gazagfmboost · 5 months
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Jbreel Farroukh- elderly diabetic woman
Vetting: Social media content going back to 2018, many highlights with others, mom & at work. Instagram: Jbreel.f98 & fardousfarroukh & emjbreelfarroukh & company IG toptech Fund Currency: € Euro
You can see how much love Jbreel has for his dear mother in all of his content with her, multiple members of the family reached out hoping for help with sharing their story. He is an ambitious young man who lost his company but has hope to save his diabetic mother & to help his sister escape to finish her pharmacy degree. UPDATE - GFM Froze their gofundme, & they're starting over from scratch! I hope that you will please consider helping them inch back towards their goal with any tiny donation to the updated fund or by giving a heart or sharing their story-
I appreciate you helping their family to feel seen & heard during these terrible times!
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Help Jbreel and his family to evacuate from Gaza gofund.me/a8ffe422
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easternblocrelics · 3 months
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Ad for Chinoin Pharmaceutical Factory looking for children finishing 8th grade to continue their studies at their company. 1979
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nando161mando · 4 months
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Murderous Big Pharma
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battleangel · 2 months
Chew. Harden. Lengthen. Satisfy.
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The tagline for Hims literal Hard Mints Chewables in an online ad that auto-played as I scrolled through a wiki article literally nauseated me & makes me fucking sick:
Chew. Harden. Lengthen. Satisfy. With confidence.
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Hims now makes and sells chewable hard mints for ED (erectile dysfunction) that come in “discreet” tins.
The ad for the Hims Hard Mints is absolutely sickening & dehumanizing.
I just saw an in-website ad for the Hims Hard Mints that auto played as I was scrolling.
I was actually rereading the script for the demiurge episode from Aeon Flux.
The dystopian society that Aeon Flux presented that I watched for the first time on MTV in 8th grade in 1995 has now become a distressing Orwellian reality.
Aeon Flux was deeply dark, mindfucky & deconstructive and included heavily sexual subplots where the main character, Aeon, clad in a skin-tight leather BDSM get up with an impossibly tiny & concave waist & ginormous boobs actually has sex with someone through a hole in her back.
Pretty dehumanizing & reductive portrayal of sex, right?
Just like the Hims Hard Mint ad.
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So, the active ingredient in Cialis & Levitra has now been put into a hard mint chewable in a “discreet” tin.
Just like everything else, absolutely no thoughts to what might be behind the ED — anxiety, stress, mind body disconnect, unprocessed emotions and/or trauma, listlessness, lethargy, numbness, emptiness inside, loneliness, aimlessness, mindlessness, constant distraction, being overworked by design in our capitalist corporatist economic system, toxins chemicals & additives in foods & beverages, depressive feelings, malaise, existentialist despair, feelings of self-doubt, abandonment, isolation, inadequacy, constant comparisons, constant competition, keeping up with the joneses, overemphasis on the mechanics of sex, reductionism where sex is reduced solely to harden fuck ejaculate, lack of esotericism, total disconnect of mind body soul heart constantly caused by capitalism which is endlessly rewarded by disordered inhabitants that are slaves to the corporatist machine, lack of philosophical inquiries, never having a thought, watching pornhub on cell phone since 10 creating toxic harmful unrealistic expectations for sex. . .
Treating men like dehumanized sex robots and machines.
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Chew. Harden. Lengthen. Perform. Satisfy. With Confidence.
Disgustingly sickeningly exploitative & reductive.
Reducing sex to nothing but moving body parts.
Why chewable? Why mint flavored?
Why in a tin?
Because then it seems like its not prescription medication - which it is, it has the same active ingredient as Cialis & Levitra - its just, pop an Altoid then go fuck her.
Just as mindless as everything else in our current 3 second attention span society.
Why not try to get to the root of what is causing the ED as 90%+ of physical & mental DIS-eases is literally your body mind being at dis ease and is caused by a mind body imbalance of some sort.
Why not look within instead of looking in a tin?
Why is the answer presented as a chewable Altoid?
Fun. Easy. Minty. Fresh. Discreet.
Why not reflection?
Why not meditation?
Why not examining ones own thought, minds, feelings & emotions?
Why not journalling?
Why not experimenting sexually and seeing if the ED is being caused by lack of interest in current sexual activities?
Why not explore your sexuality and sexual identity and see if boredom or malaise or lack of physical/sexual attraction may be at the root of the ED?
Why must everything be unthinking?
Just pop a minty chewable chew.
In a discreet tin. Nobody has to know.
The entire ad focuses on the man satisfying the woman by chewing, hardening, lengthening, satisfying, performing with confidence.
Imagine that that is an ad actually describing a thinking feeling human being.
Its fucking terrifying.
Its nauseatingly reductive.
Its dehumanizing as fuck.
Its reducing men to literally nothing more than their anatomical reproductive organs and functions.
What of love?
What of ecstasy?
What of spark?
What of connection?
What of chemistry?
What of instantaneous chemical reactions?
What of soul connections?
What of soulmates?
What of twinflames?
What of beauty?
What of eroticism?
What of sexual soulmates?
What of sweat-filled intensity?
What of anticipation & build up?
What of longing & desire?
What of fantasy?
What of daydreams?
What of seductive allure?
What of devouring moments?
What of soul orgasms?
What of tantric sex?
What of hands free orgasms?
What of mental g-spots?
What of sexual exploration?
What of kinks & fetishes?
What of sexual preferences?
What of sexual identity & sexual expression?
What of wet dreams?
What of sexual attraction to the self?
What of turn-ons?
What of turn-offs?
What of sexual likes & dislikes?
What of trying different things sexually?
What of mixing things up?
What of roleplaying?
What of sexual imaginings?
What of erotic fiction?
What of homemade porn?
What of boudoir photography?
What of making yourself a sexual object?
What of self-fetishization?
What of lingerie?
What of voyeurism & exhibitionism?
What of sex shows?
What of public sex?
What of sexual personas?
What of sexual muses?
What of sexual adventures & misadventures?
What of orgies and one night stands and random hookups?
What of taking a break from sex?
What of temporary celibacy?
What of too much of a good thing applying to sex?
What of determining preferred frequency of sex?
What of getting to know yourself sexually?
What of societal sexual scripts that demand certain things from men & women?
What of not fitting the societally ascribed sexual scripts for the gender you were assigned at birth?
What of the intersection between your extremely individual & personal gender as everyones gender identity & expression is different & how that intertwines with societal dictates for how men & women are supposed to interact sexually?
What of sexual dogma that demands that the outcome of sex be an orgasm for all genders?
What of non-penetrative sex like oral, manual & intercrural?
What of sex being treated like a hypercapitalist machinistic end game?
What of love & loneliness?
Just, Shut up. Chew. Harden. Lengthen. Perform. Satisfy. With confidence.
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varnilife · 3 months
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Varni lifescience is one of the leading pharma intermediate manufacturer in India. Our intermediates are produced using premium quality ingredients. Moreover, they are highly applicable in various industrial and commercial sectors. We offer wide range of best quality intermediates at affordable prices.
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vjinstruments426 · 5 months
Exploring the World of Industrial Machinery: Ball Mill Manufacturers, FBD Fluid Bed Dryers, and Spheronizers
In the realm of industrial machinery, three key players stand out: Ball Mill Manufacturers, FBD Fluid Bed Dryers, and Spheronizers. Each plays a crucial role in various industries, contributing to the global economy.
Ball Mill Manufacturers
Ball mills are indispensable in industries such as mineral processing, paints, and ceramics, among others. They are used for grinding and blending materials into very fine powders. The manufacturers of these machines are known for their engineering prowess and commitment to quality. They ensure that these machines are designed and built to withstand the rigors of heavy-duty operations, while providing optimal performance.
FBD Fluid Bed Dryers
Next, we have the FBD Fluid Bed Dryers. These machines are essential in the pharmaceutical industry, where they are used for drying granules, powders, and other particulate materials. The principle behind their operation is simple yet effective - hot air is introduced into a plenum below a perforated plate, and as the air rises, it lifts and mixes the material, allowing for efficient and uniform drying. Manufacturers of these machines prioritize precision, reliability, and energy efficiency, ensuring that their products meet the stringent requirements of the pharmaceutical industry.
Last but not least, we have Spheronizers. These machines are used to form spherical pellets from a wet mixture or granulation. The process involves spinning the material in a friction plate, causing the particles to roll and form into spheres. This technique is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in the production of controlled-release drugs. Spheronizer manufacturers focus on ensuring that their machines offer high levels of precision and consistency, which are critical in pharmaceutical applications.
In conclusion, Ball Mill Manufacturers, FBD Fluid Bed Dryers, and Spheronizers are key players in the industrial machinery sector. Their contributions are vital in various industries, particularly in pharmaceuticals, where precision, reliability, and efficiency are of utmost importance. As we continue to advance technologically, we can expect these machines to evolve and become even more efficient and reliable, further solidifying their roles in the industrial sector.
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scotwin · 5 months
Best Pharmaceutical Company in Sirmour
Welcome to Scotwin Healthcare, your trusted partner in health and wellness. As the best pharmaceutical company in Sirmour, we are committed to excellence in delivering high-quality and innovative healthcare solutions. With a relentless focus on research, development, and customer satisfaction, Scotwin Healthcare strives to make a positive impact on the lives we touch. Our unwavering dedication to integrity, quality, and affordability sets us apart as a leading force in the pharmaceutical industry. Discover a healthier tomorrow with Scotwin Healthcare – where your well-being is our priority.
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white-fledermaus4 · 7 months
Wie soll man da noch leben können?
Wenn selbst die Medikamente auf die man täglich angewiesen ist jetzt nicht mehr von der Krankenkasse gezahlt werden und man doch eh schon NICHTS hat?!
Wie soll man die dann auch noch zahlen??
Oder soll man es eben einfach so hin nehmen und versuchen ohne diese Medikamente zu leben und die extreme Verschlechterung der lebensqualität dann einfach akzeptieren, - im Zweifel sich die Haut vom Körper kratzen, keine Luft mehr bekommen, nachts erstrecht nicht mehr schlafen können und vieles mehr..???
Was soll man nur tun, wenn einem derart die Hände gebunden sind finanziell und man sowieso schon jeden Tag unter existenzängsten leidet?
Und dann soll man aber glücklich durchs Leben gehen und wird blöd angemacht wenn man depressiv ist, ständig aus dem Nichts zu weinen beginnt weil man so verzweifelt ist...
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mikyit · 2 years
What is #healthcare 🩺 #AI 🤖🧠? #HealthcareAI is the application of #ArtificialIntelligence to #MedicalServices and the #administration or delivery of medical services. #MachineLearning (#ML), large and often unstructured #datasets, advanced #sensors, #NaturalLanguageProcessing (#NLP) and #robotics are all being used in a growing number of healthcare sectors. ___💥___The 10 areas of AI applied to Healthcare: 1. Healthcare administration 🧑‍💼 2. Public health 🏛️ 3. Medical research 🔬 4. Medical training 👩‍🏫 5. Medical professional support 🧑‍⚕️ 6. Patient engagement 😷 7. Remote medicine 💻 8. Diagnostics 🧪 9. Surgery 🥼 10. Hospital care 🏥
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amaliasnap · 2 years
"I wish people would realize others don't fake anxiety and depression. --they fake being okay"
I wish I could find the Tumblr account that said that to reblog.
Just wanted to say they DO "fake" physical disorders and other social issues to AVOID talking about the root cause, bc there is such a stigma surrounding mental illness.
That's what munchausen syndrome basically amounts to, you fake being sick bc "you can't admit you are mentally ill". Not even to yourself.
From personal experience with my own family members, it is hard to tell where the boundary between mental illness and physical illness lies.
But that makes it harder for people who have that physical illness because it will eventually be obvious that some people are faking it.
Also malingering is when you fake illness for financial gain OR to get certain drug (like pain medicine)
And munchausen syndrome is where the motive is anything else.
People do not fake being mentally ill, but they will fake any number of physical illnesses, (or even a different mental illness in some rare cases), to avoid admitting they have been traumatized or what-have-you.
And there isn't really a treatment plan or diagnosis criterium for those things-- I would guess because the profit motive isn't there--but I would like to know if there are other barriers of which I am just unaware?
I'm not a trained health professional so maybe there are barriers in the way you can ethically treat patients-- where crossing that ethical line is worse than allowing this problem to be a silent one?
Best wishes to anyone who has family members like this, bc I ALWAYS question any health problem I have.... Just because I've seen people lie to themselves about this stuff. I'm low key gaslighting myself basically. "Maybe I'm not sick and I just am crazy"
No! You have a normal cold! Allow yourself to be human!
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veeremedies · 4 hours
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Vee Remedies: Your Trusted Manufacturer and Supplier of High-Quality Piperacillin + Tazobactam (with SWFI) Injections for Superior Patient Care.
For More Info:
Visit: https://veeremedies.com
Call us: +91 9814020377
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nando161mando · 3 months
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It'd embarrassing to see people shout as if they are expected entitlement to be more privileged.
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drpramod · 1 day
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octanexlabsin · 3 days
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As a future-focused company with a strong chemistry foundation, we specialize in developing cutting-edge synthesis and manufacturing processes for Pharma, Agro, Fine and Specialty Chemicals, CRO, and CDMO industries. We deliver Custom Development and CRAMS solutions to clients around the world. Working closely with our trusted partners and clients, we ensure that our growth aligns with our unwavering commitment to quality excellence in every endeavor.
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Skincare Solutions with The Aesthetic Sense: Unlocking the Power of Luliconazole Lotion and Medicated Products
In dermatology and skincare, finding practical solutions to combat fungal and bacterial infections is essential for maintaining healthy, radiant skin. At The Aesthetic Sense. we are committed to offering top-quality products that address a wide range of skin concerns. From Luliconazole Lotion to medicated soaps like Coro Care Cetrimide, we aim to provide effective treatments that support dermatologists, skincare enthusiasts, and potential franchise partners in offering the best skincare.
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Understanding Luliconazole Lotion
Luliconazole Lotion is a potent antifungal treatment known for suppressing and eliminating fungi responsible for skin infections. As an azole antifungal, it works effectively against conditions like tinea pedis (athlete's foot), tinea cruris (jock itch), and tinea corporis (ringworm). These infections can cause red, itchy, and scaly rashes that can spread across different body parts. Luliconazole, with its superior formulation, provides fast relief by reducing symptoms and addressing the infection's root cause.
Whether you're a dermatologist seeking a reliable solution for fungal infections or a skincare enthusiast looking for an over-the-counter remedy, Luliconazole Lotion is a versatile and powerful tool to restore your skin's health.
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Best Antibiotic Creams for Skin Infections
Bacterial infections are another common skin issue that can cause irritation, redness, and discomfort. Topical antibiotics are crucial in treating these infections, offering quick and effective results. Here is a list of the top 10 antibiotic creams for skin infections in India, ideal for treating fungal, bacterial, and other microbial skin concerns:
Fucidin Cream
Mupirocin Ointment
Clobeta-GM Cream
Zydip-C Cream
T-Bact Ointment
Derma-Cure Cream
These creams are commonly used for skin rashes, bacterial infections, and other microbial skin disorders. Their application is simple and highly effective, offering a convenient and rapid solution to skin infections.
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Experience Protection with Coro Care Cetrimide Soap
For those looking for superior skin protection, Coro Care Cetrimide Medicated Soap is a go-to solution. Infused with Cetrimide, a powerful antiseptic, this soap helps prevent bacterial contamination while ensuring deep cleansing.
Cetrimide is widely recognized for its ability to combat bacteria and reduce the risk of infections. By maintaining the skin's natural balance, this soap provides additional protection for everyday hygiene. Whether dealing with sensitive skin or looking to maintain optimal cleanliness, Coro Care Cetrimide Soap offers a gentle yet effective option.
At The Aesthetic Sense, we take pride in offering a wide range of skincare solutions, from Luliconazole Lotion for fungal infections to Coro Care Cetrimide Soap for daily protection against bacteria. We aim to support dermatologists, skincare professionals, and franchise partners in delivering the best skincare. Whether you're looking for the best antibiotic cream for skin rash or a reliable cetrimide soap, our products are designed to address your needs with the highest standards of quality and care.
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