#Peter & Samantha
kickbutts-singsongs · 7 months
Come watch Person of Interest! We have:
Mr. Bird
Say Goodbye To Your Kneecaps Man
Badass single mom
Grumpy teddy bear
de beste hond
Unhinged lesbian
Unhinged bisexual
Keith Mars
M o t h e r
Mr. Bird’s soulmate
Dead best friend
Dead girlfriend
Control Freak
evil man. evil
Mike Wheeler’s mom
Evil God
Leslie Odom Jr.
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hey girl. i mean sam
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the-forest-library · 3 months
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My latest book mail:
An ARC of The Lost Alchemist by @sdvitale - really enjoyed The Lady Alchemist, so I’m excited to dig into this one. It comes out on July 12.
A surprise from @godzilla-reads - Peter S. Beagle’s I’m Afraid You’ve Got Dragons. Thanks, Ehryn!
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louisbxne · 1 year
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FEAR STREET PART 1: 1994 (2021) Dir. Leigh Janiak
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thislovintime · 2 months
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On the bus from Duluth to Hayward, Wisconsin, July 1967; in Hayward at/after a Buffalo Springfield show on July 29, 1967. Photo 1 by Henry Diltz.
A companion post to this one about the Hayward visit.
“It happened this way: The Buffalo Springfield were appearing in the Big Top tent at Tony Wise’s Old Hayward layout last Saturday night. Earlier, they had appeared in Chicago, where The Monkees also were appearing and the two groups had partied together there. The Monkees decided Old Hayward would be a gassy place for another party. So after their appearance in Chicago Saturday, they flew to Duluth in a chartered DC6 — the band, their road managers and agents and assistants and girl friends, a party of 26 in all. From Duluth they chartered a Greyhound bus and roared to Hayward with a police escort. They arrived for the tail end of the Springfield’s bash in the tent, and then continued with a late jam session in the tent. They took over the old train that is parked at Old Hayward serving as a restaurant and bar, partied there all night, slept in the Pullman, and breakfasted the next day on such delicacies as corn flakes drenched in orange juice before taking off.” - Will Jones, Minneapolis Tribune, August 3, 1967 “Screams of recognition by members of the Mod set practically raised the roof of the Big Top at Historyland early Sunday morning when the popular Monkees of TV fame walked in unexpectedly and unannounced. […] The crowd of 700 went into bedlam and it wasn’t long before the appearance of the trip [Peter, Davy, and Micky] was known about town and others of the young set joined the throng. […] A jam session started that went into wee hours before weary teen-agers calmed down to near normal again. There was no official appearance of the Monkees, but they joined in extemporaneously as the nigh wore on. Sunday, when most others were sleeping off the night’s excitement was spent by touring the Court Orville’s Reservation in Sawyer County. They went to Reserve and New Post, for the purpose of purchasing handmade Indian trinkets and beaded articles.” - The North Wisconsin News, August 4, 1967 “The Jacobs spent Sunday morning talking with and showing the boys around Hayward. Mrs. Jacobs was particularly impressed with the Monkees who seemed to appreciate the North Country very much. The boys took pictures of native flowers, and trees and also visited an Indian village with the Jacobs, which they all enjoyed very much.” - Escabana Daily Press, August 23, 1967 “Reflecting back on the tour again for a moment, I wanted to tell you about the trip we took up to [Hayward], in Wisconsin. Micky, Davy and I hired a plane and flew up there. We spent some time on an Indian reservation, where The Buffalo Springfield were appearing in their concert. It was a gas up there, and I bought so many ‘peace’ beads, head-bands, blankets, jackets etc. Now that I am back in Los Angeles with all the gear, I am thinking of opening an ‘Indian Shop’ where the kids can come to pick up the things. Really outta sight collection. We stayed up there over night, and slept in the carriage of an ‘out-of-use’ train, which had been ‘anchored’ close-by to the reservation.” - Peter Tork, Fabulous 208, 1967
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linusbenjamin · 7 months
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Person of Interest 4.21 — Asylum
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kevinvoncrastenburg · 2 months
Uberhood (115) - Ottomas
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The Ottomas twins, Mare and Erica, grew up into teenagers. Erica recently had her very first kiss with Chris Greenman. 💞
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Dora Ottomas faced death, and shocked her whole family, by being electrocuted. ⚡
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Dora instructed Tommy Ottomas in arts and crafts. 🎨🧵
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A few days after her scary electrocution, Dora faced death again, but this time for real. R.I.P. Dora Ottomas!
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Now that Dora passed away, nothing was holding Samantha back anymore, she chose to finally divorce Peter. She put up with his shenanigans long enough. 🛑
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marleneoftheopera · 4 months
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Portraits from the original Toronto production! Photos by Laird Mackintosh.
Paul Stanley
Kim Stengel
Glenda Balkan
Melissa Dye
Brent Weber
Peter Barnes
Catherine Duff
Tania Parrish
Jill Filion
Donna Kelly
Harriet Chung
Philippa Hayball
Anita Bostok
Samantha Adamson
Mimi Pineau
Deanna Pidwerbeski
Lisa Gaasenbeek
Janet Coates
Gary Krawford
Gerald Isaac
Tim Stiff
Terry Hodges
Paul Mulloy
Brian Duyn
Bob Meilleur
David Playfair
Devin Dalton
Kirk Hansen
John Dodington
Kelly Robertson
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Tombstone Redemption
July 29th and 30th, 2023
in Tombstone, Arizona
Unlike most Comic Cons where you get to meet a variety of celebrities, Tombstone Redemption will be an event dedicated entirely to Red Dead Redemption! Of course the event wouldn't be complete without the presence of the world's greatest outlaws!
So far Roger, Rob, Alex, Benjamin and Peter are scheduled to come. I really hope the rest of the cast gets to come too.
Update March 17, 2023: as if the line up for Tombstone Redemption wasn't exciting enough already, now Ms Grimshaw herself, Kaili Vernoff has been added to the mix! 👏 👏 👏
Update March 18, 2023: Gabriel Sloyer aka Javier Escuella, is now part of the Tombstone Redemption gang. It's been a few good years since Gabriel has attended any type of Comic Con and RDR fans will finally get the chance to meet him!
Update March 21, 2023: Arthur's favorite elder figure, Hosea Matthews, is coming to Tombstone Redemption.
And now everyone's favorite Chonky Bearded Baddie, Bill Williamson is gonna show up too!
Tilly is part of the gang now!
Update March 22, 2023: Everyone's favorite Irishman, Sean MacGuire is on-board now
Update March 26, 2023: Mary Beth and Karen Jones are coming over to Tombstone
Update: April 8, 2023: Everyone's favorite outlaw chef is coming along
Update May 27, 2023: Roger has, unfortunately, cancelled his appearance at the event 💔😭
Update June 15, 2023: Robert Bogue, who portrayed the original outlaw Red Harlow in Red Dead Revolver, is the latest guest for the event.
Update July 09, 2023: Jim Pirri, who played Italian baddie Angelo Bronte, is the latest guest for the event.
Update July 18, 2023: Jim Santangeli had to cancel his appearance at the event due to scheduling conflicts.
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musicalcastingideas · 5 months
Succession The Musical Hypothetical Casting
I’m doing this in one shot and off the top of my head, so I will be missing characters, I do also welcome suggestions.
Logan Roy: Patrick Page
Is this the obvious first choice? Yes. Is it the correct one? Also yes.
Kendall Roy: Lucas Steele
Kendall is just Anatole if he didn’t have a close relationship with his sister.
Roman Roy: Brandon Uranowitz
He played a nice neurotic freak in Falsettos, let's see him play an evil neurotic freak.
Shiv Roy: Eden Espinoza
I'll be honest, if I was genuinely casting a Succession musical as a real casting director, I would look for a more unknown performer to play Shiv, because I firmly believe that Shiv Roy should be an alto part, heavy in the lower range (like basically a tenor). Shiv's plot revolves around trying to push past her gender to be taken seriously, and I think having her being an alto who stays in her lower register would really highlight how hard she's trying to be taken seriously. That said, I would not at all be disappointed to have Eden Espinoza in the part. She's insanely talented, and I would love to see her interpretation of Shiv.
Connor Roy: Josh Groban
So there's a clip of The Opera from "Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812" where the ensemble sings "Pierre, the cuckold, sits at home", and then Pierre pops up saying "No, I am enjoying myself at home this evening" while giving a sad little thumbs up, while his wife is off banging another man? That's the energy I want for my Connor Roy.
Tom Wambsgans: Brian D'Arcy James
Is he maybe a little old for the part? Sure. But age onstage is fucky, and Brian D’Arcy James would absolutely kill it as the combination ass-kisser and ruthless bastard that is Tom Wambsgans. Also he gives Minnesota.
Greg Hirsch: George Salazar
I kinda don’t feel like I have to explain this one.
Gerri: Bernadette Peters
Icons playing icons.
Frank: Mandy Patinkin
Sunday In The Park With George reunion!
Willa Ferreyra: Samantha Pauly
I rewatched her All You Wanna Do again last night (and cried again) and when I thought about Willa, that popped into my head. (Not in the sense that I think Willa is a victim like Katherine Howard, she’s a consenting sex worker, more the fact that in the succession world, women, like Willa, are only valued for their sexuality.) Anyway, Sam Pauly also just kills every part she’s in so…
Stewy Hosseini: Tony Yazbek
He’s played Billy Flynn on Broadway, so he’s good at being a smarmy yet charming asshole (I say this with love, I love both Stewy and Billy Flynn)
Lukas Matsson: Aaron Tiveit
He’s hot but can also be scary.
Hard Cuts/ Impossible:
Edward Herrman as Karl
Would he be fun in the role? Yes. Is he dead, and therefore incapable of doing it? Also yes.
Daniel Radcliffe as Roman
Barrett Wilbert Weed as Shiv
Mandy Patinkin as Logan
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novankenn · 3 months
So... I have a Question for you...
Firstly I'll straight up be honest. As I said in a earlier Spider-Man one shot I haven't bee following or buying the books for years. Partially because of not having access - No comic store in the NWT Hamlet I was living in for the twenty-plus years, and two because I was busy just adulting and weathering mental health issues and relationship problems.
So anyway, I've recently come into the whole OMD, OMIT, and the MJ/Paul arcs through reddit, tumblr and You-tube. I personally find the whole set-up disgusting and pathetic. Not that I can say much because I'm sure some of my characterizations in my own works have probably done the same to loved characters.
But I have this idea percolating in my head, for a multi-chapter Spider-Man fan-fiction.
Title: Just Peter...
Synopsis: -Peter has finally had enough of not only suffering for his "hero" persona, but also interacting with MJ. He steps away... but is it for good?
Plot Points: -Peter has finally had enough, and after one final conversation with MJ where Peter finally let's her have it about the whole situation involving recent events... he walks away, severing contact.
-MJ's and Paul's relationship has become rocky, as MJ in her "grief" over the loss of her "children" starts to question how real her relationship with Paul is/was. She notices things, like his almost lack of regret over his actions in his home world. How he spent time making the "Jackpot" bracelet instead of creating another device to bring them back to 616.
-Peter still feeling regret and sorrow takes a break from being a hero, to sort out his own feelings and to make an accounting of his "heroic" actions, and their consequences. While sitting in a bar nursing a beer he sees one of the waitresses (Samantha "Sam" Andrews) getting harassed and before he can step in the woman takes care of herself and the bouncers step in to end the confrontation.
-Peter starts to go to the bar as a regular, and strikes up a friendly relationship with Sam, who notices his depressed mood/attitude and decides impulsively to invite him out to a club, to cheer him up.
Characters: Peter Parker/Spider-Man Samantha "Sam" Andrews Mary Jane Watson/Jackpot Paul (minor/mentioned)?
Other Thoughts: -Can Peter find happiness with someone other than MJ? -Are MJ and Paul a "true" couple or is it all an illusion -Will Peter give-up his alter ego? Have all his actions been worth the pain and mistreatment?
Question to You Guys/Gals... Would you even want to read something like this? Please comment about what you think about this whole "story" and what I possible consider adding/removing.
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coriel-muroz · 3 days
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scenesandscreens · 10 months
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The Strain, Season One (2014)
Directed by Guillermo del Toro, David Semel, Keith Gordon, Peter Weller, Charlotte Sieling, Guy Ferland, John Dahl, Deran Sarafian & Phil Abraham
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nofatclips · 9 months
Shadow Town by Sleater-Kinney from the album Path of Wellness
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sofargoneao3 · 10 months
three's a crowd
“I think I was just propositioned for a threesome,” Remus said as he set down their butterbeers on the table.
Peter choked on his handful of peanuts so violently bits flew out of his nose, Sirius barked out a laugh, and James’ mouth dropped open in shock.
“By who?” James asked, looking around The Three Broomsticks curiously. For a Saturday, it wasn’t that busy so whoever it was would definitely be noticeable. 
“That witch at the bar,” Remus pointed at the witch who sat with a large mug of mead in front of her.
“She’s about fifty,” Said Peter, after he’d finished coughing.
“Not bad looking though,” Sirius observed. 
He wasn’t wrong, she had red lipstick and looked good for her age, but her graying hair and the style of cloak she wore definitely gave it away that she was getting on in years. Remus grimaced slightly and James laughed at Sirius.
“Nothing wrong with an older woman, if you ask me,” James said proudly, “look at Lily!”
“James, she’s two months older, not two decades,” Peter looked over his shoulder at the witch again, “Or two millennia.”
“What did she say?” Asked Sirius, as if he was considering going over to her if Remus didn’t plan on it.
“Er, she just asked if I was busy later,” Remus took a drink of his butterbeer, “and if I had any friends that would be available as well.”
“Too bad we’ve got that Order meeting tonight then,” Sirius grinned, “threesomes are very in right now, even with muggles.”
“Remus, don’t do it, she’s just an old hag who wants to watch you make out with some other young guy for the evening, it’s creepy!” Peter shook his head
“Piss off, Peter, you haven’t got a clue what you’re on about,” Sirius said, and smiled mischievously. “You haven’t even tried it.”
“Well, maybe I would… if there were two girls,” Peter said quickly, and the rest of the group laughed as he blushed.
Sirius waved his hand dismissively. “This isn’t the right way to do it, anyway. You’ve got to be the guest.”
“The guest?” James asked curiously.
“Yeah, you’ve got to be the third party, so you’re just there for the fun.”
“Speaking from experience, are you, Pads?”
Sirius smirked. “I might be.”
“Bit like being the seeker, isn’t it? Just come in at the end for the glory?” James said, like suddenly it all made sense if it related to quidditch.
“Exactly. You don’t want to go around mucking up things with your friends or girlfriend.”
“You haven’t got a girlfriend,” Peter pointed out uselessly.
“That’s why I’ve done one and you haven’t,” Sirius said, goading. Peter put his head in his hands, looking slightly traumatized by this revelation. 
“I haven’t done one.” James said as he swallowed his butterbeer.
“You have got a girlfriend!” Peter snapped. 
“I haven’t either,” Remus said, though he was certain they all already knew that.
“You wouldn’t, you’re far too well behaved,” Sirius said as James sniggered beside him. 
“She called me a bad boy!” Remus gestured towards the witch at the bar with his head. James doubled over in laughter while Peter spluttered in disbelief. 
“She’s just trying to convince you! That is so creepy-” Peter shook his head, baffled.
“Well, if you’re going to do it, you can’t do it with a friend,” Sirius said defiantly. “we’ll have to pick someone else out.” Sirius looked around the bar, and pointed over to Benjy Fenwick, who was sitting across the restaurant, “oh, he’d be good.”
“No, no,” Remus said, playing along, “it would have to be someone I trust… like James!”
James grinned proudly, “Ah, Moony, you flatter me. I don’t think Lily would approve though, you might have to go for someone with more experience… Sirius?” 
Sirius grinned and leaned back in his seat, his hands resting behind his head. “Thank you, James, that means a lot. But no, I’d have to go for Remus here, for the fun of his first time.” 
While the other three shared sly smiles, Peter looked at them in disbelief. “Oh great, thanks, just forget all about me.” The rest of the boys shouted out protests but Peter just rolled his eyes at them. “It’s like being picked last for quidditch teams again with you lot.”
“You said you’d only do it if it was two girls!” Remus pointed out.
“Well, yeah, but you know,” Peter waved his hands frantically, “I want to be included still!”
“Alright, next time we’re all having a pretend threesome, we’ll make sure to invite you,” James patted Peter on the shoulder as he said it.
“Thank you,” Peter sniffed, looking slightly less offended. 
“Alright, I think I’ll go talk to her then,” Said Sirius, and before any of them could stop him, he was leaning against the bar, chatting up the middle aged witch.
“He’s certifiable,” Peter mumbled as he watched Sirius from their booth.
“Oh, you know him,” James shook his head, “probably can’t stand that she asked Moony before him, he’s got to one up him.”
“What do you think he’s saying-” As Remus asked, the witch grabbed her mug of mead and tossed it towards Sirius, the red liquid splashing over his face and hair before dripping down onto his shirt. “Er, that’s not good.”
Sirius grabbed a napkin and wiped his face before hurriedly walking back over to his group of friends, who were all howling with laughter. He threw a handful of galleons on the table, and grabbed his leather jacket from where it was hooked over the back of the chair.
“Remus, you plonker, she wanted help carrying some boxes,” Sirius shook his head, and specks of mead were flung about, “we’re about to get kicked out of here, let’s go.”
The rest of them could barely walk out with how hard they laughed, Rosmerta’s shouts only fuelling their hysteria.
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happyfoxphantom · 2 months
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Japanese magazine clipping, Monkees in Love, 1969, not sure about the Peter and Sally Field pairing????
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