#Parallels Disney
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whetstonefires · 6 months
The thing is that the most interesting and novel invention of the MCU is a universe where billions of people turned into dust and then were physically reconstituted on the spot five years later, in a world that had just barely adapted to their absence.
That is wild. That is intense! That is a series of pathos-ridden emotionally complex doorstoppers waiting to happen. Half the entire world! All dead! And somehow we coped with that! And now we have to cope with them all being back?
A whole street of empty houses--surely not everyone there became ash. Some of them moved to better places, now opened by the mass mortality. Some of them died afterward. Who will live there now? Even if inheritances are reversed by resurrection, surely leases aren't renewed. What the fuck happens to everyone who remarried?
What happens to the children snapped back to a world where their parents didn't survive, or the reverse?
But they had to then hastily smooth over this utterly batshit sci-fi premise and get the world mostly back to normal working order as rapidly as possible, without too much emphasis on how literally every person in existence has been placed in a mason jar by a narcissist and shaken twice in five years.
So they could get on with more superhero whack-blam business, which is customarily done against a background of Normality.
This is, tragically, the most Comics thing these movies have ever done.
It is beyond satire that they did this immediately before and during a worldwide pandemic that everyone was pressured to smooth over and 'return to normal' about within 2 years if not sooner.
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hotstreak2k3 · 8 months
Dave Filoni parallels never miss.
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But even I wasn’t prepared for this one.
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kuzcoskingdom · 4 months
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The Emperor's New Groove (2000) || Treasure Planet (2002)
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ilovetvtoons · 10 months
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Iconic Disney TVA Houses in Shambles.
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lowpolybread · 4 months
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“I warned you. If you're not careful, you'll find out who I am.”
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swordsandflowercrowns · 4 months
charlie bushnell the actor that you ARE. the pain and resentment and horror on his face throughout that scene. his hesitation when he was about to kill percy. the simultaneous regret and determination. the fact that he hated annabeth seeing who he had become but like charlie said in an interview, is willing to do anything. luke is supposed to be an empathetic character. the way he narrated "look, I know you didn't want to be a halfblood" at the beginning of the episode paralleling percy, showing us just how easy it would have been for percy to end up like luke. both percy and the audience are supposed to understand exactly where luke is coming from, to empathise deeply with his disappointment in the gods and the desperation that resulted from it. and my god did charlie bushnell achieve that
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Cinematic parallels!
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elvisqueso · 19 days
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Pocahontas (1995)
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princess-unipeg · 1 year
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First appearance: Last appearance:
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oddballism · 7 months
This is Important
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*It is to me, at least
Credit under the cut for where I got the images:
Images 1 & 2:
@belphegor1982 : https://www.tumblr.com/belphegor1982/162517819650/belphegor1982-my-aesthetic-is-donald-being-darn?source=share
Images 3,4, & 5:
@fethrybestduck : https://www.tumblr.com/fethrybestduck/164739198636/wanna-read-dellas-debut-story-the-first-one-that?source=share
Direct link to the Imgur : https://imgur.com/a/3iGqH
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Currently rotating a Parallels AU in my head where Future Romane travels back instead of Future Bilal, Part 1:
Neither of them ever got over it. Romane is clinging to a sense of normalcy that hasn't been there since she was fourteen. Bilal isn't even trying to mask his desperation to undo the past anymore.
They argue. Not often, and not loudly. But the raw emotion in the hushed words still makes them both feel slightly sick.
They are bound by shared love and shared loss, and these are the very things that are looming over them like ash clouds over a burning forest.
Romane insists that she's accepted what happened, and she can almost convince herself. She pours everything she has into making sure her kids are okay. She works a job she doesn't necessarily hate. She hugs her son, and she smiles while she's video-calling Camille, and she teaches her daughter how to fry an egg, and she talks with Bilal about topics that don't make either of them cry. Because she refuses to lose anyone else.
She goes through the motions of her life, and she tries to ignore the fact that none of the hurt is settling like it's supposed to. She doesn't talk about it. She tries not to think about it. And she knows Bilal is worried, but it evens out, because he's been working late and spacing out a lot more, and she feels like there's something building up inside his head that's going to hurt him, so she's worried, too.
Then he tells her. He tells her what he's been thinking about, and she knows she was right, that this is going to hurt him. Because she's a realist, and this idea isn't real. No matter how much she wants it to be.
Bilal insists that it could work. And she knows he hasn't moved on, she's always known that, but literally trying to reverse the past? That just might be the lowest point either of them have ever reached, and she wonders how they got here.
But they keep talking about it. For some reason, she keeps hearing him out. And the more Bilal explains, the more numbers are run, the more theories they discuss? It starts to sound plausible. And that line of thought is so, so dangerous, but…what if they could fix things? What if she could fix things?
Then comes the catch, of course. Several catches, actually. The chances of surviving time travel are slim. The chances of ending up in the right timeline are even slimmer. And the chances of actually managing to fix what had gone wrong? Practically nonexistent.
And yet. If it worked, if they got a one-in-a-million second chance…they could save Sam and Victor. They could probably even save her mom. And if there was still a chance, if no one was actually gone forever, then what kind of friend would she be if she abandoned them? What kind of daughter, sister, person?
But even though the roles of daughter, sister, friend are still written into the core of her being, Romane is also a mother. And she would never put her kids through the grief she had been through. They weren't going to abandon the kids, she tells Bilal. No matter what, their kids couldn't lose both of their parents.
He agrees, of course. The idea of bringing the kids into the bunker is briefly mentioned, before being immediately discarded by both of them. Too dangerous. Risking their own lives was one thing; risking the lives of their children was another entirely.
That left one option. Someone had to stay; someone had to go. It was only a question of who.
The answer is obvious. Bilal never got over it. Bilal already had the technical knowledge about the ERN tests. Bilal could go back, and Romane could stay with the kids, and-
And then what? One of them asks the question quietly, and neither are sure who it was, because the words are far more important than the speaker.
There is a pause. And then Bilal says what she won't, that he isn't the only one who hasn't moved on. Because she can convince Camille that she's fine (over the phone), and she can convince the kids that she's fine (until they're older), and she can almost convince herself that she's fine (almost), but she hasn't managed to convince Bilal. Because he was there, and they went through it together, and they both know.
And Romane has less to lose; the only people she really has left are Bilal and the kids. And Romane has more to gain; her mother, her sister, her best friends.
The answer is not the obvious one, but it might be the least painful for both of them. She asks him if he's sure. He responds that he doesn't think either of them have been sure of anything since they were fourteen. She laughs, and the sound is hollow.
So it's settled. They have a few months to prepare. Bilal teaches her everything she might need to know about the ERN tests. She writes letters to her kids. They tell Sofia and Lieutenant Retz, and they help them plan for the aftermath of her disappearance.
The night before, Romane cries, and Bilal cries. The kids are asleep, and she won't see them again, but she hugged them for the last time an hour ago, and that will have to be enough. Bilal will take care of them, and he'll tell them everything one day. And she won't be around to see her kids grow up, but this isn't about her. It's about the people who need her. That's what it's always been about.
So they go to the bunker, and she hugs Bilal, and she hugs Sofia. Bilal presses an envelope into her hand, and asks her to open it once she makes it. If she makes it, that part goes unspoken, but they've spent enough time thinking about the risks, and there's no turning back now.
She nods, and she smiles, and she grasps his hand. And he smiles, and he nods, and he lets go.
And she walks in. And the door closes. And Romane lets herself hope.
And then she's back.
Here's the thing: by some coincidence, by random chance, she doesn't lose her memory.
And that changes everything.
Well. That and the fact that nothing ever happens the same way twice, so Bilal doesn't disappear from Sam's timeline, leaving Sam and Bilal as 14-year-olds, Victor and Romane as 17-year-olds, and the other Romane as an adult.
But here's the other thing: this version of Romane hasn't lived through the timeline where Victor kills Sam. Technically, she's currently in that timeline, which means that even though she knows how to bring them back to the start, she doesn't know about Victor's spiraling emotional state. Yet.
But that doesn't come into play yet. Because right now plot is happening, and eventually everyone reunites.
And that's where things start to get really interesting.
They know when the next test is. They know how much time they have. As long as nothing goes wrong, they'll be fine.
*cue montage of everything going wrong in rapid succession*
I'll probably make a part 2 to this that shows exactly what changes from canon in this AU, which is...a lot of things. It gets really chaotic, and really emotional, and I have not been able to stop thinking about the potential themes and plotlines of it.
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Do you remember before? We stood facing each other on opposite sides of that door. Now we stand side-by-side. Let's go home together this time.
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meep-meep-richie · 6 months
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'' Just living the dream. ''
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Polin and Beauty and the beast parallels Part 1
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ruler-of-thorns · 9 months
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