#Please dont kill me I know nothing about this fandom
seariii · 7 months
I saw a couple people say that Amane is most probably safe now as the inno percentage seems to have stabilized. Despite being an Amane guilty truther, this makes me happy for her and that made me think my pov is kinda funny....
My brain would throw her under the bus immediately if it means there is a higher chance that one of my faves won't die (she hurts Shidou > incapacitates him > he can't save/help Haruka when he attempts, giving directions is slower than do it himself > Haruka has a higher chance of dying)
But the moment her percentage went under Kazui's, my heart (empathy) jumped in and yelled how we can not do that to her and how she's suffering a lot. And thus leading me to stop voting at all
My mind sees voting her guilty as "the greater good" (yeah for Haruka but also so that Shidou can still treat Mahiru and whoever might need it) (kinda like how most are voting Kotoko this round), and my heart talks about how she doesn't deserve that pain, and looks more only for her own well being
So yeah I'm glad the kid is closer to being inno
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verstppism · 5 months
Boy's Talk (About You) • Masterpost
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>pairing charles leclerc x max verstappen
>genre socmed, friends to lovers, slow burn, i'll write a chapter at some point (prob the last one), fluff
>synopsis everyone has their secrets, a group chat formed by charles leclerc, pierre gasly, alex albon, lando norris and george russell knows all of them. the 'kill the grid' chat has only one purpose: gossiping about other drivers' lives, romantic and social
or, a casual chat leads to charles confessing a crush on max, who's has been his rival since childhood
>warnings obscene jokes (they get progressively worse im sorry), friends that bully each other, light mode, this fic started written right before the season ended so there's a lot of things outdated (yes this has been cooking since last year.... blame me)
>featuring charles leclerc, pierre gasly, lando norris, george russell, alex albon, max verstappen, daniel ricciardo and two original characters that appear for a chapter or so (many other drivers might be mentioned/appear throughout the story)
>status completed!
>schedule possibly every friday
>start date 2024.01.26
>end date 2024.04.12
disclaimer‼️ this is a work of fiction! nothing written here is real and should be taken seriously. all action and events are completely fictional and are here for entertaining purposes only! it does not reflect on how i see these people. also, this fanfiction is for FANDOM ONLY, please do not share this anywhere the people mentioned could see, thanks. (translates to: i dont want a lawsuit from kelly piquet)
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KILL the grid 🔥 gc // max & daniel // fan accounts
. chapter 1 : caught on 4k
. chapter 2 : i'm not insane,
. chapter 3 : just a mastermind ;)
. chapter 4 : can't leave you alone
. chapter 5 : just us, our little secret
. chapter 6 : after the storm
> chapter 6.2 : ...is it over?
. chapter 7 : in my dreams you love me back
. chapter 8 : take me anywhere but home
2024 © verstappism ... don't copy, steal or repost! this took so long to do and socmed aus like these are very hard and complex to do. all credits towards events in the plot are reserved to me on tumblr.
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queenie-blackthorn · 1 year
nothing sets me crying more than reading the teasers for the wicked powers/the black volume of the dead, so why not overanalyze them and wish for death in the process (i got all of them from the page on fandom)
❗️spoilers ahead ❗️
he kissed each finger, and with each one of them spoken a word. five kisses, five words. his last.
no 🫶🫶 (im hoping this is a flashback gurl plz i hope its not the ‘lightwood death in each series’ thing coming after my life)
"oh, god, the lovebirds," magnus said, pulling the pillow off his face. "i hate happy couples."
this could be anything tbh but prolly gonna be in tbvotd
belatedly, she realized something else. "do you... have anything?"
he didnt seem to have recovered from her last comment. "but do you mean - wait, do i have what?"
she slitted her eyes at him. "something important."
"like what? the phone number for the white house?" a moment later, under her withering glare, realization dawned. "oh." his was the expression of someone who has run out of gas in the middle of the desert, miles from help. "i..."
there are literally zero names in this one but i think its gonna be smth w dru and jaime (maybe the eternidad ??) but i swear if it turns out to be a joke imma flip a table
"what if i just love you? what if i love you but i never touch you or talk about it, what would happen then?"
i think this might happen after a conversation between kit and ty where either kit says “its too dangerous to love me” or “i dont love you” and then ty replies w this
"well, its a bit ironic, isnt it?"
"what do you mean?"
"all that effort to convince you i wasnt in love with you, and here i am, dying in your arms."
this is gonna kill me i just know it, but i have a feeling its gonna be kit saying the first and third lines and hes talking to ty, and then i can imagine it saying “dont say that,” ty said furiously
his face crumpled. "he hates me," he said. "all i do is love him, but he hates me, he just hates me, i dont know why."
clearly gonna be ty talking about kit (to either livvy or dru ???)
there was nothing less sexy than an angry-looking cat on your bed.
okay this is 100% magnus’s pov in tbvotd 💀💀
"actually, its short for maximum lightwood," said magnus. "as in the most amount of lightwood you can have."
… no comment. actually, yea i do have smth to say. i love magnus.
"no one who loved you would want you to sacrifice your own happiness."
if we’re going by the thing where kit doesnt want ty to love him for his safety, then someone is gonna say this to kit for sure
alec was beginning to understand how the slings and arrows of fortune and history had shaped magnus and made him what he was. it was a delightful sort of discovery, as getting to know magnus always had been. magnus was probably the one person in the world who'd never bored him.
im craving more malec scenes please dear god
"i was thinking about monogrammed towels," said isabelle.
"my name is going to be simon lewis lovelace lightwood," said simon. "no monogrammed towels."
first off, i forgot that simon wants to take isabelles last name
second, his initials are technically S.L.L.L oh my lord
it was late, and someone was trying to break into the high warlock of brooklyn’s apartment.
​magnus bane, the high warlock in question, felt this behavior was rash and foolish. he’d been passed out on his still-made bed, too exhausted to slip under the burgundy and emerald sheets, or even take off his robe, when he heard the noise of his window sliding open. he was grateful for the robe. he felt it would be demoralizing to face housebreakers in nothing but silk pajama bottoms.
​also, the housebreakers had done nothing to deserve such a sight.
seeing magnus bane in nothing but silk pajama bottoms is the stuff of dreams
jokes (even tho i meant it with full seriousness) aside, this is definitely gonna be the opening lines of tbvotd. if it turns out to not be, i will never show my face in public again because of how sure i am right now
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 2: Gamzee Makara from Homestuck vs Maeglin Lómion from The Silmarillion/The Fall Of Gondolin
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(remember that these characters are fictional and your fellow tumblr users are real. i will block you if you harass others in the notes, please consider sending your unhinged harassment to my inbox instead)
Propaganda under the cut, may contain spoilers:
Gamzee Makara:
LOVE: - "Okay, so Gamzee is such a divisive character that I even hesitated on choosing "love". Sad clown with an absentee father raised in a fascist dictatorship. Was mind controlled into killing his friends and then mind controlled during a toxic relationship (or two). Suffers from addiction so fandom likes to go "Oh, how scary his withdraws are. Clearly being drugged up was the only thing keeping this THIRTEEN YEAR OLD from murdering his friends (who largely ignored him, insulted him, demeaned him and acted like they wanted nothing to do with him). Having one such friend gently touch his face didn't cure him of his issues (or the mind control) so obviously he is an irredeemable monster and an abuser. This is genetic." I know you've gotten tons of Vriska, so basically insert any of Vriska's apologists' points here." - "Gamzee is a complex character who is used as a puppet both by the other villains of Homestuck and by the arthur. Once someone takes a deeper look at him they might find a tragic character who had lots of chances where he could have gotten onto a better path but those chances were not able to be given or taken. On the flip side Gamzee suffers from some poor writing that leaves aspects of the character to based off poor stereotypes, he also lacks chances to show his internal character as thr story goes on and is treated like a tool by the story. He also killed some fan favorite characters and has a version of himself (homestuck is a multi timeline story) that abused a different fan favorite character." - "I know Vriska is the obvious pick for controversial HS blorbo, but consider: He is the world's shittiest boy. No one knows why he does the things he does he might just be a murderclown but he might be mind controlled or something no one knows and people have really strong opinions on him based on what they believe. He makes me very sad because I did think he was a cool character before he snapped." - "He was written so poorly 💔" - "when i was 12 i had a crush on him i was like a gamzee apologist and i was probably right i dont remember homestuck. i used to listen to icp and think wowww this is just like my clwon boyfriend and giggle and blush and kick my legs and i still do that with my fake boyfriend but hes not gamzee and its not icp and im not 12 but he kind of sounds like gamzee but thats because hes a smoker and he wouldnt listen to icp he likes techno. anyway i used to get so sad when people said they didnt like him because of the killings and i brought him up to my old therapist a couple times thats kind of funny looking back but i would do it again (but not with gamzee. with my fake chain smoker boyfriend who likes techno). anyway anyway my mom listens icp because her old friend from highschool who died was a juggalo and whenever i hear her listen to it i think about gamzee so i havent forgot about him yet. hes wasnt my favorite character thouhg my favorite character was the gemini one (i also had a crush on him when i was 12 i tried to lucid dream to see him once) (it didnt work). ok love you bye." - "-Funny clown -Cares about his friends -Absent parental figure :( -Did some murder but it wasn't his fault really he didn't have all of his mental faculties (see next point) -Got brainwashed by a universe-destroying god that is everywhere and nowhere at the same time through the form of a rapping marionette -The author(s) fucking hates him for some reason and retconned his previous characterization to make him a one-dimensional shitty villain and used canon text to make fun of fans who like him and no I'm not exaggerating -If I don't make him my blorbo who will"
Maeglin Lómion:
LOVE: - "LISTEN okay so he DID betray the city of Gondolin to the guy who literally invented evil, and that DID result in it getting destroyed and a whole bunch of people dying or being taken prisoner (which is probably worse in this instance), and also he DID attempt to throw his cousin's seven-year-old son off the city walls to his death during the attack. BUT. I love him. Also, and more substantially, a) he didn't go out of his way to betray the city, he was taken prisoner and threatened into it, b) he had an incredibly painful history with Gondolin involving both his parents' violent deaths happening like ten minutes after he arrived there, and he was legally not allowed to leave, and c) he was SO YOUNG (only 180! that's hardly anything for an elf!) and he is SO ANGSTY and INTERESTINGLY GOTH and SELF-HATING and I LOVE him. So." - "First of all he was LITERALLY CURSED TWICE OVER so there was NO WAY he was coming to a good end okay. Sure he had a crush on his cousin but he canonically didn't say anything and she only knew because she read his mind and he wasn't able to hide it from her. He had a major éowyn moment (iconic) and was trapped in cage after cage all his life and tbh after what he saw in the Nirnaeth I'm NOT surprised he voted to stay instead of go. Or just told the king what he wanted to hear. Anyway the POINT is that breaking under mental torment to morgoth, whose force and victory he'd seen firsthand, is NOT a moral failing, and idril started conspiring against him before he'd actually done anything wrong. The attempted murder was, admittedly, not great though. But he didn't even SUCCEED like c'mon he just got homoerotically yeeted from a cliff about it. In conclusion: maeglin did nothing wrong except all the things he did wrong, and the version in which he's most openly evil is also the one where both the narrative and the other elves are racist to him so like they had it coming"
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anythinganother · 1 month
The Final Judgement in BSD???
Hear me out. I was reading about biblical apocalypse a lot in previous days and i came up with few things i would wanna share with you here! Please guys i need your opinion on this.
The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse
I already made a post about it but for the context: in Bible, apocalypse is preceded by opening The Seven Seals. Opening of the first four seals releases the four horsemen – pestilence, war, famine and death (there is a lot different interpretations of idenity of the first horseman. Conquest, conquest provoking the pestilence, even Jesus himself or Antichrist, but lets go with the main basic interpretation for now) DOA members can resemble The Four Horsemen.
Conquest/ Pestilence – Bram. I call it pestilence cause its precisely what vampirism do.
War – Fukuchi. I think no explanation needed.
Famine – Sigma – we will talk about him in a moment
Death – Nikolai.
More or less it fits. Also, what’s interesting, they all hate the mission of the horseman they resemble…or nearly all. Bram hates changing vampires, Fukuchi hates war, Sigma hates hunger. I dont know what to say about Nikolai in that one tho. Maybe that he tried to kill Fyodor and at the end, when he thought fyodor was dead, realized it gave him nothing and he didnt really want to do that? It was only about Fyodor tho, not about death as a whole. Anyways, i will stop it here cause i think a bit of a pattern is visible.
Next thing i was thinking of is Fyodor being The Antichrist. Antichrist – sometimes described as evil twin of Jesus, false Christ. Basically impostor who tries to fool people that he is the Jesus and eventually lead to armagedon. Somehow fitting for Demon Fyodor, don’t you think? Of course we don’t have any direct proofs yet, maybe only the Jesus parallels that could end up being fake and a way to ‘fool’ us, but it’s still interesting scenario to think of.
The Book.
We sometimes forget that The Book is – or should be – the main focus of the plot of BSD. Every antagonistic organisation’s main goal was to posses the book. Fyodor was present in or around all of them so it seems like its his goal too. Everything that’s happening from season 4 is because of page from said book. Despite that it’s very important thing for whole plot, we still know very little about it.  Back to the topic of Final Judgement, in the first paragraph i already said that apocalypse was preceded by opening The Seven Seals. The symbolic seals that was securing some book (or scroll to be specific) that author of Book or Revelation saw in his vision. Maybe in BSD, the seals could refer to The Book itself and we have something more going on in the background?
Fineee, that's all for now i think. Reading about it took me a few days so i hope fandom haven’t died yet after last chapter and someone will actually read it. Have a nice day if you read it!! English is not my first language so sorry for any grammar mistakes.
Special thanks to my friend @skrybazasterixa for listening to my raving about it in last few days and helping me come up with this all. Luv u ♡
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pinkandpurple360 · 4 months
Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I think you’re projecting onto Fizz a lot regarding the whole “he needs to go back to the circus” thing. Like I don’t know you, I don’t know your story, but it’s something that’s not really a part of Fizz’s story at all in canon. He’s moved on. That doesn’t mean he can’t interact with anyone other than Ozzie ever again (some fans make them WAY too codependent). But I don’t think it’s healthy for him/you to dwell on that.
There’s no “right way” to say something as rude and silly as this to somebody, because I have a headcanon or theory about a show that you don’t like, lol? Are you trying to embarrass me into shutting up?
I cant get to the bottom of why the fandom wants to pretend that he isn’t from that place, you want to pretend it never happened and is never mentioned again. Ever. Why? Is he too clean for such a dirty past of poverty? Do you not want to see him have a single positive connection to his past. Or did it all mean nothing and Ozzie fixed it all. Maybe I don’t know your story but could you be running from your past, hiding from the people from it, and projecting onto fizz 🙃/j
Another case of ‘arguing against something I didn’t say’ disease…that’s one thing that infuruates me.
I dont want him to go back to them forever and to leave Asmodeus and move in with them💀 I want him to have conversations with the people who for all intents and purposes, are his family. So we can see what the dynamic was like and how it changed. Hell, even if it’s Cash Buckzos funeral and we see the whole troupe reunited and talking to each other for the event. Then getting into it about who all his money should go to, cause the twins don’t want it, or something. Loonas family/parents also left her. That doesn’t mean we should never see a scene where she meets them and speaks to them.
Just look at these characters from the past. Five jester clowns who look almost exactly like Fizz does now. The difference is their hats have the original logo, fizz has a heart. Hey, maybe he still keeps one of his jester hats with the old logo on it which he keeps hidden away in the back of the wardrobe, gathering dust, but he doesn’t toss it out. Like you seem to think he should. Because not every memory is bad, and that’s ok. Pretending you don’t have a past and don’t have any relatives or memories, that is what’s unhealthy anon.
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Isn’t there a part of you that would be interested to see him finally not feel like he’s completely out of place and feel like he’s one of them and they aren’t lost forever like he thought? He keeps saying how much he’s lost, over and over in Oops and his song. And in Mammons, it’s painfully obvious that him losing his entire home family and life in a horrible accident, is what makes him so afraid to “lose” (—it all again) The second life he built. You’re acting like he’s not lost anything. And isn’t even traumatised anymore cause he has Ozzie. Cause uh, lemme tell you that’s not how trauma works.
Wouldnt it be nice. Just once. For there to be a typical family moment where he’s mistaken for and called by one of their names by accident? And he laughs and is happy, because that’s not something that ever happens? He doesn’t feel like he sticks out so much? Heck I ship him with Blitzø and I’d never want for Blitzø to be the one and only person who ever mattered to him back then. That’d be strangely isolating. Acting like he has no past kills his story.
You guys are really…really weird and defensive about me wanting him to talk about his past, look back on it, actually show us him mourning it even. It’s not going to threaten fizzarozzie. Calm down. You’re literally pretending where he grew up, where he was injured, and who raised him from a child isn’t an important part of his story. Only Asmodeus is?? Wtf. That’s actually ridiculous. Do you also never want Barbie or Blitzø to ever ever dare speak of it again? Cause it isnt part of their story?
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antiv3nom · 2 months
Bedman (Romeo)
omg havent had an excuse to talk abt bedman in a hot minute thank u anon...
favorite thing about them:
i love the tragedy of his story arc... that feels like a weird thing to say but its the first thing that came to mind! just. look. the road to hell paved with good intentions bit taken to the extreme really works here!!! the idea that he remembered the name of every person he ever killed because he was under the impression he could bring them all back, only to have the rug pulled from under him? hurts me! in the best way!!!
other than that i do enjoy his design, both romeo himself and the bed :] i wanna give my bedman cosplay another try sometime for sure, it didnt work out for various reasons but i have most of the components and would enjoy cosplaying him fr in the future
least favorite thing about them:
i think i dont really dislike anything about the way bedman is written in the source material strongly enough to point it out here? i think my main gripe is the way the fandom treats him to either extreme, like theres "bedman did nothing wrong ever" people and "bedman is horrific" people and i wish both camps would chill out and recognize hes like. a complex character? but i do think most people do this already which i can appreciate
favorite line:
im a little obsessed w his win line against may in xrd
"I do not understand humans who are motivated by love. A person is born, lives for a number of years, and interacts with up to eight billion people. What proof is there of something they can't even define?"
bc like. buddy. you dont even realize it. YOURE driven by love. all this shit wasnt just for yourself but it was for delilah too!!! fuck!!! you dont even see it as love you see it as necessary because shes that important to you!!! and dont even get me STARTED on the bed in strive and how its still running because of his last minute code additions which almost act as the last part of his will to protect delilah. GAHHHH
BEDMAN AND AXL INTERACTIONS. PLEASE. PLEASE. their dynamic is so interesting as characters with such fascinating ways of interacting with the world...gah. GAH. and no one fucking talks about it!!!
sinbed. must i wlabo.
ok but i will, im not as into them as i was like a year ago but i still do really enjoy their dynamic. sin being such a beacon of hope and being so willing to see people as good contrasted with a post-xrd living bedman (bc all my sinbed stuff exists within au but im having fun out here so sue me) seeing himself as inherently evil due to his actions despite his intentions and believing no one would ever care for him? it hits for me
i dont know of anything off the top of my head that ive seen for him??? nothing prevalent at least.
actually on second thought i think ive seen like one instance of bedman and ram in a romantic sense, and that im not a fan of but i guess i could see the appeal, just not my thing
random headcanon:
this motherfucker would have gotten heated in some internet forums or wiki talk pages, DEDICATED to accuracy out here and he WILL fight you about it
unpopular opinion:
not entirely certain i have one? i think the "bedman while flawed is not actually a terrible person and was doing his best given his extremely fucked up circumstances" is a pretty cool take by this point for most people
i think the only thing i have is that my interpretation of bedman has always been as like a young adult rather than a kid but like i dont really have a concrete opinion on that and i totally understand people who do see him as a kid like its entirely understandable to do so
song i associate with them:
other than his character themes, its GOTTA be dramaturgy by eve, which just. it gives the vibes. read the english lyrics it will make sense i prommy
favorite image of them:
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OTHER than this one its more an animation but his 6p in xrd is so silly i love it so bad...and for a more serious option his instant kill is really cool
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i-like-omori · 30 days
hi, i am i like omori, this message is a message
can these weird keyboard warriors stand down
you all suckle on dommar like he is your king or mom ,
refusing to shut up like ur in some movement that will change the world,
when youre fighting for one guy in the omori fandom that doesnt affect fucking anything but that one guys right to be a proshipping weirdo
please put this amount of yapping into palistine or something i dont know
i claw hair out of my head /srs because of this situation it is frustrating because it has ended multiple times, but always started back up by dommars ,
no one asked for more , i am full, we are full, shut up , we dont eat as much of the drama you want to keep making because we arent glutton pigs , stop
i dont even care if some dommars pull out the most groundbreaking evidence in the world out of their ass that completely shatters my world view thats completely undeniable
they are just too fucking anyoying for me to care about that
and plus they have not done that, they havent even put out NORMAL evidence, they've done nothing but source: trust me bro
also people act like its fucking, idk *insert historical refrence to a list that killed millions* idfk im failing history
when a 14 year old puts names on a google doc
ur not gunna be fucking publically exicuted because someone on the internet put up a sign saying "ur (and ur affilates) not welcome in my space"
its time to put this to rest, you sweaty sour nerds can lose one internet battle in ur lives , and stop harrasing people who just want this to end
you are not hells punishment to the deseriving damned or whatever pompus role you think you play in your strawman, you are just you. and you seem awful
stop harrasing zeteroxx
support zeteroxx
(couldnt find 2, please let me know if you have)
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marunalu · 7 months
Hi! MHA 406 is almost bad for my taste because of Bakugou. But One thing!
AFO facial expression!!! Please analyze this!!! Please!!!
From now on I will just ignore EVERYTHING related to bakugou because it makes no sense any longer to get angry about it. Bakugou is horis pet character and the only character who truly matters to him. At this point bakugou is just the most horrible written gary stu character in shonen history and its clear that hori doesnt care about how shitty his writing of him is. Most of the mha fandom kisses bakugous ass anyway so the horrible writing about bakugous fake "death", his even more horrible written resurrecction and now in this chapter bakugous pain somehow making him able to create bigger explosions and making him faster just shows that hori can write whatever he wants about bakugou and the fandom will still eat this shit out of his hands! Like... I dont care anymore. So I will just do my best and from now on ignore this character as good as I can. If it will be suscessful is the other question, because horis writing of bakugou is just SO bad 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Anyway lets look at the actuall only intetesting part in this chapter. FINALLY we get a little bit more of afos and yoichis backstory and FINALLY we know 2ths name, because I was sick of calling him 2th all the time. My question is now is kudou his first or his last name? Because I think it would be weird if afo calls him by his first name. The only way this would make sense is if kudou once worked for afo and they were friends. Also interesting that we get 2ths name reveal before 3ths 🤔
Now I have the hope that we will soon get a little flashback "arc" or at least a few chapters dedicated about afos and yoichis past. Now about afos expression. Well LOOK AT MY MAN!!!
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I LOVE how vulnerable he looks here. And its a smart move of hori to only show afos eyes (which for once dont look dead) again while the rest is in shadows. He doesnt want to reveal yet the utter despair on afos face when he realizes that his brother is DEAD! But you can clearly see in the way afos eyes and eyebrows are drawn how devasted he is. He is crying! To see the great demon lord and most dangerous super villain who ever lived with such an human expression is actually quite heartbreaking. It shows and confirms that deep down his demon lord facade is simply just a mask to hide his own human heart! Its nothing but an act to look strong and untouchable, so nobody could hurt him! Hori is showing us that, yes, this horrible bastard who did so many evil things to others is still a human deep down with feelings and emotional pain and who actually suffers. Thats how hori writes his villains and to me it was always pretty obvious that he would go the same route with his main villain. Afos demon lord facade is nothing but a coping mechanism to excuss his own evil actions and trying to distance himself from his own humanity.
This chapter confirms without a doubt HOW MUCH afo loved his brother. His only family! And the most interesting part is that afo wasnt even aware that HE killed yoichi. He was SEARCHING for him. He believed him to be ALIVE! Its his enemy who gives him the news that he murdered his own brother, but afo seems to be completly taken by surprise by this! There is just no way that afo actually REALLY tried to kill yoichi with full intent and backs up my theory that yoichis death was an accident or that yoichi sacreficed himself for someone else afo wanted to kill (like kudou and 3th) and then kudou took an injured yoichi to an other place where he died shortly after. Afo believed yoichi to be fine, he had NO IDEA his brother was dead! And it explains so much why afo is so obsessed with the ofa quirk. Its his only way to get yoichi back. The only thing that is left of him. His only way to make amends with yoichi and MAYBE even telling him that he is sorry for what he did!
He clearly still believes everything is kudous fault (what he is telling himself) like I mentioned already a few times in other posts. Kudou freed yoichi from the vault, filled his head with even more heroic ideas which in return made yoichi eventually even more reckless and putting himself in harms way. In yoichis eyes kudou and 3th are his heroes. What is the opposite of the hero? The villain! Lets remember that afo never called himself a villain while yoichi was still alive and even tried to put the blame on his followers when they did something horrible to others ("they did it on their own. I never told them to do it.") He was trying to keep his hands clean. But now Afo WANTS to be a villain, because in his mind its the heroes fault that his brother is dead! And maybe its not just that he wants to be a villain, but also that he believes he cant go back anymore. He crossed the line with yoichis death so to speak. He lost the only person that mattered to him. Why should he care for anyone else now? The world took everything away from him and thats the reason why he wants to destroy everyones happiness and future in return.
And if dfo is canon it could mean that inko and izuku were the first thing after 200 years afo cared about or even loved and saw as his last chance to leave his villain life behind him (him mentioning that he wants to retire). But then all might happend and izuku got ofa. Now there is most likely really no going back anymore.
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patrocles · 4 days
i started hotd but had to stop when criston Beat A Gay Man to Death and then just stuck around making snide comments about rhae i got so confused with the fandom shipping him with alicent did i miss something?? im sorry im not in the fandom i just Dont Understand why people like criston in any way that scene was so upsetting and homophobic
(I'm going to use this opportunity to yap a lot about Criston and Alicent, a lot of this is just things i've been mulling over, I'm not shouting down at you specifically, anon. i absolutely understand wanting to stop the show, or any show that makes you uncomfortable)
So I think a lot of nuance is being purposefully removed when people talk about Criston. And I do think the writing of s1 is to blame cus it is super spotty in a lot of places especially in regards to characterization cus it was just rapid-fire pacing. And a similar argument could also be made for how people talk about Alicent.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m absolutely not saying anyone has to like Criston (or any character) and I’m definitely not saying that Criston isn’t flawed. (In fact, the opposite— that his flaws are exactly what make him a compelling character)
I mean hell, Daemon killed his wife, treats Rhaena like shit, and groomed Rhaenyra, but no one really questions how or why people enjoy him as a character.
But Alicent and Criston DO have a complex and interesting relationship. And I think there's definitely something to be said about how people talk about them specifically compared to the other Targaryen characters. People who hate Alicent like to reduce her whole character down to her being petty and jealous of Rhaenyra for having "good sex", hypocritical, "white feminist", slept with Nyra's dad so she's a scheming bitch the whole time. Very much removing context and simplifying her down to nothing.
A similar thing can be said for how people talk about Criston. It's very easy to reduce him to just this petty incel lunatic, which feels unfair. Especially when Targaryen characters specifically are given miles of deference and nuance, despite their flaws like Aegon for example.
Going back to the writing, I think what got lost in show translation surrounding him killing Joffrey was circumstances surrounding Criston at the time— again, please don’t think I’m excusing it, I just think context matters— is how serious these characters (particularly Alicent and Criston) believe in the world that they're in. And it's not something that's truly emphasized in the writing.
It's not that Alicent is just jealous of Rhaenyra for "having a good sex life", but she truly believes that Rhaenyra is breaking laws that have existed for everyone else forever. (Having bastards is against the law, bastards inheriting IS against the law, putting a bastard on the throne would be super duper against the law). But what broke their friendship was that Rhaenyra lied about something serious, something Alicent would have protected and defended her over, and that cost her her father, the 1 person who was on her side in some small way. Subsequently, she became untrustworthy to Alicent.
And finally she snaps at Driftmark after years of being gaslit and essentially told that the rules that she's always had to abide by (bc it's the rules everyone else has to abide by) (and the rules that got her pimped out to a leper king and forced to have kids he wouldn't even care about), doesn't apply to Rhaenyra and the final straw is being told that the physical well being of her son doesn't matter as much as the hurt feelings of Rhaenyra's.
Circling back, Criston was fully expecting to die after he told Alicent what happened with Rhaenyra because because he broke his oaths and it's punishable by death— and he knows this has been enforced before. He was crumbling, mentally, believing that everything he worked for is gone only to then have his shame indirectly blackmailed/threatened by some guy he doesn't even know. And he snaps with the intent to commit suicide after. But it wasn't an attack out of homophobia, though. It would have happened regardless of who it was, it just happened to be Joffrey.
Why people like Alicent and Criston because they very much are a unit of non-Targaryens existing within the Targaryen family and will always be considered outsiders. (Criston especially is a racial minority within the world, being part Dornish, and who are not looked at favorably by the rest of the country). They've both tried to be a part of this family as best they can, been used by them. (There's definitely a case to be made, whether people like it or not, about the dubious consent surrounding Rhaenyra using her power to get Criston to sleep with her and whether or not he even had the power to refuse her. And part of what breaks him is knowing the 1 thing he had, his honor, was thrown away for something that didn't matter to Rhaenyra at all, even if she knew the consequences for him too.)
Criston is Alicent's person that's kind of just all hers, which matters a great deal to her after nearly a lifetime of never really having anyone that's on her side, exclusively, and hasn't tried to exploit her for their own personal gain. He's sworn to her and likewise, Alicent gives Criston renewed purpose in life. Even if we don't see it, we can absolutely infer that he stepped in with her children when they were being neglected by Viserys. He's probably the 1 person that Alicent has come to trust completely when it became very evident that she had no one else. In Alicent, Criston has found a sort of salvation, and there's this religious idealization of her. They're basically coworkers and kinda best friends and also kinda co-parents.
But that doesn't necessarily mean that he's her attack dog at the ready, as some people have claimed; the 1 time we to see her actually instruct him to do violence (take Luke's eye), he refuses and he goes to stop her from hurting Rhaenyra before being stopped by Daemon.
So what I mean by all this, is that I genuinely think there are a lot of complex things at work with Criston and his relationship with Alicent. That's not at all to say that you have to ship them and I understand why some people don't. I think it's a bit reductive to say that he's just this violent animal with nothing else interesting to think about.
In summary:
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sneezemonster15 · 9 months
I'd give you an analysis, but frankly from what I've seen from your own "analysis" you're not very good at reading
also if you'd be so kind to tag this as mha spoilers, or screenshot this ask and put it under a read more so i dont spoil anyone who's interested in reading mha. it'd be greatly appreciated
(also thanks for getting rid of anon, this time i will include pics !)
anyway, this is the "straight dude who is having a typical cutesy high school het romance with a girl in a taken for granted het world." you're talking about;
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also i wont lie, calling mha a het world when these are real dialogue is highkey stupid:
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and i know the topic at hand is s/n/s and bk/dk but lets pivot to tg/chk bc theyre more relevant to what im saying
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theres a lot to say but honestly, the manga speaks for itself :)
oh and also, you're right, bk/dk has no romantic subtext - it has romantic text. no subtlety needed! :) that is, if you have read the manga - my favourite example is this:
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and then shgrk then proceeds to kill bkg, who "dies" (sort of) thinking about izuku in his final moments:
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and then izk loses control when he sees bkg "dead" on the ground
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and these are from recent chapters! imagine the rest of the series, ey
well! that got long. i'd tackle your crappy assessment of deku's character, but then I'd be here all day!
anyways, if i were you, I'd reread mha and really really understand the text you're reading. you might end up seeing something you missed at first!
Aiyyo someone got triggered! Hehehe. Ah it was inevitable that the moment I talked about MHA and rejected shippy head canons from the show, some delusional hardcore shipper would get all up in arms. Sigh.
You think what you wrote is analysis? Hehehe.
So just some random panels and chapter covers from the manga prove Bakugou or Deku is gay? Lol. I have seen fans like you in Naruto fandom as well. But you are right, I am not as invested in MHA, because it just doesn't have the versatility and genius of Naruto and Shippuden, it is actually quite a straightforward story and I don't need to burn a lot of my braincells to 'get it'. Lol. I am not saying it's bad, but as compared to its contemporary mangas, it just isn't at par for my tastes. It's good for entertainment but it doesn't affect me like other mangas that it takes inspiration from. Some silly shipper telling me I can't read, I would tell you my credentials but nah, too much work for disproving silly ass headcanons.
Fans make comparisons between Naruto and BNHA because Horikoshi is inspired by Kishimoto, definitely some similarities are there, but it misses on the most crucial point. Naruto and Shippuden are love stories. BNHA is simply your typical shounen manga. Naruto and Shippuden use the narrative tool of subversion to tell a love story in the restrictive genre of shounen. It has multiple layers and you need presence of mind to see them. Naruto is gay and you see comphet in his character, his interest in Sakura looks superficial from the beginning and then in kage arc, it is concluded as a mere cover to run from confronting his dilemma, and closetedness. His character is consistently shown as having an internal fight, a dilemma. Sasuke is just on your face, he is clearly shown as having no interest in women, but with Naruto he is especially intimate on his own accord. Ya know, using random panels ain't gonna help, you need to establish it in the narrative. Headcanons are all nice to entertain when that's all you watch media for, shipping. But please to be showing more maturity and media comprehension when sending me an ask, I am not very sympathetic to gaslighters whose heads are filled with shippy shit and cheap self gratification. When I talk Naruto, I make comparisons with other clearly gay media, and point out the common tropes, it's a result of expansive research. Not just random panels that prove nothing. Little one, you need more than that to prove your theories. I have watched a wide range of media, including gay media, your ask is just representative of your ignorance and lack of knowledge about how storytelling and character building works. Heh. Or do you think BNHA has its own concept of homosexuality, its own private language that cannot be compared with how other media establishes homosexuality in a given universe? Yeah, solipsistic ideas like that cannot be taken seriously.
Conformity is one of the pillars Japanese society is built upon, so it's not surprising that Japanese media talks upon how anything that doesn't conform to the norms is rejected. Their media is representative of their society. Mha also touches upon that and there's no surprises there, but again, you need more than that to prove it in the course of plot building and narrative. Some random out of context panel about some character saying something about conformity proves your point? You need to SHOW it and not just tell. But where other mangas, great mangas, popular and critically well acclaimed mangas have explored this idea in detail, MHA is just touch and go. It doesn't entertain a balanced proper discourse on it. It is truly shounen in that sense. Again, I am not saying it is bad, it is just more age appropriate. Which is totally fine. Do you know how heteronormativity is established in the narrative? Like this. Show me where this happens in MHA. Lol. Sweetheart, if the writer had made any attempt to write this world as heteronormative, where gay characters face challenges, I would have seen it. But mha is just not that deep. Sorry to burst your bubble. But that's just a fact.
Seriously, you are going to give me the example of Toga? I haven't gone through the recent chapters yet. I have only watched the anime. But it is clear that, that girl is medically insane. Her idea of liking someone is to kill that person and drink their blood, for her own pleasure. She ain't a homosexual, more like hemosexual. Hahaha. Again, you gotta show me the trajectory of her character, start with the base and show me how it escalates, how does she learn better about herself, her own feelings, the world from her perspective. No character is isolated, any writer who is talented enough to write multimillion franchise knows that. Don't project your assumptions on the story and the characters, work with what you have and draw the meaning from what's given, not the other way round.
There is no doubt Izuku and Bakugou have a strong relationship, even if it is mostly rivalry. But one can see that Bakugou cares about Deku and vice versa. Before telling me how to read, perhaps you should have done it yourself. Lol, I see this type of behaviour a lot from typical silly shippy shippers. "What, did you just say my ship makes no sense? 🤬"
Do you even know what subtext or text is? Hahah. This is text and subtext. So just because Bakugou and Deku talk about their rivalry in their vulnerable moments, that the audience knows as congruent since we have already seen they have a hot and cold relationship but that they are friends nonetheless, that proves they love each other romantically? You obviously don't know how romance tropes work. The dynamic between two men who respect and admire each other is always shown with a lot of empathy in Japanese media. It is one of the founding pillars of shounen, a genre meant for teenaged boys. They are certainly closer to each other than they are with women they are interested in, but a lot of fans such as yourself misinterpret it as romantic, because headcanon goggles. No, you gotta have more than that. Where Naruto and Shippuden have it in truckloads, none of that in BNHA. Deku is heterosexual af. If he is so interested in Bakugou, how come he reacts the way he reacts to Uraraka? Where is his conflict? Where is his dilemma? His affection and romantic interest in Uraraka is genuine and sincere, not a cover to hide his more private feelings. Unlike in Naruto's case. Kishi uses clever narrative tricks and tools to tell his love story in shounen and he does it skillfully. His motives and intentions are clear as water. He uses inventive smokescreens and red herrings to escape from being too controversial and colour inside the borders of shounen, nothing like that in BNHA. To begin with, Horikoshi doesn't even delve into the sexualities of his characters, because his story is not about that. There's no context, no set up, nothing. His worldbuilding is simply conventional, by which I mean heteronormative, there's no talk about sexual orientation of characters. You see the usual shounen perviness by Mineta and Kaminari and typical straight girls going kawaai over good looking boys like Todoroki, what impression does that give? If Horikoshi wanted to establish his characters being gay, he would have set up the context mindfully and carefully, like Kishi did. Gay relationships and characters can't be shown so explicitly in shounen as that would jeopardize its distribution in the west. Reason? Censorship. That's why Kishi had to be so careful, his target audience might not get it, but the adults do. Well, unbiased adults do, at the very least. So the boys in bnha are gay just because? Because you want them to be? Storytelling and character building doesn't work like that.
Seriously everything you think works as 'analysis' isn't even valid. I honestly didn't even want to respond to this ask, given it's so surface level and ridiculously simple minded. Perhaps you are a tween or teen who thinks every time two boys or girls smile at each other or rescue each other, they are gay and in love. Lol, watch gay media. Like actually watch it and see where your arguments stand in the scheme of things. I will tell you, nowhere. Juvenile kiddy stuff. I won't entertain anymore asks like these, they are a waste of my time.
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sollucets · 2 months
get to know me tag
as tagged by @ranchthoughts, @twig-tea, and @troubled-mind! thank u everyone 💜🥰
do you make your bed? literally never!
what's your favourite number? 52. i picked it as a child and i don't remember why, but it pleases me still
what is your job? i'm a humble lil grocery store employee
if you could go back to school, would you? if i could quit my job and go to school and still have my same money, then yes, i should think so, but that's super not happening! it might be nice to have a second degree. i think history would be fun
can you parallel park? yes i can! i used to have to do it every day to park in front of my last house. >:c
a job you had that would surprise people? i think all of my jobs have been either rather generic or right on the nose for what people would expect of me so probably not. i was a nighttime gas station attendant for a fair bit of college, which could be a surprise i guess? everyone always goes ":0 but werent you scared????" and like, no, not most of the time, but sometimes you do it scared yknow
do you think aliens are real? yes, but real in a way that there are many real things i can't see and don't understand (protons, gender, etc)
can you drive a manual car? i could do that once and probably still can, but it's been a long long time since i practiced
what's your guilty pleasure? as far as media goes, i do my very best not to have things like this. if i feel bad about liking it i generally do not like it for very long. i would say the closest is being into kpop, but it's not like i keep that a secret, i just dont really want to engage with kpop fandom, so i dont often post or talk about it publicly. a real guilty pleasure is that i like cherry pepsi too much
tattoos? i have one; he's on my left forearm & he's an abstract little spaceman with a fern for a head. i call him my cosmonaut. i have plans for more but i never have the time or money lately
favorite color? we know this one already surely. 💜
favorite type of music? ohh, i don't like to discriminate hehe. my very favoritest songs usually have fun harmony or funky rhythms, though, and it's best if i can sing along
do you like puzzles? sure! i used to have a book of fairy puzzles when i was a kid that i love dearly even now
any phobias? i am afraid of all bugs, but i can be a grownup about most kinds of them. i Cannot be a grownup about moths or centipedes, which i am terrified of (using those words will cause this post to be filtered for me on tumblr). i try not to kill them if i can avoid it, since it isnt their fault i'm like this, but i,,, i really can't, i'm useless if i see one. when id find centipedes in my room at my last house i wouldnt be able to sleep.
favorite childhood sport? i did tennis all of middle and high school, explicitly because of ryoma echizen prince of tennis lol. i was on varsity! i also figure skated as a kid. both are still fun when i get the chance
do you talk to yourself? oh yes all the time. i keep odd hours so i used to accidentally wake my roommate cause i just kind of absentmindedly chatter abt everything
what movies do you adore? i am not really a movie person if i'm perfectly honest; i don't watch them often as an adult. from my childhood my favorite movies were kenneth branagh much ado about nothing, the princess bride, pokemon 2000, and return of the king
coffee or tea? neither, i dont like most hot drinks. apple cider is ok now and again but i usually drink it cold, and im horribly picky about hot chocolate
first thing you wanted to be growing up? i changed this answer all the time as a kid and i have records of me doing so in my old notebooks lol! answers i know about include "pilot", "author", "dragon", and "eowyn"
this one seems like it might be a little personal so im shy to tag people hehe. go ahead and put me down if you want to do it though; i will be happy to know :)
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cxgsongstournament · 1 year
Some fanvids from round 1 eliminations!
i was going to write a recap for round one but i ran out of time, so instead let me just link every fanvid i could find that uses the elimnated songs!
Love Kernels (supernatural) by @kbsd
George's Turn (atla) by yours truly
Ping Pong Girl (supernatural) by @kbsd
Scary Scary Sexy Lady (killing eve)
Don't Be A Lawyer (better call saul) by @wexleresque
Nothing is Ever Anyone's Fault (atla) by @theotherace
I Hate Everything But You (ted lasso)
A Boy Band Made Up of Four Joshes (supernatural) by @kbsd
You Do/You Don’t Want To Be Crazy (ofmd) by @maxer-blaster
Horny Angry Tango: [1] (iwtv) by @jennaflare, [2] (supergirl) @sprqpointintern, [3] (wwdits) by me
I Have Friends (ofmd) by @space-feminist
We Tapped That Ass (supernatural) by @kbsd
It Was a Shit Show (supernatural) by @kbsd
i dont know all these fandoms please dont come talk to me about them
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
Talk about how BK stans are wierd about Izu. But lets talk how Izu's abuse was deliberate on Hori's part (again, this is not "random guy pressing many buttoms" he sit down and wrote this shit) and how people, mostly BK's stans ignore in favor of fanon bkdk
Izu's dad is mia (In Japan some families use actors to pretend to be the kid dad's. Like wow ) and we dont even know his job.
Inko is a beglectful mom, thanks to how Hori wrote her. (For those reading, neglectful doesnt need to always be "she ignored how her kid is starving" Inko never bother to know her own son or do anything)
Why Izu accepts he is useless? Not victim blaming here but....this is smth I don't get why Izu nods and accept he is useless. "A lesson in hopeless" which could explain but...that would have to apply to others students who were abused by BK. And they seem fine.
(Also the lil shit Izu saved from Bk and turns against Izu later...why? I get kids can be assholes! But while the lil shit doesnt need to be Izu's bff...why try to please BK?)
Hi @mikeellee 👋
Both Bakugou stans and Hori (to a lesser extent) are horrible when it comes to Izuku, they both seem to treat Izuku as the cheerleader / supporting act to Bakugou.
Bakugou's /BkDk stans (mostly) tend to write what they wish to see - an asshole with a heart of gold who redeems himself and proves himself worthy of being Izuku's partner. While seemingly unknowingly writing him as abusive - screaming at his partner, still calling him a "Shitty Deku" but fondly or doing worse like causing Izuku to try and kill himself or dumping Izuku via text while Izuku is in hospital...
All the while Hori neglects Izuku and his family sidelining him for the Todoroki's (no hate to the Todofam) but...
Where's Midoriya Hisashi? If he's AFO you would think Hori would build up to this moment / give Izu deja vu when he sees AFO - anything? Or is Hisashi a random asshole civilian who upped and left his family or tragically died?
Why does Midoriya Inko act so neglectful yet worried? How Hori writes Inko is pretty poor honestly. In canon, she's not an evil, mean mum nor is she supermum like I've seen the most common fandom perceptions be - She's just there. A true background character. She's just stood there not doing anything while her quirkless son gets violently beaten up for ten years and does nothing. (She had to have had some idea what was going on, no four year old could hide being exploded.) Yet U.A post Kamino she threatens to pull Izu out - now Izu has a quirk, why this change in attitude now Izu has a quirk? Hori never shows her actively doing things for Izuku like a mother should; she cries and worries but thats all she does - while Izuku comforts her! At least other shonen parents have the excuse of being dead so therefore being unable to protect their kids...
Izuku seemingly accepting himself as useless... It began with the acceptance of the hero name 'Deku' to me it felt like someone, who had been bullied for their disability, making their hero name "Spaz" just because a new friend at UA called them once that - 'but in a nice way.' So that "makes it ok now!" When really it doesn't - certainly not like how MHA showed, in real life moments like reclaiming the insult (especially with a history attached like Izuku's does) has to take a lot of work. It felt like whiplash to have Izuku suddenly "be ok with it." And honestly... I don't think he is truly, he still thinks of himself as useless and thats reinforced by 1) everyone around him calling him "Deku" still - including Bakugou. Izuku's internal monologue even supports that he still thinks of himself as useless which is just SAD at this point. 2) Izuku rarely (if ever) getting any rightful praise. 3) Izuku getting shared blame for shit that is Bakugou's fault alone. House arrest should have been just Bakugou's punishment and Izu should have kicked his ass to the moon.
And for your final point, that is true that kid is a little asshole and you would think that in a school where most people are aspiring to be heroes there would be some (other than Izu) trying to stand up for people being bullied against Bakugou...
But at the same time it's realistic for a class to be afraid of the violent loud mouth bully who is strong and unafraid to throw a punch. Imagine that but throwing explosions, burns and explosive punches - yikes.
Either way, Bakugou's popularity should have tanked with his 'garbage personality' when he got into U.A but Hori wants to wank him off.
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aroacesigma · 5 months
For the ask game ummmmmmm obligatory sigma but also chuuya <3
ok !!!
first impression - sigma
honestly i thought he seemed like a nice enough guy going off the whole thing where he let the man win . a bit bossy when he was talking to teruko but honestly i was kind of rooting for anyone but the hunting dogs at the point so i was like yeahhh go buddy . you got this . also thought he was very gender
first impression - chuuya
i thought he was REALLY fucking cool . loved his design instantly . like about half this fandom i thought that was a ponytail for ages but noooo . terrible mullet . look dazai was my fave at that point but i still laughed when he got his ass kicked by him lmfao
impression now - sigma
ok . deep breaths kai you can say this normally . i love him very much and he is my fave . as you can all tell . finding out his whole backstory and watching him go through the sky casino arc and the mersault arc was so fucking ... god . hes so tragic . i love him so much . he tries so very hard all the time and nothing ever comes out of it does it . i just want him to be happy .... he really deserves it . hes not a bad person but hes done bad things out of necessity which honestly makes you root for him more doesnt it ? its so heartbreaking every chapter watching him do everything , throw himself into danger, hurt people, hurt himself just so they can get a home... i really hope he does . very much . fucking hell
impression now - chuuya
pretty much exactly the same . hes so fucking cool and i love him . i think he should be allowed a weekly quota of kicking the shit out of dazai . stormbringer tore my soul to shreds that hurt which made me feel terrible for him also . hes a wonderful character and i really do love him and wish this fandom treated him a little better
favourite moment - sigma
oughh this is hard . uh . probably when we get his backstory honestly . everything really makes a lot of sense about him once you get that . its really sad but it really hammers in just how desperate he is to find a home. they dont really have anything else , their sense of being human is shaky at best because no matter how much he says hes just an ordinary man he knows he isnt . so having a place to belong to make up for the fact that there is nothing like them in the world and there never will be is something hes totally desperate for and their backstory hammers that in HARD . and just the art is just so well done ...something about the image of him just sitting alone in the desert really shatters my heart every time . honourable mention also goes to when he kicked the shit out of teruko , purely because its an excellent counteraction to people saying dumb shit about him being weak and pathetic
favourite moment - chuuya
ohhh..i think i really like the scene where the flags throw him a party . its nice to see him hanging around with his friends . even if theyre all a little bit fucked up . he deserves nice things even if he didnt fucking get to keep them god asagiri why
idea for a story - sigma and chuuya
ok i NEED YALL TO HEAR ME OUT on this crack theory that definitely will not happen but imagine if it did . now i trust dazai will come back for sigma butttt if he didnt . well dont you think mori , who sent chuuya into mersault , would be extremely pleased to have someone with an ability like sigmas . and sigma wouldnt really have too many options would he . being left behind again would probably kill any trust he had in the ada and really all his ability has ever been suiteed for is criminal activity right ? and that is how we get pm!sigma . which means chuuya and sigma interactions . they can bond over shared experiences like having somewhat funky relationships with humanity, terrible haircuts theyre somehow pulling off, and wanting to kick the shit out of dazai .
unpopular opinion - sigma
this is more of a bsdtwt / bsdtok problem but yall do know if you like a characters design but not their actual character you can just say that instead of making up an overused fanon personality for them right
unpopular opinion - chuuya
idk if this is unpopular exactly but it is blatantly obvious when people only like him in relation to dazai like it is not subtle at all
favourite relationship - sigma
ooh this is hard . if we're talking about shipping exclusively then sigzai is my fave (almost got put off it by the aforementioned annoying bsdtwt though lmfao) . but i do also find it very interesting how he interacts with and views fyodor and nikolai . i do wish we had more on how they were like as an organisation
favourite relationship - chuuya
again, talking shipping id probably have to go with skk , but even in a non shipping context it really does interest me how him and dazai interact . theyre so fucking weird
favourite headcanon - sigma
living up to my duties as ceo of transmasc sigma , thats obviously my favourite headcanon . hes soooo trans guy coded its insane . bless him . also my headcanon that he always has that new book smell hanging around him no matter what . cause . yknow .
favourite headcanon - chuuya
ok i also love to headcanon chuuya as a trans guy like honestly asagiri what is it with you accidentally coding all your funky little guys as trans . also i reckon hes a tea drinker . he will fuck that shit up . hes got all the fancy ones yknow those really weird flavours that honestly are barely even tea anymore thats just a fancy drink but hey the box is pretty so
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dyedfrog · 1 year
the ULTIMATE OMORI fanfic recs because one of my favs just ended and it deserves more recognition!!
Okay lets start this off with the one in question (also not in any particular order)
These Days Without You by Smitty1899. absolutely beautiful, please read it this fanfic needs more of a community around it
By Your Side Once More, or, How Sunny Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Occult by Keltikknight. the suzuki siblings and their immaculate sense of humour. thats all i have to say
A New Dawn In Sunless Skies by letos. i wish this one would update again its got such a cool premise.
Sinking and Heroism by TenPes. linking them together because they're not part of a series.
The Faraway Event by kinemortomoli. me putting this here is actually a cry for help. i dont think this fanfic is dead but i cant suffer alone
Tired by Sunburner. this is pretty short and sweet (more like sad, depending on your ending preference)
DEADSPACE by Es_Novels. this one is so eerie as many zombie fanfics are, but i think the imagery makes this one take the cake
Car Trouble by Smitty1899. oh my god
Birthday Picnic by ToxicPineapple. poor kel. he saw mari like a big sister
stuck on one day for the rest of my life by lowbatteryhealth. we as a fandom need more hero angst
Reciting Wrongly by JonRightBackAtcha. not gonna say anything, just read it
Other Half of The Whole by JonRightBackAtcha. did not realise this and 11 were written by the same person. huh.
Fates of Damnation by Anonymous. oh my got two electric boogaloo
heat haze by crowcinthus. as someone who knows nothing about kagerou project wow
The Healing Properties of Reading a Book Out Loud to Your Loved Ones, and Other Domestic Bullshit by Prince_Enby. this ones good even if it hasnt updated in a while
In Which Sunny Is Bad At Naming Things by Prince_Enby. let me introduce you to the chatfic ever
I'll Cherish You Forever by phoeberrie. tiny bit hesitant to recommend this one bc of the themes but there is another fanfic later on this list with similar themes that is basically on every omori rec list ever so just a warning for stalking, obsession and gore. also, heed the tags. its good but not everyone will be comfortable with it.
Sorry as Can Be, For Whatever That Means by JonRightBackAtcha. quite a few fanfics by this author on here. but what can i say, they're great.
sinking. by marlkarx1. this is really good, also pretty dark. heed the tags.
Despite everything by Aisenic_Warrior. another legendary fic with no updates for over a year.
Sometimes a Knife Fight at 3am Can Mend Any Friendship by Shrimp_fry_rice. i dont believe it. you're telling me a shrimp frying rice wrote this fic?
Overwatered Garden by otomerson. rip flower boy lmao (im crying)
Picnic with Mari AU by Gornkleschnitzer. just gonna recommend the whole au
One More Time by GalileoGalilei. think of a 'watching the show' fanfic but its omori post-bad ending. now that i think about it, a version of this fic but they're watching an unserious playthrough on youtube would be kind of funny.
Sometimes Goodbye is a Second Chance by Smitty1899. whatever you're expecting to happen, you're wrong.
Amusia by JonRightBackAtcha. the legend. i wonder how many times this author has appeared on this list.
Kel kicks Sunny's door down by otomerson. attempted hikkikomori route
The Everyday Shenanigans of Something by Practicallyunethical. obsessed with the references in here.
Reality Check, Please by Paramocks. this fanfic has the kind of humour that could kill a christian grandmother.
Endless Dreaming by otomerson. this fanfiction is so beautiful it can make a grown man cry and thats okay (i dont know the quote dont kill me) please read it
Their Time by ShardOfHope. man this fanfic HURTS. you better read it.
The House That Breathes by Shifting_Walls. THIS IS SO GOOD
Broken Space by SpoonusBoius. yes, this fanfic is dark, but i feel people greatly exaggerate it. its not darker than pursuit, don't worry.
The Sun in Another Solar System by TellThemNaegi. if you look through this entire list while only reading one fanfic from here, please let it be this one. i have been totally fixated on this one and it deserves a mini-community of its own just like some other aus.
You're back, Mari by Anonymous. i hope you all expected this one. this is the mentioned one on no.17. im not sure how many trigger warnings i need considering this entire fic is so infamous i'd be shocked if someone didn't know. i don't want to risk spoiling it so just look at the tags. i was debating putting the sequel on here but decided against it. after all, the absolutely visceral reaction the pursuit au can garner from the fandom after just being mentioned probably has enough potential for a case study.
And there it is. the ultimate omori fanfic rec list consisting of 35 fanfic recs (I was originally gonna put way more on here but i got lazy near the end and put only my all time favourites)
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