#Private Browsing Tips
theresattrpgforthat · 17 days
How To Find Cool Games: On Itch.io!
As I drift into a reduced posting schedule, I figured I’d give everyone a peek behind the screen for how I cultivate ttrpgs for recommendations! Some of these tips might even help you find your next favourite game.
This is a long read so let's put most of this beast under a read-more. Keep in mind that many of these strategies work best when you're checking itch.io a little bit every week, and when you're engaging with the platform as more than just a store page. There's a lot of features that you can choose to engage with if you want to find the game for you!
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browsing physical game recent releases. This helps me see what’s new and happening, and it helps with a number of things. First of all, I get to see new games pretty much every time I browse recent releases. Secondly, I get a good sense of what’s currently popular in the design space. Thanks to my weekly browsing, I recognize Cy_Borg, Shadowdark and Mausritter as games whose content shows up rather regularly - if you see a lot of products attached to one game at once, that’s a good sign that there’s a related game jam going on (in this case, Shadowdark), or that a game is really resonating with its player base.
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sorting games into collections. I personally organize by genre, system, player configuration and (in Games That Intrigue Me) games that I’m personally really hyped about. This works for me because of the nature of my work, but a few collections sorted according to level of interest or game style might work better for you.
Depending on the need, I might have a collection that works specifically for the request - Neon Lights & Cyber Nights is perfect for cyberpunk games, but I might also reference this folder for combat, inventory mechanics, resistance themes, or interesting tech rules. LUMEN is great for folks who want fast-paced games, folks who are looking for certain kinds of video games, or folks who want to feel powerful. If you follow other people on Itch, you'll probably also be able to see their collections, which is a great place to browse.
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searching game tags. I don’t typically use the regular search feature, although recently the website did update the toggles to restrict your results to physical games, video games, etc. Instead what I usually do is type what I’m looking for into the url: so in this case, [deck-building]. I might use a couple different wordings, such as [deck-builder] and [deckbuilding] (no spaces). You’re not going to find everything that includes the thing you’re looking for, but you’ll definitely find places to start.
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Game Jams! I find these either by looking at the “Jams” tab (although you'll have to wade through video games here) or by noticing that a number of games being published recently have the “for the _” jam in the description. Alternatively, I might be reading the page for a game and see the little “Submission” badge in interaction buttons. There’s game jams for specific systems, game jams for various themes, game jams with special restrictions, and game jams that are titled things like “finish your damn game jam.”
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Bundles. I typically buy big-ass bundles and then sort through the games in my downtime. These games are sorted into collections for future reference, and if a game really pops out - into the Intrigue Me folder it goes! And the best part is that I already own it, so if I want to learn more, I can just download it and start reading.
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following game designers that I like. This way I’ll get notifications if they release a new game, update an old game, rate someone else’s game, or sort games into their own collections. I also get to see what other folks in the space are excited about - on the day I was browsing, Plasmodics by Will Jobst was really hot.
If you follow me on Itch, you’ll get a notification every time I add a game to one of my non-private folders! Also - you can interact with designers on Itch by liking their updates, and even commenting on their posts, which is a great way to get involved in the design community - and also just make a designer’s day!
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flipppyflopp · 2 months
Twisted Neverland
Departure: Ace Trappola
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The full moon shined in the sky above, seeming to mock Ace who was feeling anything but bright.
It all started when he woke up late for school. For some reason his alarm clock chose today of all days to not work, so he overslept. Any of his friends would have had their mom or dad wake them up if they overslept, but Ace wasn’t like the rest of his friends. His mom and dad split when he was in middle school, so he switched schools and lived with his mom in a small house in the city. In order to afford the mortgage on a single income, Ace’s mom worked the opening shift at a fancy restaurant during the week as it was the shift that had the most hours since opening and prepping the place took a lot of time and precision. With his mom already at work, Ace didn’t have anyone to rely on to get him up.
Then, since he overslept, Ace missed the bus, so he had to sprint through the busy streets of London while carrying all his belongings. He would have only been about thirty minutes late for school, if he didn’t run into one of the local gangs, the Black Bunnies. The Black Bunnies were made up of a bunch of delinquents from Ace’s private school, delinquents who did not like Ace at all. Ace kept to himself, mainly because he missed his old school and his old friends, but this isolation was taken as arrogance by the Black Bunnies, so Ace became a target of their taunts and jabs. Now, seeing Ace all alone and isolated, the Black Bunnies saw the perfect opportunity to rough him up without any interference from teachers or administration.
Ace wished he could say that he handled them all just fine and carried on to school; however, that would be a lie as he was thrown around and harassed by the Black Bunnies. They pulled him into a nearby alleyway and began pushing Ace around, punching and hitting him in between insults. After they had their fill of fun, they left Ace alone on the concrete with new scrapes and bruises along with all his belongings poured out in the alleyway. Once Ace was sure they were gone, he pulled himself together and slowly gathered his belongings. He then decided that the day was already bad enough, so he would skip school to avoid hearing a lecture from the principal. There would still be consequences for not showing up, but Ace frankly didn’t care after the morning he had. All he wanted was something in this day to go right. Ace chose to simply wander around town, avoiding any adult in a uniform who might drag him to school. He took a trip to the library, browsed some local antique shops, and sat in the nearby park, until about seven in the evening, deciding that he would finally return home.
As he walked home, Ace prepared himself for what he would return to. He knew his mom probably found out about him skipping and was just waiting to give him the lecture of a lifetime, but Ace really wasn’t in the mood for it. If he was lucky, his mom would already be asleep in order to prepare for her morning shift at work. However, if his luck continued like it had this morning, Ace knew he was in for a rough time.
Ace quietly opens the door and gently shuts it behind him, hoping that his mom didn’t hear the click of the door snapping into place. Ace slipped his school bag on the coat rack and began to tip toe towards the staircase.
As his foot touched the first stair, it let out a loud creak. His mom’s voice immediately calls out, “Ace, is that you?”
Ace lets out a sigh. He knows that if he responds, she’ll be angry. He also knows that if he does not respond, she’ll be angry. Either way is a lose-lose situation. He wanted to avoid this exact situation, so he decides to try to do just that by taking another step up the staircase.
“Ace, answer me when I’m talking to you!”
Ace knows that he should keep his mouth shut, that he should just keep walking. Go to his room, lock the door, and head right to bed. His mom would have to get ready for work and by the time she got home the next day, she wouldn’t be as angry as she currently is right now. Even though he knows he should shut his mouth, he’s had a downright awful day and has some steam he needs to blow off.
He stomps his foot on the stairs and yells back, “What? I’m busy!”
His mom lets out an offended gasp as she retorts, “Busy? You skipped school today! Your principal called and-“
“I’m back aren’t I? Isn’t that good enough?”
Ace heard the scrape of one of the dining room chairs against the kitchen tile. The click of heels quickly echoed through the small house, seemingly matching the racing of Ace’s own heart.
Ace’s mother rushes to the bottom of the stairwell and shouts, “Good enough? Your brother never pulled stunts like this! He-“
There it is. The comparison to his brother, Jester. Always the golden child, never did a single thing wrong. The recipient of all the praise in the Trappola household. Jester got straight A’s, Ace barely passed mathematics. Jester joined a third volunteer organization, Ace served as benchwarmer for the basketball team. Jester received an award for outstanding behavior, Ace got his third detention. Jester was perfection, and Ace was anything but that. No matter how hard Ace tried, he could never exceed the expectations set for him, not when Jester set the bar too high. His parents were never satisfied, Ace always fell just short.
Ace got tired of the comparisons, so he just stopped. Stopped caring, stopped trying, stopped bothering. Why waste the effort when it would always come back to Jester? Was it Jester’s fault? No, Ace knew that. His brother was just that good of a person, it was never out of spite. His brother even tried to praise him, lift his accomplishments up, but it was never enough. The gap between slowly grew bigger, just like the one between their parents. Until they split.
Ace thought that since Jester was with his dad, that the comparisons would stop. That he might finally be able to step out of his brother’s shadow. Now, here he was, his mom casting the shadow back upon him. Ace didn’t want to recede back into the dark again. Even if he hated his new neighborhood. Even if he hated his new school. Even if he hated his isolation. He bore that hatred because he had one shred of hope for a change. This was a chance for him to finally become his own person.
Normally he would bite his tongue, grit his teeth, and bear the comparisons; however, he decided to do the opposite for once in his life.
“Bring Jester up again why don’t you?! Is that all you can do? Compare me to him?”
His mom let out a shocked gasp. He refused to turn back to her, to see the look upon her face.
“Ace Trapolla, lower your-“
“Well guess what? I’M NOT HIM! AND I NEVER WILL BE!”
Ace’s mother stood frozen on the stairs as she watched her son dash up the remaining steps and stormed into his room. The click of the lock sounded deafening in her ears, echoing along with the angry words her son lashed out with. She stood there for a moment before retreating down the stairs, at a loss of what to do. She walked into the kitchen, sat at the table, and cried.
Ace, meanwhile, slid down against the door until he was sitting on the floor. He brought his knees up to his chest and for the first time in a long time, he felt small. The rage that flooded his being in an instant on the stairs was already leaving his body.
“That’s no way to speak to your mother.”
Ace immediately lifts his head and finds himself locking eyes with a stranger standing at his window. Ace’s red eyes meet the stranger’s stormy gray, each seizing the other up. The red haired boy was shorter than Ace and he stood opening the windows further, letting himself into the room. The sight before Ace only became stranger as the boy stepped over the windowsill into the room. The boy wore a large red coat that went with an equally large red hat. The red coat was accentuated with intricate gold detailing in the images of hearts, spades, diamonds, and clovers, the suits of playing cards Ace realized later. The red hat had gold buttons and a large feather that Ace wasn’t sure the origin of, the feather seemed too large for any bird that he could recall. Taking in the boy’s full appearance, Ace could only relate it to that of a pirate that he read about when he was a child, something straight of a fairytale.
Ace knew he should scream, that he should get up, unlock the door, and run to his mother; however, he didn’t move from his spot on the floor. The boy hadn’t tried to hurt him and he definitely could have if he wanted to. Not to mention, the boy announced his presence by speaking, so it wasn’t like he was trying to sneak in and rob Ace. Ace was intrigued by the sight before him and he wanted to know more. After the day he’s had, a little curiosity couldn’t hurt worse than what he’s already dealt with.
Not knowing what else to do, Ace started to ask, “Who-“
The boy cuts Ace off with the click of his heeled boots, remarking in an authoritative tone, “Wayward you may be, yet you have the makings to succeed. From this day forward until you return home, you will be a lowly card soldier aboard my ship: the Queen’s Court. I will mold you into a proper gentleman as your mentor, your discipliner, your warden. I am Captain Rosehearts, Riddle Rosehearts. Now, let us depart for Neverland!”
None of this was making sense to Ace. He understood each word Riddle spoke individually, but stringed together they became something of an enigma. Ship? Card soldier? Neverland? Perhaps this Riddle guy really did step out from a fairytale. Even so, Riddle was presenting Ace with a unique opportunity: escape. After everything he’s endured today, he could just leave. Sure he doesn’t know what he’s getting into, but it couldn’t be as bad as the mess he’s in. Right?
Ace stands and as he does, he can see a large shadow outside his window. A ship is docked right outside with a plank leading to his windowsill. How the neighborhood wasn’t going mad with such a sight, Ace didn’t know, but this did provide truth to Riddle’s words. That ship, the Queen’s Court, was his ticket to a place called ‘Neverland.’ A place that must be far away from London as he’s never heard of it before.
Ace steps forward and says, “Then let’s get going already.”
Riddle studies Ace for a moment before responding, “Yes, let’s go. Don’t worry about grabbing any belongings, we have everything you could need on board the ship. Now follow me, we need to hurry lest we fall behind schedule.”
“Yes, you aren’t the only wayward soul I’m taking aboard tonight. Usually it’s only one, but I was given two names tonight. I’m off to collect Deuce Spade before we return to Neverland.”
Ace doesn’t know how else to respond other than letting out a small, “Oh, ok.”
Riddle doesn’t say anything else as he guides Ace across the plank and onto the ship. As soon as Ace is on board, a boy with orange hair is immediately pulling the plank back onto the ship. Other boys begin moving about the deck pulling on ropes attached to the large sails. Everyone seemed to know their respective role and moved like gears in a machine.
“Trey, could you show Ace to the sleeping quarters? In the morning, you can take him and the other new card soldier on a tour of the ship.”
Ace was too lost in his thoughts to realize that Riddle had continued to walk to the center of the ship, while he stopped to watch everyone running around the deck. Ace quickly walks forward and stands behind Riddle and the boy Riddle was talking to, Trey. Trey was taller than both him and Riddle with short green hair and golden eyes framed with black glasses. On his cheek there was a small black clover marking. He wore the same outfit as the rest of the crew, a striped shirt with pants that were covered with patches.
Trey smiles and extends a hand as he says, “Of course, Riddle. Nice to meet you Ace, I’m Trey Clover. I’m the main cook on the ship.”
Ace shakes Trey’s hand and says, “Nice to meet you.”
“Right this way, Ace, I’ll show you where you’ll be staying while you’re on board the ship.”
As Trey turns to lead Ace across the deck, Riddle calls out, “Oh, Trey, please don’t forget Rule 153.”
Trey stops for a moment before replying, “Of course. Two sugar cubes, yes?”
Then Trey steps forward and Ace quickly follows behind him. Whatever rule they were talking about, Ace had no clue, and he honestly didn’t think much of it. Tonight had been strange enough already, so whatever code Trey and Riddle were talking in didn’t seem weird at all.
After the day he’s had, Ace doesn’t think anything could surprise him at this point. He’s not sure what tomorrow may hold. He might just wake up and realize it was all a crazy dream. Whatever happened tomorrow, Ace just hoped that it would be better than today.
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skz-elle · 3 months
Cash or Card?
Chan x Reader
859 words
Warnings: Reader is called “wife”, otherwise no mention of reader pronouns (soft, fluffy, no smut)
Based on a reel on fb where someone answered the question “cash or card” with “husband”.
I wrote this for @kaciidubs but figured I’d share ☺️
Your boyfriend promised he wouldn’t make you buy anything. He promised! So, begrudgingly, you agreed to go with him to the boutique.  One of his acquaintances — a friend from the industry — had invited Chan and the rest of the boys to a private viewing since they had a short break coming up. 
It wasn’t exactly well publicized but Chan was bringing you along too, and this acquaintance was apparently trustworthy enough to know that. They’d arranged a full fitting experience for you while the kids shopped and browsed.  
Something told you it was Chan’s idea, that he was up to something, but you brushed the feeling aside. As soon as you arrived, you were greeted with a drink and whisked away while he chatted with the owner. 
After several hours of being styled (and occasionally seeing whatever Chan had tried on), you were exhausted. Playing dress up with the boys was undoubtedly fun, but it took a lot of energy to keep up with them. 
Just to be sweet, you had decided to buy a few things. It would show gratitude to the owner of the boutique, and it always made Chan happy when you treated yourself. Admittedly, your take away was smaller than Chan’s and most of the other boys. 
You followed one of the stylists to the counter as they carried the few things you had approved. As she began wrapping your choices another associate (who must have missed your entourage of idols) began ringing it up. 
“Will that be cash or card?” She asked. 
Before you could even snap open your bag, a hand at your elbow stopped you.
Chan pressed your hand and bag back down to your side. 
“Husband,” he answered, holding out his black card towards the associate.
The catcalling and whistles from the crowd of kids assured you that everyone in the room had witnessed it. Chan’s eyes were nearly closed from the grin on his face, and he was red from the tips of his ears to his chest, but he seemed thrilled with himself. 
You let him get away with it — at least, in public — because you knew any fuss you made about it would set the kids off even more. You’d have to ask him about it when you got home. 
And you did — the moment the door closed and he leaned in close to kiss you. You stopped him with a hand to his chest. 
“Husband, huh? Feeling a little possessive?”
“Ahhh, sorry, I just couldn’t help it. ‘Boyfriend’ didn’t sound as cool.” Chan blushed, raising a hand to the back of his neck. 
“Pretty sure she knew we weren’t married since, y’know, Stays would lose their entire minds. You better hope she’s paid well and your friend employs people with discretion,” you teased. 
“He made everyone sign an NDA for us,” Chan explained, like he was worried you were really upset about his ‘husband’ comment. 
“Channie, I’m just kidding. It’s okay.” As he breathed a sigh of relief, you tacked on an admission at a whisper. “I kind of liked it, actually.”
“Yeah?” He laughed, and he suddenly seemed more relaxed. 
“Yeah, loverboy. I did,” you confirmed, pressing a kiss to his lips. 
You removed yourself from his arms to turn back to the kitchen and start figuring out dinner. He cleared his throat. 
“Yeah?” You responded. You keep walking, assuming he was following. 
“Turn around a second?”
Apparently, he was not. 
You didn’t expect the sight in front of you when you turned around, but maybe you should have. Chan seemed to be pretty pleased with himself, if the soft smirk on his face was anything to go by. 
He was down on one knee, holding out a ring toward you. 
His usual cheesy pickup lines and goofy jokes were nowhere to be found. He didn’t say a word, just looked up at you and smiled that charmer smile. 
What else were you supposed to do but tackle him to the ground and cover his face in kisses? 
“I’ll take that as a yes, then,” He manages, before pressing his lips to yours and not letting you actually answer. 
* * *
It’s been two months since you got engaged in your apartment after a shopping trip.
It’s been a month and a half after your vacation with Chan, where you found out he went back to the boutique and bought everything you’d touched with any amount of interest.
You’re at the grocery store with your fiancé, who’s added so many snacks to your grocery cart when you weren’t looking that you can’t even remember what you originally came in to buy. 
As your items make their way down the conveyor belt and the cashier scans them, Chan’s busy browsing the grab-and-go selections around the register.  He doesn’t notice when the total pops up on the screen. 
“Will that be cash or card?” The associate asks.
You push Chan aside just the slightest and answer her with “Wife!”
You’ve never seen Chan turn so red so fast, but his cheeks squish his eyes shut with the size of his grin. 
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desirediariesx · 8 days
diary entry #12
first time glory hole experience
So my bf (23M) and I (20F) decided to spice up things a bit by visiting this local sex shop. We had this awesome adventure planned out, browsing through sex toys and discovering new ways to have fun.
As we were exploring the shop, we stumbled upon these specially designed private gloryhole booths. There were about 5 booths, each offering a curtain for privacy. Just for some kicks, my boyfriend cracked a joke about giving it a shot to see if someone actually sticks their cock through. Surprisingly, I thought that could be fun and agreed.
In just a couple of minutes, to our surprise, a big, black dick slides through one of the holes. Without giving it a second thought, I just instinctively reached out and began stroking it. My boyfriend seemed a bit taken aback and I stopped instantly. But he was surprisingly cool and urged me to continue. Now the guy was already rock hard, and I thought a little stroking wouldn't be a big deal. I stroked it some more and in the heat of the moment, my other hand found its way to my clit. But my bf seemed really turned on and told me to lick it a bit. Surprised but excited, I dropped down to my knees and gave it a few cautious licks. Soon enough, I found myself sucking the tip and eventually got into the rhythm, bobbing my head back and forth on the stranger's cock.
On the other hand, my bf was getting really turned on and started rubbing himself through his pants. Seeing him like that made me want him more, so I pulled down my pants and he started doping his magic on my pussy. The combined feeling of sucking another man's cock and having my boyfriend play with my pussy was driving me crazy. I was in such an erotic haze that I kind of brushed off concerns about STDs. My boyfriend continued to play with my pussy while I sucked faster. I had to pause for a moment because he squirted some precum into the back of my throat. Turned on by the taste, I looked over to my boyfriend for approval and he egged me to make the stranger cum. So, I got back on task and resumed sucking.
In just a few moments, I felt him twitching in my mouth and knew he was going to cum soon. My bf, meanwhile, was really getting into his moves and I felt my own orgasm building up. Finally, his load burst into my mouth, and I sucked every last drop, cleaning him off while my boyfriend helped me climax with his fingers. I somehow managed to pull up my jeans and we rushed out of the booth still buzzing with the thrill of our daring escapade. My boyfriend was clearly aroused by the fact that I'd just swallowed another man's seed, like he'd somehow claimed my body. Those potent seeds, engineered to breed, were now coursing through my body. It was a wild feeling that had both of us feeling downright primal. Thankfully, I haven't shown any signs of STDs yet, but we're staying cautious, just in case.
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coryothesub · 6 months
Visual Stimulation
I’ll proceed with the asks tomorrow but currently I feel like there's a shameful lack of Sejanus smut across tbosas tags so I decided to fix that
Modern Sejanus is definitely the type of guy who has a secret OF account. Not for money purposes, he just feels like showing off sometimes and he loooooves the validation. He has never told Coryo, because he knows that Mr Future President™ would tell him off for jeopardizing his own reputation like that. But reader on the other hand is just a horny girl who likes to do a little browsing to help her meet her needs…
nsfw / mdni / no specific dom/sub dynamics
Coryo was away for the weekend just in time for your ovulation and you were so horny that you felt like your brain was gonna explode. Or something else.
You were just scrolling some socials on your laptop, bored out of your mind and decided to check out some adult content to get a bit of stress relief.
None of the guys in the pictures did anything for you until you stumbled upon a fit looking man with a very pretty cock that reminded you of something you had seen before but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. Probably that was some well known pornstar. What else could it be?
You clicked on the profile and scrolled through some pictures and videos, but none of them showed the guy's face. Just some footage of him using the fleshlight, some pretty tasteful dick pics, cumming video, more dick pics…
The next one was titled “Morning workout in the park”. Interesting… You clicked on that one and saw the guy sitting in the grass leaning against a tree. 
Judging by the lighting it was very early, right after sunrise and the park was still empty. You clicked on description and it read:
“Hey guys! Went out for a morning run once in a blue moon. My jogging pants felt kinda restrictive, therefore I decided to get rid of them and do a little show off wearing only my little running shorts. Looks much better like that, doesn't it?”
It looked good indeed. You bit your lip as his big hand kept palming his hard-on through the thin fabric of the tiny shorts. You could hear some moans and groans and for some reason they sounded very familiar. 
You wiggled out of your panties and kicked them away bringing your hand down to your wet cunt right away. You started rubbing your clit and a small moan escaped your lips. He was so fine. You just wished for him to take those shorts off asap.
Then the young man turned the camera to his face and you gasped in shock, almost falling out of your bed. 
It was Sejanus. smiling suggestively, small drops of sweat glistening on his forehead from the workout he’d just finished.
“I fucking love it when the sun comes out,” he spoke into the camera. “It always lifts my mood up. You know what else gets really excited about the sun?”
He turned the camera back to his crotch and let the tip of his cock slip out of those loose little shorts. It was thick and hard and it twitched against his strong thigh as he kept speaking, making your pussy impossibly wet.
“It feels so good, fuck! I wish y’all could be here with me.”
God you wished that too. Your fingers moved on your clit rhythmically as you watched Sej letting his whole manhood slip from the leg opening of the shorts and starting to stroke himself. His cock looked so good in the morning sun and the sounds he was making went straight to your pussy.
You felt like those small stifled moans were about to bring you over the edge at any moment now and you threw your head back in pleasure as you suddenly heard his voice right there in your room.
“Like what you see, huh?”
It took a couple of seconds for you to register that he was actually there and after that you slammed your laptop shut and covered your exposed private parts with the oversized t-shirt that you were wearing.
“Sejanus! What are you doing here!?”
“The door was open and I thought I would surprise you,” he gave you a cheeky smirk.
“Well you certainly did. How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough to realize that you really enjoy my little hobby.”
You felt your cheeks flooding with red. It felt so embarrassing to be caught like this.
Sejanus just gave you a flirty smile and made a few steps closer.
“I don't mind at all, princess. In fact I hope everyone who enjoys my videos looks as good as you while doing it.”
“How about I put on a little live show for my favorite viewer?”
You just nodded, still not fully recovered from the surprise.
Sejanus stood in front of you and started unbuttoning his shirt while moving his hips like a true professional. Who knew he had it in him. 
Soon he revealed his toned torso and pulled down his pants with a cocky grin. He loved the way he made you feel. Still kinda confused, but extremely aroused. 
You got in a more comfortable position and let your hand play with your cunt again, looking at the dark haired boy with pure lust in your eyes.
He teased you, brushing his hand over his cock while it was still in his briefs and you could see that he was already hard.
You breath hitched when he finally let his thick member spring free, bouncing against his lower abdomen. He gave it a few lazy strokes and crawled into your bed.
His hand immediately reached for your clit and a soft whimper escaped your lips as soon as you felt his fingers pressing against your most sensitive spot.
“So wet for me already,” he cooed before pressing his plump lips against yours in a steamy kiss. Then he moved down to your neck, sucking at the soft skin in a harsh manner that would probably leave some marks.
“Do you mind if I fuck you now?” He whispered against your skin.
“God, I need you to fuck me!” you sounded embarrassingly desperate as your pussy was literally melting underneath his fingers.
Sejanus pulled your t-shirt over your head and licked his lips marveling at your titties.
“Would you please get on your knees for me?”
You obeyed immediately, desperate to have him inside you already.
“Such a needy girl,” he teased, sliding his leaking tip up and down between your folds.
“Sej, if you don't get to it now, I swear…” you hissed and pushed your ass against his cock.
Sejanus chuckled amused by your despair and slowly pushed his girthy member inside your dripping wet cunt.
You felt immediate relief as he started moving in and out, digging his fingers into your hips.
You moaned softly, feeling his cock stretching you out so nicely.
“You’re so thick, Sej. Fuck!” 
“It's just your perfectly tight pussy. Damn, feels so good,” he praised you as his pace grew faster and you kept pushing against him, lewd sounds filling the room as your naked bodies kept slapping together.
You felt your arms growing tired so you lowered yourself against the mattress and pressed your face into the pillow, your muffled moans filling the air.
“It looks so good from up here,” Sejanus spoke in a teasing tone as his thrusts became even harder.
“Maybe you should guest star on my channel. I bet we would go viral.” 
The thought alone of being displayed for everyone while Sej fucking you like the horny slut you were made your walls clench around his cock.
Sejanus groaned, feeling his climax nearing from the warm embrace of your tight pussy.
“I’m so damn close,” you whispered before biting into the pillow as you felt his cock hitting against your sweet spot repeatedly.
“Me too baby. Oh god, I think I’m gonna…” the sentence was cut off by a deep grunt and you felt Sejanus's cock twitch before shooting his load deep inside your pussy.
Getting filled by his warmth brought you over the edge and you came simultaneously, drenching his dick in your juices.
You felt the pillow underneath you getting damp from your hot breath as Sejanus continued with a few sloppy thrusts, fucking his cum deeper inside your pussy.
Then you sank down on the sheets panting heavily. Sejanus laid next to you looking like he could easily do a few more rounds right away. His morning workouts certainly did him good.
“Oh god I really needed this,” you said, still catching your breath.
“Me too, I'm really glad I caught you like this,” Sejanus chuckled softly before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“By the way, the offer to make that video still stands.”
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Private Indulgences
MDNI Yandere!Suguru Geto x GN!reader Ahh here it is finally my contribution to @bluebellhairpin's Fright night bash! CW: Yandere Geto, GN!reader, AFAB!reader, Tentacles, curse fucking, heavy dub-con toeing the line of non-con depending on how you look at it. Reader is implied to have been more resistant to Geto in the past but has had that worn away. Summary: You've been with Geto for a long time, you think you know what to expect of him but he likes proving you wrong.
Geto Suguru was nosy. This was something you knew very well. Actually invasive could be a better word when it came to you. Oh it’s not immediately apparent because of how smooth he is in most of his actions, often making you think it’s your own idea to give him whatever information it is he’s digging for if he needs to get it directly from you. But in all the time he’s had you, yes had you, because you didn’t really choose this life as much as he’d decided he wanted you and you had been in no position to deny him, something you’d discovered very quickly. In all this time though you’d learned over and over that there wasn’t a way to keep anything from his keen gaze. Either through his own direct observation or those reporting to him, his curses being among the ones reporting. Creepy creatures that often followed you and kept you under watch since the early days when you’d still stubbornly clung to the idea that you could somehow escape.. 
So really this was your own fault. You should know any privacy you’re given is an illusion even once he’d given you your own phone again. It had certainly been a gift met with suspicion on your part but you were careful with it because you liked the entertainment it could bring and so you’d never done anything with it that could be considered breaking his trust. Honestly, who could have helped you anyway if you’d called someone. He’d taught you that lesson swiftly and harshly early on. 
The phone was then simply for reaching Geto himself and for amusing yourself. The entertainment had been innocent enough at first but the internet being the internet you’d eventually found ways to entertain yourself that were less so. Geto was a busy man and sometimes you took that as a chance to take care of yourself. All fairly vanilla until you’d stumbled across art of a creature that very much looked like a curse having its way with a- oh OH. You’d closed out of the app you’d been using abruptly and vowed to push it from your mind. But curiosity slowly won out and you sought the art purposefully, at first shyly but then more comfortably as time went on. Something about it so taboo especially when you often saw monsters daily that were summoned by your keeper.
Said keeper who’d asked you to follow him to a dimly lit room that of which he locked the door of once you were both inside. When you turn to face him you see your phone dangling between his fingers looking at you with what would appear to be a kind, warm expression even, to someone else. Not you though, you know the danger that smile carries, the predatory sharpness hiding in his gaze. Oh you were so stupid but you were pretty sure you knew what this was about considering you can’t think of anything you’d done with your phone beyond your questionable smut preferences that may get this reaction from him. “A-ah you found my phone I’ve been looking for it,” you try to play dumb even though you know he hates it when you do. 
He tips his head to the side, his smile tightening. Oh you were so screwed. “Mhm, I’m sure you have. You know… you certainly have some surprising browsing habits.” 
A nervous laugh from you along with what you hope is an innocent smile. “Aha what are you talkin-” The way he tips his chin up, a warning to not lie to him. The only warning you were sure you’d get. A feeling of dread sits heavy in your stomach. You clear your throat, shamed heat rising to your cheeks. “Y-you’re talking about the art right…?” You hunch your shoulders and dip your head slightly. Honestly the way you withdrew on yourself when you were in trouble reminded him of a certain someone. It makes him want to make you squirm even more.
“And the stories,” he intones smoothly, watching as you shrink just a bit more and avert your gaze. 
“And the stories,” you repeat after him meekly. You don’t even realize he’s stepped closer to you until his hand is loosely gripping your chin and turning you to look at him.  
“Who would have ever thought a sweet looking thing like you would be into something so dirty.”
“I-i’m sor-” you begin to stammer, your cheeks feeling like they’re on fire. 
“If I’d known I would have indulged you sooner. “ 
Everything stops. 
He grins as you blink up at him owlishly, stunned and confused by the meaning of his words. Then you feel it, the familiar shifting of the air, the pressure that’s given off when Geto opens the way for one of his curses. Your hair stands on end, your senses telling you that it’s right behind you and it’s confirmed by the inhuman rumble and clicking sounds behind you. 
Breathing beginning to quicken you glance over your shoulder. The creature emerging from the portal stares at you with a massive eye, some of it’s tentacles already sliding through and landing on the floor. “No no no no no-” You mumble to yourself while turning fully and taking a step backward, directly into Geto’s chest and his waiting arms.  
“No?” he leans down and breathes over your ear. “But doesn’t it look just like those creatures in the ‘art’ you’ve been browsing? I thought you’d be excited.” His voice is dripping with mock hurt and disappointment. 
You try to pull away from him so you can attempt to flee the room but he’s wrapped his arms around you securely. “Geto-sama please I don’t,” you begin pleading. It had to be a sick joke right? Sometimes he liked playing mind games with you even if he’d never done something quite like this.
“Are you really going to turn away my generous offer? I’m the only one who can do this for you afterall.” One of his hands begins to toy at the hem of your shirt before his fingers smooth over the softness of your stomach. “Do you think I’d let it hurt you?” 
“N-no of course not I-” 
You feel his lips press against the side of your neck, right above your pulse point. He keeps them there for several moments before pulling away with a nip that makes you inhale sharply. “If you know I wouldn’t let it hurt you, why is your pulse beating rabbit quick, hmm? Are you perhaps excited and just not ready to admit it to yourself?” He muses before rising back to his full height keeping you in his arms. 
You realize then you don’t have a good answer. You weren’t entirely sure what you could try saying to him to get him to change his mind, especially when you press back against him more firmly in reaction to the curse emerging further from the portal and you feel the hard and familiar line of his cock against your back through the layers of your clothes. He was turned on by the idea of this. Your options for getting out of this effectively dropping to zero. 
Gently he begins guiding you toward a bed of pillows and blankets on the floor you hadn’t initially noticed in the dimly lit room. He moves to recline into the plush surface while pulling you along to rest against his chest where he begins to remove your shirt. You could try to resist but honestly that would probably just make him angry so you oblige him and lift your arms so he can discard the garment then the rest of your clothes follow in short order leaving you naked against his still very much clothed form. That much wasn’t unusual, what was unusual was the curse watching you. 
You attempt to close your legs tightly only for Geto to tut at you and separate your thighs with his strong hands. “Now now don’t start misbehaving now.” When he doesn’t sense any resistance  one of his hands goes  between your legs, his long fingers sliding through your folds. You swallow thickly knowing what he’s found even before he speaks. “So much resistance all while your body reacts honestly.” You don’t need to look at him to know he’s giving you a sly grin. He raises his glistening fingers for you to see.
It’s habit that your lips part for him, unthinking when he brings his fingers to your mouth. When the digits press past your lips, allowing you to taste yourself against his skin you get lost in your head for a moment, lost in the praises getting cooed in your ear. He knows exactly what his voice does to you, the way he’s able to ignite a fire in your belly with just a few carefully chosen words. It’s enough for you to forget your circumstances until you feel the cool and slightly slick slide of one of the curse’s tentacles moving up your leg. When had it gotten so close? Goosebumps prick over your skin and you bite down on the fingers in your mouth without meaning to. Geto's hissed breath is the only warning you get before he presses down harshly on your tongue making you gag. You didn’t do any real damage but bad behavior still needed to be met with reprimand either physical or verbal. “You know better than to bite,” He scolds with no real heat and rests his head on top of yours. 
You whine around his fingers, drool slipping out the corners of your mouth and tears pricking at your eyes. It’s the most you can do since attempting to talk with his fingers in your mouth would get a similar reprimand for talking with your mouth full. 
It all serves as a minor distraction while the tentacle slides higher, wrapping around your leg as it goes to hold it in place, followed by another tugging at your other ankle spreading your legs for a third to boldly move up between them. It's all slick and heavy muscle as it slides over your slit before pressing into your folds, and experimentally dipping into you. You jerk involuntarily in Geto’s hold, the hand not wetly fucking his fingers into your mouth moving to press against your lower belly in the way he’d normally tease you while fucking you. “Just think of it as an extension of me. AfterallI no one else is allowed to touch you like this.” He kisses your temple as he pulls his fingers from your mouth, a string of saliva connecting him to your lips before he brings those spit slicked fingers down to rub against your clit at the same time as the tentacle presses into you. Filling you in a way that’s so foreign to anything else you’ve felt. Cool and tapered at the end. You moan and grip at Geto’s robes desperately. You choke a bit on the excess spit still in your mouth as the tentacle flexes inside of you, filling you in a way you never have been before and touching every sensitive part of you. Combined with Geto’s fingers expertly massaging your clit you see stars, gushing around the curse inside of you and making a mess of Geto’s clothes. 
Geto chuckles deeply in your ear, the sound vibrating in his chest. "You came so quickly," he coos. “I knew you wanted this.” All the while neither he nor the curse have stopped their movements. You make a sound halfway between a whine and a moan, trying to jerk away from the overstimulation. “Shhh.. The night has only started and we have so many fantasies of yours to catch up on.” You whimper glad in that moment that it’s not Geto inside of you otherwise he would have felt your walls tighten at his words. It at least gives you the illusion of keeping a shred of something to yourself.
And that's it! I know the actual smut was pretty short but I hope you guys enjoyed it all the same. I considered making it longer but october is a busy writing month. Maybe i'll expand on this more later. (I do have a yan geto series being planned so perhaps then?)
I feel like when i write Geto as yandere he's softly sadistic? If that makes sense.
Special thanks to @strawberrystepmom for beta reading this for me!
tags: @biscuitsngravie @missphanosaur18 @icy-spicy @missmugiwara (Do you like Suguru? I know I've infected you with Gojo love.) @crysugu (we're moots over on my main blog and i thought you might like this)
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daisynik7 · 1 year
This is a long one, sorry babe, the socks and feet fetish just gave me such a funny idea for a gag gift for Nanami. Here where I live we have these things called "nakurnjak", it would translate to willy warmer (men wear it in winter to keep their willy's warm) 😭😭😭😭 and the idea of reader buying, even better knitting or crocheting it them self for Nanami is so funny in my head (she could make several to match with his ties!). I did bit of research and to my surprise this fits Nanami's Danish roots BECAUSE they had a tradition where a girl would present her boyfriend with a willy warmer to see how seriously he took their relationship. If the gift was rejected, this was seen as evidence that he was not yet ready for marriage. Reader may or may not be hinting something @ Kento. (References: wiki and reddit)
Pairing: boyfriend!Nanami x f!reader
cw: established relationship, language, suggestive dialogue, fluff
Author’s Notes: Hi anon! Thank you for the request, this was a fun one! I hope you like it and get a good laugh out of it like I did. 😊
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With the weather getting colder lately, you decide to put your knitting skills to use. It starts with easy projects, like scarves and bonnets. One day, you go online, searching for different ideas on what to make. Several minutes of browsing, you finally find your next creation: a willy warmer. It’s the last item listed on this website, more of a throwaway as a joke. But you’re absolutely serious about making it. Just thinking about it has you giggling. Upon further research, you discover that in certain traditions, a willy warmer is gifted to a boyfriend to see if they are ready for marriage. This motivates you even further to take on this ambitious project in hopes that Nanami, your boyfriend of several years now, will finally take a hint. 
It takes a while to knit it, but eventually, your hard work pays off and the results are outstanding. You manage to recreate his signature spotted tie pattern exactly, so now he’s matching, assuming he accepts this ridiculous gift. 
After dinner, the two of you digest your meal on the couch while watching a show you’re following. At the end of the episode, you pause it, reaching into the drawer beside you to retrieve your creation. He eyes you nervously. “What’s going on?”
You grin, holding it out to him. “Surprise!”
He gives you a confused look, waiting for you to explain. When you continue to stare at him, beaming, he asks, “What is this?”
“Babe, you’re Danish, you should know what this is!” You pinch at the tip and the balls, stretching it as if that makes it any clearer. 
His brows are furrowed in uncertainty. “It looks like a penis.”
Laughing, you say, “That’s because it’s for your penis. It’s a willy warmer. I knitted it myself. And it matches your tie!”
He chuckles, his expression relaxing. “What on earth am I going to use this for?”
“It’s pretty self-explanatory, honey. You use it to warm your willy.”
“I don’t need to warm my willy.”
You frown at him. “So you don’t want it?”
“I appreciate the gesture, sweetheart, but I don’t think I’m going to use it.”
Crossing your arms, you toss the willy warmer back into the drawer, slamming it shut with a bit of aggression. “Fine. If you don’t want it, I’m sure somebody else will.” You stand up, stomping towards your bedroom, kicking it closed.
Nanami fucked up. 
He knew it as soon as the smile dropped from her face. It would have been so easy to accept the silly gift like a good boyfriend should, but, of course, he had to mess it up in a royal fashion. 
Immediately, he follows her to the bedroom, finding that it’s locked. With a small knock, he says, “Honey, I’m sorry. I’ll use it, okay? If it makes you happy.” He leans against the frame, pressing his ear to the surface to hear any response. When none comes, he sighs, returning to the couch. 
He remembers what she mentioned earlier, about him being Danish, and he wonders what that has to do with it. Phone in hand, he goes to a private browser to do a quick search. After a few minutes, he finds out that hereally fucked up. The tradition says that a man must accept the willy warmer as a gift whenever it is presented to him to indicate that he is ready for marriage. 
He buries his face in his hands, groaning at his mistake. Of course he’s ready for marriage. He’s been in love with her for years. And while they’ve discussed it in detail, imagining with fondness about their future together, he’s never actually given her a straight answer about when it will happen. She’s always been patient, never one to pressure him about timelines or threaten him with ultimatums. This is the closest she’s gotten to it, in the form of some crude penile covering. He chuckles to himself at the absurd situation they find themselves in. Still, he has to find a way to make it up to her, and fast. 
You’re actually upset Nanami didn’t accept your gift. Not only did he reject what you spent hours working on, he essentially told you he wasn’t ready for marriage. And sure, maybe he doesn’t know that hidden meaning behind it, but still! You’re annoyed with him.
There’s another gentle knock on the door. This time, you don’t ignore it, swinging it open to give him a piece of your mind. However, the sight you find instead has you speechless. 
Nanami is completely naked from head to toe, except for the willy warmer wrapped snugly around his cock. He smirks at you, holding his arms out, presenting himself. Before you can respond, he says, “I’m sorry, sweetie. I accept this gift with all my heart. And, I guess, my penis.”
You burst into laughter, stepping towards him to slide your arms around his waist, face nuzzling his chest. “So, does this mean you want to marry me then?”
He squeezes you in a loving embrace. “You know I do. I’ve been in love with you since the day I met you. And I can’t wait to officially call you my wife.”
You grin, peering up at him to give him a kiss. “So,” you tease, palming his cock through the yarned fabric, “Shall we test how warm your willy is?”
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bluegekk0 · 10 months
Hi! You can call me Gekko. I make art, primarily for my Hollow Knight AU, named Feral PK AU, but you'll also find occasional dragon/dinosaur art or maybe even fanart from other media. I also reblog posts from various other things, so it can get a bit chaotic.
That being said, the AU is the main focus of this blog. It is a slice of life AU for my favorite characters which mostly takes place in Dirtmouth, though over time it also evolved into a personal worldbuilding and character driven project.
Just a heads up, it does stray quite a bit from the canon and many popular fanon interpretations, so please approach with an open mind! If you have any questions, check the FAQ below first and don't be afraid to send me asks about it!
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Other places to find me:
» twitter // 🔞
» bluesky
» ko-fi
Art tag: #gekko.art
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#feral pk au - the main AU tag, contains all related art, posts and ask responses
#modern fpk au - tag for the modern spin-off of the AU; same as above
#dragon fpk au - tag for the dragon spin-off of the AU
#au designs - tag for all the AU character design sheets and other related posts
#au character bios - similarly to above, this tag includes written down descriptions for the AU characters
#au worldbuilding - tag for all posts/ask responses related to the general AU worldbuilding headcanons
#au character posts - for separate text posts about the AU characters
#save - this is how I tag AU related posts which I find to be worth reading for a better understanding of the characters, or anything else I want to easily access in the future
#ask stuff - tag for all ask responses. If you only want those related to the AU, I recommend browsing through the main AU tag instead
#art guide - tag for any art tips and guides that I posted
CHARACTER TAGS: #fpk / #vyrm ● #grimm / #nkg ● #lewk ● #asta ● #milo ● #hornet ● #holly ● #zote ● #wl ● #brumm ● #divine ● #bretta ● #lurien ● #ogrim ● #cornifer ● #iselda ● #elderbug ● #jiji ● #jinn ● #mato ● #quirrel ● #lemm ● #tiso ● #radiance
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(disclaimers about the blog and the AU below)
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» Please do not reupload my art anywhere. I'm okay with people using it as their icons/banners, but please remember to credit me.
» Since this is a primarily AU related blog, anything I say about the characters is from a headcanon lens. A lot of my headcanons are quite different from the most popular fanon interpretations, so please be aware of that before you respond, especially in regards to fandom jokes and character hate.
» A large chunk of my drawings and posts features the ship Pale Nightmare, so if you dislike it I would not recommend following my blog. It's the only ship I'm invested in, and while I avoid ship discourse, there are some that I find uncomfortable, particularly those between the characters that I consider family within the AU (Grimm/Hornet and Grimm/Hollow being the primary ones).
» Although I might occasionally touch upon topics that are in the suggestive or sexual territory in regards to some characters, this blog is otherwise still meant to be SFW. I will not be posting any explicit artwork, and I try to keep the suggestive topics tasteful. If you are interested in my NSFW art, do not ask me about it here, instead head over to my Twitter private alt. I try my best to keep the two places separate.
» Additionally, some of my art includes blood and very mild gore, though I try to tag it whenever there's excessive amounts of it in the artwork (I use the tags #blood and #gore). There may also be very occasional mentions/depictions of pregnancy, please block the tags #pregnancy (for art) and #pregnancy mention (for text posts) if you would prefer not to see it/read about it. Please let me know if there are any other things that you would like me to tag!
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» The AU takes place after the Embrace the Void ending, and so The Knight/Ghost is not present. Here is a post detailing what happened to them (and the other shade siblings in the Abyss).
» Feral PK's name in the AU is Vyrm (an alternate spelling of Wyrm that he uses as his name), though I occasionally refer to him as FPK. Also, I headcanon him as gay (demi-gay to be more precise). At the current point in the AU he and The White Lady are separated.
» As you probably noticed, most of my designs stray very far from insect-like interpretations. That is very much intentional. In the AU, I see "bug" as a general term for "people", not an implication that they are all insects. While some characters do have more insect-like anatomy, there are others which possess reptilian, mammalian or even plant-like traits. I go a little more in detail on how I see that term in this post. So while I'm not bothered by people referring to for example, Grimm or Vyrm as insects, keep in mind that this is not how I personally view them.
» Additionally, I see the characters as much larger than real life insects. As a reference point, Vyrm is similar in height to a raccoon standing on two legs. For this reason, most of the characters have skeletal structures to support larger body mass. There are some exceptions, notably characters such as Unn.
» Please keep in mind that the AU originated as something I found comfort in, and it remains that way. There may be inconsistencies, I might retcon things on the go, and some things may simply not be well written. I also have no plans to turn it into a fanfic or a comic.
» I'm always open to answer questions about the AU and the characters! So if you have any, please don't be afraid to send me an ask, I absolutely love responding to them. 💖
» I am currently working on a WorldAnvil page for a more detailed, wiki-like AU info, link at the top of the post!
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ffc1cb · 1 year
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new price list, featuring a comics option now! for more examples of my art, feel free to browse my general art tag, fandom specific ones, or my tag for finished commissions. my boosty page is over here, and here is a guide on how to use the site. if you can’t commission but would still like to support me, i have a tip jar. thank you!
image text under the cut
sketches $30 per character (black / white + $5, simple color + $10)
alternatively: tip over $10 on boosty, and get a thank you doodle with a character of your choice (must be from pre-existing media (i.e no ocs))
lineart $50 per character, full color $80 per character
simple backgrounds free of charge (colors, frames, shapes, etc). complex backgrounds (scenery, furniture, etc) can be discussed (price depends on complexity)
icons $50 per character
one character per icon, can do matching sets
one page comics $100+ (50% upfront)
clean b/w sketches, possible accent colors (price depends on amount of frames and their complexity)
clear script (with dialogue, if present) or detailed scene description required
i will draw: - canon, fanon, oc x canon - your ocs - sonic
i won't draw: - excessive gore (blood & bruises ok) - nsfw (nonsexual nudity ok) - furry (humanoids with animal parts / characteristics can be discussed) - real people - incest / pedo ships
how it goes:
you send me reference images for character(s) you want me to draw. please provide clear images that make it easy to discern the character's design;
i draw the initial sketch and ask for feedback. major edits are possible at this stage;
when you approve, i request the full payment to be provided via my boosty* page;
after the payment is made i continue working on your commission. if the image is in full color, i will send the lineart to you for feedback as well. minor edits are possible at this stage. anything major must be discussed;
when the commission is finished, i will first send it to you for approval. only minor edits are possible at this stage. any major changes will only be done for additional payment. if everything is to your liking, i provide the hd files via email;
i reserve the right to post your commission on my blog & use it as an example in my future posts. please notify me beforehand if you'd rather i keep it private.
*boosty.to is a russian-based platform akin to patreon, and payments on it can be done via paypal - at the moment it's the only way i can receive money from abroad. you can find a clear guide on how the site works in the post below. sorry for the inconvenience.
if you're interested in booking a slot, contact me @ffc1cb here on tumblr or on discord salt#2983
thank you :-)
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sf-re-post-heaven · 1 month
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"She.Smoking" is enjoying a nice run of "free advertising" on our new brand with four posts within this past week featuring this sensational author from tumblr and Instagram with [email protected]. We could not work in the first half of our Centerpiece video below on to a Megapost! in production on King of SF Aficionados but we have it for you on SF (Re-Post) Heaven! here!
All Content Here -- GIFs, Video Clips, Photographs -- is from Multi-Platform Ace "She Smoking!"
Thought you'd never see that on our brand: Josee (@real_smokinggirl) taking a back set to anyone else within the Greater SF World Community scene. Well, that's what we did here in our decision to offer a two-clip combination video as a tribute to the endless stream of wonderful SF content on Instagram @ she.smoking who is also the same author as tumblr's she.smoking blog/vlog/webpage. "She Smoking" is a two-platform terror with the dreamiest SF content out there and using a variation of what is packaged on our network as Megaposts! that we have affectionately nicknamed as "Ultra" Posts for tumblr's she.smoking!
Tri-Media 4-Post, 40-Pack Megapost!
Appears as though our two-clip combination/compilation Centerpiece video opens with two friends outside of the U.S.A. at a cafe, bar, bistro or restaurant in Europe enjoying the outside-of-America packaged Marlboro Lights in cork-tips. In the U.S.A., we have them as all-whites! Needless to say both clips of our staff-produced Centerpiece originated on [email protected], with the BFFs smoking and drinking posted on August 1, 2024 before it was recently pulled. The second half highlights the wonder that is Josee (Real-Smoking-Girl/@real_smokinggirl) of Ontario, Canada, lighting-up during a bubble bath and enjoying her fix of nicotine! Josee's Cigarettes, Bubbles & Bathwater was published on IG on July 30, 2024. And that, too, was removed from circulation as well. Why? Literary license! Author's call! Command decision! . . . A private matter. SF Content has always been a come-and-go deal. We all have always been aware of the "unwritten" part of the contract we signed when we officially began our never-ending or waning dosages of SF. BTW: This Megapost! serves as fodder for an "ultra post" in production over on King of SF Aficionados, scheduled for release on August 13, 2024.
Recent 'Ultra' Posts from tumblr's She.Smoking!
From August 12, 2024 (a 3-Pack!). . .
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For your SF consuming pleasure, please consider viewing [email protected] on a regular basis as well as browsing https://www.tumblr.com/shesmoking. Unlikely you'll be disappointed. We never are!
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Disclaimer: “Smoking is injurious to health. We do not promote smoking as a habit for those who are non-smokers. Some women smoke cigarettes and truly know how appealing they look while doing so. We wish all women smokers would quit their habits one day soon. Let's get healthier, ladies!” ⏤ King of SF Aficionados web-master/web producer (SF Deity!)
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flowerandblood · 1 year
Writers & Readers
My thoughts. I've been thinking about this relationship a lot lately and I wanted to summarize it in one post, which I hope will open some people up more and try to better understand what writers are dealing with.
You come up with a story, write it down, read it, wonder if it makes sense, remove repetitions and errors, read it again, create moodboards and headlines, publish and wait.
When I posted the first chapter of my story here, I didn't know how hashtags worked yet and I made many mistakes, my writing style, punctuation and syntax also left much to be desired. On the first day, my first chapter got 12 notes and one comment and I was shocked because someone read it! It inspired me so much that I wrote the second chapter the same day.
With each chapter, more and more people read my stories, I squealed with joy when one part received more than 100 notes, considering it a gigantic success (I still think so).
However, the more notes I had, the more successful my stories were, the more people reblogged my chapters, the more people began to appear who sent me unpleasant anonymous messages, usually calling them constructive criticism. There were some, but most of them were malicious remarks about the hero/heroine not acting as someone would like or that my approach was wrong, ending with insulting me and intruding into my private life.
I've noticed a pattern that other writers can probably confirm - these are often messages from other writers. Those who cannot cross a certain line, those who feel aggrieved that others support each other and reblog, but not him/her.
Except I was in the same place. I just earned it. I have improved my way of writing, my stories are better thought out, my readers have looked at my chapters themselves and decided that they want to follow my stories, for which I am grateful.
I'm tired of people who want easy solutions, I'm tired of people who hide behind anonymous messages - but - when you turn them off, they don't dare to write similar things in private. If they are so sure of what they say and that they are right and I am stupid, where are they now?
While browsing the wall, I come across and start reading stories that I don't like and then I stop halfway through and continue reading other posts. But I would never dare to write to such an author that I don't like his/her story.
I wouldn't dare tell him/her: these are my good tips, you better follow them if you want to succeed. No! It's rude, upsetting and unnecessary.
Never give unsolicited advice unless someone asks for it.
I am begging you, give the writers whose stories you love your support, your comments, hearts, reblogs, private messages or even asks, let them feel from time to time that you are with them, that they are doing a good job, that every day you are waiting for a new chapter of theirs history. Nothing is more inspiring.
Of course, we write for ourselves and our satisfaction, but it is your comments that comfort us, make us laugh, and give us the feeling that what we do is good.
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194 for the smut prompts bc Dabi is the most baby gurl of all even tho he doesn't know it lol
Prompt: 194. "You can take it like a good girl, right?"
Pairing: ShigaDabi
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: BDSM, Feminization, Humiliation, Lingerie, Multiple Orgasms, Subspace, Biting, Mild Blood Play, Hand/Finger Kink, Rimming, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Overstimulation, Creampie, Dacryphilia
It's honestly a miracle that he finishes his work early in the afternoon, honestly a shock that Duster has apparently also finished for the day, because his lover is in their room, already changed out of his suit, when he comes in. 
"Don't you have a million things to do, oh grand commander?" He asks, throwing his coat over the back of a chair and plopping down on the couch in their little sitting area beside his lover. Surprised to find him on his phone instead of his handheld console if he really is finished working. 
"Mm, have a million things that can wait until tomorrow while I dote on you, firefly." He twists so he can press a kiss to the top of his head and Dabi presses in closer to get one against his lips too. Gets that kiss and then Duster goes right back to scrolling on his phone. 
"I am not feeling very doted on right now, Shig." 
"Still going to spoil you, just trying to pick out a new present for you, baby." 
"Thought the doc said you weren't allowed to give me any more nomu after what happened to the last two?" 
"Other kind of present, Dabi." 
Really glad that his face is so heavily scarred because he would be blushing to the tips of his ears otherwise. Has a whole drawer and section of their closet full of 'presents' from Tomura. Everything from plugs and cockrings to lingerie and spreader bars. Can't tell if Duster loves spoiling him or if he just loves watching Dabi blush and squirm until he puts his new presents to good use. 
"Also want to get you a new collar, baby." 
And that distracts him from his embarrassment, perking up. Lost the last one during his fight with Geten, burned too hot for the leather to survive. Was just a dog collar, best they could do while they were on the run and low on funds, but Tomura lets him peek at the phone and he sees that he's browsing a custom shop for the accessory. Already got him a new day collar, but it's really just a thin black choker, just a flimsy piece of jewelry. He's happy to wear it, of course, loves anything that marks him as Tomura's, but he has been missing having a real collar that his lover can yank on and use while they're scening. The ones on this site are the thicker style with embellishments, ones with pulls to choke him, spikes, extra chains, the heavier type that he likes but only wants to wear for Duster in private. 
"Thank you, sir," Nuzzles in and presses kisses along the side of his neck.  
"Do you want 'firefly' or 'baby' on your tag?" Oh. Dabi hesitates and of course Tomura notices. "Or something else?" 
Worries at a staple piercing through his cheek as he considers, "Want something that you only use for me when we're playing." Duster waits for him to think about it, other hand straying to his hair and stroking through the locks and dragging lightly over his scalp. Had asked him when they first got together if he had anything he wanted to be called and he hadn't known so he told Duster to just call him whatever. Shig had mostly stuck with 'firefly' and 'baby', sometimes peppered in a 'sweetheart' or 'darling', occasionally 'brat' or 'whore' when he was misbehaving. But nothing else really stuck for him. "How'd you settle on 'sir' and not 'master' or, god forbid, 'daddy'?"
Gets a little tug at his hair in retaliation, but then Tomura lowers his phone and actually gives his question his full attention. "Tried other things," tugs again when Dabi opens his mouth, "Yes that too, with other subs. Different ones had different preferences coming from their previous doms. None of it felt right." 
"Was really hoping you'd have better insight than 'vibes', Shig."
"You keep this up and I'm going to be punishing you instead of spoiling you once I'm finished with this, brat." Dabi manages to keep his mouth shut and Duster continues, "Different for everyone, but for me, it's about what I wanted it to feel like having that power over my sub. Didn't like 'daddy' because thinking about family in any way took me out of it. I didn't like 'master' either because I don't want my sub to be a slave. Like controlling you, but not all the time. 'Sir' is just the right amount of deference, can use it in every scene, and it can be used in public without raising any eyebrows. Depends on what you want to get out of hearing me say what you pick, baby. Know you like it when I make you feel special," has Shig pressing in then, lips against the shell of his ear, "my pretty firefly," embarrassing even something so small can have him shivering a little. "And like it when I remind you that the only reason I bother to give you any attention at all is because you're a convenient fuck. Easy too, greedy hole always begging to be stuffed up." More embarrassing that makes his whole body go a little hotter. Noticeably hotter if Duster's little chuckle is anything to go by. "Just have to find something that works for you, that will elevate one or both of those feelings, baby."
About to start really pestering Duster to get him being mean faster when Shig presses a kiss to his temple and passes over his phone.
"Here, they have some stock options too, why don't you look at those and see if any of them jump out for you?" 
"Okay," he takes it, and Tomura gives him some time to scroll through the list, actually picking up his console as he browses. Tempted to peek at what his lover already has in the cart, but he does like being surprised and trusts Duster to pick something he'll like. He starts to look through the options, a lot of them that he expects; slut, whore, brat, puppy, kitten, and over a dozen others. Scrolls through them and tries to imagine them on his lover's tongue, dismisses a lot of them because they're fine, but they don't elicit any kind of strong response. Is considering giving up and just getting 'baby' when he hesitates. Goes back over the ones he'd dismissed out of hand as not for him. The ones he thought would be humiliating to be called. Likes it when Tomura humiliates him. Would happily, has happily, let Shig tear his pride and dignity to ribbons time and time again. Never floats higher than after he does when he whispers the sweetest things against his skin while he's still sobbing and trembling.  
Thinks when he gets to the option that makes his skin go hot again he's probably found it. Of course Tomura notices he's not scrolling anymore, that his skin has gone hot again. Stops what he's doing, "Did you find something, firefly?" And tries to peer around to see the phone screen. Dabi shifts it quickly away from him, knows he's blushing. 
"If you make fun of me I'm going to set you on fire." 
"When have I ever made fun of you for anything you wanted to try in bed, sweetheart?" Never, but Dabi can't help how sharp his embarrassment goes as he finally passes the phone back over. Shig looks at the tag he picked and blinks. There's a slight pause before he looks back up and opens his mouth, 
"Immolation, Duster." 
"Not going to make fun of you, Dabi. Was just going to ask if you wanted to try it out before I place the order." 
Oh. Knows he's bright red despite his scars when he mumbles, "...Okay." 
Duster gives a pleased hum. "Why don't you go put on something pretty for me, firefly." It's not a suggestion even if it's framed like one, already playing, already desperate to behave for his lover. 
"Yes, sir. Which set?" 
"You can pick this time, I know you'll make the right choice." Which is such a fucking trap and he knows it. Gives him an easy excuse to be disappointed in him if he doesn't magically pick the one he wants, if he doesn't just change his mind for the hell of it anyway. 
And he just murmurs, "Yes, sir," happily accepts the soft kiss Tomura presses against the staple at the edge of his lips before he slips off the couch to go get changed. 
The array of lingerie that Duster's bought for him is pushed towards the back of their closet, someone would really need to be rooting around in here to find it and if they did, then being humiliated would definitely be the least of his problems. He has a few favorites despite himself. Had only ever started wearing it because Duster asked if he would, still doesn't wear it all the time, but occasionally Shig asks. Occasionally he puts it on without asking because just wearing it is a clear indication of where he wants his lover's filthy mouth to lean towards on the scale of praise and humiliation. Dabi starts to pick something out, hesitates. Fuck, already going to be embarrassing himself. It takes him a second to dig out the set. Has worn everything Tomura's gotten him except this. The soft pink lace of the babydoll top and the matching panties, embellished with tiny bows, had felt too feminine, even given the fact he was already wearing lingerie. Had nearly ignited with his embarrassment when he'd received it and promptly pushed it to the back of the closet. 
Dabi doesn't look at himself in the mirror once he pulls it on, doesn't want to see it. Is already flushed, the same thready nervousness that always comes before he plays with Duster starting to hum under his skin. Comes back into the room and finds his lover where he left him. Doesn't even look up at him as he moves over to the edge of the couch. Fucking, already playing, going to make him desperate for his attention even though he's already flushed and squirming. 
"Did I give you permission to speak, firefly?" Duster's tone is completely disinterested and cool, eyes still not even flicking towards him. Dabi immediately shuts his mouth and waits. But Shigaraki doesn't do anything else, focuses on continuing to browse on his phone. After a second, a nervous neediness building in his gut, Dabi gets a little closer. He doesn't sit back on the couch, instead moving to kneel between his lovers legs, head down, waiting. Feels like an eternity before Duster's hand goes to his hair again, soft light touches across his scalp that makes a little shiver go down his spine. Slowly starts to ease a little of his tension, relaxes him enough that he's able to wait to see what his lover has in store for him without squirming. And then three fingers trail along his temple and down his cheek. His eyelids flutter as three fingers become four as he traces along his staples, Duster's fingers cool and deadly every place they touch. 
He already knows that his brain is absolutely fucked, but it's never been more obvious than when he has Tomura's hands on him. The threat of mutilation, of death, is ever-present. Would just take the slightest slip and he would be gone. Hasn't ever slipped before, but he's felt the sting of Decay a few times now, and each time he's never cum harder, never floated higher in the aftermath. Shig doesn't do it very often, but the potential of having that again makes his skin buzzy. Has him letting out a breathy sigh as his fingers pass lightly over his lips. Dabi parts his lips just enough to flick his tongue over a fingertip, satisfaction humming through him when Duster stops, leaves his fingers pressed to his lips. He doesn't hesitate to press kisses along them, tongue flicking out too. Starts to work his mouth over his hand like he does his cock. Loves sucking Tomura's cock, loves doing this almost as much. Something so heady about wrapping his lips around his fingers and feeding them into his throat knowing that now, with his quirk awakened, even a single one could bring the sharp agony of oblivion. 
When his fingers press up against the roof of his mouth he thinks that pain is going to come for a second, but it doesn't. Instead he uses the leverage to make Dabi look up. Meets hot red eyes that are watching him so intensely that Dabi feels embarrassment color his cheeks again. He starts to pull away, but the fingers press in deeper, would have made him gag if he didn't know how to suppress that reaction so thoroughly. Instead the more insistent pressure against the back of his throat has him moaning softly, the sound turning into a thin whimper when Tomura chuckles lowly. 
"Always like having something in your mouth, don't you, baby girl?" 
Shame scorches across his nerves, his face, his whole body heating with it, only made worse when that heat pools lower and his cock starts to harden. Oh fuck. He is never going to live this down. His lover might not make fun of him but if anyone else ever finds out about this he is going to light himself on fire. Can't nod, can't speak with Tomura's fingers pressed deep into his throat, but he manages another little moan, as he sucks more insistently. 
His lover's eyes are bright with his delight, clearly enjoying the way he's starting to squirm. "So cute like this and you picked such a lovely set. Wanted to feel pretty for me, princess?" He pulls his fingers out of his mouth and Dabi tries to follow them. "You can speak now, baby girl." 
"Yes, sir." 
"Good girl," Oh fuck. His whole body goes even hotter, blushing so much he smells the smoke starting to trickle from his seams. "What color are you, baby?" 
"...green." Even more humiliating to admit that, to tell Tomura how hot this is making him. Maybe he doesn't have to because it feels like Duster's eyes are just as hot on him. 
"Come on, baby girl, let's go over to the bed. So pretty, want you all spread out for me." He's blushing as he gets to his feet but Tomura pulls him in as he does, presses kisses along his flushed skin as he starts to steer him towards the bed. Tomura trails his fingers under the edge of the top, kisses softly along his jaw and down his neck, touches so light that Dabi's whole body is thrumming with anticipation as his legs hit the edge of the bed. Knows that such soft touches means that there's going to be more coming soon. Duster watches him get onto the bed, eyes trailing over his skin hungrily, and Dabi tries to keep from flushing any darker. Drinks him in but doesn't get into the bed with him, doesn't keep touching him. Watches him until Dabi is doing his best not to squirm, feeling more vulnerable and exposed than he wants to admit to. 
"What is it, princess?" And there's a slight mocking edge starting to tint his tone.
"...Touch me, please sir?" 
"Already so desperate for it, baby girl?" Definitely mocking him now, and the mean twist of his lips paired with that pet name has his cock hard and aching, straining visibly against the delicate panties. but Tomura does climb down into the bed with him and Dabi automatically spreads his legs, inviting his lover between them. Wants to close them immediately and set himself on fire when Tomura wraps a hand around the back of one of his thighs, thumb stroking along his staples, and gives a low, mean laugh. "Such a needy whore, aren't you, princess? Always so eager to spread your legs. Barely touched you and your pretty clit is so hard you can barely fit in your panties." 
His embarrassment spikes so sharply that he can't quell the heat or smoke, his cock absolutely too hard for how little Duster has done to him, visibly leaking as a little bloom of pre starts to soak into the fabric of his panties. For a dizzying second he wonders if Tomura has been waiting for this because the words come so easily for him, fall off his tongue the same way any of his others always have. Tomura looks delighted, catches his chin between his fingers before he can try to shift to hide his blush, and kisses him hard. Licks into his mouth, teeth and tongue demanding and all-consuming. Has him moaning loudly as he reaches to tangle his hands in his lover's hair when he feels Tomura's going against his skin. Drag down his side as the other runs up his thigh until his palm is pressed against his aching cock. Oh fuck, sparks going off behind his eyes, wants to cant his hips up for more friction, knows he's not allowed to. Expects the touch to be taken away, for his lover to mock and tease him for his reaction. 
But Tomura said he wanted to spoil him today. Keeps stroking him, mouth moving to nip at his jaw, sucks bruises no one will be able to see down his throat, the other hand pulling down his thin top so he can play with his nipples. Sends his nerves alight and starts to build his pleasure. Goes until, 
"Look at that, baby. Getting so wet for me, are you going to make a mess, princess?" 
"Please, Tomura," whimpering, doesn't know if he's allowed to. Doesn't know if he's going to be punished or rewarded as his hand keeps working over him, pre-cum soaking into the thin fabric as he drips against his palm. 
"You are, can tell from how hot you're getting and that lovely blush on your cheeks. So pretty in this one, baby girl, going to have you in it more." And the hand retreats from his cock and he whines at the loss, trying to pull his lover back. Tomura laughs at his desperation, but presses a kiss to his cheek, then both hands are at his hips, coaxing them up. Dabi lifts readily and lets his lover slip the fabric over his hips and pull the wet panties down his legs. He kicks them off and as soon as the fabric is free, Tomura is wrapping his hand around his cock properly, rubbing along his piercings exactly the way he likes. Has his back arching as his pleasure races along his nerves as his lover starts to stroke him in earnest. Moves hard and fast, the way he does when they're between meetings, when they only have time for something fast. The kind of movements that have him sprinting towards his orgasm instead of forcing it away to the very edge of their play. A litany of little moans and gasps are falling from his lips, making it so hard to speak, 
"Ah, ah, please sir, please,"
"Like having my hand on your clit, don't you, sweetheart?" Dabi whimpers, the words making him drip more steadily, pushes his orgasm even closer. 
He manages a desperate nod. 
Tomura shifts, lips brushing against the shell of his ear, strokes going lighter, "You know you need to use your words, baby girl." 
Can't make himself open his mouth again until the touches stop, and even then has to take a gasping, hungry breath in the hopes of steadying himself enough to speak without igniting, "Feels good, sir, please, feels so good to have your hand on my clit," his voice trembles, face flushed hot enough he's afraid his staples are going to start burning.  Moans so loudly as he starts to move again. "Please, sir. Close, please let me--" 
"So cute like this. Of course you can cum, my good girl." Glad he got permission because he can't stop himself from going over the edge, pleasure crashing through him as he spills his release all over Duster's hand. 
Is still trembling through the aftershocks of that when Tomura shifts, more soft kisses along his cheek, trailing to his lips. Dabi kisses him back the best he can as he tries to catch his breath, hands tugging weakly at the hem of his shirt. His lover lets him pull it off as Dabi starts to squirm, Shig's hand still working slowly over his cock, smearing him with his cum, making the slide of it easier even as he stings with the stirrings of overstimulation.
Turns into more than stirrings when his lover doesn't stop even as he lets out a sharper sound of distress as he pulls at his piercings the way he usually likes, but that is way too much so quickly after his orgasm. 
"My pretty girl, wonder how many times you can cum," his hand moving a little faster as he speaks, the overstimulation going sharply unpleasant, has him whimpering and trying to shift away. Not a girl, can't go again so soon. 
Tomura doesn't give him a choice though. Keeps stroking him until his breath hitches on a weak sob before he pulls his hand away. Doesn't get more than a few seconds to be relieved before Shigaraki is moving down his body, hands wrapping around his thighs and lifting him easily, rolling his weight higher and spreading his legs even wider as his whole body goes even hotter as his lover nips and kisses along his thighs, trailing lower. Nearly ignites when he murmurs against his skin, 
"Been so long since I've tasted your cunt, princess." Barely gets a chance for breath before Duster's mouth is against him, tongue licking over his hole and sending a jolt of pleasure through him. Can't even tell if the pleasure spiraling out across his nerves is from the humiliation of being called that, of being treated like this, or the actual sensation of Tomura's tongue flicking over him, teasing at his entrance. Hasn't had this in a while because it's a reward and Dabi can barely ever behave. But Duster wants him spoiled and he begins to eat him out with the same patient methodical dedication as he does everything else in bed. Doesn't start to press his tongue inside of him until he's shivering, his cock starting to harden again, and he's making short desperate gasps as he tangles a hand in his hair. Pretty sure that Tomura likes to eat him out as much as Dabi likes to suck his cock, also knows exactly how to flick his tongue over him, how to push it in, how slow and how fast to go to have Dabi sobbing and trembling, his thighs shaking hard in his grip, and feeling like he's going to fall apart. 
The pleasure starts to build again, until his cock is hard again, sticky with his cum and curved up against his stomach. Is expecting Duster to stop, to get him wet, and stretched, and needy and then stop so that he can fuck him hard. But he doesn't stop. Keeps eating him out as his hand wraps back around his cock again and starts to stroke him again. Makes him gasp and whine, his cock starting to drip, the pleasure building so insistently along his seams that he's afraid he's going to tear open around it. Is babbling the closer he gets, begging, not even sure what for, doesn't know if he wants to cum again or if he wants Duster to slow down so he can cum on his cock, just knows that if Tomura keeps this up he's going to fall apart again. 
Duster keeps working his tongue inside of him and his hand over him, doesn't let up until his muscles are going tight again and Dabi is cumming with his lover's name on his tongue. Duster eases up a little, goes slower, but still doesn't stop. His limbs are all heavy and weak from the aftershocks of his pleasure, can only lay under the other man, whimpering, little hitches of sobs breaking out of his chest as Tomura keeps working him over. Doesn't even protest this time. Can't. Head floating and far off, absolutely lost to the sensations that his lover is giving his body. When his mouth finally leaves him Dabi thinks he'll be able to breathe for a moment, but then his hand is reaching, pulls the lube from the nightstand and he's whimpering again as Shig's mouth moves to his thighs. Starts to pepper the sensitive skin with nibbles and kisses. 
Doesn't push his first finger inside until he's got his teeth settled in his skin hard enough to bring up little beads of blood. But then his fingers are inside, already loose and wet from his mouth and orgasm, gets them inside and stroking against his prostate. 
"Tomura," his voice is so thin that he barely recognizes it, hard to find his tongue when he's so foggy and everything has already been so much. 
"I know, baby girl, but you're doing such a good job," Licks away a little of the blood on his thigh before he moves back up his body as he sinks another finger inside of him. Kisses and words pressing against his throat as he does. Has Dabi squirming and sighing, so much, the pleasure pulling him so deep into the heady fog of his subspace. "I just want to keep making you feel good, princess, you're going to keep letting me, won't you?" 
He gives a weak nod, shifting a little to try and catch Tomura's mouth. He allows it, kissing him, blood still lingering on his tongue. Dabi sighs against his mouth, the sound blooming into a thready moan as he rocks back on his lover's fingers as he strokes over his prostate. Hurts when his cock starts to stir again, but this time his lover doesn't keep stroking him through that. Eases off of him, starts to lessen the pressure inside of him. 
"That's it, being so sweet for me, baby girl." Lets out a thin moan at the words, knows his lover felt his muscles tightened around his fingers, his eyes drenched with his own lust. "Like that so much, don't you, princess? So proud of you for finally figuring out what you want. So happy to have you be my good girl. Going to make you fall apart so many times that even your greedy cunt and clit won't be desperate anymore."  
"Please, sir." His limbs are weak and heavy, but he still manages to grind back against his lover's fingers. So much already, but wants Duster's cock. Has made him feel so good, wants to do the same for his lover. 
"You can take it like a good girl, right?" 
Whimpers, a flush painting his cheeks again as he gives a little nod, Tomura's tone mocking against his throat as his fingers pull out until they're just barely inside. Leave him empty when he tries to rock onto them. "...want to make you feel good, sir." He admits, trying to hide his flushed face against his lover's chest. His fingers circling his rim again teasingly. 
"Yeah? And how do you want to do that, baby girl?"
"...Want your cock in my cunt." 
Pretty sure his lover likes that as much as he does because he's catching him in another rough kiss, fingers pulling away from his hole and one hand spreading his legs even wider as the other goes to the button and clasp of his pants. Through the wonderful fog he's in, Dabi feels a sharper sting of anticipation. Already feels so good himself, half-drunk on the pleasure his lover is spoiling him with. Knows that it's only going to become even more overwhelming when his lover starts to fuck him. 
Doesn't have to wait much longer for it before the slick head of his cock is starting to tease his rim. "Tomura," 
Gets another kiss peppered on the edge of his lips as he starts to sink inside. The press of him against his already oversensitive walls has his whole body arching and trembling, smoke and broken little moans slipping from his lips. His lover doesn't give him long to adjust, knows he doesn't need it when his fingers and tongue and the echoes of his own pleasure have him so pliant and ready for whatever Tomura wants to give him. Starts to move, fucking him slow and hard. Dabi's hands scrabble over the sheets, end up curled around the headboard so that he doesn't slip with his quirk as he tries his best to find something to anchor his floating head. 
"Fuck, princess, never get tired of how hot your pretty cunt gets when I have you like this," his lover murmurs, hitching one of his legs higher so he can go even deeper on the next thrust, his other finding the edge of one of his scars, dragging his fingernails just over his staples. Has his temperature creeping up even higher. More embarrassing because his lover laughs at him when he feels it and Dabi's cock twitches, drooling pre as he's mocked. But it all feels so good. Always feels good, doesn't always get spoiled like this, but Tomura always makes sure he feels good even when he's misbehaving. But this is different, this is more. Always has a filthy mouth but these words are ratcheting up his pleasure even higher than usual as his lover fucks him so deep. So full of him, head so full of this wonderful fog that he can't even tell if he's still crying. Just knows that each time he tries to meet his lover's thrusts he's struggling, limbs so weak from his orgasms. 
Tomura said to find something that would elevate the feelings, thinks he's definitely found it when that intoxicating thready shame stinging at his nerves surges even higher when he manages to gasp, "Tomura," doesn't have to beg for him to keep talking. Knows that his words can bring him over the edge as well as his cock can. Knows that Dabi always wants both when he's being fucked like this. 
"So cute like this, baby. Love seeing you so messy and hazy. Been such a good girl for me," Gives his own low groan when Dabi's muscles tighten around him as he speaks. "Oh, baby girl, like that so much. Going to keep letting you be my good girl. Going to have you wear your new collar out so everyone knows how much you like that." 
Definitely sobbing again as his orgasm starts to build again. Can smell burning too, knows that he's leaving fresh handprints on the headboard, knows he doesn't want anyone else to see him like this, to hear Duster talk to him this way. But he's achingly hard and so, so full, can't really think clearly through both sensations. Just knows he'd do anything to keep having Tomura spoil him like this. Would take any humiliation his lover would heap on him if he always makes it feel like this. "Yes, sir, yours. Your good girl, show everyone, please sir," absolutely drunk on the pleasure, crying out loudly when his lover starts to move harder, faster, at his babbling. Has him gasping and moaning with every hard thrust, "Tomura please, fill up my cunt, please, want your cum inside--" 
"Dabi," never gets his lover to slip, to call him his name while they're scening. Not prepared for the heady rush that goes through him at that. Sends him over his peak again, cumming hard and staining his top, muscles going so tight around his lover who still doesn't relent. Keeps fucking him hard through his orgasm until he's crying even harder with the overstimulation. Can barely breathe when Duster slams in on one last rough thrust and spills all along his walls.
Can't move at all, limbs jelly, after so much. Only lays there sniffling and panting, trying to get his breath back into his starving lungs as his lover starts to pepper his skin with soft, lazy kisses as he gently strokes along his arms, coaxing his hands from around the headboard. His arms tremble a little as they fall back to the pillows beside his head. When he's let go, Tomura pulls out of him and shifts back, eyes dragging over him again, still filled with heat. Dabi wonders how much of a mess he looks like when he feels so absolutely gone. Knows he's sticky with cum, his own painted over his stomach and the hem of the babydoll top, still pulled low enough to expose his chest, blush and tears staining his cheeks, Tomura's bite mark bleeding on his thigh, his cum leaking out of his hole. But clearly Tomura likes seeing him like this. Gets more kisses and soft touches. Doesn't seem to be trying to work him up again. Doesn't know if he'd even be able to manage it if he was, just lavishing him with affection and attention. 
Still spoiling him by letting him stay in his fog as he helps to clean him up and get him settled again, lets him cuddle in close. Deadly hands on his skin in the softest way as he pets along his back and hair. Takes a long time for him to find his voice, 
"Absolutely not wearing that in front of anyone else."
"You seemed so enthusiastic about it a little while ago, princess," and Duster definitely sounds a little mocking again as he says it, but he's too tired for the humiliation to do anything more for him. Weakly knocks his knuckles against his lover's chest. Tomura gives a soft laugh and presses a kiss to his hair. "That's fine, Dabi. You're sure you want it?" 
Is still blushing as he hides his face and gives a little nod, mumbling against his lover's skin, "I will set you on fire if you ever call me that where other people can hear." Tomura hums in acknowledgement, as private as him when it comes to their sex life no matter how much he likes to tease while working him up. Blushes a little hotter when he remembers, "Thank you for spoiling me, sir."
"You're welcome, baby girl," fuck. Absolutely mortifying how that sends another little jolt of pleasure weakly across his nerves. Knows Tomura feels his temperature go a little higher because it gets another soft chuckle out of him. "Why don't you change, baby? I'll order us dinner and if you want me to keep spoiling you later, we can see about that too, princess." 
"Yes sir," 
"Good girl." Absolutely mortifying. 
Definitely going to need Tomura to spoil him again if he keeps this up.
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swampstew · 2 years
Welcome to Raven's Reading Nook - a small corner of this blog dedicated to cozy story times. Join us in the family room as we sit around and browse our phones, and eat some Girl Scout cookies as we begin tonight's story. Rated Mature for language.
Killer is a TikTok content creator recording cooking and baking videos, and Eustass Kid is his taste tester. These are there shenanigans. This series was entirely inspired by Instagram Star - Justinsaiyann - a very good looking and buff baker who shows off his skills and glutes in the kitchen. Written to star the Kid Pirates in a modern setting.
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With the camera set in place, Killer dusted his apron and straightened his helmet one last time before pressing the ‘Go Live’ button, muttering a quick, "It's show time," under his breath.
“Hello, Killer here,” raising a hand in the air, the quarter sleeve of his dress shirt rolled neatly on his forearm. “Time for another day of relaxing vibes and delicious desserts. Today, I’m making Double Chocolate Mint Brownies. I love a goody, gooey brownie, especially when there’s mini chocolate chips and ganache involved.”
As he spoke the well-rehearsed introduction, Killer wandered around the kitchen pulling out mixing tools and fixing himself a glass of bubble milk tea, congregating on the island countertop. Oven already preheated, eggs and butter on standby and at room temperature. Slurping up a tapioca ball, he paused for a minute while he chewed.
“Mm, ‘scuse me, didn’t expect that one to come up all the way. Tasty. Moving on, you know my number one motto: A clean and sterile working environment is best when dealing with things you intend to eat. And please, enough with the Jason Vorhees jokes, my mask looks nothing like his. I’m trying to make a name for myself as an independent serial killer……of hunger and all your hearts,” he brought his hands together to make a heart shape for the audience.
The ping of a microtransaction being made caught Killer’s attention, leaning close to his phone. Someone had bought and redeemed a highlighted message, and it was one of those moments he wished he hadn’t added that incentive, now being forced to read and answer it live.
“MurderinoSquadAssemble has this to say – ‘a serial killer of hunger and OUR hearts? Seems sus but ok. #redflagbehavior.’ Calm down armchair detective. For the record, I haven’t been caught yet and it won’t be to the likes of you.”
Biting down a chuckle, Killer stepped back to put on plastic gloves, a baking hat, and his favorite apron. It was a faded blue color but what really made it endearing for him, was the print.
That’s Hot
It had a small whisk and measuring spoons sprawled on the bottom, and the capital T had a baker’s hat falling off it. Underneath the text, a stovetop on fire. A gift from Kid on his 25th birthday.
Smiling privately, Killer turned to give the audience his side profile as he tied the apron strings. His dress shirt clung to his muscled arms, threatening to burst if he flexed too hard. His ass looked firm and thick in the dark chino relaxed pants he wore.
Prepping the baking tray, Killer explained the ingredients he was using and his choices for alternatives. He preferred to use ethically sourced chocolate and tapioca flour instead of all-purpose flour. He used vegan butter but liked to brown it first to caramelize a bit before combining it to the batter.
“This flour is what I used to make the tapioca pearls for my milk tea in my 14th video. It’s still up if you want to check it out and give it some love,” he poured the batter into the pans.
Turning around completely, he walked to the oven to place the pan on the middle rack. Killer didn’t need to bend down as much as he did to place the pan inside. He also didn’t need to jut his hips backwards a little to make his butt look bigger on camera, but it was nice hearing the pings echoing in the kitchen as he was gifted with tips and praise. Not that he’d admit that to anyone of course.
Killer turned the volume of his Bluetooth speaker louder, enjoying the lofi channel playlist he chose for the day’s stream. It was hard to find good music these days, not with a DMCA lawsuit one flagged video away.
“You can find where I use the same ingredients for the pre-made mint filling layer in my 20th video, when I made my homemade No-reos.”
Underneath the kitchen island countertop was a small red button that Killer pushed. That was the alarm indicator Kid had installed to notify the redhead that it was time for him stop what he was doing, get dressed, and join the video for the taste test.
Hoping beyond hope that Kid would be wearing the clothes Killer laid out for him, the masked man entertained the audience. Acknowledging the redeemed gifts, answering comments and questions and taking a much needed bathroom break. Letting the ads run a bit longer to milk the revenue, Killer stood at the doorway waiting for Kid to make an appearance. Asshole was running late, unbelievable. HE WANTED to be in the live streams, Killer didn’t ask him to be a part of it.
Shaking his head, he sat down in front of the camera, preparing to be KillerCook once more. The oven had three minutes left on the timer and the smell of chocolate wafted. The stream continuing, he began whisking the ganache to pour over the brownies.
Killer heard Kid walking through the hallway as he whisked. Bursting through the door, shirtless, his golden piercings that littered his nipples, nose bridge and ears shined from the open kitchen windows that showed a beautiful sunny day outside.
Timer going off, Killer fumbled to the back while hissing out, “Put a fucking shirt on! Why do you do this every time?!”
“C’mon Kill, they’re not gonna ban you for male nipples, be real.”
“Not risking it, we’re already on thin ice for using copyright music after 2 warnings. Remember? That’s how you lost Your Job as the video editor. Put on a shirt or I pull the plug.”
Angrily swearing, Kid walked back through the door to find a shirt.
“The last step is pouring the ganache over the mint layer and spreading it evenly for a smooth coating. Then you’ll want to store it in the fridge to let the top layer set. This will take up to an hour or you can keep it in longer until you’re ready to eat.”
Cutting into the pan to prepare a square for Kid, the masked baker placed both the pan and the taste test piece in the fridge. Killer once again entertained the audience for the 5 minutes it took for Kid to come back, in a ruffled black vest that was unbuttoned. Killer pulled out a chair for him and went to retrieve the taste test square, placing it on the table in front of Kid.
Coming into view of the camera with an annoyed pout on his face, Kid shot a sneer at Killer before tightening his jaw and looking directly into the lens.
“Alright, now the reason you’re all really here. To watch me eat shit you can’t have and look hot doing it.”
Standing straight, he stuck out his right arm and flexed, slowly moving it down with deliberate motions that further focused on his bulging muscles instead of the baked good. Bringing it to his face, Kid licked his maroon painted lips before taking a bite with a grin. Letting out an approving grunt.
“How’s it taste?”
“Tastes damn good, brother,” Kid responded, biting into the brownie again.
“Can you uh elaborate some more for the audience?”
“It’s chocolate, tastes like chocolate,” he grunted out in between bites.
Sighing deeply, “Does the texture feel balanced? Is it too dry? Can you even taste the mint I added with the chocolate chips?”
Licking his fingers clean and wiping his mouth with the back of hand, Kid shrugged. “Tastes perfect. Like any good brownie should be, it’s moist,” devilish smirk on his face and he faced the camera.
Feeling Killer’s serious as fuck glare through the mask, “Yeah yeah you can taste the mint. It doesn’t overwhelm the chocolate but it wasn’t overstated either. Like a little nudge wanting acknowledgment.”
“And there you have it, moist and acknowledged. Tune in next time when I make one of my favorite dishes, Spaghetti aglio e olio. It’s simple to prepare and like everything else I make, slays. This has been Faffaffaffa-Food with Killer.”
End Livestream.
Killer lifted his baker’s hat, helmet and took his hairnet off, pulling his hair from the tight wound rubber elastic he’d put it in.
“One of these days you’re going to get me banned, dickwad. Think about that the next time you want to fuck around. All those comments of praise and validation gone just like that,” he snapped his fingers, “Because you can’t stop being a dumb whore for 5 minutes.”
“I’m a whore?! Oh stuff a brownie in yer mouth and calm down. You’re not you when you’re hangry,” Kid snickered, ducking out of the kitchen to avoid the stainless-steel bowls flung at him.
Bonus: The comment section
ICantEven101: Killer-san, why won’t my sauce stick to my noodles? KillerCook: You may be using too much oil or butter. A good trick is to add in pasta water to thicken the sauce. Corn starch is a good binder as well.
VanillyExtract: PunkNeverDied69 can I take you on a date? 🥺 PunkNeverDied69: You can’t afford my tastes.
GimmeDa’Za: Day 15 of asking for a Heat cameo and dutch oven pizzas. FlamingHot420: Why are you people obsessed with me? I walked into the kitchen ONE TIME.
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ambiguouspuzuma · 2 years
The Collector
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There were collectors for every sort of thing, as Ruahei was slowly finding out. Children hoarded marbles and stickers, whilst adults sought out rare stamps and coins, classic cars and antique clocks, and anything in between. It seemed there was no limit to the human need for cataloguing stuff, and storing it in quantities which far surpassed their need. China plates and Russian dolls, bottlecaps and butterflies, second-hand records and first-edition books.
Ruahei was a collector of collections. Her home was filled with several similar arrays of minerals, stacks of matchbooks and autographs, each of them a trophy from a burglary gone by. There was always something about the satisfaction of a full set, the effort that had clearly gone into its completion, which she found irresistible. Not enough to have the patience for the slow hunt herself - but plenty enough to steal it once the boring work was done.
First of all, she collected information. Ruahei browsed certain forums, auction houses, garage sales and the occasional watering hole, listening out for an ill-judged boast or a proffered tip. Sometimes there was nothing, sometimes a whole glut of braggards, often somewhere in between. But lately, they were all telling her the same thing.
There was a new collector on the scene, a man with broad interests and deeper pockets. He was buying up antiquities, artefacts, valuable objects of every kind - but that wasn't all. The game's latest player was also investing in storage: a whole side of his house remodelled into a private gallery, filled with empty shelves and plinths on which to house his greatest treasures, whatever they might be. Nobody knew for sure, although they all liked to speculate.
A vast safe door, state-of-the-art, was brought in as the capstone to his project, the division between household and vault. That was the last detail they knew - after the works had been completed, the collector's doors had remained closed-off to the outside world. That was itself taken as a sign of the importance of his hoard. The gossipers' accounts differed as to its exact content, from lost artworks to secret letters, but all agreed that his collection must be majestic, inestimable, unique.
In other words, it would be the score to end them all. Ruahei couldn't resist a challenge, and so she began preparing for the greatest of her career. She collected every detail she could, assembling pieces of the jigsaw: the number of security cameras installed, the placement of these elusive pieces, tracking orders of plinths and shelves and bindings, presumably to suspend works from the ceiling. Her imagination ran wild, but her focus remained on what she knew, and what she might be able to do about it.
The front door was simple. Twice as thick as standard, triple bolted, no weak points like windows, a letterbox or even a keyhole. Well, that was easily dealt with: Ruahei went in through the kitchen window instead. The outside took a bit of manoeuvring - one undignified clamber over the garden fence, a second around an awkwardly placed hydrangea, which sat directly beneath the windowsill - but the countertops inside were clear, and she could scoot her way over the marble and onto the laminate floor.
From there, it was plain sailing. Ruahei had pulled old floorplans for the house from the purchase, and she knew exactly what had changed, where a wall had been knocked through and another one installed. She noted where the shade of the paint was slightly lighter, where the floorboards transitioned from old to new. There were fresh locks, too, which she picked the old fashioned way. It felt strange, as a thief, to head towards the place of most security, but that was always where the treasure was.
Ruahei padded softly through the empty rooms, ignoring other potential bounties in her path. A less discerning thief might have sprung for the oils on the walls, the silver cufflinks tossed so carelessly upon a desk, but they were barely even temptations. She wasn't here for a collection of two. A pair was nothing to the glory of a full house.
What she didn't see were the security cameras - although she knew that didn't mean that they weren't watching her, secreted into hidden nooks and crannies. She kept her head low, hood down, and moved as swiftly as she dared. No good could come of lingering. Every moment spent inside this house raised the risk of being caught, and Ruahei had no desire to see all of her careful plans undone by her own tardiness.
Only the safe itself brought her to a halt. The steel door was formidable, and this time there was no side window she could slip in through. Still, she had planned for that as well. It had been the last detail they knew, but the rumour-mongers had noted the make and model, and she had purchased one for her own burgeoning collection.
It had taken weeks to crack, but the men from the company had helpfully shown her how once she'd so carelessly forgotten her code. Practice had made her more adept than even them. It took a few more precious minutes, ears pricked for any movement behind her, but then it finally clicked open, two feet of steel swinging outwards on fresh hinges. Ruahei slipped around it. She was in.
But from the moment she entered the safe, she knew that she wasn't. The cameras were here, on the inside, for some reason - and they were the least of its surprises. There were bodies on the ground, fixed tight with the bindings she had thought meant for art. Some were moving, as if reacting to her presence, and breathed out faint words for her unhearing ears. They drew her focus, she only heard the clunk of the floor plate once it was too late.
Rauhei turned for the door, but two feet of steel could not be bargained with, and she was powerless to keep it from clicking shut again. She turned to face a room in darkness, but heard the security cameras swivel in her direction, followed by a man's deep voice.
"Welcome to my collection." The words seemed to echo within the walls of the safe, and the bodies on the floor cringed to hear it. "Which piece do you prefer? Is it all that you imagined you might steal?"
"Please," Ruahei called, and heard her own voice rebound in the confined space. There were no plinths here. No artefacts. This safe was nothing but a cell. "I was just curious. I promise I didn't take anything."
The voice laughed. "What might you have taken? If you came seeking those objects I purchased, I am afraid that I will have to disappoint you. I disposed of those myself, as privately as their acquisition was public. The bait had been set, you see. I needed only to buy them, and be seen to bury them somewhere in my control."
"But all those pieces... there were enough for a whole collection. Even all this work on your house, which was supposed to be a private gallery. It would have been easier just to keep them. Why go to all this trouble for a lie?"
"Such items hold no interest for me - so easily purchased and sold, relinquished at the flash of silver. The worth of a collection lies in the challenge of assembly, and I am afraid that wealth has taken that beyond my grasp, where mere chattels are concerned." The cameras moved again, as if to take in the others who lay bound around her, its vision piercing through the gloom. "Please, try to understand: I am no hoarder of trinkets. I am simply a collector of thieves."
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lucifersimp · 6 months
Tagged by the lovely @maggot-monger & @quietwingsinthesky!
Last Song: an English cover of Aishite Aishite Aishite
Favorite Color: all shades of red
Last Movie/TV Show: Barefoot Gen :'((( and SNK :'( pain and suffering
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: instead of choosing between the 3, here are my favorite foods for each category: fraisier, kimchi and boeuf bourguignon
Relationship Status: happily aroace lol
Last Thing I Googled: nothing because I use duckduckgo and qwant! Btw here are some tips to de-googleify your life, friends:
Instead of Google Chrome, use Firefox + ublock Origin
Instead of Google keyboard (gboard), use Openboard
Instead of YouTube/the YouTube app, use Newpipe (android, get it on Github, do NOT use the fake Newpipe on Google play store) and Freetube (desktop). They allow you to browse YouTube privately, without ads, and you can subscribe to channels, make playlists + download videos without an account
Instead of using Google Password Manager, use Bitwarden
Instead of using Google Maps, use Organic Maps
Current Obsession: 2D animation and 3d modeling on Blender! + the Lucifer comics
Last Book: ok this is not a book but I recently finished reading Sansûkh, which is 577,879 words long. As for my actual last book: Neverwhere.
Looking Forward To: this evening!
Tagging: whoever reads this post :3
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