happyprincesscycle · 1 month
Grump and Pupp
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Pairings: Grumpy!Billy Butcher x Sunshine!Reader
Summary: Billy Butcher and the reader with the Shrek and Donkey dynamic. Basically Butcher is a grumpy old man and you are like a cute puppy yapping and following him everywhere and no matter how much he tries to get you off of his ass you just can't seem to get a hint.
(Recently rewatched Shrek and he reminded me of Butcher lol. I thought a dynamic like that would be so funny with him so I gave butch a sweet yapping friend who he cannot get rid of)
Billy Butcher was no stranger to solitude. In fact, he preferred it that way—peace and quiet, no one to answer to, no one to bother him. But that all went out the window the day you stumbled into his life, a young, bright-eyed, relentlessly cheerful force of nature that had somehow decided he was your new best friend.
He didn’t know how it happened. One moment he was alone, enjoying a quiet pint at his favorite dingy pub, and the next, there you were, plopping down beside him like you belonged there, chatting away like you’d known him for years.
“You look like someone who could use a friend,” you’d said with a grin, as if that explained everything.Butcher had glared at you, silently willing you to leave. But you didn’t take the hint—in fact, you didn’t seem to notice the hint at all.
And from that moment on, it was like you’d attached yourself to him with some sort of invisible leash, following him everywhere, talking his ear off, and generally driving him up the wall.
“Oi, Butcher! You ever think about getting a pet?” you asked one day as the two of you wandered through the city, your voice as bubbly as ever. “I bet you’d be great with a dog! Or maybe a cat—they’re more independent, like you. But then again, cats can be kinda grumpy, and you’re already grumpy enough…”
Butcher stopped in his tracks, spinning around to face you. “Will you just shut it for five bloody minutes?”You blinked at him, your smile never wavering.
“Sure! But can I just say one more thing?”
He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You’re gonna say it anyway, aren’t you?” “Yep!” you chirped. “I was just thinking, wouldn’t it be fun if we had a secret handshake? Like, something really complicated with lots of fist bumps and twirls—oh, and maybe a little dance at the end! It’d be our thing, you know?”
Butcher stared at you, wondering how in the hell you’d managed to survive this long. “A secret handshake? You’re serious?”
“As serious as a heart attack!” you replied, nodding eagerly. “Come on, let’s come up with one right now!”
Butcher rubbed his face, feeling the last of his patience slipping away. “Listen, I ain’t got time for handshakes or dances or any of this bollocks. I’ve got a job to do, and you’re just in the way.”
You frowned for the first time, looking genuinely confused. “In the way? But I’m helping, aren’t I? I mean, who else is gonna keep you company while you do… whatever it is you do?”
Butcher opened his mouth to retort, but the words died on his tongue. You were right—well, sort of. He didn’t need company, but for some reason, you’d stuck around longer than anyone else ever had. And despite himself, he couldn’t completely hate it. Not that he’d ever admit that, of course.
“Look,” he said, trying to sound as stern as possible. “I’m a dangerous bloke, alright? People who get close to me end up gettin’ hurt. You’d do well to bugger off while you still can.”
You just grinned at him, completely unfazed. “Dangerous, shmangerous! I’m not going anywhere, Best friends stick together, Butcher!”
Butcher let out a long, suffering sigh. “Christ, you’re like a bloody tick…”
But despite his grumbling, he found himself continuing down the street, with you happily tagging along beside him, yapping away about something or other.
And as much as he tried to tune you out, he couldn’t help but catch bits and pieces of your chatter.
“—and then we could get matching jackets! Maybe something with skulls on the back, or flaming swords! Oh, and we definitely need a cool team name. How about ‘Butcher’s Team’? Or maybe ‘The Butcher Bunch’? No, wait! I’ve got it—‘The Grump and The Pup’!”
Butcher shook his head, half-amused despite himself. “You’re a right pain in the arse, you know that?”
“Yep!” you replied cheerfully. “But you love me anyway.”He scoffed, but there was no heat behind it.
“Keep tellin’ yourself that, sunshine.”
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archangeldyke-all · 10 months
i have to interfere and put in a butch mechanic Sevika request (plss <33)🥸
i'm drooling
men and minors dni
imagine her exposed arms covered in grease and oil, aWOOga
or sevika in coveralls, the buttons undone just enough for you to see the top of her cleavage, the arms rolled up around her forearms, a rag over her shoulder. bye i gtg take a cold shower...
ok ok sorry i got distracted with visuals there.
you pop your tire on your way to work, a horrible BANG echoing in your car as you hit a pothole head on.
you nearly cry when you see the tire, completely deflated.
luckily, your boss is understanding.
you call a tow truck and have them take you to the nearest mechanic (and it ends up being the best decision of your life)
the woman who greets you looks like an angel.
a handsome, grease stained angel.
you miss the first few things she says to you, way too busy ogling her to understand much beside the lovely rasp of her voice. her coveralls are embroidered with her name in a lovely red thread. sevika.
you blink at her.
"sorry?" you say. she laughs.
"no worries. lots of people are still shaken up from their accidents when they get here." she says. you blink, then nod, taking the excuse. "it'll be about three hours before we can get to your car. i took a quick look at it-- it just needs a new tire, shouldn't be much more damage than that. you're welcome to stay here until we get to it, or have someone pick you up."
"i'll stay." you don't really have a choice, you're essentially stranded at the shop until you get your car back. plus, it doesn't hurt that you'll get to watch the woman work all day.
it ends up being much more torturous than you anticipated.
sevika has to know what she's doing. the way she's grunting and huffing, lugging parts and tools to and from various cars, her nimble fingers fiddling with screws and wires.
you catch yourself subconciously licking your lips as you watch sweat trail down her brow slowly.
when she shucks the top half of her coveralls off and ties the sleeves around her waist, you choke on your tongue at the sight of her arms.
you're so focused on her that you completely miss when she starts working on your car. and you completely miss that she's done with it. you only realize that something must be happening concerning you when she walks over to you.
"you're all good. i'll ring you up at the couter." she says, gesturing to the desk behind her.
you nod and trail after her like a lost puppy.
she walks you through the paperwork and charges, and you pay, surprised at how cheap the whole process was.
you're done, good to go, your car's ready to drive again, but you don't want to leave yet.
you linger by the desk. sevika raises her eyebrow. you gulp.
"do you think i could get your number?" you ask. sevika smiles.
"sure. if anything comes up just give me a call and i'll be happy to--"
"no, not like that. i meant for, like, a date." you say, scratching your neck awkwardly. sevika looks shocked.
"wh-- really?" she asks. you shrug.
"it's not-- you can just tell me to fuck off--"
"no! i mean, yes! i'd love to go out with you i just--" she looks down at herself. "i'm shocked you're into all this." she says, gesturing at her grease covered outfit and body. you laugh.
"i'm... very into it." you say honestly. sevika giggles, then scribbles her number on a piece of paper, handing it to you. you grin.
"text me. i get weekends off, so..." she says.
you bite your lip to keep from squealing until you get into your car.
sevika laughs when after your car door slams, she can hear the faint sound of you celebrating.
"yes! fuck yes, she gave me her number!" you shriek.
she smiles the rest of her shift, that smile turning into a grin when she gets a text from you an hour before she clocks out.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
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campgender · 4 months
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from “Soft Butch” by Nora E. Derrington, published in Fat & Queer: An Anthology (2022)
image description below the cut.
I: Soft
There’s an onomatopoeia to the word. It begins with a sibilant, sinuous, sensual ess, then moves on to a gentle ah that caresses the palate. Then the quick succession of consonants hitting the lips and teeth like a playful kitten batting a toy mouse. The word is a delicacy, smooth and subtle.
As a descriptor, it can be tactile: pliable, cushioned, comfortable. Cotton sheets worn silky smooth. Downy puppy fur. Velvet rose petals drawn across bare skin. But of course, the negative associations slip in quickly: pliable becomes yielding, yielding becomes weak. A soft touch. Soft-hearted. A big softie. An antonym not just for hard but for strong.
For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be strong, to be tough. I didn’t want to be soft. How could I be anything but soft, though, when PE was my worst subject and I was so sensitive that the slightest injustice—Nikki’s mom yelling at me for wearing shoes on Nikki’s waterbed, even though the tell-tale footprint clearly came from Nikki’s shoe—or most mundane tragedy—restless teens dismembering a cheap claw-machine teddy bear in my presence—never failed to make me cry?
II. Butch
More onomatopoeia here, too: a voiced plosive, a deep vowel, three consonants in a row. Similar in feel to “macho”—but subtly different in meaning. Stereotypically masculine. Nothing about me has ever been masculine, so how could I ever be butch?
Dickies pants became the rage when I was in high school. As an alternative-rock aficionado who obsessed over the sound and aesthetics of the movie Singles—it came out when I was 12 and changed my life—I knew I needed them. When I was 16 and had both a job and transportation, I made my way to the local Tillys to snag a pair. The black cotton twill was stiff under my fingers as I stepped into the pants and pulled them up.
The Dickies pulled against my hips, uncomfortably snug, and gaped so wide at my waist I could fit a fist between my skin and the cloth. I left the store disappointed. Why did I even bother? “Good, child-bearing hips,” people would tell me, even as an adolescent. I resigned myself to a presentation that never quite matched the ideal in my head.
VII. Soft butch
Despite my fitting comfortably under the queer umbrella, I’d never really given all that much thought to the specifics of my gender identity and expression. I met a trans man when I was 24 who used the same nickname I do, which made it easier to see our similarities, but I knew immediately that his path wasn’t mine. Later that year I met someone who epitomizes high femme, and, again, I could immediately see both how perfectly she embodied that expression, and how poorly it would suit me.
The person I thought of at the time as my boyfriend, then my husband, used to joke that I was the man in the relationship— despite my tender heart, my frequent tears, my undeniable softness—but I was more or less content in just knowing what I wasn’t. It seems possible I could have stayed in that liminal place forever, but then when we were in our mid-thirties, my wife came out as trans.
This is not a story of my adapting to my wife being trans. I’d always known we were both queer, and discovering I was married to a woman came more as a pleasant surprise than anything else.
What did happen, though, was that her coming out gave me permission to do more soul-searching, to try to pinpoint my gender identity and ideal gender expression. I first encountered the term “soft butch” in one of those joke “futch scale” charts—the ones that sort musical instruments or tropical fruits on a scale from high femme to stone butch—but it stuck with me. It didn’t seem to be something I was allowed to call myself, though: image searches on Google or Pinterest just led to rows of photos of beautiful slender white people with artful short haircuts and distressed jeans. Lots of Kristen Stewart and Elliot Page and occasionally Justin Bieber. I am definitely too old and too fat to try to emulate those folks! Eventually I lamented on Twitter that I was drawn to the soft butch aesthetic but didn’t know if I could pull it off, given that I’m not thin. I quickly received a slightly baffled but firm response from a genderqueer acquaintance that of course I could. In some ways I’m still a kid, seeking others’ permission to accept myself.
I realize as I write this that I’m wearing what might be my quintessential soft butch outfit—it fits me almost without my trying. Distressed jeans—a pair that I stole from my wife long before she transitioned. They fit my hips and thighs beautifully, which means I have to cinch a belt tight to make them stay up around my waist, but I know how to manage that now. A close-fitting t-shirt celebrating a punk band I’ve seen in concert a good dozen times. Hair pulled back into a messy bun. Fuzzy gray slippers with arch support, because I’m a middle-aged fat person, so of course I have plantar fasciitis. A gentle breath before a firm statement: the perfect mixture of soft and butch.
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candiid-caniine · 1 year
gender euphoria
[cw: this is NOT a detrans/misgendering kink post, but tries to subvert some of those tropes, so please treat it with caution!]
sissy kink blogs DNI
outside the bedroom, i demand respect. i own my pronouns, talk openly about genderqueerness, and flaunt androgyny.
but inside the bedroom...my relationship with gender changes. i'm transsexual in the sense that power dynamics in my sexual relationships directly influence my gender(s). what do i mean by this? i mean i want you to treat my non-conformity as a blank slate on which to project your preferred gender.
i am an "it," first and foremost. but i can be a "she," a "they," or a "he" if so inclined. i can be your butch, your femme, your fag, your twink, your femboy, whatever you want me to be.
and i'll resist. that's part of the fun of it: in day-to-day life, i'm most comfortable as an occasionally femme-leaning androgyne. that makes it fun to push back, easy to feel vulnerable, uncomfortable, and a little self-conscious (though not dysphoric) in a different presentation.
i take any pronouns, after all. so butches who love femmes, goad me into skirts, lacy lingerie, makeup, stockings, heels. watch me falter and cling to your side when we go out, feeling like i'm being stared at, unaccustomed to the kind of attention high-femmes usually get. make me show off my cleavage. call me "she" exclusively without switching. call me a good girl, call me a princess, make me suck your cock like a good little wife. force me to grow my hair out for you, yes, the undercut, too, and watch me get fussy and flustered at the unwelcome sensory input of it touching my neck. get me long acrylics, watch me fumble at everything requiring the use of my fingers; step in to help, coo over your clumsy girl - it's basically like mitting a puppy, isn't it?
if you prefer masc partners, get me a binder. watch me squirm at the compression. get me on a workout regimen to bulk up, even; spend a lot of time proving to me that no matter how fit i get, you'll always overpower me. no more cutesy hair clips, no more high-waisted jeans, or skirts, or femme-ish jewelry: make me your boyfriend. coach me into talking in a lower register. order T for me off the dark web, admire my stubble and my bottom growth. if you top, fuck me in the ass exclusively. if you bottom, get me the strap that best reflects your preferences. i'd even get top surgery, as long as you're paying~
or mix the two. make me your femboy. get me a packer, but also dresses. nitpick me over the right mix of boy-as-girly, watch me get more and more desperate to please your expectations, until at last i'm just surrendering my wardrobe to you, losing confidence in my ability to dress "properly." call me a good boy, your pretty little prince. i'm even okay with the gentle kind of goading, the presentation-shaming, calling me soft, saying i'm not dressing like a real man, if that's what you want.
or just lean in fully to the genderless thing that i want to be in the bedroom, but make it be all the time. what does an "it/its" look like? when your gender is pet, how do you present in public? well, that's up to you. maybe it's the most revealing clothes you can find, or simply the most embarrassing: underwear and pants that are a bit too small, riding up my ass and cunt constantly. shirts with slogans like "young, dumb, and full of cum" or "clown school graduate." anything that makes other people think i'm ditzy, impressionable, and silly, or don't know my own wardrobe sizes. collars, 24/7, are, of course, mandatory. maybe cuffs, too.
the whole time, watch me be unsure as my androgyny is picked apart, more and more of my core gender identity bent to your whims. watch me automatically start to seek your approval on any piece of clothing or jewelry i own. i'll start letting you speak to the hairdresser at salons, giving up any autonomy i have over my own hairstyle. you could take me to a piercer or a plastic surgeon or a tattoo artist, tell them what you want me to look like, and i'll sign the consent forms. treat my lack of gendered presentation as a clean slate, free for you to write your mark all over. make me your creature. as if i wasn't already.
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bre-meister · 11 months
I wrote a little prequel/add on to this little ditty a while back and just remembered that I never posted it so here y’all go!
He feels weird standing outside this stately house. He’s nervous and Butch Jojo is many things but nervous is not unusually found on that list. However in this case it made sense for him to be nervous. Butch was a high ranking member of the most notorious crime family in the city. He had a reputation and with such a reputation came loathing - usually from smaller gangs and wannabe criminals. However, no one in town hated him more than John Utonium. How unfortunate then that Butch somehow managed to fall in love with his daughter.
So here he was, nervous as he knocked on the door of the man who hated his guts more than anything. Here to… actually, Butch wasn’t exactly sure what he was here to do. Ask? Inform, maybe. At the base of everything he guess he was here for Buttercup.
He was still contemplating his reasons for visiting when the front door finally opened. The two men shared a look of disdain and for a moment, Butch thought the older man might slam the door in his face. The door stays open, but he doesn’t exactly invite him in either.
“What are you doing here?” He finally decides on.
“I’m here to speak with you sir. About your daughter,” Butch tries to sound as respectful as possible. He’s not a fan of the look of contempt on John’s face but showing his usual attitude back would only make things worse.
“Have you finally come to your senses? Are you here to tell me you’re going to keep my daughter out of the…business your family runs?” There is thinly veiled hope in the questions and Butch almost feels bad for the guy.
“Unfortunately, sir, you and I both know I’m not forcing Buttercup to do anything. She could leave me and my family at any point in time. She chooses to stay which actually brings me to why I’m here. I’m going to ask her to marry me.”
“Absolutely not.” The response is quick. So quick Butch had barley gotten the words out.
“Excuse me?”
“If you’ve come here to ask me for my daughters hand in marriage the answer is a staunch no! I do not want my little girl anywhere near you or your dangerous life. The thought of her marrying you is laughable!”
“Well sir if you think I’m here to ask permission to marry your daughter then you are sorely mistaken.” Butch is trying to be respectful, he really is. This man is making it hard as hell though. Laughing in his face? Who does he think he is?
“I’m only here to inform you of my plans out of respect.” Butch continues, “wether or not the marriage occurs is up to one person and that’s Buttercup.”
“Well, I suppose shes an adult who can make her own decisions.” John doesn’t seem too happy at the prospect of said decision however.
“I hope that she will say yes. I also hope that if she does… you’ll be able to accept it. Buttercup’s family means a lot to her, you mean a lot to her and if what you said about choosing between me and you is true? Sir I don’t think you understand how much this is killing her.”
“And I don’t think you understand how much this is killing me, Mr. Jojo. She may be an adult but she is still my daughter, my little girl. I’m supposed to protect her from anything that could hurt her and the largest danger to her future is you. I cannot stand by and allow her to throw everything away on some puppy love. I doubt you’d understand. Maybe one day if you have children - a daughter of your own- you’ll get it. Hopefully those children will be of no relation to me.”
For a moment, Butch is stunned. It’s not something that happens often and John Utonium should be proud that he was able to leave Butch Jojo speechless.
John takes advantage of Butch’s lack of words and adds,
“If you love her as much as you claim, you wouldn’t drag her down with you. Please never come to my home again.”
And with that, the door closes in his face. Butch stands there for a moment before turning around and heading down the block to his car. He’d parked a few houses over so John wouldn’t see him pull up. It gave him the advantage of surprise as well as extra time to think through what he’d say.
He was disappointed to say the least. He’d hoped that maybe the old scientist would change his mind. That he wouldn’t really make his daughter pick. But he was stuck in his ways and selfish.
But so was Butch. John was right about one thing, his love for Buttercup should have lead to him pushing her away for her own good. But that’s what good men did and Butch was not a good man. He had many people’s blood on his hands and he was selfish too. So selfish that he was - no is - willing to risk Buttercups relationship with her family if it meant keeping her for himself.
In the end it didn’t matter if he was selfish or selfless. Both he and her father would be fools to think that either of them could decide BC’s future for her. Only she would do that. And Butch has a sinking suspicion that If pushed, she would choose him over her father any day. Butch had to admit that a small, sick part of himself took pride in that.
He hates that it had to come to this but it seems the old man couldn’t be swayed. At the very least it seemed her sisters were coming around to the idea of he and Buttercup being together. And if they didn’t, then he would be her family now and they’ll make a new life out there, together.
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lafemmemacabre · 11 months
Puppy updates:
She's officially gone through her FIFTH growth sprout, if not the sixth. Her legs are insanely long, her torso is longer too, and so is her snout. No more flat puppy face.
She lost her puppy breath.
She's shedding her fluffy and stringy puppy fur for much silkier fur that sits tightly against her body.
She's VERY SLOWLY calming down.
She's acting less anxious, especially regarding my butch leaving for work some days of the week.
She refuses to understand what "NO" means, but understands perfectly well what "¿Abajo?" (Down?) means, which is due to her being secretly extremely displeased with any loneliness and in even more extreme need of attention, and "¿Abajo?" is what I say to her when she misbehaves while she's in bed and she knows it means if she doesn't stop what she's doing I'm putting her back on the floor and she can't climb onto our bed on her own.
She's DESTROYED my black cat slippers. They were new. They look like I've been wearing them non-stop for two years. No, I don't even leave them on the floor, she just bites them while I'm wearing them with every bit of wrath that her tiny body can contain. I've also never seen her hold as much peace as she did the one and only time she had me so exhausted that I just let her have one of my slippers and she took it to her bed to tear the bitch apart.
I have never used these many paper towels in my life, and all within less than a month. A 100m roll doesn't last us over 3 days. I feel bad for the environment, like, for once I'm back to feeling I'm contributing to the problem as much as big corps.
She's broken not one but TWO wifi cables that connect the router to our power source, and she broke the optical fiber cable from the internet source itself as well. :) All of that has cost us a lot of money. :)
She's SUCH a massive coward. Every time she hears another dog in the floor's hallway she whines. The other day we took her with us when we ran a short errand so we wouldn't leave her alone since she has major separation anxiety and oh my God. She was trembling and literally pissing herself. WE WERE CARRYING HER PRINCESS STYLE THE WHOLE TIME, MIND YOU.
She's so smart yet so stupid at the same time.
She's eaten so much plastic, cardboard and paper of various kinds, but mostly toilet paper. No, it's not that we just let her roam freely without us paying her much attention. SHE'S JUST SO FAST AND RELENTLESS.
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"Painkillers. I think I must have taken every pill short of the ones they use for birth control. I mean, like, I wouldn't know how to begin to get pregnant, but I could deal with modern technology coming up with a treatment to ease this one pain that won't let me rest in peace sometimes.
I may not be anybody's prize-winning puppy, but I'm all I've got and I like to take good care of the old girl. It took me a long time to understand the kid and get used to my evil ways, but I came around, I like being a butch. I like being with other butches with our nicknames and ball games- women with muscles and pretty faces. I don't believe in bisexuals and cannot for the life of me find a femme. I don't like men and I don't let them fuck me.
For me to live in this man's world, I need some kind of painkiller, something I can pull out at a moment's notice and put between me and the men on the street, because sometimes, I could really kill 'em. They're just the foulest beasts walking on two feet and they're always in packs, just like dogs. It wouldn't be so bad if the women that like them so much would keep them on leashes, curb them, and shoot the strays, but the dudes be all over the place pissing and dropping their turds every which way. And even faggots piss on trees.
So, like, between the men and the dogs, I need some way to keep the weight off my head. I live in New York City, and we dykes may be everywhere like the t-shirts and buttons say, but there aren't that many of us running around loose and free. And I get tired of watching my back and front, and having to look sideways because these men are so damn crazy.
It's not like there's a neighborhood or a space that's all our own where we could have gone to, hung out at, and worked through our growing pains as baby butches. I guess a lot of us learned our ways alone and in secret and we still come out with all the different styles of butches. I really dig on how I can always tell another butch, even if she's in straight drag.
I know for me, I used to read a lot of books. They had this soft-core pornography in the sixties that I gobbled up as a young girl, with titles like Strange Friends, Forbidden Love, The Twilight World, and The Lonely People. On the covers there'd be these women looking very unhappy, like they were yearning for something they'd never be able to have. I could tell just by the titles which books were meant to be about me, and after a while, I knew that if the last page had a man and a woman talking together, it wasn't a happy ending.
It was hard buying the happy endings. I was in my early teens going to the counter with all the shame and fear that the man I'd have to pay would know what I was reading about, and by that, know what it was- something bad, a subject for pornography. I'd sneak the books into the house and wouldn't even want to share them with my brother, who'd been my first and best friend, and is one man I'd kill for still. I'd feel worse about myself, because he and I had always shared our various and assorted treasures like dirty books, but not these: I'd read them by myself under the covers with a flashlight and hide them under my mattress until Friday, when my mother would change the sheets, and on that day, I'd hide my secret life in the closet.
I used to buy the idea that I was "sick." The "sick" theory gave me some whys and wherefores about the way I had to take to bed to learn about what straight boys and girls are able to go find out with each other in alleyways, backyard, parks, and the movies. I didn't know then that what I was reading was truly the perverted version. That pornography was written for straight men- including all the psycho-socio-anthropological scientific bullshit studies on gay women were written by Ph.D.s.
I look back now and see where those books and their ideas rotted my guts and crippled my moral structure. The real crouch and limp came from the drafting of my people - women-loving women- as the whipping girls so that straight society could feel high and holy.
Folks can see the most honorable and upright butch bopping the streets, minding her own business, and they can have a righteous fit over her. We don't have to do anything except be our natural selves and some of these people will think they have a perfect right to use us as toilet paper and then go home to plot us into their fantasies. Men always do this to women any which way: wiping all their mess on some woman who is by herself and they're in a bunch in front of their corner store. After they make their little comments and noises, they're all smiling and at ease and feeling good and cooled out with each other.
If you watch the woman, she looks embarrassed and angry. She feels stupid and she's usually trying to cover that up and pretend that none of it affects her. Now if she's the type of butch who won't calmly take the shit, the men will have to work harder to take it to another level if they want the satisfaction that comes from wiping a person away. They have to go and tell each other that she wants to be a man, or they can act as if they just can't understand "freaks" and how, "If she wants to be a man so bad, why doesn't she come out and fight like one?" Then that dude's brothers can go into their man act and have the pleasure of holding him back from suppposedly going after her ass. They'll be soothing themselves while trying to pull this one and be saying, "Hey, man. You got to be cool, because that is a woman and when she meets the right fella, she'll straighten up and fly right." And he says, "Yeah, man, I just got all beside myself. Bulldaggers and faggots, jim. Hey: you know they both use toilet paper for padding," and they laugh and slap five and their eyes are shining. Their whole beings lighten up. They've jerked off and are relieved.
Okay, that's them. They got to feeling whole and healthy, but the butch-type woman who said, "Fuck y'all. You can keep your shit and kiss my ass behind it," is mad as hell and fit to be tied. She doesn't have anybody on hand that she can make sense to. There's no dog she can kick or make a nigger out of to transfer her shit to, so she's got to carry the load and steam with those juices, sweating it out alone. She probably takes it home and finds it in the mirror in frowns and frustration.
So you can see why I talk about a painkiller. I would like to have a pill that I could share with everybody fair and square. We'd all pop it and come the next day, the streets would be cleared of men, the straight women would loosen up, and the butches would be at least with each other. That's what I would call medical attention for a serious disease that's getting epidemic. I think we should give the afflicted hope: let them know: homophobia can be cured."
"Butch on the Streets, 1981" by Donna Allegra, The Persistent Desire: A Butch/Femme Reader, edited by Joan Nestle (1992)
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Queer / neurodivergent soft SOFT friendships pls
Cis hets DNI pls thx
Hi you can call me by the first letter of my name ‘T’, I’m in my late 20’s, soft butch, trans masc, enby, stone butch, gender blind (in all respects tbh), vegan, artist, writer, researcher, outdoors fanatic, lover of all things nonhuman
My special interests: philosophy specifically/particularly metaphysics, biocentrism and ecosophy aka anything to do with the study of the matter of our universe and all it contains, the absurdity of how matter is essentially based on illusions and tricks, everything non-human , all the connections/symbiotic relationships of natural relationships in the natural world and also spirituality / faith systems and the law of assumption
My social battery and social ways tend to mean I can be amazing socially socially for a select time but then I crash out and disappear to hermit land (depending on how social I was being this could literally mean no internet interaction for months let alone in person) I’m working on this
I go through phases (years/months) of having great genuine soft friendships to absolutely zero and I want to work on this also, currently and perhaps obvious to this post Im in the latter phase. Which means my social skills are probably poor again. One brilliant thing about adhd though is regardless of all the above as soon as I’m vining with someone I’m the joker of the moment bound to make you smile.
Neurodivergent friends: this is actually a category that can be a loophole on my dni aka men as my issues with men I’ve found can sometimes be not a thing at all with someone neurodivergent, I myself have autism, adhd and cptsd. I’ve had close friendships with I swear like every known diagnostic out there haha so don’t feel you have to be apprehensive about this I know how it is and I’m really chill honestly, they are just descriptions to better establish our ep connections right. Also agere in this context is a vibe and we connect on this.
Im really looking to connect with queer poc, queer women, butches, dykes, masculine presenting women, trans lesbians, transmascs
I have a lot of trust issues right now but specifically around men/cis hets,
For in person friendships:
I’m based in the uk, I’m very loyal but to the point I do need to work on it as not to be taken advantage of, I can be quite tactile after trust is established, I, the friend that will always (consensually) pick you up play with your hair give you a back rub or vice versa i love being picked up having hair played with, I also love nature walks, going to queer/poc events, making art/getting crafty, reading (also isn’t it special when you can read in silence with a person or group of persons), friends you can stargaze with or go wild camping are especially close to my heart, despite this post I’m the banter loving playful puppy sort could literally have a conversation that makes zero sense due to its randomness and still have a blast whilst equally get deep on conspiracies and philisophical theories. Also like to binge shows that tend to be, fantasy, lgbt, anime, cartoons, documentaries, crime based, conspiracy based etc
For long distance/online friendships: It could be that we live far apart or you aren’t good with being in person in which case as long as you are the creative writing or rpg sort this could still work, I’ve had friendships that were mainly lived out through back and forth writing creating story experiences to share in worlds we create, or if you are into RPG as this can be similar as long as you are down to teach me the ropes of your game(s) of interest I, down for this, also down to do video calls when we both feel
I will probably end up drawing for you or write you poems lol
Things I think worth noting about me: my literal communication style benefits from CLOSED questions I hate open ended questions as my brain will scan through too many possibilities and uncertainties which can lead to me saying what I think I’m meant to not what I mean, clear and concise communication is great else I overthink or project or misunderstand or get paranoid and probably won’t express this. I sometimes need persistence, like being called, texted a lot in order to start re engaging this actually also helps wit my trust.
I love comics and sorta live off WEBTOON because comics/graphic novels are expensive for how fast you get through them:( particularly obsessed with fantasy stories that entail queer dynamics
I’m happily taken in a relationship so queer couple friendships, friendships with queer families/parents is also great=)
Feel free to message things about you or just message in short as a response or repost if you are looking for similar things and want more people to see/interact all is cool
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redheadbigshoes · 2 years
I really hate to say this (I'm going to post anonymously) but sexual orientation (and attraction) primarily encompasses who you are sexually attracted to and is ultimately based on who you want to be physically intimate with. I know that a lot of people are going to be pissed when they read this like, "How dare you reduce homosexuality to who you want to have s*x with, we get persecuted for this." But there are a few things I want to clarify.
Firstly, why do we have to reduce physical intimacy in its mechanics? And why do we have to view it so negatively? Who you love carries so many nuances to it. Read any romantic poem by anybody ever and they will tell you that infatuation and longing encompass a feeling of wholeness and completion. It is a basic part of your own humanity.
There are of course people from the ace spectrum, but from what I have seen and read it is not that they hate intimacy entirely (some of them are repulsed by it, and some just don't care about it too much). Some of them can still experience romantic love which, at least to me, is a form of non-physical intimacy that has the same emotions attached to it as physical intimacy.
People of the ace spectrum have their own experiences that are different from a lot of people and when 'bi lesbians' use them as an example to explain 'you can still be attracted to a man even though you are not sexually attracted to them.' It feels like they are taking aces' vocabulary and using it as their own. But, the split-attraction model is not for non-ace people to claim because most of us see romance and sexual attraction as interchangeable and which are both necessary to experience attraction. There are of course literal twelve-year-olds that form relationships but we call that puppy love for a reason.
Now, I am a lesbian which means that I am exclusively attracted to women and some enbies which means that I experience romantic and sexual attraction exclusively to that group. Why? I don't know, just anyone that has enough 'womanly' attributes arouses me. Well, if a man has 'womanly' attributes are you attracted to that too? No, because my brain registers them as a man. This is why I can be attracted to a butch but not a trans man, one is a woman and one is a man. Do you hate men? No, I can still form friendships with them. But isn't platonic attraction also attraction? In some form yes, but platonic attraction, at least to me and a lot of other lesbians (not including ace people), don't view platonic attraction as actual attraction. Do you think men are attractive? Some of them, yes. Is that also not attraction? No, because attraction (in the romantic and sexual sense) encompasses more than who you find pretty, and reducing it to that is kind of insulting.
Honestly, I can go on but I think you get the point. It is just really frustrating that lesbians have to go to such lengths to explain their orientation when it should be obvious by the definition.
You’re very right. And in my opinion finding people attractive is not attraction at all (not aesthetic, not platonic, not sexual, not romantic). Simply finding someone physically beautiful isn’t related to attraction. If we counted finding someone beautiful as attraction the logic would be that we’re somewhat attracted to objects too (because we can find them pretty) which is very incorrect.
We shouldn’t have to explain our attraction, you never see straight men explaining why they’re attracted only to women or straight women explaining why they’re only attracted to men…
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wrestlingisfake · 1 year
AEW Fake Rankings, 9/4/2023
Men's singles division - babyfaces
Bryan Danielson
Kenny Omega
Orange Cassidy
Eddie Kingston (NJPW STRONG champion)
Chris Jericho
Adam Page
Katsuyori Shibata* (ROH pure champion)
HOOK (FTW champion)
Keith Lee
Men's singles division - heels
Jon Moxley (AEW international champion)
Konosuke Takeshita
Samoa Joe (ROH television champion)
Ricky Starks
Claudio Castagnoli (ROH men's world champion)
Jay White
Luchasaurus (AEW TNT champion)
Christian Cage
Powerhouse Hobbs
Juice Robinson
Unranked: AR Fox, Big Bill, Brock Anderson, Dalton Castle, Daniel Garcia, El Hijo del Vikingo (AAA mega champion), Ethan Page, Gravity, Isiah Kassidy, Jake Hager, Komander, Lee Johnson, Metalik*, Nick Wayne, Scorpio Sky, Serpentico, Shawn Spears, Shane Taylor, Swerve Strickland, Tony Nese, Wheeler Yuta
* Not listed on AEW's official roster
Feels like a lot of shakeup here, for a variety of reasons: The departure of CM Punk and the suspension of Jack Perry, MJF and Adam Cole becoming a hot babyface team, the dissolution of Chris Jericho's stable, and multiple guys returning to prominence on Collision.
It might seem weird to rank Danielson as the top babyface when he's clearly part of a heel faction. All I know is everybody loved him at Forbidden Door, and he was clearly playing babyface against Starks this weekend. Does that mean a turn or a breakup in the Blackpool Combat Club's future? I doubt it. Either way, I'm sure Danielson will be back to kicking puppies or whatever soon enough.
It's striking to me how Cassidy and Kingston have risen up through the ranks, but I also think it's worth callint out how pivotal Samoa Joe has become. He's become a fixture on Collision and ROH, and now he's mixing it up with MJF. It's strange to me that he's running around with ROH's midcard title when he's being pushed ahead of Castagnoli. Maybe those two need to face off one of these days.
Men's tag team division - babyfaces
Better Than You Bay Bay - MJF (AEW men's world champion) & Adam Cole (ROH tag team champions)
FTR - Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler (AEW tag team champions)
The Young Bucks - Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson
The Hardys - Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy
Darby Allin & Sting
Best Friends - Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta
Lucha Bros. - Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix
Action Andretti & Darius Martin
The Outrunners - Truth Magnum* & Turbo Floyd*
Men's tag team division - heels
The Gunns - Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn
Aussie Open - Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher
John Silver & Alex Reynolds
Mike Santana & Angel Ortiz
Matt Menard & Angelo Parker
Vincent* & Dutch*
The Wingmen - Peter Avalon & Ryan Nemeth*
* Not listed on AEW's official roster
I'm actually not sure if the Outrunners are supposed to be faces or heels, but I like 'em, so there. I'm also not sure how long Rey Fenix is supposed to be out selling the injury angle from two weeks ago.
Conspicuous by their absence on this list is the Kigndom, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett, who are obviously being set up for a big match with Cole and MJF. At this point I don't see anyone else taking the ROH tag title from the champs, but very little about the Cole/MJF story has gone the way I expected. Maybe they could headline Final Battle in December?
As for the AEW tag title, I assume FTR vs. Gunns is the next step, but there's probably another FTR-Bucks showdown coming sooner or later. If Santana and Ortiz are really sticking together, they need to get back in the title hunt. I suspect Silver and Reynolds are out of the running after losing last night--they'll probably get back to trios matches with Evil Uno.
Men's trios division - babyfaces
Max Caster & Anthony Bowens & Billy Gunn (AEW trios champions)
Bronson* & Boulder* & Jacked Jameson*
Men's trios division - heels
Malakai Black & Brody King & Buddy Matthews
Brian Cage & Bishop Kaun* & Toa Liona* (ROH trios champions)
Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal & Satnam Singh
QT Marshall (AAA Latin American champion) & Johnny TV & Aaron Solo
Kip Sabian & The Butcher & The Blade
* Not listed on AEW's official roster
It's still hard to tell which trios are sticking together long term, and which ones are just thrown together for a couple of matches before going their separate ways again. As it stands, though, we've got a few heel teams for Billy and the Acclaimed to fight for a while. Cage's team has mostly defended their ROH title in glorified squash matches; if they're building them up to be unseated by a serious team, I have no idea when that will happen.
Women's singles division - babyfaces
Britt Baker
Kris Statlander (AEW TBS champion)
Hikaru Shida
Willow Nightingale
Skye Blue
Women's singles division - heels
Saraya (AEW women's world champion)
Athena (ROH women's world champion)
Toni Storm
Ruby Soho
Nyla Rose
Anna Jay
Taya Valkyrie
Mercedes Martinez
Marina Shafir
Unranked: Emi Sakura, The Bunny
The heel side looks very strong until you recall that many of them have only had one televised AEW match all month. Nevertheless, it feels like it's time for some women to turn face, and I suppose the breakup of Storm, Saraya, and Soho will help in that regard. Thing is, the women's roster has more than enough talent to get 10 faces and 10 heels on TV regularly; they just don't for some reason. Maybe if Mercedes Mone comes in that will change, but experience has taught me that it'll take more than that.
Only wrestled in ROH matches in past 30 days: Angelico, Brandon Cutler, Christopher Daniels, Evil Uno, Griff Garrison, Josh Woods, Kiera Hogan, Lee Moriarty, Leila Grey, Leyla Hirsch, Luther, Madison Rayne, Matt Sydal, Shawn Dean
Most of the names here are not what you'd call key players on the weekly ROH shows. In other words, the real backbone of the ROH roster is mostly people wrestlers who aren't exclusive to either brand, like Athena, Willow, Joe, Dalton, etc. That's working out as far as the quality of both brands, but I'm not sure it's a good strategy for establishing a unique brand identity for ROH.
No televised AEW or ROH matches in over 30 days: Abadon, Andrade El Idolo, Anthony Ogogo, Ari Daivari, Colt Cabana, Dustin Rhodes, Harley Cameron, Julia Hart, Lance Archer, Matt Taven, Michael Nakazawa, Mike Bennett, Nick Comoroto, Parker Bordreaux, Penelope Ford, Preston Vance, Red Velvet, Riho, Rush, Sammy Guevara, Serena Deeb, Stu Grayson, Wardlow, Yuka Sakazaki, Zack Clayton
Part-time/semi-retired: Kota Ibushi, Will Ospreay*, Paige Vanzant, Paul Wight, Rebel, Rob Van Dam*, Sonjay Dutt, Stokely Hathaway
* Not listed on AEW's official roster
Bandido (left arm - broken wrist)
Danhausen (right shoulder - pectoralis tear)
Dante Martin (left leg - unspecified injury)
Jack Perry (indefinite suspension)
Jade Cargill (personal leave)
Jamie Hayter (right shoulder - unspecified injury)
Kyle O'Reilly (neck - herniated spinal disc)
Mark Briscoe (knee - unspecified injury)
Marq Quen (undisclosed injury)
PAC (undisclosed injury)
Roderick Strong (storyline - neck inury)
Tay Melo (pregnancy)
Thunder Rosa (back - unspecified injury)
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tigerlily1615 · 2 years
6 13 25 :)
6. Favorite article of clothing?
I think my big stompy boots are my favorite... ive had em since before i knew i was a lesbian, right before i went on a caribou hunting trip with my dad up in alaska (we didnt get anything, but it was a fun trip! cold as hell though, slept in jeans </3). They mean a lot to me!!
13. If taken, talk about your girlfriend/wife!
Oh, Dhole, Dhole, Dhole. Ive never met a person so enthusiastically joyous and unabashedly proud of their identity. They've given me a peer model of how to puff my chest out a bit and say to the world "I am a dyke, and that's freakin' awesome!!", and i dont think they understand how much that means to me. They're my first ever partner, something utterly new to me, and xe's been nothing but patient and kind to me when I fall short and struggle to navigate the kind of relationship we've found ourselves in. He's got such a wonderful culture, which I am endlessly fascinated by, and I adore every little quirk about xem...from the absolute embracing of their puppy-ish nature, to the beautiful poetry and prose that they effortlessly craft simply from the ideas in their head. Love ya, Gopi ❤️.
25. What do you like most about being a lesbian?
I think the whole premise of butchness as protectiveness. As being a provider, a comforter, a helper. I find great pride and joy in it, and I think that being butch is so intrinsic to who I am as a whole, no matter how any other part of my identity fluctuates. The body hair is a wonderful plus as well :^). And of course, i think i like my fellow lesbians the most! and women in general! what a lovely demographic...
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hisvaginabones · 7 days
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Uhhh tiny shitty pinned post until I get back home and I can try making a better one, um, KIDS BE GONE!!!
≛ Something wicked this way comes. ≛
My name is Tank/Chank or Tachanka if you want to be formal, I'm 18
I mainly use He/Him and Xe/Xim prns! ≛[ DONT use they/them or xey/xem for me ]≛
I'm a gay transsexual butch man, I'm happily taken
I censor with numbers and cyrillic characters interchangeably, idk why but I feel like I should clarify this
This is my adult stuff alt, my follows+likes come from my main (D******C******5)
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≛ Interests :
✯ Tнe Siмs 2 (Sтr4иgэt0wn + GВA) ✯
✯ Tэаm Fфrтrэss 2 ✯
✯ Art, character creation and music ✯
✯ Queer vexillology and coining ✯
[ Fandoms are censored so this wont show up in the search function ]
[ This list will probably be updated ]
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≛ Boundaries :
- I dont feel comfortable with women flirting with me. Interacting with some posts might also be iffy. [I'll probably add a tag or banner that makes it clear which are ok and not!]
- Don't force scenes, nicknames, petnames or k1/nk5 on me.
- No дnдl unless otherwise consented to/agreed on.
- Don't talk about 1ncэst with me, it doesn't matter if its faux, just dont, I'll straight up just block you.
[ This list will probably be updated ]
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≛ Unfinished F3t/1sh + K1/nk list :
- Forcemasc and euphoria-play 𖦹
- FAT!!!!!!!!!! 𖦹
- Blood, weapons, fighting, injuries, ect. 𖦹𖤐
- Pэtplay, B/D/S/M, bodymods, roleplay, (classics) 𖦹
- Military/army 𖦹𖤐
- Powerplay, accents, cowboys, dдddу* and sir used as titles, 4ge-g4p, subdrop* 𖦹
- Masculinity (hyper, toxic & healthy) 𖦹
- Emasculation (shaming, size dif, power dynamics, ect.) 𖦹
- N0nc0n, CNC and intox 𖦹𖤐
- Homophobia* 𖦹
- Str8-to-gay orientation play
- Juggalos, punks, metalheads 𖦹
- Dombreaking* and brat-taming*
- Objects, terato and slashers 𖦹𖤐
- Gore, cannibalism, horror, bodyhorror, self-inflicted harm, ect. 𖦹𖤐
- дbu5e, gr00ming*, forcefem* 𖤐
≛ [short] Misc 𖤐 list :
- 💀* 𖦹
- Aliens 𖦹
- Werewolves 𖦹
- Guns, knives, axes, basically any and all weapons
- Zombies
- Plushies
- P1ss
- Fцcked up housewife forcefem* (lobotomies, dehumanization, ect.)
≛ Nicknames/petnames :
𖦹 Mutt, weapon, soldier/cadet/private/recruit/trainee/newbie, loser/freak/pervert/sicko, pup/puppy, boy/man, derogatory terms* 𖦹
Kid/kiddo*, son/sonny*, lad/laddie/mate, partner*/pardner, princess*, dog/hound, lamb*, piggie*
𖦹 Fav / Main
𖤐 Para
* Only with my partner, close friends or if explicitly asked/consented
[ I am anti-c and pro-recovery for noncon paras ]
[ These lists will probably be updated ]
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≛ Tag guide :
#ᛝ Tank Barks ᛝ : My posts
#ᛝ Karhuni ᛝ : Posts abt my boyfriend (Karhuni means "My Bear")
#ᛝ I have to water the shitpost ᛝ : Shitposts / unserious posts
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≛ Quick/simple DNI :
Pro/neu/complex contact n0ncфn para.
Anti recovery nфnc0n para.
Gay-to-het orientation play and detrans stuff.
Radqueer + radinclus + transid.
Engage in a lot of queer + system discourse.
TERFs, truscum, transmeds, anti-mogai, anti-nonhuman, ect.
≛[ I will also probably block you if you weird me out or cross my boundaries! This is a very very brief DNI list! ]≛
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wlw-cryptid · 3 years
i know the book you’re talking about! that’s peter nimble and his fantastic eyes. i know because i remember it from my childhood and went out of my way one day to find it again fhfbghdh
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skeleboiii84 · 2 years
Can you do more mafiafell sans/mafiatale sans x reader If you can.I love it :)
Yessssss you may I've secretly been waiting for asks of more of these precious mafia husbones! ❤💙
Enjoy Darling! <3
Please just five more minutes 🥺💙❤
(A mafiafell sans/butch x mafiatale sans x reader) fluff
"Good morning bubs" you tiredly rubbed your eye to see both your husbands cuddling up to you in your huge bed. "Nmmh, mornin' princess" sans yawned before pulling you closer. You felt his boney hand slip up your shirt just a tiny bit and resting his skull in the crook of your neck.
Sans yawned before kissing your cheek lovingly, you shifted to press to his teeth. You two were then rudely interrupted by the sound of butch snoring, you and sans tried too hard not to laugh at him you just lay there uncontrollably snickering to yourselves.
" *yawnnn* hnnmh.. The hell are you two doin up so damn early for", uh oh it seems your snickering accidentally woke him up (even though it was like 12:30AM but anyway-). Sans chuckled "sorry hun didn't mean ta wake ya", you snuggled up to butch's chest and gave him a good morning kiss too.
He happily co-operated by placing a firm hand right on your ass. "Nmm we- shuld Prabhubly- mm get reahdy far nmm wark", butch struggled to speak through the kiss. Sans was getting up outta bed when you pulled him back under the sheets with you and butch.
"Wha- oof! Ah, come on sweetheart I gotta get ready for work", sans said with a smirk and a sigh. "So? " you said, "So we gotta damn job ta do princess" butch let out a low chuckle before putting a hand over his face.
"Hmph, fine go leave me here all alone", you huffed and puffed your cheeks out at them. " daww come on babe don't be like that", sans snuggled up to you, "you know we'd stay here all day long if we had the choice", you looked at him " ya can say that again " butch scoffed.
You grabbed both their arms before giving them the biggest and saddest puppy eyes you could the look you gave them to really shatter their souls about leaving you all alone. "Hey don't look at us like that! " they said and you could hear the heartbreak in their voices.
You tried to force One single tear out before saying "pleeeaaseeee just five more minutes pretty please", after about a minute of you saying the same thing and them saying no, they gave in.
You had a celebrity party in your head as they both snuggled up to you once more. When you three woke up again though- oh dear they were LATE asf.
With multiple fucks, shits, missed calls from papyrus, blaming you for your cheek while you felt extremely proud of yourself , let's just say they were in a lot of trouble.
But don't worry they'll get they're revenge no matter how many cuddles it takes.
Here you go sweetie enjoy da fluffy mafia husbones!
I'm glad you like the poly husbones because I can't express how much joy it brings me to write them! 🤣❤💙
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pathetic-tboy · 2 years
nsfw blog
im 22, im a transsexual butch tboy
im 3 years on testosterone, post hysto, pre top surgery but thats changing this or next year. my lack of a uterus will not stop me from fetishposting about getting pregnant
i follow from mister-gender
18+ with age in bio to interact.
dms open to women/woman-adjacent who like (consensually or consensually nonconsensually) abusing/threatening tboy puppies. major plus if ur trans as well. cis men get shot on sight
NOTE: im not attracted to men but to all sub trans guys i reblog when i reblog ur sub trans guy posts im doing it because im a trans male sub, not that i want a male sub (or a sub at all). likewise ill reblog gender neutral stuff regardless of what tags is on it, but i promise im not seeing u as a woman, when i reblog sub trans guy stuff its bc i wanna be the guy in the post. if u rly dont want me to reblog anyway though just block this account idm
i also get a lot of mlm stuff on my dash and may not be able to differentiate if its gender neutral enough, so if u dont want me to reblog gay stuff just block me its ok idm, im not gonna hold it against u i block ppl who i dont necessarily DISLIKE all the time just bc their kinks r smth that doesnt align with mine and is a major turnoff
-birthing kinks (impreg is ok, its just the sexualization of giving birth thats the issue for me)
-sensory deprivation (receiving)
-p3d0b4it/"gr00m me"
-endearing degredation
-power dynamic
-femdom (trans, im t4t)
-getting pissed on
-big sis
-any compliment, like pretty or handsome (i dont see them as gendered)
-"good boy"
-anything degrading, but not feminine terms
-my [anything non-fem]
-any pronouns besides he/him or it/its
-misgendering of any kind
-bitch (its just a nasty word)
-"pro-map" (even if its just a kink)
-detrans/misgendering kink
-bigotted in any way
-cis ppl. i mean idk what draws u to the tranny on tranny action blog but like. get out pls
-people who cant understand/respect boundaries like a normal fucking person
(note: just bc ur on my dni doesnt necessarily mean i dont like u or ur doing anything wrong i just may not be into what u post)
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cowboyjen68 · 3 years
Hi Jen! I’m not a lesbian, but I recently realized I was butch. Do you have any advice for looking more masculine?
I have short hair and I’m trying to put my shoulders back more and be more confident. I see myself as butch, and I feel comfortable and confident using that word for myself. But I’m also very small and I think people read me as a child/young woman, which disheartens me.
I guess this was half vent, but also asking for advice if you have it. It’s very nice to see your confidence and positivity. Thank you for your blog.
Hi. I am glad you are slowly working towards gaining confidence and contentment in the way you naturally exist.
Here are a few things to keep in mind as you try on clothes and hair and see what works:
If you are not a lesbian "butch" is not the right term or word to describe you or your experience. Masc or Masc Presenting, perhaps Tomboy (or Tomboi) or any number of terms meant to fit women who present or are more masculine than women are "supposed to" in our culture but are not lesbians.
Being butch for me requires zero effort. I get perceived as such with or without clothes, long hair, short hair, sitting at a fancy dinner or digging a post hole. Being a masculine women really requires no work for you. Clothes and hair etc are just an outward expression of what makes you feel most at ease so don't be too concerned about what others "think". If you are ... you just are masculine.
Being seen as a young woman is not an insult, and it does not mean they don't see your masculinity. They read you as younger and a woman. No judgement need apply.
Confidence comes with many things.
Experience taught me i don't need to rely on anyone to love who I am. BUT it took lesbians and other friends to sort of show me that my masculinity was real and not an oddity, nor was I alone. Once I realized that I am not "doing woman wrong" because I don't check enough feminine boxes I became more and more confident dressing the way I wanted.
Clothes and hair help us to feel better about ourselves> if you like the way something looks on you wear it and your confidence will grow. Let YOU be the judge of what looks and feels right, not anyone else.
I am 5'3, by no means a big woman. "Pocket sized Dyke" as my friend Deb says LOL. I was called son, sport, young man into my mid 20's. No biggie. What someone calls me or sees me as does not change who I am. Humans are visual categorizers, its natural and based on their experience and cultural influences. It truly makes no matter and you can use humor to correct them if you want. That leaves them with a good feeling and you made a difference in how another person interacted with a masculine women.. a positive difference.
Surround yourself with others of your sexuality, whatever that is and find friends who support you and love you. Who might see something that is a good fit and encourage you to try something you might not have without them cheering you on. If you like it great, if not, don't wear it again.
Lastly. Personality is separate from physical presentation and masculine energy, both for butches and other sexualities. We can love lots of things that our culture "genders" but are not. Butch and being perceived and existing as masculine is not a gender to me. We can love puppies and pink and sewing and fixing cars and cutting fire wood. Hobbies, jobs, interests are not reliant on our natural energy that we have in the world.
So love what you love, let people see you as they see you and embrace your masculine energy as a part of your very existence. Dress in what makes you feel happy and that confidence will show and become real. Bring positivity to your experiences and interactions with others. A smile and hello can disarm those who feel unsure of you because you don't fit their "box" of cultural norms.
You are on the right track!
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