#Pregnancy Exercise Guidelines
aleaqmcure · 8 months
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Keep Yourself & Your Baby Healthy with Pregnancy Exercises for a Smooth Delivery
Incorporating prenatal exercises into your pregnancy routine is essential for ensuring both your well-being and your baby’s health. Let’s debunk common pregnancy exercise myths and explore the benefits of staying active during each trimester.
We at Aleaqmcure have experienced Physiotherapists and Yoga experts who can help you with the Prenatal exercises to solve your pregnancy problems.Aleaqmcure helps you with pregnancy exercises with keep yourself and your baby healthy for a smooth delivery.
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Do not skip breakfast ,Eat lots of fruit and vegetables
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harmeet-saggi · 11 months
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dailyanarchistposts · 4 months
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1. Futurority is the promise of civilization that the human species will continue.
2. Moreover, it is the promise that the 'right' human species will continue.
3. Beyond the promise, it is also the force that it MUST continue.
4. It is white, cis, and hetro; it is the nuclear family and 2.5 children- the house in the suburbs, and the promise of university educated grandchildren to blast into space.
5. Futurority is another way in which we are forced to live forever.
6. It is the legacy of humanity, but also it is the legacy of individual beings, therefore it involves applying force not only to societies reproduction but also to the reproductive capacities of individuals.
7. The force to reproduce civilization and its disciples is applied differently to different individuals but wherever it exists, it is always forced.
8. Sometimes reproducing civilization implies sterilization (for undesirables such as drug addicts, trans people etc), and other times it implies forced reproduction (denial of abortion, heterosexual indoctrination in schools, assimilation of queer sexualities into reproductive logics etc).
9. Historically and currently, this force is disproportionately applied to women and gender non conforming people; placing responsibility of reproduction and maintenance of life squarely in their hands, or wombs.
10. The program of severing women from the knowledge of herbal abortives[6], the rape and forced impregnation of black women during chattel slavery[7] (in order to produce more slaves), and the extraction of genetic materials and then sterilization of trans "patients" are all examples of this force.
11. Abortion is still illegal in many countries worldwide, and even when it is accessible rigid state guidelines are applied and the possibility to abort outside of the medical industrial complex is almost universally illegal; likewise infanticide is universally criminalized.
12. Individuals are separated from their own bodies, from the right to self determine their reproduction (or especially their non reproduction). Sexual organs capable of reproducing, are ultimately the property of the state- whether or not it chooses to exercise its ownership in a given moment.
13. The negative connotations imbued in such desperate characters as the lonely childless old women, the evil solitary gay men, and the pathetic street transsexual are all folklore troupes which (re)enforce the psychic pressure to reproduce rather than die alone or in shame.
14. A perhaps esoteric though none the less real example of the application of this force can be seen in the numerous Reddit threads and National Geographic 'exposes' on "natures worst mothers". Panda infanticide, for example, occurs in an extremely high number of pregnancies (Panda mothers regularly produce 2 infants during a pregnancy and in this case will kill or abandon at least one[8]), yet we are constantly bombarded with the idea that conserving Panda life is a worthwhile cause- the 'cute' panda bastion of conservationists worldwide, bestower of great revenue to domesticators and zoo keepers alike may also provide a shining light in exposing the application of force inherent in futurority; after all whoever heard of a forced breeding program for the Lichen Weevil[9]?
15. Civilization reproduces that which is of value to it and destroys all life which is not.
16. The continuum of futurority always implies the absorption of each new life into the horrors of domination, every new individual born is the property and product of domination, the new recipient of safety, the next candidate for immortality- the latest lamb to the slaughter.
17. Perhaps dominations cleverest tactic, has been to deny simultaneously self determination, and selectively prevent the reproduction of specific communities/groups- making reproduction appear (and in some cases genuinely be) an act of resistance- this paradigm continues to provide civilization with all the bio and necro political material it needs for its own manifestation.
18. When standing on the edge of a precipice between the seeming certainty of the collapse of the current epochs form and the horrific new world which may rise in its ashes- it is sometimes incomprehensible as to why individuals reproduce at all.
19. In the spiraling collapse, the decomposition, the apocalypse (however you choose to name the moment humanity currently finds itself at the center of) the potential for lines of fractious conflictuality to appear in the sphere of reproductive futurority seem infinite and alluring.
20. Yet thus far, the discursive and practical possibilities contained within world ending are ignored in favor of clinging to the idea of survival (and by extension reproduction).
21. The technophiles and modern day prophets of climate change denial dream of emergent colonies on mars, humanist expansion with technological aid, new life born off planet but inside the same civilization[10]; whilst a haphazard brigade of similarly dreamy ideologues on the so called left[11] fight an increasingly meaningless discursive battle against extinction- preaching moderation and 'ecology' in the name of continuing the species.
22. In the end both sides, though they may posture and present themselves endlessly in conflict are merely two sides of the same civilized coin.
23. Whether Eco-fascism or Techno-fascism will rule the next phase of decomposition changes little, the force of reproduction will inevitably remain under either condition though perhaps with mildly different parameters (the co-facists for example will likely place restrictions on the number of beings one can (re)produce especially on those inhabiting the 'global south'[12], whilst the Techno-fascists will likely see greater benefit in having those same persons (re)produce an endless supply of workers for Martian extractivism or other dangerous and brutal off planet projects[13]).
24. Though these realties may sound far off, extreme, or polarized, signs of there becoming already appear in the here and now and are far from 'extreme' when one considers the whole history of civilization in all its horror.
25. These gruesome yet moderate/modest continuations of 'business as usual' under new flags or ideologies will prove little more meaningful than rearranging chairs on the titanic- and ultimately both exist within the same sinking ship of 'civilized' humanity.
26. Of course, reducing all the future possibilities of domination to a dichotomy between Eco and Techno fascism is a somewhat reductive and lazy analysis- there are perhaps myriad other ways futurority may choose to articulate itself in the order of the civilized, though in this moment the two aforementioned incarnations of terror seem the most dominant of those vying for a position in or after the ashes.
27. The desire to analyse the future trajectories of terror, does not negate the fact that the present is also terrifying and horrific.
28. Even if it were possible to imagine that the future could be better, freer, or without domination; the terror of the present still presents adequate reason to reject futurority, to reject (re)production where and when possible.
29. To knowingly inflict the suffering of the now onto new life is a choice, a choice to domesticate another life inside the furnaces of civilization, a choice for which on must ultimately take responsibility if he is in a position to choose it.
30. At the same time, and paradoxically; the (re)production of those lives undesirable to futurority may be a form of resistance to domination- a resistance which carries great violence, pain, and suffering, but a resistance none the less.
31. When faced with this brutal double bind one is forced to choose between a resistance and an ending.
32. The unspoken blasphemy for those wishing to live beyond the walls lies in the total refusal of futurority (personal or societical).
33. The (re)production of society at large may be inescapable (since it is also non consensual) except in moments of direct conflict with it (society), but the personal refusal of futurority is perhaps, in moments, more likely achievable.
34. Staring extinction squarely in the face, perhaps even welcoming it; refusing reproductive futurority, accepting that there is No Future.
35. A mass 'die off' is likely approaching the human species; the task for radicals in this epoch lies in communizing this die off to include the insides of western civilization instead of merely allowing its unchecked continuation outside of it- to communize the 'die off' is to deny futurority.
36. To face and embrace a reality in which one is amongst the final generations of 'humanity' may be the closest thing to hope those struggling against the existent can expect.
37. If futurority falls civilization may crumble.
38. The end of futurority is the end of humanity, but not necessarily the end of individual projectualities.
39. The human being and it's reproduction are the social constructs and material realities of civilization, but the existence of wild beings and their proliferation outside the walls are something yet to be known.
40. Against ideologues who claim the future.
41. And tyrants who enforce tomorrows.
42. Against state ownership of reproductive capacity.
43. And the brutal taming of wild life.
44. Towards the fall of civilization.
45. And the death of futurority.
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trickstarbrave · 2 months
modern au part 3
i know i said they were gonna meet this chapter but. this part got too long and if i kept going the chapter would be like 6k+ words. so. i think this is a good place to call the chapter. they'll meet up in the next one and have a crying reunion
however, let me say nerevar gets some sense talked into him by his mom and agrees to see voryn. the angst is ending. his mom called him out on his spiraling thoughts. everyone say thank you nerevar's mom
also theres some fun pregnancy things like back pain and sciatica. and baby steren is kicking
If Nerevar was honest, the only reason he bothered taking care of himself was because of the baby. He got up, showered, ate, and exercised a little almost solely because of the little bump in his stomach. If it wasn’t for the baby he would have just laid in bed and rotted.
But he reminded himself that he chose the baby, so he had to take care of them. And that meant taking care of himself since they were growing in him.
His mom wasn’t ever the most affectionate woman, and definitely not what you’d call maternal, but she was knowledgeable and took him to all of his appointments. She even made sure he was following nutrition guidelines, got his stupid pre-natal vitamins and took them, and even got him a dumb pregnancy pillow (well, it looked dumb anyways, but it was honestly heavenly to sleep with).
Eventually the rawness of the break up faded. Instead of worrying about Voryn, he was worrying about the kid. The tiny little thing growing in him. Actually being pregnant was quickly a much more pressing issue than the break up between morning sickness, dysphoria, and back pain.
He even found out he was having a boy (or well, possibly a boy unless he came out as a girl later in life) a little while ago, and he was over the moon about it. Nerevar wouldn’t have cared either way about the sex of his baby, but it was nice to just know more about them. To be able to track development, and know they were one step closer to being born. Going to appointments he got to see the little fuzzy blob getting bigger and bigger as his stomach grew, the baby getting more and more… Well, looking more and more like an actual baby. The kicks went from a weird fluttery feeling to his stomach to soft bumps to slightly more painful. 
Nerevar was still stuck on a name, but his mother told him not to worry about it. Nivara said he could pick out all the names he wanted but he would likely change his name the second he saw the little guy, as she couldn’t make up her mind until Nerevar was screaming in the hospital with her boyfriend crying in joy off to the side. 
At the very least, he was hoping his mind would be fully off Voryn once the baby was actually here. When times were peaceful and he wasn’t in agony, either from back pain, kicks, or a shooting pain in his legs, his mind often wandered. This late into pregnancy there were fewer and fewer peaceful moments, but it still happened from time to time. He’ll be on the couch watching tv (just so he didn’t lay in bed all day) and remember Voryn wasn’t there and his entire mood would drop. He’d likely never see Voryn again, and his son would never meet his other dad. He couldn’t share all the stupid little pregnancy milestones or tell Voryn how big the baby was or that their baby could dream by now and wonder what he was dreaming about. 
Just as his thoughts were starting to get to him though, his mom came in, holding an envelope in her hands. 
“... Hey kid,” She began, clearly apprehensive. It was out of character for Nivara, she normally hated delaying things or beating around the bush. “There’s a letter I think you should read.”
“A letter?” He raised an eyebrow, holding out his hand. 
When Nivara handed it off to him, he almost wished she hadn’t. He made it to the name of who sent it and already wanted to fucking burn the damn thing. 
If you’re reading this letter, I presume your mother gave it to you. I already wrote a letter to her as well explaining the situation urging her to let you read this. Apologies for involving her in this, but I felt like it might be safer than mailing you directly and having you dispose of it without even giving it a glance. 
I found out what Gilvoth, Vemyn, and Uthol did. Let me tell you outright: what they did was wrong. They not only hurt you and Voryn, they also broke the law and my trust. They had no business getting your medical information and coercing you with that information. 
Simply all I ask is that we speak about this like adults. You never got the chance to talk with Voryn about it properly, nor were we ever able to speak about it either. At least for the sake of closure and coming to an agreement, I want us to speak about everything.
Voryn isn’t in trouble. You are not in trouble. I am not angry with either of you. Voryn will not be disowned or disinherited regardless of your decision. I am not asking you to come back if you don’t want to. You are more than free to refuse being involved with my son or moving back at all. I won’t push you to give up custody. I just want us to speak, say everything we want to say, and hopefully agree on something. 
Morvani Dagoth”
Nerevar stared at the letter for some time, dread creeping over him. He reread the letters over and over, almost nauseous. 
Morvani knew. Voryn’s mother knew. She said Voryn wouldn’t be disowner or disinherited, but he didn’t know how much he believed her. It could just be an excuse to confirm if he was actually pregnant or not. That, or she could just want to see him to make sure the baby and Voryn would never have a relationship, throwing a check at him to make him stay away from her son. 
“I think you should speak with them.” Nivara said as Nerevar put the letter down and covered his face. 
“Why?” Nerevar asked, in a tone he couldn’t decipher was annoyed or distressed, even though he was the one speaking. 
“Because I think she’s telling the truth.” Nivara continued. “She seems to want to sort this all out, and at the very least give you both closure.” Nivara was tense, staring at the tv but not really watching it. “And you’ve been miserable this entire time.”
“Mom, I’m pregnant, of course I’m miserable.” He could be in college right now, laughing and joking and getting ready for winter break, but instead he was on his mom’s couch seven months pregnant, feeling like shit from a combination of pain and dysphoria. 
“It’s more than that and you know it.” Nivara shot him a glare. “You cry about everything and you rarely ever cry. You would lay in bed all day if it wasn’t for the baby. Your eyes are dead. You’re miserable.” 
“I’m pretty sure most of that is because I’m pregnant.” Sure, he felt hollow and wanted to lay in bed all day because of the breakup, but most of the other stuff was just the pregnancy. 
“You miss Voryn.” She sighed. “You don’t have to lie or say it’s for the best to stay away from him anymore.” She urged him again. “His mother already knows. I at least want you to just go speak with them to tell them you’re through with him and get everything off your chest.” 
Nerevar could see her point. The issue was Nerevar didn’t know if he was strong enough to face Voryn right now. Not any time soon at all, actually. He was terrified he would break down and fall right into Voryn’s arms, apologizing for hurting him with that text and just vanishing on him, especially since it seemed like it didn’t fucking matter considering his mother found out anyways. 
And even if he went back with Voryn, what good would it do anyways? All he’d be doing is delaying the inevitable and letting his son get attached to Voryn. They would play together, spend time together as a family, bond, and eventually Voryn would grow distant and leave the two of them behind. He would have to explain to his son that his other dad just didn’t love them anymore and didn’t want to be a part of their lives. That would be even more cruel, right? Looking into his little baby’s eyes and telling him they weren’t wanted or loved anymore or having to lie to him and tell him his other father just was going through something and still loved them when the child could see otherwise…
Ah shit, Nerevar was crying again. Like, really crying, tears pouring out of his eyes at the heartbreak. In his stomach, seeming to protest it, the baby kicked hard and Nerevar hissed in pain as he wiped his face. 
“Neht,” Nivara wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “It’ll be alright.” 
“No it won’t.” Nerevar groaned, still unable to look at her. “I can’t face him right now, I’ll just want to go back with him.” 
“Then go back with him.” She said, as though it was simple. 
“I can’t.” Nerevar stressed. “I can’t just go back with him, not when he might leave me--”
“Why are you so worried about something that might not even happen?” Nivara asked him incredulously, almost like Nerevar was stupid for even suggesting it. 
“Because it’s going to happen!” Nerevar snapped. “He’s young and stupid now, but he’s going to grow out of me. He’s going to realize he wants someone of the same social standing as him, someone he isn’t fucking embarassed to be around, someone his whole family actually wants around, and he’s going to leave me behind!” He hadn’t ever actually told anyone his fears for the future, but he couldn’t stop the words tumbling out of his mouth. “And the last thing I want is to let my son get attached to him, only for Voryn to change his mind and leave the both of us behind, having to explain to the kid why his other dad doesn’t fucking love us anymore and why he’s unwanted. I can’t put him through that, I can’t let him be hurt like that…”
He was sobbing almost uncontrollably now, between groans of pain as another sharp pain shot down from his hips to his legs. 
Nivara continued to rub his shoulder, before sighing after a few minutes.
“Nerevar,” She began, “You’re being a fucking idiot.”
“Mom!” Nerevar hissed. 
“You’ve gotten yourself so worried over something that may not happen.” She continued. “Sure, he might do it because rich people suck, but you never know what people might do. He might never leave you. He might chase you down no matter how many times you push him away.” Nerevar couldn’t see that happening if he was honest. Sure, maybe at first, but why would Voryn chase after him. 
“Did he ever seem like the type to change his mind like that? Is he uncommitted?” Nivara asked, her tone showing that she demanded an answer. 
After a few moments, Nerevar hiccuped, still hiding his face. “No…” He mumbled. If anything Voryn was overcommitted to most things, even to his detriment. He didn’t seem to know when to quit or obsessed over things. “But why would he stay with me?” 
“Maybe because he’s a bigger idiot than you are.” Nivara answered. “Look, do you love him?”
“... Yes.” Nerevar answered. 
“Do you want to be with him, if you knew he wasn’t going to leave you?”
“Yes.” Nerevar answered again.
“Has he ever done anything to break your trust?”
“No.” The kicking was calming down, as were his sobs.
“Then why not give him a chance.” Nivara urged him again. “At least hear him out. And if you go back with him and he pulls that shit to you and my grandson there isn’t a single person on this planet that can stop me from kicking his ass.” Nerevar snorted at that, before eventually he erupted into laughter, his body shaking from the force of it. In response the baby kicked again, making Nerevar wince and stop. 
“Be careful. Little guy is sensitive.” 
“I think I woke him up from a nap with my crying. Now he’s pissed at me.” Nerevar groaned, rubbing his stomach almost apologetically.
“Relax a little bit and calm down.” Nivara patted his back. “I’ll call Voryn’s mom and set up a meeting. Probably at the house, or at the very least somewhere private. Does that work for you?”
“Yeah.” Nerevar was still nervous about the whole thing, but he felt a bit more reassured. It didn’t seem impossible anymore, at least. And if he got nervous he’d just hide in his room until his mom forced them to leave. And in his mom’s house he didn’t have to worry about causing a scene if he broke down crying. “Here would probably be good.”
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tarzantips · 2 months
Navigating Pregnancy Fears: Expert Tips for a Confident Mom-to-Be
Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it can also bring a whirlwind of emotions, including fear and anxiety. From concerns about your health and the baby's development to fears about labor and delivery, it's normal to feel overwhelmed.
Here are some expert tips to help you navigate these fears and embrace your journey with confidence,
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1. Educate Yourself
Knowledge is power. Understanding what to expect at each stage of pregnancy can alleviate many fears. Attend prenatal classes, read reputable books, and consult with your healthcare provider to gain a clear understanding of what’s normal and what’s not.
2. Communicate Openly
Don’t hesitate to share your concerns with your partner, friends, or family. Open communication can provide emotional support and practical advice. Joining a pregnancy support group can also connect you with other expectant mothers who may share similar fears.
3. Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques
Stress and anxiety can be managed through mindfulness and relaxation practices. Techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, and prenatal yoga can help calm your mind and body, reducing overall stress levels.
4. Stay Active and Healthy
Regular exercise and a balanced diet are crucial during pregnancy. Physical activity can improve your mood, boost energy levels, and promote better sleep. Consult your doctor to determine safe exercises and nutritional guidelines for your pregnancy.
5. Plan Ahead
Prepare for the unknown by creating a birth plan and discussing it with your healthcare provider. Knowing your options for labor and delivery can make the experience less intimidating. Additionally, organizing your home and baby’s nursery in advance can provide a sense of control.
6. Seek Professional Help if Needed
If your fears become overwhelming or lead to severe anxiety, consider speaking with a mental health professional who specializes in perinatal care. Therapy or counseling can provide valuable tools to manage anxiety and improve your overall well-being.
7. Focus on the Present
Instead of worrying about future scenarios, concentrate on enjoying the present moment. Celebrate each milestone and savor the positive aspects of pregnancy. This shift in focus can help reduce anxiety and enhance your overall experience.
8. Create a Supportive Network
Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, and healthcare providers. Their encouragement and understanding can make a significant difference in managing fears and building confidence.
9. Embrace Self-Care
Taking time for yourself is essential. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it's reading, taking a bath, or enjoying a hobby, self-care can recharge your emotional and mental well-being.
10. Trust Your Body
Your body is designed to handle pregnancy and childbirth. Trust in its strength and resilience. Rely on the expertise of your healthcare provider and remember that many women have successfully navigated similar fears.
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Pregnancy is a unique and transformative experience. By addressing your fears proactively and embracing these expert tips, you can approach motherhood with greater confidence and joy. Remember, every pregnancy journey is different, so find what works best for you and your baby.
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sciivfhospitaldelhi · 4 months
Can I Exercise During Pregnancy?
Pregnancy is a transformative experience, often accompanied by a myriad of questions about health and well-being. One common query among expectant mothers is, "Can I exercise during pregnancy?" The short answer is yes, but with some important considerations. Exercising during pregnancy can offer numerous benefits for both the mother and the baby, provided it is done safely and under medical guidance. In this blog, we'll explore the advantages of prenatal exercise and provide tips for staying active, with insights from the experts at the best fertility clinic in Delhi, SCI IVF Hospital.
Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy
Engaging in regular physical activity during pregnancy can lead to numerous health benefits, including:
Improved Mood and Energy Levels: Exercise can help alleviate common pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue and mood swings by boosting endorphin levels.
Better Sleep: Regular physical activity can improve sleep patterns, helping expectant mothers get the rest they need.
Reduced Pregnancy Discomfort: Exercise can help alleviate back pain, swelling, and constipation, which are common complaints during pregnancy.
Easier Labor and Delivery: Strengthening the body through exercise can lead to a smoother labor and delivery process.
Faster Postpartum Recovery: Women who exercise during pregnancy often experience quicker recovery post-birth.
Safe Exercise Practices
While exercise is beneficial, it is essential to approach it with caution during pregnancy. Here are some tips from the best IVF doctor in Delhi to ensure safe prenatal workouts:
Consult Your Healthcare Provider: Before starting any exercise regimen, it's crucial to get the green light from your healthcare provider, especially if you have any pregnancy complications.
Choose Low-Impact Activities: Opt for low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, prenatal yoga, and stationary cycling. These activities are gentle on the joints and reduce the risk of injury.
Stay Hydrated and Avoid Overheating: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise. Avoid exercising in hot, humid conditions to prevent overheating.
Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels during exercise. If you experience dizziness, shortness of breath, or any unusual symptoms, stop immediately and consult your doctor.
Modify as Needed: As your pregnancy progresses, you may need to modify your exercise routine. Avoid activities that involve lying flat on your back after the first trimester and exercises that pose a risk of falling or abdominal trauma.
Exercise Recommendations
The experts at SCI IVF Hospital suggest incorporating the following types of exercise into your routine:
Aerobic Exercise: Activities like walking, swimming, and dancing can help maintain cardiovascular fitness without putting too much strain on your body.
Strength Training: Light resistance training with weights or resistance bands can help maintain muscle tone. Focus on exercises that target major muscle groups.
Flexibility and Balance: Prenatal yoga and stretching exercises can improve flexibility and balance, which are beneficial as your center of gravity shifts.
Pelvic Floor Exercises: Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through Kegel exercises can help prevent urinary incontinence and prepare the body for childbirth.
Seeking Professional Guidance
For personalized advice and support, consider consulting with specialists from the best fertility clinic in Delhi. At SCI IVF Hospital, the best IVF doctors provide comprehensive care and guidance for expectant mothers. They can help tailor an exercise plan that meets your specific needs and ensures the health and safety of both you and your baby.
Exercising during pregnancy can be incredibly beneficial when done safely and thoughtfully. By following these guidelines and seeking advice from healthcare professionals, you can enjoy an active and healthy pregnancy. For expert care and support, trust the team at SCI IVF Hospital, the best fertility clinic in Delhi, where the best IVF doctors are dedicated to your well-being every step of the way.
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whentherewerebicycles · 9 months
processing some weight gain stuff under the cut
okay. in 18 weeks of pregnancy I have gained 15 pounds, which according to the guidelines I was given is a LOT more than I’m supposed to have gained at this stage. based on my starting weight I am only supposed to gain 15-25 lbs total across the entire pregnancy, which idk people seem to be mixed on whether that’s actually realistic but that is what the doctor says. in the last two weeks I went up 4 lbs, and that was with a terrible cold that totally killed my appetite and made it very easy to not indulge in holiday food (I couldn’t taste anything). I am exercising a little less (30-45 min daily walks instead of 45-75) but not like, SO much less yknow? and I have also been tracking my caloric intake on an app to make sure I’m not going over (although I think my real motivation there is if a doctor gives me a hard time about weight gain I’m going to be like yeah well here’s 15+ weeks of data on my eating habits so you tell ME what’s going on).
the point is that based on a calories in calories out model I shouldn’t be gaining this much weight this fast but I am. that’s just what seems to be happening! so I think I just have to LET GO and accept that my body is going to do whatever it thinks is best to support the pregnancy. I can still make good choices but I need to decouple the choices from the outcomes. or like, I need to accept that my good choices will produce good outcomes (I’ll be eating nourishing food and moving my body regularly!) but those outcomes will probably not include weight loss or a slowing of weight gain. here is what I will continue doing:
meal plan every week—I might want to start thinking about meal planning snacks too esp as I am feeling hungrier during the day
eat lots of fruits and vegetables every day
eat very limited amounts of processed foods and watch out for added sugars
walk briskly for 30-45 min a day
go to this hourlong weights class at least 2x a week (ideally 3x) and tack on 20-25 min of cardio on the bike after
I could also try going to the gym more often to do low-impact cardio—like trying to work in a couple days a week where I do 45 min on the elliptical while watching an episode of TV. I do find that in the past doing a lot of that mindless low effort activity seems to help with weight maintenance and is pretty easy to sustain because I’m just like, as long as I’m moving it counts! I don’t have to be pushing myself super hard! this is probably most doable for me on the weekends (and if I’m at the gym already it increases the chances that I might decide to run too).
ok so here’s a rough plan:
sat & sun: walk dogs (30-45 min x 2) + try to do 30 min x 2 of extra cardio while watching TV at the gym (or when liz is feeling better I can see if she wants to go together or do pregnancy workout videos)
mon & tues: weights class one of those days depending on work schedule + 20 min extra cardio one day + 30-45 min walk both days
wed: 30-45 min walk
thurs: this is my busy/long day with work stuff and rehearsal, but I can usually squeeze in a 20 min dog walk and could try parking far away and walking into work on days when it isn’t raining to get another 20+ min in
fri: weights class + 30-45 min walk
and I gotta remember I can make the walks less boring by 1) driving to a random neighborhood and walking from there and 2) talking to friends on the phone instead of just listening to stuff.
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vishnudigiwork · 2 years
A Guide to Safe Exercise Pregnancy Consultant Online
If you're looking for a safe way to get fit during pregnancy, consider using a pregnancy exercise consultant. An online pregnancy exercise consultant can help you customise a workout routine that is safe for both you and your baby.
When you are pregnant, it is important to be aware of the potential risks of over-exercising. That's why working with a pregnancy exercise consultant can be so helpful. A pregnancy exercise consultant can help you create a workout routine that is safe for both you and your baby.
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There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing an online pregnancy exercise consultant. First, make sure that the site you are using is reputable. There are many scams out there, so it's important to do your research before choosing a consultant.
Second, be sure to read the reviews of other women who have used the service. This will give you an idea of what to expect from the service. Finally, make sure to ask questions. A good online pregnancy exercise consultant should be able to answer any questions you have about their service.
How to find a Safe Exercise Pregnancy Consultant Online?
If you are pregnant and want to start or continue an exercise routine, it is important to find a safe exercise pregnancy consultant online. This is someone who can help you create a workout plan that is safe for you and your baby.
There are a few things to look for when finding a safe exercise pregnancy consultant online:
Make sure the website is reputable. Look for reviews from other pregnant women or parents. If you can't find any reviews, ask your friends if they know of any good websites.
The website should have information about the qualifications of the staff members. They should be certified in prenatal and postnatal fitness, and have experience working with pregnant women.
The website should offer a free consultation so you can get to know the staff and see if they are a good fit for you.
The workouts offered should be safe for pregnant women. They should not be too strenuous or put too much pressure on your body.
You should be able to contact the staff easily if you have any questions or concerns. There should be a way to reach them by phone or email.
If you follow these guidelines, you will be able to find a safe exercise Pre Pregnancy Consultation who can help you stay healthy and fit during your pregnancy!
What to look for in a Safe Exercise Pregnancy Consultant Online
If you are looking for a safe exercise pregnancy consultant online, there are a few things you should look for. First, make sure the consultant is certified by a reputable organization, such as the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Second, check to see how long the consultant has been in business. A longer-established consultant is more likely to be familiar with the latest research on exercise during pregnancy and to have a good reputation. Finally, read reviews from other pregnant women who have used the consultant's services.
How to make the most of your Safe Exercise Pregnancy Consultant Online
If you're like most people, you want to get the most out of your Safe Exercise Pregnancy Consultation with Doctor. Here are some tips to help you do just that:
Read the entire article. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it's important to read the entire article before you start using the Safe Exercise Pregnancy Consultation. That way, you'll know what all of the features are and how to use them.
Utilize the search feature. The search feature is a great way to find specific topics or articles that you're interested in. Simply enter a keyword into the search bar and hit enter.
Save your favourite articles. Once you find an article that you really like, be sure to save it so that you can come back to it later. To do this, simply click on the "save" button located at the top of each article.
Share your favourite articles with friends and family members. If you find an article that you think would be helpful to someone else, feel free to share it with them via social media or email.
Take advantage of the resources section. The resources section contains links to other websites and articles that can help you learn more about Safe Exercise during pregnancy.
Pregnancy is a time of both joy and worry, and we hope that this guide to safe exercise Pregnancy Consultation online has helped you better understand the importance of being mindful when exercising while pregnant. While it’s important to talk with your doctor about any changes in your body or concerns you may have, having an expert who can offer guidance on how best to stay active during pregnancy is invaluable. With the right tools and the right support system, staying healthy and fit during pregnancy can be much easier than expected—and even enjoyable.
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thanawalamaternity · 5 hours
Guide to exercising during pregnancy
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Once your doctor has given you the green light to exercise during pregnancy, here’s a general guideline of dos and don'ts to keep in mind.
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I have lost all hope with the NHS at this point.
I see behind the scenes every day as part of my job and it is just a rotten bloated corpse of an organisation at this point. But the past few interactions I've had with doctors as a patient has left me completely without hope for ever receiving decent medical advice.
I have been complaining about heavy irregular very painful periods for over a decade now. I've never been diagnosed with PCOS (but it seems extremely likely). They did the wrong type of ultrasound last time I went for a diagnosis.
Despite not really wanting to, I finally conceeded to going on Desogestrel. It was presented to me as 'either you go on the pill or you have the coil, or you just sit and suffer'. It has worked remarkably well. Hardly any bleeding now, no pain, great.
NB: I am a cis woman. I attended the appointment where I was prescribed the pill with my cis male partner, who I introduced as such. Don't worry! This fact will become important later!
What I was less happy about was when I looked up the BNF NICE guidelines and saw that it interacts with my epilepsy medication.
I brought it up in my next medication review. It was horribly apparent that they were not going to bring up this drug interaction at all (so there is a tip for you all! Check ALL drugs on the BNF NICE guidelines website! Because your doctor won't!) The pharmacist didnt seem to know anything about it. Then eventually they said 'yes, they can interact and make your birth control less effective...but you were only on Desogestrel for your periods right?'
As if, AS IF, there are many women in long term monogamous heterosexual relationships who WOULDNT USE IT AS BIRTH CONTROL, IF THEY HAD TO TAKE IT ANYWAY! They said nothing to me about reduced protection from pregnancy. I even asked them 'how long does it take before it protects me from pregnancy?' as just a little HINT of what I might be planning to do while on the pill. THEY SHOULD TELL EVERYONE IN MY POSITION THAT THEIR BIRTH CONTROL MIGHT NOT BE EFFECTIVE.
I am so done.
At this point I don't want to speak to a doctor again. I'm too angry. I go to appointments now with my hackles raised.
I think I am very unlucky in having 2 conditions where the majority of sufferers are women. I have been treated like it genuinely does not matter if I can barely walk for a week every month. Like it does not matter that I have stabbing pains behind my eyes on an almost daily basis. Like me being absolutely bone tired, to the point I cannot keep my eyes open in work, is just something I should live with.
The only advice I have ever received is 'lose weight'. No one has asked me what my diet is like currently. No one has asked me what exercise I do at the moment. No one has even seemingly twigged about how hard it must be to go to the gym when you have the symptoms listed above. No one seems to give a shit that I was in exactly the same position a decade ago, unable to move from period pain, when I was in the depths of an eating disorder and firmly in the 'average' BMI category.
Fuck everything man.
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aleaqmcure · 9 months
Keep Yourself & Your Baby Healthy with Pregnancy Exercises for a Smooth Delivery
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Aleaqmcure helps you with Pregnancy Exercises with Keep Yourself and Your Baby Healthy for a smooth Delivery.
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yogaservices · 28 days
Transform Your Pregnancy with Online Yoga Classes: A Path to Wellness
Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Balancing physical, emotional, and mental well-being is crucial for both mother and child. Online yoga classes offer a transformative approach to navigating pregnancy with grace and ease. By embracing holistic practices such as yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, and naturopathy, you can ensure a healthier, happier pregnancy.
The Power of Online Pregnancy Yoga Classes
Online yoga classes provide the flexibility to practice from the comfort of your home, making it easier to stay consistent with your wellness routine. These classes are expertly designed to cater to the unique needs of pregnant women, offering a range of gentle yoga poses, breathing exercises, and meditation techniques.
Primary Benefits:
Convenience: Practice anytime, anywhere, making it easy to fit into your daily schedule.
Personalized Guidance: Tailored sessions that focus on your specific needs, whether you’re in your first trimester or nearing delivery.
Holistic Approach: Integration of yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, and naturopathy for a well-rounded approach to wellness.
Embracing a Holistic Approach
At the core of our pregnancy yoga online classes is a commitment to holistic well-being. We draw upon ancient wisdom, blending yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, and naturopathy to create a comprehensive wellness plan. This approach not only prepares your body for childbirth but also nurtures your mind and spirit, fostering a deep connection with your baby.
Key Practices:
Yoga for Physical Well-being: Gentle poses that strengthen the body, improve flexibility, and alleviate common pregnancy discomforts.
Meditation for Mental Clarity: Techniques that promote relaxation, reduce stress, and help you stay centered throughout your pregnancy.
Ayurveda and Naturopathy: Natural remedies and dietary guidelines to support a healthy pregnancy and postpartum recovery.
Personalized Pregnancy Yoga and Garbh Sanskar Practices
Our online yoga classes are more than just exercise routines—they are a journey towards a more mindful pregnancy. Garbh Sanskar, an ancient Indian practice, is integrated into our sessions to nurture the well-being of both mother and child. This practice involves prenatal education, positive thinking, and cultural rituals that are believed to influence the baby's development positively.
Benefits of Garbh Sanskar:
Enhanced Bonding: Strengthen the emotional connection with your baby.
Positive Development: Promote the baby’s physical and mental growth through mindfulness and cultural teachings.
Natural Healing: Focus on natural remedies and practices that align with the body’s innate healing capabilities.
Why Choose Online Yoga Classes?
With the guidance of experienced instructors, our online yoga classes offer the best of both worlds—expert advice and the comfort of practicing in your own space. You’ll receive personalized attention and support, ensuring that your pregnancy journey is as smooth and fulfilling as possible.
Additional Benefits:
Flexible Scheduling: Choose the time that works best for you.
Expert Instructors: Learn from certified professionals who specialize in prenatal yoga and holistic wellness.
Community Support: Join a network of like-minded individuals who are also on the journey to motherhood.
Transform your pregnancy experience by embracing the holistic benefits of online yoga classes. With a focus on physical health, mental clarity, and natural healing, you can create a nurturing environment for both you and your baby. Whether you’re seeking to ease pregnancy discomforts or to prepare for a smooth childbirth, our online yoga classes offer the support and guidance you need
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hitchin · 29 days
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dpuhospitalblogs · 30 days
Post-IVF Care: Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy After Treatment
Undergoing IVF treatment is a significant step towards building a family. You might wonder what comes next if you've just had a successful IVF treatment in Pune and in other parts of the country. Caring for yourself and your baby during the post-IVF period is crucial for a healthy pregnancy. Here are some practical tips to help you maintain good health after your IVF treatment.
1. Follow Your Doctor's Advice Religiously
First and foremost, follow the guidelines provided by your IVF specialist. This includes taking prescribed medications on time and attending all follow-up appointments. Your doctor will monitor your health and the development of the pregnancy, adjusting your medications as needed to support embryo implantation and growth.
2. Maintain a Balanced Diet
Eating a balanced diet is vital during pregnancy. Focus on including a variety of nutrients in your meals to support your health and your baby's growth. Add plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to your diet. Also, ensure you get enough calcium and iron, which are crucial during pregnancy.
3. Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. Water helps form the placenta and the amniotic sac. Staying hydrated can also help prevent common pregnancy issues like constipation and urinary tract infections.
4. Get Adequate Rest
Pregnancy can be tiring, and after IVF, it’s even more important to get enough rest. Listen to your body and rest whenever you need to. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night, and take short naps during the day if you feel worn out.
5. Avoid Stress
Stress is not conducive to a healthy pregnancy. While feeling anxious or stressed is natural, finding ways to manage your stress is crucial. Engage in relaxing activities like reading, meditating, or practising prenatal yoga. If your stress levels are unmanageable, consider talking to a professional counsellor.
6. Exercise Regularly
Unless advised otherwise by your doctor, regular exercise can be beneficial during pregnancy. Walking or prenatal yoga can improve circulation, make you feel more energetic, and reduce stress. However, avoid strenuous exercises or contact sports that might put you at risk.
7. Avoid Harmful Substances
Steer clear of cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs during pregnancy. Exposure to these substances can have severe negative effects on your baby’s development. Also, be cautious about the use of over-the-counter medications. Always consult your doctor before taking any medication during pregnancy.
8. Monitor Your Health
Keep an eye on your health and be aware of any unusual symptoms. Symptoms like severe abdominal pain, heavy bleeding, or excessive nausea and vomiting should be reported to your doctor immediately. These could be signs of complications that require prompt attention.
9. Maintain Regular Prenatal Visits
Continuing with regular prenatal visits is critical after IVF treatment. These appointments allow your healthcare provider to monitor your and your baby's health. During these visits, your doctor will check your blood pressure, test for gestational diabetes, monitor the baby's growth through ultrasound, and perform other routine screenings. Keeping up with these appointments helps catch any potential issues early, ensuring timely intervention.
10. Seek Support When Needed
Having a strong support system is important during pregnancy, especially following IVF. Whether it's emotional support from family and friends or professional advice from healthcare providers, don't hesitate to ask for help when needed. Joining support groups where you can connect with other expectant mothers who have gone through IVF can also be beneficial. Sharing experiences and tips can provide comfort and additional knowledge during pregnancy.
Successfully navigating the post-IVF period requires careful attention to your health and well-being. Following these tips and maintaining regular communication with your specialist in  IVF treatment in Pune can help ensure a healthy pregnancy. Remember, the pregnancy journey is unique for everyone, and taking it one step at a time can help make it a joyful experience.
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