positivelyqueer · 5 months
Hi people with chronic dandruff, psoriasis, eczema or any other skin conditions which cause dryness and flaking. I hope you’re having nice, low pain or pain free days. Know that you don’t have to access treatment you don’t want or that doesn’t benefit you for the sake of other people’s comfort. You are amazing.
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i hope everyone with acne, eczema, vitiligo, psoriasis, dermatitis, dermatillomania, and skin conditions have a good day today
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genderqueerdykes · 1 month
had an appointment with the disability determination evaluator- it got cancelled because I had missed the previous one while I was homeless and without a way to receive mail reliably. they didn't tell me, or my lawyer about that... i ended up going out there for no reason, they would not even attempt to see me despite the fact that i was present, and that i was not going to miss this one just because I could not give them an address to mail paperwork to.
disability in the US is a very long and arduous process. be patient with people who are applying. it's been 2 years for me now. we're almost done we just have to reschedule because they didn't tell us they didn't feel confident accepting that appointment due to previous missed appointments but instead i wasted my time going across town to ... not get evaluated. they didn't even help me reschedule. i asked if they could and they told me to call the number i had called to schedule. what number that is, i don't know, my lawyer did that, not me...
it's all a mess. for the longest time i thought they just dropped my case altogether. it's exhausting. be patient with disabled people who are in the process of applying for benefits- we want it to go by faster, too.
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unfilteredrealities · 25 days
Hey Google , how to not beat yourself up for being chronically ill and how to still be compassionate with yourself when it’s very hard to do so? 😭
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chronicillnesshumor · 3 months
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the-rest-is-silenc3 · 9 months
i hate that it’s seen as ok for people to make fun of skin conditions
this includes skin conditions that are caused/exacerbated by poor hygiene btw
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caintooth · 1 year
shout out to my fellow bitches with skin conditions in impossible to hide places! my psoriasis forms around my eyebrows and beneath my nostrils. doesn’t stop me from being cool and sexy
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wheresernie · 1 year
Hey if you have big noticeable rashes/hives due to eczema, psoriasis, or even allergies, or for any reason at all: I love you. You deserve to exist in public. You don't have to cover up to make other people more comfortable.
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thechronicpaingame · 4 months
Today I learned about achenbach syndrome! Ive always had this weird thing with my hands where I get this like spiky pain and it hurts to touch the skin and later on it's bruised (on the inside of my fingers). So when it happened today I decided to have a Google and voila! It's nothing exciting, I just find it so interesting when I find something that's like, oh yeah it's definitely that haha. Medical stuff is my specialist interest and I think always will be haha.
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stargirlie-sharon · 13 days
ok i should put this out there so people who are following me/my mutuals are aware, or even people who are just passing by and don't know me
i'm chronically ill, diagnosed with psoriasis, an auto-immune skin condition (which i really hate a lot). it's been getting rough for me and honestly my mental state isn't the greatest rn
i'm experiencing a flare up rn. and my skin hates itself so it just decides "hey, i'm gonna fuck up this person's appearance and make them insecure for as long as they have this condition" or something, and usually when my skin clears up, it's still most likely going to come back
so um while you're here, would you mind giving me a few words of encouragement? i kind of need it rn.
and if you know anyone with any chronic conditions, disabilities, invisible illnesses, or anything of the sort, just be there for them and give them support, it might mean the world to them
thank you for reading <3
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fleshwizard · 7 months
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science doodles done at the lab during reunions
tertiary lymphoid structures
flow cytometry
leucocytes (back of the sketchbook)
neuroendocrine carcinoma
cellular leiomyoma
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bipedalembarrassment · 2 months
Have to vent somewhere or I'll go insane:
Does anyone else have issues with people with much less debilitating illnesses/symptoms trying to act like they experience the same level of disability/pain/all round awfulness as you?
Maybe the sickness is making me petty but one of my close friends/housemate is doing my head in.
She has endo (which no invalidation to endo warriors I know its incredibly painful and has lots of awful symptoms) but she got surgery for it years ago which is meant to (and did) make it much better and from her own account and from living with her I know for a fact she very rarely has any pain or fatigue or other symptoms from it anymore.
She's also able to work a physical labour job 3+ times a week and on top of that goes out and does things (runs errands, sees friends) constantly and in her spare time will garden/mow/move furniture around/do a bunch of errands and what have you.
In comparison between the extreme levels of pain and chronic fatigue I experience I'm unable to work, am able to leave the house maybe once a month if I'm lucky (and have to recover for days afterwards) same goes for things like gardening, if I were to do what she does in a day I'd be in bed for four.
Many days I struggle to even feed myself or clean my pets litter tray.
I've had ankylosing spondylitis without knowing for 8 odd years now and then the onset of the full blown psoriatic arthritis symptoms about 3 years ago now (when I was 25) completely destroyed my life and I still struggle daily with the grief process and ofc with the regular struggles of being constantly exhausted and fatigued and sick and in pain.
I have to use a walker if I leave the house and I'm just all round having an awful time and am pretty damn disabled.
I had to quit a job I loved and the idea of me being able to work with how sick I am is laughable.
Anyway I'm just so frustrated because she'll literally spend the day out doing errands, come home and garden (as a hobby not necessity) and do a bunch of chores and things and while she's doing it will literally tell me and our other (also disabled) housemate how fatigued she is and in conversations will basically assert that her experiences of fatigue and chronic illness are the same as mine.
She very very very rarely extends me any sympathy or checks in on me or offers to like grab me some groceries or anything when running errands (my car broke down and as I can't work I cant afford a replacement, PT is completely inaccessible to me) yet when she has any mild medical issue or needs to go get a medical test or something (something I obviously have to do regularly & never get support for) she will literally like have other friends over to take care of her, complain about it constantly, tell us how depressed she is, make multiple people come to her medical appointments with her (without giving too much away she recently had a medical issue that was potentially worrying, but turned out to be best case scenario, had a small procedure where she didn't have to go under or anything and only had to recover 1 day before going back to work. The results all turned out to be good, the procedure treated the issue and she now takes medication to prevent it coming back.
The entire time she went on and on about it constantly, made multiple people go to all her appointments with her (complained about how sick she was of all the testing/medical admin when she had to go see like 2 Drs, which y'know maybe don't say that in front of your friend who has had to do that constantly for 3 years without any support or sympathy from you and who is constantly being gatekept and gaslit by said system), she also like googled how rare the condition is (which sure interesting) and then multiple times told my other housemate and I and our friends about how rare it is in like this weird almost like bragging or like "see how sick I am" way.
She spent days telling us how depressed she was from all the medical stuff etc.
I really hate playing the suffering olympics and ofc dont want my friend to be sad or struggling so I attended appointments with her and was/still am sympathetic towards her and was like bringing her drinks and things when she asked or coming and hanging out with her in her room when she'd message and say she was depressed.
Like I really don't like playing the "I have it worse than you games" but I am factually much more disabled than she is and she knows this as she refers to herself as chronically ill and not disabled so it just does my fucking head in that she is living with me every day, having the levels of ability, mobility, energy, access and painlessness I could only dream of and she still invalidates me (and our other disabled housemate) constantly by bringing up her medical issues (for instance I just mentioned that I think I'm getting strep throat for the second time this month and instead of showing me any sympathy she brings up how she kept getting tonsilitis years ago when she recovered from glandular fever) whenever I bring up mine and acting like illnesses she's had in the past and doesn't experience any (or only a few) symptoms of nowadays (does this with lots of things, like when she was sick from iron deficiency years ago too) mean theyre like points on her illness check card and means our experiences are the same???
Like she's very much your classic "oh everyones tired" or like will say "I'm so exhausted" while actively running around using heaps of energy on hobbies/fun activities and will then pretend thats the same as chronic fatigue.
Also on top of almost never showing me any sympathy or concern or doing anything supportive for me she's multiple times joked about me being lazy or complained at me for not hanging out with her when I've been stuck in bed.
Has also made comments about like how lucky I am to sleep all day or whatever and idk just frequently doing these ableist microaggressions or just being generally insensitive as fuck and I'm getting really frustrated with it.
Anyone else had this problem of like people who are just straight up factually a lot less disabled than you are trying to act like this and being invalidating af??
Anyway big angry rant probably no one but me will read but fuck youuuu to my friend for being unsupportive and invalidating and shit while my lifes been permanently changed for the negative.
Its almost like cause I'm sick, fatigued and/or in pain every single day I'm not allowed to be upset or get sympathy or support or complain about it because its "too much" or gotten boring or something.
Guess what? I'm fucking bored too
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My orthostatic hypotension has been flaring up a lot lately and Mandana has been doing so good I thought I should bring her along today.
She did really well at the Rheumatologist. She didn’t move at all when I was getting my blood pressure taken or blood drawn. She was a lot more relaxed and only tried to get up to say hi to the doctor once. I’m glad I kept this appointment despite doing really well on the Methotrexate/Enbrel combo. I didn’t think I was having any notable side effects but I mentioned how weird it was that my belly button has been getting infected after my injections and she knew right away that it was probably a psoriasis flare. I’ve had suspicions in the past but never serious enough to seek out a diagnosis and I certainly didn’t think it was related to this. She wants me to go to urgent care next time it happens so they can test it.
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After my appointment we stopped by Whole Foods. She’s out of practice but Mandana has always been really good about navigating stores. Low blood pressure affects my ability to think so it took me a while to realize & accept that she was alerting to my blood pressure but she was very persistent. She worked through it and got her point across with very clear and consistent alerts. We quickly made our way out of the store so I could rest in the car before driving home.
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This is her “I’m right. You’re wrong.” face 🥲
I recently got some watermelon body spray and she’s been following me around trying to eat it so I got her some watermelon as a reward for a job well done today.
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unfilteredrealities · 2 months
Struggling with Psoriasis since I am 2 years old is a different kind of hell I do not wish upon anyone not even to my enemies.
Each goddamn year when winter season hits my body decides to go BRRR in Flare.
Each summer my body partially decides ok let’s be sort of ok and let’s heal but not completely so she can’t wear short pants in summer due to deep rooted shame.
I got bullied in school being called a “contagious Monster” due to my Autoimmune Disorder.
I have trauma still from that to the point I can’t wear short pants because I’m too ashamed and scared that people would not want to be around me anymore.
I see people stare at my legs whenever I wear flowy pants in summer that when a gust of wind blows it reveals my legs and they will stare.
Im chronic in pain and agony and fatigued due to my body constantly fighting against itself against its own skin. Its 24/7 growing too much skin as if it feels pressured to change my whole skin layer not every 7 years but faster 😭
Be kind to people who have skin issues they can’t control.
Be nicer. Don’t be an ass.
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creepychippy · 1 year
"I have an autoimmune Disease which affects my Skin by creating red, itchy Patches with white, dead Skin Cells on them."
- acceptable Explanation
- very informative
"Where ever I go, I spread a tiny bit of Death along with me."
- ominous
- makes you seem like a badass mini Version of the Grim Reaper
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diet-hoela · 3 months
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Body positivity or whatever
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