#Political Update
jotasuis · 2 months
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How I found out about trump getting shot
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sayruq · 6 months
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bloodybellycomb · 2 months
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Literally no one is faster than the editors at Wikipedia, it hasn't even been an hour yet
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melenae · 1 year
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jennifermnhi · 1 year
Bronny James Released From Hospital After Cardiac Arrest: NEW DETAILS | E! News [Video]
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khabarsamay · 1 year
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the-final-sif · 2 years
I feel like there's two parts to the no fly list leak that are getting overlooked right now
1) the person in question has the handle "maia arson crimew" meaning media outlets have to cite "crimew" as the person they're quoting, which is amazing.
2) From everything I've read, crimew didn't actually commit a crime (in this case at least). According to crimew, the no-fly list was discovered on a publicly accessible server, totally unsecured. crimew was using Shodan which is a totally legal tool regularly used by a lot of the security community for research. Schools use and provide access to Shodan, it's a normal tool. Nothing crimew was doing was out of the ordinary. Her access and use of the file was most likely legal (or at least next to impossible to prosecute), given that it was publicly accessible.
crimew even notified CommuteAir of the data vulnerability. Which prevented more sensitive data from leaking, and was absolutely a sign of acting in good faith. Her obligation to even do that is a pretty gray area, but she did it anyways.
Now, crimew has gotten charged by the US in the past for other things, however, Swiss citizens cannot be extradited against their will. So the proceedings were suspended. She could only be charged under Swiss law, and given that the data is/was publicly accessible and the exposure was for public good, that's very unlikely to happen.
The people actually getting investigated by congress/the FBI/the TSA are the idiots at CommuteAir that were hosting the no fly list on an unsecured publicly accessible server. They're the ones who actually get in trouble for failing to have followed basic security protocols. They're the ones who had a legal obligation to safe guard that data, and they're the ones who fucked up.
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augustsappho · 4 months
Students at Goldsmiths University of London have restarted their protests in the face of footage that surfaced from Rafah and in response to Frances Corner showing little sign of taking student demands seriously and even less intent to hold up to her divestment agreements, which were made at the beginning of May 2024.
Protests at the uni have been covered by Al Jazeera and The Socialist Worker. Updates can be found on their Instagram @goldsmithsforpalestine. A vote of no confidence has been kick-started by the Student Union and will commence on June 7th 2024.
In meetings leading up to this vote, there has been a stark lack of support of any kind or any intent to vote against the no-confidence proposal. Students unanimously stand against the Warden.
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troythecatfish · 4 months
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chongoblog · 6 days
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Things are going great btw
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aeolianblues · 3 months
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This feels like a better summary of the last 14 years than any political correspondent can put into a neat paragraph. Save for Rishi Sunak, every single one of the Tory PMs of the last 14 years has been booted out.
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sayruq · 6 months
I don't buy that there's a rift between Biden and Netanyahu. You don't sign a bill like this one day
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and claim there's a growing rift between the two countries the next day.
It's all political theatre, just like the ceasefire resolution the US tried to pass last week. It's meant to convince everyone who is angry at Biden over Gaza that he's really going to hold Netanyahu to account this time.
The US is still working with Israel to destroy Gaza by providing money weapons, building that port (with rubble from Palestinian homes), and destroying the UNRWA.
Don't stop applying pressure on the Biden administration. Who knows how long we have until Rafah is invaded. Don't ease up under the believe that this time the US will finally stop supporting Israel.
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stalinslastsoldier · 8 months
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Welcome to your first month of 2024
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taikeero-lecoredier · 5 months
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Both KOSA and the Earn It Act bill are dangerous for the future of the Internet.
In a nutshell, KOSA would allow states to sue any websites that host content deemed “harmful” to minors. With such a vague wording, its expected that any NSFW stuff, educational ressources or LGBT content, will immediately be taken down if govts dont approve of it.
Plus, it will be made mandatory to use IDs to confirm your age when going online, to so called “protect kids” but all that will cause is a huge potential data breach and endanger more kids.
As for the Earn It Act bill, it would allow the governement to spy and filter out anything they dont like in private dms for any users,as well as blowing a hole into Section 230 : The thing that prevent websites from being directly liable in case a user post something illegal,instead of the user being punished directly. The comics I made about KOSA and Earn It Act are old but sadly still relevant. All the info you need are in this post.
•KOSA Comic •Earn It Act comic
•KOSA UPDATE + CALL SCRIPT (Made the April 11, 2024)
•When contacting your reps, you may also add that they should support better bills that will make kids (and anyone) safer by focusing on data privacy legislations instead of KOSA • Contact Congress through here https://www.stopkosa.com/ • House Energy and Commerce are the best to contact for the hearing of 17th April 2024 https://energycommerce.house.gov/representatives (the link doesnt work properly so you'll need to head to the site and select "Members" to find them)
• Find all your Congresspeople here http://badinternetbills.com/
• Find your House representative here https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative •Never forget to make tweets, posts, tiktoks, or use any social media you can think of to talk about this : Spreading the word will be crucial. As always, if you wish to help us fight against bad inetrnet bills,and have the latest infos about KOSA, consider joining our Discord server (if not, please just share it around) • https://discord.gg/pwTSXZMxnH
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khabarsamay · 1 year
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kan-ai-blog · 4 months
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