bonten?
(I've been thinking about writing a fanfic about his but I just need to see how she would react to that, because I genuinely have no idea)
Oh this is such an AMAZING angst idea and I'm all here for it. Thank you so much for requesting<333
Izana definitely wasn't best boyfriend girls would dream of but he wasn't the worst one you could have had either. Yes, he was difficult person with trust issues, fear of abandonment, jealousy issues and lack of communication skills but he loved you and you loved him.
He was everything you had ever had. Even if his morality was gray, he was the one who teached you right and wrong, the one who supported you in his own ways. He was your world.
But he wasn't thinking that way. Of course, he never trusted people easily and tried so hard to keep distance from you, scared that he'll get hurt but maybe, just maybe, he had hurt you deeply.
But having to fight the Toman the same night he realised that, he didn't really have time to talk to you.
Curse your life. If God exists, then he probably hates you with all of his heart. He wouldn't bring justice or happiness in your way because you're cursed and doomed to lose everything and everyone you love.
But...This was your last straw. You knew, you always knew that Izana cared for people deep inside his heart, but you weren't ready to see him dying like that.
No, no, no. This better be a dream. Yup, a dream. Just horrible nightmare and you'd wake up soon, Izana sleeping beside you, fine and well. But oh, what a sweet little daydream that would be.
"I...Izana?" Your voice was shaky and weaker than you'd expected it to be. His teary and glassy eyes landing on your trembling figure as you tried so hard to don't cry in front of him, you should have stayed strong for him.
The regret washed over his face as he tried to find strength to smile, to reassure you somehow. "I'm sorry..." He said, his voice even weaker than yours.
You kneeled down by his side, your hands trembling. "...For what?"
"For...Everything." He responded, reaching out his hand to hold yours. He thought you were still angry at him or hated him even, after all, he made you suffer. But if he only knew how much you loved him...Tears started pouring down your cheeks as you desperately hold his hand. "Don't leave me...Please.." You sobbed, your grip on his hand tightening. As if that'd keep grim reaper from ripping his soul out of his flesh.
He managed to give you weakest smile you've ever seen him have and his body went limp, his hand falling on the ground.
You lost the man you loved the most. Right in your arms. There was nothing you could do about it. You couldn't fight the God or grim reaper, you couldn't ask them to give him back. To bring your boyfriend and best friend back to life. Humans are vulnerable and defenseless against death. As they say, it's part of living. All we can do is move on and live our lives.
But there was no way you could move on from this. How could you? How could you forget him? How could you live a day without him?
You don't remember much from that day but you know you screamed so much until your throat started bleeding, as that was the only way to shout at God for being so cruel.
After that day, you distanced yourself from everyone, hardly eating anything and completely neglecting your health. You wanted to visit Kakucho after you heard that he's alive but you couldn't even force yourself to get up from the bed.
That's when the most depressing days started for you. But you lived. You lived instead of Izana because you knew he wanted you to live.
But for whatever reason, after 12 years, Kakucho asked you to meet up with him so you did. What you didn't expected to see was Manjiro Sano, Izana's little step-brother, looking exactly like your boyfriend.
You could swear you immediately saw the imagination of Izana staring at you when you looked at the dark eyed boy. Your eyes started watering up but you didn't let yourself cry. You were still in shock but after 12 years of thinking that you might have moved on, Manjiro's appearance brought all the memories back, all the memories that you tried your hardest to bury away.
It hurt. Your heart physically hurt. It felt so heavy that if it was an actual weight, even the heavylifters wouldn't be able to lift it.
But joining Bonten? You knew it wasn't dream of Izana, not Bonten anyway. His actual dream was to give home to orphans, to build an empire but not like this so you were quite unsure about the offer.
But you accepted it anyway, only because this way, you'd be able to see someone who at least looks like Izana. Only for him. Only to see Izana again.
Death is cruel. It doesn't give a shit about your feelings. It'll rip everything away from you but maybe, seeing Manjiro was same as seeing Izana for you, maybe you craved to see Izana in Mikey, no matter how delusional that sounded.
Mikey could have acted and appear like Izana, but he'd ever be your Izana. Izana was unreplaceable for you.
You just craved comfort from Mikey's identical look to Izana.
Hihihi! I'M SO EXCITED TO READ YOUR FANFIC BY THE WAY! I hope you're satisfied with this<333
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gearmarke · 2 months
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Let's talk about Pickles and his drinking/drug habits because I am concerned about the man and I know we love him
[TW: Drinking, discussion of destructive behavior, therapy, if the headcanon idea of pickles (actually) rehabilitating his drinking/drug behavior upsets your perception of him then don't read I'm not trying to start any fights lol
{Hello party people, I'll start this off by saying I am an observant person and not a licensed therapist, psychologist, or doctor of any kind! This is purely from an observers standpoint so please be nice to me don't yell at me}
As we all know, Pickles is very dependent on his use of drugs and alcohol. This is a result of outward rejection and neglect from both his mother and father in favor of his brother, Seth. Pickles isn't wrong for turning to substances to cope of course, but it helps us to understand why he depends on them so heavily. They, a long with Dethklok, fill the void his family left in him.
Now, he's part of the biggest band in the world. With enough pull to directly sway the economy to their will and yet this part of him still feels empty. Pickles turns to substances when faced with anger, grief, sadness, despair, any negative emotion he just can't stand to cope with. But he was willing to give his greatest crutch away not to stay on top, but to keep his place in the band. Nathan casually refers to Dethklok as friends and even family in the earlier seasons, so it's easy to assume pickles feels similarly about the band since he's about as emotionally aware as Nathan.
(I think it was bullshit that Pickles was forced to forgive Seth by the way. Fuck that guy, Pickles had already come so far!)
I AM NOT DUNKING ON OTHER WRITERS FOR KEEPING HIS HABITS CANON!!! There's something bittersweet about Pickles sharing his coping mechanism with others or readers in fanfictions, I love the idea of him falling for someone he can actually kick back and have a beer with instead of an uptight groupie he feels pressured to impress.
Yet there could be a reason he goes too far. I know the running joke is that he's practically invincible when it comes to alcohol poisoning or overdosing. But on multiple occasions it's appeared he's tried to. When he thought he was going to die, he'd rather it be by the hand that's comforted him, the substances he depends on. And while the episode is funny as shit, it reveals something concerning about him.
Like all my other discussion posts, this could just be me overthinking. But I see it too often where pickles is glorified for doing these things that him, as if he's-
... As if he can't make hamburger time. Holy shit. I forgot he's a walking god. Is he protected by the prophecy? Oh my god. I'm so dumb-
He can do this because he knows he won't get hurt. He can get as inebriated as possible and come out fine. Maybe it's because somehow he knows he'll be fine he drinks to no end?? But how would he know that before they learn about the prophecy?
Can you tell I have no one to talk to about this shit? Now I dumped out my brain on this fucking draft and I don't know if it's worth posting anymore lol.
Anyways, here have this slop lol.
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do u have any tvdint fic reccs? <- has been combing through the tvdint ao3 tag several times
If you've been through the AO3 tags, then chances are you've read most of my reccs, but i'll list em anyway as well as the few i've read through on Pixiv :0
Please keep in mind that you should always read through the tags and warnings of these fics (and ANY fic) before proceeding. I tend to like darker/angsty storylines, so just be aware. Most of these reccs are SFW, but there are a couple that dip into NSFW territory.
Besides grouping them from English AO3 fics, Non-English AO3 fics, and Pixiv fics, there is no order to this list
"I'm Not Going Anywhere" by AruiI: Ronaldo gets critically injured during a hunt. Draluc does his best to keep him alive until he can get to a hospital, and is forced to realize just how scared he is to potentially lose him
Stages of Grief by WyvernQuill: Draluc decides to prove to his friends that Ronaldo doesn't care about him, and plays a prank where he seems to have permanently died. Author wrote this fic before discovering that Chapter 47 was a thing that existed, but is a lovely tragic take on the Draluc permadeath concept
Underground by MerrilyAround: Ronaldo and John return to their apartment to find Draluc and his coffin mysteriously missing. Meanwhile, a very vocal anti-vampire group are being very cryptic about what could have possibly happened to him
Don't Lie to Me by AruiI: Draluc gets sick and tries his damnedest to hide it, at the detriment of his own health. Needless to say, Ronaldo finds out, and does his best to take care of him, while having no idea what he's doing
The Invicible's Opponent by tori1116: Ronaldo ends up with a broken arm after a job, and realizes he's gonna have a lot of trouble bathing with one working arm. Draluc offers to help. This is a Chinese fic, but the story is rewritten in English in the second chapter. NSFW warning. Some absolutely killer characterization in this one, chef's kiss
I'm going back to 505 by Insane_fangurL: Ronaldo offhandedly wishes that Draluc would stay dead. Little does he know that someone who is very willing to make that happen was listening
Something Bothered. by CowboyAdvice: Draluc's cousin is getting married, and Draluc and Ronaldo are invited to the wedding. Draluc is less than thrilled for reasons he won't delve into, and the arrangements for their involvement are a little eyebrow-raising. NSFW warning
you're gonna carry that weight by notreally: Ronaldo gets kidnapped by a vampire with a grudge. He has to resist and fight tooth and nail if he wants to survive. Love this one purely cuz it showcases Ronaldo's ability to truly fight that we rarely ever get to see in canon lol
Case #94 by Moana230: A reimagining of Chapter 1 of the manga. Ronaldo is a private investigator hired by a woman to figure out where her kid keeps sneaking off to. This leads him to a decrepit castle with lots of still-active booby traps and a mysterious voice leading him around
The Inverse Relationship between a Gentleman and a Contradiction by ferret: A lovely Inverse!AU story. Draluc dwells on this strange, overly-flowery hunter who has taken a fancy to him, and realizes a lot of their sweet, innocent words don't line up with the rest of them
thinner than water (thicker than blood) by awesomecookies: A wonderful take on Hiyoshi's earlier years. A story of a kid who was thrown into adulthood too early, and didn't want to let go of that freedom that came with being young, even when it came at the detriment of neglecting his responsibilities with his little brother and sister
And I Taste Milk (Please, Please Runaway) by awesomecookies: A Coffeeshop!AU fic. Ronaldo works at a crappy coffeeshop and has begrudgingly taken a fascination with the snarky, chronically ill man who looks a little too much like a vampire for comfort and his two adorable kids. (Sidenote i think this is genuinely the first coffeeshop au i've ever read f;aoiefna)
Okay from here on out, the fics are not written in English and don't have any official translations. I shucked them through a translator, and they read mostly coherently, and these are my favorite ones that i've found
月白 by overdriveojoj: Draluc has a secret that he's never told anyone, not even John: when he dies, he can see the auras of everyone around him. He becomes infatuated with observing the differences between them, and becomes especially entranced with Ronaldo's moon-white aura
昼夜交替 by Qi_U: A collection of oneshots, ranging in tone and humor. My personal favorite is chapter 2, where Draluc decides to move away from Shinyoko and takes many trips down memory lane as he packs his things
【羅納德拉】A Thousand Years by SSilverse: A short fic Ronaldo and Draluc have a discussion about vampire and human romances, and why they typically don't work out.
his little color game by rodionychh: Draluc muses about all his favorite colors, and shockingly realizes that all of his favorites tie into Ronaldo in some way
【羅納德拉】旅行 by leci1028: Ronaldo decides that he wants to escape his current life and go on a roadtrip with Draluc and John with no real destination or ending; he and Draluc discuss the theoreticals of how it would all work out. I will be honest: this one guts me every time
I bet on losing dogs by a_ailema: After another stressful deadline crunch, Ronaldo realizes just how much Draluc means to him and how much he's improved his life. Draluc realizes the same about Ronaldo. A wonderful character study
德拉羅納短篇 by tori1116: Another collection of one shots. Highly recommend chapter 5, where Delta!Ronaldo actually succeeds in dying, and meets Canon!Draluc in the death realm. Draluc recounts just how he got there to satiate Ronaldo's curiosity and make him feel better. NSFW warning for some chapters iirc (admittedly it's been a while since I've read this one)
These last ones are on Pixiv. I don't find Pixiv's filtering system nearly as intuitive as AO3's, so most of these fics are ones i've read off of others' recommendations
退治人と吸血鬼の非公開事件 by みる: Ronaldo is visited by a mysterious lady who tells him that in 3 days, she will die. Investigating leads him and Draluc down a rabbit hole of experimentation, disease, and a strange murder mystery
ワルツはもう踊れない(ロナドラ)【5/4再版します】 by 46/shiro: After solving a strange case where a vampire killed her lover and drained his body of blood, Ronaldo realizes that he can't remember too many of the details surrounding the case. Something is up with his shooting hand, and Draluc is looking for strange accommodations that he's never requested before
深海で息をする by 土鳩: Draluc has fallen into the sea, and his ashes are scattered in the waves. Ronaldo has spent years and years trying to collect his ashes and bring him back. This story is written in a mob character's perspective
Con Fuoco by tomioka: Ronaldo confesses his feelings for Draluc, and the vampire doesn't respond. Soon after, something is awoken in Draluc that makes everything he touches burn.
悪夢を憐れむ歌 by カルノ: Ronaldo goes to the library one night and finds an odd book. On his way home after closing time, he spots Draluc in the rain being attacked by an obsessed fan, and goes to intervene. But not everything is as it seems.
Aaaanndd I think i'm gonna cut it off here for now. My brain is dead fa;oewfinae I have a lot more faves than what's on this list, but some of them are a little too my tastes to really share, some of them are a little to scandalous to share, and some of them are just "I remember liking this one but for the life of me i can't remember what it was about and i don't have the time to reread atm"
But hopefully this helped at least a little! This fandom is very small, but the fics are wonderful ^^
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raaorqtpbpdy · 5 months
(Not so) Imaginary Friend
A young Tucker Foley befriends a yeti.
For the Prompt: A young Tucker has accidentally befriended a Yeti of the far frozen. As the years go by, the yeti keeps trying to leave messages for Tucker but Tucker's father tries to put a stop to their interactions, stating Tucker is simply "too old to be playing with imaginary friends" [from Shinx]
Read also on AO3
[Warning for unsafe parenting on the Fenton's part, and uncompassionate parenting on the Foley's part. Basically questionable parenting choices all the way around.]
Tucker was six the first time he met the yeti. Even at that age, he'd known Amity Park wasn't a completely normal town. He was excited, because it was the first snow day of first grade, and his dad had agreed to take him over to his friend Danny's house to play.
When they got there, Danny's older sister Jazz had opened the door and let Tucker inside. She said her parents were downstairs and not to bother them, and Tucker said goodbye to his dad and sprinted in to find Danny. When they saw each other, the two of them ran full-force at each other, slamming into a hug at top speed. It probably would have been smarter not to do that on the stairs to the second floor, but they were none-the-worse for wait after tumbling down a few steps and laughed it off.
Tucker had been all but literally jumping up and down as he waited for Danny to finish putting on his warm clothes so they could go out into the back yard and build a snow monster. A snow monster was like a snowman, except way way cooler, and instead of a carrot nose, it had baby-carrot teeth. The Fentons never had full-sized carrots, anyway.
When they ran outside, they offered to let Jazz join in, but she said she would rather stay inside and read. Tucker and Danny had only gotten up to the letter M in their class, but they were in first grade, and Jazz was in third grade, so she knew all the letters already. Tucker was excited to learn all the letters, but he liked math even better.
The two of them played for hours. They built an awesome snow monster. They had a snowball fight. And then, there was a loud sound from inside the house. It was a sort of whirring humming noise that grew louder by the second, and green spots started to appear in the air.
Tucker was two distracted to see what happened to Danny, but when he looked over, his friend was lying in the snow, looking like he was dead. Tucker ran to him, but he couldn't decide if he should be more afraid of Danny passing out unexpectedly, or of the green spots in the air that were slowly but surely growing wider and wider.
He held Danny close against his chest, but didn't take his eyes off the nearest green spot. Soon, it was as big as Tucker was, and although it stayed green around the edges, Tucker could see more snow on the other side, but different snow. He could see mountains and rolling hills of white that were definitely not Danny's backyard.
Then, he saw a snow monster. A real one. This one was covered in white fur, its horns were bone and not sticks, and its teeth were definitely not baby carrots. Tucker's eyes widened and he held Danny tighter in his fear as he tried to scramble away.
The snow monster stopped without warning, and turned its head to look at Tucker.
"Please don't hurt me!" Tucker shouted at the top of his lungs. He didn't know if it would work, but his mom told him that if he said please he could get almost anything he wanted, and he really wanted the snow monster to not hurt him.
"Why would I hurt you?" the snow monster asked.
Tucker was surprised to hear it speak. It had a gentle, masculine voice that eased Tucker's fears almost as much as his words.
"Is something the matter with your friend?" the snow monster asked.
"I don't know what happened. He just fell asleep in the snow, and he won't wake up!"
"I know some medicine," the snow monster offered. "Maybe I can help."
"Are you a doctor?" Tucker asked, suddenly afraid again.
The snow monster laughed and shook his head. "No, I'm just a medic, and an apprentice one, at that. May I help?"
Tucker looked between the snow monster and his unconscious friend with apprehension. It didn't look like Danny was breathing, and he wasn't supposed to bother Danny's parents while they were working in the lab. That humming noise was so loud now that Tucker couldn't think.
"Okay, please help him!" Tucker shouted finally.
His mother always told him not to shout too much because it bothered people, but he didn't think the snow monster would be able to hear him if he didn't shout.
The snow monster didn't need to shout though. His voice cut right through the electronic hum like it fell silent the moment he opened his mouth.
"Alright, I will," he agreed, and stepped through the green spot.
Carefully, the snow monster took Danny away from Tucker and gently felt Danny's forehead and checked the color of his tongue, and so forth. Tucker wasn't really sure what he was doing, actually.
"My name is Blizzard," said the snow monster. "I live in a place called the Far Frozen. What's your name?"
"My name is Tucker Foley and I live at 2-2-1-7 Woodsboro Drive," Tucker recited. "And that is Danny. He lives in that house."
He pointed to the Fenton house. His parents had made him memorize his address in case he got lost, he also knew both their phone numbers, and the Fenton's home phone, just in case. Tucker was very good at memorizing numbers.
"It's nice to meet you, Tucker," Blizzard said kindly. "If I ever want to write you a letter, I'll know where to send it. As for your friend here, it doesn't seem like he has hypothermia, or anything like that. It looks as though he's reacting to all the ectoplasm in the air."
"The what?"
"All those green spots and the holes opening up to different places, they're releasing massive amounts of ectoplasm from the Infinite Realms into the air," Blizzard explained. "Ectoplasm is what gives ghostly beings like me strength. It looks like Danny has been exposed to ectoplasm before, but never pure ectoplasm like this, and it's causing a negative reaction with the stale ectoplasm already in his body."
Blizzard reached into the bag he was carrying and pulled out a twig with a few sparse leaves. He plucked a couple of them and pushed them into Danny's mouth.
"He would recover with time anyway, but this should help him recover faster," the snow monster explained.
Tucker looked intently at Danny, and already, he could see his friend's breathing getting stronger.
"I think it's working!"
Suddenly, the humming noise grew more high pitched, and Blizzard lifted his head, and perked up his ears.
"I should go," he said. "I fear these portals will not be open for much longer, and if they close, I will have no way to get back home."
"Will I ever see you again?"
Tucker asked.
Blizzard smiled at him and reached into his bag again, this time pulling out a piece of carved ice in the shape of one of Blizzard's horns, but hollow.
"If you blow in this, I'll hear you wherever I am," he said. "I may not always be able to get to you, but I'll always remember you."
Tucker took the frozen horn and blew into it, but it didn't make any sound.
He looked up in confusion when he hear Blizzard laughing at him. "You blow into the other end, silly."
"Oh." When Tucker blew into the other end, it made a low trumpeting tone.
"There you go!"
The humming noise became more high pitched again, and this time Blizzard looked genuinely alarmed.
"I have to go, he said," clambering quickly to his feet and running through the hole he'd come out of. His legs were a lot longer than Tucker's, and he could run much faster because of it.
The humming was replaced by a horrible shriek, like the school's fire alarm but somehow worse. It held for about three seconds, and while it did, the green spots and holes in the sky glowed so brightly, and spun and the edges got all warped and weird.
Then the only sound was Tucker's ears ringing, and the green things in the sky were gone.
A couple minutes later, Danny woke back up, and Tucker suggested they play inside for a while.
A grimace came across Danny's face and he spit out the leaved Blizzard had put in his mouth, and shuddered from laying still and unconscious in the cold.
"Yuck!" he said. His teeth chattered. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind going inside for a little while."
As soon as they got inside, however, the doorbell rang, and Danny and Tucker ran to answer it. Tucker's dad was there.
"What was that?" his dad demanded.
"I don't know," Tucker said.
"What was what?" Danny asked.
"I'm going to have to talk to your parents, young man!" Tucker's dad pushed his way inside and went straight to the basement door.
"No, wait! You're not supposed to bother Mom and Dad while their working!" Danny called out, running after him.
Tucker followed, too, mostly because he wanted to know what was going on.
The three of them all went down into the basement together, and gasped when they reached the bottom of the stairs. Mr and Mrs Fenton were both unconscious on the floor of their lab.
"Mom! Dad!" Danny shouted. He ran up to his mom, who was closer, and tried to shake her awake, but it didn't work.
Tucker's dad knelt down next to her and gently pulled Danny away before pressing his fingers into her neck for some reason, and then sighing with relief.
"She's alive." He got up up and walked over to Danny's dad to do the same thing. "Him too. What happened to them?"
"Maybe the same thing that happened to Danny," Tucker said with a shrug. "When those green spots started showing up, he just suddenly fell asleep. Then my snow monster friend gave him some leaves to make him wake up faster. He said Danny would have been fine without the leaves, though, so they should be okay, too."
"Well that's... very nice of your snow monster friend," Tucker's dad said, though his voice had a strange quality to it, like he wasn't really sure how to react.
"You have a snow monster friend?" Danny asked excitedly. "What's his name?"
"His name is Blizzard, and he came through one of the green holes when you were asleep," Tucker said.
The two of them startled when Tucker's dad suddenly jumped to his feet.
"Wait, what about Jazz? Danny, where's your sister?" he demanded.
"In her room, I think."
Without another word, Tucker's dad started up the stairs and the two boys followed. They kept going up the next flight of stairs to the second floor, and Danny pointed out which bedroom was Jazz's.
Jazz was on her bed, asleep, with a book open on her chest. But she was abnormally pale, and if she was breathing, it was so shallow they couldn't tell looking at her.
Tucker's dad checked her neck, too and sighed again with relief. He put a bookmark in her book, and handed it to Tucker to carry. Then he picked up Jazz and carried her out of the room.
"Come on, into my car, both of you," he said.
Tucker and Danny ran down to the car, and strapped in, and then Tucker's Dad buckled Jazz in next to them before heading back inside for a moment to leave a note for the Fentons when they woke up.
Then he took them all back to Tucker's house, and Danny and Tucker played battleship wrestling while Jazz slept on the couch, and Tucker's parents talked to each other in the other room.
The Fentons had been very angry when they came to pick up their kids from Tucker's house. They yelled things like 'kidnapping', and Tucker's parents yelled back things like 'criminal neglect', and when Mr and Mrs Fenton finally stormed off, each of them holding one of their kids' hands, they shouted about never letting Tucker's parents anywhere near their kids again, and Tucker's Dad shouted back that the same went for them.
After that, Danny and Tucker weren't allowed to have play dates or hang out together outside of school for over a year. Tucker's dad said that he was never going to be allowed to go back to the Fenton's house, and as he understood it, Danny's parents had said basically the same thing to him about never being allowed to go to Tucker's house.
Tucker didn't have any siblings, or even neighbors close to his age, so he had to play alone a lot that winter.
He and Danny only lived a few blocks apart, so Tucker could see and even distantly hear when those green spots came back. His dad said that the spots were because of something Danny's parents were working on, which was too dangerous for kids to be around, and that was why he couldn't go back to Danny's house.
When Tucker saw those green spots start to show up though, he would get the ice horn out of his sock drawer—it never melted, no matter where he kept it—and blow into it, and sometimes, Blizzard would come and hang out and play with him. He would always leave when he thought the spots were about to go away though. He didn't want to be trapped away from home.
Tucker could understand that, but it still meant that he would have to play alone again. He missed having Danny over.
When winter started to give way to spring, Blizzard told Tucker that he wouldn't be able to come back until the snowy season started again, because it would be too warm for him, and he might melt.
This made sense to six-year-old Tucker, because all the snow monsters he and Danny had made melted during the spring, too. Even though Blizzard didn't seem to be made of actual snow, he was still a snow monster, and Tucker didn't want him to die.
Blizzard did promise to write Tucker letters though, and Tucker looked forward to that, and told him they'd see each other when winter came again.
Throughout the rest of the year, Tucker would occasionally receive letters. There was no sender address, but they were all addressed to Tucker Foley at 2217 Woodsboro Drive, Amity Park, Illinois. Blizzard's handwriting was not very good, but it was still readable. In his letters, he would tell Tucker stories about learning medicine, and all his yeti friends back in the Far Frozen.
Tucker learned that the technical name for snow monsters was yeti.
He couldn't write back, because he'd asked the mail lady, and she said that she'd never heard of the Far Frozen, and she was sorry, but she didn't think they could send mail there. So instead, after reading one of Blizzard's letters, Tucker would go outside and blow on the ice-horn to let Blizzard know that he was thinking about him.
When winter came again, the two of them played together some more. Tucker, hiving recently been made aware of the concept of 'too old for fun and games' by his older cousin during the summer, asked Blizzard if he thought he was too old to be playing with a little kid like Tucker. Blizzard said he was only an adolescent yeti himself, a young teenager, he clarified, but he never seemed to get any bigger, even though he commented on how much bigger Tucker had gotten in just one year. Apparently yetis aged much slower than people did.
Another winter passed, and Blizzard apologetically told Tucker they wouldn't be able to see each other until it snowed in Amity Park again. Tucker once again, understood, and through the rest of the year, Blizzard sent him letters every month or so, when he could get them through.
This continued for a few years. The Fentons stopped whatever experiment was making green spots appear, and Tucker was afraid that Blizzard might not be able to come back, but he managed it, though less often than previous years.
Gradually, Danny and Tucker's parents started to let the two of them hang out outside of school more, but even though Tucker eagerly told Danny about his yeti friend, and showed him the letters, the timing never worked out for Danny to be able to meet him.
Tucker never tried to hide Blizzard from anyone. He told his parents all about the yeti, and they seemed happy to indulge him for a long time.
Then, when he was eleven, and he got the first letter of the year from Blizzard in the mail, his parents started to look concerned. A few months, and two more letters later, his dad put the latest letter from Blizzard on the table between them and sat him down for a talk.
"Tucker... your mother and I have started to become... concerned about you," he said.
"What do you mean?" Tucker asked.
"Look, it was cute when you were seven years old and mailing letters to yourself, but you're about to start middle school now, and... well... don't you think you're getting too old for imaginary friends?"
"I don't have any imaginary friends," Tucker replied, openly confused by the conversation.
"Blizzard the yeti snow monster from the Far Frozen in the Infinite Realms?" His dad said flatly, raising an eyebrow. "None of those things actually exist."
Well... at least he knew now that his dad did actually listen to him. He'd always sort of wondered about that. Although not believing him was a new and different problem, obviously.
"He's not imaginary," Tucker said. "I see him every winter, and he sends me letters the rest of the year."
"Tucker, honey," his dad said in that overly sweet voice he used to tell Tucker things he knew he didn't want to hear. "Yetis are a myth. There's no such place as the Far Frozen, or the Infinite Realms. I'll admit you made up some pretty interesting lore for him, but Blizzard is not real."
"The Infinite Realms is another dimension," Tucker insisted. "The Far Frozen is just one of the realms in that dimension. And Yetis are real there."
"Seriously kid, you could write a bestseller out of this stuff," his dad said.
"It's not made up," Tucker insisted. "I still have the ice-horn he gave me when we first met, I'll show you!"
"No, Tucker. That's enough," his dad said firmly. "I didn't want to be bad cop, but your mother won rock-paper-scissors, so I will be. Blizzard is not real, and you're too old to be playing with imaginary friends. You have real friends, don't you? You have Danny! Play with him."
"I do play with him," Tucker said. "I play with Blizzard too, when I can."
"Not anymore," his dad said. "I'm putting an end to this."
He took the letter off the table as he stood up. Then he tore it up and threw it in the kitchen garbage can where it would have gotten instantly covered with the expired meatloaf Tucker's mom had just thrown away.
After that, Tucker's parents intercepted all of Blizzard's letters to him. Tucker tried to get the mail before they did, but every time he managed to, there was no letter from Blizzard in it anyway. They only came every six to eight weeks, after all. But now, he wasn't receiving any of them.
At his father's suggestion, Tucker made another friend once middle school started, a girl names Sam, who dressed in all black and scared most of his and Danny's bullies away.
Even so, Tucker still blew on the ice horn every once in a while, to let Blizzard know he hadn't forgotten him.
When winter came again, so did Blizzard. Now though, Tucker did make an effort to hid the yeti from his parents. He told Blizzard all about what his dad had said about him being too old for imaginary friends. He said it would probably be for the best if Blizzard stopped sending letters the rest of the year, because he wouldn't be able to get them anyway, and he'd probably get in trouble with his parents, too, since they thought Tucker was the one writing them.
Blizzard agreed, though he didn't seem happy about it. Tucker couldn't blame him. He wasn't happy about it either. Still, at least they managed to see each other about three or four times every winter and catch up.
Then, Danny's accident happened. When Tucker saw his friend come out of the portal, unconscious and visibly the wrong colors, his mind shot back to the first time he'd met Blizzard, when Danny's parents' experiment had caused him to suddenly pass out. He wished Blizzard was there to tell him what to do, but it was barely autumn, so there was no way to reach him.
He'd also never told Sam about the yeti, so if he had been there, she might've freaked out.
In the end, Danny turned out to be fine. Tucker never mentioned the incident to his parents. He'd only been allowed to come to the Fenton's house unsupervised again for a couple of years and had no intention of losing that privilege because of another one of Mr and Mrs Fenton's fucked up lab experiments. And Danny was fine.
More or less, anyway.
Tucker was more excited than any of them when Danny suggested they take his parent's specter speeder out to map the Ghost Zone. At that point, he was pretty sure the Ghost Zone and the Infinite Realms were the same place, and he thought if they searched enough of it, they might find the Far Frozen, and he might be able to see Blizzard more than just three or four times a year, during the snowy season.
They went into the Ghost Zone over a dozen times, and the more they tried to map it, the more they realized it was unmappable—or at least, Tucker realized. Everything on their map was in a different place than they'd last seen it. Everything in the Ghost Zone was constantly shifting and changing, and Tucker was pretty sure they'd never find the Far Frozen, especially not at the rate they were going.
Then, after months and months of exploring, they crash landed right in it.
Tucker didn't realize right away. He'd been only six years old the last time he'd seen the Realm of the Far Frozen, and he'd seen it through a wobbly glowing tear through space, and it didn't look all that different from any other icy wasteland. At first, all he knew was that it was cold and snowy and powder white as far as they eye could see. Then, they were attacked by a yeti, and instantly Tucker made the connection.
The yeti that was attacking them was not Blizzard. For one thing, he was a good few feet taller than Blizzard, and one of his arms was made of ice encasing bone. The way he was dressed also looked a lot more fancy than how Blizzard usually dressed. Based on all that, Tucker guessed that this yeti was Frostbite, the leader of the Far Frozen. Although, in the stories Blizzard had told him, Frostbite was a kind and compassionate leader, always level-headed.
None of those words really seemed to apply to the one attacking them. At least, until Danny plucked a thorn of ice from his paw and he regained his sense. Then he was calling Danny 'Great One' and enthusiastically offering to escort them all to the village.
On the walk over, through chattering teeth, Tucker asked Frostbite if he knew a yeti named Blizzard.
"Three, in fact," Frostbite replied. "Blizzard is almost as common a name as Tundra, or Glacier." After saying this however, Frostbite looked down at Tucker curiously. "Wait, you wouldn't happen to mean the medic apprentice, Blizzard?"
"That's him!"
"Amazing," Frostbite said, looking Tucker up and down with a look of awe. "To be perfectly honest, when Blizzard told us all he had made a human friend, we thought he was just telling stories. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"You t-too," Tucker agreed.
"What are you two t-t-talking about?" Sam stammered through the cold.
"C-can we save this c-conversation for s-someplace warmer?" Danny requested.
The three teens passed the rest of the walk in silence, though Frostbite had no such problems with the cold and told them all about the village they were going to, and what yeti culture was like.
Eventually, they got into a nice, warm cave, and Frostbite handed out blankets and hot chocolate. Then he left claiming he had some business to attend to briefly in the rest of the village.
"It's exciting that we actually found this place," Tucker commented. "I've been looking for it since we first started trying to map the Ghost Zone."
"You knew it existed?" Sam asked, sounding suitably shocked.
"Yup," Tucker said. "When I was little, I went to Danny's house where his parents were doing ghost portal experiments and they all passed out from some ectoplasm reaction or something, I don't really remember that part, but I met a yeti ghost from here named Blizzard. I'll make sure to find him and introduce him to you before we leave."
"Oh yeah, I remember Blizzard," Danny said after a moment of thought. "Your snow monster friend that you played with back when our parents wouldn't let us go to each other's houses. I can't believe there's a chance he might actually be real."
"What do you mean 'might'?" Tucker demanded indignantly, putting his hands on his hip, although the effect was diminished by the blanket hanging over his shoulders. "I talked to Frostbite about him and he's totally real. Not that I was in any doubt."
Sam shook her head and stuck a hand out from under her blanket before immediately pulling it back inside.
"Hold up," she said. "You mean not only did you already know this place existed, but you're already friends with one of the ghosts from here?"
"Yup, and as soon as we get the chance, I'm gonna make sure we can meet him," Tucker said.
A few moments later, before the conversation even moved on from the topic, Frostbite returned with a familiar young yeti in tow. Tucker perked up immediately and stood to greet his old friend.
"Blizzard! Hey!"
"Tucker, it's good to see you again," the yeti said, pulling him into a hug. Blizzard's fur had always been cool, but it was also so soft that Tucker had never minded it. Blizzard pulled him away and looked him over. "Ancients, humans really do grow quickly. You're taller every time I see you, but I haven't seemed to grow at all."
Tucker laughed. Even though that was true, Blizzard was still a good foot taller than he was, and Tucker sincerely doubted he'd ever catch up to the yeti.
"I can't believe you're here!" Blizzard said.
"Neither can I," Tucker admitted. "I've been looking for this place for a while but I kinda stopped expecting to find it." He turned to his two human friends with a huge smile that was only a little bit smug. "Sam, Danny, meet Blizzard. Blizzard, these are my human friends, Danny and Sam."
"I am honored to meet you both," Blizzard said, his tone strangely formal compared to how he usually spoke to Tucker. "I did not know that Tucker was friends with the Great One. It his humbling to be in your presence."
Danny laughed awkwardly. Frostbite had explained the whole 'Great One' thing earlier, but as cool as it was, Danny wasn't used to that kind of attention, especially from ghost.
"It's nice to meet you too," Danny said.
"Yeah," Sam agreed, though she seemed to be otherwise dumbstruck looking between Tucker and the Yeti.
They chatted for a while, and Tucker told Blizzard how they'd gotten to the Far Frozen, and about the Fenton Portal, excitedly telling the yeti it would would be a much more reliable way for both of them to visit each other, rather than having to rely on natural portals that opened unexpectedly and never stayed open for too long.
Eventually, though, the three human teens had to get going, Blizzard said goodby, promising to come visit once the weather was cold again, and more often than usual. For his part, Tucker said he'd come back to the Far Frozen to visit in the meantime—although next time, he'd be sure to dress warmer.
Tucker was smug as hell once Blizzard had left to get back to the medicine hut and the three teens were standing around the Infi-Map Frostbite had brought to take them home.
"So, is Blizzard the reason you're a furry?" Sam asked under her breath.
"Shut up!" Tucker hissed at her, though he could feel warmth rising into his cheeks.
She did shut up, but probably more because Frostbite had started to explain how the Infi-Map worked than because Tucker had asked her to.
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whirlwindimagines · 2 years
May I request a Wolfwood X Gn reader, for the reader doesn’t show emotion, but when their childhood friend Nicolas is hurt that’s when they let their emotions out ?
Like say Nicolas wasn’t thinking and jumped right into danger in the heat of the moment and it pissed reader off cause he almost died💥💥
And could this be friends to lovers as well?
Thank you so much, i hope you’re having a good day/night stay hydrated! <3 and please take your time there’s no rush :))
Hello! <3 Thank you for the request! <3 Also I’m so sorry these are always so long, I am incapable of writing anything less than 800 words it seems. Okay Im always going to be a Vash girly, he has my heart. But lowkey writing all this Wolfwood stuff is kinda turning me into a Wolfwood girly as well.
'Bad ideas, and big guns'
Nicholas D. Wolfwood x Reader
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This was a bad idea, you knew Wolfwood could feel your glare on the back of his head. This was a bad idea ever since he got sideswiped by that reporter's car. You always followed without complaint, you knew he had his missions and you didn't ask what they intended. You didn't ask a lot of questions these days, just secretly happy to be at Nicholas's side again. Both growing up in that orphanage, you left first. It was by happenstance that you got away and never looked back. 
Running into Wolfwood again was quite the shock, maybe it was the guilt of abandoning him to his fate that kept you at his side. He didn't seem to mind, he tried to keep you out of it all. But you could fight, and you could kill, it made you use when needed. However, your opinion apparently didn't matter to Wolfwood, you thought it was dangerous to get too caught up in it all. It was getting too personal with Vash and his ragtag group; you knew it and Wolfwood knew it too.
Expect the stubborn ass wasn't listening, and was ignoring you now. It didn't matter, he wouldn't be able to tell what you were thinking anyway. You always had your emotions locked down, it made surviving easier when you could turn it all off. With a sigh you turned your gaze away, this town was like every other one you’d come across. Wolfwood and Vash were at the bar, Roberto was out having a smoke and you were sitting with Meryl at a table in the corner. 
You don't know how it starts, but it always happens too quickly. Guns are drawn on Vash, he doesn’t want to fight and it causes an uproar. You lose sight of Vash and Wolfwood as you drag Meryl out of the bar for some cover, you curse shoving Meryl out of the way as bullets rain down on the two of you. 
Moving behind some crates you bring out your own weapon, these small fries would be easy to handle. No, the real problem was the guy with the tank rolling in, you sigh leaning your head back. One normal day would be nice, just one. You hope Meryl is in a safer spot when you lean out of cover to start shooting. 
You don't get to hide for long when the tank is turned toward you. Your eyes widen as you scramble to your feet to get away. The sound is deafening, you drop to the ground. Nearly avoiding the hit, someone grabs you by the back of your shirt and hauls you to your feet. You bring your gun around to backhand them only for it to be blocked by Wolfwoods large weapon, you frown he smirks. “That’s the thanks I get for saving ya?”
“We’re not out of this yet.” You hiss, at him as he drags you behind a building. “Stay here, one blast from the punisher and it’ll bring it down.” Wolfwood doesn’t look at you as he says this, you yank on his arm to get him to turn. “That’s a stupid idea, you might not be able to a charged shot. Don't jump in without a real plan!” Wolfwood shoves you back hard, and you stumbled catching yourself on the building. “Worry about yourself.” 
You watch him take off weapon in hand, spinning it to engage its laser mode. You hate when you are right, it takes a moment too long to charge the tank fires first, Wolfwood second. The shots meet in a giant explosion. You're forced to move back behind the building, covering your eyes from all the dust and debris falling. 
The town goes silent, you leave your hiding spot. Heart-racing Wolfwood had to be directly in the blast, “Wolfwood” you called out, trying to keep your voice calm, you noticed a building in the back now has a large hole in it. Racing over you search through the debris, “Nicholas!” your voice definitely rose an octave higher as you dropped to your knees beside him, shoving wood off of him. 
He was knocked out and bleeding badly, your hands searched through its pockets finding one of the vials he carried around. Snapping the end off, you forced the liquid down his throat. Sitting back on your heels with a sigh as his wounds began to heal. You place your hand on his cheek, “Wolfwood? Can you hear me?” You ask it softly, his eyes open to your smiling face. 
“See one shot is all it took.” Your smile turns to a frown when you grab him sharply by the shoulders and begin to shake him. “You asshole! Would you just listen to me once!” you snapped out, your voice shaking with slight fear. “God I just want to hit you! Don't you ever think?” Wolfwood looks at you in shock, grabbing both of your wrists to stop your assault. “Worried about me?” he says it with that stupid smirk of his, now you really want to hit him. 
You shove him back hard, and he yelps, “I’m always worried about your dumbass!” You stand, turning to leave you don't get very far when Wolfwood grabs you by the ankle causing you to fall. You catch yourself on your hands, kicking him forcing him to let go and he yells out a ‘hey!’ 
You huff turning over to sit and look at him, “And just what was that for?” he's giving you an odd look one that unfortunately makes your heart race, Wolfwood sits up, leaning his arms over his bent knees he smirks as you. “I like this side of you, the fight.” You groan, face heating up at his words. 
“You bring out the worse in me.” You say it with a light laugh.
“I think you bring the best out in me.” He says it too seriously. 
You pause at his words, he’s staring at you openly now “Careful now, sounds like you care about me.” You say it lightly, allowing him to pull back if he needs to, you smile as he looks away nervous. Wolfwood always put on such a show for other people, but to you, he’d always be that awkward kid back in the orphanage who tried to get you to laugh. God how the two of you had grown. 
“And if I do?” He turns back to you, grinning now. Ah, so it looks like he's not going to pull back, good. You sit up on your knees in front of him, leaning in. “I would say the feelings are mutual.” You smirk grabbing him by the collar of his shirt roughly and pulling him towards you. “You ever pull that shit again I'm killing you myself got it?” 
“Got it.” He grabs you by the back of your head and pulls you in for a kiss. You roll your eyes, leaning into the kiss, at least you got to wipe that smirk off his face.
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kristeristerin · 1 year
Pretty Little Liar - 2
I know I said to be on the look out for chapter two next Friday, but I have 0 self control. Also, this week I turn in my English final so hopefully I will have some time to post a couple of drabble requests from my inbox in the next week. How do you all feel about some Tarquin content? ;) Anyway, here is Pretty Little Liar Chapter 2!
Summary: When you and Feyre find yourselves prisoners in the Spring Court you readily accept the challenge of distracting Lucien while she works to bring the court down around Tamlin. Falling in love with your mate was never your intention.
Chapter 1
Your arrival at the Spring Court was met with more smiles than you would have expected. Though you supposed that had more to do with their relief at seeing Feyre alive and well than the appearance of one of her Night Court captors.
A maid named Alis showed the two of you to your rooms. They were side by side and across the hall of Lucien's room. As soon as you were left alone, Feyre turned to you.
"Please don't leave me alone in this room." She grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to her. "I'm sorry to ask this of you, but please stay in here with me at night. I don't think he'd try to force himself on me, but I'd feel more comfortable if he knew I wasn't alone at night."
You took her second, still gloved, hand in yours and squeezed them both. "Of course, I'll stay with you." You took a shaky breath, "to be honest, I don't want to be alone either."
"There is one more thing," Feyre stepped back from you and removed her glove. You gasped, seeing the intricate tattoo on her now uncovered hand.
"You and Rhys?" you whispered, "Did you?"
She shook her head, "We aren't married. Last night, we snuck out to see a Priestess, and he swore me in," her voice dropped even lower, "as High Lady of the Night Court."
Your eyes went wide, and you immediately dropped to one knee. "It's an honor to serve you, My Lady."
She knelt beside you. "There is no reason to do that. I don't need you to serve me. I need you here as my friend." She pulled you into a hug. "I just needed you to know that I will fight for us. We will make it home; I promise you that."
"I'll help any way I can," you assure her. You watched as she glamoured her hand, and your High Lady's tattoo disappeared.
The two of you were readying for bed when a sharp knock on the door caught your attention. You remained sitting on the bed as Feyre answered the door. Neither of you were surprised to see Tamlin on the other side.
"How are you settling in?" he was speaking to Feyre but eyeing you warily from the doorway.
"We are well, Thank you." she replied, gesturing to you, "We were just about to go to sleep."
"Together?" his forehead scrunched, and he pressed his lips in a tight line. "You've been provided with separate rooms."
"I know," she replied airily, "I asked her to stay with me. She's nervous about her new surroundings, and I'd like her close in case I have a nightmare."
He paled slightly at the reminder of her fitful sleeping in the months following what happened under the mountain.
"Very well then," he leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "Good night, ladies. May you have sweet dreams, Feyre."
You could barely repress the roll of your eyes until he had left and closed the door behind him.
The following week was filled with tense moments where Tamlin would try to get Feyre to spend time alone with him, and you'd be there following her like a lost puppy. Each time he let out a frustrated sigh and glared at you, it became harder and harder to suppress your smile.
When Tamlin wasn't near the two of you, Lucien was. Though he never made any attempts to separate the two of you. He was much more content watching from close by with a guarded stare. If anyone were going to cause an issue with your plans to escape, it'd be him.
You felt the telltale caress against your shield as you silently lay in bed facing your friend.
"I have a plan, but I need your help," even in your mind her voice was just a whisper.
"Anything," your swift reply brought a smile to her lips.
"If we are going to destroy the court from within, we must divide them. I know how to provoke Tamlin, but I need your help with Lucien. He'll be eager to get to know you better. Just distract him while I start moving pieces into place."
You scrunched up your nose. "I know I said anything, but are you sure that's the only thing you can have me do?"
Her answering smile was apologetic. "He's already suspicious of me, but if you can use the bond to get closer to him, perhaps it'll be enough of a distraction, and we can return home sooner. Who knows, you may even enjoy the attention."
Her waggling eyebrows cause you to gag, and the two of you soon giggle.
Feyre was fast asleep an hour later, and you lay awake thinking over what she asked of you. Sure, Lucien was handsome enough, but could you spend so much time in his presence without giving away your contempt toward him? Also, given your last interaction, how would you make the ruse believable enough that he genuinely believes you're interested in pursuing the bond? Sighing, you quietly slide out of Feyre's bed and reach the door. On your way to the kitchen to find a late-night snack, you briefly stop by the closed door to Tamlin's study when you hear two male voices on the other side.
"All I want to know, Tamlin, is why you didn't ask me?" You could hear the frustration in Lucien's voice.
"I thought you would be thankful that I was thoughtful enough to retrieve your mate. Now you have a proper chance to claim her." "Thankful?" Lucien's low growl surprised you. "You think I should be thankful that you took my mate from her home and forced her to come here against her will? How am I supposed to pursue her, knowing she'd rather put a dagger in my back than look at me? Honestly, Tamlin, are you so naive that you can't see they are up to something? Do you trust Feyre?"
Tamlin snarled, and something heavy hit the other side of the door. "DO NOT talk about Feyre that way. I don't blame you if you don't trust your mate, but Feyre was under his control. She didn't know what she was doing. She's home now, and I will keep her safe." There was a pause before Tamlin spoke again. "I need you to keep an eye on your mate, Lucien. I need you to watch to make sure she doesn't cause any trouble, but more importantly, I need you to keep her away from Feyre as often as you can so I can remind her how good her life was with me. After the stunt they pulled, insisting they share Feyre's bed, and they have spent every moment together this week, I'm worried she will try to influence her against me."
You didn't wait to hear Lucien's answer as you continued toward the kitchen. You smirked as you thought back over what Tamlin had said. If he was so upset about Feyre using you as an excuse to keep him from her bed, your plans were already falling into place, and his order to Lucien would only make things that much easier.
—----------------- The sound of the kitchen door opening startled you as you looked up from your cup of tea. You relaxed slightly, noting the telltale red hair of Lucien entering the room.
Seeing you there, he paused for the doorway for several tense seconds before moving into the room to make a cup for himself. "Mind if I join you?" his voice was barely above a whisper, but it shattered the tense quiet between you.
"Not at all," you mumbled, gesturing toward the seat directly across you.
He sat lost in his thoughts for several minutes before he again spoke. "Do you- or- rather, are you seeing anyone currently?"
You sighed and bit your lip before looking up at him. "Does it matter if I were?"
"Of course it does!" he looked appalled at your accusation. "Think what you want of me, but I never intended this to happen. I had hoped I'd be able to approach you once everything with Hybern was sorted out." Lucien lowered his head and added, "I'd hoped you'd allow me to court you properly."
He was visibly shaking, and before you registered the action, you reached across the table and put a steadying hand on his. He stilled immediately.
"While I have had my share of lovers," you raised an eyebrow at the low growl that rumbled in his chest but bit back a laugh at the sheepish dip of his head. "As I was saying, I have been with lovers, but nothing remotely consistent or resembling a relationship in many, many years."
He hummed in response as he took another drink of his tea. "What about you, Lucien Vanserra?" you gave him a smile that you hoped came across as flirtatious. "I have heard many things about you and your reputation. There are rumors that you have left a trail of broken hearts through several of the courts."
He laughed, "In my younger years, perhaps, but nothing recently. Nothing outside of Calanmai, that is."
"Oh," your traitorous heart sank. The holiday had occurred only a week after the snapping of your bond. You knew nothing would come from your bond, but it hurt more than you would have guessed to know that he had taken another female to bed so soon after learning of you.
Sensing your discomfort, he reached across the table and gave your hand a slight squeeze. "It wasn't my choice." His voice cracked, "Tamlin refused, but the ceremony had to be done. I didn't want to and didn't want her." Lucien shook his head, "But I did my duty, and unfortunately, the Priestess ensured she was at the right place at the right time."
"I'm sorry," you whispered. "That must have been truly terrible." He swallowed hard and looked away. When the silence stretched between you this time, it was much more companionable. "I think I am going to try to get some sleep." you pull your hand back from where he had still been holding yours, "Would you like to escort me?"
"Of course," he smiled gently.
When you reached Feyre's bedroom door, you turned toward him. "Thank you, Lucien."
His hand grabbing yours caused you to turn back towards me, "Can I show you around the grounds tomorrow after breakfast?"
You look away, biting your lip before looking back at him through your lashes. "That sounds lovely."
He grinned at you before making a show of bowing and pressing a kiss to the back of your hand. "Until the morning then, my lady."
—------------------- You were the last to enter the dining room for breakfast the following day, and it seemed as if you had walked in on a strained conversation. "All I'm saying is perhaps we should hear her out, Feyre." The High Lord's knuckles were white as he gripped the arms of his chair.
Feyre looked livid but snapped her mouth shut. "Fine," she said, "I will hear her out."
Tamlin nodded to a sentry at the door, and they swiftly left. Feyre's tension seemed to ease slightly when you took the seat next to her, and she raised an eyebrow when you shyly smiled at Lucien across the table.
"Good Morning, my lady." he breathed, "I hope you slept well."
"Good Morning, Lucien," you greeted back as you began to load your plate. "I slept well enough. Though, it would have been more restful had my Dear Feyre stayed on her side of the bed."
You smiled at your friend as she stuck her tongue out and poked you in the ribs. From the head of the table, Tamlin cleared his throat. "Well, if she's impacting your sleep, perhaps you could begin sleeping in your bed."
You turned to look the High Lord directly in his eyes, "I'm afraid MY bed is clear on the other side of Prythian, so I suppose I will deal with Feyre and her spooning tendencies." You smile sweetly as he growls, and you watch claws extend from his knuckles and sink into the wood of his chair.
You were saved from his response as a blonde high fae in blue priestess robes breezed into the room.
Your eyes narrowed as she moved to stand behind Lucien. He flinched when she rested a hand on his shoulder. You could not stop the snarl you let loose, not only because of the possessive gesture but also because she was dismissing his discomfort.
She turned to you and raised a brow. "Oh, how sweet? Are you Lucien's mate?" Her tone made it clear she thought it was anything but sweet. "You are a fortunate female." She leaned forward and added, "It's true what they say about Autumn males and the fire in their blood making them wonderful lovers."
You stood so abruptly your chair clattered to the ground behind you. The only thing that kept you from leaping across the table at the priestess was Feyre's grip on your hand.
"Lucien," Tamlin's booming voice startled you, but you glared at Ianthe. "Get her out of here."
Lucien shook Ianthe's hand from his shoulder and was around the table and at your side in seconds. He gently gripped your elbow as he pulled from the room toward the kitchens.
You wouldn't look at him, and neither spoke as he loaded food and a bottle of wine into a bag. Once finished, he hesitantly took your hand and led you out the back door.
"Where are you taking me?" you finally asked as the two of you approached the stable.
"I thought we might go for a ride so that you can see more of the grounds." He led you further into the stables and started readying a horse.
You chewed on your bottom lip as you watched him. "Something wrong?" he asked when you noticed you were watching him.
"I don't have much riding experience," you mumbled.
"Oh," he ran a hand through his red hair. "Well, we can share a horse. That's no trouble at all." He turned back to continue readying the horse, but you swore you saw him smirking at the pink tinge on your cheeks.
Once the horse was ready, he helped you up before climbing on and settling behind you. You tensed when he wrapped his arms around you to grab the reins. Your attempt to touch as little of him as possible left you in an unnatural and uncomfortable position. You rode silently for nearly 15 minutes when he stopped and dismounted before turning to help you down from the horse.
"Wait here," he handed you the horse's reins before taking his pack from the saddle and disappearing between the trees. "Can you tie the horse up here for me, please?"
When he returns, he is without the pack, and you have just finished securing the horse.
"Do you trust me?" Lucien asked while offering a hand to you.
"Not even a little," you fight back a laugh as you put your hand in his. He only chuckled in response.
"Close your eyes," he began to lead you through the trees, "I have a surprise for you."
You complied, though the lack of sight caused you to stumble more than once. When the ground evened out, he moved to stand behind you. A tremor ran down your spine when you could feel his breath on your ear.
"Open your eyes," he whispered.
The sight before you caused you to gasp. Lucien had brought you to a small clearing in the forest. He had laid out a blanket, and on it was the bottle of wine and food selection. Beside the blanket was a pool of the most transparent water you had ever seen. The sunlight appeared to dance on the sparkling surface.
He led you to the blanket, and once you were settled, he offered you a glass of wine. Accepting it gratefully, you took several sips before setting it aside. Your stomach rumbled.
"Food was a good choice," you break off a piece of bread. "I'm sorry about interrupting your breakfast."
"There is no reason to apologize. She was goading you, and honestly, I'd rather not have been in the room for their conversation anyway. Besides," he raised an eyebrow at you, "I must admit your very vocal response to another female's hands on me was interesting."
You turn away to hide your blush. "I can't believe you put this together for me."
He gave you a roguish grin, "This is the least of what I can do for you, My Lady."
You threw your head back in laughter. "You, Lucien Vanserra, may be the most dangerous male I have ever met."
"And why is that?" his grin never faltered.
"Because I can see how you got that reputation. You must be a very easy male to fall for." You reach across the blanket to grab a couple of grapes before popping one in your mouth.
His eyes softened as he leaned back on the blanket, "I have no intentions of breaking your heart."
You look down at your hands to avoid his penetrative gaze, "Perhaps it'll be me who breaks your heart." Your voice is barely above a whisper.
His warm hand lifts your face to look back at him before he moves his hand to cup your jaw.
"Perhaps it'll be worth the heartbreak," he whispered back as he began to lean in.
Your eyes flutter shut briefly before you quickly throw a grape into the air and try to catch it, putting more space between you. Thankfully, the two of you laugh when it hits you directly in the forehead instead. Lucien grabs a grape himself, and you playfully shove him when he catches his on the first try and winks at you.
The two of you spend the next hour laughing together as you get to know one another and enjoy your small feast. When the food is gone, you find yourselves lying on the blanket, passing the wine bottle back and forth, glasses long forgotten.
"So," you ask, propping yourself up on an unsteady arm, "Is this how you spend your time in the Spring Court then? Laying the grass, cloud gazing, and getting respectable ladies drunk?" He turned to you and gave you a breathtaking smile. "No, I very rarely have such enchanting company. How did you spend your time in the Night Court?"
Your smile faltered, "Lately? All of our time has been preparing for a war that I'm not certain I will have the capability of being on the right side of."
Pain flashed in his eyes, "I'm sorry. I know I've already told you I didn't intend this to happen. While I'll admit a selfish part of me is grateful for the time to get to know you, I would return you to your home in a heartbeat if I could."
You weren't sure why, but something about the sincerity in his voice caused your heart to ache.
The lazy ride back to the manor was much more comfortable than the ride there. Instead of shying away from Lucien, you lean back into him. The position allowed him to grip you closer to himself while holding the reins with one hand. You arrived back quicker than you'd have liked, and seeing Feyre waiting by the stables, a knowing look in her eye, had guilt clawing at you.
That night, you lay in bed thinking about your time with Lucien and couldn't help the spiraling guilt because, for a moment, you forgot that you were supposed to be pretending to like him. As you drifted off, the words you said to him kept repeating in your head.
You must be a very easy male to fall for. Perhaps it'll be me who breaks your heart.
Tag List: @glitterypirateduck
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namusthetic · 7 months
Marauders' Era
The Slytherin Skittles
From the Marauders' Era fandom. Decided to lounge about in the Slytherin common room? Join the Skittles for a late night Slytherin chat.
Regulus A. Black
"From far away I wish I'd stayed with you, but here face to face, a stranger that I once knew.
I thought if I wandered I'd fall back in love. You said distance brings fondness, but guess not with us."
- Astronomy, Conan Gray
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Doesn't ask for help
Covers his deep insecurities with a god-complex
Abandonment and trust issues
Suffers panic and anxiety attacks, the others know exactly what to do when it happens and huddle around him, holding hands and grounding him, until he starts breathing normally again and stops shaking
Protective of his chosen family
Instead of fighting to keep people in his life, he lets them go because in the end he thinks he's never enough to stay for
Hates loud noises and making noise when moving or walking
Deeply misunderstood
Tries to remain detached and cold as much as possible because knows he'd end up caring too deeply
Self-isolates when he doesn't know how to deal with his feelings, luckily, whenever that happens, the others storm his usual hiding spots and force him to go outside and enjoy himself
Escapes from his own thoughts by reading or listening to music compulsively
Barty Crouch Jr.
"I used to like liquor to get me inspired but you look so beautiful, my new supplier. I used to like smoking to stop all the thinking, but I found a different buzz.
The world is a curse, it'll kill if you let it I know they got pills that can help you forget it, they bottle it, call it medicine, but I don't need drugs. 'Cause I'm already high enough, you got me, you got me good."
- High Enough by K. Flay
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covers his need for attention and approval with loudness and chaos
Fear of missing out
Afraid that people will forget about him and leave him behind
Avoids talking and thinking about his own feelings
Cannot control his emotions when overwhelmed
Hides it when deeply hurt
Clingy drunk, cries if left by himself
Has a soft spot for pets, especially dogs (once he even accidentally cuddled Padfoot without knowing it was actually Sirius)
Hopeless romantic when in a serious relationship
Incredibly intelligent, he just doesn't want to please his father in any way so he acts out
Jokes about his trauma in public, but ends up sleeping in Evan's bed whenever he has nightmares
ADHD kid
Makes dirty jokes all the time but is afraid of having a stable relationship and not being enough for his partner
Evan Rosier
"And hey, you, don't you think it's kinda cute that I (I) died (died) right inside your arms tonight? That I'm fine even after I have died? Because it was in your arms I died.
I cry in the afterlife, I cry hard because I have died, and you're alive. I try to escape afterlife, I try hard to get back inside your arms alive."
- Arms Tonite by Mother Mother
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Calm and collected most of the time
Silent anger
Insomniac, spends the nights reading and listening to chill music
Deadly afraid of spiders, always asks Pandora to take them outside
Energy drinks and caffeine
If looks could kill
Tries to keep everyone from getting in trouble together with Dorcas
Doesn't pay attention in class but gets good grades anyway
Grew up too quickly
Joins Barty and Dorcas whenever they are tipsy and start a singing contest
Likes nights out with friends, randomly walking with no precise destination, a few drinks in hand and the warmth of chosen family around him
The observant, silent one
Always carries small perfume vials since he can't stand smells (sweat, cigarette smoke, etc.)
Pandora Rosier
"You don't have to be like everybody else, you don't have to fit into the norm, you are not here to conform. I am here to take a look inside myself, recognize that I could be the eye, the eye of the storm.
I am not my body, not my mind or my brain (ha), not my thoughts or feelings, I am not my DNA. I am the observer, I'm a witness of life, I live in the space between the stars and the sky."
- Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land by MARINA
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Already figured who was going to end up in a relationship with whom years before it happened
Has a private gardening spot where she grows their own plants (especially herbs)
Follows the lunar calendar instead of the solar one, they all celebrate both new years with big parties
Wears long airy dresses with flower patterns and a dozen crystal necklaces and rings
Talks enthusiastically about everything she's passionate about with no restraints (and everyone loves listening to her talk)
Knows weird knowledge nobody knows from where
Walks Hogwarts' halls singing and with a spring in her step
Spends afternoons in the forest sketching fantastic beasts and feeding them treats
Loves making flower crowns, Regulus wears them whenever she makes one for him and hexes anyone who dares say something about it
Always has paint on her hands or face
Dorcas Meadowes
"Say my name, as every colour illuminates. We are shining, and we will never be afraid again.
And when we come for you, we'll be dressed up all in blue, with the ocean in our arms, kiss your eyes and kiss your palms.
And when it's time to pray, we'll be dressed up all in grey, with metal on our tongues, and silver in our lungs."
- Spectrum (Say My Name) by Florence and The Machine
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Hates small talk and superficial friendships
Direct, immediately cuts straight to the point
Politically active against all kinds of discrimination and violence
Strong and determined to achieve what she wants
Ready to argue with anyone, anytime, anywhere
Knows exactly what she wants
Stays up late to read and listen to music in the common room
Has everything planned out
Neon lights and cocktails, loud music and cherry flavored lip balm
Travels a lot but is ready to return home immediately if one of her close friends needs her help
Elegant style, always impeccably dressed
Storms out of the dorm and takes a long walk whenever she feels she can't control her anger
Loves to listen to true crime podcasts
So I love the Marauders' gang, but (I don't know if you guessed it) I really have a soft spot for the Skittles. To me they feel like the ones who never really even had a chance to be saved, who were left to fend for themselves and to die just because of their families and house. They were damaged as much as the others but found no one to help them but each other.
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scr11bles · 14 days
⋆˚࿔ Welcome to the Café! 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
hello,my name's emile! how may i take your order? please pick your fandom and take a look at the menu below and tell me what you'd like!
(don't see something you like? ask anyways and i'll do it within reason or add it to the menu in the future :3)
────── .✦
⋆˚࿔ Who/What do I write for? 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
- call of duty
- elden ring
- the boys
- dc
- marvel
- certain anime/manga (just ask!)
────── .✦
⋆˚࿔ Menu: 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
- cappuccino: "Please let me help you."
- latte: "Not in this lifetime."
- frappuccino: "Can we skip the fight this time, please?"
- mocha: "Sorry for waking you up, go back to sleep."
- americano: (other chara talking to chosen character) "You're in love with her/him/them, aren't you?"
- doppio: "It's 3 in the morning, what're you doing here?"
- macchiato: "You said you liked it, so I got it for you."
- ristretto: "Everyone already thinks we're dating."
- affogato: "You're dangerous."
- oolong tea: "I've wanted to ask you for a while now, but I didn't know how."
- chai: "Wanna go get a drink?"
- chamomile tea: "No, I'm not jealous"
⋆˚࿔With a side of.......
- cheesecake: enemies to lovers
- chocolate cake: forced proximity
- apple pie: friends to lovers
- chocolate chip cookie: fluff
-shortbread cookie: angst
- not in stock: (senders request for a specific trope)
- on the house: writers choice!
────── .✦
⋆˚࿔ 18+ Menu: 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ (minors please DNI)
- espresso martini: "I've met strays who are more obedient than you."
- irish coffee: "Fuck, that's a good girl."
- mudslide: "You gonna beg f'me?"
-prairie buzz: "Use your teeth."
- tequila espresso: "I didn't think you'd be so responsive."
- kirsch au café: "God- Do that again."
- italian espresso: "Try to stay quiet, understand?"
⋆˚࿔With a side of.......
- black forest gateau: cockwarming
-chocolate macaron: rough sex
- vanilla macaron: gentle sex
- matcha gateau: age gap
- tiramisu: oral sex (specify which side)
- chocolate cherry cake: sugar daddy
-lemon cheesecake: body worship (specify which side)
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your-queer-dad · 4 months
Dad, let me tell the random story from this thursday:
I was talking to my besties at school, and 2 people run past us and (I think accidentally) bring me to the floor. I'm ok, just a lil pissed, but I just get up to go back to my friends and try to open the way a little.
Then, out of nowhere, this random dude I never saw in my life punches my shoulder cause I "pushed him". I turn to face him, he gives 2 more punches, and I was preparing to punch back, when one of the people (we often calk them "tias" or "tios" here in Brazil) came in and separated us.
Apparently, this dude's first reaction to someone "pushing him" (push is such an exageration, I literally just tried to open my way with minimal force, like, putting two hands on the people's arm's side and make a lil force to signalize I'm passing there.) is to punch. He apologized (probably cause the principal and cordinator were there, but I couldn't care less I'm still pissed at him) and said "he thought I was a boy", and I mean, he's right, but come on dude. It isn't alright just cause it is a guy.
I call this a partial win, cause I pass and I always wanted to see how I'd react in a fight situation. I'm not hurt or scared, just a bit proud of myself for not just going away like I usually do when people bump into me (I usually apologize, even if THEY bumped into me) and a bit happy that I pass. The dark side is that the coordinator (who knows I'm trans) said something along the lines of "that's how boys treat each other" (I know boys. No, that's how JERKS treat each other.) but I really don't care.
Anyway, that was it. Thanks for reading this lol
Hey kiddo! I'm really proud of you for standing your ground and please keep yourself safe next time. It is a win that you got gendered correctly!
Also what a silly thing to say, "that's how boys treat each other" just because they're boys doesn't give them an excuse to be jerks to each other or anyone else, they don't get a free pass into doing whatever they want.
Please make sure to stay safe, I'm so proud of you kiddo!
- dad x
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itsparis-07 · 5 months
Brooklyn 's sparrow Pt.2 A Saturday walk through park slope~
Tumblr media
(Hey ya'll! soooo I know not a lot of people pay mind to this store buuut I wrote this during my free periods today at school, and I'm hoping ya'll like Michiko's story as much I have fun writing it. so as always Stay fresh and please reblog and like! - Paris <3)
Miles Morales and Michiko had been living with Rio Morales, Miles' mother, for two weeks now. They had met under rather unusual circumstances, but their housemates thing had been surprisingly smooth thus far. Today, they were in the kitchen as Rio signed some enrollment papers for Brooklyn Vision Academy, a school that both Miles and Michiko would be attending together. As Rio finished up, she glanced up at the two teenagers and smiled.
"You know, since we're all going to be living together for a while, I thought it might be nice if we all got to know each other better. Why don't you two go out to the corner store and get some groceries for the house? It's gotta been done." Rio handed Miles forty dollars from her wallet. "Here, you can use this. Just make sure to get enough for everyone."
"But Mami! It's saturday and why do I have to take her with me?" Miles protested, folding his arms across his chest. He was starting to feel a bit put-off by the idea of being forced to spend time with Michiko. It wasn't that he didn't like her, it was just that he was used to being on his own.
Rio gave her son a patient smile. "Miles, I know you're used to doing things on your own, but this is a big family now. We're all in this together. And besides," she added, looking over at Michiko, "I think it's a good idea for you two to get to know each other better. Who knows, you might end up being great friends."
Michiko was sitting next to Rio as she Signed on the papers "Michiko Baxter" she smiled shyly and nodded when Rio suggested it was a good idea for them to get to know each other better. She didn't mind it, in fact she was kinda looking forward to it. She turned to Miles and said softly, "I don't mind going with you. It's not a problem…if it's okay with you Ms.Rio?" She tied her sister locs in a bun as she waited for his response.
"Miles, can you walk to the bodega with her? I have to sign the enrollment forms so she can go to school with you." Rio explained, handing him the enrollment papers. "It's the least you can do, Miles. You've been pretty self-sufficient, but you can't just shut everyone out."
"But I was gonna go out with-" Miles began, then stopped himself. He knew it was pointless to argue with his mother. With a sigh, he nodded and looked over at Michiko. "Alright, I guess. Let's go." He took the forty dollars from Rio before leading the way out of the kitchen. As they walked to the corner store, Miles couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. He was used to doing things on his own, and now he had to babysit some girl he barely knew. But as they approached the store, he couldn't help but notice how kinda cute she looked. Her shoulder length locs swayed with the light wind, and her dark skin glowed in the afternoon sun.
"Is there a park near by here? What's this Visions school like? Are the kids nice? Did anybody fight you? Will there be any-" Miles sighed, holding up a hand to stop Michiko's rapid-fire questions. "Look, I know we're just getting to know each other and all, but you don't have to ask me about everything right now." He paused, then added with a small smile, "But I will tell you that there is a pretty sweet skate park not too far from the school. And the kids there are cool. Most of 'em, anyway."
"Skate park?" Michiko asked, eyes lighting up. "I've never been to one before. Do you skateboard?" She'd seen people skateboarding in the city, but never had the chance to try it herself.
"No, Ion really skate like that…but I draw." Miles answered, then paused. "You can come to the park with me sometime and we can watch the skateboarders. They're pretty good." He thought for a moment, then added, "And if you want, we can try it out together." He couldn't believe he was actually offering to show her how to skateboard. Usually he didn't like to teach people, but there was something about Michiko that made him want to help her.
"Cool, the yellow sign over there! There's the store!" Miles pointed at the bodega as they approached it. It was a small, family-owned shop that had been in the neighborhood for generations. The inside was brightly lit, with shelves stacked high with various snacks, drinks, and other items. There was a small refrigerated section at the back where they kept the cold stuff, and a counter where the register was. The owner, an elderly Puerto Rican man named Mr. Sanchez, was sitting on a stool behind the counter, reading a newspaper.
"Hey sandy." Miles said to Mr. Sanchez as they walked up to the row of bagged rice and canned foods of different cultures. He picked up a bag of jasmine rice, green plantains, garlic, oregano, vinegar, paprika, salt, and some pork. he placed it in a basket and walked to the counter. "This should do it." he said, glancing at Michiko, who looked a bit confused.
"Why do we need all this food? is this our dinner?" She asked.
"Yeah, ma's making some pernil and tostones tonight, you'll love it." Miles replied, then looked over at Mr. Sanchez, who nodded at him. "It's my mom's specialty. She learned how to make it when she was living in Puerto Rico." He paused for a moment, then continued, "I'll show you how to cook it sometime if you want. My mom says I'm pretty good at it too."
"Sounds nice, I'd love that!" Michiko replied with a smile. She had always been interested in trying different kinds of foods and cuisines. As they waited for their items to be rung up, she took a closer look at the items in the basket. "What's pernil exactly?" she asked Miles.
"It's basically a slow-roasted pork shoulder," he explained. "My mom does it in a special way, with garlic and oregano and all kinds of stuff. It's really tender and flavorful." Miles glanced over at Mr. Sanchez, who was still busily ringing up their items. "And the tostones are just fried green plantains. They're really good, especially when they're smothered in that garlic sauce my mom makes." He grinned, his eyes lighting up at the thought of the meal.
As they finished paying for their groceries, Miles thanked Mr. Sanchez and they headed out of the store. "So, what do you want to do now?" he asked Michiko as they walked back toward the house. "Do you want to go to the skate park after dinner?"
"That sounds fun. I've never been skateboarding before, but I'd like to try. And I'd love to see you draw too." Michiko replied with a smile. She was really enjoying her day with Miles so far.
As they walked back to the house, they continued chatting about different things. Michiko told Miles about her life as a reaper and telling him she's not the only one wandering New York these days. He was intrigued and listened intently, asking questions and occasionally nodding thoughtfully. They also talked about their favorite movies, music, and hobbies.
By the time they reached the house, the sun was beginning to set, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink. They walked inside to see Rio setting everything in the kitchen for dinner. She greeted them with a warm smile and invited them to wash up before sitting down at the table. As they did so, they could smell the delicious aroma of the pernil and tostones wafting through the air.
Miles led Michiko into the living room, where they sat down on the couch. "Thanks, Mom. It smells amazing in here," he said, taking a deep breath. They exchanged small talk while they waited for dinner to be ready, commenting on the artwork on the walls and sharing stories about their favorite memories in the house. Rio eventually called them to the table, and they all gathered around in the cozy kitchen. The pernil was perfectly tender and flavorful, with a hint of garlic and oregano that lingered on the tongue. The tostones were crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, making the perfect accompaniment to the pork. Throughout dinner, Rio regaled them with stories of her time living in Puerto Rico and how she had learned to cook such delicious food. Michiko, eager to learn more, asked Rio if she could teach her some of her recipes as well. Rio smiled warmly and assured her that she would be more than happy to. After dinner, they helped clean up the kitchen together, chatting amiably as they worked. Once everything was put away, Miles suggested they go to the skate park as planned. He grabbed his skateboard and offered Michiko one of his old ones, which she happily accepted. They said goodbye to Rio and headed out the door, ready for an evening of skateboarding and maybe even some drawing practice at a nearby park bench.
As they walked to the skate park, Michiko couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. It was refreshing to spend time with someone like Miles, who was so open-minded and accepting of her unique background. She found herself telling him more about her life as a reaper, feeling comfortable in his presence. He listened intently and asked thoughtful questions, never once making her feel like she was strange or different. They spent several hours at the skate park, laughing, falling, and cheering each other on. Miles' drawings were impressive, capturing the movement and energy of the skateboarders around them with ease. Michiko, on the other hand, was self-conscious at first but eventually found her rhythm, sketching the scene around her with growing confidence.
As they walked home she stretched her beautiful black gold wings, letting out a sigh of relief. Miles was unaware of her other life, and she wanted to keep it that way. The sun was beginning t set, casting a warm glow over the city. They stopped at a nearby park bench, and Miles offered to teach her how to ride the skateboard. He showed her the basics, and she quickly picked them up. It was thrilling, and she felt a sense of freedom she hadn't experienced in a long time. They spent the rest of the evening skating and laughing together. Miles' drawings continued to impress her, and she encouraged him to pursue his passion. He seemed genuinely grateful for her support.
"You know I think I'm gonna love Brooklyn, but do you think I'm ready for High school? I mean if it's anything like on Tv, I think I need to stay home." Michiko asked as they walked through the park. Miles smiled at her and said, "You'll be fine, you'll have me to help you through it. And besides, there's always the library if you ever need a break from the crazy." They continued to walk and talk about their hopes and dreams for the future. Miles wanted to be a professional skateboarder and maybe even open up his own skate shop one day. Michiko wasn't sure what she wanted to do yet, but she knew she wanted to keep drawing and exploring her talent.
To be cont!!!
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practically-an-x-man · 8 months
Here's a prompt for you!
"I don't need you to be perfect! Just please, for once in your life, listen to me!"
Oooh I'm thinking Jasper for this one!!
____ Mama
Word Count: 2.5k Content Warnings: heavy argument, abusive parents, transphobia/deadnaming (NOT by Kyle don't worry there)
Jasper did not enjoy visits with his mother.
There were the better sides to it - homecooked meals, the familiarity of the house, visiting his friends and neighbors that were all a hair too far from the city to visit regularly. It wasn't as though he wallowed in misery, on those recesses and holidays he spent away from Tulane.
But he didn't enjoy spending time with his mother. There were a lot of reasons why.
"I was thinking maybe I could take some of Dad's old records back with me," Jasper said, posing the question as casually as he could, "I've got a record player in my dorm."
"We have a record player here." his mother said, without even looking up from her novella. Jasper resisted the urge to sigh.
"I know, but-" he started, chewing the inside of his cheek, "I know you don't listen to them, since it's not your kind of music. But I like it. I think it could be nice to listen to when I study."
"Did I not buy you an iPod a few years ago?" she asked, the words undercut with a shiver of dark annoyance. Jasper felt every ripple of it. His mother raised an eyebrow. "Did you break it?"
"You did. And- no, it works fine. But records, um, records have a better sound, y'know? And they remind me of Dad." he continued, tumbling over his words under the weight of his mother's gaze, "I'll leave the country ones, and the CCR and the other ones you like. I just want the heavy stuff. He's got those Metallica records, the originals, and a whole bunch of Linkin Park, and even some stuff that's even heavier than that and I know you aren't listening to those ones anyway-"
"Jasmine Michelle."
Jasper fought hard to bite back his grimace. It never got easier to hear.
"You are not taking your father's records out of this house." his mother continued, her voice and emotions equally icy, "He left them here, and they'll stay here. This is the last time I'm having this discussion with you. And stop cutting your hair so short. You look ridiculous."
Ironic, considering she was sporting a pageboy cut herself. Jasper's buzz cut wasn't much farther removed from that, he thought. But it was harder to pretend he was still Mama's Little Girl when he refused to let his hair grow out, he figured. He wrung his fingers behind his back, squeezing until it hurt.
"I like it cut like this." he argued, fighting hard to summon his voice, "It's... better for derby."
"Is school going well? You're passing all your classes?"
Breezing on ahead. Like she hadn't even heard him. That, too, never got easier.
"Yes, mom." Jasper sighed, "It's going fine. I got an A on my anatomy midterm. My professor said only two percent of students actually manage to ace that-"
"And you've got friends? A boyfriend?"
Kyle's name sprung to his lips, but he bit it down. He didn't want his mother to know about that. It would only lead to more prying questions, which would lead to her wanting Kyle to visit, which would lead to... God knows what else.
"I've got friends," Jasper agreed - not a lie, but not the full truth, "With derby, and with nursing. There's even a- a guy in my history class who's really nice. We've had a couple study dates."
"Good." his mother replied. Her eyes flicked up and down Jasper's figure, and he realized he was shifting on his feet. Another shiver of cold annoyance wormed its way through his chest. Jasper forced himself to freeze, despite the way his body demanded movement. "Am I keeping you from something, Jasmine?"
"Jasper." he muttered under his breath, regretting it the instant it was past his mouth. The cold only deepened. He wanted to shiver.
"What was that?"
Jasper swallowed hard. It wouldn't get any better if he didn't stand up for himself. His mother had never been outright cruel about matters like this - she just didn't care. She didn't speak badly about him, didn't call him slurs or cast him out, but she also didn't make any effort at his name or pronouns. That was why he hadn't bothered correcting her. But if he started now, maybe she'd start to see how important it was do him. At the very least, he was done being walked over.
"It's my name. Jasper." he repeated, a little more strongly. His mother gave him a strange look. Emotions danced in his chest. He couldn't tell what they were, even which ones were his own.
"Your grandmother gave you that name. It's a family name. It belongs to you."
"It's- it's a beautiful name." he stammered, a bit of his confidence waning, "But it's not my name. My name is Jasper."
He could feel irritation beginning to brew, alongside a nebulous sort of confusion. He didn't know what to make of it. He decided to stand his ground.
"Mom, I-"
"Was I not good enough?" his mother blurted. Jasper blinked, confused at the question. His mother sighed - without his sense, he'd have assumed it was disappointment. And it was disappointment... but not towards him. Jasper's mother pressed her lips together, choosing her words. "Did I not raise you right? Should I have raised you as a boy?"
"You didn't know, Mom, it's- it's okay." he tried, "You didn't know, but now you do, and-"
"I'm sorry I wasn't a perfect mother to you. I'm sorry I did something wrong."
Funny how I'm sorry could sound so little like an apology. His mother had always been awfully good at casting blame. Casting blame, claiming all the sympathy in the room for herself, never letting another person speak their mind. It had taken Jasper a very long time to realize other people's parents weren't like that.
The only thing that kept Jasper from wilting was the anger stiffening his muscles. It didn't even need to be an argument. It didn't need to be about her. All it was was his fucking name. Basic decency. He'd thought she could look past her ego for that much.
"I don't need you to be perfect!" he blurted, though he winced at the way his voice cracked. He felt tears rising behind his eyes. "Just- please, for once in your life, listen to me!"
"I just want to understand what happened to my daughter!"
"I'm not your daughter!" he shouted, unable to help himself. Something sharp and surprised, verging on painful, darted through his chest. He could see it written all over his mother's face. Regret flooded him so intensely he almost couldn't breathe. "Mom, that's- that's not what I meant. I'm your child, I'll always be your kid, but I'm- I'm not your daughter."
He didn't know how a simple conversation about his dad's old records had spiraled out of control so fast. His heart beat so heavily he could hear the blood rushing in his ears.
His mother didn't speak. It was worse when she didn't. Finally, she let out a long-suffering sigh.
"Jasper." she echoed, with something like disdain coloring her voice, "What do you want me to say?"
"I don't..." Jasper mumbled, "I don't know."
Without another word, he turned and left the room.
With tears now freely streaming down his face, Jasper ducked into his dad's old office and sat down on the floor. Boxes of weathered LPs surrounded him, and dust motes caught the sunlight that streamed in from the windows.
He let out a shaking sigh, flipping through the records and watching the album art blur into smears of color past his tears. Really, he knew it was going to end like that. It was how his mother treated a lot of things - anything that didn't perfectly align with how she wanted the world to run, he thought. He'd known from the beginning that there were only two options for that conversation to end: she'd brush it aside, refuse to care, or she would flip it into a plea for sympathy.
But knowing and hoping were never really the same. He wanted things to have turned out right.
As if on some cosmic cue, Jasper's phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out, his glimmer of annoyance melting into something a little softer when he saw Kyle's name on the screen.
How's the visit with your mom? Received 3:44 PM
Jasper huffed out a sharp breath, swiping a hand angrily across his eyes.
Bad Delivered 4:16 PM
Kyle's response came in hardly a moment later, accompanied by a brief flicker of concern behind Jasper's heart.
Want to talk abt it? Received 4:16 PM
No Delivered 4:16 PM
Just wish I was there with you Delivered 4:17 PM
Me too Received 4:17 PM
Jasper's fingers hovered over the keyboard, but he couldn't figure out what to say. Eventually he sighed and gave up, tucking his phone back into his pocket. It buzzed only a minute or two later.
He opened the message and found a picture of a dog - a puppy, either an Australian shepherd or something similar, snapping at a cluster of fallen leaves dropped by a hand just barely in frame. It succeeded in coaxing a smile from him, albeit a faint one.
Neighbors got a new puppy Received 4:19 PM
His name is Ferdinand Received 4:19 PM
The texts were closely followed by a video, slightly warped and blurry from being sent over text, but still clear enough. It showed Ferdinand prancing after a tossed Frisbee, moving in that rambunctious but not-quite-graceful puppy way. Kyle wasn't in the frame, but his voice cheered out from behind the camera.
He's really cute Delivered 4:21 PM
Kyle responded with another picture, this one clearly a flub of what was supposed to be a posed shot. Kyle was crouched beside the dog, one arm around its fluffy back- but Ferdinand had jumped up onto his knee and was stretching to lick his face. The picture showed Kyle mid-laugh, both of them slightly blurry. It got a wider smile from Jasper, and his fingers danced across his phone screen.
Not as cute as you are though Delivered 4:22 PM
He felt a flicker of soda-pop amusement bubble through his chest, accompanied by something warm and comforting. He'd always been grateful for his odd little link with Kyle, but now more than ever. At least he had someone on his side - someone who'd never doubted, never faltered, never questioned even when he still didn't understand.
Jasper let out a low sigh, forcing himself to exhale his lingering emotions. His fingers itched for movement, and he found himself flipping again through the box of old records. He'd seen them all before, knew his well-worn favorites and those he always skipped past. But this time he paused, stalling on the image of a night sky overlaid by a silver longsword. Despite everything, it made him smile. He reached for his phone and snagged a quick picture.
Look what i found in my dad's old records Delivered 4:25 PM
Kyle responded almost immediately, a bloom of warmth filling Jasper's chest just as the message went through.
Toto!! Received 4:25 PM
Give it a listen for me :) Received 4:25 PM
Jasper managed a fragment of a smile. Broken, shattered, but... almost there.
I will Delivered 4:26 PM
He blew dust off the record, flipped it over and scanned the list of songs, anything to occupy his hands or his mind. Jasper briefly glanced at the record player on the bookshelf, just as worn and dusty as the record itself.
No. He'd do one better.
He was taking this one with him. Not all of them, not even the heavy rock he'd promised, just this one. His mother wouldn't even notice the loss. There had to be a hundred records in his dad's collection. Even Jasper couldn't list them all.
She wouldn't even notice it was gone. And Jasper would hang onto a little piece of his dad's heart.
Before he even realized it, his fingers were dancing across his phone again.
Would it be easier if I was a girl? Delivered 4:33 PM
Brief pause. Uncertainty, mild confusion, swirled through Jasper's chest like bubbles in a lava lamp.
Would what be easier? Received 4:33 PM
Us Delivered 4:34 PM
Idk Delivered 4:34 PM
Dating me Delivered 4:34 PM
Another brief pause. Another uneasy drift of confusion, this one tinged with cool blue concern. There was something else there too, something Jasper had learned to identify as longing. Kyle wished he was there, that they could talk face-to-face, that he could mend whatever wrongs he could clearly sense that Jasper was struggling with.
The response went through a moment later.
Are you a girl right now? Received 4:35 PM
No Delivered 4:35 PM
Then no Received 4:35 PM
I like you better when you're being yourself Received 4:35 PM
Jasper almost sighed with relief. There was no waver in Kyle's sincerity. Not that there ever really was. It made things better, though doubt and hatred still prickled across his skin.
But would it be easier Delivered 4:37 PM
There was a longer pause, like Kyle was choosing how to respond. Jasper hardly moved, staring at the phone in his hands and the album in his lap.
Maybe Received 4:39 PM
Technically I guess Received 4:39 PM
But I don't want it to be easier like that. I want you to be happy w who you are. Even if it means we have to deal with bible belt bullshit sometimes. I love you Jazz Received 4:40 PM
Jasper's fingers twitched across the little keyboard, typing out another message.
Are you sure?
But he shook his head and deleted it. He knew Kyle was sure. He could sense it as well and clearly as he could feel his own heartbeat. He couldn't have doubted Kyle if he tried. Sometimes his sense really was a lovely thing.
In the silence that followed as Jasper failed to respond, his phone buzzed again in his hand. He glanced down at it.
And hey just think next year we'll have our own apartment. Won't have to leave on the breaks Received 4:42 PM
Eight more months Jazz Received 4:42 PM
Hang in there Received 4:42 PM
Love you <3 Received 4:43 PM
Jasper forced himself to take in a long breath and let it out, nearly coughing as he inhaled more dust than air. Kyle was right. Just a few more months of this, and then they'd have their own place in the city. A safe place. No more judgement, no more invasive questions, no more abuses of privacy and hands where they didn't belong. They'd both be safe.
Eight more months. A few more weekends, one more holiday break, one more summer. Then it would be just him and Kyle. Then... all of this would be a little easier.
He could make it through eight more months.
I know Delivered 4:45 PM
Hanging in there Delivered 4:45 PM
Love you too <3 Delivered 4:45 PM
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sweeethinny · 2 years
Jilytober - Day 31
Writing letters to the other - day thirty one
ok we finally reached the end there on the first day I really didn't expect to be able to write for every day, but I'm so glad I did!!! I hope you liked it as much as I did, and soon I'll update the list with every day and maybe put it on the AO3! thanks to @jilytoberfest for this, it was so much fun creating so much content about them! enjoy this jily friendship at Hogwarts
''Things are messed up around here. Mum and Tuney had a fight last night and I think Dad was annoyed that they ended up with dinner. Christmas will be tense and I'm seriously considering making an excuse and staying in my room reading and listening to music. Who knows, maybe fake an illness?
But tell me, how are you there?
Lily Evans''
''You're always invited to my house, I didn't lie when I said I wanted you here for Christmas. Dad bought Sirius a piano, so ever since we arrived, I've been forced to listen to him play—and he plays well! I'm getting a haircut tomorrow, wish me luck, I don't intend to look ugly, but if I do, will you still be my friend or will you be ashamed of me?
James Potter''
‘’I will be ashamed of you. I want to hear Sirius play, I can't imagine what he looks like playing the piano, I always thought he would prefer a guitar. Is the proposal still sup? I know it's been three days since your letter, but it's just that things are really tense around here... Petunia decided it was my fault for their fight, because mum is nervous about the whole war thing… Anyway… Maybe it's true? I don't know. But if you can't accept me, that's fine, I don't think anyone will mind too much if I'm locked in my room.
Lily Evans.''
''Sirius and I are coming to get you, pack your bags.
Ps: I didn't get ugly, I'm even more beautiful, which may seem difficult but it's true :) Ps²: How do you feel about receiving a gift? (I already bought it actually, so it's more to let you know because I know you're a little crazy about these things :))) you'll like it... I hope)
Pssssssss: He only talks about you, so please come spend Christmas with us so he looks less like a stray dog, because that's my job. We're really going to pick you up, and maybe this letter will come even after us, James would really move the world to see you happy.
James Potter & Sirius Black.''
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