#Pilates small group classes
hyunjinsjeans · 1 month
He Knows (Changbin ver.)
Chan ver. | Lee Know ver. | Hyunjin ver.
Synopsis: you already have a baby, but maybe you are ready for baby number two… it might be that your husband is not as ready.
Type: Fluff 🧸, a little bit of angst at the end if you squint ❤️‍🩹, SFW 👍
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy
Word Count: 2110
AN: this one is a little more on the angsty side. I hope it is cool with y’all! It seems the word count keeps coming up, so uh, sorry about that. I hope you enjoy!
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You knew Changbin was not one to make rash decisions. In fact, it took you almost two years to start dating officially, and it was in part because you warned him either he gave you a label or he could lose your number. 
He did not like the idea of losing you for a second. Which is how he learned to pay a little less attention to his rational side and allowed himself to go by feelings when it came to the two of you. He was smart anyway, there was no need to overthink things. 
To everyone’s surprise you were the first couple in his group to get engaged, then married and a little under 2 years ago welcomed a baby girl who stole the show anywhere she went. Hajoon, was the name you came to pick together, meaning summer, she was your little ray of sunshine from the moment you first knew of her existence when you were only 6 months into married life. Changbin had gone into a short panic at first but he recovered quite smoothly and in true Seo Changbin fashion he stepped into his role as if he had been doing it all his life. You had been scared all throughout the pregnancy, not having planned for it and finding yourself struggling with morning sickness while he was away in America promoting with the boys. Giving birth made you anxious enough you actually started working out more than your husband, taking all the yoga classes you could handle and signing up for as many pre-natal pilates as possible. One would think you were never going to want to have a baby again. 
And one would be wrong. 
You were at peace with your small family of three until you started taking Hajoon to daycare. She was a happy little girl, knowing little more than her family and uncles. Following her father around as much as possible, she started dancing almost as quickly as she started walking and her speaking was coming along better than expected according to your in-laws. Most likely thanks to Changbin’s silly rap battles with his baby girl. No one year old could compete with his speed, but Hajoon would be damned if she didn’t try.
“No, no; she has a good rhythm!” Changbin always defended his daughter. 
And the fact was, Hajoon loved to play with her daddy, with her uncles… but most of all she loved playing with her daycare buddies. You could see how happy she was in the morning when you went to wake her up, get her dressed and bring her to the kitchen to have breakfast with Changbin. Yes, she was a daddy’s girl through and through (and Changbin was lost in that girl dad daze, wrapped around her miniscule finger from day one). But she would let go of her appa the instant you mentioned daycare. And upon seeing her little friends, she would forget all about how comfortable and warm your embrace was. 
Sometimes you stayed long enough to watch her find her friends, a couple of boys around her same age and a girl a little bit older. 
You couldn’t help it, in your heart you craved to give her the possibility of a friend to play with at all times. Someone to share all those toys you asked the boys not to get her but somehow still made it into Hajoon’s tiny backpack whenever you would hang out.  You wanted her to have what Changbin had with his sister. And your husband’s behavior upon finishing promotions for the last mini album did not do anything other than add fuel to the fire. 
Changin was not stupid (no matter what Seungmin’s opinion on the matter could be), he could tell when something was going on around him. He knew you were being “strange”. Quiet. 
If he knew one thing about you, it was that you were never quiet. Even when you were thinking things over, you reasoned out loud with yourself. You were never one to stay still for too long either. You were more obvious than you would ever like to admit. 
Chanbin was absolutely in love with you before Hajoon, but after she was born it was like the entire world revolved around the two of you, himself included. Which is why he was so aware of every detail in your life. How you still laid your hand in the middle of the bed between the two of you, as if your baby girl was still sleeping there as she had the first few months of her life. He knew you still used those baby oils on your daughter, refusing to move on from the baby scent. Changbin could also see how your eyes lit up at the sight of your daughter pressing her ear to Lee Know’s wife’s growing belly. 
Oh, if he could he would give you a baby right there and then. But he was so busy with work these days. 
Changbin arrived home under a light rain, his feet causing the water on the ground to fly around in small drops. He looked up under his umbrella to see you through the window, most likely making cookies in the kitchen with Hajoon as your helper. You two loved to play cooks. He loved to play the faithful customer. 
A smile spread across his face when he heard the loud giggles erupt from the home, you yelled in surprise while a joyful high pitched voice announced “more choco-ate!” 
Changbin knew your little one was a chocolate enthusiast. On that note he decided to come in, leaving his dirty boots on the entryway before calling for his family. 
“I’m home!” He put his jacket away. 
“Now, don’t run Joonie!” You advised from the kitchen. 
The sound of light feet quickly tapping on the floor was a clear indication that your advice was not taken. 
Changbin knelt to catch the fast approaching girl, her pigtails flying in the air while she ran with her arms open wide. She had no doubt he would catch her so she threw herself at him and got held against her dad’s strong chest, her cheek pressed happily onto his shirt. 
“There’s my princess!” He kissed the top of her head repeatedly as she giggled in his arms. “Where’s your mother, huh?”
As if you heard him, you stepped out of the kitchen. He lifted his gaze before picking up his daughter and going up to you, giving your cheek a gentle kiss. 
“What are you two up to?” He looked you up and down. 
You tilted your head to the side with a small smile on your face, you fixed Hajoon’s shirt that had ridden up her back and let your daughter explain. 
“Cookies”, she whispered into his ear. 
Changbin didn’t even flinch at the warm air his daughter blew straight into his ear. 
You asked him how things had gone at the studio and he sighed in response, not wanting to say too much. He had been working on a few songs with Chan and Han for over a week, some were good and ready to go. Others were still works in progress. It seemed like they would have more than enough material for their next album, but he knew it was all a lot more work to get done. And just before his baby girl’s second birthday. 
Although Changbin was keeping it to himself, he was overwhelmed. Still, you could tell. 
The sweet smell of the cookies flooded the house even a few hours after you had all eaten dinner. Giving Changbin the chance to unwind, you let him and Hajoon play in the living room while you cleaned up the kitchen. The sound of the tv and some of the girl’s toys resonated through the house along with their loud laughter.
Soon enough you walked into the living room to find Changbin snoozing on the sofa with Hajoon cuddled up to his chest, head nestled in the space between his neck and shoulder. You knew you already had many photos like this, but still pulled your phone out of your pant’s pocket and took the picture. 
“I’m not really asleep, you know?” Your husband’s voice startled you. 
“Oh,” you jumped to put your phone away. “Do you need help with the little one?”
He shook his head slowly, pointing for you to sit next to him.
You turned the tv down as you went to take a seat next to him, his free arm reached for your hand and intertwined your fingers. 
“We need to talk,” he mumbled. 
You looked back into his eyes. He was tired from the long day at work, you sighed and wondered what he wanted to talk about so you nodded and watched your daughter’s peaceful face. She was sound asleep, exhausted by the afternoon walk and the subsequent baking session. 
“What is it?” You turned in your seat to face him more. 
Changbin let out a heavy sigh, he did not like that he needed to bring it up but he could not have you hoping he would catch on to you and go along with it. 
“You know I love you,” he wasn’t asking but you nodded at his words, “and I love Joonie, you two mean so much to me…” 
He closed his eyes and you tugged on his hand, speaking as well. Encouraging your husband. Maybe the two of you knew where this conversation was going, reading each other in a heartbeat. 
“Oh, Binnie, we love you too. What do you need to say?”
Here came the difficult words: “Next year is going to be busy. I won’t be home a lot.” He opened his eyes and searched your face for a reaction. 
You opened your mouth to speak a couple of times but weren’t able to say anything. To be honest, you saw this coming. It did not make it any easier to accept what was being said between the lines. 
Changbin felt guilty when you looked away, there was a smile on your lips that was unable to reach any other feature on your face. 
“It’s only a year,” he tugged at your hand. 
You blinked at that and took in a deep breath. “Is there another world tour?”
“Yeah, we’re so excited but… I wouldn’t be able to leave you with this little monkey and another one on the way.”
There it was. Your head snapped in his direction, unable to play fool and tiptoe around the topic any longer. 
“I’m not saying I want one right now. You are busy, you’re tired. I just think we should plan it soon. I don’t want Hajoon to have a big age gap with her siblings.”
You leaned back on the sofa and put your head on his shoulder, watching your daughter sleep. Allowing Changbin’s warmth to comfort you from the disappointment of hearing him put your wish to have another baby on the waiting list.
Changbin let go of your hand and wrapped his arm around you. At least you were on the same page. “We can try for next year. With luck I won’t get completely outnumbered by girls.”
You bit back your laughter as you rested your hand on his stomach. “Oh, but you’re such a good girl dad!” 
“It’s only easy because Hajoon is a mini-you. And a rockstar really… more than me.” 
You giggled. 
“She is a mini-you, what are you talking about?” You caressed your little girl’s chubby cheek. 
She has the same face shape as her dad, her cheeks round and pink, her lips small and heart shaped.
“Actually, maybe I want an army of mini-you’s…” he let his fingers run along your shoulder.
You rolled your eyes, “I can’t make any promises about gender, but I definitely want to have another one.”
Changbin agreed and kissed your hair, “I’m sorry it’s not what you wanted. I would love to do it right now, but I would feel like crap knocking you up and then leaving the country. I will be here with you when we do it again.” He pressed his cheek to the top of your head. “I promise.” 
You tilted your head back and kissed his jaw, then his cheek and when he turned to you, you pressed a short kiss to his lips. 
“I’m not mad. You don’t have to explain anything to me, I get it. And you’re right, this is the best way to do it. Together.”
“Since you like the idea, you could kiss me again, you know?” He proposed, bringing up the mood again.
Likes, Reblogs and Comments are welcome! Thank you for reading!
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Feminine Tip #003: Invest In Your Fitness Journey Sis 🔑
Ladies, Fitness takes your look to the next level.
Let’s have a little heart-to-heart about something super important. We all know that confidence and self-love are at the core of our power, but what if I told you that fitness could be your secret weapon to your leveling up journey ?
Feminine women set a higher bar for themselves.
Why Fitness?
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1. Glow from Within: When you work out, you’re not just toning your body; you’re also boosting your mood, energy, and overall well-being. ✨
2. Confidence Booster: There’s something incredibly powerful about challenging your physical limits and coming out on top. Whether it’s lifting heavier weights, running that extra mile, or mastering a new yoga pose, every victory makes you feel like the queen you are. 👑
3. Fashion Flex: Let’s be real, clothes fit differently when you’re toned and strong. That favorite dress or those killer jeans? They look even better when you’ve got that fitness edge. Plus, the confidence you radiate makes any outfit look like a million bucks. 💃🏾
4. Mental Clarity: Fitness isn’t just about the body; it’s also about the mind. Regular exercise helps reduce stress, anxiety, and even depression. A clear mind means you can conquer anything, from boardroom meetings to brunch plans. 🧘🏿‍♀️
📌 How To Get Started
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1. Find Your Jam: Not everyone loves the gym, and that’s okay! Explore different types of workouts until you find something you love. Dance classes, hiking, swimming, Pilates, or even a fun Zumba session—there’s something out there for everyone.
2. Set Realistic Goals: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your fitness journey won’t be either. Start with small, achievable goals and celebrate every milestone. Progress, no matter how small, is still progress. 🏅
3. Squad Goals: Everything’s better with friends. Find a workout buddy or join a fitness group. Having a support system can keep you motivated and make the whole experience a lot more fun. 👯‍♀️
4. Self-Care is Key: Remember, fitness is a form of self-love. Listen to your body, rest when you need to, and don’t be too hard on yourself. Your journey is unique, and every step forward is a step towards a better you. 🛁💕
😼 Let’s Do This!
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Ladies, it’s time to reclaim our power and elevate our lives through fitness. Let’s embrace the strength, beauty, and confidence that come from taking care of our bodies. Whether you’re a fitness newbie or a seasoned pro, there’s always room to grow and glow.
So, lace up those comfy sneakers, put on your favorite workout gear, and let’s stand on FITNESS the same we stand on business. The next level is waiting for you, and it’s going to be game changing 💋
Don’t forget to surround yourself with what you want to become! follow us on Instagram 💋
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justkending · 4 months
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt (Chapter 6/7)
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Mini-Series Summary: Two of the most stubborn people in the group partnered together for an undercover mission are also the two people with the most hatred for each other, so what could go wrong? Or is it, what COULDN’T go wrong?…
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger Reader (Enemies to Lovers) (Fake Marriage Trope)
Word Count: 3300+
A/N: I have only read through this once, but I plan on revising it this afternoon, so please excuse any mistakes! The next chapter will be the last, and I'm so glad you guys have enjoyed it up to this point :) You all are the best! (Also, I tried fixing as many of the tags as I could, but if it's still acting weird, please message me or send an ask!)
Chapter 6:
“Shit, you have a mean right hook, but you kinda have to hit the target for it to have the impact you want!” I pant as I move just seconds before Bethanne makes contact with the wall behind me. “You learn that in pilates? Maybe I should take it up.” 
Reggie let out a frustrated grunt from the room over where Bucky was now ducking and weaving out of angry, calculated swings. 
In assessing my opponent's fighting patterns, I sense Bethanne going in for another swing. Grabbing the picture frame off the wall, I bash it into her head, where she teeters and falls back, discombobulated enough for me to move to help Bucky.
“I should have known better than to trust you two,” Reggie grunts as he gets a slight jump on Bucky, shouldering him and taking him to the ground. “Especially you’re bitch of a fake wife-”
I go to handle the comment for myself and help Bucky, but something about the slur triggers Bucky to handle the situation on his own, and the next thing I know, he’s now on top of Reggie and twisting his arms in a way that causes a wale in pain to follow. 
“That’s not how you speak about a lady,” he grits through his teeth and winds back to swing. 
At the same moment, with my attention elsewhere, Bethanne comes from behind me with a piece of glass from the picture frame -that didn’t do the job I’d hoped- and slices deeply in the back of my arm, getting a scream and hiss from me. 
She’s seething when I turn around, her own hand dripping blood on their pristine white carpet from the clamp she has on it, ready to give another slash when the opportunity presents itself. 
I hear Bucky shout my name, distracted by my injury, and then catch a glimpse of the tussle that breaks back out between the two men. One problem at a time. 
Holding the back of my arm, feeling the blood leave my body faster than I expected, I twist my head to the side at the blonde. I learned the intimidation tactic from Wanda, and when I say it works, it works…
Bethanne’s crass smile falls, and she is smart enough to take a few steps back. 
“I’m not a gentleman, so I won’t hold my tongue, bitch,” I add emphasis on the name and start walking to her with my head down and eyes glaring at her. Instantly, she turns on her heel and runs to another room, where I pick up my speed and follow her. 
I get my foot in between the doorframe before she has the chance to shut it, and dear God, I wish I had my Doc Martens right now to kick the damn thing down. I shove my shoulder into it, and she stumbles back for a lamp in the bedroom we were in now. 
Not well calculated, she throws a small one, and I dodge it as it slams into the door behind me. 
“Come on, Bethanne. All those sole cycles and bare classes, and you don’t want to see if those muscles work? Throw a hit like a woman. Let’s make this more interesting,” I move to a fighting stance and ignore the sting on my arm, knowing I have fleeting moments of adrenaline before the blood loss catches up. 
“You’re just mad you got caught,” she spits out, and I mean literally spits out. The saliva would have hit my foot if she wasn’t such a sissy. “You think we didn’t catch on from the second bug you destroyed? Pretty fucking obvious if you ask me.” 
I could hear more pieces of furniture breaking off in the other room and realized that maybe this chit-chat needed to end. 
“Sure. Let’s go with you guys figuring it out sooner. If that makes you feel better about all this,” I shrug, rolling my eyes and stepping in to move this party along. 
The night before. Bucky’s POV:
Due to the wire in the bathroom, which neither Y/N nor I wanted to deal with, I had to shift my nighttime bathroom routine to the master’s. 
Like any normal master bath, there were two sinks, and I stationed myself at the one Y/N hadn’t. For the first time since coming to this place, we actually felt like a couple as we both got situated on our side of the counter and started doing our nightly regime. 
“How intense of a wire do you think it is?” she asked quietly after washing her face and dapping the water off her skin with a clean towel. 
The doors to the bathroom and her room were both closed, creating a barrier to the others. 
“I think we’re safe to talk in here,” I answered, rinsing my toothbrush I’d just used and throwing it into the travel bag I had. 
“Ok, so I can ask freely, how much longer do you think this mission is going to take?” she sighs, opening the cabinet in front of her, taking out three cosmetic vials, and putting them in a practiced order in front of her. 
“Huh?” I let slip, and she turned to me with furrowed eyebrows. 
“Huh, what?” 
I shake out of my disbelief and look at her clean and noticeably smooth face. A subtle scar next to her eyebrow being the only form of imperfection by societal rules, but I wouldn’t call it that. 
“I didn’t think you were a,” I paused, not sure what to call what I was seeing. I just saw her as someone who would splash some water on her face at the night's end and call it a day. Then again, I didn’t know enough about face creams and serums I’ve seen Nat and Wanda use. 
“A clean person?” she finishes my sentence with a harsh laugh as she brings out a spray bottle with a maroon liquid in it from another cabinet, spritz her face three times and pats it in with her hand. 
“Don’t think that’s the word I was looking for,” I shake my head, running a hand through my hair and fidgeting as I feel her gaze shift to me. 
“Not a face washer and 20 ageless serums kind of guy?” she hums, rubbing a green goop in her hands before all over your face. “Well, not all of us are aging at the rate of paint drying. Some of us have to put in effort to look this good.” 
I smirk at that because I don’t think she realizes what she just said. 
“You say I’m effortlessly handsome?” I grin, turning and resting my back on the counter as I watch her. 
She can’t seem to help her own smile and bites her lip as she fans her face, grabbing another small dropper bottle. 
“You know what? Don’t even try and pretend you don’t know you’re a pretty face,” she blushes and tries to backtrack. “God. Can you believe the difference this conversation would have been just two hours ago? And now I’m here calling you pretty.” 
“I’m not complaining.” The grin on my face hurts with how authentic it is. “And if it makes you feel any better, I think Reggie would steal you away as his wife if I weren’t already attached to you.” 
“Ah, yes. The testosterone battle that took place tonight. Glad you brought that up,” she nods, placing the finished bottles back in the cabinet and adding the last serum to her face. Her skin had a nice glow after the magic treatments. “I knew men lay their claim, but you seemed more intense than I’d imagined you’d be about that kind of stuff.”
“He was undressing you with his eyes,” I said sternly, compared to the easy-going tone we had stuck to. “He needed to be set straight acting like that.” My arms crossed as I watched her unbothered by the conversation piece.
“And you, acting like a lion ready to bite the head off of him while trying to get on their good side, was the way to counter that behavior?” 
“I wasn’t that intimidating.”
“You’re James Buchanan Barnes. You don’t have to put on an act to be intimidating. Therefore, when you put on any protective act, the intimidation act just multiplies.” She deadpans to me. 
Ok, maybe she was right… I was a little more invasive into her space this evening, but it was to prove a point. 
“I was doing my job,” I shrug, stepping closer, picking up her skincare bottle, and examining it. 
“You played the annoyed and jealous husband very well. I’ll make sure your nomination for a Tony Award is submitted.” 
I shake my head, handing her the bottle she places precisely in the cabinet. 
“Are you a neat freak?” I ask, and she turns to me, pulling her hair out of the ponytail she had put in to wash her face. 
“I’m not anal if that’s what you think? I prefer things to be organized where it’s helpful.” 
“I’m pretty sure that’s what a neat freak would say…”
“Says the man who organized the spices alphabetically and sorts the coffee pods by color.” She tidies her space, wiping any water with a washcloth, and turns out of the room, flipping the light switch with me still in there. 
“When you’re cooking, it makes things easier to find. That’s just common sense. And the color thing? Well, it’s aesthetically pleasing,” I debate, following her on her heel. 
“Sure thing, neat freak…” she laughs, going to her side of the bed and getting her nightstand prepared for the night. 
I watch her, and she doesn’t seem to mind as I silently catalog her ritual. When she finally gets things settled and looks at me, waiting for a reason for why I’m still in her room, I stumble over my words. 
“You’re question earlier.” Considering the life mic in the room across the hall, I have to be careful in choosing my words. “Maybe this suburban life isn’t as bad as we thought it was. It is a nice break from our former day-to-day.”
She nods, pulling back the covers of her bed and rubs lotion from her bedside into her palms. 
“There are some aspects I’ve come to like,” she smiles genuinely. 
Present Time
In seconds, Bethanne was unconscious and lying on the ground with a curtain cord binding her on the ground. She’d be occupied enough for me to help Bucky restrain his opponent and come back to move her after. 
I held the back of my arm, which was still oozing blood. The dizziness was slowly creeping up on me, but I tapped into the reserve of adrenaline to assess the chaos in front of me. 
Lucky for Bucky, he was holding his own well enough even if his opponent was double his size (but are we shocked? No.), so I moved to the kitchen for a weapon, considering we didn’t have time to prepare before this fight broke out. 
For context, this all started with me coming over here to meet Bethanne for a yoga class she had invited me to this morning. Bucky just happened to be heading home earlier from "work," given that he actually had nothing to do.
Lucky for me because Bethanne had used the excuse of yoga to corner me, and Reggie happened to be home to help, too.
I had played into their casualness to start, feeling the energy off and their disposition askew, and tried to stall for a while, knowing it would be a better fight with my partner nearby. I texted Bucky to meet me at their place with an excuse, and by the time he got there (5 minutes later), the fight broke out, and all curtains were pulled back to reveal the truth.
“Barnes!” I shout, and his head pops up from his position, trying to disengage Reggie. I throw the knife I got a hold of from across the room, and he spins, turning the giant perfectly to where the knife embeds itself in the front of his thigh. 
A yell in pain sounds, and Bucky turns to hold his head in a lock that eventually makes Reggie pass out. 
Silence takes over the space. The only sound is our panting as he looks at the damage and sees the end of our mission come to a close. Whether intentional or not…
“So, that was fun. Glad we got some cardio in,” I huff, pulling my arm closer to my body and putting pressure on the cut. 
“Jesus fuck,” Bucky runs a hand through his hair and walks to me. “Where’d she get you?” 
His hands are gentle and light compared to how he’d been using them the last few minutes. He turns me to the side, using my shoulder as leverage, and bends to look at the gash on my arm right above the back of my elbow. I had been wearing a dry-fit running jacket that clung to me, so the damage wasn’t 100% visible, I’m sure, but the hiss he lets out when he sees it leads me to believe otherwise. 
“How’s it look, Doc?” I ask and wince with a sharp breath when he pokes at it. “Dude. Jagged glass cut. Careful.” 
“Just moved the fabric,” he grumbles, still examining it. In front of us, Reggie groans. We both look at him. 
“We can play operation in a minute. Let’s tie the big guy up, and you can help me get Raggedy Bethanne from the other room in here to interrogate,” I push past his shoulder as I move to get Reggie situated. 
Begrudgingly, Bucky helped me move the sleeping giant and we shut all the blinds and set the space for a controlled interrogation. 
Currently, Bucky is on the phone with Steve, letting him know the plan went awry. We were working on getting information while we waited for a team to come collect the two perpetrators. Steve confirmed he’d send undercover agents as cops for us to wrap up the loose ends. 
In the middle of the call, someone knocks on the door, and we share a look. I’m still covered in blood, but I find a painter's poncho on the side, throw it on quickly, and grab a used paintbrush in the convenient tray next to it. 
“One second!” I shout, making a few marks on the poncho and one on my face for show. I go to open the door, praying I don’t have any blood on my face, but I did well in keeping away from Bethanne’s pathetic attempts of retaliation. 
When I open the door, I see their next-door neighbor, Mrs. Nosy-Nancy Betrum, smiling wearily in front of me. 
“Oh, hello, Charlotte,” she says nervously, trying to peer into the house around me. “Is Bethanne in there?” 
“Oh,” I perk up casually, turning behind me for a second and looking back at her. “She just ran to the bathroom. Is everything ok?”
“I just heard some shouting and crashing and wasn’t sure what was going on,” she started, still trying to peak into the background that I’m mostly hiding, so I moved a little to show the not-as-destroyed part of the house. 
“Oh, she’s doing a kitchen renovation and asked if we could help since we have some experience ourselves. The boys are hauling and dismantling some things. Lots of grunting and noise, I’m afraid,” I cringe lightly to play into the apologetic side of the conversation. “I’ll let her know we’re being too loud.” 
“Oh, ok,” she nodded, seemingly convinced but still glancing in. 
“Char, can you come help me and Reggie with this?” Bucky shouts, and I turn to look at him as he gives me an out. 
“Sorry about the noise, Nancy. We’ll try to be considerate about it. One sec, honey!” I nod back. “See you for Wednesday book club at Katrina’s next week.” I give an award-winning smile, and that seems to seal the deal. 
“Let me know how the finished project comes out,” she waves, walking down the steps.
After I shut the door, I groan as the pain in the back of my arm throbs more and more. 
“I’ll get Beth,” Bucky stands up from where he has successfully tied up Reggie and anchored him to a chair. “You go find a clean cloth and put some pressure on that,” he points out my arm that’s smearing red into the white paint I had tried to hide it with. 
“Good plan,” I nod, hissing as I move to the kitchen to make a makeshift tourniquet. 
The mission was done. I could sleep in my own bed now. My arm hurt like hell, and I was dreading the unfortunate aftercare and restrictions to come, but the mission was done, and I was headed home. 
After we got Bethanne and Reginald situated, the interrogation started, and they squealed like pigs. Well, Bethanne did, but Reggie didn’t hold out like he thought he would after some convincing with Bucky’s form of torture. Restrained if you ask me…
We had a list of other names to hunt and find. We found solid evidence in their home to prove most of it. Steve and Nat were given puzzle pieces that we had come for originally, so we were on the right path of taking down the organization Fury had been hunting.  
Things worked out for the better, even with the fact that they had successfully hidden a bug, and we were discovered. But there was a reason Bucky and I were picked for this, and we proved that. 
“What’s the diagnosis?” Bucky asked, coming into the med-bay I had been stationed in for the last hour on the Quinjet home. 
“I won’t need a robotic arm, unfortunately. I’ll have to wait a little longer before I can join your one-man club,” I sigh depressingly before I quirk a smile at him. 
“Wouldn’t be a one-man club if you joined it, now would it?” he laughed, sitting on the bed next to me where the nurse finished the stitches and wrapped a clean gauze bandage around it. 
“Thank you.” I nodded her way as she grabbed her things and walked out quietly. 
“Gonna be a minute before you back out in the ring, huh?” he asked, bumping my shoulder. “Sam hasn’t been proving to be the best dueling partner. Maybe since you won’t try to kill me now, you can take up the title? I feel like you’d be a decent match.” 
I turn to him after picking at my bandage and eye him. “Who says I wouldn’t try to kill you still? What’s the good of training if you’re not practicing the real thing?” 
He rolls his eyes and spreads his legs a little more, causing his knee to bump into mine.
“I don’t think you’ll be up for the killing portion of our fights for a bit, so I’ll take the advantage as long as possible.” 
“You think a little scratch like this has held me back from killing before?” He laughed under his breath, and we sat in comfortable silence for a minute. “The team isn’t going to believe I no longer have a vendetta against you,” I whisper. “They’re going to think we’re putting on an act.”
Bucky’s POV:
“I, for one, prefer the nicety over the insults, but that’s me personally,” I say, noticing the nerves in her comment. 
“I’m going to miss insulting you,” she sighs heavily, and I’m shocked at her closing in the space enough for our shoulders to touch. “I don’t have to give it up fully, do I?” 
I take her attempt of trying to lighten the mood and nod. 
“Considering the team is going to give us hell for it, and Steve has a bet we’ll make up in 3-weeks-”
“Wait, make up? I thought the bet was how long until we bite each other’s heads off.” 
“Nat’s bet is. She gave it until tomorrow actually. Steve was rooting for us I guess,” I shrug. 
“Hmmm,” she nods her head as she thinks things through. I’ve seen that look many times. “What if we messed with them?” 
“Channel our energy into keeping the charade going a little longer so neither wins?” 
“You really shouldn’t be betting on your friends,” she grins mischievously. 
“I’m always down for winning a second time this week,” I smile back.
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @death-unbecomes-you @mythos-writes​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​  @srrymydood​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @xa-dia​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @redhairedfeistynerd​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @morganclaire4​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @connie326​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @captain-asguard​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @mollygetssherlockcoffee​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @teenagedreams-bucky @shower-me-with-roses​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @livstilinski @basicallylool​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @starryeyeseunbyul​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
My Lovelies Forever:
@natura1phenomenon​ @lauravicente​ @kakakatey​ @traceyaudette​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @sandlee44​ @thorne93​ @thefaithfulwriter1​ @essie1876​ @greyeyedsmile14​ @capsiclehan​  @xostephanie​ @averyrogers83​ @awesomenursingstudent​ @gh0stgurl​ @cs-please​ @jjlevin​ @rainbowkisses31​ @deannotmoose​ @their-bibliophile​ @kitkatd7​ @willowbleedsonpaper​ @mariaenchanted​ @snffbeebee​ @couldabeenamermaid​ @rebekahdawkins​​ @alyispunk​​ @billyseye @hallecarey1​​
Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker​ @charmedbysarge​ @jbarness​ @bellamy-barnes​ @katiaw2​ @aikeia​ @stopjustlovethemcu​ @enchantedbarnes
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt Series:
@jackiehollanderr @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @theroyalmanatee @wintrsoldrluvr @alexakeyloveloki  @bxckybxrnes24 @lillianacristina @selella @heletsmelovehim @lovelybaka @julvrs @mostlymarvelgirl @heletsmelovehim @learisa @bubblegumbeautyqueen @that-d-bitch @rabbitrabbit12321
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angelicgirlmj · 18 days
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hey! <3
so, i have 2 questions, i dont want to pressure u tho ♡ first of all, been struggling with motivation to do my workouts/go to the gym and meditations recently becuase im a high key procrastinater and cant seem to stop, do you have any tips on how to keep motivated? xx
And second, i do a lot of class presentations at my school and constantly struggle with them, because of an ongoing anxiety about reading in front of others. apart from the fact I'm quite antisocial and have a couple of friends so i dont know ppl very well, i can't seem to find confidence, do you know any ways i can develop better social skills when it comes to public reading/speach? xxx tysm
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hi angel! you sound so kind - of course i am so happy to answer your asks! ill break it up into two parts to help make it a little clearer and easier to read.
gym/meditation motivation: the first step is carving out time in your day for these and starting small. it’s pointless thinking okay ill do half an hour of meditation and two hours of working out a day if you dont have the time/energy to do that! instead make the time to begin your day with five minutes of meditation and try and do half an hour of working out, you can always build up the amount of time but you will feel better and more motivated if you are able to meet your goals and then expand them as opposed to feeling bad and shrinking them if you struggle to meet them. secondly i would say find workouts that appeal to you and are fun! dance, pilates and weightlifting are some of my favourite solo workouts but group workouts are so fun and you can experiment and find workouts that appeal to you. also if you like guided meditations try and find ones that interest/deeply calm you to make them more fun to follow. thirdly romanticise your workouts! create cute playlists, gym outfits, buy a cute yoga mat, do your hair and buy a pretty waterbottle. this will help you feel more encouraged and comfortable to workout and also feel way more of a fun event as you dress up etc. finally! reward yourself. after an hour of working out give yourself an hour of screen time, buy a cute drink, if you hit your monthly workout goal amount buy some jewellery or get a present for yourself. rewarding yourself and taking the time to look after your body and mind will help you feel more motivated.
2. this is a bit of a tricker question but hopefully i am able to help even a little bit. firstly you could try practicing reading presentations/work aloud. start by reading it to yourself until you feel confident pronouncing all the words and the speed you feel confident speaking at. then read to a trusted member of family or a friend and ask for feedback or improvements that you can adapt and hopefully feel better and more confident in your speech afterwards. secondly joining some kind of club/activity that requires you to speak could be very useful, for example a drama or debate club, even if you arent super active as a member or choose to do a more casual kind of group, being in a setting where public speaking is encouraged could help you feel more confident! thirdly watching/listening to speeches and body language of people doing public speaking or giving speeches can be really useful and help you focus on what you might need to improve on. finally while it seems difficult try and remember that almost every person in the room is also nervous about public speaking and reading aloud, they may just not show it. you arent the only person who struggles with this, so many people get anxious about public speaking and you should be able to feel better and more confident about it with time!
hopefully this has helped you! good luck, you sound so kind and lovely, im sure that with time you will feel better and more confident. love, m.
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golden28s · 10 months
do you think mickey and ian are introverts extroverts etc.
okay, wait i have thoughts about this:
they're both introverts, mickey is an introvert in the most classic way. and he even hates everyone a little bit except ian, he's very selective not only when it comes to socialize but also when it comes to trust, he won't trust or even try to create any sort of connection with everyone, just with a few people and he enjoys having a small circle.
then ian, ian is an introvert when it comes to process feelings, he won't tell you if he's going through something and he won't open up that easily because he's scared of being judged (we kinda saw that with caleb) so he won't say much about himself. he has a very rich inner world, he's very sensitive and yeah, he's just quiet when it comes to process feelings and feeling in general. but at the same time, specially after his relationship with trevor or well even with caleb, he kinda saw that the world was bigger, that there was other people out there having other lives that were different to his own life and he liked parts of that. he liked the idea of having a group of friends and the idea of, you know like he said in s11, going to yoga classes or pilates and lean into a healthy lifestyle that also implies socializing with other people. he liked that, so i think he likes people more than mickey but when it comes to the important things he prefers a small inner circle and the intimacy, safety and familiarity that comes with that.
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jocelynscrazyideas · 5 months
Ballet class | Nico Hischier x Fem reader
summary: Nico comes in early to ballet. Yes ballet, he’s getting help to learn how to take stress off his joints, and so is his fellow teammates. I- Dani help him correct his stretching exercises, and his skating.
Warnings: Fluff, (no smut), kinda small 😁👍
I’m helping out in the NHL for some skating techniques. No, I have never actually been good at skating. Yes, I am a pro ballet student- I actually graduated from premie class about a year ago.
It’s been studied that hockey players, even the good players need skating lessons. I mean, doesn’t everyone? As an instructor in Pilates, and a ballet teacher, I am supposed to help the athletes gain muscular endurance in muscle groups that are rarely thought off.
“Hey, I’m Nico.” I very tall brown eyed man says as he skates, my way. I am in the middle of the rink waiting for my class to start.
It’s 11:24 AM. Class doesn’t start until til 12:30. Maybe he’s here for extra help?
I know I stayed I’m not good at skating, but I can kayak pretty well, my dad was a coach for a little league back home in Arizona.
“Oh. Nice, I’m Dani.” I respond, almost forgetting that I have to answer back. I haven’t talked to a handsome, very beautiful man in like 3 years. Damn, I must be dry.
“Oh haha. I was wondering if I could get extra help? I haven’t tried ballet before and I thought it would be pretty difficult. Especially for a 25 year old.” Nico said, and his eyes trail down to my outfit.
I’m wearing a brown bodysuit, when I mean a body suit I mean the ones that end up being a thong in the back and look like a very small one piece swimsuit. Over the brown bodysuit I have a black vest, and black leggings on. I have white leg warmers on because I am truly freezing.
“If you’re cold, I have the perfect warmup for you!” Nico says as he eyes my mouth shivering.im literally chattering and shaking as we speak.
“You’re beautiful.” Nico says as he helps me back up to the normal flooring as we exit the rink. Wiw, straight to the point.
“Uhh, well thanks, you’re a pretty handsome man yourself.” I say back. Ugh. I sound like a grandma.
“You excited for the Nico Hischier warmup?”
“I guess so.” I say as I look up towards his beautiful eyes. They are so brown, they glisten in the light though, and they remind me of honey when they glimmer down at me. It’s like they are full of love.
I’m hooked.
Nico ends with warming me up with some runs, abdomen teaser, and a water break. Now I’m out of breath it’s time for stretching. I told him to show me how he normally stretches before a game. It’s was truly horrendous. He was showing me things that would tear tendons if he wasn’t so flexible in his hip flexors.
“Okay, okay, okay. I’m let’s start on our feet shall we?” I say trying to build him a better routine.
“Alrighty.” He says as he swoops his hair back and he ties his shoe. He rests his hands on his hips, and I could tell he was looking at my ass. I get it. I do have a very plump, and full ass, but I don’t even know this guy.
I bend down about half way, my hips are aligned, my arms are behind my back, I’m stretching my hips to let the stress out of the muscles, tendons, and places that don’t get worked the most.
He follows what I’m doing. I bend a knee and I tune to the right side. I’m in a lunge and I put the back leg down. I push myself into the ground. This stretches my hips, and a little of my quads.
“Ow. Ow!” Nico whimpers from behind me. He seems to be pushing himself to far.
“You need to go at your own pace.” I say trying to correct his mistake.
“No. No, this is how far I can go.” Nico insists to go farther. I get up from my lunge and stand behind him. His hips are stressed, he needs to let them looose in order to skate faster, and even be able to feel more loose when he skates.
“No. I can help you, that’s why I’m here.” I voiced.
I grab my hands, and swing them to his hips, he is in his very low lunge and I pick him up a little bit. I twist him to the right and his pelvis is aligned with his shoulders, perfect.
“I feel better. I can feel a stretch and I think I can breathe now.” Nico announced.
I know, this is my job, I know how to fix it.
“Perfect!” I exclaim, letting him know that I am here for him to lean on.
We finish the stretching and the warmups. Now, it’s time for skating. He skates pretty fast, but his too curvy in his feet, I can tell.
“Let’s do a little ballet first?” I mentioned, it’s not an option, we are doing ballet before we skate.
“Okay, whatever you think I need… angel.” Nico announced, and in a very confidently way. He winked at me.
Um.. yes!!!
I taught him to hold his core, and the posture. He obviously doesn’t need the posture portion but the engagement of his core is necessary.
“Slate time?” Nico exclaims, he’s ready. I think I’m ready now too? I lace up my skates and he’s already on the ice.
He skates back, and kneels down. He’s tiring my skates back up.
It’s 12:30. Class started. All the guys come flooding in knowing that I can see their lunch all over their fingers. I told them, 12:30 on the dot. Not before and not later, exactly at 12:30.
“Oh! Hey Nico, and-” Jesper starts but…
“-Dani.” Nico finishes.
“Okay, skates on? Let’s head on the ice!” I say in eager. Nico steps on first and he grabs a hold of my hand, he’s helping me in the ice.
“Oh, you have tension.” Jack says, letting everyone know that Nico thinks I’m just a pretty girl.
Nico skates with me to the middle and the boys are still doing drills that I told them to do a minute ago.
He pulls me in closer to him, I can feel the warmth of his anatomy. His heart is pounding, not only can I feel it I can hear it. That’s how close we are. I feel like I’m on his chest, it doesn’t look like it, but it feels like it.
“You’re a pretty girl.” Nico says as he reaches for his phone. He hands his phone to me and I put in my number.
Class ends, I’m sure I taught everyone how to skate in a safer way. I also think I have them a pre game stretching lesson.
Nico texts me a picture of us, he must of swiped it from when I was talking to the other devils.
God, he’s a really pretty man.
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tsunami-of-tears · 1 year
A Court of Shadows and Sunshine — Part One
Azriel x OC
Summary: Aurora is a yoga instructor in Velaris. She befriends Nesta and is invited to train with her and the Valkyries. Upon meeting Azriel, Aurora feels a pull she can’t explain. 
This story starts a couple of months after ACOSF finishes.
A/N: This is my first posted fic, please be kind 𓆩♡𓆪 Any feedback is greatly appreciated ✧˚ · .
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: Brief mentions of trauma, slight sexual themes (blink and you'll miss it)
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It’s a brisk autumn morning in Velaris, the air is cold and misty. Clouds of breath float from your mouth as you sip on your latte. The barista recommended a new blend today, one with hints of pumpkin and cinnamon, the perfect accompaniment to today’s weather.
You continue on your way to work, but pick up your pace. You own a small yoga studio in between the Rainbow and the Palace of Hoof and Leaf. Ever since the war ended your business has blossomed. Your studio offers a much-needed escape for many people. As sad as the circumstances are, you feel privileged to be able to help in your own way.
Your schedule has been crammed with all sorts of classes throughout the week, you teach a mix of both yoga and pilates along with modified childrens and pregnancy classes.
There is some overlap between yoga and pilates techniques, but overall they are quite different practices. You find combining the two disciplines throughout your week gives you the best results - both physically and mentally.
You arrive at the studio well before your class starts, giving you enough time to set up. You’re fully booked this morning teaching female-only yoga. You like to offer a few gender specific classes throughout the week, and they always have a great turn out. The rest of the time, everyone is welcome at your studio. 
You switch on the faelights and the music, light some incense and start laying out the mats and equipment. The first of your students start to arrive and greet you with friendly hellos and smiles. Most of the faces you recognise, you have many happy returning visitors. There are two new faces in your class.
“Hi there, I’m Aurora. Welcome to my studio.” you say to the newcomers. 
“Hey I’m Nesta, and this is Gwyn. We’ve heard such good things about your lessons, we’ve been dying to try it out!” says the tall female with golden-brown hair. You recognise her name, you know this is the High Lady’s sister.
“We’re so excited to be here! Lovely to meet you, Aurora.” says Gwyn, Nesta’s red headed friend. 
“Thank you for coming by and giving my class a go. I hope you enjoy yourselves today. Please just try your best, take as many breaks as you need and let me know if you need any help. Some poses can be quite tricky, especially if it’s your first time.” You turn slightly to face the rest of the class and start your lesson, “good morning everyone and welcome. I can see lots of smiles today - we’ll see if they stick around until the end of the class.”
“Let’s start with some big deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth.” 
You were pleasantly surprised by how well Nesta and Gwyn went in class today, and they were still smiling as you walk over to them.
“How did you find the class? You both did amazing.”
Nesta laughs, “I bet I won’t feel amazing tomorrow. I really need to work on my flexibility.” 
“I really loved the breathing and meditation at the end, it’s similar to some techniques we use in our regular training,” says Gwyn. 
“Interesting. What training do you normally do?” you question, hoping it doesn’t come across too nosy. 
“We have a small group that we train with every morning, it’s mostly Priestesses like Gwyn, but anyone is welcome,” explains Nesta. 
“We’ll have to bring some of my sisters along some time, I just know they’ll love you!” Gwyn exclaims, clapping her hands together.
“Thank you both so much, it was a pleasure to have you both in my class today. I hope I see you back here again soon.” You say your goodbyes to the rest of the class and start to wipe down all the equipment as the studio empties. 
You have a short break now before you teach a children’s class, followed by a free mindfulness session - something that has gained popularity since Hybern’s attack on the city. 
Nesta and Gwyn become class regulars - attending multiple times a week, occasionally bringing Feyre, along. They seem to prefer the female-only classes. Of course, that is why you offer them. You know yourself how difficult it can be to workout around males, especially when healing from trauma. You feel very privileged to be trusted and provide a safe space.
Running your studio takes up a lot of your time and energy, but when you do get a quiet moment to yourself you love to hide away with a good romance novel. You’ve just finished your latest book which was steamier than your typical choices. Shocked that you enjoyed such a book, you decide to head to your favourite bookstore for some new recommendations. 
A little bell rings as you open the door to the store. You inhale the woody scent as you walk past towering shelves stacked to the ceiling with beautifully bound books. The ones you’re seeking today are hidden out of the way of unknowing customers. As you make your way to the back corner, you recognise a female’s laugh. 
“Aurora! I didn’t know you were a bookworm like us!” Nesta calls out and rushes over to you from the same section you’re heading towards. 
“What kind of books do you like reading?” Asks Gwyn. “You should come and visit us sometime at the library, we would have invited you sooner if we knew.” 
“Fancy seeing you two here. I really love my romances! I just finished ‘Thorns and Roses’ and I’m desperate for a new read.”
“Ooooh that’s a great one! In that case I have so many recommendations for you.” Nesta grabs your hand and pulls you over to the adult romance section. She picks out a few that you would never have chosen yourself and you decide to buy them all.
Nesta picks out her own armful of books and you walk to the counter together. “You two sure are keeping the bookstores in business” laughs Gwyn. 
As the three of you exit the store with bags in hand, Nesta turns to you, “Hey Aurora, do you ever teach classes outside of the studio?” 
“Yeah I do, I’ve taught yoga in the park when there’s been good weather. It’s always fun to have a change of scenery.”
“I was thinking, I’d like to introduce our training group to yoga. I’ve noticed such a difference in my core strength and flexibility since I’ve started attending your classes. I think the others would love to try, but not everyone will leave the house.” She pauses, sharing a sad look with Gwyn. “If you could come to us instead, that would make it accessible to everyone.” Nesta continues with Gwyn nodding along. 
You’re speechless for a moment at their request. Your smile is from ear to ear as you say, “I’d be honoured.” 
A few weeks go by with Nesta and Gwyn continuing to attend your classes. You’re scheduled to train with them at the House of Wind the following day. You’re feeling excited, but nervous at the prospect. 
Nesta mentioned that they also train with two Illyrian males named Cassian and Azriel - you have heard they are fearless warriors and part of the High Lord’s inner circle. Nesta affectionately calls them Cass and Az, but you can’t bring yourself to use their nicknames. You’ve never met either male despite living in Velaris for over 50 years and it seems wrong to not use proper names with anyone of their status.
You begin to wonder if you’ve made a mistake. What could you possibly have to teach that they don’t already know? You feel a bit silly as you look over the training plan for the next day, you’ve decided to go with a hybrid class including a mix of basic poses that work up to some more complex ones. You know they get easier to perform as the body gets warmed up. You’ve also included some time for a cool-down meditation. You hope that, at the very least, everyone will enjoy a slight change in their routine - even if you may not have much to coach them on. 
The House Of Wind is high up in the face of the mountains, overlooking all of Velaris. You’ve never been up there yourself, but you’ve always been curious of the dwelling carved into the rock. 
To avoid climbing up the 10,000 steps, Feyre is giving you a lift. Since she’s had Nyx, she’s now able to use her powers again. You get on well with the High Lady, you have many things in common including your community involvement.
You finally land in the training area on top of the House of Wind, very happy to be on the ground again. You were not made for the skies. Steadying yourself, you look around and find eight females including Nesta and Gwyn, and two very handsome Illyrian males. 
If the flying hadn’t already knocked the breath out of you, seeing the shadowsinger for the first time certainly did. You know who it is because clouds of shadows swirled around him - you’ve never seen a male so beautiful. You catch his gaze and look away quickly. Insecurity crept in again and you started to doubt your plan for today’s workout.
Nesta and Gwyn run to greet you, pulling you into a group hug and squealing with laughter. They each grab a hand and pull you towards the group. A striking female with tan skin, brown hair and Illyrian wings walks to the front and pulls you into a hug.
“Hi Aurora, I’m Emerie, I’m so glad to finally meet you. I’ve heard such great things, I’m so excited for today!” 
You say hello to everyone, introducing yourself to the other females. You risk another glance out the corner of your eye at the shadowsinger and see him watching you intently, his head slightly tilted to the side. You feel your cheeks heat up and take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself and hoping that your nervousness goes unnoticed. 
The other male with long hair pulled back into a bun steps towards you with a charming smile, reaching out his hand to shake yours. “Hello Aurora, I’m Cassian and this is Azriel. Nice to finally meet you. I’ve noticed a huge difference in Nesta’s training since she’s started attending your studio. I'm very excited to see what you can do to Az, he could do with being more flexible.” Cassian laughs and nudges Azriel’s shoulder. 
Azriel just nods once at you. A male of few words it seems.
Part Two
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daliasmay · 5 months
Elucien fitenss AU
Going outside to exercise is the best thing you can do for your health🏃‍♀️✨
Lucien is a former athlete, who currently work with his own restaurant business. He likes to spend time jogging through the rugged forest terrain and taking short swims in the cool waters of the river after his workouts. He has an Irish setter, a Christmas gift from his elder brother, who loves to run with him and then chill on the grass near the yoga group.
He enjoys playing tennis with Eris every weekend. After many years of ignoring, it seems like a good way to be a friends and brothers again. And he never imagined that it would be he, and not Eris or pther brothers, to whom their mother would eat the brain about marriage and grandchildren.
Maybe he should just go back to his old life and run away to the island, away from everyone. He used to live there after a trauma, and he could spend his whole life there in an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity. After all, if his family wanted to see him, they could make a video call or visit him there. The modern world has made everything so much easier.
Elain is a yoga and pilates girl. She enjoys slowly stretching her muscles to the sound of birdsong at early morning group classes in the park or stadium. She usually brings her Welsh Corgi and plays with him in the park after her yoga class.
Life seems to be on autopilot and her slow lifestyle has become a series of routines. She feels that she need to change things up. Maybe she should take Nesta up on her offer to play mixed tennis with her new boyfriend and his brother. Maybe she should take a rest and fly off to Bali…After all, she'd always wanted to live by the ocean and try her hand at surfing, or just she spend her time in the eternal summer between the green and the sun. The obsession to get away from everyone and hang out for a few years on the island doesn't seem as crazy as before.
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One day Nesta saw an advert for a charity dance day in their local gym. It said the money would be used to fund an old animal shelter. And Elain decided that a small change of routine would be a good step towards a new life. Not that she liked dancing at the gym, as it was usually hard work when only the trainer seemed to be having fun, dancing vigorously to his incendiary tunes.
What she didn't expect when she signed up for a class called "Oriental Vibes" was that she was going to be taught by Lucien Vanserra.
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This AU was inspired by my summer memories of my hometown.
And my current passion for dance workouts. It's always a huge endorphin and happiness rush, even if I feel like I'm dying somewhere around the 15 minutes mark😂
Stay healthy and enjoy the last and best month of the spring season!💚🌷
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jacklynchh · 1 hour
Wildflowers & Honey • Self-Para
Spring, 2018.
"What's that?"
"It's a beehive!"
There was a moment of silence in which Jack set down his coffee, trying to decide whether or not to question it. Grace offered no further explanation and just continued hauling boxes of unfamiliar equipment through the door, humming happily to herself.
"When you said you were going to pick up a few things, I thought you meant groceries," he said finally, deciding to get ahead of… whatever this was.
She grinned at him.
"I got groceries too."
It was a thing she did. He should be used to it by now, really. Grace would hear about some new hobby or craft and for the next few months it became Her Thing. Sometimes they stuck, knitting and pottery were particular favourites, but most of the time after a while she'd get bored and move on to the next. It was the reason they had a closet full of basket weaving materials that hadn't been touched in two years.
"Okay," Jack said, and then, "Should I ask?"
"Well, Heather from pilates was telling me about this amazing local group that runs all these courses on self-sufficience. You know like growing your own produce, animal care, foraging, and-"
"Beekeeping," he finished with a sigh.
"Exactly! And I figured we already grow our own stuff, and since we don't have enough space for a chicken coop, then this is the next best thing." She straightened up and dusted her hands off. "I thought it could be a cool thing to do together, you know? And think how great it would be to be able to make our own honey. You could sell it at the market with everything else."
She joined him by the kitchen island, swiping his unguarded mug to take a sip. There was a twinkle of joy in her eyes and she looked so pleased with herself that any half formed protests he had died on Jack's lips.
"Do we have to get a license or something?"
"There's a register and a small fee, but it's only like ten dollars."
"And the course?"
"We can afford it."
Another heavy sigh and he gave in. "Fine, but if I get stung you're never gonna hear the end of it."
"I think I can live with that," she said, smiling as she leaned into his side.
Present day.
There was a swarm hanging from his mailbox. Not the most helpful thing in the world, considering Jack had come out to see if anything had been delivered yet. A gentle buzzing noise filled the air and a few lone rangers were flying haphazardly above the main cluster, looking for places to land. The bees seemed relatively calm, so he just stood there for a moment debating what to do.
The sight of them had sparked a memory he hadn't thought about in years; Grace coming home and declaring them soon-to-be beekeepers. She'd been so excited about it at the time. He remembered wondering whether it was something they'd end up sticking to or give up on two classes in—they'd never had a chance to find out. Her diagnosis had come in only a couple of weeks after she'd signed them up.
He still had the hive though. It was sitting in the potting shed, hidden behind a pile of old tools and a wheelbarrow, alongside a whole collection of other seemingly vital beekeeper's equipment that he didn't know all that much about using.
It would be stupid to dig it out now, wouldn't it? Pointless. He should just call someone to come and get them, be done with it. That would be the sensible thing to do.
But they'd chosen to stop here. And his garden was full of pollinator plants. And he could see Grace's fucking smile-
Fifteen minutes later, he had his phone lodged between his shoulder and his ear as he tugged the hive out from its hiding box. It was still in relatively good condition, all things considered.
"Yeah, yeah, I've got frames too. Everything, I think. How soon can you be here?"
Only in Blue Harbor could he have found a qualified beekeeper not fifteen minutes away totally willing to help a complete stranger catch an absconded swarm. He hung up, proceeding to pull out one of the old suits stored away with everything else, feeling ridiculous as he climbed into it. It was insane, wasn't it? To see your dead wife in a swarm of fucking bees and, what, decide to keep them because of that?
And yet here he was. Oh well. He'd done it now. Might as well just accept his fate.
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soft-bellied-tannies · 11 months
Chubtober Day 24!
Today’s post is going to be an idea draft for the OG Chubtober list - Beers and Brews. I have a busy work week so I’m going to try to write when I can, but it might be a lot of idea posts this week!
Both Jungkook and Jimin are children of chaebol families. They drink and party in college, but they also have time to work out.
Alpha Jungkook gets a role in the family business after graduating and omega Jimin “takes care of the house” as all chaebol omegas do even though they have house staff.
Jimin does charity work and has many hobbies including teaching a Pilates and a spin class.
Jungkook’s role contains many things including meeting new clients and business partners so he’s always taking people out for drinks which also leads to bar food.
It starts to seem like Jungkook is drinking beer what feels like every day and they usually get some sort of food with it so they don’t return to their respective offices tipsy.
A bad combination with all that beer and carb-heavy, greasy food is that Jungkook doesn’t have time to workout anymore.
On top of that routine, Jungkook also gets a lot of takeout at the office and people are always bringing in donuts or celebrating an office birthday with cake. He can’t be rude and pass so he always takes something.
Jimin notices a small beer belly start to pop up on his alpha’s middle, but he doesn’t say anything for a while. He just appreciates it and continues being a good house husband like all chaebol omegas do.
Jimin sees that Jungkook’s button downs are growing significantly tighter and is starting to think the alpha hasn’t noticed since Jungkook hasn’t said a word.
Jimin makes a point to size up his shirts and suit coats, hoping that it will both help Jungkook’s comfort and willingness to talk about the gain.
The noticeable change in his clothes fitting with more room and having a bigger size on the tags hits Jungkook that he can’t hide it or ignore it anymore.
The alpha thanks Jimin first, a bit embarrassed but concerned about his omega’s reaction considering that Jimin is a fit and toned fitness instructor.
Jungkook also shyly asks Jimin if he could size up his pants too since his shirts and coats are so much more comfortable, but that is the farthest the conversation goes.
Jungkook finally says he has to stop taking people for drinks and do something else instead when he gets home one night. He had taken two groups out that day instead of one and felt completely bloated and a little too tipsy for someone getting home from a day of work.
Jimin tells him to keep going until he gets promoted so he “doesn’t disappoint the family” even though Jimin knows Jungkook could get away with whatever he wanted in his parents’ eyes.
What went unsaid by the omega is the fact that Jimin is really starting to love his warm and soft yet sturdy and solid alpha.
A month or two later, Jungkook hits another wall.
He spills some sauce on his shirt while out at a client lunch where the alpha admittedly has one too many beers and more than a few too many chicken wings.
Grabbing one of his backup shirts from his office closet is the logical step, except Jungkook forgets that he hadn’t sized those clothes up yet.
All his backup office suits are old ones that he hasn’t worn in at least a couple months and he is absolutely shocked and mortified when he can’t get his shirt fully buttoned.
The top three went with some gentle pulling, but as soon as Jungkook reaches the crest of his full and bloated belly, those buttons didn’t have a chance of closing or staying closed if he somehow managed it.
Jungkook goes home and even surprises himself when he has to hold back tears as he explains the humiliating moment that happened that day.
Jimin, as the alpha should have expected, is nothing but supportive and loving. He tells Jungkook he is still handsome as ever and something like his weight would never stop him from loving him.
Jungkook showers his mate with love, so thankful for his pillar of support. The alpha also shyly asks Jimin if he could help him make better choices with food and maybe do some workouts together.
Jimin agrees without hesitation, but he also tells Jungkook that the alpha doesn’t have to lose a single pound unless he wants to because the omega loves him as he is.
Jungkook appreciates the sentiment, although, still adamant that he wants to try loosing some weight and cutting out those client lunches.
The alpha gets two weeks into working out and making better choices, losing a couple pounds, when his entire plan is derailed.
His father tells him that they have three more months of client recruitment meals and outings scheduled that Jungkook has been requested for and needs to attend to before they can find someone else to take over his role.
Jungkook just can’t let his father down and Jimin is more than supportive of him maintaining his responsibilities so the beer and bar food continues.
When Jungkook reaches the end of that three month schedule, his father tells him that he can finally be done with those client meetings because Jungkook will be named CEO in just six weeks - his father’s retirement a sudden bomb dropped on him.
The alpha then turns to a couple beers each night when he gets home as a stress reliever, of course, paired with the loving touch and tender words from his mate.
His plans to work off his weight piled on over the past couple years is completely gone.
By the time Jungkook takes over as CEO, he is rocking a full-on beer gut and he says he’s going to start losing weight again.
However, the plan is yet again derailed when Jimin announces that he is pregnant just weeks after the alpha’s promotion. Jungkook is over the moon with joy and is so excited for their new journey as parents.
His friends take him out for drinks, their families spoil them with dinner parties, and his employees bring gifts of baked goods and bottles of wine and beer that are left to Jungkook as Jimin cannot partake in the drinking portion of celebrations.
Even though Jimin is still working out and maintaining his balanced meals with just a few unhealthy cravings, Jungkook’s sympathy weight tacks on instead of losing anything.
Jimin still is supporting and loving, but the omega can’t help but tease his alpha - always patting and pinching his mate’s round belly, telling Jungkook that he’s perfected his dad bod before the baby even arrived.
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healthy444 · 7 months
What is your approach to health and fitness?
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Generally, a holistic approach to health and fitness involves several key components:
Regular Exercise: Incorporating both cardiovascular exercise (such as running, cycling, or swimming) and strength training (like weightlifting or bodyweight exercises) into your routine helps improve cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and overall fitness.
Healthy Eating: Consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats provides essential nutrients and energy for your body. Portion control and moderation are also important.
Adequate Rest and Recovery: Getting enough quality sleep and allowing your body time to rest and recover between workouts is crucial for physical and mental well-being. Overtraining can lead to injury and burnout.
Stress Management: Practicing stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies can help manage stress levels, which in turn can positively impact overall health.
Hydration: Drinking enough water throughout the day is essential for maintaining proper bodily functions and supporting exercise performance.
Regular Check-ups and Health Screenings: Visiting healthcare professionals for routine check-ups and screenings can help detect any potential health issues early and ensure you're on track with your health goals.
Consistency and Persistence: Making small, sustainable changes and sticking to them over time is key to long-term success in maintaining health and fitness.
Flexibility and Mobility: Incorporating activities such as stretching, yoga, or Pilates can improve flexibility and mobility, reducing the risk of injury and enhancing overall movement quality.
Variety and Cross-Training: Mixing up your workouts with different types of exercises and activities not only keeps things interesting but also helps prevent plateaus and overuse injuries. Cross-training can include activities like swimming, dancing, hiking, or team sports.
Setting Realistic Goals: Establishing achievable short-term and long-term goals can help keep you motivated and focused on your health and fitness journey. It's important to set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
Mindful Eating: Paying attention to hunger cues, practicing mindful eating, and avoiding distractions while eating can help promote healthier eating habits and prevent overeating.
Social Support and Accountability: Surrounding yourself with supportive friends, family members, or workout buddies can provide encouragement, motivation, and accountability. Participating in group fitness classes or online communities can also foster a sense of camaraderie and connection.
Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation: Prioritizing proper form, technique, and gradually increasing intensity can reduce the risk of injuries during exercise. If you do experience an injury, seeking appropriate medical treatment and following a structured rehabilitation program is essential for recovery.
Mind-Body Connection: Recognizing the interconnectedness of physical and mental well-being is important. Practices such as mindfulness meditation, tai chi, or qigong can help promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall mental health.
Lifelong Learning and Adaptation: Staying informed about new research, trends, and best practices in health and fitness allows for ongoing learning and adaptation of your routine. Being open to trying new activities and adjusting your approach as needed can help maintain long-term engagement and progress.
These ideas can help you develop a well-rounded, sustainable lifestyle that promotes your general well-being in terms of health and fitness. Keep in mind that every person has different wants and preferences, so it's important to figure out what suits you best and pay attention to your body. Seeking advice from nutritionists, fitness instructors, or medical specialists can also offer specialized direction and assistance.
Just check this out for more information on health and fitness!
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9800sblog · 1 year
Hello Dear, Can u do "Who is his future spouse?" with Yunho? Tysm!! 🍓💝
Jeong Yunho tarot reading - who is his future spouse?
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-> he is a singer and dancer in ATEEZ, a boy group based in South Korea. I made him the usual questions you ask to someone who announced their wedding but you know nothing about their soon to be spouse "what are they like? what's their job? how do they look like?". well, this is how I interpreted the tarot answers ;)
-> do I have his energy permission to do and share this reading? the empress
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they're a very positive person but they have a pretty bad life, that's probably why a positive mindset is so important to them, to keep them balanced. they're well traveled and a social butterfly, they like to drink and party with yunho and friends, they're a mood maker, they walk in a room and it suddenly lights up. very chill and sweet, they may smoke often and that's why they're so relaxed. they're probably middle class and live the nightclub life during the weekends, I think they really like to dance, but just for fun. they're very deep but keep people at a distance, they open up to those they are close and others mostly see the fun side of them. they give me the feelings of spring afternoon in nature, late night chilling and drinking with friends on a sidewalk and movies about garage bands. lovers that are also best friends, sexy without trying, natural and sweaty, everyone is in love with them but they chose him, like Pam and Jim from the office.
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they may wear hats and change their haircut oftenly; they likely have very light, pale skin and rosy cheeks; average to smaller than average height, athletic built, like they do yoga or pilates, strong legs; may have and carry many purses and sunglasses; they have a very simple and natural style, may wear simple white t-shirt/black turtleneck + skinny jeans combo, they have a very 80s model vibe, I don't think they usually wear lots of makeup and they dress for comfort, definitely, mostly neutral colors, I assume, like black, white, red and beige; prominent, triangular nose and relaxed eyes, like waking up after a good nap; they look like they come from a small town, i don't know what that means exactly, I guess they just don't show off.
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career and fame
definitely not a celebrity, but may be friends with some of them, I think they work with celebrities, they may have worked or may work in the future with ateez, I don't think they work at kq.
they don't have a traditional job and they work with people. they sound like a stylist or makeup artist, I think they aren't doing what they love, it was supposed to be a job to make ends meet and they haven't stopped since :( there are messages of superficiality, hiding things and art, so either they're a professional at choosing colors to mask people's insecurities or they're a really good rober of expensive art. may also be a hairstylist because the card 5 of cups has this image of two fallen cups with tinted liquid.
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I think they're a regular Korean, might also be Russian or Chinese, but I really think just regular, born and raised in South Korea, never moved abroad type of person. I even got the page of cups card, which has red, blue and white colors.
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writinggoesgreen · 1 year
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any story where you have an excuse to make everyone strong as hell and very sweaty is perfect to me. here are some quick inspo ideas for my most beloved au type.
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commercial chain gyms have a pretty standard array of equipment (cardio machines like treadmills, rowing machines), resistance machines, mats, and free weights, and will usually focus on having a lot of machines to sustain a larger, diverse clientele. they also probably run a pretty diverse selection of classes. they may also have callisthenics and body weight training areas.
body building gyms usually look pretty different to commercial gyms - they might be smaller, and a little less shiny, for some reason. as a specialist gym, they tend to be a little smaller in terms of number of stations available. if they're targeted towards strong man competition style working out, you might even have crazy things like huge truck tires to hit with a hammer or throw around. i went to one once that had a busted fiat 500 for people to lift. i dunno. go wild.
boxing/martial arts gyms will vary depending on what martial art they are teaching. they may also teach a variety, or just one kind, depending on the trainers. a boxing gym might have punch bags and a ring, but somewhere that teaches jiu jitsu, which fights on mats, probably wont have a roped ring. there might be some overlap in what is taught (muay thai, kickboxing, and mma have similar skillsets, for example) so they might run different sessions for each. a lot of places run kids and women's classes, too. if you aren't a practitioner of the martial art you're writing, doublecheck things like if they are graded, if there is often a sparring element to training, or if there is a specific uniform, as these things vary massively.
i have never been to a women's only gym but they function pretty similarly to most standard gyms, with the general equipment you would expect. it's only really the people using it that seperates it.
yoga studios can be very small, or very big. they will usually have soft floors and mats, as well as things like yoga blocks, straps, and balls. if they also teach pilates, there might also be some pilates machines. there might also be seperate rooms, for different classes, or meditation spaces.
similarly, dance studios can be any size, and like martial arts gyms, can specialise in a single style, or multiple. maybe it's run by a single dancer who only teaches tap, or maybe there are a few instructors who teach a variety of styles. what it looks like will vary massively depending on that.
swimming pools will usually have... a body of water. they may also a sauna, a shallow pool for kids, and depending on the pool, a play area. these also tend to run classes.
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here is a suggestion list of different classes a gym might run, sorted into categories. these have been pulled from as diverse a group of gyms as i could find in my area, for a more realistic selection:
cardio: body combat, spin, zumba, circuits, body conditioning, bootcamp, HIIT. strength: learn to lift, absolute abs, kettlebells, upper body blast. dance: here is a school in london with a huge variety of dance classes for inspo. martial arts: self defense, boxing for fitness. i wont list every kind of martial arts here because it's pointless, so here is the wiki page for it. note: some of these are closed cultural practices, and would not likely be taught outside of where they are traditionally practiced. misc: personal training.
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after moving to a new city, character a joins a gym class at random in a desperate attempt to make some new friends.
character a starts a new job at a local gym as a personal trainer, and isn't counting on the yoga instructor being quite so... flexible.
after an injury, character a starts doing some physio work at the gym. character b is in charge of their recovery.
character a takes their kid to a swimming class every week, where character b is the instructor taking the class.
despite knowing what a cliche it is, character a develops a humiliating crush on their personal trainer. it can't be helped - character b seems to exclusively wear obscenely tight t-shirts to work.
character a is a lifeguard at the pool where character b swims every morning, and quickly becomes a very strong motivation to getting up at 5am every day.
character a works at a family-run gym, and their bumbling crush on one of the regulars, character b, is becoming increasingly difficult to hide from their nosy siblings.
working on entering their first competition, character a works with character b in some one-to-one sessions, only to find them sitting in the front row come competition day.
character a returns to training after an injury in their last fight shattered their confidence. character b, their coach, helps them get back on their feet.
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Yellowjackets’ and His Hobbit Group Chat
The ‘Lord of the Rings’ star plays a citizen detective in the new season of Showtime’s series about a girls’ soccer team surviving in the wilderness
By Chavie Lieber
Elijah Wood is known for carrying a weighty gold ring as Frodo Baggins in the blockbuster “Lord of the Rings” trilogy. These days, the actor proudly sports a different kind of ring, made of silver and bearing the title “DAD.”
Mr. Wood, 42, has two small children with his partner, Mette-Marie Kongsved. He enjoys taking an active role as a father, whether it’s sleep training or packing school lunches.
“You’re constantly being challenged, in the best way,” Mr. Wood said of parenthood. “It’s as much my own personal growth as it is about my child’s growth.” 
Now starring in the second season of “Yellowjackets,” Showtime’s series about a high-school girls’ soccer team that must learn to survive in the wilderness after a plane crash, Mr. Wood plays Walter, a message-board citizen detective who becomes interested in a cold case related to the surviving team members.
“I like being drawn into something that feels unique and weird, but also has a layer of depth in what it’s trying to say,” the actor said of the eccentric characters he often plays. 
Here, Mr. Wood discusses his breakfast go-to’s, his “Lord of the Rings” alumni group chat and the struggles he faced as a budding actor. 
What time do you wake up on Mondays? 
Some time between 5:30 and 6:30. We’ve got a 3-year-old son and a 14-month-old daughter, and she wakes us up pretty early. I like getting up early, I like starting the day.
What’s the first thing you do in the morning? 
I set the kettle to get the coffee ready before I start on the kids’ breakfast. We have a Chemex and I do pour-over. I kind of just eyeball the grinds. But I am relatively nerdy about coffee. 
What do you make the kids for breakfast?
Oatmeal with various spices, peanut butter and fruit—banana, apples, blackberries. I also really like overnight oats or muesli with yogurt, and I sometimes eat that with them. 
Do you have any go-to grooming products?
I’ve used the same hair product for about 20 years. It’s Magic Move, a Japanese molding mud that is relatively light. Fat and the Moon has this aloe moisturizer that I really like. I also have a new toothpaste, Livfresh. It was literally advertised to me on Instagram as being 200 times more effective and I bought it. Hook, line and sinker! 
What do you like to do for exercise?
I was cycling for a while. What I love right now is reformer Pilates. I started going in Vancouver—I was going back and forth between Vancouver and L.A. to shoot “Yellowjackets”—and I was introduced to a method [there] called Lagree. It’s high-intensity, 45-minute classes with no breaks and destroys you, essentially. 
Your character on “Yellowjackets” seems really quirky, do you identify with him at all?
I share his enthusiasm for true crime. He’s an enthusiast, a citizen detective, but he obviously takes things a little too far.
Are you a true crime fan?
Yes, I’ve always been interested. Podcasts, watching documentaries. I remember having the Time-Life “Serial Killers” book when I was a teenager. I grew up in the ’80s, and “Unsolved Mysteries” was literally something that was just on. There would be cases about kidnapping that would give me nightmares. The theme song is burned in my memory, but I also love it so much.
What was something you watched recently that you loved?
“Aftersun” bowled me over. I found that to be so heartbreaking and heavy, and the structure of the film is so beautiful.
Have you watched Amazon’s “Lord of the Rings” show?
I watched three episodes. It was really interesting to see how that world was interpreted by a new set of people. I’m curious what will transpire in regards to these new films with Warner Bros. in the Tolkien universe too. 
Do you have any “Lord of the Rings” memorabilia you’ve kept over the years?
I have one of the rings. I was given it by Peter [Jackson] and Fran [Walsh], and it’s on the same chain. I have the sword “Sting,” and I took a map from Bag End, Bilbo’s house. I have a pair of latex [hobbit] feet that are very old now. They’re in storage, and I should probably do something with them. 
I’ve really enjoyed seeing fellow Hobbit Dominic Monaghan post photos to Instagram of you all out to dinner or riding a train. Have all of the hobbits stayed in touch all these years?
We actually have a text that’s constantly going, with Dom, Billy [Boyd] and Sean [Astin]. It’s literally in my phone as The Hobbit. If we’re not texting each other about something, we also do the New York Times crossword mini every day, and we try and beat each other for time. 
The four of us hadn’t been in the same room in over a decade and last year we did a series of conventions together and it was just the most incredible opportunity for us to reconnect.
You keep your Instagram private. Why is that?
I wanted to be able to share photos that I didn’t necessarily want to share with the world. An account that’s public-facing would really change what I share. It’s not like I’m sharing anything that I wouldn’t want to go out, but I’m a relatively private person. 
There’s been a lot of talk about child actors lately, given the Oscar win from Ke Huy Quan for “Everything Everywhere All at Once.” As a fellow child actor, have you been following the discourse?
I haven’t really engaged in the conversation. But starting just before I turned 8, it’s been a part of my life. That’s the reality, my path and career. [My “Yellowjackets” co-star] Christina Ricci started at a similar age, if not earlier, and she’s had an exceptional career. 
Obviously, [for me], there are peaks and valleys, and it was really hard to maintain. The message [from Ke] and with Michelle Yeoh was don’t give up. I fully cried at both of their speeches.
Were you ever told you couldn’t land certain roles because you were a child actor?
I was told different things. I always looked younger than I was, so my challenge was that I was technically an adult but didn’t look like an adult, and it was hard to be taken seriously. So I had to navigate that.
What’s a really good piece of advice you’ve kept in your back pocket?
Integrity is everything. That guides a lot of my choices—not making choices for anyone else, but for yourself, because it’s going to feed you. 
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A new interview dropped and it is wonderful 🙌 thanks Monday 😊
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vermilliondevth · 1 year
Today's class was... interesting.
I go to a gym that, isn't necessarily a "normal" gym. Is more of a gym boutique that provides physical training through classes from different practices. I opted on beginning my physical journey through this place because it also offers a sense of community. If you go there long enough, you can speak to and make friends with the trainers and the people you take classes with; it's almost like a club that you become a part of. I do not like to stick rigidly to one single practice; I mostly listen to my body and pay attention to what it needs. If it needs some anxiety release, I spend an hour doing Power Yoga or Pilates. If it's anger and stress, I do an hour of boxing or body-building, etc. This allows me to play around with different approaches and different groups of people, have a taste of what kind of people gravitate towards these practices, and if this is something I enjoy doing, etc.
Today I chose Calisthenics because I wanted to experience something new and fresh. I had an idea of what I was going to put myself through physically. I knew that the work I would put in today was going to be brutal, but I didn't think that the real battle I was going to face today was more of a psychological one.
I arrived a few minutes before class began, and people were also starting to arrive. As they did, I noticed that they were all paying special attention to me. I thought to myself -- "Is it because of what I'm wearing? or is it my energy that is making them feel a certain kind of way? I am not projecting my usual 'intense' energy, so why are they looking my way?" -- But I decided to ground myself within my body and mind my business anyway.
The trainer for the class also arrives and stares at me intently. He then says to me -- "Is this your first time doing Calisthenics? Do you know what this class is about?" -- And I couldn't help to question why he introduced himself in such a bold manner. -- "Yes. Why? Is this a class I won't be able to manage?" -- "Yes, but I just want to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. Did you read the description of the class when you booked it?" -- "Yes, I read it." -- "Okay, I will be assisting you along the way." And so it all began. After the warm up, they all began walking towards the high poles, and then the real realization of what I put myself through dawned upon me and froze me. I am absolutely terrified of heights.
I looked at the poles the way David must've looked at Goliath the first time he saw him. I was about to face one of my biggest demons and I wasn't sure if I was ready to do it. I hesitated and remained in the back of the room while everyone was already doing their first reps of the day. The trainer approached me and I said -- "I am terrified of heights, I'm not sure if I can do this. I underestimated this completely." -- And in the gentlest manner he comforted me and said -- "I can help you through everything if you need, but I think you can do it."
I looked at the poles again, my entire body shaking and my hands already sweating, I stepped into a wooden box and reached the poles. I prayed for my body to not shut down and betray me, and my brain went into maximum control mode. All I could hear inside me was -- "You can face your fears. You will win this battle."
What happened next would take too long for me to write down, but I have never been so proud of myself the way I have been today. Not only did I stay even though everything in me wanted to run away, but I got into the poles and I managed to surprise myself with my own strength. Even my trainer was surprised at times and would say -- "You're so small yet you're much stronger than others here." Words of encouragement that kept me going.
There was an embarrassing moment where, as my trainer was helping me perfect my form for push-ups, he said -- "I like your nails. I like your perfume as well" -- which made the entire class get into this awkward silence and stare at us, making me slightly uncomfortable but flattered to know that my taste in certain aesthetics, even while working out, is very much on point, but I chose to ignored it because compliments outside of training isn't what I'm looking for while I'm focusing on my personal journey. Either way, I also understood why they all stared at me at the beginning. This is the most challenging class they provide at the boutique and not everyone is courageous nor strong enough to approach it's complexity. Therefore, it is a specific group of people that comes to these classes, they do so religiously and they all know each other. It was incredible to see how they all gathered together and helped each other through everything. The sense of companionship and everyone working as one was incredibly pungent. I could see how having someone new could disrupt the balance they all have created in the group, but after showing that I was capable of keeping up with everyone else, they all made me feel like I was officially part of the team. Even the women, once we got into the changing rooms, smiled at me as a way of saying -- "Good work today. You faced your fears and you prevailed." -- I may have found the community I was looking for, in the most difficult yet exhilarating form of practice.
And so this concludes one thing for me: today could be described as one of the best days of my life, and I am so proud of myself like you couldn't believe. I'm so happy I didn't run away when I felt like it. I'm happy I took the risk of failure and still went for it.
I'm so incredibly grateful. I will never forget this day ever.
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Rise and Shine: Group Exercise vs. Group Training
Are you the kind of person who loves exercising with a group but needs clarification about whether you should go for group exercise or group training? Do you think group exercise and group training are the same? Whether you are new to group workouts or a seasoned gym-goer, knowing the difference between group exercise and group training is essential. This blog post will explain the differences and which is better for you.
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What Is The Difference Between Group Exercise And Group Training?
Group Exercise
Group exercise is a type of workout that involves large groups of individuals exercising together in a class. These classes are led by a certified instructor who demonstrates proper techniques and provides guidance throughout the class. The group fitness classes may range from 30 minutes to an hour and include various activities like dance aerobics, yoga, cycling, and Pilates.
Group exercise primarily focuses on improving endurance, cardiovascular fitness, strength, and flexibility. Group exercise classes are great for those who want to enjoy the camaraderie of working out with others, get motivated by the instructor and music, and have fun while working out.
Group Training
Group training, on the other hand, is a more intense workout that emphasizes functional movement patterns and strength training. Group training involves working in small groups of usually two to six individuals, though this number can vary. The purpose is to sculpt, tone, and improve strength, agility, and endurance. The classes usually take 45 minutes to an hour and involve exercises like weightlifting, TRX training, and kettlebell workouts.
Group training is more personalized than group exercise, as a professional personal trainer leads it. Group training is perfect for those who want to experience a highly efficient workout, get personalized attention, and benefit from a program that yields results.
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Differences Between Group Exercise and Group Training
The main differences between group exercise and group training are the focus, individualization, expertise, and intensity. Group exercise classes are more about fun, community, and cardio. In contrast, group training is about working towards specific goals, pushing past plateaus, strength training, and circuit strength workouts.
Group training is more targeted and personalized, and the trainers monitor your progress and tweak the program to suit your goals. Group exercise usually focuses on the entire class, whereas group training explicitly targets an individual's needs.
Which Is Better For You?
The answer to this question depends on your goals, needs, and fitness level. If you are looking for a fantastic way to meet new friends, have fun, and get a great workout, then group exercise is perfect. Alternatively, if you have a specific goal in mind, like losing weight, toning your body or increasing your strength, then group training may be what you need.
Conclusion: Group Exercise vs. Group Training
In conclusion, the differences between group exercise and group training are significant, and you need to decide what is best for your fitness journey. Regardless of which one you choose, both have fantastic benefits.
Group exercise is great for building community, endurance, and cardiovascular fitness, while group training is perfect for strength, agility, and endurance. So, whether you decide on group exercise or group training, get out there, find a class that excites you, and get ready to transform your fitness routine!
Impulse Fitness And Wellness offers various group classes that you can attend to achieve your fitness goals. Visit our Coquitlam Gym today for more information.
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