#Poor Souls
azazluv · 2 months
The poor normal guy who thinks has chance with the girl against the imortal supernatural guy
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myremnantarmy · 11 months
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momentsbeforemass · 11 months
What really pleases God?
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(This is the best thing to do on All Souls’ Day)
There’s kindness. And then there’s kindness.
Not that there’s anything wrong with doing something nice for someone who can do something nice for you. But if you’ve ever wondered how God looks at our acts of kindness towards each other, Jesus lets us know where our priorities need to be.
“When you hold a lunch or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or your wealthy neighbors, in case they may invite you back and you have repayment.”
“Rather, when you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; blessed indeed will you be because of their inability to repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”
What really pleases God?
Helping someone who needs it. Who cannot pay you back. When you know there’s nothing in it for you. And you help them anyway.
We cannot be reminded enough of the people who desperately need our help, who can offer us nothing in return.
Which is why the Church makes a big deal out of All Souls’ Day. All Souls’ Day is a reminder of the most helpless people of all. The poor souls in Purgatory.
We might bump into a homeless person. Or someone else in need. Just seeing them could move us to help.
But the Holy Souls in Purgatory? We’ve got to go out of our way to even think about them.
So what can we do to help them? There are two easy ways to obtain a plenary indulgence for the Souls in Purgatory.
Visit a cemetery and pray for the departed. You can pray out loud or in your heart. The plenary indulgence is available today and each day, from November 1-8.
Visit a church and pray the Our Father and the Creed for the departed. You can pray out loud or in your heart. The plenary indulgence is available today, November 2.
As with any plenary indulgence, the usual conditions apply.
Today, take a moment to help the most unseen of all those in need, the Souls in Purgatory.
Today and always, be an instrument of God’s grace in the most holy way possible - for someone who cannot pay you back.
Today’s Readings
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psykopaths · 5 months
Please cum on my stomach
There goes another bunch of my kids on someone's stomach
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chebyreksan · 7 months
Warning: blood, angst
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xproskeith · 29 days
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Literally me. If I ever vent about work things on here, I do apologize. I do end up forgetting how much I see and deal with has become normal to me and how much it is not to people not in nursing/healthcare.
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proteusolm · 1 month
remember when it was extremely easy to find a free VPN? what happened? why are they all paid subscription services now?
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valyrra · 11 months
If any of my followers think that I'm annoying because my hypefixations change too often - imagine knowing me irl.
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darius-1 · 1 year
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Wouldn't it so much better if everyone dies?
Ocean of Hopelessness
Fragile Souls
Devious Smiles
Morbid Objects
Cruel Others
Replacement of Opposite Sex
Immediate Cure
Spreading Enfeeblement
Wish for Nothingness
Imprisoned Ego
Fear of Separation
One-Sided Mistakes
Fright of Others
Dangerous Thoughts
Denial with Others
Aversion to Harmony
Arrogant Understanding
Pity for the Weak
Uneasy Photographs
Scars from the Past
Blurring Borders
Divergence of Commonsense
Lonely People
Question of Value
Fusion with Desire
Return to the Womb
Empty Time
Decline of Yearning
Needless "Me"
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breadhalfburnt · 1 year
twirling my hair around kicking my feet
thinking about my ocs <3
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moonpaw · 2 years
this is Not gonna stop the zotash shippers,, i feel like you've been on the internet too long to be this hopeful. ppl are just straight up gross and will ship whatever, regardless of canon
oh it won't stop them, but it will probably raise eyebrows
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fabulous-fic-quotes · 2 years
“Moony and Pads are out for a walk,” Potter says, waggling his eyebrows.
“A walk?” Regulus questions.
“A walk.” Potter confirms, words heavy with implication.
Regulus sighs. “You mean to say, they’ve gone to smoke Gillyweed and fornicate in the woods again, don’t you?”
The Missing Link - @lostmykeysie
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myremnantarmy · 10 months
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sometipsygnostalgic · 2 years
Personally i think i should get a special award just for being alive in 2023. I feel like Makoto Naegi leaving the murderous high school at the end of Danganronpa and entering the murderous rest of the world where there's a handful of sane people and a lot of insane anime girl simps with teddy bear masks over their heads.
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Thirteen/Amy/Rory writing update (pt. 51)
It's kind of amazing to me that I have absolutely no emotional attachment to the original Hide episode one way or another (it's a perfectly decent episode, I don't love it or hate it) but with a couple of changes in the companions/the identity of the time-travelling "ghost"/the nature of the TARDIS' voice interface, I'm actively sobbing, because even though there's very little discussion of ghosts the Orpheus/Eurydice parallel is back and swinging hard, the story is being haunted by the past and the future alike, and the fact is that River's been dead since before she was born and Clara has been a ghost since the Doctor met her and that's still not even close to the most devastating thing that's coming in the next update because Eleven, even at his happiest, was still lonely because he was still hiding the truth from Amy and Rory even as he married them and thanks to him, Thirteen is haunted from the moment she is born and I'm fine, y'all- *voice cracks*
Anyway, word count for today is 215k.
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momentsbeforemass · 2 years
What really pleases God?
There’s kindness. And then there’s kindness.
Not that there’s anything wrong with doing something nice for someone who can do something nice for you. But if you’ve ever wondered how God looks at our acts of kindness towards each other, Jesus lets us know where our priorities need to be.
“When you hold a lunch or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or your wealthy neighbors, in case they may invite you back and you have repayment.”
“Rather, when you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; blessed indeed will you be because of their inability to repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”
What really pleases God?
Helping someone who needs it. Who cannot pay you back. When you know there’s nothing in it for you. And you help them anyway.
We cannot be reminded enough of the people who desperately need our help, who can offer us nothing in return.
Which is why the Church makes a big deal out of All Souls’ Day. All Souls’ Day is a reminder of the most helpless people of all. The poor souls in Purgatory.
We might bump into a homeless person. Or someone else in need. Just seeing them could move us to help.
But the Holy Souls in Purgatory? We’ve got to go out of our way to even think about them.
So what can we do to help them? There are two easy ways to obtain a plenary indulgence for the Souls in Purgatory.
Visit a cemetery and pray for the departed. You can pray out loud or in your heart. The plenary indulgence is available today and each day, from November 1-8.
Visit a church and pray the Our Father and the Creed for the departed. You can pray out loud or in your heart. The plenary indulgence is available today, November 2.
As with any plenary indulgence, the usual conditions apply.
Today, take a moment to help the most unseen of all those in need, the Souls in Purgatory.
Today and always, be an instrument of God’s grace in the most holy way possible - for someone who cannot pay you back.
Today’s Readings
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