#Penny Hill
wuwmmdraws · 2 years
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Two more “draw the squad” memes, but with couple pairings instead
- Lily and Rayyan goofing around
- Penny being “wooed” by the Baron
(Oct 2021)
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bestnootella · 6 months
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Penny Hill
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weirdgirlvampire · 1 year
Oh characters doomed from the start we’re really in it now
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chantaldraw · 1 year
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"...because you did start something."
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i'm still reeling. here's more
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therogerclarkfanclub · 7 months
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Black Hills Redemption
June 21st - 23rd, 2024 In Deadwood, South Dakota
02 MAR '24: Rob and Steve are the first guests formally announced on the BHR website.
06 MAR '24: Alex McKenna is on board!
07 MAR '24: Benjamin is ready to party!
10 MAR '24: Red Harlow himself, actor Robert Bogue, will once again join the gang!
11 MAR '24: Peter and Mick are joining the fun once again!
12 MAR '24: Another big update! Jim Santangeli, and for the very first time, Howard Pinhasik will join the rest of the gang at Deadwood.
13 MAR '24: Ms Grimshaw and Ms. Jackson will be meeting up with the rest of the gang!
15 MAR '24: Arthur's favorite father figure and the Spaghetti villain have joined the fun.
16 MAR '24: THE BOAH is coming to Deadwood!
18 MAR '24: The final two camp ladies will be at Deadwood!
23 MAR '24: Everyone's favorite Bandito is coming to Deadwood!
25 MAR '24: For the first time. Ms Molly herself, Penny O'Brien will be at the 2nd annual RDR Event! Also, photos have been rearranged to place the newest announcements on top.
30 MAR '24: The talent behind Agent Milton will be joining the rest of the gang at Deadwood!
21 APR '24: Sophia Marzocchi, the og Abigail Marston, will maker her first appearance at the 2nd annual Red Dead event!
06 JUN '24: Matt Walton, who played everyone's favorite photographer, Albert Mason, will also make his first ever appearance at the event.
14 JUN '24: Gabriel Sloyer cancelled his appearance at the event
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erros429 · 1 year
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rwby textpost memes pt23!! on second thought i feel like the penny one could alternatively be used for the blacksmith but i already made it >:) so i’m not gonna change it >:)
EDIT: at pt24 now MY BAD
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rachetmath · 7 months
Robyn: So Arc-
Jaune: You can call me “Jaune”. I’ve been here for five months.
Robyn: Well okay. Jaune um… what’s your day like with Fiona.
Jaune: Normal.
Robyn: Really? Nothing’s going on with you two?
Jaune: No. I just help her out. That’s it.
Robyn: Really?
Jaune: Yes.
Somewhere else
Nora: So Fiona. How long have you and Jaune been a couple?
Fiona: We’re not couple. What makes you think that?
Nora: You see him everyday. More than me.
Fiona: He helps me with the orphanage.
Nora: Nothing else?
Fiona: No!
Jaune and Fiona were in the Orphanage.
???: Mr. Arc? Mr. Thyme?
Jaune: What is it Rex?
Rex: Are you and Ms. Thyme a couple?
Fiona: Oh my- Robyn!
Robyn appears only to have May and Nora with her.
Jaune: Nora, you too?!
Nora: Look d-
Jaune: Nora.
Nora: *forgot the kid* Oh.
Jaune: Rex go to your room.
Rex: Okay. *leaves*
Jaune: Now what the hell wrong with you two?
Fiona: Why are you so obsessed with this?
Robyn: Because you two-
May: Look Fiona I been watching you two a lot and I have to admit it’s hard not to believe you’re not dating. In fact, I wouldn’t be surpise to call you both a married couple.
Fiona: Ugh you too May. Seriously wat-
May: You and Jaune do Laundry together.
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May: Spend time with kids together.
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May: In fact, when Jaune’s training leads him to get hurt, you are the first to drag him to the nursery and patch him up. Even when he tells us “Don’t worry about it.”
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May: In fact you two are always in the kitchen together making dinner.
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May: And Jaune, boy what Nora told me about you was damn lie. I saw what you did. Slow dancing in the night.
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Nora: He was that smooth?
May: Smooth as Micheal Jackson.
Nora: Oh no.
Fiona: Um.
Jaune: Damn.
Nora: Oh yes. Finally. Fuck you Pyrrha! He go get right. *pulls scroll out her pocket and makes a call*
???: Hello.
Nora: Fuck you Weiss. You lose. He found someone better. He found the princess and gone make her his queen.
Jaune: Nora, calm down.
Nora: Fuck off Jaune. This is my victory.
In the twilight.
Pyrrha: Okay bitch, what did I do?
Adam: I mean you left the guy and died a meaningless death like Summer.
Summer: I gave birth to another silver eyed warrior. That has to count.
Hazel: Does she know how to use her eyes though?
Summer: Shut up.
Ironwood: And she destroyed Atlas and got Penny, Vine, Clover and myself killed so she’s kind a misfortune upon us.
Summer: Okay ya’ll need to stop disrespecting my daughter. Ya’ll made mistake.
Ironwood: Or so you say.
Summer: We can fight. We can fight right now James.
Pyrrha: I don’t understand.
Penny: Friend Pyrrha you are the main source of his trauma and pain.
Pyrrha: B-you know what… fuck all you.
Roman: Whoa Invincible Champion, it’s not our fault your ‘boyfriend’ decided to break that little curse you placed on him.
Pyrrha: Oh come on- I’m leaving. I don’t need this.
Summer: My death had meaning. My daughter has a mystery to solve.
Adam: So finally one of your daughters is actually trying to know what happened to you. It’s too bad they have to find the same woman that took one of them many years to find.
Summer: Oh my god.
Roman: Not to mention at least Penny’s death served a purpose. Winter’s alive. She kept thousands of people alive. While your death, Pyrrha, caused more suffering than good.
Pyrrha: You know what who wants to fight first? Who? Cause I’ll show you why they written me off. Name one. Who can body me? Who?! Step up. STEP UP!
Adam: Oh I never run from no challenge. Especially no One-V-One, come on bitch.
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robynsscarf · 1 year
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wuyi1551 · 4 months
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charliedawn · 7 months
Hey, I don't see any post saying requests are closed. Please correct me it I'm wrong, and I'll resend this ask when they're open :)
I saw one of your slasher posts about an new patient who was an omega and I've been wondering how a/b/o au slashers would react to a beta new patient who they saw as their own pup?(basically everyone is a father figure to this kid lol) I love platonic fluff and you're one of the few slasher writers who write platonic stuff and I love your writing, please stay hydrated and have a good day! :D
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Here you go 😁 And thank you.
Freddy Krueger:
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"You and I…we gonna be best buddies."
Freddy is a beta. Meaning: no real dominance or protective instincts.
He’d basically laugh his ass off while you run around and cause havoc or eat popcorn with Pennywise while they watch.
He’d train you in the ways of 'don’t give a toss' and 'get outta my way, bitch'.
Freddy would still protect you if he sees you in real danger, but he’d be the type of cool dad who just wants to chill and walk around in flip flops.
Brahms Heelshire:
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Brahms would be a worry heart.
He’d worry 24/7 about you.
Have you eaten ? Have you drank ? Have you slept well ? Are you hurt ? Do you wanna play ?…
He’d cry his eyes out if he sees a scratch on you and whoever would dare cause you harm would end up beaten up.
Brahms is strong—even though he is an omega. He’d be the one to take care of you and make sure you’re perfectly safe.
Arthur Fleck:
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Arthur would give you the best advice. He’s a beta—but used to be an omega. He’d have the heart without being overemotional about things.
"Don’t worry, things can look up. You just gotta wait and see."
"Be a doll and smile. Smiling will open up many doors for you."
"Do not listen to Freddy, sweetie. He is a bad influence. Matter-of-fact ? Do not listen to anyone else but me and Michael."
He would be your voice of reason in your darkest moments, but don’t ALWAYS listen to him because he is a patient for a reason…
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Overpossessive. Overprotective. Overthinking. Overdoing.
Penny would be the embodiment of "over-the-top". Doesn’t have any chill and would bite and scratch if anyone as much as looks at you the wrong way.
He can also read minds…which can be kind of a problem.
Penny *growls at a nurse* : "I DARE you to say what you want to say, coward."
He would also be very playful and play with you all day long. He’s got unending energy and would even put on shows for you.
Michael Myers:
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Michael would be the only responsible one, as the Alpha of the slashers.
He’d make sure to never allow you near his knives or any sharp objects. He’d teach you self-defense. He’d also cook for you and teach you all of his skills (non-lethal)
He would also protect you but, would always use a weapon that won’t be too traumatic for your adorable self…like a baseball batt or a something else to just knock out the person who dared attack your person.
But Myers ? Myers would kill for you.
Myers has no parental instinct or remorse.
He kills because he can.
Father Paul Hill:
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Father Paul—as a Beta—would protect you with his life. He always wanted to be a father and would immediately take you under his wing.
Comparing to other slashers, you could almost call him a pacifist. He would never start a fight. Never.
He would teach you and give you a proper education. He would also take care of you and give you the affection you need.
And if you get hurt ?
He’d protect you—no matter the cost.
Father Paul *covered in blood and crying* : "No…No no no…Not again. Please. Not again."
Patrick Bateman:
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Patrick Bateman would teach you how to kill and get away with murder. He is a Beta himself, but always hated that title because he always saw himself as an Alpha.
He’d explain to you the human anatomy and how to chop off a body in the most efficient and effective way possible.
He would also teach you the ways of society and bureaucracy like no one else could. Patrick is very observant and dangerous. He has no empathy.
Meaning: Make sure he KEEPS liking you.
Patrick *looking at you and wondering if having a kid is worth it and how he’d do it to get rid of you before smiling and locking the thought into a very far away box at the back of his mind*
Vincent Sinclair:
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Vincent is an Omega. He would fight tooth and nail to protect you.
He’d also let you braid his hair and you’d draw together or do some fun artsy activities.
He’d show you how to do pottery and play with clay to make animal shapes or even human-like.
But, Vincent is in therapy and is being closely monitored and watched so he wouldn’t show you how to make wax people.
He would also be very affectionate with you and give you a lot of hugs, unlike Bo who would just pat your head and call it a day.
Jack Torrance:
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"Let’s get takeout." Jack’s favourite sentence.
Jack would be a very lazy and chill kinda dad for a beta. He would take you to movies or read you a book.
He also loves food so…he’d get you pizza or nachos and you’d just settle on the couch with him and do nothing—just chilling.
He’d be the dad you go to when you don’t wanna do anything and you’re tired. He’d also be the type to live in his pajamas and tell you that it’s too early at 1pm.
You would then just sleep or he’d tell you things about his old life if he’s up for it.
He would protect you if you are in danger, but he would make sure that you don’t get into trouble in the first place cause you can’t do no wrong when you’re chilling all day…
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wuwmmdraws · 2 years
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Two more Cirque OC “beans”, before they get too far from the others:
- Penny (Saltimbanco)
- Marigold (Mystère)
(March/Sept 2022)
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 months
Overwatch is dragging me back in.
Genji: A steady blade balances the s-
Jaune, with 20 years of Pent up Rage and Trauma: *Charging in* AAAAH!
Genji: ... Master would have a Field day with you.
Ren: ...
Hanzo: Why do you keep staring at me out of the corner of your eye? If you have a problem with me, then speak your mind.
Ren: I have no issue with you. You simply remind me of my father.
Hanzo: Then I hope they are good memories.
Ren: They are. Mostly.
Orisa: It is a pleasure to meet you, Protector of Mantle.
Penny: Salutations! You may call me Penny, if you'd like. Is is also a pleasure to meet you Orisa, Defender of Numbani!
Orisa: You may simply call me Orisa as well, Penny.
Bastion: *Curious, solemn beeps*
Penny: I do not know ... I was built with a fragment of soul in my core. But I have no doubts you are alive, given you've elected to put your original purpose off to the side, and make your own life for yourself. We have both made friends and family since our 'Awakenings'
Robyn: I sure hope you're better than the last Cyborg I had to work with.
Sojourn: Oh yeah? And what were they like?
Robyn: He was a militaristic hot head that didn't listen when I told him the foundation his city was built on was cracking under the stress, and once Hell broke loose, who does he blame? The people trying to help him. At the end of his life, he was a dictator trying to save his city. I was one of the people trying to save the people.
Sojourn: Yeesh. Well, Even if my heart's made of metal and plastic, I've still got one. I've always been trying to keep my folks safe, even when it was illegal to.
Robyn: You're preaching to the choir with that.
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jubjubmaz · 11 months
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The first time I ever saw them hanging out on their bench, I giggled to myself and thought “Gay.” That day, a Maru x Penny shipper was born.
I remember Penny and Maru being characters I wasn’t very interested in but still smiling to myself every time I saw them together. I still have a screenshot I took of them sitting together as if to validate my shipping LMAO.
Anyways I think it would be so cute for Maru to constantly talk about all her interests and knowledge with Penny while Penny listens, weighing in every now and then. Afterwards, I could imagine Penny running to the library and assembling all of the books on whatever topic Maru was talking about and just studying them all before teaching them to Jas and Vincent the next day.
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jokersbatmanboxers · 6 months
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they r queening out!
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